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D7111Z11'.1 IN, L. A. Title : Candidate of Physical and HathemUcal Sciences Affilistionit Menber, Scientific and Technical Society of Radio ften aring and Blectrical Coassudeations In. A, S. Popov ......... ReMarks In an article entitl;k\ 11~Gossic Television 4 L A. Druzhkin states that artificial t~leyision relay stations, He explains that this could be done by 1 w-chl ng a satellite into an equatorial. orbit 36,000 kilometers above the earth's surface, The satellite would travel in the direction of the earth's rotation., and it would make one revolution every 24 hours, This would enable it to stsy in a fixed position above the earth's surface, A Powerful television station could broadcast from Nbsoov to the satellitej, and a relay station in the satellite would rebroadcast the program back to the earth's surface, Such a satellite would be powered by solar batteries., and Its equipment would be designed to last for at least a year. If three satellites of this tne were put into orbit around the None : MHUZMC1Xj* L. A. Card 1/2 10. Name : DRUZEKIN# Lo A. Card t 2/2 Remrks : earth's equator, it would be possible to broadcast to evez7 point on the earth's surface, rr-ur-hIcin also states that Unmenned spaceships equipped with television cameras could be used to explore the planets. Television broadcasts from such spaceships could be received on ordinary televiaion sets after being relayed by stations on the earth's surface, Source N: Sovetskiy rlotj, No. 66,, 20 *wch 1959j, p. 4, a. 3-6 l0a, S/196/61/000/008/002/026 E194/El,55 AUTHORs TITIEs The distribution of electric charge on conductors of different shapes PERIODICALs Referativnyy zhurnal. Blektrotekhnika i'energetika, no.8, 1961, abstract 8A'A. (Sb. tr. Nauchno-tekhn. o-vo radiatakhn. i alek-.*roavyazi im. A*S. Popov&, 1959, n0-4, 123-210) TEXT-. A derivation is given of the fundamental expression of the function of distribution of electric charge on linear conductors, ard a method is given to exclude the singularities and improper inttgrals that are produced when determining the tangential component of the electric field on the surface of linear conductors. The results obtained are extended to closed conducting InrinI+_,& -=yl"aars And to three-dimensional 2- and I- connected conductors. Various critevia are given to check thr validity of the solution of the problem of the distribution function, and a number of examples are worked out. (Abstractor's notes Complete translation.] Card 1/1 20998 8/058/61/000/005/006tt50 AOO1/AlOI 0 AUTHOR:' DruzhkinLA, TI M : On the problem of photon structure and red shift PERIODICALi Referativnyy zhurnal. Pizika, no 5, 1961, 73, abstract 5B203 ("Uch. zap. Movgorodsk. goe. ped. in-t", 1960, v 1, 3 - 35) TMCT: A hypothesis is described according to which the photon is not an elementary particle but is composed of two particles of equal mass and charge differing by the sign only. The results obtained are applied to the problem of red shift in the spectrum of light coming to Earth from remote sources and to the problem of the so-called vector photoeffeot. [Abstracter's notel Complete translation.] Card 1/1 DRUMIN, lor Alakeandrovich; LnTIXMOI VIktor Gavrilovich; '7----7xTMMYK- NAZAR07A, A.S., (Radio electronics and flights into outer space] Poletr v koemos i radloolaktronika. Koskva. Izd-vo wZnenie,m 1962. 45 p. (Veavolusnoo obehchestvo po rasprostranouiiu politi- chankikh I nauchnykh snanii. Ser.9, Meika I khimlia, no.24) - OaRA 1512) (Radio) (Space flight) DRUZHKIN, Lev Aleksandrovich; GONCHARENKO) V.M.,, red. (Problems in field theoryl, Zadachi teorn polia. Mo- skva, Moak. in-t radioelektroniki 1, gornoi elektrome- khaniki. Pt.l. 1963. 170 p. (MIRA 17:9) ACCESSION NR: AT4016601 S/2556/63/000/034/0037/0041 AUVOR: Druzh1cin, L. A. TITLE: Concerning the red shift SOURCE: Vaosoyuznoyo astronomo-goodesichookoys obshchestvo, Byulleton', no. 34, 1963, 37-41 TOPIC TAGS: astronomy, red shift, light spectrum, photon, complex photon, rela- tivistic particle, physics, gravity field, star, universe, Metagalaxy, Doppler effect. A13STRACT: On the basis of reviewed evidence it is postulated that the red shift is not the result of the Doppler effect and an attempt is made to find a new ex- planation. The red shift in thelight spectrum from distant sources can be ex- plained by postulating that the photon is not an elementary particle, but con- sists of two relativi;tic particles of identical mass and charge, differing only in simn (L. A. DruzWcin, Uchenyye zapiski Nov.-orodskogo gos.'ped. inta, 1, No. 1, 196o). In a coordinate system moving together with a photon, such a -pair'of components should move in the same closed trajectory. In that coordinate system in which the light Rource-is at rest the trajectories of motion of the photon Card 1/3 ACCESSION NR: AT/1016601 components will not be closed and will be virtually infinite. The photon moves in a'gravity field which slows down the motion of the photon components around .