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. I
- i; - - - "! - - .. . .
1~ -'it,! .- , - .
I .. '. _. 1 -.. ~- -I., .
IM 1, N.I.
(Handbook on natural building materials for petroleum-produoing
districts of Azerbaidzhan] Spravochnik po prirodnym stroitelInym
materialam dlia, neftianykh ra,ionoy Aserbaidshana. Moskva. Gootop-
tekhtsdat, 1954. 216 p. (MM 7:11D)
Study of phynicomechanical properties of limestones in the
Apsheron Peninsula. Uch.zap.AGU. Geoll-geog.ser. no.1:31-42
159. 1 (MMA 15:12)
(Apsheron Pe4nsula-Limestone)
YAGMUROVAv T.., red. iad-va;
(Agrophysical charaoteristics of soils in the piedmont and
lowland parts of the Nakhic.hevin A.S.S.R. for the purpose of
working out the bases of irrigation and their efficient use
in agriculture] Agrofisichaskata-kharaktariettka pochv pred-
gornoi i nismennoi ehasti Nakhichevan3koi ASSR v tseliakh
rasrabotki oenov orosheniia i ratsionallnogo ispollsovaniia
ikh v ael'skom khoziaietTe. Baku, Izd-vo AN Axerb.SSR, 1963.
258 p. (Nakhichevan A.S.S.R.-Soll physics) (MIRA 16:8)
Effect of hyaluronidase on recent syphilis. Rad. med. fak. Zagreb.
10 no.1:75-80 162.
SEKS09M. , Dr. ; EFEijPja.-Z.,,..j)r* ; HITIF:C, V. , Dr. : iepartment of
Internal DiseaffsEfid Central Laboratory for ~-xperirnental Mledicine,
Dr M. Stojanovic General Hospital, Zagreb (Klinika za unutrasnje
bolesti i Centralna laboratorija za eksperimentalnu medicinu Opste
bolnice "Dr M. Stojanovic" u Zagrebu), Zagreb.
"Diagnostic Value of the Determination of Cholesterol in Thyroid
Zagreb, Lijecnicki VJesnik, Vol aB, No 3, 1966, pp 249-253
Abstract ZT-uthors' English stwuiiary modified k total of 128 Pa-
tients were obsenred: 30 with hypert~., smo 19 with nronoiinced
DT-imary hynothyroidiamo and 79 with euthyroid goiter. mhe c1holes-
terol values in the serum were sipmificantly reduced in hyDerthy-
roidism and greatly increased in hynothyroidism, while they were
normal in patients with euthyroid goiter. mhe possibility of hypo-
thyroidism very likely does not exist at all if cholesterol values VII.L.-
are normal (150-200 mg!,), Tables. 4 vugoslav and 23 Testern
references. TfanuscriDt received 20 Sep 65,
KARGIN, V.A., akademik; EMDIYBCp A.A.1 BEMTMA, Z. Ya.
Spontaneous formation of large oriented structures in a non-
regular copolymer of the diethyl enter of vinylphosphinic
acid and acrylic acid, Dokla AN SUR 157 no,1&125-126 J1 16.4
(MIRA 170)
I* Fiziko-khimioheskiy institut im. L. Ya.Xarpova.
B B166
AUTHORSt Mamedaliyov, YUI G., Mamedaliyov, G. M., Aliyevt S. M.p
TITLEs Polymerization of,',the 130 - 1600C styrene fraction of resin
obtained from the~:pyrolysis of hydrocarbon gases in the pros-
enoe of isopropyl:benzene hydroperoxide
RRIODICAM Referativnyy zhurnal Xhimiyal no- 4j 1963, 605t abstract
4T41 (Azerb. khim..zL, no. 1, 1962, 17 - 22 [Summary in:~-i
TEM An investigation was made into the polymerization of the 130 -
16000' styrene fraction of resin obtained from the pyrolysis of hydrocarbon
gases in the presence of isopropyl benzene hydroperoxide. A study was
made of the effect of te .mperature (80'- 11200G), the duration of the re-
action (10 - 30 hrs) and the'amount of initiator (1-25 - 2.96 % by w6igh
gn the polymerization processi the solid polymer output proved to be 41Q
of thn raw material at 8000 with an initiator concentration of 1.25 %
after 30 hrs._ Compositions were obtained on the basis of the synthesized
polymers and industrial polystyrene and their physico-mechanical proper-
Card 1/2
Polymerization of the
ties were studied. It was established that molding materials based on
the 130 - 16000 fraotion polymers and polystyrene are heat-resistant'. to
101 - 1020 and 106 - 10600 respectively (accordin to the Vicat test);
the Brinell hardnesues -are 14 - 15 and 15 - 16 kg~:2; the tangents of the
angle of dielectric lose at a current frequency of 10 cps are O.ooo6 -
the dielectric constants at a current frequency of
0.0007 and 0.0002 and .
__[Abstraoterle notes- Complete translation
_10,cps are--2.6-and-2.6,
Kinetics of ion extraction by polymeric complex-forming films.
Zhur. fiz. khim. 38 noo4slO35-1038 Ap 164* (MMA 17t6)
1. Fiziko-khimicheskiy inatitut imeni L.Ya. Karpova.
KARGITI, V.A. akademik; EFFI,*,DIYEVt A.A.; Ye.P.; TU"ITSKIY, N.N.
Preparation and study of a homogenous polymeric membrane having
complex-forming properties. Dokl. All SSSR. 144 no.6:3,307-1308
je 162. (IALRA 15:6)
1. Fiziko--khimichookiy inotitut im. L.Ya Karpova.
(Membranes (Chemistry)) (Poiymera)
KARGIN, V.A., akademik; ~~NPIXEV, A.A..,; BERESTNEVA, Z.Ya.
Electron microscope study of the structure of a copolymer of
diethyl ester of vinylphosphinic acid and acrylic acid having
complex-forming properties. Dokl. AN SSSR 155 no.6tI401-1403 Ap
164. (MIRA 17:4)
1, Fiziko-khimicheskiy institut im. L.Ya*Karpova.
L 2f426-66 EVrr(.) EWP(J)LT- RtAl ww
ACC NR. - AP6010429 SOURCE CODE: VR/0020/66/167/002/0384/0385
AUTHOR: Kargin, V-'A. Academician); Berestneva, Z. Ya,; Bor,11noy -_Ye.
~~diyev, A-. At _tj!
ORG: Physicochemical Institute im. L. Ya. Karpov (Fiziko-khimicheakiy 1natitut)
TITLE: The problem of ordering in amorphous polyme 9
SOURCE: AN SSSR. Doklady, v. 167, no. 2, 1966, 384-385
TOPIC TAGS: amorphous copolymer, ordered structure, supramolecular structure,
morphological form, globule, fibril
ABSTRA.C-1: A 5.t.udy ha�( been: m.ade of the structure of the allylbarbituric acidj
acrylic acid _prepared by radical copolymerization. e opolymer Ts-
amorphous ad noncrystallizing by virtue of Its irregular structure. However, from
dilute aqueous solutions (10~-1-10-2 g/lOO ml; PH, 1.0) the copolymer was shown to
form large ordered structures. These structures are highly oriented, exhibit marked
optical anisotropy, and consist'both of globular and fibrillar formations. Orig.
art. has: 3 figures. (BO]
SUB CODE: 07 1l/ SUBM DATE: 02Jun65/ ORIG REF: 003/ ATD PRESS:,eK'2%
Card 1/1 UDC: 539.213
DVORKIN, P.M. (g.Baku); EFMIYL,*V, A,M (g.Baku)
Experience in the regulation of mountain otreams. Put# i put,khoz.
