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Automation and-Mechanization of (Cont.) 761 4. investment casting 205 5. Casting in ceramic and dry-sand molds 40 6. "OeArifugal, casting pip 7- Compres 'sion molding 217 8. Knocking down molds; cores; anI cutting off and finishing castings 220 Ch. IX. Me.chanization and; Automation in Cold Stamping Shope (Chegodayev,'~. A., Engineer), 223 1. Methods of increasing labor productivity in col4i stamping 223 2. Mechanization and autoaation'of cold-stamping ptocesses 225 3. Mechanization of supporting operations 245 Ch. X. Mechanization and Autam#ion of Machining Processes on General;.purpose Machine-.Tobls (Azarov, A. S.. Candidate o-f Technical Sciences and Malovil A. N.)Candidate of Teebi2ical Sciences) . . : ~$ . , . I . . .. 1 248 1. Mechanization and eArtomation of turning operations 249- 2 , Mechanization and automation of milling operations 26o 3. Mechanization and automation of drilling and boring opera:tiona eti Card 6A5 Automation and Mechanization of (Cont.) 761 Ch. XI. The Use of Unit Machine Tools in Small-lot Production of Instrunents (Libov, Ya. V., Engineer and Kapustin, F. D., Engineer) 273 1. Basic features of unit machine tools 274 2. Specific features of instrument-parts 280 3. Features of W%it machine tools designated for machining instrument parts 283 4. Brief i3urvey and characteristic features of small-capacity headstocks 1 284 5. quadrilateral standarized machine tool using a hydraulic feed ' : 285 6. Element-by-element machining of parte 288 7- Examples of application o~ unit machine tools d sifflPlifted design 295 Ch. XII. Mechanization andAut(nation of Centerless Grinding (Dymshits, Ye. S., FW;Ineer) 300 1. General remarks 300 2. Automatic feeders 304 C ard 7A5 Autcmation and Mechanization of (Cont.) 761 3. Dependence of setup stability on the solidity of grinding, wheels 310 4. Parameters of stable adjustments 314 Ch. XIIII. Mechanization and Aut(nation of Galvanization Processes (Spizhern*a, 0. N., Engineer and Feygellahteyn, P. L., Engineer) 326 1. Mechanical-surface finishing prior to galvanization 326 2. Galvanized coatings 333 3- Control 341 Ch. )MI. Emmples of Mechanization and Automation of Instrment- parts Manufacturiqg Processes (Grigorlyev, B. V., Candidate of Technical Sciences; Goryshin, V. V., Engineer; Levin, Z. D., Engineer; Likhachev, A. A., Candidate of Technical Sciences; Felikson, Ye. I., Cendi~ate of Technical Sciences; and Shneyder, Yu. G., Candidate of Technical Sciences) 30 1. Automatic machines for sme.11-diameter thread cutting 344 Card 8/15 Autcmation and Mechanization of (cont.) 761 2. Semiautomatic thread-rol-Ung machine with cylindrical dies T14-150 . (vith a mechanical feed) 348 3. Automatid groove-cutting nachine 353 4. Semiautcmatic gear-burnish!Lng machine 355 5. Devices for mechanizing engineering processes of knife-edge manufacture 359 6. Autcmatic machine for fo=Lng tapered helical spriW of varying diameter 366 7. Mechanized devices for the manufacture of membranes 369 PART III- MECHANIZ=09 AND AX)TaAATION OF ASSMMUNG FRWESSES Ch. XV. Multiproduct Production Lines (Bulovskly, P. I., Candidate of Technical Sciences; Neymark, A. X., CandIdate of Technical Sciences and Ratnerl M. L.,, CandidAte of Technical Sciences 379 1. Special features of assenbling processes in instrunent manufacturing 379 2. Basic mechanization and automation trends in assembling processes in small-lot instr=ent production 380 Card 9115 Autcmation and Mechanization of (Cont.) 761 3. Brief description of multiproduct production lines in small-lot instrument production 381 4. Trends in mechanization of multiproduct production lines 386 5. Construction of mUtiprodmat production lines 389 Ch. XVI. Means for the Mechanization of Assembling Operations (Grigorlyev, B. V., Candidate of Technical Sciences) 397 1. Welding of parts 397 2. soldering of parts 404 Ch. XVII. Unified Coil-winding Machines for Winding of Coils., Potentionetera and Rotors (Buyanov, I. A., Engineer) 412 1. Machine for winding on straight-line frames ( series winding) 413 2. Machine for winding on arched and annular frames (toroids) 414 3- Slot-winding machines 416 4. Multispindle autanatic (winding] machines 418 5. Description of standardized assemblies 419 Ch. XVIII. Equipnent for Overall Mechanization of Manufacturing Processes Involving Rotor and Stators for Smal-L-sized Electric Motors (Mironov-; H. V., Engineer) 426 Card 10/ 15 Automation and Mechanization of (Cont.) 761 1. Burr-removiag machine SSZ-1 426 2. Apparatus for mechanical varnishing of laminated strips in magnetic circuit8 429 3. Machine for staeldng slot insulation 430 4. Slot-winding machines 452 Ch. XDC. OveraU Mechanization or Wiring Operations During the Assembly-of Electric Instr=ents and Units -(Ijonakhov'_A7;,q-Engineer) 437 1. Clamping of circuit wires on a former 437 2. Mechanization of insulation strippida from wire ends and twisting of wire strands 438 3- Machines for cutting and cleaning wire ends 441 4. Marking of wires 04 5. Use of welding in place of soldering 445 Ch. XX. Mechanization of Dynamic Balancing of Instr=ent and Power-Apit Rotors (Boril3evich , V. N.,Engineer and . Avrutskiy, G. I., Engineer) 447 CardUh5 Automation and Mechanization of (Cont.) 76-IL 1. Nature and significance of rotor balancing 447 2. Analysis of existing methods and means used in dynamic balancing 449 3. Equipment requirements for overall automation of the dynanic balancing process and basic trends in the solution of this problem 461 PART IV. MECHANIZATION jWD Alfra(MON OF MPMvION PROMSES Ch. XXI. Automation and Mechanization of Technical Inspection Under Instrunent-manufacturing ConditionB (D.lyachemko, I. Ye., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor and Vikhman, V. Sol Candidate of Technical Sciences) 467 1. Basic data for the selection of preventive control methods 468 2. Automatic inspection devices 479 3- Inspection with the aid of radioactive isotopes 478 Ch. XXII. Means for Automatic Inspection of Parts (Kiselev, V.M., Candidate of Technical Sciences and Polyakov, Z. S., Engineer) 481 1. Electric means for autanatic inspection 481 Card 12/15 Autcnation and Mechanization of (cont.) 761 2. Pne=atic means for automatic inspection 491, Ch. XXIII. Automating Inspection of Small-module Gears (Kozlov, M. P. Engineer) ~06 1. Objectives'of automating gear-Inspection processes 5o6 2. Feasibility of automat~ing overall double-Profile inspection 507 3- Feasibility of autouliting single-profile inspection 511 Ch. XXIV. Automating Inspection of Thread-cutting in'Ihstrume-dt Manufacturing (Gavriloy, A. N., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor'ana Khokhlov, B. A., Candidate of Technical Sciences) 518 1. Objective a~d significan .ce of automating and merchanizing the inspection of,thread-c~xtting operations 518 2. Instruments and devices mechanizing the control of thread- ,cutting 'process 520 3- Automatic machines fcrinspezting~andl -sorting of threade-d parts. 