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KDROLIKOV, I.I.1 ZAYTSEVV B;M- (deceasedl; SHMOVP V.I.; VAYNERp A.S.; EMSp I.N.1 EFROSp V.A*, BUBNOVA, N.I. Percolation hydroi~sis with a variable flow of liquid. Gidroliz. i lesokhim.prom. 3.4 no.,22,10-34 161. (MIRA 14:3) 1. Naud%"Jsslsdovate1'skiy institut gidroliznoy i sullfitno- *fttovqX Iraftyffilennosti' (for Korollkov, Zaytsev9 3Wkovq Vayner)s 2. Seg62h8k17-eidro.1iznyy-zavod (for I. Kfrosq V. Efros# Babnova). Updio-lyilik- (Peroolation) (Wood-4hemistry) I Osnow; ustroistva pritselov dli& bori~)orrietaniia. %-ocnizdat., 1-91il. 212 p., ill,is., dLIcrs. Title tr. : Fundam,~nLrils of bor-ibsif-ht desit7n. U '630. Z31-1 SC: Aeronautical Sciences and Aviation in the 5ovi,-t ',~nInn, Ltbrary of C-ine-ress, 1955. PHASEE 1; BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/6385 .~:fros, 1. Ye., Engineer, Lieutenan' Colonel Osnovy ustroystva pritselov cilya bornbometaniya Mesign Principles of Bomb- sights) 2d ed. , rev. Moscow, Voyenizdat, 1947. 318 p. 48, 000 copies printed. Ed. : V. M. Gromov, Major-, Tech. Ed. : M. A. Strel'nikova. PURPOSE: This self-study textbook is intended for technical engineering personnel and navlgators ir, the Air Force COVERAGE: Methods of itiming from a di.3tance, optics of bomb sights, self -calculating mechnnis-rns, and the electric synch roniza tion of transfer and followup systems --'ire 6~9,-,Joed. TABLE OF CON,rENTS: Ch. 1. Aiming 5 Card 1/6 ROZENBERG, E.I.;-M Telescopes for measuring the nonrectilineurity and noncoaxiality of,medium-size articles by the sighting method. lzm.takh. no.11: .10-11 N 163. (HIRA 16:12) ROZENBERG, r,-.T., EROS., Lye. Rapid mirror adjuntment in measuring with aut:xoIlima,.ors. lzm. tekh. no.qi20-21 S 164'. (MMA 18,.'3'/, ACC NRs AN60220h9 soiji(ci-, coi*.': uii/0-1,7,.,/66/000/002/0029/0029 AlYMOR: 11o,.,.cnbcrk;, E. I.; Efros, I. Ye.; Vurgwiovu, Ye. A. TITLE: Invautigation of double-itange sight tubes for meaL;uring deviations from recti- ilinearity and axial alignment in components oe moderate dimensions !SOURCE: Ref zh. Metrol i izmerit tekh, Abs. 2.32.204 REF SOURCE: Tr. N.-i. proyektno-konatrukt. in-ta tekhnol. mashinostr., no. 1. 1965, ;69-74 TOPIC TAGS: quality control, optic equipment component, optic measurement !ABSTRACT: The NIITmash of the ASNKh has developed several simplified double-image sight tubes for measuring deviations from rectilineahty and axial alignment in compo- nents of moderate dimensions. Pilot models of sight tubes were assembled on a first class surface plate (1500xlOOO mm) for research and development of methods for neasuri6g land determination of metrological parameters. 'Ihese tubes were used for measuring the' !deviations from rectilinearity in a se-ction of the surface of this plate. Tables and igraphs are given showing the results of measurements which indicate that double-image sight tubes may be used for precision measurement by the telescopic method. 3 illus- trations, 5 tables, bibliography of 3 titles. N. Zovina. [Translation of abstract3 l SUB CODE; 13 Card 1/1 UDC: 535.317.2 I - , - - ..";- -~ ~ A --, ~ ~ , ROZENRERGI F.I.i FFTA'-~', Usor fe- mouzuripil, th,~ ioles. 1'-,m. tekli. nr-.4:52.-53 Ap 165. OHMA 18:7) i ACC NRs AP6025637 CA s'-OuR -aco-D E-:uR -/o 4-1-3 io, - 661000/013/&88 08' ih'VMNTOR: Rezenberg, E. 1. i. Ye ORG: None TITLE: A device for parallel translation of the transit line in a telescopic eight, e; g. autocollimator. Class 42, No. 183428 SOURCE: Izobreteniya, promys'hlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, no. 13, 1966, 88-89 TOPIC TAGS: optic equipiqent.component, collimation, telescopic equipment, optic'prion ABSTRACT: This Author's Certificate introduces a device for parallel translation of the transit line in a telescopic eight, e. g. in an autocollimator. The main rhombic prism in.the instrument (or an equivalent system of mirrors) is mounted so that it may rotate about.the sighting axis of the telescope. The unit is designed for expan.- si6a of the limit a-of,transit line displacement to any preset value vithin these 31-its. An additional rhombic prism is mounted so that it may be turned vith respect, to tJie main prism about an axis parallel to the sighting axis of the telescope. Card 1/2 UDC; 535.8834 ACC NRs AP602563T 1-telescape; 2--main prim; 3--additioml prisa SUB CODE: 20j, 14/,:SUBM DATEs, 05Apr65 Card L 13841-63 EWT(i)/tvd(k)/ijW/EW(b)--- 2 AFFTO/ASD/ESD-3 --N-4t AT/I,IP(C)/J.YT(IJP) ACCEE3SION NR: AP3003149 S/0056/63/044/006/2131/2141 AUT-HOR: -C-urevich, V. L.; Efros, L.A. TIM: On the theory of the acoustoelectri-q effeC_t S(7JRCE: Zhurnal eksper. i tear. fiziki, v. 44, no. 6, 1963, 2131-2141 TOPIC TAGS: sound absorption, conductor, semiconductor, acoustoelectric effect ABSTRACT: A theoretical study is made of the acoustoelectric effect, which consists in the occurrence of direct current under the influence of a traveling sound wave propagating in a conductor, with the aim of constructing a phenomeno- logical theory which wouid be valid in the limiting case of low sound frequencies. In this theory the effect is regarded as being of second order in the deformtion. The frequency dependence of the effect and its tensor characteristics are derived. The concepts of even and odd acous;toelectric effects are introduced, de-pending on whether the sign of the direct current remains the same or reverses when t1he direction of sound wave propagatioh is reversed. It is shown thal~- the even effect can exist only in crystals without symmetry centers. The general considerations are illustrated with several 4xamples, such as a piezoelectric 'Card 1/2 --- - : L 13841-63 ACCESSION NR AP3003149 semiconductor, a semicondue vith many energy minima, and.a. conductor with electron3 and holes. The absorption of sound is calculated in the last two cases. Me Mandelshtem-Leontovich theory is used to calculate the absorption coeffi- cient. Other mechanism vhich lead to the absorption of sound and to the acoustoelectric effect are also treated briefly. Orig. art. has: 49 formulas. ASSOCIATION: Fiziklo-tekhnicheskly institut im. A. F, loffe Akedemii nauk SSSR -(Physicotechnical Institute, Academy of Sciences, SSSR) smamm. o8m63 DATE ACQ. 23JLL163 M;CL% W SUB CODE: 00 NO Mv SOV: 0046 01 W, 009 Card 2/Z UMIKetals - Tungsten MAY 52 "Reactive Diffusion of Carbon Into Tungsten. Part Is" G. S. Kreymer, L. D. Efros, Ye. A. 3 varonk6va ,Zbaw Tekh Piz" Vol XXII, No 5, PY 858-873 Diffusion of carbon into tungsten produces new carbide phases, Ist WC and thereafter WgC, con- trary to data by Amdrews and Dusbmann. (cf. J. Phys - -.bem, 2% 192 5) and by Pirani and Sandor (cf J- Inst of Metals, 73, 385, 1947)- Relation to time Of isothermal grovth of WO layer In given. The coeff cf diffusion. could be computed. In- debted to Prof Ya. S. Umanskly and to help by the laboratory of the hard alloys combine. He- ceived 10 Feb 51. 