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SOV156-34-6-18151 On the Solution of the Kinetic Equation for the Transfer of Neutrons or Quanta With the Method of the Partial Probabilities one. The second part of this paper contains an expression for the Green (Grin) function of the kinetic equation which has the form of multiple Integrals. The above-mentioned equation is solved according to the usual method of the successive approxi- mations which gives the possibility to obtain successively the solutions after 0, 1l 2 ... X oollioions. In the third part of this paper the results of the second part are generalized to an unsteady kinetic equation. Then the author reports on the solution of the kinetic equation for the transfer of gamma quanta and for the diffusion of thermal neutrons. This equation is nearly totally equivalent to that mentioned in the beginning of this paper. Then the Green (Grin) function for the diffusion of thermal neutrons is given. The fifth part of this paper deals with the moderation and diffusion of neutrons in a medium with constant free path lengthl it contains (as an example) the deduction of the exact spatial-ernergy distribution of neutrons which are moderated in a medium with constant free path length. The diffusion of thermal neutrons is a special case of the Card 2/4 above-mentioned phenomena. The multiple integration is carried SOV/56-34-6-18/51 bn thei"Solution off the Kinetic Equation for the Transfer of Neutrons or quanta With the Method of the Partial Probabilities out acoording to the ordinary operator method and expansion with resped.t to Legendre (Lozhandr) polynomials is Used. The author shows how it is possible to generalize the above- mentioned result% to.the case Qf variable free path length. At last the author r~eports on the hitherto existing methods which according to the author's opinion have the following disadvantages:.l) Their f-ormalism does not correspond to the physical partioularities of the phenomenon. 2) This formalism does not give the exact solution as a combination pf the hitherto known functions and operators. The method of the partial probabilities introduces (in explicite form) a new physical variable,r the number-of-the collisions of a particle with.the nuclei-of.the medium, it describes the real physical phenomenon of the sueeessive transfer of neutrons or gamma quanta. There are.7 references, 4 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Vollgo-uraltakiy filial VNII Geofiziki ~blge-Ural -Branch of theAUL-ftiOn Scientific Research Institute of Geophysics) Card 3/4 SOV/56-34-6-18/51 -On' the Soliition-of the'Kinetic Equation for the Transfer of Neutrons or r 44uania With- the Mdthod of the Partial- Probabilities SUBMITTED: December 12-9 .1957 Card 4/4 BATIMBITOV. Jr.G.1 GULIN, TuiA,: DrADIKIN, I.G. Determining the height of the rising cement solution in wells by the data of gamma-gamxA logging, Razved.i prom-geofig, n0-32:38-42 159, (MIRA- 13:4) (Oil well logging. Radiation) DYAD I KIN, I. G. .- -11-1 [Space-energy angular distribution of neutrons in multi- component unbounded media] Prostranstvenno-ei,ergeticheski- uglovoe raspredelonle neitronov v mnogokomponentnykh bez- granichnykh sredakh. Monkva~ Glav.upr.l?o izpollzovaniiu atomnoi enorgii, 1960. 27 p. (MIM 17: 1) S/089/61.t/010/001/001/020 B006/B063 AUTHORS: Dyad1kin, I. G., Batalina, E. P. TITLE: Change in Time of Spatial and Energy Distributions of Neutrons From a Pulsed 3ource PERIODICAL: Atomnaya energiya, 1960, Vol. 10, No. 1, PP- 5 - 12 TEXT: This is a theoretical study of the time dependence of spatial and energy distributions of neutrons emitted by a pulsating source. Such a problem may arise, e. g., in the geophysical detecting of petroleum layers. First, the nonsteady equation of motion describing the slowing down of pulsed neutrons is written and solved, after some transformations, by the method of stepwise integration. The solution obtained is applied to calculate the energy distribution, the change in time of spatial and energy distributions, and the mean square (7) of the slowing down mean free path. The formulas then obtained are again applied tc treat a con- crete problem with a variable mean free path. The distribution in time of neutrons of a given energy is shown to follow Pcis~sonls prcbability distribution in the whole time interval, It may be oeen from the Card 112 Change in Time c:' Spatial and Energy Distri- S/08 60/010/001/001/020 butions of Neutions From a Pulsed Source BOo6V63 correlations found to exist between time, space, and energy distribut!,)'.--,'- that, in certain distance and time intervals, the space-energy and tho energy-time methods are mutually independent with this method of -ore sampling. Outside this interval there is a correlation between the two distribution functions, which is formulated. The method of core sampling by means of pulsed neutrons has found wide application in the USSR. The layer forming the object of investigation is exposed for a short time to the neutrons emitted by a pulsed generator, after which the neutron dt~nsity in the layer is measured for a certain time. Neutrcn distribution in space and time(En = 1.5 ev) was studied -Zr -in Zirtlfi~iial layer (sio, f rr.~. H 0) as dependent on the water content. Ro,~ultls are shown in a C. 2 graph and briefly discus--?ocl. Thor- L~rc 2 fiEurk?:7 and 9 refer-_-~,-~P_s. 8 Soviet and I US. SUBMITTED: February 29, 111(,C, Card 2/2 DYAWKIN, I. G.., Cand. Phys-Math. Sci. (d-ise) "Spatial-EnerjZy- An~'ulnr Dis ,tribution. of,Neutrons In Multi:,~le-Componcnt Envlron- m r M L ent s . 