4 .' Automat' ic inspection meacines f,-, - checkiN; thread- eat~ing 530 in process 533 Card 13/15 Automation and Mechanization of (Cont.) 761 Ch. XXV. Automating Inspection of KAife-edges (gelikson, Ye. I., Candidate of Techiiical ftidnces) 536- 1. Instrimehts for lnsp~eeqtlng the-angle of ptILper 53T_ 2. Instrument for inspecting pridm's working edge 544 3. Instr=ent for Inspecting the cut face of the cone prison 549 Ch. XXVI. Automating Inspection of Parts.of a Magnetic citcuit Relay (Zhigalov, A. A., Engineer): 1. Methods 'of measuring-magnetic characteristics and inspection of magnetiq properties of relay parts. 554 2. Basic d.ata.on setting up a semiautcm6tic device. 557 3. Principle of operation of the semiautomatic device 559 4. Descripti6n of the system and operations of the semiautociatic device 561 5. Ratting data,and validating elements of the semiautcmatic- devicw sYstem 567 6. Design description and-equipment.composition of the semi- automatic device, 569 7- Economic effect resulting from th6 use of the semiautomatic device- 570 Card A/15 Automation and Mechanization of (Cont.) 761 8. Prospects for refining the semiautomatic device and its use for other purposes 571 Ch. XXVII. Mechanization and Automation of Inspection Processes d Accounting of Parts in the Watch-making~Industr7 sarkin, V. I-, Candidate of Tqchnical Scier,.-es and r vlorntsov, L. ~. Candidate of Technical Sciences) 572 1. Universal dimension-control means and examples of their mechanization and Autcmation*- .172 2. Mechanizing the inspection'of surface finish 576 3. Mechanized and automatic devices for inspecting watch parts 576 4. -Counters for-watch'parts 586 5. Activating devices 589 AVAIL ABI;E: Library of Congress Card 15/15 JG/gnp IWET, Ovsey Piikhusovich; DYMSHITS Ye S inzh.p red.; SMGEYEV, V.M., inzh.# red. izd-va; SOKO red. (Brief marual for machinery designers] Kratkii spravochnik konotruk- L, tora-stankostroitelia. Mookvap Gon.nauchno-tokhn.izd-vo mashinostroit. lit-ry, 1961. 358 P. (MIRA 14:12) Mechanical engineering) (Macbinei7-Design) ZAIMALDI, Yu.S.; IIA1,ISFITS, Ye.S., fLnzh., retsenzent'; M-212N, P.A., inzh., re~. (Drilling holes in parts of machinery housings] Rasta- chivanie korpusnykh detttlei. Moskvaj Izd-vo "Mashino- stroonie," 1964. 109 P. (MIRA 17:6) - ~77~~ F;t 'E i~; (C TL' API;AD06935 S c ;~)aijhiyev' V. K. ; Dy?*whi a, Yu. T. _ gan stream in closec iodide circuit :~Iurnal. p-rikl. khimii, v. --6, no. 12, 136--*, germanium aemicanduct:cr, germanium afn2,1- C Pitax a gormarium, Sermanitun,.qpitaxi-l --W[" -Ty,~h, epitRxial doposition procesdP9. .)-~tition, clcsed tube process, iodine vap)r, Gel s ~~2rmani= electriaal property, semiconiuct2r, me t hod f or pr a par ing mo nor:r y9 ta I go rm-- i um f i ~ms t "Uvi he a n d es cr i bed orev L ous I y ( LVA. R e a ~-76 The reaction 2 Ge 12 ;P- + Ge 14 -zis mothod wa-a employed -o analyze tho 1-i nu ampoule during th,3 growth of gen-Anlia-, law-~~,; il6a germnitim iodide) whi-h f orms near C',e gam ce , WLItl of the vxq~oule :o the low terv,-raturr M..'Q 1: T I- - q4 qR- APJ*06935 e -zi in the temperature fall zone which favor the --ti gr ea t e r par t of t he g ermani = d i i od i A r 2 i~ - of the ampoole becmtes coated wz!J ~illused to the biattom of tne ampoule aLi-- decompo-sos wi th of Vermanium. The remainiag part of the germanitra iodf-de an-A continLe to move toward the "cool rung". A ftjr~h~-- germanium diiodide takes place in -topor, ~~:ie and epitaxial germanLL:m deposiLs we.-e 0. L experiae-tb with the epitaxy of LhQ eojjjcic)Ln;z with that qnd with the same condu,-tivity sign- ~~9 it was DkosBible to obtain the p-n. e -iers has a va- j2 w-Ci-*,-, -~Cr. of he current car -3. c m Orig. art. hw,- 4 figures. Vor No lt%F Snv! o0C RAMMMINKSOMM M .. DYMHITOO-Z,k~ Base and central testing laboratories in enterprises. IZM. tekh. no.10:6041 0 16Z. (MIRA 15:10) (Testing laboratories) .DDSSHITSI Z.A. - State standardization is the foundation of high quality and reliability of industrial production. Standa~tlzatsiia 29 no.3:52-53 Mr 165. . (MIRA 18:5) 1. Nachallnik Komerovskoy gosudarstvannoy kontrolinoy laboratorii. UMMY) V. N. V. 11. DYMMMY, "Surface wave on a plane." Scientific Ses,3ion Devotuu to "Fadio Daz;",, Yay, IM, Trudrezervizdat., Moscow, 775-ep. -5-d- A surface TM -wave on a plane ia analyzed. The value of the through a jimp on the rectilinear ,,iave propagation while remaining The problem is solv0d by a passage system (an impedance plane and perfectly to an open system of surface waves. The possibility is shoval of an in the plane spearating the regions functions. The exact relations in the general computations because of their awkwardness. Approximate relations which define transmission coefficient., tile relative directivity, are given in a particular the impedance). A circuit is presented geneity under consideration. The surface wave properties be useful to design antenna systems ifith reactive surface impedance boulidary perpendicular constwit on both to the lixtLit exac by a impedance boundary conditions of the directing plane goes to the direction of sides of tile interface. from the screened conducting screen parallel thereto) expression for the field distribution certain relation of elementary case are unsuitable to practical the reflection coefficient, the nagnitude of the emitted power, the case ( a amall relative change in which is equivalent to the inhoma- analyzed and the computational r~aaterial can usinLr, surface iaves. AP50145112 V t c the the,)rv of s s r; o 7 k a 8 , n o, 196 5 synthesis, antenna dpOrifi t i r1 "he V e C to r c rmn I e x dC~j Allectric cur-ents by means of' a )ne directi,?i ty Dattprn renresent-e,i wj ted i n a 3rer i f i ed f i n i te re,, i -ynthesized by means of a Cur'"', in inteqral of' tran-,v-se Dlane ii -i~riq the problem of svnthesizinr) an in*,~-~, --iwpi inorm of the currents is ensured qu aI i tative