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86291 Formation of Stable Free Radicals in the S/190/60/002/006/002/017 Process of Hardening and Thermal Dest:ruction B004/BO54 of Phenol Formaldehyde Resins the network was destroyed; above 2000 C, however, a dense netvork was form- ed which is revealed by an increase in shear stress. This is explained by recombination of macroradicals which had formed during thermal destruc- tion. This assumption was checked by electron paramagnetic resonance (epr) spectra. The epr spectra were taken by a spectrometer designed by the Institut khimicheskoy fiziki AN SSSR (Institute of Chemical Physics of the AS USSR).A concentration of jo14 paramagnetic particles/cm3 was found for Novolac, and of 5-105 for poly-oxybenzylamines. The epr spectra remained unchanged after storing the samples for months. Origin and structure of these very stable free radicals require further investigation. The authors thank V. V. Voyevodskiy for taking the epr spectra in his laboratory, and V. A. Kargin for a discussion. There are 3 figures and 4 references: 3 Soviet and 1 British. ASSOCIATION: Nauchno-isaledovatellskiy institut plasticheskikh mass (Scientific Research Institute of Plastics) SUBMITTED: March 15, 1960 Card 2/3 ill-'ACIU-277170 V.T.; ~-t'170-0 A 6 Automatic coalon fbr V~o aoftwtutinn cnalyals in a fiold ckf con-trifugal rox-coso Plaot. mcmay ro. l,Jt53-% t65 011"''A 1981) DTURICH , YELIKINj A.YE.., LAVRENTIYEV, V.V. Now apparatus and rwthods for determining the friction coefficient of polymers. Report presented at the 13th Conference on high-molecular compounds Moscow, 8-3.1 Oct 62 SOV/122-59-3-11/42 A.UTHORS.- Chernov N.K.7 Martlyanov N.M.? Levchenko L.B.7 Engineers, , and Dyurin or TITLE& An Automatic Press for the Briquetting of Swarf (Press- avtomat dlya briketirovaniya struzhki) PERIODICAL: Vestnik Mashinostroyeniyal 1959~ Nr 3, pp 37-38 (USSR) ABSTRACTs A so-called linear hydraulic automatic press for making briquettes of cast iron swarf in machine shops has been de3igned and made at the Gor"kly Motorcar Worki (Gortkovskiy AvtomobillnYrIavod). A patent has been granted. The two-column press9 mounted on an oil con- tainer bed, consists of the upper assembly containing the working hydraulic cylinder and the pressure multiplier, and a lower assembly containing a frame in which the loading mechanism, -the pressure chamber and the briquette ejector are assembled. The lower assembly also contains the cylinder which displaces the pressure chamber. The pressure chamber loading mechanism is described in detail and didgramatically illustrated in Fig 2. A press as described has on test yielded 3 tons of briquettest Card 1/25.5 g/cm3, in an 8-hour shift,, of satisfactory strength and measuring 60 mm in diameter, weighing 700 9. SOV/122-,59-3-11/42 An Automatic Press for the Briquetting of Swart' Briquettes of this size have been successfully used in the charge of foundry furnaces. The manufacturing cost of the pressis stated as 25,000 roubles. It occupies a floor space of 1200 x 670 = and stands 1900 mm high. By changing the plunger strokeg the press can be converted for processing steel or non-ferrous alloy swarf. There are 2 figgres, including 1 photograph. Card 2/2 DY-L'RI'fSYIY, 1A.- !Kh. "SclerWal Rot of Tun- Spedlin-s 1-i I!,irgeries," J7vefjir~ XllrpcV - 1 -1 - A- _i , '70, 7, 1939, -91 42-,.92 Ic ~~4 Prilrl-(Inoi FitorwItL) 1~ I -12C -1 So: SIRA- Sl -90-53, 15 Dec. 1953 DYURKO.,_F- XMIDIGER, Ye. , 1~66~ /P.]; KECHKESH, M.[Kecsir-es, M.]; M [Mani ~Fer, . Resistance of sugar beet rhizoophere bacteria to antibiotics. Mikrobiolcgiia 30 no.3:484-488 My-Je 161. (MIRA 15:7) 1. Laboratoriya pochvennoy biologii Akademii naul, Vengrii, Shopron. (ANTIBIOTICS) (RHIZOSPHERE MICROBIOLOGY) PANTOSII, 1). [Pantos, Gy.); DIYUMO, P. (G~rurko, P.j; TAKACH, T. (Takats, T.] Study on soil microbiological effect of herbicides utilized in practical farming. Agyrokem tala,jtan 13 Suppl.-63-72 MY'64- 1. ChaLr of Ecology, University of Forestry and Wood industry, Sopron. SOV / 79-2F-r--7/'63 A'. J`T E; OR S Domnin, N. A., Dyurnbaum V. I., Cherka3ova, V. A* TITLE: Investigations in t~-P rield of Folynethylene G%cles (Issledo- vaniya v oblaSti T-OlimetilenovyiJi tsiklov*' M. Con-version j of Diacetvl and Dibenzoyl With Dinethyl]iydrazzine (%Izaimedcyst- vive diat~etila i dibenzoila s dimietilcidrazirom) J,T FE,RIODICAL: Zhurnal obshchey Idiinii, 195F1, Vol. 28, ir 6, pp. I,,65,'-l1.,77 AF_-'TRACT: Of the dihydrazines synthesized by Domnin and his collabora- tors (Refs 1 - 3) those of cyclopentadione-1,2 and cyclo- hexadione-1J.2 are the least stable. The.,,e i'acts were explain- ed b y the authors by proceeding from the str...ict,tre of the five- and SiX-Membered rings as well as frori the spatial difficulties dependent on the presence of =N-11H 2 and =?.-1T(G1'3)2 L~roilps in the cyclic dihydrazones. For a further generaliza- t-ion it was necessary for the purpose of corparison to carry out the investigation of the conversion of the most sinple aliphatic and aliphatic -aromatic 1,2-diketones with dimethyl- hydrazine. For this purpose the reaction of diacetyl avid di- Card 1/3 bentoyl w4th dimethy1hydrazine was used. The authors used only the hydrazine in place of thj~ latter (Ref 4). It must be noticed that, as had bee!) shown alreadlY several times, the conversions of vario-as diketones with hydrazine and di- ,cOV/79/28-6-7/63 Investigations In the Field of Pblymethylene Cycles. XXX. Conversion of Di- acetyl and Dibenzoy! With Dimethylhydrazine methylhydrazine take a completely different course with di fe~.ent products bt ing formed. The reactients of diacetyl and dibenzoyl with dimethylhyd:azine are shown in both men- tioned reaction processes. 