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ACC NRt SOURCE CODE: UR/03)31/66/008/012/3617, ATMOR: Dutchak) Yas Is Stets lklvp 0, P, ; 0sypenko) V. P. ORG: Vvov State University im. 1. Franko (LlvovBkiy, gosudarstvennyy universitet) TITLE: Thermal emf of certain met als and alloys in the liquid state SOURCi: Fizika tyerdogo telap v& 8p nos 12) 1966p 36~7-3620 TOPIC TAGS: thermal emfp liquid metalp Indium base allay) cryBtanization) electric' conductivity ABSTRACT: Tnasmuch as this subject has not been thorough%y investigated in the past, the authors studied the thermal emf of six metals (Sn, Fb, Zn, In, Bi, Sb) as they go to the crystallization point, and of several liquid n1loys of the In-Sn and In-Pb sys- tems. The thermal emf was measured in a temperature range of 100* above and below the crystallization point. The samples were molten In an oven with two heaters, to permit exact control of the temperature differential. The thermal emf war. measured with a photorecorder pyrometer and with mirror galvanometers, and the temperature wash measured with thermocouples. The results were platted in such a way that It was pos- sible to obtain continously the vales.of the emf coefficients, starting with the in- stant when both ends of the cample were liquid, to the instant when both soli :If1:td: Plots of the absolute thernial. emfs of the metals and alloys tested and a tabl ing the change in the coordination numter, the electric conductivity,, and the thermal emf of the metals on going from the liquid to the solid state is presented. It is L~g~,d 1/2 NRs APT005853 I S/185/60/005/001/010/018 A151Ao29 Dutchak, Ya.Y. T'I'7UP's On the Temperature Dependence of Near Order in Liquid Lead .!FRIODICALs Ukrayinslkyy Fizychnyy Zhurnal, 1960, Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 94 - 99 Mlts The paper presents results of a roentSmairaphic Investigation of liquid lead at various temperature6, as well as the resulta on the "blurring" of the crystal lattice with the determination of the temperature dependence of the strueotural diffusion coefficient. The roentgenograms were obtained In a vacuum cliAmber in the copper emission. 7'Mis emission was subjected to a monochromatic traatment effected with the aid of differential fIlters. The sample intended for the investigation was placed in a ceramic cup, in which a nickel-chromium heating spiral was installed. A simple device helped to dislpcate the cup with the me-it in it into vertical direction, which made it possible to keep the sur- fa-;e of the melt in a fixed state. The temperature of the melt was measured by in,~tan3 of a chromel-alumel thermocouple. The body of tha chamber and the oamtte ,qe.t,p, cooled by running.water. It was possible to replace the cassette contain- ir~g The film, in conse4uence of which a series of roentgenograms could be ob- Oard 11_4 S/185/60/005/001/010/018 A151/AO29 On the Temperature Dependence of Near Order in Liquid Lead tained on one film. The roemtgenograms were tbAn micro-photometered on a 0-2 (MF-2) visual micro-photometer. The Investigation of the liquid lead was con- ducted at temperatures of 330, 360, 380, 405, 425 and 4500C. The Intensity of the dispersion of X-rays by liquid lead were obtained which are characterized bv three maxima. The shape of thege maxima changes with a temperature Increase. A 'hich are charac- determination was also made of the radial distribution curves w terized by maxima in the case of r - 3.44 A and r - 4.94 A. With a temperatur6 rise these maxima descend and become wider. Both the intensity and radial dis- tribution curves were determined for liquid lead at various temperatures. 14, has also been ascort4ned that, close to the melting temperatu~re, the coordina- tion number of liquid lead is 11.4 and the radius of the coordination sphere 3.44 A. A rise In the temperature of liquid lead causes a decrease in the co- ordination number. Following from the results of the "blurring" of the lattice, it can be said that the structure of liquid lead is characterized by a cubic tightly-packed lattice. It can be seen that the structural duffusion coefficient Increases with a temperature increase. This increase agrees with the decrease In the coordination number. In closing, the author expresses his gratitude to Profeasor A.Yu. Glauberman and Docent O.M. Muzychuk for their valuable instruc- Card 2/3 S/185/60/005/001/010/018 A151AM ti,he Temperature Dependence of Me" Order In Liquid Lead rl,,-ns and advice, as well as to the student 1.1. Marchak for the assistance ren- -Ered in the course of this experiment. There are 4 figures and 12 references: -' Soviet, 5 English, 2 German and 1 unidentified. 'IR--.0,C1.AT10Nz L!vivslkyy derzhavnvy universytet im. Iv. Franka (L'vov State Uni- versity imeni Iv. Franko) SUBMr='. June 20, 1959 Card 3/3 DUTCHEINKO~_.F,~N.-,, gornyy inzh. - - Efficient use of the capacities of 167ASF.-PE separators at the Krivoy Rog Southern Mining and Ore Dressing Combine. Gor. zhur. no.601-73 Je 163. (MIRA 16:7) 1. Yuzhnyy gornoobogatitelInyy kombinat, Krivoy Rog. (Krivoy Rog Basin-Separators (H&chines)) GRELERTER, luliuo conf.; DUTESCU B. dr. Humanism and medicine, Med. intern. 15 no.3:257-262 Mr 10. (PULOSOPHY, MEDICAL) lW.UMJIk DUTESCU2 i~., MD. .quebarest, Viata lledicaj,~ Ho 19, 1 Oct 63, pp 1357-1359 "The Oocial and Politicza -ittitudo of Gh. ~,inrinescu.ll DRAGOMRESCIJ, D.; IUTESCU, Gh.; MARINESCU? L.; NEAGU, D.; RADULESCU, C. Establishing optimm conditions for the work with a Wilson chamber. Studii cero fiz 13 no.3:479-483 162. 1. Institutul do fi3ica atomica, Bucuresti. 