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ACCESSION NR: AT4020804 -like tons as well. The primary i activated not only with thallium, but with other mercury purpose was to determine to what degree the mercury-like tons can serve as "luminescent probes" In the study of different physical phenomena in crystals (for example, the phenomenon of energy migration), which develop as the result of the effect of electrons *on the crystals. 7%e author has shown that the mercury-like luminescence cen ters in these phosphors can easily be excited by an electron beam. The experimental results clearly show the appearance of activator emission In cathode luminescence of i the phosphors mentioned above. The spectrum of this emission is very close to (if not Identical with) the fluorescence spectrum; that is, the emlasion under electron excitation corresponds to 3 p 1 _+ IS 0 transitions In Ga-~ Ge2+, In+, Sn2+, and Tl+ centers. The author has examined cathode luminescence spectra as a function of the activator concen- tration In the surface layer of KI-TI. Possible mechanisms for the cathode lumines- cence of the phosphors under discussion are considered. "In conclusion, the author wishes to express her sincere gratitude to Ch. B. Lushchik for proposing the subject and supervising the work, to N. Ye. Tmshchik for assistance In designing the equipment, to N. A. Yaanson and 1. A. Muuga for furnishing some of the oboe s of the Investigation, and to Z. I. Klabukova and E. L Zhukovskaya for their help In maL,jg the cathodes.11 Orig. art. has:4figureo. -Card 2/3 ACCESSION NR- AT4020804 ASSOCIATION: Institut ftzfld i astronomli AN EMBER (Institute of Physics and Astronomy, AN BstSSR) SUBAUTTED: 03Jan63 DATE ACQ.- 07Apr64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: PH NO REF SOV: 016 OTHER: 010 3/3 Card 1 11 174~ ~ ~ , ; ~4- ~ ~ ; -, -, " ~ ~.,Y I . ~t, ~~, L 1739-66 MM/EW(M)/WM/EKP(b) IJP(c) JD/ja ACCESSION NR: AT5013697 UR/2613/64/000/030/0098/0101 AUTHOR: Eksina, T41 1. -'t IAMLneseence eXcitat'ion funo 'ons of alkalif.: alide crystals TITLE: ti I in the case of slow exciting electrons (50 500.eV) ZOURCE: AN EstSSR. Inatitut fiziki i astronomL Trudy, no. 30, _-1y ,1964. Isaledovan a po lyuminestsenteii (Research on luminescence), 98-101 1OP1.0 TAGS: luminescence, luminescence excitation, excitation function, alkali halide, electron bombardment !ABSTRACT: Irt view of the lack of data on the luminescence excitatiofi TunctiOns of ionic ,the-energy region 20 -- 500 eV the iautbors.investigated the electronic excitation functions of lumines I I -crystal plates (thickness -,1 m) of NaCl, K01, KBr,,',- cence of single .:KI, RbI, and Cal, activated with T1+ and Int ions. The phosphors 1were excited witb a monokinetic beam of electrons with energies 50.-- 500 eV. The current the beam was maintained constant L 1739-M . ........... . .jACCESSION NR.-- AT5013697 i 21) .0 1 . '(,,, 1 PA/cm The dependence of the luminescence brightness on the ,energy of the electrons incident on the phosphor (the luminescence ,'excitation function) was measured with special optical filters and i,registered automatically with a photoelectronic photometer, A typi- :cal curve id'shown in Fig. 1 of the Enclosure. The reason for the ~departure from a linear dependence is discussed. The minima are :attributed to production of x-rays by the incident electrons and i .possibly to double ionization of the chlorine Ions. It is concluded .that the present results are insufficient and further research is ,~necessary. Orig. art. hast.- I figure. :ASSOCIATION: None 'SUBMITTED: 28Nov64. ENCL: 01 SUB CODE: OP ,NR REF SOV: 005 OTHER: 003 Card 2/.3 t 1739-66 A ACCFZSION Nfl; AT501369T C ol Card 3/3 GOiaUNOV,- N.1 kand.fiz.-matem.nauk; EKSLERI A., inzh. Electrical parameters of tunnel diodes and methods for measuring them. Radio no,12:38-41 D 164. (MIRA 18:3) GORITIOV, N., kani. fiz.-matem. nalik; SYSIM, J'S., inzh. Sinumoidnl wave anplifiv.,m sol cscillittors using binnel diodes. Radio no.1:35-37 Jn 165. (VIRA 18-4) L '25677-66 ENT (1)/SYT (m)/EWA (h) JD/JG ACC NR. Am6ol3861 Monograph UR/ Goryunov, Nikolay Nikolayevichl Ku netsov, Anatoliy Filippovich; --Ekslert Aleksey-Androyev a Tunnel diode gjrc]ajts')6~Skhemy na tunneltnykh diodakb) Moscow, Xzd-vo "En rgiya", 1965. 7 P. illus. 