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51.4) AUTHORSt Knorre, D. G., Mayzus) Ze Ket SOY/76-33-1-36/45 Markin, M. I., Emanu*11, N. M. TITLE-. The Kinetics of the Valence Changes of Manganese St-garate in the Course of the Initial Macroscopic Stage of the V'atalytic Oxidation of n-Decane (Kinetika valentnykh prevrashcheniy Btearata margantsa v khode nachallnoy makroskopichuskoy stadii katalizirovaiinogo okisleniya n-dekana) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal fizicheskoy khimii, 1959, Vol 33, Nr 1, pp 213-218 (USSR) ABSTRACT: A short time ago it was found (Refs 1-3) that on V-ie oxidation of n-decane (1) several changes take place in the laurates and stearates of manganese and cobalt. A valence change of the catalyzer takes place which causes its falling out and becoming ineffective (Ref 4). In the case under discussion the kinetics of the accumulation of colored intermediate products of these catalyzers are investigated. The oxidation of (1) took place in a way already described. The samples were examined in the wave length of 400 m ( by the spectrophotometer SF-4- :[t is stated that the effecteve activation energy of the accumulation of the Card 1/2 intermediate products of manganese stearate is 8.1 kcal on the The Kinetics of the Valence Changes of Manganese SOV/76-33--l-36/45 Stearate in the Course of the Initial Macroscopic Stage of the Catalytic Oxidation of n-Decane oxidation of (I), whereas the activation energy of the further reduction of the intermediate compound is 16.1 kca:.. The absorption coefficients of the intermediate compound were determined in cumene (since it is simpler than in (I)) and at 400 m A the value 780 1/9-mol cm was found. Beerli; (Ber) law is followed up to a catalyzer concentration of 0.0,16 m(Fig 7)- Tests with W, tetralin, and cumene showed that the absorption coefficient of the intermediate compound obviously does not depend too much or. the hydrocarbon to be oxidized (Fig 6). The kinetic ourves of the accumulation of colored inte:!mediate products show an initial acceleration (Fig 7). At ihe curve maximum cumene and tetralin show a complete transi-:ion of manganese stearateto ahigher valence stage and (I) a 30.5;4 transition only. There are 8 figures and 4 Soviet xeferences. ASSOCIATIONs Akademiya nauk SSSR Institut khimicheskoy fiziki$Mi)skva (Academy of Sciences, USSR, Institute of Chemical Yhysicop Moscow) SUBMITTEDt July 17, 1957 Card 2/2 561) SO-1/7,5-33-2-25/45 AUTHORS: Knorrep D. G.p _S'.Tayzus,-Z. K., ."arkin, J. I., _17mannal', ". 21. TITLE: Kinetics of the Reaction Between Decyl Hydroperoxide and I Manganous Stearate in n-Decano (Kinetika vzaimodeyFtviya gidroperehisi, detsila. so stearatom mar-antna v zi-lekane) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal fizicheskoy khimii, 1959, Vol 33, Nrr 2, PP 398 - 4o4 ("S3R) ABST"ACT: Several papers on the oxidation kinetics of hydrocarbons involving manganese or cobalt catalyots report th7..t the catalyst is observed to acnume a higher valence number. In re.-ard to this soversl hypotheses have been cet forth by Ye. T. Deninov and N. 1M. Emann-211 (Ref 6), D. V. Yerofeyev and L. I. Chirko (Ref 7), and others (Re"s 4,5). The quention ofthrough what reaction the chanL:-,e in the valence of tile cat.lyet tnKes place has until now, however, not been ex- plained. The first experiments carried out in the work re- ported in this paper showed that the renction mentioned in the title occurs very fast. It was for this reason that an apparatus was constructed (Pi- 1) which could lirectly Card 1/13 measure the optical density of the reaction melium. The K~netlcn of the Reaction Between Decyl Hydroperoxide SOV/76-33 -2-2.1 /45 and Manganono Stearate in n-DecAne apparatus is similar in principle to the SF-4 spectrophoto- meter. The kinetic curves obtained with var -'oud concentra- tionn of the manganrije atearnte (1) show (Fig 2) that the reaction is complex. The reaction in a first order reaction (Fian 3,5). The kinetic cxirves (Fig 4) for 850C show that a maximum transformation occurs with ration of (1): docyl hydroperoxide (TT) of 9-7-80%, at 4-83-56;.')jand 3.2,7-40',4. An increase in tenporqture increases the velocity of the oxi- dation reaction an well an its depth, wheroby thure is also a deareatic in the induced docompocition of (11), which occurs in aldltion to the accumulation of the oxidi-ed form of (1). Since tho rule of the induced decompovition of (11) Is unknovin only the upper limit of the activation enerGy couN be reliably.detormined (22-5 kcal), but for a firet approximation of the hOtivation energy a value of 18 kcal wan obtained. The rate constant for the reaction giving an accumulation of the colored reaction prodi)ct (oxidized forn of (I)) in written as Card 2/3 k- 2.8.10 11 e- 13000/RT 1/mole.cee. There are 7 fisilre-3 and r, Xinetics of the Reaction Between Decyl Hydroperoxide 30V/7'-33-2-25/45 ~nd 111anganous Stenrate in n-Decane 12 referencess 5 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Akademiya nauk SSSR Institut khimicheakoy fizikiUoskvs, (Academy of Sciences, USSR, Institute of Chemical Physics, Moscow) SUBMITTED: JulY ITv 1957 Card 3/3 5W AUTHORS i Knorreq D*G,o Chuchukina, L. Do, SOV1*33-4-20132 Fkanuel!j 14M, TITLEo On the Phenomenon of Critical ConcentratiQn of Cu(C 17 a35 coo)2 in the Reaction of Uatalytia. Oxidation of n-Decene (0 yavlenii kritioheskoy kontsentrataii_ou(C 17'35CGO)2 V ,reaktaii katalizirovannogo okialeniya a dekanaj PERIODICAL: Zhurnal fizicheskoy khimii, 1959, 'tol 33, Nr 49 PP 677 - 882 (USSR) ABSTRAM In the present paper a new example is given of the c:.