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Pirma7p Mot akademiks YUMSYMMO Selection of criteria for'the synthesis of combination serrosystess of variable structure. Dokl. AXSSSR 153 no.6t 2280-1283 D 163. (KMA 1711) 4t ACCESSION NRi AP4028984 8/02W/64/000/002/0129/0139 AUTHOR,. @1 A@, 0 4 c a W) TITLE: Switching in combined v"lable -structure servo systems SOURCEs AN SSSRe lavestlyas Tokhnichookaya Idbernetika. no@ 2, 1964, IZ9-139 TOPIC TAGS: automatic control, vari%ble structure automatic control. switched autornatit: control, servo systems vaxiablo structure servo system ABSTRACT: A meth6d for selecting the switching hyperplane is suggested., a second-order plant is used as an exAmple. The selection of the existence.rangs of sliding conditions in the switching hyperplane way be made depending on eithers (1) the position of the hyperplane in the phase space and closed-cycle parameters or (2) the form of the controlling 7`varLable and open-cycle parameters. The switching line is considered for the cases af a stable, unstable, and repulsive- force second-order plsnt. Orig. art, has%* 4 figure* and 48 formulas. ASSOCIATIONt none SUBMITTED: IM163 DATEACOt 3OApr64 ENCL: 00 SUB, CODEs 3Z NO REF 50Vs OOS OTHERt 000 Cori 1/1 Mina, Do Go 4A CUO of arthropathic psoriasis with verrur_pj@-papillomatoua growths injury to the nucousc* Vopros7 dermato-venerologn, Vol. Ut 1248t P. 93-100, --Bibliogs 8 items. SOt U-3736, 21 KV 539 (Letopis 'Zhurnal Irqkh Statays No. 18, 1949). IYIMAO D. C'. Lac@rzhsasksya, 0. 1. and Dudina I D. a. *On the significance of the Haksixov reaction wider conditiois or the operation of the Ivenotryada'"t Vopr6--. dermato-vanarologii, Vol. IV, 19480 p. 310-11. SOt U-37360 21 May 53, (Letopis 'Zhurnal Irgrkh Statey, Uo. 18, 1949). ZOCH=Vt N.Lj BEMTb'ljYo?.; DUDIRAp G.S. latevinilation of nitrocycldhe=n9* Zhwoob.khimk. 32 no.6tl"5-1789 jo 162, (KUU 15s6) 1. Beloruaskiy gosudarst" mil"reitet, juv (cyclammlej (VlmW3Aticja) S/250/63/007/002/006/006 A059/A126 AVMORS; Naumova, S. F., Tsykalos L. Os, Eudina, G* S. TITLE: The kinetics of thermal polymerization of cyclohexadiene-1,3 at i3o to i6oOc PERIODICAL. Doklady Mademil nauk MR, V. 7, no. 2. 1963, 99 - 102 TEXT: The separate amounts of dimers, trimers, and higher polymers formed in the course of thermal polymerization of cyalohexadiene at 130 to 1600c, and during thermal polymerization in benzene and cyolohexadiene at 1600C for 50 hours have been determined. The experimental methods used have been described before (Sb. nAlchnykh rabot IFOXh AN BSSR (Collection of Scientific Papers of the IFOKh, AS BSSR), v. 9, 1961, p. 71). The molecular weights of the solid polymer dearvoe withIncreasing temperature and depend only little on the time of reaction. The portion of the dimer (,A) at constant temperature is imdependent of the lni%-4&1 concentration of cyclohexadiene-1,3 which shows that the intermediate product forming in one of the first, stages of the reaction undergoes monomolecular reac- tion with the probability ratio of conversion of this Intermediate to yield the Card 1/3 a-,/2-50/63,/007/002/006/008 The kinetics or thermal polymerization of... A059/A126 dimer or a higher polymer remaining constant. One of the stages of the reaction should be therefore CIA6 where C12016 is the active dimer intermediate, C12H16 the Inactive dimer (ex- tracted product), and C, 11" the now active intermediato capable of adding a now 2n16 monomer molecule. The Most satisfactory results were obtained with the formulas: 1/2 -"dimer XCO - or a] JKC3/2 (2) dimer o where Xis the portion of dimerized oyclohexadiene-1,3, and (a] the dimer con- centration obtained after 50 hours of polymerization. Hence, no monomer pro- duets (Including benzene) are formed In the thermal polymerization of cyclo-hexa- diene-1,3 at temperatures of up to 1600C following formula (2) which cannot be derived from the previously assumed polymerization mecha-nisms --of this substance., Card 2/@ 8/250/63/007/002/006/OW The kinetics of thermal polymerization of... A059/A126 There are 1 figure and 4 tables. ASSOCrATION: Institut fiziko-organicheakoy khlmli AN BSSR (Institute of Physical and Organic Chemistry of the AS BM) PIRESMW: by B. V. Yerofeyev, Aaademlaian of the AS BSSR SUBM17M June 26, 1962 Card 3/3 , T. A. Oftectrorhotomatrie Invostigation, of the Derkening TarlAble RZ Calmlopelse,l Sub 14 Jun 51, Moscow Order of Lenin Strte tt Iment M. T. Low,@osiv DisaartPtions nresentod for science Pnd engineering degroes In Roacow during 1951. SO: Sum. Yo. 4RO, 9 May 55 S/190/62/004/006/013/026 BIOI/BIIO AL"MORS: Dudinal L. A., Yenikolopyan, N. S. TITLE: initiating mechanism in the thermal degradation of polymers PE'RIODICAL: Vysokomolokulyarnyve soyedineniya, ve 4, no@ 6o 1962p 869-e75 TEXT: A kinetic method is developed for judging whether the active centers in the thermal degradation of polymers are initiated by the "law of chance" or by the."law of terminal groupa". For the degradation of the polymer to the monomer the following is written: dU/dt - K6 (M - amount of monomer formed, K - effective constant'of the.reaction rate.. g - amount of initial polymer). K- n (, - degree of polymerization). 