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:. i C, r. 0 f th e 1!'!~ hlatton tit i.J rM -1t C-r U ~i u.,3 L, Iit C, I fV.; !in p- r E- IUA 1 fl t- ng - L u- U:i .-CI I it I :1~ U.' t c chowski I.,; L 'i .1 In. :--, -6~,t~on of the Angular ')j.jtiibuti!)n SOV/48-22-8- 111/20 r ainra in the Annihilation of Positrons in LiIuid Hydrogen and Heilum obsorve!.. The small,!r number of such L~ases c,beerved in aiuminium appeaio to te of a somewhat peculiar signifieanc,~. The curve of the distribUti.)r! for holium is wi ,han that ior PYdroger., which fact is c,-,nn,:cted wth the 1,11igher velocity of the electrons in h-lium, -.he ~!xperimen- tai curves of angular distribution ofj--quanta liffer from tho.,,--, computed bj '.hzban Li (Ref 5'), k*'~lgs file .qi),,:;trum of the center-of-mass energ.,., of the annihilating P"Liro can be constructed from the curve of the angular !is- tribution of thea-quanta., As a result of the computations energ,y spectra of the positron annihilation in liquij hylro- gen and helium were obtained (Figure 'I). As regaris the spectrum for aluminium, which is also given in figure 7, no judgmunt car he passed on it, as the curve w- .:)nstructed from nix point~'~ only. The authors exprecs their ~,-ratitu~e 1c. S. U 3 the Director of ti-j Institute of Pnysical robl-..---:s,, .. imeni ~i,i. Vavilov, P.L. kapitza ani Shal'n--*,,-; There are 7 fitures, I table, and 11 references, of are Soviet, ,%vest.-gatlon of the Angular Distribution SOV/4F3-22-8-I-,.',!- ~t r-1-ianLa in the Annihilation of --usitrons in Liqui, Fydrogen and ::eiiu,:~ 'laiichno-issiedo-;,,ttel,7,,,!,,,- in-.tit-;t L;ningre i:,L,.ogo gos universiteui im. A ! Zhdanov;. ;'Scientific Research Institutz- of Physics a* the Leningr-,d State 7jniver.;ity imeni A.A. Zhdanov) , r ,, ~'./ 4 ,AUTHORS: Antonlyeva, M. N., Bashilov, A. A., 20-119-2-12/60 ele ov B. S., Corresponding Member of the V ~ S A US It US R. i;i;�razhenskiy, B. K. TITLEt Conversion Spectra of Some Neutron-Deficient Terbium Isotopes (Konversionnyye spekti!y nekotorykh neytronodefitaitnykh izotopov Tb) PERIODICAL: Doklady kkademii Nauk SSSR, 19581 Vol 119, Nr 2, PY 241-243 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The present paper investigate* the conversion spectra of the neutron-defioient Tb-isotopes resulting in the reaction Ta + P (660 MeV). The preparations and the conditions of experiments are similar to those in 2 previous works (references 11 2). The denay curve3 determined from the change of the conversion pe '.s with progressing time showed that the Tb-prepa--ation contains several isotopes. The present paper gives the results obtained for each of the observed activities: 1) T1/2 ~ 8 + 1 houre. Card 1/4 Conversion Spectra of Some Neutron-Deficient Terbium 20-119-2-12/60 Isotopes Only the conversion electrons of the two transitions E-y-123 and 977 keV were observed. One of the isomers of Tb154 shows T1/2 =7.3 hours. Furthermore the level 123 keV is known for Gd154. Therefore the given activity wan attributed to Tb154. The other transitions known from the decay ot' Eu154 were, however, not observed in Gd154. 2) T4/2 - 16 * I hours. Within the energy interval of from 109 t01050 i~eV 16 nuclear transitions as well as a composed 0+-spectrum with Elimit - 2#8 MeV were observe&. The values of FiT of the here discusse& transitions differ from the corresponding values known from the decay of Eu154. The 15-hour activity observed here can be attributed to Tb154 or to Tb151 partly or Gard 2/4 completely. Oonversion Spectra of Uome Neutron-Deficient Terbium 20-119-2-12/60 Isotopes 3) T1/2 w 2.3 i 0,3 days. Within the interval of about 100 to 250 keV 8 nuclear transitions were observed. Until now no isotopes have been known which decay with such a half life. The newly discovered activity obviously belongs to Tb153. The authors observed in fact Gd153 in the secondary products of its preparation. 4) T1/2 - 5 4 1 days. The transitions attributed to the half life of 5 days obviously belong to the isotopes Tb155 and Tb156. The authors attribute 14 transitions to Th155, with respect to their energy they partly correspond to the 19 known transitions The t;anaition with Ej w 89 and 199 keV were attributed i0 Tb150. 5) T1/2 - 10; 120 or 200 days respectively. The activities with these half lives also belong to the secondary products of Gd149, Gd151 Card 3/4 and Gd153. The authors express their thanks to the Team Conversion Spectra of Some Neutron-Defioient Terbium 20-119-2-12/6o Isotopes of the Synchrocyclotron of the United Institute for Nuclear Research (Obl'yedinannyy institut yadernykh issledovaniy) for the irradiation of the tantalum samples; they also thank L. Sayenko and E. Pania for their collaboration in the measurements. There are 2 figures, 2 tables, and 8 references, 2 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Leningradskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. A. A. Zhdanova (Leningrad State University imeni A. A. Zhdanov) SUBMITTED: December 25, 1957 Card 4/4 210) S071120 - 121 -6 AUTI 7TORS Corresponding Mem*3er, Academy of Scier,--e, f--USSR, Prikhodtaeva, V. P., Khollncv, Yu. V. + +- 140 140) TITLE: The 0 -* 0 Transition in Ce (0+ -0 O+-Derekhod v Ce PERIODTCAL: Doklady AVademii nauk SSSR, 1958, Vol 121, Nr 6, PP 995-9)7 (USSR) ABSTRACT: By some authors the following problem was raised: Do the conversion electrons K-1909 (- 1909 keV) correspond to the transition between the excited state (1909 keV, ~uantiim characteristies 0 ) and the ground state (also 0 ) ? In order to solve this probleT, the authors carefully investi gated the y-spectrum of La'40 in the energy region of -1900 keV. Lanthanum oxide irradiated by thermal neutrons was used as a source. The original activity of the preparatiin was 2,8 Cu. The results of the measurements are given in a diagram. No y-line is observed in the energy region 1800-2000 keV. The intensity of the T-raya -1900 keV (if they exist at all) is less than 4-10-4 quanta per dizintegration. These Card 1/3 data (together with the data of two'previous paper-- (Refs 1, 2) The 0 + 0+-Transition in Cel4o SOV/20-121-6-11/45 concerning the intensity of the convers Ion 1 Ve 1909 keV) enable us to conclude that there is a 0 + 0 -transition. In order to oonfirm the existence of the line K-1909, and for a more accurate determination of its intensity, the authors investigated the hqi;d part of the sPectrum of the conversion electrons of La'40 by Mealls of 2 sl,ectrometern of the ketron type. These spectrometers were placed at the authors' disposal by A. A. Baahilov, Leninaradskiy univer- sitet(Leningrad University) and K. Ya. Grornov, "diyevyy inatitut All SSSR (Radium Institute AS USSR). La 0 vir-o used as a source in both of th-~-ae -ases, Accordini., to the rasults given in a diagram, the existence of the lines K- and L.1~?09 is beyond any doubt. The transition has the averaf,,e enera 1902 keV, and the ratio of the intensities K 1902/K1596 equal to 0 1220,(i.e. the averaC~e value of all the ;-.-ea3u3e.,en-. series). For t Ile lower limit of the convereion coefficient cf the transition 1902 keV the value "K-1902~' 0,38 was found. This leads to the conglusion that the traj',.13.LtiOTj -7j;jj tile e4era +1902 keV in Ce,40 is the hilher'o unknown trnnoit_;,~n 0 ~, 0 . Besides, the authors sought z.-_7 found "I'le K- and Card 2/3 L-conversion lines which corr-2spond LO tile 2-~43 and The 0+-+ 0+-Transition in Ce 14o SOV/2o-121-6-11,/45 2390 keV and to the y-line 2515 keV. A table ~-ives the ex- perimental and the theorptical conversion coefficients on the K-shell for the transitions discussed in this paper. The authors thank A.. A. Bashilov and K. Ya. Gromov (who made it possible to carry out the control experiments by means of their spectrometeTs)p 11. D. Ifovosilltseva for the chemi- cal separation of La 40 from a barium solution, and also ji. G. Dmitriyev and Yu. A. Gurlyan for their help in carrying out measurements. There are 3 fiCures, I table,and 6 references, 5 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Radiyevyy institut im. V. G. Khlop~na Akademii nauk BSSR (Radium Institute imeni V. G. Khlopin,AS USSR) SUBMITTED: June 30P 1958 Card 3/3 24(7) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/3228 Dzhelepov, B. S. TZ obarnyye yadra s massovym chislom A=74 (Isobaric Nuclei With Mass Number A=74) hoscow, Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1959. 39 p. (Series: Svoystva atomnykh yader, vyp. 1) Errata slip inserted. 4,000 copies printed. Sponsoring Agency: Akademiya nauk 3SSR. Radiyevyy institut. Ed., Yu. V. Khollnov, CandIdate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences; Ed. of Publishing House. Ye. A. Semenova; Tech. Ed.: A. V. Smirnova. PURPOSEg This book Is intended for s,~ientlsts engaged In nuclear physics, and particularly for scient1sts working In the field of nuclear spectroscopy. COVERAGE: This is the,first of a series of monographs on.proper- ties of atomic nuclei, It Includes all atomic nuclei"having a mass number of 74 and all the data on these isotopes. The author critically analyzes the experimental data and summarizes Card 1/5 Isobaric Nuclei (Cont.) ISOV/3228 the reliable data on the energies of radioactive radiations, mude2 of decay, half-lives, and quantum characteristics of ex- citation levels for all nuclei with a mass number of 74, He also points out the characteristics of nuclei which have been determined with sufficient rellability, as well as the charac- terl3tics which require further study. rhe other monographs of this series will present summaries of all physical characteristics of certain nuclear groups, as well as systematized determined properties of all known nuclei. No personalities are mentioned. References follow each chapter. TABLE OF CONTENTS-. 1. Introductlon Ga'(4 2. Data an decay Bibliography on Ga74 5 6 8 Card 2/5 Isobaric Nuclei (Cont.) SOV/3228 Ge74 3. Properties of the ground state of Ge711 9 711 4. First excitation state of Ge'', E 596.3 KEV 9 5. Second excitation state of Ge74 E* 1190 KEV 6. Higher excitation lnels of Ge74 2 11 13 7. Cross section of Ge activation by neutrons 13 Bibliography on Ge7J1 14 As74 8. General data 15 9. Half-life 15 10. pt and P--spectra 74 K A 15 11. - and L-capture in s 18 12. Y -rays of As74 18 13. Conversion electrons of A874 21 14. P'Y , P* y , and 74X Y coincidences 21 15. 