5 no.10:37-38 0 161. OVA 14:10)
(Rivers-Regulation) (Railroads-Maintenance and repair)
j~~~A.M. . inzh.
Experienoe in the reinforcement of river crooalngs. Put, i puts '-o'
khoz, 6 no,1140 162, (KIRA 16 81)
(Railroad bridges)
Structures have to be safe. Put' put.khoz. 8 no.2:31 164.
(MIRA 170)
1. Starshiy inzh. otdela dorogi, Baku.
EFEND]YEV, otarahiy inzh. (Baku)
Barrages are a reliable protection of tracks against flood waters.
NO i Put,khoz, 9 no#8t24-25 165. (MIRA 18:8)
_"'fendiyev, A.R.
Two theorems on the stability of motion
Moscow. Universitat. Vestnih. Soria 1. Matematika,
Mel.-hanika, no. 3, 1962, 9-14
T'.'XT: The author presents generalizations of It. Bellman's
and Ye. I. Dylthman's (Izv. M KazSSR, no. 4, 73-85, 1950) theorems V/L3
on the stability of non-perturbed motion of non-autonomous systems
of differential equations, for the case of a variable matrix. In
the proof, the method of reducing differential bquations to integral
equations, and the theorem of K.11. PersidsIUy (Izv. A'al KazzSSR, ser.
3-25, 1951) are used. The most important
matem. i mckh., no. B.
English-language reference reads as follows: 1) Bellman, R. On the
boundedness of solutions of non-linear differential and difference
equations. Trans. Amer. liath. Soc. 62, no. 3, 357-336, 1947.'
V (Department of
SOCIATION: Kafedra differentsiallnykh ufavneniy
Card 1/2
I thcomms, on the stability ...
.Differential Equations)
SUBMIT'ILD: . 'October 24, 1961
Card 2/2
~AUTIIOR: Efendiyev, A. R.
i TITLE: On the region of influence of a singular point of
higher order
PERIODICAL: Moscow. Universitet. Vestnik. Seriya I. Matematika,
Mekhanika, no. 1, 1963, 14-25
TEXT; The author considers the question of the region of influence*:
of a singular point of higher order for some special multi-dimen-
eional systems of differential equations. The definition of a re-
gion of influence given by V. V. HemytBkiy (Trudy MMO, V. 5t 455-
483, 1956) is adopted. The system of differential equations
C ij xjif 1 1, 2, n (2)
Card 1/5
S/05 63/000/001/002/008
!On the region of ... D251YD308
k 2pjj pj >/1, and the derived system
dxi n CijXk
dt - 17, 1
where k = k = 2p are considered. It is proved that: Theorem 1: If
the raa of the matrix 11cijIlequals n, then an arbitrary bounded
region does not contain as a whole a single trajecotry of the sys-
tem (2) excluding the singular oint. Lemma: Por the singular
point ON, 0 ' 0) of system M to be unique (the rank of
11cijjj being n-!~*ilt is sufficient that for a single index i
M k(l > 0,
(~~rd 2/5
On the region of ... D251/D308
m k (2)= k(2) k(')> 0,
21 1 n-m+l i
(3) (2) (1)
m = k(3)+ k(3) k(l)+ k(3) ,(2)- k k k > Op
31 1 n-m+l i', n-m+2"i n-m+2 n-m+l i
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
k + k(m) k( 1) + @to + k(M) kM-1 + 000 +
n-m+l i n-1 i
+ k(m)k(m-')k(m-2)+ k(m)k(m-')...k(2) k(l) > 0 (8)
n-1 n-2 i n-1 n-2 n-m+l i
d 3/5
S/05 63/000/001/002/008
:On the region of ... D251YI)308
;-are satisfied simultaneously. Additional conditions for necessity
!are given. Theorem 3: If the rank oflIc Ufor (3). equals n-m and
:i ij
:one of the conditions of (8) is fulfilled, then an arbitrary bounded
.region will not contain as a whole a single trajectory of (3) ex-
eluding the singular point. It is stated that the above lemma and
,theorem 2 also hold for the system (2). This result is a generaliza7
~tion of a result of MovBhovich (Vestn. MoBk. un-ta, Ser. matem.
mekh., no. 6, 3-11, 1959), Analogous theorems are then proved for
.the system of equations
dxi i
dt =,7,cjkxpjxkp
'On the region of ... D251/D308
dxi n i P p
=t Cjkxjxk + (Pi(to xi I x2f f Xn) (24)
c 0 J. using the sufficiency conditions of N. N. Krasov-
ik k
skiy18 theorem. By taking p = 1 in (23), it follows, with the aid
of some results of Lawrence Ma:~kus, that, for p = 1 the algebra A
.corresponding to the system (3) has an orthogonal basis.
'ASSOCIATION: Kafedra different8iallnykh uravneniy (Department of
Differential Equations)
SUB14ITTED: January 19, 1962
ICard 5/5
Applying Seidel's method to a certain boundary value problem.
DokI. AN Azerb. SSR 21 no.2;3-9 165.
1. Dagestanskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet.
(MIRA 18:5)
11 V M, 1. 4. my] A, Z.
1'01.rl~R A Ncyor ftrd 17,j.. bz.,
A GO'U'A iL fir it Fiven "'I tile cAxrIc,.ntAI
In,o.f!.%L~Honj imid,, tij rib .1in 301 cn Ow mn&~.,q -ithim
:jpr,j k fi 4~~ ir~;% ~4- differert :;Nrk gon-~rntcr c1co.ultz
V~ul v c, i v oo d i, r:- it itcr IOJ fully. A.11 jp-Arh vnfoataby
tie,-t, uv an ovopj,gxp~. and c!rcuits sm; Idwoo
whl-h rf~Lcrd 1br, currout In thit. to,.xLrlr- 71m results rb-
!t,,,m c-tcfI a;nrk 4,,P~Mor Atyz- I
EFENMIYEV, A. ZU. - "Investigation of an Impulse Spark-Over
Speed of Development of Electron Avalanches." Sub F
Problems imeni S. L Vavilov. (Dissertation for the
in Physicomathematical Sciences).
of GaEe--- ard the
','ar 52, inst of ?tqsical
DegTee of Candidate
0: Vechernaya Moskva JaTyuary-December 1952
Card 1/2
In-ve-s"WOTo-nof Pulse Breakdown of a Gas
ment Velocity. (Issledovaniye impul'snogo
raz-itiya elektronnykh lavin, Russian)
Zhurnal Tekhn. Fiz.t 1957, Vol 27, Nr 5,
PA - 3555
and of Avalanche Develop-
proboya gazov i skorosti
pp 1010 - 1018 (U.S.S.R.)