approximate solutions qeometrical Configuration of the V:-,!j7r.; The convergence of the synthesis Pxarwle, 14. Is stated that the t n fnrm. 1 a s Ya.ranskiy aviat3ionnyy institut .)un64 _W32 I)THEP: 00 cc!rd r~Nmnnmx--N~ !SOURCE: Kazan. Avlatsionn3rZ Institut. Trudy, no. 82, 1964. Radiotekhnika i elektroaika (Radio engineering and electronics), 3-26 TOPIC TAGS: antenna, antenna directional attern, antenna syntheeis P i ABSTRACT: The problern is -considered of calculating volurne continuous distribution of currents la an antenna when the volume is delimited and the directional pattern specified. A general equation foi. thd directional aftern is: P T-)~Vo) a dV. 14*- re if; the radial basis vector in a sphericat, Caret 1/2 L 28518-66 r - --AT6oo5738--*---------------"------ iACC NR: coordinate system; p is the radius vector of the volume in question; T, is the tensor that projects the vector onto a plane tangential to the sphere. The directional pattern is a complex elliptically polarized vector tangential to the sphere. The current distribution exactly realizing the specified pattern and ensuring maximum radiated power can be found by setting up vector eigen- functions of the operator L t in an equation of this form:: p=LJ), where both vector functions are tangential to the sphere. Then, the principal solution of the 44 44 _> 4 problem i a given by: q, (r.) Li-I F(rQ)g,*(rq ds. Here, g,(r,,) are the! go 0-4) elements of the orthonormalized basis of vector eigen-functionsi L t and are the corresponding eigen-values. Application of the above solution to two particular cases - a spherical layer anaa, spheroid layer - is considered. Orig. art. has: 86 formulas and 3 table&. SUB CODE: 04-4. -SUB M DATE! 03,Tui63 oRic; REF: 006 Card 2/2 jtj!~ L 45504-66 EWTkl)/T 'HE ACC NR: AR6013696 SOURCE CODE: UR/0058/65/000/0100//IHfOO3388//HHOO AUTHOR: Dymskiy, V. N. TITLE: Concerning one approximate method of antenna synthesis SOURCE: Ref. zh. Fizika, Abs. l0Zh260 REF. SOURCE: Tr. Kazansk. aviats. in-ta, vyp. 85, 1964, 11-24 TOPIC TAGS: antenna directivity, antenna radiation pattern, ant6saila synthesis, antenna configuration ABSTRACT: The properties are considered of a certain vector field which is a func- tional of a sDecified directivity pattern of an antenna tem., It is shown that a source distribution with bounded norm, coinciding ?Ws field in an arbitrary finite region of space, enswes; radiation of tmimum power in a specified directivity,l pattern, without accurately realizing the latter in the genera4 case. In the case o~ unbounded broadening of the region in which such sources are located, the actual dir- ectivity pattern approaches the specified one. Examples of the use of this field, ; .;%'j serving as an auxiliary for the construction of approximate solutions of antenna spr thesis problems, are presented. (Translation of abstract] SUB CODE: 09 ~._. /dl / 1 GAVAGA. V.S.; KUZNETSOVAp G.M.; DY14URA N.O., Protective coatings made from perchlorovinyl lacquer. Koks i khim no.4:47-49 162. (MLU 16:8) 1. Zhdanovskiy koksokhimicheskiy zavod. (Protective coatings) DYMUS.- Stanislaw A. Angular correlations in the reaction p t d -~ Ko tAt3,r. Acta physica Pol 26 no.2tl89-197 164, 1. Institute of Theoretical Physics of the University, Warsaw. LEV, Naum Yakavlevich; DYMZA, Ya.0 red.; BLANYTELID, G.[B1mI:_felds.,G.I. red.; AYZUPITXTE_,R_._rM=piete., M.], tekhn. red. (Large-panel and largo-block construction]Krupnopanellnoe i krupnoblachnoo stroitallstvo. Riga, Latviiskoe 0S. izd-vo 1962. 243 p. GRA 15:32) (Construction industry) RUSIECKI, Wladyslaw; DYNAKOWSKI, Roman .1 .. ...... -- Distribution of cyanides in the rat after fatal poisoning. Acta pol. pharm. 20 no.42315-320 163, 1. Z Zakladu Chemii Tokeykolog$cznoj i Sadowej Akademli Medyczaej w Warszavie Kierowniks prof. dr W1. Rusiecki, (CYANIDES) (METABOLISM) 667--- EWPB ACC NIZ& P010099166/0140/004/06SV0662 SOUME: CODE: -AUMfOR: Tokarsewsk4-Ludomir and-PmrowIczt Alida of the Organic Tedmlogy ---- -- Technolocii ChemIczn*j_Wzj2ej Department, -ioachers Training Ootle gtcz~-ftj) Katowice. _jSzk*Iy Padago DuCluence of Electric Still Discharges aa Vinyl Chloride" Warsaw,, Roczniki Chemii. Val 4-01 No 4x 1966, Pp 657-"2- Abstract: The influence of stiU electric discharges on vinyl chloride was irwestigated* Eaera- requirements, and product yields were determined.j. Me products were separated by-gas chromtograplq,, and some we're isolated in the wre state. Atte=ts were made at their identification, i 1he authors thank M"-te:E-~ineer K. Zfkenski and Ha-st-er H* Hudsikov, Institutt of Chemistry, Oswiecim for carrying out the chromatographic analysis of ressoxch proo -u-cE5---bHg. art. hast 3 figures and 2 tables. rJPRSt 36,86g7 ~TOPIC TAGS: vinyl chlorides electric discharge, gas'~hromatography SUB CODE: 07,20 / SUSK DATE: 25 Jun 65 oRIG Rut ool f olM g"t 003 SOV MFI 005 ~Card P-rA 1242 GIN 0-12 7 531-37 %-naxski R The Coefficlency of Elastically Banded Beam%. belek sprCitytcie sprClonych" In-lynirrii 1 13%;- downictwo. No 3. 1951. pp.. 126--131. 9 fj" Mutton. concerning tendency to dtformat',on. ot the probl-mi of coefficlency tetween two parallel bea= elwically bonded. rh- C11-tion of equations enabling the determinatiou off the angle of i clinalion of the deformation curve. the bending milinent and shvit. It, rce, mmou, 1. PhlysI~llou of respiration In newborn. Pediat. Polska 28 no.3:328-336 Mar 19$3. (C= 24:5) 1. Of the First Pediatric Clinic (Read--Prof. St. Popowski, M.D.) of Lodz Medical Academy. DYNENSON, Izak Pediatrician's views on certain obstmtric problems. Gin. polska 27 no.3:319-327 May-June 56. 1. Z I Kliniki Poloznictwa i Cborob Kobincych A.M. w Lodzi Kierownik: prof. dr. J. Steroazewski. Lodz, u1. Piotrkowska 123. (OBSTETRICS, relation to pediatrics (Fol)) (PEDIATRICS, rmlation to obst. (Pol)) DYNEIISON, Izak; KRAWCZU, Zof 1a; SKWIEROZYIISKA, Janina An attempt to replace 2 O/o silver nitrate in the classic Crede's method with 20 070 sulfathiazole solution. Gin. p3laka 29 no.3:271-274 MaY-June 58. 1. Z I Kliniki Poloznictwa i Chorob Kobiecych A. M. w Mdzi Kierownik: prof. dr med. J-Sieroozewski oraz z Uinlki Chorob ()czu A.M. v Lodz-1 Kierownik-: prof. dr J. Sobanski. Adres: Lodz, Curie-Wclodowskiej 15. (OPHTHAJ24U VZONATCMM, prev. & control Credo's mathodo replacement of silver nitrate with sulfa- thiazole solution (Pol)) (SULPATHIAZOL3. ther. use prev. of ophthalmia noonatorum in Credela method. as substitute for silver nitrate (Pol)) (SILVER NITRATZ replacement with sulfathlazole in Grede's method for prev. of opthalmia neonatorum (Pol)) -~YNENSOU, Izaak Labor crisis (labor shock). Gin.polaka 30 no.3:315-325 my--To 159. 