11 1 oscol,.?, 1961, 12 pp. ('11,loscow En---~-Ine-crir,-,-Physjcs Inst-t.) 140 copies (KL Supp 12-61, 250). AUTHOR: TITLE: 33007 S/641/61/000/000/001/033 B112/B138 Dyadlkint I* Go Solutton of Wick's problem and the corresponding partial probabilities of neutron transition SOURCE: Krupchitekiy* P. A., ed. Neytronnaya fizika; abornik statey. Moscowl 1961, 3-13 TEXT: The collision density T(R,p,u) of neutrons which are emitted from point isotropic and monochromatic sources is expressed by elementary func- tions. In an earlier paper (ZhLIFI 34, 1504 (1956)), this distribution was found to be equal to (2a+l)i' p I c+ico 2 a(P) dp 3 2-ni a=o 2Tc 1 J,00 whereTt is a symmetric infinite Nab _N A a(P)Ab(p) (i/k)D ab('/k pu 00 2 e k dk J*(kR), f o a Y a 0 Aa( p)Ao(p) matrix, consisting of the element3 (D ab(x) ' Pa(x)nb(x) for b>,a, Card 1/3 33W7 S/641/61/000/000/001/033 Solution of Wick's problem ... B112/BI36 Dab(x) q,,(x)pb(x) for b 4, a) . Pa(x) and qa(x) are Legendre functiono, J* (y) -nl2y J a a+1/2(y) are Beasel functions, and A,,,(p) are the Laplace transforms of the expansion coefficients of the scattering function in a aeries of Legendre polynomials. The following result is obtained; /nN (_I)ai nor,&, (1) ~E~T) o a An (1) 6oat where arctgk k A~ (1) A, (1) + A"P) (-.rcIR k k2 ~ -k + AILVI ('34 V arctgk-3x W , k x[-3-k2+ 3A,, (p) + A. (p) - A. (p) A. (p)], X 20 ) X[2k3P, "I~iA(,(5k-�V)+---j- Card 2/3 (T) 3 , (22) Solution of Wick's problem There are 5 references; 2 Soviet to Engligh-languago publications 75, 736 (1949). Verde M,, Wiok G. Re-T. Mod, Phys, 185 (1947). 3 3 00:1 s/641/6i/ooo/ooo/oo1/Io--)3 B1412/B138 and 3 non-Soviet,. The throe read as follows; Wick G PhyG. Re*; . Phys. Rev,,., 71; 652 0947)~ Marshak R,. V-K Card 3/3 DrADIXIN -0. 1 BATALINA. I. P. Time variation of the space and energy distribution of the neutrons from a pulsed source. Atom. energ. 10 no-1:5-12 Ja 161* (MIRA 13:12) (Neutrons) OVI, L500 ;:)8/6;2/00,/005/028/119 Aw i/A 10 1 AUTHOR: Dyad'kin. G TITLE. The tolution of Vick's problem and corresponding partial probabili- ties 4a4 neutron transfer PERIQDICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal,.Fizika, no. 5, 1962, 41, abstract 5B325 (V sb. "Neytrob. fizika", Moscow, Gosatomizdat, 1961, 3-13) TEXT: In correspondence with formula'don of vIck'c,problem it is assumed 0. that: 1) Medium is infinite, multi-component: 2'1 the free-path length of neutrons in the medium, Is 4ndeperaent of ener8y: 3) nevzt1r-fn ;~c!~ttering is symmetrical in the cente -of-inertia system: 4) t4ie, proec!-v is srationary. Collision probability from a point-like, isotropi~i ana wonbA ergetic soVLrci-. is represented In the form of the sum of partial probabilitiez;. Th&~7t-~Mter -are, proportional to p-rob~bllities of neutron-transfer from one point of phase space to another -aft?3r n collisions. Partial probabillty can br= i-bpresented by 'the i double Fourier-Laplace integral of a certain matrix _eleme~.*~. "'Explicit eipressions' of these maxtrix elements in terms of elementary functions are found in the paper by means of matrix calculus formalism. Vick's problem has been solved for Card 1/2 /358//62/000/005/028/119, The solution of VicWs problem ... AOOIIA'101. the scattering function of any desired degreei,of approximatioA. The formulae* obtained admit of numerical calculations. If a reasonable number of harmonies in the scattering finct3o" is taken, one can dispense Wlt*h The use of high-speed covputers. [Ab acter's nov.- .-eto trqnslation] Card 2/2 32975 S/641/61/000/000/002/033 B112/B138 AUTHOR: Dyad'kinp I. G. TITLE: Distance!Pangle-energy distribution of neutrons in unbounded mediumsowith more than one component SOURCE: Krupchitskiy, P. A., ed. Neytronnaya fizika; abornik statey. Moscow, 1961, 14-29 TEXT: The author derives general expressions for the distance-angle-enera distribution of neutrons in a medium with more than one component of the nuclear composition. Cases of low nuclear weights and variable effective neutron scattering cross-section are taken into account. Together with two previous papers by the author (ZhETF, ~A, 1504 (1958) and the given volume, page 3), this one contains generalizations of ideas inaugurated by Plachek (cf. Marshak R. Rev. Mod. Phys., 12, 185 (1947)), H. Bethe (see below), and M. V. Maslennikov (Doklady AN SSSR, 120, 59 (1958)). The most important formula is: IV u)'.eu1Pu 2.,tlv/2 1_ p', K, (a. I/ jrJ777F pie) + I/ ill-, Card 1/3 ----- -- ------------ 32975 S/641/61/000/000/002/033 Distance-angle-energy distribution ... B112/B138 y"U.1-1-aell-OU (ri -411 + 2a'vI2 11 r 21-2 (f2j-I+ 1(1.d (aa + P21, X 4-t x (rg)-, 2+- I/f2j'2- P'IU r - II U- a=0 2 02 1/ (01 + where V00 t Vol lios 0) A. (0)' Y02 71.1 -(0) 11 2 Z Yj CAM Yj CAI x At At X 2 + rd 2/3 3a! (I - 6) b cp's (26) (27) 12 975 S/641/61/000/000/002/03~1~ Distance-angle-energy distribution B112/B138 2/M is the mean scattering cosine, I and C . -/I are and ost~ CM M M M neutron parameters., Aa(p) are the Laplace transforms of the cos~ffficient3 of the expansion of the neutron scattering function into a series of Legendre functions. E. Batalina, D. Santo~ and A, Gaynanshin are thanked for carrying out the numerical computations, Yu.. Oulin, A.. Zolotov, V. Zakharchenko, and Yu. Bulashevich for discussing the results of this paper. There are 3 figures, 2 tables, and 11 references: 6 Soviet and 5 non., Soviet. The four most recent references to English-language publications read as follows: Schweber S~, Bethe H.j Rofman F.. Mesons and fields (1957); Verde M., Wick G. Phys. Rev- 71, 652 (1947); Wick G. Phys,, Rev- (~950')- 15, 738 (1948); Bethe H., Tonks L,, Hu-rwitz H. Phys. Rev.,, 80, 11 , Card 3/3 i:') R77TAN07) R. A., KOM , Colomm A., D: S. A., DLVwurr,_i. o., ua D. A. OZ=--) thmrotical probl--i of no-atzo.-i .i.=t to to sut=Itt.-d iter th-5 Couforenco ca MwLuvr CtooplV31ca, re- Krakow, Poland, 24-30 Sopt 1962. DV#F.l -I. G-s IMASMOR,Aft. P. MA mo 0. H. "Sow problevis In the theory of game-gama, logglags" report to be submdtted for the CosCerence on Nuclear Geolftelcaj, Krakow, PolmA. 24-30 Sept 1%2. DTADIKIN, I.G.; LISENENKOV, A.T.)