-itical phenomena in reactions with degenerated branchings in liquid phase which.were observed in the investigations of n--decane oxidation in the presence of copper stearate (1). At a certain concentration of (1) a complete stop of the reaction was observed while at this concentration a self-accelerai--ed reaction with a small induction period takes place. it-decane (II) was produced electrolytically (Ref 5) and (1) at-cording to a method of production described. (I) and (II) were dissolved in a nitrogen current and the moment where oxygen Card 1/3 was introduced was regarded as the beginning of reaction. dn the.Phenomenon of Uritical Uonoentration SOV176-33-4-2013'9- of Uu(c 17R39COO)2 in the Reaction of Catalytic Oxidation of n-Decane 0-03 - 0-10 m01% of M were used and the peroxides, carb6,4,1 compounds, acids, and copper were determined according to the course of oxidation; the latter according to two methods: CU 2+ and the entire copper. A catalytic effect (Fig 1 for 0 030 (1)) could be observed until a concentration of 0.06--mexo-- (i) is attained. A change in the copper valency in the induction period is explained by a reaction of (1) with intermediate oxidation products of (II) (e.g.hydrogen peroxides) which causes the self-aocel-eration proper of the process. The increase of the induction period at an increase of concentration of (I) is indicative of a secofid- the inhibiting - ef feat of (I) which ap arently is based on a destruction of the chains at the (I5-molecules-. The critical concentration is at 0.065 mol% M at which the induction period is longer than 15 hours and where the oxidation rate also changes. The phenomencn of the critical concentration of (I) in explained by the radical-chain- mechanism of hydrocarbon oxidatIon* There are 5 figures, 1 table# and 9 references, 6 of which are Soviet. Card 2/3 OIL the Phenomenon of a Critical Concentration SOV/76-33-4-20/32 of ft(C 171E35COO) 2in the Reactiom of Cata37~U'.., Oxidation of n-Decane ABSOCIATIONs Akadeaiya naukEBBRpInstitut khimicheskoy fiziki Moskva (Academy of Sciences of the USSR 7Institutt of Kemical Physics )Moscow) , SUBMTTEDi Beptember; 28p 1957 Card 313 5W SOV/76-33-7-29/40 AUTHORS: Gagarina,A. B., Emanuel', N. 9 TITLEs Kinetic Rules Governing the Reaction of Methane and Nitrogen Dioxide PERIODICAL: Zhurnal fizicheskoy khimii, 1959, Vol 33, Nr 7, pp 1641 - 1647 (USSR) ABSTRACTt Small additions of NO 2 to air or oxygen in gaseous-liquid phase oxidations of hydrocarbons are known to have a strong stimulating effect (Refs 1,2). Among numerous articles on the reaction of paraffins and NO there are only two (Refs 9, 10) dealing with the kinetic ireatment of this process. Since an unsuitable method was applied in (Ref lo), the authors inves- this article the afore-mentioned subject within the temperature range where NO 2 dissociates noticeably. For this purpose, an ordinary static vacuum apparatus was used, i.e. a reaction cylinder (15 cm long, vol-ame of 200 cz3). The authors applied a method by which the reaction vessel. was filled with CH4 as soon as the dissociation of the previvasly introduced Card 1/2 NO2 wasin equilibrium. The kinetic rules governing the reaction Kinetic Rules Governing the Reaction of Methane and SOV/76-33-7-29/40 Nitrogen Dioxide were determined by plotting &L'.Aio curves on the basis of the pressure rise (measured by means of a diaphragm gauge) as well, as of NO2 consumption (photocolorimetrically deter- mined). Measurements were made at 360 - 4200 and an initial CH4 pressure of 50, 100, 200 and 300 torr. The authors further made experiments with additions of NO or oxygen. Experimental results led to the following oonclusicnss The rate of the total pressure rise of the zero-th order, whereas that of the initial pressure of CH 4 is of the first order, The pressure rise is *ooelarated by NO additions, while the addition of oxy- gen strongly inhibits the reaction. The resultant effective activation energy of the process amounts to 42 kcal/mal.There are 9 figures and 10 references, 5 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATIONs 1kademiya nauk SSSR Institut khimicheskoy fiziki Moskva (Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Institute cf Chemical Phy- sioe, Moscow) SUBMITTEDs February 21, 1958 Card 2/2 5(4) SOY/76-33-6-331/39 AUTHORS: Gagarinap A. B., Emanuel,# it. M. TITLE: Kinetics and Chemism of the Reaction of Methane With Nitrogen Dioxide PERIODICAL: Zhurnal fizicheskoy khimii, 1959, Vol 33, Wr 8, PP 1872-1879 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In continuation of a previous paper, aft investigation of the intermediate and final products of the reaction between methane (I) and nitrogen dioxide (II) was carried out and the kinetic behavior of the reaction products was examined. Besides the analytical methods described in publications, analysis methods particularly developed for that purpose were used as well. The analyses showed that the reaction products are nitromethane (III), Go (IV), CO 2 (V), NO (VI), and traces of formaldehyde, and HCN (VII). The kinetic be- havior of these substances was examined in a static vacuum unit with t.. reaction vessel made of molybdenum glass (200 =3). The kinetiov of the formation of (III) was examined thorough- ly. It was :ound that (III) forms as an intermediate product Card 1/2 and further decompoees.,.A complete analysis of the reaction SOV/76-33-8-33/39 Kinetics and Chemism of the Reaction of Methane With Nitrogen Dioxide products renderod it possible to determine a material balance with respect to carbon and nitrogen (Table 1). The following rate constant is suggested: CH~j U021 w - k Pq_10121 (k - summary rate constant, 3 r_O,] and pressures [C H41 P N] = of M, (II)s, and.oxygen). Data for the value of w/k are given in mm Hg for up to 15 minutes after the beginning of the re.