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i , - - - @ -@ 1v i - - - ;' ..:i
@! , -.I*
. VIVOINP ill,
OWARSKATAP 1. L. starshLy nauebrV notrudrdk; DOMEM, 9. A.
Effectiveness of treating spidenic influenza in children with
ame now preparations. Pe4latriia no.6:24-Ut 162. (MIM 15t6)
I. Is Uningradskago pediatrichookogo nauebno-iseledovatellskago
Instituta (dir. - Sasluzbennyy vmch RSFSR L. S. Kutina) i detskoy
infaktalomoy bollrdtay lAninskogo rayona (gl&YW vmch K. A,
ed.nauk; YEPIFANOVA t = - - -
p Zvi*
and epidemlologi-ml characteristics of adenovirus infections. det, I no,436-10 Ap 162. (MIRA 15: U)
1. Is Gosudaretvennago nouchno-iseledovatellskogo instituts
detakikh infektaiy (dir. - prof. A.L.Libov), Detskoy infektsionnoy
bollaitay Leninakogo rayana (glavnyy Ymch X.A.Dudkina), Leningrad-
skogo nauchno-issledoratellskogo instituta epidemiologii i
mikroblologli imeni Pastore (dir. - prof. V.G.Nikitina) i Gorodskoy
sanitarno-epideniologicheakoy stahtsii Leningrads (glavnyy vrach
Characteristics of Us, c2inical couros, of bacterial 4sent4rr
for a period ot 24 yearms %psoldumati date 8 uo*3s19-22 Yr
11639 (MIM 260)
1. Is Ostakoy infektsiomoy bollnitay (SI&My ymch XiA. Dodkinag
nauchmyr rukovadiUll - k&MAed.nuk I.L. Qmarskmj@&) Ladmkop
-J--.a I
ray=& Lm4n=sd- i -CCO instituta detskikk Wektaiy
(dir, - proto A*Le Libov)q
Myocardial infarot from data of XolomrA City Hospital for the six
years, 1951 to 1958. Vop. klin. pat. no-304-44 161. (MUA 14-.12)
1. Is Kolomenskoy gorodakoy bollnitsy (glavnyy vrach P.M.Griabin,
savoduyuhahiy tArapovtichaskim otdoloniyem H.G.Petrosynn).
A KFA&7,10N)
"Treatment of pneumonia by streptonsycin," Klinicheskaya "@ditsina. (Clinical
le@ediclne), Vol 32, No. 12, December 1954 (Moscow)
Medical Institute in Tshelabinsk.
Ccmtnts K-3443, 27 My 55
USSR/Pharmcolo@:y LA Toxicology - CarC-io-,-a-.cular Agents.
Abs Jour : @Ici' @htw - Biol.., No 21, 1.950, 98545
Author : Glubokov,, D,A,@ DoIkWaj A.I.
Inst : Chelyabinsk Medical Listitutc.
Title : 3xperiment, of Rcs..@rpino Application in Troatmnt oA.
Fationts with Hypertcasive Diwase.
Orig Pub V, ob.: Materialy Nauch-.. lmiu:erentsii Chelyab. md. jai-ta,
powyashch. 40-latiyu Okt. sots.
Chol,vabinsky Igo.. 110-112.
Abstract ITo abstracto
Card 1/1
Chagoo in the oxidatim-r*ducticrn potentiml in wlLn du-Ing
submarged culturt of parityphoid. baoteria, Zhar, mikrobtal, spid, i
immn* 40 no,9t97-ICOL 8163. kABA 17t5)
1, Iz Leningradakogo nauchno-lasladovatellskogo instituta vaktoin
i sporotoks
'Natttral Con4itions Oavomtng the NpIdmdology of Ylalarla Und*r
Conditions In Llvoyakaya Oblast and Pleavarem for Improving S&nItma7 Con-
ditions.-I Sub 18 Oct 51, Ac" Mad Set USSR.
Dissertations presented for octanes and engineering dograes in
Moscow duting 1951.
SOt ftm. To. 480. 9 May 55
Abs Jour
e TransPLItters)
: 11cferat Zhur - Biologil, No 16, 1957, 70IL94
: Dudkim, M-AS, fttyugLn.. V.S.
: St. nauche ovok. nei, Tn-ta epiderdol, mikrobiol.
i gigieny. Llvovsk, Un-t 1956, 63-71
Ecology An. bifurcatus in Llvov Region
Orig Pub See Insts
Abstract In the Lvov region, the Anophelea bifurcatus is widely
distributed in the habitations of the raised hilly region
where it constitutes by day count 13-16% of the total
n=ber of mosquitoes. Hateking places- spring and sub-
soil fed, temporary rain puddles with a T. of 17-23 deg C.
Larv-ae of all ag" hiternate (mainly III) in unfrozen
swampy areas of streams and fish-ponds. . In the course of
there are 3-4 generations; there is no decrLnse
in - the -- BU=er
III cool, moist y0aralthe large ntzber of mosquitoes is
Card '1/2 - 34 -
USSR/Zooparasitology - Tics and Insects (Disease Transmitters) P-3
Abe Jour Referat 2hur - Mologli, No 16, 1957, 7oi94
noted in May, June., July and September; in dry years-
Pay, Au&ust and September. During the day the females
in the places of habitation, are predominantly In the
early stages of the digestive process. Oiay a small
portion of the population is capable of an autogenous
development of ovaries. In the case of L'vov vhere the
nidus of hatching are located near the city,, these mos-
quitoes may play a considerable role in transmitting
Card 2/2 35
j&MAd6,.. -. @
liffect of annual dralning of the fish pond In the town Ivan-Yraulto,
Lvov Province, on lar"l blotopes and guAntition of AnqpMlso
mosquitoes, Dop. ta pov, Llyly. un. no,r-pto):125-328 157.
Ovan-Franko-17ish rods) (MIRA 11Q)
TITLs MosquA4 As Vectors of the Vir@-I`IZT-I@ iphiUktary Horlomeningitis in
the Western Mrt of the Ukraine.
(laskedovani" kcmarov kak parenosenikov vLrusa Iliffatsitarnogo khorio-
meningita na. sapade Ukrebq -Russian)
MIOUICAL Uoklady Akademii Nauk $WvlMovol 113, Nr 5 PP Ildl-110 (U-S-S,R-)
Hisceived 7/1957 ftevieved t5/1-951
A2zMCT The present woric andeavcred to explain tne problem cir the eventual role
of mi3quitos as vectors of nourotropic vU*uses.A laboratory basis was a-
3tablishad at bU*lj In tne district of lirobooycz.'rhe 3warm@ing of mosqui-
tos of the ANdes species had already ceased or was amut to end which work-
was being cETTed out In the fields (July 25.-Aug. 12,1956).Nine kinU of
the Amass species# 4 kinds of Anophalest2 Culex and 1 Mansonia were found.
As all virus infections deposited cy artnropodes have a natural rocal cha-
racter, the'nosquiton were studied under natural conditions i.e. far fr=
settlezents,in forests,. 75v/, or the total amount or mosquitos wnich were
caught an man and by means of nets are of the 4 k-Ands of the Aedes species.
The revaindes was-found only in small numbers.The reproduction of the vi-
ruses deposited bj mosquitos a rule,only po33ible at hight, t4upera-
tures.Therefore,iiivestigations were carrisa out on day3 when morning tem-
perature (6 a.&.) was 11/190 and afternoon tomperature(4 p.m.) 16-25".Up
to now the trannotarial deposition was not deteMined with cartainty.It
is probable that virus could only to isolated from mosquitos whica had
gone through at least one gonotrophic cycle.Also water containers were in-
Card 113 vestigated in order to be able to judge the age of the mosquitos,and the
gosquitos As Vectors oftne Virus of Lymphooytary Horlomeningitis
in the Western Part of trio Ukraino. 2o-5-67/6T
physiological ago(according to Uetinova and Fb1ovodovya)w&s detemined.In
1924 mosquitos were wained virusologically.A SUSPOn3ion was produced
from desinfect4d mosquitos which was introduced into the orain of whits groups of viruses were isolated from 43 lots of moscpitos investi-
gat*d.Th* interotrebral introduction of the species Aedea c"=uni3 and Idan-
sonis richiArdii caused illness and deatn of mice.All kinds turned out to
be successfully filteraole.Tne disease was of one single type.The diseased
animals were pasaivo,,on tne occasicn of acoustic irritation or when tney
were picked up by their tail they reacted in & characteristic way: tonic
spasms developed which brougnt ttie animal into a typical positioni tna fo-
relimbs-wero-pressed-to- the-body-whilat-tht-
to -Uw taU.In 1954 the first mentioned Author had isolated a virus strain
174K from the ixodes ricin4lcic which was found to be identicai with that
or trA lymphocytic horro-me-nInjitislTne mo3quIto3 collected now -were from
tnC same plaC.03.IhIS fact and the typical features of the illness of white
nice offer the temporary conclusion that the mosquito strains also belong
to this viru3.Tas experimental deposition of the tick virus by mo3quitO3
was acaleved oy bovist 4clontists.Ws therefore can probably draw the con-
clusion that the mosquitos,bovidox tne tizks,play a role in Me natural vi-
rw contr43 in the case of virus circulation.
