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R...1 I ("opte-1,4 POt/2897 ,lit TroAnine for lialleop-uu-3 WT CIL. xx. PUg Ch, X11, Tljo Putux- of llullooptoru 247 Ch, X111, Review of the Most Inteivatirw Designs of [[Qll~.,optcrn AVATTAIM Library of Corif;rcus C ard 3/3 M/00 11~9160 ELSZTEIN, P. "How about trying bamboo?" p. 14 (Slrzudlata Polska) Vol. 14, no. 1, Jan. 1958 Warsaw, Poland SO- Monthly Index of East European Accessions (EFAI) LC. Vol. 7, no. 4, April 1958 PRUE I BOOK EaWITATION POL/4818 Elsztein, Pavel Przeg3Ad samoloto"W bombowych (Survey of Bomber Aircraft) Warsaw, Wyd-va Komunikacyjne, 1959. 187 Y- (Series: Biblioteczka skrzydlatej Polski) 5)160 copies printed. Ermt= sUp inserted following p. 182. Book Ed.: Hichar Goszczyfiski; Tech. Ed.: Leokadia Zwolakovska. PURPOSE: This book is intended for the general reader. It may also be used in aircraft recognition courses sponsored by TOPL (Territorial Air Definse). COVEMGE: The book reviews bombardment aviation and describes its development up to the present time. All well known bombers of World War I and II as vel.1 as some modern aircraft are listed. Photos and main characteristics of each are given. No personalities are mentioned. There are 20 references: 9 Soviet, 6 English, 3 Polisb, I Geman, and 1 Czech. CM4-1/4--- ACCESSIM NR: AI*034789 P/0007/64/000/016/0004/0005 j AUMCA: Blaztein.. Pawal TITIZ: How I piloted the SM ground effect mwbine SOURCE: Skrzydlata Polskap no* 16, 1964, 4-5 I TOPIC TAGS: MM,, ground effect machine,, BHT ground effect machine ABSTMCT*6 The author describes his impressions on piloting the SMT ground effect machine designed by engineer Andrzej Moldenhawer, The machine was constructed bSr members of the BMT - StaoJa Modyth Technikow (Young Engineers Station) in Warsaw. It is 3 m long, 1.5 m vide,, and weighs about 120 kg; it is steered aerodynamically by two rudders located in the air stream flowing frcm the nozzle ca Ithe vertical rotor. Flying this machine requires keeping on couxse and regulating the speed of the two motors. The machine glides on an air cushion of about 2 ea above ground at the rate ofebout 5 to 10 ImAs After starting the engine (the ta%zoff run is effected by means of a rope vound around a flr&eel as in ships), the pilot regu- lates the turns of the lever located at the right side of the seat* and the machine takes off at fall engine power* If the '!&irectica~ motor is too fast,it am be throttled by the twin lever* Tba machine vill undergo after-many testso art* bass 12 figures o C 1011 AccEssiou rm: Ap4o34789 ASSOCIATIONt none SUBKr=: 00 DAM ACQj 2MAeA SUB CCDH: AO NO MW 80vt 000 EWL: 00 000 SHMFCHIWKO, F.I.,prof.j AKHTAMOV, M.A.,- ISHCH1210, G.11.1 KAZAKOTA, A.N.; ELITEKOA. N.1, . Som5 reaulta of oL study of Eacherichia colt in connection with the etiology of diarrhea in small children. Pediatria 38. no-4: 17-2~ Apr'60. (MIRA 16:7) 1. Iz kafedry mikrobiologii (zar*,-prof. F.I.Sheychenko) Samar- kandskogo maditainokogo inatitutalmeni akademika Favlova. (ESCIIEUCHIA COIJ) (DIARIUIEA) ILITZKOV, V.A. Effect of the Paull principle and of the short-range order of nuclear forces on the absorption of photons by nuclai in an oscillator model. Zhur.okup.1 teor.fiz- 37 no.4:1166-1168 0 '59. (MM 13:5) 1. Institut yadernoy fixiVd Hoskovskogo gosudaratvennogo universiteta. (Photons) Okc1ei, Atomic) )1110 3/206/61/001/006/008/013 0 B 11 21D 138 AUT'10HS