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Graduation Examination Works 27-12-8/27 for completing the.examination work. AS;OCIATIONs Trade School # 13, Leningrad (Remeslennoye uchilishche # 13, 1 Leningrad) AVAILABLEs Library of Congress Card 2/2 !!~U~t-+vepodavatell Modelmaking and studentst success in their studies. Prof.- tekh.obire 19 no.2:18-19,F 162, (KMA 15:2) 1. Remeolennoye uchilishche No.13,, g. Leningrad. (Ships-Models) .. PALLER, Abram Mikhaylovich; SOKOLOV, Vladimir Fedorovich; FRID, Ye.G., inzh., retsensent; XWL~N R K -,_.inzh., retsenzent; RIMMER, A.I., naucha. red.; M~V4 O.A., red.; KOROVENKO, Yu.N., tekhn. red. [Shipfitter) Sudovol aborshchik. Leningrad, Sudpromgiz, 1963. 3Z7 P. (MIRA 16:11) (Shipfitting) - SMYSM7N9 Z.I.; WGLIF, R.N. - . !~ ------ Ice *eaking by vibratien. Trudy.AMI 267s89-99 164 MINACHEV, Kh.M.; MAMOV, M.A.; BOGOMOLOV, V.I.;__Ekq4;LNA,_ - Transformation of cyclic alcohols on neodymium oxide, Izv,AN SSSR. Ser.khim. no.lil)-17 Ja 164. (MIRA 17W 1. Institut organicheskoy khimii im. N.D.Zel-inskogo AN SSSR. UADWA T. MOLIN, L.Kh.; A. F.E. Remotton of hydrogenation of adipodirdtrile on a nickel-magnesi-am catalyst In absence of amonla. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. khim. no.7s!248-- 1253 165. (MERA 180) 1. Tnstitet organicheskoy khimitlim. N,D.7.elinskogo AN SSSR. Vo P--a-reaion crud,~E both raiddl~ lrn~t 1, ,-sed. Irv -7 ~ ;,;, ,q-.- z t: ,; . ; ,.:." 2 '11, T tAKI ---- * -.- 'I-,' --:~ ;, 06 WRMRI 006450- - _: __ SOURCE _tOPE:-_ __URJO065/T6rG_W70T2TQWUuvw--_ AP6 AUVOR: Chertkov, Ya. B.; Bollshakov, G. F.; Glebovskayn, Ye. A.; Enj:lina, G.'B,5-e ORG: none oleu TITLE: Structure of insoluble fraction of resins of medium boiling rcnge petr M [jet) fuels SOURCE: Khimi]ya I tekhnologiya topliv I masel, no. 2, 1966, 47-49 TOPIC TAGS: jet fuel, fuel gumming pro erty, fuel additive ABSTRAM A study has been made of gum formation in straight-run T t:fpe (T-1, TS-1, and T-21. (jet] fuels ( 'GOST 10227-62).~ Resins soluble in the fuels were isolated by I silica gel chromatography and divided into three fractions: heptane-, benzene-, and methanol-soluble fractions; in the absence of the heptane-soluble fraction, the other two were Insoluble in the fuel. The resins were put back in various amounts into deresinified-fuel samples. Then the sample was stored for one year at room temperature vith or without access of atmospheric oxygen, after which existent gums were determined gravimetrically and subjected to IR analysis. It was found that! with increasing number of hetero atoms and functional groups in the resin molecule, I resin solubility in the fuel decreased. With increasing amount of recins added to the' fuel, gim Increased. Obviously, the high-molecular-weight portion cf the resina, particularly the fuel-insoluble resins, very strongly activated the :~"ornation of Card 1/2 uDc: ooi.5:665.521.3 1j -ACC Ms -Ap6oo6h5o insoluble gums ~ similar to--them. The gums -were foriwd:by-the reaction of cotipounds_.____ -Of various molecular- weights "via free oxygen-, uid sulfur-containing fiinctional groups, and via certain unsaturated bonds-in hydrocarbon radicals of hetero atom- containing compounds. When the fuel bias in contact with oxygen, gums increased sharply, which confirmg the oxidation-polymerization character of gum formaticn. Gum formation could be limited or prevente , additives. For example, In the presence of 0.005% of a'mercaptobenzothiazole Y~C" rivative [unspecified] in heptane- soluble resin-containing fuel stored for one year in the presence of atmospheric oxygen, the amount of gum forurd was 1/5 of that formed in the absence of the additive. Orig. art. has: I figure. [SMI SUB CODE.- 21/ SUBM DATE: none/ ORIG REF: 001/ ATD PRESS:,q Card !L~_7-66 EWT (m) /T WE ACC NR: AP6012847 SOURCE CODE: UR/0080/66/039/004/0906/0911 AUTHOR: -Chertkov, Ya. 1L. Englina, G. B. ORG: none TITLE: Phase transformations in resins of middle-distillate petroleum fuels ..SOURCE: Zhurnal prikladnoy khimli, v. 39, no. 4, 1966, 906-911 .TOPIC TAGS: resin, fuel stability, petroleum fuell *eV,6.4 #0*10#0,grj7-y ABSTRACT: To determine whether the formation of resins (liquid and solid phases) takes place in fuels at low temperatures, the phase behavior was studied in fuels at 15 - 20C in connection with the accumulation and presence in these fuels of resins constituting the products of oxidation and condensat,~on of organic impurities other than hydrocarbons and unstable hydrocarbons. Fuels T-11tfrom Azerbaydzhan crudes) and TS-Afrom Volga region crudes) were studied. The middle-distillate fuels were found to contain :1 - 7% of solid matter insoluble in the fuel. The resins soluble in the fuel undergo condensation at first, then form a phase which is insoluble in the fuel. The conversion rate depends on the conditions, L e. , duration of the process, effect of light, access of atmospheric oxygen, Card 1/2 UDC: 662.68 L 34117-66 ACC NR: AP6012847 