14 T-,E-S c- " P UMANTA/General oblems of Patholoey - Tumors - Ab8 Jour : Ref Zhur - Biol., No 1, 1958, 3182 Author : Dutescu, N., Timosca, Gl., Mrm, I. inst Title : lUxed Tumors of the Hard and Soft Palate. Orig Pub : Stomatologia, 1956, 3, No 3, 230-238 Abstract : No abstract. T-5 Card 1/1 MAMSCUP N.1 DUTMU.- N. A device for measuring diffusion length of the neutrons in liquids. Studii cerc fiz 12 no.3:661-666 161. 1. Institutul de fizica atomica, Bucuresti. (Neutrons) (Diffusion) (Liquids) RUMANIA / Himan and Animal Morphologyp Normal and Pathological. S Digestive System. Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Biol., No 8) 1958j No 35917 Author Dutescuj, N.; rusu, M. -ff--a Inst ot 7tir- Title Statistical Data Concerming Odoatogenetic Cysts of the Jaws. Orig Pub Stomatologia, 1957, 4j, No. 3, 257-262 Abstract Not given Card 1/1 EXCERPTA MEDICA Sec 9 Vol 13/6 Surgery June 59 3153, CONSIDERA-rIONS ON 'riw TREATMENT OF FISTULAE OF THE PAROTID CoLAND - Consideratiunt asupra tratamentului fistulplor glandei paroilde - Dutescu N., Ijusu &I.. -.1mosca Ch. and Haimovici A. C1in.Stomaro_f_._._rn_s_t.__7ac Med., Iasi - HEV. MED. CHIR. IA�I 1958, 62/2 (305-309) In three cases recovery was obtained by using atropine, cauterizations and X-ray therapy, in small doses. T CU, (;.Ct; JANMCI, M.;-DUTESCUj It; IO=GU, V. Th. . _L Laboratory electromagnet for intense fields. Studii, cerc fiz 14 noa-.57-72 ~63, 16 Institutul de fizica, atomdea Buoureati, DUTIKOVI A. P. Brigade cost accenting in the shaped steelcasting shop. Lit. proiz., No 5j 1952. DUTINOV, A.P. _, Redbacixg looses in steel smelting. Lit.proisv. no.8:1-2 N 154. (Steel castings) (MIaA 8:1) D~_111~6v, NIZ. AUTHOR; Dutikov, 11.1.1 Engineer 128-56-4-1/16 TITLE: Foundries in the Gorlkiy Economic Administrative Region (Liteynyye Teekhi Gorlkovskogo ekonomicheskogo administrativ- nogo rayona) PERIODICAL: Liteynoye Proizvodstvo, 1958, No. 4, pp 1-2 (USSR) ABISTRACTi General information is given on the present state of the foundries in the Gorlkiy Administrative Region and activities of the Gor'kiy Sovnarkhoz, which administers about 400 indu- strial and construction enterprises. The Sovnarkhoz-organ- ized inspections of the 65 foundries revealed lack of mecha- nization, poor utilization of equipment, delayed reconstruc- tion, a wages system giving no incentive to skilled workers such as molders, gas and dust polluting the air in the foun- dries and impairing health. The yearly production per square meter of floor space is on an average 0.6-0.8 t, and per work- er 15-25 t (17.2 t at the Plant imeni Sverdlov, 20 t at the Plant imeni Voroblyev, 16 t at the "Dvigatell Revolyutsii"). Only 2VC of molding work is mechanized at the "Teplokhod" and only 10% at the "Vtorchermet", etc. In numerous foun- Gard 112 dries net production cost per ton of cast iron amounted to Poundrieu in the Gorlkiy Economic Administrative Region 128-58-4-1/16 60 to 120 man/hra, or 1,800 to 2,500 rubles. Measures planned by the Sovnarkhoz include improvement of working con- ditions and offering incentives through bonuses. Special designer groups are being employed to promote mechanization, and modernization. It is planned to use chemically-harden- ing mixtures for water glass for molds and cores, to use sand blasting and sand-jet methods for ramming molds and cores, to utilize experiences gained by leading Soviet and foreign foundries. The planned production increase for the next 3 years ist 36~o in cast iron, 30% in malleable cast iron, 15% in steelt 4016 in non-ferrous metal castings. Pre-heated cupola blast will be introduced this year at many foundries. ,'NAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 212 1. Industrial engineering 2. Economic conditions-USSR V 91-58-7-6/27 AUTPORS: Dutikov S Shevelev, A.A.; Vaytsman, V.M., Engineers _ ___L J a V nd nukov, A.K., Candidate of Technical Sciences TITLE: Exchange of Exparience(Obmen opytom). The Automated Oper- ation of Mills(Avtomatizatsiya raboty melinits). PERIODICAL: Energetik, 1958, 1Tr 7, pp 19-20 (USSR)- ABSTRACT: In 1957, 5 drum ball mills (4 mills ofSh-161, type and 1 biconical mill of "ShK-25" tYpe) were automated according to the design suggested by Yuzhnoye otdeleniye ORGRES (the "ORGRES" South Branch Office). The following equipment was utilized; electronic controllers of "ER-III" type on 2 mills and electomechanical direct feedback columns of the "Energodetall 11 plant on 3 mills. Their structural details and operation are described. The first experimental ser- vice of this automated system proved its operational stabil- ity and wide control range, as well as easy maintenance. The various requirements to be met for automating mills, Card 112 such as good dust system, continuous aeration etc. are Exchange of Experience 91-58-7-6/27 outlined. The "dust level" automation of mills must gua- rantee a decrease in consumption of electric energy for the preparation of pulverized coal by 3 to 4 kwh per ton of milling. There are 2 diagrams. 1. Ball mills--Operation 2. Ball mills--Electronic controls Card 2/2 MUNOTA, S.I.; DUTIXOTA, ILA. _ They reached the threshold of 196~, Tekstepromo 20 no,6:89 Je 160. (MM 1317) (Vladimir Frovinoe-Textile industry) SMTJM., Tibor; SHOMIC2 B,,I~Fpli) - Electromotive forces of concentration calls in dimetb7l- sulfoxide. Glasnik hemicara ME 32t53-57 162, 1. laboratory of Pbysical -Chtimistry# Chemical Institute, University of Sarajevo& 26 Membre du Comite do redactioup *Glasnlk Drustva hemicara i tahnologa SR Boons i HercegovineO (for Skerlak)e T l6 ~himmlqt IgIc actelit - Ada" (jutirnal of tile Ifuligariall Cheini(A socio!Y K&Iiiiihimik Laipja -, Vol. 8, 19.53, NO- 3, PP,. 9.