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DZHUNUSHBAnrv, A. Vertical zonality of soils in mountains framing the SusamVr Valley. Izv. AN Xir,SSR. Ser.biol.nauk 2 no.lilll-116 160. (MIU 13:11) (SUUM vMM--SO=) ASANBMEV) 0.; DZHUNUMBagy.- D., otv. red.; SORONBAYEVA, N.V.p red.i2E-_va; POPOVA, tekhn. red. [Erosion in the agricultural zone of the Dzbumgol Depres- sion and measures for its control] Erozila pochv zemledell- cheskoi zorW Dzhumgal'skoi vpadiM i mery bor'by s nei. Frunze, Izd-vo AN Kirg.SSR, 1963. 56 p. (~I" 17:1) KIERIKp B.S.; DZHMSBEKOV 1. Significance of drqg"**siatanae in the genesis of complica- tions and eomoerbatiofio of bilateral tuberculous processes following lobectomy. Zdrav. Kazakh. 22 no.8ill-14 162 NIRA 1714) 1e Iz khirurgicheskcry klinik-i ( zave - prof* WeBogush) Insti- tuta tuberkule2m Kinisterstva zdravookhraneniya SSSR. "t DMUNUSBEKOV, A. Single-atage bilateral partial resection of the lungs with subsequent thoracoplasty. Zdrav. Kazakh. 23 no.2t38-39163* WMA 16:10) 1, Ivkhirurgicheskogo otdelaniya (zav. - prof. L.K.Bogush) TSentraltnogo, instituts. tubarkulesa. (LUNGS- SURCMY) (TUBERCUtDSIS) 31301 S/124/61/000/010/036/056 D251/D301 APTHORS: Basina, I.P. and Dzhunusov, K.G. TITIE: On the combustion of carbon on the walls of a combu- stion chamber PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Mekhanika, no. 10, 1961t 86, abstract 10 B612 (KazSSR Rylym Akad. Khabarlary, Izv. AN KazSSR, Ser. energ., 1960, no. 1 (17), 30-37) TEXT: A rough estimation is carried out of the thermal stress of a combustion chamber according to a scheme which assumes that the combustion of the bulk of the coke particles takes place on the walls of the chamber. The stress obtained coincides satis- factorily with actual conditions. The experimental investigation of a suggested model of combustion was begun, and the combustion of a carbon cylinder in relation to the velocity of a circulatory stream was investigated. The combustion was controlled according Card 1/2 On the combustion of carbon... 13 S/124/61/ 00 010/036/056 D251/D301 to the composition of the gases and according to the loss in weight of the cylinder. The depqndence of the speed of combustion of the carbon on the velocity of the stream, the structure of the cylinder ~ialls and the geometrical parameters of the chamber is obtained. It is shown that the process of combustion takes place in the diffu- sion region. Z-Abstracter's note: Complete translation2 G ard 2/2 .DZIIUNUSOVs prof.j SUZHIKOV, N.M., kand. filos. nauk; KSHIEEKOV,D.., i~~. filos. nauk; SAPARGALIM, G., kand. yurid. nauk; UTAMMGVjp B.# kand. filose nauk; ROZENMMG, TS.R., red,; ROROKINAO Z.P.j tekhn. red. (Laws governing the transition of peoples in formerly under- developed contries to socialism; based on the Kazakh people] 0 zakonomernostiakh perekhoda narodov rainee otstalykh stran k BotBiali=m; na primers kazakhakogo naroda. Alma-Ata, Izd-vo Akad. nauk Kazakhokoi SSR, 1961. 225 p. (MIRA 15:2) 1 1. Akademiya nauk Kazak);Akoy SSR. Institut filosofii prava, (Kazakhstan--Rconopd'V conditions) (Kazakhstan-History) DZ NWY,_ftakbud_BadykaxUhprof.; DAVTDOVA, Tu.F., red.; RAKITIN, I.T., tekhn. red. (Non capitalistic path of development]o nekapitalistichaskom puti razvitiia. Moskva, Izd-To "Znania," 1963. 