temperature, etc. The solid resinous phase even initiates the resinification of stable fuel from which resins had first been removed. The process of formation of secondary resins also goes through a stage where soluble resins are formed and condensed until they form a solid phase insoluble in the fuel. The more condensed the solid resinous phase, the stronger its influence on the resinification of the fuel. The formation of resins In the fuel may be represented by the following sequence: resins soluble in fuel condensation --MP colloidal system --),. suspension --~p settling (partial separation) of solid phase insoluble in fuel. Orig. art. has. 10 figures and I table. SUB CODE: 07 / SUBM DATE: 17Apr64. Card 2/2, ICNGJjlS,-Xiroalav- 2, U nemocnice 2) Naelsio acids. Gas. lek. Pask. 98 no.28:lek. veda 2ahr.,158-167 10 JUIY 59. .I. Ubomtor pro fysiologii krvetvorne soustavy a jater, reditel prof. dr. M. Netousek. Katedra lekarake fyziky fakalty vaeobacneho lekaretvi VJ v Praze, vedouci doo. dr. Z. Dienstbler. (NUCISIC AGIM * review (00) ENGLIai-M.; DIFMTBIERO M. %7- . . "Principles and results of radiobiology" by Hedi Fritz-rvigglis Reviewed by M.Englia amd Z.Dienstbier. Jaderna energie 6 no.6:216 Je '160. VMIU, Vladimir; RMLIS, Miroslav Enzymatio aspeats of temporary post-irradiation changes. Cas. lek.cesk.99 no-37:197-203 9 S160. 1, 1. interni klinika fakulty vesobeoneho le)mrstvi KU v Praze, prednosta prof. MUDr. V.Hoenig. Laborator pro patofyziologii krvetvorby a jater, reditel prof. XUDr. Y.Hoenig. Katedra lekarske fyzi~y a nuklearni mediciny, vedouci doe. MUDr. Z.Dienstbier. (RADIATICH EMCTS) (ENTHES metab) 8RKWKYj F.; LA~~; PITHAP J.j FCSSN!,;iWVAP V. Atypical retiouloWelosis following the administration of calf. DNA to newborn mice 057B1. Neoplasma 8 no-5:463-470 161. 1. Research Laboratory for Hematology and Liver Diseases, lot Medical Cliniol lot Institute of Pathological Anatomy, Charles University, Prague Czechoslovakia, (USOXYRIBONUCLEIC ACID t=icol) (WIKEMIA exper) Ar ~121 JAI -.3 F; i~j Li N -7 ENGLIS, MiroBlavj KORINEK, Jaroslav OrMrotainemia. Cas. lek. cesk. 101 no,37:1205-1120 14 s 62. L I interni klinilra fakulty vBeobooneho lekargtvi KU v Praze a laborator pro patofyziologii krvetvorby a jater, redital pref. dr. V. Hoenig Katedra lekarske fyziky a nuklearni mediciny v Pmze, vedouci doo. dr: Zd. Dienatbier Ustav hematologie a krevni transfuze v Fraze, redital prof. dr. J. Horejai. (CRIOGLOBULDIS) ENGLISOVA, M.1 ENGLISj,_~ej KOURILEX, K.1 MASEK, K. Contribution to the iaoenzyme diagnosia of myocardial infarct, Cas. lek. cesk. 103 no.34,942-944 21 Ag 164. 1. Oddeleni klinickych.:Laboratori UVN v Praze-Stresovicich (na- celnik MUDr. M. Arient, CSo.) a Katedra klinicke biochemie UDL v Praze (vedouci MUDr. K. MaBekp CSc.). ENGLIS, M.; ENGLISOVA,, M. (Praha 10, Rusks. 85) Contribution to the study of properties of the.Bpnce Jones protein. Cas. lek. cesk. 104 no.35:938-939 3 S 165. 1. Katedra klinicke biochemie Ustavu detskeho lekarstvi v Praze (vedouci MDr. K. Masek, CSc.) a Klinicke laboratore UV v Praze (nacelnik pplk. 14JDr. M. Arient, CSc.). Submitted February 1965. _~ENGLISO M.; KOURIIEK, K.; MASEK, K. ENGLIPQYA,-M,; Contribution to the isoenzyme diagnosis of myocardial infarct. Can. lek. ceok. 103 no.34:942-944 21 Ag 164. 1. Oddeleni klinickych-laboratori UVN v Praze-Stresovicich (na- celnik MUDr. M. Arient, CSc.) a Katedra klinicke biochemie UDL v Praze (vedouci MUDr. K. Masek, CSc.). ENGLIS, M. , (Praha 10, Ruska 85) -,-M- Contribution to the study of properties of the Bence Jones protein. Cas. lek. ceok. 104 no.35:938-939 3 S 165. 1. Katedra klinicke biochemie Ustavu detakeho lekarstvi v Praze (vedouci MUDr. K. Masek, CSc.) a Klinicke laboratore UV v Praze (nacelnik pplk. 14JDr. M. Arient, CSc.). Submitted February 1965, ENGISMANN F.; MMOVA,S. Some neurotic 'symptoms In leading industrial executives, Ictiv. nerv. sup. 6 no.11105-106 164. gljGWI, Emeryk The rank of the Bialystok Voivodeship in the national econozay is going up,, Przegl toohn n0,40'13 7 0 -'62. ENGKLNp E. The Panty Textile Workot-~*ve profited from the good activities of the factory branch of the Aspooiation of Engineers and Technicians, Przegl techn 84 no.21%5 26 My 161'. 12 S/109/60/005/008/005/024 74(loo-31'1/371 11VO) E140/555 AUTHORS: Kirsanava, T.Saj Shullman, A.R4 and Engovatova, N.I. TITLE.? Emissivity of Thin Barium Oxide Films on Metal Bases PERIODICALt Radiotekhnika i elektronika, 1960, Vol.5, No.8, pp.1225-1232 TEXTi In the study of thin films, the emiasivity provides a fuller evaluation of the state of the system than a knowledge of work function, Further, emissivity Is of independent Interest since, in the last analysis, it in precisely emissivity that in the important characteristic, Nevertheless both indices give only aggregate results and are no measure of the individual elementary Vl< processes (evaporation, migration, chemical reaction, etc.)