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A Now Method of Synthesizing 2-Aralkyl Indandiones-1,3 SOY/20-125-5-23/63 acids (R9f 14)- neither the physical properties nor the yields of the-2-bonsyl indandions-1,3 thus produced are given in reference 11, the authors worked out a now methods the sub- stances mentioned in the title are produced (IV) by the hydra- tion of the 2-arylidene Indandiones-1,3 (III). Aromatic alde- hydes may be easily condensed with-indandions-10 and form 2-arylidens indandion:::1:3 RII). Further transformationw of the 2-bonsal-indandio 1 3 111 Ar a 0 6H5) under the action of sodium hydrogen sulfite (Y) by the Wojack reaction (Refs 11, VI) are given. Table 1 shows the seven aralkyl indandiones produced by the hydrogenation of the arylidene indandiones with sodium hydrogen sulfits. Dialkyl amino arylidens indandiones do not form bieulfite compounds, therefore -the yields of the dialkyl amino bensyl indandiones are higher. Good yields were obtained by the-hydrogenation of the benzal indandione by hydrogen in,the presence of skeleton nickel. A special communication on this topic follows. kn experimental part gives the usual data. There are 1 table and 16 references, 6 of which are Soviet. Card 2/3 SOT/20-125-3-23/63 A Now Methad-of Synthesizing-2-Aralkyl Indandiones-1,3 ASSOCIATIONt Institut organichookogo sintize. Akademii nauk Latviyskoy SSR (Institute of Organic Synthesis of the Academy of Sciences of the Latviyakeys-SBR) SUMITTED: Deceaber.12, 1958 Card 3/3 VANAG, 0.(Vanago, 0. ](Riga); OMPTS, T.(Riga)l ZUM,, L. (Riga) 2-astnobemyUndandiono-2.3, Vestis laty &k no,6873-90 160s (EUI 10: 9) 1. Akadenlya nauk Latviyokoy SSR, Inetitut organtahaskogo #into". Oensylindsmdioas) (Amino group) DUMPIS,-T.T.1 VAIIAG, 0,14. Nitration of 2-bsnsyl-1#3-lvdandl=as. 2-bur. ob. khln. 31 no.3t9n-915 Mr 161. (MIRA 14 s 3) 1. Institut organicheskogo sinteta AN latvi koy SSR, (Indandions) (Nitrationr DUMPIS 0 T.T.; VANAGo G.ra. lunapp 0, Is okmAs-4k Synthesis of 2-aralkyl-lo 3~--ind&Wows by the catalytic hydrogenat,ion of 2-aralkylidone-l,,3-indandiono, Dokl, AN SUR 141 (MUU 14-.12) 1. Institut orp-nIchookogo sintoza. AN lAtviyokoy SSR. 2. Latviyokoy SM Zfor Vanag). (rndArAd4ons) DUMPIS,, T.T.1 VARAGI G.U. [Tawgsp 0.). akademik Production of 2-aryla-indan-,3-ols by the catalytic bydrogenation of 2-aryl-l,,3-indandiarwo. Dokl. AN SSSR 142 no.102-95 A 162. (MIRA W12) 1. Institut oroanie-haskogo $inte%& AN LeLtviyokoy SSR. 2. AN Latviyokoy SM Tfc-rvazag), (Indallol) (Ind"ions) VLWIS.. T. T.1 VANA09, GoU. [Vanagoo 0.1.4 AMdemU Catalytic by4ropnation of 2-ffubstituted lj,3-indandiones to comepwiding 1,,3-indandiols. Dok1. AN SSSR W no.,2062-365 Is Inetitut organichookogo wintoza AN latviyakoy M. 2o AN lAtviyokoy SSR (for Vanag)o Indandione) Rndendiol) DWPISp T.T.1 VANAOs G#Y*. Ivaragas 0.1 Wadadk Production of 2-aralky.1-1-indanone-3-ols by the catalyUc hydrogenation of 2-arylidsa-lp34zdandionse, Dokj, U SM 142 noe6sms-13n 7 t62. (KIM 15 s2) 1. Institut orpniaheakogo mintesa M latviyskoy SSR. 2. AN Latvlygkoy SSR (for Vanag)a Indanone) iladanuove) STRADYNI Ya. [Stradins,, J.11 ERMANS, I.; a 1f,,-13 LINABERG, U. tLinabergBq J.1; VANAG, G. [Vanags.20! Protolysis of substituted derivatives of 2-benzyl-l,,3-indandions and its analogs. 1 no.2088-395 F 165. (MIRA 1814) 1. Inatitut organichookogo sintoza AN IAtviyokoy SSR, SOV/ 137-58-10-20699 Translation from-. Referativnyyzhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 10, p52 (USSR) AUTHORS: Dumskaya, A..F.Pavlov, A.V. TITLE: Complex Treatment of Nepheline Rocks of New Occurrences (Komplekenaya pererabotka. nefelinovykh porod novykh mesto- rozhdeniy) PERIODICAL: V ob.: Legkiye metally. Nr 4. Leningrad, 1957, pp 43-51 ABSTRACT: An examination is made of Z methods of dressing nepheline syenites of different compositiona, viz., magnetic concentra- tion in a weak magnetic field and chemical concentration con- sisting of treatment of ground nepheline rock with a caustic alkaline solution. The conditions for treatment of the resultant concentrates to derive alumina by sintering are specified with greater precision. With the object of utilizing nepheline rocks without prior concentration, a flowsheet is proposed that elim- inateo sintering and is based upon hydrochernical treatment of the rock with a strong caustic alkaline solution of up to 500 g ROH/liter. Examination is made of the treatment of the uncon- centrated rock by sintering, with addition of solid reductant Card 1/1 (anthracite, coke) to the mix. 1. Nephelite ore--Processing 'T.S. . VWIATAI A*?