(With 2 tableej 3 citations from zilavic publications).
Card 2/3
MosquIt4 As Vectors or the Virux of Limphocytary floricconinz-
gitis in the Toetern Fart of the Ukraine. 20---rs-6T/6T
AzZCGIATION 6&WM4@pidoziologic-Departmnt n.28 (IAmb4rg)Arma-k*dica.L Acadsmq_
*o.M.KMV*-IAmbarg 1wtitute for Epidemiology and Microbiology.
P&NsMED BI PAVLOVSKII N.M.09tabor of the Academy
bUBAfMzO 14.2-1957
AVAILABLS Library of Con1press
Card 313
DtmrlxA, M.S.
Ecology of Anopheles bifuroatus In t1vov Province. Ked, par&%#
I paras, bole 27 noo2: 225-227 Mr-Ap 158 Wu 1115)
1. In L'Yovskoco instituts epidestologil I mWobiologit.
An -blfurcatue, ecol. @2uq)) -
DMXNA1 NoL, gtarshMs modesestra
Mrs, O*f pimter costs vorn by children in treating congenital
dislocation of the hip, Kedevestra, 17 no.10:39-40 0 '58
(KIRA 11M)
1. Is otdolenlya detskoy Wrurgll, ortopedii i travuAtIologii
oblastnoy klinicheskoy bollnitsy Warachevos ta"atskaya Oblastle
lquilibrium of the liquid phuss In the system isobutyric &aid -
pyraoldon v water. 1sv.vys.uch*b.s&v.; khto-takh. 3 no.4t620-624 1609
W&L 13:9)
1. Permakiy gosudarstwomWy urAvernitet im. A.M. Gorlkogo. kafedra
neorganicheskoy kblmli*
(Iso'butyric &aid) (Aminepyrine) (Systems (Chemistry))
DMK31U, T.
ruUill the asym-low p1m in fivo years, Straitell no,6t22-23
Jo 161. (MM 34M
(Rostovi-Ola-Don-Construction industry)
05iinificande of Pserive ImuAty to Inauen%s in Infants.*
Titres of influenzo. A and D antibodies w,.,re determined in blood samples
taken shortly after birth I'm 200 mothers and their 200 infants; the aaluttrAtion-
Inhibitlon mothod wns used. The r@nungs w@.@re identictil in opch mother --nd infant;
40 s3ra contained A antibodiesp 422 B 1, emd " both A and B; the remainder contained
reither. The average titre in the infants$ sera urs I In 40 (53 cases). The placental
transmission of ifluenzal antibodies w:,a thus clearly downs-rated. The t1tre in the
secorA month of life was deternined @n 89 infontel a genemlifall. was noted,, to zero
IP33 cnsev. B y this time 8 codes of influeves ha.i occured amongst these ifants (900
wh-irens 10 (23*2%) had occured in A comparable gmup of 43 infants who hid no i
influenzal antibodies at birth. In an investigation o-irried out on .1,6 infants at the
n-e of 7 morths, it was f . und that antiboties were present in only 5 instances
(1*8$)p showing that passive inmwity K-Ld largjly Weappeared by this age.
D. J. Bauer
LTediatriyg No. 5, 2E-35, Sept.-. oct.,, 1949.
Abstrnets of UorAd Medicine Vol. 7 1950. No.5, 28-35, Oct., 1949.
flotation reagents fro* cambor and oleorealo-turpentino production
wastes. Trudy Xhim.-met, last, SIbe otd. AS SSSR no. 1305-731;59.
(MIRA 141
(flotation) (Wood-using Industries--By-products)
WDKO, A.,, insbo-kapitm
Clheck!ng the contral board ef a radio compass, Ay, i toetme 4-
no.12M-78 D 164 (MIR& 182 11)
KO insh.-kapitan
,khead of schedule* Ay. i koem, 47 no.3:62-64 W 165.
(KIPA 180)
=X0, A.A CWDZO. 0.0.1
--l-lonsitivonsts of the efflustive *onto of Ofifitow-ellosle In livestock
to antibiotics, Nikrablol.shur. 20 no.2:13-39 058 (MIRA 1118)
1,, 2 kafedri s1kroblolnell Illvalkogo vOorInArtlogo lustItutu.
DUDIO* A.AO-P. inshq; xMMUIP 10TA40 lush*
AutomaiAd crushing and Vwting plant, Stroi. mat. 7 no.WO-23
Ap 161.' (HIRL 14t 5)
(crushing machines) (Automation)
WG&K L.I.j, inxh.IDv
Crushers with antowtic f"d regulation. Mokho stroi. 18
n0*6:2,L45 :e 16le (MM 14:7)
(Crushing mathimerr)
DOW. A.A., lush.
- - - ------------- -I
All-purpose bulMoseromled loadem Ayt.dor. 22 ft.e.2A no.93
12-13 3 '60. . (mm '1319)
(Lasting and ualosding) (Bulidavers)
DUDKO, A.A.# inxh.; NOIXER, I.Ya., insh.
Organization of strip mincs near th@ right of way road construction
projeet. Avt. dor. 24 no.10i8_11 0 161. (MIRA 14M)
(Strip idning) (Road materials)
KOLM,, I.Tr;,.l DWXO,, A.A.
0-, - -
Now equipmut for vorking pit$ along the road. Avt.dor. 25
na,1:16-19 Ja 162. (Road mehinez7) (KM 15s2)
kand.takhn.nauk; MIKRAW, V.A., kand.tekhn.nauk; FMKUN(YV, T.F.;
SAVELIIEV, N.P.; SaMN, V.V.; KHARIN, A.I. kand.t4fin.nauk;
Prinimali uchastiyet IVANOV, N.A.t kand.tekhn.nauk;
INOKOVA, O.L.; GOMOZOVA.. N.A,, red.1 NAUMDVA, G.D., tekhn.reds
(Mechanization and autosation in the rock products industry]
MakhaxnizatsUm. i aTtOlZatl,Zat3iia v prommyshlennosti nerudnykh
stroitellnykh materialoy. (By] V.T.Volkov i dr. Moskva,
Goestroilsdatj 1963. 30 p. (141RA 170)
DUDKOI A.A.0 inzh.
, -
Single-unit movable crushing and-Aar'Ungequip"nt. )bkh. stroi.'20
no.11:25-29 N '63. (KIRA 17ol)
DMKOP A,Ao. insho
Increase in cubs-forit Vrains in the output of cone-type crusberso
.stivi. mat. n noam2-ii 0 163,
(KIPA 18810)
AUTHOR: Mechevo V. S.; Dudko, A. D.
ORG: Institute of Electric Welding im. Ye. 0. Paton, AN UkrSSR (Institut elektroavarki AN
TITLE: Welding wit@ an are rotating In a magnetic field
bUURCE: Avtomatiches" eyarka, no. 1, 19670, 59-62
TOPICTAGS: weldinggyn, arc d@@agtetlc field, ;eldIng A-1029 welding gun
ABSrRACT: The technology of rotary-arc welding (based on the use of an electrical arc
rotating In a transverse magnetic field between the nonconsumable electrode and the product)
has certain distinguishing features. First, the rate of motion of the arc does not equal the
rate of fusion of the metal, I. e. the welding rate, but amounts to 10-25 m/sec. Second, as
revealed by oscillographic studies of the welding process with simultaneous recording of the
photocurrent to determine the rate of: motion (each photocurrent peak corres@onds to a single
revolution of the are), the an rotates uniformly fbi some time following the excitation while
the metal does wt yet malt. As the electrode and product become heated, the number of revo-
Cd 1/2
lutiona o@ the are somewhat dear"s" and boomes irregular. Since the are speed greatly ex-t
ceeds the melting rate of the metal, during a single revolution a very small segment of the
motal will be melted. Subsequently the extent of the melted segment increases until a conti-
nuous weld puddle forms over the enUre perimeter of the product. Thi,.s, another distingWsh-
ing feature of the rotating are Has in that the weld puddle pncompasses the entire perimeter
of the parts being welded. Hence also the crystallIzation of the weld metal occu@s uniformly
along the entire perimeter. Further, in the process of melting of the edges of the product the
in th same a
weld-puddle metal is impeiled by the rotating are to move e d1reclion s that of the
arc. This is the third distinguishing feature of rotary-are welding, and it represents a short-
coming of this method, since it leads to surface rippling. The optimal distance between the
electrode and the product In rotary are welding should be 2 -2. 5 mm. The Ye. 0. Paton Insti-
tute of Electric Welding has developed a special welding gun, the A-1029, for welding tubes
onto tube sheets by means of an an roUting In a radial magnetic field. Normally, these tubes
must be manually welded onto tube sbwft over a period of time lasting from 16 to 30 seoper
tubed e-- _ou -its-- d-I a-m-w-Wr -(1-8- -4-6 m-m-) j wall thicime a e (0. 3 -2 mm and type 0 f jo int). The
use of the A-1029 welding gun roduces the welding time to 2. " see. Orig. art. has: 3 f1g..