~ The present work therefore studies the variations of emissivity of thin barium oxide films on tungsten occurring an a result of' prolonged heating at various temperatures~ The results of the study indicate that the emissivity of these systems depends substantially on temperature and on the heat-treatment cycle of the films. Optimum emissivity is obtained at definite temperatures, This is taken to indicate that variations in film state are not connected only with Card 1/3 s/109/60/005/008/005/024 E140/E555 Emissivity of Thin Barium Oxide Films on Metal Bases evaporation of active material, since variation of work function with thickness occurs monotonically., Xt is necessary to suppose the existence of at least two elementary processes. The curves obtained suggest the usual activation characteristic of an oxide cathode. It is therefore supposed that at temperatures of the order of 1200-14oo*K, free barium appears in the systems studied. An inverse relationship is found between the thickness of optimal coating and activation temperature. However, the Richardson work function is independent of initial film thickness, It is proposed that increase of,emission is not connected with decrease of work function but with variation of the area of the emitting centres, directly related to coating thickness at low thicknesses. It is supposed that the variations observed are connected with changes of state of the film material, The data obtained also are consistent 'with the concept of migration of particles over the surface during heat-treatment, Acknowledgments are made to the STaduste student VI I. Zarudnyy for his~asslstanae, There are 6 figures, 2 tables and 8 references~ 6 Soviet and 2 non-Soviet. Card 2/3 sAoq/6o/oo5/OO8/OO5/024 E140/E555 Emissivity of Thin Barium Oxide Films on Metal Base's ASSOCIATION:. Leningi-adskiy politekhnicheskiy institut imcm M- 1. Kalinina (Leningrad Polytochnical Inatitute J.meni M. 1, Kalinin) SUBMITTED, December 21t 1959 Card 3/3 ENGST., A. ; KORFCKYp J. ItSilicon, as a heat-insulating powder*" P. 446* STROJIPEIISTVI. (MINISTERSTVO TEZKEIIO STFXLJIRENSTVI, MINISTMTVO PRESINEHO STROJIRrNSTVI A MTNISTERSTVO AUTOODILOWPO PRUNMU A Zn.MFLSKYCIT STROJU.) Praha, Czechoslovakia, Vol. 9, no. 6, June 1959. Monthly list of East European Accessions (EEAI), W, Vol. 8, No. 9, September 1959. Uncl. L 3857h-66 EWT(m)/T/EWP(t)/ETI IJP(c) JD ACC Nih AP6027697 SOURCE CODE, ~_U/0037166/00010W[016310_86 AUTdDR: Engst, AuvAstinj Benak, Aloia -ORG: SONP, Kladno .TITIEs Induction harderd4 of tractor crankshafts SOURCE% MrUdk. no* 4, 1966, 183-186 . TOPIC TAGS: engim crankshaftg tractorl induction hardeningo motalluraic machinery, stool/CSN15230 steel ABSTR&CT: Methods used in surface hardening are reviewed, A new process for the hardening was developed by the Research Institute or the ZEZ firm at Prague, An installation using this process was erected at the SONP works at Kladno; it consists of a source of medium frequency electrical current, the hardening apparatus,, eq74ipment for water and air supply, and the necessary control in- strumentso The ourrent frequency used is 10,000 cycles. The hard- ening apparatus is of domestic design, made by the ZEZ workse It can be used for surface hardeni g of series of crankshafts up to- 1000 mm long and weighing up t ~,,45 1C9- The steel used for the crankshafts is 08N steel 15230& The surface is nitridede Poldi steels CVXi W6Hp W5Wp and W5H give good orankshaftne Orig. art, has, 6-figures. fJ-PRSt 36,64_q SUB CODE t 13, 3-1 SUBM UTE: nono / ORIG RE Ft 002 / SOV REFs 001 r_.A -I h ;V IENGST, Rw; ACKEMM, ff. Investigation of the alility of various pesticides to inhibit choleaterinase in vitro. Gesk. hyg. 10 no.3s213-214 My L65- 1, Ustav pro vyzivu Nemooke akademie ved, Postupim, M I f - A. Minakov, A. G. and Enver. Y2. A. - "RaverbPratory furnaces for fusion of flux," (Taken from the working experience of the 'Avtosteklol plant), Trudy pa svtomat. ovarke pod flyusom (In-t elektrosvtrki Im. Patons), Symposiur. 4, IqL9, p. 56-62, with a diagram SO: U-4355, 14 August 53, (Ietopin 'Zhurnal lnykh Statey, No. 15, 19L9) I E.N Cr V R, YL,~ 41 AUTHMI Inilvert TO.As I Chief Engineer of the 72-2--V20 "FroleliiFyr Works, Katayeva, G.V., Orlova, M.P., Collaborators of the Institute for GlaLas TME: The Practical Application of A=onium-Sulf&te for the Acceleration of the Froocas of Glass Smelting (Praktika primeneaiya sul,f&ta ammoniya kak uskoritelya varki stakla). PERIODICAL Steklo I Keramika, 1958, Nr 2, pp. 6-7 (USSR) ABSTRACTs The staff of the "Proletarly" works, together with the working group of the Institute for Glass, carried out a praotical teat with the continuous glass-smelting furnace Nr 2 having a total surface of 141.6 m. A.L. N41can rova. participated in this work. The authors further describe the temperature conditions of the furnace, the chem- ical composition of the glass, and the composition of layers. The correlation of the Na.20-quantities, which were introduced by aoda and sulfate into the layer, was 90;10# the moisture content of the layer 0.5%. 