0 0 The method suggested is based on determining the value and sign of n. According to R. Simhaj L.-A. Wall, in whose paper (J. Polymer Sci.t 69 399 1951), the example of ohain destruotion in thoroughly discuseedl the-form of the function K - f(NO) is determined as dependent on the course of reaction, and the following is found: n 40 for initiation by the law of terminal groups, n:@,O for initiation by the "law of chance". The Card 1/2 S/190/62/004/006/013/026 Initiating mechanism iri the B101/B110 uncertainty in the case n a 0 can be eliminated by adding an inhibitor. The kinetics of degradation,o-f polyformaldehyde (at 222 0C in N2) and of polyformaldehyde treated with acetic anhydride was investigated experimentally. In both cases, a linear decrease of X was observed with increasing N0 (increaa ing,%) according to initiation by the law of terminal groups* There are 2 figures and 2 tables. The moit important English-language reference is; H. H. 0. Jellinek, Degradation of vinyl polymers, N,, Y., 1955- ASSMATION; Institut khimiche skoy fisiki AN SSSR (Institute of Chemical Physics AS USSR) SUBUITTIM: April 8, 1961 Card 2/2 I - 1, 1 @ -- - , , I . - - - t'-.i P - 7 TIV - !ACCESSICK NR: AP3W3787 S/bM/63/005/007/OW/O") ATMOBSt Dudinas Lo A,j Unikolopyans No S* TITLE: Thermal and @the @dative degradation of poWormaldehyde. 21 on tomporature dependence of tbermal degradation rate SOURCEi Vy*sokomoleku1yarM SOYedirsudYa. To 5,9 nos 7P 1963P 98&993 ITOPIC TAGS: therml dissociation# dissociation rate, unstabilized polyformal- :dehyde, activation *nargyj, tmo activation energyl, chemical reaction.' reaction rate" @ccnstant IABSTIUCT: The thermal dissociation of polymem upon heating was inves.tigated# lw*ing the 74thod described by the authors in ("okmolek. GOYed- 5P 664 1963)- Tho polymer specimen Wag in the-fom of a tablet with heat being applied from its @base. At high temperatures (above 26M) the dissociation rate of unstabilixed Polyformaldehyde (PFA) was found to be Indepeadant, of the temperatures In the te.-aperaturo range X90-26M the dissoclAtion activation energy of PFA in the 0,02 gm. s po ci= n yielded a value of 17 * I kcal/molp and for the 0*05 ga specimen# 13 4- 1 :: - ;keal/=l. An analytic metbod b;s bow developed to daterial the trua activatLn .1 C"d 'ACCESSION NRs' AP3003787' fenergy in the chemical reaction when the limiting factor In the heat treatment Is @the int@brnal conductivity of the specimen* The effective reaction rate constant Is iexpressed by zwk 0 i - 7 ,where 11 - thermal conductivity, P densityj S cross-aectional area,, I - activation anergyj ko - constant in heat source term 1he effective activation rate constant is then plotted against tLhe inverse specimen I ,weight. It' is shown that when the apparent rate constant is inversely proportional !to the sample, the true activation energy is twice that of the experimentaX value. iThe activation energy of the stabilized polymer terminated with the hy&-*271 group ,yields a value of 26 kcal/mol and with acpt3iene, 3 a 32 kcal/wl* "The authors :express their gratitude to A. So Kaxpmyets for evaluating the work** Orig. art* :h,%3: 13 equations and 3 fiauxes,, I i iASSOCIATIC21i Institut W-1 skor fisiki, AX 33SR (Institute of ChWoal ftPlas 4H SSSR) Ccrd 2/3 @44EV -,.7, -- -I- I @- W@ -@ , @, @ L . Al@) "- - - -E@- -: b@@LAJ . - . ; " -- . I I .. .. I I @@B @,I- r . ?'ll.j!-,eW0@q,,q4iE goo r ,;,, i ;:--i t@:mmsltl,-. ANAT-MMM" DUDIMA..,N,e-dez)@I& Aleksandravul TaWls S.K., red,; M41CM, A.G,p red* fid--l'i"MMMMA" I*Aep -tekho, red, (Notbods of welding nickel md some of its alloys] Sposoby ovarki :dkelia i nekotorykh *go splavov; stenogramms. lektaii. Lenirgrad, 1962. 44 (MIRA 15 t 3) theksl-Weldirg) IBIN, L*T*,,p doktor tokbn# neuk# prof.1 lffSMITSM,, D.N.# kand, tekhn. nauk; LJJKMIKOVt A.V.j PUIUNt V.V.,, insh-I DUDDIAt V.Ye. [Allylliary povor plants and electrical systems for increasing the reliability of rural electric pover distribution] hazervnys eloktrostantaii i. elektroagregaty- dlia povyeheniia nadezbnosti sel'skogo elektrosna@@enila. Moskva., Otdel tekhniche3koi in- formataii VIESKh,, 1960. 70 p. (MIRA 15W 1. Moscov. YeesoyuzW naucbno-issledovatellskiy Institut slektri- fikatsii sel'skogo khoq tya alzra.16 electrification) BYSTRITSKIY, D.N*, kand.tekbn.nauki DUDINA, Me., kvid.tekhn.nauk 'Use of auxiliary electric power plants in agriculture. Mekh. I elek. sots. sel'khos. 20 no.li37-39 '62. (MIRA 15:2) 1. Vsesoyu%rO7 nauehno-losledovatellskiy institut elektrifikatsil sW skogo, khozysystva. (Ilectricity In agriculture) TIUWBM, A.R.; DUDIMO Th.D. Colored glass-roinforeod plastic* as building materials. Plast. wway no.10t47-49 160* (MM 13: 12) (Glass reinforced plastics) (Building materials) '-_av.Ich6ski,7e maasy, no. 12, IQC-5, 55-5'@ a to rt-A I i ton- ns 11 P. !T ronj- t h "I M 7 P J,-i 1, 7, @za5 'S qi I n I n Ft'! Ifa 1: 1 na for-this stt-Ldy. 