I table.
SUB CODE: 13, U, 20/ SUBM DATE: 18Jan66/ ORIG REF: 005
Card 2/2
MIKO, Androy TevotWthiyovich
CovordloT oetton collectivo form] XhlopkoyodcheWdl kolkhos
Imal Grordlovae losbkont, 1953. (MMA 13:8)
(AndisUn Ustrict-Cotton growins)
4 A.)
DUDZ0 An &f# *Tick XMIS, Naksimillan Petrovich; CEMICMINZD,
MA-4va@nolly""T7.1094 IMDVA, Vora Nikolays"a: 32MIA POX., kand.
sel'okokboxyaystromm7kh nank, red.; ZHMAYW, B.S.. red.:
[C6tton cultivation practices and the econosic effectiveness of
ehbekrowing] Agrotakhnika. i. ekonoutcheskaim, effektivuost'
kvx4ritno- i primougollno-guesdovykh poseyov Wopchatnika. Pod
red. P.N.Usedina. Tashkent, Gos.lsd-vo Uzb*kskal SSR, 1956.
90 P. (MM 10112)
(Cotton growing)
C"V-1try USS R m
CULTIVATED PLANn. I' ,@NJAERCIAL Oluifjrous, Sul,ar-
Bdarl bIOL.. 21,!9S.Sj4O-9W40
!*t!rh:idei at' "! of lotton and
Their 'Fffaat!vdn33.
T@:I% V sb.:I?ef. nauohno-irtuled. rabot po khIokovo4stvu.,
Tashkent, AN T!z3,')R, IM, 5-1-6,C)
It hos! bmv Osron31trated by exper",mrA3 conducted
R', tho stations of tha ).lj_ITnjon ;,otto,
7-,!s,--srch Institute and oth-ir sol.entliia inrtitu- I
tions thit the 3yatvun@s of plecim- DIsnttj in the
of v)ltun shou'd be dif-
i!!mt!nr L
fnrmn%I-Ited -iocording to n_-tur@il !Donditions and
tho wrI-:,.tIea. The most widely aprdhd-cut should
be plantQd in srjunriu-poakcta of 50 x 50 cm. The
45 x L5 cm lRyout is axNdlant only on plots at
n slant, as -.*ell as on thin Goll vtth close under-
lyino. gravel. On Mghly. furt.'I%j qn-'l with close
I cl'xnt@ M
Inzti' Uto
1,h:;trt?e!t :frd3h wat,2r tables the mat successf ul results
worul gotten by tb3 schemes 60 x 60 and 60 x 45 Cr.-
4h,! ont@jwrt nurzbe:- Of* plnntts Pur hil). should not
@@Xl-'tQa 2-3 in th - x 50 and 45 x 45 ork 1!iyoutia
and P,)t more th rL in the 60 x 60 9n d 60 x 45 om
scherkes. Lenvir.C., 14 plants in oven the qUest
arunre or 60 x 60 = producon a drop In yield.
SOLINUOVt "t kvW.xad.n4Ukj FARMOVt A*P.j DU p A.M.1 VOINOTAO I.I.
haal anesthesia in patimits vith serious dlefts es of the eadlo-
Inogear srateau Klin,kbii.' no.914549 3 162., (MM 160)
1. Mastitut modochno-soaudistoy khirurgii AMS SSSR (naucbgVy
rukoyoditall - skademik I.N, Bakillay). Adras ZolInikovat Y
lietLSzskiy prompo, d.8. TZO-titut nerdeabno-mosudistoy khirurgii
8/08 61/000/021/032/094
AUTHORSo Xosmaohl V, V.# Danillahenkol V, R.# Dudkop A. N.
TiTM Automatic sampler for cement
PERIODICAM Reforativayy shurnalo Kh1mly" 9 no. 21p 1961, 2510 abstract
.21184 (Tsement, to. 1, 1961, 27 - 28)
TEXT& An automatic apparatus for taking cement samples from the mill was
!@stalled at the xementnyy sayod "Oktyabr'" ("Oktyabrl" Cement Plant). it
his a master clock giving every five minutes a pulse for switching on the
slave (S). The latter pushee,the sampler into the mill flowt holds it
there for 5 Boo to be filled with materialt withdraws it, and fills the
3mple into a special small bin. The 8 used is the column of the kAY (ICDU)
r mote-control apparatus of the electronic control of the ST4(VTI) system..
It is pointed out that this unit may be also used for taking samples of
other powdered materials. [Abstracter's notea Complete translation.
Card 1/1
IXMM@ A.Pe WO-wl@
111- @ ,
Neftim-rIng the stock level In Wfor tanks and hoad1boxte. DONS
Prom. 34 no.21lB 7 059. (KIM 12:4)
I. Zhidschevskly kombinat,
- (Woodpuli? ImAustry-ftutiment and supplies)
- Mquid level Indicators)
LWIi/.4o Iding Methods Jun 1947
"AutorAtic Velding of Screws," N. G. Ostapenko, Yu. A. Sterenbogen, D. A. Dudkoj
4 PP
"Avtogennoye Delon Vo 6
Description of a method, with operating data and photoEraphs, of welding screws
with a device with a pistol hmile,
PA 14T 2
O"Weews ale Om I
CARM. (In RuWANJ V.S. MOOl DR)A&A01 A 1. 0.
Ift or
luble"kU. A21@@ aw (Wddim . a 1949j ps 64s
114owe vZd-lftaslQ a Mod" sajUo to sameo the auto-
WAtIS VOldift M&ObUW tO & MWAAIJ %W9 t4d 0104trOdO. #Wll-
ftUUty In damw at abox mv some not sa&Uy aoceolble to
tho uswu autmatis datess, ranumo ot ve4ous racterel riab
a* diamter or oustrwop oampo"tiamt n=, *to,, am squatio"
rautlac ths$* how* too qmllty of tm Vold.
4.1%& ws""Km uff"em cume"m
'0 a 1W
: - :li
a :94006 0
of e
fmo 0
Subject USSR/Engineering
Card 1/1 Pub. 11 - 6/15
AID P - 5255
Authors : .=ko, D. A. and 1. K. Pokhodnya (Blectrowelding Institute
Title : Resistance slag welding of parts of large ercoo-section
Periodical : Avtom. svar.* 4, 70-75, Ap 1956
Abstract : A new method of resistance slag welding of large steel
bars and rods Is described by the authors. This now
method was developed by the Electrowelding institute
im. Ye. 0. Paton. Two tables 7 photos and 1-drawing;
3 Russian references (1949-531.
Institution : As above
Submitted : No date
-4 -
I _- - - - 7- ;l m- -I- - --
; ---Pjfoj,- i.Ye.; DUM. D.A.
voldlucTs us-o-o'liff-Tow is. Avtom. mr. 10 no-11103-116 (NLRA 10 14)
J&-F 057.
. - .--- ML-la--- V-.-- 2@@%4 Inatit"t slairtrnavarki In.
MTXO._ Qj!A#,. kandidat takhnicheksikh nauk: POTAIPITEVSKIT, I -G., Inshenors
-Autoratic welding of srall-diameter ri3g joint* In an
atmosphere of carbon dioxide. Avtom.evar. 10 no-3:55-57
NY-je (MLRk 10:8)
I.Ordena Tvidovogo Xreatogo ZnRueni Institut eleltroovarki Iveni
Te.u. Paten& Almdeall nauk USSRs
(Slactric velding)
(Protective atmospheres)
MWOLjj*1 kwdidst tekhntcheskikh U&*-, STMIXOM, Yu,A,,, kaW4&t
Ifthnichaskikh naukt MAP'MMIT, inshener,
Kultiplo post, thick wtal welding In a carbon monoxide shielded
atmospherse,Avtoreavaro 10 uo*3:584) '5?. (fam. 10:p)
1.0rdens Indovogo Irssnop hanal Instl -tut elektroevarki Steni
To.O. Patom Almderil zkauk USn.