* .OW!k I. Stndles on the selection of a method of prooessing Ushur eyenitos for the Aohlnsk Alumina JUnt carrl*d out in 1932-1954. TrWy Toot.- Sib. fil. AN SSSR no-13.160-177 158. (MIRA 12:12) Lvossoruanyy institut. (Ushur region (Insustak Ala-lau)-Syenite) DM4,SKAU A F ; SHVARTSMAN,, B,,Kh. gonference on prospects of utillsitg alkali products obtained during the production of alumina from nopholine rocks. TSvet. met. 34 no-11,83-84 N 161o (MIRA 141,11) (Aluminum Industry-By-producto) DUHULESCU, Moise, diriginte do santier " Ifigh productivity by ab%ple means, Constr Bue 16 no. 7521 3 6 June 164. NEAGUY Eduard, Ing., corespondentj DtffJLF.9CU, Moises corespondentl DOMOND1, loan, coreopandent; HARIGA, vim W11%,-em"O"dent. Improvement of the organization of the work. Constr Dua 16 no.76713 19 Sept 164. GIRUANU, Nicolas, ingo DUMULLScut .140ime The thousandth prefabricated apurtment. Constr %a 16 no.74501 IS AP 164. . - 1. 'Seful, serviciului organizer*& wincii do I& Trumtul Regional do Constructii do Loouintej, Banat. 2*)Dirigints do santier, Trustul Regional do Construotii do Loouinteq Banat, -- DUMULESCUp Malse; EFUREAKU, Mirosat corespondent Work ready for use. Constr. Buc 16 no.758sl 18 J1164. I . . YF7,r 7 Dctenslon of the Resita otadlum, Gmsi.- Bin 16 nt.7691l 3 Oct 164 . NUGOIK, VUdp Inp; DUNULEgptl,, M*Loo,, diriginto do santior Better and-better quality Oojaots**Gonstr Duo 16 no#771ol 17 0 164o 1, Imestment ,Offioes, City M&Weasnt IfAterpriss, Resita (fot ; 1 1 . , , " i; 1, ~ I , i" 'I, J.- ~, - I ~ i I " t 'I , , I i -- -j- ", '* ~ -1-1 7C,Lent. of profi,.--Iouri! .;,Ij,,:,it,r il;r. J7 nf,.7,;2 5 Ja . 1650 DUMMESCU, Molse, coresp. Prefabriented large panels for con3tructions in Timicoara. Constr Buc 17 no.801sl 15 Itr 165. I - . BILOMOVe S.P., Insh. (Stalinskeya ob]Ast EMS); DUK, AA (Stalinskva oblast UM): IMIM. I.L. sanitaray vroLoh (lit oblastl UMM) Use of a series of chashers for the oo 16te combustion of industrUl ganes before discharge into the air. G3. i san. 24 no.4:70-71 Ap t59. (AIR PUIAMZM, (KIRL 12 -.7) purif ioation, serial buruIM chambers in Andust. (Ra)) ; f,~ , -,i - - ~ ~, ~ - . sip", ---, ~, 1, - w % " wt P. e~ wof m m - _i-., ~ , - r . 18-3000 7768o sov/148-6o-l 3/34 AUTHORS: Dun, E., Filippov, S. I. TITLEt Study of Yactors Limiting Oxidation of carbon in .Molten Iron PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy Chernava. -metallurgiya, 1960, Nr 1, pp 16-23 (USR) ABSTRACT: This is a study,of kinetic factors and a determination of limiting conditions during the interaction between the stream of oxidizer and the surface of molten metal. Tile experiments were conducted on an in- stallation shown in Fig. 1. Card 1/13 StudY of Fac tors Limiting Oxidation of Carbon in Molten Iron -*CAI Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of the installation: monostatj (2 rhoometers; (3) mixer; (4) driers 5 Card 2/13 lass hood; W ftirnace cap; (7) quartz tube; screen;~ 19) crucible with metal. 7768o SOV/148-60-1-3/34 Study or Factors Limiting Oxidation of Carbon in Molten Iron 7,768o SOV/148-60-1-3/34 The rate-or feeding the components-(TorminZ the oxidizing mixture) was kept constant by the rheometers. A special arrangement of monostats provided a con3tant differential of pressures and a steady flow of blast to metal (notwithstanding the fluctuations of pressure during the test melt). The initial metal (soft iron) had the following chemical composition M.. 0.C111 C- 0.111 Mnj 0.02 Sil 0.029 3; and 0.0111 'P. It was melted by the high-frequency heating in porous mag., nesite crucible (45 x 90 mm). The weight of metal was 400-600 S. The experimental results and some characteristic relationships are given in Figs.2-6. Tfte main kinetic factors of the investigated process are shown in Fig. 2. Card 3/ 13 Study of Factors Limiting Oxidation of Carbon in Molten Iron ? 1 1, 1. i iT 77680 SO-V/148-60-1-3/34 V V 41 tj 4 V0 CAROOH costrtt4T 6Y Fig 2. The effect of blast compoaition on the speed of,aecarbonization of metal (at 1,000 ml/tnin)t (1) 4% 02 in blast; (2) 10% 02 in blast; (3) 20% 02 in blast; (11) 40%.02 in blast. Card 4/13 Study of Factors Limiting.Oxidation of O)rbon In Molten iron of Card 5/13 7,1680 SoV/11j8-6o-1-3/34 M4 CONSUmprion or CiAnDitrp (11OL1148141 See Card 6/13 for ca.pLion to Fig. Study of Factor3 Limiting Oxidation of Car,)on 7-7600 in Molten Iron See,Card 5,43for Fis.. 3. Fig. 3. Relationship bAw~en t,,- --eed of carbon "" -I oxidation and the intenuity of lc-elllnz the oxid1zer .to metalc (0) oxidizer 0,, 300 (0) 500 ml/m, in; (0) 1, 000 ml//min; (At~, ) oxl&.zer consumption 300 ml/,-,,in; (A) 1,&D-) Card 6/ 13 Study of Factors LimIting OxIdation of Carbon in Molten Iron 77680 sov/148-6o-i-3/311 0 It, 2 Ff ZIP W X P M JW NO 01 VP 041 #M W JN JZI 50 SH JW 11v WTICHT Or GATii (r.) Fig. 4. Relationship between the speed of- decarburiza- t.ion of metal and the weight of metal bath (1) 5% C02 1,000 ml/min; (2) 10% 02, 1,000 rn),/min; (3) 20% 0,~,, Card 7/ 13 1,000 ml/minj (4y 40% 0 21- ~pOO ml/inln. Study of Factors Limiting Oxida"lon of Carbon In Molten Iron 21 5 w 401 41 dig 4.F 4*. 