1. Z I Klinik-i Polotntotwa i Chorob Kobiecych A. H. w Lodzi Kieroifnik: Prof. dr J. Siorossewski. (WANT Mmlimf) (IMLIVIRY) DYNENSON; Izaak Considerations on activities In wards for newborn Infants. Gin. polake 32 no.2:215-219 161. 1. Z I Klinift Poloamictwa I Chorob Kobtacych A.M. w Lodai Kierownik; prof. dr J. Sisroasewski (INFANT MWBORN' ) DYNENSCH, Izaak; KOKOROWSKAO Alina; ZAJDLFa, Barbara The problem of mycosee in newborn infants. Gin. polska 32 no.2:221-M 161. 1. Z I Kliniki Poloanietwa i Chorob Kobiecych A.M. w Lod3i Kierovnik: prof. dr J. Siaroazewail (INFANT NEWBORN dis) (MYCOSES in inf & child) MIKULASZM, B.;KOPACKA, B.;DYM. 11. Studios an pyrogens from Paeudomonas aeruginosa and Salmonella typhi. Med. dow. mikrob. 4 no.4,.417-427 1952. (GLIG 23:4) 1. Of the Institute of Radical Hiorobiology of Varsaw Medical Academy. DYRtl~, Eugenia SOBOU'WSK4 Maria; DYMM. ftenla Preventive application of chlorawycetin duriv,-, the epidemic of whooping cough in a nursery. Pediat. Polska 29 no.5:537-541 MY 54. 1. Wykonano pod kisrunkiam prof. dr zied. J.Bogdanowicza Kierownika Xliniki'Chorob Zakasnych Viekm Dzisaiscaeo A.M. w Varesavie. (WHOOPING COUGH, prevention and control, chloiamphentool) (CEI RARPEDMICOL, prev. of whooping cough) itSKANAS, Alim: DPIM. ftenle: SLOHOWNA, Barbam Difficulties in differential diagnosis of pulmonary mycoses and tuberculosin. Pedlvt.polska 30 no-8:643-652 Aug 155. 1. Z Kliniki Terapii Chorob Dzieci A.M. w Warstawie. Kierownl)L: prof. dr mod. ff. Brolman. Z Laboratorium Zespolu. Klinik Pedlatry- c-nnych Kierownik-. dr mod. 19.Dyner; Z Eakladu Hadiologil. Dziecia cej A.M. v Warstawie. Kiercwnik: prof.dr med. K. Rowinski. War- suma, DzialdowskEL 1/3. (TURT11RCULOsrs, Pw(oNARr. In Infant and cbIld, differ.diag."from fungus dis.) (LUNGSi diseases, fungus dis. In child.,differ. diag.. from tuberc.) (YUROS DISSASNS, lungs. In child.,differ.diag. from tuberc.) DTNMf Eu nia; OKOISKA, Wanda A passive hemagglutination, test as an indication of tuberculosis, Gruslica 25 no-12t937-946 Dec 57- 1, Z Kliniki Terapii Chorob Dzieciecych A, K, w Warasawie Kierownik: prof. Dr H. Brokman. Adree Klifiika Terapii Chorob D3iooiecych A, P, w W-wie, u1. Dzialdowskm 1-3. (TUBERCULOSIS, immunolo. Middlebrook-11mbos test, diag.fval-ue (PolP RUDZKII Edward; DYNER, Eugenia; MOSFALEWSKA, Krystyna Role of Eacherichia coli sensitization in skin diseases. Przegl. derm. 50 no.1:67-72 163. 1. Z Kliniki Dermatologicznej AH v Warazavie Kierownik: prof. dr S. Jablonska Z Zakladu Mikrobiologii AH w Warazawis Kierownik% prof. dr 3. Mikulsonek. (ESCHERICHIA COLI) (ALLERGY) (SKIN TIESTS) ONUFRIYEV, Timofey Grigorlyevich,, dots.; SHAIM", Boris Ni-kolayevich, dots.; IVANIKO, Timofey Yakovlevichp inzh.; GE-ROLISKAYA, Lyudmila Sergeyewa, dots.; SARYCIEVA, Nina Petrovna, dots.; KOSIYAYEV, Sergey Petrovich, inzh.(deceased]; YEWHOV,L.P.jdots., reteenzent; ZAYCHEI:'-'(),I.R.,dots.,retsenzent; BYAIM,'ITSKIY,V.A.,inzh.,retsenzent; CHEfiK,UHIII,N.A.,inzh.,retsenzent; MJERj.J,,inzh.,retsenzent; PAUL', V.P.Pinzh.,red.; VEMPAYEVAY Z.A_.jinzh.,red.; I-EDVEDEVA, M.A.0 tekhn. red. [Buildings in railroad transportation] Zdaniia na zheleznodorozh- nom transporte. Moskva, Transzheldorizdats 1962. 40C P. (KIRA 15:6) (Railroads-Buildings and structures) KARMINSKLY, A.B.; BOGIN, ktuid. tekhn. nauk; KPICHUR, S.I., inzb.; LUBININ, F~A., inzh.; W-17S, A.B., :inzkj.; _PTIrER, I.I.; _F03SIUS, L.V. Review5 and bibliography. Transpi strol. 15 no.4; 58-61 Ap 165. (MIRA 18- 6) 1. Glavnyy spetsialist po zemlyanorm Folotnu Dneprogiprotransa (for Karminskiy), '2. Glavnyy spetsialist po aanitarnoy tek"nike G03udarstvennogc proizvo-istvennogo komiteta po transportnoup stroitallstvu SSSR (for Dyner). 3. GJavnyy energetik Volgobalt- stroya (for Rossius). BULGMIA/Mumn ai3d Animal Morphology - Mnscles. S Abs Jour : Ref Zhur Biol., No 5,1959, 21520 Author : Dynev, A. Inst : The V. Chervenkov Medical Acadeny Title Clarification of the origin and Transformtion of the "Accessory Head" of the Abductor Digiti Quinti Muscle Orig Pub 11auchn. tr. ned. akad. "V. Chervenkov", 1953 (1954), 1, No 1, 55-68 Abstract A study war. mde of the palrur surface of 150 adult persons. In 18 cases (12%) an accessory head of the abductor digiti quinti ruscle was found (musculus abductor digiti quinti nceossorius -- Mdanova). On the basis of a study of the topography, innervation and phylogenic data the author concludes that the Card 1/2 BULGARIA/Hir.ian and Aninal Morphology- Musel-es. S Abs Jour Ref Zhur Biol., Nu 5, 1959, 21520 accessory head of the abductor digiti quinti muscle is a residue of the flexor digit:brevi nanus digiti quinti muscle,' ,Aiich is rarely found in man (124) and which during the course of its involution attached it- self completely to the abductor muscle of tile 5th digit, which is confirned by the double innervation of the latter from the superficial and deep branches of the u1nar nerve, in 54.5% the double innervation is overt; in 45.4%, it is occult (in one branch there are fibers of both branches of the u1nar nerva). Bibliography with 29 titles. -- I.N. Mikhaylov Card 2/2 - 15 - V4. 1717 i 2 2. 0 1) of 4Z,!VrWac- Chrxe,uricrxicz .5, D%2ij!j~~fjj, Catalytic PH tam. ,j~al.aWyc7mi (Plr~, G!. IMt. 11"ItA. TpOlInIcal Abst. NO, 5), 1951, il7l% 1) 1 , xill tit fallLc(l 'j, o"Talula'!. a'eelull an't 111C prot) 4, 195) of rettv.-T"', p.-ol-tcHon cots by zi.13-i'itu-inq ratzilyLle p.)1vin,r.~:hon Gh-:nilstry and Cheaical for c-gidownticri Expo-zim,ri~s, Ivive tivit sl.lium hy- droxid-o t-ie (-, yHT:Ig a pr~~ vjUh to th~i2 o'l- Se-lr,i Q*-,'aL%:d 1:y exAle.,1- isn'.5n Th:~ inict lim2 of rcaclion jj,,, ~caLjjyllc On~'h--A miy b! ul* c)!u!d:!,-3b4! valu2 L-- ,-n ;!n cci.-n:rn.!c PD,...I! of V:C-,V. 'Tab!~n of rc,~iulfs and fl:aPlm showin, - UiL rel'atlen of th.. d~qrL:! vit pollymortsir'l-)n to Uvz ql%mllity ;)f -7tallw-7 ar~ Vft(In W;;,:- ther with t dlagram. of the ~,pparahu L;al. ~_ DYNIN., A.;-MITIAGIN, B. Criterion for nuclearity in terms of approximative dimension. Bul Ac Pol mat 8 no.8:535-540 160. 1. State Lomonosow University, Yzscow. Presented by S. Mazur. (Functional analysis) DYNIN, A.I., inzh.; NIKUSHIN, A., inah. C--- Device for determining the wear of P-50 and D-10 diesel crankehet4. Biul. tekh.