222T30 NFROS, L. D. USM/Y&t&U - T=VtAM May 52 "Reactive Diffusion of Carbon Into Tungsten. Part II. Investigation of Carbon Diffusion in Unstrained Tungsten," G. S. Kreymerp L. D. Efros., Ye. A. Voronkove, "Mur Tekh Fiz" Vol Ma; Tro 5. pp 874-876 Authors prove experimentally that the diffusion coeff is not erected by the previous treatment of tungsten. This is probably due to the feet that tensions vanish at the temp (VOO-3POO of the test. Even if some tensions remain in the re- arystA material they are vithout of feet on the speed of diffusion. Received 8 Aug 51. 222T31 ZAISEPINAt N.M.; TUP17SYN, I.F.; EFROS, L.S. W-1-- - - . Isotopic exchange of hydrogen in methyl derivatives of nitrogen heterocycles and their oxides. Part 1:OL-picoline, quinaldine, and their N-oxide. Zhur. ob. khim. 33 no.8:2705-2712 Ag 163. (MIRA 1611l) ZATSEPINA, N.N.; TUPITSYN t - ".�p L.S. Electronic strUcturig-and-the rate of deuterium exchange In methyl groups of nitrWen beterocycles and their N-oxides. Dokl. AN SSSR 154 no'.1t148-151 Ja'64. (KRA 17t2) 1. Gosudarstvohnyy, ihatitut prikladnoy khimii. Predstavleno akademikom A,N. TerenirWa, EFROS* L. S. "Diax7les et leurs derives. Comunication XIXII. Joffe, I. S.., Efrosse, L. S. (p. 2712). SO: JoQrpal of General Chemistry (Zhurnal Obshchei Khimii). 1937, Vol=e 7, No. 22. ~-qfv ~15 4 W 10 8 #1014 M Oslo; 0 it m " Am a 0 v a 0 6-4 to is w m F a A ' - Psoffittl A" -mtPlvt,l$ 00 ,Aj ~ A Us tharecis,ttatit: "cullarilles, of the anthracono doriva IJ -.1111010 00 lives. InvemlPlInst of the rfactlea of 2 hydittlyanthre S dl l ith f s hl m 1 S M L P 00 of t Coss w opor ot. e A . . ram C . . .Otm-.- lln4y ZXKkrl KrasynAtkikk Zak ..06 . . No. 7, 142-W-, Kkim Neff"$ Zkoo, 1939. IN". 6. tas, I -T ll k k l " d A C .00 MiCt a% tA CC e . . . wo para C 1 04 .00 dw mm "Wity Ifurn the action of Fecl. 00 ooll yatinctm (1); the - - y - 16(t f th ith h th l l i fl 00 f ms w t me ex o e a-po% t aloo s.9 osti 2'-&h -I 1'-bkathf I trbk:h efici foramdrools of 2 drft 0 r i I , , Y Y y formalka Is lozoinediate1jr furihrr osidUrd to 2-hydrojiv. 0 * i x0a , so *9-bkMthfY1MW CPXWV~ 1111111 the 011,W111tioll-CIM&MA laI q2 i h i l2 l l h d h i i 200 13 00 ono rua lo-o r ms-pnx tions w t lm t ecoopm*c t e t the (astrustion a( 2,2'-dillydroxy-9,W-blanthtme. The ;;q 06 lit process is tU smamal one for all derivs. of 0-ruiploth-4 WA A" S MISY41111110FIEd P"M Which it SDI. in LWMrUf', 6: z *0 producing a blW-red solot. with a yellow fiumv~crw~ 0 -nd process, which is 1664, called. 384). The Em so anthracene, pds., produces a brown pioduct. little ml. in nwu org. solvents, mi. In pyriffine anti in alkali. It b ac*tylated with difficulty anti it d)vj so g zeZell wow In a brown color with Cr and Fe mordants. 00 j: W. R. flefln / 0 vair A It 0 .1 L ftAkLUvGKAL LIMAlbill CLASSIFKATICH ... ..... yes --- - r - * --- 16113S.- Ot All '141C - - %0f IX4 . -u- a AV -0 It T r I ad its loan lift KW a 1 14 0 0000000 T4 a 0 it 000004 06066.0 0 111 1 0 4 * 0,0 * 0-0 . : : 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.*,* 0 0 00004000 11111 0 0 Coll 0 0-0 4 : : : 00- j #A N CC 0 U I i I A r A L I a V a r A -, - . - A 00 iresul-tion of 2-hydreirmthmCess. 00 9; S. R-) 0. ll2S~UQM).-2-Aceto%mthr&ccoc (1) 111 198 with Rr in cold glacial AcOH IvIr the 9-ar 00 u otedles, In. 11.0'. whk witl~ N%CrA t = - Ac()H Vivo 24WO(OXY&WItria"Olwar, ycikp*. P 00 a- 1. . ho *#A Oned by oaWasim of 1. U btated wit It of a ~ -A lit. X4011 IQr 10 rule. gave 94MAVO.? ' .00 m 112-14 , whkb with ' ;i -00 go ir 9t 13, gave the I-ew dMv. red. tn. 2S4 . 2. Hydrozynotbracem with Be in cold ilacial AcOH under. .0* went both oxiditim and bromimilon to tive I-Aydroxy: '00 123' Aracm (TV) ell w A d i V) 1l 00 00 o e? , m. ir v. ( , y ow, in. . , ye P A a - 1n"% and 1 ' 00 00 j . mily an yellow. m. 157-0 . Both V 00 Awl VI Jam the ms-Or when oxictized with NasQsGI, in * 0 flurial AcOH I vr m. 1 l sof 00 a 171 . IV witfi gave the I-am deriv.. red-brown, in. I 00 so z An l1vak ' :go Of g '00 9 -00 so 1100 091MMMKiL LITIOAlyof CLASUPICATICII at 00 V! Ito., 111-41311'. 1116 -4, 4- atl 41LIllmt go " 00 1, ad 0 a It 04 1 " a I Ono 7 WX .. u 0 0 If IF IV It It 111 9 a 11 It It a a it M KW a 1 114 .0 0 0 0 a 44 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 a 0 10 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 4 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 a 0 0 0:0 0 0 * 0 00 0-0 00 9 0 000 00 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 OOA 000 OOA oes o0 002 go' 004 098 09,9 o9a 000 0013 OOV 002 _1 -A- A _.L slocittes AND FIC0901,11 WOIA Witra and uAm dev Ir lnffc and bARTM161. 111-160 In't . Gill. Chm. W)-_I)ibc"-n'yrmw (M 1.1 was dhmfttd with watminS In IWJ cc. PhN(h and fteaW. at 25-30', dropwise with 0.4 S. If.%% (d. ,M) to 10 cc. PhMe: after 4 hfs. the solwat was concd. to Yield 4.9 ff. 6 2% 72* (from llh*400: boilinsit,=zVils oin. a&" S. swiffimlibrascove" (1). m. about 310 . (frons net). Acilffir.. ns.mbout=' (from PhNO,). thbenon)_Yvene (3.02 X.) In 100 cc. JPb NOs. trmted with 1.4 g. I ISO, (d. IM). gave. In 5 Imm., 2 g. yrw. "I. 346-80 W 1, ~ .: from PhNOJ: this. hested lor 13 min. with bolling PbMINUl. pre 5,10-diamixaOms-eprrme. m. 3W-8' (hems Pb.%CO,); A~Ac Awiv.. in. 4400. don 40 1 In hm Wmw ra 315-M (frunt ftNOJ; mhwdon by boiling wlthRW~N% A M. about 3370S NNOa, whic on acetylation gavv a Product WN with that oHaimd b acetylatim t4 sho diswA" d!oqo~w sixm. 0 . Xmil4mill I L A ANTALuPmAL Multal CLAIWCATM "Lune" do -it . - s a a 010 0 0 00 9060096600099 4~eos,60190606640:000000: of 0400060090000 000000 0 0000090000000000000 1- 00 ;-~* :00: .0 .0 100 40 :20 0 COO 00 coo ago goo 400 #of goo 990 we* Igoe 'too :0. Imlidavelle derivatives. It. Synthesis of somal now Arbyl and alkylphienyl derivatives of belosimidmisolo, l. A, Poiral-Kmbit,. 