60,000 copies printed. Series note: Massovaya radiobiblioteka, vyp, 586 TOPIC TAGS: tunnel diode, gallium arsenide tunnel diode, germanium tunnel diode, circuit design PURPOSE AND COVERAGEs This booklet, intended for advanced radio ama'- teurs, may also be used by technicians and engineers engaged in the design of circuits using semiconductor devices, Principles of tunnel-diode circuit designing are described, Basic parameters and characterististics of tunnel diodes are listed and practical'eircuit diagrams using these devices are given. TABLE OF CONTENTS: .Ch.l. Tunnel Diodes -- 3 Structure and principle of operation -- 3 .Electrical parameters of.a tunnel diode -- 6 L.Sard NRo Equivalent circuit of a tunnel diode and its parameters Limiting values -- 14 .13 _" 9 Ch.II. Use of Tunnel Diodes in Electronic Circuits -- 16 Power supply of tunnel-diode circuits -- 19 Sinusoidal-oscillation generators and amplifiers -- 21 Relaxation generators -- 28 Voltage converters 31 Swifthing circuits 36 Combined switching circuits using tunnel diodes and transistors -'51 Ch.111. Some Practical Circuits 'Using Tunnel Diodes -- 60 Multivibrator --- 63 Counting circuit using gemAnium.tunnel diodes 66 Counter using gallium-areenide clioden -- 69 Single-diode trTggeitt-.74 Analog-to-digital co erter -- 74 APPENDICES -- 77 SUB CODE: 091 SUBM DAM l5jul65/ Card ZHUNEV, P.A.; KOTELEVSKIY, lu.M.;,EKSLER, L.I. Designing ball gland cocks. Kash. i neft. obor. no-31 10-15 164. (MIRA 17:5) 1. Mottkovakly filial TSentraltnogo konstruktorskogo byuro armaturostroyeniya, ZHUNEV, P.A.; KOTELEVSKIY, Yu.H.; EKSLER, L.I. Calculating the optimal width of a packing box for gland cooks. Mash. i neft. obor. no.4tlO-12 164. (MrRA 17t6) 1. Moskovskiy filial TSentrallnogo konstruktorskogo byuro armaturostroyeniya. ZHUIEV, P.A.; EKSLER, L.I.; BRODOTSKAYA, I.Z. Eeffixanto of friction in lubricated valves. Hash. i neft. r 12) bor. nu, 11,23-24 165. (MIRA 18: 1. Moskovskiy filial. Wentrallnogo konstruktorskogo byuro armaturostroyeniya. L 39988-66 SOURCE CODES ACC NR, AP6o18792 (A) AUTHOR: E3csler, L. Is (&jgr.) ORG; none - 6~ -7 TITLE: Operation of a contact metal seal SOURCE: Khimichaskoye i neftyanoye mashinoartroyeniyop no* 2. 1966v 5--8 TOPIC TAGS: hermetic seals metal seal ABSTRACT: An attempt was made to develop a model for the operation of a contact metal seal for liquid media. The seal (see Figure 1) consists of two metal surfaces ground dawn and pressed togetherp having the same microgeometry and width b., and separating region Al with a liquid under excess pressure p from region Aa with air at atmospheric pressure. The problem is assumed to be two-dimonsionalp. is e., an the quantities are indeDendent of the coordinate y (which is perpoudicular to the plane 0 the figure)~ and hence the sealing surfaces are absolutely Aane and coincident. A theoretical equation is derived expressing the nominal specific pressure qO on the sealing surfaces necessary for tightness as a function of the pressure of the mediua p, sealing width bs allowed leakage Q) . viscosity of the medium -1 , microgeometry parameters of the sealing surfaces r# hm and AAa# and elastic constants of the sealin material E and ~u t L 39988-66 ACC NR, AP6018792 -4 r h X qg-.L+2,31 10 113 2 1 - ILI AAa NI The equation was found to yield results of the same order as the empirical relations now in use. Orig. art. hass 4 figures and II formulas. Fig. 1. Diagram of - contact seal Al SUB COEES 11/ SUEM DAI~El none/* ORIG RZFI 014 EKSLER, M. B. FA 12A9T28 ii3'ift/ne4. ne,rling Jai 48 Welding - Zquipment, Yelding, Blectrio *Mobile Equipfont for Welding of Pipe)" M. B. Eksler (Trust lanprmeneromonta.zh), 1 p "Artogennoye Delo," NO-7 Describes equIpment vith the aid of tvo, photo- graphs. Tabalatee performance fiStires. Pover 100 kvt, 220 volts. It can deal vith DIPIng fron, 25 to 83 am in diameter, beat or straight. 4m - I . 12/49T28 way 48 Electrodes Welding "An Uperiment in the Production of Coated Blectrodes at & Plant of the IIenvr=ensrgomontazb, I" M. B. Nkeler, Ingr, 1 p, "Avt Delo" No 11 3-7 Now elactrode shop has boen equipped at Kotellno- iR*khanIcheskiy Plan:'. of Tenprmenerg6wntazh to produoe Tr.M-7 and TsL-6 electrodes. These electrodes will increase productivity*20-30% in welding in ccmparlson with used. 56/49T30-- USM/Engineering (Ccntd) Nov 48, Shop has a special press to coat welding rods under pressure which can put out 40,000 electrodes a shift. Wchine -.&ich straightens'and cuts wires mn produce 1BO rods a minute. 56/4MO 4 -4 ,P. am/Engiusering Welding J6chines Welding - Zquipment Apr 49 'I-lobile 'Welding Plachines for ColItAcIt. Mutt-VeldIng," 9. S. Usler, Engr, Unpromenergonontuh, 3/4 p "From Inerget" Bo 4 Inaineers of "IAupro~senergomonta2hlw constructed a AcbIle welding maobine for contact butt-velding 2ipes on assembly sites. Describes basic parts of the welding ma hine which vei&s 8 tons. Outfit, dun be used for welding various parts with a sur- face up to 2,500 eq mm. Claim that use of unit 40/49T46--- USM/Enginsering (Contd) Apr 49 Vill improve quality of welding and decrease nun-boure and power expenditure. Gives two Ubles pertaining to construction. 