*-their common center. This braking, called gravitational friction, can be con- ceived of as the effect of some source of electromotive force within the contour formed by the motion of the charges - the photon components - in their common trajectory in the coordinate system moving together with the photon. The most appreciable red shift should occur when a light ray passes in the immediate vi- cinity of a star. It therefore is possible to check by observations the red shift which should occur vhen,a light ray passes near the sun. It also'is pos- sible to measure the red shift in the light spectrum arriving at the earth from the sun. In this case the total effect of two red shifts should be observed. One has a purely relativistic nature and can be attributed to the gravitational effect of the solar mass on its atoms at the time of their emission of photons. This phenomenon has been studied adequately and can be computed on the basis of known theories of space, time and gravitation. The second red shift, attributable to complexity of structure of the photon and gravitational friction, occurs an the relatively short path of photons from the sun to the earth. Its value is approximately half as great as the.shift which occurs for photons of stellar Card 2/3 ACCESSION NIL: Avjoi66ol origin, passitil., near the sun. However, loss of half the bffect should be com- pensated uultiply by an increase of observation time and exposure time during tho photographic process, since such observationo'can be made on any sunny day, not just durinm. eclipses. The red shift will be different in different parts of the spectrum, minimal for fra-1 quanta and maximal for radio waves. The formulas and method preevnted also ean be used to find the shift resulting from the gra- vitational effect on a phobon of the mass of stars in the Metagalaxy, but this is difficult since the mean donsity of matter in the universe is unknown. "The au- thor thanks A. F. Bogorodskiy, S. V. Drozdov and V. A. Krat for discussion of the paper and valuable comments". Orig. art. has: 23 formulas and I table. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskoye otdeleniye VAGO (Hoscow Division, VAGO) SMMITTED: OODec6O DATE ACQ: 24Feb64' ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: AS NO REF SOV: 008 OTWM: 001 Card 3/3 DRUZHKIN, Lev Alekaandrovicb; GOnCHARWOO VA., rod, [Problems in field theory] Zadachi teorii polia. Moskva, Moak. in-t radioelektroniki i gomoi elektromekhaniki. Ft.3. 1964. 68 p. (MIRA 17s12) DRIMM11) DW Aleakoandrovl(-Ji; GONCHARENKO, V-M--, 'el. (Problems In field the,,ry] Zada,,Yl tciri! l,c--"-a, 1.11ork. In.-t radioe~ektronik! A g:irn:~:. Pt. 2. .19 (4 .1?0 p. (M:?!~ L 42873-66 EVIT(l) ACC NRt AR6017220 SOURCE CODE:" UR/0058/65/000/012/BOII/BOII AUTHOR* Druzhkin, I.A. ORG: none TrrLE: Potential and electric field of charged conductors SOURCEs Ref. zh. Fizika, Abs. 12BI20 REF SOURCE: Tr. po teorii polya, vyp. 1, 1964, 12-18 TOPIC TAGS: distribution function, electric potential, electric field, electric conductor ABSTRACT! Expressions have been derived for distribution functions of the electi charge on conductors of various shapes and for potentials and electric fields, with the functions taken into account. [Translation of abstract] [NT] SUB CODE: 20/ SURN. ! H i. uto5t-ot -,-,.,-1'q1L__jJF(c) - - ACC NRt AR6017567 SOURCE CODE: UR/0196/66/000/001/AOIO/AO10 AUTHORt Druzhkin L. A. TITLE! On the problem of selecting the proper form for vector-parametric equations in solving electrostatic problems SOURCE: Ref. zh. Elcktrotekhnika i energetika, Abs. 1A76 REF SOURCE: Tr. po teorii polya, vyp. 1, 1965, 76-88 TOPIC TAGS: electric theory, electrostatic field ABSTRACT: The author considers the boundary condition which gives a zero value for the tangential component of the electric field on the surface of a conductor as a criterion for proper*selection of the form of vector-parametric equations in solving roblems. Differential expressions are derived for the distribution functions of the charge on the surface of a conductor which eliminate the necessity for integral criteria. Bibliography of 8 titles. From the summary. [Translation of abstract] SUB CODE: 09 ,Card 1/1 be UDC: 537,212 L 07858-67 EwT (1) 'ACd NR, AR6017563 SOURCE CODE: UR101961661000100IIA0091AO09 AUTHOR: Druzh1tin, L. A. TITLE: Electric f ild ~nd potential of charged conductors SOURCE: Ref. zh. dekirotekhnika i energetika, Abs, IA69. REF SOURCE: Tr. po%edrii polya, vyp. 1, 1964, 12-18 TOPIC TAGS: electric fleld, electric potential, electric theory ABSTRACT: Expressions iare derived for the distribution functions of electric charge on conductors of various shape as won as expressions for,the potential-, and electric fields vith these functions, Bibliography of 8 titles. FrrA the simmaryt [Translation of abstract3 SUB CODE: 09 ACC NRt AP60-2183.0 SOU.RCS-CODE U,!f/0)jY)/66/ooo/ol2/01A/0155-! INVENTORS: Druzhkin, V. I.1 Ignatlyev, Ve Pe; Konovalovj A. S.; Sotnikov, V, A,j iTiratsuyan, . 14. ORG: none TITLS: A method for trinning a diamond tool in a metallic binder. No. 18309h Glass 679 SOURCE: Izobreteniyaj promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znakil no. 12, 19669 154-155 TOPIC TAGS: diamond, metal cutting, abrasive ABSTRACT: This Author Certificate presents a method for trimming a diamond tool in a metallic binder. To prevent damaging and dulling of abrasive grains, tile tool to be worked on is connected to the positive polo of a current source. The greased surface of the tool is connected through flat electrodes to the negative pole of the same source (see Fig. 1). This surface receives streams of the electrolyte (for instance, the aqueous solution of sodium chloride) which anodically decomposes the metallic binding so as to make it assume the desired profile of the tool. uDc; 621.922'.022;621.9,047-7 ACC NRs AP6021830 i. I;4 Fig. 1. 1 - t001; 2 flat eloctrcde Orig. art. has: 1 figure. so CODE: 131 SUBM DATE: 22Aug64 41r 2/2 ---1 - - DRUZHKOP B. Do: Me formation of the concept of energy In the elec- tricity course in the tenth class of Intermediate school-* Kiev Stite Pedagogical Inst imeni It. M. Gorlkiy. Kiev, 1956. (Dissertation for Degree of Candidate in Pedagogical Sciences). SO: Knizhnua jetopia',, No 23,, 1956 PONCMAMAp M.Iop aspirant; DRUZHKO, Voyasp voterinarnyy feltdoher Treating mastitis in swine* Voterinarile, 42 no,7:86-87 JI 165, (MIRA 18:9) 1, Poltavokiy sellskokhozyaystvennyy institut, so so to so egg sill 00w of 0' -40 oil -so -so !.so '00 .00 Ddq* k Opmadd ftd ad Ndbaft of Ftem6a -00 Tbsm A. A. Dru.OMY. (KAah"LMMAY& 8t&l- Woo 14-17) A law nu-ber of cleferu. aw-h a& P. woo warlation In thickurva, surfam tic-fects, chm" n mochmical p"Wertles Aing the length of the oWp md malkS. an dimcumd, fopther with C40ft and metho& of Furentim thern. 