1. '~, tqttp*. and 0. F. 0111210jig. r zhurobAw Chrill.) 19, 'cf. C.A. 4111. Inotre I* Ift% fusir than react le., otli *lilt carboxylic aciolt In art. TICI undrr 1,r-tir. ; kininAP4 whirl) are very easily oxi- durd 1114V it) the bno.1144c. I)v f1i'loms of the A I'V1 Irt'r- sit mr. Ilivillovill. 001 A 'I mO '_1 I J~ " V.1l.i "oll 10 list. !'0' , IICI 81vt Arr I I'l. -.1 1.-0' 971'~ lortAsyllir 0 limid. fit. IVA !%V; lit, sill. Ill, 1NNS-70, tfroon till, JICIJI. )Irsiting 11.01 motr OAJI MiAe lIzOII 440 min to 114) 5' with 11) till. IICI 9AVe 50-We whorn 1.5 231~ JICJ was PI ("A 8,11, N.) i, reached its I hr. at WIS, till. Willi OA X. diamine); the product. 'is ;1 21 d%an llt*/~aft.m. V.4-5" ffrom till. lllcll~ lit. friclitl) *III) lit"" IICI "vr 2. fimijill4r, in. 1.10-1* if"ll dit, RtOlfl. ft'isah. in. ill 3'. " SonsLisly. I'liC11,011011sif Ill I"'-, ICI '11 flat 11-tv.. tit. 31 A, Ifrom .111. F10111; HO 3'sit. lit. K! :I,rj* 411,14 rom 5.6it. di-omm-1. as obtAined Ili OV; yiel-I liv rottictimt of 3.4-((hN)I. with R mi.v Ni lit PI(Ill. The tmuturt 1.5 A t's-I I It,- M 1" Ord its ift I'V.Ictt4l"l Mist, 4 hr,. it) Ml IA M ;I' (ft,"uJiL Fti'lli; 110 qh, it), "49-.'41' (from dit, IICI). 'Sunilot, I I , o,'oi oiji* a 'A"s, Vk -.4f. m~ 162 A . 11"m 111 hIOII 1 (/m '.0' In IS's hom tit 11CW. .1,11c 111011'ell'ONII '1111ilmly givi tn. UM ilimn '111, F14 'if .. IlC/ , _1' 'In. !.'1,; 17' 1frivin 111 .1.1-111o"In .. .... .. h" 1., 101 1 " Ill. &1 2", WA~ J~l Im"I I.V , -1 '41" NO I"fis, Ill.,$ ill A, I -lilt Ism I I%c pt'.kk. I . I I C I :" ~ 11'"l4 '611.1 1 lit, '41 I.-At I., m 'm A. lilt. A, % a .1.11h.-Tye, -';' it, .' Ill,, I from. 1111. I-At ill I I , '111til-ttiv. 1,110 1,(', -01 xaVT'.".16eN3Yf- 171; P%' Lore t-sjol. tit, 1611 %filic IIhCI .0f.-CO: xa,sr orvow":l ".11t: --te lit. !~N 11 toa.e. tn. I~N-Af'j I Ife'llifix 11,11t 111oft. ind OAI ntok mm, to IV$ .11b Ill 11A I(CI ir~kvsr W; %isvis IICI Iva. uWJ; %ob 2.1" 1 RA. uhile high. r r 1-wr _11-tivi" pt.%V, ill, tit ;ff'"I1 11J. I it 111, . lit i m. ~~Isl I Sm'. I- W'u- imim, h.mim 1--t ictivity IhAn C.If'iXII't! t,.,,t It- t,.I,Iilv %oft acl-l" Imit thrit if 1111prr V Ottv Ilvdi"N t"I I'V 1[;($. .1 14vt which (Colit, to Vj'I'I 11114'r wh'mi_ C"Arit"IrAtillc 4-cluds. Isms, 4'. IkI VeWcbemistry - Dyestvffn Benzothiazole Derivatives "Usearch in the Field of Benzothiazole Deriva- tives. Preparation of l-Be~nzothiazolyl-3-MetbY:L- $-Pyrazolone," L. S. Efros, L. R. Davidenkov, Lab of Technol of Org Dyestuffs, IAmingrad Technol. *Mur abshch Xhim" Vol XXI, No 11, pp 2o46-205o Verifying patent data, oxidized 2-mercaptoben- zothiazole in alk soln to form 2-benzothiazolYl- sulfonic acid*, whose 1003 gr=,P 's easily re- placeeL by OH, ME2, NEON, and NE-NH2 groups- 194T52 UM/Chemistry Dyestuffs (Contd) Norr 51 condensation of 2-banzothiazolylhydrazine vith aster or amide of acetoacetic acid yielded 1- . benzathiazo:lil-3-'methYl-5-pyrazoLone (I). yield approached theoretical in condensation Vith aWA . Introduced NO and lff--N-B groups into I. 19452 IWROS L S ==-=A"" Imidazole darivatives. III. Nitration of derivatives of bensimidasole and preparation of sow now derivatives of 1,2.4.5-diimidazolobenzona. Zhur. Obahchey Xhimo 22, 1008-13 152. (HM 5-8) (0ji 47 no.22tl2366 '53) 1. Lensovet Teoh. Inst.. Leningrad. RHOS, L.S. Isidazole derivatives. IT. Chemical properties of derivatives of 1.2,4,5- diiaidaxolobonsons. Zhur. Obahchey Xhim. 22, 1013-24 052. (MMA 5:8) (CA 47 uo.22:12)66 153) 1. Lensovet Tach. Inst., Leningrad. CI-imical Abst. -TM W of derivatives of yen. 4 3 NO - 5 hanArnidayal and preparation of some now derivatives of 1.0, 1951, -T;Z, ~,~olobenxene. ,1. AW (tvf, V I n ht I grad ~.,Jj -nic hemisti on). IV. The chemical prop i"ibiff Hn ji erties of derivatives of l,2,4,5-df(m:d*zolobcnzene. Aid. IWO-76.-Sre C.A. 47, 12366ag. if. L. I I.-,. yzt-n'n~~ t. S. IrSdazole Derivati-m-s Investigations of imidazole derivatives. Part 4. Chemical propertirs of 1, 23 43 5-diimiciazolo-benzene derivatives. Zhur. ob. khim. 22 no. 6, 1952. 2 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, November 195S. Unclassified. "An !,,-I -.Q ~,f P '-, . - -, C~ 1 1; jrj t) 'I', ". . -1 ., , I Len I I I I I.,; t -L--.Cn I I, (~'T! (I ~cl 3 , 1" -1 ~ r! -1,; ,,, 1 1 . - - yz, I:o~ co-,i, :*o 2, Jz,.r. _:;I;) L .Jr -., '7-" It . -j-) . 1,- r~ n 4 ~ "r, ~, I- 'E FRO 5.4 4. 01111) MiCal Abst, Vol- 4,8 No- 8 54 Organlv 0h, -mistr7 #&V' AXAl!)CL; A S I I s " ' . q~' le TdtdM. r- meth soft In 10 mi. 1:3 1155, " ~ lbed j I.. 'at 1 4 C. chromic acid In in mi. and the mtxt. chilled after 15 min.. yielding &knewida- aelewboxylo'k acid sulf4k. which with NaOAc gave the free 30G-25' (from:11,0). This (1.621 g.) and 1.08 it. o-Cjto(NIfj)v In 10 nd. 20% HCI heated In scated tube 4 bra. at 180-200*. then neutralized with N11,011 and filtered, pve &(r-bmimidaw1yI)bcxxiwidasvk, Mated as the di-HCT soft, in. 8W (fnxn conod. HCI); the free baif could not be to the formation of gets. Similar oxidation of 2 5-ZlInt'hylbentimidazole pye 70-5% J-mdAj4-6- kRximidasdera borWic acid (1), in. 301-2' (from IT10). This with o-Clr1#(NIfj)i In 2D% IICI as above xnve after 40 min. at 180~2W' wis-211C. in. 330401 (from ITI), which with 4114011. M, the free bare (11). to. 340' (from dil. EtOll): this with 4011-AgN% In HtOlf pve a flocculent di-Ag.sall; the free base yields a dipiqW, in. 282-2.5% 3,41416N)Affr Me (IM g.) and 1.76 *r. I In 10 mi. 207o HCI heated In a stated tube 4 Jim. at ISQ-200* gave :,5 -dime,'Ay"42'-kos- simidasdy1)kxsimUawk. in. high and umharp, which p7e a 4-HO soft, in, above 360* (from 25%'IICI): the free bass yields a pkftk, m. 274'. This oxidized with chromic " as above pre bexsinidaw1yI)benrimU=k-21jrC? (111), in. about 3W" (from 15% 1110); this. demboxylated by heating with sodalline at 300* gave U (filcrate. in. 274*). M with o. C4114(Mlah and 1699' HCI 4 firs. at 180-200* gave 759p 2- dasok-31fa, in. above 300* (from dil. IICO. Similivir edndensatloa With 3,4411,NW.U.Nfe gave 85-W% LS - dindbyl-S- [34-bensimid4t4yi- S, imiddsole-JUCT, in. abotat 400' ((;am dil IICI). 