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ENGELIMAN, I, ShImr-Ola) Dispensary observation and treatment of patients with parodontoBis. Stomatologlia 38 no,4t24-25 Jl-Ag '59. (MIRA 12:12) (GUWY--DISIASICS) VINGauuTimo 'A.; FAl"t V& Direct manisoogmpby. Cook. rentg. 13 no.3zl53-164 June 39. 1, Rtg oddelenis HM v Kosiciach a Chirurgicke oddelanie OUNZ v Rognave. (rM. radiogmphy manisoogmpbyg direat (Cs)) ITGUIS, F.; WLIKAN, L*I.1 LYALIXOV, B.S., redaktor; SOMMA, G.F., . `"~O teicheakly redsk-tor. (Selected mI1Itm7 writtAgol 12brannys voeunya proizvedentla. Moskva. Voen.isd-vo Hisisterstva obor,SSSR, 1956. 806 p. (KLUA 9:5) (Military art and science) -i -, L j TROYIHOV.A.U.. Inzhener:'XMGEL'S,G.G*, Inshener; ZYIN,K.V., inzhener 0 Xxperience in using elastic contact systems for the trolley bus lines in Budapest, Gorekhos.29 n0,9:29-33 3155. (KLRA 6:12) (Budapest-Trolley bases) WIN, Urill Vladimiroviohl TRCrIMOV Aloksandr lasarovich, Um"611. gger"I almiyevich; EZYWV, B.I., redaktor; OTOOMMA, N.A., redaktor Is-dafellstva: YCORM, F.I., tekhnicheskLy redaktor [Trolley buss collectors] TokosOm trolleibusa. Moskva. Isil-vo Ministerstva kommunallnogo khosiaistva RUSR, 1956. 191 p. (Trolley buses) (XLRA 9:7) (Blectria current collectors) - F, N, MI.- E I I C-, , v-, P UGATNOTv N.A.; TABORKOo V.G.; INGILIS, G.G, Controlled cable disconnector and automt1c section equipment for parallel feeding of electric traction in municipal transport; suggested by N:A: Zagainov, T,4F, Taborko, O.G. Ingalls. Prom. anarg. 12 no,12M D 157o (X=i lOrl2) (Xleotrio railroads) INSVITSKIT,.N.N., insh.1 SOKOIOV, T.D.. Anzhe; ZKGZLIS, G.G., inzh. r Selecting efficient pole pivot for contact eyotems of electric transportation networks. Gor. khoz. Moak. 12 no.5:25-28 Ky. 158. (MIRL 11:5) (Moscow--Street railways) (Ileatrio lines--Poles) MOSTIMMY, I.B., GORDSHKOV, Tu.I., Imnd. tekhn.nauk lOfficient, design for joint clamps of contact wires. Veet.TSHII WS 18 no-3:46-48 My 159. (AIRA 12-98) (zlectric.rallroade-Wires and wiring) 4 VLASOV, Ivan Ivancyvichl MARKVARDTO Konotsatin Oustayovich.- ANTONOV, M.P., in2h., reteenzent; NIXIMM, V.P., inzh., retserment; ENGELIS, G.G.., in2b., retsenzent; SIDOROV, N.I.,, Izizh,.., red, --------- [Coutaot network) Koutak-tnaia set'. 2., perzr. i dop. izd. Moskvaq Vses.izdatellsko-po2igr.ob"edinenie M-va putel soob- shcheniiap 1961- 331 P- (MIRA 15-1) . (Electric railroads.-Wires and wiring) - YEFREMOV,, doktor tekbn. nauk; REKITAR., R.A.., inzb.; ROZENEERGp S.V.p kands ekon. naak; BLATNOV, M.D... Icand. tekhn. naukl VILIKONETSKIY, H.S., ino.;TGIILINj A.Lp inzh.; POFEIZASHj V.N.p inzh.; ZAGAIVOVI N.A., kand. teklui. nauk; FINKMISHTEYN., BeS., inzh.j MAMOV,I.A.., inzh.; ISTRATOV, V.P.,. inzh.; MARGOIJNp I.S., inzh.- ENGEL'S G,Q.0 inzh.; ANTCWOV, V*A.j inzh.1 SOKOLOV, V.D.0 inzh.; KIESHCHINSKIY, B.K., inzb.; IVINSKIY, A.I.* retsenzent; PAPKOV, N.G.t retsenzant; W;IMiGV, G.M., retsenzentj SHPOIXANSKIY, M.N... otv. red. ta-ma; VOLOCHOV, V.N., red.; TROFJ140V, A.N.p red.; IIACIZVSKAU, M.I., red. izd-va; LEIZUKHINI A.A.,, tekhn. red. (Technical manual on city electric transportation in three volumes] Tekhnicbeskii spravoobnik po gorodskomu elektro- transportu v trekb tomakh, Redkollegiia: V.N.Volochnov., A.N. Trofimovs M.N.Shpoliansldi. Moskvaq lad-vo M-va kommm. khoz. F.VSR. IbI.I. (City electric transportation (general part)] Gorods'Aoi elektriohefkii tran*03!i (obabobaia chaet'). Otv. red, toma M.N.Shpolianakii. 