6*0 MIALLUftCAL U110ATUM CLAIWICATION & 11 1AILTIO Uli i ipipl-v wai 64 sit mum tin 0 0 0 0 a 0 * 0 0 4 0 * 0 a 'I * g 0 0 0 4 46 :is 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 goo 400 'use -200 94~ we* so $A A I I rw 0 a 4 1 w 0 O"t 000*00000000006000A o 0 fee 0 00 0 0 6 a * 0 0 0 0 tio 0 0 0 9 0 0 . 0 l r ' 1 e o a C IEP 6 14 a I. a b F4 a I I w as 1 A-to A 1 01 11 L goo 'sim 17311)9"IITAIR .411 *oil 1,31411111113 SP w I S as or goo goo 0 0 16 0 I r1 0 *X * 0 Iasi 11::: 'N"o PI 111-W ).a 1111.1 v lit fire; 's" " " ' llsit Vt as: -111 4 I V It jAw"I A.M11111 1pik, -1--asall AlM-AM goo -11131jill owl -.i~l.daj lossiA.. ul AijjdvI-!iv%un J, of III Milt AmN* ',(P,' o7. III 11(sul 1"14-114,111110111-141"! 0 o: 11, .,rlls -will tv) lualtwullp tqtat qlfxl a 00 V, ~ I.uo . .4 i"%;. 41,11P.N ".:'T t o o- 41-1 lftl,l a sit , lit 4"N .11 1 '. lit I,k1l.llJ %1A.mul $-lit 111.11 IN 41 so '11. it Ssuml pass *,j) ..I!m p. ill, tit pain Am 111.1tu.11-1114111 * 00 1v In 'Wrol 11.3,1111. 1 Ij! 00-1 is OulAs last.PIP-Plo) T4111,11,13 1904 10 tacalptopaid attL 00 i -6 - ----- _--_.___.i__-_______ . 00 00- 1- sall.j.og# ~. It's %aid. Q., ? oblosa., alit 0 LT-11 I I - f I , F a r-TTA A- Vat I I-F" T-y-r-W-1-11 III A-'J, L a X P 2 S I I V V I V A I I AA 0 (A &V 9t1 --X, 00 A: go, :00 04 -00 00 Waft of am4nwm 0" WIN &ad c4lib"tod ded .019 "A he pois- , A. A. Dmakhav. SW 8. %',,. '. -00 IM 1. n' V.-The Chiol 00 a news and defects wTurring in These praducts and tho-ir -00 riluu-s are dimeaw". R. ff., the brat-Irmiment ii rr- oo If, 00 I spl"Mr for eMns" In stniettife and In nwh. prnpritiri; 00 or. ,tw mrch. working is reWxWbit for flakri. fiamirr%. hAir X00 00 j Marks, wariona murfact Irregularities. inwcurark~ in =00 00 0; exteml (am and erm section, etc.: moting 14 mpyn- silk for Intruslatim. piping. larlusions, curing, liqualim. tic.; while pickling Is respensibler for surf4m brittlene4q. Z*e 0 raffersim. etc. Suggestions are given for preventing thew rronditiom. M. 0. Mom 00 V ago 00 1 300 so f 0 0 r q-1- -4-t5- too * a Ita 41see's 0 ~ 'a' re! i~,*,-*-Oooo*ooooooooooo00000000000000000000000000-,A 137-58-4-7020 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 4, p 103 (USSR) AUTHOR: Druzhkov, A. A. TITLE: -C-m-RWn-ini-g-o-f-Steei Strip and Trends of its Improvement at the im. V. M. Molotov Rolling and Wire-and-cable Mill (Kholodnaya prokatka stallnoy lenty i puti yeye sovershenstvovaniya na sta- leprokatnom i provolochno-kanatnon, zavode im. V. M. Molotova) PERIODICAL: Metallurgiya. Moscow- Leningrad, AN SSSR, 1957, pp 95-103 ABSTRACT: Descriptions of cold rolling (R) mills (M) installed at this plant are presented, and descriptions of major measures taken to in- crease the outputs of these M and to improve the quality of the product. A reversing four-hi8h M, having working rolls (R0) 100 and 150 mrn in diameter, a body length of 400 mm, and a R speed of 10 m/sec, has been installed to R strip of not over 0.2 mm in thickness and 180-300 mm in width. There is also a re- versing four-high M with RO 55 and 70 mm in diameter and back- up RO 260 mm in diameter. The M rolls strip down to 0.05 mm at a rate of 6.0 m/sec. Three 12-roll M with working RO of 38 Card 1/3 mm diameter, intermediate backup RO of 50 mm diameter, and 137-58-4-7020 Cold Rolling of Steel Strip and Trends of its Improvement (cont. ) backup rolls of 120 mm perform the R of strip 0. 1-0.06 mm in thickness for safety-razor blades. The rate of R! is up to 5.0 m/sec. Experience has shown that these M are properly employed when rolling low-carbon, high-carbon (UIOA, U12A), and chromium (Kh05) steels, where the total reduction in 6 passes of one operation is 70 percent. There are one-, three- and five-stand edging M for the R of narrow strip. The working portions of the RO of these R should be made of hard alloys, VKIOA and VK8A. Modernzation of the e- quipmenti'of the cold rolling stock has been performed. The screw-down equip- ment of the M has been mechanized, rolling speeds have increased to 40 m/min and in some M to 60 m/min, and a special device to remove the coils from the reels has been designed and installed. Twenty nucleonic micrometer gauges have been installed. The weight of the batch in electrical annealing furnaces has been increased by lengthening the bell and the furnace by 200 mm and the annealing cycle has been shortened by high-intensity regimes with a higher furnace heating temperature in the initial period. The metal is cooled under a specially lined hood outside the furnace, thus increasing the output of the furnaces by more than 50 percent. Five type OKB-430 bell furnaces with fan blow in their lower portions have been installed. Stands have been set up be- tween the coils, and the period of heating and cooling has thus been reduced while uniform heating of the batch is assured. Disk shears have been equipped Card 2/3 137-58-4-7020 Cold Rolling of Steel Strip and Trends of its Improvement (cont. ) with DC motors and converted to 75 m/min speeds. Chromium rolls arc em- ployed for cold R M. Rolls of diameters up 70 mm are hardened by high-fre- quency currents and attain an RC hardness as high as 66. Large diameter RO are subjected to deep hardening and exhibit an HSh of 95. Polishing of RO is by abrasive wheels employing graphite fillers, with the result that the surface finish reaches class 10-12. Control of heat is attained by radioactive tagging of the strip by phosphorus p32 isotope. As a result of the measures carried out at the plant, the output per man-hour has doubled without increase in per- sonnel, rejects have been diminished from 1.5 to 0.06 percent, and class 2 re- jects have been eliminated almost completely. The wastes in the reduction of I t of metal have been reduced by 100 kg. M. Z. 1. Steel--Cold rolling-..Methods 2. Rolling mills--Characteristics Card 3/3 POTAPOVA, N.N.; KIRIKA, V.N.; F=ROVA. Z.H.; POSTNOVA, N.P.; BRUZHILOTO, A I red,; BALICIINVA, S.M., red.1 LZONOVA, L.P., tak ENconomy of the city of Vladimir; statistical collection] Narodnoe khosialstvo goroda Vladimira; statistichoeW ebornik. Vladimir, Vladimirskoe knishnoo izd-vo. 1958. 