- action (Table 2). Various thermodynamic constants relating to the reaction inveati at d are computed$ and it 4s found that the reaction of (I~ a:d (Ii ) followo two separate direc- tions - the nitration of (1) while (III) forms, and the In- tensive oxidation of (I) with the oxygen from (11), while (IV) and (V) are formed. There are 4 figures, 2 tables, and 12 references, 4 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Akademiya nauk SSSRyInstitut khimicheskoy fizikiMookva (Academy of Sciences USSR; Institute of Chemical Physics,Moscow) SUBMITTED: February 21, 1958 Card 2/2 BOV/26-59-1-19/34 oAUTHOR: Emanuel', N.M.,; CorrvsVonding Wwbero AS USSR TITLE: The Control of Chain Reactions in Chemistry (Upra- vleniye tsepnymi reaktsiyami v khimli) S P~RIODIOAL: r 1 pp 46 - 56 (USSR) Piiroda, 1959. 'A ABSTRACT: The article gives a historical and physical survey on the phenomenon of,ehain reactions in chemistry and stresses especially the merits of Academician N.N. Semenov and his investigations of cataly,-,ers and inhibitors in chemical chain reactions, which he carried out in the thirties and for which lie was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1956. -These fields of the mechianism of chemical reactions and chemical kinetics have assumed new importance with respect to the objectives of the 7-Year Plan in the field of synthetic-material production. The author, to- gether with Z.K. Mayzus, K.Ye. Kruglyakova, M.F. Sedova and other researchers, discovered interest- Card 1A ing peoularities of the action of positive c3Ltalyz-' 4L 'The Contrbl'..4T Chain Reactiona in Chemistry SOV/26-59-1-19/34 ers in oxidation chain reactions of hydrocarboas. In addition to formerly known elementary reactions, ag- gregate interactions take place. The reactionme- chanisms on their-way from one macroscopic to and the occurring changes were studied (Figure 1). Ye.T. Denisov together with the author succeeded in increasing the yield of cyclohexanone by over two times by merely removing the cataLyzer from the reaction zone after an initiator action of brief duration. While new concepts, with respect to sudden breaks of chain reactions on the walls of the reaction vessel, were found by Profassor A.B. Nalban- dyan in 1946 together with the possibility of influ- encing these breaks (Figure 2) similar to eff'Pets upon nuclear reactions '. , CorrespandiM r 'AS UNH A,A, Kovallskiy discovered solid surfaces that bring about a chain reaction process. Con- cepts on these homogeneous-heterogeneous reaetions had been formed earlier by Professor M.V. Polyakov. Recently, Academician N.N. Semenov, Co=eOmAing Men- Card 2/4 b6r'' AS USSR ; V.V. Voyevodskiy and Profesecr F.F. The Control of Chain Reactions in Chemistry SOV/26-59-1-19/34 Vollkenshteyn formed new concepts on reactions of a merely heterogeneous catalysis by way of the chain mechanism brought about by free radicals. If these concepts can be proved by experimentation, new ways of influenoing the processes of the heterogeneous catalysis would be given. Speeding up of slow reac- tion processes by way of diverse stimulation (Figures 3-6) is being studied by Professor M.A. Proskurnin, B,A. Blyumberg, D,M. Ziv, V,L, Mi-kay- ,eva, V.K. Tsyskovskiy, V.K. Zeynalov, and the author. The problem of free radical.s and chain reactions in biological processes is being studied by L.P. Lip- china and Professor B.N. Tarusov (Figures 7 and and 8). The author,concludes that there are various ways of influencing chemical and biochemical chain Card 3/4 reaction processes, many of which may lead to inter- ':teCv'ntrol of Chain Reactions in Chemistry SOV/26-59-1--19/34 esting re3ults and further possibilities. Thore are 8 graphs and I Soviet reference. ASSOCIATION: Institut khimicheskoy fiziki AN SSSR /Moskva ,The Institute of Chemical Physics of the AS USSR IMos- cow) Card 4/4 17 1.3) AUTHORS: Emanu;el No Mo. Corresponding Member, SOY/20-124-5-56/62 AIV USSR, Lipchinag L, Pop Pelevina, 1. 1., Lipato,ral To E. TITLE: The Selective Inhibition of the Aotivity of Reduction-Oxidation Enzymes in Tumoral Cells When Acted Upon With Inhibitors of Chain Reactions (Izbiratelinoye podavleniye aktivnosti okislitellno-voestanov4.tellnykh fermentov v opukholevykh kletkakh pri vozdeyatvii ingibitorov tsepnykh reaktsiy) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSRj 1959, Vol 124, Ur 5, pp 1157-1159 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Since many years the idea of a selective inhibition of fermentative processes in tumoral cells, as a rational principle in oanoer chemotbarapyj focuses the interest of the scientists (Ref 1). The first two authors (Ref 2.) proved an inhibition and a retrogression of leucosis in mice under the action of non toxic inhibitors of the oxidative chain reactions (butyl-oxy-anisole, ionone, propyl gallate)(Ref 2). There aere reasons (the radical mechanism of the reduction.