The velocity of the Development of electron avalanches was investi-
gated in various gases which differ considerably with respect to
electric strength. The breakdown of the various gases was investi-
gated in the case of rather short voltage pulses and various
amounts of overvoltage. This made it possible to determine the
time necessary for the forming of the discharge in dependence
of field voltage. When determining the velocity of the development
of electron avalanches the streamer theory of breakdown served as
a basis. If such conditions are created for the experiment that
the electron avalanoh4 is able to pass through the entire length
of the gas interval, the quotient obtained by dividing the length
of the gas interval by the time v of the formation of the discharge
can be looked upon with sufficient approximation an the velocity
of the development of the electron avalanche. Investigations were
carried out oft air, SF , and helium without any special puri-
fioation. For the invesfigation of the pulse-gas-breakdown an
oscillograph was used by which the breakdown was registered,
PA - 3555
Investigation of Puloe Breakdown of a Gas and of Avalanche
Development Velocity.
Experimental results:
1) The velocity of the development of electron avalanches is not
only a function of X/p (X - field voltage, p - pressure), but it
also depends essentially on the nature of the gas. 2) In the in-
vestigated interval of the modification of X/P the velocity of the
development of the electron avalanche is in first approximation
a linear function of Xlp. X/p changes within the following limitat
a) in helium from 11-9 to 34-5, b) in air from 33 to 62, a) in
SF6 from 83 to 111 cm/mm torr.
(*ith I table, 11 illustrations, and 5 Slavic references)
ASSOCIATIONt Dagped Institute, Makhach-Kala
SUBMITTEDt 27.9-1956
LVAILABLE: Library of Congress
Card 2/2
,F- _7
L 10247-63 EWP(q)/~5n(m)/BDS--AFyTC/
AUTHOR: Efendiyev, A. Z.; Zhokhov, v. Z. 5/0109/63/006/006/1040/lo44
TITLE: Impulse breakdown of selenium rectifiers
SOURCEs Radjotekhnika
11 v 8 no. 6, 1963, 1040-1044
i elektrenil-a
TOPIC TAGS: selenium rectifier
ABSTRACT: An experimental investigation of the reverse current wh v ita im
pulses with about 10 sup -8 see. frOnt were applied to an AVS-18.1 e 0eniugme
rectifier,Qis described, The impulse voltage was built up 2
to the briaildown point,
and the time of fomation of the P-n-Junction breakdown was measured by a double-
trace oscillograph. The time of formation was within (42 to 4) x 10 sup -6 see
'When t1le field strength varied from 10 sup 5 to 2.2 x 10 sup
voltage characteristic shows that impact ionization might hav 5 V/cm- The current-
a preceded the break-
down. A resistor connected In series with the rectifier delayed the breakdown.
"The authors express their deep appreciation to Kh. I. Amirkhanov for his constant
attention to their work and for his valuable sW-0-sTfo-ns rig. art. has, 5
figures, 1 formula, and I table.
Card 1/1/
Pulse breakdown of copper oxide rectifiers. Izv. vys. ucheb.
zav.; fiz. no. 3:124-127 164. (MIRA 17s9)
1. Dagestanskiy gosudaretvennyy universitat imeni Lenina.
Z;a a
L28514-66 EWT (1)
KC-C _NR- AR6000074 SOURCE CODES UIR/OZ75/65/000/009/BO20/BO20
LUTHOR: Efendiyevp A. 7,.; Zhokhovp V. Z.; ~.! ~dovp ~M.G.; Dzh ovap A*__Sj
TITLE: Investigation of pulse bzKkdown in semiconductor rectifiers
SOURCES Rer. zh. Elektronika i. yeye primeneniyet Abe. 9B153
RkF SOURCES Sb. Proboy dislaktrikov i poluprovodnikov. M.-L.9 Energiya, 1964p
TOPIC TAGSt selenium reatifierp semiconductor rectifier# dielectiia breakdown,
germanium semiconductor
ABSTRACTS The results of experimental investigations of pulse breakdowns of cuprous
oxidej seleniump and point-contact germanium rectifiers are discuss6d in detail.
It is shown that the time required for breakdown of cuprous oxide rectifiers is 0.4
to 12 tAsec at a field strength of (1.46 to 2.56)...106 v/cm; for the selenium recti-
fiers , 1+ to 42 /4 see at (6 to 11. 5) -. 105 v/cm; and for germanium rectifiers, -V1
/Asec. The resistance is 'the rectifier slows down the breakdown process. After the
breakdown, all tho volt-ampere charanteristics have drop*regions. The relationship
between the time required for development of breakdown and the field strength is
similar to that between the tirie required for development of gas avalanches and the
field strength. The time r4quired for rectifier breakdown is of the same order as
ACC NRsAR6000071+
that required for the breakdown of thin dielectric film. This indicates the
importance.of impact ionization and the development of electron avalanches. The
oscillograms registered repeated ohort-period breakdown of selenium rectifieral
after which the properties of the rectifiers were restored. Refo.t 17. (Translation
of abstract)
SUB CODEt 09/ SUBM DAT& none
NR1 AR6016871
P(c) JD =211.
SOURCE CODE: UR/0275/65/00()L=_D_
v A
AUTHOW Z.1 Mamedovs M. 0.
E f 4end ly
TITLE: Invest! &.o1 pulse breakdown of jtKMpAIum_dIWp
SOURCE: Ref. zh. Elektronika I yeye primenenlye, Abs. 1213158
REF! SOURCE: 9b. aspirantsk. rabot. Dagestansk un-t. Yestestv. I fiz.-ma6n~.-'.
Makhachkala, 1964, 93-99
TOPIC TAGS: germanium diode, volt ampere ebarnoteriatic, pulse oscillator
ABSTRACT: Pulse inverse voltage was supplied from a special oscillator to a type D2-D
point-contact germanium diode. The magnitude of the current pulse through the diode and the
voltage drop on It were determined by means of an-orscillograph. The totality of these values
at different magnitudes of the pulse of the oscillator determined the volt-ampere characterts-
Ucs..of the diode. A characteristic was obtained with a section of negative differential reels-
tan6e. The time of the development of the breakdown was determined (,%, 10-8 see). (Transla-
tion of abstract ] Bibliography of 6 titles. Abstractor's note. There are no data In the article
pertaining to the experimenti pulse front duration, repetition frequency, etc. The interpreta-
tion of some of the results of the experiment gives rise to doubt. L. L.
L 09361-67 KWP (in) 11%141'( 0 A2 IIJI'(0)
ACC NRi A 160213 1118
AUVOR: Efendiycv.. A. Z.; Zhokhov., V.
ORG: Dagestan State University im. V.