2:Phenyl- 5-methyffirnzimidamle with,chromic aciff in aq. TIO)a Kate 2-pknyl-S-bensimida:olecarborylie acid, luilated a% the 110 Sall, in. 304-0 (from aq. 11CI). Clectromptrie titratlan of this xives 2 pit breaks: at 8.4 and a weak ane whose post- J.4-dianinspolemy&xximidasak rm 32&-M' (ham 10% 1ICI)- this reacts with IINOI wit"t I-i-i a di"Wham got; In AeOff It Im a green VPt- with Phru- anthmetlubsone. t orit ji*Xii or Aeon t on (M iotW des" W Ith-bentimidazolle derive. C-4. 4i.-iloob . Bmdln haft CharwIlftistic V tktk-~Ia~. at WavAes rA 310D-200. trM-- I .; even the hatter &b- e" but In the Tbibile ytdow. . V11.1 do of wat W by bdLkg 1~ S.-Who. 1W. 842-3. d. CA. 48, 2r"~ SMA"Ws"(11A )Vowd.1thhol. - . 11.90. Wd 'm OW P"ve 19 ff. eryst. n46k. CH#AX.SO6 (f q.) bested to 2W-W In a wide test Utbe unfil 1W twomwim stopped. then to 2"* ousta a test wkk !jEfidl-d t. Xjv. . ~ppl- .1 b..WiAuoile on stift. of Mrs. AL-A fftic NW, ft. 3%-7* (from 5~~) by hate 1.12 it. 3,4411M.- 4SWI (9) With I ad. 1CGA Me! A =11. 1110 40 saba. In a Mam tWAR at WM"b the &Wv at 2*-Or. =- tion Is unstated. This heatod j~ith in 15~',; IIC1 In %rale-l wbe fS lirs. at rave in. IIRS-10' (frfmi dil. Ftoll); I/Osoll, in:323-V (from fit. 11CO. Similmly Cql[,Nfc Kaye VV Urmn fit. HCO. Thii wa,.w oxidiv.,d ai above to 2- lated as the 110 jail, m. 314-10', which, Itt-afed with i~ C4114NIIA and 10% 110. gave sdyi-S'(2*-&xsiostid4solyi)lbenxim:da,-o&, isolated in the 6410 sdit, does not m. 3601 (from eq. IICI). 3.4-(lI,N)r-' C4Ho?6fe gave bCXXhKW4$d701bcxsi=W4sd#, Isolated as the di-11a ok. does not m. NO'; the frft fist Is Insol. IU Mg. mAvtnt.-I except AcOlf In whk-h It form!% the corm. ponding sell. Ifeating 3.4~~14N)sWIsCOalf.111CI with o-CJIANIf,)j 1 0 IICI Its a sealed tube 40 min. at 1FA1-2W* -- Q__ ffila~ '11171ilL lsr.,411~ M.P.. an FU by bmilm Ll uM AeOflf- ft 19D G. U. Knallopait-1 ~LITROS. L.S. Imidazole derivatives. Part 7- Preparation-of benzimidazole sulfano acids by fusion. Zhur.ob.khim. 23 no.5:842-843 My 153. (MlRA 6:3 ) 1. laboratoriya tekhnologii organicheskikh krasitelei imeni A.Te. Foray- Koshitea Leningradskogo tekhnologicheskogo institnts, imeni Leasoveta. (Banximidazole) TVRW, L.S. %00. ~., ~~ Imidazole derivatives. Part 8. Investigation of nitration and &so-coupling . reactions of 4-aminobanzimidazole derivatives. Zhur.ob.khim. 23 no.6:951- 957 Je 153. (HLRA 6:6) 1. Laboratorlya takhnologii organicheakikh krasiteley imeni A.Te.Poray- Koshitea Leningradskogo tekhnologicheakogo instituta imeni Lensoveta. (Bensimidazole) WRO. L.S. Imidazole derivatives. Part 9. b)rnthesis of 4-aminobensimidazoles and com- parison of their chemical proportion with those of 5-aminobenzimidazoles. Ztnir.ob.khim. 23 no.6:957-963 Je 153. (MM 6:6) 1. Laboratoriya tokhnologii organicheskikh krasiteley imeni A.Te. Poray- Koshitsa Laningradekogo tekhnologicheskogo instituta imeni Lensoveta. (Bousimidazole) UKHAROVA, N.A.; PORLY-101SHITS, B.A.W.1W. 1.S. Investigation in the field of imidazole derivatives. Part 10. Ac7lation of 2-ox7mothylbenzimidazole and products of its methylation. Zhur.ob. khim. 23 no.7:1125-1230 Jl 153. (WAA 6:7) 1. Insitut eksperimentallnoy meditsiny Akademii maditainskikh nauk SWR (Imidazole derivatives) I Is " r ~ I I ~ -1), 0" 1 23, u-1e) I I) -I aitrnt!,.~ flv~ -1-ni I io 16k It mw ~Plml, witil jijf~ thr,wk-Iii'li ~,nAllmltilllri ;1,,,v th, N atov), MI lir ,p,~H1-tQjfI,ItfV~ a Vallialiv 11', Omme I),; tile 5- ~Lllfj 1) 1--ifit'll fit th". I"Iltcm4d rhig, 'If,: - re'llit In crm~ ~ntrv I., imbli,li. I wml. (j;b,i1dAij itild Ve-mi, Cd. 40, hif It Ihe 01`114111TA 11to-IN4 IIIV 1~1`1-1111't i.-i dallit1w, 11C.1tilig GO g. KX) ini. N1011i and If)() g. 8007 121 11". ravv. ofirr d4fn, W1.61,'d 1. It, 70-10", in. 42-1". 1 (20 g.) ;jwl b1i ml. cotird. If,R), triwed at 0' AmOy with 12 ml. WNO, (d. 1.4) In 13 int. conol. IGS04, and Ow julitt. IK)tircrl mi im niter 0.6 fir. at rmnli wrij). delticd fk).5l,'04-nitroderiv.(Il)ofl,m. 107*(fronn E"Wli)- 1 1clitilig I K. 39 1111. dry Nfellh, and 2 g. SOC12 0 hrs. gave (m millug 07 80' It in. 107-,q', i&n- Iiml with the Above spc-daten. Aci; 44.2-0sNICelh- OVI W, was hnafed&i above with SOCII in Aft Mi 6 firs, it,) "action toolc pLxoeand t'.r starting niaterial %vaq rec-overed. 11 (2,15 g.) in IW wril. hot 1110 treatt!r] with 30 ml, Conrd. ILCI, 12 g, Zn ditnt adffed r3pidly, 4nd (he fillr2te Irrited after ctmipletitm of the re~tctiun with 2.*p ml JJCI )-icided a plit. of 1. ?j- C4/1I(JV1fj)i. 111C1 (0% front aq. IICO, which with HiClIsCOJI gave ""tioa-3-bexsyl- -iwidatrols, III. 15V (11CI sdk, Ill. 242-S") (cf. Rims, CA. 48 rp.,M. to t~- Usbt/dhendstry Mterdatomic- compounft----- Card 1/1 t Pub. 151 - 17/37 Authors I Efros, Lo S.; Kononovas L, N#; and Bdedp Yao Title t Investigation of imidazole derivatives* Part 136-Bromination of 1.92- naphthimidoazole Feriodical : Zhur. ob..khim. 24/3s 488-491, Mar 1954 Abstract : The analogy exiating between 1,2-naplitimidoazolo and phenanthrene during the oxidationj as vmll an bronAnation of 1,2-naphthimidazoles is debate4o The two stages of the bromination procoss - formation of conversion pro- ductin position 4 and formation of a labile and easily dissociating addi- tion product - are described, The characteristics of 1,2-naphthimidazole and their relation to the imidazole ring effect on the bond equilibrium in molecules with condensed nuclei are explained. The possibility of bromination of 1,2-naphthimidazola in mineral-acid aqueous solutionsp as well as in mothyl alcohol or ice-cold acetic acid, va3 established. Four references: 3-USSR and 1-JJSA (1910-1954)- Institution t The Lonsoviet Technological Institutep Leningrad Submitted October 29,, 1953 Droinfroold4n Of 1,3-11aph. tnlli,,qtnvl Rild Va. I'dcfl -A Gen Ch cal. 41). 02,01f. 