-oxidation processes) for assuming that the inhibition meLtioned in the title is one of the reasons of the tumor inhibiting effect of the mentioned substauces. This disturbs the formation processes Card 1/3 of some energy-rieh compounds which are necessary for the The Selective Inhibition of the A-3tivity of SOVP,0_12~-5-56/62 Reduction-Oxidation Enzymes in Tumoral Cells When Acted Upon Wit~a Inhibitors of Chain Reactions intense biosynth9sis in the neoplastia growth. In the present paper resitlts could be obtained which confirm the above assumption. The authors irivestigated enzymes of tbe suceinoxidase sjritem. The ascitto cancer of Ehr2ich (Erlikh) in mloe, leucasis of Ilan* mize (line C-57, strain LOP aoridine sarioma of m-L~o and the Braun-Mrs tumor of rabbits served for the exper-Almente. Cells of the ae-~itlo cancer. as well as tumoral tissues of other new firmations reduce,! to small pieces were incubated for 30 minutes in 0.75, 0.15 and 0.075% propy! gallats solution, These con.,)entrations inhJbit the activity of succino dehydrogenase in the cells of all tumors investigated (Figs'2' 9 2). The activity of this enzame is not sappressed In healthy liver and spleen calls by p:-opyl gallate solutions of 0.15 and 0#075% (Figure 3). Incubation in a 0.75% solution is, however, inhibiting. Thin inhibition is reversible in afflioted as well as in sound cells. The diffe-ences in the propyl gallate effect on the reduction-oxidation -)rocesses iA normal and tumoral ae3ls are probably due to a di:'ferett card 2/3 permeability of the calls and their components (6. r. m1A-.chcnd_"i0) The Selective Inhibition of the Activity of SOV120-12e,1-5-56162 Reduction-Oxidation Enzymes in Tumoral Celle When Acted Upon %7'Lth Inhibitors of Chain Reactions to propyl gallateo Thusl propyl gallate has a sele:tive effect on tumoral cells in certain concentrations. This is expressed by the inhibition of the aotirity of dehydrogenases which. : participate in various reduction-oxidation processes as well as of cytochrowcxidase. The thus influenced cells locee their implantatiou power. There are 3 figures and 6 refcrenoes, 5 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Institut khimicheskoy fiziki Akad.emii nauk BSSR (institute of Chemical Physics of the, Academy of S.-,:iences USSR) SUBMITTEDs November 25Y 1958 Card 3/3 5.( A.)' 1 xUAids. Vasillyev, R. F-9 Karpukhin, 0. ff., SOV/20-124-6-21/55 Shlyapintokh, V. Ya., Emanuel', N. M., Corresponding Member, AS USSR TITLE: Gas Initiation by Ozone in the Reaction of the Oxidation of Iaodcoane and tbn PI-Aluminescence Cortnected With It (Gazovoye initslllr-va,%~ye -.~zonom v reaktaii okisleriiya izo-. dekana i svyazu"adya u nim. khemilyuminestsentsiya) PERIODICAL: Doklady kkademii nauk SSSRq 19599 Vol 124, Ur 6p pp 1256-1260 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The present paper deals *ith the stage of initiation by ozone in segregated form, i.e. the authors investigate such phenom- ena and processes as otcur during the suort action of the initiator. Isodecane (2-7-dimethyl-octane) was u:3ed as te4t object. Preliminary tests showed that if ozone i3 blown post during a short time the reaction is accelerated .,onsiderably. The authors recorded a weak glow which was produeed during the bubbling of oxygen (containing 2-3 % ozone) by isodecane. This isodecane was in a glass oxidation cell at temperatures of 20-900. By glow the photomultiplier FEU-19 served as an Card 1/3 indicator of the glow. The photoelectric current was recorded Gas Initiation by Ozone in the Reaction Of the SOV/20-12-~-6-21/55 Oxidation of Inodecane and the Chemiluminescence Connected With rt by means of the electronic potentiometer EPPV-51& The firet diagram shows the intensity of glow as a function of time during the uninterrupted blowing-through of ozone and iso- dooane at a temperature of 550. Intensity increases gradu-- ally andq after 2.5 hours, it attains a maximum after which it gradually decreases. As the adding of ozone is interruptedg the glow immediately vanishes in all, stages of the reaction. If ozone is again suppliedv the provious inten- sity ia quickly restored. According to these tesults the glow is caused in the interaction between ozone and a compound, which was formed already before this interaction as the result of a reaction of ozone with carbon. The a'oove mentioned intensity maximum indicates that the concentratiDn of this hypothetical compound passes through a maximum, In this case the kinetics of the accumulation of this oompowid agrees with the kinetics of the accumulation of the intermediate product in the case of successive chemical reaction. An other possibility of explaining the phenomena discussed is re- jected on the grounds of being unsuited. A further proof of Card 2/3 the intermediate character of the product of primary interactka 'Gas Initiatio-n by Ozone in the Reaction of the SOV/20-124-6-21/55 Oxidation of Isodecane and the Chemilumineseence Connected With It with ozone was supplied by experiments carried out with higher temperatures. Thus~ the interaction between ozone and normal hydrocarbons at moderate teaperatures is a complioatod process in the course of which a relatively stable inter- mediate compowA is formed, There are 3 figures and 4 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Institut fizicheskoy khimii Akademii nauk SSSH (Institute of Physical Chemistry of the Academy of Sciencesq USSR) SUBMITTED: October 29f 1958 Card 3/3 17(3) AUTHORS: Emanuel $-No Mo, Corresponding SOV/20-125-2-49/64, -Vember, AS USSRt LIpchina, L. P., Pelevina, I. Is ' TITLE: Selective Decrease of the RNA Content in Tumor Celle and Their Lose of the Ability to be orafted when Acted upon by Chain-re- action Inhibitors in Vitro (Izbiratellnoye umenlaheniye soder- zhaniya RNK v opukholevykh kletkakh i poterya imi sposobnosti privivatleya pri vozdeystvii in vitro ingibitorov tsepnykh re&tsiy) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1959, Vol 125, Nr 2, PP 411-413 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The authors found a principal possibility of the inhibition