TITLE: Pre-breakdown state of selenium
NURCE COM IJIVO139/,6/coo/c,03/(X)93/00viI
I. Lenin (Dagestanakiy gosuniversitet)
r ctifiers
SOURCE: IVUZ. Fizika) no- 3* 1966j, 93-
TOPIC TAGS: selenium rectifier, dielectric breakdown, electric measurementp temperev-
ture dependence.. pn junctions
ABSTRACT: The authors report results of an experimental investigation of the pre-
breakdown and breakdown state of commercially produced selenium rectifiers in the
tel-,1perature interval from 100 to -196C, following application of a single voltage
pulse with stoop front in the inverse direction (pulse front duration 10-0 see). The
time necessary for the formation of the breakdown as a function of the temperature*
was measured by a procedure described by the authors earlier (Radiotekhnika i elektro-
nika. v. 8, lo4o, 1963). A pulse technique was used to prevent overheatine of the
sample. Measurements were made of the temperature dependence of the breakdown forma- 1
tion time, of the voltage dips or of the current pulses, and of the effect of a strong!
field in the p-n junction in a selenium rectifier. The dependence of the time of
breakdown formation on the overvoltage and on the temperature was determined in np
junctions of the selenium rectifier, the occurrence of current pulses both before and
during the breakdown was monitored, and it vas established that the breakdown in the
r--4 1/2
L o936i-67
f I ACC NRi Ap6023418
np junctions is the result of simultaneous action of the Zener effect and imPact
ionization effect. 7he authors thank Professor M. 1. Amerikhanov for continuous
Interest in the work. Orig. art. has: 3 figures and 2 tEb-le-s.
SUB CODE; 0 SUBM DATE: IgOet64/ oRio nF: o13/ oTH REF; oo4
:?/2 Q6L
Determining the OOSPOsition Of sediments In the system BAC12
Na2SO4 - H20 by physicochemical analysis [in Azarbaijani with
summary In RunnianJ. Uoh. sap. ASU no.3i25-41 157. (MIRA MI)
(Barium sulfate-4oalysis)
Thiosemicarbazide a6 an amlvtic reagent. Ucb.zap.AGU.
Piz.-mat.i kbim.ser. n0-1193-100 159,
(Carbobydrasticle) (MIRA 13:6)
Pbysicochemical analysis of the composition of precipitates.
Part 5: Study.of the system CuSO4 - SO 31~ - %0. uch.zap.
AGU, Fiz.-mat, L khts. or. no. 2 :65-79 '59. (MIRA 13:12)
(Chemistry, Analytical)
EFE74DIYF,V, D. A., Cand Chem jci - (diss) "An Investigation of the Chemical Compo-
sition of the Precipitates of Some Heterogeneous Systems by Physical-Chemical
Analysis." Baku, 1960, 22 pp with illustrations, (Ministry of Higher and -'econdary
Specialist Education U33R; Azerbaydzhan State Univ im J. M. Kirov) 100 copies, no
price given (KL 21-60, 119)
Problems relative to the investigation of beam vells. Trudy Inst.
geol. i geofiz. AN Kazakh. SSR 13116-132 163. (MIRA 160)
(Azerbaijan-Oil- well pumpall
EFEM)MV, I.K., doktor red. Muk; EMDIYEV, E.M.1,--prof., red.;
bULTANOV, M.S.p red.
[History of medicine in Azerbaijan from ancient times to
the 19th century] Istorlia, meditsiny v Azerbaidzhane s
drevnoishikh vremen do XIX voka. Baku) Izd-vo AN Azerb.SSR,
1964. 277 P. (MIRA 17:8)
I ~,.i I I a, F.A.
i;fandiy~,V, F.A. "Sulmoqumt. noryl !cal, ions of bullet wounds Of 0- (h~-!st from, the.
data of the mdical L-istitute of the Az;,~ri~aydzhian SSU,11 "Llrudy *Js,--so.,IrIj-,,. sly-,~z-'a
- (I
,.,-,hLrur,..ov. Aosco-.-I, 1948, , . V12-89
SO: U-32,611, 1r) April 1953, (Letopis IZhunial Inymi "o. 3, 1,A15)
20135 EFVi;DIYVII F. A.
Vab: V.o~rosy gru4poy
.~Ifl- -
, ~'- , , 11 ~j. .1. 4 .,1
L.I. Ic
Endoskopiya pri ognestrelInykh einpiyemakh plevry.
knirurgii. T.P.M., 1949, a. 95-10:1
.- -, .
6TATLY, Vol. 27, MOBkva, 1949
F- f 6-(-j J) t y r-- \f, F~ A -
rIVI.*.DM-ZAD'E, I. G.? AVYM-,IIITjT.,',, F. A.
2. ussR Wo)
4. Tuberculosis
7. Citrate as a hemostatic agent in tubercular pulmonaryhemorrhages and hemoptysis.
Probl. tub. no. 5j 1952.
9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, February .1953. Unclassified.
OUNOWS" Of man pr"om" at u4 zM CoDan" Of &avows of the
amt *"wf so - 27 AWAWY 19550 locladfids
The Role of the Vago-Carotid Blockade in the System of
Operative Period Treatment in Abdcminal Operations.
Boom% - - PA-h"3 (MUM F&UGftUft) WdawMod.
USSR/Humail and Animl mysioloa- BlocK2. Blood Transfusio.- T-3
ane. Blood Substitutes.
Abs Jour : Ref 22iur - Biol.,, No 13, 1958, 84053
Author : Efcwliyev, F14 , Gonchnrshayi, T.Ya.
Inst ; .
Title : F'reservation of LeukocyLic Mass for the Therapy of Leuko-
pcnic Conditions.
Orig Pub : Azcrb. tibbe zh-, 1957, No 2, 3-9 (azerb.), 53-58 (ruask),
Abstract : 116 abstract.
JFMIYIT,_jZ!.:,.prof as nor
OBlood preparations and blood substitutes' by V-1-Agrananko.
Reviewed by F.A.Ifendieve Frobl.gemet. I perelokrovi 2 no.3:
56-58 14y-Jo '57. (HIBA 10: 8)
USSR/Human and Animal Physiology (Normal and Pathological) -
Blood. Transfusions and Blood Substitutes.
Abs Jour: RoMhur-Biol., No 17, 1958, 79433.
Author Goncharskaya, T-Ya.; Rzayev, N.M.
Title Clinical Observations on Transfusions of Dry Plasm
Dissolved in txtishock Liquid (According to a
Perscription of the AzlPK CAzerbaydzhan Institute of
Blood Transfusion.-7).
Orig Pub: Sb- nauchn. tr. Azerb. n--i. in-ta perelivaniya krovi,
1957, vyP- 3, 11-17.
Abstract: The antishock disintoxicated liquid of the AzIPK
is a colloid solution which contains isogenetic
plasm MgS04 (0.45o), netiatone L7sic_7 (o=4%),
and ascorbic acid. Hiah effectiveness and siu-
Card 1/2
EFMMV, YoA., prof., xaslushennyy deyatell nauki, ZYVAZOT. B.A., prof.
dayatell naukip ABDULAYNt D.M., prof ,zasVzhanyy dayntell
Dzhalil Iusufavich Gussinov; on his 60th birthday, Arkh,pat. 20
no,703-94 158 KIRA 11:9)
1. Chleny Aserbaydxhanskogo obshchestva pAtologonnatomov (for
Selimkhanov, Hamedbekovag Ter-laaparova, Sultanova, Muepvev'o Atakinhiyev#
Abdullayev, VoX.)
"The Express-Method for the treatment of Renothorax.w
paper prosented at the 6th International Congress on Diseases of the Cheat of the
Ikericza College of Cheat Physicians,, Viennaj Austria,, 28 Aug-l Sep 1960.