'their o-juthesis and ;_i@rere; w%r-- do-scribed by ?i Z, L-1, Z. V. dcT ye. L. Kw;anc-m and Ye. L. '@oet,@r 679.1 -@-V@-1-1-7- -71 I q - , @@ 1 'A *@ 4 6 9 ?14 8 rq a "i 4 AL -fl, Ml-.-ITIA' [fS. 'All n 4 -,th tltrrsp@'! Fj up o telaa! "-r- xnLn, r,),r NX 7 -he WU4. r (11ni Or cm pi 1hv @,)"Uon onpvar rf, A art haa: EN C'V.-. OTHE R! rvl@4 -Wk Nr 0 As USSR/tngineering Jul 1,8 EnerM.r - Conservntion Furnaces, Electric "Yethods for Econmizzing on Power Consumpti6n in Heat Treatment, Casting and Forging Shops of Facb-Ine Construction Factories," N. F. Tikhonov, X. P. ZagoskAn, A. S. ,-:udryavtse7, V. A. Dudinov, Kirov Factory in Urals, 3 pp "'Tram Energet" No 7 Sugrnstions were awarded a third prize In 1947 All-T, nion Contest. Descrites how cnrAcity of electric furmce was increased, are construction and working routine altcred. rievel cylinder blocks and hcads are now cast in chills Instend of rolds. Nentions various refinerents in rolding and molting techniques. Refers to forging of caterpiller tracks In tow heats in%tend of three, reAucing piston clearpnees In h=ers, and reducing air siipply for fans in coke fires. PA 6AGIT27 f_4 tj ism I mm zmammcff Vladlidr AlebVivich; F441kaTt ArbkUY S*rgqvftch; POlPkOTv QlAb Smyocbjdk ladvalfft"017% I VGWOULUXAM (IAVU&Ar'l mal Innovator's Rmdbook) Nesemp Wasb6in., IM. 702 p.35,000 coges pringedo Td.t Roxenbeng It, A*p C=Ud&U ot ftonado Suieum; Abhump At I@# Kanawslays, V. I.p Pe"ttep V. D.p NeUmichmp 1. She, D%Mtaklyi, Go Me, Cuditat" of , TedmIcal Solent"; lWorakhavo Be MolDecent; Zeltharow, Be Pop Gaftim* Re Fop and Vekhanin, L. No,, - IngLusers; -Techo Id. t Sarmitnaikovap 0. A. PUBM: WS bmftwk lm latmaW for voAmn 04 formM, COMAM, The book contalms WommmUca as profteal"p famdation,, justifteation of beneftel" sv="Uons md la"volomme It presents #At& a-- on mathemoticap visabodesp elactrical & --W*,p byaXwAliesp ad allm tecludcal %reaches Ot $*laace) go Voll an the SelAction of machine Card 4AZr Inventorts and Imayetw's Enema ImIldlag materials (Wayertles the dealga of machim parts,, and the tethaoloa of their manartatty". 2M tasks and rl&tU of Inventor* wd efficlency exper" an disaussede The text Is illustrated vith exomples of eMciency-Prceotins sumestlome =d Vvical calculationse TABLE Or C roreword Ch. 1. Goooral Problo" of Isimt1vawss -and Ifflalwa Prmatica 1. int, aincing greater emciency in production (wratsionali- zatsiye) . - I Technical progress an4 Istrodaction of srsatoi efficlency 15 Socialist and capitalist methods or introducing greater efflotbacy 15 Contribution at Soylet inventors " efficiency ciperts to the do- "lownt of 2014neA "a-lowhaolm 1 2. Basic treads In. the iMtr*ftkVtI0ft Of efficient methods of proftwtion 5 Npwaunt -in the desigs- of machl n a produced 18 ut_r@dn4tioa at %sw pradmuVe technology 18 Xechanization =1 autcbstion of production 19 Card 2/14 AUTHORS. Dudinor V Arapov, N. V. V-58-3-10/15 TITLE' . Saggerless Burning of Semiporcelain in Direct Tunnel Kilns (Baskqeelinyy obzhig polufarfora v tunnellnoy pechi pryamogo deyst") PMIODICAL; Steklo i Keramika, 1958, i'l-i. c;, mr 3. pp. 37-39 (USSR) ABSTR4T! A direct tunnel kiln for saggerless burning and single.,atage charging was built in the works "Stroyfayans" in L4ningrAds, as the first of this kind in the USSR. It attained its planned output with a time interval or 1 hour 2o minutes for the passage of the truck. The time-interval of the passage of the trucka was reduced to from 5o to 55 minutes and the plarvied output. -,f the kiln was exceeded by introducing new methods of organization and engineering and by following some sug6estlow 111101 rP3pe"a ', ', ra"icnalizatior, (V. 1. Shurygin, V. N. Krylov and others), as well as by scientific coUaboration with the Leningrad-branch of the Teploproyekt (H. V. Arapov). Ta 1956, after a 2 years' experience with this kiln, V. A, Dudlmv proposed further ioprovements Card 113 without carrying out ca:dinal alterations with the kilns, The Saggerlass Burning of Senip Iore"a in Direct 72-58-Nao/4 Tuncel KilrA gas-line was shortened ard its diameter increased,, due to which the resistance of the gasaupply was reducadj whicli made it possible to increase the gaa-supply substantially by means, of the saw gas-blasting device. By this:, a reductio-a of the int are Y&I of the psa3age of the trucks to 3o minutes was Achieved4 The kilr-11'emperature increased abruptly dun to the increased gas-dupply,, which resulted in much veate (figure). The Introa ductiort of a 3o minutes' interval required an enlargement of the combustion zone in the furnace. Acooling of the product's in the furnace by taking off hot air from the