1K.7 40 itr go q.- to 41 (a 1w CAPOON CONTENT See Card 9113for Caption Card 8/13 77680 sov/148-6o-i-3/34 Study of Factors Limiting Oxidation of Carbon in Molten-Iron See Card 8/13 for Flg. 7768o SOV/148-60-1-3/31# Fig. 5. Oxygen content In mtxtal of varLou3 compositions of bath and speeds of decarburizatlun: (P) equilibriu;m data according, to Ref 3 (S. 1. T419orj of the Proceas or Steel Decarburl._-atlori, Metallur,,:izdat, 1956); (A,B) boundaries or te3t valu~_-j; (0) vC < 0.01%/min; (& ) vc 0.01-0.02%/Mln; ( 0 ) vc 0.02- -0-03%/Min; ( 0 ) vc 0-03-0.04,Vm1n; (A) v c - 0.05-0.06,co'/min. Where v = actual con3unption based on oxidation speed of' c4bon. Points at the,curve indicated by the.letter *K fix the compo3ition of easily rimming metal. Card 9/ 13 Study of Factors Limiting Oxidation of Carbon Molten Iron 00 0Z W. 7768o sov/i48-6o-i-3/34 Fig. 6. The value of the product or carbo-n and oxygen concentrations uaing various compo3itoion3 of bath and oxidizers: (P) equilibriu;i- da'Ca according to Ref 3; (A,B) boundaries of test values; (0) oxidl-zer CO 2; ( 0 ) oxidizer 02. Card 10/ 13 CAAGON CONTEIAT(%) Study of Factors Limiting Oxidation of Carbon in Molten Iron Card 11/13 7768o sov/148-6o-1-3/34 All or the above studies brought the authors to the conclusion that the process of oxidation of carbon, which is dissolved in liquid iron, develops In the diffusion region aC. reaction. Until approximately 0.1% C (carb*on content in metal) the limltin3 con- dition is the introduction of oxidizer from the gas phase to the reaction surface. The tests were con- ducted uhder the conditions eliminatin_7 any b-abble formation or riming of metal bath. Tile surface of reaction practically colnuided with the surface of the bath. Tne speed of the -chemical reaction proper (including the adsorption of reagents in the reaction layer and the desorption of tile product of reaction, carbon monoxide) should be sufficiently high. The gaseous particles of oxidizer arrive at the metallic surface, they are adsorbed on It, anJ they Instantly enter into a chemical reaction with the 3Ufficiently abundant carbon, The carbon monoxide, waich is formed in this proceas, la desorbed In the gas phase. When carbon content in the bath is below the critical value (about 0.1% C), the delivery of carbon from the Study of Factors Limiting Oxidation of Carbon 77680 in Molten Iron Sov/148-6o-i-3/34 metal to the reaction surface become3 a limiting con- dition. The amount of carbon Inflow becomes inUfficient for a given flow of oxidizer. Such a change or one limiting condition to another (with suffIcient amount or oxidizer)'is closely related to the change of structure or the au'rface reaction layer. The established individual mechanisms of speed can be generally wrJtten into a kinetic equationt Ps. (10) VU ,,n3. where dc speed of decarbonization of metal mole/c. rT 3 see; 14 =volume of metal bath cm ; w = blast consumption CM3/aec; 77 = coefficient of utilization of oxidizer; Po = a content'of act ive particle3 of oxidizer in the blast', mole/cm3. There are 6 flgiirca; and 3 referenCC3, Card 12/13 00 Study or Factors L-1miting Oxidation ot Carbon TM.) In Molten Iron 30till4b -60-1 -3/~j 4 2 Soviet, and I U.S. The U.S. reference in: R. Taylor, Journal of the American Criemical Society, Vol 59, Hr 9, 1937, 1605. ASSOCIATION: Moscow Steel Institute (Moskovakly inatitut stali) SUBMITTEDi FobruarY 5, 1959 Card 13/13 18-3200 77682 SOV/148-60-1-5/34 AUTHORSt Dun,, E.J, and Filippov, S. I. TITLE: The Laws Governing the Absorption of Nitrogen by Metal During Oxidation SmeltinZ PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeni Chernaya Y S~R) metallurgiya, 1960, Nr 1, pp 28-32 (U ABSTRACTt This is a study of nitrogen absorption by the steel under the conditions of oxidizing smelting with direct interaction of blast with the.surface of the metal bath. The initial material was commercial iron with addition of graphite. The reaction gaseous phase consiated of nitrogen and oxygen or carbon dioxide irt a given proportion, In most of the cases the Interaction was taking place