40/49T46 "W"Wn- , N S o I L 1, 1 ri 7 I aslow se . U I x 1- L t k 00 G 00 le - * i go .00 -441 so .60 go .00 r 21RA-M. rWt&bb WOMW "It fe'r As C-"Meg IW% w On Rusalan-I M. Is. !W Pr*MylhleRSdVd S90'r- ro v S Apr w p gas 00 . . owg . 1 tr . 13 400 . A 11- jjnIt IS aVeMaRy recommended for f 00 welding anight " curved tuba o 1l d 9 wa 25 to WMIM dWmW - age 00 thicknomm UP to 4 Mm. OPOM11112 churactarlstles for diffirrmt tube see diameters. '00 too 00 *0 Ise L U IN 1 -0 t 6 " 1 3 (p it 1. Al a a t It 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Go 00 0 SKSLER, M. B. Pnevmatichaskaia mashina PM-2. (Vast. Mash., 1950, no. 2, p. 27) Refers to "Lenproinenergomontazh" plant. The PM-Z pneumatic machine. DLC-. TN4.V4 SO: Manufacturing and Mechanical Engineering in the Soviet Union, Library of Congress, 1953. EKSUR, M. B., i!!igr PA 167T64 0 MR/Ketals Welding Jul 5 "Manufacture of Electrodes for Welding Respon- sible Constructions Made of Alloy Steels)" M. B. Ikeler, Engr "Avtogen Delo" No 7P pp 19-21 Describes experiments for developing nev-type electrodes for welding high-pressure pipelines made of law-carbon and alloy steels. Reviews technological process and describes several types of electrodes and mechanical properties of welded joints. 167T" EKSIER, M. B. Feredvizhnoi agregat dlia kontaktnoi stykovoi svarki trub. (Vestn. Mash., 1950, no. 12, p. 21-22) Adjustable unit for resistance butt welding of pipes. DI,C: TH4.V4 SO: Manufacturing and Mechanical Engineering in the Soviet Union, Library of Congress, 1953. ~ I-- . ---~ k- .- 4: 41 ~~ 1- 1~ ~K /11 - t$, MR. H.E. (Leningrad) Steam and water-heating boiler designed by Bngineer M.U.Remez. Vod.i oan.takh. no.8:32-33 Ag '57. (MIRA 10:11) (Boilers) USLIR. M.B., insh. Using slag concrete blocks in building houses. Stroi.prom. 27 no-9:17-18 S 159. (MIRA 13:2) (Architecture, Domestic) (Concrete blocks) YLEYMAN, A.; EKSLER, R. Parameters of transistors with medium and large power ratings. Radio no.2:6o462 F 61. (MIRA 14:9) (Transistors) lly-RPJRIAIIDOVA, X, Ao -'' .. Bubsoute baoterfar andocarditil. Ur, arkh., Moskva 23 noo 6176-8o NoT-Dsc ig5i. (CLML 21:3) 1. Candidate Medical Sciences, 2, Of the Faculty Therapeutic Clinic (Director - Profo Le A* Varshamov), Saratov Medical Institute, EKSPLUMDOVA-POPOVA,, Yekaterina Alekseyevna Functional Collection of the Liver Concerning Ulcerous Disease of the Stomach and Duodenal Ulcer Dissertation for Candidate of Xedical Science degree. Chair of the Department of Therapeutics (head, Prof. L.A. Varshamov) Saratov Medical Institute, 1945 11,mlic,11 to-aposifion of grape beeds '1',4 F.I. !t i ,.,i .::,, ~m k ('Aigi, lost, I'mAn* S.R. 13. Nv. 7, .'1 -J( I N, I.ri~~2.Ag, jitmfsanvi 7.42-9.36, und forfmol 4~nj 41- S S of the air-driett substance; and on the dry hasii: taimit 11 7A. and oils 16 20.670. The oBs obtained* from di(~ 'rize refined oili are edible; theirorrano- lep(ic propertks did not change during storage at M-211' for 2-12 monthq, ej" 05-1 . USSR / Fl3nt Physiology. Respiration and :-etabolism. I Abs Tour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 2, 1939, 5973. Author : MkSte Y -1 9~~ ~, I Inst . Odessa Agricultural Institute. Title ; The Interrelation of Oils and Tannio Acids Content in Grape Seeds, US5R / Plant Physioligy. Respiration and ',:etaboliam- 1 Abs ;our; Ref Zhur-Biol., No 2, 1959, 5973. Abstract: rived from carbohydrates in as Lauch as zany of them represent complex asters of glucose and tannio acid. The carbohydrate origin of arooat- ic compounds, entering into the composition of tannio acids of both rroups, is indicatod through the formation of polyphenols, entering into the composition of tannic acids from oarbohydratos. The hypothesis linking the formation of polyphen- ols with the photosynthesis process has not beon confirmod, so that the synthesis of tannic acids in plants can also occur in the absence of lipht. 9ohemes are cited as to the formation of Slycor- ine and the simplast polyphenols frora oarbohy- drates. -- P. Yo. Tsekhmistrenko. Card 2/2 4 E -" . "Organic chemistre by R.I. Putokhin. Reviewed by IA. 1. Zkater. Zhur. prikl. khim. 31 no.1:151-152 Ja 158. (MIRA 11:4) (Chemistry, Organic) (Putokhin, N.I.) AUTHOR: Ekster, Ya. E. SOV/79-29-1-5/74 TITLE: On the Problem of the Reduction of Furfuroiu on the, Mercury Drop ~4ectrode (K voprosu o voestanovienii furfuroia nu rtuznom,kapellnom elektrode) PERIODICALi Zhurnal obshchey khimii, 1959, Vol 29, Nr 1, pp 17-20 (USSR) ABSTRACTi Taking into account the important part played by furfurole in industry it is necessary to employ more accurate methods for its quantitative determination, In this connection the polarographic method gains importance, especially because of contradictory data published about it. (Refs 1,2,5). The author is of the opinion that this is due to the different conditions of furfurole polarographing. It is the aim of the present paper to