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Ideal magnetisation curves of S/13qi6i/ooo/oo5/ooq/oi4
magnetisation In neighbouring domains. Temperature variations
with simultaneous application of a dLrect magneti-c field can give
hysteresisless magnetisation curves: however. usually these do
not coinciLde with one another, When uniform merhanizal stress is
applied, the hysteresis curves obtatned by dLfferpnt methods
coincide in th; JL_imit~
There are 5 figu.-es, I table and 22 referencemw 12 Soviet-bloc,
I Russian translation from non-Soviet publzcation, and 9 non-
Soviet.-blo,:. The Engltsh language refprenceq read as followst
Ref.2, J. Ewing, Trans, Roy. Sot.) V-31.~I,
~564, 1885,
Ref.g.: J.R. Ashworth, Ferromagnetism, Landon, 1938.
(Institute of Physics, SO AS USSR)
Krasnoyarskiy pedinstitut
fKrasnoyarsk Pedagogical Institut-)
SUBMITTED! Au."ot 1, 1960
AUTHORS: Drokin. A.I., Cherkashin, V. S., Smolin, R. P.
TITLE; Influence of ultrasound upon the Irreversible processes of magnetiza-
tion in single-crystalline nickel
PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, no. 3, 1962,5, abstract 3128
(V sb. "Primenenlye ul'traakust. k issled. veshchestva". no. 13,
Moscow, 1961, 181-187)
TEXT:l The thermomagnetic hysteresis was Investigated upon samples of
single-crystalline Ni in various orientations with respect to the rolling.
Specimens were fabricated by a multiple rolling with reduction by 90%. Rods
with rectangular cross-section were out out of the rolled strip along the direc-
tion of rolling, at an angle of 45 ,0and transversely to the direction of rolling,
and then annealed in vacuum at 1,150 and soaked at that temperature for 5 hours
and thereupon cooled together with the furnace. By using this method it was not
arrived at a total recrystallization of the specimens.. A "cubic texture" was
manifested in the specimens after the annealing. The specimens were irradiated
by ultrasonic waves with a frequency of 20 ko/s. The thermomagnetic hysteresis
Card 1/2
Influence of ultrasound ... Ao6o/AIOI
of the specimens was measured by an astatic magnetometer using the cycle heating
- cooling in the temperature range from room temperature to the Curie point.
It was established that the increase of magnetization for specimens cut out at
various angles to the direction of rolling increases as the field Increases. It
attains a maximum at a field intensity close to the coercive force, then
decreases smoothly. becoming slight at a field intensity of 20 oersteds for
specimens cut out across and along the direction of rolling; for specimens cut
out at an angle of 450 to the direction of rolling the increment of magnetiza-
tion decreases somewhat more slowly. Under the action of ultrasonic vibration
and cyclic heating and cooling there occurs an Irreversible increase in the
magnetization proceeding In fields at which the magnetization is realized on
account of irreversible displacements of the Interdomain boundaries. However,
the values of this increase differ for one and the same field intensity. At
higher field intensities the ultrasound yields a greater increase of magnetiza-
A. Rusakov
[Abstracter's note: Complete translation]
Card 2/2
0 0 D222/D308
AUTHORS: Drokin, A.I.t Cherkashin, V.S., and Smoling R.P.
TITLE: The influence of ultrasound on the irreversible pro-
cesses of magnetization in monocrystalline nickel
PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Avtomatika i radioelektronikat
no. 5, 19620 abstract 5-5-32 c (V. ab. 11rimeneniye
altraakust. k i38led. veshchestvat no. 13, filit 1961,
TEXT: The influence of ultrasounds on ferromagnetics was studied
with monocrystalline nickel specimens obtained by N.A. Bryukhatov
and G.P. D'yakov (Primeneniye ul'traakust. k issled. veshche8tva,
no* VII, izd& MOFIj M.t 1958) by the method of cold rolling with
90 01 reduction and subsequent heating at a temperature of 11500C
for 5 hours. Specimens in the form of bare of rectangular crqss-
section were cut longitudinallyl transversally-and at an angld of
450 to the direction of rolling, It was observed that the irrever-
sible growth of magnetization-under the influence of ultrasound,
and due to thermal vibrationg occurs in the region of maximal magner
Card 112 .