1hus the bis-dimethylhydrazone of diacetyl was for the first time synthesized and characterized. Dibenzoyl reacts only with one molecule of dimetbylhydrazine and on this occasion forms two si atial o,,- and 13 -forms of monodimethylhydrazone. It was found *that benzil does not form bi"imethylhydrazones and that the carbonyl group of the monodimethylhydrazone reacts neither with hydroxylamine nor with hydazine and dimethylhydrazine. In the case of a conversion of manod-imethylhydrazone of benzil with hydra- zinehydrate a benzilhydrazone results. The morodimethylhydra- zone of benzil on heating coverts to the l-methyl-3, 4-di- phenylp3n,azole. 7bere are 5 figures, 2 tables, and 10 ref- Card 2/3 erences, 6 of which are Soviet. SOV79-28-6-7/663 Investigations in the Field of Polymothylene Cycles. M. Conversion of Di- acetyl and Dibenzoyl With Dimethylhydrazine ASSOCIATION: Leningradskiy gosudarstvemyy wdversitet (Leningrad State University) SUMITTED: July 20, 1957 1. Met-hyl hydrazines-Chemical. reactions Card 313 DYURNBAUH, V.S.; ABKIN, A.D.; KLIMENKGV, V.S. Kinetics of copolymerization of acrylonitrile with same vinyl mon,)mers. Khim.volok. no.3:8-11 161. (MIRA 14:6) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut iskusstvennogo volokna. - (Aci7lonitrile) (Vinyl compounds) DYURNBAU-H~Yis.-~ABKIN. A.D.; KLIIOIKGV, V.S. Composition and intramolecular distribution of copolymars of acrylon1trile with butylvinylsulfonate and methacrylamide. Khim. volok. no.2slO-14 162. (KMA 15: 4) 1. VaesoyuzW nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut islMsstvanwgo vlolokna. (Acrylonitrile) (Su-Ifonic acids) (Methacrylamide) DYUMAUM, V.S.; KLIMENKOV, V.S. Preparation of fiber-forming copolymers of acry-lonitrile with 2-methyl-5-vinylpyridine in aqueous media and the production of fibers from them. Khim. volok. no.4:8-11 163. (MIU 16: 8) 1. Vsasoyuznyy nauchno-is-oledovatelinkiy institut iskusst- veiinogo volokna. BUNAREVA, Z.S.; DTURNBAUH, V.S.; DOROKHINA, I.S.; ZIIMOVA, M.A.; KLIPEENKOV, V.S. Fibers ba,Ai~ on mixtures of acrylonitrile polymers. Khim.volok no.6:10- 13 (MIRA 17:1) 1. Vsesovuzny"Y ridqchno-issledovatel skiy institut iskusstvennogo volokna. BROUN R.G.; DYURNBAUM, V.I. I Comparative data on the nuc,leotide composition of ribonucleic aaid contained in the.brain tissue. Vest.ILU 16 no.9:100--106 161. (MIRA 14:5) (NUCLEOTIDES) (BRAIN) .11.* ~H, A.D.; KLIMEVKOV. V.S.- Production of oopolyzers of acrylonitrile with mothaarylamlde and of fibera derived from them. Khlm.*2124-28 159. (NIRA 12:9) I.Vaosoyuzny7 nauchno-issladovatel'skiy institut iskusstvannogo volokna. (Acrylonitrile) (Mothacr7lamide) (Rayon) 24-7100 77120 sov/7o-4-6-21/31 AUTHORS: Kupchik, Vladimir; Dyurovich, Slavomil TITLE: Preliminary Data on Ethylenediamine Cupric Chloride and Ethylenediamine Cupric Bromide Crystals. Brief Communica- tion PERIODICAL: Kristallografiya, 1959, Vol 4, Nr 6, pp 921-922 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The two compounds discussed are isomorph; they form mono- clinic prismatic (2/m) crystals. The chloride crystals are platy, with perfect cleavage parallel to (001), and light-blue, and the bromide crystals are acicular along the Y axis. The unit cell paramoters determined according to Weissenberg and by precision methods are: In the chloride, a = 6.81 + 0101 A; b = 5.78 + 0.01 A; c m 8.32 + 0 '01 A; 6?- 93040 ; measured density = 2.017 + 0.001; cor-riputed densftY = 1.975; 2 molecular weights per unit cell. In the bromide a 7.00 + 0.01 A; b = G.04 + 0 0.01 A; c = 8.29 + 0.01 A; 96032'; measured density Card 1/2 = 2.638 + mol; computed dedity = 2.648; 2 molecular Preliminary Data on Ethylenediamine Cupric 77120 Chloride and Ethylenediarriine Cupric Bromide sov//?c)-4-G-21/-.11 Crystals. Brief Communication ASSOCIATION: SUBMITTED: weights per unit cell. Ya. Gazho and M. Serator are acknowledged for presenting specimens. CD University imeni Kamenskiy in Bratislava, Czechoslovakia (Universitet imeni Kamenskogo, 1~ratislava, Chekhoslovalciya) July 30, 1959 Card 2/2 Len ingranskoy obiwit- ts a 4) Acute apperdic-7 yi t-, early postupartun k1dr. 9~ i "'4. 17-9) L. 1z (glavrFy vrach - B."i. ,i lfria,i) poss,~!Jrr, irien-i .7 Morozova Laningradu3-,v)y oblLst.i. DYURYAGIN, G. Lot's master the pedagogical profession. Prof'.-tekli.obr. 22 no.11:30 N 165. (IdRA 18:12) 1. Starshiy inzh. otdela tokhniclB-;kogo obucheniya, g. Zelenodollsk Tatarakoy ASSR. -PYVRY.AGIN, V.P., inzh. Multiple stamping of parts. Mashinoi3troen-,le no,5;77-79 5-0 165. (MIRA 18:9) FEDOROVA, N.I.;,.DYU5ALIYEVA, R.G. Dependence of the antigenic activity of Rickettsia burnetii on phasic variability. Zhur.mikrobiol., epid.i immun. 33 no.8:95- 100 Ag 162. (MIRA 15:10) 1. 1z Instituta epidemiologii i mikrobiologii imeni Gamalei AM SSSR. (RICKETTSIA) DYUSARD'YE R., inzhener-agronom (Frantsiya); LISOVSKAYA, OW. (translator] History of the development of the La Charmoise sheep in France. Agrobiologiia no-43577-583 Jl-Ag 162. (14IM 15:9) (FRANCE--SHEEP BREEDS) D-VUSEMBAYEV, Ye.B.; YASHKULI, V.K. ---, ~ ~~ --,. -~ I Morphology of the fourth segment of the palpus of Detnacentor marginatus Sulz. Trudy Inst. zool. AN Kazakh. SSR 19:238-240 163. (MIRA 16:9) (Ticks) (Itisects-Anatomy) TVEUMDY, G.B. -, DrUSMIN, Kh. Speea or milk secretion. T!r~ Inst.flziol. 