'USSR/Chemistr7 - Heteroatomic compounds Card 1/1 Pub. 2.51 - 22/37 Authors Poray-Koshits,, B. A.; Kononova,, L. U.; and 1,;frosj L. S. Title Study of imidazole dorivativos. Part *12. -Wdation of 1,2-naplithlid- dazole reriodical Zhur. ob. IJ-dm. 24/3, 507-512.. liar 1954 Abstract The chemical similarity between 112-naphthimidazole and phenanthrene was established by studying the effect of the imidazole ring on its conden- nation with the benzene ring. This similarity was also confirned by t1a oxidation of 1,2-naphthimidazole, It was found that the oxidation re- action leads fiyst to the formation of 1,2-naphthimidoazole-3,4-quinone which converts into phenylimidazole-dicarbocylic acid. Ei&ht'referenceat 4-USSR and 4-Gorman (1892-1953). Table. Institution The Lensoviet Technological Institute, The A. E. Foray-Koshits Technologi- cal Laboratory of Organic Dyes, Leningrad Submitted September 25., 1953 'Xll. Oxidation ct n4plith- -Ro'hits 1, IJ &!q.Lim- ml, r S LA. CA. 10, USSR7CheM13try Card 1/1 Authqrs Poray-Koehits, B. A.; Efros, L. S.; Vertkins-, V. N.; and Lutsenko, V. V. Titlo (,hiinaldine dertyativen obtained froz araxAtic amines and 3irzpla virql ethers Periodical Zbur. 0b. Khim. 24, Ed. 5p 895 8980 May 1954 Abstract Quinaldine is a valuable Intermediate product used in the synthesis of stable Raid and cyanine dyes. The reaction of primary aromatic amines with simple vinyl ethers appears to be the general rethod of obtaining quinaldine derivatives. The success of the reaction depends upon the nature of the substitute oriented in the nucleus. In case of a highlj- activated molecule of the reacting amino as well as in the case of de- activation, especially of the o-position relative to the amino Croup, no quinaldine derivatives can be obtained. "Ifine rcference-,~; 4 German since 188). institution; The Lensoviet Technological Inatitute, Lenir-Frad, The A. F. Poray-Koshits- T-echnoloGical Laboratory of Oreanie'Dye3 - I "It, 1953 :1 i , - . , ~- 1-1 1 *: -.- ~w 1 !a .- -- ~ , . I . . 11 -. - ...... .. -- -'. ~ ~11 - - ~ -_ E= f*-.,al,=2. , -~-7 ~- , ~ -, v I ~ . I I I- -- . -. . --- I Z~- P - . ~ .! '. r--. -- -: o ~o-- -,~, -~ -4 463 AMORS: Efros, L. S., and Yelitsov, A. V. TITLE.- Investigation of Imidazole Derivatives. Part 15. Nitration of Benzimidazolone and 1.3-dimethylbenzimidazolone (Iseledovaniye v oblasti, proizvodnykh imidazola. XV. Nitrovaniya benzimidazolona, i 1,3-dimatilbenzimidazolona) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal Obshchey Khimii, 1957, Vol. 27, No. 1, pp. 127-135 (U.S.S.R.) ABSTRACT- Because of the absence of systematic investigations on imidazole derivatives the authors began vith the study of the nitration reaction of benzimidolone and found that at very soft conditions (at 00 and with equimolecular amount of nitric acid) benzimidazolone /dissolved in concentrated sulfuric acid easily forms good yields of 5-nitrobenzimidazolone. This product was identified with the one obtained by the Kym-Rattner (2) prescription from 1,2-diamino- 4-nitrobenzene and urea. The product (4-nitrobenzimidazolone) derived from urea, and 1,2-diamino-3-nitrobenzene could not be separated from the reaction products. It is evident that direct nitration of benzimidazolone does not yield great amounts of this product which is in good confomity with the general properties of benzimidazolones. Trinitro- and tetranitro derivatives of Card 1/2 benzimidazolone and 1,3-dimethylbenzimidazolones in cold state 463 Investigation of Imidazole Derivatives. Part 15. substitute their mobile nitro groups with aniline radicals. The analogy in the nitration reaction tendency of benzimidazolone and 1,3-dimethylbenzimidazolone on one hand and other benzimidazole derivatives on the other hand confirms a previous hypothesis by L. S. Efros (4) regarding the formation by the benzimidazolones and their analogues in a strong acid medium of cations as result of addition of the proton from the medium to the oxygen atom and it shows the incompetence of the statement that the benzimidazolone enters into reaction in tautomeric form of 2-oxybenzimidazole. One list of chemical formulas. There are 5 references, of vhiich 1 is Slavic. ASSMATION. The Leningrad Technological Institute im. Lensovet (Leningradskiy Tekhnologichaskiy Institut im. Lensoveta). PUSENTED BY: SUBMITTED: January 30, 1956 AVAILAELE: Card 2,12 /50 AUTHORSs Efros, L. S. and Ionin, B. 1. 79-& TITLE: Study of Imidazole Derivatives. Part 16. About the Bpaicity of Isomeric 4- and 6-Amine-3-M~sthylbenzlmidszolea (rasledovaniye v obleeti proizvod- nykh imidamola. X71. Ob oanovnosti izomernykh 4- 1 6-amino-3-metilbensi- midavolov) PERIODICAM Zhurnnl Obehahey Xhimit., 1957, vol 27, No 2, pp. 406-411 (U.S.S.R.) ABSTRACTs Exporiments were conducted to determine the effect of the amino group in positions 4 and 6 respectively on the basicity or isomeric bentimi- dazoles, A comparison of the basicity constants of derivatives of 4- amino-3-methvlbenzimidazole with the constants of analogous'derivativee of 6ramino-3-methylbenaimidazole showed that in this series of the amino group in position 4, in contrast to the amino group in ~ositlon �, ban", almoit no effect on the basicity of the compounds investigated-. A study of secondary hydrolysis constants of isomeric /'~- and 6-amlnor3-mothyl- bentimidazoles showed that also in'the case of derivativei-having no methyl groups in position 3, the basi6itk of the amino group'in position Card 1/2 4, is considerably smaller than the basicity of'the amino group in positiou Study of Imidazole Derivatives. Part 16. 79-2-28/58 6. The absence of the effect of the amino group in position 4, on the basicity is explained by the disruption in the conjugation betveen the indicated amino group and the nitrogen atom of the benzimidasole hetero ring. 1 tablet 3 graphs. There are 7 references of which 2 are Slavic ASSocrATIONs Leningrad Technological Institute imeni Lensovet PRESYMED Bri SUBMITTEW March 1. 1956 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 2/,2 AUTHORS: Efros, L. S.V Todres-Selektor, Z. V. 79-11-45/56 TITLE: Some New Derivatives of Piazoselenol and T",-,air -Absorption Spectra (Nekotoryye novy-e proizvodnyye 0 piazselenola i ikh spektry po,-,loslicheniya). PERIODICAL: "'Uhurnal Obahchey Xhinii, 1957, Vol. 27, Nr 11, pp. 3127-3132 ABSTRACT: Together with R. M. Levit one of the authors in a paper Cave the results of measurement of the a'~sor.-)tion spectra of a number of derivatives of piazothiol c.