38 p. (MIRA 12:12) 1. Vladimir (Province) Oblautnoye statistichaskoys upraylaniye. 2. Statieticheskoye upravleniya Vladimirskoy oblasti. (for Potapova, Kirina, Fedorova, Postnova). 3. Nachallnik statisti- cheskogo upravleniya Vladimirskoy oblasti (for Druzhkov). (Vladimir-Stat is tics) ~,PUZHKOVg A,N9, redel OHWJMANOVA, Z.T,, tokha,red, - [1conomy of Vladimir Province; a statistical manual] Nerodnos khosiaietvo Vladistrokoi oblasti: statisticheskii abornike Gerikil, Goo, stat. Lid-yo, 1958. 171 P- (HIR& 11iQ 1. Vladimir (Province)* Statigticheskoye upravleniyao 2e Ibchall- nik Statistichaskogo upravleniya (for Drushkov) (Vladimir Province-Statistics) MALYGINp S.A., kand.vaterinar.nauk; DRUZHKOVO I.D.; SMIRMOV, A.P. Rabies in cattle. Vetarinariia 39 no.9j22-23 S 162. (MIRA 16tlO) 1. Gorikovskaya nauchno-issledovateliskaya voterinarnaya stantsiya (for Malygin). 2, Glavnyy voterinarnyy vrach Naruksovskogo, rayons. (for Druzhkov). 3. Starshly veterinarnyy vrach veterinarnogo otdela Gortkovskogo oblastnogo upravleniya proizvodstva i zagotovok sel'skokhozyaystvennykIT produktov (for SmIrnov). UMMOV, I.S. We multiply our successes In production. leg.prom. no.8:19-21 Ag 147. (MM 6:11) 1. Zavod NO-3 MW- (Clothing industry) MUZHKOVj M. 0. CMWINOV, A.A., 1nshener; DMHKOV, N.G.. inshaner. Transport of large-91se building panels by truck. Gor.khos.14ook. 28 no.5:36-39 MY 134.c MIRA 7:6) (Motor trucks-Trailer~) RAZUVAYEV, G.A.; ZHILfTSOV, S.F.; DRUMM, O.N.;.PETUKHOV, G.G.. Oxidaiion of alkyl organomercurv compounds. Dokl. AN SM 152 no.3:633-636 3 163. (MIRA 16i12) 1. Nauchno-inaledovatellskiy institut khimii pri Gorlkovskom gosudarstvennom universitete im. N.I.Lobachevskogo. 2. Chlen-korrespon- dent AN SSSR (for Razuvavev), RAZUVAYEV, G.A.; PETUKHOV, G.G,.; KAPLS, Yu.A.; PRUZUKOV, C.N. Reactions of organomercury and organolead compounds studied by the isotopic and mass-spectrometric method. Dokl. AN SSSSR 152 no.5s 1122-1125 0 163. (MIRA l6tl2) 1. Chlen-korrespondent AN SS3R (for Razuvaysv). 11, 1.1. t-I , _~ I , . ,i. VA!.T,', 1. 1., and DRU-MKOV, 11. N. "Not- ~'-Iulpicnt f(,,-- C,),,bj!ting Fo~o-,; .-ind Dlsca~.:C!j of Fruit," lln-+niL- PInjavn-Tn,?nlnya Kulltua no. 5, 1",40, 11,; , 1~-' 7(J, .;0: 3IRA) 61 ~)O-,'3, 15 December l(,)lj3 .j RAZUVAYEV, G.A.; MILITSOV, S.F.; DRUZ11K.OV, O.N.; PETUMM, u.G. Interaction of diisopropybnerdury with chloroform and carbon tetrachloride. Dokl. AN SSSR 156 no. 2093-395 My 164. (KRA 17:7) 1. Nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut khimli pri Gorlkovskom goesudarstvannom universitete imeni U.I.Lobachovskogo. 2. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Razuvayev). ALEKSANDROV, Yu.A.; DRUMM$ O.N.; MILMOV, S.F.; il.IZLFJAf--.V, G.A. . . . . . . . .-- 1. I - certain regularities in the liquid phase oxidation of Uisopropyl- morcury by o7ygen. Dokl. U] SSSR 157 no.6;1395-1398 Ag 164. 041f?l 17:9) 1. Chlen-ko"espondent AN SSSH (for Razuvayev). PAZZU IAYEV. G.A.; DIIUZHKOV, O.N.; MILtTSOV, S.F.; H7!*,";;t '! , ~.~ Themal decompositiox of organomerury comi.ound',3 -dr. containing solvents. Part 1: Decomposition of in benzene. Zhur. ob. khim. 35 no.1:174-171' Ja 1, ~. 16:~) RLZUVAYEV, G.A.; PETtrKHOV, G.G.; TITOV, V.A,j DRUZHKOVp O.N. Reaction of triphe,ylbimuth'with benzene. Zhur. ob. khIm. 35 no.31481-484 Mr 065. (KRA 18:4) RAZUVAYEV, G.A.; ZHILITSOV, S.F.; ALEKSANDROV, Yu.A.; LRUZEKOV, 0.11. Preparation and certain properties of isopropyl mercur7 isopropylate. Zhur. ob. khim. 35 no.7%1152-1156 Jl 165. (M2RA 18-8) GAIJULINAP R.F.; [;F.[J';'IIKOV, O.N.; FETUK110, r,.",.; I'T'INAYFIV, G.A. Oxidation of diphenylzlnc in chicroform, and ctirbon tetrachloride. 2hur. ob. khm. -35 J1 165. (MIRA 18:8) !1~11 ' IV I" - I L". ~'~ I ' , , _. - ,, . 0.~J.; ZHTT '0~1' Yu.A.; DRUZEK V L- -1 ~ A. KAneUcs rind mechanism of the liquid-phftse ox1dation of d.llsopropylmercury. Zhur. ob. khim. 35 no.P:1440-1U.7 Ag 165. (MIRA 28:6) RAZVAYEVP G.A.; DRTMOV, O.N.1 7.11111TSOV, S.Y.; PETURFC1, M. ... Isotope and mass spectrometric method of studying tMe reaction of di- pheny1mercury with alcohols. Dokl. All S.Mlt 163 no.IsII9-122 J1 165. (MAA 180) 1. Nauchno-i a sled ovat,3 11 9k iy Institut khimti pri Gorlkovskom go-sudarst- vennom universitete Im. N.1. Lobar hevskogo. 2. ChIF~n-korr,?.3pondent AN !')!IIR (for Razavayev) . ()*Us TAM,DKOVV V.AOQTEI,~~#~ Study of the produots of midbivg oatoaYtic I --,Witq -M of a272423WI kWdrOPWMI&s W MOMM Of c"m lootope 03S. Truo pa Xhimel Immotem, noel'15-W NIPA 2&32) L SubdUed August 301, 3963. L 1037~-67 EVIP(j )/EVIT~M) RIM1,41_ ACC NR: AP7003053 SOURCE CODE: UVG079/6&j036/GG5/G914/G916 AUTH'OR: Patumov, G. G.; Svirezhav a, S. S.;Druzhkov, 0. N. W,.G: nono TITLZ; Zien7al decomposition of tri.Syclohe~c)~Isilan 'band tricxc-ia,~I~M~~n~W~e SOUNIE: Zhurnal obshchoy khimil, v. 36, no. 5, i966, 914-916 TOPTIC TAGS: silano, thermal docompo5ition AMI"RACT: 'Lie thermal decomposition of tricyclohoxysilano at 600-6500 and tricyclohexy.