- ZVEREV, G.N. Mathematical experiment for solving certain geophysical problems. Inv. AN SSSR. Ser. geof'.z. no.lltl694-1698 N 163. (MIRA 16t12) 1. Volgo-Ural'skly filial Vsesoyuznogo nauchno-issledovatellskogo instituta geofizichaskikh metodov razvedki. DYADIKIN. I.G.; LISINENKOV, A.T. Calculation of a dose of neutrons from a polonium-beryll-ium source on the surface of a protective covering of paraffin up to 60 cm thick. Prikl. geofiz. no-36:233-235 163. (IMIRA l6t9) (Neutrons--Scattering) . (Oktyabrtakly); LISENENKOV, A.T. (Oktyabriskiy); DYAD ',Q& PONYATOV, G.I. (Oktyabrlskiy) Speeding up the convergence of the Monte Carlo method in solving radioactive logging problems. Zhur. vych. mat. i mat. fis, 5 no.43763-768 Jl-Ag 165. (KMA 18t8) L 22ol6-66 EWT(d)/T JjP(C*) I1ACGESSION NR9 AP5025na UFV02W/65/005/005/0936/0938 AUTSOR t Dyad kin, I. G. NO ,TITLEi Possibili6ty of economizing on mRohine computation time in solving Laplace equations by Mbnte-Garlo method SOURCEt Zhurnal vychialitaltnoy.matematiki i matematicheskoy fiziki, v. 5. no, -5 J, 1965, 936-938 ~TOPIC TAGSs Dirichlet blemp Laplace equatlonp random walk pro problem N I:ABSTIICTt The random walk method on spheres was used to solve Dirichlet's problem :of three-dimansf6nal 1Wp_Ia67i-9~u_a_tions in a domain D, bounded by a closed surface ;Sp on which a potential was gtven.,The essential idea for the two-dimensional case ~was described by Vo Pe Buslenko and Yu, A, Shroeder (Motliod of statistical tests, :N., Fizmatgiz..,1961.) wMoh van easily generalized -for the three-dimensional ease y ~due to-the fact that the potential Tat the center of the sphere was related to the' potential V(6 Y) on the sphere b Ix V 61nodo CI(PV(O, IP), 4a LCOM 1/2 IA. bt '$"(7- 37 ACC NR, j~40-35369 09 /AOOT7BOOT AUTIAOR: Dyadikin, I. G.; Rizvanova, N. A.; Pogorelova, N. At TITLF.: Random-number algorithms for the "Razdan-2" computer SOURCE: Ref. zhs Avtomatikat telemekhanika i vychilitellnoya tekbnikal Abs. 9B44 IMF. SOURM dth-2*Bashkirak. un-t, vyps 20, 1965, 132-139 TOPIC TAGS; algorithm, c puter, &-a~ pro,&rwalaingfisazaan-2 computer ABSTRACT; Four algorithms and programs for obtaining pseudorandom numbers for the "Razdan-2" digital computer are describeds Results of a check on the algorithms for periodicity and randomness are givens 4 tables# Bibliographys 4 titles, Ge V. SUB CODEt 09 UDCi 518-5,681.142.32.001 UrADIKIN, K.P., kandidat mediteinakikh nauk Aid of medical institutes to organs of public health. Sov. adray. 13 no.3:33-36 Mx-Je 154o (MM 7:8) 1. Zam.,nachallnike, Uprarlentya uchebrqmi zavedenivami Ministerstya zdravookhraneniya RSPSR. (PMLIC EMTHS *in Russia, aid by mod. institutes to local branches of pub* health) DYADIKIN. K.P.. dotsent [deceased) Novocaine therapy in visceral pain syndromes as clinic treatment of internal diseases. 21 no.5:88-93 My 157. (MLRA 10-7) (PR00AINS, admin. in visceral pain synd., various methods) TROININ. Kitrofan Fedorovich; USMOV, Nikolay Stepenovich; DTADIKIN, le.I., inzh.. retsenzent; VRRMIN, H.S., kand.tokhn.nauk, red.; DMBOTA, G.A., red.izd-va; SHCHETININA, L.V., [Blectric trucks] Blektrokary. Moskva, Gon.nauchno-takhn. izd-vo meehinostroit.lit-ry, 1960. 155 p. (MIRA 13:10) (Industrial electric trucks) DYADIKIN, Yu. D. DYADIKIN., Yu. D.: "The conditions of thermal exchange in the purification chambers of underground mines as a basis for selecting the system of cooling mine airn. Leningrad, 1955. Min Higher Education USSR. Leningrad Order of Lenin and Order of Labor Red Banner Mining Inst, Chair of Working Stratified Deposits. (Dissertations for the Degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences.) So: Knizhnaya letopial No. 49, 3 December 1955. Moscow. DYADIKIN, YU,D,, kand.tekhn.nauk Methods of thermal calculation of mine air. Rauch. dokl. vys. shk-oly; gor. delo no.1:115-125 158. (MIRA 11:6) l.Prodstavlona Leningradskim gornym inatitutom. (Mine ventilation) (Temperature) DYADIKINq Yu.D. Practical system of cooling mine air. Zap. LGI 38 no.l.-123--138 1959 (MIRA 14:3) ~e % (Donetr, Bazin-Coal mines and mining-Air conditioning) 1~1- 47 DYADIKJNt YU.D. Length of stoping faces in deep mines in the Donets Basin. Zap. ILI 38 no.1:139-156 1959 O~Mk 140) (Mining)) (Donets '13asin-Stoping DYADfKT11) 14-,q kand.tekhn.nauk I Method of oelecting a face length vith calculation of the heat factor. Izv.vyo.uchebozavej, gorozhuro no~2:5-10 160a (MIRA 14:5) 1, Leningradskiy gornyy instituto (Mining engineering) MIYSTELI, P.I.j PYADIM, Yu,,D.; BOKIYq B.V.; KELL'q L.N.; KOMAROV, V.B.; SRWSKIY, BORISOV9 D.F.; GOWVINp GA; USEVIC119 I.V.; WMVAV T.S.p SHABLYGINq A.I.; ZOLTOLAREV9 N.D.; GAIAYEVp N.Z.; SIGACHEV9 A.Ye.j PANENKOV, Yu.I.; Mu 9 D.P.; KOPYLOVAq Ye.V. Pavel Ivanovich Gorodetskii;.an obituary. Gor zhur. no.5:77 My 160 (MUM 14:3; (Gorodetskiif Pavel Ivanovich, 1902-1950) DYADIKIN Yu.D.., kand.teklm,,nauk ---Z- Heat factor calculation in planning deep mines. Tmdy Sem.po gor,teplotekh, no,34'1-56 161., (MUM 15.,4) 1. Leningradskiy gornyy institut. (Mine-ventilation) DYADIKIN Yu.D. Forpediency andways of increasing the load on a layer in deep Donets Basin mines. Zap. LGI 46 no.1:85-90 162. (Donets Basin-Mine ventilation) (MIRA 16:6) DYADIKIN Yu. D. dotsent Features of the beat conditions of mines in the permafrost zone, Izv. vys. ucheb, zav*; gor. zhur. 5 no.8:82-88 162, (MMA 15110) 1. IeningradskIr ordena Lenins. i ordena. Trudovogo Kraenogo Zma ni gorn" institut imeni G. V. Plekhanova. Rekomendovana kafedroy razrabotki plastovykh mostorozhdeniy. Mine ventilation) rillsk region-Frozen ground) M DYADIKIN, Yu.D.; MODESTOV, Yu.A.; KAREPIN, B.G.; VEISMAXI, G.M. Operation of a protective shield under the effect of impact loads in free roof caving. Zap. LGI 48 no.1:64-72 '63. (MIRA 17:8) DYADIKIN, Yu.D.) kand. tekhn. nauk, otv. red.; ZILIBERB014Dp A.F.,, kind."' ielkhn. nauk., otv. red. (Thermal and mechanical processes in mining minerals; min- ing operations in a massif of frozen ground) Teplovye i me- khanichaskie protsessy pri razrabotke poleznykh iskopaerrykh; gornye raboty v massive merzlykh porod. Floskva, Naukaj 1965. 266 p. (MIRA 18:5) 1. Akademiya. nauk SSSR. Sibirskoye otdeleniye. Institut merzlotovedeniya. 2. Institut morzlotovedeniya Sibirskogo otdeleniya AN SSSR (for Zillberbord). 3. Leningradskiy gor- nyy institut (for Dyadlkin). DYAD 'KINA, I.Ta. (~iartz genesis in the large quartz lode of the Dagestan Nukatli Range. Sbor. much. rab. stud. MI no.2:34-41 157. (MIRA 13:4) 1. Leningradakiy ordenov Lenim i Trudavogo Krusnogo Unmeni gorzWy institut im. G.V.Plekhanova. Predstavlenc- prof. D.P. Grigorlyevym. . (Nukatll Range-Qmrtz) - .DYtiD*KINA, J.Ya. Morphoir-Ty and properties of mwicovite crystals ir, slyuciiyancgorLik deposit (Central Urals), Zap.V.,eo.,-Iln.ob--va 93 no.