-4)3-' 4 01M-) mithnv,; dabii.,hetl that- the redix po Ile es tentw '117vile -Ml7viie Sulfituc ion system, of.l1le In millfortic 11114 of Alte imline-iodide Ina ivsfim are, very 'Cj!QISe to ench alber. Statements in Hut lit-n,,eltv sullinic. acid cali Ix- oxidiiml wit!v lodkeat Hungarian Tleohdpal Aboti, tivelk, into I'Vilt'rov Sullfunic acid and thii reaction %6--1 Vol # 6 No. 1 fimwl m6lablu at thc mmc t~mo fur Ow i 'lptennination' 1954 tot N-nzen,-'sial(hric acid. It was c.0ablisbcd, morcover, that the scidium ralt of benzene suffinic acid is stable. rill air, however.,ox"dati-ml and diiprolmrtionatiun occur Ill 1 an acid. solution. It was proven that tint- only, bromine solutions but bromic acid. potassium jiLmmipp~rWto and potassium carbonate FAilutions can also be 'Fnensured' 4olutnettically directly with a solution a e hun f th .:Wt of bennne sullinic acid in. acid inedia. u, 7.-1 IW (,I h- 1, ii-I! a slat, J tr. t - w.,Iwd -M 1 v i i.... . ..I Azteltzpt-'l t!Mul ,I o :-I 4IIIi gM driLd [.%rtj;S1~.j -1-1 C tr-u~i, Cru-1 L Li?,~: I ! li, k -k-nnip-11 11 I'W"l ~3 5 4 N,CHCO.E, (11-1) and dic wvtt kevf ~,,r Iiig,fit .11 '_'W, Ilizu warim:1 aC1Q-5* until N v,,lalzoa .1 (f-6 hrl.), giving 615 g. crude %'-g*. CrudelVin Mi I-if. af,7. trcati:4 with .211.5 (4) ril. IRAUIR~,c a'-- 110 (11.9 m.1-) -~ with 40 z. 11-1% Pc-C pr-- mductd fit bVj mi. coned. 1A. ad dhitled. wving --15 .7. pt furthcr cott--n. gave an addid. 32 3 g. Two cryAtn:. rpam StOAC (10 Z./UU tnt.) give rx-CaHs1CUCfl(LVHs)- F L vjt,-m-~114~16`(fram akj: V Mr. M. 111-12,5'i -JV ht Ilexamt with Pd-C WW ftydrC&=_atcd to Et (W), m. 73-4' (from alza.). VAlir (0~84 g.) and 0.16 g. N'aOAc In 15 aA. MO treatLil 10 min. with 2.04 gg. A~,O gz~ V! A mNt. of 27 all. Ac.0. 3-5 g. AgOAc, 73Z77 g. VMC), :ind COO nil. .1-5,011 0-~Len. r, 1,rs. in the tLark, &-10 min . filtercif 1!"I "rate chilled Zave 62.2 g. crude nt- CulflICO Ft (VII), in. crysta. from nr ~j cql. hexazi.- -n-Wetl &I gm 71 rudc V 11 Cl 7 1 --u i t % 511. m "ll c~;;lj M t t ~~-"7 !k~ g mixt Tr~_t,:-4 -ftrr 1, 5. 't eltd. 7 11"to- a-.1 r,rk,,r Vill 1_1 m AelAr gat- IX 4 - ~ j- " : 1, 1 . a(I(ICA fo 45AI g~ III in 40 ml. Ktr. loth-r. and the mixt. k-cpt I dav at 0' and 2 d~tys at 21', thrii t"Ated ~lttj W,7 g. M PQ Till. ['Ztr. CVWf, VIV !-Arb~tli-lk m"AltylilytMiniml: b"'mide (41.3 g.) wilich pptd. M. 112- Li I (Front C11C?,). Thr. filtrate, with tllr,~ 3fl-flif po,tv.3l'i of 11,0, Elm 30-mi. pvmti~n~ 4 10% 11C1, arl4 tt, me 30-ml. portiongs of N KOU, dried ( MgSO,), coqiL'-,i . in r.ifua, and the re-Hue (G5.6 g.) cryst-1. at 0' and drmill on .1 ca!d cNy pUtc pive 44.8 r. C,,I(,,COCI(-COEt (XIIZ), m. 3&-S' (frasn MOR). 'XUI hydrq,,,mated in IfOr-E-011 rave V.1111r. George L. SuthcrUf4- MMGARY/OrgELnic Chemistry - Natural Substances and Their G-3 Synthetic Analogues. Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Xhimiya, No 7, 1958, 216o1 Author : G. Fodor, 1. Sallay, F. Datka Inst : - Title : Quaternary Amsonium Salts Derived of (-)-Lupinine_ Orig Pub : Acta phys. et:chem. Szeged, 1956, 2, No 1 -41 77-79 Abstract : The configuration of the ox~methyl group with respect to the N atom in (-)-lupinine (1) was studied. Epimer iodi- des were prepared by the action of CH2,COOC05 (1I) on I' The epimer (III)) melting point,1540, 'C,~~4D--_ -49.060 (a- 1.591), was prepared at about 200 of 1.07 g of I and 1.284 g of II in 3 mlit of absolute C6H6. The epimer ~(IV), melting point 148 to 1500, COj24D =_ -84.760 (a - 1.05), was obtained of 0-354 g of I and 0.428 g of II in Card 1/2 ZP6 Distri Wd/Wo ~ - Ral wo r, 444 is J &&il &"i ac des: D. OU and ku MO., e$EPJVb fiat. ung.) mfiewicIvIeW . M P Ii h kl h l I n But ta uary. aqte. T uetks t e satople ex-. W- re e dwnce vms m eazared-lbxettivemen Ed. Bu I and Kl; tabeled witb l It?. /'Me pcemca of an a whibited the ex- dtauge PV we mte onnats and energla of activa-, dAn were: Ed 44.7 X I(P' UQI. am., 0 cal./mak. PrI, 25 391 7 l A0 757 P . u . ; - , - UT Kt9) Ms. G6. VDU ~~"LA-4 ta.,na"Aft'A." 12~.P.. 14=t1=,= in labeW KI auNt, ti,hen lbtotyl lo-: 7 yll. Z! did" :~ ~PMLMY.141 9i Ity ~ h or th Iodide. org. lodide were 0.2 molell. and &- K1, 0.105 la abs. &k. soln. The ad4a. of aulline to the mixt. inhibited 6otope exchange; this was attributed to reaction with the ort. radical resulting in splittIng of the, Wine atom from-the structure. DesoFption of the org. lo-, dides from fed P and active C was studied with a differential Manometer and it counter. Graphs of the data showed that there was a const. value of activation energy (or a given sur- face at a given tegnp. On the surface of red P there were at f least 3 adsorptlun zones of different hcatj of adsorption. At the highest enetp -level, there wits rupture of the C. -1 boud, theliberatedi Ine atom forming P Iodides with the adsorb. ent. At an intcrtnediate energy-level, the C-1 ruptWe still occurred with the Iodine atom moving to the lowesc energy level, at which the C-1 bond remained stable and an alkyl iodide polymer formed and inhibited sp. activity of the; adsorbent, Desorption from active Calso started from zones of min. adsorption heat but sp. activities fluctuated considerably and desorption was reversible. An abs. alc.' solu. of the Mg. Iodide% -A-as shaken with a known amt. of active C for a few days until adsorption cq4ii. was attained, the adwrbejit filtered off and mixed with ate. solu. of KI, neasuring the increase of 1134 activity of the soln. The l e, -xtent of isotope exchange between arg. Iodides adsorbed on CandKiwasthesame. With red P. however. no exchange, wasubserved. Chem. reaction took ptace during ad%orp- tiononrod*P. Relevant kinetic data were tabulated' and .shown graphically., J. ~ u7 Distr: 4E2c(j) Kinetics of stXM oMation In the presence of labded benzaldehyda. F. Dutka und D. GM (thuagar6m Acad. Scl., Budapest)--Ai5ii~iMij ",PbUO59XIn, Hnglbb).