cooling-sone by means of an exhaustor and by conveying it into the combustion- zone, formed part of the project of structural alteration. Yet this lead equally to much waste with cooliM, In view of achieving a more intense cooling of the products, an adequate recuperator which achieved the necessary cooling was built in the arch of the coolimg-sone of the kiln. The removed heat waa used for drying the forms and for the hot blower. As may ba- seen from the table, the output of the tunnel kiln was very much increased. Moreover, many expenses were saved by this. There are 1-figure, 1 table and 0 references. Card 2/3 Saggerless Burning of-SesiporealAin in Dirset Tunnel Kilm 72-%-3-J*/15 A=IATiou. Laningraftkiy savod "Stroyfayans" ("Stroyfayanon-Workes Laninerad) L ovens"N'sign Card 3/3 - --- - - - - - - V KIM- Vladis dr-Auk"."V101- XON I 90T, Arkadly Mikhaylovich; MSHCHERINOV, Fedor Ivanovich; FOUCTSKIY, Alsksandr Timfoyevich; FOLTAKOVp Glob MaksLy4vichl SALINIKOV, Oleg k1sksayevich; CRKRNORATp Dmdtrly Gavdlovlohl OAVRIWVO P.G.j kand. takhn.nauk, mtsen- sent; NEMIMl, G.S.,, kand. f1s.-mat, naukj SOKOWV, V.M.0 kand. fis.-mt. nauk; SOKOWTSKIT, V.I., kand. tekhn. nauk; WIN, S.1.9 Wh.j MINOVO K.S., kand. tekhn. nauk; DUBITSKIY, GAp doktor takhn, nauk, red*; ZAKHAF4DV, B.P., insh., red.; KONOVAWV9 V.N.,, kand. to'chn. nauk,, red.; FERETS, V.B., kand. tekhn. mauk, red.; ROZENBERG, I.A., kand. ekonom. nauk,, red.; STEPANOT9 V.V., kand. tekhn. nauk,, red.; SUSTAVOV, M.I., inzh., red.; SHABASHDV.. S.P.,, kand. takhn. nauk,, red6j DUGINA, N.A.# takhn. red. (Handbook for Inventors and innovators]Spravochnik dlia izobre- tat9lis I ratsionalizatora . (By] R.A.Anikin I dr. Iad.3,.p ispre I dop Moskva, Muhg1s, 1962. 791 p. (MIRA 16il) iTechnological. innovations-Mechanical engineering) t 15763,46 gir(l) W ACC SR: ALP6006 7 7 7 SOLTRCE CrPF r!14,i/0148 iarabas),-v, 14. P.; Carazha, Vliark:@)v Astronomical C)bservatorv @10@@ir K e 7. v :4 - T sections recting Islanetary photovietric croat' SOURCE: Astronomicheskiy thurna-1. v. 43. no. 1, 1966, 14,@-148 TAGS: planetary astronomy, photographic photorwt-7, IfArq, A T'@,e method proposed by I K - Kova 1 4q .-rre-t iniz the di,3tort Irni; 1,Ti t v) P - ano? a r v -IP11 @Ihcto-rt I,,- @7@ 4. A an @u @,,mp a r i 9,,r. q a 10 AT -TX Ic:74 x are C@e oboaerve.l q-i Lu oc tne oni7 apiropriate Rtable one. ."e @r@-r fn mea-4urpmentq in F(x) decreases ;in - Decr*A;gtng n k nii It'll 50) AUTHORs, Novikov, 3. $.,-Shvekhs(eXmeriG.A S/074/60/029/02/003/007 Dudinskaya, A. A. B008/BGOI TIM': Nitro Compounds in Diane Synthesis PZRIODICAL: Uspekhi khimii, 196or Vol 29, Nr 2, PP 187-219 (USSR) ABSTRACT: TIiia is a survey of the papers on diene synthesis with special attention to the problems of stereochemistry and the chemical properties of adducts obtained from unsaturated nitro compounds. Tables are enclosed which show all papers on diene synthesis of qitrodienesland nitrophylodiones published until 1959 inclusive. Fhe riechanism of the reaction discovered by Dials and Alder is explained (Refs 12-25). The effect of the nitro group on the f" P ^4 @e y^% Mu- Nitro Compounds in biene Synthesis S/074/60/029/02/003/007 B008/BOOI are formed on condensation of nitroolefins with dienes, contain one nitro group and one double bond. Thus, it is possible to obtain three different products on hydrogenation of the adducti saturated nitro compound, saturated and unsaturated amines. Since the synthesis of these products is of importance in proving the configuration, methods for the selective hy(Lrogena- tion of tho adducts being formed are included in this paper. These methods are treated in references 2, 52-54. Te.G. Katayev, and P. S. Matveyeva are mentioned. There are 3 tables and 56 references# 8 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATIONs Inatitut organichaskoy khixii AN 33SR im. 11. D. Zelinskogo (Institute of Organic Chemistry AS USSR imeni K. D. ZolLnekiy) Card 2/2 3/062 60/000/010/025/031/XX B002/BO60 -70RS Novikov, S. Ss, Sbvokhgeymer, G4 A., and DudIA--.'*h A &@A -Z' Condensation of Nexachloro Cyclopentadiene With Unsaturated 'Nitro Compounds FT-,IIODICAIz lzvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR, Otdeleniye khimicheskikh nauk, 1960, No. 10, pp.