Effeottveneos of oplbnectomy in various diseases of the hematopoietic
system, Probl.gemate-i perel.krovi 5 no.ls2l-24 Ja 160
~WRJL 14:6)
1. Iz Azerbaydikhmmkogo nauchno-issledovatellskogo instituta
gWtologii i perelivaniya krovi (dir.- dotient G.A.Guaeybov)
'i fakulltetokoy khirurgicheakoy klinikJ (zav. prof. F.A.Efendiyov)
A2ferbaydzhanskogo meditsipsko instituta,
Pathogenesis and treatment of embclic thrombosis. Izv.
All, Azerb, SSR, Ser, biol. i nod. nauk no-4;73-79 161,
(nWOMMIS) (MM 14:7)
.-) 1 0 1-
Changes in blood coagulettion factors and fibrinolytic activity in
leucoseB. Probl. gemat. i perel. krovi no.10:19-28 161.
(MIRA 14:12)
1. Is Azerbaydzhanskogo nauelmo-iseledovatellakogo inatituta
gematologii i parelivaniya krovi, (dir. - doteent 0. A. Guaeynov)
i fakulltetakay kbirurgicheskoy kliniki (dir. - prof. F. A,
Efendiyev) Aserbaydahanskogo goeudarstvennogo meditainskogo instituta.
Resuscitation of the organism after clinical death caused by air
embolism. Dokl. AN Azerb. SSR 17 no.12:1185-1188 161.
(MIRA 15:2)
1. Institut eksperimentallnoy i klinicheskoy meditsiny AN AzSSR.
A rof. AKMIDOVA, A. M.,, starahiy nauchnyy sotrudnik;
State of the coagulation system and fibrinolytic activity of the
blood in splenomegaly of varied etiology. Khirurgiia no.20-8
162o (MIRA 15:2)
1. Iz Azerbaydshanskogo naucbno-issladovatelinkogo instituta
gematologii i perelivanlya krovi Wir. - dotaent G. A. Guosynov)
i fakulltetskoy kbirargicheskoy kliniki (sav. - prof. F. A.
Efendiyev) Aserbaydzhanekogo meditainakogo instituta. 2. Chlen-
korreapondent Akademii nauk Azerbaydzhanskoy SSR (for Efendiyev).
Use of blood otailized by calcium alloride in thrombo*ytopenle
cases. Trudy Inet.eksp.i klin.khir.i gemat. AN Gruv.SSR 10t231-
236 f62, (MIRA 16:2)
izd-va; *A-GIM-OV, M., tekhn. red.
(Cancer of the pancreas and Vater's papiUa] Rak podzhelu-
dochnoi zhelezy i faterova sosochka. Baku, Izd-vo kkad.
Azerbaidzhanskoi SSR, 1963. 311 P. (MIRA l6s7)
F,'FP,'NI)IYF,V, 11,10,
Treatment of pulmonnry Trol,~,r in
klin. i ek3per, kard, i~.N ririi%
1. Otdelenlye gr-Anny khirurg,',
'k llnik' vdietr rh,% f fir"' J-:
tetov Azerbaydzhan3kc :7,~,i I ~ E ~-~o 7- t 1 v.",
EFENDIYEV F A red.j ABDULAYEV, D.M., red.; WEDOV,, Z.M.,, red.;
-====tHwV' D.Yu.9 red.; GASANOV, Kh.A.,, red.; RZAYEV, N.M.,
redoi KERIMOV, 0,M.., redej ABDULIAYEV, M.M... red.
[Problems of cardiovascular and endocrine pathology) Vop-
rosy serdechno-soaudistoi i endokrinnoi patologii. Baku,
Izd-vo AN Azerbaldzh.SSR, 1964. .195 p. (MIRA 17s22)
1. Azerbaidzhanskiy institut eksperimentallnoy i kliniche-
skoy maditsizU.
raw _qf,,_,[4ecoased1; AKIIUIWVA, A.M.; ABDULLAYEV, M.M.
Effectiveness of splenectomy in some diseases of the blood
system. Report No.2: Splenectomy and hormone therapy in
Werlhof'B disease. Probl. gemat. i perel. krovi 9 no.3:
11-15 Mr 164. (MIRA 17:10)
1. Fakulltetakaya khirurgicheskaya klinika (zav, prof. F.A.
Efendiyev [deceaspd]) Azerbaydzharekogo gosudarstvennogo
meditsinskogo instituta, imeni Narimanova i klinika-gemato-
logicheskoye otdeleniye (zav. A.M. Akhundova) Azerbaydzhanskogo
nauchno-issledovateliskogo instituta gematologii i perelivaniya
krovi (dir, dotsent G.A. Guseynov). 2. Chlen-korrespondent
AN AzSSR (for Efendiyev).
a 0' 04 61 11
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444 4
why/Jun 1947
Spectrochamical Analysis
Microchamical Analysis
'C=IbImDd ftwetrochamical. Analysis of
Mrandiyev, 6 pp
"Is Ak Hank SM, Ser Fie Val Xl,, No 3
Vlamesen deUMIMtIon of the presence of micro-
elements by mews of various ligbLt sources. won
ill=trated vitbL man tables. Presents vAthamati-
"I fom=xU foor the determination of the reabsorption
of spectral lines. The article is rerfleimil. by Fish-
wea Ir-yan). Vvedmakly (M YA*cov) and R"asnov
(VM lbscow). 7heT state that the experimmts vere
voll conducted and reliable. Submitted at t4a In-
stitute of Pbysics, Xoadamy of Sciences of the USSR.
ago of awmem on the hittramity of spectral Me$
P. M. IfeWiev (AzertmidthAn AcAd, Sri..
X p4j~lla Lab 13 14112-71(11147).- Sgn't.
-of the nitralev. c Tv~ 9WAtei of 01, Au. Zn. St
stW In. and of tk loftles ad Cd, Au, avAl Zn,*m vt
itogr%~r, No trAwace wAs fAwvvrd utwn the
, was led Into
a Ikh-vollav 00 nr A t4sulenow
spark with a Nedler-RIeWley fulpralor (C.A. All, (011).
but a Mminution of Intensity In The order N(h -, I-, Bt -,
tia.0%04; ;trwas mw#d for all of tlw stbove met.1s, -ben a
wk to the open [:quid surface. So Intermial
stanflard was uwA. Cyrus remman
Influence of the lhichispas of the biyot W liquid on the
Intensity al "list lines psell*4 loom the owlullon
M litrio-bry. lw~-) Ak~d. A,ik %AN4- Aep.