on a killed metal SUXI'LLce without riming. Tremethod of inve3tiga- tion and the installation was previou3ly described (Dun, E. and S. I. Filippov. Study of the factors Card 1/9 limiting the oxidation of carbon in molten iron. Tne Iaws aoverning the Absorption of 77682 Nitrogen by Metal During oxidation sov/V48-60-i-5/34 Smelting ScientlTic papers of. the hiLher school, Metallurgy, ig6o, tiv 1, p 16). The reuult,3 of invC-3tigation show ,pretty clear pictuve of abf:orptlon of nitro--ren by the a L, - 4-a metal simiiltaneo,,isly wl'Lth decarburization. FI&Jre 1 shows that nitrogen content in thc,- bath (,Ltnd(,,r the action of a blast) Is contin,iOl-131Y Inc-eastri..., and it takes a sharp dip only at the r1ivnin,, of the bath. j . ....... 4" 2Y--J'g 40 V Q 73 &1J ~j 1Vj 1/J Card 2/9 'e e Card 3,/9 for c a p ~T' o' n The IAwe Governing the Absorption of Nitrogen by Metal During Oxidation Smelting 77682 sov/148-6o-1-5/34 Caption to Fig. 1. Fil . 1. Vachange in nitrogen content in metal during oxf.dizing melting with various nitrogen content in the blast and at various temperatures (blast consumption 1000 mi/min): ~1) 96% N 16oo ~2)C96% m 1465 C; (3) 90A N 14 0 C; (4)'60% N2,C1;4 0 ; (5 )2to% 21 N2) 1490 C; (6) 6o% N... 1595 C. (The crossed points indicate rimmirig of.bath.) The direct relation between the completeneRs of nitrogen absorption by metal, decarburization, and composition of the bath Is shown in Fig. 2. Card 3A Tne Iaws Governing the Absorption of Nitrogen by Metal During Oxidation Smelting 77682 sov/148-6o-1-5/34 -1 T Fig. 2. Saturation of metal by nitrogen depending on carbon content in metal at various nitrogen contents In the blast and at various temperatures (same designations Fig. 1). Card 4/9 The TAws Governing the Absorption of 77682 Nitrogen by Metal During,Oxidation sov/148-6o-l-~5/~4 Smelting .T .he experimental data, obtained at the maximuj partial pressure of nitrogen In the blast, were developed by the method of least squares. Hence.. an equation of the upper limit of nitrogen solu- bility for investigated range of temperatures was written ass Ig I N 11,3679 - 0,1275 [C) Card ri/h Ig The Laws Governing the Absorption of Nitrogen by Metal During Oxidation~ Smelting 40s Ir. 49# 4 VpL Card 6/9 77682 sov/iji&6o-i-5/~4 RZ q// 4S 40 1.1 1, z f, f Ij X-0 F-1. 3 Caption to Fig. 3 on Card 7/9 Tne Iaws Governing the Absorption of 77682 Nitrogen by Metal During Oxidation sov/148-6o-i-5/34 Smelting Fig. 3. The curves of maximum absorption of nitrogen by inetaij depending on carbon content PN I atmt 2 (1) oxidlzer~CO 2; (2) oxidizer 02; (3) data by T. KootZ. Tne results were favorably compared with datA of Kootz T. Kootz, Archiv. f. d. Elsenhuettenwes., 15, 2 77-82, 1941/42 and I. Dardel. Metal Progress, 1~471 520 2) 252-256). The authors derived an equation of solubility of nitrogen in Fe-C melts for i,46o-l,6oo0 c range of temperatures. IgINI- -1,3538 j__Ljgj),,-0.J275j(.J. (4) 2 Card 7/9 Vie laws Oovernin,3 the Absorption of 77682 Nitrogen by Metal During Oxidation SOV/11s8-6o-1-5/34 Smelting where (N) nitrogen content in metal,, %; (P N2 ) partial pressure of nitrogen in the atmosphere, atm.; (0) carbon concentration in metal. 'P. gov Fil. go? Card 8/9 Caption on Card ~919 The Lawo Governing the Aboorption of 77682 Nitrogen by Metal Wring Oxidation sov/ili&6o-,~1-5/34 Smelting Caption to Fig. 11. Fig. 4. Solubility of nitrogen in iron de ending on the nitrogen pressure in the blast: ( 4) deoxidizer 02; (X) deoxidizer C02; (P) calculated equilibrium curve, It follows that experimental points of oxygen blast are located between straight lines 1 and 2 on parallel lines P calculated by equation (4) for an average carbon content of 95%. There are 4 figures; and 5 references, 3 Soviet, I Oerma I U.S. The U.S. reference Is: 1. Dardel, Re'tal Progress, 1947) 52, 2, 252-256s ASSOCIATION: Moscow Steel Institute (Moskovskiy institut stali) SUB14ITTED: February.11, 1959 Card 9/9 DUN, L.; LUSHNIZOVe G-S YAKOBSOV# A. flaw detection. Suba-lils 35 no. 1108-40 9 160. (MIRA 13112) 1. Botrudaiki luetituto metallurgit to.Beykova AN SSSR. (Notallography) (Vitrasonto testing) 11 L.K*: UMXJWA, MIFS Iffect of the pbotoolectronotlya force In polycrystalline cadmium sulfide. Trudy Inst.set. no.3t 62-26? 158. (MIA 120) Oadnium sulfide (P~otoslectrlcity~ - . . Ucn-Tu' V., dr..f FEMKRIpliol. drol, WTOI LAMBA, ff., dro In colaborare cu: OMSCU, G., dr. atamnqgt-ic data in dysentery, VAd. intem. lc nu . 14' 114- 12 2 3 1. Luc-qre ~fer-tuata in Clinica I do boli cor%agicwise I.M.F. Prof. M. Voiculascu), 2. Spitalul io tagimse "Colentinam ~for &U but Dineacu- (DYSEN"MRY ) (DIAGNOSIS) ,) - 4 - -~ ---- -- -- -- ---- -.