-1858-1860 TEXT: Tro types of nitro compounds may be used for the condensation of hexachloro cyclopentadiene with uDeaturated nitro compounds: 1) CH -CHR 2 (where R is, say, NO 2 or COCRI-KO2 ), or 2) NO 2- CH-CHR" (where R" may be hydrogen, alkyl, aryl,'or COOCH 3CH). For steric reasons, a condensation with unsaturated hydrocarbon compounds is scarcely possible. It is believed on the t3trength @.'k studies of 1-nitro-propylene-1 (Ref. 4) that the reaction with 1, ile ,'substi Wted unsaturated nitro compounds is likewise hardly ponsible, wh " does take place - though slowly - with monosubstituted unsaturated nitro t-ompounda* Experimental results have fully confirmed these theoretical Card 1/2 Ccr,1:1nsation of Hexacbloro Cyclopentadiene With S/062/60/000/010/025/031/XX Unsaturated Nitro Compounds B0021B060 prediations: 3-nitro-1,4,5,6,7,7-hexachloro bicyclo-(2,2,1] heptene-5 was synthesized In a good yield by 14 hours, heating a solution of nitro-ethylene and hexachloro cyclopentadiene in cbloro benzene to 100-1020C. The condenea- tion products of hexachloro oyclopentadiene with 2-nitro-etbyl eater of acrylic acid, 2,2-dinitro-propyl ester of acrylic acid, 2,2,2-trinitro-ethyl eater of acrylic acid, and 2,4,6-trinitro-phanyl enter of acrylic acid were synthesized in a similar manner. On the other hand, it was not possible to perform a reaction of hexachloro cyclopentadione with 0-nitro-styrene, tro-acrylic acid methyl eater, 1-nitro-propylons-1, 2-nitro-propylene-1, or P-nitro-acrylic acid nitriles A toxicological study conducted by It. V. Permyakova showed that all of the condensation products have an insectic!1al effect. There are 4 non-Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Institut organicheskoy kh1mIi im. N. D. Zelinskogo Akademil nauk SSSR (Institute of Organio'Chemistry imeni H. D. Zelinakiy of the Academy of Sciences USSR) SUBMITTED: KaY 15* 1959 Card 212 AUTHORSs Suvorov# 1. Ne Dudinskayal At A69 79-28-5-6p/69 Norosovskays, TITLEe Hormones of the Thyroid and Their. Romologs (Gormony shchitovidnoy shelezy i ikh gomologi). 111. Synthesis of the Uine Analess of Betasine (III. Sintes sainoanalogov betaxina) PERIODICALs Zhurnal Obahchey Xhinii, 19589 Vol* 28p Nr 5, pp, 1374-1378 (USSR) LBSTRACTI In continuation of the compounds synthatized by the authors for the purpose of investigating their antithyraidal effect in dependence on their chemical structure (ttefe- renoe 2),they used the N-ac,etyl-(~4-nitrophenyi-p-alanine M - synthetized already earlier by them - which through the skeleton nickel catalyst was hydrated to @-4-ami- nophonol-0 -N-acetylanine-proprionic acid (II) as initial product for the synthesis of the 4-amino analog of bets- sine. This acid was saponified and the obtained unseparated (N-4-&=inophenyl- A -alanine (111) was iodated in Card 1/3 pure state in diluted hydrochloric acid with monochloro- Hormones of the Thyroid an& Their Romologs. 79-28-5-6o/69 III.-Synthesis of the Amino Analogs of Betasine iodide$ which lead to the necessary P-(amino-3,5- -diiodophenyl- P-alanine) (IV)(See scheme 1). The easily accessible 00-nitrophenyl- P-alanine (V was hy-drated on the above catalyst for the synthesis of ( 3-amino-4s6- -diiodophenyl)- Si-alanine (VIIL and the ta ined (@-3-ami- nophenyl-@-alanin* (VI) was iodated with monochloroiodide. For experimental reasons the structure (VII) and not that of (VIII) or (IX) was attributed to the iodization product. The final proof for compound (VII) was supplied the following wayt The aromatic amino group was substituted by iodine throu the diasocompound and the obtained triiodaminic acid X) was oxidized with potassium permanganate with the formation of triiodobanzoio acid (melting Doint 247-2480C). This proved to be identical with the 214j5-triiodobenzoic acid (XI) by Wheeler.4 Johns (Uiller i Dzhons) which was proved by direct cotiparison with the acid itself as well as of the ethylestere obtained by the authors. The results of the physiological activity of the synthetized compounds will be given at a later time. Card 2/3 There are 5 references, 3 of which are Soviet. Hormones of the,Thyroid'and-Thel@r Elosologst 79-28-5-6o/69 Ill. Synthesis of the kiln6 Analogs of Betasine ASSOCIATIONt Toesoyu. son nauchno-isaledo-;ratellskiy khimiko-farmtsev-- ticlveskiy instltixt imehi S. Ordzhonikidze (L11-Union Scientifio Chenical and Pharmaceutical Researoh Institute imeni. S. Ordzhonikidze) SUBMITTEDs April 13, 1957 Card 3/3 AUTHORSt Suvorow, 1, Nag Dudinskayat A. A. 79-28-5-59/69 TITLEt Hormones of@the Thyroid and Their Homologs (Gormony shohitovidnoy shelevy i ikh analogi) ir. Synthesis of Betasine Derivatives (Sintez isomeroy betasins) PMIODICALLs Zhurnal Obahchey Xhimlip 1958# Yol# 28t Nr 5, pp. 1371-1374 (USSR) ABSTRAM Theic-diiodotyrosine-(reforence 1) synthatized by one of the authors together with V. X. Rodionov and V. G. Avraaenko is of high intithyj%jdal activity.