(Ilectria welding)
(Protootive atmospheres)
V=O, D.A., kandidat tokbuichaskikh nauk: YMGUMICIT, Y-No, Inshenor.
Ilectrio we2ding in a ps protected atmosphere with fore"
formtIon of joints* Avtom,svar, 10 no,,3:118-122 Ky-Js 057*
(KLRA 10; 8)
I.Ordeas TrudovoCo Irasnogo Zmmui Inatitut slaktroevarki Imeni
Ye.O. Patoza Akademil. nauk SSSR.
(Ilectric welding)
(Protective at2ospheres)
PhrUalpstion of sloctrodt and baft wtal In wtallmVical rwwtloao
d=ljq antamt1o veldlvg under flus, Artom. swar. 10 fto,506-60 &0
157e (KIM 10t12)
1, Ordana TrudoMo Xmstoge Isamul Institut olektroevarld U4 T*,O,
Paton& Jim VISL
(Ilectrio w*1419c) (CMaistrys VAtallurgic)
inn rrm IMMOM. low.; Can=. W.
Peculiarities of bydrops behavlor to the automtic welding
under flux praceos. Avtom.ever. 10 nas6t28-34 N-D 157.
(XIRk lls1)
l.Ord*ua Tradovop Mrassoge Inament. Institut slaktroevarki
In. Te,Q, Paton AN USU.
(Ileatria welding) (Rydrogen)
D*A. moaxamir. You*; mmomy, s.T.
S*atloml welding devIce for autamtic welding Of gas pipelind
sections In field conditionso Aytomeavare 10 noo603-" N-D '57*
(KIRA 11: 1)
1.Ordena Trudovogo Iramnogo Znamni Institut slaktroavarki ime
Te.O. Patons, AN USSR.
(Blectric v*1dInC-4qp1pmn% am awplies)
MM. D.O., bwdidat takhtachaskikh sauk.
Automatic butt voldinC.of Pipes that cannot be rotated. Boy.
tekh.1 por*d.op.v strol.*29 no.40-6 Ap 157. (MMA 10 17)
.(Pips, St"l-Ulding)
AUTHORS: Dudko, D.A., and Rublevokiy, I.N. SOV 125-50-3-10/15
TITLEj The Effect of the Kind of Current and Polarity or. Metal-
lurgical Processos in Electric Slag Welding (VIiYaniye
roda toka i polyartiosti na metallurtjch,@.!kiye
pri elcktroahlakovey svarke)
PERIODICALj Avtomatichaskaya evarka, 1958, Nr 3, pp 69-78 (USSR)
ABSTRACTs Although peculiaritis of metallurdical processes in electric
slag welding have been previously inve3tigatedj_ Ref 1-321
some facts could not be explained, and new in-,estigationa
were needed. The article deals with the effect of the kind
of current and polarity on metallurgical processes in elec-
tric slag welding and gives detriled description of a serico
of experiments with electric slag weldinig cn a.c., d.c. and
inverse polarity curronti The follo%ing-ciDncluzions were
madet 1) the most important effect of th-, electrolys-is of
slag in reldind on d.c. and a.c. of commercial frequen@y in
the gas liberation on elec t, rolevo, which affcclt the metal-
lureic reactions and the weldIng process, tho
droplet transfer of electrode metal and '.h,-- shape of the
mbtal bath; 2) t1ho transfer of a@'-Iltional ele=ents in eie@"-
'-r4c jlc@; r'c,@@,nds on the k2n.-I of current and P@-
cari 1/3 1"rity. 11, co@,non -,uldinr 7,trongest trane-
The Effect of the Kind of Current and Polarity on MetallurZical Pr-,,ces-
,zas In Electr!c Slag Welding
for of IL-a from electrode metal into slag (or, a'-c-c-rdlincly
the least transfer of Ma frcL7 the slag intl@ the -,T-21d metal)
occurs in welding with d.c.of reversei polarity w%cn oxy-
gen Intensively approaches the ela:.trode matal drz@pr an!
oxidizes adlitional elements. Mini7az-_ 7f Rn ani
C from electrode metal occurs in welling or d.c. of direat
polarity, when oxygen does not contact the 3;..rface of the
drops; 3) favorable conditions for developirj reactionc
on the border of the slag and the metal bath occur, in par-
ticular, in the oase of welding w-Ith maximum amplitudes and
hiGh frequency of oscillations of one of thle olectrcdes;
4) it was stated that high-power electri,_@ slag welding
with cooled non-Afusing metal eiectr,-jes can bs maintained
for a considerable length of time withour destructl@,r. of
the electrode, on direct current. only, and when the nc-n-
fusing electrode is used as a cathode. This method car. ba
utill--ed to develop a now technology of electric slqg wel-
Card 213 ding and fusing.
4 SOV 125-58-3-10/1-5
The Effect of the Kind of Current and Polarity on Uetall,.irCioal Procei-
sea in Electric Slag Welding
There are 5 graphs, 1 table, 2 pholloo, 2 f_5-jre3 and T
Scviet references.
ASSOCIATIONt Institut eloktrosvarki imeni Ye.O. Fatona AN USSR (Electric
'gelding Institute imeni Ye.O. Paton, AN UkrSSR)
SUBUITTEDs May 191 1957
1. Are welding-Analysis .2. Electric currents--Metallurgical effects
3. Welding fluxes-44atallurgical. effects
Card 3/3
SOV .125-58-3-12,1!_
AUTHORSt Zarubat I.I.# Dudko D A and ?ot%p1yev-ikiy, A.G.
TITLE: The Semi-Automat for Welding in Carbon Di,-@xide with a ThIn
Rod (Poluavtomat dlya svarki tonkoy provolokoy v zashchit-
noy Orede uglekislogo gaza)
PERIODICALs Avtomaticheskays avarka, 1958, Hr 3, PP 83-65 (USSR)
ABSTRACTs The Institute of Electric Welding imeni Ye.O. Paton with
the participation of the authors and engineers, V.vLa. Dobo-
vetskiy, G.M. Gologovskly, Yu.V. Vysotskiy, A.I. PDrubinor3-
kiy and mechanic Yu.M. Dagtyarev, designed a small-sizei
hose semi-automat for welding in carbon dlcxide with an ellec-
trode rod of 0#8 to 1.2 mm in diamet9r. The device was de-
signed for welding joints on thin metal with different seam
disposition. It can also be used to eliminate small we@'dlng
defects and for small casting. The device consists of a
holder, a feeding mechanism, a gas apparatus and a case, all'.
of which are described and illuntrated by a photcgraph and
2 schematic drawings. At present, the In8titute has crga-
Card 112 nized seri%l production of the described dovice.
There is 1 photograph, 1 schematic draNing, and I diagram.
SOV 125-58-3-12/15
The Seni-Automat for Welding in Carbon Dioxide with a Thin Rod
ASSOCIATIOS-i Institit elektrosvarki imeni Ye.O. Pai.cna, AN USSR (Insti-
tute of Electric Welding ireni Ye.O. Paton, AS UkrSSR)
SUBMITTEDs December 8, 1957
1. Aro welding machines--Desip 2. Arc welding machines
Equipment 3. Arc welding-Electrodes 4. Carbon dioxide-Per-
Card 2/2
AUTHORSt Dudko D.A.9 Candidate of Technical Sciences, and Rublev-
a @_T' _@Y,' Engineer
TITLEi On the Transfer of Electrode Metal Drops in the Electric
Slag Welding Process (0 kapellncm perenose elektrodnogo
metalle. pro elektroshlakovoy svarke)
PMIODICALt Avtomaticheakaya Svarka, 1958, 1'Nr 4, pp 24-31 (USSR)
ABSTRACTt Investigationa of the movement of metal drops in the pro-
cess of comzon electvic arc welding as well as of electric
slag welding were carried out previously f-Ref. 1-4_7. in
the experiments described in this article, the frequency of
the transfer of drops was studied by oscillographing the
electric current and the voltage in the stabilized slag
welding process. Interdependence between the drop trans-
fer frequency and separate welding process parameters was
studied. The obtained data is illustrated by oscillo-
graphs, diagrams and a chart. The following conclusions
were made. 1) The frequency of electrode metal drops and
the size of the drops depend on the type -and the polarity
of the current. The largest drops are observed in welding
Card 112 with a.c., and the smallest in welding with d..c. of inverse
On the Trangfer of Electrode Retal Drops in the Electric Slag ;elding
polarity.' 2) With an increased feed of electrode wire, and
hon,.e with the Crowing current, the frequency of drops
rapidly increses and the size of drops diminishes. The
intensity of metallurgical reactions must 4rop because of
the briefer contact of the drops with the slag- 3) In-
creasing voltage and decreasing depth of the slag puddle
bring about an abrupt increase In the frequency of drops
and decrease in the size of drope. In this instance, the
intensity of metallurgical reactione must considerablv In-
oreuse because of the increased contact surface between
the metal and the slag.
