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65 'CC ___ /-(- 0'T4 ' _e/Q~_~_G'Wd_U~C -Tdb-ti U n-Td 1 -6- 3 '2'1/9 207'6 , 66 AUTHORi Vanilevskaya. D* P.; Denisov Yuo No; D#yakov, 1_;. I~. ORG: Joint Institute of Nuclear Research. Dubno, (Ob"yedinennyy inatitut yadernykh insledovaniy) TITLE: A precision Hall magnetometer'./ SOURCE: Pribory i tekhnika eksperimentaq no, 5, 1966, 203-2o6 TOPIC TAGSt magnetometer, Hall effect Ll ABSTRACT: A magnetorneter based on the Ha ct is described which -- I -ef fc~~ comprises a thermostatically controlled InPAs Hall voltage detector 1.8 x 1.2 x 0.3 mm) in size (1), a Hungarian Elhq ultra-sensitive thermostat(2), a stabilized current supply (3), a compensating circuit (4), and a potentiometer (5) (see Fig. 1). The thermostat, which is connected to the detector casing by two insulated rubber hoses. controls the temperature of the detector by circulating water around it. Detectoi temperature varies no more than 10.2-0.3C for ambient temperature changes of 15C and hose lengths of 7 and 14 m. The maximum measurement error for temperature changes of 15C does not exceed 0.008-0.012%. The stabilized current supply provides excitation current (nominal value, 50 imamp) to the detector@ This current is kept constant within about lCard 112 UDC: 621.317.444 L l L 08497-67 ACC NR- Ap6o34239 2' .4 3, I Fig. 1. Magnetometer block diagram 1 - Hall,voltage detector; 2 - ultra- sensitive thermostat; 3 - stabilized current supply;-4 - compensatin'g cir- cuit; 5 '- potentiometer. G 10-3% by placing the critical control elements, which include a pre- cision resistor used to generate a reference voltage and a comparison bridge, in the thermostat. The difference between the detected Hall voltage and the voltage across the precision resistor is measured with the potentiometer. The overall RMS measurement error, including calibration error, does not exceed 0.05%. The circuit, used since 1962,1 is,built v 'ith s6lid-state components and can meaGure both uniform and varying magnetic fields with gradients up to 30 T/m. Orig. art. bas: 4 figures. Sun CODEI 08/ SUBM DATE: 12Nov65/ ORIG REFt 0061 ATD PRESS: 5103 Cord 212 afs KUZNETSOV, Nikulay Borisovich; DIYAKOV, N.F., red. (Reconditioning of rear-axle housings of the IDT-410 and TDT-60 hauling tractors] Vosst&novIenie kurpaoa zadrdkh mostov trelevochnykh traktorov TDT-40 i TDT--('~O. Mosk-7a, Biuro tekhn. informatali, 1963. 7 p. 0,-~l!--jt l?-.9) DIXMV, N. odpolkovnik meditsinskoy sluzhby; FEDOhETS) B.A.j kapitan maditainskoy sluzhby Use of some forms of sanitary control in the navy. Voen.-med. zhur. no,'7:44-46 JI 161. (NAVAL HYGIENE) (1-URA 1.5'.1) D"-VAKOV, TI.V. Introducing a pneun, aluic chill castinc- maclilne. Bi til. te' h.- e'won.inforn..Gos.nauch.-issl.inst.r.auci-,.-;. tekh.inform. no.8:15-16 Ag 165. (I"IF-A 18: 1-2) 27389 S/143/61/000/'003//001/005 3 5- D201/D301f AUTHORS: D' ak 9 Engineer, Udalovt N.R., Candid P? Te--cYmical Sciences, Docent, Tishchenko, I SW4 te of Technical Sciences TITLE: A contactless impulse generator PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy. Energetika, no. 3, 1961, 41 - 44 TEXT: The article gives suggestions for the design and shows -.he cxperimental results of an investigation of the contactless pulse 90nerator (CPG). The circuit diagram (Fig. 1) includes a heated element PTS, whose working body is connected in the control cir- cuit, and the heat is connected in the winding of the contactless magnetic relay BMR. At zero control current, the current flow4-ng through the heater is a maximum (Fig. lb) and the working body of the semi-conductor thermoresistance PTS is heated to a temperature of 00 + E)n where 00 = ambient temperature, and 0 the temperatu- Card 1/5 27389 S/143/61/000/003/001/005 A contactle8s impulse generator D201/D303 re rise of the PTS, corresponding to the maximum current flowing through the heater. The control current is Ii - R U (e0 + an) + ry + where U - the voltage, R (00+e n) - the value of the resistance of the Bemi-conductor thermoresistance PTS, r y - the resistance of the control winding, r additional resistance, The working cyc2e of the PTS is as follows: when the current is flowing through the PTS its resistance decreases, the current I y increases and at IY = Icp (point 2 in Figj lb), the current is sharply reduced To a very small value, and the PTS starts cooling down. Its resistance increases and the control current Iy is reduced to the value IO'M (point 3 in Fig, lb). At I = I the current is suddenly increa- -rn v o Card 2/5 27348~ S/143 /61/000/00 A contactless impulse generator D201;~b3O3 sed to a maximum value and the PTS is warmed up. These char,-Isr~, have a cyclic character. The calculation of the lengtk;h 3f_ Pul- see is reduced to calculating the dynamics of the control BMR. The calculation of a BMK 'with heated PTS does not aiffc-r from that of an ordinary PTS. For calculations the following initial conditions are required. 1) The volts-amps characieris-.Ics if the ') The heating curve of -,,he PTS, -5) Tne PTS at 0 0 and at e 0 + of. I? e. ~ ? - ~ time constant of the PTS. Tests were carried out wi-h an txperimen- tal pulse generator, whose circuit was connected as in Pl.g~, 1- The contactless magnetic relay BMR was built as a thoroid of '~h'~- band permalloy. The PTS-the semi-conductor thermo resistance of the type MMM was used with a resistance of 100 K ohm ai 2010. Its tempexa- ture characteristic was given by R = 3.3e 3010/T. The resig-tan,:~e of the heater was 1000 ohms. '~he time constant of the heat-ed PTS was T = 66 sees. The supply of energy was 40 volts, 1000 cy-cles per see. As the period of oscillations depends strongly on The U-1as of the current stabilizing device was introduced with a silicon sta- bilizer A 808 (D808). This assured U outlet = 7.3 volts at a :oeffi- Card 3/5 2 f -)8;, 3/143/61/000./005/U011" 005 A contactless impulse generator D201/D303 cient of stability 60~ The maximum heating current was 25 m. amps, which corresponded to a temperature rise of 19j, = 400C, Ar The selec- ted values of the parameters, the generaTor works at a var-~azlon of voltage from 60 to 100 volts. The depentlence of v2~.v3 ar'OLT = t 2 + T3 from the supply voltage is shown, At tests at normai ambient temperatures the generator sh(wied good stabiliti: a-. 1. := = 80 V I CM = - 26 ma (the bias current) and 0. r_ 2COC, the maximum deviation from T ep = 90 sec. did not exceed 2 sec, -4,e. abouT 2 There are 3 figures and 4 Soviet-bloc references,, ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy ordena Lenina avialsionnyy institui imeni S. Ordzhonikidze (Moscow Order of Lenin AeronauTical Institute imeni & Ordzhonikidze) SUBMITTED: April 25, 1960 Card 4/5 DIYAKOV, O.P. (Moskva); TISCHENKO, N.M. (Moskva); UDALOV, N.P. (M)skva) Time relay using a thermisor and a magnetic relay. Avtom. i telem. 