- .Enowni unger the nano of "Betasine", Is used in medicine. t3 -diiodotyrosine in a @ -(4-oxY-3t5-diiodor-henTl)_,8 - -alanine. For the purpose of investigating the dependence of the antit*motropic effect on the chemical structure, it was of interest to synthatize isomers with another position of th phenolhydroxyl in betasine. The ortho- -analog, &(2-oXY-3g5-diiodophenyl)-k -slanine (formula 1),was synthetized by iodization of,6 -(2- Card 1/3 -oxyphanyl)'-/3-alanins, which had been obtained by Hormones of the Thyroid and Their Rosologs 79-28-5-59/69 Ii. Syr-thesis of BetasinePerivatives Posner (Posner) (reference 1)7--coumarin and hydroxjrlamine. In order to realize the synthesis of the metabetasine isomer the .4 -(3-oxyphanyl)-A -alanine (11) was subjected to lodization. The coipound (II) was produced according to V. M. Rodionov*MK-oxybenzaldehyde. It is of interest that even in the case of an excess of iodated agents not a tri- but a di-substituted compound In formed. Based on stersometrio considerations the structure of 6-(3-oxY-4j6-diiodophenyl)-A -alanine (In) in attributed to the latterp which was also proved b its synthesis through the diazo compound of X(3-&mino-4g6-diiodoph*ayl)-A -alanin;)(Iv) the structure of which in fixed (reference . IY must be pointed out that the American chemical scientist Jackson (Dshekson) (reference 4) arrived at similar conclusions wi@h respect to the d-'-amino acids. In a rather complicated way be proved that irL the iodization of m-tyrosine a A -0-oxy-4t6-diiodidephenyl) alanine forms. The results on-the physiologic activity of the synthetized compounds Card 2/3 are mentioned in other'@papsrs. There are 9 references, Hormones OfAhe Thyroid and Their Homologs. 79,48-5-59/69 11. Synthesis of Betasino Derivatives 3 of which ar*-*Sovist. ASSOCIATION: Vessoyuznyy nauchno-isoledovateliskiy khimiko- -farmatsevt1oheskiy-institut imeni S. ordzhonikid28 (All-Union Scientific Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research Institute imeni S. Ordzhonikidze) SUMITTEN April'13t 1957 Card 3/3 AUTHORS: Rodionov, V. X. (Deceased), bA1aAK%La-,_Ag-@, BOV/79-284-5o/66 Avramenko, V. C., Suvorovp N. N. TITLE: The Synthesis of P-Amino Acids From Aromatic Oxy and Alkoxy Aldehydes (0 aintes P-aminokislot iz aromaticheskikh oksi-i alkoksialidegidov) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal obahch*y khimii, 1958, Vol. 20, Nr 8, pp. 2242 - 2246 (USSR) *BST R&CT In connection with earlitr investigations by Ro1ionov (Refs 1-4) this paper gives the results of decomposition reactions carried out with various oxy and methoxy benzal- dehydes with malonic acid in the presence of ammonium acetate [modification of the eaction of V.M.Rodionov according to Johnson (Dshonsoni. In the classical case the reactions under investigation formed a mixture of two products: the P-amino said (I) and the ago unsaturated acid (II). With the Rodionov reaction the following was found to be true: salicylaldehyde gives cumarin-3-oarbonic acid instead of the 0-amino acidl mi-oxybonzaldehyde forms P-(3-oxyphenyl)-p- Card 1/3 alanine (yield: 52,3A); n-oxlbenzaldehydb given a mixture The Synthesis of.p-kmino Acids From Aromatic Oxy and SOT/79-28-8-5o/66 Alkoxy Aldehydes of &iammonium salts of 4-oxybeasylide malonio acid (%5@) and P-tyrosins (25PW- Of the corresponding methoxy- benzaldehydes the meta- and para-isomers give P-amino acids, whil* the o-mothoxybenzaldehyde gives only the atp unsaturkttcl acids4 Of protocatechualdehydet vanillin- aldehyde, and veratraldehyde only the last forms a P-amino acid. The ortho-substituted benzaldehydes give no P-amino acids by the Rodionov reaction. Thmre are 9 referenceat 4 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Tsesoyuznyy nauchno-ionledovateltakiy khimiko-farmataevti- cheskiy institut imeni $.Ordzhonikidze i Moskovskiy khimiko- takhnologichookiy inatitut imeni D.I.Mendt;,Ltsyeva (All-Union Scientific Chemical and Pharmaceutical iesearch Institute imeni B.Ordshonikidze SMMoscovChmical Tech- nological Institute imeni D.I.Aleadeleyev) SUMUTTED: June 27t 1957 Card-2/3 The Synthesis of P-Amino Acids From Aromatic Oxy and SOV/7-9-28 -8-5o /66 -- - -Alkoxy Aldel4des - -- .-- - ---- .-- -- - Card 3/3 BUOROT, NX; MORDSOTSLAYA, LA.; MUDI S@MYAIA.A. Hormones of thq tb7rold g1wd and their analogs, Part 41 6ptheele of desamIno analogs of betavine, Mrsob,khim, 28 no.912601- 2601 8 '58. (KIRA 11111) 1. Toasoyusnyy mauchno-tselmdovatellaidy khimiko-farmatteytiabAskiy inatitut Imeni 8.0rdshomikidse, ("@in*) qMDT=, 3.8*1 3 Me G.A. I ZUDIBUAU, A.A. Nitro compowds in diim* synthealse t1spekh1s, 29 no,2t 187-219 7 160, (MIRA 13W 1. Institut orprAchookoy Wail AS SSSR Ined, I.De Zollaskego, (Nitro oompousu) (Ch4aistryl Orgwdo--synthesis) i SUTMOT, A.A. Borsionas of the thyroid gIALvA wd their &=logs, Part 3t Now synthesis of )6-tlwroxln*. ftursobAblus 30 no.6;2051-2055 is l6o. OiIu 13 -.6) 1. Vassoyusqy nauchno-iseledovatollakly khWko-f&rwats#vtl- chaskiy ins,titut imeni S*Ordshanikidses (Tff,ao]=) ! . . - . . M01 MWAYI, SM-11G., to G.A. I I;WII:rV, Influonca of the confiftr6tion cf tho nitraph" c-diorns on C.,oir cordersation with cyalcloint&dione. Izv. All SSSA.14,Otd. kJiim. naul: no. 1s1F.2-JX4 Ja 161. 14:2) 1, Institut ormnlc@Aakoy khirJ.i it. ?:.D. Zelimkoro ILI' TCyolapentr-diare) c,_@U_DIlSKAU,o A A ; SBVMMM=l G.A.): NOVMV, S.S. CandonssUan of plywylose vith ultra olefins. rsv.ixssm.ou* Wma" noo3t522-523 & 061, (KMA 34t4) 1* rUtitUt OrgsziaboOokor kl"Idl 4wn4 N.D.Zoliwkogo AN SWR. (pipilrylow) (Olafiw) NOVIKOV"S.S., SHV=Gnm, O.A,.; DUDINSKML_k.