4:75-80 '55- l.Laboratortya fisialogii aellakokhozyaystvennykh zhivotnykh maveduyushchiy I.A.Baryahnikov, i ffauchno-opytnaya BtantBiya po i;hcheniyu fisiologii sallskokhotyaystvannykh zhivotnvkh, direktor I.F.Shullzhenko. .- (Lactation) ~1/ I DYUSEI'&IN, Kh. Cand Biol Sci -- (diss) "Reflex inhibitiont during the process of lactation." Len, 1958, 20 pp (Acnd Sci US~;R. In A o f Physiology im I. P. Pavlov. Laborntory of Physiology of AGr Animals), 100 copies (KL, 11-58, 115) -42- DYUSEMBIN' Mi. ~ " Influence of adrenaline on the motor function of the udder In goats., Trudy Inst.fiziol. AN Xazakh.SX~ 2:120-127 159. (MIRA 13:7) (ADMNALINE) (HAMOT GLANIQ) (qOATS--FHYSIOLOGY) "DIN , . o C C, T ~C- J SATPATEV; BOISHEY; POKHOVSKIT; AMANZHOLOVIAUYEZOT; BALAKAYRV; KWSBAYEV; SAURANBAYRY; KUKANOV; SMIRNOVA; DZHUMALIYEV; ISMAILOV; lafASENOV, K.; NUSUNBSKOV: SULF.YKENOV; SHAKHMATOV; DAKHSHLFYGY.R; BAZARBAYFV; TSUNVAZO; SHAMIYNVA; SILICIIENKO; GABDULLIN; KUSABATHV; MAKIfMU')OV; MULLINA; MAMANOV; ISKAKOV; SARYBAYEV: KHAYDAROV-. ARALBAYRV; NUR14UGAMMOVA: KHAS3NOVA; SUISYMENOVA; AKHMETOV; ISENGALIYEVA; NOMINKHANOV; DYUSZNBAYZV;ABI;WHfM'OT. Malov, Sergei Eftmovich, abitunry. Vest.AN Kazakh.SSR 13 no.9:116-117 S 157. (MIRA 10:1o) (Malov, Sergei Efimovich, 1880-1957) i -WD-:f9V1Y1) 7~~G/ , DYUSKITBAYEV, I., kand. filol. nauk. Session in honor of W.O. Auezov, author and member of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh S.S.R. Test. AN Kazakh. SSR 13 no.10,105 a 157. (MIRA 10.,12) (Auszov, Mukhtar Omarkhanovich 1897-) SATFAYEV, K.; BAISHEV. S.; FOWSUKHIN, A.; CHOKIN, Sh.; AUEZOV, M.; nMNOV, S.; KENESRAYEV, S.; SAURAITRAYKV, IT.; GALID70, I.G.; BALAXAYEV, M.; MTJSABAYHV, G.: MAMffWV, Kh.; ISMAILOV, Ye.; SILICMEIKO, M.;,=S I~AZARBAYEV, M.; SULEYMENOVA, B. NUSUPBEKOV, A.; SHOINRAYEV, T.*; GABbUUIN, M.; ZHARKESHY.VA, G. Sarsen Amanzholov. obituar7. Vent. AN Kazakh. SSR 14 no.2:100-101 F 158. (MIRA 11:2) (Amanzholov, Sarsen Amanzholovich, 1903-) DYUSENOV K Possibility of developing the Kendyrlyk coal and shale field. Trudy Alt. GRUI AN Kazakh. SSR 13:40-47 62. (IIERA 16-3) (Kendyrlyk regicn--Shale) (Kendyrlyk region--Coal mines and mining) DYUSENOV, X. Developing the Tishinskoye deposit. Trudy Alt. G14III All Kazakh, SSR 13:48-53 162. (MIRA 16:3) (Fast Kazakhstan Province--Mining engineering) DIMENOVA, R.Kh. t1o Determining the press-are of the stream on the energy dissipat r during the flow of the jet around it. Vast. AN Kazakh. SSR 20 no. 10:80-86 0 164. (MLTIRII 17,11) --DTUSAALIYEV. B. At a now level of economic development. Vop.ekon. no-3:70-76 Mr '59. (HIRA 12:5) 1. Prednedatell Gosplana Kirgiaskoy SSR. (Kirghizistan-Economic conditiona) MVIASNIKOVA, M.V.; SKURIKHINA, G.P.; VOLOKHVYANSKIY, A.M.,; D)EqEkKj~Ij A.Kh., Work on the prevention of silicosis and silico-tuberculosis at the newly organized mines of U2bekistan. Sbor. trud. Uz. hauch.-issl. tub. inst. 3tI93-195 1$7* (MMI 14:5) (TASWM.NT PROVINCF--MNEIRS-DISWFS AND HYGIENE) (LOGS-DUST DISEASES) ACC NRI A116*0206914 SOU.11C 1~ Cn 1) L~, UR/.00.16/66/ooo/oo6~ol',6/0146 AUTHOR: Korolo~ova, Ye. I.; Pavlova, L. 11. ; Zubova, M. V.; Dyurhi?yan, G, .14h ORG: All-Union Antiplague Scientific Rescarch institute "Microbe" (VscGQ'~*u'z*nyy nauchno-iG5lcdoVatcl'E;kiy protivochuirnyy TITL~: Effect of certain culture conditions on the virulence of the plague microbe SOU~6E; Zh mikrobiol, opidemioliimmunobiol, no. a, 1966, 146 TOPIC TAGS: microbiology, plague microbe, epidemiology, bacterial disease, disease ckntrol, bacteria ABST*RACT: Culture conditions affect the virulence of the plague microbe. Highly virlalent cultures were passaged on a8ar under differing conditions. Ther- virulence of strain 708 for mice decreased 20 times after five to ten passages through agar. On synthetic media the number of pigmented colonies decreascd. This suggested that after many passal3cs on nutrient..,. agar or synthetic media, the succeeding gencrations of microbes become .' :. increasingly more adapted to the media than they are to the h*ost organism, (W.A. 50; C.M, 0' N 101 suB rom o6/ sWm DjrE: 22Jan65/ UIUSKALMTr D. Absorpt' on of I 1~31-_ tagged fall ia patient3 wl th adenwas of ~he pancreas. Trudy MU 71378-82 164. (MI RA 18...6) 1. Kafedra meditsinskoy rad-lo-Icaii (zav. prof. V.K. Mode!3'uov) 'IT-sent-rai.Inogo inslbii;uta usovershenstwomniya *7raclhey. DYUSY-kLIY--PV, D.D.; IvftRKII , S.P., kand. med. nauk Fut metabolism in dumping syndrolut pationtl and itu changes following gastro,iejunoduodenoplasty. Khlrurgiia 40 no.8:43-49 Ag 164. (1,FIRA 18:3) 1. Kafedra meditsmokoy radiologii (zav. - prof. V.K. Modestov) i I-ya kafedra 1,hirurgii (zav. - prof. B.S. Rozanov) TSentrall- ya vrachey i Klinicheskoy ordena nogo instituta usovershens0ovani, y vrach - dotgent Yu.G. Len-Lna boltnitsy imeni Botkina (glairny- Antonov), Moskva. .A-emot'!m,~rz-py in F-.arll_,[ :ita~,el of or lnfnntJcn of ~!hlldvon ;~b 1 .!,Lll). 42 18:12) i.-y ntiuchric- I IL P, S, h. A 11 1 rv kl.-] fe (I r (7av, pro f. L.3 Alek i*p-!kcjgo J nst I t-i ta. DYYMIN~ II. K. "Variable *dater Fhpenditgre in Heating Lines", (Peremennyy raskhod vody v teplovykh setyakh), Gos-~ner.-oizdat, Moscow-Leninmrad, 1949, 118 PP. , 4 rubles, 25 kopeks. DYUSKIIII 11, K. Dyuskin, v. K*, Bernshteyn, A. M., and Boloting I. S. "Heating of low-storied built-up areas of cities," In the collectioni Kommnal energetika, 'Ll oscov..;6eningrad, 1949, P. 39- 76. SO: U-3736., 21 ISay 53, (Letvpis tZhurnal. tnykh Statey, N . 