-ekon.inform. Tekh. upr. Min. mor. flota 7 no-509-~~ 162, (MIRA 160) 1. Gosudarstvenny-I proyektro-konstrwktorskiy i nRuchno-issledovatellskiy institut morskogo transporta. (Marine diesel engines-Maintenance and repair) AUTHOR: Dynin,A.S. SOV/20-121-5-5/50 TITLE: .-Off-9-p-ace~; uc 4--isar in Different Sense@ (0 prostrans-'-Yald yadernykh v razlichnykh amyslakh) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1958, Vol 121,Nr 5rpP 790-792 (USSR) ABSTRACT: As '. is well known, the definitions of nuclear spaces according to Grothendie;k ZR-ef 37-and Gellfand [Ref 51 are nob equal. Recently Raykov LRef-Ij has proved that in the case of barrel spaces a space being in the sense of Grothendieck is also nuclear in the-sense of Gallfand. The author completes thisresult-by the theorems In the classes of F-spaces and the oomplate DF-spaoes-both above-mentioned definitions are equivalent. -Farthermore,the author uses a scheme of Raykov [Ref 21 for con- strunction a space which is a nuclear apace in the sense of Grothendieck and in the sense of Gal I fand is not a nuclear spacew There 'are 5 references, 3 of which are Soviet, I American, and I - Briasi I i an. ASSOCILTIONsHookovskiy.gosudarstyennyy universitat imeni II.V.Lomononova (Moscow State University imeni K.V.Lomonosov) PRESENn.Ds April 8, 1958, by P.S.Aleksandroyp Academician SUBMITTEDt April 4, 1958 Card 1/1 i liriv,,ro-Itot im. ".V.I-o:,.onosov.,.. 10 30694 AUTHOR: Dynin, A. S. S/02 61/14t/002/004/027 CM0/0,444 TITLE: n-dimensional elliptic boundary value problems with a single unknown function PERIODICAL: Akademiya, nauk SSSR. Doklady, v, 141, no. 2, 1961, .285-287 TEXTs,Cor.sidered is the solvability of the general boundary value problem for an elliptic equation in the bounded domain G of the Euclidean space R n (n ~> 1), and the reduction of the boundary value problem to a system of integro-differential equations on the infinitely smooth boundary G of G# which makes possible the application of the results of Ref. I of the author (Ref. 1t DAN 141, no. 1(1961)). Let: x = (x x ) r= Rn; D - i-1 a V ..., -0 ), C4 n T.X- ;)x -C~. 1..MW_V9xj0,,n. . . _ax OL n) 01, 0,,/ 1 + + C,6 n, D i n be the tangent vectors of a in x EA.1, 'I,' be the unit vector of t he inner normal in x; A ,,(x) D'bx = :-5- a e an elliptic differential Card 116' 101, 1 e- 2k 3 S/020/6 -./141/0032OA?044/027 n-dimensional elliptic boundary . . . C11!IC1444 polynomial with infinitely differentiable complex ;oeffloients on G IY T_ a,,, 04. be the symbol of A. A( ~ .,z) (x) >-, + ZZ X) jol-IZU P (i . B Bi k); B( bt) a singular operator of r6 -~- Mi CK the order mi M, on (compar o Re f 1 Z) I- I x 6B W(~,) Z be the symbol of B 1( 0B X) is defined mi + ~ =M i i in Ref.1); E(~) Ind E(4) be the So1wrtz spacesof infinitely differentiab- le functions on G and G; W (1) (G) be the Sobolev space; W(I-112) (i) be the Slobodetskiy space 2 2 (compare Ref, 3: L. N. Slobodetskiy, Uch, zap. Leningradsk, pad. inst., 19?, 54(1956)). The system JA, Blt...,B k~ defines th~- oDeralors Card 219 410694 3/020/61/1-11/002/004/027 n-dimensional elliptic boundary . . . C!!I/C444 E E - ~< (E k (G) 00 _4 W(1-2k) W(l-mj -1/2) X . ~. ', W(l) (G) (G) ~K W 1/ 2) 2 2 2 2 (2) (1~> max t2k, m + 1,---,Mk4-1 The operator (A is called elliptic, if for every fixed 0: a) the roots of the z-polynomial are situated in equal A(~ numbers in the upper and the lower z-half-plane. b) the z-polynomials ~ ( ~'Z) (i = 1,2,....k,) are linear i ndependant modulo the z-polynomial 1 64- A ( ~'z) =fl (Z-Z j where z , ( ~') I V (J=1 j!6 k ..,k) are the roots of x9z), lying-in the upper z-half-plane.- This definition Comes from Ya. B. Lopatinskiy, Theorem 1: In order (JL to be elliptic. it is necessary and sufficient Card 316 30694 S/020 61/'141/002/004/027 1 n-dimensional elliptic boundary C11: C444 that the apriori estimation Ilull ,< C Q A" 111-2k ' u 1..M u 6 E(G_~ 7 11 Bi -112 i !~ k (s) is satisfii being the norm in W, being the a d, s 1~ S-1/2 norm in W(S-1/2) and C a constant, ind"ependan" from u. 2 Theorem 2: In order CA to be ellipticp it is necessary and sufficient that a) the generalised solutions of Qu = 0 are infinitely differentiable b) these solutions form a finite-dimensional subspace c) the operators (1) and (2) are normally solvable d) the defects of their ranges are finite and equal. Let \~ be-.the dimension of the space (A 0); ~& be the defect of 61 L the ranges of the operators (J; je V~11 0 ~- be the index of (R Card 416 12 S/020/',-,./'4i/002/004/027 n-dimensional elliptic boundary . . . Oil!/C444 Theorem 3: 1.) The index V of 4,he elliptic ~~Perator is determined 06 by its symbol , (~,Z) _ [6'(~ Z), 'fa 'lot A x jI - Bk 2.) The index ae Ot is constan't under uniformly small changes of the derivatives of order 2 max t n,k,Mi, ... Vmi, Iof the symbol 6 6t (SX ~Z)- I Let z) be-the remainder under the division of ~Z) by z) at a fixed 0. Let D' 1,...,k) be 6B tx A $ i the limit operator with the symbol Z). Lemma: The indices of Ct and a, A, B 19 .... Bi I are equal. Let = a 13u/ BT fS 1 k 091,...,k-1). Then the system B~ changes into I a system % of singular operators in the space of the vector functions (V ~V Let 1~- ~Atlp 'a ~2~_l be the operator 0 k-d' Card 516 .30694 S/02 61/14-1'/002/004/027 n-dimensional elliptic boundary . . . C*)1jYC-4.4'4 which corresponds to the first boundary value problem. Theorem 4: *X 'af v + 30V Theorem 5: The elliptic operator a =i ~ A,Bi~ . where A'is dn operator of second order and the order of B be ng arb rary, has the index 0. There are 5 Soviet-bloc and 3 non-Soviez-bloc references. The 3 referen- ces to English-language publication read as follt;wai P. D. Lax, Comm. Pure and Appl. Math., ~, no- 4, 6150955); sburn. Matemati-ka, 1, 43 (1957); M. Schechter, Comm. Pure and Appl- Math~, 1j, no. 4,5r,-1(1959); sborn. Matematika, A, 6(1960); S. Agmon, A. Douglis, L. N-irenberg, Comm, Pure and Appl. Math., 12, no. 4, 6230959), ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. 