~,6624.1?1 164. (MIRA 18S4) DYADIKINA I.Ya. Conditions governing the formation of muscovite in the Slyudyano- gorsk deposit. Trudy VSEGEI 108:23-35 164. (MIRA 18:2) ACC NRi AP7000535 SOME CODE: UR/0386/66/0~/010/0396/0400 A~TIJJOR: Volkenshteyn, N. V.; pakina, Va P. ORG: Institute of Physics of Metals) Academy of Sciences SSSR (Inatitut fiziki me- tallov'WiEdiR!!7iio:xik SSW gadolinium TITLE: Singularitier, of transverse magnetoresistance of_qi MIL,j- qTyEta SOURCE: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fizikie Pis'ma v redaktsiyu.~7 Prilozheniye, Y. 4, no. 10, 1966, 396-4oo TOPIC TAGS; gadolinium, magnetoresistance, galvanomagnetic eifect, temperature de- pendencep magnetic structure ABSTRACT: The purpose of the investigation was to ascertain the effect of a change in thV. magnetic structure on the anisotropy of the transverse magnetoresistance of single-crystal gadolinium in a wide range of temperatures. The tests were made orr cylindrical samples cut along the (1010) axis, with a ratio of room-temperature resistance to helium-temperature'resistance equal to 20. The isotherms of the trans- verse magnetoresistance were measured in fields sufficient to produce saturation and extrapolated to zero field in the sample, so as to exclude the resistance variations due to the paraprocess. The 'tests showed that the transverse saturation magnetore- sistance has a complicated temperature dependence and is strongly anisotropic. From the measured temperature dependence of the transverse saturation magnetoresistance in fields parallel to [0001] and [1120] it is deduced that the magnetic anisotropy con- i, 1o945-67 kCC NN AP70005" start has a maximum near 30K and vanishes at 230K. Rotation diagrams show that above 250K the transverse magnetoresistance is negative in all directions, and its absolute value is minimal in the easy-magnetization direction. Below 130K, the rotation curves show maxima connected with the appearance of the "cone" of easy magnetization axes. The results show also that a correlation exists between the temperature dependence of the galvanomagnetic effect and the magnetic structure. Orig. art. has: 3 figures. SUB CODE: 2D/ SUBM DATE: 06Aug66/, ORIG PXF: 0031;;. OTII MW: OOL' 24 112-3-5958 Translation from: Referativnyy Zhurnal, Elektrotekhnika, 1957, Nr 3, pp. 129-130 AUTHOR: Dyad1kov, A.M. TITLE:' Broadening the Field of Application of Power Regener- ation iA Electric Railroads (0 rasshirenii sfery primeneniya rekuperatsii energii na elektricheskikh zheleznykh dorogakh) PERIODICAL: Sb. nauqh. tr., Tomskiy elektromekhan. in-t inzh. zh.-d. transp., 1955, Vol. 21, PP. 36-42 ABSTRACT: The advantages of power regeneration in electrified rail- roads are listed, and its greatly limited application in practice is noted. This situation is due to the existing opinion that power regeneration can be applied only in sections of the railroad where the direct-current traction subst~tlons are provided with converters able to absorb the power regenerated by the locomotives. At the present Card 1/3 time, only the motor-generator fulfills the function of 112-3-5958 Broadening the Field of Application of Power In Regeneration in Elec,trie Railroads such a converter. Since the mercury-ar-c rectifier has many advantages over the motor-generator, however, recti- fiers are used in substations for all level stretches of railroad giving up the regenerative b3:aking. Meanwhile, according to computations and experimental data, surplus power (power not used by other electric loc~oi,otives) comprises only 3-3..5% of all the regeneratedpower. Further analysis of electric railroad operation showed that the use of regenerative braking should not be re- jected oh the basis of absence of inverters or units absorbing power in the substations, since in many cases the surplus power can be reduced to zero. To this end, it is necessary to develop measures of an organizational and technical nature: compiling of computations sub- stantiating the technical possibility and economic expediency of power regeneration for a given stretch of railroad; developing technological techniques for control of trains (establishing the locations where regeneration could be applied positioning the brake handle In the locomotive, etc.1; training locomotive engineers for Card 2/3 optimum application of power regeneration to control 112-3-5958 troadening the Field of Application of Power in Regeneration in Electric Railroads of locomotives, etc.). In the event computations indi- cate that there are advantages to employing power regeneratl4n, and at the same time a surplus of regener.- ated power will appear, the use of air braking should'be considered in certain cases. If the graphic timetable of the train is seriously affdated, then regenerative braking must be rejected at this time, which should not cause difficulties if the locomotive engineer has radio contact with the power dispatch6r and the train schedule dispatcher. ASSOCIATION:Tomsk Electro-Mechanical Institute for Railroad Engineering (Tomskiy elektromekhan. in-t inzh. zh..-d. transp.) Card 3/3 ROZENFELID$ Vita3iy Yevgenlyevich; ISAYEV, Igor' Petrovich; SIDOROV, Nikolay Nikolayevich;-DYADIKOV. A.M., kand. tekhn. nauk, reteenzent; KALININ,, UE, kand. tekhn. nauk, red., BOBROVA, U.N., tekhn. red. [Electric tractionlglektrichaskaia tiaga. Moskva, Transzheldoriz- dat, 1962. 