31 p. (Underdeveloped aros) (MIRA 16:3) (Soviet Central Asia-Economic conditions) f)7h-jr TN;~ : -, (lV;vor-ittrek-avd e-,blaLcf*, ); "~.14FR71h. "'. . ~ - 1.11 , 'I , 1~ F '. a.3 ~ I ~ 0 Ii *j a , , , -, G b T- 3 K 1 J1 ,Ya. I . 1'.Ficvo -!A Viri'q aya ob- clnarac-'*,er!.s-.--c-p3 nf the of dicease. ';~-.-Ierinarl~a 42 no.5.4~--14- My 165. (M-IFA 18--6) ICIANN, A A. dls;--mv~ 1r, no,.qn under ~pc-.-'marta! n n 42 no,5,j'4~7-48 My 16;0 ~ff-.*LRA 1. Wvosibirskaya .-kau-.-nrtc,- ~.seledovatell~ki-ya vete----:ian-.sya U ;L-.a nll-j DZHUPINA9 S,,I. Our ei0perience in raising calves. Veterinariia 38 ne.7&2"9 J1 161. (MIRA 16&8) I., Nachallnik veterinarnogo otdola Novosibirskogo oblastnogc sel'skokhozzyaystvennogo upravleniya. (Novooibirok Province--Calves) DZHUPINA, S.I.; SVIRIDOV, A.A., kand. veterinamykh nauk Role of cured animals in the spreading of foot-and-mouth disease. Veterinarlia. 39 no.10:26-29 0 162. (MIRA 16:6) 1. Novosibirskoye oblastnoye upravleniye proizvodstva i zagotovok sel'skokhozyaystvennykh produktor (for Dzhupina). 2. Novosibir- skaya nauchno-isaledovatel'Bkaya veterinarniii Btantelya (for Sviridov). (Novosibirsk Province-Foot-and-mouth disease) DZHUPIKAj S.I. o-~~~ Propagation of veterinary knowledge. Vaterinarlis, 39 no.11: 16-18 N 162, (MA 16tlO) 1, Naeballnik vaterinarnogo otdola Novosibirskogo oblastnogo upravleniya proizvodstya i zagotovok sclIakokhozyaystvennykh produktove' DZMA$ N. P- Chemical Abetnota Vol- 48 No. 5 Mar. 10, 1954 Foods U10 of dog ro tor4tarill"halla of Ittims 1004 collevil. Ifetes. 1. A "Pi'Roki i 11.,Dzhu ra, atilt M. hi., 001,tibel 1! 1, oprosy .1515 n sya Mill 1121Y. I VISA . Pliewl. 0. 'J),-A dry aq. ext of (lie p1wit fruit and city powder 3f the fruk vvvre itself for vitainin C enrichineia of pea-soup prcwrves. 'rite products showed a vitarnin of 5-5701 after (1-inuitth stumge. G. M. K(molalkiR - Di"HURANLYEV, ~4A*.,nmuqLn EFSHTEYIN.. D.I~q red. ~KO'jh4,1C,~MIhip betWqOU 4 im#j norms r--M Un 317A and re-- 0II"r#37v!b Of ttio lot of mannfattured pwrts-I Zavisimott n,-,rm vremp-nA at velicbjM i povtorla~-.rv-.ili partil deta- lei. Lnning-rad, 1965. 34 p. CODA 18:11) k-, Effect of the method of coal-mine field development on the origination of spontaneous fires. Izv. AN Vz. SSR. Ser. tekh. nauk 7 no.409-64 063. (MA 16:11) 1. Gornyy otdel AN UzSSR. 2 6 S/020/62/143/002/009/022 B104/B102 AUTHORS. Arifov, U. A, IMember of the AS Uzbekskaya SSR, Rakhimov, R. R., and Dzhurakulov, Kh. TITLZ-: Secondary emission on bombardment of molybdenum with neutral ar&on atoms and with argon ions PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Doklady, v. 143, no. 2, 1962, 309-311 TEXT; An experimental arrangement including an ion source, a device for ion beam focusing, a charge-exchange chamber, and a measuring unit was used to investi6ate the secondary electron emission of t1o, produced by Ar atoms and ions of 0.2-2.0 kev. Neutral atoms of this energy were obtained by resonance charge exchange of Ar ions with naturel Ar Cas in the chamber. The intensity of the beam of neutral atoms was estimated from the measured value of ion-beam intensity before and after resonance charGe exchange. The Ar ions remainin(; in the beam after r6sonance charl;e exchange were deflected by an electric field so th-st only neutral