22 no.5:648-653 My 161. (MIRA 14:6) (Electric relays) (Delay networks) SAVVIN, L., inzh. (Moldaviya); YEMIAKOV, A., inzh. (Sverdlovsk); TRUSOV, I., inzh. (Frunze); IVAPOV, N.;'PIAKSEE =E, (t. (Kherson); KNCROZ, M. (L'vov); GROIPENKO, P., rabochiy (Novosibirsk); TARASOV, 0. (Novorassiyak); DYAKOV, P., inzh. (Kamensk- Shakhtinskiy); BUMOV, V., 'Aots''en"t (Moskva); SUNDAKOV,. M., inzh., student; PCRTNOV, Ya., kard. tekhn. nauk (~hkhachkala); FETRCIV, Yu.,, inzhener-stroitell (Ivanovo) Readers argue,, agree, advise. Tekh. mol. 31 no.6:6-9 163. (MM 16:7) 1. Starshiy inzhener Usoltskogo mashinostroitellnogo zavoda (for Ivanov). 2. Moskovskoye vyssheye tekhnicheskogo uchilishche imeni Baumana (for Butusov), 3. Zaochnoye otdeleniye fakullteta zhurnal-istiki leningradskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta (for Sundakov). (Technological innovations) D'Y.1-~.KOV, F- 27-6-5/29 AUTHOR: D'yakov, P., Director of Construction School 11r. 4, Iyanovo. TITLE; For the Construction Sites of Our Country (Dlya, stroyek nashey strany) PERIODICAL: Professionallno - Tekhnicheskoye Obrazovaniyeq 1957, Nr. 6(145), p 6 (ussR). ABSTRACT: The construction school # 4 has graduated more than 7,200 qua- lified bricklayers, carpenters, plasterers, fitters etc. A workhsop for reinforced-concrete practice has been recently established. The article points to the modern work methods applied by the students and the highly qualified specialists who serve as instructors. There are 3 photos. ASSOCIAT10N: Building School Nr- 4, (Ivanovo) (Stroitellnaya shkola Nr. 4 (Ivanovo). AVAILABLE: Libniry of Congress Card 1/1 DIYAKOV, P.F. Mandrel for machining surfaces for nuts and collars. Mashinostroitell no.2t24 F 165. (MIRA 180) V I r/4ee e P T, RYTbLIH. i*Hv,t-in;~qAer,; D.IYAKOV, P.I., Inshener. ~-~~WfAa w 6ianis"~iiou*o-f elsc'trio-traA;qdOs,ion line repairs with the aid of mechanized repair stations (RHa). Mnergetik 5 no.4-.1-6 Ap 157- Ollectric lines) (MLRA 10W I*-, SOV/91-59-1-2/26 AUTHORS: Rytslin, A.M. and D'yakov, P.I., Engineers TITLE: On Expanding the Utilization Field of Mobile Telescopic Towers (Rasshireniye oblasti primeneniya avtoteleskopichee- kikh vyshek) PERIODICAL: Energetik, 1959, Nr 1, pp 4 - 9 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The article is a report on new experiences in the Sergovskiy network area belonging to the "Donbassenergo") on the expanded utilization of mobile telescopic towers. The au- thors describe and illustrate how such towers (mentioned .are the VT-13-5 and VI-23 types installed on the ZIL-151 trucks) can be employed in exchanging some parts of the wooden power-transmission supports, in constructing power- transmission lines across RR tracks, telecommunication lines and othei power- transmission lines, on how such 'towers may be used as truck tractors and be of help at the distribut- ing installations of the substations. Work efficiency be- Card 1/2 comes higher. It will be th& task of the plant producing SOV/91-59-1-2/26 On Expanding the Utilization Field of Mobile Telescopic Towers the mobile telescopic towers (ORGRES), in cooperation with practicing electricians, to improve the present type of mobile telescopic tower. There are 2 tables and 5 diagrams. Card 2/2 Y D I TAX(I, P. 11. nidromekhanizatsiia aemlianykh rabot na zheleznodorozhnrm transnorte. /-Ilydromechani7,ation-of carth works in railroad transporultion-7. 2. i7d. Mos,va, 7.ranszheldori7dat, 1950. 401m. SO: Soviet Transportation and Comminicationsg~ A Biblio~-raphy, Library of" ~;ongress, Re-feren~c--e Department, Washington, 1952 Un-cl7assified, 9 DITAKOV, P.P. Selecting optimum operating conditions for h7draulic pipeline dredges. Transp. stroi. 6 10-3:20-23 Mr 156. (HLUA 9:7) l.Nachallnik tresta Ti-anegidromekhanizatsiya. (Dredging machinarv) DITAKOV, P.P., inzhener, . , ~ -11~ , . 1, Automatic control of dredging machinery. 14ekh.stroi. 14 no#3:19- 21 Mr 157- (MLRA 10:4) (Automatic control) (Dredging machinery) DITAKOV, P.P. eft " , , 4dranachanization of operations in the construction of trananortation facilitims. Transp. stroi. 8 no. 6:3-19 J& 158. (MIRA 11:7) 1. Glavnyy inzhener trasta Tranagidrostroy. (Dredging machinery,) DIYAKOV, P.P. Device for condensing and processing pulp in dredging machiner7. Suggested by P.P.Dliakov. Rats.i izobr.v stroi. no.9:24-29 159. (14IRI, 13:1) 1. Po materialam tresta Tranegidroatroy Ministerstva trans- portnogo strottellstva. (Dredging machinery-Fquipment and supplies) 'ACC NR1 AT6006923 SOURCE CODE: UR/0000/65/000/000/0369/0376 AUTHOR: Dtyakonov,, S, G ; Usmanov, A. G, ORG: Kazan Chomico-toohnological Institute (Kazgnskiy kbimiko- tekbn6logichaskiy institut) 44 TITLE: Application of similarity thaory-in statistical analysis of anisotropic turbulence 'SOURCE: Teplo- i massoperenos, t. II: Teplo- i massoperenos pri vzaimodeystvil tel a potoksmi zbidkostey I gazov (Heat and mass transfer v. 2: Heat and mass transfer in the interaction of bodies witb liquid and gas flows). Minsk, Nauka. i tekbnikap 1965, 369-376 TOPIC TAGS: anisotroplo medium, fluid flow, statistic analysis, similarity tboory ABSTRACT: Assuming the similarity of systems witb a large number of degrees of freedom, the autbors attempt to evaluate the distribution function for the turbulent velocity pulsations in enisotropic turbulence This offers the possibility of solving the Reynolds equation* The situation can be presented in the form of the functional relationsbip: U.-DT(dS), C-nrd 1/2 ACC N111 AT6006923 in which the form of the function remains identical for systems with an identical mechanism of internal transfer. The article demonstrates by an extended mathematical development that use of the above kinetic entropy equation for investigation of anisotropic turbulence makes it possible to close the system ofequations for the turbulence and to obtain information on the internal structure of flow with transverse sliD. without assumptions of any kind as to the distriVu-tion of any 61- the ariables over the cross section of the flow. Orig. art. has: 24 formulas, SUB COM 201 SUBM DATE., 09N(iv6!;/ ORIG REF: 002/ OTH REF: 002 At" X Z, -- .7 KALCHENKOV, A.M.; DI YAKOT, S.I. wawlmw~- Using the anoptral method of microscopy In bacteriological practice. Lab.delo 3 no.4:28-30 J1-Ag 157. (MIRA 10:8) 1. Iz kafedry mikrobiologii Voyeano-meditainskoy ordena lanina akademli nauk S.H.Kirova (PHASN MICROSCOPY) (BAMRIOLOGY) :.P) , "er /, ~-', .5 -/- - D'YAKOV, S.I. 11 Intraspecific typing of Some dysentery bacteria according to antibiotic properties. Lab.delo 3 no.6:32-34 11-D '57- (HIRA 11:2) 1. Is kafedry mikrobiologii Voyeano-meditsinskoy ordene lenina akademii imeni S.H.Kirova. (SHIGELIA PARADYSENTNRI") (BACTERIAL AHTAGONISH) DIYAKOV, S.I. Antibiotic properties of dysentery bacteria; author's abstract. Zhur,m1krobiolsepid. i immun. 28 no.9:80-81 5 157. (MIRA 10:12) 1. Iz Voyanno-meditBinakoy ordena Lenina skademii imeni S.M.Kirova. (AlIrIBIOTICS. determination in Shigella dysenterlae ~Rus)) (SHIGF,LJA DYSENTERIAE, antibiotic properties (Rue)) U r-,9 R V.); ABS. JoUR. Ra-~ Zliur-31oloniya 11c 1j, 1.959 1,10. 