6 Decay mode of As 74 22 1 . Branching in the decay made of A3 22 Card 3/5 Isobaric Nuclei (Cont,,) SOV/3228 17. Quantum characteristics of Ge74 and Se 74 levels obtained in the decay of AB714 24 18. Quantum characteristics of the of As74 ground state 25 19. About the K/ 4 for A874 t dpcay o _ n the Ge74 level with an excitation e ergy of 5S1 6.* 1 K9V 26 20. -decay and electron capture reducing Ge the leve; of 1190 KEV tl- ~ - 74 28 21. CompOtition between the - - and ~ -decay In As f 28 22. !~nss of As74 74 29 23. Production and chemical s,lparat ion of As 30 Bibliography on As74 31 Se74 24. Properties of the gryyn d state 33 25. Excited states of Se 33 Bibliography on Se74 34 Card 4/5 Isobaric Nuclei (Cont.) Br 74 26. -Basic properties and decay mode Bibliography on Br 74 SOV/3228 35 36 27. Other isotopes having a mass number A-74 37 28. Comments on possible experiments 36 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 5/5 TM/os 2/25/60 BONGH-OSHOLOVSLAYt., Natallya Aleksandrovua; DZHSWOV,,B.S.,,red.j- SZKENOVA, Ye.A., red.izd-va; BOCIERVIR. V.T., [Atomic photoeffect in the field of gamma rays] Atomnyi fotoeffekt v oblasti -luchei. Pod red. B.S.Dzhelepova. Hoskva, Izd-vo Aknd.nauk SSSR, 1959. 48 P. (MLU 12:8) 1. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Dzhelepov). (Photoolectrioity) (Nuclear reactions) DZUrUfFM', 13. 5- tit jai VS. gig 13 tit Vill V I'll Jill] laQ In ZJ.PT-b A I Ail-I-'U j A 84L A ---T 41) P nr r- -c -:0 t1dj4t- ,'QZ';T -U '(t'd)oz'g 'O'd)oV6 . J) Tf MF,T~ri- -I -- - . j awmn-VT r--ITxmr a 09 oz I= 0.9 3o A, J. tol"al."Tod ;o Awt.p m .1 atr;jj~ ...... ...... w; &4% ac v 3, -T;1 -C 'T 00, &56t z Zd 4Z; I~A '.C;Cl 'V1211- Iftl-%, .=Iaolmu A =Tvrl-,-v n 43MUZ 08= tz 4~a DZEEIEFOV B. B... KHOIANOV,, YU. V.) PPIKff0MVA~ V. P. "A 0+ --> 0+ Transition in Ce 140.. , Fuolear Pbjysics, vol. 9, 4, 1959, pp.665-669 (No. Holland Publ. Co., Amsterdam) Radium Inst, im V. 0. Ehlopin, Aced. Sol. UWO lenlWad. A sezroh has been made for gamca-guenta of energy jcz~vlqOo keV in the spectrum of la"' by means of a somma-spectrometer by an"is of recoil electrons. It is shown that is such exist, their intensity is ---' 0-4x 10- 3 quantum per disintegration. It 1e similtaneously confirmed that the spectrum of conversion electrons contains intense conversion lines corresponding to a transition energy of 1902 keV. The lower 11mit of the conversion coefficient of this transition proved equal to 0.38. Puch a large value of this limit indicates that It is either a trw2mltlon of high m1ti:Pole order ( I >- 10), or a 04- --> 0+ transition in which gamme quanta of the given energy are entirely absent. The first asswTtion ray be discarded since In this case the I Lfetlw of the 1900 keV state should be vary pent ( ->. 10 " years), whereas the intensIty of the ooss sponding conversion line falls off with a halflifa of~~ 40 hours. We a" thus dealing hen with a ner 0"' ----> 0-+"transition. 1*4 The paper also discusses the characteristics of several other transitions in Ce 21W SOV/48-23-2-3/20 iUTHORS: Voinova, If. A., Dzhelepov, B. S.9 Zhukovskiy, N. N. TITLE: Investigation of the y-Spectrum of Se75 Nhin the Tbange 200 4 900 kev (Issledovaniye y-spektxa So v oblasti 200 4 900keV) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR. Seriya fizicheskaya, 1959, Vol 23, Nr 2$ PP 185-187 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The investigations were carried out by means of the magnetic spectrometers "Rytron" and "Elotron" by use of recoil electrons. Two experimental curves are given in figure 1, which correspond to the y-spectrum of Se75 and were obtained 1) by means of "Rytron" with cellophane target with a surface density of 6*15 mg1am 2 and 2) by monno of "Elotron" with polystyrene target wiih a surface density of 2-34 mg/om . By analysis of the curves 5 components with the energies 207, 259, 278t 305 and 402 kev were separated from 2). The weaker range of the spectrum was investigated by means of "Rytron", and the 475 and 570 kev lines were found in addition (Fig 2). For a oomi~~rieon, the energies and intensities of the y-lines of Be obtained from data of other authors are listed in a Card 1/2 table (Refs 1, 2j 39 4P 5). Besides the authors of this 75 SOV148-23-2-3120 Investigation of the y-Spectrum of Be Within the Range 200 4 900 kev paper,only Zolotavin (Ref 3) found the.475 kev line. The line 570 kev was found also by Van den Bold (Ref 2), Zolotavin (Rof 3) and Langevin-4oliot (Ref 4). There are 2 figures, 1 table, and 5 references, 1 of Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Radiyevyy institut im. V. G. Khlopina Akademii nauk SSSR (Radium Institute imeni V. G. Xhlopin of the Academy of Sciences, USSR) Card 2/2 210) SOV/413-23-2-4/20 AUTHORS: Grigorlyev, Ye. P., Pzhelepov, B. S., Zolotavin, A. V. ad Yb 166 -> Tu 166 --*-Er 166 f Yb 166 - Tu 166 --)-Er 166 (Rae D TITLE: eoay o p PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk BSSR. Seriya fizichaskaya, 195',, Vol 23, Nr 2, 1p 188-190 (USSR) ABSTRACT: An error occurred in the spectral analysis of this reaction since the energies of the most intense transitions in 166 166 166 166 produced by Tu and in Er produced by decay of Yb Tu were near 80 kev in both cases. For the purpose of explaining and determining the levels the authors studied the conversion spectra by means of the P-spectrometer with double focusing and a half width of lines of 0.3co. The resolving power per- mitted the separation of L I + LII, LIII and M and N lines. Table 1 shows the corresponding lines of transitions 81.0 kev 166 166 166 . 1'raneition 79-4 in Er and 79s4 kev in Sr in Tu agrees well with the theoretical transition type 99. M1 , represents the transition type at 81.0 kev in Tu . A distinct- ly marked difference results from a cqyariso.11 the relative 09 Card 1/2 (P 0 6 intensities of conversion lines of u and Erl in Decay of Yb 166 Tu 166 -~, Er 166 SOV/48-23-2-4/20 equilibrium state with values obtained by othq; authors (Ref 3) (Table 2). The conversion coefficient for Erlbb with ax - 1.8 for E2 transition and Tu 166 for tra'nsition M1 amounts to 3�1 and 4, respectively The tio of i ensities of the individual transitiona in Tu ltg and ErW - 0-75 � 0-3. The authors thank the T4 -rallars of the OIYaI and RIAN for radioactive sourcest 0. V. Larionov, M. K. Nikitin,,, researchers of the LGU for separation of the Yt- and Tu fraction, as will as L. K. Poker for discussions. There are 3 figures, 4 tablea and 5 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Ilauchno-isfiledovatellskiy fizic11e,,,!kiy inatitut Leningradskogo os. universiteta im. A. A. Zhdanciva Soientific Research Institute of Physics of Leningrad State f University imeni A. A. Zhdanov) Card 2/2 21(7) SOV/48-23-2-6/20 AUTHORS: Antonlyeva, N. A., Bashilov, A. A., Dzhelepov. Iltin, V. V. , Preobrazhen8kiy, B. K. TITLE: Conversion Electrons of Eu149 (Konversionnyye elektrony Eu149) PERIODICAL: Izveatiya Akademii nauk SSSR, Seriya fizicheakaya, 1959, Vol 23, Nr 2, pp 204-205 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In investigating the electron apeotra of Eu and Gd fractions the authors determined some lines with equal energy among the conversion lines of both fractions. The energy difference of the K - L and K - M lines indicates that the corresponding nuclear transitions take place in the. samarium nucleus. The respective energies amount to 256, 279 and 330 kev. From the half-life periods determined by the lines K-279 and K-330 the authors concluded that they had found a long-lived Eu iso- tope which decays to the samarium nucleus. According to a comparison with data published on Eu isotopes also EU149 is considered to be responsible for the above-mentioned phenomenon. The authors concluded that the tranattions with the energies 256-330 kev belong to the types E2 or Illy yet Card 1/2 no definite conclusion can be drawn from the results obtained* I Conversion Electrons of Eu149 SOV/48-23-2-6/2o There are 2 figures, 2 tables and 3 Soviet references. AS30CIATION: Nauchno-iseledovateliskiy fizicheskiy institut Leningradskogo gos. universiteta im. A. A. Zhdanova (Scientific Research Institute of Physics of Leningrad State University imeni A. A. Zhdanov) Card 2/2 21(7) SOV/48-23-2-7/20 AUTHORS: Dzhelepov, B. S., Prikhodtseva, V. P., Mhollnov,.Yu. V. TITLE: y-Spectrum of J131 (y-Spektr J131) PERXODICAL: Izvoetiya'Akademii nauk SSSR. Seriya fizicheekaya, 1959, Vol 23t 11r-2, p 206 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The authors investigated the y-spectrum of J131 within the range of 200-800 kev, determined the intensities of well known I-lines and tile y-line with 514 kev, of which mention is made in paper (Ref 2). The results of these investigations are con- tained in a figure. Por the intensities of y-lines the follow- ing values were obtained: E kev: 278 362 514 633.5 722 I % 5-7 100 < 0.4 8.9 1.9 In addition, a special investigation has shown that the intensi- ty of the y-line with 514 kev never exceeds 0.4% of the intensi- ty of the y-line with 362 kev. The authors thank V. A. Yeliseyev for help in the measurements# There are 11 figures and 2 Card 1/2 references, 1 of which is Soviet. y-Spectrum of J131 SOV/48-23-2-7/2o ASSOCIATION: Radiyevyy institut im. V. G. Xhlopina Akademii nauk SSSR (Radium Institute imeni V. G. Khlopin of the Academy of Scienceeg USSR) Card 2/2 21M BOV/48-23-2-8/2o AUTHORS: Dzhelepov, Be S., Yeliseyevq V. .4., Prikhodtseva, V. P., Khollnov, Yu. V. TITLE: y-Radiation of Br 82 (I-Izlucheniye Br 82 PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR. Seriya fizicheskaya, 1959# Vol 23, Nr 2, pp 207-210 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The y-spectrum was stu&d by means of the "Rytron" spectrometer. It is given in figure 1. 