atoms 3trUOk the Mo target. Particular attention wap paid to the purity of the tarret surface. OscilloC;rams of the volt-ampere characteristic of secondary emission show Card 1/2 S/02q62/143/002/009/022 Socondary eriiasion on bombardinent B104/B102 that a f-jeld-induced emission is present at low Ar ion energies but is absent at the same energies of neutral atoms (Fig. 2). There are 2 fif,"ares and 4 references: 3 Soviei and 1 non-Soviet. The reference to the En6lish-lanGuage publication reads as follows: H. D. Hagstrum, Phys. RE~v., 104Y 672 (1956). ASSOCIATION; SMUTTED: Institut yadernoy fiziki Akademii nauk UzSSR (Institute of Nuclear Physics of the Academy of Sciences Uzbekskaya SSR) June 17, 1961 % I's I Fi,3. 2. Coefficient 7 of secondary electron emission. Le~,end: enerey E 0 of ions and atoms (kev). Card 2/2 Ar" t 0 q4 Q6 rV .. 1z --- jfi us ARIFOV, U.A.; RANHIMDV, RA.; DZHMUEMV-. Kh. Secondary electron emission dwing bombardment of molybdomm tv He. No. and Ar atoms and ions. Radiotekh,i. elektron, 8 uo*2: 299,302 F 163,- (MM 16s2) (Secondary electron emission) ACCESSION NR: "4017604 510109/641009/002/0333/0339 AUTHOR: Rakhimove Ro R. i Dahurakulovo Xh. TITLE: Energy distribution of.el*ctrons dislodged-from molybdenum by atoms and Lone oi noon SOURCE: Radiotekhnika I elektronika, Y. 9 t no., 2, 1964, 333-338 TOPIC TAGS: electrons energy distribution, Mo electrons dislodging, electron dislodging by No atoms, electron dislodging by No Ions ABSTRACT: An experimental investigation of the energy distribution of electrons' dislodged from carefully degavaed Mo by No atoms and Ions in an energy region of 0. 4-5. 0 key in reported, It is found that: (1) The spectrum of electrons knocked-on by the potential energy of ions does not essentially change with tho -Lon, velocity; (2) The spectra of Ow electrons emitted by the kinetic energy of Ions and atoms are almost ld*&Uc&U (3) With higbar Z9 thie noxinum on Uw awm 01, ,Cffd 1/2 ACCESSION NR: AP4017604 distribution of kinetic-on-Assion electrons shifts slightly toward higher snergie and the importance of fast electrons in the total emission grow* faster than that Of slow electrons. "Tbe authqrs are deeply grateful to Us As Arifoy for.hiscousunt attention to the work, s~" to As Kh. Ayukhanay and Zo So P&rUis for their valuable comments durinS iM discussions Orig. art. has 1 4 figure a ASSOCIATION: non* S=MITTEDs ISDeefiZ DATZ AGOs' 1$Xw64., ZNCU 00 SUB CODD xSe PH wo jtxr sovi on - OTHMs 006 ICON 2/2 11 I V 14 C, ' N I X '~' V , f--' P L: /711 BARINOVA, T.Ya.; DULMAYEV, A. Propagation of oscillations in elastic, solid, and liquid semispaces bordering along a plaft. Uch, zap, Tadzh. un. IWO-88 157. (Oscillations) (Differential equations, partial) (KIFAlosn) DZHURAYEV. A. Conversion of some Wo-dimensional singular integral equations. Dokl. AN Tadzh. SSR 4 no*4:9-12 161. (MIRA 15:1) 1, Inatitut, gidrodinamiki Sibirskogo otdoleniya AN SSSR. Predstavleno akademikom AN Tadzhikskoy SSR S.U. Umarovym. (Integral equations) L 13267-63 DIT (d)/FCC (w)/BDS AFFM IJP'(C) S/044/63/000/003/004/047 AUTHOR: _Dzhurayev, A. TITLE: A nonlinear Hilbert problem for r. pairs of generalized analytic-func Eons PERIODICAL: Referativnyy thurnal, Matmatika, no. 3. 