11j7 71 !"ilit, ry I-ib-lotic T ITT I E : Int,,r- lr)trar~. Action or Dyser;terg ;Iicteria Inv e s t f, -1 on) Tr. Voyen.,-mud., akid., 1957, 77, 5-46 AESTIMOT : '.,-.,o abstract Cj,. PD : 11/1 APE . JOUR. AT19 0 R 1 T LE 0 IR I G. PUB. No. 14770 ABSTRACT :0- d-'fferent t,.,e;3 ~,.ao bc -in, ~-a- -1c t e! - au-.~'---r i.,., of e op'.oJou ~'nati fLf.r, charac 1; of 1-:- Later- ai~i~, r-. z; rare' a r, caL:mot be of u:,e in delin~.--~Aor*' y oacteria ac--crdJLYi- to tyjes aiia of u o variants. -- G.P. Kalina CA RD 2/2 DIYAKOV, S.I. A -new- criterion of species as applied to microorganisms; evaluation. Zhur. mikrobiol. epid.1 immun, 29 no.12:109-112 D 158. (KIRA 12:1) 1. Iz kafedry mikrobiologii Voyenno-meditsinskoy akRdemii imeni Kirova. (MIG.,IOBIOWGY. criterium of species (-%a)) DASHIRVICH, 1.0.; DIYAKOV, S.I.; YEIMAKOV, N.V.; IVANOVA, M.T.; KAY-BORODA, G.M. Staining Salmonella typhosa eith fluorescent antibodies. Zhur. mikrobiol.apid. i iman- 30 no.1:97-102 Ja '58- - (MIRA 12:3) 1. Is Voyenno-meditainskov ordena Lenina akademii Imeni Kirov-a. (SAIKORRLLA TrMOSA, stain. by fluorescent antibodies (Rue)) (ANTIBODIES, fLiorescent antibodies, stain. of Salmonella typhosa (Rus)) DIUKOT, S.I., ITAXOTA, A.1o; MWEMOT, A.M. Comparative evaluation of microbiological applications of phaso and anoptral methods of contrasting. Zhur.mikrobiol.,epid.i immun. 30 no.12-.112-114 D 159. (KMA 13:5) 1. TZ Voy's='o-meditainekoy ordeua Lenina akademii imeni Kirova. (MIGMSOOPT) (MIGROOMANIMS) SINITSKIYO A.A.,- DIU&, S.I.; MIKHAYLOV, I.F;;. 141KITIN, V.M.; GSIPOVA, I.V. Use of an indirect method f'or staining'P. peutis with fluorescent antibodies. Report No,'I:Specificity of staining and morphological characteristics of plague vaccine eel-Is. Zhur.mikrobiol.epid.i imun. 31 no.11:35-39 N 160.. (MIRA 14:6) 1. Iz Vo7,~no_meditsinskoy ordena Lenina akademii imeni Kirova. (PIAGUE) (VACCINES) (ANTIGENS AND ANTIBODIES) DASEKEVICH, 1.0.; DYAKOV,, Se'l.; YER4AKOV, N.V.; IVANOVA, M.T.; OSIPOVA, 13. Use of an indirect fluorescent antibody method in species- and type-sppcific of certiLin pathogenic bacteria. Zhur.mikr,)biol.epod. i immun. 31 no.3.1-.4-3,49 N 160. (MIRA 14:6) 1. Iz Voyenno-meditaiiiskoy ordena Lenina ak~Aerni imeni Kirova. (ANTIGENS AND ANTIBODIES) (SERUM DIAGNOSIS) MIKWLOVy Ivan Fedoravichl DIYAKOV, Sergey Ivanovich. Prinimali uchasti- yes DASHKEVICH, 1.0,j I uVj-y.V ; IVANOM, M.T.; LI LI; OSIPOVA, I.V.; WWROD1, G.M.; USI~iiSKIY, V.Ly red.; ZUYYVA, N.K.# tekhn. red. [Fluotds*cence microscopy; app4cation in medical microbiology] Liuminestsentnaia mikroskopiJAI primenenie v meditc-inskoi mikro- biologii Moskva, Medgiz, 1961. 222 p. (MIRA 15:1) iFLUORESCENCE MICROSCOPY) (MICPBIOLOGY) BUGROVAI V.I., kand. med. nauk; VIHOGRADOVA, I.N., kand.biol. nauk; _jknnd. mod. nauk; ZlIDMIOV, V.14. , prof.; ZlllUKOV-VEREZlfllIKOVp N.N., prof.; ZE14TSUVAj O.M., kand. med. nauk; IMSBEUETSKIY, A.A., prof.; IUJINA, G.P... prof.; KAUIEllp D.R., kand. med. nauk; KOVALEVA, A.I., doktor med. nauk; KRASILINIKOV, N.A., prof.; KUDLAY, D.G., doktor biol. nauk; LEBEDEVA, M.N., prof.; PERETS, L.G., prof. (deceased]; PE191OV, A.P.p doktor biol. nauk; PLtITELYES, Kh.Kh., prof.; POGIAZOVA, M.N., kand. biol. nauk; PROZOROV A A.; 333,IITSKIY, A.A., prof.; FEDGROV, M.V., prof. [deceasedi; ;lWIllA-VAGIllA, V.I., kand.biol. nauk; VYGODCHIKOV, G.V., prof., zamestitell otv. red.; ADO, A.D., prof., red.; BAROYAH, O.A., prof., red.; BILIBIN) A.F., prof., red.; BOLDYPSV, T.Ye., prof., red.; VASHKOV, V.I., doktor med. nauk, red.; VYAZOV, O.Ye., doktor red. nauk, red.; GAUZE, G.F., prof., red.; GOSTEV, V.S., prof., red * GORIZONTOV, P.D., prof., red.; GRINBAUM, F.T., prof.) red: (deceased], GROMASHEVSKlY, L.V., prof., red.; YELKIV, I.I., prof., red.; ZA9UKHIN, L.N., doktor biol. nauk, red.; ZDRODOVSKIY, P.F., prof., red.; KAPICHNIKOV, M.M., kand. =d. nauk, red.; KLEMPARSKAYA, N.N.., prof., red.; KOSYAKOV, P.N., prof., red.; LOZOVSKAYA, Ye.S., kand. med. nauk, red.; WSKIY,j.N., prof., red.; MUROIRTSEV, S.N., prof., red. Ldeceaseaj; (Continued on next card) BUGROVA, V.I.-(continued) Card 2. NIKITIN, M.Ya., red.; NIKOLAYEVA, T.A., red.; PAVWVSKIY, Ye.14... akademik., red.; PASTUKHOV, A.P., kand. med. nauk, red.; PETRISHCHEVA, P.A., prof., red.; POYMOVSKAYA, M.P., prof., red.; POPOV, I.S.j kand. med~.nauk, red.; ROGOZIN, I.I., prof. red.; RUDDEV, G.P., prof., rcd.; SEWIYEV, P.G., prof., red.; SKRYABIN, K.I., akad., red.-,- SOKOWVj N.L. prof. red,; SODOVIYEV,N.D., prof., red.; TRIBULEV, O.P,, dotseut-, red.; CHMIAKOV, M.P., 1wof.j, red.; SHATRC7. T.Ly prof., red.; TIMAKOV, V.D.0 prof*,t red.toma; TROITSM9 V,L,, prof*# red. toma; PMOVA,, N.K.,; [Multivolume manual on the microbiology clinical aspectss and epidemiology of infectious dieeasesi I-Inogotomnoe rukovod- stvo po mikrobiologii klinike i epidemiologii infektsionnykh boleznei. 0tv. red. N.N.Zhukov-Verezhnikov. Moskva, Medgiz. Vol.l. (General microbiology) Obshchaia mikrobiologiia. Otv. red. N.N.Zhukov-Verezhnikov. 1962. 730 p. NIRA 15:4) 1. Deystvitellnyy chlen Akademii meditsinskikh nauk SSSH (for Zhdanov, Zhukov-Verezhnikov, Vygodchikov, Bilibin, Vashkovp Gromashevskiy, Zdrodovskiy, Rudnev, Sergiyev, Chumakov, Timakov, Troitskiy). (Continued on next card) BUGROVA, V.I.-(continued) Card 3. 2. Chlon-korrespondent Akademii nauk SSSR (for Imshanetskiyp Krasillnikov). 3. Chlen-korrespondent Akademii meditsinskikh nauk SSSR (for Planellyos, Baroyan, Boldyrev, Gorizontov, Petrishcheva~ llogozin). 4. Deystvitellnyy chlen Voesoyuznoy akademii sellskokhozyaystvenrWkh nauk im. V.I.Lenina (for Muromtsev). (MICROBIOLOGY) DASHKEVICH, 1.0.; DIYAKOV., S,I.; NIKITIN, V.M.; OSIPOVA, I.V. Methodology for the treatment of bacteriological preparations with fluorescent antibodies. Zhur..mikrobiol., epid. i immiln. 33 no.7:101-107 JI 162. WIRA 17:1) 1. Iz kafedr mikrobiologii i biokhimii Voyenno-meditsinskoy ordena Lenina akademii imeni Kirova. DIYAKOV, S.I. Mcthod of intravital fluorochromizing of microorganisms in an agar culture medium chamber. Lab. delo no.8:489-491 165. (MIRA 18:9) 1. Kafedra m1krobialogii Voyenno-meditsinskoy ordena Lenina akademii Jmen! Kirova, Leningrad. SOURCE CODE: UR/0177/66/000/010/0062iC)C,65 ,9%u'r110R: D' akov, S. 10 (Lieutenant colonel, Medical corps, Docent); e k (Docent) 4 ORG: none !TITLE: Immunofluorescent method for rapid determination in native materials of antibiotic sensitivity in microbial agents k0 ~SOURCEt Voyanno-meditainakiy zhurnal, no. 10, 1966, 62-65 TOPIC TAGSt immunofluorascent method# antibiotic sensitivity, )'V toooi J an Q11 64 ABSTRACT: A rapid immunofluorescent method for determination of anti- biotic sensitivity in microbes has been developed which takes less time than standard methods, which take at least 20 hr. Petri dishes contain ing antibiotic disks between thick layers of nutrient media are seeded with suspensions of unknown materials. The dishes are then incubated briefly, treated with a fluorescent chemical, and studied microscop- ically. Nonsonsitive, sensitive, and weakly sensitive cells were clearl distinguishable by the way they fluoresced. This method was comparable in accuracy to standard bacteriological methods and generally took fivel :ord 1 / 2 UDC: 576.8.097.22:615.770 - L 08555-67 -XCC,--N- -R:-AP 6 0 3 3 9 19 hr, as opposed to 20-24 hr for standard methods. Orig, art. hast 3 figures* [W.A. 501 SUB CODE: 06/ SUBM DAM none e 0 1 1 I I/ DIYAKOV, S. M., Cand of Agric Sci -- (diss) Comparative Study of the Growth and Development and Meat Itiality of the Young /Sic/ Red Steppe Breed and its Mixture With the Kurganskly /Breed/," Kiev, 1959, 19 pp (Ukrainian Academy of Agricultural Sciences) (KL, 5160, 128) D'YjIXOVJP S. P. Deceased Physics See IW -~I;. 