10 lines were detected. The energies and relative intensities obtained in this and another paper are listed in a table for comparison. The beat accordance re- sulted from reference 6, both for energies and intensities. Within the range 1700-2000kev aweakline at 1780 kev and only one elevation of a point above the backGround at 1910 kev were found, Within the range 2000-2700 kev no lines with an intensity above 0.2~ were found. The conversion coefficient of the main transitions in BrUz was determined by means of the inteneit:les obtained. The initial value 8f a for the transi- . tion type E2 of tranaition 777 kev in Kr 2 was adopted from tables published by Sliv and Band Ref 13) with an amount ~ 2 b. Kr82 is given in of 8.22.10-4. A decay scheme of Br Card 1/2 figure 2. The transition types of the individual transitions y-Radiation of Br 82 SOV/48-23-2-8/2o of Kr 82 were determined according to a comparison of the theoretical 01K values with the experimental once (Table 2). The lines 1648 and 1780 kev detected for the first time as levels are not given in the decay scheme. There are 2 figures, 2 tableat and 13 references, 3 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Radiyevyy institut im. (Radium Institute imeni Sciences, USSR) V. 0. Khlopina Akademii nauk SSSR V. G. Xhlopin of the Academy of Card 2/2 21M SOV/48-23-2-9/2o AUTHORS: Dzhelepov, B.-S., Sergiyenko. V. A. 146 151 TITLE: Coincidences Between Conversion Electrons in the Gd and Gd Decay (Sovpadeniya mezhdu konversionnymi elektronami pri raspade Gd146 i Gd151 ) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR. SeriA fiziehaskaya, 1959, Vol 23, Nr 2, pp 211-21Q (USSR) ABS'PRACT: The authors investigated the Gd146 --a- EU146 and Gd151 -- Eu151 decay, that is to saythpy measured the intensity of coincidence between conversion electrons of the moat iittense lines. The results are listed in table I and illustrated in figures Figs 2, 3). The coincidence of transitions 114.8 and 115.5 kev coincidonce AA) was found. It is unambiguous and is regarded ~ as a llsolf-coin~didencell'of the electrons of line K(114-8+115-5)- If both lines were separated, there would le only half thi intensity. The authors proved the coino dence of the lines (K-114.qtK-115-5) and(LM-155+LM149.M14~) on the basis of the coincidence of transition 155 kev with the transitions 114-8 and 115-5 (coincidence AC). Furthermore; the authors determined Card 1/2 the coincidence of the lines L1*14-6+1 5-5)+K-115 and the SOY4g%23-2-y~2o Coincidences Between Conversion Electrons in the Gd nd Gd 1 Decay Auger electrons (K series) (coincidence BA). The components of the A9 B and C lines are given (Fig 1). The determination of intensities of the individual componeltg is only outlined. The scheme of decay from Gd146 to EU 4 is given. All transi- tions bel?3f to the tTpe M1. The sequences are 1-, 2-, 3-, 4-- In the Gd 0 BU15 decay coincidence (L-21-7)(K-175) may be regarded as proved. The authors thank A. A. Bash:Llov and B.K. Freobrazhenskiy for the source, A. A. Bashilov also for communication of his results. A. Andriyanovag Kh. Nasyrova, -Students of Alma Atinskiy gos. universitet (Alma Ata State University) assisted in the coincidence measurements of Gd146 , and A. V. Kudryavtseva in that of Gd'151. There are 6 figures, 2 tables and 9 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Nauchno-iosledovateltakly fizicheskiy institut Leningradskogo gos. universiteta im. A. A. Zhdanova (Scientific Research Institute of Physics of Leningrad State University imeni A. A. Zhdanov) Card 2/2 21M .91 SOV/48-23-2-lc/2o AUTHO,RS: Dzholepov, /. S., Preobrazhonskiy, B. K., Sergiyenko, V. A. TITLE: Coincidences of Conversion Electrons in the Decay of G'd147 and Gd149 (Sovpadeniya'mezhdu konversionnymi elektronami pri raspade Gd147 i Gd149) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR. Seriya fizicheskaya, 1959, Vol 23, Nr 2, pp 219-222 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The spectra of conversion electrons of a Gd fraction were recorded by means of a two-lens spectrometer up to electron energies of 350 kev (Fig 1). The results of investigation of the coincidence of conversion electrons produced in the decay of Gd147 and Gd149 are contained in a table and shown in fig- ures 2 and 3. The scheme of Gd147 N Eu147 decay was determined from the coincidences of the lines K(396+370) and LM(396+370) with the K line (229 kev) and the scheme of Gd 149- ~. EU149 decay in Gd149 from the coincidences (K-149-8)(K-346) and (K-149-8)(LM-346) (Fig 1). The authors Card 1/2 thank N. M. Antonlyeva and A. A. Bashilov for interest in the SOV148-23-2-10120 Coincidences of Conversion Electrons in the Decay of Gd147 and Gd149 paper. A. Andriyanova and Kh. Hanyroval Students. of the Alma~ Ata University, and V. Bunakov and I. Xyznikov, Students of the LGU, assisted in the zeasurements. There are 3 figures, 1 table, and 5 references, 4 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Nauahno-ioaledovatellskiy fizicheskiy institut Leningradekogo gos. universiteta im. A. A. Zhdanova (Scientific Research Institute of Physics of Leningrad State University imeni A. A. Zhdanov) Cexd 2/2 7 (4), 7 (5), 21 (9) A1UTHORSz Dzhelepov, B. S., Ivanovt. P. B9, SOV/48-23-7-1/31 N6d-OvGs-6V,-V-.--ff., Chumin, V. 0. TITLE: Magnetic w-Speotrometer (Magnitnyy cc-apektrometr) PERIODICALi Izvestiya Akademii-nank SSSR. Seriya fizicheakaya, 1959, Vol 23, Nr 7, Pp T82-787 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In the introduction of this paper, it is pointed out that most o&-spectrometers work with inhomogeneous magnetic fields, and that their resolvi power is different (half-width of the lines 0-05 to 0-08 and their light intensity is low l) (aperture ratio 0.01 to 0-06 ~ of 410- The purpose of the present paper is to develop an 4-spectrometer with a xwjdving power of 0.10 4, at an aperture ratio of 093 % of 4 T - In,the first part of the paperp the experimeniai arrangement (electromagnet with its screening and curvent supply, evacuation plant, accomodation of tht radioactive sources, as well as the geometrical control of the of-ray) is described in detail, and supplemented by figure 1 (pole shoes) and figure 2 (chamber). The second part deals with the measurement of the axial-symmetric magnetic field. The focusing angle in indicated Card 1/3 with TV-2, and three papare are mentioned showing that Magnetic oc-Spootrometer SOY/48-23-7-1/31 spectrometers of this type have the most favorable relation between resolution and light intensity. For the axial component, an equation is given in which the coefficient 5 determines %h# focusing properties of the field. The influence of the magnitude of 0 on the width is discussed, and the measurement of the topography of the magnetic field by means of a rotatable coil is dealt with. These measurement results are shown in a diagram (Fig 3)- Another diagram shors the topography of the magnetic field in dependence on the position of the screening rings on the pole shoes (Fig 4). The 04-partiolea are recorded by thick nuclear photoemulsions. The last part deals with the determination oil the characteristic of the rpoetrometer. It was carried out with a Po 210_ source, and the half-width of the lines aifiounted to 0.1 %, A variation of the solid angle did not show any influence, and the variation of the half-width of the line caused by a change in width and height of the source followed theoretical formulas of a previous paper (Ref 10). A diagram shows the dependence of the resolving power on the aperture ratio of the spectrograph (Fig 5)- B- P- Shishin took Card 2/3 part in the adjustment and calibration of the instrument. The Magnetic c(,-Spectrometer SOV/48-23-7-1/31 authors thank the collaborator K. I. Yakovlev f6r thels ctdm lnstn~ :br %e measurement of -the magnetic field by the method of proton resonance, D. M. Ziv and V. V. Fedorov for the preparatior of the polonium sources, and also A. P. Zhdanov for his help in the preparation of the photoemulsions. There are 5 figLxre4,,Akd 10 references, 2 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Radiyevyy institut (Radium Institute Sciences, 'USSR) im. V. G. Khlopina Akademii nauk SSSR imeni Ve G. Khlopin of the Acelemy of Card 3/3 7(4),7(5),24(7) AUTHORS: DzhelLepov, B.,S., Ivanov, R. B., SOV/48-23-7-2/31 Nedovesov-t-M.-t., Shishin, B. P. '233) TITLE: The a-Spectrum of U233 . (a-spektr U PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR. Seriya fizicheskaya, 1959, ,Vol 23, Nr 7, PP 788-791 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The introduction mentions a paper by F. Asaro who detected three a-groups of U 233 by means of a magnetic a-spectrometer of the sector type. In the following L. L. Golldin et al. showed in an exact investigation of the a-spectrum of U233 that it is composed of five lines. These lines, ,are indie~ cated, and it is ascertained that the last three of these lines cannot be calculated by the known formulas for the in- tensity of the a-transitions. In 1958, the authors carried out investigations of the a-spectrum- of U 233 by means of the a-spectrometer described in the first paper of this issue; these investigations permitted a moi-e accurate' determination of the intensity of these three weak lines. Electrochemically Card 1/2 plated U233 on platinum was used as a source. The measured The a-Spectrum bf'U 233 SOV/48-23-7-2/31 values are compiled in two diagrams (Pigs I and 2); tables 1 and 2 compare the values with those obtained by other authors. Thd results show that if there is an d -line this is Yery 4 weak. The a 5-line is formed by a tiansition to the 316 kev leyelf and its intensity shoys that this is a transition of a single-particle exAited level. The quantum numbers of these transitions are dealt with in detail, and finally a scheme of the decay of U 233 and of the levels Th 229 is given (Fig 3)- The authors thank Tu. T. Puzynovich and V. K. Delayev for their help in the measurements, and L. K4 Fqker for the dis- ouseion of the results of their work. There,are 3 figurest 2'tables, and 9 references, 6 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Radiyevyy institut im. (Radium Institute imeni Sciences, USSR) V. 0. Khlopina Akademii nauk SSSR V. G. Khlopin of the Academy of Card 2/2 24(5),21(7) AUTHORS: Brabets, V., Gromov, K. Ya.9 SOV/48-23-7-4/31 Dzhelepor, B. S.9 Dmitriyev, A. G., Morozov, V. A. TITLE: 166 Conversior Electrons of Yb rony Yb 166 1 TU 166) 166 and Tu (Konversionnyye elekti- PERIODICAL! ABSTRACT: Card 1/3 Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR. Seriya fizicheskaya, 1959, Vol 23, Nr 7, pp 812-818 (USSR) The spectrum of the conversion electrons of the decay 166 K 166 166 Yb -mm~- Tu Er (stable) was investigated by an Wos~ 7tW improved magnetic P-spectrometer. The obtaining of the isoto- 166 166 pea Yb and Tu carried out in Leningrad is denribed in short. The first part of this paper deals with the conversion 166 166 166 electrons of Tu . As Tu has the daughter isotope Th three types of preparatiops were investigated: 1) The thulium fraction obtained by,neansi of chromatographic separation from the rare earths. 