111.V~Lomonosova (Moscow State University imeni M.V.Lo!jon-sov) PRESENTED: June 2, 1961, by P. S. Aleksandrov, Acalemician SUBMITTED: June 2, 1961 S/020/62/146/003/003/019 B172/B186 AUTHORS: Agranovich, M. S., Dynin, A. S. .TITLE: General boundary value problems for elliptic systems in multi-dimensional regions PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSIL Dokl:ddy, ~vr. 1'46,1 3 '1-90Z, 511-514 no TEXT: The results reviewed here, have already been published for the case of one single equation (A. S. Dynin: DAN, v. 141, no. 2, (1961)). n Consideration is given to a region G of R , the operator Au - A(x,D)U(X) in G, and the operator Bu -.B(x,D)u(x) on the boundary r, where A is a matrix of the order p, D (D11 ... YD 1), D a and 3 is a matrix with r - ps/2 rows and p columns. The xj elements of A and B are linear partial differential operators. The Card 1/2 S/020/62/146/003/003/019 General boundary value problems... B172/B186 coefficients of the operators of A and B must be functions in G differentiable any number of times, and singular integral operators on. r, respectively. The three formulated theorems contain (1) necessary and sufficient conditions for (L- (A,B) to be elliptic; (2) the dependence of index Y,(Q) on the boundary conditions; (3) the conditions under which V_ Y-Rd, where U 1 . (A,B 1) an d (1 2 -(A,B 2), is 'Valid. ASSOCIATION: Vsesoyuznyy zaochnyy mashinostroitelinyy institut Petrozavodskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet (All-Union Corresponding Machinebuilding Institute of Petrozavodsk State University) PRESENTED: April 16, 1962, by I. G. Petrovskiy, Academician SUB1,11ITTED: April 9, 1962 Card 2/2 MANDELIBROYT, S.[Mandel'brojt,, Shulim]; GORIN, Ye.A.[trawlatorl; DYN (tran lator); YITYAGIN, B.S.[translator); M~S- PLUZENIKOVA, V.I., red.; PRIDANTSEVA, S.V., tekbn. red. (Closed theorems and theorems of composition]Teoremy z,.-mknu- tosti i teoremy kompozitsii; zapis' lektsii i perevc-d vypolnerq E.A.Gorir3ym, B.S.Mitia.gium. Moskya, Izd-vo ino- str. lit-ry, 1962. 153 p. (MIRA 16:1) (F-,arier transformations) (Series, Taylor's) POLISKIT, N.I.; GOKHBERG, I.TS.; QTN SOLOMYAK, M.z.; viLENKIN, N.Ta.; BRODSKIY, M.L.; SKLYARENKO, Ta.G. Summaries of papers accepted for publication by the Moscow Mathematicr:L Societye Usp. mat. nauk IS no.2:179-188 Mr-Ap 163. (WRA 16:8) (Mose(r.&-Hathematical societies) DYNIN, - Boris Somenovich; SAVVATEYEVA, G.N. , red.; ATROSHCHENKO, L.Ye -,- telifin~. "red. (In the inmost recesses of scientific creation] V tainikakh nauchnogo tvorchestva. 14oskvap lzd-vo "Znanie," 1964. 45 p. (Novoe v zhiznip naukep tekhnike. II Seriia: Filosofiia, n0.3) (MIRA 17%3) GLINSKIY, ll,.~,i-ls B)ris 5t3raallovich: Fl,'Iodedn.- as a s!--ientifi- retsear~,~h -Leclinique; a gnosec- kwk mt-1--tc-d ii-,mAnogo issle-'a. lzd-vo 'Mosk. 1,7165~ 21" P. 1. DYNIN, F.M., inzh.; KHAYID, V.S., inzh. Removal of dust and fluff in textile enterprises. Mekh. i avtome proizv* 18 no.7:17-20 il 164. (MIRA 17:9) SADOV, F.I., doktuor tekhn. nauk, prof.; CHAPLIVA, V.D.; IVLIYEV, V.G.; LURIYE, A.L.; ABEZGUZ, A.Ya.; DYNIN,.F.M.; FSAIN, I.L.; VASIL'YEV, G.V.; GALIPERIV, M.M., retsenzent; IL'INSKIYj N.S., retsenzent; MORYGANOV, P.V., doktor tekhn. nauk, prof.~ retsenzent; MOSHKIN, V.L~ retsenzent; RUDAKOV, D.N., retsenzent; TSVETKOV, M.N., retsenzent; DUKEOVNYY, F.N.p red. (Design and planning of finiabing factories for the cotton industry] Proektirovani4e otdelochnykh fabrik khlopchato- buma-zhnoi pron7shlennosti. Moskva, Legkaia industriia, 1965. 355 P. (MIRA 18:7) I DYNIN., I. zhe; NIKUSHMIp L.., lnzh, EquiFmnt for the mechanization of marine engine repairs. Mot. flot 22 no.7:30-C2 JI 162. (MBA 15:7) 1. Gosudarstvennyy proyektno-konatruktorskiy i nauchno-issledcrmtellskiy institut morokogo transporta. (Marine engines-Ifaintenafice and repair) 4t 0 BOBKOVJ V. (g.Leningrad); VAGIN, A. (Dzerzhinsk); GENGRINOVICH, L.; DTI-111 I.; NIKUSHKIN, L. What is the news? Izobr. i rats. no.8t18 Ag 162. (MIRA 15:9) 1. Predaedatell Mogilevskogo oblastnogo soveta Vsesoyuznogo obshchestva izobretateley i ratsiona.Uzatorov (for Gengrinovich). (Technological. innovations) 0 DININ I. inah.; NIKISHKIN, L., inzh. ::i:~ By the call of the heart. NTO 4 no.12:29 D 162. OURA 16:1) (Astrakhan-Ships-Maintenance and repair) 'A=SSXON NR: AP403600S -S/0259/64/000/001/0038/004-0 AMHOR: Dy*nin, I. (Engineer); Nikushkin, L. (Engineer) T17LE: Ships made of reinforced concrete SOURCE: Nauka i tekhnika, no. 1, 1964, 38-40 :TOPIC TAGS: plastic concrete, reinforced concrete, ship, barge, dry dock, ship repair, ship building, ship designing 'ABSTRACT: Ships made of reinforced concrete, although heavier than steel, would f ~provide several advantages. Such ships would not require major repair, and their longevity would be appreciably increased. The cost of I m3 of reinforced concrete,: ~as compared to the monolithic method of ship building, wquld decrease by 15-20% ands .30% fewer workers would be required. In addition, this new technology would quad- ruple the output. Additional research is required for the development of non- .concrete cements, plastic concrete, and mechanized means of producing cement. The seven-year plan provides for the construction, of several experimental rain-, :forced concrete ships of various types, using new construction methods. Orig. art.'; has: 1 figure. 7 Y,,/ 7 m e"? 6 DYNIN, I.A.; NIKUSMN, L.A. Competition-review In the Gasplarr Steamship Line. Blul. tekh.- ekon, inform. Tekb. upr, Hin. mor. flota 7 no.41-123-127 162. (MMA 16:4) 1. Gosudarstvennyy inatitut po prMktirovaniyu morskikh portov I sudoremontzifth predpriyatiy. (Caspian Sea--Ships-Technological innovations) D MINP I,A.., inzh.,- NIKUSHKIN, L.A., inzh. Means of.mec-hanizatian. and tachnological.procesBas of diesel engine repair Biul. tekh.-ekon. inform. Tqkh. upr. Min. mor. flota 7 no.12.:52-64 162. (KIRA 16:11) DTHIM, M.Ye.; SRO, Te.L. Work in lowering the incidence of quinsye Sovozdrav* 15 no*5 suPplament: 4-6 o 156. (KLPA 10: 1) 1, Hedeanchast' Uralmashoevoda, Sverdlovsk. (TONSILITIS, prev. and control quinsy) MYNN, T.. inzh.; BMSTAVSKIY, A., inz?4. Houses build of large keraiazit-concrate blocks and panels. Zhil.stroi. no.8:7-10 160. (HIRA 13--7) (Kuybyshev--Concrete slabs) (Apartment houses) 28183 ~Q?90 S/190/61/003/010/012/019 B124/BIIO AUT HORS j Fedotova, 0. Ya,, Kerber, M. L., Losev, I. P,., Genkina, G. K., Dynina, L. B. TITLEi Some properties of aromatic and aryl-aliphatic polyamides prepared by interfacial polycondensation, II PLRIODICALi Vysokomolekulyarnyye soyedineniya, V. 3., no. 10, 1961.