22851-6-6 E9P(J)/T/trC-(m)---6-- ~ IJ-Pi(c) ~~tlkm ACE -7 -1027 NR, AP IZJJt) SOURCE CODM: UR/0409/66700 N169701 A10. AUTHOR: Dyankov, S. S.; Shopov, D. M. ORG: Institute of Organic Chemistry, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia (Inotitut --kYfRT-D=ogars oy organich irs , a ademii nauk) TITLE: Synthesis and polymerization of difurylmethylvinylsilane and dimethylfurylvi silane nS. 2, 1966, 169-171 SOURCE: Khimiya geterotsiklicheskikh soyedeneniy, TOPIC TAGS: difurylmethylvinylsilane,dimethylfurylvinylsilane, polymerization, thermally stable polymer ABSTRACT: Difurylmethylvinylsilane and dimethylfurylvinylsilane have been synthesizedi from furyllithium and methyldichloro- and dime thyle tho xy-vi nyls i1 are in yields of 50.0 and 58.5%, respectively. Polymerization of the monomers in the presence of 2% ethyllithium yielded solid polymers. The polymers were white powders insoluble in cyclohexane, benzene and chlorobenzene. IR spectroscopy indicated that the polymers have the following structures: C)12-CH- C11 -C11- 2 A C"3-S1- 00 0 1 C113 C113 Card 1/2 IMC- 547,722+546-287+543. 22+ 1,2.-q5k--- L 22851-66- ACC NR: AP6012336 The results of differential thermal analysis showed that the polymers withstand Orig. art. has: 2 figures. liol I -~ ' '. SUB CODE: 07, ll/ SUBM DATE: O2Jul65/ OTH REF: 003/ SOV REF: 002/. ATD PRESS: Cri;~ L vt 1 oc hr", f Or vch Propseation Of Waves f'r 3"r I I id ?kit A Ehbm% kwm, 1.1 'N w- (l-)AJ&S1-dL V-I V 'I w, Ali-It (-1#41..: W,,. ,.r,A4wtsii ~in H(j"iAH,1. -%'$, VS, W41- I'll I" It) h WPFVIK~ W K,P%-AlAnk-IV'w1 PAM, 11143. At-r tht. 111111INtAntV 1A C!1111444~41 t4 juilAing knowle4tito gair"'l in vAeum, twanchft lot r1cwttkat e"Itior"i6it "ArAing III, trAn~1-4-m 4 elftlirwal rnefzy. and- III Ar,wriol,ing gen"Oki theoty 0 trantmisom The h4lowinit lict!"' are 1WWAY (114clivW41 ;--- (1) Me nuinher owl VISIIJU:%r". the tylr', M 0 1111 SP tied In A TIMP "I , -ndu.l- the inipeolineps al JK1 tramI4 itinig And mr-al aPPAtetil't. end 141 the SMYMMACY W the , V"Ible 0 06 ill the q*VqWP"1t"t .11 4 Ke-11, Ime W the thvny are arvi Indiram &-I loc lizaaWle the derivation " latmulas for detennininWtIle Vultlieft 45d Currvato -- lie line in tettns of its "condWy parsmtm. the determial tion of tertiary parameters of an equivalent four- pole circuit network, the inveatiFation (with the aid of a model)of the sOlUtlzns of differtintial equations representing the processed taking place OIL the line, etc, YAK1011 V. A. C"Al-A OR D.R F E-? OR L) In defewled ME; tbrisia 11 Osiiovii,,,-,N-e jvlozlictniya tec,r-'..i ianoGo)-,-rovodn:,?-kll lini,., i pri-lozlinmilyu yc,.m k ru-ichctam r;!-;olcochaslklotny6 kanalov po lin-li. cloht.ropereditchlO for dar-i-ee of Doktor taklmi- choskikh nauk cit. Energetichoskly itictitat im, l%rzlil,.,,li:,nowjkof-,o. ~;mxco: Elcktriclcatvop 19,17t llo, 1). (A-C.). F-5025 D'YArr-CW, V. A. D I Yako-!, V. A. - 11 -n a et', ,! of Inv, ot I ' , n. n n~ 'At..' w!r.-, , " " .- --I- i ~ -, r ,., r clectrical systu-nlly Isvestiya Aka~. np-,,,I- latv. Ssr, 194~, 111,71. 4, T-~- 11-22, e in Latvian). 50: U-4 3Q2 , I'l Au-~lzst 53, (LotIO,", 'Zilurrial triyl%-!- -*,t,,ttf--,,,, No. 21, - I . 'I 4j Gq StondadIlAtIon Of the metho or caiculating.)be Latvfarri. Ys. Math. es!~j Iyau, Lyo. 1z, twilole No. 41) '171-84 (1. 'R~ussian;'.Lritvlftll..;unimary),-Aititay showed that It is ible to det. mathematically the pro- portion$ of various metals tot be u5ed In production of alloY,% ofthtcleshtdpropertics. tquations whose no. depends on the no. of the components In the given alloy. The math. evniuation of the problem 'permitted constructinn of a potentiometer Instrument which W92 expected to fitellitate routhic ailcm, of ximilar nuture In loundries and spe .cialixed custing plan(s. m. 0. irolomity SPIVAi[OVSKIYt A.O.; "EDVEDEV, L.G.; POTAPOV, M.G.1 DIIIOVp V.A. Prospects of expansion ana ways of improving conveyer-transportation ip open-pit mining, Ugoll 36 no,2:17-21 F 161. (1,111RA 14i2) . (Strip mining) (Conveying inachinary) DII(AKOV, V.A. p WrOV, R.A.., karid. tt,,kfin. naU- P r ri b 1. e m o f s , I e c t 1 n g, a tri -j -, i ri, i c, f -: t -lin"i -, y r, r, t r rL., t.; r, ~-, r I a I , I r,,, l -l' n r,, 0a 1 inining 1)~,, z-hort walln wlth- i-mctc! control of the cquip;.ent. Naucr, (l,fTRA soob. IGD 26:48-61 165. 18:)) K('6TJ, G.N.Y kand. tekhri. ilauk; D17AXil" V i'" A - .- i I , , . - ,- - , p~, b~~ 1 t:3 4 1, 'Ili -t~- ;f rJ~Z~tr 1,, 7xperLv--itai t~,jtlr,- of th--- k~la~ the fie-A. Nauch, soob. IGD 26:71-74 ',~5. D'YAKCJV, V.A.p inzh. A device for testing the interaction between the elastic lining of a drive drum and the conveyer belt. Nlauoh. soob. IGD 26:88- 94 165. (MIRA 18,.9) D'YAKGV, V..,X.p inzh.,* E(.T61j', ,;~kila. n~uk Operating conditi.criz,, oi' the drivc; drum cf a I?r.,It conveyer. Nuuch. scob. IGD 26:116-129 165. (mip'A 18:9) ? Att'_RkTiF6603310 SOURCE CODE: UR/0129/66/000/001/001#9/0052 AUMOR: W a, Z. A. jL,)2,kov ORG: Giprqjxg.~temash TITLE: Kh23N7SL' steel as a replacement for H1316,high-nickel steel in the production of bg-it.Mr'?qin'tant ca 8-i ~ - - --- 1- 1 1-tims- SOURCE: lietallovedeniye i termicheskaya obrabotka metallov, no. 1. 1966, 49-52 TOPIC TAGS: cast steel, structural hardware, petroleum industry equirmlent, metal oxidation, hiah temperature strength I Kb23N7SL Cr-Ni steel ABSTRACT: Normally B1316 (K1119) steel (22-267. 