andretrogression in the forination of tumors by use of the aforesaid inhibitors (Ref 1). The activity of importAnt. redox ferments in tumor cells is suppressed by propyl gallate in vitro (Ref 2). Thus these cells are deprived of the* ~?. energy they need for intense biosynthetic processes which are typical of blantoma growth. Among these processes the biosynthesis of ribonucleic acid (RNA) is of special interestp whiohp according to modern yiews, forms a matrix for albumin Card 1/3 synthesis (Ref 3). There is a certain connection between the Selective Decrease of the RNA Content in Tumor Celle SOV/20-125-2-49/64 and Their Lose of the Ability to be Graftei v4hwa Acted up9n ti Chain-reaction Inhibitors in Vitro intensities of albumin synthesis and the re-formation of RNA. Also rapidly growing cells of tumor are known to possess a high RNA content (Refs 4-6). The%r'e are also some indications (Ref 7) that the decrease of RNA content below a certain value stops albumin synthesis. In the present paper it was found that a considerable selective decrease of the RNA con- tent in tumor cells is caused by propyl gallate (as compared to a regular cell) so that these cells lose the capability of being implanted. Ehrlich- (Erlikh-) cancer of micep care- fully minced tissues of leucosis mice, Brown-!,~~erce- (Braun- Pirs-) tumor of rabbits, acridine sarcoma of mice, sarcoma 45 of rate and Rous-sarcome of hens were used for the ex- periments. Already after an action of O-T5 % propyl gallate solutions for 15-30 min neither plasm RNA nor nuclear RNA is visible under the luminescence microscope (Fig 1 a,b). The'ehange of the RNA content are reversible and can be eliminated to a certain extent (Fig 1, v). Experiments with sound liver cells have shown that the inhibitor (0.15 %) Card 2/3 insignificantly reduces the RNA content within a short time; Selective Decrease of the RNA Content in Tumor Celle SOY/20-125-2-49/64 and Their Lose of the Ability to be Grafted when Acted upon by Chain-reaction Inhibitors in Vitro SUBMITTED: on the other hand, a complete adaptation of the cells follows and the regular state is restored (Fig 2 a,b). Thus it was possible to draw the important conclusion on the selective effect of propyl gallat.e on tumor cello, which explains the therapeutical effect of the inhibitor in vivo without damage of the organism as a whole. The cells of the enumerated tumors are therein completely deprived of the capability of implantation. If they are washed out with physiological common Balt solutiont this lost capability is restored. There are 2 figures and 8 Soviet reference3. November 25t 1958 Card 3/3 170) AITHORS S '~ - IbAnusio, N. U , Corresponding Member AS USSR, SOV/20-125-5-53/61 * O - T ~ a ~Iz . f p Ec TIME: The Loss of the Blastomagenio Properties of the Virus of Rowso Sarcoma Under the Action of Propylgallate (Poterya blastomageMkh avoysty virusa, oarkomy Rouna pri vozdeystvii propilgailata) PMODICAL: Doklady Ikademii nauk BSSR, 19590 Vol 125, Nr 5, pp 1148-1150 (USSR) ABSTRACTz Several malignant tumors are known which can be revaccinated not only by the transplantation of tumor cells, but also by the introduction of filtrates of tumor tissues free from cells. This cayacity vanishes after the influence of one of the inhibitors of the oxidative chain processes, of propylgallate (Ref 1). This doeB, however, not occur in consequence of the protein denaturation. The cello from which the inhibitor was washed out with physiological sodium chloride solution belsome anew blastomagenic. This in as well the case with cells (Ref 2) of such tumors which can be revaccinated by means of filtrates free from cello (Rowel sarcoma of fowls, mouse leucosis). The authors are witb respect to the r8le of the free radicals in the growth processes of the -hmor (Ref 3) of the opinion that the spreading of the virus takes in many cases place Oard 1/5 by the transformation of the cell cytoplasm, not by separation The 14as of the Blastomagenic. Proportion of -the Virus of Rowel BOV/20-125-5-53/61 Samoms. Under -the Action of Propylgallate (Ref 4). In suob cases the prognssive virus propagation has a character similar to the nonsteady chemical processes which an stimulated by free radicals (Ref 5). The references 6,7 deal with the possible autooatalytic character ~of the virus apraading. A slight inactivation of the virus by the oxidation with oxygen in, as well interesting (Ref 8). All that may prove free-radical character of the virus particles. Thus may be assumed that the loss mientioned in the -title after the influence of the inhibitors is related to the loss of the free-radical properties by the virus. As a consequence of this may be assumed that an inactivation of the tumO4 forming viri and -the loss of the blastomagenio properties of filtraltes free from cells is possible by the influence of inhibitors of the free-radiaal (chain) processes. The addition of propylgallate did not cause abrupt shifts1of the pH-value in the experiments of the authors (it remained between 6.7 and 6.9). The filtrates (control with 1:1 physiological sodium chloride solution and experiment with propylg&llate in an equal solution: 0.75, 0-150 and 0.075%) were kept 30 minutes in the propylgallate nolution an ice. Experimental- and control material was at the same moment Card Z/3 injected into the right or left wing respectively of one and the Th6 14se of the Blastomagenic Properties of the Virus of SOV/20-125-5-53/61 ROW80 Sarcoma Under the Action of Propylgallate same fowl. The latent period up to the formation of the tumor took 7-12 days in the case of the filtrate without propylgallate. The fowls died after 18-20 days. As a rule, no tumor,waa produced in the case of a filtrate inhibited with 0.75% propylga:Llate (Fig lga#b)- Only 3 of 30 fowls had tumors the rate of irrowth of which was, howevero to a great extent inhibited (pea-si:sed instead of chicken egg-sized like in the control). 