2) The ytterbium fraction obtained-by means of chromatographic separation from rate earth elements- 3) A thulium preparation separated from the ytterbium fraction conversion Electrons of Yb 166 and Tu 166 SOV/48-23-7-4/31 20 hours after the chromatographic separation. The results of the measurements are compiled in table 11 and it becomes clear that the spectrum of the conversion electrons of 166 Tu in most cases agrees with the ytterbium, fraction. It is pointed out that the value of these results depends on the evaluation of the limiting intensity of the P-rays. Figure 1 shows the spectrum of the.conversion electrons of the isotope Tu166 in the range of 10-185 kev of the thulium preparation separated from the ytterbium fraction. All intensities have a half-life of eight hours. Table I compares the axperimen- tally determined ratiQ0 of the intensities of the K- and L- conversion lines with the theoretical ratios. The second part investigates the conversion electrons of the isotope Yb 166 , and it is ascertained that the ratios of the intensities of the K- and L-conversion lines of.the y-transition of 80 kev strongly diffor. The papers by V. N. Pokrovskiy (Ref 8) and Ye. P. Grigorlyev are mentioned here. Further it was ascertained that a y-transition with the energy of 81.0 kev Card 2/3 takes place in the decay Yb166 Tu 166, and one with Conversion Electrons of Yb 166 and Tu 166 SOV/48-23-7-4/31 166 166 79.4 kev in the decay Tu Er Finally, the intensity of the X-2L-Auger-electrons is investigated with the aid of the diagrams (Figs I and 4), and it is ascertained that the data obtained are in good agreement with the data known from publications. There are 4 figures, 3 tatles, and 12 refer- ences, 5 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Radiyevyy institut im. V. G. Khlopina Akademii nauk SSS1 (Radium Institute imeni V. G. Khlopin of the Acadony of Sciencest USSR) Card 3/3 24(5),21(7) AUTHORS: Gromov, K. Ya., Dzhelepov, B. S.,. SOV/48-23-7-6/31 Pokrovskiyj V. 11. TITLE: On the Scheme of the Decay of Tu 166 (0 ekheme raspada Tu 166 PERIODICAL: Iivestiya Akademii nauk S33R. 5orlya fizicheekayal 1959, Vol 23, Nr 7, pp 821-825 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The first part ;f the present paper deals with the multipole tranaltions in Mr 166 , and discusses at first the experimental 166 data of the emission accompanying the decay of Tu ., which were obtained in the preceding papers of this-issue. The identifleation of the energy of the a-transitions, and the relative intensity of the X-oonversion electrons, are con- sidered. The multipole transitions E1, E2f (M1+ 92), and M2 are then investigatedq and the results are compiled in table 1. The second part investigates the absolute intensity of the I- and conversion-lines, and calculates the number of captures of orbital electrons* The third part deals with two rotational 166 band13 of Er , the 'authors referring to previous papere, At firett the levels of the rotational band of the ground state, Card 1/2 then the levels of the second rotational'bandq are investj&ted F On the Scheme ofthe Decay of Tu 166 BOV/48-23-7-6/31 and explained with the help of a figure. The theory doveloped by A. S. Davydov on the rotational states of non-axial nuclei is mentioned which permits the energy of the rotational levels to be calculated. The intensity of the transitions in the bands studied here is then investigated, and the results are compiled in table V. The fourth part investigates some other levela of the zxcitation of Er 166 , and It is ascertained that for a clarification of these excited states of Er 166 and their quantum characteristic, accurate-measurements of-the enern- of the conversion electrons will have to be carried out. There are 1 figure, 3 tablest and 7 references, 5 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Radiyevyy inatitut imeni V. 0. Khlopina Akademii nauk SSSR (Radium Institute imeni V. G. Khlopin of the Academy of Sciences, USSR). Ob"Yedinennyy institut yadernykh issledovaniy (Joint Institute of Nuclear Research) Card 2/2 24(5),24(7) AUTHORS: Dzhelepovl._B. S., Prikhodtseva, V. P., SOV/48-23-7-7/31 _&Eolnov, Yu. V. TITLE: The I-Emission of Cs134 (1-izlucheniye C.134) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR. Seriya fizicheskaya, 19599 Vol 231 Nr 7, pp 826-827 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The object of the measurements carried out by a magnetic spectrometer was the determination of the relative latensity of the y-linee. The measurement results are shown in two dia- grameq the half-width of the lines in the range of 1 Mev is indicated with 3.3 %, and the intensities of the lines are compared. The half-width of the linas could be reduced by a better focusing to 1.6 %. The resu~is O'ft~is investigation, the energy and-be relative intensity of the y-lines of Cs134 are finally compiled. The authors thank V. A. Yeliseyev and A. Ushako-m :ftw the execution of the measurements, and N. N. Zhukovskiy for making possible the measurements by the elotron. There are I figure, 1 table, and 11 references, 4 of which are Soviet. Card 1/2 The y-Emission of Csl34 SOV/48-23-7-7/31 ASSOCIATION: Radiyevyy institut imeni V. G. Khlopina Akademii nauk SSSR (Radium Institute imeni V. G. Khlopin of the Academy of Sciences, USSR) Card 2/2 24(5)j24M AUTHORS: Voinova, N. A., Dzhelepov, B. S.9 Zhukovskiy, N. No SOV/48-23-7-8/3i TITLE: The I-Emission of IP 182 in the Energy Range of 300-1,500 key (Y-izlucheniye Ta v oblacti energiY 300-1500 key) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR. Seriya fizicheskaya, 1959, Vol 23, Nr 7, pp 828-830 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The introduction of the ppesent paper mentions in short the results of many investigations of the rotational band of the ground state of W182 ; then it is stated that the experiments described were carried out by an elotron with the purpose of determining the relative intensity of the y-lines, at the same time lookirg for new lines in the range of energy indicated. The measured values are compiled in a diagram (Fig 1), and it is shown thatthere are practically no lines in the range hY - 300-850 kevt and that there are 7 lines of different intensities in the range hy - 850-1#350 key. Finally, some known lines of low intensity in this range are mentioned. There are 2 figures, I table, and 5 references, 2 of which Card 1/2 are Soviet. The y-Emission of Ta 182 in the Energy Range of SOV/48-23-7-8/31 300-1000 kev ASSOCIATION: Radiyevyy institut im. V. G. Xhlopina Akademii nauk SSSR (Radium Instituteimeni V. G. Xhlopin of the Academy of Sciences, USSR) Card 2/2 24(5),24(7) AUTHORS: Dzhelepov, B. S., Yemellyanov, B. A., 30-/48-23-7-10/31 -PodRoP11ysV-#-Tu-.N., Podymakhin, V. N., Uchevatkin, I. F., Sheatopalova, S. A. TITLE: On the Hard Part of the y-Spectrum of Radium the Equilibrium With the Products of the Decay (hv.1100+5600 kev) (0 zheatkoy chasti y-spektra radiya, nakhodyashchegoeya v ravnovesii s produktami raspada (hv-3100-t5600 keV)) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR. Seriya fizicheskaya, 1959, Vol 23, Nr 7, PP 832-834 (USSR) ABSTRACT: At the beginning, the transition RaC ---*-RaC1, and further the transition RaC" ---w RaD, are indicated as the fundamental cause of the hard I-radiationt and figure I shows a branching of the radioactive series of the radium family. The energy levels of these transitions are investigated, and a number of previous papers is indicated. In the present paper, a y-hodoscope of the NIFI LGU was used for investigating the hard y-rays. Two series of measurements were carried out. In the first series, the range of from 3,070 kev to 5p6OO kev was investigated. The results of these measurements are shown Card 1/3 in diagram (Fig 2). In the second series, the range of from on the Hard Part of the y-Spectrum of Radium Found in SOV/48-23-7-10/31 the Equilibrium With the Products of the Decav (h7-3000+5,600 key) 3,200 key to 5,600 kev was investigated, and the results were compiled in a diagram (Fig 3). The line with b*. 3,070 key was practically not measured in the first series, and was absolutely not measured in the second series. The diagrams show the existence of I-lines with the energy of . 