346 P. (MIRA 16:1) (Electric railway motors) DYADIKOV., A.M... kand. tekhn. nauj., dotsent I Rol.ler station for stationary testing of electric locomotives. Trudy Ural. elektromekh,, inst. inzh, zhel. dor, transpe no-51 115-126 162. (KrAA 17t8) YA D # f~ o 1/, A, 11, AUTHORs None Given 3-58-4-21/34 TITLE: A Conference of Readers of "Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly" in Sverd- lovsk (Konferentsiya chitateley "Vestnika vysehey shkoly" v Sverdlovske) PERIODICALt Vestnik-Vysshey Shkoly, 1958, # 4, page 64 (USSR) ABSTRACTt The article contains criticism of professors and high school teachers in Sverdlovsk on the contents of this perio- dical. Professor P.Z. Petukhov of the Urallskiy politekhnicheskiy inatitut (Ural Polytechnical Institute) pointed out that the journal plays up the positive experience more than the defi- ciencies of the higher schools. Professor A.Ye. Trop of the Sverdlovskiy gornyy institut (Sverdlovsk Mining Institute) complained that the editor, when publishing controversial material, does not give his opinion. DotBent D d1kov 0 f the Elektromekhanicheskiy institut inzhenerov zEe ~e oz~nogo transporta (Electromechanical zn or Institute of RR Engineers)dealt with the problems of a more Card 1/2 precise organization of the higher school work. 3-58-4-21/34 A Conference of Readers of "Vestnik Vysehey Shkoly" in Sverdlovsk Professor Z.V. Gorbunova of the Sverdlovskiy meditsinskiy inatitut (Sverdlovsk Medical Institute) spoke on the same subject. The graduate student, Ye.I. Kazantsev, of the Ural Polytech- nical Institute suggested that a special section of the jour- nal be devoted to articles on the work of the Party, Profsoyuz and Komsomol organizations of vuzes. Dotsent P.O. Koeyakov of the Sverdlovskiy yuridicheskiy institut (Sverdlovsk Law institute) pointed to the section "From the Practice of the Chair of Social Sciences", which contains material of benefit to the chairs, and expressed the wish that this section be developed. Professor R.I. Reshetin of the Ural Polytechnical In- stitute spoke on the problems raised by "Letter I-10011. Other speakers came forward with critical remarks on the form of contact between editor and reader, on the re- viewing of articles, etc. The editorial staff of the journal has studied the remarks and is adopting the recomm.endations. AVAILABLEt Library of Congress Card 2/2 DYADIFOY ~'; M. ia--,nd. tcilhn. nauk, dotsent; 0:LM-OV, V.I., inzh. ~-- -1- 1.--'~-----?-' Traction churu-:.-v.~rlcticti of electrio, locnillotives with compound ezoitqtion. Trady Ural. elektromekh. Inst. inzh. zhel. dor. transp, no-5:78-90 162. (MIRA 17:8) ABRAKOV, L.V.; BARANOVA, A.G.; DYMARSKIY, L.Yu.; DTAP_lKOVA.) A 14.; RABKOVA, L.M.; RAFOV, A.I.; SEREBROV, A.I.; SkIR',qblrA, I.N.., KHOLDIN, S.A.: TSEL', Ye.A.; GHEKHARINA, Ye.A.; SHABASHOVA, N.Ya.; SRANIN, A.P. Reviews. Vop. onk. 11 no.7;116-126 165. (MIRA 18:9) /I I ' i_;,' i-- A/ '~ It-/ '-/ A, V, ACC 1,12, AP6025661 SOURCE CODE1 UH/Uq1jtUw1wwVj-.,_- Venediktov, V. A.; Vaaillyev, Yu. A.; Popov,'K. I.; Markelov, Ye. V.; ~ov A. P,* Shinhak Vwjnblat- V1 Kh. t_P.!ja ~ov, K. I.; Yusim, L. Ya.; Skvortaov, A. X-1, Kireyev, Yu: A.; Guzan;;~ rasimoyich, S. G. ORG: None TITIX; A fluid device for damping torsional vibrations. Claus 471 No. 183539 Can- nounced by the Turbine Motor Plant (Turbomotorrr" zavod)] ISOURM Izobreteniya, prorpyahlenWe abrattay, toyarnyye inaki, no. 13, 1966, 126-12T TOPIC TAGS: vibration damping, hydraulic device, torsional vibration ABS-IRACT; This Author's Certificate introduces a fluid device for damping torsional vibrations. The unit consists of a housing vith a hole for fluid delivery and a movable annular disc vith a compensating cavity act inside the housing. The instal- lation is designed for more reliable and simpler filling of the unit vith fluid by providing the faces of the disc or the internal surface of the bousing opposite the bole for fluid delivery vith at least one annular groove connected to the compensat- ing cavity by channels in the disc body. .2 ACC.NIU SUB CODE: 13,?.O~UBH DAM 28Apr65 1,housing 2--pnnular groovi 3--compennating cavity 4--disc -4p-mix-S. DJADYOVI S, Fysikalni zaklady elektrickych a elektronickych meret; fVyd. 1_7 Fraha, Statni pedagagicke nakl., 1953. (Ucebai texty vysokych skol) hysical Fundamentals of Electric and Electronic Measurements. Vol. 2 diagrs.j SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions, Library of Congress, Vol. 3, No. 4, April 1954. Unclassified, DYADKOV, SERGEY-BR. "Riflessioni. di onde ultracorte per discontinuits dells pressione di vapore nells tropoafers" and "Dnslogis per 18 tresformazione di (Fourier) e metodo meccanico per la rappresentezione del processo di intergazione" - Papers submitted at the Third International Congress and Exhibition of Electronics and Nuclear Energy, Rome, Italy, 22 JunG7 Jul 57. % C/I 3UD 0/0 1161) AUTHORt Dyadlkov, S. 22894 s/109/61/oo6/oo4/008/025 E140/E135 TITLEz Resonant transforms and their properties PERIODICALt Radiotekhnika i elektronika. Vol.6, No.4, 1961, PP-568-578 TEXTj The article constitutes a resume of the author's previously published work (Refs. 1, 2 and 4). Transforms of the form t t D M = fl(T) e-' JWT dT and F (t) = ~f(T) e- jWt dT and their images in the complex plane are discussed. The purpose of the article is to popularise these theorems without presenting any new original results. It is shown that these tran.9forma can be applied for representing the oscillation process in a loss-free circuit, to the input of which a voltage is fed which corresponds to the investigated function f(T) and the resonant frequency of which is equal to the frequency of the transform w. These Card 1/2 22994 Resonant transforms and ... S/109/61/006/004/008/025 E140/E135 transforms can also be applied for circ*.ugits with losses and non- linear resistances. In the final part of the paper applications of the resonant transform to the solution of transient processes are outlined. There are 9 figures and 5 references: 4 Soviet-bloc and 1 German. SUBMITTED: MaY 13, 1960 Card 2/2 -L-j ti 1) r. OL ""Osss IL L P..VWS.� r. L W~ RX L K, , C= fe 10 A. 16 A. JL Xp.-m rasp. CU-1 Is IL IL NO~ IA.4 I NO Ottss4 M "I. L a Yom O~- p- .A~ (wa. momse (c 15 xo 22 isms) L C, ls~ ICKA) IL IL rp4ssse V~ ms-s so- ~m musso ss VKN. IL O.'r"Ims ftolety at ..VM W-VA& 9W WO contuaw Noting at U. alwUrto To C'M."attomm, in. A. a. raw R.Al. ase.-tse -4 V-drufix 5-n Sma. HSI A. L Rp, n-4 L rip.- r. IL C-&u-, IL IL P. 1~ %am) 0. B-" 0,.=-,Z *"~ "YU-4 fty.- ofta K A. an" 44 (C AO 22 C OL X.~ A. r. A.,4.. K P.,-y p--. 10 (C 10 Ao UM) p ........ L L Wkwd,,, IL AL Tn~p to. A. S. fpw Is itZ~X) AUTHOR: __Dyad~kov, SergeY S/194/62/000/010/001/084 A154/A126 TITLE: Elastic models of resonance transformations and Fourier transforma- tions PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Avtomatika I radioelektronika, no. 10, 1962, 3 - 4, abstract 10-1-5ya (N6kter6 probl. z teorie obvodu-. Praha, ~SAV, 1961, 109 - 138; summaries*in Czechoslovakian, English and German) TEXT: The work gives the determination of -the resonance transformation of a given process, and the connection between the resonance-transformed functions and the spectral functions of this process, as well as their relations to vary- ing current and voltage amplitudes in an oscillation circuit whose Input value is determined by the given process. A description Is given of the main geomet- rical properties of images of resonance-transformed functions, which are con- stancy of the image length and the dependence of the curvature radius on the an- gular transformation frequency. These properties are similar to the properties Ctird 1/2 3/194/62/000/010/001/084 Elastic models of resonance transformations .... A154/A126 of the bending line of elastic plates, and can, therefore, be used in desJgnIng elastic models of the given process; with the aid of such models the resonance- -transformed and spectral functions of the process can be determined. A method is given for calculating and designing the elastic models, and instruments are described in which the models can be used. Methods are given for simulating spectral functions and for solving the Fourier integral with the aid of elastic models. Z.G. [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 2/2 S/044/63/000/001/008/053 Ao6o/Aooo AUTHOR: Dyadlkov, Sergey TITLE: Elastic analogs of resonance transforms and Fourier transforms PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Matematika, no. 1, 1963, 11, abstract 1B56 (N~kter6 probl. z teorie obvod;, Praha, OSAV, 1961, 109 - 138; summaries in Czech, English, German,) TEM The author studies the analogy between the Fourier transform and the relation existing between the electromotive force applied to a series oscillating circuit and the potential across the inductance. Elastic analogs of spectral functions are also cited. The indicated analogies.make it possible to establish certain useful properties of a transform. P.1. Kuznetsov [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 1/1 DIYADKCV, V. G. "Coefficients of Friction and Their Dependence on the Direction of Movement." Sub 20 Dec 51, Moscow Order of Labor Red Fanner Inst of Steel imeni I. V. Stalin Dissertations presented for science and engineering degrees in Moscom during 1951. SO: Sum. No. 480, 9 MaY 55 IW/Madlolne - Ttim- Jul/Aug 49 Blastogenic Substances "An Attempt in the Isolation of the MallAp&ut Agent From. Tumors Caused by Blastogenic Sub- stances," A. M. Dyadlkova, Lab of Xndogenle Pootors, Inst of Onool, Leningrad, 31 pp ^Arkh Patol" No 4 , pp 23-26. In experimenting with rate, author did not succeed In Isolating the malignant agent frou'Umors caused by blastogenic substances end does not consider this factor an exogmic cause. Data obtained.agree with results of experiments by 1/50T55 UM/*dIcine - Tmor's (CdntA) Jul/Aug 149 Z121ber. This problem and the nature of this factor require further study. Sol Dir, Lab of Indogenle Factores L. M. Shaba&j Corr MM, Maid Ned Sol UM. Diro Inst of Onool: A. I. Serebrov, Corr Ham, Acad Vied Sol MO. DYkD'KOVA, A. M. USSIVMedicine - Cancer Jun 53 "The Problems of the Detection of Specific Antigens in Some TL=ors of Animals and Human Deings," A. M. Dyadlkova, Lab of F-xpl Cancer, Inst of OncoloL7, Acad W Sci, USSR Zhur Mro, Epid, i Immun, No 6, pp 70-73 L.A. Zillberls method for detacting specific tumor antigens by producing anaphylaxia desensibilization was checked. The presence of specific witigens was established by this method in the following type tumors: Brown-Pierce cancer of rabbits, rabbit cancer produced by 9, 10-dimethyl-1,2-benzanthracene, spontaneous adeno- carcinoma of mice, and human cancer of the breast. Both active and passive sensibilization were used prior to desensibilization. 267T30 DYADIKO M. Blastomogenic effect of 9,10-dimethyl-1,2-benzanthracene on rats. Trudy MM SSSR 21 no.4-141-149 152. (KLRA 10:8) 1. Iz laboratorii po izucheniyu kentserogennykh veshchestv (nauchn. rukov. - chlen-korrespondent AMN SSSR prof. L.H.Shabad) Institute oakologli AMN SSSR (dir. - chlen-korrespondent AMN SSSR prof. A.I. Serebrov) (BENZANTHUCENTBS# effectal 9,10-dimethyl-1,2-benzanthrecene, blastomogenic action) (CARGIROGM, 9,10-dimdthyl-1,2-bensanthracene) GEL I SHTEnT, V.I.; DTADIKOVA, A.M. ---'f!-"':-'- ~ i ~ "' '- ~ Furth8r data on oncologic characteristics of laboratory brown mice of the CC 57 line. Top.onk.1 no.2.*32-39 155. (MT-HA 9:1) 1. Is laboratorii okeperimentallnoy onkologii (zar. Chl.korr. AKN SSSR pref. L.M.Shabad) Instituta onkologii A34N SSSR (dir. Chl.korr. AMN SSSR pref. A.I.Serebrov) (NBOPLASMS, experimental, oncel.charactoristics of browiL mice C057) brown mice GG 57' oncol.characteriatice) DTADIKOVA, A.M. (Leningrad, Kolpinakeya ul., d.27, kv. 21) ltxperimental morphological inveo tigations of various stages of development of filtrable fowl sarcomas Vopoonk. I not4i12-21 '55o (KLRA 10:1) 1, Is laboratoril okoperimentallnoy onkologil (zav. chlen-korr. AMN SSSR prof. L.M.Shabad) Institute onkologii AMN SSSR (dir. chleu-korr. AHN SSEM prof* A.I.Serebrov) (SARCOMA, experimental, chicken filtrable sarcoma, histol. aspects of various stages of develop.) (NEOPLASMS, experimental, sarcoma, chicken filtrable, histol. aspects of various stages of developj TA seca6 Vol. 3 cancer ch .&MM%~_-clecg16 Yojo,1,, uance e r4nctr charackfistiC$ Of Mkt V I/W low-mmer strain 'S, Blacle (&Euixt UXI) Th ;~YADKOvA A. M. and MADVEDi&v N. N. Inst. of Oncol., USSK Acad. of Med. Sci., Me'ni ig-raiff Vop. nkol. 1956, 2/2 (20t-203) I ti 9 yr. 28 generations (from the 58th to the 86th) of 1Sjj Black' mice were reared in the "perimental cancer laboratory of the above-mentioned institute. In this period, autopsy was performed on 385 mice, the ages of which ranged from 4 to 24 MWAIM Can Only one mate had cancer of the skin, No other fom of cancer not even breast can- cer, was noted. 