- -. - ------ -- -- - --- - ---- - - - -, - - I- - - - - - - - -- - " - - DUITAI, B. "Re-oort on the Results and 2xperiences of D" Innovators' Movement %.ring the Last Yosr", p. 4 (UJITOK LANA, Vol. 6, no. 5, Her. 1054, Didapest, Hug*ry). Source: Monthly List of ZaAt biropean Accespione, LO, Vol.3. no. 5, Mp,y 1954/Uncl. ,VUN1Ff, 0'-- 1. 10, :"I:,r - I j 12j Our next tanks. P. 3. (UJITUE LAPJA, Budapest, Hungary), Vol. 6, No. 19, Oct- 1954. 1. 50: I011thly List of East European Accersions, (aki.), P.., Vol. 4, NO. 51 Fai 1955. DUIIAITSEVO A.F.1 MRUXM# Val'ol MOKOM=p Tu.D.1 RIKALIN# Experinmul 6+anatlat of the J7-~t---oro + e+ -Y decay probabillty, Maas Ob9adinenr4yi in-t iaderzykb isel. 1961. 10 p. (No subject beading) VJ. C/026/ 62/018/004/007/009 F050/FO03 AUTHOR: DunAitsev, As F., Pantuyev, V. S., Prokoahkin, Yu. D., Tango Hsiao-wei (0781/1321/1218), and Khachaturyan, M. N. TITLE: Measurement of the Panofsky ratio by the method of gamma-gamma coincidences PERIODICAL: Wu Li 14alleh Pao. v.. 18, no. 4, 1962, 218-219 TEXT: There are two capture processes of stopped ?c - mesons in hydrogen +.p 0 0 + n o r' + ~, + n (1) -- + p ---.* r + n, (2) where p is proton and n is neutron. The ratio of probability of these two processes is caUed the Panofsky ratio P. A new method was devised by the authors for mea-. suring the Panofsky ratio by means of Jr - r coincidences. Procedures follow (6ce Cardl/2 C/026/ 62/018/004/007/009 Measurement of the Panofsky F050/FO03 Fig. 1): The Injected X- mesons are;stopped in the target of liquid hydrogen. The 'r -photons and f Imphotons produced respectively in reaction (Z) and reaction (1) are measured by counter (A). The r "-photons produced in reaction (1) are measured by cotinter (B). The ratio of reaction (2) and reaction (1) can be determined. In this experiment the energi of 7 z meson beams was 6.5 Mev. The experimental P result was -found to be 1.40 - 0.08. This value agrees with the data in photoproduction and scattering of -r[- mesons. Author Tang Hsiao-wei thanks Professor Wang Kan-chlang (3769/3227/2490) In particular for his Interest and discussions. There are 3 figures. C=1 SUBMITTED: FDI- Counter (A) January 15, 196Z am reaction (2) Card 2/2 reaction (1) Figure I LEDOCHOWSKII Zygmuntl IZMOMI- Andrzej; BOGUCKA* Plaria; ORLOMIP WlodzWerz; WOJ?AKTAO Jo;s'y; DUNAJ, ?adeusz; AnMZMMI, Benedykt Research on tumor inhibiting compounds. Vle Synthesis of some 4-(dimethylaminoalkylamino)- quinollnes. Rocz chemll 34 no.)/4: 953-957 160. (EUI 100) 1. latedra Technolo Brodkow Leesniczych PolitechnM, Gdansk* (?uxors) rAminodimethylaninocguinoline) (Alkyl groups) FmxrAx. mgdow; DwW# -1-broulft Attempted acoeleration of mice of fractured bones In the UVt of Sodern vim#* Chira unmuds ruchm ortap. pole 28 no.3t275-294 163. 1. Z Kliniki Ortopeoesuej w Gdanskm KieramUt doe. dr As Senger. MACTURIS) (MRA?WrCS) FACZYNSKI, Andrzej; BZCZEKOr, Joxef; DUk1q_1 Veronikal WOJCIK, Tadwass A--- Excessive physiological mobility of the cervical spine in children as a cause of diagnostic difficulties.Chir. narzad. ruohu ortop. Pol. 29 no.?t787-791 163 1, Z Kliniki Ortopedycanej Akademii Medycznej w Gdansku (Kisrownikt doc, dr, A, Sanger), _Y~FS14";..,BISKUPSKI, Eligiusz microscopic stud4es On the SternocleldorAstold =scle In congenital myogenio torticoll1s. ChIr. narzad. ruchu ortap. Pol, 29 no,2:243- 250 164. lo Z Kliniki Ortopedycznej Akademil Medycznej w Gdansku (Kierowniks doe* dr. ined. A. Senger). . '*;.,-C!-,Ik;,L; ~'N"'.RGOLAWSIKA, Barba:.,a; opiphynoal dysplaala, Chir. narzad. --uchu ortot, "0l. 2? rc,.3:31)7-401 t 64. 1. Z 10ITill-ki Ortop,~ycznej Aka-dom!i Vedyezyipj w Gdlanor.,. (Kicrow- n1k. -1:r(T. dr. mf~d. W. Grabows~l [dcCf)nncAl). nim'p GIVE RU*# Countrys Czechoslovakia Academic Degreast [not cived Affiliation t Department o (Katedra fysi)W), Faculty, of NZatural History dr-j--C---;W"VIUan:LIVGrsIty (Prirodovedecka fakulta University J E Parkyne), Bma AM Department of Mthematies aM ftm~;;_(Xatodra ratervatiky a skola polnohospodarska), Nitra Sourcet Bratislava. MatemUcko-FizikakE Casopis, Vol 11, No 3. 1961. pp 203-207 Data: "Phase Charges on the BourAary.' 4?Q 96103 DUHAJSKY, L. --l-.- ~j Physical fundamentals of rocket technique. p. W. ,POKROKT MATEMTIKT, Fr3IKT A ASTRONOMIE. (Jedneta cookeslovenskych mtemtiku a fysiku) Praha, Czechoslovakia. Vol- 3, no. 6, 1958. Monthly list of East European Accessions (MU) L09 Vol. 9p no. 1, January 1960. Uncl. DUI(AJSff. L Answer to the ORemarks on equation of robket notion" by L. Janka. Cs cas fyo 12 no.1:87-89 162. 