3,100-39200 key. The second diagram also shows an increase in the electron output in the range of 3#500-3,600 key, and this is attributed to the transition RaC" ----p-RaD according to figure 1. The transitions RaC ----v-RaC' and RaCw co RaD are indicated forthe I-lines with the energy of about 3,200 kevp and finally it is ascertained that lines with an energy of more than 3j900 key could not be detected. The authors the~nk 0. V. Chubinskiy for the supply of experimental data. There are 3 figures and 9 references, 5 of which are Soviet. Card 2/3 On the Hard Part of the I-Spectrum of Radium Found in SOV/48-23-7-10/31 the Equilibrium With the Products of the Decay (hv-39100+5,600 kev), ASSOCIATION: Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-iseledovatellskiy institut metrologii im. D. I. Mendeleyeva (kll-Union Scientific Research Institute of Metrology imeni D. I. Mendeleyev). Leningradskiy god. uni- versitet im. A. A. Zhdanova, (Leningrad State University imeni A. A. Zhdanov) Card 3/3 21M SOV/48-23-7-16/31 AUTHORS: Bunakov, V,.Ye., Dzhelepov, B. S., Zyollskiy, I., Sergiyenko,V.A. TITLE: The Coincidences of the Conversion Electrons in the Decay Se75___+ A875 (Sovpadeniya konversionnykh elektronov pri raspade 75--, Se b A875) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR. Seriya fizicheskaya, 1959, Vol 23, Nr 7, pp 859-863 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The authors investigatedl by means of a lens-0 -spectrometer, the coincidences of the conversion electrons-of the abOTe- mentioned decay, the isotope s75 being obtained by a (n t1r)_ reaction in the irradiation of the enriched isotope Se74. The decay of Se75 was investigated in a number of papers; the lines of the f-spectrum and the coincidences are indicated. The spectrumt recorded by the spectrometer, of the conversion electrons of this decay is shown in figure 1, and is supple- mented by the level schemo. The observed coincidences of conversion electrons are indicated, and it is ascertained that their relative number lies between 0.5 and 3. The coincidences' Card 1/2 of various lines recorded by the spectrometer are shown in The Coincidences of the Conversion Electrons SOV/48-23-7-16/31 in the Decay Se75___O As75 several diagrams, and the results are discussed in detail. Finally, it is stated that the results obtained improve the data of previous papers (Refs 3-5). The authors thank A, V. Zolotavin Orig- -at Their dldposal the isotope Se75 and mention L. Gorzhakq student of the LGU, who participated in the measurements. There are 5 figures, I table# and 6 referencest 3 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATIONs Hauchno-iseledovatellskiy gos. universiteta Ims A, Institute of Physics of t A* A. Zhdanov) fizioheakiy institut Leningradakogo * Zhdanova (Scientific Research e Leningrad State University imeni Card 2/2 21(7) SOV/48-23-7-17/31 AUTHORSs Grigorlyev, Ye. Pe, Dzhelepov, 11. S*p Zolotavin, A* V. TITLE: On the Transitions Er 160 __;, 110160 and yb166___...4. TU166 (0 perekhodakh :,Pr 16 0--4-Ho 160 1 yt166 0 Tu 166) PERIODICAM Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR. Seriya fizicheekaya, 1959, Vol 23, Nr 7, pp 864-867 (USSR) ABSTRACTs In the introduction, it is ascertained that in a number of 16o --O.Hol6o --,,DY160 papers the decays Er and Yb166 --- $,- Tu 166 Do Er166 have been investigated, and that the authors in the present paper are concerned with some peculiari- ties of the first transitions of these chains. It is pointed out that t*o isomeric states of the isotope Ho160 are known, which have different half-lives and the quantum characteristic of which is not known. By theoretical investigations, it was found out that the lower excited states of the odd-odd nuclei must necessarily have two levels which have the same parity. The types of the states of the'isotope Er 160 are investigatled. Card 1/3 Allowed and first forbidden decays take place in the isotope On the.Transitions Er 160 PHO 160 and Yb 166 01 Tu 166 SOV/48-23-7-17/31 Er 160 , and it is concluded that the energies of the transitions Er 16 0-11-Ho 16 0 do not exceed 1 Mey. The authors further assert that the Er 160_ decays passing the so-called five'-hour isomer d6 n6t take place on the levels 5 +.2- and 2 + but on any other higher level . In the investigation of the decay Yb 166___,,Z,166 it is first ascertained that the odd-odd nuclei of the isotope Tu 166 have an excited level with the energy of 81 kev, and they are assigned to the type MI. Further it is stated that other '166 levels of the isotope Tu are not known, and that a position spectrum corresponding to the transition Yb 166 ----P-Tu 166 was not found. The mass defect of the Yb 166- and Tu 166_nuclei is indicated with 117 kev (according to Cameron) and with 436 kev (according to Riddel), and the decay energy of Yb 166 is evaluated with not over 1,000 kev. The authors thank Card 2/3 160 _.0.110160 16 6-0, Tu 166 On the Transitions Er and Yb SOV/48-23-7-17/31 L. N. Zyryanova for contributing her knowledge on the 0 -systematics, and L. K. Peker for the discussion of the results. There are 3 figures and 19 references, 8 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Nauchno-issledovateltakiy fizicheskiy institut Leningradakogo gos. universiteta im. A. A. Zhdanova (Scientific Research Institute of Physics of the Leningrad State University imeni A. A. Zhdanov) Card 3/3 210) SOV/48-23-7-18/31 AUTHORS: Grigorlyev, Ye. P., Dzhelepov, B. S., Zolotavin, A. V., Krateik, B., Sitterfi-kh, -C. TITLE: The Decay of Ho 16o and the Level Scheme of Dy 16o (Raspad Ho 16o i skhema urovney Dy 160) PERIODICAM Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR. Seriya fizicheskaya, 1959, Vol 23f Nr 7# pp 868-874 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In a previous paper (Ref 1), the authors had already determined the level scheme of Dy 16o , but in considering all factors they come to the result that the upper level does not amqunt to 1718 kev , but that in the decay of the isotope Ho'00 excited states with energies up to 2900 kev occur. In the present paper, results of an investigation of the transitions with high levels of the isotope Dy 16o are put forward. The spectra of the positrons and of the electrons of the internal conversion were recorded by a F -opectrometer. The obtaining of the radioactive sources is dealt with, and the investigation of the 0 +- spectrum Card 1/3 in the range of weak energies is described. In the range under The Decay of Ho 160 and the Level Scheme of Dy 16o SOV/48-23-7-18/31 160 kevp a positron excess is observed. which is connected with a soft component. The components of the spectrum are shown in a diagram (Fig 1), The balance of the intensities for the transitions in the isotope Ho160 shows that the transition with 60 kev amounts to 60% of the decay. It is further concluded that the number of positrons in the decay is equal to 0-36%. The authors found 55 new conversion lines which are compiled in table 2 together with the known lines. The experimental results were compared with the theoretical results, and it became clear that some L-lines are superimposed by K-lines of other transitions. Figures 2 and 3 show two ranges of the spectrum of the conversion electrons, the half-width of these lines is indicated, and it is ascertained that in figure 2 there is a group of lines the identification of which is very difficult. Prom the results obtained hitherto in this Card 2/3 The Decay of Ho 160 and the Level Scheme of Dy 160 SOV/48-23-7-18/31 paper, and-in other papers, the extensive level scheme of the isot9pe Dy 16o is set up, and the balance of the intensities in Ho16o is evaluated. There are 4'figures, 3 tables, and 4 Soviet references. ASSOCIATIONt Nauchno-iseledovatellskiy fizicheakiy institut Leningradekogo goo. utiiversiteta im. A. A. Zhdanova (Scientific Research Institute of Physics of the Leningrad State University imeni A, A, Zhdanov) Card 3/3 ANTONIYEVA, N.M.; BASHILOV. A.A,; DZHYJZPOV, B.S.; PREORRAZHENSKIY, B.N. Conversion electron spectra of Gd3-46 and BU146 [with su=ar7 in English]. Zhur.okup. I teor.fiz- 36 no-1:28-31 Ja 159. (MIRA 12:2) 1. Leningradskiv goaudarstvenn~7 universitet. (Godolinium--Isotopes) (Europiua-Isotopes) (3lectrons) 21 (8) AUTHORS: 2jhAL0puv*_.A"*#,.Uchevat~in, I. F., SOV/56-37-3-44/62 Shestopalova, S. A. TITLE: 0+ - O+-Transition in the Decay Prl4q->Cel4O PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoretich6skoy fiziki, 1959, Vol 37, Nr 3(9), pp 857 - 859 (USSR) ABST._~IACT: In an earlier paper it has already been stated that the Ce140_nucleus has an excited state of the type 0' wij~Oan ex- citation energy of 1902 kev. This state occurs in La 4decay. The.-'ground state and the excited states of Ce140 may occur also in electron capture and in the 0 +_ decay of Pr140. Figure 1 shows the scheme of the possible transitions to the lower ex- cited states of Cei,110. In the present "Letter to the Editor" the authors endeavor to show that the 1902 kev level of Ce140 is not excited by the decay of Pr140; as the ground state of Pr140 is of the type 1+, it may be expected that this state Card 1/3 occurs in the case of permitted P-decays and in electron cap- 0+ 0+ -Transition in the Decay Pr140 4Ce'40 SOV/56-37-3-44/62 ture. For this purpose, an Nd140 + Pr140 preparation in equi- librium was investigated in a P-spectrometer with triple focusing. The counters were filled with argon + 15F,." alcohol pressure 100 torr). Figure 2& shows the K conversion line 11902 kev) and figure 2b - the Curie diagram for the end of ~ the P-spectrum of Pr140. The results obtained are supplemented by those obtained by other authors (Refs 4-7). The ratio e- /P+ was determined as being 0.2%. The number of e-(1902) is deter- mined in consideration of the fact that K- and L-captures in the case of the permitted decay to the ground state amount to about 47~~a- Herefrom the number of conversion electrons is de- termined as amounting to 0.11,1a per decay. Thus, the Ce111(0+) 1902 kev level is far more frequently excited in the decay of Pr140 than in the decay of La140 (accordine to references 1,7: 0.013P%). Actually, the Ce140 1902 kev level occurs both in e--capture and in the decay of Pr140. ft = 'r*.106is found Card 2/3 I + - +_ 140 140 0 0 Transition in the Decay Pr ~-4ce SOV/56-37-3-44/62 for permitted transitions. There are 2 figures and 7 references, 6 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Vsesoyuznyy institut metrologii (All-Union Iletrology institute) SUEHTTED: May 16, 1959 Card 3/3 DZEDLAD72, I-Ye- Terraces of the Kura River in the Tiflis vicinity. Trudy Geog. ob-va Grus. sm 3 , io-w 1391, (MIRA 1):11) (W& Valley-Geology, Structural) PHASE I BOOK EXPLONATION BOV/4394 -!?~~!-iopovlxB. S. , and G. F. Dranitsym Sistematika energiy P-raspada (Energy Patterns of p-Decay) Moscow, Izd-vo AN SSSR., 1960. 