The influence of ultrasound on the ...
tic perme'ability. In fields of 0-5 Oe, thermal vibration gives a
great increase# and in fieldd beyond 5 Oe the ultrasound has the
greater effect* The magnetization increment curves have a maximum
at lower fields,.near the coercive force, then slowly declinet-be-
coming negligible towards 20 Oe. For specimens cut at 450P the maxi-
mum is below the others and the decline in the increment is slowere
This is explained by the course of the magnetostriction curves as
functions of the field. 3 figures# 9 references. [Abstractor's note:
Complete translation].
Card 212
q300 (aptd //q7 3/181/61/003/002/031/050
?1 , I.,F-8) B102/B201
AUTHORS: Droking As I.j Dylgerovq V. D*9 and Zolotarev, Yu. M.
TITLE: Dynamics of powder patterns on magnesium-manganese-
ferrite single crystals
PERIODICAL: Fizika tvardogo tela, v. 3, no. 2, 19619 553-557
TEXT: Results obtained from studies of the domain structure of
magnesium-manganese-farrite single crystals with a rectangular hysteresis
loop are offered within the framework of the problems concerning the
relationship between the form of hysteresis and the domain structure.
These spinel-type single crystals were grown from a solution by A. G.
Titova at the Institut poluprovodnikov AN SSSR (Institute of Semicon-
ductors AS USSR) and had the following composition: 0.5 molel,~Io Fe203 +
+ 0-4 mole~o MnO + 0.1 mole% MgO. The following temperature-time
characteristic was followed: heating from 20 to 13700C during three
hours, holding at 13700C during three hours, cooling to 12000C (rate:
6001hr), further cooling to 8000C (150/hr). The crystals obtained were
Card 1/4
Dynamics of powder patterns on B102/13201
plate-shaped, 0-1-0.3 mm thick, and up to 10 mm in diameter. The single
crystals displayed mirror faoesq so that no polishing was necessary*
The cryPal orientation was determined with an X-ray apparatus of the
type V -70 (URS-70), and the plate surface was found to be parallel
to the (110)-plane (lattice constant: 8.5 A). The magnetic suspension
used was prepared in the usual manner, and the patterns obtained there-
with were examined with an MEM-6 (MBI-6) microscope. magnetization
and magnetic reversal were performed by means of a special electromagnet,
with fields up to 26 oersteds. Numerous microphotographs of powder
patterns are shown (not reproducible ') and discussed. The following
results were obtained: 1) if magnesiam-manganese-ferrite single
crystals are magnetized by a field in the 1011) direction, the domain
boundaries are displaced in the case of very weak fields only; in fields
whose strength approaches the coercive force, the magnetization vectors
undergo an Umklapp process into the field direction, with the form of
the domain structure being essentially conserved; 2) in the magnetic
reversal of single crystals by a field lying In the 0111 direction, no
displacement of the boundaries between the domains is' ob~servablep and
there only take place Umklapp processes with the domain structure being
Card 2/4
Dynamics of powder patterns on B102/B201
conserved. In fields near the coercive force, the magnetization vectors
undergo an Umklapp process; 3) when single crystals undergo magnetization
and magnetic reversal by fields in perpendicular to the [0111 direction,
a displacement of the boundaries and an Umklapp process of the
magnetization vectors will be observable, while the patterns will not
undergo any abrupt changes; 4) the mechanism of the processes of
magnetic reversal of ferrites with rectangular hysteresis differs from
that in metals. No appearance and growth of nuclei with magnetic
reversal is observable on a change of direction and magnitude of the
field. The rectangular shape of the hysteresis in polycrystalline
ferrites can be assumed to be caused by crystals whose [011]axes lie
in the field direction, and that in this connection Umklapp processes
play the main role, a displacement of boundaries, however, not being
excluded for the other crystals. A. G. Titova is finally thanked for
having prepared the single orystals. N. S. Akulov and Ye. 1.