1961. 726 p. (MIRA 15:4) (Streetcars) (Troney buse a) IVIN,, Kiri3.1 Vladimirovichj TROFIMCVp Aleksandr Nazarovich; ENGELIS, Georgiy Ge2K&jyevich [Pantographo of m=icipal awface trarsportation] To- kos"em gorodskogo naze=ogo transporta. Moskva, Stroi- izdatp 1965. 261 p. (MIRA .18:7) FLINK, Yu.V., dotsents kand.takhn.nauk; FRAYFELID, A.V., dot5ent, kand.toklm. nauk; ENGELIS. G.G., insh, I Design of somicompensated circuit ouspensiens with spring wires. Trudy HTIT no.199t:L20-129 165. (KUU 18: 8) ENGELIS, 1. P. ENGELIS, 1. P. -- "lt'vc5TlrATl0fi Or Ac0-f?CJl,'TANT LAYCR'~ U5CV IN TI?F PREPARATI ~rl or m4 ENGRAVING PLATC." SUB 22 OEC 52, Mo3cow P0LYrnA?HIC INST (DI35rPTATION ron THe DranCE or CAtioioAn iti TccimiCAL SCIENCE) SO: VCCHCRNAYA MOPMA, JANVARY-C)CCEMUrn 1~5? Prv" PA.;. KBOT, T.N.9 redaktor 2xchange of vocational experience among miners, metallurgists, and machine builders; a catolog of booksj Obmen proisvodetvamwo opytom gorntakov, metallurgov mashinostroitelai; katalog knig. Koskya. Otdal reklamy I propaganay Hookaigotorga, 1954. 26 P- LMicrofilm] (HLRA 9:10) le Mosicovskaya oblastuaya kontora knishnoy torgovlI "MosIrnigotorg*" (Bibliograpby--Motal industries) (Catalog@, Sookeelleral) pall dI8 1% At q 81' vq~jt A PA Id 00 0 0 I Ifill 1. ,M11a "1! i M-1 tot tells 0 -as if I bft 09 p -I IL 0 10 21 43 a .16 1 a OP 1~ 5 v 3 A go j D b . I i ~ .0 a ! - o-. 10. to -30 ~g 0 11 Is 4.1 'o 'a 4.!3 a Sig Ala", 0 0" iA p 'o Id o 1 H ENGEL-SHT, V. S. Cand Phys-Math Sci - (dies) "Distribution of atoms and transfer of matter in the dixeOt ddrrent,-~arc-ll Tomsk, 1961. 8 pp; (Tomsk State Univ imeni V. V. Kuybyshev); 150 copies; price not given; (KL, 7-61 sup, 221) A I I I :- I 1 1 -- , - ~ I- , - ~- ~ - . - . F,--N gml~ ~- IET71 i~ -1 -t-T MMMW s/196/63/000/001/028/035 E194/E155 ;AUTHORS; Engel'shtl and Spektorov, L.A. TITLE: Transfqr processes in a d.c. are PERIODICALt Referativnyy zhurnal, Elektrotftkhnika i energetikas no.lj 1,963, 42, abstract 1 E 195. (Sb. tr..Kafedry-,. eksperijp. fizo Kir&, un-t (Collected works of.the Departntint of Experimental Physics, Khirghiz University). rru-'nze, 1961,'41-50) TEXT: An.experimental-study was made of the mechanism of d substance from the anode in a vertical d.c. 8/058/62/000/0 12/021/048 A 16o/A lo 1 X0 4; -2,7 Engelisht AUTHOR: TITLE: The distribution of sodium and copper atoms in the cloud of a direct-curre,nt are PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Fizika,.no.'12, 1962, 28, abstra,~t.12G279 C'Sb. tr. Kafedry eksperim. fiz. Kirg. un-t", Frunze, 1961, 1.3-:34) TEXT: An investigation was carried out of the distribution of Na and Cu atoms' temperature and gas-ionizatlon degree in the cloud of a vertical direct- -curr;nt arc, at abilized by Na, with a sample In the anode. The concentration of.' the atoms was determined by the method of emission *in ihe central are column, I:_ and by the absorption lines on.its periphery. The gas temperature was found from the ratio