20-25% of scrap me added. Before the use of amcnitm- sulfate the layer contained 0,15% F', which exeroiaea no notioeable influence on the acceleration of glass smelting. This quantity was, Card 1/2 howevers left in the layer also further. After the introduction of The Practical Application of Ammonium-Sulfate for the 72-2-3/20 Aocelamtion of the Process of Glass Smelting 3% ammonium-sulfato, smelting and refining of the glass mass im- proved oonsidemblys The entire heat conditions of the furnace as well an the technological prooeas remained unchanged, only the means of reduction ( coal) was increased from 8 to 11% of the weight of the amonium-sulfate introaucea. The oharaotaristio values of work before and after introduction of the amonium-aulfate are shown in a table. There are I table and 2 Slavic references. AM=ON: 7AVOd. "ProlOtarly" (proletgriy" Workg), Jutitut, stekla (Moti- tata for Olms) AVAIWLEi Library of Congress Card 2/2 - FINGVER, 70*Ao On the path of technical progresse Stek.i ker. 18 no*9:3-4 S 161. (14MA 14:10) 1, Glavnyy inzh., stekollnogo zavoda "Proletariy".. (Glass Yunufacture) NIKGLAYET, Ye.I., inzh.; AYZINA, T.V., inzh.; ENGVEER, Ye.A., inzh.; SIUSCHENKO, Ye.T., inzh. Rapid gloat firing of enameled glass tablets in gas kil-L5. Stek, i ker, 22 no.9:38-39 S 165. (!-flRA 18:9) 1. Institut gaza AN UkrSSR (for Nikolayev). 2. Stekolln:ri zavod "Proletariy" (for Ayzina, Engver, Shevchanko). J1TGYF;D, L. New theor7 on the internal constitution of the earth. p. 277 Vol. 85, no. 3 July/SePt- 1955 SOURCE: Monthly list of East European Accessions, (EEAL), Lc, Vol. 5, No. 3, March 1956 1. flew methods of control of parasitic disumes in cattle. Vladozosci parasylo, Varese 3 no.5055-459 1957. 1, Z Zakladu Parasytologii i Zoologii Wysssej Szkoly Weterynaryjnej w Hannowerse (NU). (GATTLIO diseases# parasitic die., control (Pol)) (PARASITIO DISAM, prevention and controls . An cattle (P01)) -ZERIX G I.; DIMITRIEV, G.N. Coking of coal mixtures processed with reeine. Dim i induotriia 34 no.2t45-48 162. ENINOV, K "Artificial f - T-tilizers and the grass rotation riyatem in qvrl cul ture", p 1.1 t (kOdPt-RATlITNO 7F4"F'D7.IF, Vol, 6 #4, Apr. 1951, Fulgaria) East European Vol 2 #8 SOI Mont List of WIXIM Accessions /Library of Congress, August 1953., Uncl- ENIKOV, K. "SoU Characteristics of Our Countr7.11 p. 280 (KOOPEUTIVNO MIEDELIE, Vol. 9, No. 10,, 1954, Sofiya, Bul'.-aria) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions, (EEAL), LC, Vol. 4 No. 5, HaY 1955, Uncl. . ENIKOVp K; TODOROVAp B. . ENIKOVI K; TODOROVAj B. One source of vealth still insufficiently utilized. p. 16. Vol. 11, no. 8, Aug. 1956 KOOPERATIVNO ZEMEEELIE AGRICULTURE Sofiia, Bulgaria SOt East European Accession, Vol. 6, No. 3p March 1957 -1 -IK .) K. ". I - G ! Z-eoponic and a,,.-roc,,nt-r--jcaj ner.-cri-ption of Che!rmozem soils in `Orthern `,ulLaria. Tr. 11*rom the -ulgarian. 0. 93. (KO&A,01"YEI. Vol. 11, no. 1/b. 195,'. Budapest, F-tuigary) SI,I% Monthly Limt tji' ast. Emrope n Am3asionis 111-6. VOL 6, no. 12, [),ec. 1957s Uncl. ENIKOV, Kiril, dots. - ... Organization of the Academy of Agrimatural Sciences in . - Bulgaria. Selakoetop nauka 3 no, 103-57 164# 1. Member of the Board of Editors, "Selskostopanska nauka"o E"!IYOVI "G. "Economic effectiveness of the capital invested construction of new railroad lines and reconstruction of the present lines." TRAjISFCRTNG DEW. , Sof iia, Bulgaria., Vol. 11, 111o. 1, 1959 MonthJ~y list of U-;T EUROPEAN ACCESSMIS (ar.;AI), M, Vol. 8, No. 7. Ju2Y 1959, Unclas Yj 438Z~-66 I EWT(1) GW AT6011153 SOURCE CODE: UR/3197/65/000/002/0281/0287 AUTHOR: Enman, V. Be ORO: Institute or the Physics_of the Earth~(Institut fiziki Zemll) TITLE: Movements of the earth's surface in the Avachinsk Volcano area SOURCE: AN EstSSR. Institut fiziki i astronomil. Sovremenn ye dvizheniya zemnoy kory. Recent crustal movements, no. 2, 1995, 281-287 TOPIC TAGS: epeirogeny, crustal volcanic deformation, geodetic leveling, leveling polygon %P-O&CkIC SMr4e-j /A-40-6\i%6(\4QkC0Y%Q ABSTRACT: Results are announced of geodeti work carried out in the region of the ~yachinsk Volcano to 3tudy crustal movements near this active volcano\'fand to record the deformation of the volcano itself between and d ring eruptions. Studies of the vertical movements.,Were ,abased upon results of repeated levelings, run along a 16-km line in 19620 1963, and 1964. Comparison of the results of the first leveling indicated that there had been a change In the elevations of the bench marks computed relative to those furthest removed from the volcano: the nearer the benchmark was to the volcano, the greater the changes The maximum bench-mark settling was 38.