0615% propyltrallate lead to an inhibited tumor formation, whereas 0.075% was in&3tive. Finally the authors make the attempt of interpreting tha obtained results. Propylgallate suppreB83d the activity of the radox ferments, e. g. of the dehydrasea. R. H. Radzikhovskaya helped in this investigations There are 1 figure and 14 references. ASSOCIATIM Institut kbizioheakoy fiziki Akademii nauk SSSR (Instit-Ite of Chemical Physics of the Academy of ScienoesUSSR) SUBUTTEDt February l1v 1959 Card 3/3 50) AUTHORS: Denisov, Ye. T., Mayzus, Z. K.? SOV/20-128-4-33/65 Skibida, I. P., Emanuel I Corresponding Member, AS USSR TITLE: Kinetic Laws for Autocatalytic Reactions in Open Systems PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1959, Vol 128, Nr 4, PP 755-758 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In chemical technology, the cont inuous proneae of reactions is attempted more and more, i.e. of reactions in open systemse While the kinetics of simple processes had already been in- vastigated (Refs 2-4), no data are available on autocatalytic processes. Therefore, the continuous oxidation of cyclo- hexanone to adipic acid by oxygen at 1300 was studied. The apparatus used permitted the automatic maintenance of the inflow of raw material and of the outflow of the reaction producta. The term of "specific velocity" v is defined as the volume of the liquid initial component supplied to the unit of volume of the reaction vessel in the un.1A of times The value I Indicatoo the average duration of stay of the v liquid in the reaction vessel. The content of h:ydrogen per- Card 1/3 oxide, adipic acid, and CO 2 in the reaction product is Kinetic Laws for AUtocatalytic Reactions in SOV/20-128-4-3'3/65 Open Systems determined for different Y. In the continuo" process, a stationary state appears, i.e. the reaction rate and the discharge of the end product are in an equilibriun relation to each other. Figure I shows the dependence of the equi- librium concontration of adipic acid on v. In the transition from the periodic process to the continuous one, it is of no importance in which phase of reaction this transition takes place since the equilibrium concentration is formed corresponding to r, irrespective of the oxidation degree attained. While for simple reactions the rate r1s*,s mono- tonously with v, there is a different dependence for auto- catalytic reactions since not only the concentration of the initial product but also that of the resulting intermediate product (hydrogen peroxide) is decisive. Figure 3 shows that tho reaction rate passes a maximum at a certain Yj if v keeps on rising, the reaction rate falls since the concentration of the hydrogen peroxide becomes lower. The equation for the maximum reaction rate is written down. It is pointed out that in the continuous process, in comparison with the Card 2/3 periodic process, a smaller amount of burning to CO 2 and 920 Kinetic Laws for Autocatalytic Reactions in SOV/20-128-4-33/65 Open Systems occurs because the reaction products remain in the reaction zone for a shorter period. There are 3 figures and 6 references, 3 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Ins titut khimioheskoy fiziki Akademii nauk SSSR (institute of Chemical Physics of the Academy of Sciences, UISSR) SUBMITTED: June 22, 1959 Card 3/3 s/595/60/000/000/004/014 zl96/E535 AUTHORS: Emanuel', MM01 Berezin, I.V. and Denisov, Ye.T. TITLE: The oxidation of cyclohexane SOURCE: Vaeaoyuznoye aoveshchaniye po khimicheskoy per#a~rabotke neftyanykh uglevodorodov v poluproduRty dlya sinteza volokon i planticheakikh mass. Baku, 1957. Baku, Izd- vo AN Azerb.SSR, 1960, 143-156 TEXT: The kinetics of oxidation of cyclohexane were Lnvesti- gated without using catalysts, with catalytic salts and with a stimulating gaseous initiation. . The aim of this study was to gain more information on the oxidation of cyclohexane which is important in the production of cyclohexanone and adipic acid for the nylon fibre industry. A further aim was to determine the laws governing this simple liquid phase oxidation and to apply these laws to more complicated hydrocarbons. Without a catalyst satisfactory velocities can be attained at pressures of 10-100 atm and temperatures of 135-1550C. The main intermediate products are cyclohexanone, cyclohexanol and cyclohexyl hydroperoxide. A second liquid phase appears when the reaction mixture becomes Card 115 The oxidation of cyclohexane S/595/6o/ooo/000/004/Oi4 9196/E535 saturated with water and adipic*acid, which have limited solubilities in cyclohexane. As the reaction in a chain degradation-branching reaction, no single parameter can be used to characterize it. The maximum absorption rate of oxygen is a function of temperature and obeys the Arrhenius equation, urith an activation energy of 27 kcal/mol. The log of the conversion coefficient to cyclohexyl, hydroperoxide over the first part of the reaction varied linearly with the inverse of the temperature, with activation energy 29 kcal/mol. For the intermediate cyclohexanone, the log maximum concentration varied linearly with the inverse of the temperature, the activation energy being 8 kcal/mol. The transformation of the intermediate products was studied by the use of radioactive carbon as marker and the following sequence was found OH 0 0. 