of copper line Intensities Cu 1 5106 and Cu 1 5218/20 At and from the A intensity distribution of the Na resonanc3 line. The Ionization degree was cal- culated as for a two-component sodium-air mixture. Considerable atom concentra- tion gradients are observed in the near-electrode regions, and a more uniform distribution is noted in the remaining parts of the are-cloud. The maximum Card 1/9 3/058/62/bW/0 12/021/048 The-distribution of sodium and copper atoms in... A160/A101 concentration of the Na atoms is located at the cathode, and the maximum con- centration of Cu atoms'- at the electrode with the sednple. (Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 2/2 S/04a/62/026/007/013/030 B104/B138 AUTHORS: Engell.aht, V, S, and Spektorov, L. A. TITLE: Transfer prooessea in a d-c aro ?ERIODICAL: Akademiya. nauk SISR. Izvestiya. ~eriya fizicheskayag v. 26, no. 7, 1962, 887-889 TEXT: The transfer velooity of metal atoms in the electrio field B Is described by Vj, XbE, rate of diffusion by D aD vD grad N grad and rate of convection by v,t Card 1/2 S/04 62/026/007/013/030 Transfer Irocesses in ad-c aro B1.04YB136 Here, x is the degree of ionization, b the ion mobility; N the atomic concentration, a the thermal diffusion constant, and D the diffusion coe.1fi.cient. These formulas were ubdd to assess the role of the different: velocities of Na. and Cu atoms in a d-c arc-from experimental results (V. S. En,-ellsht et al., Sb. trudov kafedry eksperimentallrjoy fiziki Kirgiz3kogo universiteta, 1961). During the experiments, a mixture of' coal dust and tar containing 35A NaP and 1-5% Cu 0 was appli*ed to the 2 lower electrode (anode). From the axial region of the. are, more copper atoms were carried away than were introduoed by.the vapor jets. The perpendicular transfer of Cu around the axis and on the periphery of the arc taKes place mainly by convection. Near the axis Sa atoms are mainly transferred by the electric field, and at -the periphery by convection. Transfer by thermal diff4oion does not play an important part in the case, of Cu and Na. Cu atoms remain in the arc three times as long as Ila atoms@' MLYAUV, V.P.; KALITIACHS1100 V.R.; lKWIMI, N.,N.; YAKIN.-NIX, L.:,'.; AR37'V"3KA'Y'A ,; RUT61"ClIrK, YU.T.; SiOM1114, I-G-; SHKLDM , L. M, ~,`11- IX MA , M. A. USTI1,10VA, V.I.; ZEMINA, G.P.;-QMC1, TRAPITSYN, N.F.; BUIAN011, Yu.A. L_ EL,cohanga of experience. Zav.lab. 28 no.6.-685-687 162. (MIRA 15:5) 1. Khimicheakiy zavod imoni, Vovkova (for Shklover). 2. Urallsldy nauchno-iseledovateliskiy inatitut cliernyldi metallov (for Buravlovt ~orapelkinaj Uotinava; flouimima). 3. Kirgizakiy Cosudarutvannyy universitet (for Engellaht. Trapitsyn, I'lulanov). (Spectrum analpts)' S10321621028100610131025 DIOIlBI38 AUTHORSs I 1119-8 1-111-111-0 -V. -5 ~-# Trapitayn, N. F., and Bulanov, Yu. A* TITLE: Determination of lanthanam and yttrium in rare-earthe .mixtures- FERIDDICALs Zavodskaya laboratoriya, v. 28, no. 6, 1962, 687 TEXT: The determination of La and Y by spectral analysis, where the rare earths are mixed with copper powder (ratio I t 50) and a copper rod serves! as counterelectrode, is described. An VV-2 (IG-2) generator, KCA-1 (KSA-1) spectrograph, and spectral photographic