-mm/year. Leveling cartiddcout in 1964 confirmed the settling along the line farthest from the volcan? CZ ECHOSLOVAKIA uDc 616.132-004i6-.616.127):616.L~41-008.61 E ; FELT, V.; Endocrinological Research Institute (Vyz- 7 stav Ehdokrinologicky), Prague, Director (Reditel) Docent Dr K. SILINK. "Aortal and Coronary Atherosclerosis and Findings on the Heart Muscle in Thyrotoxicosis." Prague, Gasopis Lokaru Ceskyohp Vol 105.. No 42,, 21 Oct 66,, pp 1137 - 1142 Abstract Juthors' English summary modified 7: The authors found in 50 pos-t-mortem examinations that tho deg-ree of aortal and cor- onary atheromatosis is lower in subjects who suffered from thyro- toxicosis. Presence of diastolic hypertension increases athero- matosis even in subjects with thyrotoxicosis, Short-term thyro- toxicosis does not influence atherosclerosis, but may lead to myocardial infarction; disseminated myofibrosis is 3x more fre- quent in such subjects than in controls. 54% of patients with fibrillation had coronary vessels free of atheromatous lesions. Incidence of coronary atheromatosis disseminated myofibrosis, and angina pectoris is discussed, ~ Figures, 1 Table, 15 West- 1/1 ern,, 3 Czech references. (Ms. roe. Dee 65). - 11 - I* 16my Pe K* 2. ussR (600 4, Botwqp Medical - Dictionsries 7. "Encyclopedic dictionw7 of medibinale volatile oil# and poisionous plants," G. S. Ogolovets.. ede Reviewed by I* K. Yenin. Apt, delo no 5, 1952. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, j=840 .1953. Unclassified. x I V I I-,,I AISILIRO, D.M.; BNINI.,~- 1-1~tlp , , , , - ..- ~aktor ~ -,!:w, ,~ il~ [Arnica montanal Kookm. me4iz, 1955. 10 P. (KERA 9:11) (ARNICA) Ej~ NIN I , Y - AKOLIRCOD, D.M.; MNIN, F.K.. redaktor [Adonis vernals] Goritsvet vessnult# Moskva, Medgiz, 1955. 11 p. (ADONIS) (HLILA 9: 1.1) A k, I oj~ 1p. v - AKOARLDZX9 I.F.; 1011 P L reUktor Dalcov's ladder] Stulukha lazurnaia. Xoakva. Medgiz, 1955. 15 P. (JACOB'S TAM=) (MLRA 9:11) EHIN, T. K. "Results of an Analysis of Segregation of Tomato Hydrids Conducted for Each Family Sepprately," Dok1. AN SSBRI 24, No.2, 1939, Inst. Genetics, AS USSR IKI Khriotop, in2h. Rolaying of toraULLIs in industrial- oubetaticu vith altornatb2g c=mnto &Uktroonarg:Lia 14 no.Itio-23 Ja 161,. IRIINSKI, Mwistop inabe Meohanical. resonance in tire short circruits in high-voltage dis.- tributarer. Blektroenergiia 13 no*SM-20 W 364 Q~! ~Hv V~-A- 41anooin of the peritonems Arkbopst. 21 no.8s7l-73 159. (KRA 23tl2) (SPLE06-DISMIS) (VEMOMM-MMES) HOLT, JIRI; WNS9 Hiroslav Treatment of leukemia. Cas,lek.cesk.99 n0-38:1195-1201 16 S160, 1. 1. int. kliniks fakelty vasobsoneho lekaretvi KU v Praza, prednosts prof. KUDr. V.RoenIg. Laborator pro patofyziologii krvetvorby a Jater, reditel prof. Mr. V.HoenIg. Katedra Islarsks fyxiky, vedouai doe. HUDr. Z.Dienstbier. (I~MMIA ther) ZWLIS M 1====L-= Iffect of ionizing radiation on the metabolism of nucleic acids. Cao.lek.ceek. 99 no.43:Lok Veda Zahr 217-220 21 0 160. 1. Laborator pro patofysiologii krvetvorby a jater, reditel prof. dr. V.Hoenig. Katedra. lekarske fyziky a nuklearni mediciny, vedonal doo.dr. Z. Dienstbier. (NUCISIC ACIM6 metab) (RADIATION XMCTS) MOSKIO.Pristos, inabs, . Ikutownt-4 a indlW." an of the rworv* - ft" at the LodustpW oubstatlow with altwmtizig cu, at,, BlektroomrgUA 13 Acogan-14 a 16p* SNINTA, G. I. Cand Mod Soi -- (dins) "Comparative diagnostic, progmatioand 1! a radioulitise" expertise value of auxiliary methods of examination VOMPunbLeaar I Riga, 1959o 19 pp (Min of Health Latvian SSR* Riga Mod Inst), 300 copies M, "-59, 141) .79. .It 11 )-. A - PEHCIKS~ A.; BERZ3NSO J.; EIIDZELIVAp M., red.; ENGM.,L,, tekhn. reds Diervous discasoo]Nervu alimibas. Rigap Latvijas Valsto iz- devnieciba.. 1961. 237 p" (MIRA 15,10) (NERVOUS SYSTF24-DISEASES) ZNINYA,, G.1.) ONDZULS,, P.A. A portable rheograph for clinical studies. Biul. eksp. bio2. i med. 52 no.l2slO5-108 D 161. (MIRA 14t22) 1. Is laboratorii patologicheekoy fiziologii i funktsionallnoy diagnoatiki (rukovoditell - prof. L.M.Gollber) Rizhokogo tauchno- iseledovateliskogo instituta travmatologii i ortopedii i leliniki nervnykh bolemey (zav, - prof. A.S.Pentsik) Rizhskogo meditsinskogo instituta. Predstavlena dpyotviteltnym chlenom AM SSSR V.V.Parinym. (ttECTROPHYSIOLOGY) Bioelectria activity ot muscles in cases of trophic derangements with affection of peripheral motor neurons and muscles (with summary In Inglishl. G. Enina. VeBtis Latv ak no.1:111-116 162. INIMS G.I. [A,4Ta,, Gj,,* (Pdp) Cranial rheograpby In some Tascular diseases. vo.9s 1 8"4 162. (MMA 15t22) 1, Is kafedry mervvj*~bolezney (zaT* - prof* AsSo Pentalk) Riabskogo maditainokogo inatitutao ( MWASCULAR DISEMS) VINOGRADOVA, Irina Ementom;IHM, S.E., prof., doktor tekhn. nauk, red.; KRZIN, SjE.j..rsd.; ENISHERIDVA,, O.K., ved. red.; VORONOVA, V.V.p, takhn# red" [Additives for lubricants to reduce friction and wear]pui- sadki k'maslam dlia anishenila treniia I iznosa. Moskva, Gootoptekhisdat, 1963, 110 P, (MIRA 16:6) (Lubrication and lubricants) A.4, ITCHINSKIY, David Yakovlevich; POTOLOVSKIYj Lev Aleksandrovich; 121ISHERLOVA., O.M.9 ved. red. [Polymerization of propylene; experience in the industrial production of.low-molecular olefins] Polimerizatslia pro- pilena; opyt proMehlonnogo proizvodstva nizkorrolakullar- rqkh olefinov. Moskva, Xhimiia, 1964. 