investigate the stepwise reduction, to determine the intensity of diffuslon current, the importance of the furfurole half-wave potential to be found in dependence on the aqueous or aqueous-alcoholic medium, the composition.of the mixture and the percentage content. The above-mentioned. reaction was found to take place in two steps in a certain,~ interval of the percentages. The percentages of the mixture Card 1/2 and its composition act upon the diffusion current intensity On the Problem of the Reduction of Furfurole.on SOV/79-29-1-5/74 the Mercurk Drop RUctrode as well as upon the half-wave potential. At pH)7 only one polarographio wave appears clearly which renders it possible to determine the diffusion current. It is, therefore, con- venient to carry out the quantitative polarographic determina- tion of fuzfurole in alkali medium, especially because in such a medium sodium sulfite can be used to eliminate oxygen. In the aqueous alcoholic medium the intensity of the diffusion current of furfurole is smaller, the half-wave potential more negative than in aqueous solutions. With an increase of the concentration of the alcohol the wave height decreases, whereas the absolute intensity of the half-wave potential increases. There are 2 tables and 3 references, 2 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATIONs Odesskiy sellskokhozyaystvennyy institut (Odessa Agricultural Institute) SUBMITTED: November 14, 195T Card 2/2 EKSTELUUNO Y~e,,S. "Obstetrica oeminarp Vol. 2" by L.S.Persianinov. Reviewed by E.S. Ekstorkin., Vop. okh. mat. i dot. 7 no.303-94 Mr 162. (MIRA 15:5) (OBSTETUGS) (PERSIANINOVY L.S.) - M~A 14 It,, I V tLj The main link. Moskva,, Moskovskii rabochii, 1953- 74 P- UAGINA.Z.B. t- Review of foreign periodicals. Yest.wash.33 no.8:"-95 Ag'55. (Bibliography-Technology) (MIRA 8:10) ST3KHANOV, A.I.; ZrAIS # MOB* Raman scattering of mixed crystals of alkali halides. Fis. tyerote]A 2 no.10:2354-2335 160. (NM 13:12) l.Leningradskiy fisiko-tekbuicheskiy institut AN SSSR. (Alkali halide crystals--Optical properties) (Raman effect) qWAROV9 Anton, sanitetski pukovnik doe. d-r; PETKOVIC, Darinka, d-r; FILIPOVIC-RISTIC9 Brana, d-rj EUKOVIC M , sanitetski kapetan d-r Histological changes of the gastric mucose in yotmg men. Voj.san. pregl., Beogr. 17 no.7/8s771-774 JI-Ag 1160. 1. Armiaka poliklinika u Beogradul Interno odeljenjo (STOMACH anat & histol) GASPAROV) Antun,, sanitetski pukovnik, doe., dr.; SMIRCIC, Petar, sanitataki potpukovnik,, dr.; FILIPOVIC, Brana, dr.; PETROVIC, Milentije,, saniteteki kapetan, dr.; ELAKOVIC, Mibajlo,, sanitetaki kapetan I k1.,, dr. Control of aBymptomatic chronic gastritis with the aid of aspiration biopsy. (8 month control of 101 normal soldiers). Vojnosanit. pregl. 18 no.10:851-855 0 161. 1. Armijaka bolnica u Beogradu, Interne ode1jenje. (GASTRITIS pathol) (BIOM) GASPAROV, A.; SMIRCIC, F.; FMPOVIC, B.; PETROVIC, )3.; ELAKOVIC, M. Histological chmgos ~n the gastric mucosa in gastroduodenal ulcer and in normal young sOjects. Vojnosanit. pregl. 19 no.2:101-1% F 162. 1. Armijoka vojda bolnioa u Beogradu, interno odeljcnje. (GASUdIS) (DUODFIIAL ULCER) (STOMACH ULC"..J) (mcpsy) GASPAROV, Antuno sanitetski pukovnik,, doc., dr.; SMIRCIC, Petar, sanitetaki potyakovnik.. dr.; I?ILIPOVIGp Branap dre; PEMOVIG, Milentije., sanitatski kapetany dr.; ELAKOVI )dhajlo,, aanitetaki major.. dr. Rasults of the histological examination of the mucous membrane of the colon in normal young subjects. Vojnosanit. pregl. 19 no-4:255-258 Ap 162. 1. Armijaka bolnica u Baogradup Interno odeljenjo. (GOLON) (MUCOUS H M R M bASPAROV,I Antun,, sanitetski pukovnik doc. dr; SMIRGIC, Petar, sanitetaki potpukovnik drj FILIPOVIC, Branav vodni sluzbenik dr; PETROVIC, M., sanitetski kapstan dr; ELAKOVIG, M., sanitetaki major dr Roentgenological and histological comparisons in chronic gastritis in recruits. Vojnosanit. pregl. 19 no.11069-773 N 162. 1. Armijska Bolnica u Beogradu, Interno odeljenje. (GASTRITIS) EUINCEIK, C. Hoisting equipment for -ines. lloskva., Gos. nauch.-tilcklin. i.zd-vc neftlanoi i torno-toplivnoi lit-ry, 1941. 646 p. (494059) TN339.E6 K'AT'Irr" !-, 'IE),merimontal Error of a Method." P. 97 (Wiadomogci Chemlcznr.,. Vol. 7, no. 3, Mar. -11953 Wroclaw.) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions. aj. 3, n(2._6 r847 of Congress, June 1954, Uncl. ELAM - .9 a. "Application of the Analysis of Variance to Compl6x F!ruit'Groving Problems." p. 1073 (ROCZNIKI NAUK ROIKICZYCH. SEM A-ROSLLTNA, Vol. 66, no. 2, 1953, Warsaw., Poland). SO: Monthly Idst of East European Accession, Lib of Congres3.9 Vol 2., no ';00ct. 1953j Uncl. EWIDT, R. "Statistical Terminology and S~~ols in Agricultu~al Experimentation." p. 199, (ROCZNM IIAUK R07-ZIICZYCH. SERIA A-ROSLWILA,, Vol. 66) no. 2s 1953, Warsaw, Poland). SO: Monthly List of East European Accessionj Lib of Congress, Vol 2. no ~q Oct. 1953,, Uncl- 37003 S/044/62/000/003/052/092 C111/C444 AUTHOR: Elanit, R. TITLE: On some intera ction tests made in repeated experiments during several years, concerning the question of regioni- sation PERIODICALi Referativnyy zhurnalt Matematika, no- 3, 1962, 17, abstract P76. ("Zastosow. mat.", 1956, 1, no. 1, 0-45) TEXT: The author proposes the following two criteria: 1. The non-parametric criterium of independency.'Examined is the hypothesis R 0 on the independency of the a tochastic variables x and y. Let x,9---9 x 11 (yl9..*, y 11 ) be the results of.N observations of the stochastic variable x(.Y), ~, - xi - Mex 1 9, - Yi - Me y (i . 11.sop Nt Me means median). For the examination of the hypothesis one intro'duces a statistics U which is equal to the number of the couples (~ il ~i )0 the components of which are of tife same (of different) sign. The distribution, the mathematical expectation and the dieperion of U are deiived, under the hypothosis If 0 Card 1/Z S/044/62/000/003/052/092 On some interaction teats made in ... 2 one proves the local,limit,,theorem. 2. The criterium for differencen.' Let Xi(yi) (i N)~-.Ve a stochastic variable being normally distributed, having'the m~e& n, and1he dispersion (Y 2 (6 2 xi(Y Y ttjq-2 let be the observed iralues. Then the statistics ~2 N lbii-~!) 2 _ Y ~~ 1. 2 + 2 has the distribution with I degrees of freedom, if tt an'd A are 1 . 2 known, and with R - 2 deg;~*ees_of freedom, if they aro ouLimatad. One proposes to use these.-critoria for the evaluation of the results of bioloCical inveatigations 'and in the plazling of housine of agricultures. EAbstracter's notet Complete translation.] Card 2/2 ELANDT, R. Biometric methods in plant breeftig. Acta. agronom Hung 10 n0.1/2: 69-74 160. (EUI 9i12) 1. Lecture held at the Budapest Biametrical Symposion (September 7-9* 1959) (Plants) (Biometu) I I - ILANDT, Regina Probjww of the reduction of repetition in regional experiments. Roca nauk roln roel 83 no.D203-214 160. (IM 10:7) 1. Zaklad Dowiadozabdatwa, Rolniczago i Bionstrii W~zszej aly Rolniczej v Posuaniu. (Poland-Sugar beets) ELA L-k='G' vmffww~- Mi-ination of two-direa4ional soil variablity by parabolic curves in long stripe. Roca.nauk roln roal 87 noel*.11?-134 162& lo Zaklad Dosviadozalniatwa Rolniczago i Biometrii, WMza Sz1foln Rolnicza, Possnans i Case Institute of Technology, Cleveland,, Ohio, -- I- T -* . I - n " --w~ " " ) - . - .-- I - , - - - .L- , ., .. d , I r ; , 17 T I .. , d~ ~. i I ~".- ,,-, j ;f -:~ I. % . i GINDINA, R.I.; VALE, G.K#; ELANGO, A.A, Luminescence and coloration of filamentary alkali halide crystals. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser.fiz, 29 no*3:401-40) Mr 165, (MIRA 18W 1. Institut fiziki i astronomil AN Estonskoy SSR. B110Y3202 AUTHORt Elango, N. A. TITLEt Study of the thermal destruction of F-oentere in NaOl- single crystals PERIODICALi Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, no. 8, ig6i, 32, abstract 8G239 (8B239) (Tr. In-ta fiz.i astrow. AN-EstSSR, 1960, no. 12, 197 - 225) TEXTs The- author made a compre smaive study of thermal do-excitatioir and -tterwal decolora-ti-on,of NiCl-orystals which had breen grown by-various 'methods and subjeated--tcr various- effects. The ~pcvwible mechanisms of the F-centers are discussed on the basis of the experimental material obtained Steoial attention is paid to the part played by ion-electron prooesse;. Abstraoterlo.noteo. Com,plete translation.] S/08 61/000/008/004/017 Card 1/1 S16131611000101710101oll D05l/Dll3 'AUTHOR: Elango, M.A. TITLE: Physical processes during excitation of alkali halide crystals 10 by ionizing radiation I. Creation of color centers in NaCl single crystals ~SOURCE: Akademiya nauk Estonskoy SSR. Inatitut fiziki i astronomii. Trudy, no. 17, 1961., Issledovaniya po lyuminestsentaii, 135-147 1!3 !TEXT: A comparative investigation was conducted of growth curves of X-ray !induced P- and V2-centera and thermal bleaching curves 3f F-centers in NaCl .single crystals containing a different number of host and impurity defects. ;The article is a direct continuation of a previously'published paper (N.A. ,Elango, Trudy IPA AN ESSR, #2- 12, 197, 1960). It was established that the ~iX-ray induced growth of the number of electronic (F) and hole (V2) centers !occurs in two stages. The first# rapid stageldepends on the pre-excitation 'number of vacancies in 'the crystal, the-secondt linear stage depends on the iCard 1 S161 61/.000/017/010/011 'Physical processes ... D051YD13.3 !degree of plas-tio deformation of the cr ystal. The ratio of the number of lV2-centers to-that of F-centers increases with excitation time. It was Ishown that the greater the point defect number in the crystal prior to ex- Icitation, the lower is the thermal stability of the X-ray induced centers in ~it. This effect is connected with the ionic mechanism of the thermal de- Istruction of color centers. The mechanism of oreation of color centers by IX-rays is discussed. Ch.B,Luchchik is thanked for help rendered..' There are 5 figures-and 1 table. ISUBMITTED: April 25, 1961 3 'Card 2/2 U377 s/613/62/000/018/007/013 E039/E120 AUTHORS: Tiyaler, E.S.0 and Elango, M.A. TITLEs on the role of ionic processes in the creation and destruction of colour centrea in N&Cl crystals SOURCEs Akademiya nauk EBtonskoy SSR. Inatitut fiziki i astronomii. Trudy.. no.18. 