1. Katedra matws&tW a fysiky, Vysoka skola polnohospodarskap Witra. DURkMXXp liadi&Uvo Phass chates.on the boundary. YAt fys cas SAV 11 no*3t 20.2(77 9 # lo Xatedra matematiky a fysikys, Vywoka, ekola polnohoopodarska# - Nitrap lq9enkova 10* 1 jl~ fi ,, M633 -~0141633 /004/001/002 00/00~ A 2/045/62/000 X024/9420 AUTHOPt P-Un Aj_Sk3"_4_ fil'trIL TXTLEt The principle of revorsibility and of reflectivity in the optics of thin films PERIODICALi Matematicko-tyxiStAny ewasopis,'no.4, JA2, 301-308 TEXT: some unexplored aspects of the principle of revotsibillty,~.11 in the optics of thin films are investigated. From Maxwell's I equations for a conducting isotropic =odium, equations can be derived which are, Invariant for- the transformations In Table 1. From transformations a) and-b) the following equations can be derived for a*V*11ing.from the loft into an arbitrary system of thin films'-which describe roversibility conditions at interfaces r1orl. +'WIS 1. (16) 110rom + 0. (17) The sign refers to cooffickonts for a simple Interface. From transformations c) and d) are obtained# Vo45/62/000/004/001/00t The principle of reversibility 9024/9420 418) + 4.4. + %14.'~ 0. (19) The dash moans that the coefficients for a simple interfave and. A -have to be replaced by their complex conjugates. Differential equations which describe microscopic events are reversible, i.oo they are invariant for the transformation t" -t. Macroscopic irroversibilition are explained by statistics, In the past it was required that the transformation t---* -t should leave all those parameters positive where a negative sign would violate the second law of thermodynamics (e.g. a). Thus the principle of reversibility was not applied to absorbing layers. Such a princAlle of reversibility way be termed classical or thermodynamic. P.G.Kard, I,Santavf and Z.KnAttl* use the transformation 0-4 These authors call transformations of type a) and b) the generalized principle of reversibility. The relations dar)v*d from this -pri=iplw-ar"orrA-at-,--altivou-Sh-thoy --aro 1""s greomont-wkth7tlie-] jecond law of thermodynamics. The explanation of this disagreement lies in the statistical nature of the second low, The go %ralized principle of rov*roibility becomes thirmody"nic Card-V 8/045/62/000/004/001/m2 The principle of roversibility S024/Z420 under two conditions: I - a 0 1.*, in a dielectricl 2 m at ^' simple (Fr*sn*l) interface under certain conditions. Por the transformations 0 and d) the time remains positive but the refraction vector changes sign. Such a transformation may be visualized by considering it an a rG,flection from a perfect. mirror. The term $#principle of reflectivity" has therefore boon suggested for these transformations by Z# Knittl, The relationship of transformations a) and d) with the second law of thermodynamic* is similar to that for transformation* a) b), Autharls remarks A medium with negative conductivity :7:0 has negative absorption and this Is a necessary condition for maser action. Thor* is I table* ASSOCIATIONS Katedra matematiky a fyxlky Vysokaj Skoly o1nohospodACr&koj Y Mitre (Department of Mathematics and Physics, Agricultural High School, Mitra) A SUBMITTEDt may 69 i9ft Card 3/4 The principle of rov*r*ibllity 3024/9420 Table 1. 3/043/62/000/004/001/062 -f T .47 -9 07 M -x L 1 TO -90 X0 The first line shows the parameter which changes in the various transformation& a) - 4) Into the parameter shown in the respective line in the same column, Card 4/4 a) b) 0 d) U63h Z/045/62/000/004/002/0,02 Z024/Z420 AUTHORS Puns, Jjjtj,-L..- (Nitra) TITLES The problem of phase shifts at Interfaces PERIODICALS Matematicka-fysikilny gasopis, no.4, 1962t 309-311 TEXT: The present paper extends the work of the present author (Hat.-fyzo 4asopis 11 (1961)9 203) and I,N 'Ikrarevskij UTF 26 (1956), 333). The condition of maximum transmission of light through a thin film of ZnS (n w~2.4) deposited on Ag (n - n - ik% - 0.16 - 13.67), with air (nl 1) as the .3 3 .0 i first medium, In (case AT L21 2n2d a 2 21W where d2 is the thickness of the film, X the wavelength in vacuum and the integer a is the order of Interference* it bot h sides of the ZnS.layer are silvered, i.e. nj P%j 'we obtain (came B) .62 2n2d2 OX, (2) Card 1/4 Z/045/62/000/004/002/002 The problem of,phaso 9024/19420 ----The-phase-shift 6 8 n 23-- -XivO by n2 R3 r2301623 0 (.3)- ~n2 03 The value of 623 is approximately are 120!01 From Sq.