- The mcchantwit of styretic oxidn. by 0 at 70* mW 760 mm. Ift was investigatecl. The mic of BzH. the uktin Inter. rmcliate, was examd~ uslag a kinctic isotope method, bya4d. lug C11-labded Bzl1 to the systent. The cute of formation of Dzi-I was much larger titan that of Its further oxida. Addn. of pytidint Inervised the unit. of RX11 pracluced. R. S. Kam,--. V 'Qmilloadft of redloactive Lzrot%es 'a Oadyin; the mecha- XMUAM PFOCCIM. . actlom in the &I. UKCsrme. Lumij)-umai and == 1305 C). Aragjwr Aem. 249-V4 1959).-Tk oxm. (if helaft In the r--C - -- -'Y inbibiting the reactioa with styrene-1- 16. The products were from out, at varioui states of the reaction. Frowthelutermedlatecoinpds.. the aldehydes were pptd. as dimedon derivs. and CO, was obaotbed in Ba(OIIN. The comen. and sp. activity of the Individual products wen detd. The C atom of styrene, adjobdull the ber-tene ring, was found to detach during the reaction and was observed to enter into the reaction products Indicating that the inhibitor decompd. in the course of Its function. The oxidn. of, gmseous C964abeW AcH was studied in a similar manner and it was established that the C140JI. pad of the AcOH formtd. further oxidized into C%.: This finding explained the function of AcOH as catalyst W, _Ike o~kn. of A~H. The U36 of radioactive Isoispe-S for Studying the m-ch- eases. 11. D ereno anism of some oiddation proc e35-0 6 " Dutka szB Guezi, and kid. T~4jtanj ks Agrok6miai~Kt~t'aO fulkicte.- Budapest. Hung.). Magyar Kim. FolyUral 65, 294-8 -The mec nnL (1059); ef CA. 34, 6525g. N sm 4 oxidn. of styrene (1) and of merraptoacefic acid (11) was investigated. The kinetic Isotopic method was applied In both Cases. Use of isolopic-laMe ed B zI I showed that during the oxidn. of I by 0 (at 70% fit theabsence of light) the accumulation of BZ11 is CunsidCrable but the further oxidn. of BzH Is negll- gible. An early intermediate oildn. product probably N' the inhibitor. The formation of 8z1f is strongly caWyzcd and the further oxidn. Inhibited by p ridine. The Ist actilon is the stronger one. The oxidii. III was studied at' 60% pff 8. In solas. coutg. 0.1807M 11 and 0.001M Com- plexon IV for the elimination of heavy metal salts. The, rate of the sulfidt (mmation lnermqes parallel to the !ncrcase latherateolOuptake. As the processisstrougly catalyzed by sulfide (contg. S11), the rate-dttg. step of the 0 uptake probably is the sulfide formation. Presumably the oxidn. proceeds to thiosutfate. The oxida. of sulfide Is of Ist GAL, Dezso; KENDE, Imre; DUTKA, Ferenc; GUCZI, Laszlo Application of radioactive isotopes in the examnation of the mechanism of some oxidation reactions. Pt. 1. Magy kem folyoir 65 no. 7:249-252 Jl 159. 1. Magyar Tudomanyos Adademia Talajtani es Agrokemiai Kutato Intezete Izotop Laboratoriuma, Budapest. DUTKA, Ferenq, ORIENT, Otto; GAL, Dezso Measuring radioactive carbon (C14) by gas counter. Magy kem folyoir 65 no. 8:328-329 Ag 159. 1. Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia Ta3atani es Agrokemial Kutato Intezete Izotop laboratoriuma, Budapest. GAL, Dezso; DUTKA, Ferenc; GUCZI, Laszlo; KENDE, Imre --y" Application of radioactive isotopes in the examination of the mechanism of some oxidation reactions. Pt. 2. Magy kem folyoir 65 no. 8:294-298 Ag '59- 1. Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia Talajtani es Agrokemiai Kutato Intezete Izotop laboratoriuma, Budapest. I.: Ila .4 jai DU,TKA) F.; 01=,NT, 0.; Cr;,T-. D. 14 ~'easuring radioactive coal (C gas ncter; a short communimit on. 1). '32P. ;J1 -.R r-;"IIA,r PrjLYOIRPT. (Haaar iem-Ikus-ok I-g.-Vllsulete) 1-111dapest, liurli-ary Vol. 65, no. S. 1960 Monthly List of East 'Eurorean Accession (EDAI), LC, Vol. 9, no. 2, Fe'L. 19111~ Uncl. DUTKA, Ferenc I - --- _ --.- - - --- An account of my study trip to Czechoslovakia. Kem tud kozI 18 no,3:499-501 162. 1. Magyar TudomarWoo Akademia Kozponti Xemiai Kutato Intexete, Budapest. ' DUTKA, Ferenc An account"of my study trip -to Poland. Kem tud kozl MTA 21 no. 4:465-467 164. 1. Central Research Institute of Chemistry, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest. FODOR,G,,l URESCH,F.; DUTKA,P.l SZELLpT. Lactonization and ring inversion in the pyrrolizidine series. Coll Cz Chem 29 no.lt274-279 Ja'64 1. Stereochemical Research Iaboratorys Hunge-ian Academy of Sciences, Budapest (for Fodor and Uresch), 2&' Central Insti- tute of Chemistry, Hungarian Academy of Scienceff, Budapest (for Dutka)'. 3. Department of Applied Chemistry, University, Szeged (for Szell). - L-1705-66 me(j) .414 CC, NR: 'AT 6009210 SOURCE d 53/0061 A 5W/65/00/061/00 AUTHOR: 'Otvos, Laszlo-Mvesh, L.; Dutka, Ferenc;_ Tudos, H a-Tyude;hKh. ORG: Central Research Institute f or"GG-M ;-H garian Acade-My,:o iences,lef-I Budapest TITLE: Investigations with radioactive acetic anhydride Part 3: Examination of the acyl group exchange reactions of carbWlic acid derivatives with acetic anhydxide SOURCE: Academia scientiarum hungaricae. Acta chimica, v. 43, no. !,,19650 5j-61 1- TOPIC TAGS: acetic anhydridep tracer study, carbon, alcohol, acetate, amine, pyridine, ester, chemical reaction BSTRACT:__ 'Acietaite A a of se- :condary, priusiry, and tertiary alcohols I _ajjd'#~.ja6ty~ed amines ;were.treated with C-14-labeled acetic anhydride in the presence of pyridine ot of aluminum chloride. The eaters of tertiary alcohols .and also diacyl amines were shown to undergo an acyl exchange under 77 I theseconditions with the anhydride by incorporation ok radioactive carbon. 'The Mechanism'oft~he process'was discussed* *Origo art. has'.' 