-arTiane at 400-4500 was studied. The main decomposition products of tzicyclolic:~ylsilana were methane, ethanev benzene, carbon, silicon, and highly condonsed compourids, containing cyclohaxyl rings; no hydrogen was present in the decomposivion products. Me basic decomposition products of tricyclohoxylGarnzzie a::Q cycloilexamo, benzene,, germanium, cyclohexone, and highly condensed I Compounds containing cyclohoxyl rings. It was proposed that the thermal decom- Position of tricyclohoxylailane and tricyclohoxylgarmano occurs in stages according to a hydride -mechanism, accompanied by secondary processes of conversion of the reaction produc~ts formed (hydrogenation, dehyiropolymrization, condensation). Orig. art. has; 1 table. CJ~RSY SUB CODE: 07 / SUBM DATEt 201ayO / ORIG REFt 003 OTH REFt 003 Cord MUZHKOV..-Y..~nauchnyy.sotrudnik; STEPANOV, V., nauelmyy sotrudnik; ~KHOIbBAYEV, To.,, nauchnyy aotrudnik Mining thick stseply~--dipping deposita. Prom.Arm. 4 no.1:42-49 ja 161, (MIM 14:6) 1, TSentrallnyy nauchno-tasladovatellskly gornonratvedoehnyy inotitut ts"tnyM rodkikh i blagorodnykh metallov. (Mining engineering) a Z5 " i K~ Cl, V,- V 44, YANDICIN, Gol., kandidat lookhnichoskikh nauk- TaMIMOT T.Ao, Inshoner, ~~ Outting chain with glarp cuts oloaants, Ugoll 29 no,5:43-44 Ky 134.. OWU 7:6) 1. Vassoyusnyy nauckao-iteledovatellakly ugollnyy Institut. (Coal-adning nachinery) lit Rig .15 I 1133j] It Nu 1h ZHDANOVAt Ye.A.; DOYACHENKO, P.F.; otv. red.; MAMLOVA. U.S., tekhn. red. -- (Ferment prepe.rations in the dairy industry]Fermentnye preparaty v molochnoi pronyahlennosti. Moskva, TSentr. in-t m'Achno-tekhn. informataii pf.shchevoi promyshl., 1962. 61 p. (KIRA 160) (Dairi produo-,s) (Fermentation) --T~ ~ - " IL 1 1 k t,- L Z I-K ATAINAMM, A.; A1!AJQLUN, I.; BrCMW, T.; IMB310TA, L.; Mi Ilk, K.; ZAKHAROTA, L.1 OCIUM, T.; RA=1K',--w.-1rSPa%"jaT, T.1 YBM- KIN, I.; WILIMONOT, L.; TSIMMLOT, G.; SHEEDYAN, R.; SMIN, X. Letter to %'h9 editor. Neft.khes. 33 no.6:92 D 155. (MIaA 9: 9) (01.1 well drilling--Xquipment and supplies) DRUZHKOVAp L,149 Refining the formula for calcu3ating the capaoity of a hydrocyclons. 14aah. i nift. obor. no.90-11 164. (MIRA 17:11) 1. Gosudarstvannyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy i proycktnyy institut neftyanogo mashinostroyeniya. DRUZIfKOVAO L.M. Preprihj,, drilling fluid from dry muds with the rimlteneouo use of a hydrocyclone and a hydraulic funnel. Burenie no.8:14-16 164. 18:5) (MIRA 1. Gosuearstvennyy nauchno-Issledovatel'skiy i proyektnyy institut neftyancigo mashinostroyenlya. DW=OrMY, 2. 1 - -- ----. mommorm" I IV.,, Resilient mping I center. Stanot instr. 24 no.12:34-35 D t53. (MLBA 7:1) (ftchins tools) WSH/Endneering Tools Card 1/1 Author Title Periodical Absttract Institution Submitted Druzhkovskly, Z. I. Simplified Geometric Configuration of Cutters. I Stan. i Instr. Ed. 1. 33-34, Jan/1954 The author presents simplified methods A'or the calculation.of cutting edge angles, points out various shortcomings in a cutter designed by V. A. Kolesov, and presents a new design of a cutter which, in his opinion, is more adaptable for high-speed cutting. DrA;4ing. t #fee*$@ .DRUZHDVO G. The co-called pancoast tuzor. Suvrem. mad., Sofia 8 no.9tlO6-109 1957, 1. Iz nauahnolsoledovatelskila Institut po tuberkulosa - Soflia Direktar: doo. Sto Todorov. (PANGOiST STUMMI, differ, diag.) DRUZIN, AN. - "W" ~ I - I.'scisture nf gome Ljojj,~, of tle easterm Eurof~ean fcrrp:,t turdra. Probl. Sev. no.8:23C-246 164. (MIRA 17:1.1) 1. 'fSentral.Ilirf lauzey pochvovedeniya imeni Dokuchayeva, Leningrad. Bl,,?/B20T AUTHORSt Maklyayev, P. L., Druzin, M. I., and Palagina, I. V. TITLEt Eaters of phosphoric acids with different radicals. I. Synthesis of dialkyl phosphites with different radicals PERIODICALt Zhurnal obehohey khimii, V. 31, no. 3, 1961, 895-897 TEM Dialkyl.phosphites with different radicals havehitherto not been des- oribed, with the exception of the four representatives of this class obtained by ester interchange of the diethyl ester of phosphorous acid (yield of 35-4%). The authors describe a new synthesis of these dialkyl phosphites by reaction of the respective alcohol with alkyl dichloro phosphite and simulta- neous removal df hydrogen chloride from the reaction mixturet RO-P.I~ 1 + 2R'OH RO "**~P01110+ RPC1 + HC1. 01 R'Oz R Due to the high reactivity of the halogen atom in alkyl dichloro phosphitep Card 1/3 2304 S/079/61/031/003/007/013 21084 S/079J61/031/003/007/013 Esters of ... B11/B207 this reaction proceeds extremely vigorously under certain conditions, separat- ing alkyl halide and hydrogen chloride. The yield in unsymmetric dialkyl phosphites is 65-75~.. To avoid ester interchange of the dialkyl phosphitest it is necessary to use an alkyl diohloro phosphite, whose alkoxy radical contains*qo"...oarbon atoms than that of the alcohol used in the reaction. Temperature Wd a rapid aeparati 0 of hydrogen chloride at low temperature by blowing through dry air in vac4, are of great importance. The mixed dialkyl phosphites of higher alcohols must be distilled in a high vacuum to avoid ester interchange since heating at high temperature leads to a mixture of products. A table lists the obtained dialkyl esters of phosphorous acid. They are mobile, weakly smelling liquids which are readily soluble in organic solvents but only slightly In water. The compounds obtained were used to synthesize chloro phosphates,- and phosphates with different radicals. There are I table ana 2-.referencest I Soviet-bloc and I non- Soviet-bloc. The reference to the English-language publication re as fol- lowst 0. M. Xosolapoff, J. Am. Chem. Boo. U, 4989 (1951). IV SUBMITTEDt March 1, 1960 Card 2/3 21= S/079J61/031/003/007/013 Esters of B118/B207 TomMCP#TYPA - % Af RA 11111141111 14 o 211 d2 MD - r4,1 HO Al ( , C211 so (c,11, Poll 71-730(2) 1.018 1.416 ISM, J8.fRI 18.63 41.07 41A 09 C21130 tr~l 17 )POI 114-116(t) .903 1.42A 13.93 59.33 59.47 65 %,411 0 Wsl 110) POI 112-1 14 (OA 0.052 1.431 12.B. 12.1 12.37 M.0i MAKI 6.4.5 C411 0 : cjtI'jo 1 l 1101 , 120-1 1 9) 2 0.973 1.420 14,78.10.5 14AS !4,14 54A 74.3 410) (r l 130 Poll 1 MR-1 10 0.31 0.9570 1.4 . 