El'tekov, V. A., Terentlyev, B. M., Golenko, D. 1. (moscow) TITLE Monte-Carlo calculations of the gamma-ray energy absorption in a reactor system PERIODICAL Zhurnal vychislitellnoy matematiki i matematicheskoy fiziki, v, 1, no, 6, 1961, 1089-1096 TEXT~ The authors calculate the trajectories of pamma-quanta in a reactor (cf Fig. 1). The trajectory of a single quantum is represented by a broken line. W W , and W are the Drobabilities of the trajectory enaing, of a ne; se9tion beLnning, and of two new sections beginning, respectively (WI+W 2+W 3V 1). For the length 1 of a section, the equation g(r+ nl~O,a)dp ln(1 J 0 ~.s valid, where is a value within it homogeneous distribution of random quantities in the interval [0,11, and where the function p indicates the Card 1 '/'01 q 31210 S/2o6/61/ool/006/008/013 Monte-Carlo calculations of the ... B112/B138 character of the medium Figure 2 shows the programming scheme for the calculation of a trajectory. The results of several numerical computations are givvii. A Kh Dreger, Yu. S. Hyabukhin, and A. F. Akkerman are thanked for assistance. There are 5 figures and 6 references: 3 Soviet and 3 non-Soviet. The three references to Engl ish- language publications read as follows: M.. J. Berger. An application of the Monte-Carlo method to a problem in gamma-ray diffusion, Sympos. Monte-Carlo Methods. H. Y., John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 1956, 89-102; T. Hodberg. Monte-Carlo calculations of neutron thermalization in a heterogeneous system. Aktiesolaret atomenergi, Stokholm, 1959; J. von Neumann, Various techniques used in connection with random digits. NBS Appl, Math., Ser,, 1951, 12, 36-38. SUBMITTED. June 9, 1961 Card 246;~ 3/089/62/013/003/003/007 11 Poo - B102/B104 AVrHORS: Eiltekov Ryabukhing Yu. S. TITLE: sorption of neutrons from a'fast-neutron source by cadmium and indium plates in water PERIODICAL: Ato naya energiyaq v. 13, no- 3, 1962, 266-269 11 TEXT: More precise calculations are given in two-group approximation, related to earlier estimates of the activation of the indium-gallium radia- tion loo`p in the O'PT(IRT) reactor, (Ref. 1: A. Kh. Breger et al, International Conference on Powerful Ra&iation Sources., Warsawj 1959; Paper no. 80). The model considered is much simplified. Assume an infinitely large plane isotropic fast-neutron source of uniform density situated at x. a 0 in an infinite uniform homogeneous medium. Parallel to 0 aT thi at ~a 4is~tance f assume a plate which is penetrable to 'fast neutrons c' um p T t~j I~Ince al.113 e 4 cta'ewnlc" 3.s to w eut but bla k to low neutrons. The probability Q of a neutron being absorbed 10 n ona 0 The probabi'ity a in the tlate te calculated. The formula obtained for Q was verified by out t t 13 carryin# t'easurements in a trough containing an aqu4ous solution of ou m 12 MnBO1 I using Ra-a-Be or Po-a-Be in a steel cylinder filled with Card 1/2 14 S/089/62/013/003/003/007 Absorption of neutronafrom B102/B104 paraffin as a neutron source and with absorbing plates made from 1 mm Cd. sheets,eitherlalone or plus 0.1r- mm In foil. q was calculated from the sai~uration activity induced in the Mn as measured*with and without the absorbing plates. The OP lines plotted experimentally were compared with those calculated. In bot cases,these:lines slope gradually downward; the theoretical lines rather less steeply than the experimental so that they intersect at 7