Thcre are 7 figures, I table, and 6 Soviet references.
AS_*00..1AT1ON inatitttt elektrosvarki imeni Ye.0. Patona AN UkrSSR (iUec-
trio 4elding Institute imeni Ye.O. Paton of the AS UkrS3R)
SUB21?TED: Kay 20, 1957
AVAILABLE: Library of Congress
Card 2/2'
AUTHORSI Dudkol D.A-p an4 Vinogradakiy, F.M. 125-58-5-10/13
TITLEt Shielded Aro-Welding of #on-Turnable Butt-Joints of Pipe Xsina
(Gazoelektrichaskaya avarks. nepovorotnykh stykov magistrall
nykh truboproyodav)
PERIODICAL: Aytomaticheakaya Svarkas 1956f%fir 5* Yp 83-85 (USSR)
ABSTRkCTs The article gives general information on a now welding method
for vertical Joints on non-turnable pipes of 529-720 am and
larger diameters, in carbon dioxide and with the use of oacil-
lating electrode for the second (outer) weld layer. The first
layer is molded with thin electrode wire, downward, without any
unusual technological measures. Macro-photographs show the
first layer and the final two-layer seam (Fig. I and 3). The
electric parameters of the welding process are given. The best
suitable welding generators for oscillating electrode-welding
are those with rigid outer characteristics, such as the charging
generators "AZD-70/30" or some generators of the "OSH" series.
The described technology assures fully satisfactory welds. The
Molding Institute has devised special equipment for this purpose,
which is currently undergoing industrial testa. There are 3
Card 1/2 photographs.
Shielded Arc-folding of Non-Turnable Butt-Joint& of Pipe Mains
ASSOCIATIONs Institut elaktronvarki Imeni Y9,O. Patona AN USSR (Electric
Welding Institute imeni Y9.0. Paton of the As UkrSSR)
SUBRITTEDs February 25, 1958
AVAILABLEo Library of Congress
Card 2/2
CwMate of TeaWesl S*Un"s
AOTHORS1 Dudko, D.A.%Rublevskiyt I.N,,# ZaglnW 125-58-6-5/14
TITLE. Changes of Slag Composition in the Electric-Slag Welding
Process (Ob izmeneniyakh sostava shlaka v protsesse elektro-
shlakovoy svarki)
PERIODICALs Avtomaticheskaya, Svarka, 1958: Xr. 6 PP 51 - 55 (USSR)
ABSTRAM Changes in the chemiCal Composition of slags were investigated
in electric-slag welding with fluxes containing oxides (such
as Sio 2' MnOt CaOq etc.) and 11LBF-111 flux (fluorite concen-
tra te). Changes of the slag chemiual composition are charac-
terized by the accumulation of ferric oxides, determining the
process of metallurgical reactiun between metal and slag.1an-
ganese reaction in welding bath takes place without *losses
to the gaseous phase, whereas silicon reaction is accompanied
by considerable losses thereof in the form of.gaseous com-
pounds with fluorine. In electric-slag welding, the concentra-
tion of CaY decreases and CaO content increases due to the
volatilization of fluorine into gaseous compounds, mainly
with silicon. There are 2 tables, 2 graphs and 4 Soviet
Card 1/2 references.
Changes of Slag Composition in the Mddkft Slag Welding Process
ASSOCIATIONs Ordena Trudovogo Krasnogo Znameni Inatitut elektrosvarki
Ameni Ye.O. Patona AINUkr=(Wer of labor NR*d Bwarl Institute
of 11sotria Welding in. Yo. 0. Paton$ AS UkrSSR)
SUBMITTEDt oeptember 27, 1@57-
AVAILLBLE: Library of Congress
Card 2/2 1. Welding-Procasses 2. Slag"hemical reactions
AUTHORt Dudko, D.A., and Rublevskiy, I.N. 125-58-7-1/14
TITLEi The Effect of Electric-Slag Wolding-Process Parameters on the
Transition of Manganese and Silicon (Vliyaniye sostavlyayushchikh
rezhims, elektroahlakovogo proteesse. na perekhod margantsa i
PERIODICAL: Aytomatichaskaya evarka, 1958, Nr T, PP 3-T (USSR)
ABSTRACTi The effect of the speed of electrode feed, the welding voltage
and the slag-bath depth on the manganese and silicon trans-
ition through the interphass metal-slag border, was experimental-
ly investigattd with the use of "Sv-lCG2" and "Sv-10GS"
electrode rods and "AN-8" flux. It was proved that a reduced
speed of electrode food, a rising voltage and a decreasing
depth of the slag bath intensified the manganese and silicon
transition into slag, which is accounted for by the increased
oxidizing capacity of slag. An explanation of the observed
transition process rate is given.
There are 2 tables, 3 graphs and 6 Soviet references.
ASSOCIATIONt Institut alektrosvarki Imeni Ye.0. Patone AN VSSR (Institute
Card 1/2 of Electric Welding imeni Ye.0. Paton, AS CkrSSR)
The Effect of Electric-Slag Welding-Process Parameters on the Transition of
Manganese and Silicon
SUBMITTED: October 1, 1957
1. Welding fluxos--Performance, 2. "anese-Phaae atudies
3. Sillcon-Phase studies 4. Are welding-Electrodes
Card 2/2
ADTHORSi 'B*lous# G.S., Dudko, D.A. SOV-125-58-8-5/16
TITLE: A Now Method of Casting Shaped Items and Ingots Without Lost
Hands by Electric-Slag "Feeding-up" (Novyy aposob otlivki
fasonnykh izdeliy I slitkoy bez pribyley a pomoshchlyu
slektroahlakovoy podpitki)
PERIODICALt Avtomaticheskaya evarks, 1958,13r 8, pp 32-36 (USSR)
APSTRACTs The Institute of Electric-Welding AS UkrSSR carried out in-
vestigations from 1956-5e to find now ways of eliminating
lost heads and improving the quality of cast metal. As a
result# a now method of electric-slag "feeding-up" was de-
veloped which consists of feeding up the top portion of the
casting during crystallization ty liquid metal'from a metal
electrode being fused in a slag both. The method completely
eliminates the shrinkage cavity. Runners and other foundry
wastes can be used for electrodes. Information includes a
achematic drawing and photopTaphe illustrating the now method.
A "feeding-up" device was designed (Fig. 4) which wAs tested
under Industrial conditions. The authors thanksd N.G.Gayrilenko,
former director of the Plant imeni Il'yieh, I.I. Bragin,
assistant chief metallurgist and L.M. Baryahavakiy, chief
Card 1/2 metallurgist of the "Rostsellmash" Plant, for their assistance
A New Method of Casting Shaped Items and Ingots Without Lost Hands by
Electric-Slag "Feeding-up"
in developing the now technology.
There is I schematic draw in , 1 table, 5 photos and 2 references,,
1 of which is Russian (18911 and 1 Soviet,
ASSOCIATIONt Institut elektroavarki imeni Ye.O. Patona AN USSR (Institute
of Electric Welding i-reni Ye.O. Paton AS UkrSSR)
SUBMITTEDi MaY 199 1958
1. MeWlurgy 2. Castings-Qual-ity control
Card 2/2
AUTHORS: Tyagun-Belous, G.S. and Dudko, D.A. SOV-125-58-9-8/14
TITLE: Technological Problems of Steel-Part Glating With the Aid of
& Electric-Slag Feeding-Up Process (Voproey te'Khnologii ot-
livki stalInykh detailey a por-)shchlyu ciektroshlakOTOY
PERIODICALi Avtomaticheakaya avarka, 1956, Nr 9, pp 48-55 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: Information Is presonted on a method devolopai at the In-
stitute of Electric Welding relating to the casting of shaped
parts without lost heads by electric alag feeiing-up process.
Technology of t@e new method was anal@-zel at the I'RoatseV-
mash" Plant* together with "p. ya. 4095", and experimental
investigations were carried out on 1 ton steel casts. An
optimum stepped technology was found for casts up to 1.2
tons, consisting of a three-atage process with intervals of
8-10 minutes. The naw method improves the quality of cast
metal due to the elimination of chemi@,al heterocan4ity and
raises the yield of useful metal by 15-20%,
There is 1 set of diagrams, 1 g-raph, 2 photesi 2 c@art3,
Card 1/2 2 tables, I micro-photo and 2 Soviev references.