90 p. (MIRA 17:12) USSR/Farn Iminals - Honoy Boo Q-7 Abe Jour : Rof Zhur - Biole, No 6. 1958v No 26262 Author :Enka V.A. Inst :No von Title :An Experiment in Doeping Beos in Stone Hives (Opyt ocdar- zhoniyn pahol v kmennykh ullyckh) Orig Pub :Poholovodetvo, 1957, No 7, 39-41 Abstract sThe wcll of the hive consists of the intornel plcnk cvsing vnd of the external plastered brick wall 9 cm. thick; be- tvoon these two wnllo, a speco is loft which in filled with hopt insuleting matorirl. On the bcsis of 12 of ox- porioneo, it wes found that wintering at large in the stone hives is borne better by the boos then sheltered vintering in woodon:hivos. Cr,rd 1/1 3-7 USSR/Cultivated Plants - Fruits. Barrios. m Abs Jour : Hof Zhur Biol., No 12) 1958) 53303 0 Author : Enka, V.A. Inst : :- Title : Secd-Dwarf Apple Tree as a Filler Orig Pub : Sad i ogorod, 1957, No 12, 42-43 Abstract : No abstract. Card 1/1 - n6 - f A-M SOURCE CODEI i~ 7. AUTHORSt Kolenko, To. A.; kt~4in, H. F,; Enk .1. V. UHGz none or TlTLEs Trap for an oil-vap sion pumpo Cla3s 27, No. 176032 Cannounced by Physico-'rechnical. Institute(1114_111rukrurSSR (11i ziko -toklinic lies kiy institut, AN lJkr3SR)j TFTqETT_uT_e for endconductors, AN &W (Inatitut poluprovodnikov, AM 33311)7 -/v-;'-~- __ SOURGS: Byulleten' izobroterily i tovarnykh zndkov, no. 21, 1965, 37 ToPIC TAqS: diffusion pump, vacuum diffusio% vacuum oil, vacuum plimp ABSrPACx: This Author Certificate presents a trap for an oil-vapor diffusion umpo The trap contains an antimigration device of fluorine-plastic rings fastened in the housing of the trap. To prevent the migration of the oil along the surrace or the trap housing into the evacuated space, the antimigration device containni two conical rings fitted vacuttin-tight into the housing of the trap# A V-shape'l space is formed between the two rings, The "V" is turned toward the pump side. To prevent the.condensation of oil vapors on the conical rings of the antimigration device, a Cuard ring is placed between the conical rings and the working chamber of the purp (see Fig. 1). The guard ring Is made from a material that is not wetted Card 1/2 UDCt 621.537-8 ACC NR, AP6000340 Fig. 1. 1 - Trapj 2 and 3 - conical rings; 4 diffusion pump; 5 guard ring, by the oilv e.gep fluor-ine-plastic.4 Orig. art, hass 1 figure. ~SUB CODES 13/ SUBM DATM 09seP64 I JNM T di Bori glkqh,_doktor sallskokhos.nauk; SHAO TSI-TSTANI I_!! -chills;] [translator]; TITYURITA, I.T., red.; DZMffA, T.M.., [Soybean) Soia. )(oekva, Goe.izd-vo sellkhoz.lit-ry, 1959, 621 p. (Soybean) (XIRA 13:5) V' G.CRDIYMKO, V.A.. kazA.sel'skokhnzvaystvenrWkh kand.sellskokhozyays tTennykh nauk nauk; LIBERSHTETZI, I.I., "Soybean" by V-4401--l Reviewed by Y.A.Gordianko, I.I.Liber- shteia. ZemLedelie 8 no.9 93-94 S 160. (MIRA 13:8) (Soybean) (laken, V.B.) podpolkovnik mod.aluzhbv -spreading medical knovIedgeo Voon.-mods zhuro no. 2s74 F 161o (MIRA 14:2) (MILITARY HYGIENE-ZTUDY AND TFACHING) 17(2) SOV/177-58-9-15/51 AUTHORS: Shullzhenko, V.M.t Colonel of the Medical Corps, Candi- date of Medical Sciences;]~~ ~~; Kuzlmina, Yu.T., Lieutenant-Colonel of llie Mledical Corps; and Kogan, R.F. TITLE: The Study of the Etiological Characteristics of Dysentery PERIODICAL: Voyenno-meditsinskiy zhurnal, 1958, Nr 9, pp 53-55 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The article analyzes the data of the etiological structure of dysentery in soldiers, hospitalized in the years 1951/53, in the civilian population during the same years and in other soldiers. The c)ianges in the etiological structure are given in table . The author came to the following conclusions: 1) on the whole, the etiological characteristic of dysent ry in sol- l diers who were treated in a hospital dur ng 1951/53, o epidemiolo- corresponds with past data; 2) th~:re is gical connection between soldiers and civilians who lived in the same town during 1951/53; M for a full Card 112 epidemiological analysis of the structuilerof dysentery, SOV/177-58-11-15/50 The Diagnosis of Remote Sequela of Closed Injuries of the Cere- brim in the Practice of Bxperts and of Dispensaries the diagnosis of remote sequela of closed cerebral injuries. Based on material of mass investigations (more than 5,000), the relative evaluation of the frequency of microsymptoms in persons, -who sustained a closed cerebral injury in the past shows that the oculo-motor nerve is most frequently injured (70%)- The author suggests a method according 'to which the person under investigation has to fix the eyes at a motionless subject for 8-10 seconds in order to reveal the weakness of the muscles that innervate the oculo-motor nerves. In patients who sustained closed cranial traumas, the look declines from the fixing object to one side or the other. Thus, the symptom of alldefect of th'e fixation of the look" per- mits to recognize a cranial trauma before the anam- nesis has been established. One case report is given. 