2 adipic 0 CO + monocarbon 2 acid 4 2 acids V/ Card 2/5 The oxidation of cyclohexane S/593/60/000/000/004/014 E196/E535 In glass vessels the hydroperoxide breaks down equally into cyclohexanol, formed entirely by the decomposition of cyclohoxyl hydroperoxide, and cyclohexano:ae, from decomposition of the hydroperoxIde and oxidation of cyclohexanal. Adipic acid is formed exclusively by oxidation of cyclohexanone whilst the eaters are formed by direct esterification of the adipic acid with cyclohexanol. In a steel vessel, however, cyclohexanone Is also formed by decomposition of the cyclohexyl hydroperoxide radical. In the reaction withcatalyzing salts, cobalt stearate dissolved in cyclohexane was used as catalyst. During the reaction, the cobalt changes into the trivalent state, and after a few minutes at 130*C the concentration of Co(III) besomes constant, then begins to decrease until after about 1.5 hours it is all once more in the divalent state, With the appearance of adipic acid the cobalt begins to precipitate as cobalt adipate, but part of the catalyst remains in solution throughout the reaction. The catalyzed and non-catalyzed oxidations differ as regards the reaction rate and concentrations of the inter- mediate products. Experiments with different concentrations of Card 3/5 The oxidation of cyclohexane S/595/60/000/000/004/014 E196/E535 the catalyst (0.06 to 0.00023 mol %) showed that the higher the amount of catalyst, the faster the rate of reaction, demonstrating that, in the initial periods, it is a chain reaction whose rate of initiation is proportional to the concentration of dissolved catalyst. Similar results were obtained using cobalt adIpate. The catalyst has thus two functions - initiation of the reaction and regulation of the proportions of the products. The rate of absorption of oxygen in the uncatalyzed reaction remains constant after the inductlon period; in the catalyzed reaction MM it rises to a maxiu 17-d6creases to a constant value whi,-h is less than that of the uncatalyzed reaction, This suggests a self-delaying action. To confirm this supposition the catalyst was removed from the reaction zone some time after initiation and the final constant velocity attained was found to be higher than for the uncatalyzed reaction. A new method of stimulating liquid phase oxidation, using NO 29 was studied, The air was saturated with NO, (0.4%) at a rate of 50 litres/hr, At 1400C the reaction was markedly accelerated, The method was also tried in combination with cobalt stearate cntaly-st. A table is Card 4/5 The oxidation of cyclohexane S/595/60/000/000/ooti/014 n196/E535 included which gives yields of acid and ketone for the various methods of oxidation, A mathematical analysis of the reaction is made on the assumption that it is a simple chain reaction with a single intermediate and a single final product; the chain is assumed to be broken by recombination of the free radicals. Academicians B. A. Kazanskiy, G. S. Landeborg and N,N,Semenov are mentioned in the paper. There are 10 figures and 2 tables, Table Test Depth of Yield of Yield of oxidation acid.% ketone,% Autooxidation 14.8 30 37 Oxidation with St 2Co 18.5 .58 23 Oxidation with NO 2 19 57 22 Oxidation with St2Co + NO 2 22 51.5 27 Card 5/5 826% S/195/60/001/001/003/007 BO15/B06O AUTHORS: Mayzus, Z. X., Skibida, I.P., Emanuel', Yakovleva, V. - Y. .TITLE: Chain- and Molecular Reactions of Intermediates in the Oxidation of n-Decane, PERIODICALs Kinetika i kataliz, 1960, Vol. 1, We. 1, pp~ 55-62 TEXT: The authors sjudied the decomposition kinetics of the hVro- peroxides of n-decyl'lin n-decane in the presence of o'- -naphtbene acting as an inhibitor. Thelatter was added at various stages of Cie reaction. The constant of hydroperoxide decomposition without chain reaction was calculated from the kinetic curves and was found to equal 1.7 - - 1.9-1073 min.-1. It is near the value of the reaction rate conatant of the reaction chain branching in the oxidation of n-decane (-;( 1.1-1o-3 min.-I). From this the authors concluded that, besides the ~ ecompoaition of the hydroperoxide molecules into radicals without chair. reaction, there also takes place a molecular decomposition under the formation of ketones and water. r>/--naphthene was found to react not only Card 1/3 VK ***Chain- and Molecular Reactions of Intermediates si'.195,'601001 /00 111003/00 7 in the Oxidation of n-Decane B015/BO60 with the RO radical but also with RO* radicals developing in the hydroperoxide decomposition. The formation of free radicals1with the nhain branching occurs in parallel to two renctionai the monomolocular decomposition of the hydroperoxide RCOH--*RO + OH and the reantion of the hydroperoxide with the hydrocarbon ROOH + RH-->RO + H 20. The authore established the effective reaction rate constant of the chain branchinG reaction in the oxidation of n-docane as the sum of the constantn of tho monomolecular decomponition of the hydroperoxide (in chlorobenzene as an inert solvent) and of the bimolecular reaction of the hydroperoxide with n-decane. The reaction rate constant of the bimolecular branchin,3 reaction rises with the weakening- of the C-H bond in the hydrocarbon in the following order: decane"'isodecano 4) and AY 0*> 0 or Axo< 0 and 46yo< 0. Here A XQ = X0 and A Yo y "Overshoot" can occur at a It tho VA11.1es of V if 4xo> 00,,6y.