Too*hnological Problems of Steel-Part Casting With the Aid of a Electric-Slag
Fe,iding-Up Process
ASSOCIATIONs institut elektroavarki imeni Ye.O. Patona, AN U33H (Institute
of Electri.- Welding imoni Ye.O. Paten, AS UkrSSR)
SUBMITTEDi May 20, 1958
1. Mtallurgy..-'M- 2. Steel--Casting 3. Stv)-1--Processing
4. Steel.-TL-ut results
Card 2/2
AUTHORS: Tyagun-Bolousg G.S., and Dudko, D.A.
TITLE- Electric-Slag Hot-Topping With Unfusing Electrodes of In-
gots and Shaped Castings (Elektroshiakovyy obogrev nopla-
vyashchimsys elektrodom golovnoy chasti slitkov i faaonnykh
PZRIODICALt Avtomatichookaya avarka, 1956, Nr 10p PP 36 - 43 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: To reduce shrinkage cavity formation in castings and to
-improve- the quality- qf@aait __metal, the Institute of Elect-
ric Welding suggested replacing the-usual metbod-of elect--
ric-are hot topping by the method of electric-slag hot topp-
ing on three-phase current with three electrodes. As the
heat is 1jenerated by the slag and not by an arc, the elec-
trode feed process is considerably less complicated and
simplifies the installation design. The technology of
the now method is describedt and the flux used (40 @;@ CaO
and 60 lot CaF2) and paramoters are eiven, The welded me-
Card 112 tal was Rubjeoted to chemical analyses, the results of
Electric-Slag Hot-Topping With Unfusing Electrodes of Ingots and Shaped
which are shown in tables 1 and 2. It was stated that the
chemical heterogeneity of ingots was reducel. On the basis
of the tests it was stated that electric-slag hot top.-ing
can be recommended only for ingots and not for shaped cast-
inge where chemical homogeneity cannot be attained, Elect-
ric slag hot topping can be used on single-phase and three-
phase current feed with one or more electrodes on each
phase. The three-phase electric slaf; heating is recommend-
ed for the production of large-size castings with a develop-
ed surface of the metal bath. There are 3 diagramat 4 pho-
tos, 1 oacillggram, 3 tables and 9 references, 5 of which
aro Soviet, 2 English and 2 German,
ASSOCIATIONt Institut elaktronvarki Imeni Ye.0. Patona AN USSR (Institute
of Electric Welding imeni Ye.O. Faton AS UkrSSR)
SURMIT'TED: July 3, 1950
I. Metals-Production 2. Metals--Casting 3. Metals--Heating
Card 212 4. Slags--Heating 5. Electrodes-Perfornance
AUTHORS: Tyagun-Belous, G.S.t Dudko, D.A SOV/12,k-58-11-11/16
TITLEt Electric Slag Fsedi6g`-_uvp of Sheet Ingots (Elektrosblakovaya
podpitka listovykh slitkov)
PERTODICALt AvtomAtichoskeya avarka, 1958, Nr 11, pp 66-70 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: It was proved by experiments carried out at the Zavod imeni
Illicha (Plant imeni Illich) and by tests of D.F. Cherneg
and B.A. Molotkov, that electric-slag feeding-up reduces the
structural and chemical heterogeneity of ingots and castings
which appear in the form of the so called "lower cone" and
V and inverted V-shaped segregations. The electric slag
feeding-up method is based on aft arcleas process combined
with a large-section fusing electrode, which, if applied to
killed steel ingots, Improves their structure by reducing the
lower cone and the segregation. It is assumed that the im-
proved structure is obtained by the dilution of the upper
portion of the crystallizing metal bath by the pure electrode
metal and by braking the convection of the liquid steel. The
described method is economical and can be successfully used
Card 1/2 in the production of sheet ingots.
Electric Slag Feeding-up of Shoot Ingots SOV/125-56-11-ii/i6
There are 2 diagrams, I photo, I table and 4 Soviet references*
ASSOCIATIONt Institut elektroevarki imeni Ye.O. Patona AN USSR (The In-
stitute of Electric Selding imeni Ye.O. Paton, AS UkrSSR)
SUBMITTEDt August 27, 195e
Card 212
AUVORSi Dudko, D.A.? Rublevskiy, I.N. and Tyagun-Belous, G.S.
TITLE: The Effect of the Electric Slag Process Coulitims on the
,rusion. Rate of Tb.1ck Zlectrodes (Vliyaniye rezhima
elaktroshl&kovogo protsessa na skorost' plavleniya elektro-
doy bol'shogo secheniya)
PERIODICkL! Avtomaticheekaya evarka, 19581 Nr 12, PP 57-62 (USSR)
ABSTRACTs Experiments were carried out to determine the interdependence
of the fusion rate o4l Wck electrodes and electric
slag welding parameters touch as current, voltage, elag-bath
depth# electrode cross soction) as well as the chemical com-
position of the electrode and the flux. It was stated that
the coefficient of electrode fusion increases with a higher
current intensity and voltage and with a reduced depth of the
slag bath. The coefficient of fusion increases also with
larger electrode cross sections, contrary to are and electric
slag processes with the use of an electrode red. The fusing
rate of the electrode also depends on the chemical composition
Card 112 of the electrode metal and slag.
Tho Effect of the Electric Slag Procesp Conditions on the Fusion Rate of
TMI C, k Slectrodes
Thar* &re 2 tables, 1 diagram, 4 graphs and 8 Soviet refer-
ASSOCIATIONt Institut elektrosvarki imeni Ye.O. Patona, (rnatitute of
Electric Welding im.eni Ye.O. Paton)
SUBMITTEDz Qeptember 22, 1958
Card 2/2
ZAMBA, Igor' Ivanovichl PATWO B.Te,# otv,redol ASKIS, A.T4,0 red#;
KAZIMIROT, A.A., red.: X=TAR* B.I.. red.: PODGAIWSKIY, Y.T,,
red.; DULKO, D.A., kand.tekhn.nauk. red.vnmaka-. KAUTMIT. LT.#
red. MW
(Automatic and seviantomstic welding of abeet steel] Avtomti-
chaskala i poluavtonstiolasksla sy4rka tonkolistovol stali.
Moskva, Oo@.nauohno-tskhn.1sd-vo mashlaostrolt,lit-ry, 1939.
62 pi6heet steel-Welding) (Blectric welding) (KLU 12111)
PATON. B.Te., akadaulk, daktor tekhu,nsuk, laursat Sentuskoy pivoll;
TOLOSMWICH, G.Z., kand.takhn.mauk, laureat Leninskoy premil;
OSTROTUATA, S.A., kmnd,takbn.uaukj.;=*-R&A-,Lt kand.tokhnonank;
POUCWTA, 1.14, knod.tokhn.nauk; STMMGOGMI, Yu-.A.. kBnCtolft.
nauk-, RUUXVUIY, I.N.. insht WINCHUMIXOT, G.T., ksud.tokbne
nauk; ROZBMMtG. 0.0., Insh.1 SMO, P.I.#*; WOVIKOT9
Met imh*l KTWAR# Mot kand.tekhn.nauk; DIDIOTSKIT, T,P.o Inshat
RABKII, D.N.. kand.tskbu.usukj TYAM-BWM. G.S., insh.t ZARUIAI,
kond.taklm.nauk, retsenzentl OWILONIX, P.O.. kond.tokhn.nauk,
re'a;t -,rmAm- ; am W, red,
(Aleatrio slag "WW Ilaktroahlakovela evarka, Isd.2.j Up. I
dop. Moskva, Gos.z&uobno-t*khnJsd-vo washinostrolt.lit-rn 1939.
409 p. (MIRA 13:4)
:I. m ma (for Ntom).
(Blectric welding)
25(l) BOV/135-59-3-4/24
AUTHORSs DuMn- b-A.1--Candidate of Technical Sciences, and Vinogradakiyo
F.X,9 and Yegorov, S.V., Engineers
TITLE: An AisaibU& Voldft@Wt_ - for V*lding- Pipe Sections into Gas
Pipelines Under Pield donditions (Sborochno-svarochnnya
ustanovka d1ya evarki sektsiy trub gazoprovodov v polevykh
PERIODICALs Svarachnoye proi2yodetvo, 1959, Nr 3# PP 7-8 (USSR)
ABSTRACTs The article gives detailed design and operational information
on a now pipe-welding Installation for fil-ld conditions, de-
visedby the Electric Welding Institute imeni Ye.O. Paton
of the Ukrainian kcaaemy-Of Sciences to eliminate the use of
the backing rings and completely mechanize the assembling
operations which Antil now required 4 to 6 men. The first
such Inatallationt "R-751"t for the automatic field welding
of pipe sections up to "120 mm diameter into 50 mm lengths,
and joining the lengths to the pipeline, consists of a pipe-
receiving unit, an assembling- and welding unit (Fig 2), and
Ca.rd 1/2 an output unit displacing and rotating the ready 50-meter
An Assebbl"Veldi* -. Unit for VelUng- Pipe Sections into Gas Pipelines
Under Field Conditions
pipe seotione The design includes a flux pad under the
butt joint. The welding heads are of two7-electrode design,
the electrodes being placed across the joint. Teohnological
details are given. The assembly process requires 3 men.