*' 1*1 which to a certain de.,ree support the quinone-character of the benzene rin6 of this compound. The present paper is devoted to correspondinE investigations on the derivatives of piazose lenol and on the comparison of their spectra with those of piazothiol As raw ?roducts for the Some New Derivatives of Piazoselenol and Their Absorption 79-11-45/56 Spectra derivatives. Some of the amines react with diazotized aniline and Cive az-)-dyes which the authors succeeded in anal,lzin3 an-i producinr, in ti pure 916-at,~~. The results of the mea3aramantB of spectra of thu ?Iazo3elanol aer-11vativea and their comparison with th,~se of tho analogous piazothiol derivatives are represQnted in 5 tables of absorption-spactra. The isomeric 4- and 5-aminopiazoselenoli like the -imino- piazothiols Possess the properties of arcm,%tic amines: they readily form acato-compounds, diazotize and unite with diazo-compounds. The results of the investiCati0l'5 Of absorption-spQctra of -;iazo3elonol and some of its derivatives confirm the authors' opinion that it is closer to o-quinonediimine than piazothiol. There are 5 fi,~-ures, and 6 references, 3 of which are Slavic. ASSOCIATION: Ieningrad %bclmological Iustitute imeni Iensovet (Lenin,-radskjy tekhnolocichaskiy institut im. Lensoveta) 1i SUBMITTED: November 24, 1956 AVAILABLE: Library of Con,7ress dard 2/2 1. Pjazoselenol - Derivatives - Spectra VZMIXkj V*V.: DINABMs.X,Se, kvind. kbim. nauk; YAZALI, R,Y,; MIYANOTKATL, r.Yu.; FOAT-IrOSEITS, S.A., prof.; ULIMN, K.J.; MOs, L.S., prof. Dav~=~Uv 7The~~ synthesis of dirsot dyes. Khim. nau J prom. 3 no,2tlgl-212 10. (KM llt6) .1 (Azo dyes) P_ F R 79-1--14/63 ATUTHORS: _-Ero,01L. S. I Yeltaov, A. V. TITLEs Investigations in the Field of Imidazole Derivatives (Isele.. dovaniye v oblasti proizvodnykh imidazola) XVIII. On the Problem of the Nitration of 5-mothylbenzimidazole (Xviii. K voprosu o, nitrovanii 5-,metilbenzinidazola) PERIODICALe Zhurnal Obahchey Khimii, 19589Vol. 20, Ur It pp. 62-69(USSR) ABSTRACT: In the investigation of the chemical properties of the benz.. imidazole derivatives the authors absolutely needed 5--mothyl, -6-nitrobanzimidazole (formula IV) with the exactly datermin- ed position of the substituents. Their attomptato start from a partial reduction of 2,4--dinitro-5-methylaniline failed. For this reason a detour was made. By the treatment of an amine mixture with hydrogen sulfide in potassium alcoholaTe they obtained a 5-methyl..6-nitro.-2--mer-~aptobenzimidazole (for- mula II) which could with permanCanate in an alkaline medium very easily be oxidized to su'Lfo acid (111) which was then Card 1/3 with hydrochloric acid converted to the expected benzimida.- 7 0--1- -14/63 Investigations in the Field of Imidazole Derivatives. XVIII. On the Proh.- lem of the Nitration of 5-Methylbenzimidazole zole derivative (IV). On boiling nf the mixture. obtained with formic aid, of the reaction prDducta 3f 2,4-dinitro--5-- -methylaniline the authors with a 65 li4-c yield obtained a com.- pound which had a melting pcint of '97 C and which according to the elementary analysis is identical with methyinitrabenz- imidazole, and which accordingly had to possess the structure of 5-methyl-6-nitr3benzimidazcla (X). The latter was also synthesized by Fischer and HeS by nitration of 5-methylbenz- imidazole M with a molting point of 241 0C, which contra. dicted the finding of the authors. After a repetitisr and closer examination of Fischer's and HeW experiments the authors succeeded in provina that in their nitrat ~~,n with 5-methylbenziuidazole not 5--meiliyl..6--nil~robenzimidazole, but 4- and 6-mononitro derivatives In the rati'~ 5,7 1 4;3 were obtain 8d. It was found that the produ.3t with a melting point. of 240 C synthesized by Pipcher and HeO was a 5--methyl--4- -nitrobenzimidazole, but no tS--nitro derivative, as they had stated. There are 2 figur.-is, and 'I references, 2 cf which are Card 2/3 Slavic. 79-1-14/63 Investi-ations in the Field of Inidazole Derivativea. XVIII. On the-Prob.- 0 lem of the Nitration of 5-Methylbenzinidazole ASSOCIATION: Inningrad TechnclogLoa.MistituU 1mai Iansovet (Le,ninE;rads',c.iy tekhnoloGichoakiy institut in. Lensoveta) SUBIMITTED: Decorabor 10, 1956 AVAILABIZ-s Library of Congress u Card 3/3 1. "chemistry 2. Nitro compounds 3. Chemical analysis 79 - 2 - 3 AUTHORSt Efrou, L, 3. 1 YQI'taov, A. V. TITLEt Research in tht.~ Field of Inidazol Derivatives (Ijollidov".11-Lyc V ob3Aqtj proizvo&qkh inidazola) XIX. Ai:iinoderivatives of the Benzi:jiftzolon and 1,3-DLiethjlben- zitaidazolon (XIX. Amitioproizvodnyyc benziuidazolona i 1,3-ditletil- benzimidazolona) PDRIODICAL: Zhurnal Obahchey Xhijaii, 19jO, Vol. 28, Hr 2, PI). 441 - 447 (USSR) ABSTRACTt It VVIS shown already earlier th.,t benzinida3olon (I) and its N,111- -dirnethy1derivatives in bighly acid mcdiurl differ neither according to their reactivity nor in their abziorption n1jectrum from benzimi- dai;olonderivativez. Ifence is concluded that in salt formation the proton i~3 added to tile curbon:(l ox-.,t;en and forzis a cation. In the ncutral Liedium (1) is in the o-Phrnylcar*ja!iide forn, :--nd its he- turorin~; differs from that of imidl-1.zol. In connection with thia the influence of the iraidazolring on the conden3ation vith a bcn- zenering was investigated in the present paper, and the detection of the deforn"tion character of the cloud of elceti-ono in th,,~ lat- ter atteupted. For this purpoze the ieo-iors cf tirl 4- and 5- -at,iinoderivatives of the benzimidazolon vtere in-vcoti,;ated as .-fall Card 112 as of its 1,3-dimctbylderivati,;,-;. 2rom the invt- i3 assumed -2-36/" Research in thin Ficld of Laidazol Derivatives. XIX. Anino"'crivritivcs of the Benz- imida-zolon and 1,3-Ditaebliylbetiziiaiclazolon th th that the double bindine between Vic; 5 .~rd 6 carbon atom ij to ~i -i-eut extent enlar,-ed in the as well as in its 1 iuuthylanalogouj. Thij leads to the riLrro,-cnization at t ~' Q('R-darljon atom (as was fotind cxp,2ri!:t~:ntul'y). If t1iia a3jump- tion i-, rirht, an analo-ou.9 defor.,lation of t~], CIOUd of electrons i3 bound to occur in the berizene core of the unjub3tituted bcn,-,imi- dazolon nucleu3, or the different reaction pro,)e-ties of the 5-C-Mi- nobenzimidazol and 5-aminobenzimidazolon wouL~ be difficult to ex- plain. The confi-itration di3turbancu of t":ij kind ij -aorth nention- in'li --ince it has not yct b,_~en observed, except the data on the hy- drAeo Aiich wore found tu lie ~ 'ironiL o-,* late. Pr'~!