2q IM2 6:1.6.3 6.1.41 73S 1130- 1130- ~ -G RT II 11011 0)POll 105-107 0.2) 111 113 U 2 11.9.%15 1 1 942 1,431 420 1 12.60,12M M) 1 t 12,17 11 72 67.92 72;3 M.M 72 64 M 525 .5 11 . A I7 - . , I " . . 83 3111,0 (IL-COP-70)PO 1l 120-121 0 948 0 : 1:432 : 1154, 11.6,41 - t 1.721 72.2 72.041 75.0 ' Legend to Table er a t 2) boiling point (pressure in found, lef d 4) caloulated, y t 6 iso-. ~ Card.3/3 MAKLY.AYEV, F.L..; .; PAIAGINA, I.V. Esters of phoaphoma acido with diffe thesis of dia3kyleblorophoophates and different radicals. Zhur. ob. khim. (Phosphoric acid) nt radicals. Part 2. Syn- t,ailkyl phosphates containing 31 ro.4:1312-1315 Ap 161. (MIRA 14:4) -A MAKMUVI F.L.; DRUZIN,..X.jv; PAIAGINA, I.V. Estero of phosphorus aoids with different kirmi of radicals, Part 3: Synthesis of alkyl phosphonateo vith different kind of radicalse Zhurob.khimo 31 no.6s2012-2013 je 161. (MIRL 14:6) (Phosphonic acid) MULYAIEV, F.L.;_DBDZI"M I.; PAIAGINA,, I.V.; ALEKSANDROVA, R.Ya.; MOKHCDTSEVAp VA.; KHAMIDULINAp R.A. Eaters of phosphorus acids with different radicals. Part 4: Synthesis of alkylar7l phosphites, ohloro- and,fluorophosphates. Zhur,ob.khim. 32 no,10:3421-3425 0 162. (MIRA 15:11Y (Phosphorus acids) (Estero) 1. DRUZINI V. V. 2. LssR (6w) - L. Kamchatka Peninsula - Vegetable Gardening 7. Vegetable gardening in the Kamchatka River valley. Sad I og. No* 10, 1952. I January 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, 1953. Unclassified. 004295 -coma --u* 41661000161 1//Bb 22/B0_2_~__1 ACC NRt kR7 S 07JRC 02 Koganor, S. E.; Leonov, V. A. AUTHOR: TITLS: Display of color stereo pictures on an electron-boam tube with rotating screen SOURCE: Rof. zh. Radiotekhnika :1 alektroavyazi, Abs. 11B174 REF SOTj'RCE:"Tr. Nauchno-tekhn. konforentsli Leningr. elektrotokhn. in-ta svyazi, vyp. 1, 1965, 66-76 TOPIC TAGS: radar, color tv, tv receiver ABSTRACT: An electron-beam tube with the rotating screen whose both sides are coated with different phosphors permits obtaining two-color stereo pictures. Clear colors occur when the picture is scanned on one side of the screen. In order to obtain intermediate colors, the beam is gated twice during each revolution of the screen; the chrominance ot the resulting picture is determined by the ratio of brilliances of the fundamental colors. The principles are considered of-obtaining color pictures in the rotating-screen tube with red and green phosphors; the tube is intended to operate as a radar scope. The conditions of displaying constant- brightness celor pictures are determined by means of a colorimetric analysis. An experimental verification included a magnetic-deflection tube equipped wit-h deflection-pulse shapers, a switching-voltage shaper, mixers, a sawtooth-voltage generator, output stages, comparison units, and amplifier stages. To obtain multi- ACC NRs AR7004295 A coloi~ picture, the fluoroacence channel is complemented by'chrominance switches, by fluoroscence-pulse Bhapers, and a mixer. Four figures. Bibliography of 2 titles. . N- S- [Translation of.abstract3 SUB CODE: 09# IT Ccuntry : ussH T Cateciory: hwnn and 74iii.ial 17,.ysiclocy. Fhysik-1-,L:y of Labor ana ai)--rt. Abs Jour: RZhDiul., Nu 19, 1958, 09316 AuLlaor Fitakhelauri, Z.O.; Owibashidze, G.M., .Druz'ka, G.F. Inst - I-Nm"b"Awl" Title Sanitary ana Fy~,ianic Conditi-ne rf Wcrl- wA' RadicactivL- Is t,.pes. OriG Pub.- V ob.; Tr. l-.t?.-J;avkazsk koaferuaitsii ,,. ;-cd, radicl. Thil:Lsi, Giumedriz, 1956, 224-229 Abstz-act: No #*tract. Card : 1/1 DRUZKIN, B. M. I TROCHNSKIY, E. I. 30482 Sborka shtsangoutnykh ram ryadhnykh sudov evarnoy I kompozitnoy konstruktaii. Ryech. transport,, 1949, No 5, S. 22-23. SO: LetoFisl No. 34 ... 1, r., 1. 1 . ., . . L; i ~ ; , L . , Ii , .i . '~ -X., r d "~ I - :; -~ i~ r t ~. 11 1 c, r i :11 U --:3 v L).ab -, ~- t i C;,l i; i "" i iclj;io t t t '. -~l I ; , t L . 1, ~; ~ Z. "I ~. Ic i , - ~ c ", ~" f " - a.." L--l ~ -1 ti-.trd ". li. ia;rxilov, 29 Jw', 5".. (Itc-nerny.,%,.-i 21 ~'" .14, ,~- : ji3, 2i ~;cc 1',--54 S/120/61/000/002/023/042 4~0 00 -(,44itZ60-V~01ST /01/0, 1601 ffir?) E073/E535 AUTHORS: Subashiyev, V. K. and Druzyak, N. P. TITLEt Milliwattmeter with Hall Sensors PERIODICALs Pribory i tekhnika eksperimenta, 1961 'A No.2, p.125 TEXT: A milliwattmeter is described which is designed for measuring the power developed by a photocell. The instrument consists of an electromagnet 9 (Steel-3, 100 x 70 x 30 mm, 2500 turn&, 11 Ohm) producing a 1000 Oe field with a 10 mA current in a 0-5 mm gapi a Hall sensor A (n-type germanium of 20 Ohm cm resistivW)j a galvanometer V with a scale of 0 to 80 mW, 1.6 x 10' A/mm sensitivity, a 100 Ohm resistance;,a milliammeter A; a millivoltmeter V and a 1.5 V battery 6. An n-type germanium Hall sensor is glued into the gap. Its resistivity (P = 20 Ohm cm) is large enough to ensurethehigh resistance of the sensor (2 kOhm) that is necessary for reducing the shunting effect of the parallel connected photo-c el 1. The voltage transformation coefficient of the sensor is 2% at H - I kOe. The battery, which is connected into the circuit by the switch K, enables loading the photocell with almd varyingbetween R1+R2+R1) (switch K open)and zero (with K closed Card 1/4 2" Milliwattmeter