9goahina - Malcow, M P1 NICHAYETA, I.D.; "YAWSOU, ILJ"- GORYUKEIINA, T.A.; TSBLI, Ye.A. (Adres avtorov: leningrad '-109-,'-Y-ya Berezovaya alleys, dom, 3. Institut Onkologii Akademii meditainakikh nauk SSSR. Tenth session of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the U.S.S.R. Vop.onk. 2 no.4-.493-502 156s (MLFA 9:12) 1. Inatitut Onkologii Akademii meditainakikh nauk SSSR. OANGER) DYADIKOVA, A.M. (Leningrad, 110, Kolpinskaya, ul., d. 27, kv. 21.) Chicken lymphomatosis and its relation to sarcomatosis [with summary in English) Vop. onk.,,2 no.6:664-670 156 (XI-PA 10:4) 1. Is laboratorii eksperimentallnoy onkologii (zav.-chl.-korr. AMN SSSR prof. L.M. Shbad) Iuatituta onkologii AHN SSSR (dir.-chl.- korr. AMN SSSR prof. A.I. Serebrov) (FOWLS, DOKISTIG, die. lymphomatoeis in chickens, relation to earcomatosis) W"HOKA avian lymphomatosis in chickens, relation to earcomatosio) (SARCOMA sarcomatosis in chickens, relation to avian lympbomatosis) r - ') :" u vo VOLIFSON, N.I.; DYADIKOVA, A.M.; KORDSTAIAVA, T.A.; SHLBAD. L. M Nxamination of the possible blastomogenic activity of extracts from tumor tissues* Vop.onk. 3 no.5:540-546 157. (MIRA 11:2) 1. Iz laboratorii ekapertmentallnoy onkologii (zav. - chl-korr. AHN SSSR prof. L.M-Shabad) Institute oakologii AHN SSSR (dir. - deystv. chl. AMN SSSR prof. A.I.Serebrov). Adres avtorov: Ioningrad, P-129, 2-ya Berezovaya alleys, d.3, Institut onkologii A1111 SSSR. (NEOPIASMS, exper. transpl. in animals with human tumor oxtracto) DYADIKOVA, A.M. Detection of specific antigens in filterable and noffilterable chicken sarcoma by precipitation in agar. Vop. onk. 5 no.12:648-654 '59. (MIRA 13:12) (ANTIGENS AND ANTIBODIES) (TUMORS) C-bYa'KOVA,__A.M. __, Comparative studies on chicken sarcoma antigens by means of the agar precipitation method. Vop. onk's 6 no. 11460-66 11 760. MTRA 14: 1) . (TUMORS) DYADIKOVAj A. M. Cultivation of Rous sarcoma virus and of tissues of various chicken sarcomas in chick embryos. Vop. onk. 8 no 7:15-24 162. (MiRA 1527) 1. Iz laboratorii eksperimentalinoy onkologii (zav. - zasl. deyat. nauki.. prof* N. V. Iazarev) Instituts. onkolo ii ANN SSSR (dir. . I. Serebrov - deystv. chl. ANN SSSR, prof. A O~ (TISSUE CULTURE) (VIRUSES) (CAJTCER RESEARCH) DYADINDVA A.M.,;, IDTOSH, Ye.A. -';j Oncological characteristics of a new line of laboratory mice. Vop. onk. 8 no.11:46-47 162. (MIn l7t6) 1. Iz laboratorii eksperimentallnoy onkologii (zav.- zasluzhennyy deyatell nauki prof. N.V. Lazarev) Instituta onkologii AMN SSSR (dir.- deystvitelInyy chlen A141 SSSR, prof. A.I. Serebrov). f E~y 0 f -4"Tjillay~j Of tll,- ar, t lcail~.rer (MIRA -1. lhio~, 'V L DrADKOVI5,A,,-Jnzh, (Chekhoulavatokaya Reopublika), Mechanized mining of very thin coal seams of Ostrava-larvins. coal- fields In Czechoslovakia*-Isve vyoo uchebe zave; gor. zhur. no.2; 12-20 1580' (KLU 1115) (Czechoslovakia-Coal mines and mining) (Coal mining machinery) D*,KovsKiY,.,Yustin~6dokimovich, 1784-18ia Works; 'problems of general pathology Roakva, I-Tedgiz, 1954. 390P. RB6. D52 1. Pathology- CoUected works, DYADYUS14A, G.G. Electronic spectra and structure of symmetrical organic compounds. Part 3t Substitutions in chromophore of Bym- metrical polymethine dyes. Ukr. khhr.. zh-tir. 31 no. Ut L171-1177 165 (II.IIIA 19i1) 1. Institut khimii vysokoriolekulyarnyk-li soyedineniy AN UkrSSR. PYADWSAt G.G. Zlectrcnic spectra a-r:d stnzct,zre- Lf comzouyids. Part 4: Ass--=-etirical dyes as derl-atives ---" syn-metrical ones. Ukr. khim. zhar. 31no. 12-.1293-1301 165 19a) 1. Institut- khimii vysokomolekulyarnykh soyedim-miy All' UkrSSR. Submitted I-lay 14, 1964- XADrK, I.; BARANNIKO, 1. for the ohortest workday in the worlds Sovoprofooluq 16 no.10:24-27 Mr 160. (MIRL 13:6) 1. Predeedatell Stalinskogo soveta narodnogo khozyaystva (for Dyadyk). 2. Sekretarl Stalinskogo oblastnogo soveta,profsoyuzov (for Baranenko). (Stalino, Province-Hours of labor) sov/96-58-9-16/21 .AUTHORS: and Lellchu-'.7 V.L. (Candidate of Phys.1"I"ath. ience~ TITLE: Heat-transfer from the Walls to a Turbulont Flow of Air in a Tube with Large Temperature Differences, and a Method -of Calcula'Ging the Wall Teri-eratura (Te~)lootdacha ot stenki k turbulentnoniii potol-ni vozdukha ~rnrtri truby pri bol'shillch teraperaturnylih i raschet tem,'),-ratury stenl-'i) PERIODICAL: Teploenornetilm, 1953, Nr 9, pp 74 - 79 (USSR) ABSTRACT: This article describes ,.rork uzadertulc,~-n to 'e'erniino local heat-trans-fer coefficients and tube wall- tuamperan bure s when gas- flows insir-le a sturong.-ly hea"ed tube. The -bests were carried out; with a C'urbule-nl: flow ef air in a '51.1be of steel Kh-18-Yi?,T of 17-82 mm internal diamri-er, 2620 mm long, tne tube being heated elootrically. The neasures necessary to ensure good thernnal insuiSt-jon of the tube and reliable deterniiiiation of 1ccal 1-.1--ermal are also tho i-1-istrumo-r lut`ou. Five zor4es of tests vrere froL'_ 0 Card 1/4 6o - mooc;. Thc W-a l -I t" I ro 1r as 091r,"Co. He inlet-air te;xr~nraturr. wos aii-lys 15 - 28CC, ;:,j-~d the sov/o6-58-9-16/21 Hoa t- trans -',P-r from the 'Jalls to a Turbulen't.- Flow of Air in -L Tube wi-th lar,-,o T(.,i,,-rjc-ra'vurc Differences, and a. lietlaccl of Calculating the Wall TcT.,iperature outle' teLincratu:-Q .liJ not si.-:ceel~' 5~791,~"30 T,.,,-, cynolds niu,lbor a~ ~110 il-dot ec" 5~tc u-Lon rLirred froia 1 x 10 !U,:; and ~hle i;ktch- aLn~~,.T-)-,r U. 0. Tlie q7iia t; i o -,is- used tc npalculal-lc the flow ~,-haiactc;r/istics and locUl a-e i7j.ven. The a7mou-ilt of hoat venera.-cd CLI jor lenE;;;% of increase' scmeu`lat di-i--~ctiorL Of flow, due to oic-f3t'r-4-3 incxr~qase .decific rc-Lis'-al,ne with Chanf-~?s t" 4-11 aear- zilong -'Uh--- len".