~_r~_LLive details well as z3j)ccific data of the compounds are ,ivEn. There are 1 Ci,lure, I table, zmd 8 references, I of wlich arc 31-ic. 2 S~ 0 C 1 A":' 10 IT: Tcchnolo,-,ical Institute imeni Lensovet, Lenin.~.rad (LeninEradskiy tu;-hnolu,:ichei'1-.ij initituL im. Lem.3ov':ti) SUBi,L"I122ED: h-larch 11, 1957 AVAILABLE: Library of Conress Card 212 AUTHORS: Efros, L. S., Yelltsov, A. V. 79-28-4-21/60 ----------------- - TITLEt Investigations in the Field of Imidazol Derivatives (Iseledovaniye v oblasti proizvodnykh imidazola). XX. Some Amino Derivatives of Benzimidazolone (XX. Nekotoryye amino- proizvodnyye benzimidazolona) FERIODICALs Zhurnal Obshchey Khimii2 1958, Vol. 28, Nr 4, PP- 941-945 (USSR) ABSTRACTs In investigating the chemical properties of amino derivatives of benzimidazolone (I) the authors found, that the a7o- -binding of 5-aminobenzimidazolone with diazized aniline takes place at the 6th carbon atom. (II). 5-amino-1,3-di- methylbenzimidazolone behaves in a similar way: 7 IH C6H5 - N -N NH \.2 \-O 51 X~~ H , ===O NH ~ I y 3/ 2 Card 1/3 M Investigations in the Field of Imidazol Derivatives, 7 9-28-4-21/60 XX. Some Amino Derivatives of Benzimidazolone CH NH C~o .NH NH 2 (111) On the basis of these facts the authors supposed that the electron shell of the benzene nucleus is deformed in such a way under the action of the imidazolone nucleus, as to markedly strengthen the double binding between the 5th and the 6th carbon atom. In order to determine the degree of this deform- ation, two aminobenzimidazolones were synthesized and the interaction of this substances with diazonium salts was ob- served, whereby in one of these position 6 and in the other position 4 was blocked by methylgroups. It was found, that the 5-amino-6-methylbenzimidazolone cannot enter into the reaction of the azo-binding. Tile 5-amino-4,7-dimethylbenz- imidazolone, however, reacts with diazo compounds and forms Card 2/3 azo dyes. These observations prove the earlier drawn con- Investigations in the Field of Imidazol Derivatives 79-28-4-21/60 XX. Some Amino Derivatives of Benzinidazolone clusion, that In the molecule of bonzimidazolone the double bond of positions 5 and 6 is strengthened and the double bond of positions 4 - 5 and 6 - 7 is weakened under the influence of the nonaromatic imidazolone nucleus. There are 8 references, 3 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATIONs Leningradskiy teklinologicheakiy institut imeni Lensoveta (Leningrad Institute for Technology imeni Lensovet) SUBMITTEDs March 11, 1957 Card 3/3 AUTHORS: Efros, L. S., Yelltsov, A. V. SOV/79-2a-6-37/66 TITLE: Some Aminoderivatives of the Piaselenole (Nekotoryye aminoproizvodnyye piazselenola) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal obshchey khimii, 1958, Vol. 28, Nr 81 pp. 2172 - 2174 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Recently, L.S.Efros (Ref 2) found that the 5-aminopiaselenole ( prmula II) is capable of entering into an azo developing. For the resulting azo compound the structure (M) had been suggested, derived from structure (I). In order to sub- stantiate this suggested azo developing of the 5-amino pia- selenole the authors synthesized the amines (IV) and (V), in one of which the positions 4 and 7, in the other the position 6 are blocked by methyl groups. Both amines were obtained by the combination of the aqueous solutions of the hydrochlorides of the corresponding substituted triaminobenzenes and of sodiumselenite. Besides, the nitro compounds (VI) and (VII) were characterized which are easily formed from the corresponding ortho-diamines and selenium dioxide. The Card 1/3 1,2,4-triamine-3,6-dimethylbenzene, hitherto unkneva and Some Aminoderivatives of the Piauelenole SOV/79-28-8-37/66 necessary for the synthesis of compound (IV), was obtained by reduction of the trinitro-p-xylone with tin in hydro- chloric acid. It was proved that tile 5-amino-6-methylpia- aelenole (V) easily enters into an azo developing reaction with the salts of the aryldiazonium. The dye (VIII)o gained from (V) and diazotized 2,5-dichloro aniline, was described. With 5-amino-4,7-dimethylpiaselenole (IV) an azo developing was failing, as expected. The results hardly allow to doubt the suggested structure of the azo dye (IV) and Suggest a quinoidine structure of the piaselenole (1), a piaselenole with a double-bond between the 5-4 and the 6-7 carbon atoms. The incapability of the compound (IV) to form an azo developing points to the accuracy of the assumption that the entrance of the azo group into the 5-aminopiaselenole occurs at the fourth carbon atom. There are 7 references, 4 of which are Soviet. Card 2/3 Some Aminoderivatives of the Piaselenole SOV/79-28-8-37/66 ASSOCIATION: Leningradakiy tekhnologichookiy inir,,tittit imeni Lanuoveta (Leningrad Technological Institute imeni Lensovet) SUBMITTED: July 4, 1957 Card 3/3 AUTHORS: SOV/79-28-8-38/66 -- ro a, L. S., Yelltsov, A. V. TITLE; Investigations in the Field of Imidazole Derivatives (Issle- dovaniye v oblasti proizvodnykh imidazol&)XXI.Synthesia and Properties of the Imidazolone Imidazolobenzenes (XXI. Sintez i svoystva imidazolonoimidazolobenzolov) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal obshchey khimii, 1958, Vol. 28, lir 8, pp. 2174 - 2178 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The previously investigated diimidazole benzenes (Formula 1) approached, as far as their chemical properties are concerned, the anthracene derivatives (Ref 1): on oxidation they formed quinones, on halogenation dihalogen derivatives; their nitration yielded mononitro compounds. In the case of compound (I) the influence of aromatic imidazole rings on the central benzene nucleus the meso-positions of which become unsaturated, plays an important role. The authors assume (Refs 2,3) that the electron cloud of the benzimidazo- Ions, as contrasted with benzimidazole ~II), is so deformed that the double-bond character between the 5 and 6 carbon atoms increases (III). It was interesting to investigate ro-rA iA the Properties of compounds in which the benzene ring Investigations in the Field of Imidazole Derivatives. SOV/79-28-8-30/66 