There are 2 photographs and 1 diagrain.
&SSOCIATIONt Institut elektroevarki imeni Ye.O. Patona AN UkrSSR
(The Electric Welding Institute imeni Ye.O. Paton of the
*Ukrainian Academy of Sciences)
Card 2/2
. p 1 te ,, @*, " Vp c 1
n V.Ye. rota
L 1-
is o Z, hni r-,0-.- V.V.
T I@T n
Carbon lllo:z i A tmOsPllere
PPR 1 CDT r IT vtoln-ticli-es"ra-a I-
I - F
RSI7,'R,kOT: Thc, 7nstit'utle of Plectric weldlingo ii--,!-;-n' v.0. "atont
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5 - 59-7- 10/19
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'Mpjj c --e lutomo'@ile Tlarts in a 11, bon Tlio
ilere at the -,)rr-vnt t.imp re',- @-Ilinj M
operction, tuo me@'@ol 0r by hir"'-
.iine Iv tn 11 1 . Co
rrt@qucrc@, electric ctzrrent Icen
erc the 't-riv'ne of thin -etvl %:or,- riccer ofter, oc-
cureA, and the requirei stroni-th o-' ,-s -ffectel-
mf-@er tI-e new, met",od J,-as tnkrn up, ti-P pro,I;.2otion ca-
c I !.-'Ptp in ere ese d 3-3 , 5) tir-es , 4-1-c quelit, of
,,.ej -.-o-,% rieces a-ed ti-e lal@or c3nliti'@@-zs ---ere imprc-
-ir-s for brazinrr
ved. The neces3ity of malkingg cop7p--r , -1. F
and Pprlication -of sanI 'h1pst clonnirg of -..,.'orIr
-,ieces -cre eliminrited. A.t the +-e r1nnt ar(I
institute cprry on t'-eir exreri'mentE in t'nt fielrl
a to I@ljrfl@er devemlopin'u. 471 is ne.. r s te
!ind applyinS it to ot' nutuo-olrile r-i-rtv. nl'=c r@re
21 -@ablesj 1 dingram, 4 photol7rpp's nrci 1 -oviet rpft,-
in a (lrrlon
7..-+,c y@?j(zjrC, of mmall size P,.ut aotiie art,
C x 'L i, C. 'A It-7 o -, ph e r s
o kr-snc,@7o zi-innert
MOCTATTON: 1) Or,.-'-en,-i tru.Oo,,ro,-
s-,-a-z" imeni 'k.O. 'Patorn A T It'-T) trr:'.Pr c-f 4:' e Ree
i@. @ u I
T18--er 0-11 Tabir Tnstitite of I@lectric
( . n) "os'-o-,, s1riy
Ua&",R ineni Y660. VnAo C@ -karbyuratorny-y
na@jd oscovi Pnrburetll.or T'lant)
The R-912 Tool for Automatic Welding of Circular
Seams of Small Diameter in a Medium of Carbon Dioxide
Avtomaticheskaya svarka, 1959, Nr 8, pp 92-93 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: This brief item describes the R-912 tool for welding
circular seams 6-200 mm, in diameter with a cathetue
up to 6 mm in a C02 ps iedium, and using thin
wire (0-5-1.2 mm in diameter). The tool was developed
and constructed at the Inetitut elektrosvarki imeni
Ye.0. Fatona (Institute of Electric Welding imeni Ye.
0. Paton). The R-91-2 consists of a welding head on
the base of a FSh-54 feed mechanism and a three-posi-
tion "carousel type" table. A ZP-7.5/30 DO generator,
balloon with 002,t oxygen reducer with gauge,
and heater for the C02 make up the rest of
the complex. Some guide figures for welding of circu-
lar seams are tabulated. Welding is done with Sv-IOGB
or Sv-l8KhXA wire according to GOST 2246-54 on DO cur-
Card 1/2 rent, reverse polarity. The tool guarantees a con-
The R-912 Tool for Automatic Welding of Circular Beams of Small
Diameter in a Medium of Carbonic Acid
sistently high quality of seam, and increases product-
1vity by 5-15 times as well as cutting cost of weld-
ing. There are 2 photographs, and 1 table.
Card 212
18(5) 250) SOV/125-59-10-9/16
lu-ril6h: Dudko, D,A,o Candidate of Technical Sciences, At-
vin KMr,-?r-,rs . Xechev,. V. So wd Cherna*.- S. Ye.,, Eqgineers
i1TLE., The Autozatio welding of the :39ams of Thin-walled
Tubing in Carbon Dioxide
PERIODICAL: Avtomati6heskaya evarka, 1959, Nr 10p pp 77-80 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The article contains the results of tests carried
out at the Zaporoshakiy transformatornty zavod (Zapo-
rozh1ye Transforner Plant) on the welding of the
butt-semm of 51 = diameter steel tubing 1-1.5 mm
thic" The process used was automatic are-welding
in carbon dioxide by means of a small-diameter melt-
ing electrode, and was considerably complicated by
the fact that the tubing was slightly deformed at the
edges due to the method of cutting. Certain other
methods of welding, used where large clearances are
uIred, are mentioned: overhead Z-Ref 3_7, vertical
Nf j7 and split electrode welding Z-Ref A7, the
vertical method being eventually selected as most sui-
table (Fig 1). The actual welding operation was car-
ried out by
Type 6v-10GS and Sv-08GS electrode wire
Card 1/3 _
(diameter 1 1.2mm) at high speeds (80-gom/hour); the
ihe Automatic welding of the Seams of Thin-Walled Tubing in Carbon
speed of delivery of the 1,.2am *lectrtDde virewas
137m/hour, the current 110430 ampop the voltage 18-
19 volts, the overhang of the electrode 10-12mm tho
amount of carbon dioxide required 7-8 liters7-min" Pig
2 shows an external view of the butt-end seams of the
tubing, while tests carried out on the seams, as 11-
lustrate4 in Pig 3, confirmed their density as satis-
fying the necessary requirements. The simple instru-
ment P-921 shown in Vig 4 was designed by the Institut
svarki (Institute of *91ding), and consisted of a
roller rotor (1), a welding head, an oxygen reducer
and an electric section. The maximum length of tu-
bing treated by this machine in 4,000 + 11000 mmo
and the minimum 000+800am; powe* was provided by a
.4 kilowatt synchronized motor the speed of revolu-
tion of the rollers varying belveen 29m/hour and 96m/
hour, while a 23h-54 feeding mechanism acted an the
welding head, being provided with an auxiliary appa-
!atua to correat the potition of the electrode by
Card 2/3 25mm horizontally and -15mm vertically. The machine
SOV/1 25-59-10-9/16
The Automatic welding of the seams of Thin-Walled Tubing In Carbon
can weld 700 seams in a abift. There are 3 photo-
graphs, I diagram, and 4 Soviet references.
ASSOCIATION: Ordena trudovogo krasnogo znameni institut olaktros-
varki imeni le.O. Paton& AN USSR (Order of the Red
Banner of Labor Instituteof Slectric Welding imeni
19.0. Paton AS UkrSSR) (DuM ID,At, Litvinchuk,
M.Do, Mecheyt V,S.); Zaporozhakiy transformatornly
zavod (Zaporozhlye Transformer Plant) (ChernovolTo .8.
SUBMITTBD; June 12, 1959
Card 313
25(l) SOV/125-59-1-4/15
AUTHORt, Dudko, D*A.p Rublevskiy, I.N.