@ Condensation of cyclopentadian19 with mno- wA divWmUt-ated nitro 018finfip IST-AN SSM Otd.khim.nauk zo.4t6q(@-695 Ap t6l. (MMA 14 t 4) le ImUtut arganiobeakoy irkimit 11a. N.D.Zelinskogo AN SM. - - - -- - - - --- ----- -@- -- - .(Cyclopqmtadiww)-- -- (OWins) -- -- - - -- -- -- - - -- , -- - -. @ I II I DBUSM, illy* Vladimirovichl LVWIXCVAj Ts,,p redj XMIEVA, A., tekbn. red. (Tbe vorld sooialist system and the general lavs of its develop- maut] Kirovaia sistma sotsialima i sakonomarnosti as razvitiia, moswal Iad-vo sotsiallno-ekono lit-ry, 1961. 292 Pe (KERA 1419) (ComwmAst colmitri.99--Uonomio conditions) Savruml features of tho fovaloplmmt of the world socDnlist ;:z-rkat. Vol). okon. no.%2t4O-.cC '7 161. CI-I 14:2) (Camminist countria3-Comerce) Glorlow majostic proopectas Scrro profsoiusy 17 no,11 48-32 Is '61o (CompoUtiont IntermUo*) (KW 148 JL) WDIMKIY, I. Economic &Tovth of Ahe vorld socialist eYstem, Vops skon, no.5t 8&-97 my 162. - NEU 15t6) (Communist countries-Econamic conditions) SOFDKIF , O.M.; OLMIKv I.P., doktor skon. nauk; RYABUSHKIN, T.V., doktor skon. nauk; -WWXrT. I V. kand. ekon. nauk; MIFOSHMICHENKOO B.P.p kand. ekon.nit-A; SERGETEV, V.P., kand. skon. nauk; TAMVSKIY, o.r., kand. ekon. nauk; STOFDZHEV, V.I., kand. ist. nauk; KCI;OVLWV, Y*.A., k&nd. ekon. nauk; GERTSOVICH, G.B.0 kand, ekon. nauk; POPOV, R.I., kand. skon. nauk, red.1 ZEVINj L.Z., red.; NIKOLAYEV, D.H., red.; PAK, G.V., red.; GMWDOVA, U.S., tokha. red. (The building of communism, In the U.S.S.R. and cooperation among the socialist countries ]Stroitel I styo kommmizma v SSSR I votrw- nichostvo sotsiaLlistichaskikb stran. Pod obehchei red. G.M.Soro- kina. HoakTa, Eko misdat, 1962. 334 P. (MIRA l6a2) Rost ekonomichookogo mogushohostva mirovoy sistoW notaializma. Mookyap Skow- mizdat, 1963-__ 142 p. tables. rnoludes bibliograoical rotmaces DUDINSXIY I*. doktor skonom.nauk - V-7-t- Davelopunt of tb* Goonomy and stmngtboning of the mutu&j doopergtiork el the countries of the Mutual Sconomic "siistanc* Council, K=ms, Vo*ruxh. Ail.5 nos23145-51 D 164* Oa RA 188 1) PAVIMUZO. Tesilly Osorglyevich; ABEW(NMIKIT, CAs, Prof.p retIOMMOt; BWAKOY,'N,T,, prof,, rst#ensontj ZATfM, T.G.JIke-Wa)s kand.tekbU. nauk, reteensenti GMN=OV, D.Ns (Moskva), pr"odavat4l'-, reteenzent; PISSMANZATAI D.A, -(Odossa), prepodaystelt, ntasimnt; prepodavatell, retsonsont OOLIDIN, AJ.. prepodavatell, retsousent; MULTNT. X.N. (Overdlovskj.'prepodaystel!, retsensont; MT43Mg L.I., prepodaystall, retsensent: YMIYANOT. D.N. (Loninadd), pro- podavatollo retsensent; GUCHAROTA, L.D. (Simferopol'), prepodavatell, retsensent: XWJW, U.P., prepodavatell, reteenzent; AWKSWIT, I*K., prepodaiatell, retsonsent: DOINSKIT, s 70, (Laningred)e pre- podavatell, retsonsont; RAM. T.B.-Winco kind. tekhn.nauk, retsewtent; WIMT -N Yi prof,, doktor tokhn.nauk, Ostend,; BOBISOTA, G,A@;71iia:l ", D.M., Datroduotton to the study of, cosiperial wares] Vvedenia v tovaro- vedenle pr*Wshlennykh toverav. Moskva, Gas.isd-vo torglit-rys 1939. 135 P. (Cossiarcial products) (MIRA 12s?) I PARM, MEW, Vasilly Georgiyevlahl IAXWGELISKITO X.A,. pprof. v retsenzent; (deceased); WLGAKOY N V., prof., retsenzent; ZAYrSEV, V.G., retaonsent(Moskval; iWLAKOV, D.M., prepodd- vatell tekhnikumoy sovetakoy torgoyll, retsenzent(Hoskva); Kl"=Vkp Z.V., retsenzent (Moskva); PISHCHENSKAYA, B.A., re- tsenzent (Odessa); GUTAN, M.K., retsenzent; GOLIDIN, A.E., retsenzent; KHRMV, N.N., retsenzent(Sverdlovsk); DERYABINA, L.I., retsensent; YEVELYANOV, D.H., retsenzent (Leningrad); CkNCHAROVA, L.D., retsonsent(Simferopoll); MATVEYEV, Ye.P., retsenzent; AMSEM, I.M., retsenzent; _WDINLKIY,_ S.L., retsensent(Leningrad); BABUN, V.B., kand. tekhn. naul-,--Ile- teenzent(Kharikov); CW-R;CV, N.V., prof., doktor tekhn. nauk, spats. red.; BORISOVA, G.A.) red.; GROMV, A.S.p tekhn. red. (Introduction to a Imowledge of manufactured g-oods]Vvedenis v toyarovedenis promqshlannykh tovarov. Iad.2., dop i per-er, Moskva, Gostorgizdatp 1962. 142 p. (HI4 16:1) (Comercial products) L ) @//) dp@.3&T% kAl, DUDINUIT ToNs .1k% @: - Hydraulic tram attaohnnto for universal lathes.,Stus I instre 28 noolltl3-14 X 157o. NI (MM 10:12) lathes-Attach"Uts) Hydrodlo mobinery) DUDINSK ra.A. (D tilil , ,Y@j M1.1-1 - - RlstoebomL"I, atudy of the oytochrom axldssv activItY In IntercalA"7 .Crowth some. Mr. 'bot. shw. 22 no.2tl5-19 16.5. (mm A34) U'lastitut botaniki AN UkrSSR, otdiol fisiologil. FUUWVS:..AYA, T.; I-MISCWT9 N.; DUID"I 7e-vtilaticu of chambers used for motor--vehicle painting, I.vt.,transF, 39 to.10:27-.20, 0 161. (MIRA 14:10) CX.0tor vehicles-Painting) 11/003/62/000/001/004/307 D272/D304 AUTHOA: Dudit" - 2 "L-;: Polycardanic transmissions 'IecanicA apiicat@S, no. 1, 19'2, 79-95 k-fillema-tics and dynamics of polycardanic drivin- @--ear L3 t@ ki_-e studied to solve thte droblems of develop:,ent of hiGh tonAnaGe tr.