-tv of tha -*U-11,be for cortain conditions ar,~ shoun in Fir~-, 1. Tli-~ test data, obtained arD coiii I : U Ul Of aubliors and it uill bl~ Fig 2 'u-'-La-", a-reeme-at with I-fl-ill's vorlk is 6,-,0,-l but tbc; 71JACA of 1951 lower results. Hoir,-v(!,-.,, wi'hin '-ho of Reynolds 'Mu~,tbcrs 25~000 - 400)000 formula "S is wiecuratc- en;.Dugln. Foritulae 7 and S data for local -to llitllill Card 2/4 he;~.t-transfor coefficiants an-1 U In Fi,,:3 1+ and 5, all Wie (uq)orimontal data on local Q sov/96-58-o,-16/21 Heat-transfer from the Walls to a Turbulent Flow of Air in a Tube ;Tith large Ten-,)erature Differences, and a Method of Calculating 0 the Wall TGriporature and raean heat transfer coefficients are compared with formulae 7 and 8. It will be seen that the fortaulae are generally applicablG and that they represent the experimental results with considerable accuracy. This is important, because when the uall temperature is very high and the temperature drop from the wall to the gas is also high, a relatively small error in determination of the temperature difference may lead to the tube running dangerously hot. The article provides a simple method Card 3/)+ SOV/96-58-9-16/21 Heat-transfer from the Walls to a Turbulent Flow of Air in a Tube with large Temperature Differences, and a Yethod of Calcuilatuing the Wall Temperature of calculating the chango of wall ten,~erature along the length of a tube vith the given the-Tmal load distribution and given gas conditions at inlet. There are 6 figures, 5 literature referonces (3 Soviet, 2 English) ASSOCIATION: VSeSOYU2nyy teplotekhnicheskiy institut (All-Union Thermo-technical Institute) 1. Gas flow--Thermodynamic properties 2. Heat transfer--Mathematioal analysis 3. Temperature--D6termifiation 4. Maihematies--Appli- cations Card VLF DYADV-AKMP B. V,, Candidate Tech Sci (diss) -- '7:xperimental investigation of thermal emission fram a pipe wall to a gas., and of the hydraulic resistance in high-tempwature heads". ~Joscow,, 1959. 15 PP (Gosplan TJS.%, ";Oyuzglavemrb-o, All-Union order of IAbor Red Banner Heat-Enginsering Sci Res Innt im F. E. Dzerzhinskiy), 130 copies (KL, No 23, 1959, 166) 10 J1 )DO 87505 S/124/6o/Ooo/0i2/bo8/0oq ITP 0 AOO5/AOO1 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1960, No. 12, p. 141, # 16-)94 AUMiOR3: Lel'chuk, W.L., Dyadyakin, B.V. LE: The Heat Emission From the Wall to a Turbulent Air Stream Within a Pipe and the Hydraulic Resistance at High Temperature Pressures PERIODICAL: V sb.: Vopr. teploobmena. Moscow, AN SSSR, 1959, PP. 123-192 TEXT: An experimental investigation was conducted on the effect of the tem- perature factor on the heat exchange and retistance at the turbulent air stream in pipes. The authors present in their article a detailed description of the experi- mental method and the experimental unit. The experiments were conducted with a pipe of 17.82 mm in diameter and 2,620 mm length. The pipe was heated by direot current supplied to its ends. The wall temperature was measured by thermocouples applied to the external surface and insulated from the pipe wall by thin mica layers. For measuring the hydraulic resis-~%ance, the pipe had 14 bores for sampling the statical pressure. The R-number range ran from 1.17 x 0 to 6.45 x 105, that of the temperature factor Tst/T from I to 2.5. As an experimental. result, a:-, em- pirical formula was obtained taking into account the temperature factor effect: Card 1/.3 87505 3/124/60/0oo/oj2/0o8/bo9 A005/AOOI Tho Heat Emission From the Wall to a Turbulent Air Stream Within a Pipe and the Hydraulic Resistance at High Temperature Pressures N Rmpo.4 TT p ( st where c, m, and p are functions of X/D,- the author propose to adopt their values from the graphs presented. According to the expectations, the values of c and m remain practically constant and equal to 0.025 and 0.8 respectively for x/D > 10. But the dependence of exponent p on x/D is preserved over the entire length of the pipe up to x/D = 133. In other words, the authors state that no thermal stab.11.1za.- tion is observed at the heating of a gas in pipea at great temperature differencea. The latter circumstance is unexpreated. Besides the measurement of heat emissi-r.. the investigation was conducted of the temperature f actor ef f e~~t on i,he hydra;.~'. *-:- resistance. As a result it was obtained that the 1ccal resistance coaffiolent 1-z 0.19 R0.2 TTst where exponent j = f(x/D) varies from -0.16 to 40.16 with the variation of x/D from Card 2/3 87505 S/l24/6o/ooo/ol2/oo8/ooq A005/AO01 The Heat Emission From the Wall to a Turbulent Air Stream Within a Pipe and the Hydraulic Resistance at High Temperature Pressures from 11 to 70; for x/D'770, its value remains constant. The article is completed by detailed-tables of the primary experimental data and their processing. There are 8 references. V.V. Kirillov Translator's note: This is the full translation of the original Russian abstract. Card 3/3 - ----- --------- o g -j V 3 jiv] -1 IM v td s A ! il i ne I , I ' .i 1 0-2 9 j l i 4 -- ---------- Pt- .1 III-H -.11. 3 1 vt will %1.04 !"n-3-:1111 fit,. KA 3, I.P. BlaCovstroistvo raionnykh tnmtrov i r--i*,,Iclch-ilh posr.E~ovr-,Llfar.-L, of re,~-Ional cont,rc xil th~-, T-Jlor!~-ersl villarr s :,.i"- - -e -7. 1-loshra, .,stvo khoz-va RSFSR, 1952. 215) P. SO: lion'thly Lirt of Russian Accession, Vol. 6, ITO. 2. DYADYCIIETKO, 1. 7., "An Investicat-Ion of the Probl2ms o-,^ 'Iakin.- Blocks for City StreAZ5 Usir: ~,he Cupola-Furnaco SlaCs Frooi the INills in -he Gor'.11y Cand Tech Sci, Acad Con-vii.mal Econoz~,,y Lneni K. D. Panfilov, 17 January 10,55. 7' Jan Survey of 3cientific an-11 Tochnical Diss!rtations D?fonrl--~-'at U5SR Hir`,-,~~r EImatio-al SO: Smi. -0 593, 29 Jul 55 DTADYK. I. I. ' Eliminate all accidents in coal mines. Bezop. truda, v*prom. 1 no.12: 6-8 ., D 157. (MIRA 12:3) l.?redsedatell Stalinskogo-sovnarkhoza. (Coal mines and mining--Safety measures) DTADYK, 1.1 . Uaing new methoda. Kant. ugl. 7 no. 5:19-20 Yq 158. (HIPA 11;7) 1. Predsedatell Stalinakogo sovnerkhose (Stalino Province--Coal mines and mining) DTADYK, I.I. Coal mining in Stalino District. Ugoll 34 no.9:1-5 S '59. (WRA 12:12) l.Predsedatell Stalinakogo sovnarkhoza. (Stalino, Province--Coal mines and mining) (Russia--Economic policy) f DYADYK . - I. I... - - ------T Expansion of poal mining in the Doneto Voonomic Region. Ugoll Ukr. 5 ho,12:1-4 D 161o (MIRA 14:12) (Donets Basin-Coal mines and mining)