17, 1949). e% Dyuuv, v. X. DYuskins V. K. "The BeLlection of a rational system of water heating," In the Collections Kommuml. energetika, Moscow-Leningrad,, 19/+9, p. 77-148. So: U-3736, 21 May 53, (Letopis 'Zhurnal Inykh Statey, No. 17, 1949). DYUSIKIN, V.Z. 25189 DYusklh, 7. K. Peremenn.N7 Rasklod Vody V. Teplovvkh Setvakh. (XrltchpstvennoYe RakIlrovanlye). I'lauch. Trudy (Aknd. Komaninal. Kohz-Vn Im Pamftlnva ), VYP, 2-3, 1949. a. 19-28 SO: Letoplal No. 11, 1949 e, s 1. DYUSKIN, V. K. 2. USM (600) 4. HA-ilater Heating 7. ingineer Ye, Chechika's system of hot-water heating (DSCh". V. D~ slldn `,Al. u -U ~ ~_' - -kom.khoz. 3 no. 2, 1953. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, 'MUL 1953, Uncl. CITISIOVICH. S.A., kandidat takhnichookikh nauk: DYUSKIN, V.K., redalctor: SOKOLISKIT, I.F., radaktor; KOBTASHINA. rmlaktor. (Hydraulic operation of open heating eystems with variable water cnnommDtion] Gidravllcheskii reshim otkrytykh teplovykh setei. s paremenWa raekhodam vody. Pod obahchel red. T.K.Diuskina. Mookya, Ind-vo Kinister"tya kammunallnogo khostaistva RSFM. 1955. 951 P. (KLRA 8:11) (Hot-water heating) DYUSKIN,V.K. On the operation of a hot-water heating system connected with the heating network. Vod. t san. tekh. 1 no.2:14-18 MY'55- (MIRA 8:11) (Heating from central stations) DTUSKIN, VOK4 --. I I I ~ 1, , ". . .. . I Conference on problems of raising the operating efficiency of hat water heating for apartment and public buildings which are conseetpd to central heatlvg systeux. Ved. i nazt. takh. no-5:39 Ag 155. T, (Hot-water supply) (KLRA 90 DTUSKIN, V.K., kamdidat tekhnicheskIkh nauk. Practical experience in regulating water heating systems Gor.khoze Mook.29 no.1:25-26 J 155. (MU 8:3) 1. Akademiya kommunallnogokhotyaystvaimeni K.D.Famfilova. (Hot-water heating) BY-USKIN, Valerlyan Konstantinovich -- awarded sci depree of Doc Tech Sci for 7 14-ay 56 defense of dissertation: "Thermal and hydraulic regime of thermal networks and water heating sYstems" at the Council, Acad of Municipal Services imeni Pamfilof; Prot iio 9P, 15 Feb 58. (13XV01 6-58120) MWENKO.R.Ta.. inah.; CHAMOT.I.H., red. vypuska; DYUSKIN.Y.K.. doktor tekhn.nauk# nauchM red. [Nothod for calculating the reliability of municipal electric power distribution networkaJ Ketod rnschata nadezhnosti elektro- snabzheniis potrebitlei gorodskikh elektrosetei. Moskva, Mal- nauchno-takha.informstaii Akad., 1959. 69 p. (mm 14:3) (Electric rower distribution) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITANIOU SOV/3436 Dyaskin, Valerlyan.Konstantinovich Kolichestvenno-kachestvennoye regulirovaniye teplovykh setey (Quantitative and Qualitative Control of Heating Systems) Moscov, Gosenergoizdatp 1959- 143 P- 7oOOO copies printed. Ed.: A. P. Safonov; Tech. Ed.: K. P. Voronin. PURPOSE: This book is intended for engineers and technicians working in the field of hiat engin6iring.- COVERAGE: In this book the theoretical foundations for the necessity of install- ing quantitative-qualitative control in heating systems with a varying water supply are presented. The quantitative variations in the water supply in these casee depend on how well the heating system is regulated. In ideally regulated systems., the water supply varies within the limits of 100 to 6o percent of the calculated norm.,and in unregulated systems it is higher than the norms. The book also gives an analysis of the operating conditions of heating system under various conditions of operation. The author than Docent Aleksandr PL-trovich Safonov,, Candidata of Techftical'Satencds. There are no references. Card 1/3 Quantitative and Qualitative Control (Coat.) SOV/3436 MM OF CONTENTS: Preface 3 Ch. I. Theoretical Foundations of the Regulation of Heat 5 1. Operation of heating systems with a constant water supply 5 2. Theoretical foundations of quantitative-qualitative control 16 3. Cooling the water In pipes and the formation of laminar flows in pipes 21 4. Initial regulation 2T Ch. II. Hydraulics of Heating Systems in Various Conditions of Opemtion 3T 1. Hydraulics of a system *ith variable water discharge 37 2. Hydrahlics of a system vith preheaters for hot-water supply conduito 45 3. Hydraulics of a system with direct water selection 63 4. Hydraulics of a system with automatic input 83 Card 2/3 Quantitative and Qualitative Control (Coat.) SOV/3436 Ch. M. Temperature and Presaure Graphs 94 1. Temperature graphs 94 2. Operating conditions of station pmps 108 3. Pressure graphs 3.15 4. The effect of quantitative-qualitative control of electric power generation 121 Ch. rf. Experimental Observations and Suggestions 127 1. Test4ig the operation of stand pipes of heating systems 127 2. Exami ion oP heating system and heat-consuming systems 131 3. Practical suggestions 137 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress AC/aak 5-23-60 Card 3/3 CHISTOVICH, Sergey Andreyevich, kand.tokhn.nauk; SOWVW. Boris Pavlovich, inzh.;__LM~S~j ., doktor tokhn.nauk, obnhchiy red.; PROTSUKO, D.I., red.izd-va; LMYUKHIN, A.A., (Automatic regulation of the temperature of heated buildings] AvtomtIcheskoe regulirovania temperaturnogo rezhimn otapli- vaemykh pomeshchenii. Pod obahchei red. V.K.Dluakina. Koskva, Izd-vo M-va kommun.khoz.RSFSR. 1959. 