XXI.Synthesis and Properties of the Imidazolone Imidazolobenzenes could be condensed both with imidazole and imidazolone hetero-rings. On the treatment of the 5,6-diamino-benzimi- dazolone and its 1,3-dimethyl analogs with formic and acetic acid the compounds (IV), (v) and, correspondingly, ('VI),(V!I) were synthesized (Refs,4,5). The ortho-diamines readily offer themselves as initial products on furion with urea, yielding the compounds (VIII) and (IX), hithcrto unknown, the properties of which shall be subjected to further studies. The oxidation-, bromination- and nitration reactions of the deriv&tives of the i,2-imidazolone-4!5-imi- dazole benzene were investigated. Their aigher reaccivity as compared with the derivatives of 1,2,4,5-diimidazole- benzene became evident. There are 5 references, 3 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Leningradskiy tekhnologicheskiy institut imeni Lensoveta (Leningrad Technological Institute imeni Lensovet) Card 2/3 InvestiCations in the Field of Imidazole Derivatives. 50V/79-28-8-38/66 XXI.Synthesis and Properties of the Imidazolone Imidazolobenzenes SUBMITTED: July 4, 1957 Card 313 EFROS, L.S. --------------------- Aromatic bond and acme probleits of the structure of aromatic %;onpound5. Analele chimie 15 no-3:67-98 il-Ag 060. (EEAI 10.-2) (Aromatic compounds) IMS, L. S. Aromatic bond and some problems involving the strQcture of aromatic compounds, Usp.khlm, 29 no*2:162-186 7 160. (MIRA 13:6) 1. Leningradskiy takhnologichookly institat imeni Lensaveta. (Chemical bonds) (Aromatic compounds) POZWSHZV, V.A.; TMR -SZLXKTOR *; XrRO"AS__ I ZeyC Infrared absorption spectra of piaselenole and of a number of its derivatives. Zhur.obokhim. 30 no.8:2551-2555 Ag '60. (MIRA 13;8) 1. Gosudatotvenny7 nauchno-iseledovatellskiv institut organicho-- ekikh poluproduktoy i krasiteley (NIOPiK), Moskva. (Bonsonalonadiazole-Spectra) ELITSOV, A.V.j EFROS,-L..S-.- Imidazole derivatives. Part 23: 5.6-Dioxo derirutives of benzimidazolons. Zhur.obekbims 30 no.100319-3324 0 161* (KUU 24:4) * 1. Leninvadskiy takhnologicheekly institut imeni Lensovetae (Benzimi"zole) IOFFEEJ D.V,; 'EFR~Sj N-=ldes of aromatic n1trogen-containing heterocycles. Usp.khin. 30 no,11:32-25-1351 N 161. (NIU 14:10) Is Leningradekiy tekhnologicheskiy institut imeni Lensoveta. (Heteroeydio ciompounds) GORELIK, M.V.j-F-YROS,_;~.S. - Anomaly of the spectral color of certain mesophenylbenzoxanthene derivatives. Zhuro ob, khim, 31 ~o,4:1209-1215 Ap ,61. .- (MIPA 14:4) 1. Leningradskiy tekhnologicheskly institut imeni loonsoveta. (Benzoxanthene) TELITSOVp A.Y.; EFROS. L.S.; PLIBIN, le,,N, Imidazole derivatives. Part 25t 4. 3-dimetboxy derivatives of benzimidazolinones' Zhur.ob.khime 31 no*5:1581-1585 my solo (Kaa3,414) 1. Ioeningradakiy tekhnologioheakiy inatitut imeni Lensoveta. (Benz imidazolinone) YELIISOV~ AN.; EFROSg L.P. Dbrivatives of imidazole. Part,26. Zhur.ob.khim. 31 no.l2s399/.- i,bbl D 161. (KMA 15:2) 1. Leninpadakiy tekhnologichaskiy institut, imeni Lenso"U* (Imidazole) YELITSOV8 A.V.; EFROS L S Derivativee of imidasole. Part 27. Zhur. ob. khim. 32 no.ltl96-199 Ja 162. (HIBA 1592) 1, LeningradekLy tekbnologieheskiy institut imeni Lenooveta. (Imidazole) YELITSOV, A.V.: EFROS,, L.S, Izidazole derivativeo. Part 24s Synthesis and oxidation of 5-chloro-6-methoxybenzimidazolone. Zhur. ob. khim. 31 noW215- 1218 Ap 161. (KM 14W 1. Leningradskiy tekhnologicheskly institut imeni lensoveta. (Bentimidazolinone) - EFROS L.S.; POLYAKOVAp R.P.; ARGITTI, M.G. Derivatives of piazthiole and piazoolonole. Part 7: Monohydroxy derivatives. Zhur.ob.khim. 32 no.2:516-521 F 162. (MIRA 15:2) 1 . Leningradskiy tekhnologicheskiy institut imeni Lansovetas (Denzothiadiazole) (Benzoselenadiazole) KWHINAI I.M.; j~ ~06$ ~LS, ~ Reactivity of metbyl derivatives of N-oxides of aromatic heterocycles. Zhur.ob.khim. 32 no.7s2217-2227 Jl 162. (NM 15:7) 1. Leningradakiy tekbnologicheakiy institut imeni, Lensoveta. (Heterocyclic compounds) (Methyl group) zHrsN, Go-Du [Sn xuo-tu]; M=-4-Ll.S. Intermediate products and dyes containing a residue of ethylenimine. Zhur.ob.khim. 33 no.3t966-969 Mr ""P (MIRA 16.S) 1. Leningradakiy tekhno:Logicheakiy institut imeni Lensoveta. (Ethylenimine) (Ops and dyeing) ~Y GHZHU CHIJNI-KHUA[Chu Chlun-hu]; EFROS, L.B. Interuediate products and dyes containing a chloropropionic acid radical. Part 1. Zhur. ob. khim. 33 no.5p,- My 163. 1539-1543 (MIRA 16:6) 1. Leningradakiy tekhnol icheskiy institut imeni Lensoveta. 05 (Dyes and dyeing) (Propionic acid TOMCHIN, A.~B.; MOSp L.S. Interaction between epichlorohydrin and aminoanthraquinones. Zhur.ob.khim. 33 no.7:2321-2327 JI 163. (MIRA 16:8) 1. Leningradskiy tekhq ..plogicheakiy inatitut im. Lensoveta. (Epithlorohydrin) (Anthraquinones) YELITSOVI A.V.j KUZNETSOV, V.S,; EFROS L.S. Derivatives of imidazole. Part 3. Zhur.ob.khim. 33 no.12:3965- 3972 D 163. (MIRA 17:3) 1. Leningradskiy tekhnologicheskiy institut imeni Lensoveta. YELITSOV, A.V.; KUZNETSOV, V.S.; EFROS, L.S. Derivatives of imidazole, Part 31, 2hur.ob.khim. 34 no.1:197-201 J& 164. (WRA 17:3) 1. Leningradskiy tekhnologicheskiy institut imni Lensovata, 71KHS, E.R.; EFROS, L.S., Derivatives of imidazole. Part 32: Synthesis of 4,5(6,7)- quinones of benzimidazole. Zhur. ob. khim. 34 no. 3:956-961 Mr 164. Derivatives of imidazole. Part 33: Synthesig~ of 6,7-quinones of benzimidazole. Ibid..-962-969 .I (MIRA 17:6) 1. Leningradskiy tekhnologicheskiy Institut'imeni Lensoveta. ZAKIIS, E.R.; EFROS, LoSe Derivatilres of imidazole. Part 35.1 Benzimidazole 6,7-quinones. Zhur. ob. khim. 34 no. 5t1633-1636 My 964. (K:RA 170) I.M.; MOS. L.S, Xineti.,.-s and r-e!.blM13M Of UA &Z0 caup~-'ilng c.1 9-inathylacrLd!as and iodomethylate of 9-mtthylaeridina. &mr. A. kh:lm. 34 no*7t 358-2366 X1 164 (MIRA 1-18) 1. len:Lngradaki-y tekbnologi-ahe6ki-y institut 4-Mm--* Tensoyetae, YEWTSOVO A,V,; LHS, E.R.; EFROSIJ..S. Derivatives of imidazole. Part 36. Mmr. ob. khim. 34 no.111 3738-3741 N 164 (MIRA 18:1) 1. Leningradakiy tokbnologicheskiy institut imeni Lensoveta. ZATSEPRIA, 11.1%; TUPITMI, I.F.; EFROS, L.S. Hydrogen-Inotope mx,~harige in mathyl dorivativea of nitragoin haterocycles and their, N-oxides. Part. 21 Reactivity and electron structure of ir-meric picolins, theJr N-