11-14% 1,4 used in the USIR i) iv I to cast accessories for petroleum-refinery pipe-stills (the equivalent steels used I -ibroad for t-hia purpose are Cr-Ni steels of the 2,5-12 qpc).; thiii includes the cascingl of such accessories as the mounts serving to support tubes~ 'in the furnace-arch zone, which are expoged to gnsea as hot as 800-1000"C and experience stresses of 0.8-1.2 kg/~ An2. These notints nre moreover exposed to contamination with sulfur, since the Uur- nace. nozzles and bur-ners operate mostly with hi~4-sulfur fuel (fuel oil, pe- 67 iur troleLIM) ard the furnace gases are saturated iAth s I compounds. in this connectionj I i 1UiZ3N7SL steel, which contains 21-25% Cr and 6-8% Ni and up to 1.2% Si, was selected Ifor tests as a replacement for E1316 steel. The cast structure of Kh23N7SL steel re- 112 UDC: -6- ACC NRs AP6003310 presents an austenite with hetero-pbase sectors which appear to consist of t) -ferrite, austenite and carbides and have a microhardness of 300-580 compared with 260-350 for the basic solution. The mechanical properties of both steels at room temperature and at 700-950*C were determined by means of short-time tensile tests which showed that at 700-950*C Kh23N7SL steel is not infertor in strength and plasticity to E1316 steel., At 200c (room temperature), however, the" of Kh23N7SL steel is lower (0.8-1.4 kg/rm2 compared with ~Z kgIM2 for E1316 steel, which is apparently due to the presence of an cutectic componept in the structure. Extrapolation of experimental findings on stress-ru ture strength to 10,000 and 100,000 hr shows that at 750-850*C the high-temperature strength of Kh23N7SL steel surpasses that of E1316 steel, while at 900-950*C it becomes nearly equal. What is moxe,the oxidation resis !~ nee of Kh23N7SL steel is almost as high as that of E1316 steel (the corrosionitate of Kh23N7$L steel specimens tested for 1800 hr in the thermal-cracking and pipe-still fur- naces of the Moscow Petroleum Refiner was 0.04 mm/year against 0.03 mm/year for E1316 steel). The findings on proneness to embrittlement in the process of long-term aging are equally satisfactory. For all these reasons, Kh23N7SL type Cr-Ni steel may be re- commended for the production of cast accessories for, in particular, petroleum-refiner) furnaces. Orig. art. has: 7 figures, 3 tables. ~SUB CODE: 05, 11, 13, 20/ SUIR4 D&TZ: none/ ORIG REF:' 000/ OTH REP: 000 2/2 "~"' j'__] T" FOXIN, Vladimir Yakoylevich; PURAT , Vladimir Llvovich; LOYOVA,L.A., redaktor; DIYAKOV V* retsenzent; KARZHXV,V.I., retsezwent; ~ ~PV POLUBOYARINO;,~-aov..,".retaeazent; ROZHINSrLIY,P.S., retsenzent; SA,PSAYMKO,I.I., retsenzent; GREWSHEYA.I.G., retsenzent [%quipment of factories producing synthetic liquid fuel; instal- lation. maintenance, and operation] Oborudovanie zavodov iskusetyan- nogo Ahidkogo topliva; sontazh. remont i ekspluatatBiia. Moskva, Goo. nauchno-tekba. izd-vo neftianoi i gorno-toplivnoi lit-ry, 1955. 400 p. (Liquid fuels) (MLRA 90) USSR/ Engineering - Metals tooting Card 1/1 Pub. 128 15/28 Authors I Voltfoont So 1.0 Cando, of Meah. ~Sc. Dtyakovt V. Go, Cando of Mach. So.; and Abramoval Z. Asp ing. Title I Low-al loy silicon-manganose steel, Mark HK Periodical. I Vest. mash. 35/6o 65:- 67v Jun 1955 Abstraot I The HK silicon-manganese steel specimens consisting of electric welded pipes measuring 529 x 9 mm,, and sheets 16 mm thick., were tested at Is W to 9000 temperatures to determine their plasticity and the impact strength. Technical data is given on chemical composition and types of specimens used. The above mentioned steel Is manufactured by the n1l'in" plant. Mustra- tiono; diagrams; tables. institution Submitted ,/bow-slloy structural stc~!s MK end M- V Sz. I VZA~fiotl. ir,- givea of steel NIK, contg. C 0.10-0,15, Mit 1-2 -1 4, J c, -0 S, and Cr 0. NI-0 - 15'76 and of 9 steel . coutg. 0 0 10, Mi, 1 4, S~ 0.2, vid Cu 0.3%, for the -70 to +,1W' ruage it rield w!u t it MW is acit less thatt 20 kx.,; sq. mui , ~ud n~ Strench ou 11cmajer burs at -70" is u.t I.-tr 4 Lg- m.; iq. cm. for MK =d 7 kj..;m,,*sq. cm (,-,r \1 AUTHOR: D'yakov, V.-G. , Candidate of Technical Sciences. 129-9-3/14 TITLE: Properties of the Stee130579- (Svoystva Stali E1579) PERIODICAL Metallorvedmi-ye i Obrabotka Metallov" (Metallurgy and Metal Tre tment), 1957, No.9, pp.9-16 (U.S.S.R.) ABSTRACT: According to the standard specifications the composition of this steel is as follows:- 0.16-0.22 % C, 0.40 % Sil 0.35-0-50% Mo, 0-30Lff50% W, 0-03%ax% S, 0 .030max% P. card 1/3 0.25-0-50% Mn, 2-5-3% Cr, 0.70-0.85% V, 0.25max% Ni, After hardening or normalisation annealing followed by high teraperature tempering, this material is successfully usedr-... for highly stressed components operating between 500 and 520 C and,under special conditions,also inside hydrogen saturated media. The author and Z. A. Abramova investigated the metal of six industrial melts, the compositions of which are given in Table 2, p.10. The influence was studied of the fluctuations of the chemical composition within the specified limits on the properties of the steel. Furthermore, the mechanical properties of the steel were investigated at various temperatures (20,450,500,550 and '000 C); the impact strength was measured at +20 and -50 C and also after Properties of the Steel 3A 579. (Cont.) 129-9-3/3A holding for 2000 hours at 450, 500, 550 and 600 C. Equally, the thermal brittleness and the thermal stability were studied. It is concluded that after heat treatment this steel has a high strength and toughness and also a satis- factory ductility which are conserved at elevated tempera- tures and also at sub-zero temperatures. For this steel the following stable mechanical properties can be obtained at 20 and 550 0 respectively: Temperature Ob a s slo ak oc kg/mm2 kg/mM2 % % kgm/CM2 20 85 75 14 60 6 0 550 50 40 12 60 2 at -50'C In the temperature range 450-500 C a certain tendency to thermal brittleness was observed, long duration annealing at 600 0 leads to a decrease in the short duration strength. The results obtained for the long duration strength and creep indicate that this steel has a relatively high thermal stability. The stresses which bring about fracture after Card 2/3 10 000 hours anda creep speed of 10- mm/mm-hr arg respectively 10.5 and 7.6 kg/MM2 at 600 C and 17 and 13 kg/mm' at 550 C. Properties of the Steel 3"579. (COnt.) 129-9-3/14 The permissible fluctuations of the chemical composition of this brand of steel show an appreciable influence on the critical points, mechanical properties and the tendency to develop thermal brittleness and, therefore, it is advisable to establish the correct heat treatment for each melt on the basis of results of short duration tensile and impact strength tests. The properties of this steel are such that it can be considered suitable for components of highly stressed equip- ment operating at 550 C inclusive. There are 12 tables, 6 figures and one Slavic reference. ASSOCIATION: GIPRONEFTEMASh. AVAILABLE: Card 3/3 'Y/9 A- C 133-9-17/23 AUTHOR: Dlyakov, V.G., Candidate of Technical Sciences. TITLE: !h~e`_i~iiuu_en-ce of Cold-rolling Conditions on Properties of 8% Chromium Steels. (Vliyaniye rezhima kholodnoy prokatki na svoystva. 