A. -6; V14( 111111). ~ -'I'lw itilcmilit. were ilitt-J. with
one tko" of a 14-kv. are 101 T) f1,111WInP.) immer"ol
in the ada, u( the sall, with ho end kept ju%t Uniltittrath
awl at an pij%h1*l4* distance fition the liquirl ma(Act.
the thicknese ut the licluki 61" suplovittil by the clorc.
riale was that kcljt ctm%t. at O.IpOA 1.0,2.0, in 3.0mvi.j
The sell* of She folkming elements (roocn. In % In parenoOF
these:%) and the following opmral lines were investigated:
Cii MOM) 3247JM. M-Milol. Co 411,1) 3.W.3, 340.1,
Cu (00](H) =37-5s; Sb (11A) 2523.5, :50ol'INI,
2)[7,79. 71F.19.8, Au 2117,595; AS (I)AU01)
3-44):M; Te(0.0I)LK1.7; 31(0.04)
2417.73. RUMM)NUP1,03; Criti.0350-1.3; Ce (I x
10 1 - I X 10"') 4U",,U: 04 (1 X III I - I X 10 1)
CMAAS. In all caw%. the Intensitk-s itkfvAW itith de-
CTv,44nj tbkknc% of the liquid Uyel. AM vtfy strongiv
"~ between 0.5 and 0 .Imm. It fulkmi Out when &bulk
liquid 6 used as clectrade, the ctmen. at excit"I atom
in The light vourve Is very much lower thAn with a thin
liquid 6yer supported by an electrode. N. TWO
Efendlyev, F. M. and Zakv S. A. - "A study of the illuminating properties of petroleum
oils*, Izvestiya Akad. nauk Azerbaydzh. SSR, 1949, No. 2, p. 19-27, (Resume in Azerbaijani),
- Bibliog: 6 items. -
301 U-411, 17 JUlY 53t (Ietopis 'Zhurnal 'Aykh Statey, No. 20, 1949).
Doe Chem Sei
Disiertationt "D6vsloyim6nt of the Combined Quantitative-Spectrosccpic Kethod-
for Analysis of Micr6elements'in &"Solution and its Application for Examination
of the Sulfide Ores of Aziaberdshan." 1015150
Moscow Order of Lenin State V imeni, M. V. Lomonosov.
,go VecheryaYa Moskva
sum 71
BASIC principles of a symemalie method of luminescence
investigation of petroleum find bitumen. F, M.
39- ),,,t Ay~rf,.,blj.,ri SAI; k ).
f "J. A"O'k , Y A R.. SF. Fix. 15, M., 71191.1 1 Th~
11"he I'l ~44%. fit k imlopul;3lit Since que1whina trilon of 1111.
"th rfit vwIr ,, i fit the Orilt'r rthrr < lictirr"r < F14 if -
4.11C1, - VC1, th~ 1.1,1 tKing the lw~t Fws
Ai,nif,l 1, fit At liv tvaicti~w -tniti%k-rontrtIkbI% I.VA11W thf-
N.00. 1 1. 1,") l"fir. 'rhe. fillorewellur fulor hlll~ I--
.,,i fit, rt.,.v 1,f h,.tvy "imlitme"t. iii th, Imu-
4., IT4 If we " Milits"Mi. liall.l. Ow
t., '.1 .611-1t %,,fv with lite oil. Chrons4loctiphic himm"-
. , it, . fin t It.. 1, Ah'. 1. 11 r -lityrretaiat ion of WOU111.11% ail, I
".I if, 'It ' jj~i'j. tflftl],Xl.. (NIktll. $11CIJUXIS have I'j'fj I%-
weloped (1) without "ancients (a) by detn. of the lowe%t
iiincis, at which luminew-re call he flhi* C'$n
vary fwtwrrn IW* 4n.1 in-7. demillitc -t tyliew; W
-tn. .,I W-ine-enet, Wensit'y, (2) .0t t (3)
Lby Phnfume,rY- s.
C7:~ F O-N DI ~ C:- V, F. t-I -
1. -YaMIYBvi--F.--M.
2. USM (600)
4. Fluorescence
7o B"ic principles of B"tematic method of luminescent investigation of
petroleums and bitumenis, Isv. AN SSSR. Ser. fis. 15, no. 6. 1952.
9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, JanuarYv .1953. Unclassified.
USSR/Chemical Technology.
Chemical Products and Their Application Treatment of
natural gaaes and petroleum. Motor fuels. Lubricants)
i of AICA m6thod of'
a V=b
lid elermatift. 1. Method
of detettaing- atimm , Ultudum, germanium, ch-orairim,
ind Cat I'ar F. W. Efendiev. Pfe~~ [-it$. rta i
I'la. Mad. N4uk Aser&iWAqx. 3.S.R. . 3
The meth(d coodsts of disx1ving the mineral In an appro-
14late solvent amd then spectrogTaphically analyzing the
cittact. A comprefiewive table of sr(rovaphic data is
oven for each of these elements, Inclu inig wave lenqths and
intensities of eminions from cientents intftfedt--g with each
line. Recommended solvents for each element are: Sb.
IGSO.: Te. 11CI + HNN Ce trtl,304; Cr, NaA fusion;
Cd. HCI + HNOs. (Sb &nJ Ge focas volatile comnds.
with HCI). Malcolm Anderm
EFMIYBY doktor khimicheskikh nauk.
Inventigation of ppl-voleum luminesoonce. P~-Iro" 42 no.12:82-85 D 153.
(WLRA 6:11)
1. Inetitut fisiki i matematiki Akademli nauk -iserbaydzhanakoy 689.
(Petroleum) (14imineseence)
Existence of a many-valued analytic continuability of a certain
class of integrodifferential equations when zero is an eigenvalue
of the rank q >, 0. Uch. zap. AGU. Fiz.-mat. i khim. ser. no.4:
25-36 159. ;,1,, (MM 16; 6)
(Integrodifferential equations)
EFENDIYEV, Guseyn Akhmedovich
(Electron diffraction and its applications] Elektronlar-yn
difraksiiasy ve onun tetbigi. 13aky., Azerbaichan. S"a Elmler
akademiiauy neshriiiaty, 1963. 39 p. (In Azerbaijani]
(141ILk 1715)
Sep 48
TIn Alloys
Copper Alloys
"Electronographic Study of Fine Coatings of Alloys
in a CuSn System.," G. A. Efendlyev, Sci Res Inet of
Pbys M:;U, Azerbaydzhan State u, 6 3/4 pp
"Zhur Tekh Fiz" Vol XVIII, No 9
Presents results of electronographic study of alloys
or the CuSn system, prepared as thin films by
evaporation and condensation In a high vacuum.
Eatablishes forr-ation of E, and Cphases. Sub-
mItted 17 mar 48.
FA 32/49T63
A/V I 'Y
USSR/Chemica; Technology. Chemical Products and Their ApplicaticO3 -- Silicates.
Glass. Ceramics. Binders, 1-9
Abet Jounial: Referat Zhur - Kh1miya, No 2, 1957, 514o
Author: Efendiyev, G. A., Aliyeva, A. 0.
Institution: A*erbELydzhan University
Title: On Swelling of Clays
Publication: Elmi eserler. Azerb. universiteti, Uch. zap. Azerb. un-tj 1955,
No 11, 37-42
Abstract: A determination bag been made of the swelling (free and under pres-
sures of 6, 12 and 20 kg/cm2) of clays from the construction site
of the Mingechaurskaya bydroelectric station, measured by means of
cainpression instruments (Khremushev, A. S., Kompressornyye ispytaniya
glin kak metod geologicheakogo issledovaniya LClay Compression Tests
as a Method of Geological Investigation9j, M., 1939).