1962~ Issledovaniya po lyuminestsents 11. 93-101 TEXT: The ionic conductivities of a number of single crystals of NaCl containing different ntimbers of host and aimpurity defects are measured in the temperature range 20 to 200 C.. The crystals are 1 mm thick and aquadag electrodes 10 MM2 are used. It is shown that the smallest ionic conductivity is obtained for the natural crystal and that the ionic con .ductivities for crystals.. grown from a melt decrease with increase of their purity. The largest value obtained is for NaCl containing 0.1 mole % Ca. Conductivities are in the region of 10-10 11-1 cm-1. Samples with large ionic conductivity have low thermal stability for F centres created by X-rays (Cu anode 55 kV 20 mA) and a larger Card 1/2 on the role of ionic processes in s/613/62/000/018/007/013 E039/E120 number of F centres during the first stage of growth during X-irradiation. These results confirm the hypothesis of the ionic mechanism of the thermal destruction of F centres in alkali halide crystals. Ionic conductivity of natural rock salt has a maximum in the temperature range 6o _ 80 *C after X-irradiation and partial optical bleaching of the saw-le. 'This maximum vanishes after complete thermal bleaching of the sample. There are 3 figures and I table. SUBMITTEDt December 25, 1961 Card 2/2 AdCESSICN NRI n301?089 B/Mli/62/000/021/0215/0246 AUT HOR I'Elango, M. A. TIMM Pbysical'processes induced by ionizing radiation in alkali halide cryatola. 2.~ Ionic-olectronic phenomena in cination and destruction of''color centers in Wad single crystals SOURM M FAtSSR, , Tj3stitui ft viki i aetronovii.. Trud7*,, roe 21P' 1962, 215-246 TdPIC'TAGS: alkali-halidet crystalp color certerp'bleachin'ip thermal destructionp F- and V-center;: ionizing irradiation ABSTRACTe AA i v'eatigation has been carried out of th~ x-lay'and ultraviolet in- r duced creation or the color centers, of the bleaebi" -action of x-rays, and of the thermal dea.tniction of the color centers In NaCl ainjis crysitAls.. One specimen was a naturel crybtgl and two were grown from single crystal meltst etched and observed under micro scope' M 11-7 (370-fold magnification). The used was a BSVLT-Ou, 55kV,,18mA''tube at room temperature. Td' check the eff eci of - q6enching on'speed of -coloring during an x-rayt two identical 'welt-grown specimens were heated to 7500 and ,cooled, an'oven and the other ine'vater. The absorption coqfficient in the of the fast-cooled specimen waa M% greeter than in the slow-codled Card 1/3, 'ACCF MICN ;~Rl IT3013089 speci Pleri. The ultraviolet radiation absorption was-measured on spectrophotometer SP-4. It -is shown that the velocity ot the creation of F- and V-centers depends on the degree of plastic deformation and on the previous x-reying.'. Them number of ultraviolet-created F-centers passes through a maxi *ADM value whi-e-fi is proportional .,to the numbbr of F-centers created during previous x-raying. *, -Bleaching action of *-kays and excitons on the M-, R;-p M- and N-baiids in naturai vid crystals previously x-irradiated and partially bleached in the F-band has been detected. It is fprther shown that the thermal -destruction of c6loi centers in. x-rayed haturMl crystals take's 'place as a result of complicated ionic processes. A color center model is issumAd in the form F-center v_e, M-center vi 02, R-cent4 v- 9,, and Nj- + center *3'v e2,, This leeds to.thb result thnt the' *'process of therml destruction of F- and V-centers follows through a sories'of intermediate products which ray Correspond to now absorption bands# distributod between F-,and It-bands, It Is concluded that the ionic phenomenon plays a substafitial role in the relaxation process of,alkali-halide crystals, "rho author is gratdi4il to -Oh,'P. Lusbcbik for in Ahe. work. " Orig. ort. -has$ 14 figurest 4formulae, and I table. '.ASSOCIATIC[qt A EstSSR., Inatitut fiziki i Petronoirdi RBfSSR.