with Hall Sensors S/120/61/000/002/023/042 E073/E535 and the battery connectadviih the correct polarity). R 1 and R2 are potentiometers and a resistance R is provided for balancing out the nonequivalence of the Hall elehrodes. Since the magnetic field of the electromagnet its proportional to the current of the photocell and the voltage of the photocell is applied to the current leads of the Hall pick-up, the galvanometer readings will be proportional to the product of the current and voltage supplied by the photocell. Before beginning the measurements, the non- equivalence of the Hall electrodes has to be compensated by means of the resistance R # ioe. the galvanometer has to be set to zero. The compensation is Iffected with the photocellilldminated and the magnetic circuit open. Following that, the current circuit is closed, the battery switched on and the circuit in ready for making the measurements. By operating the resistance R I and R , the maximum power generated by the photocells can be determined. Tfiereby, the milliammeter and the millivoltmeter determine the current and voltage values at the optimum point of the character- istic. The battery in switched into the circuit in such a way that it should produce a current in the winding R in the same Card 2/4 Milliwattmeter with Hall Sensors S/120/6i/000/002/023/o42 E073/E535 direction as the photocell; the potentiometers R and R are then adjusted to obtain'a zero voltage on the photocell in this case the curreni recorded by the:milliammeter will be equal to the short-cir-,uit current of the photocell. For determining the no-load voltage, it is sufficient to break the RA Circuit and' to break the connection between the'terminal of t e voltmeter V and the sensor a. The calibration curve of the instrument for the entire range of 0 to 80 mW is a straight,line. There is 1 figure. AS50CIATIONt Institut poluprovodnikoy AN SS9R SUBMITTEDt (Semiconductor Institute AS USSR) April 19, ig6o Card 3/4 Milliwattmeter with Hall.Sonsors -1. 1 S/12o/61/000/002/023/042 E073/E535 Card 4/4 MYACIPUY, A.;.DRUZIYAZ. F. Simplify tho systAm of production records in cit;, dairy i,,entv. Voloch, -prom. IF no.6:25-26 '57. (M:~A I C.. 6) 1. Rostovokiy molochW kombitat (for luryachlyev). 2. ramnskly mlochnyy zELvod (for Druzlyak). (Dairy. industrj+4eco=tivg) DRUZITEV, A. The basic conditlon for n sucepseful competition. Sots.trud, no.4:112-116 Ap 158. (MMA 11:4) 1. Irachallnik otdelA orgAnizateii trudA, takhnicheakogo normirovaniya I zarobotnoy platy tresta, "KrAgnodonugoll." (Donets Basin--CoAl mines and mining) -ro DRUZ!TSV, A.; DUBIWV, S., gorW lnsh.;SHEKHOVTSOV, A.; SKOODFM. V. Developing the Initiative of Nlkolai Yewi and Aleksandr tollabik, Sots.trdd 4 no-3:97-105 Mr-159.. .. ; ! - (MIRA 12-.4) 1, Yeoballnik otdola organizatsil truda i zarabotnoy platy tresta "Krasnodonugoll" (for Druslyev). 2. Nachallnik otdoln organivateii truda tresta"Kuyby9hevugol'" (for Shekhovtsov). 3. Pomosbehulk plavnogo Insheners po or anisatsil truda shakhtoupravlanlyn "Proletar" (for Skogorev5. (Coal mines and mining) (Labor productivity) - I- - - . I - - MM17EV, !*., PITSKEMAtMi., G.p and GAMBASHIDZE., G* "Senityry and Hygienic Conditions for Working vith radioactive Isotopes" a paper presented at the Transcaucesion Radiological Conferencd, Tbilisi, Nov- 55- Ti 166oo4 I. N.,: rAla~SIJILf,7E ) 01. N. and PITSSTUEELMI.-~I, S., Froi.. "Problems of Labor Hyglene in Work With Eadioactive Isotopes," a report presented at the Transcaucasian Radiological Conference, Thillai, 23-31 Oct 55. S,.w. IIG. 1047, 31 Aug 56 R V YUGOSIAVIA/Chemical Technology - Chemical Products and Their 1-6 Application. Photogmphic Materials. Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Khiraiya, No 1, 1958, 2420 Author : Drvodelic Edgar Inst ............................. Title Dependence of Maximum Density of Photographic Paper in Reflected Light on Surface Characteristics and Measurement Method. Orig Pub Kemja u industr.iji, 1957, 6, No 5, F 13- F 19 Abstract Description of the procedure of measuring the maximum blackening of photographic paper. Different conditions of illumination %nd measurement of reflected light are consi- dered. Results are given of the measurements of blacke- .ning of different papers with the unimeter of Bloch in com- bination with the polarization photometer of Martens densi- tometer, in the course of vhich the type of illuminating geam (directed .or diffused light) and angle of incidence Card 1/2 .-D k ~V,O E-4, _T C AJ ."'LUGOSLAVIA / Laboratory Equipment* F Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Khimiyag No 12,, 1958,, 39448- Author Drvodeli_ahk Inst 'Not-gi Title The Set-Up of Photoelectric Donsitometerso Orig Pub: Kemija u Industriji, 1957j No 9. F35-F42. Abstract: In measuring optical density by visual or photo- electric devices, deviations are often obtaineds which could be eliminated, should the conditions for measurements be changede The factors which have an effect upon the density values measured by a photoelectric densitometers are: the thick- ness of the opaque glass plate, temperature and intensity of the light sourcep Se-photoelement and resistance of the circuit In which the photo current is being measured. When density Is from Card 1/2 2 YUGOSLIVIA/Opties - Photography K-13 Abs Jour : Rof Zhur - Fizika, No 1; 1959., No 2295 Author : Drvodolic Edgar Inst Title ; Photoolectric Mothocla of Obtaining Photographic Images Orig Pub : KardJa u Industoriji, 1958., 7, No 2., F-15--F-16 Abstract Discussion of photoelectric methods for obtaining photo- graphic images -- xerography and the "electrofax" process. Card 1/1 97 YUGOSIAM/Analytical Chemistry. Laboratory Equipment. F Instrm=tationv ,,~,s Jnur : Rof Zhur - Khimiva. No 2. 