150 P. (MIRA 12:8) (Heating--Regulators) SOSTANTS, V.G., dotnent, obehchiy red.; NX-10Y. I.T., knnd.tekhn.nank, red.; KLOPATOV, K.K.. inzh., red.; ZIMOV, A.I., prof., doktor tek:hn.nauk, red.; GULTA13V, N.F.. kand.takhn.nauk, red.; DUBOV, Tu.B., inzh.. red.; ANTONOV, I.K.. kand.tokhn.nauk, red.; TEFREMOV, I.S., Prof.. doktor tekhn.nauk. red.;,DTUSKIN,1.V.X.,-doktor tekhn.nauk, red.; VINOGRADOV, K.A.. kand.sAV'ik6khoz.nauk, red.; BOTOVA, Tu.P., red. izd-va; SALA OV, II.P.. (14aterials of the Scientific and Technical Conference ou Problems in Introducing -Achievements of Science and Technology in Municipal Economy] Materialy Nauchno-tekhnicheakogo soveshchaniia po voproaam vnedreniia doGtizhenii nauki i tekhniki v gorodskoe khoziaistvo. Moskva., Izd-vo- ko u khoz.R.170. H .96. LR-oqds gpd, ,4-m= -electric 'T ~c#W transportation] Gorodakoi t-r-a-haport i dorogi. Pod obahchei red. Y.G. Sosiantse. 1959. 197 P, (MIRA 13:2) 1. Nauchno-takhnichookoye noveshchaniye po voprosam vnedr3niya dostizhaniy nauki i tekhniki v gorodskoye khozyaystvo. 2. Rukovo- ditell saktora gorodskogo transporta Akademii kommnnallnogo khozyaystva (for Soeyants). (Local transit) (Road construction) DYUSKINP V.K. .I-- __ Theoretical premises for the use of one.-pipe systems in heat networks. Sbor. nauch. rab. AKKH no.9:126-137 161. (MM 16-.1) (Hot-water heating) (Hot-water supply) DYUSUSHE, M. ZH. ~~/- 101 ke-k S44:. "Investigation of the Work of Casing and Drilling Pipes at Drillines UP to 6,Ooo Meters." Sub 10 Jun 47, Moscow Order of the Labor Red Banner Petroleum Inst imeni Academician 1. M. Gubkin Dissertationa presented for degrees in science and engineering in 140scow in 1947 SO! Sum No. 457. 18 Apr 55 I-) yr"~' /I DYUVALI-STROYIN, M.P., uchitell Propagation of trees and shrubs by layers. Biol. v shkole no.6:79 Y-D 157. (KIRA 10:12) 1. Vajyurinskaya srednyaya shkola No.10 Plaetunovakogo rayona Trasno- darokogo kraya. (Plastunovokly Diatrict-Plant propagation--Study and teaching) -pr.uvAL'-STRM.V) M.R. Trees and shruba of the Krasnodar Park. Biul. Glav. bot. sada no.42:35-39 161. (MIRA 17: ~) 1. Severo-Kavkazskiy zonallnyy nauchno-insledovatellskiy institut sadovodstva i vinogradarstva, Krasnodar. DYUVALI-STROYEV, M.R. ~ Results of the acclimatization of trees and shrubs in Krasnodar. Biul. Glaw. bot. sada. no.49:15-22 163. (MM 16:8) 1. Severo-kavkazakiy zonalInyy nauchno-issip-dovateliskiy institut sadovodstva i vinogradarfitva, Krasnodar. (Krasnodar-Acelim.atization (Plants)) DYUVALI-STROYEV, M.R. Black walnut in KrOmodar. Bial. Glav. bot. sada, no.50:52-57 163. 1 (MIRA 17:1) 1. SeverokbLvkazskiy zonA!Inyy nauchno-issledovatel skly institut sado- vodstva J. vinogradarstvap g. Krasnodar. DYUYE7,1, I.F., aspirant Role of ms.-chanization in chmicaL veed control in flax fields. I 1'ashch. rast. ot vred. i bol. 8 no.10.4-.5 0 1630 (MIRA 17~6) 1. V9eaoyaznyy institut ltni, Tor,,hok, Kalinlnnkoy oblasti. S A DYUYSALIYEVA, R. G. "Active Development of a Light andAtypical Form of Exanthe7-.&-tous Typhus as One Metho-1 forHapii -liquidation of this Infection." CLnd Med Sci, Leningrad State Order of Lenin Inst for the Advanced Training of Physicians imeni S. M. Kirov, Leningrad, 1954. (KL, No 5, Jan 55) Survey of Scientific and Technical Dissertations Defended at USM Higher 0 Educational Institutions (12) SO: Sura. No. 556, 24 Jun 55 FEDOROVA, N.I.;JAM ~ ~4 VA, R.G. Relation of the immunogenic activit of Rickettsia burneti to its phasic variability. ZhUr. rd-tir~ytbiol., epid. i immun. 40 no.0':68-74 Je 163. ,k (~aRA 17-6) \ 1. Iz Instituta epidemiologii i mikrobiologii imeid Gamalpi A14N SSSR. .rou?4448 SOURCE CODE: UR /oo 16 166 /000 /OOT /0130/0132 AUTHOR: Dyuyoaliyeva, R. G.;.Terasevich, I. V. ORG: Institute of Epidemiology and Microbioloey im. Gamaloya, AIM SSSR, V,03cow (Institut epidemiologii i mikrobiologii AM SGSR) TITLE: Growing Do Tautougamushi in tissue culture POURCE: Zhurnal mik Irobiologii, apidemiologii, i immunoibiologii, no. 7, 1966, 130-132 TOPIC TAGS: infective disease, tautsugamushi fever, tissue culture ABSTRACT: Ilethods which had been used successfully abroad in the cultivation of R. Touteugamushi were used by the authors to determine the following properties of R. Toutaugamushi strains isolated in the Soviet Union: morphology, growth and reproduction dynamics, the possibility of passaging on .tissue culturea)and the preservation of virulence after 'passaging on tissue cultures and under different storage conditions. Transplanted strain L cello and trypoinized Zibroblast calls were used in no.,199. medium. .with -1,0~% Card 1/2- UDC: 576.851.Tl.093.35 v te-nit may be used for diagnoqts. ind antioan from nn,.- onase rppnF,. MALKIN, I.M.; CHIRKOVA, N.P.; XRHAN, Y.G.; KARLINSKAYA, L.S.; GAUCEZHKO. V-M-; POKIDTSHEV, H.I.; CORHYSM, YU-P.; PLATONOV, G.F.; MIXHATLOV, N.I.; ABDEM. K.A.; MILLER, O.G.; BUTENKO, U.S.; DYUSEKIN, T~,-X.. Treatment of zinc-bearing slags in electric furnaces with coke conductivity. TSvet. met 33 no. 12:15-23 D 160. (HIRA 13:12) 1. Leainogorakiy polimetallicheakly kombinat (for Malkin, Chirkoval Neyman, Harlinskaya, Ganchenko, Pokidyshev, Ghernyshev). 2. Altay. skiy gorno-metallurgicheakty institut AN lraz= (for Platonow, Hikhaylov, Abdeyev, Killer, Butenko. Dyuysekin). (Zinc--Electrometallurgy) (Electric furnaces) Pl,-VTOIIOV, G.F.; ABDET,&V, M.A.; BUTENKO, N.S.; SVZGV, Yu.M.; 11FIRSIIIIIIIIA, V.V.; MIKIJAYLOV, I%I.; SIDORZIUCO, T.A.; DIWSZKIN, Ye.K.,- PR]2.DL,'TOV, M.D.; KUZIIMR.ETOV, E.I.; GANCICOLIO, V.1%; SILISIffIII,,V.I.; CHIRKOVA, N.P.; ILIINA, Ij.; BERDUS, Yu.M. Two-stage method of treating slag and sinter cake in electric furnaces. Trudy Alt. GiNII All Kazakh. SSR 14:4-13 163. Mlul 16:9) (Nonferrous itetals-Eloctromotallurgy) DYIJYSEK 1,,Ya-K.4 ABDBYZV, M.A.; PRIMBETOV, I.I.D. ----- -'jI Treatmant of slags from the first period of convorting complex -natal mattes. Trudy Alt. G14I,'II AN Mazakh. SSR 14:23-29 1"3. 