~ 1524 - 1527 TEXT: The authors studied the effect of different organic solvents, of the concentration of reagents, of lyes and emulsifiers Upon the non-equi- librium interfacial polycondensation of aromatic diamines (p-phenylene diamine, 4,41-diamino-diphenyl (benzidine), diamino-diphenyl methane, 4,41--diamino-diphenyl ethane (DPE)) with chlorides of dicarboxylic acids (sebacic-acid chloride). The aim of the present study was to synthesize polymers having higher molecular weight and higher strength than those synthesized as yet. Polycondensation was conducted in a device for milling tissues, The results obtained as to the effect of the nature- of the organic solvent upon the viscosity of the polymer for a concentration of reagents of 0.05 moles/liter are given in a table, Therefrom, it Card 116 1 28-1,83 S/190/61/003/010/012/019 Some properties of aromatic... B124/B11O beQomes evident that (except for DPE which has the highest viscosity in CC-14) the best results are obtained in aromatic hydrocarbons, Since the polymer is poorly soluble in all these solvents, the effect of these solvents depends upon the different polarity of molecules. The viscosity of the polymer depends slightly on the concentration of the initial com-- ponents in the range of 0.005 to 0.05 moles/liter; an exception is the polymer of DPE, the Viscosity of which considerably increases between 0.0125 and M15 moles/liter (Fig. 1). The viscosity of the polymer proved to be independent of the excess of initial components. Fig,. 3 shows that the viscosity of polyamide solutions increases up to a KOH excess of 2 - 2.5 equivalents; the viscosity of the polymer on the basis of benzidine, however, animalously increases in acid solution. This phenomenon could not be explained as yet, Also the effect of three different types of emulsifiers upon the viscosity Of Dolyamides was studied, viz., of the high-molecular protective type (Solvar = incom- pletely saponified polyvinyl acetate), of the ionogenic type (sodium lauryl sulfonate), and of the non-ionogenic type (c)~T-10 (OP-10) = ester of isoocty! phenol and of polyethylene glycol with 10 hydroxy-ethyl groups). Best results were obtained when using 0.301~ OF-10 referred to Card 2/6 28183 S/190/61/003/010/012/019 Some properties of aromatic... B124/B11O the aqueous phase. The viscosity of the polymer on the basis of benzi- dine increased to nearly the double, that of the polymer of DPE to the 1.5-fold., The viscosity of other polymers increased somewhat less. By observing the optimum conditions found, it was possible to obtain polymers of an intrinsic viscosity of 0.6 - 0.7 in concentrated H 2s0 4* L. B. Sokolov 'Ref. 2% Vysokomolek. soyed, 1, 698, 1960) is mentioned. There are 3 figures, 1 table, and 3 referencesi 2 Soviet and 1 non-Soviet, The reference to the English -language publication reads as followas British Patent no~ 737184. ASSOCIATION; Moskovskiy khimiko,-tekhnologicheskiy institut im. D. I, Mendeleyeva (Moscow Institute of Chemical Technology imeni D. I. Mendeleyev) SUBMITTED.- November 199 1960 Card 3/6 -DYNINNA, Mariya Aleksandrovnav dots.; PODGOFOIOVA, V., red.; KUKHIN, Yu., sekhn. red. (The organization of workerst wages] Kak organizovana zarabotnaia plata, rabochM. Moskvay Gos.izd-vo polit.lit-ry, 1961. 46 p. (MIRA 34: 12) 1. Moskovskaya vysshaya partiynaya shkola (for Dynina). (Wage payment systems) USSR/Human and Aninal Morpholoc.;y - PatholoGical Anatony. S -A~s Jour Ref Zhur Biol., 110 51 1959, 21637 Author Dynina, R.F. List LeninCWad Medical Institute Title The Problen of the Erythrocyte Content in the Lymphatic Sinuses in Certain Types of Death Orig Pub Sb. tr. Kafedry sudabn. ried. 1-y Lenin(;r. mcd. in-t, 19580 No 2, 202-2o6 Abstract In different types of death (drowning, alcohol into- xication, traumtic injuries, diseases of the cardi- ovascular systen) there are solitary erythrocytes or smll accumulations of then in the lymphatic nodes. In cases of diseases of the cardiovascular systen the number of erythrocytes increases considerably. The presence of erythrocytea in the lymph nodes Card 1/2 39 - USMI/Ilulmll and Animal Morpholo[~y - Pathological lumtomy S Abe Jour Ref Zhur Biol., No 51 1959, 21637 represents a physiological phenomenon and is not the result of intravital injuries of correrpol-dind parts of the bodyO, - A,I. Braude Card 2/2 DYNINA, R.F.; KAZMIT5iT,# L.I.; SlIVAICS, B.G. Foisoning with pachyearpine. Sud.-med. ek3peert- 4 no.Z*35-38 0-11-D 161. (I'dRA 14:12) 1. Leningradskoye gorodskoye byuro sudebnomeditsinskoy ekspertizy (nachallnik - M.A.Dall) i kafedra sudebnoy meditsiny (zav. - prof. A.P.Kurdywnov) I Loningradskogo rieditsinskogo instituta imeni akademika I.P.Pavlova. (PACHYCAiiPINL--TOXIC,OLOGY) w2n,7 uteru. fcll.,~ (zav. DYMVICH,_E.S.; GOLIDINA, R,K. Organization of medicalcare for children Indx7 nurseries and kinder- gartena of collective farms in Gorkiv Province. i dot. 4 no.6.-60-63 N-D. 159. k KrRA 13:4) 1. Iz Gorlkovokogo pediatricheakogo nauchuo-iseledovateliskogo institnta ministerstva, zdravookhrananiva RVSR (direktor H.P. Zhukova, nauchuyy rukovaditell - prof. A.G. TSeytliu). (GORKrT PROVINCE--CHILM&lf--INSTITU2IONAL CARE) //J KHT BMIKOVA, Ya.A.; Irkutsk provinco atomatological conferance. Stomatologiia 35 no.5:64 S-0 156 (KLRA 10:4) (STOHATOU)GY) DMEPOWSIax Z. Let us put in order the management of packing materials p. h. Let us talk, p. h. (POLNIK SPOLDZIELCA, Warsawas Vol. 8, no. 8, Feb. 1955-~ ,1301 Monthly List of East European Accessions, (EEAL)p LO, Vol. h, No. It an, 1955, Uncl. For the residents of Stalingrad; interview with A-V. Dynkin, presi- dent of the executive comittee of the Stalingrad Municipal Council of Workers Deputies. Prom.koop. 13 no .1:23-24 Ja '59. (MIRA 12:2) 1. Predsedatell ispolkoma Stalingradakago gorodskogo Soveta deputa- tov trudyashchikheya. (Stalirigrad--Municipal services) ~-DUK-B , Aleksandr Vasiltyevich (In an ancient land] Na d-revnel zemle, Stalikgrad,,, Stalingradskoe k-n.'Lzhnoe izd--vog 1960, 77 p. WIRA 14: 11) (Egypt-Description and travel) DYNKIII Aleksandr Vasil lyf-,vJ Ch; Fj;ji,)R0V, !;.A., red. I .1011!:Ila~11- (Open distances] Otkrytye da-L-1. "ICA, " skoe knizhnoe izd-vo, J.963. 405 p. (1'1:` '. 18: 2) VIIIXIN, G. Fishery Products - Preservation Organize wide exchange of experience among Larrel factorioa. rqb. khoz. 28 no. 1, 0 1952. 1952 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, April --2V999r-' Uncl. -)YN < I W, C-T, Z - BELYAKOV, P.Ye.; BABI11, B.N.; BALI, V.-, BOROVKOV, P.N.; VOnTODIN, I.N.; GUREVICH, G.M.; GORBUNOVA, P.I.; KONNOV, A.S.; MANTAROVA, H.V.; KASHIRSK.IY, A.Ya.; UZAITC119TAV, Y9.11.; LEKSUTKIN, A.F.; LETI- CR-,VSKIY, M.A.; LOPATIN, S.Z.; HIRSKIY, V.11.; PODS-nALOV, V.U.; SUBBOTINA, V.P.; TANASUCHIJK, N.P.; FEDOTOV, S.D.; FISEIE-O, K.11.; ELIKIUD, I.G.; BOVIN, S.S.; VASILInV, L.T.; DRINKOV, V.D.; DATX- CHIN, N.I.; DADAGOV, I.A.; r.11HOSHINA, V.I.