< 0 or Anxo 0. The sign of the differential (dAy/dt)t=t is determined only by 0 the sign of Axo. Fig.6 shown the rules of accumuintion of hydro- peroxides and acids (curves 1, 2, respectively, left-hand ordinate) and of ketones and acids (curves 3,4, respectively, right-hand ordinate) as functions of v (hours- ). These curves show thEit by changing v the relative yie Ids of the components can be changed. In general. the maximum rate of acclimulation of component c in kI kr) k3 A -"* B --=-) C --!.?r) occurr at gr;-ntev valties of v than if the Card Peculiarities of the kinetics S/I 95/61/Oo2/oo4/otj6/ocj8 9111/F985 loAt stage were absent. Furthermore, except when k k2' the maximum rate of accumulation of each successive product is attained ot values of v Ie-m than that corresponding to the maximum rate (st' accumulation of: the preceding prodtict. The conclusion can be drawn thpt acids arp not formed in n-decane oxidation from kvtone); t-nd alcohols, In an open system the alcohols, ketones and acids ;ive formed diroctly rrom hydroperoxides, but for a clossed system L, S, Vartanyan, top:ether with the present nuthors Z. K. Mayzus and N, M. Emanuel', have shown (Ref.8- Zh.fiz.khimii, 30, 862,1956) that the acids are formed from hydroperoxides via an intermediate stage of ketone formation. There are 6 figures and 11 references, 9 Soviet-htoc and 2 fion-Soviet-bloc. The English-language reference.q read as follows: Ref.4: K. G. Denbigh, M. Hicks. F_ I-L Page, Trans.Faraday Soc., 44, 479, 1948; Ref.10: L.J.1hirliam, H.S.Mooser, J.Amer.Chem.Soc., 80, 327, 1958. ASSOCIATTON- - Institut khtmicheakoy fiziki AN SSSR (Inmtitute of Chemical Physics AS IJSSIO UBMITTI'D - I't-1,rijarY 7*, IL961 card 4 KNORRE, V.L.; M&NUELT 0 N.M. Kinetics of 1..2-diphenylethane oxidation with potassium permanganate in aqueous solutions. Kin.i kat. 2 no.6:816-WO N-D 161. (MIRA 14:12) 1. Inatitut khim4chook6y fiziki AN SSSR. (Ethane) (PoUssium Parmanganate) 317IJi S/133/61/004/005/001/005 9134/9483 AUT11ORSj Durlakbva, To.b., Gorban', M.I., Dzantiyev, B.G., Sergoyov, G.B., Zmanuall N *H. TITLZ& The effect of gamma radiati n on the oxidation of mothyl cleat* in the presents of inhibitors of free rgidiefal processes PZRIODICALs Izvestiya vysshikh uchabnykh zavedonly SSSR. Xhimiya i khImichaskaya t*khnalogiya, Y.4, no.5, 1961, TEXTs In previous work on the radiological oxidation of natural fats (Ref.11 IzV. VUZ SSSR. Xhimiya I khim. takhnologiya, y.2. 533 (1959)), the present authors had'related a reduced induction period with destruction of inhibitors by radiation. In view of the complexity of natural fats, in which the quantity and xtructu-rs- of antioxidants Is unknown, the authors decided to study rAthyl cleat* - inhibitor sys~oas.. Diphonyl&nine and hydroquinone, boC!j known as inhibitors of fro* radical reactions, wore employed. The authors had previously (Ref.2t Xxv. VUS SSSR. XhImiya I khim. takhnologlya, V.3, 265 (196o)) studied the effect of radiation on Inhibitor free mothyl olexte, and considered that radiation leading -C&-rd 1/4 31744 S/133/61/004/005/001/005 The effect of gamma radiatl~n Z134/Z485 to free radical formation would destroy the inhibitors by re4otion with free radicals. Samples were exposed to gamma radiation from Cobalt 60 in apparatus 11YI-400 (GUT-400) and %hs destruction of the inhibitor was followed spectrophotom-trically, irradiation took place at 20"C. Oxidation experiments on Irradiated and non-irrAdiated nothyl oleate were carried out at 60'C with continuous passAge of air. Experiments with Inhibitc..- freo.methyl oleate were carried out simultaneously under identical ,onditions to obtain the rate of free radical formation. Experimental details and methods of analynin were as das;ribmd in 11cr.2. Curves showing the rate of free ra,licai rorwaxi;r, -4r, inhibited and non-Inhibitod methyl oleato wore founJ to be parallel and differed only in their induction period. The tottil induction period cor-aists of the basit indu-ticit pellod for the oxidation of inhibif~or free methyl oleate ani dn additio=a! -fnd--;Z#-0M period related to the concentration of inhil4itor, the latter 11 practically completely destroyed before free peroxide radicals *,r* cbeerved. The additional induction period is directly proportional to inhibitor concentration, which in tharartert3t1a of inhibitors reacting with radicals. 1nd"4ti3n peria3z for Card 2/4 317L4 S/153/61/004/005/001/005 The effect or gamma radiation ... E134/Ek85 irradiated material were lower than for non-irradiat*d material due to inhibitor destructiong and the decrease in induction paricd was found to be proportional to the quantity of radiation. Curves showing the relation between inhibitor concentration and induction period, and the decrease in induction period of inhibited methyl cleats with total quontity of radiation, are given an well,ae correlating equations. It has been shown that quantity of radiation is controlling, and that intensity has virtually no effect. At the low temperature of radiation, the Induction period of non-inhibited m*thyl oloate was practically unaffected by'rAdistion. The correlation between the Induction period of inhibited methyl oleate and the quantity of radiation made it possible to calculate the number of radicals formed per unit or radiation. Experiments, carried out in the presence and absence of oxygen respectively, lead to the suggestion that removal of a hydroquinane type inhibitor takes place essentially bytreaction w1th an R02 type radICAL. There are 5 ftgurls. I table and 3 Soviot-bloo references, Card 3/4 317h4 S/153/61/004/005/001/005 The effect of xa-- radiation ... 9134/9485 ASSOCIATION: Moskovskly gosudarstv*nnyy universitat im. M.V.Lomonosova. Kafedra khimichaskoy kinetiki (Moscow State University Im, H,V,Lomonoxov, Department of Chemical Xinetics) SUBMITTEDs January 28, 1960 Card 4/4