plates of type II were used. The calibration curve (log I against log C) is plotted for mixtures of La 0 2 3 and Y 0 with copper powder. The intensity I of the lines La 11 3949-11 2 3 and Y 11 3950.36 R,as well as the background near the.maximum of the La line, are evaluated photometrically. The relative error for tri deter-; mination istv3% for La andv3.5% for Y. The presence of up to 59~y 0 1 ' 2 3 f and Ce.0 3 does not affect La determination. The same content of L520 5 and Card 1/2 3 025 B/032/62/028/006/61 i., Determination of lanthanum... B101/B138 Ce 0 does not affect Y determination. A laboratory assistant is able to 2 3 analyze 10 - .15 samples three times each during one shift. ASSOCIATIONs Kirgizskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet'.(Kirgiz State-Uniyer- sity) Card 2/2 ZHEWNKINA, L.; ZHEYENBAYEVp ~h.; KARIM, F.G.; POIDVIKOV, A.I.; ENGELISHT, V.S. Simultaneous quantitative determination of allicon,carbon, sulfur, phosphorus, manganese, and chromium in grey cast iron using an ST-7 stylometer. Izv. AN Kir. SSR. Ser. eat. i tekh. nauk 5 no.6s99-104 163. (MIRA 17:5) 3/057/63/033/002/014/023 AUTHORSs Spektorov, L. A., and Engellaht, V. S. TITLEs 'Calculation of the radial temperature distribution of a sodium-stabilized carbon are PERIODICALi Zhurnal tekhnioheskoy fiziki, v. 33, no. 2, 1963, 221 - 222 TEXTs The radial temperature distribution in a d.c. are with a current of 4 a and ar, interelectrode spicing of 10 mm was calculated following a method previously used by He-Maecker (Zs. Phys., 157, 1, 1959) and H. Goldenberg (Brit. J. Appl. Phys., 10, 47, 1959). 'The results are in good agreement with the experimental data up to a distance of 4.5 MM from the axis. This shows that the thermal properties of the plaama in the arc do not differ eoeentially from those of air. There are 3 figures. ASSOCIATIONs Kirgizakiy gosudarstvennyy universitet, Frunze (Kirgiz State University, Frunze) SUBMITTEDs March 20, 1962 Card I/I F,lrlSLI;3MYNt ASol KIGELIp R#.4~ . C aag of Gongylooma pulchrda in mano Had, paraz. i paraz* bol. 34 no,2sl63-164 Xr-Ap 165. (MIRA 189U) 1, Otodal meditsiukoy pmaitologii Odeoskoy oblastnoy martitarni>- spidemiologiohaskoy stwltviie VOJTBCHOVSKT, N,; ZNGBIGNM9.7,; VOITBCHOVSKA, He Tactile hallucinations imitating parasitic disease. Gas. lek. cook. 97 no-3:80-84 Jan 58. 1, Payohiatricks lecobne MIT v Prase 8, lekarskV reditel Dr K. Dobiesko Parasitologicky ustay larlovy university v Praze, prednosta akademik Otto Jiroveo. M. V., Pr&M ZVI, VI. Vancury'15. (PARASITIC DISIUSMS, differ. diag. tactile hallualuationag case reports (02)) (HALLUCIBATIONS, differ. diag. tactile hallucinations from parasitic die., case report Ws)) C_rzo TH 63 to VA X, I A -NIGaSKANIT F HAJEK, F.; 11LOUTIOVA, B.; MENICIKOVA, H.; Psychiat- na R55 Inf3titute (Vyz1cuDmy Ustav Psyohiatriak7), Prague. "Time Samples of a Day of Psychiatric Patients." Prague, Ceskoslovenska Psychiatrie, Vol 62, No 3, Jun 66, pp 168 - 175 Abstract 54hors, 1-mg1ish s=riary modified-7: In tho period 19;2 to 96LL the authors ~investigated the activities of hospi- talized patients between 6 a.m. and 10 p.m. The patients spend rio3t- of their tima in complete inactivity; the rehabilitation treatment occupies only a very small part of the day. On the basis of the study the authors were able to prepare a better program for the daily routine treatment of the patients. 