4 figures 1 axid .3 tables. SUB CODE: -002 OTH - W -01L5 D7 SUBM DATE: none GELEJI, Frigyes; DUTKA, Gyorgy .1 - - - 1. -. - 1-1, . -- -1 ~ Fiber formation from polypropylene. Mag7 textil 15 no.11: 506-5(Y7 163. 1. Muanyagipari Kutato Intezet. DUTYJ~) L. Hydrologic Laboratory of the Breslau Polytechnic. (To be ccntcl.) p. 362 (Gaz, 'Wrlda I Technike Sanitarna. Vol. 31, no. 10, Oct. W rsznw.!~, Poland) Aa Monthly Inde-K of East European Accessions (EFJI) I;C-- Vol. 7. no. 2, February 1958 ~ Mr.3MVIFIMM~M lmo, DUTKA, St.:& WOJNAR, J.: POL-M "Achievements and Goals of the Petroleum Industryp" Nafta, Stalinogrod, Jan 56. DUTKA, S. DUTKA, S. Having achieved the purpose of the 6-Year Plan we nov begin the 5-Year Plan. n. 1, Vol. 12, no. 1, Jan. 191*-6. FASTA Krakow, Poland. ..d SOURCEt East European Accessions Idst (EEAL) Vol. 69 No. 4--April 1957 ACC NRi AP6020350 SOURCE CODE: RU/0003/65/016/Wa/0366/0371 AUTHOR: Dutkai--E.--- ORG: CHIMIGAZ*Institute, Medias (Institutul CHIMIGAZ) 13 TITLE: Electric-are 0 is if a mixture of methane and higher paraffin hydrocarbons and the utilizat, on of the sensible heat of cracked gases SOURCE: Revista de chimies ve 16, no* 8, 1965, 366-371 TOPIC TAGS: acetylenep methanel butane'. pyrolysis ABSTRACT: The author reports on some tests aiming at the reduction of the electrA power consumption involved in the preparation of acetylen * means of the electric- are pyrolysis of methane. The tests concerned the introduction of a methane-butane mixture into the pyrolysil reactor and the use of the heat of cracked gases for the pyrolysis of some 'petroleum-type liquid hydrocarbons. Orig. art. hast 6 figures and I table. [Based on author's Eng. abstract] (JPRS3 SUB CODE: 07. SUBM DATE: none OTH'REF: oil Card 1/1 (Ti UDC: 662 092a1 DU7=CH# IeGe (laningradp Vhsillyevskiy ostrov, 20-ya liniya, d.13,, k7.56) Norphological charges in the blood vessels in tbrmbo-obliterative diseases of the lower extremities. Wstkhir. no.4:46-52 '61-- (MIRA 144) 1. Iz kliniki obohohey khirurgii 1-go Leningradskogo meditsin- okogo inatituta, im, LP. Pavlova i khirurgicheskoy kliniki Lenin- gradskogo ordena Trudavogo Krasnogo 2bameni nauchno-issledovatell- skogo instituta perelivaniya krovi (nauobn, rukovod. - prof. AeNe Filatov). (AR=OSCLEMIS) (TBRCKWSIS) _.~!!TE%Gj"._Q,__(;~eningradj B. 0.,14 lini7a,, d.3,3., kv.56) Indications for restorative operations in thrombo-obliterating arterial diseases of the lower extremities in the light of clinical and anatcmical compariso4. Vest.khir. no.8:40-45 161. (MMA 15:3) 1. Iz kliniki obahchey khirurgii lp-go laningradskogo moditsinskogo inotituta ime IoPe Pavlova i khirurgicheakoy kliniki (zav. - prof. A.K. Filatov) UningradBkogo instituta perelivaniya krovi, (ARTEMES-DISEASES) (ECREMITIES, LOM-DISEASES) GOLOVIN, G.V,, prof, (Uningrad); DUTKEVICC-11 I.G-, kand.meid.nauk (Leningrad) j_ Review of H. Gelbke's book "Restorative and plastic surger7.11 Vest. kbir. 92 no.30J.8-152 Mr 164. (MIRA .17:12) Du,rKvjlcF,, J.L, (Leningradp V-26, 20-ya linlya, 13, kv-56); MMYETN, P-M. AnestheBia in extensive operations for elephantlasis. Vest. khir. 92 no.4:97-101 Ap t6l, (HIRA 18tl) 1. Iz khirureiche3koy kliniki (zav, - prof. A.N. Filatov) Leningrad.okogo orderja Krasnogo Znameni nauchno-i5sledovatell- okogo Inatitutu perallvanlya krovi (direktor - dot3ent A.D. Belyal,ov). T'IDSKIY, A.T.~ prof'.9' zaslushennyy derat*20 nauki; VEKSLER, G.Ya., dotsent (Sverdlovsk)l NAPALKOV, P.N., prof., zasl~zhennyy deyatell naukl (Lenin- grad); SATIN, Petko D. (Sofiya, Bolgariya); GOLOVIN,, G.V., prof.; ~UTKKVICH,,,I.G... kand. mad. nauk (Leningrad); KHROMOV, B.M., prof. Reviews. Vest. kh1r. 93 no.8tl25-141 Ag 164. (MIRA l8s7) 1. Chlen-korrespondent AMN SSSR,(for Udskiy). .DUTKEVICH, Yu. G. Representation of a surface by its support function. Vest. LGU IS no.D53-58 163. (MIRA 161:0 (Surfaces) DUTUVICH, YUIGI On the inclination of the chords of a curve and the inclination of its contingency rays. Vest. * 17 no.17-.16-25 162,'-' (MIRA 15t10) (curves on surfaces) DUTFAY, L. ~:xperiences from compulsory deLivery. P. 6. _i- piston and gas turbines. Tr. froni tile i0ussiav- i). 7. .AUTO i',OTOR, Budapest, Vol. 8, no. 16, Aug. 11,55. "onthly List of &-ist Europwn Accewions, (~,EAQ, LC, Vol. 11j, no. 10, Oct. 19,55, LEDOCHOWSKI, Zygmunt; LEDOCHOWSKI, Andrzej; CHDUAK, Andrzej; DUTUMGZ,--- Barl?~ ~CKA, Maria; WYSOCKA, Barbara; SCKOLOWSKA, Teresa; ~l ~IEIA14SKI, Czeslaw; STEFANIAK, lAch Research on tumor-inhibiting compounds. 1. Synthesis of some N,N-dimethyl-1, n-diaminoalkanes. Rocz cbemil 33 no.6;1291-1298 139. (Ew 9: 9) 1. Katedra Technologii Srodkow Lectniezych Politechniki, Gdansk I Pracownia Nr 8 Zakladu Syntezy Organictnej Polskiej Akademii Nauk Gdansk. (Tumors) (Amino group) (Paraffins) (Methyl group) CZAJ'KA, Wladyulaw, mgr Inz.; DUTKIEWICZ, baniel, mgr inz. Trawling arrangements as applied in the m.t, Kastor factory trawler. Bud okretowe-War-azawa-8 no.5:169-171 My 163. 1. Harski Instytut Rybacki, Gdynia. W=IAK, Wadaw; DUTRIEWICZj Edward I Studies on a"es in the properties of Iyophilic substances by dampihg tbo polarographic maxims. Prace matem przyrod Pozna'n 10 no.2:8"7 162. - 1. Department of Physical Chemistry, Adam Mickiewicz University.. Poznan.. -,DUTKIMIICZ, Edward Influence of certain lyophile systems on t-he differential capacity of the electric double layer at the boundary between the phases: mercury/electrolyte. Mat chemia no. 7:43-60 163. 1. Katedra Chemii Fizycznej, Uniwersytet im. Adams, Mickievicza., Poznan. DUTKUVICZ, Edward. dro adiunkt ---l- 11-~------- - Certain properties of the electric double layer in the light of recent theoretical and experimental studies. Wiad chem 17 no.12%739-751 D163. 