-'I~atitute of PhVsica and 'Astronow) Card 213 - mom I rm Fm-- L j f, v2 I A T~~'Tu qf thin urnrk vra-Ir tn gtudv the creation of co',: r centers In \7aC' orly'stads arre d-,,euaaed aa tha ty"tg n P't. at oi~imr-g ~Tn f O-la T H ~'R ,- -,:' - . ~ ~ I ~: ;~ I j ~ r-- ~ -. , , , I - ACCESSION NR: AP4043338 S/0181/64/006/008/2256/2262 AUTHORS: Lushchik, Ch. B.; Liyd'ya, G. G.; TITLE: Electron-hole mechanism of production of color centers in ionic crystals SOURCE: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 6, no. 8, 1964, 2256-2262 TOPIC TAIrtS: color center, ionic crystal, electron bombardment, x ray irradiation, color center, ultraviolet irradiation, alkali halide, crystal lattice defect ABSTRACT: The present communication is a direct continuation of a cycle of investigations carried out by their laboratory to clarify the mechanism whereby ionic crystals become colored by ultraviolet radiation, x-rays, and radiation from reactors. Natural crystals of NaCl and crystals of NaCl.T1 and KC1.Ag grown from melts of especially pure salts by the Kiropoulos method were irradiated in Car& 1/3 ACCESSION NR: AP4043338 the vertical channel of the IRT-2000 reactor, and also with x-rays (60keV), slow electrons (150 eV), and ultraviolet 'radiation (5--14 eV). The authors were especially interested in elementary processes which occur during a complicated phenomenon such as radiation color- ing of ionic crystals, and paid consequently special attention to a parallel investigation of the production of F centers by these type of radiations. It is shown that irradiation of the crystals leads not only to a filling of the anion vacancies by electrons, but also to generation of a large number of new point defects and their clustering. Only the electron-hole mechanism of F-c(--z*iter production is considered in detail, the others having been treated by the authors in numerous other papers. It is pointed out, how- ever, that this is not the only possible mechanism. "WP ar(i deeply grateful to K. K. Shvarts for collaboration and to G. Va.e, E. Il'mas, T. Ekaina, and 1. Yaek for participating in the experiments and a discussion of the results." Orig. art. has: 6 figures. Card 2/3 % ACCESSION NR: AP4043338 ASSOCIATION: Institut fiziki i astronomii AN ESSR, Tartu (Institute of Physics of Astronomy, AN ESSR) SUBMITTED: 28Dec63 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: OP, SS HR REF SOV: 031 OTHERs 008 I I Card 3/3 L 14U~-66 I-XT(1)/T 1JF(c) 0 AL;U NE: AP6000884 SOURCE CODE: UR/0181/65/007/012/367.3/367 ~V I AUTHORS: Vilu, R. 0.; Elango, M. A. ORO; Institute of PhZsIcs and Astronomy AN ESSR, Tartu (institut.6 fizi astronomli AN ESSR) TITLE: On the role of hole processes in the creation of F centero in ionic crystals during the Initial i3tage of radiative coloring SOURCE: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 7, no. 12, 1965, 3673-3676 TOPIC TAGS: colors center, F band, light absorption, Ionic crystal, hole mobility ABSTRACT: The authors have made a detailed Investigation of the tem-- perature dependence of the efficiency with which F centers are pro- 'duced by x rays in NaCl, KC1, KBr, and KI during the first stage of adiative coloring, in the temperature interval from 8o to 450K, which covers the region of autolocalization of the holes (100--250K) Card 1/3, L 14U.5-66 NR: Ap6ooo884 0 iand:of intense ionic processes in crystals (300--400K). The crystals~ ;were grown from the melt by the Kiropoulos method. All were of :equal thickness (0.75 � 0.10 mm) and were irradiated In a cryostat :sunder identical conditions. The absorption was measured automatically ,during the irradiation of the crystals at the wavelength corre3ponding ;to the maximum of the absorption F band. All crystals had an optimal, ~temperature at which the efficiency of F-center production was a !maximum. This temperature decreased in the sequence NaCl--KC1--KBr- ;KI, and agreed well with the temperature at which intense autolocal- .ization of the holes in the crystal lattice took place. At the opti- ~mal temperature, the F centers were produced more effectively in NaC1 and K01 than in KBr and K1. This difference is connected with .the difference in the relative efficiency of generation of electron- ,hole pairs and excitons in the different ionic crystals. The authors I iialso measured the tbemolumineseence of the crystals after x-irradia-. at 80K for five minutes, and the temperature dependence of the ,x-ray luminescence as the crystals were cooled from room temperature. Two thermQlumineseence peaks were observed in the region of steep decrease of the F-center efficiency, due most probably to the release Card 2/3 -77-- ~'L 14125-66 ACC MT: AP6000884 of the autolocalized holes. The results show that during tbe*lnitial~ stage of the radiative coloring the F centers are produced essentially. via the electron-hole mechanisms the efficiency of which is deter- mined in many respects by the conditions for localization of the ho3as -and the different points of the crystal lattice. Authors