-ns3ort vehicles. Recurrence formulas are e8tabliliA,ed as a func- t-;'.on of the kinema tic jarane ters of the polyca-rdanic L;e,%r 3, J-- tw-hiell. are valid for any joint of J-1-C gea- OO,,L;4,;CI-ed. "'4 th the @411 V a i d o f te m e thods of the theor,7 of Gets, -eneral co -Itios or I, t,,, az i i, himokinetic devices are de@er;.Ancd. It is demonu-1-r-tcd that in a n-cardanic Gear (2 n-1 - which falfil the conditions of homokineticity. - 'ble *cLemes are analyzed and pooo- .0 The -yna-"ics of these systems are 1) kineriatic syster,3 are possible Several of these various applications disr.'us3ed. then examined; the eneral lavis are established. The outputs of the cardanic Joint of the Card 1/2 R/000/62/OOJ/001/004/007 Pol',cardanic tra.-sm-lasions D272/D304 translation couplind are derived, and on the bas-is of these t.IL0 total output of the polycardardc gear drive is clater.-uned fo@- lohe case of serieu or parallel-series (mixed) cozinection. Applications Lire illuz-;rated in actual exam)les from.pimc'vice. There are 7 fi- ,@ures and 4 reforencos: 3 Soviet'-bloc and 1 non-Soviet-bloc. ASSOCIATIO.N; Institutul politechnic Brasov (Brasov Polytechnic Institute) SUB*t@il'-'T Z DSeptember 18, 1961 Card-2/2 DUDITA,, Florin, ing. Autovibrations generated by the Cardanic tzvpsmiaision of the automobile. Constr ** 15 no.5066-371 My 163. 1, Institutul poUtWmio, Brasov, DUDITA, Transitory conditions in autcwbile transmission. Studil care sea apl (i.e. 151 n'o.3t681-728 164. If joltytachnia Institute, Brasov. Submitted December 16, 1963. jAKkB, I.; C.; RUGINA, I.; DLDLTA 'I Fl.@., Experlmental study method or the dynamic Whavior of truck transmissions. Constr mas 16 no. 3:150-153 Mr 164. -i6oio-66 XrX NX$ A 027335 SOURCE CODS1 Ru/bMS/66/000/00110M/0037 AUTHOR: Dudita,, Florin A$ OW I none TITLE: Now trends in the construction of the universal-joint transidesions used in motor vehicles SOURCEs Constructia do assinis no* lip 1966# 29-37 TOPIC TAGS: vehicle power transoission "at=,, vehicle compownt, wtor vehicle,, industrial developowit ABSTRACTs A brief sumary of the principal now types of universal-joint drives for motor vshicles# calling, attention to the respective adTantages and The devices described are stanufactured in marq countries# primiPallY W86t0m 000se Orig. art. hae: 33 figures. (Based on auLhar's Engs abetd WPHSI 36t5591 SUB CaZt 13 SMUTS: none / ORM REP 1 008 / SOV REF: 005 OTH W t 061 Cord -1/1- UDCt 621-82(09):629-113 ,f- 'm 712 lrwb, O.P.] Affect of a rotating magnetic field on a boiling layer containi ferromagnetio particles@ Dope AN URSR noeltU-" 162. (MIRA 15:2) 1, Institut gornoy wtallurgil AN MISR* 2. AN USSR (for Nskrasov). Founding) roupotim) U IM)KA, AOPO Moasurerment of the of ferromapetic materials by H&U sensing elements, faT. lab. 30 no.5s6l"19 164. (KrRA 170) 1, LneprMtrovskV inthenerno-stroltelInyy institut, Review of the methods for investigating aquati fan gi. Ultr -boto- --- Our. 18 no.645-53 261. (WPA 15: 3) 1. Institut botaniki. AN USSRt otdol mikologii, (Fungi) (Water-@Microblology) DUDXA. I.A. 1.0.) :Aquatic R"boupotes species nev to the U.S.S.R.,shur. 19 no.lt66-71 162. (KIRA 15:4) 1, LmUtut botaniki AN USSR otdol mikologile (Wpb;;O;tes) i=XA# I*A* First dimmeary of the pma BlastoclaMs in the U.S.S.Ro Bets We We #We rasto 1603-V 163o (Km 16 10) w it*'.) N&Uri&U cw-"g flom of "Ua two of the !UkmiaW 3.8-Its Part is Speales of the Conus StagwasVora ftee. from the liev 't area, Ukr. bot, shur. 20 no.2176-79 634 (MIRA 16&6) i. Imutat botanM if U*Ms otdolLmtdkol i (KIST reglon-4ug pamll o an.the'floraof aquatlc-AWi of tho Ukr4lnian S.S.R. - - - Report Nc.2t Aquatio hyphouqcetea of the Kiev area of Polesye. Ukr. bot. zhur. 23 no.4t86-93 163. OCRA 17-4) 1, Institut bot&nLki AN tykr.'ZR, laborAtoript nikologii. DUDKAt 1*16 (Dudkap I#o,j Material~ on the flora of aquatic fungi of the Musinian S.S.R. Report No. N Aquatic ascomyestes from the environs of Itsy. Ukro boto shwo 20 no.6s"l 163. (MM 17s 2) 1. Institut botaniki 0 UkrSSR, labomtorlya nikologii. t r,A kill r cc, Z@i n r; 3 DUDKAO !.A. (Dudka, 1.0.) Zcol*a and seasonal dynamics or aquatic hyphowcetes rf the southern part of the Kiev Polesya. Urk, bot. zhur. 21 io.500- 164. ( ITRA 181 1. Laboratoriya mikologli Instituta botaniki AN UkrSSI DUDKA, 1. A. "On the effect of oxygene regime of water basins on the seasonal dynamics of aquatic hyphomycetes." report submitted for 10th Intl Botanical Cong, Edinburgh, 3-12 Aug 64. AS UkSSR, Kiev. ,,DIM"W 4MICH, 0. CMMOVYch. 9.), insh. Construatlvg collective, farm buildlW without using woodon slea~utse 5111,buds 7 noa7sl4-15 JI 157. (X2A 12:11) 1. Glayn" Inshener NIkhWlovvkor moshkolkhonnoy stroital 1=7 organizatail ifor Dtdke). (Mhdldlng blocks) @ome aspects of studying thq serisitivitly of q-c: ej-7ic m8asurilng circuits, Izve SO ANI 53sr no*6 Ser. tokh. nauk nc.'::i--.l20 164. NIPA 17: 10) 1. Institut vvtcrat!ki i elektrometril Sibirokogo ctde@enlys AN L;S-17'R, Novesibir3k.