1. Katedra Chemil, Fizycznej, Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza, Poznan. D',UKIS-ITGZ, J. "The Pearl Mussel (Margaritifera marf-,aritifora L.) a vanishing species." p.19 (Chronmy Przyrode Ujczysta, Vol. 1L, No. L, JulylAug. 1955- Kradow, Poland.) Monthly Index of East European Accessions (EM) LC, Vol (", 110. 1, Jan. 59 DUrKIEWICZ, J. IlThe caribou is facing extermination" p. 19 (ChronTiV Przyrode Ojczysta, Vol. 14, no. 5, Sept./Oct. 1958 Krakow., Poland) Monthly Index of East Enropean Accessions (EEAI) IC, Vol. 8, No. 1, Jan, 59. imulmoz. J.S. Vital capacity of the lungs In inhabitants of Upper Silesia. Ned. pracy 6 no.4:209-218 1955. 1. Z 84kcji Flujologit Pracy Inetytutu Medycyny Pracy w Zabrzu-Rokitnicy; Klerovnik: prof. dr. Br. Zavadski. '(LUNGS, physiology vital capacity in inhabitants of Upper Silesia, Poland) DTJTKIMICZ, Jerzy S. Nodificati6ne''d body weight and of.body temperature in man following exposure to high environmental temperature; effect of dry heat. Acta physiol. polon 6 no.4:377-385 1955. 1. Z Sekoji Flzjologil Pracy Inetytutu KedycM Pracy w Przemyils Weglowyn I Hutnicsym w Sabrsu-Rokitnicy. 11srownik: prof. dr. Dr. Zawadski. Frace doeviadsalne wykonano w Oirodku Baft& Lekarskich Ratownik6w przy Stacji Ratownietwa G&rniesego P.W. W Bytomiu. (MUT, off act I, on body temperature & body weight, dry heat (Pol)) (BODY TEMPEMM, off. of dry heat (Poi)) (BOY WRIGHT, eff. of dry heat (Pol)) DUTKIWICZ. J.S.; GINO. L.; ROZIUS, J.; SMODA, L. Changes in the circulatory system and In respiration In man exposed to increases iuvironmental temperature at rest; effect of dry heat. Actp6 physiol. polon 6 no.4:387-400 1955. 1. Z Sakcji lfizjologii PracV Inst. mod. ftacy w Przon. Weglowym i EfytnicznV w Rokitnicy. Kierownik: prof. dr. Br. Zawadzki Z III Ikiniki Chorob Vownetrzuych Slaskiej A.M. w Bytomlu Kisrownik: prof. dr K. Gibinski. Prace doswiadzalne wykonano w Osrodku Baden Lakarskich Ratownikow przy StacjL Ratownietwa Gornionogo PW w Bytwdu. (HEAT, effect, oa-blood & rasp. on blood picture, hemodynamicx & reap. (Pol)) (BLOOD CIRWIATION, hemodynamics, off. of dry heat (Pol)) (BLOOD CILLS. count, off. of dry heat) (RWIRATION. off. of dry heat (Pol)) DUTXIEWICZ, Jerzy S. Hemoglobin lev-1 in the population of Upper Silesia; I. Level of hemaglobin in the blood of students of Acaderw of Medicine of Silesia. Polski tygod.lek. 10 no-33:1082-1084 35 Aug. '55. 1. Z Zakladu Fizjologii SI. A.M. w Zabrou-Rokitnicy; kierownik: Zakladu prof. dr Br. Zawadski. Czesc I. Pozion hemoglobirv we Irwi studentow Slaskiej Akademii Kedycznej. Zabrze-Rokitnica, Slaska Ak. Med. (HMOGWBIN, determination, variations in Poland) STARZTK, J,;_IXJTKIL?WICZ, J. (Krakow) Effect of DDT nn Toxopla8ma Pnndii. Viadomoscl parazyt., Warez. 2 no. 3: Suppl:61-6z. 1956.. 1. Zaklad Mikrobiologit Lekarskiej AM. (TOXOPLATTA, effect of drugs on, gondii. DDT (Pol)) (DDT, effects, on Toxoplaala gondii (Pol)) Poland/Pharmacology. Toxicolo8y. Tranquilizers V Abs Jour : Ref 6hur-Biol., No 8, 1958, 37508 Author : Dutkiewicz J. Inst :-To-:9 ~give~n Title : Effect of Largactil on Trichomonas foetus Ried in Vitro. (Deystviye lar;;aktila na Trichomonas foetus Ried in vitro) Orig Pub : Acta parasitol. polon., 1956, 4, No 9-19, 601-608 Abstract : Largactil in concentration of 1:7000 killed Tri- chomonas foetus within 62 hours; in concentration of 1:1300 within 20 minutes. Under the influence of largactil Triehomonas foetus take on a round form. A dilution which does not kill Trichomonas foetus arrests their reDroduction. Card 1/1 UU7KIE7vJ'ICZ J. VTD GUMS "Further research on changes in bodies of people remaining still in dry heat. In German." p. 89 (Bulletin) Vol. 4, no. 3, 1956 Varsovie, Poland SO: Monthly Index of East European Accessions (EEAI) LC. Vol. 7, no. 4, April 1958 POLAND/Human and Animal Physiology - PhysioloL-7 of Work and T-12 Sport. Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biol., No 7, 1958, 32297 Author : Dutkiewicz_.__jM.., Fiec, L., Drause, Ko, Strzoda, L. Inst : - Title : Turther Study of Changes in the OrCpnism of a IV= Spending Time in a Ward in a Dry Hot Conditions. Orig Pub : Acta physiol. polon., 1956, 7, No 2, 159-168 Abstract : In 62 mining rescuers placed for 2 hours in a chamber with little moisture and a temperature of 52-580, an in- crease was found of the pulse rate with an increase of the enviromental tepperature to 550, as well as a drop of the arterial pressure with no change of the pulse rate. Regular changes in the venal pressure and in the per-ninu- te requirement of 02 were not observed. Observation of 330 rescuers during their stay in a chamber with a tempera- ture of 39-470 showed different) in may ways in0icidual, Card 1/2 - 159 - -1*1 DUTKIEWICZ, J. S.; GINC, L.; KRAUSE, M.; STRZODA# L. Remote changes in man at rest exposed to dr7 beat. Acta. physiol. polon. 7 no.2:159-168 1956. 1. Z Sekoji Fisjologii Pracy Ipet]rtutu Medycyrq Pracy w P. W. I H. Zabrze-Rokitnica Kierownik: prof. dr. Br. Zawadzki Z III Kliniki Chorob Vewnetrznych Slaskiej A.M. w Bytomiu Kierownik: prof. c1r. 1. Gibinski. (HEAT, effects, on man at rest (Pol)) DUTKIEVICZ, J. S.; GINC, L.; KRAUSN, K.; STRZODA, L.; ZYGMNT, K. Changes In the human organism working with and without loole,ting apparatus in dry- heat. Acta physiol. polon. 7 no.2:169-184 1956. 