Kondorskiy are mentioned. There are 4 figures and 12 references:
9 Soviet-bloc and 2 non-Soviet-bloc.
Card 3/4
Dynamics of powder patterns on B102/B201
ASSOCIATION: Inatitut fiziki Sibirskogo otdeleniya AN SSSR Krasnoyarsk %u
(Institute of Physics of the Siberian Department of the
AS USSRp Krasnoyarsk)
SUBMITTED: June 13, 1960
Card 4/4
STL ~.50 %as
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T~e tpX0 YOV
telPe 8;D6% 1 15 010 ov", -,xOT, iA
Tj~e AxOTLA% &OZAV evLa 'b1 N S. XO SO O!Cae
SX6 A iA -Cttll reO
Uts eei.1% sts
of 9A& CTJ at
10'at I~A a -jTO% to 01 ve(l a TAX
Sts, 919A ,,&a sea tjt`%% tyke ,,,re
ere elLo ~L09 1; Ott teT as
esO as aotjl% ,,..Ou%e 0,01
10-1 -4ocwle
Itf --a& 00 lftej~t
Temperature dependence of the first.... B116/B138
different fields at room and oxygen temperatures* as a function of the
angle between the direction of field and the (1063 axis. Then the contin-
uous variation in maximum torque in the (100) plane'was examined
in the temperature range -183 - +3000 - -183"- A field strength of 5100
produced saturation. Powder patterns were produced by W. S. Elmore's
method (Ref.11, see below). The graphs show that at 220K torque is nearly
zero in fields of up to 750 oe. Between 750 and 1000 o6 it increases,
reaching 0.71.1o"4 erg-cm-3, after which it remains constant. In fields
of up to 3000 oe there was a sharp increase at the temperature of boiling
oxygen. The linearity of K, - f(T~ means that the Bryukhatov-Kireaskiy
law holds for this type of crystal also. Extrapolation to absolute zero
yielded X. = 17-104 erg-cm-3. The nature of a domain structure is found to
be de da t on the direction of demagnetization. With demagnetization in
.pen n
the L114 direction, the powder patterns in the (110) plane form thick,
parallel lines perpendicular to one of the axes of easy magnetization. A
secondary, wedge-shaped structure between the principal lines, indicates
that the surface deviates slightly from the (110) plane. Domain structure
remains constant under magnetization in the [110] direction up to 400 08;
up to 600 oe only the secondary structure is changed. Between 750 and
- 1. 1
Temperature dependence of the firstr... B116/B138
1000 oe new boundaries are formed perpendicular to the second direction of
easy magnetization, with another wedge-shaped secondary structure between
them. Around 1000 oa, the formation of new boundaries ceases and the old
ones practioally disappear. The new boundaries disappear at about 1300 oe.