-, ZHUKOV, I.V.; ZIHIN, D.A.; IVANNIKOV, A.Ya.; KOVALEV, M.K.; LUGAKOVSKIY. N.L.; NALEVSKIY. A.F.; SERE2HNIKOV, V.K.; SZMIG1diSOV, M.D.; SOKOLOV, A.V.; STEPAITOV, V.I.; SAKHUZIN, G.S.; SAVENKO, P.A.; SOLODOV. V.P.; LTMEROV, Sh.Kh.; CHIKINDAS, G.S.; SRCiD;RBUKHINA, S.N.; DYNKIN, G.Z.; LYSOV, V.S.; OSHEROVICH, A.11.; ROKITSINSKIY, E.V.; BRASrA7W.!Y, M.S.; RUDX11KO, I.A.; ZHUKOBORSKIY, H.S.; MA11OV, I.Ye.; SUSLIN, V.A.; BRUS, A.Ye.; VOLYNSKIY, S.A.; KLYUYEV, V.A.; ISTRATOV, A.G.; TIKHOMIROV, I.F.; BU2YIUN, Ya.N.; VOLYNSKIY, S.A.; MINEYEV, M.F.; KALITSEV, V.I.; VIDETSKIY, A.F., kand.tekhn.nauk. glavnyy red.; DEMIDOV, A.N., red.; ICRAVETS, A.L., red.; KLIMOVA, Z.I., [Industrial Astrakhan] Promyshlennnia Astrakhan'. Astrakhan', Izd-vo gazety 'Volga," 1959. 318 P. (MIRA 12:11) 1. Astrakhan (Province) Rk-onorlicheskiy administrativnyy rayon. (Astrakhan Province-Economie conditions) 0 so 0 00000*000000 69 of N we we *W 1 06 W116V 0 0 00 of 0 0 0111111 of 00 11111111111114111 0 ~! 1 0 1 i . it I I I 1-1 11 1. *. 1). .a #j 41 Ore a IL Li L 00 L a P'. p It. I V sits "t If, it i A I ; . Z 0~-/ ole ' 00 decivaij.. .4 V cf 014 ' A A. A. RAWok,,,,. .00 R.) An 4tic"jill "A" -00 A r"A'IC t" Wit- Xlys:.lyl ti 1".,, 4 flotis AlkAli I-riballw .AM 917mtfw Inum,chlocoh,-dirin ill, 041 1 Isis Ishwhydrin ill). an,f Itlycllof (111). Alkali cvIlukis.- -4110 00 Istell. by 111,- 4, 1J.", .4 :1:1c", NA011 "Ifis. ,it hrim, d1uh,,s. ~S. Cf o Ill 5, ..00 00 0 At . it 1,%l 111471T W- I") FC111641 At I.W 1. 11110.. 41111 1AMIJ, .0 .00 ult"I al higher trulp. Ditt%t ution C4 1 1 0t 041 lul--< %was difficult, owinsl to jxxx writing. I, "of I ,I l t'11111% WCIC (Oft" WhC11 M itkAl. 14 1 WAII Ulm .'r tmsl~ of -00 The actly. of the ctlicts is AlTmit-d by stitill Amounts of dichitprohydrin in 1. AIkAh i-cifulsm truAtrtf 00 j with 8 11sots. (.4 H in ItIAling mwct"'Ic (w -'I fill., I-qlml In -00 00 ~ : water ficutfall.-d with iuctic aci,f and dric.1 Vaill) Irv All I : at As) gave cilwit 181.4. its "rK. .4%t w'. hill S%, 11111s; III Zoo 00 d S'id; glv'tl-~l rcvitllisr I-st %A, I W., 00 AIL41i ctilailo-w fit,sticd (tit; ~'& htts~ lit An .-hw- .41 A Ill, ill flic lam" J.H.Collico, 2~ 1. 4 1, 6 1, S 1 ra, It 1w or* ;~4 Ism, Iu I fur 30 bit. and % I Gw M WN, SAve oliAti too 00 contg.. m1p., glyi-mil rtsidut, Fwr 0~:L% If -',I. will, I'm, 1..%K will, (fit wAtcr wAubilitilN 1.7. 7.9, zoo 0 MAJ, )::,'I and 39.9%. SittAtion and uc~lylAitun III Of the tillers 11towecl tho%. frotill In cuntaintil Illurcollgrotlit% than thosc (rmu 11. The nitrated procluct, wcrc '~itjlblu =00 00 in acetunc; itmA. in ak-.~thcr mixts. Rthtrs lirtixt 4P 0 : Of z (r0?" It cantaitird tso Cf. Adwiv . zoo 00 ' I' An I A - n n is 15 it 71 Is It of "' 0 ~ ; i 0 Sr 0 00 0 00 000 0 010 4 0000 a6600 0 0 0 68060 0 0 0 0 0 : 0 0 0 0 0000 aa 00 0 00000 : 0 OlSolmor 0 0 0 0 golp 0 0 00 0 41r 09 .. DYNKIN., M. E. "Interaction of Nitrocellulose and Solvents." Danilov, S. N. and Dynkin, 11. Fl. (p. 550) SO: Journal of General Chemistry(Zhurnal Obshchei Khimii) 19451 Volume 15., no* 6. SLIVNITSKIY,B.; DYNIKIN,S., redaktor; PROSHINA,L., redaktor; DIMIISOVA,O., tekhnieh4'bRlrFddz*-tbr (Short-tarn credit to collective farms for production w:penseal Kratkosrochnoe, kreditovanie kolkhozov na proizvodshAnnye zatraty. Moskva, Goafinizdat. 1955. 39 P. (MIRA 9:3) (Credit) -, -- --14 , - i~ , I --I 4 E.- B, Thp stru,:IA111f, ~f "i4t, ail irtan t -3ur& -exr A- hy the a~:!hf,~r V -i 3-17--332 (1W, r se ntlhia-stioal Reviews, 1~ p (N. S 57, .3 2 3 i,lthor Pi's Cut pr~ hothe""") fr~- "If.. rj F. C--impbell, voom of R t i m t a n i n thr m.i rk -PP r"Ar ~11'1111f,;J"~ fif-f, rie": a r,-aps each T, ~-f R Th.L frthcr provc~ c m P'l meorern he thr "amphO. - 1 fa;:,41! f;f I. I I Rp~vt owe Vol problem of 'ho 4, ou. 5Hii, 193 7,1711 ~,)uwer!5 is rmxi:&~d as 2. 3, Al'ter e.-ich rt:gto4vizot-i !,)f and p~wt!, Ir, P. ". d, !,~vr nk) .,,qec,, I ~ic jut~wr i:j,~ 11unTber u~ ~A.*vamvvrc TIw nmw it,j~ t~:,12 i,liabill;ty a, th-v !hrri, (xrur exa.. ti,, ZA 103, !.j Shown, j Zions TO 1 7-. 3 t 1 n 1~- pour t eft iTAwuqm a& V,y t,, de nv- At -dgn' ~lkrmev- - dad anALEttism Llm par &~finmall A ]a 90MM-r rif' 171 3&le ~r,, 13'- 1915 '1950~ c ni,rm, x!, ce re. Y i "X." I I X, yt,n les tr -,3 1: Lini DYNKINI Ye. a. - 94aximal Subgroups of Classic droups.1 Sub 23 May 51, Mo3cow Order of Lenin State V lmeni H. V. Lmonosov, Dissertations presented for science and engineering degrees in Moscow during 1951. SO: Sm. No. 480, 9 May 55. DTITKIN, Ye. D. ussa/mathematics, Probability Jan/Feb 51 "Necessary and Sufficient Statistics for a Family of -Probability Distributions,"Ye.-D. Dynkin_______ "Uspekhi Matemat ifauk" Vol Vr, No 1 (41), pp 68-W Cf. D. Blackwell, "Conditional- Expectation and Unbiased Sequential Estimtion," 'Unals of Math Statistics,".18 (1947), 105-3.10; H. Cramer, "Math- .6matical Methods of Statistics," Princeton, 1948. Investigates herein gen. problem of calculating sufficient statistics for given family of probabil- ity distributions. Tour examples. 1TIT52 177Z52 USSR/96,thenaties Mathematical I.CoVi Doe 51 Sdssions (11 and 18 S,~ptdmber 1951) of the! Mbaeow Mat-bematical Society" Uapekh X-Ltemat Fauk" Vol VI, No 6 (46), pp P. S. Aleksandrov, Pres of the Society, noted that 14'Sep 51 vas the.60th birthday of I. M. Vinogradov, the great mothematician, und urg-A the members to vrite to h~m. Ye. B. DvnkIU7 reported on " -Semisimple Subgroups of emi- 6imple Groups of Lie." 0. A. Oley-~"Second lloundc3xy-Value Problem for the k1liptic 1Q6T77 ;:'USSR/Mathematics - Mathematical Ndv/Dec 51 Societies (Contd 1) Type Equation With Small ftrarmters in~ Itc, Hfg:her Derivatives." T. M. Vinogr&dov vas ,chosen as jionorary member of the Societv. Vice -Pres /A. G. Kurosh read the note of ,,tha absent Pres Aleksandrov ux-ging all members to undersign the Appeal of the-World- Wide Peace Council for Conclusion, of'. th,eti Peace -Pact. I. S. Gradrhteyn gave his report Awli- JeatIon of the Thitiory.6f I StAbillty by LUP6,1~toff to ~ ~he, Theory of Differential 9.4tia,ttimi, With 8iiii Multipliers in, the Derivatives" rwit6wjive -abstract is givey. V. 'A. lokblin, -11om6top- ienl-Clansiftention of Continums Reflections of a (n+9-Dimenaiwal sphere onto a n- Dimensional Sphere" /J~ontents of tuhis lecture published in "Dok Ak ffauk SSSR" Vol LXXX, No 4, 1951, and Vol LMM, No 1 1951-/ lP6T77