are grate- ;:ful to Ch. B. Lushchlk for a discussion of the material. Orig. art. has: 1 figure and I table. ;SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: O8jul65/ ORIG REF: 0061 OTH REP: 005 'ill A""JO 9 0. School tiform In bourgiols Estonia. f~To be con't) P. 653 M - HOUKO XD? KOCL. (HARIVU-:)MTjS-1ZMjU,") Tallinn, Estonia Vol. 17, no. 9, SeDt. 1959 ~bnthly List of Eait European Accessions Q'~,M) LC, Vol. 8, ~!O. 12, Dec. 195m Uncl. KIANIDO, R.I. Contributions to the study of the ichthyofauna of the Al&zanl Ri- ver [in Georgian with summary in Russian). Trudy Zool.inst. AN Gruz.SSR 10:161-186 151. (MLRL 7:7) (Alasan' River--Fishes) (7ishes--Alasan' River) A"Mal ROY. "Wass"Www'"W-1 Data on the ichthrofauns of the Iora. River'Cin Georgian with sumeary in Fmasian]. Trudy Zool.inst.Al Grus. SSR llt25-61 153. MU 9:7) (Iora River-lishes) FUNIM,R.F. Contribution to a study of Sups& River ichthyofauna [in Georgian with sumary In Russian.] Trudy Zool.lust Al Gruz.SSR 13:197-214 154. (MI2A 8:8) (Supea River-Fishes) 21-16,11V USSR / General Biology. General Hydrobiology B-6 Abe Jour : Faf Zhur - Biol.,, No 1j. 1958, So 353 Author :IRIAM dZe, Inst :Not Given Title :Materials for Benthos Study in the Dori River.' Orig Pub :Tr. In-ta zool. AN GruzSSR, 1956,, 14, 2TT-288 Abstract :Tvo main sections of the Dori River (Eastern Georgia) are Card described. In the benthos of the qpper river section, speci- mens of 3.1 groupe were found with charadtaristic rhapbylic foriss; among theme are chiefly Itpheneropterao Plecoptera, Trichopters, and DLptera. The fame of the lower section are poor in qualitative and qvmntitative composition. Here only Ephemeropteraj, Tkichoptera, Diptera and Odonats were found,, somongst them-Prosopistoma foliazeum (Sphemeroptera), a minor Asian form, known from the Kum River. On the whole the speci- mans of Dori River benthos and their distribution by sections differed little from those of other rivers in the Kum basin. 1/1 - NuElDZE, H.F. Fishes of the Rion River (in Georgian with summary In Russian) . Trudy Zool.inst.AN Gruz. SSR 15:111-168 '56, WIRA 10:8) (Rion River--Fishes) MUMS. B.F. Fiehes of the Inguri River [in Georgian with summary in Russian]. Trudy Inst. zool. AN Graz. SSR 17:53-86 160. (MIRIL 13:11) (Inguri River--Yisbes) C, f 0 -ELANIDZgp A.F. Ichthyofauna of the Kodor River. Trudy Inist. zool. AN Grua. SSR 1803-72 161. (KERA 15s6) . (Kodor River--Fishes) MANITYLE, R*F. Changes in the intensity of the feeding h-9bits of the chub in lake Bazaleti, Soobo AN Graze SSR 32 noo23447-454 963, (MIRA 1811) I, Submitted November 30j 1962. LARIONOV, V.V.;,EL.AN.SKIY, M.M. Using field geophysical data in studying geological structures for under- ground gas storage. Gaz.prom. 6 no.7t44-49 161. (KRA 1732) ELASWILI~ V. 1. "Enacheniye etnograficheskikh materialov po narodnomu sportu." report nubin tted for 7th Intl Cong 1 _,, Anthropologioi.LL X, Ethnological S~iun(:esl Moscow, 3-10 Aug 64. ARESHIME, Mi.f.; ELP-",W:rj,[, Isomerization of iSOPTOpyleyolopentane In the vapor pha3v in the presence of gumbrin. Soob. AN Gruz. SSR 114 no.2039- 343 My 164. (KRA 1W) 1. Chlen-korrespondont AN Gruzinskoy SSR (for Areshldze). ABYMIDZE, Kh'IS; EWHVILIJ Z.H. Investigation of g=brin and ackanite a dehydrating, iaomerizingp and alk7lating catalysts. Part 10i Isomerization of isopropylcyclopentane in the 31quid phase in the presence of ~=brin. Zhur.ob.Mim. 32 no.8:2657-2659 Ag 162. (KERA 15:9) 1. Institut kbivnii imeni PA. Melikishvili AN Grazinskoy Me .(Cyclopentane) (Isomerization), (Gumbrin) S'aamoL J~rrblom.l r)f I W Plants .11ri ik,snla and Herce-govIna ar; n who-7e. ~311-rmceut gi Zagre", Supplement (18) n0.5:,0 'o2 1400) SOV/98-59-7-4/22 AUTHOR: Neporozhnly, P. S., Rutkovskiy B, I., and EVb., N. K. Edgineer - TITLE: Rubber Caulking for Warping Seams in Canal Linings PERIODICAL: Gidrotekhnicheskoye stroitel'stvo, 1959, Nr 7, pp 18 - 22 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The process described is one applied in this case to the Noith Donets-Donbass canal, which is lined with sectional ferro-concrete sheets, with provision for draining (Fig 1). In view of the necessity for good draining, the caulking of the concrete sheets is of extreme importance, and the use of rubber for this purpose, for the first time in the USSR but common now in many countries, has proved to be preferable due to its durability, flexibility, cheapness and its waterproof properties. Vig 2 shows, the tapered ed e of the concrete sheets and the 7x2 cm. recesses cuf into them, into which 2mm thick rubber strips are af- fixed by means of an adhesive and sealed with a me- tal-reinforced sand/cement mixture. Three alterna- tive methods of sealing are given, all of which pro- Card 113 ved to be unsuited for the purpose. The width of