8%-nykh khromistykh staley) PERIODICAL: Stall, 1957, No-9, pp. 837 - 840 (USSR). ABSTRACT: The influence of the number of passes (up to 5 passes) at a constant total reduction (up to 50%) during cold-;rolling on the tendency to work-hardening of steels X8, X8T, X8BT, X8CM (chemical compositions given in Table 1) was investigated. The investigations were carried out on rods 40 mm diai4eter, forged from 35 kg ingots (end of forging at 950 - 1 000 'C) and anpealed at 780 - 800 'C for 30 minutes and cooled with furnace (30 %/min). Specimens 6 x 10 x 25 mm cut out longitudinally from these rods were cold-rolled on a laboratory mill 210. The hardness of the specimens was measured before and after rolling. The micro- structure of rolled specimens was observed on transverse polished specimens* From the initial and rolled specimens rectangular bea.mB 3 x 3 x 25 mm were out out along the direction of rolling with a notch 1 mm deep. The latter were statically bent on a Gagarin's press with a special device (Fig.1). During bending the force P and the depth of curvature f were automatically uardl/2 recorded (typical records are shown in Fig-2). The dependence SOV/133-59-6-32/41 AUTHORS: Dlyakov, V.G., Candidate of Technical Sciences and 'Abramova-j--Ze&.~-i Engineer TITLE: On the Problem of Calculating the Strength of Low Alloy Steels (K voprosu o raschete pro--hnosti nizkolegirovannykh stale-y) PERIODICALiStall, 1959, Nr 6, pp 562-563 (USSR) ABSTRACT: These are remarks on the paper by K.S.Mi 'khalev and. M.I.Golldshteyn (Stall, 1958, Nr 10) on the same subject. The original authors suggested the use of some formulae for calculating the strength of low alloy steels. The present authors are in agreement with the original authors and quote some statistical results for the degree of agreement between the calculated and actual values. There is 1 table. ASSOCIATION: Giproneftemash Card 1/1 ZAKR~ROCHKIN, L.D.; DIYAKOV, V.G. Present status of the corrosion protection of the equipment of refineries processing sulfur-bearing crudes. KhimA tekh.topl.i maeel 5 no. 11:46-49 N 16o. (MIRA 13:11) (Petroleum refineries--Equipment and eupplies) (Corrosion and anticorrosives) 3/184/61/000/001/005/014 A104/AO29 AUTHOR: D'yakov, V.G., Candidate of Technical Sciences TITLEi Corrosion-Resistant Heat Exchanging Tubes of X8 (Kh8) Steel PERIODICALt Khimicheskoye Mashinostroyaniye, 1961, No. 1, PP- 32-34 TEXT: Inadequate corrosion resistance of X5M (Kh5M) steel tubes operating in oil-processing plants necessitated investigations into more suitable materials. Inspection of Kh8 steel containing 8% chromium developed by the Giproneftemash showed that its corrosion resistance is 2-2.5 times higher than the corrosion resistance of Kh5M steel. In 1957 the Nikopollski.y Yuzhnotrubnyy zavod (Nikopoll Southern Tube Plant) made test series of 19 x 1.5 mm and 25 x 2.5 mm heat exchanging pipes made of Kh8 steel according to qMTY 5464-56 (ChMTU 5464-56). Experimental tests were carried out on 90-mm. diameter samples made by the "Dneprospetsatal" Plant. Chemical analysis showed that KhG steel fully meets all technical requirements. Air hardening and annealing properties were tested by con- tinuous air hardening at E800C of 90 x 90 mm bylinders cut from annealed ingots. Kh8 steel has a tendency to air hardening; hardness increased Card 1/3 S/184/61/000/001/005/014 A104/AO29 Corrosion-Resistant Heat Exchanging Tubes of X8 (Kh8) Steel from HB 137-144 to HB 343-368 and its annealing properties are satisfac- tory. Results of mechanical tests proved that after tempering at 7400C (water cooling) and 780 OC (cooling in furnace) the tensile strength, plasticity and resilience of Xh6 steel met the requirements of qMTY 2968- 51 (ChMTU 2968-51). Particularly after processing at 7800C the steel Sur- passes these requirements (HB 130-144, 610 - 26.7%) which is important for rolling tubes into heat exchanging bundles. Tempering at 7800 followed by Blow cooling in the furnace is recommended because it reduces the hardness and improves the plastic properties of steal. The effect of continuous aging was determined by comparing the strength values 6v., dB and the plasticity value 8 at 200C to resilience strength ak at 20 and -400C before and after continuous aging at 300-5000C. Tests proved that Kh6 steal retains its high properties at reduced and increased tempera- tures of UP to 5000C and there were no signs of thermal brittleness or weakening in consequenca of continuous aging. Cold tubes were tested for expansion, flattening and tenacity with determination of the tensile Card 2/ 3 S/184/61/000/001/005/014 A104/AO29 Corrosion-Resistant Heat Exchanging Tubes of X8 (Kh8) Steel strength limit and proportional elongation. Expansion up to 30% and total flattening revealed no fractures and confirmed the high elasticity of KhS steel. Tnile strength tests rovided satisfactory values d. 46.6 -* 57.2 kg/mm, and & 23 -* 34. These results were confirmed during* the production of ~C19 x ~1.5 mm tubes in the Orskiy nefteperer- abatyvayushchiy zavod im. Chkalova (Orsk Ore Refinery im. Chkalov). At 80C air temperature all tubes were easily rolled similar to tubes made of annealed low-carbon steel 10. Assembling and sheeting confirmed the satisfactory properties of cold rolled Kh8 tubes and two years of opera- tional experience showed their high corrosion resistance in aggresive sulfurous media. Based on these results Gosgortekhnadzor of the RSFSR approved of the use of Kh8 steal pipes in plants operating at high pressure and at temperatures of -400C to +4200C. Card 313 S/133/61/boo/W6/bil/017 A054/A129 AUTHOR: Dfyakov, V. G., Candidate of Technical Sciences TITLE: Properties of heat-exchanger tubes made of X 8 (Kh8) type steel PERIODICAL: Stall, no. 6, 1961, 538-54o TEXT: Heat-exchanger tubes made of molybdenum-containing X5M (Kh5M) steel and used in oil refineries are not sufficiently corrosion-resistant in sulfur- containing media. Therefore, ~8 (Kh8), OT(KhPjr), *8T(Kh8VT) and Y8CM (Kh8SM) steels were tested for their application in tube production, as their corrosion-resistance is 2 - 2.5 times higher than that of Kh5M steel. The tests were carried out in the UkrNITI with the cooperation of A. I. Rizoll and A. I. Dorokhov. As a result Kh8 steel was recommended for the production of heat- exchanger tubes. The tube blanks of this steel were made in are-furnaces of the "Dneprospetsstall" Plant. Before tapping, the metal was deoxidized by aluminum, (0.75 kg/t) and bottom-cast into 2.8-ton 480 x 480-mm ingots. The cold ingots were heated to 1,300 0C in soaking pits, rolled on the blooming mill to 180-mm diameter tubings (with 17 passes, average reduction/pass: 50 mm). 0 The tube blanks were heated in a pusher-type furnace (holding time at 1,240 C at least Card 1/3 S/133/61/000/006/011/017 Properties of heat exchanger tubes ... A054/Ai2g 30 min), rolled on the breaking-down stand into 90-mm diameter tubings. The metal temperature at the beginning of rolling was 1,120 - 1,1700C, at the end no less than 800'C. In the Nikopol I skiy yuzhnotrubnyy zavod (Nikopol I Soithern Tube Plant) tubes of 19 x 1.5 and 25 x 2.5 mm size were produced according to the ChMTU 5464-56 technology from theTneprospetsstal"' tube blanks of Kh8 steel. The properties of the Kh8 steel grade were tested in the GIPRONEFTEMASh and the "Dneprospetsstall". The composition of the products 90 mm in diameter was as follows: C-- 0.08; Mn - 0.4; Si 0.35; Cr - 8.1: Ni - 0.1; Cu - 0.6; S - 0.015; P - 0.2. Hardness after hardening on air was tested on 90 mm diam- eter cylinders, 90 mm in height, at 8800C and it was found that Kh8 steel has a tendency to air-hardening and can be hardened thoroughly. The elongation and notch-toughness tests showed that the values required by the prescription ChMTU 2968-51 were obtained upon annealing at 7400C and cooling in water, and annealing at 7800C with slow cooling in furnace. The above ChMTU-prescription requires: 6B > 40 kg/mm2, 1~ _.? 