3 Tables, 9 Czech references. (Manuscript received 2 Apr 65), INGILSHM, Frantisek Erperiences with the Minnesota Haltiphasic Personality Inventory. Cook, psychiat. 55 no.2:108-118 Apr 59. 1. Paychiatricks. lecabna u Pmze 8. (PSYCHDIDGICAL TISTS' MWI,- results (0s)) - ENOIDUM, Fe I STUDLAR, B. Music thempy. Can.19k.cook 100 n0-311"5-989 4 Ag 161. 1. Psychiatricka.lecobna v Praze 8, reditel MUDr. Karel Dobisek. (MUSIC ther) 21INGELL)MORT) J. TjUR- ES CIFOTECIVNIKA. (Boripari Tudomanyos Egy-esalet nint a lvlaf.,-ar Tudomanyos Eaesuletek Szovetsege Tagegy-esulete) Badapest. RecurTent features: News of the Association; Index for 1955. Index for 1956. More up-to-date technology for manufacturing cemented shoes, and the possibilities of automations P. 17.5. Vol. 8, No. 6, Dec. 1958. A=L MtZL&um- -Dudapest) Significance of foru-developing operations in pro-fabrication. Bar clpo 11 no.6:171-174 N 161. 1. Boripari Kutato Intezet. ENGKLIMW,, feno [Engelsmann, Jea] "Methods of increasing the capacity of conveyers" by B.D. Broev,, I.I. Kapustin. Ri,~iewed by Jen*o* Engelemann. Kozh.-obuv.prom.. 3 no.8:38 Ag 161. (MM 14:10) 1, Hauchbo-iseledovateltakiy.inatitat koshevenno-obuvnoy prag- shlennosti., Budapec~t. (Shoe industry) (Assembly-line methods) (Breev, B,D.) (Kaputins I.L) ENGEISMANN, Jeno Significance of normalization in, the automation of the shoo industry, Bor cipo 12 no.5/6al6l-165 0 162. 1. Boripari Kutato Intexet, ENGELSMANV) Jono , ~ ~-. Measures Bor cipo of awls and needles used on sole stAtchirv mvjch!n(,,1. 14 no.6t169-174 N '64. ENGELSMWN,-Jano Needle dimensions used in velt oewing and sole stitching machines. Bor aipo 15 no.1t4-5 A 165. ENGEL'SON, Ya. L.: Master Phys-Math Sci (diss) -- "Some problems of analysis in umm-b-090 locally convex space". Riga, 1958. 10 pp (Min Higher Educ USSR, Latvian State U im Petr Stuchka), 175 copies (KL, No 10, 1959, 123) 0 AUTHORs Engellsong Ya.L. SOY/155-58-4-13/34 TITLE% On the Variational Theory of Non-Linear Equations in Locally Convex Spaces (K variatsionnoy teorii nelineyny" uravneniy v lokallno - vypuklykh prostranstvakh.) PERIODICAL: Nauohnyy doklady vvashey shkoly. Fiziko-matematicheakiye nauki, 1958, Nr 4# PP 75 - 80 kUSSR) ABSTRACT: Let E be a semioomplete "espace tonnel6l' (in the sense of Bourbaki), H a Hilbert space which is dense in El ; ECHCEI. Let the topology of E majorize the topology induced in E by H, and let the topology of H majorize the topology induced in H by Et . Lot the canonical bilinear form < x,y,~, , x CC E G El be identical in H for y 6 H with the scalar product Xvy) - . ~ Theorem i Let A be a linear self-adjoint operator positive in H which is completely continuous from El to E . The operator F(x) . grad :E(x) is assumed to effect from E to El , its po- . tential f(x) is assumed to be continuous on every bounded set BCE with respect to-the topology V induced by E in B and to satisfy the inequality Card 1/2 On the Vaft ational Theory of Non-Linear Equations SOV/155-58-4-13/34 in Locally Convex Spaces 2 f (X)