However, new boundaries are not formed everywhereq and) where this has not
occurred, the initial domain structure will reappear after demagnetization
in the '~110] direction. The structure remains unchanged up to 723 oe and
disappea:'re at 1300 0e. No boundaries shifts are observed. Comparing -
variations in torque and domain structure with the field increase, it is
concluded that the OTeatest changes in domain structure occur in the same
fields in which the crystal ani sotropy increases most strongly. Papers by
T. M. Perekalina, A. A. Askochenskiy (Ref.3i statlya v obi Ferrity. Izd.
AN BSSR, Minsk, 1960), Ye. A. Turov and A. 1. Miteek (Ref.10i statlys, v obi
Ferrity . Izd. AN BSSRt Minsk, 1960) are mentioned. There are 4 figures
and 11 referencess 6 Soviet and 5 non-Soviet. The four most recent refer-
ences to English-language publications read as followst Ref. lt Bozorth,
R. M., Tilden, E. F.f Williams, A. J., Phys. Rev., 21, 6, 178 (19501
Ref. 2t Bickford, L. R., Phys. Rev., 78, 449 (19501 Ref- 0 Bates, L. F.,
Craik, D. J., Griffiths, P. M., Isaac, E. D., Proo. Roy. Soc., A 253, 1
Card 3/4
Temperature dependence of the first.... B116/B138
1959 ; Ref. 5% Smith, A. W., Williams, G. W., Canad. J. Phys., 38, 9, 1187
ASSOCIATION: InBtitUt fiziki Sibirskogo otdeleniya Akademii nauk SSSR
(Institute of Physics of the Siberian Department of the
Academy of Sciences USSR), Institut tavetnykh metallov im.
M. I. Kalinina (-Institute of Nonferrous Metals imeni M. I.
Kalinin), Kraenoyarskiy pedagogicheskiy institut (Krasnoyarsk
Pedagogical Institute)
Card 4/4
0,700 S~070/62/007/003~022/026
AUTHORS: Drokin, A.I,, Dylgerov, V.D., Beznosikov, B.V.
TITLE: The domain structure of ferrite monocrystals - the
yttrium, halmium,erbium and Sadolinium garnets
PERIODICAL: Kristallografiya, v-7, no.3, 1962, 465-468
TEXT: Crystals of the yttrium iron garnet type whon grown in
medium viscosity melts with a cooling rate of 2 to 3*/hour
are isometric with the face3tllOj or ~110) and (2111
In more viscous melts the crystals are elongated with the forms
t 2111 and J110j . The domain structure in the isometric
crystals has been studied but not so far that of the elongated
crystals. Reports of the form [3211 for the-latter appear to
be incorrect. The domain structure and its movements in a ,
magnetic field have now been studied for the Y, 11o, Er and Gd iron
garnets. Crystals were 4 to 7 mm long. The domain structure
was disclosed by powder figures. Microphotographs are reproduced,
For the Y, Ho, Erland Gd iron garnets the fields necessary to
omain structures were found to be respectively
90 Oe. There are 5 figures.
The domain structure ... E132/E46o
ASSOCIATION: Institut fiziki Sibirskogo, otdeleniya AN SSSR
(Institute of Physics of the Siberian Section AS USSR)
SUBMITTED: August 26, 1961
Card 2/2
12 //. xwo V71 114 Xt IY-e B117/B138
AUTHORS: -Drokin, A. I., Cherkashin, V. S., Smolin, R. P,, and
TITLE: Anhysteretio magnetization curves of ferromagnetic metals
and alloys
PERIODICAL, Akademiya nauk SSSR- Izvestiya. Seriya fizicheskaya,
v. 26, no. 2, 1962, 291-295
TEXT: This paper was presented at a conference on magnetism and antiferro-
magnetism. The authors studied anhysteretic magnetization curves
obtained by different methods, and examined the possibility of obtaining
an ideal curve with the aid of a circulating variable field. 2 groups of
specimens were used (let eroup: 99~91 % Ni; 96.92 % Ni; 3 % Cr; 90 ;,, Ni,
10 % Cu, 99.32 % Ni. 2nd group: nickel, alloy steel 37XC (37KhS) and
iron with 0.07 % C). The authors chose specimens with quite wide
hysteresis loops and fairly low Curie points. The measurements (maximum
error 5 %) were made with a vertical astatic magnetometer. In the first
eroup anhysteretic curves were studied which had been obtained by
Card 1/3
1 34176
S104 62/026/002/025/032