1959. No 4924 Author : Drvodclic, Es Inst -W givon OT Title A Motoolectric Refleatiha Densitometer for YanourinC; O'onai- tonctric Suiplea of VhotoLxaphic Papers Orig Ilub KeriiJa u Industriji, 1) No 5) F-29-F-36 (1958) Abstract .1 device for the rapid and precise measurement of black and vhite sansitometric strips usc(I in the investiLmtion and pre- paration of photoGraphic paper is described, -- From a sim=- ry by the author. Card 1/1 AUTHORt Drvodeli6t Edgar YUG/2-58-12-10/19 TITLEi A Photoolootrio Color Temperature Motor with Interference Filters (Kelvimetar a interfortnoionim filtrima) PERIODICALt Komija u industrijio 1958, Ir 12l pp P-7~-F-74 ABSTRACTi The apparatus described is used for calculating the color temperature of tungsten-filament lamps or other near-gray bodies. It consist@ Of a rotating filter holder with 3 filters$ red, blue and green, backed by a selenium photo- electric cells The red and blue filters are double-band, optical interference filters. The green filter is used to adjust the spectral sensitivity of the photoelectric cell to that of the human eye, so that the apparatus may be used as a luxmotor. Color temperature is calculated by a comparison of the intensity of the light passing in turn through the red and blue filters. The photocurrent from the photo-osll is measured on a portable spot-gal- Vasameter, Measurement in made so independent as possible of variations in the intensity of lifihi so"ass ty ado justing the position between the lamp under toot and the Card 1/2 receiver section of the apparatus so as to keep one of the YUG/2-58-12-10/19 A Photoelectric Color Temperature Meter With Interference Filters deflections on the galvanometer constant. Minor errors re- sulting from non-linearity of the photoelectric call are thus eliminated. The meter was calibrated by means of a standard tungeten-filament lamp The meter has a color temperature range of 2,000 - 3,00;OK and a tolerance of t 50K. There are 3 photos and 2 graphs. ASSOCIATION; "Potokemika", Zagreb. Card 2/2 DRVODELIC Ed Densitometry of color layers. Kem ind 9 no.12:F-81-F-86 D 160. 1.,*Fotokemika"~ Zagreb, DRVODELIC, Edgar Syptems of the detorminatim of the sensivity of black--white negative. Kem ind 10 no.4sSuppl. F-33-41 Ap 161. 1. Irfotokemija", Zagreb. RWHM, R.1 DRVMUG,, Eagar [traw:Latorl Determination of the oensitometric charaoteristics of photo- grapher paper* Xemija u industriji no*5:252-264 My 162, .DRVCI)ELIC,, Edgar "Tests on the ability of color me~cW by E. Helmig. Revieved b7 94W Dryodelic. Kemije. u industriji 3.1 no.8:490-500 162. DRTMELIG p E. *A method for the evaluation of results in determining sensitivenese of black and white negative materials for simple photographing according to the DIN 4512p Blatt 1 standard" by W,, Maidinger and G. Vieth. Reviewed by E. Drvodelic. Kem ind 12 no.2:82 Fe 163* DRVODE,--149j--H4M~,-, Occurrence of static electricity in photographic films. Kem ind 12 no*2:73-78 Fe 163& 1, wFotokemikaws Zagreb, DRVODZLICS E. -~ __ _ _ _ - ,%wMNPWAft---"'W* Methods of determiniOg characteristics of optical filters used in color photegrapb7o Kom ind 12 ne.5s336-338 My 163& . . w-.,"~Ijl .." l..Fetekamikas . b, DRVODELIC, E.; KISEGI, M.; IGALYp A.; TUSEK, I.; FALL, V.; SAI-MOLIC, B. Reviews. Kam ind 12 n9.50"-348 My 163. &''l FALL, V.; SAMBOLIC, B.; DRVODELIC, E.; DRESNER, H.; KISEGI, M.; IGALY, ~. Reviews. Kem ind 12 no.8:601-606 163. DRVODELIC ., E.,.- "Color processes for the land camera" by A. A. Newmann. Reviewed by E. Drvodelic. Kem ind 12 no. 11:860-N 163. DRVODELIG, E. Sensitometric testing of color photographic paper. Kem ind 12 no.5s347-360 My 164. 1. Fotokemika., Zagreb. DRVODELICI E. Probleiit-6f color densitometry. Kam ind 13 no. 8:622-626 Ag 164. .! Analytic d6neitometry of reflection color print materials. Ibid.s626-628 Basis of the Kalvar system of photography. Ibid.:631 High-gloss drying of photographic papers. Ibid.:632 Calculator for close-ups. Ibid.s632 Altempt at critle-isu of existentliI.Analysix. Cenk. psychlat. 53 no.?I., 231-242 Sept 57. IL DRYOTA, Stanislav (Ropy u Pmhy, Karlovarska 41) . Views on schizophrenia, Important from the historical standpoint. Ces1r. paychiat. 54 no.6:400-409 Dec 58. 1. Psychiatricke. KU v Prase. (SOHIZOPHIUMU conceptual aspects (Gs)) ROUBMEK, Jiri; DRVOTI, Stanislaw Poilooybin, a now halluoinogen. Cook.psychist. 56 no.1,44-55 7 1600' I* Psychiatricks klinlim KU v Praxe. (RALTMINOGMNS Pharos ol.) (MMIS Pharmwel.) DIAMANT, J.;-:PlqCTA., St.; LANG, 0.; SIMC, J. Bxperience with laboratory evaluation of the susceptibility to anxiety. Ceek.psychiat.56 no.6:403-410 D 16o. 1. Psychiatrielm klinika a psychologicim laborator KU v Praze. (AIXIITT) HAsKOVEGO Ladislavo. DRVO`TA,, Stanislav Ne,w trends in the therapv of neuroses, based on the so-called theory of learning. Cesk. psychiat. 48 no.1:53-59 F 162. 1. Psychiatricka klinika KU v Praze. (NEUROSES ther) DRVOTL, St.; DIAKANT, J. New therapeutic methods in tic. Activ. nerv. sup. 4 no.223.66 162.. I. Vyxkwma Perchlatricks laborator psychiatricke kliniky fakulty Teebbeeneho lekar6tvi KarloV university v Praze. (TIC ther) HASKOVEC, Iadialay; DRIOTA, Stanislav New trends ih the therapy of neuroses, based on the so-called theory of learning. Cesk. psychiat. 58 no.2:108-118 Ap, '62. 1. Psychiatricka klini)m Karlovy University v Praze. (NEUROSES therapy) (UUMNG) DRVOTAJ, S. On the variability of the affect of drugei (Particularly with respect to tile effect artd haza-rds of' LSD administration). Activ. nerv. sup. 5 no.2*217..218 My 163. L Psychiatricka klinika fakulty vilabbacneho lakarstvi KU, Pralm. (LYSERGIC ACID DIETHYLAMIDE) (PSYCHrSES, TOXIC) (SUICIDE) (NEURASTHENIA)