TITLEt The Influence of the Electrode Vibration on the Drop
Transfer of the Electrode Metal When Using the Electric-
Slag Process (Vliyaniya vibrataii elektroda na kapellnyy
perenos elektrodnogo metalla pri elektroshlakovom
CALs Avtomatichookaya avarka, 19594,Nr 1, p 25-29 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: It has been experimentally established that the vibration
of the electrode during the electric-slag process can not
only decrease, but also suddenly increase the drops of
the electrode metal. By increasing the amplitudes of the
electrode fluctuations, the threDYold of the drop de-
crease moves toward more lower frequencies. This is to
be ascribed most likely to the arising of cavitational
phenOM9na in the immediate areas of the electrodep which
may take place when its movement is stepped up. By regu-
lating7-th#Arop~-size,--It--is-poe-sible to affect the process
a-c iioi-abetween- the- slag-
of metallurgical re and _f_h_eel-e&-.-@---
Card 1/2 trade zetal,in the dropet- The drops are increasod
25(l) SOV/125-59-1.4/15
The Irfluence of the Electrode Vibration on the Drop Transfer of the
Electrode Metal When Using the El*ctrio-Slag Process
especially, when it is necessary to throttle an oxidation
of alloying admixtures. A sudden decrease of drops at
specific vibration parameters is followed by a consider-
able decrease in current. This may be used for intensi-
fying the smelting process of the electrode, as the co-
efficient of the electrode smalting increases by 20 to
25.@. 'There are 3 oscillograms, 1 diagram, 1 table, and
4 Soviet references.
ASSOCIATIONt Institut eloktroavarki imeni Ye. 0. Patona, AN LF33R
(The Institute of Electric Welding imeni Ye. 0. Paton,
of the AS UkrSSR)
SUBVITTEDs October 25, 1950
Card 212
AUTHOR: Dudko, D.A... and Potaplyevsldy,, A.G.
TITLE: Semiautomatic Machine A-547-R for Welding Thin Metal In
Carbon Dioxide (Poluavtomat A-547-R dlya svarki tonkogo
metalla v srede uglekislogo gaza)
PERIODICAL: Avtomaticheskaya svarka, 1959, Vol U, Nr !@, pp 96-99
ABSTRACT: Semiautomatic welding using fine wire in carbon dioxide
Is being used more and more In Industry. The Welding
Institute produced an experimental batch of machinez
for the purpose in 1957. Despite some defects, the
method has achieved good results. The machine has been
redesigned and is known as A-547-R. It has been in
series production since 1956. It is Intended for weld-
ing metal 1 - 3 mm thick and angled joints with a cath-
etus of 1 - 4 mm. Welding at up to 170 amps is possible
in any spacious area. Wire 0.8-1.0 mm in diameter is
used. The container is small, weighing L00 g, without
Card 1/3 water cooling. It is connected to the supply mechanism
Semiautomatic Machine A-547-R for Welding Thin Metal in Carbon Dioxide
by U00 mm of hose. Speed of supply of the electrode
wire Is constant and regulated at 100-360 m/hour. A
circuit diagram of the machine is provided In the article.
Batte charging generators or special generators (types
listedl and rectifier VS-E00 designed by the Institute
can be used as a source of current. An independent feed
for the excitation coil can be obtained from any source
of direct-current such as rectifiers VSA-5, VS-111, etc
or from batteries switched in to the buffer circuit.
Generators GSR-6000, GSR-9000, GSR-lk000 can be used with
self-excitation and a carbon voltage regulator or with
independent-feed-for the excitatlon coil. -Rectifier VS-
ZOO Is intended for use at up to 180 amps and 1743 Volts.-
It consists of a transformer with a sectioned primary
winding, a rectifier block and induction coil, all mount-
ed In one casing. It has 5 stages for regulating the
Idling voltage. In 1958 the Welding Institute; in coop-
eration with thE KiyevElectrical Instruments Factory, or-
ganized the production of an experimental batch of VS-41100
Card L/3 rectifiers. At present the A-547-R machincs are being
SOV/lL5-12-2-14/14 .
Semiautomatic Machine A-547-R for Welding Thin Metal in Carbon Dioxide
successfully Used in many plants. Semiautomatic welding
provides a productivity increase of 1-8 times, saves a
considerable amount of materials, cuts costs, increases
the quality of the weldingo and reduces labor expenditure
ASSOCIATTON: Ordena trudovogo krasnogo znameni institut elektrosvarki
imeni Ye.O.PatonaM USSR (Order of the Red Banner of
Labor Institute of Electric Welding imeni Ye.O.Paton of
the AS UkrSSR)
SUBMITTED: December 8. 1958
Card 3/3 USM*I-DC-61004
SOV/125-59 -3-1/13
AUTHOR: Voloshkevich, G.Z., Dudko, D.A., Chernykh, W.W., and
Yeregin, L.P.
TITLE: New Method for blectro-Welding with Covered Llectrode
by Melting Work Pieces (Novyy sposob clektroshlakovoy
svarki plavyashchimsya mundshtukom)
PE11IODICAL: Avtomaticheskaya svarka,, 1959, Vol U, Nr 3, pp 3-7 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: By this new method it, is possible to weld intricalt,'e prG-
files of practically any thickness. It is characterized
by thin pieces of tubing (Fig. la), conducting the reads
for the supply of electricity, which are -iielded to melt-
ing work pieces (Fig. la) of steel Ms-1. Insulation be-
tween the two pieces to be welded is provided by glass
in prismatic shape. (Fig. 1 and 4). 'hhen the welding
process is in progress, this gives rise to a pool of
slag and a pool of metal (Fig. 1.5 and 6). Fig. 4E,3 and
5 give instances of parts of a water turbine to be weld-
ed. Fig. 4 shows the welding of a difficult defect.
Card 11Z The manufacture of a large ram (Fig. 6 and 7) by this
SOV129;-39 *3-1/13
New Method for Electro-Welding with Covered Electrode by Melting Work
welding process is mentioned as a particular feat. With
a dimension of 3120 x 2020 mm of the surfaces to be join-
ed,by welding, the process was finished within 14 hours
by using 12 melted work pieces. There are 5 diagrams
and 2 p otographs.,
ASSOCIATION: Ordena trudovogo krasnogo znameni institut elektrosvarki
im. Ye. 0. Patona AN USSR.(Order of the Red Banner of
Labor Institute for Llectro-Welding Imeni Ye. 0. Paton,
AS UkrM) flovo-kramatorskiy mashinostroitellnyy zavod
(Novo-Kramatorskiy Factory for Machine Construction)
SUBMITTED: January 17, 1959
Card Z/Z
18(5) S OV/1 2 5 - 59- 5 -3/16
AUTI"HCR: Dudko, D.A., Candidate of Technical Sciencest Rublevs-
kiy, I.K.-,-Engineer, Tyagun-Pelous, G.S.9 Engineer
TITLE: Peculiarities of Drop Transfer of the Large Sectional
Electrode 1.1etal during the "Keetric Slag" Process
PERIODICAL: Avtomaticheskaya avarka 1959, Vol 12, Nr 5 (74)
pp 28 - 33 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The article presents the dependency between frequency
of drop transfer, their weightt and the conditions of
the "electric slag" process with electrodes having a
large section. Ingots with a diameter of 100 mm and
at least 200 mm long were cast in mould. During the
time of casting oscillograph of the currency and the
voltage were taken. For the casting, alternating cur-
rent, fed by transformers of type TShS-1000/3 and
TShS/3000/3 was used. Pollowing materials were used:
rods of steel type M 31 with a diameter of 30, 40 and
60 mmt and flux of type 46-OP-6. All experiments show-
Card 112 ed a regularly increasing frequency of drop transfer
Peculiarities of Drop Transfer of the Large Sectional Electrode
etal during the " Electric Slag" Process
after the beginning of the process. (Pig. 1), The
oscillographs, shorm in Fig. 1, were taken during the
"electric slag" process under following conditions:
Current: 1200 A, Voltage:'49 V, denth of slag-tubt
45 mm, diameter of electrode: 40 mm. Special experi-
ments for melting of rods with a diameter of 5.5 mm
and 18.2 mm of Woods alloy were made. The autho" state
that the frequency of drop transfer depends to a high
degree on the diameter of the electrode and the elec-
tric parameters. There are 3 photographs, 3 graphs,
1 table and 15 Soviet references.
ASSOCIATION: Ordena trudovogo kreenogo znameni institut elektro-
svarki imeniYe.0. Patona AR USSR ( Order of the Red
Panner of Labor Institute of Electric Welding imeni
Ye.O. Paton AS UkrSSR).
SUBMITTED: January 129 1959
Card 2/2
IDTMWS-@ UMMUM. saki UKAMO*, l* P. OST. sit Typuk:
SAMOMTOp lAq red,
(Nov pposiblUtles for voldivg with a bigh4suporaturs are,
compressed by a gas stress] 0 novyft vonosbuostlakh eva*l
vysokoto"r*tu3mol dugol, eshatol gazonu potokon. Tlevg
Glavpoligraftsdat X-va kulltury MSR, 1960. 11 p.
(MIRA 14,11)
1, Institut olaktronvarkl In. Y*.O.fttona All SSSR (for Dudko),
(Blectric veldIv4C)