(I) and (2) we obtain 3m + 2, (5) n2d2 (4) n2d2 6 The transmission in (*ago A* Valflek, Optics'of thin films, Amsterdam, 1960, 325) tl2t23 T . !I - - (6) n1 I + r2 + 2r r cox(2x rh 23 12 23 where x a 21T u2d2- A similar'rolation holds if we consider the amplitude coefficient of reflection with.& sign opposite to -that in The relevant phase shifts we write an 6"s Card 2/4 Z/04k5/62/000/004/002/002.. The problem of ph&** ... 9024/9420 The condition ror maximum transmispion is 2X - 612 - b23 a (2a + l)Tr n arc 120*1 612 0 and For case A, 612 ftly and 623 Ob - are 300*. After rearrangements we obtain in both cases Eq.M. For case B, 612 a arc 300'.and 623 a are 120* a are 1200 and 6- a are 300*, Both cameo lead to Eq 612 If instead of n3 WO 2ase its complex conjugate, we obtain n3 tl2t23 nj I + r r + 2r r cqs(2x + f2 13 12 23 612+ 6"23), Similar relations hold for 6-t The condition- for nwxiv~Aw transmission in X 2x + 6 4' (2m + IM (9) 12 6123 case A, 6'1m 2 6123 23 are 240*1 61'2 0, 6-' are 60% Card 3/4 Z/045/62/000/004/002/002 The problem of phase ... E024/2420 Ch 0 B 6x% a are 60 Marc 2400 1 6 Aire 240 2. 2 ware A' 23 Eq. nd 5) can be obtained frois BoK typesvf phase shifts, if used consistently, load to identical results. ASSOCIATIONS Katedra, matematiky a fyziky Vymokej Skoly poinchospodafrskoj v Nitro (Deportment of Xathomatica and Physics, Agricultural High Schook, Nitro) SUBMITTED.t September 28, 1961 Card 4/4 Z/037/62/00J 004/007/008 E024/z335 It, 3-~Ob AUTHOR: DunaJoky, Le, TITLE; The concept of non-reflected light (Letter to the Editor) PERIODICAL:, (Yeakonlovensky ~:arjopis pro fyaiku,.no. 4, 1962, TEM. Z. Knittl (Czech. J. Phys., 9, 1959. 133) obtains symmetry in the law of conservation of energy at the interfa-te between a metal and a dielectric. This can be obtained by a diffmMt method. The law of conservation of energy on an,arbitrary simple interface can be written in the form (see-notation in work of Knitti): A - P. + pip P" (1). where Pk - Re (EHS - is the interference Poynting vector-41 A. The energetic coefficients of reflection, refraction and inter- ferenco are defined &as R T (2a,bic) P, P, P Eq. (1) can then be rewritten in the form: Card 1/3 R T .4, 1 a 1 (3)0 Z/037/62/000/004/007/008 The concept of .... E024/E335 At the interface between metal And dielectric the following holds: RL T, it It43 0 n2 (5a,b,c). RA Irl, IJTX ItA V19 + 0 - In 'Eq. (3),W0 May Puts T+ 1 (6) and call T the energetic coefficient of non-reflected light. For the direction L, Y. - T Analogous 'to relations .L (4b) and (5b), we introduce ak amplitude of non-reflected light for the direction R: A' AX - R' RA (7). From thin equation it follows thatt 2ilt. . .............. + For the direction L we obtain The law of can- on- of - -energy -for-- both-dire tnsa 4 written in a servati symmetrical forms Card 2/3 The concept of .... Z/037/62/000/004,/007/008 9024/z335 IrAll + ItAl (9) IrLIS + IQ (10) Professor A. Vag'fZek has used these results in his works (Optics of Thin Film, North Holland Fubl.Co., Amsterdam, 1960, 307; Izv. AN SSSR, ser. fiz.mat. i t.n., 1X, 196o. 2421 Zeitschrift fUr Physik 161, 1961, 26) prior to their 'publication. thistis t,&omglft;,AraVgjatAyq.1 'AAWIH1891's nkattg:dra ma ema. Y Y Y im 0 (Department of Mathematics and Physics, VSP, Nitra) SMaTTED: January 8. 1962 Card 3/3 DtINAJSKt, Ladislay (Nitra) Apicultural physics. Pokroky mat fyz astr 7 no.6t350-)54 162. WNAJSKY Ladislay Princip2e of revorsibility and ref2mribility in the optics of Wn films. Hat fys cas SAV 12 no.4001-308 162. 1. latedra matematiky a f~zlkyt Vysoka skola polnohospodarska,, Ifitra, Lysenkova 10, DUNAJSKY. tAdislay Problem of phase shif to on boundw7 lines. *t fya cas SAV 12 no.4*309-34 .162, 1. Katadra matexatiky a fysikyj Vyooka akola polnohoapodarska, Nitra, Lyisankova 10. USTIS Zdamak (&=)S-UJSAUO ftwAiask- Lam, 024rich (Gattwaldev I KWWA, Mirea2mm armlavy vary)l -b"NA Jail JA441 1 gamy NJ tra); NUMM,, Franti"k (PmU) I -IM1.0 -Toms- Report an Vw &*Uvltr of bnashoo of the A"ealatiou of C"chooloyak Wthowticians &W Phy"cists. Pokroky mt fys ast.r 8 no*209-U6 963, DW XT Irmriant demmiption .of light refleotion and the mesming of the tromsfometion of aruch dammiption. Chekhosl fis %huriwa 13 no.UI857 f63 if Katedra fyzikyp V~voka akola polnobospodarskap Mtra. DUNAJSXY# L,diolay , Probability interpretation of energy balance$ In thin rilm optics# Ce cas lys U no.603-500 164. 1, Chair of Physics# Higher School of Agricultur*9 Mitra# .1 HUSTY, Zdenck (Bmo)j V.'~-*JSADA, Frantisek (Coske Budejovice); WDIAK, VaCIAV (Karlorl Vary); DV?IAJSKY Ladialay (Ilitrn); L.T11L, C~Irlc- 'I eli 110I4kC!:K, Rudolf (010inMef; I E, Frantlock' (Fim);10; MlInda (Trnava); PROCRAMA, Tiri (Usti nad Lnbom) Reports from local arganizationn of the Union or Czoc,iojIovftk '-:athemaLiciarm and Phyalcints. Pokroky ruit fyz 9 no.2.