57 p. (Series: Svoystva atomnykh yader, vYP- 3) 4,000 copies printed. Sponsoring Agency: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Radlyevyy institut. Ed. : Yu . V. Khol Inov, Candidate of Physical Ind Mathematical Sciences; Ed. of Publiahing House: Ye. A. Semenova; Tech. Ed.: R. A. Zamarayeva. PURPOSE: This book is intended for scientific workers, aspirants, and advanced students of higher educational institutions working in the field of nuclear spectroscopy. COVERAGE: The booklet is a critical review of the literature on semiempirical and empirical atomic mass formulas. It includes calculated and experimental data on energies of bets decay shown in charts'and tables of energy values C"-1/3- Energy Patterns of 13-Decay SOV/4394 published up to March 1, 1959- No personalities are mentioned. There are 32 references; 3 Soviet,, 24 English, 3 Dutch, 1 German, and 1 Swedish. TAE12 OF CONTENTS: 1. Introduction 3 2. Semiempirical Formulas of Weizs9cker and Bethe-Bacher 3 3- Semiempirical Formula of Fermi 4. Semiempirical Formula of Cameron 4 6 5- Calculation of the She1l Effect 8 6. Calculation of the Shell Effect and Parity of Z and N in Accordance With the Cameroli Method 10 7- Empirical Formula of Levy 17 8. Energy Patterns of Beta Decay. "The levy Network" 19 Card--?ff ~' ZTRTANOVA, L.N.; DZ OV, oty,red.; TSV3MKOV, N.V., red.izd-va; BOCHBYR, .red. 9 [Unique beta-transitionol Unikallnye beta-perekhody. Moskva, lzd-vo Akad.nauk SSER, 1960. 96 p. (Svoistva atomnykh tader, no*2)* (MIRA 13-9) 1-Chlon-korrespondent AN SM (for Dshel6pov). (Waolei. Atomic-Spectra) DZHnM'OVI B.S.;. ZHUOVSTIY, NoR.; KHOLIKOV, Ta.V., )mnd.fiz.-mat.nauki -- KALI , MoM. , red.ind-rva; ZAMARAYXVA, R.A., [Isobaric nuclei with an atomic number of 1101 Izobarnye iadra s wassovym chiolom A= 110o Moskva, Ixd-vo Akad.nauk SSSR, 1960. 72-P. (Svoistvd atomnykh iader, no.4). (MIRA 13:11) (Isobars, Nuclear) DZHELEPOVj B.S.; PRIKHODTSEVA, V.Pej XHOLINOVp Yu.V.; BARKOVSKIYP I.V.p ; BOCHMRp V.T., [Isobaric nualgi with a mass mmnber of 1401 Izobarnye iadra 8 massovym chislom A=140. Moskva, Izd-vo Akad, nauk SSSR, 1960. 97 P. (Avoistva atomnykh iader, no. 5.) (MIRA 14:2) (Isobars, fluclear) S/048/60/024/03/0'A/()1q Boo6/BO14 AUTHORS: Gromovq K. Y .9.1)zhelePavt B,.S,, Dmitriyev, A. G~p Morozovq V A., Yakovlev, K. I. TITLE: Conversion_.IleotronelLnd Gamma Rays of Tu165 N ---7? PERIODICAL: I2veatiya Akademii nauk 383R. Seriya fizicheskaya, 1960, Vol. 249 No- 39 pp. 272-277 TEXT: The article under review was read at the Tenth All-Union Confer- ence on Nuclear Spectroscopy (Moscow, January 19 - 27, jg6o). The authors studied the spectrum of the conversion electrons of Tu16 by means of a magnetic spectrometer of the type "Ketron". The relative half-width of the lines was 0.4 per cent, the light intensity of the instrument was 0,4 per cent. The y-ray spectrum was taken by means of a y-scintillation spectro- meter. The half-width of the 661-kev c9137 line was 12 per cent, In order to obtain Tu165 tantalum was bombarded with 660-Mev protons for 4 hours on the synchrocyclotron of the Ob"yedinennyy institut yadernykh iasledovaniy (11!1~nt Institute of Nuclear Research) at Dubna, Then, the Card 1/2 Conversion Electrons and Gamma Rays of S/048/60/024/03/03/0101 Tu165 B006/BO14 resulting elements were separated chromatographically~ The conversion- electron spectrum was studied in the range 85 - 1,200 kev. The spectra obtained are illustrated in Pigs. I - 3- Each spectral region was taken three times ever q 25 - 35 hours. Thus, it was possible to distinguish the lines of Tul 5 from the lines of other isotopes., The intensity of the lines was measured relative to the K-243 intensity. The resulting data permitted the identification of the following new I-transitions: 27M, 312.1, 366.0, (378-4), 389-4, 457.2, 460-4, 471.6, 488.2, (543-5), 566.o, 807.1, 1,133, 1,179, and 1,187 kev. Table I lists all data on the conversion-electron spectrum (E., Hf, relative intensity, identification, Y, The y-spectrum obtained is shown in Fig.. 4. The following y-lines were recorded: (219-240), 296, 3509 4509 540,~ 810, and 1,170 kev, The relative intensities of these lines are compiled in TablP 2. There are 4 figurO8, 2 tables, and 12 references, 6 of which are Soviet. S/048 60102W;.'~_.' B006/BO14 0 AUTHORS: Abdurazakov, A. A,,, Gromov, K. Ya., D.1h2lepov, B. S., Norseyev, Yu. V., Umarov, 0. Ya., Chuming V. G.- TITLE. The 75-minute Activity of Yb Irf PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR. Beriya fizicheakaya, 1960, Vol. 24, No- 3, pp. 278-282 TEXT: The article under review was read at the Tenth All-Union Confer- ence on Nuclear Spectroscopy (Moscow, January 19 - 27, 1960). The aut-hor-a analyzed the spectra of electrons and positrons arising in the decay of the 75-minute Yb isotope by means of a magnetic P-spectrometer with a homogeneous magnetic field. The half-width of the C8137 K-line amounted to 0.8%. Electrons were recorded by an electron counter of the type MST-17. An analysis of the positron spectrum (Fig. 1) revealed that it corresponded to a half-life of 75+2 min as,to intensity in all its parts. Fig. 3 shows one of the decay cur;es of the positron spectrum; its analysis by means of the Fermi method (Fig. 2) showed that in the range r1ard 1A The 75-minute Activity of Yb S/04 60102-1/1'31'041019 B006%014 of 1,300 - 2,940 kev there occurred no deviatione from the shape which is characteristic of allowed P-transitions. The energy limit of the P-spectrum is found at 2,94MO kev. A deviation of the spectrum from the Fermi shape was observed at energies below 1,300 kev. If this deviation is assumed to be related to a second component of the P-speotrum, its energy limit should then be at 13001100 kev, L- and M-lines of the 91-5--kev transition and K- and L-lines of the 211-kev transition were found in the spectrum of conversion electrons. Data on conversion lines are compiled in Table 1. The mass number of this 75-min isotope has not yet been safely ascertalnedg but a number of authors believe it to be 167. The opinions of various authors are cited in this connection, among them B. S. Dzhelepov and L. K. Peker, A. V. Kalyamin and A. Abdurazakov. To conclude from the investigation results obtained by the authors of the present paper (Table 2) it does not seem possible to ascribe the mass numbers 167 and 165 to the 75-minute isotope. Results likewise exclude 163 and 161. The only possible numbers left are 162 and 164, Considera- tions indicate 164 as the most probable mass number. Fig. 4 shows the possible decay scheme. To check this assumption, the authors analyzed Vard 2/3 The 75-minute Activity of Yb S104 60/024/03/04/019 Boo6YBO14 the conversion electron spectrum with a view to determining the Z of that nucleus in which the 91-5-kev transition, excited in the decay of 75-min Yb, occurs,, Respective data are given in Table 3- It was thus proven that the 75-min activity Is actually to be ascribed to the mass number 164. There are 4 figures, 3 tables, and 12 references, 7 of which are Soviet,, ASSOCIATION: Laboratoriya yadernykh problem Ob"yedinennogo instituta yadernykh iseledovaniy (Laboratory of Nuclear Problems of the Joint Institute of Nuclear Research) Sredneaziatskiy politekhnicheskiy institut ((Soviet) Central Asia Poly- technic Institute) Card 313 3/04 60/024/031/05/019 .2 )a B006YB014 AUTHORS: Bonch-Osmolovskayat jo A.9~2 1~ ov Kraf TITLE: Study of Positron Spectra of Neutron-deficient Isotopes ly / 'Y PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR. Seriya fizicheskaya, 1960, Vol~ 249 No. 3, pp. 283-287 TEXT: The article under review was read at the Tenth All-Union Confer- ence on Nuclear Spectroscopy (Moscow# january 19 - 27, 196o). The authors studied the positron spectraor-a-me ne tron- ef c ent so opes o a ne by bombarding a tantalum target with 680-Mev protons~ The authors used a P-spectrometer with triple beam focusing. Results are given according to elements. Lutetium: The hardest component recorded had an energy limit of about 2,,800 kev. All spectral regions with an energy exceeding 1,500 kev corresponded to one and the Bame half-life of 85t18 min (Fig. 1). Thus, it may be seen from the Curie curve shown in Fig. 2 that the energy limit of the 0+-speotrum was 298OOt2OO kev, corresponding to a half-life of 56t12 min. The above component can, therefore., be ascribed to Lu167 Card 113 Study of Positron Spectra of Neutron- S/048/60/024/03/'~5./f", deficient Isotopes Boo6/BO14 (55 min). The Curie curve of this isotope is shown in Pig- 3. The problem of the P'*-speotrum with the energy limit of 29800 kev and T - 85 min has not yet been solved. Such an isotope is unkno Two explanations are possible: 1) Such an Lu isotope as,, e.go, Lulrs~actually exists. In this case also a y-radiation would have to exist for this half-life, which has not yet been observed. 2) It is the radiation of the 75-minute Yb isotope (P+-energy limit 2,95 Mev); the -presence of such an impurity is not impossible. Thulium: The authorej acorded a p+-speotrum with an energy limit of 2.1 Mev (7.3 hours - Tull ) and one with 137 min (Tu163). As shown in Fig. 4t the spectrum consists of two components with the energy limita_l,O5Ot8O and 406t50 kev with an intensity ratio of 1 : 0.7. The Tu163 Er163 mass difference was a~2,070 kev~ Other authors found 2.1 and 2.24 Mev. Erbium: Intense positron emission with an energy limit of 19300 kev (-.-2-5 hours) was found, further one with 115t15 min. This spectrum also consisted of two components with the energy limits 11,900�100 and 2p980�100 kev, and an intensity ratio of 5 : 1. Also the electron-oonversion line with 900 kev (2 hours), which was observed for the first time by I. A. Dneprovskiy, was detected., Dysprosium- The 1K S/04BJ60/024/03/06/010, 6 S"~2 0 B006/3014 AUTHORS: Dzhele2ov, B, S., Yemellyanov, B0 A4, Kupriyanovap K. P.p TITLE: The V-Decay of La140 1i PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii naukASSR. Seriya fizicheskaya, 1960, Vol. 24, No. 3# pp. 288-290 TEXT: The article under review was read at the Tenth All-Union Confer- -ence ovi Nuclear Speotroscopy (Moscow, January 19 - 27, 1960). The data available on La'140 decay do not permit a definite determination of the ground-state spin of this isotope. Therefore, the authors of this article studied the -transition from the ground state of Ta140 to the ground state of Ce148. Measurements were carried out in the range 1,800 4,000 kev by means of a new p-spectrometer (a 0--hodoseope) by NIFI LGU. This instrument differs from the P-hodoscope described in Ref. I only in uses a P-active preparation as electron source, instead of a ~--zet. Altogether, seven series of measurements were made The p--Decay of La,140 S/04 60/024/03/o6/loir; Boo6y,3014 with different magnetic field strengths and different sources. Each series covered an energy range of AE.