1963, 29, Abstract 3B137 (Tr. AN TadzhSSR, 109, 1961, 37-56). (Author's abstract in Tafthikistani.) TEXT: For a system of 2m el-liptic differential equations wTitten in complex form , AWU 1 (0( =it 2f 00, M), (1) the author solves the nonlinear boundary value problem U + G(t)U-(t) + % Foc rt. U W 1 U (t)]. (2) M M Card 1/2 L 13267-63 A nonlinear Hilbert problem S/044/63/000/003/004/047 . !!~ First the linear boundary value problem with one pair of desired functions U+(t) = G(t)u-(t) is solved. This solution differs from the well knoTn solution of L. G..Ylikhaylov (Referativnyy shurnal, Matematika, 1958, 3811) in the method for constructing.the canonical function. In the nonlinear problem (2) the following restrictions are imposed on the given functions: G CK ('%0) must satisfy a Hbldor condition and must not vanish. The F K satisfy.a. H61der condition for the variable t and a Lipschitz condition for the remalning 2m variables. The boundary value problem (Z) is reduced to a system of I'M nonlinear singular integral equations. The solvability of (2) is proved for a sufficiently =33 value of tho parameter '/\_ on the basis of the Schauder principle of the existence of a fixed point. [Abstracter's notos Comple.te translation.] Card 2/2 /~,35-0 0 AUTHORa Dzhuravgv. A. 34613 S/020/62/142/005/002/022 B112/BI02 TITLEs General linear boundary value problem for the equation Au + ~O(X,Y)u - 0 PERIODICALs Akademiya nauk SSSR. Doklady, v. 142, no. 5, 1962, 994-997 TEIN The boundary yalue problem AU + Ao(xty)u - 0, (Lo + A L )u(~,j) - h(5 j) on r, n n-I n k k 1 1 k k 1 1 Ln T- Z a I)p P( k-1 1-0 is investigated. Lo is the main part of L Conditions of solvability n n are derived and the number of linearly independent solutions is Card 1/2 5/020/62/142/005/002/022 General linear boundary value problem ... B112/B102 determined. The results depend essentially on the index X= (1/2-Tr) arg a* (t)~' of the boundary value problem, where n a*(t) L 1 1an-111 1-0 is assumed to be different from zero. Reference is made to Ten Yen Cher (Dissertat8iya Sibirsk. otd,* AN SSSR, NoVOBibirsk, iq6i). There are 9 referencess 8 Soviet and I non-Soviet. The reference to the English- language publication reads as followas J. Tamarkin, Ann. Math., 2. Ser., 28.(1927). ASSOCIATIONs In" titut gidrodinamiki Sibirskogo ctdeleniya kkademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Hydrodynamics of the Siberian Branch of the Academy of Sciences USSR) PRESENTEDt October 9, 1961p by I. N. Vekua, Academician SUBMITTEDt October 3,1961 Card 2/2 /62/146/005/001/011 3/020 SM/B166 AUTHOR: Dzhurayev, A. TITLE: Poincar"problem for a socond-order elliptic equation with singular coefficients PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR- Doklady, v. 1.46, no- 5t 19621 995-998' TSXT~ The boundary value problem Au + (a/r)au/az + ~/r)au/ay + (0/r 2)u Ot 09 Qu + PU . h on r X Y is investigated. Eq. (1) is assumed to be elliptic. This problem is reduced to a certain Riemann-Hilbert probl on. A sufficient condition (inequality) is derivedp under which problem (11)v (2) is solvable for the index x - (1/2%)[arg u7tl -1 (;,(t) - a(t) + ip(t)). The number of linearly independent solutions of the corresponding homogeneous problem (h 2 0) in shown to be equal to 2% + 4 - q, S/020/62/146/005/001/011 Poincare problem for a second- B112/B166 O