6 F F- 1q. sD~ jIC-V
Category : US / olid dtate Physics - Structural crystallography
Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Fizika, No 1) 195T, No 1080
Author j-ZtgRgZev... G.A.
Inst : Azerbaydzhan Univ. USM
Title : Povdir Photographs vith Variable Radius.
Orig Pub : Zh. tekhn. fizAki, 1956, 26, No 3, 646-648
Abstract : To plot lines for vhich A vhich cannot be produced in ordinary came as,
the author proposes to shift the spttimen towards the input diaph;sgu- An
equation-for 9 is given for a definite displace*tt of the specimen.
Card : 1/1
'i~ nti~
The Employment of a New Metallographic Method for the Investigation of
Alloys of the System Cu-Sn 4
methods. The great importance of this method becomes itill
better evident in the investigatbn of ternary systemal Be-
sides the other metallographi6 methods for the investigation
of alloys the electronographic method is of great help.
There are 2 figures, 1 tablep and 3 referenceaq 3 of which
are Soviet.
ASSOCIATIONs Azerbaydzhanakiy goo-.nniversitet im. S. M. Kirova
(L~erbaydzhan State Uxiiversity imeni S. M. Kirov)
Card 2/2
8/137/61/006A12' 71/i4g
AUMORS: Efendiyev; 0,A., Karpishina; ir.V.
TITIE: Roontgenographical study 6f some ternary alloys of bismuth and
antimony ohalkogenides
TERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Metallurgiya,,no, 12, 1961, 51, abstract
120362 C'Uch. zap. Azerb. un-t. Ser. fiz.-matem. i kh1m. n.11, 1960j.
no. 4, 73 - 75)
TEXT: The X-ray method was employed to study the structure of some ter-
nary alloys of Bi and Sb chalcogenides, in particular, SbOS 3' Sb Te Sb2S Sb2Se3'
Sb2Se Sb Te B12S,,Bi2Te Bi S Bi2Se Bi 3 B1 Te Pio X2~1 Bipe
- Te 31 3 8 2 2 31 .3
Sb S~' a?d b Te . The r p*arame~;r we~; determined The ?e' mary
2 2f 3
ioys ware syntgesNed rom initial binary compounds, which were also produced by
synthesis, The ternary alloys investigated are solid solutions, since the lat-
tice type-of at least one of the initial binary components is preserved. With
the aid of comparing the radiographs of initial components and ternary alloys,
lattice syngonies of the latter are determined.
[Abstracter's notes Complete translation] B. Turovskly
Card 1/1
Electronographic investigation of phase formation processes in
the system Cu--Se. Itv.AN tekh.nauk
no-501-98 060. MIRA 14:4)
(Copper-selenium alloys)
(Phase rule and equilibrium)
SA VO1 YA/ 10 1
AUTHORS8. Shafi-zade, R.B.
TITU4. ApplicAtion of kinematic electron-diffraotion examination to in-
vestigations of ph&ae formation In BI-Se double layers
PMUODICALs Referativnyy zhurnal, Fizika, no. 9, L961, 191, abstract 9B63
("Dokl* AN AzerbSSR, 1960, v. i6, no. 9, 833-836, Az'erb. summary)
TEav The authors developed a method of taking electron-diffraotiom photo-
graphs on a moving film in the ale otron-dif fraction analyzerar(EG) for study-
ing phase transformations proceedir4 w4en the.apqcimen is heated, A Hi-Se.alloy
was Investigated. It Is shown that in this.allgy the p)iaaq BI2Se3 is formed
during settling and a further amealing does not change the phase composition.
[Abstracter's notet Complete translation]
Card 1~1
it., ? B102/BIO4
AUTHORS: Efendiyev, G. A., and Shafizade, R. B.
TITLE: Electron-diffraction study of phase formation in Bi-Se double
PERIODICAL; Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 3, no. 9, 1961, 2564 - 2566
TEXT: The method of kinematic electron diffraction (A. Boettcher, Thun.
Optik, 11, 22, 1954) was applied to study Bi-Se double layers. An
"electr5-nograph" of the type 3r(EG) made it possible to take pictures
also at higher temperatures, and, thus, to record phase formation and
phase transitions on the photographic plate. Bi-Se layers were decided
upon as test specimens because of their particular interest in semi-
conductor engineering. The purpose of the investigation was to determine
the succession of phase fomations between the two layers, in addition to
determining the nature of the phases and the conditions for phase
formation and phase transition. The specimens were prepared by sputtering
the two components onto each other i .njacuum 10-5mm Hg). The total
thickness ranged between 100 and 400 A. Three specimens were prepared:
Card 1/3
Electron-diffraction study... B102/B104
(1) Bi on Seg (2) Se on Big and (3) Bi + So simultaneously. The following
results were obtained: (1) Bi on amorphous selenium. The electron
diifraction picture displays four diffuse lines (4-48, 3.05, 2.08, and
1-72 X), all of which, except for the first one, derive from Bi 2Se 3* if
the specimens are heated for I min at 200 0C the lines become sharply
defined, and the one mentioned first vanishes, which means that re-
crystallization takes place without phase change. If Bi condenses on
crystalline Se, Bi 2Se3 will likewise result, but not all of tile Bi and Se
undergoes reaction. (2) if Se condenses on Big no Bi,)Se, will form
- ;P 0
without heating. It will formg however, on a 15-min heating at 100 C.
The fact that the phase formation depends on the succession in which the
compcnents are sputtered is explained by tile circumstance that Bi atoms
reach the layer with a higher kinetic energy than So atoms, and thus have
tile energy required for the Bi 2Se3 formation. (3) The simultaneous
sputtering of Bi + Se by VekshinBkiyls method gave rise to Bi 2 Se3only, and
the BiSe phase would not arise even if the concentration of components
Card 2/3
Electron-diffraction study... B102 B 104
corresponded to this phase. This selectivity in phase formation was
observed in all the experiments. To establish the phase transitions,
kinematic electron-diffraction pictures were examined for 1.5 hr under
heating from room temperature to 400GC- Only Bi 2Se3 was found to form
at first, and 20-min heating at 400 0C was not accompanied by a phase
change. BiSe lines are not allowed to appear until a further 40-min
heating at about 400 0 C. 1-5-hr heating at 4000C is required for Bi to
arise as the third phase, so that Bi 2Se 31 BiSe, and Bi are present
simultaneously. The following values were obtained for the shortest
interatomic distances in the layer structure (D5 - R3m group):
Se-Se = 3.30 U, Bi-Sel= 3-07 kX, Bi-SeII - 2.99 U. There are 3 figures
and 6 references: 7 Soviet and 1 non-Soviet.
ASSOCIATION: Institut fiziki AN AZSSR Baku (Institute of Physics of the
AS Azerbaydzhanskaya SSR, Baku)
SUBIMITTED; March 6p 1961
Card 3/3
AMMES.s. Efendl7ev, G"O.A.,.1vanova, I. V.
TMS-1 Blootronographic investigation of phase formation in binary Fd-S
and Pd-Se layers
PMIODICALI Referativayr zhurnal. Metallurglya, no. 12, 1961, 51, abstract
123%1 (DokI. AN AzerbSSR, 1961, V. 17, no. 4, 279 - 281, Azerb.