-,lpOOO key. The results obtaif-ed were composed in such a manner that the range 1,800 - 4fOOO key was contiruously covered (Fig. 1). The left-hand diagram of Fig. 1 il- lustrates the P-spectrum of La140 with the energy limit Elim2::P2200 key. The electron distribution found between 2,200 and 3,850 key was identified as a continuous spectrum of the P-transition between the ground states of La140 and Ce140 and as conversion lines of the y-transitions of Ce140. Fig. 2 shows the determination of energy limits by means of Curie curves. The authors found that the most probable spin value of the La,140 ground state is 3. Further, they detected conversion lines having electron energies of (2,490t3O) and (2,880�30) key. These lines had been detected already earlier. A line of (3,100�50) kev was bound for the first time. The energies of the corresponding y-transitiong -.;.i,.d the intensities of the conversion lines are listed in a table. The ,-onversion coefficients of the transitions were aK-2,530 = 3.4-1o-4 and aK-2t920 - 3,1*lo-4. A comparison with theoretical results indicated -A 0 /A The 0--Deoay of La140 3/04 60/024/'03/106/0-49 B006%014 that the 2,530-kev 1-transition is an MI transition. The existence of such an excited level is indicated by the line corresponding to the nuclear transition of 3PI40 kev. Finally, the authors thank N. D. Novosilltseva and L. V. Gustova for their assistance. There are 2 figures, 1 table, and 8 references, 7 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Nauchno-isoledovatellskiy fizicheskiy institut Leningradskogo goo. universiteta im. A. A. Zhdanova (scientific Rosearch Institute of Physics of Leningrad State University imeni A. A. Zhdanov) Card 3/3 S/04 60/024/03/'07/01? B006YI301 A AUTHORS: Voinova, K. A., Dzhelepov, B. S., Zhukovskiy, N. N. TITLE: Investigation of the Gamma Radiation of A 1100 in the Energy Range 0o2 1 2QO May __7f f PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR. Seriya fizicheskaya, 1960, Vol. 24, No. 3, pp. 291 - 299 TEXT: The article under review was read at the Tenth All-Union Confer- ence on Nuclear Spectroscopy (Moscow,, January 12 - 27, 1960). In recent years data on the I-emission of A luc appeared in various papers, inter alia by L. Gustova at al. (Ref- 35'and by the authors of this article (energy range 650 - 1,600 key). The energies of the y-lines detected by the various authors in the various energy ranges under consideration are given in the introductiono The authors analyzed again the y-spectrum of Ag11O* in the range 0.2 - 2.0 May by means of an elotron. A neutron- activated sample of approximately 11 g served as source. The initial activity of the source was about 0.9 curies. Experimental results are Card 1/3 Investigation of the Gamma Radiation of S/048/60/024/03/07/019 AgIlow in the Energy Range 0.2 1. 2.0 Mev B006/BD14 compiled In diagrams and tables. The 656-kev lines were used as reference lines. In the range 440 - 1,600 kev 14 lines could be recorded separately. Their intensity exceeded 1 per cent of that of the 656-kev line. An analysis of the experimental curves made on the elotron showed that the ranges 300 - 430 kev and 450 - 600 kev contained no lines with intensities greater than i per cent and/or 0.8 per cent of that of the 656-kev line. There was no sign of existence of a 723-kev line in the I-spectrum of AgIlOYA (as described by Cork et al.), provided its intensity be greater than 1 per cent of that of the 656-kev line. No y-lines with intensities exceeding 0.3 per cent were found in the range 950 - 1,350 kev. Next# a great number of further details are discussedg such as Intensities (Table 1), lifetimes, and multipole types of the various transitions. Further, the results of numerous papers dealing with decay schemes of isobaric nuclei vith A . 110 are discussed (Fig. 2). The following is dealt with in detail: the quantum characteristics of the excited levels of Cd11O and the pertinent intensity equilibrium, the isomeric transitions in AgI10 and In110 (Table 2 lists the theoretical K/L values and T of 4211y' the 120-kev transition in I010 for various multipole types). F! a 1'/13 Card 2/3 Investigation of the Gamma Radiation of S/048/60/024/03/07/019 Ag11O* in the Energy Range 0.2 L 2.0 Mev B006/BO14 the actual possibilities of 0+-decay and of the capture of orbital electrons in Ag110x and Ag110 are discussed. Mention is made of N. Antonlyeva. In conclusion, the authors thank V. P. Prikhodtseva and Yu. V. Khollnov for putting the rytron at their disposal. There are 2 figures, 2 tables, and 34 references, 7 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Radiyevyy institut im. V. 0. Xhlopina Akademii nauk SSSR (Radium Institute imeni V. G. Mopin of the Academy of Sciences, USSR) rard 'A PA t*2.2 0 6 JD/ 0 AUTHORS: TITLE: PERIODICAL: Dzhelepov, B. S., Khollnov, Yu. V. ly, The Gamma-Spectrum of Fu152,154 in 245 ~ 500 and 1,450 ~ 2,000 kev'.' S/04 60/024/03/08/019 B006YB014 the Energy Range Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR. Seriya fizicheskaya, 1960, Vol. 24, No- 39 PP- 300 - 303 TEXT: The article under review was read at the Tenth All-Vnion Confer- ence on Nuclear Spectroscopy (Moscow, January 19 - 27, 1960). The authors studied the I-spectrum by means of a magnotic y-spectrometer (rytron). A mixture of Eu152 and Eu154, whose total activity amounted to about 800 millicuries, served as source. The activity ratio between E154 and E152 was estimated as being 0,21�0.03. The results obtained are reproduced in two diagrams and a table. The following lines were detected (the first figure denotes the respective energy of the line, while the following figure in parentheses denotes the relative intensity referred to the 344-kev line): 245 kev (35 t 4); it consists of two lines which were I"K Card 1/3 The Gamma Spectrum of Eu'52,154 in the Energy S/048/60/024/03/08/019 L Range 245 q, 500 and 1,450 f 21000 kev Boo6/BO14 inseparable in these investigations: 244.7 kev (Eu152) and 248 kev (EU154). B. Vn Bobykin and K. W Novik showed that the intensity ratio of these two lines equals 21.1 : 5.9. Hence, the Eu152 line yields the largest fraction. 344 kev (100). 440 kev (detected by N. N. Zhukovskiy). It corresponds to the conversion lines 411.23 and 444.23 (Ref 6). The authors of this article recorded 4154 kev (10.1t2) and 450i4 (11-02). The intensity sums of these two lines are in good agreement with that calculated by Zhukovskiy for the 440-kev line- 496�10 kev (2.6t1): This line was observed by the authors for the first time. It corresponds to a transition between the levels 1,577 and 1,088 kev (489-kev transition) or between 19533 and 19050 kev (483-kev transition) of EU152. Also 1,526 t 15 kev (1.2�0,3) was observed for the first time. It may be assumed that it results from a direct transition fror. the 1,533-kev level (2-) to the ground level (0+). 1,600 kev (described in Ref. 7). 1,61o 1 7 kev (1.6to.2): no further details available on this line. Besides the spectrum of recoil electronep Fig. 2 also contains the decay schemes for Eu152 and Eu154 as published by Zhukovskiy. No lines with relative intensities >0.1 could be found in the range 1,670 - 2,000 kev. Finally, Card 2/3 e "r!'.')39 The Gamma Spectrum of Eu152,154 in the S/048/60/024/03/08/019 Energy Range 245 .1 500 and 1,450 1 2,000 kev B006/BO14 the authors thank A. Ushakova and V. Rumyantsev for their assistance rendered in measurements. There are 2 figures, 1 table, and 7 references, 4 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Radiyevyy inetitut im. V. G. Khlopina Akademii nauk SSSR (Radium Institute imeni V. G. KhloDin of the Academy of Card 3/3 B006YB014 AUTHORS: Dzhelepov# B. So, Dolgoborodova, M. A. TITLE: Resonance Scattering of La140 Gamma Rays 7F -71 71 PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR. Seriya fizicheakaya, 1960# Vol. 24, No. 3, PP. 304 - 310 TEXT: The article under review was read at the Tenth All-Union Confer- ence on Nuclear Spectroscopy (Moscow, JanuarX 19 _-_77, 1960). The authors studied the scattering of gamma rays of Lal4u by Ce'4-. TE-eLs.140 preparation was used as gamma source in the form of a nitric acid La(N03)3--solution4 The experimental arrangement is schematically shown in Fig. 1* Ce02-and L&203 cylinders weighing about 3 kg served as scatterers. The mean scattering angle was.810. A cylindrical NaI(Tl) crystal with an FEU-24.photomultiplier was used as detector. The half-width of the total absorption peak of the 19597-kov line was 13 per cent. The counter system was prevented from being charged by a 12 mm thick lead shield which was inserted between the crystal and the scatterer. Eleven series of S/04 60/024/03/09/019 Card 1/3 Resonance Scattering of La140 Gamma Rays S/04 60/024/03/09/019 B006YB014 measurements were carried outp in which CeO2 and La-03 were alternately used as scatterers. Fig. 2 shows some scattering curves as measured in one series. The peaks at 1097 kev (the first excited level of COO) are distinctly marked. The resonance scattering curves of all eleven series of measurements are shown in Fig. 3. The width of the level which was excited in the scattering could be determined by measuring the intensity of resonance scattering. For this purpose the formula (21*+I);L mr was used (a - resonance scattering cross section (210+1)4 7 averaged over the microapeotrum, Io and I* - spine of the ground- and excited level, X - wavelength of the scattered ray, m - fraction of the microspectrum, corresponding to a 1 ev broad band in the resonance rangey r - desired radiation width of the level). For the case under consider- alion it holds that 101c; Of It - 2, X - 7.8-10-11cm. For determining 71 it is necessary to ow a and m. The determination of a, which is