*134- 141 164. DIINA.'3KYp Ladisla-i "Light rofln-ijon frc-,m abitnr'r.'.-)g by Reviewed by I.rdirlav lAinajBlr.,f. Pokr3k-j mat ry? st." 2 52 fA. "Tables for doterTIning opti-al frj~-- the rof)ectf-,,l ll'Fht," by ~. Vasiccl.. !Zi~vlr4avri 1,y lbid.i 252 ~4- rvmf 1 1 Irp, T'i -1 taff,f 1 Art--- f L- Am ilL T 1 -5 Card 'CA2 For ~dAer ume of &sWtos ball, t. Pat' i put.khos. 5 no*4s7-9 Ap 161.* (KIRA 107) 1. Usestitell nachallniks Sveramkoy dorogi (for DwuLkovskly 2 *Glavnyy Lush, alushby p4ti Sverelovskoy dorogi (for Khomtov~. 3. Ikehallnik t#kWeheskogo otdola slushby puti Sverdlovskoy d,rogiq prWasdatell OWboheptyan go redaktsionwgo ooveta. SverAlovskoy dorogi (for Kogan), (BLuast (Asbastom) DUNMMI=--H-D KBDM=j, AS.1 IOUNV 160, DUNARK, NIODLARR WIN Protul popular din Bihar, Ed. -1 BucurestL, Rumania, &dLtura do Stat pentru Literature so Arta, 195t, 62 p. Monthly of East European Accessions (BRAI) LC, VOL. 8, No. 11, November 1959 Uncl. DUNAW" 9 A, F~mm Quesnay to Xeymal, or the w1garity of the macroacon*do thsay, wMaoro-Sconcmdos" by Th,F. Dernburg and D.M. MoDMall, Reviewed by A, Dunarea=, Fftbleme soon 15 no.3:141-152 Mr 162. GIRDRAp .Et , prof.1 POPESCUt D.p prof.; TURCUM, Lip confol DUWA!M4~UOo, ,dr.; POPOVICI# V., dr. The role of diaeasee of zothers In pregnancy, labor and tho Vuerperium in the origin of deafness in the newborm. Otorino- 1aringologie (Baour) 10 no.100-68 Ja4(rt65. - Putad txAiu--,% iodide at !(~R'. , vHIS IN M Q 4 fl&P-11,21, CUM MIN. -.11 THN-M, L 45252-66 - '589A ACC NRI Af 033 SW= COCZ: RU/0023/65/010/004/0343/0347i iAUTHOR: Lupascu. Ch. E.-Lupashku, 0. Yo. (Doctor); Roxemberg, L.-(Doctor); ~Q ~/-I Banica' A~-Banike, A. (Doctor); Dunareanu, He-43uneryanup M* tDoctorl; 18 Radulescup Mt-Hodulaskuj Me, %w%,vwva I ORG: "Prof. Dr. Victor Babes"'Hospital for Contagious Diseases# Bucharest (Spitalul de bol, c-omwgtugow-"Pfo-r.-Di~.--VFC-tor nabes" TITLE: Observations on current aspects of infections with pseudomonas aaruginosa (This paper was presented at the rescu" Bucharest.] SOURCE: Xicrobiologiap parazitologia eJ epidamiologia,, ve lOj no. 4j 1965#-343-347 TOPIC TAGS: bacteria, antibiotic, infective disease# bacteriology ABSTRACT: The authors summarize the main aspects of B.-Mcmi-c infections occurring under pathologic suprainfection conditions, with a view to their classiflca~ion. Special emphasis is placed on the effect of the introduction of antibiotied0on the equilibrium of microbial flora, and on the need for a sustained control of organism reactivity. (Based on authors' Eng. abat.] [JPRS: 32j9133 SUB CODE: 06 / SUBM DATEt 16Jun65 / OM REF: 009 cam 1 A -fWk., UDC s 616-022.711- 2 GMM'f St.; SALUM, ILI DOIPA, 1.9 AZW, B.; SUMUTA, L; BOLU, R.j_DUX&RXAW' 0. 1 VAS W, 1. The treatment Of UrMeal cancer at the ORL Clinic, Tiolsoars, Ramonlan M. ]MY, 3 no, UW72 Jan-lkr 59. (TARM, neoplasms surg* statbt.) BUNWANUO Distribution of the Baropean stone pine (Picus combra L.) In the (I lIDA 13:12) __.-L.-Institut g"logii,,--goofi%Ud-i-goografti-AI Rwqnsl:oy_Jlrxodnoy_____ RespublAld, Buldw sot* (Faracas Mountains-Pine) lit pronilustyus-1,chikh rmi-on-J7,11ch r.-n.idnoy klatU 21M3 DIXASII-,'V. V. K vonrosu o A Po 07~jtu Ilf"likoy otechostvemoy ;omy) v Tmly (.-la,.-. -. oyen. Oosn"tal~ra 7oo.i-Li7h. Sil S-3SF tris A!mcl. Burdwi!:oo Iral. 'J. 11., Ir.;17;,rt, S. MblloCr: 17 nazv. SO: I/3toP,'.st 110, 32, 19149, DURASHU, No To wommommommomm 11o2o of Miselan mwgoone in the deve2opment of urolo Xhirurgiia, Rookya, no,7t49-58 July 1951., r6m 21:2) 1. Candidate Medical Sciences* DUMSHW , N.V. rmm---- (Uroloileal dlesales IOb urologichook1kh sabolovanitah. Nookyao Nedgis, 1953. 21 P, (IMBA 815) (Upino.r7 orgais - Dis"ass) DUNASSHEEEV, 'N.Ve Ob urologicheskikh zabolevaniiakh. (Urological diS9a3eS). Moskvap Medgiz, 1953. 22 p. (Hauch.-Wpul. med. literatura). S3t Monthly List of Russia n Accessions, Vol. 7, No. 5, August 1954 .DUNASHOTO N*T.# polpolkovalk tailtsinskoy olusblw . .. ........ -. Changes in-lonal runotions In bmrss. Toonnedishur. nool2t?2-73 D 036. (NUA 100 ) (KOMYS-41SUSM) (MM AND SULDS) EM, Arturi DOM, Sum; BMO, Sandar! Puny, Antal A modernised mothod for ovalmting the physioal appearano of "ttle a AlUtterqesstes n w,2&97-101 J1 163. Is Allattenpostsoi lutationteset Ssarymmarhatenpostesi OestLlyap 99aposto 2& OAlUtterposteag oserkmasto biwttoagi tagja (for. Ewa). DIMY, 11. F. 29732 /11 molotilUm M-600 2avoda "Slerp i FlolotO. Syelllehommshim, 10,40,, Noo 9, S. 1-3. Sot Lotoplal Not 40