16:9) (Nonfer-rous matals-Elac ~emntallurgy) (Slag) 0 T DYUYSEKIN, Ya.K.; ABDZY--V, M.A.; KOIIAL:,V, S.I.; JZB'ilb~, N.I. Effect of the addi-tiorl of coke on the composition and yield of con- verter slags. Trudy Alt. G1,91II AN Kazakh. SSR 14:104-109 163. (MIRA 16:9) (Nonfarrous rietals-Matfflurf,,y) ~ .. (Slag-Analyais) KHOMITSMI-ICH, Konstarttin Ignatlyevich; KACHAROTSKIY. Y.H., kBnd. takha. nauk, otv. red.; DYUMZ0, G.A., red.; DEMCHUK. R.P., takhn. red. [Pneumatic equipment'in mines] Rudnichnye pnevmaticheakie ustanovki. Khsrlkov, lzd-vo Kharlicovskogo gos. univ., im. A-M-Gorlkogo. 1960. 255 p. (MIRA 14:5) 1 (Air compressors) (Mining mehinery--Pneumatic driving) IVIN, K.T.; KASHLEV, V.V.; ZUYEV, V.S.1 DUKELISKIY, V.A., otv. red.; DYUZHENKO, G.A., red.; FRUMKIN, F.S.,, tekhn. red. (Slide projection method of manufacturing pipe templates and models] Fotopraektsionnyi matod izgotovlaniia ehablonov i makatirovaniia trub. [n.p.] Sudpromgiz, 1953. 41 p. (HIM 160) (Marine pipe fitting) (Photomechanical processes) FRISMAN, E.V.; DYUZIIFV, G.A.; DADIVANYAN, A.K. Optical anisotropy of polyvinyl acetate molecules. Part 3. Vysokom.soed. 6 no.2041-345 F 164. (14IRA 17:2) 1. Leningradskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni Zhdqnova. GLADY,'~EV, B., kand.tekhn.nauk; BORT, G.; DOMENKO, M., inzh.; CHEBOTAREV, D. Experi ntal manufacturing of three-dimensional elements by ar guniti g. Zhil. atroi. no.7s26-27 162. (MM 15:9) g 1. "fuyushchLy kafedroy Khartkovskogo instituta inzhenerov za d kom=allnogo atroitel'stva (for Gladyahev). 2. Glavnyy inzhener Ordena Lenin& stroitellno-montathnogo tresta No.86 (for Bort). 3. Glavnyv tekhnolog Ordena Lenina stroitellno- montazhnogo tresta No.86 (for Chebotarev). (Precast concrete construction) M, KenurftLud in tau VO.Lume. This s.avmnlEage cKn opcome Pvpn more ,-..i - FRISMAN, E.V.; DADIVANYAN, A.K.;_DMFI~Y, G.A. Determining the optical anisotrolrf of macromolecu4so. Dokl. AN SSSR 153 n0-5:1062-1064 D 163. (MIRA 17:1) 1. Fizicheskiy institut Leningradskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta im. Zhdanova. Predstavleno akademikom A.N. Tereninym. FRIS:-Vall il.V.; DaDIVAIFRI!, ~'I.K.; DYIJL"kI-,V,, Yu.G. Dependence of the optical aniootropy of mzncro-molecules on the 1-roperties of the solvent. Ukr. fiz. zhux. 9 no,5:521,-526 'tf I C )4. (',!IU 17.9) 1. t'iAchoskiy inotitut Lerdngrarlskop gosudarstvannogro universiteta. F kCC NRt AP5027045 r SOURCE CODE: UR/0120/65/000/005/0246/0246 CY. RK/1 W :' 4~ - 1~1/ - Or AUTHOR: hey G. A.; Martainava VIV,~,%;Vfrnov. 0. M.; Yurlyev, V. G. A. ORG: Institute of Semiconductors, ANSSSRi (Institut poluprovodnikov AN SSSR) tability of metal-glass joint in cestam yapra -el TITLE: Ile Increase in a SOURCE: Pribory I tekhnika ekspertmenta, no.,% 19651, 246 TOPIC TAGS: metal joining, oxidation reduction reaction, oxide formation, glass, cesium, glass coating ABSTRACT: The Increased use of cesium vapors in various Instruments at relatively high pressures ('010. 1 Torr and higher) made necessary the protection of metal -glass joints,from the destructive action of cesium. Tests carried out by the authors showed that the, pre- paration of joints with a supplementary thin glass coating cf the metal makes them cesium resistant to a certain degree. The metal part is covered by a thin 0. 05 - 0.3 mm) glaqs coatinc~ 10 - 30 mm wide (placed across the region of the contemplated joint). When~ the joint is completed and subjected to cesium vapor, the process of reduction of the oxide film slows doi-m and almost stops some 5 mm from the point of first contact with cesium. This is apparently due to the extreme slowness with which cesium advances over the already reduced auxiliary region of the joint. Detailed recommendations for the actual production of a satisfactory joint of this type are provided. Authors thank Ye. A. 1(bleako for valuable advice and help. k z.11., Card 1/2 UDC: 666.1.037-5:6a.387 - " i 'T 1 (h) ijp C .. I At. L _112 ATCM/n -:vri M), I ACC NR, Re:MdO321 SOURCE CODE: UWOOM5/0351011/2054 2Ob4 el~y AUTHOR- Dyuzhev G. 'A... Martsinovski3r, A. M.,* Plkus_, Ke.; Tsirkellk B. Yurlyev, V. G. ORG: none- T -ampere characteristics -of thermionic converters 1ITLE. Investigation of the volt SOURCE:, Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy fiziki, v. 35, no. 11, 1965, 2054-2o64 TOPIC TAGS: direct energy conversion, thermionic energy conversion, thermlonics ABSTRACT: The volt-ampere characteristics of cesium-filled thermio;n~lcc energy can- verters were exa-Ined both in the diffusion and arc modes oflo-pe--Nal. Ton. Flane-par- allel diodes with interelectrode spacings of 0.02-2 am and electrode surfaces of 0.3-0.8 cm2 were used in all the experiments. At the diffusion mode, the charazter- istics conformed with theoretical date (B. Ya. ~byzheG and G. Ye. Pikus, FTT, 2, 41 756, ig6o). At high temperatures, the transition to the are mode took place smoothly, which is explained by the presence during the experiments of an accelerating field at. the emitter. The fact that even the smallest arc current was close to the emisaiaA current was also attributed to this accelerating field. The absence of saturation in the volt-ampere characteristics was thought to be connectedvith the anomalous Schottky effect arising as the result of the cathode barrier.. Orig.. art. has: 6 for- mulas and 9 figures. Card 1/1- UDC: ~537.523.5 DYUZHEV MARTBINOVSKIY A.M.; TSIRKELI, B.I.; YURIYEV, V.G. .,-.R -.,, .,;- p Circuit for reading the oscillographic volt-ampere characteristics in a wide range of currents. Frib. i tekh.eksp. 10(no.5t115-117 S-0 165. MIRA 1911) 1. Institut poluprovodnikov AN SSSR, Leningrad. Submitted July lop 1964. L 47035~66 AUTHOR: Pikus, G. EEC (k) -2/3JT (11)/:,V (m) /T/E'.