'Card 2/2 PEVHEV, AAO; FI"Mlip VOB& .Brief news. Zem.i vael. I no.2sl2. and 22 Mr-Ap 165. (M RA 1818) ACC NR, AR6027198 SOURCE CODE: UR/0270/66/000/005/0042/ :AUTHOR: Enman, V. B. TITLE: Movement of the Earth's crust in the region near the Avachinski volcano SOURCE: Ref. zh. Geodeziya, Abs. 5.52.281 REF SOURCE: Sb. Sovrem. dvizheniya zemn. kory. No. 2. Tartu, 1965, 281-287 TOPIC TAGS: earth crust, geodetic survey, volcano, subterranean movement ABSTRACT: The results of geodetic studies conducted in the region near the Avachinski -volcano are given. The movement*of the Earth's crust near the live volcano and the deformation of the volcano itself during and between eruptions are studied. Vertical motions were studied along a path 16 km long by use of repeated leveling methods during 1962, 1963, and 1964. The results of the first leveling showed that the ...changes in reference points, calculated relative to the reference point farthest from the volcano, were greater for points near the volcano. The maximum lowering of a reference point was 38 mm per year. Leveling during 1964 confirmed the lowering of the reference points distant from the volcano and showed a change in direction of movement of the points near the volcano. Deformation of the volcano itself was found by determining the movement between the reference points discussed and points on the volcano. A rise of the volcano at the rate of 1 m/yr was found. Changes in J'-Card 1/2 UDC: 551.241:528 AC-CNR, height of points located on the volcano (at distances of 200-400 m) were found to be Horizontal deformations of the crater were studied by repeatedly measuring the elements of a grid (5 points) constructed on the volcano rim with a microtriangulation method. Changes in the order of +2.4--+5.4 m were found. It is noted that a leveling platform with a total length of 200 km is created for a more complete study of movements in-the volcano region. The platform crosses several different geological structures. [Translation of abstract) V. Sinyagina SUB CODE: 08 INKU, V. P. 4 MWAMWMMMMM~ The crater of Shiveluch during April 29-30, 1946. no.15:28-29 148. (Shiveluch Sopka) i Biul.Vulk.sta. (MLRL 9: U) VARLAMOV9 M.L.; KMCHEVSKAY-AD KOZAKOVA, L.M.; MANAKIN, G.A. Acoustic coagulation of a fog containing fluorine empounds. Zhur* prikl. kbim. 34 no.IS7844 Ja 161. (MIM 14d) 2. Xafedra tekhnologii i aytomatizataii khimicheskJkh proizvodsty Odeaskogo politakhnichookogo instituta. (Ultrasonic coagulation) (Fluoriie) m --- ---- VARLAMOV, M.L., doktor tekhn. nauk, prof.; KRICHEVSKAYA, Ye.L.; MIATSKAYAP B.S.; MANAKIII, G.A.; LIMDIIOV, V.Ye.; VINAN, A.A.; KOZAKOVAJ, L.M.; ZEROZHEK, L.S. Study of the absorption towers of the granulation shops of a superphosphate plant. Nauch. zap. 0d. politekh. inst. 40: 62-72 162. (MIRA 17:6) 4r VARIAMOV, M.L.t doktor tekhn. nauk, prof.; ENNANI,_A.A.; KOZAKOVAt L.M. Rapid method for determining the quality of the performance of elootria filtersa* Nauch. zap. Od. politekh. Inst* 40:73-76 162s (MM 176) 1. Predstavlena kafedroy "Tekhnologiya i avtomatizatoiya khimicheakikh proizvodetv" Odeaskogo politekhnicheskogo instituta. ENNAN,_ A,.A.; VARIAMOV, M.L., doktor tekhn. nauk,, prof.; KOZAKOVA, L.M.; Determining the drop contact angles and coefficients of the drop spreading of the aqueous'oolutions of fluooilicio acids -and sodium fluorides. Nauch. zap. Od. politekh. inst. 40: '77-82 162. (KIRA 17t6) 1. Predstavlena kafedroy "Tekhnologiya i avtomatizataiya khimicheskikh proizvodstv" Odeaskogo politekhnicheskogo instituta, .L 1726-66 EVIT (1)/FCIC Vd AP50213BO ACCESSION M UR/O139/65/oDO/0A/OM/O133 I AUZIORt ftnddni 0. A.; EMMwAt- A- tA W5 ~5 TIM': 7luventigift-on- of - acousticr-coakulation 11, usp subjected-to continuo" land pulsed sound SOURCE., r=. FIZIM, no. 40 196% 129-133 TOPIC.TAGGi aerosol, natural;Aerosol, fog, acoustic coagulation, aeiosol chamber ABSTRACT: In view of the lack of theoretical means of predicting the effects of acoustic coagulation on various aerosolsp the authors used specially designed ap- paratus to determine experimentally the major coagulation parameters (number of particles per unit volume and size distribution of the particles), Nont of the apparatuay the formulas for the particle-size distribution, and the 1,rocedure for the experimental-date, reduction have been described In earlier pe.pers by the authors and their co-workers (5b. Primenenlye ultraakustiki k iseleduvaniyu ves- chestva (Use of ultrasonics materials renearcILIP no* 17j MOPly M-y 1963# and i i.earlier refeie'n-ce'O'.