Tmall. The method of fast electrons . (V 60 - 70 kv) was employed. to study
conditions of phase Tormation- i~n binary.,:Pb-_S and -Pb-Se'layers,- Thin layers, .
about 300 - 600 R thick, were obtained by conseautive evaporatlon and condensa-
tion of elements on- a, delluloid baoking in a',vaeum of about. W5 mm Hg.. Tha- .
spedimens obtained w6re lnvestlgated both.prior to and'after annealing at-about
1200C,durfng 5 ~ 20 minuteiv- It-lib~-shown'that--durIng'the deposition of Pb on;8e
and, Se on Pb, a PbSe contpound is- - formed. Annealing does not entail changes . i;i -the
phase 9*mposition, During-the deposition,of Pb:bn S -the PbS-compound is formed
wtthout annealing) zwhile -during S..deposition on Pb, the PbS phase is not formed
Card 1/2
Eleotronographio inv"%-gation...
without anUealingv t-S*d*epev1-ted,on a celluloid backing proved to be amorphous, and
crystalline when deposited on Pb. It is assumed thaz this Is caused by the ef-
feot of the nature of the backing.
(Abstracter's notes Complete translation]
B. Turovskiy
Card 2/2
AUTHORS: Efendiyov, C. A., and Ivanova, I. V.
TITI,F,: Phase transformations In thin Ni-Se layers
P71110DICAL: Akademiya n-auk'SSSR. Doklady,v. 143, no. 1, 1962, 95 - 96
T7",,'3: By means of electron diffraction studies it can be proved that if
,I and So from two different sources are condensed simultaneously onto
backings the system Ni-Se forms NiSe 2, NiSe (P-modification), and Ni 5Se
according to the concentrations of the components. No y-modification of
NiSe was observed. The phase formation and the phase tran3formntions of
Se double layers on Ni were studied on a series of photographies (3
picturec within 12 minutes at temperatures between 20 and 4000c). In the
condensation of Se on Ni NiSe 2 arises in the form of fine crystals. At
temperatures above 150 0C NiSe, passes into P-NiBej which is the only phase
existing above 300 0C. On further heating in vacuo this phase gradually
passes into Ni 3So 2- The following scheme is given:
Card 1/2
Phase transformations in thin ... B104/BIO8
condensation heating heatin
(Ni + se) - > NiSe __g_
at 206d 2 ~_0_1 ~06_e to-I-50 - >00 C
finely crys?alline
-_1 ~Tlg__ -, 1
S to 300 - 4000 C Ni -Se2
crystalline or Btalline
There are 1 figure and 6 references: 4 Soviet and 2 non-Soviet. The two
references to English-language publications read as follows: J. Trillat,
N. Takahashi, Acta Cryst., 7, 15 (1954); R, Thun, Rev. Sci. Instr., ~0,
6 (1959).
ASSOCIATION: Inatitut fiziki Akademii nauk AzerbSSR (Institute of Physics
of the Academy of Sciences Azerbaydzhanskaya SSR)
PX75-ENTED: July 5, 1961, by G. V. Kurdyumov, Academician
June 29, 1961
Card 2/2
h') 2 9
Bi 04 B1 02
AUTHORSi jfendiyev.-G. A., Sultanov, F. S,g and Iskenderort R. V.
TITLE: Thermo-emf of thin bismuth layers
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk Azerbaydzhanskoy SSR. Seriya
fiziko-matematicheskikh i takhnicheakikh naukt no. 4, 19621.
65 - 69
TEXTt In the studies of the Bi-Se and Bi-N systems Bi was evaporat ed in
vacuo and condensed onto chemically decontaminated glass plates (20o90 MR29
7000, The layers were from 80 to 20000 1 thick. In the experimental
arrangement (Fig. 1) the glass plate was laid'anto two brass electrical
heaters at different temperatures. The thermoremf and the temperatures were
measured by compensation methods using the-two copper-constantan thermo-
couples Ti and T2 at an atmoopheric pressure in films of continuously'de-
.creasing thicknesses. The contact pressure of the thermocouples could be
varied by the two loads P, and P2 . The thermocouples were 8 mm aparts The
tomperaiures of the hot junctions were 40 - 50OCt and the temperature drop
dard 1/6
Thermo-emf of thin bismuth layers B104/BI02
along the specimen 4 - 60C. The measurements were carried out immediately
after the specimens had been produced-and after annealing at 100# 150 and
2000C for 15 - 60 min. The thermo-omf remained constant in thicknesses
up to 0.2 to 0 15 and is equal to that of Bi in bulk. The thermo-omf
decreases slowiy tetween 1500 and 1000 R# more rapidly-if the thickness is
further reduced. At thicknesses below 150 1 the thermo-omf remains con-
stant. The thermo-emf changed from Y,- -65/tv/dog for N2000 - 20000 1 to
a - -10ALv/deg for 80 1. The results obtained prove that the thermo-omf of
thin layers depends on the electron mean free path. There are 4 figures.
Card 2/11
Efendiyov, G.A. and Shafi-Zade, R.B.
TITLE: Kinematic attachment for the )r- (EG) electron-
diffraction apparatus
PERIODICAL: Pribory i toldinika oksporimenta, no. 1, 1963,
142 - 145
---- -- T E XT ___An-attachment for-the horizontal electron-diffraction
apparatus.described by Vayns'teyn and Pinsker (Elcktronop
11 _;raf dlya
sstrukturnyldi issledovaniy(.Elcctron diffraction in structural studiw'
1958, In-t informatsii.) is reported. It may be used to invest!-
,rate the phase-formation and phase-transformation in the ^u-Se,
BI-Se and Ni-Se systems. The principle of the device is shown in
Fir,-. 1, in --thich 1 is the electron beam, 2 object, 3 diff-
raction cone, horizontal slit, 5 screen and 6 a pnoto-
graphic film moving in the direction indicated by the arrow. It
is clear that if there are changas in tho proportics of the object;
the appearance of the lines recorded on the moving film will
C-hango with time and thus a continuous record of the changes
occurring in the object may bo deduced.. The results obtained with
Card 1/ 2
Kinematic attachmont .... M-5 2/ E3 Ilk
this apparatus havo, boon doscribod by the authors elsevracro and
it is statod thnt further studies aro boin4e made. In particularl,
the crystallization of TI-Se is bein.,,, investigated at teraperatures,
helow 100 OC. There are 5 figures.
ASSOCIATION: Institut fiziki
AN AworbSSTR (Institute
of Physics of the
AS Azo*rbSSR)
,SUB14172LD: March 21, 1962
Card 2/2
Fig. 1:~
Electron diffraction study of pb=,,- foi-matior, unI phase trans-
formations in thin NI - So films. iiz. tver. tela 5 no.10:2854-
2858 0 163. (,ULTRA 16:.U)
1* InsLitut fftiki All Azerbay4z-h&n,3koy Baku*
Kinetics of the reaction between In and Sb films by the
kenematic method of elect-,.,n diffraction. Dokl. AN SS-SR
165 no.5s1130-1131 D 165.1 (MIRA 191l)
1. rnstitut fiziki AN Aze-:-SSR. Submitted May 4, 1965.