-IP (t)/ET I TJP(O') R'_rw/TT/ATA-T.~"/JD AP6031273 SOURCE CODE: UR/0057/66/036/oog/1685/.10"97 Dyuzhev, G. A. ; Baksht, F. G. Martsinovskiy, A. M. ; Mloyzhes, B. Ya. YF. _-,'Yu7r',yev,_ _V. G. L? ORG: none TITLE: Probe-method investigation of the plasma in thermicnic converters with high )~Qsium pressure. III. Distribution of the concentration, the electron temperature, and the space potential in the interelectrode gap of thermionic converters SOURCE: Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy fiziki, v. 36, no. 9, 1966, 1685-1697 TOPIC TAGS: thermionic energy conversion, direct energy conversion, arc discharge, cesium electron tube ABSTRACT: Specially constructed instruments with movable probes were used in exten-, sive investigations of the operation of a cesium-filled thermionic converter. The investigations were carried out at -pressures characteristic of both the diffusion and are modes. The measurements confirm the theory of the diffusion mode advanced in 198.0, by Moyzhes and Pikus (Moyzhes, B. Ye., and Pikus, G. Ye., =I, 2, 756, 196o). They also show that, at low cathode temperatures, the ionization starts in this mode next Uo the anode in the region of the anode drop. The transition to the arc mode is accompanied by a redistribution of the potential and a shifting of the ionization region toward the cathode. In the are mode, a substantial part of the applied volt- Cord 1/2 L 47035-66 6031273 age drops on the near-cathode barrier and in the region close to the cathode. Next to the anode and 3'n the anode region there is only a small potential barrier, which vanishes with increasing current. The electron temperature in the gap appears to be almost constant, although it increases slowly with increasing current. At the same time, the carrier concentration Increases rapidly when current increases. The valu~B of electron concentration and temperature obtained by the authors agree with those obtained by other researchers in spectral measurements. While they consider their method highly useful and accurate, the authors concede that, unlike opticall methods,, it does not yield information on the degree of equilibrium in the plasma. Orig. art. has: 9 formulas, 10 figures, and 2 tables. (ZLI SUB CODE: 20/ SUDM DATE: o4sep0'5/ ORIG REF: 0091 OTH REF: 007/ ATD PRESS: 5089 BERDNIKOVA,, K.G.; TARASOVA, G.V.; SKAZKA, V.Q.; NIKITTAN, N,A-; _,Pp~~Elfv G.V. Hydrod7namic properties of some Po-' athacrylates. Vyaokom. soed. 6no.1132057-,2062 N 164 3M Q (,MM 18.-2) 1. Fizicheskiy Institut Leningradoikogo gosuda:rstverl.,io9o uld- versiteta. ACC NIR: AP6013124 SOURCE CODE: U:Z!0057/66/'(j36,'60!,;/(,,.'~79/0691 AUTFOR: DYuzh.ov, G.__A_; Martainovskly, A. 'M.; Moyzhes, 13. Yzi.; Ilikus, G. YO.; Tsirkell, B. I.; Yurlyev, V. G. OM: none TITL'--*: sounding in ther-moemlssion converters with high pressure cc--;,= vapors. 1. Experimental methods and theory SOURCE: Zhut-nal tekhnichoskoy fLzIkI, v. 36, no. 4, 1966, 679-691 TOPIC ZAGS: plasma arc, plasma probe, thermoelectric converter, cesium, plasma ABSTRuCT: The equipment for the probin- of an isothermal pla:~.-,ia and the c-perimental data processing are described for the case of a thermocilissAlon converter with high-pressure cesium vapors and small interclectrode gaps. Movable molybdenum probes 0.2 rm In diuicter and 7-8 nm lonz wore used. A detailed description of the construction oE the probes Is given. The measurements were carried out at 1200 and 19000K cathode temoeratures and 10-1--4.0 mm Hg cesium vapor pressures with the cathode and vapor temperatL - 0 and +0.59, respectively. The thQoi-I of probes ,re stability of +2 in a igh-density plasma and the method of processing the probe.5h8racterl- Card 1d UDC: 533 . 7 ' ACC NR.- U,6013124 tics are aralyzed. Formulas are derived on the concentration, carrier temperaLura, and the potential distribution in a thermoemission. convert2r In whical the plasma is generated by the arc. Orig. art. has: 2 figures and 46 form-alas. SUB CODE. 20 / SUERM DATE: 21Jun65 / OTH RU: 002 / ORIG REF: 015 Cord 2/2 ACC NR: AP6013125 SOURCE CODE.# Uf~/0057/66/030/0~^j4/l~'),,92/0703 ALI-r!"OR: DyLLhev,..Po,,A-; Martsin6vskiy, A. IT.; MoyZhes, B. Ya.; Pikus, 0. Yo.; Yurlyev, V. G. ORG: none TITI-'-.': Masna soundingg in thermocirtission converters with high-pressure cesit= vapors. II. Verification of the probe method. Certain expori- i-nental results obtained in the diffusion and arc modes SOURCE: Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy fiziki, v. 36, no. 4, 1966, 692-703 TOPIC TACS: plasma probe, plasma arc, plasma diffusion, thermoelectric converters cesium plasma ABSTRACT: This paper Is a continuation of the theoretical work on 'the plasma probing which appeared in the sarxa issue of ZhTF (pp. 670-691). The equli~-,ent and the data processing methods were checked experimentally using an 'Isothermal plasma which was diffusion- or arc- generated in an Interelectrode gap of a thermoemission converter with high-pressure cositzi, vapor. The experimental results show that in an Isothernal plasma with known parameters, the probin.ff method yields data on the electron concen- ation-and the space potential when the length of the free path Is smaller CarV 1/2 