- 'P_6in~r4s, ~are.p.3-es'ented for abber-o'hAfig* the a-ervaol --oncentra;.!' istions at thb outlet of an aerosol chamber in-terms of the time spent by the aerosoy i In the thamber and In- terms of tbb pulse repetition frequendy- (pulbed. sound only). i,The results have established that pulsed sound at a frequency of 16.t, kca, a pulse i_; "Card .1/2 L 1726--& ACCESSION HR: AP5021180 repetition frequency of 2 pulses/sec, a reduced pulse duty factor cf 2, and a i total exposure of 3-5 seconds consumes approximately half of the accistic energy !required In the case of continuous sound. Orig. art. hast 4 figurev and 5 formulas. (021~' ASSOCIATION! Odesakiy politekhnichaskly institut '(Odessa Polytechnic Institute) iSUBMIWED: 030ot63 EnCL: 00 SUP COM: ES NO REF SOV: 005 MIER., 000 ATt PAEM. low ENNER, Robert Yakoylevich; MEDVEDEVA, R.,, red.; TELEGINA, T., tekhn. red. [Characteristics of the analysis of the work] Osobennosti ;analiza rnboty aytokhoziaistva. Moskva,, Gosfinizdat, 1963. 34 p. (MIRA 16:6) (Transportation, Automotive) KAGANCV, V.Yu.; ENNO, I.K. --.Niw --- "mow Adjusting a multicircuit automatic control system. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; chern. met. 8 no.7s200-205 165. (MIR 180) 1. Moskovskiy institut stali splavov. , KARABIN, Avram losifovich; RAMENSKAYA, Yekaterina Sergeyevna; ENNO, Igor' Konstantinovich (Burning of liquid.fuel in industrial installations] Szhlganie zhidkogo topliva v prooWshlennykh ustanov- kakh. 2., izd. ispr. i dop. Moskva, Y-etallurgiia, 1966. 371 P. (MIRA 19:1) RiNOP Z. Lye "Visibility of Test-Objects Under Ixr4 Illuminations)" Dokl. All SSSRI 40, No-5, 1943. State Optical Inst. AUTHoRs: Akhmanov~ S.A. and Ennok, K.A. 109-3-2-18/26 TITIE. Amplitude Fluctua-tl-o-n-s--i-n-EEe'-SYstem of Two Mutually- synchronised Reflex Mystrons (Fluktuatsii amplitudy v sisteme dv-ukh vzaimno-sinkhronizovannykh otrazhatellnykh klistronov) 11BRIODICAL: Radiotekhaika i Blektronika, 1958 Vol-III No.2 pp. ~79 - 283'(USSR5. ABSTRACT: The problem was investigated experimentally by means of the measuring equipment shown in Fig.l. This consisted of two klystrons K, and K2 which were coupled by means of a T-junction. The coupling could be-.Icontrol-led,by means of attenuators, A, and A2 . The output signal of the system was injected into a waveguide system which comprised an attenuator, A3 , a measuring line section and an accurate wavemeter, B . This was followed by a waveguide hybrid, whose one branch contained a resonator having a Q-factor of 1 000. A switch, h P, , was used to direct the investigated signa /either to a power-meter or a detector head. Matching of the wteguide system was carefully controlled over a frequency Oardl/2 range of 100 Me/s. The experimental results are shown in 109-3-2-18/26 Amplitude Fluctuations in the System of Two Mutually-synchroaised Reflex Klystrons Figs. 2 and 3. The thin-line curves of Fig-2 represent the power output of the two Klystrons as a function of frequency; while the thick-line curves represent the distribution of the output power fluctuations or noise; Curve 4 and Curve 5 relate to the noise of the individual klystrons, while Curve 6 represents the noise of the two synchronised klystrons. - Similar curves for a different klystron system are shown in Fig-3- Further curves are given in Fig.6; these were taken for a finite phase difference between the oscillations of the two klystrons. The authors thank Professor S.D. Gvozdover for proposing the subject and his help; gratitude is also expressed to K.P. Krylov for his help in the building of the equipment. There are 5 figures and 3 'Russian references. ASSOCIATION: Physics Department of the Moscow'State University im..M. V. Lomonosov (F1z1cheBk1y fakulltet Mosk6vekogo gosudarstyannogo univeralteta im.. me" V, Lesomonova) SUBMI March- 8, 1956 AVAILABLE: Ubtary of Congftss Card 2/2.. 1.~ X3,ystrons-Performance-Analysis NESISP A.I.; KULIKINAp LA.; k~N~SE--L-, Eleotrocardiographic and rentgoenological changes of the heart in oilicosis and anthracooilicosis. Izve AN Kazakh. SSR. Ser, med. nauk no.lt8O-86 1639 (MM 16tlO) 1. lz Kazakhakogo instituta gigiyeny truda i profesaionallny'ih zabolovaniy (dirs kand, mod. nauk Z.K. Tulegenov) i Karagandinskogo pnevmokonioticheskogo tsentra (iliv. starshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik A.I. Nosis). NESIS, A.I.; KIN, A.A.; SHMYLW) I.M.; ENNS, P.O. X-ray and pathomorphological comparisons between cardiac changils in anthracosilicosis. Izv. AN Kazakh. SSR. Ser. med. nauk 11 no. 2:50-55 64. .. I (RIBA 17:7) NESIS, A.I.I. ENNSI P.01, X-ray examimtion of the heart during silicools and anthracosilicosia. Rauch. tr.ud~v'KNIUI no#16887-96 164. (MIRA 180) NESIS, A.I.1 ENIIS, F.G. Hypertonsion of the pulmonary circulation in patients with silliogis and anthraoosilicosin. Nauch. trudy KNIUI no.16vI05-113 164. (KIRA 18%7) PT~~P, Juban; KHA1,'G,j N.[Haug, N.],, kand. med. nauk, red. [Cavernostony In the surgery for pulmonary tuborcu- losial Kavernotomila v khirurgii tubarkuloza legkikb. Tallinns Izd. AN Estonskoi SSR, 1961,. 130 p. (MIRA 18: 1) I-NOIUR C.,, ing, Extension of turbine drj2lbig to deep and small diameter wo2le in Rimania. Patrol ei ~gaie 13 do, 5:193- 204 My 162.