17 kg/mm2 >/ 24%, _T > 50%, ak :~ 10 kgM/cm 2, HB----' 170. 'Y5 The required values hr hardness 6d relative elongation were obtained by the first annealing conditions, while, when applying 7800C and slow cooling the values were higher than those required. This is important when mounting and flanging the tubes. The strength of the products could be maintained best at Card 24 S11331611000100610111017 Properties of heat exchanger tubes ... A054/A129 high temperatures when annealing at 7400C and cooling In water. At temperatures of -600 and-700C the specimens annealed at 7400C and cooled in the furnace dis- played a sudden decrease in notch-toughness and a tendency to 0annealing brittle- ness. This was not observed when annealing took place at 780 C. By comparing the strength, the plasticity (at 200C) and notch-toughness (at 20 0C and -400q of KhS steel before and after a long holding time in the furnace at 300 - 500 C, V/ it was established that this steel did not soften and did not become brittle. The steel only showed a trend to brittleness at annealing. Thus when brittleness has to be considered,for instance, in the heat treatment of the tube during the cold rolling process, high annealing temperature and sudden cooling should be applied. Tubes made of Dneprospetsstall-tube blanks were used in the zavod im. Chkalova (Oil Refinery im. Chkalov) in boilers and it was found that they could be easily assembled and had a high corrosion resistance in sulfurous media. With this as a guide, the technology for Kh8M molybdenum steel, which has a lower corrosion resistance and is more expensive, can be replaced by Kh8 steel. In these tests, from the part of UkrNIITI the following persorLsoo-operated: A. I. Rizol', Yu. Ye. Kovalenko, A. I. Dorokhov, while the Southern Tube Part was represented by: P. I. Vatutin, I. Yu. Korobochkin, N. S. Yakumenko, 0. S. Vill- yarns, A. N. Kondratlyeva, T. D. Dupliy et al. There are 2 figures, 2 tables and 2 Soviet-bloc references. Card 3/3 SHIEMAIEVt V.G. Experience in operating the condenser refrigerating equipment coo2ed by sea water at the petroleum refinery of the Anglo-Egyptian Compaxq in Suez* Xhim.i tekh.topl.i masel 6 no.1:71-72 Ja 161. (FA .14: 1) (Suezp Egypt-Petroleum refineries (DIYAKOV, V.G.; SHIBRYAYEV, B.F. Control of the corrosion of heat exchanging brass pip-es at petroleum refineries. Khim.i tekh.topl.i mase-1,6 no-3:45-48 Mr 161. (MIRA 24:3) (Heat exchangers--Corrosi-9n) -DIYAKOV, V-G , kand.tekbn.nauk Properties of heat-exchanger tubes made of Kh8 steel. Stall 21 no.6:538-540 Je 161. (MIRA 14:5) (Heat exchangers) (Chromium steel) S112316210001010100110113 Ao04/A101 AUTHORS; D'yakov, V.G., Shibryayev, B.F., Mlyagkov, M.P. TITM: Steels for fastening parts of high-temperature flanged joints PERIODICAL: Referativnyy --hurnal, Mashinostroyeniye, no. 10, 1962, 18, abstract 10A109. ("Novosti neft. i gaz. tekhn. Neft. oborud. i sredstva avtomatiz.", 1961, No. 3, 29 - 32) TEXT: Tensile strength tests at 20 - 4500C, )u.-,nness tests after protracted holding at 300 - 6000C and relaxation t,:siz (a, 4~!,-OC and cro = 10 kg/ /mm2) of 'the steel grades 3OX (3OKh) and 38XA (38KhA) we-v. carried out with the aim to replace the 30 XMA (3OKhMA) grade steel, wnose Mo is ii, short supply. After heat treatment, the steel grades 3OKh and 38KM pos.-.es_~ a high strength and ductility, and up to 4000C they do not tend to hot brittleness. As to relaxation resistance at 4250C they are inferior to the 30EMA grade steel. The steel grades 302n and 38KhA are recommended for fastening parts.which are operating at temper- aturds up to 4000C. Investigations of the X18 H25C 2 (Kh18N25S2) grade steel revealed that it is not expedient to use it in high-load fastening parts instead Card 1/2 Steels for fastening .... of the 4x 14H AB 2NI (4Khl4Nl4v2M) grade steel. [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] S/123/62/000/010/001/013 Aoo4/Aioi - .,~x Card 2/2 'E o on th-! ro (~YLlor, r-,f .':etall.o%,eL,. .1 t ii~-. obp. mot. proyel 4 r,,ly (C'aro,mitm steol-'Zc3tin") DIYAKOV, V.G.; LEVIN, I.A.; SHREYDER, A.V. Aluminum, titanium, and OKH2lN5T and KH2lN6M2T low-nickel steels as materials for the equipment of petroleum refineries and petrochemical plants. Mash. i neft. obor. no-4:27-33 163. (MIRA 17: 8) 1. Gosudarstvennyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy i proyektny7 institut neftyanogo mashinostroyeniya. ACCESSION NR: AT4013943 S/2~59/63/olo/ooo/dic,4/0168 AUTHOR: D'yakov, V.G.; Abramova, Z.A. TITLE: Investigati~n of substituteofnr high-nickel steel, grade ET-316, for cast parts of tubular.ovens in oil refineries. SOURCE: AN SSSR. Institut metallurgii. Issledovaniya po zharoprochny*m splavam, v. 10, 1963, 164-168 TOPIC TAGS: steel, oil refinery, sulfur-resistant steel, steel brittleness, high-nickel steel, oil refinery oven, heat-resistant steel ABSTRACT: High-nickel steel under relatively high stress is Used for heat- resistant parts of ovens where temperatures reach IOOOC and the oil contains' sulfuric compounds. The steel required for these parts must resist these unfavorable conditions. The author therefore investigated existing substitutes of grade BI-316 steel and this steel itself. On the basis of tests performed, (see Fig. 1 in the enclosure) it was found that grade kh24N7 steel can be used as a substitute. The chemical composition of this steel is 0.35-0.5% C, 0.5-1.0% Mn, 0.5-1.5% Sit 22-25% Cr, 6-8% Ni, 0.035% 8, and 0.035% P. Cord 1/4 0 ACCESSION NR: AT4013943 Grade EI-921 steel has low impact strength under initial conditions and has high brittleness after prolonged operation under high temperatures. Hence, it cannot be used for parts of high-temperature ovens in oil refineries. Orig. art. has: 3 figures and 5 tables. ASSOCIATION: Institut metallurgii AN SSSR (Institute of Metallurgy AN SSSR) SUBMITTED: 00 DATE AOQ-. 27Feb64 ENCL: 02 -' SUB CODE: MH NO REF SOV: 000 OT11ER: 000 Card 2A ACCESSION NRL AT4013943 is Jo 10 5 Card 3/4' 0 z0 EXCLOSURE:01 ! 700 759 600 65e- 300 350 of. ACESSION NR: AT4013943 LNCLOSUREi 02 Fig. 1. Mechanical properties of EI-316, HI-921 and kh22G8N4 steel at normal and high temperatures. 