UDC: 533.9.07 ACC NR. AP6013125 than the probe dimensions. In this connection, elevated values of electron temperature were obtained. The divergence is due to a large thermoolectron emission of the probe and a slow energy transfer between the fast and slow clectroin:,. Measurements carried out in the diffusion mode are in agreement with theory presented elsewhere (Moyzhes, B, Ya., and G. Ye. Pikus, FTTI, 2, 7150', 1960). Measurements carried out in the arc mode indicate that -the cesium plasma generated between the electrodes of a thermoemission converter differs greatly from a plasna in conventional gas-discharge equipment. The electron temperature Is lo',,, approximately 25000K at all the test points of a v-a curve, and the ionization does not exceed 1%. The fact that a plasma in a thermoemission converter renians sufficiently cold can be used to achl*eve high-efficiency conversion of thermal to electrical enerZy. Uic experimental values of the electron temperature and concen- tration for the arc mode are essentially in agreement with those calculated and prescnted by Moyzhes et al. (ZhTF, 35, 1621,.1965). In general, the riez~suremcnts in an Isothermal plasma show that the experimental equipment and methods used have yielded satisfactory results and can be used in a study of nonisother-inal plasma. -the authors thank Yu. 1-1. Kagan, V. I. Perell, and F. G. Bakshta for useful evaluation of results and for valuable advice. The authors thank Yu. It. Kagan, V. I. Parelo, and F. G. Baksht for useful discussions and valuable advice. Orig. art. has: 12 figur-cs and 1 table. SUB CODE1 20 / SUBM DATE.- 21JUn65 / O.UG MF: 009 / CTIH REF: 007 Cc:d 2/2 ~6-66 ~xWUtj)APF(o)j2 DJ THVERTOR: Skripchenko, Te. vs.1 - podollskaya~ _g.; lFauxenko P. V.* s.; Orlova -Balagin. 1. S.: Sventakhavokaya, =K14-11-F-650rach 0. Sol _iNkovIc_hA V . ;-ChemiWfUr. S.; 'ab t' A 0: V.1 _K K qL- mg TF1112j;.X - V. I Tokar" 1. K. 2.~n~nska~y&,O. A r y f ORO: none TITLE: Method of obtaining liquid lubricant-coolant for roll~DA thAn steel strips. Class 23, go. 173369 SOURCE: Byulleten' izobreteniy I tovarnykh zaakov, ma. 15, 1965, 68 TOPrC TAGS: lubricant, coolant..liquid lubricants rolling lubricant, cold rollings strip rolling ABSTRACT: This Author Certificate introduces a method for the preparation of a liquid coolant-lubricant bmL-d thylenebteamide of synthetio,,fatty acid used. for instance, i ia~O'Msfbrmerlor stainless-steel I strips. To obtain a stable lubricant which would imke it -possible to roll the sirip; to a required thickness, an alkylaulfonate. alkylarylaulftodle. or hydro3jethyl amdne at fatty acid contaimtvg five Hydrojq radicals is added to the methylenablaudde of syAthetic fatty acid. Is'& . v&riantj the speolficii components are melted and then eaulelfied In water. (AZI Bus CotZITPIKKITC/aum 9-ATWU=611 Qua R"t OW/ OTH Mir: 0001, ATD MWA cad UDCi 621. a6aj.Wa C.UUN'rn;.Y U _- S R r.,~TZGJRI- ?:Lanoo, F:vAt9.3qzrja _q. . y,,~ t- j a., 0 "',juir -biologJ ya , No . N. IIA cf A 0' _'raAS:OLat-Cy1I 8Ad (Ail:ZI.ti.m. Pho-sphorua liertilizorj :ipo -.)ja Pria -.uv c1 no z-F -tio, ,be Uz.-ar, '3 oFIG. PU3.: IkITI. ur.UChU'I-tqkJhL.LIf0r%. t The ,-aie -)x7 plan-~ vpt c.~ LI Vi th P7q- Wt LJ-. diiT 1. FCj r4 16 tionj uas at ..' '~u Sci-t.' 1, 1 ipj C LI -)~I' tu:-o an.-I t-~,"n.k ill,n qas nj~pl_*.'If: t-, -110 S.-Ji.11 at 1955-19`15 , Tbe 'PC of ::~2-27 Q.47, S,,r ovi h 3tag, and bcca:ao fixe~_I in AM flikoo';r end urpor tier f)f leiv'ns Ij ter~lr '48 t.h6fO'_U't_h A&-', -Thile i._'Cl-edk'3413e, P3-' ':'C-lc~lJ Ikelation -tfj APP.L~vatjv)n Ti-mor and Ketlmdr ;W ZInAr -13ioloely%, No. i~vtbor OEM PUB- ABETRACT wes ma~nt-ixned thmugliaut Oic crit.lrc v-)q-tatioll PC-riiA; P3;4 begaa to A-ppear in thi mly rftex- *AL monJl, tair)-n cj-it.;vntri~txrg 4.n tns . , L) - W63 f: e eds Wi'.h dr- dreess-Inc i,~ in OIL a-bo,-e-gr-.iimcJ- -jr4ars %fier th 1. ~ wc e,..; % &I ur iriJgat.Lon after Vli rio-10-b with7,ul. irrigation. The authcr3 --,ec th-at one mLstit-,itc, a sivgle P early bpring for dry jviax~er .;r-co .31rka >,n ruir-1 rigatoo vineyarda, . P~.. uced in Kitor io'.. for Vradmtian it nit no-w ~:e6siblc b3cnma %if' th..) Ckpo 2/3 PCTAP2'IEO, Ta.I.; LUKITANOT, A.D.; LAZARETSKIT, N.A.; D ZAKUROVA, TO.I.; KOTALET, A.A.; RMTZT, K.S.; 113CHAM, L.N.; RAS911KO, A.A.; KASHIIISKATA, L.P.; ALIYET, A.M.; UR[OKHIN. P.A.; LITTINOT, P.I.; KOROTKOTA, P.I.; ZAYTSZTA, Tu.F.; GRAMOTMIKO, P.M.; TAIROVA, Y.N., red.; PROKOFIYEVA, L.R.. [Yiticulturel Yinogradarstvo. Koakva, Gos.lzd-vo sallkhot.lit-ry, 1960. 612 P. (MIRA 14:1) (Titiculture) MEXLER, M.1f.,; SWROV, S.I., red.; HAMMAVIUA, G.H., red.; VOROHINA, A.H.. red.; GMUEVICH, I.V., red.; ZASMVSKIY, I.I., red.; K0210V, F.M.j red.; LARIN, D.A., red.; LYALIKOV, H.I., red.; MAMAYBV, I.I.. red.; NIKIWOV, M.I., red.; RAIJSH, V.A., red.; SMIO'YLOV, I.I., red.-- SLAIKOVA, Ye.A.. red.; STROYL7, K.F., red.; SCHASDIFS7, P,N,, red.; TUTOMINA, V.A.. red.; EFJ=I. T.G.. red.; BIJSHUYEVA, M.P., red.kart; DYUZnVA, red.kart; KROTKOY, B.S.. red.kart; MSTATSEVA, L.H., red.kart; PMOVA, Z.P., red.kart; FOLYjIIJ.'k,,YA, L.A., red.kort; SAFROHOVA, V.A., red.kart; FEMOVA,, N.I., red.kart; FETISOVA, N.P., red.k-art; CHEMffSHEVA, L.K., red.kart; BUIaWTOVA, H.I.,; KUZIMSOVA, O.L.,; NIKCLA 1.11., (Atlas of the U.S.S.R. for the secondary school; course in economic geo- ~F.Praphyl Atlas SSSR dlia srednei shkoly; kurs ekonomicheskoi geogrefii. No a. Glav.uprav.geodez. i kartografti H-va geolJ okhrany nedr SSSRo, 199v. 50 P* (Geography, Economic--Mbpa) (MIRA 13:12) .