1. Z Sekcjl Fizjologil Pracy Instytatu MedycyrV Pracy, w P. W. I H. I z Zakladu Fizjologii Slasklef A.M. w Zabrzu Kierownlk: prof. dr. Br. Zawadzkl Z III Kliniki Phorob Wownetrznyab Slaskiej A.M. w Bytomiu Kierownik: prof. dr. K. Gibinski Z Stacji Ratownictwa Gorniczego P. W. w Bytomlu Dyrektor: mgr In%. K. Cehak. (HW, effects, on man working wtth & without -protective devices (Poi)) (WORK, off. of heat on man working with & without protective devices (Pol)) POIAND/Human and Animal Physiology. Thermoregulation. T-3 Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Diol., No 12, 1958, 55370. Author : Dutkievicz) I.S., Plonski, I., Spioch, F., Strzoda, L. Inst :C- Title Changes in the Blood Circulation System of People Resting in Conditions of Humid Heat. OriS Pub: Acta physiol. polon., 1956, 7, No 4, 435-447. Abstract: When 468 healthy, 20-45 years old life savers (from a mountain area) were placed in a restful position into a heat chamber with a ~00 C61 temperature and a relative humidity of 50 percent, their maximal arterial pressure (AP) decreased considerably during the first 30 minutes. The decrease which followed then was insignificant, for the lowest AP amounted to 68 mm of the nercurial Card 1/3 27 POLM/Human and Animal Physiolo6y. Thermoregulation. T-3 Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Diol., No 12, 1958, 55370. column. During the first 60 minutes of the experi- ment a significant decrease of the minimal AP 'Was observed, Mtbri,,~Ittketained on the same level. In 25 percent of the tested persons a decrease of the minimal AP down to zero was observed) although their wellbeing remained unchanged as compared to the other subjects. During the first 30 minutes of the experi- ment the blood pressure increased considerably. Sub- sequent increases were insignificant. After another 30 minutes they reached a constant high level, which did not change until the end of the experiment. After 30 minutes the average pulse rate increased to 115, and reached 138 beats per minute at the end of the test. In 325 workers an examination of the arterial tonus did not reveal specific changes of any kind. Card 2/3 p()I;AND/Humn and Animal Physiology. Thermoregulation. T-3 Abs jour: Ref Zhur-Diol.,. No 12, 1958, 55370- This fact could be explained, however, by the inexactness of the oscillometric method. The average body temperature increased to 39-50 ~-C-7, and it sometimes reached 40-50 Z-6-7. Thus, the conclusion my be drawn that it is unadviaable to stay longer than 2 hours under the conditions described above. Card 3/3 28 DUTKIEWICZ, Jerzy S. Tables of standard values of vital capacity in-the population of Upper 6ilesia. Polski tygod.' lek; 11 no-35:1525-1528 27-Aug 56. 1. (Z sakcji Fisjologit Pracy Instytutu MedycytW Pracy w Przemysle Weglowym I Hutniczym w Zabrzu--Rokitn,icy; kierownik: prof. dr. Br. Zavadzki). (Rssprwiou, vital capacity, normal standards (Pol)) MCLIPTA 1.=Ir.A SGC,15 VOL-10/7 Chest Diseases JaI57 16-37. DUTKIE%I?IC-/,J.S.Sek-ciiFi;,Iol.Prteviiist.,Nie(].Ilr;tc%,,Prz(,my,ilell'vglo%%I,ni i IIIIVJER-y-m-~ ' ~a)r7x- ~(;-i icy. Oznic7.tnic aparatcrn Kroglia 'powictrm Zalcg;ij4cego w phicach Determination with Krogh.q apparatus of Me resi(lual air in (lie Itiags Pol. Tyg, Ick. 1956, 11/40 (1703-1706) Illus. 3 An attempt was made to simplify the mctbods of measuring the residual Ar. Krogh's apparatus for determining the basal metabolism, in routine vise in every hospital laboratory, was used. The method of adapting this apparatus for the measurement of the residual air in the lungs is described, and the technique employed is stated. The m.-rgin of error of a simple measurement did not exceed --t 2%. Dobrowolski - Warsaw (XV, 6) PTJTKTr74Trz JM-7y SCT771CE DU7(,IEVIICZ, JERU. Zarys fizjolo,gii pracy cziovnteka. 'Wyd 1. Zaklad%ydaawn. Lc~rarsldch, 195-- 153P- +~~- DNLM Not in. DLC Monthly List of East European.Acces3ions (MU) LC Vol. P no-h, Anril 1959, UncInss. FOLAND/Ohomical Technology. Chemical Products. Safety end H-6 Sanitation Aba Jour i 9of Zhur - Khimiyal 1958, No 22, 74496 Author 3-AAklowiaz J.9 Gollus H.0 ~'iuzyozuk J., Olpinski ~1., ROZMUB J. Inst t Not Gfvon- Title 2 Portable Apparatus for the Determination of 0029 COP 502 and U28- Orig Pub : Mod. pracyp IMP go No 21 121-138 Abstract : Design of a portable agperetus for measuring low concentration of 0021 COP 802 and H2 in the mines and chemical plants is doscribed. Samples of eir are collected by means of a water aspirator. The reFgonts employed aral solution of 1 05 (for 0 and 002), N82 S203-5H20 in a solution with I (for SO', and HA. 6imulteneous determination of CO and CO or H2 ans SO 2 Is possible. The meximum error is 8.0001% basis volu3e. Formulas for calculations and sketches of the appar- atus era presented. Bibliography includes 6 names. Gerd 1 1/1 17 DUTKIEWICZ,' Jerzy Prevention of skin diseases among mining crews. Wiadota gorn 10 no. V8:264 JI-Ag t59. STARZYK., J.; LACHOWICZ, T.; DOLEZAL,, M4 DUTKIEWICZ, J. A study on the specificity of the serologic reactions of Sabin- Feldman and of complement fixation with special reference to syphilitic reagins. Wiadomosci parazyt. 7 no.20-425-427 161. 1. Zaklad Mikrobiologii Wyda. Farm. A.M. Wojsk. Lab. San-Rigieniczne i Zaklad Mikrobiol. Lek. A.M. v Krakovie. (SYPHILIS 4-mol) (COMPLEMT) , DUTKIEWCZ, J. STARZYK, J.; LACHOWICZ, T.; DOLEZAL, Mv Correlation betvaen the Sabin-Feldman and complement fixation tests in the diagnosis of toxoplasmosio. Wiadomosci parazyt. 7 no.2: 429-430 161. 1. Zaklad Mikrobiologii Wydz. Farm. A.M. Wojsk. Iab. San-Higionicans i Zaklad Mikrobiol. Lek. A.M. v Krakovie. (TOXOPLASMOSIS diagn) (COMPLEMT) STARZYK,, jq-,P~~Iq!~~Czj J.; PISZCZP K. A test of the vitality of the protozoon Toxoplasma. gondii by means of the safranine test. Wiadomosci parazyt. 7 no.2:431-432 161. 1. Zaklad Mikrobiologii Wydz. Farm. A,M*p Krakowo (TOXONASM pharmacol) (DYES pharmacol) STARZYK, Jpj DUTKIEWICZ, ~.; TATAR, J. Studies on the effect of lupulin on Trichomonas vagina-Us in vitro. Wiadomosci parasyt. 7 no..23457-458 161. 