1 - kh22G8N4 steel after hardening; 2 - the same as supplied; 3 - EI-921 steel; 4 - EI-316 steel. Card 414 D'YAKOV. V.G. LEVIN, I.A.; CHESKIS, Kh.I. --l- Electrically welded pipes used in place of seamless pipes for petroleum refineries and petrochemical plants. Mash. i neft. obor. no.4tl6-17 164. (MIRA 17t6) 1. Gosudarstvennyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy i proyektnyy inst-itut neftyanogo mashinostroyeniya. ACCESSION NR: AP4043487 S/0133/64/000/008/0734/0735 AUTHOR: Levin, I. A., Makalmova, G. F., Dlyakov, V. Gi. TITLE: Corrosion resistance and possible uses of arc welded pipes made of -steal Khl7Nl3M2T SOURCE: Stall, no. 8, 1964, 734-735 TOPIC TAGS: steel, steel Kh17N13M2T, corrosion resistance, -steel corrosion, arc welded steel, steel pipe, welded steel pipe ABSTRACT: Thecorrosion resistance of argon-shield arc-welded seams of pipes madebf, ICIMN13MT steel, which are widely used in processes involving fatty acids, was tested to evaluate the applicability of such pipes in certain branches of the petroleum and crude oil industries. The corrosion resistance of pipes 1. annealed at 1050C as in the regular manufacturing process, 2. additionally annealed at 870C, and 3. additionally annealed at 1100C for 3 hrs. with subsequent water quenching, was determined in acetic, caproic, capric, stearic and sulfuric acids and H2S-saturated 0. 03N hydrochloric acid. In addition, the weld-seam resistance to intercrystallite and point corrosion was tested in a sulfuric- acid solutioa of copper sulfate and by determining the protective-film failure potential ia Card 1/2 ACCESSION NR: AP4043487 0. 1N sodium chloride. The results of the tests were quite satisfactory. Under all conditions, the corrosion rate of the weld seam was practically identical to that of the base metal, varying from as low as 2-3011 to 33mm/yr. (60% H so These pipes can be 2 4). recommended for use in the petroleum industry. The pipe was manufactured at the Moskovs1dy trubay*y zavod (Moscow Pipe Plant). Orig. art. has: 2 tables. ASSOCIATION: Giproneftemash SUBMITTED: 00 SUB CODE; FP, MM Card 2/2 NO REF SOV: 002 ENCL: 00 OTHER: 000 `-31YAKOV, V.G., kand.tekhn.nauk,- SHREYDER, A.V.,, ZAMIATOUNIN, L.D,, inzho Basic trends in controlling the corrosion of petroletm z-aftna:,y equipment. Kh1m.i neft. mashinostr. no.8g4-5 Ag 165, (MIRA M12) ~6- (ML~ JW i &A-11-2 U) ji::2 ~Aq '-KC-C N;Ft-AF6015855' -s6uhtbF, Obts trRA314MOW/008/0604/0005 G. (Candidate of technical sciences); Shreydert As V. (Candidate of technical sci'enc';YTi Zakharochkin, L. D. ORG: none TITLE: Basic directions in corrosion control of petroleum refinery equipment SOURCE- Khimicheskoye i neftyanoye mllinostroyeniye, no. 8, 1965, 4-5 TOPIC TAGS: chromium steel, low alloy bteel carbon 'steel, steel corrosion resistance, high alloy steel, pipeline, petroleum refinery equipment, heat exchanger, furnace, monel alloy/lKh8VF steel, Kh5M steel, Kh5vF steel, 16G5 low alloy steel, OKhl3 high alloy steel, lKhl8N9T high alloy steel, Kh17N13M2T high alloy steel, 18-8 steel, NMZhMtS monel alcy ABSTRACT: An 6% chromium steel grade Kh8 tas created to replace_~~:Ln~es ,made of carbon or low-alloy chromium R-~~Ls (whose service life does not ~q ,exceed 1-1-5 years). The corrosion resistance of lines made from this steel, ,"in sulfurous media at elevated temperaturog;j surpasses the corrosion rosiatance 7of Ibion =do from 5% chromium steel by 2-20 times and lines made from caebon ,steels by .5-8 times* However, for certain heat oxcl 'iange equipment the corrosion' ,resistance 'of steel KhO tubes is still insufficient; in this case steel 0=3 ~tubes should be used. Steel In8vAlkeontaining 7-9% chromium)p which is 2-2.5 times more corrosi on an ,resisfanf an steels Kh5H' d KhRFIja being widely used for Amiaces and Card 1/2 -1U 7, --UDC: 620,191-:665. 2 SUB CODEs '139 11,, 20 SUBM DATFi none I Ccird 2/2 D I Electrode level indicators. Xhim.prom. no-3:261 Ap-V,V 160 jLiquid level indicators) (KM 13:8) (Electrodes) DIYAKOV V I inzh.; KWJZOV, V.Te., tekhnik Transformer type electric soldering tool. Vest.elektroprom. 31 no.6:73-74 Je 160. (KRA 13:7) (Solder and soldering) DIYAKOV, T.I. In regard to X.R.Snegirev's article" Simple liquid-level signalero.0 Prome energ, 15 no.10:13 0 160. (MIRA 13:11) (Liquid level indicators) (Snegirer., , M.M.) IS/ 128/6 2/c00/0033/007/00-1, A0041/A 127 A UTHOR: D'yakov, V_ T_ Induction pumpz for liquid nomnaGnotic ~-.:ctals PERIODICAL: Litcynoye proizvodstvo, no. 3, 1(962, 46 TZ:,2: The author points out that induction pumnps, ahich are used in nuclear reactors for the pumping of liquid metals, are beirv_r introduced also in t-he metallurgical and foundry industr-j. He presents the schematics of induction pumps for magnetic and nonmagnetic metals, descrioes their design and derives a number of formulae to determine the magnitude of liquid metal pressure. Ac- cording to the formulae, the main characteristic of the pressure magnit"Ide iz the.magnetic induction over the whole airgap of the flat stator. A large airGap results in a low induction, increase of the electromagnetic inductor load and ex- tensive leakage fluxes. The suggested pump design for non:magneLic metals partly eliminates these deficiencies and the author enumerates a number of advantages of this design over pumps with bilateral inductor. There are 1 figure and 2 Soviet.- bloc references. Card 1/1 QDIYAKOV, Vasiliy Ivanovicb; GETLINGj B.V., -kand. tekhn. naikp red.; TYU- --- .---TYUffTK-t-H-.&rr-re4vt4MRf A.M.v tekbn. red. [Standard designs of sleotrjo equipment; electrician's manual] Tipovye raschety po elelrtrooborudovaniiu; v pomoshch' tsekbovym elektrikam. Izd.2.9 perer.'i dop. Pod red. B.V.Get3inga. Mo- skvat Vses. uchebno-pedagog. W-vo Proftekhizdat, 1961. 125 P. - (MIU 14:7) (Electric apparatus and appliances) DIYAKOV, V.I.,- ZAKHAROV, YU*V, Simplifying the circuit of the NRShchPr-54 control millivoltmeter. Priborostroanie no.5s27 Yv 162. (MBA 15:5) (Voltmeter) DIYAKOVP V.1.9 Inzb. ---------- Concerning the design of an induction motor with a flat stator for tipping the shuttles of metal-weaving machines. Vest. elektroprom. 33 no.9-75-76 S t62. (MIRA 15:10) (Elect;ic motorav InductIcA) D'YAKOV.9 V.I. Induction motor with a flat-starter for the shuttle propulsion in a loom for metallic fiber weaving. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.;'tekh. tekst.prom. no.6:117-120 162. (KM 16s2) 1. Ivanovskiy energeticheskiy institut imeni V.I.Lenina. (Looms-Zlectric driving) D1YAKOVJw V.I.# inzh, Induction motor witb plane stator for tripping the shuttle of a metal fiber loom, Prom. energ. 18 no.3:18-20 Mr 163. (MIRA 16s6) (Electric motors, Induction) U00ma Electric driving) I . DYAKOV, V.I. Approximation method for calculating the \1 r-ie or *he start d*P I - of a metal-weaving loom shuttle in case of the re-placement. of the pickIng mechanism by an Induction motor with flat stator. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; tekh. teket. prom. no.l.- 117-120 164. (M!Rfi, 17:5) 1. Ivanovskiy energeticheskiy institut Imeni 1;Pn!r-,Fi. DIYAKOV, V.I.; SOROKINA, M.I., red. (Standard electrical equipment calculations] Tipovye raschety po elektrooborudovaniiu. Izd.3., perer. i dop. Moskva, Vysshaia shkola, 1965. 130 P. (MIRA 18:4)