described in great detail, yielded ; - (8-4 t 1 0) mb. In the following, the determination of m from the microspectrum. iFig. 7) of gamma rays Card 2/3 Resonance Scattering of La.140 Gamma Rays S/048/60/024/03/09/'019 B006/BO14 is described. The authors obtained m - 0.008 1 0.003, wherefrom It_ 12 followed that r, - 1.4-lo-4ev and T ~20,597 kev) - (3.3 t 1.3)-10 see. The data ottained are finally .cussed and compared with the results furnished by other authors. Mention is made of A. A. Tkachenko, who calculated the shape of the microspectrum. The decay scheme of La140 is shown In Fig. 6. There are 7 figures, I table, and 3 non-Soviet references. .2 S/048/60/024/03/lO/Oi9 B006/BO14 AUTHORS: 'Dzhelegov B. S., Rumyantsevt V. L., Khollnov, Yu. V. 1"" " ' 3 h ol~u, , _Yi_,__ TITLE: The Gamma Spectrum of 187 V1 I PERIODICAL: Izvestiya, Akademii nauk SSSR, Seriya fizicheskaya, 1960, Vol. 24P No- 3, PP- 311-312 TEXT: The article under review was read at the Tenth All-Union Confer- ence on Nuclear Spectroscopy (Moscowx January 197-771_,_T~60L. The authors studied the y-emission of W101 by means of a magnetic yapectro- meter (rytron); three series of measurements were made with a source of about 1,000 millicuries. The total spectrum of recoil electrons is illustrated. The measured energies and the relative intensities referred to the intensity of the 488-kev line are compiled in a table. The following lines (in kev) - the respective intensities are given in parentheses - were detected: 488 000) 558 (22-5tl-7), 622 (31.2t2.5), 691 (119t7), 778 (22.2�1.5), e64 1 9 6.4 � 0-3), 891 j 9 0-1 � 0-3)- Card 1/2 The Gamma Spectrum of v187 S/04 60/024/03/10/019 BOo6YBO14 These results are compared with those obtained by Mueller et al. and Dubey et al,No y-lines with intensities >O-3 per cent of that of the 488-kev line could be observed in the range 950 -. 1,350 kev. There are 1 table and 6 references, 1 of which is Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Radiyevyy institut im. V. G. Khlopina Akademii nauk SSSR (Radium Institute imeni V. G. KhloDin of the Academv of So rlav-A DZH OV, B.S.; UGHEVATKIN, I.F.; SHISTOPAWVA, S.A. Spectrum of conversion electrons of neutron deficient isotopes of lutetium in the energy region of 1000-3500 kev. Izv.AN SSSR Ser. fix. 24 no-7:802-806 ii l6o.. (MIRA 13:7) 1 YeesoyuzW nauchno-iseledovatel'skiy institut metrologli imeni D:I.Mendeleyeva. (Lateciu*--Isotop6a) ABDUR.kZAKOV, A. A.; GRONOT. K-Ta-; DZEIZ B.S.; UKkROV, G.Ta. Spectrum of conversion electrons of a dysprosiwn fraction. Izv.AN SSSR.Ser.fiz. 24 no.9:1126-1134 S 160. (MIRA 13:9) 1. Sredne-Aziatakly politekhnichoskiy institut i Ub*yedineuW institut yadernykh issledovanty. (Dysprosium--Isotopea) (Electrons--Spectra) S/04 60/024/007/012/032/XX .z If -. 6140 B01 9~YBO56 AUTHORS: Basins, A~ S.. Dzhel!j~, B~.S, '. and Chikhladze, V. A, TITLE: The Lu 167 + Yb 167 Conversion Electron Spectrum If -/~ 01Y PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR. Seriya fizicheskaya: '960, Vol, 24, No. 7, PP. 807-810 TEXTs This paper was read at the 10th All-Union Conference in Nuclear Spectroscopy, which took place in Moscow from January 19 to 27, 1960, The lutecium fraction, which had been obtained by chromatographic separation of rare earths, was investigated with a lens spectrometer having a re- solution of 2%. The rare earths were spallation products of Ta. The source was produced by the evaporation of lutecium lactate on an Al backing; ite diameter was not greater than 4 mm. The Ta targets were bombarded with fast protons on the proton-synchrotron of OIYal for 15 to 30 minutes, Tnp, fraction was separated 1 hour and 50 minutes after exposure. 50 minlites later, the conversion spectrum was studied~ It was the purpose of th~- present work to investigate the conversion electron spectrum of Card 1/6 65 158o The Lu. 167 +- Yb 167 Conversion Electron S"/048/60/024/007/0'.2/032//XX Spectrum B019/BO56 Lu 167 + Yb 167 within the energy range from 30 to 340 kev. Within +Ihi,~ energy range there are lines that are formed by the decay of Lu 167 Yb 167 -) Tu 167 R r167. The experimental spectrum of Ud 167#Yb 167~ recorded one hour aftA sep~r-atiff, is shown in Fig. 1, In the convergion electron spectrum, a number of very bright lines having the half-life of 55�5 minutes were found to exist I to 6 hours after separation. After these lines had vanished, 208 kev e-transition lines rould be observed. which are formed in the decay of Tu 167. The energies and the relative intensities of the conversion lines for Lul67--,,Ybl67 and Yb167-..Tu,67 decays are given in Tables 1 and 2. The intensity of the LU167 K 239 1.~np is 35=-55% of that of the Yb1 67 L-106 line. In Table 3, unidentified -)n- vursion lines of (Lu 167 + Yb 167) are given, which did not appear in the paper by Mihelich et al, (Ref. 7)- P. M~ Aron: A. V. Kalyamin t al~ (Ref, 4), K. Ya. Gromov and I. S. Dneprovskiy--(Ref~ 8) are mentioned~ There are 1 figure, 3 tables. and 8 referencesi 6 Soviet and 2 US- 9~E~80 S/048/60/024/007/012/032/XX BO19/BO56 ASSOCIATIO~: Nauchno-issledovatellskiy fizicheskiy institut Leningradskago gos. universiteta im. A. A. Zhdanova (Scientific Re*earch - 167 167 The LU + Yb Conversion Electron Spectrum A. Al--Zhdanov) Obl'yedinennyy institut yadernykh issledovaniy (Joint Institute-of Nuclear Research) Ta6nng4 3 HenwiTn4inumpo~ninime nounepenon- lible weirrpouii (Lu'47 + Yblgl), OTC)-r(-rllylOIIUIC n paGoru (71 E keV T. ~Muu .68 9 5 50�10 76:0 IOCL�40 30�15 160,0 60�15 30 5 I(Ollnepellonflue 9.1eltillollbl, poalmunionkne npn p Ta6,,imtka nenn;xc Lully~Yblll E keV E,. k~V T. ..ut 1 1 ,111111- U0 no ui 3 , flum 1 151,G 212.9 58+5 424-6 1 46 K-213 176,G 2,U ~ 2,15 I IC#) K-239 4 77 7 5 65 00 19�5 i 6 K-278 228 238 6~51 15 t7�4 19 L-239 339,5 1 400.8 .5 6 + 5 1 10-4-2 to K-401 Card 3/6 r S/048/60/024/007/012/032/XX B019/BO56 Ta 6.t it it a 2 )(0imppelloillmo vaelri-polibl, imaimnammisso npii parnato Y1087-Tu'll 11irreucuruoCTb E kev Ey. kev T, mitu 110 113ull %t no 171 ;I"lljlll,j 46.7 106 56�5 3404-70 1 370 K- 106 53.5 112:2 55�5 190--C40 155 K-1 13 57,6 11009 - 25--L-.,, - 22 K-I!G 60,8 (33 - 13 19 24. 95.7 105's 55�5 160 106 L-106 W3.6 105,9 5c,�5 58� 50 M-IN; i it 1-113 108 M - 16-L7 23 L-Ilf) 1113, 5, 175, 6' 53�5 16Z5 11 K-176 122.3 131,4 55;~s l4a:in' J 3 L-132 3AeC l, Taitme K. 1 2-9 1.1110. Alr, C ard 5/6 t2 S/048/60/024/007/012/032/,U 8~580 B/048/60/024/007/012/032/XX B019/BO56 x #12 1111C. 1 S/048/60/024/007/013/032/XX Z'~ ~ 720 B019/BO56 AUTHORS: Basins, A. S., Gromov, K. Ya., and Dzhelepov, B. S. TITLE: The Conversion Electron Spectrum of the Dysprosium Fraction 71 PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR. Seriya fizicheskaya, 1960, Vol. 24, No. 7, pp. 811-816 TEXTs This paper was read at the iOth All-Union Conference on Nuclear SpActroscopy, which tuok plat-.e from January 19 to January 27, 1960 at Moscow. The investigations described here were carried out by means of a ~-spectrometer having a resolution of roughly 1.9%. The dysprosium fract-.on was chromatographically separated from rare earths. The rare earths had been obtained by irradiation of a Ta-target (15-20 minutes) with fast protons. Separation of the dysprosium fraction took place 2 hours after the irradiation of the target. Measurements began roughly I hour after the fraction separation. The preparation was produced by previous evaporation of dysprosium lactate and following transfer of the activity by means of a weak acetic solution upon an Al foil. The source had a diameter of 3 am- Card 1/5 85561 The Conversion Electron Spectrum of the S/048/60/024/007/013/032/XX Dysprosium Fraction B019 B056 The emission of the following isotopes was observed; 152 153 155, D, Dy Dy 157. Dy154 159 and Dy and Dy were not observed. During the f Irst 30 hours, the conversion electron spectrum was measured continuously, and in the course of the following days it was measured orce in each case. In this spectrum lines having the halflife of 6, 6 - 11, and roughly 20 hours, as well as several days were observed. Besides it was found that the intensity of a number of linee at first grew with a period of 2-5 hours, after which it decreased within a period of roughly 20 hours. The known data make It possible to assign the halflife of 8-11 houre to the Dy155- and Dy157. isotopes, and the longer periods to the Tb-daughter activities. The assignment of the halflives of roughly 6, 2-5, and 20 honr_~ is furth r discussed. On the basis of known data, the spectra of Dy'57 and DyM are discussed, and it was found that the L-82 and m-a2-lines do not belong to D 157~ and that no lines could be observed that might. be assigned to Dy154 or T1154 Furthermore, the authors were able to prove that Dy153 was preaent'77~the preparaticn under invontigation. In Table I tho valuea for the conversion electrons of Dy153 are given In the first column, n-A 0/a The Conversion Electron Spectrum of the S/048/60/024/007/013/032/XX Dysprosium,Fraction B019/B056 the energy!of the conversion electrons, in the second the nnergioo of transitions, in the third the periods, in the fourth the relative in- tensities,.and in the fifth column the identifications are given. From those lines whose intensity at first grows with a period of 2.5 hours, after which it fallst the authors -Fonclude that the followine decay exists: 152 152 152. 151 152 154 Dy -5~h -) Tb Gd - Thus, the three Tb Tb and Tb probably elist with a halflife o 18 hours. In Table 2, the values of the conversionjelectrons of Tb152 are given' together. In the first column, the energits of the conversion electrons, in the second the energy of the er-transitio:ns, in the third the relative intensities, and in column four the identikications are given. The results obtained indicate the 152 1152 Tb decay scheme shown in Fig- 3- N, M- Antonlyeva, A. A. Bashilov. 1. N. Dobronravova, I. N. Rogachev, and I. Zvoltskiy are mention- ed. The authors thank V. A. Morozov and G.. K,-.11ironay- for their help in measurements, and also I. A. Yutlandov and V. A. Khalkin for carrying out chemical work. There are 3 figures, 2 tables, and 15 references: 9 Soviet, and 6 US. Card 3/5