1. Zaklad Mikrobiologii Wydz. Farm. A.M., Krakow. (TRICHOMONAS pbarmacol) (PLANTS extracts) DUTKIEWICZ, Jacek Survey of the literature concerning the role of arthropods in the transmission of Toxoplasma gondii. Wiad. parazyt. 11 no. 5t"3-452 1 65. DUTKIEWICZ K, Planning the pork produote establishments in the Spolem Union of Consumers Cooperatives. p. 12 GOSPODARKA MIMA. (Polskis Wydamnictwa Gospodarcze) Warszawa., Poland. Vole 11, no, 7/8, July/Aug. 1959 Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAI) LC, Vol. 9j, no, 1. Jane 1,960 Uncle, DUTKIEWICZ, MAriant mgr inz. "Stress and vibration meaffarements by electric means" by R. 7Am- mermann. Reviewed by Marian Dutkiewicz. Pomiary 8 no.lt42 Ja 162. C- --T POLAIM/Safety Engineering - Sanitary Engineering. Sanitation. Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Xhimiyal, No 2, 1957, 7020 Author : Brzozowzki, J., Czajka, J., Dutkiew4.~-T-., Kosy, I., Wojcik, J. ................ Inst Title Labor Hygiene and State of Health of Workers in the Control of Potato Leaf Beetle by the Use of Hyxachlorocyc- lchexane and Dichlorethane. Orig Pub Med- pracy, 1954, 5, No 2, 89-98 Abst Study of the deleterious effects on nan of HCCH and di- chlorethane (I) used in agriculture to control Potato leaf beetle. Various clinical symptoms of intoxication Vere found in 70% of people exposed to I and in 66% of those exposed to HCCH. Investigations 3f the ambient air showed that the HCCH content in the air was on the average of 0.12 mg/liter, and that of 1 0.016 mg/liter, that is, below the specified hygienic norms. It is Card 1/2 FOI~AIM/Safety Engineering - Sanitary Engineering. Sanitation. L. Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Khimiya, No 2, 1957, 7020 recommended to mechanize the field operations, require a px;eliminary medical examination of the workers, ensu- re their outfitting with protective clothing and impro- ve sanitary education. Card 2/2 -rel 45 ki I PALUCHO T. Chemical method of determination toxic effects of aromatic nitro 5 no.4:245-246 1954. of the degree of exposure to ancl amino compounda. Med.pracy 1. X Dzialu Vyglergr Pracy Instytutu "cM Pracy v Lodzi. Dyrektor: prof. &r I.Paluch. (POISONING, aromatic amino & nitro cpda., chem. method of determ. of degree of exposure) BUTKINVIGZ, T.; Mr, 1. DeterminAion of Me hlorethane in the air and in urine. Me(l. pracy 6 no.4:235-241 1955. 1. Z Odds. Chemil Tokeykologiesuej Instytutu Nedyeya Prace v'Lodsi. Dyrektor: prof. dr. B.Paluch. (ETHYL CHLORIDE, derivatives dichlorethans, determ.) (AIR dichlorethane determ.) p a -T- Id Seca V03..9/8 Physiology.etc, Avd6 3390. DUtKIE%VICZ T. Inst. med. - Pracy, fAdt. *Prosta metoda oinaczanta rtpci w ffMTT--A--9TMple method for determination of mercury in u r I n c MED. PRACY 1955, 6/6 (403-406) An appropriate amount of urine i9 ashed with H2S04 and "'.104. The resulting so. tution is adjucted to pH I and any remaining, excess of permanganate destroyed by oxalic acid. After addition.of hydroxylamine the solution is extracted several times with a solution of dithizone (t) in chloroform (11). 1 ml. of I being used for each extraction, until the greer. 11 phase no longer turns red. The adjusted I solution corresponds to lug. Hg per mi. From the number of extractions the amount of Hg In the urine is calculated. Heyrovakt - Prague DVIOMMIC-2. T. Factory toxicological 2aboratorys p. 82. (OCHRONA PFACY, Warszawa, Volo 99 no* 3. Mar. 1955.) .Sor Monthly List of East European Accessions,, (EFAL), LC, Vol. h., No. A, Awe 1955, Uncl. DirlKlYdICZ, T. dr farm* New ta&kB of tolycologlcal chemistry. Yarm.polsk& 11 no.6:134- 136 June 155. 1. Z tnetytutu He4cyW Pracy w Lodsi-Dyrektor doc.dr J. Nofer. (CMISTfir, toxicol.,tasks) FOLAIM/Chcnical Technology. Che--ic!-l Froducts. Safety Engincering.H-6 Snnitction Engineering. a Abs Jour i Rof Zhur - Khimiyv, 15,58, No 22, 74466 Author : nthirinwiP7, " 1cluch J., NouhcrnU. Inst : Not Given Title i Oo.,.prrison of Tcxicitios of Corenic Glr--ings of High vnd Low Lord Contents. Orig Fub led. precy, 1957, 6, No 6, 389-358 Abstrnat Exrorinonts were c-nductod cn 6 mbbits cnd consisted in thc intortrechorl intrcduction of the corr~ic glazing com- pound contnining vcrying P.--cunts of Fb. The dust of < 5,,4_ pcrticlo size suspended in c 5/5% rhysiolcEicel solution was rd-iinistrrtod to the tvrc grcups-of mimels in the 15-16 r:g/kr dosegos of high Fb content (I grour) and of low Fb content (II grcup). This acrrospondad respectively to 57 rnd 10% of Fb expressed re FbO. It was found thct the Fb content of urine cf cnir-als cf the first group has incronscd by r fcc- tcr of 40, and that of vninals of the second grcup by c Card 1/2 FOLA'ND/Chc--:icrl Technology. Cho;-icrl Fro-~ucts. Sr-foty Enginooring. H-6 Sanitrtion Engincoring. Abs Jour s Rof Zhur - Khimiye, 1558p Nc 22, 74466 fnetor of 1.3. After 6 drys tho Fb content of urine of vni- vmls of both groups boorno oqupl. Aftor 7 wooks, tho lb content reached the Fhysiologicel nomal. Coprcporrhyrinc was feund in the urine of rn:Uirls of I end II groups on the third dvy vftor Pdrinistaring poison rnd it wns found to bo equal for both grcups. Its prooonco in tho urino continuod on until the tire when ~b becr-::c nor-,clizod c_vain. The haioglcbino content cf b1cod was not affected by poisoning. Quantity of crothrocitos dociinod but remained in the nor- rial linits. Histologierl investigations conducted tftor 4 nonths revealed thrt Fb content of the internal organs of animals cf groups I vnd II wrs not appreciably different. It was concluded that tcxicities exhibited by groups I end II wore praoticelly idantiarl. The deciding factor in the dotormination of-hrzzrrd Is the concentration of Fb in tho rir independent of the typo of a glazing. Bibliogrnphy includes 6 nmos. Card t 2/2