Anhysteretic magnetization curves... B117YB136
mechanical (sonic irradiation at 20.5 Kaps) and thermal "shaking", and
with a longitudinal variable field with vanishing amplitude, Mechanical
shaking at low frequencies (50 cps) and periodic tapping in a maenetic
field produced no anhysteretic curves. The second group was used to study
magnetization of longitudinal and circulating variable fields. The ~-urves
obtained for a specimen heated above the Curie point and then cooled to the
original temperature are very close to the theoretically ideal one, It
was found experimentally that the anhysteretic curves will converge under
uniform and increasing load not exceeding the elastic limit, At 24 kg/mm-2
(max. load) they coincide. The aimost complete coincidence of all curves
at the beginning indicates that, with regard to the circulation field, the
remanence becomes more stable as the Hc of the specimen rises. Up to
Ham . HC9 I r changes linearly with field. If a circulating var-,able fieid
with an amplitude of 2-3 H c is applied the original remanence is reduced
to some per cent of its former value, Thus, such a field may prevent
hysteresis. The anhysteretic curves obtained by applying a c-,rculating
a longitudinal variable field with vanishing amplitude agree satisfactorl"*y
M. A. Grabovskiy, R. I. Yanus are mentioned, Tlivru are 5 figures, I tabli-
Card 2/3
Anhysteretic magnetization curves... B117/B138
and 21 references: 13 Soviet and 8 non-Soviet. The three references
to English-language publications read as follows: Ewing, J. Trans, Roy
Soc., 564 (1885); Ashworth, J. R. Ferromagnetism. London, 1938; Bozorth, R
Ferromagnetizm, IL, M., 1956.(tranalation of Ferromagnetism).
ASSOCIATION: Institut fiziki Sibirskogo otdeleniya Akademii nauk SSSR
(Institute of Physics of the Siberian Department of the
Academy of Sciences USSR)
Card 3/3
AUT1101IS: Drokin, A,._~ $ Dylgerov, V. D., Sudakov, N". I., and
Staroatin, i. I.
TITLE: Temperature dependence of rotary-hysteresis losses in i
PERIODICAL: Pizika tverdogo talk, v. 4, no. 9, 1962, 2293-2296
"ZXT: Magnetic moments and hystvresis losses of monocrystalline I.Ig-*.Jn
ferrites were studied in a rotary marnetio field at various temperatures
(_1830, +220, +1000C) and at various field strengths (11 from 700 to 40OOoe).
Woment curves were found to be analogous to those of silicon iron which,
li',*.e Ili and meteoritic Fe crystals, several authors have already inve9ti-
gated. hesults: Akulov's theorywau partly refuted on the ground that
hysteresis looi~es did not drop to zero either at low (-1050) or at elevated
(500-7000) temperatures. Single cr "3tal3, carefully prepared by the
Institut 1%,hiprovo(Anikov AN 33SH (Institute of Semi coiiduc tors of the AS
US';R), were precisely ground to the (110) face and otched in 30-711, sulfuric
acid. -Yovider figures were observed and photographed using a M6M-6 (IABI-6)
microscope. IMagnietization was effected by means of a speoially powerrul
Card 1/3
Temperature dependence of oo. B108/B186
electromagnet with a small pole gap. High degree of rectangularity (98 %)
was of special interest. 1,11hile moment curves have the period n at lower H
(UP to 700 oe), they are characterized 4t higher H by the equation
11 k (2ain2~ + 39inO),
where ?y - magnetic moment, the angle betWeen the direction ILOOI'r and the
field. Coincidence between the direct and-inverse torque occurs only at
-1830C. At this temperature, AA*.ulov's tLeory is valid for H tip to 1500 oe.
*,,*ith increasing temperatures and R valuen, the hypteresis3losses reach their
maxinum value at 1200 oe: at +220C about 9"Ir. 10- erc/cr-4 ; afterwards the
curve dips slightly and increases contin"ott3ly from 2000-4000 co; at -4 1000C
the peak lies approximately at 5 Qr-10- 2 erg/CM3 and drops slightly over
the rnnf,,e of 2000-4000 oe. The lons~)s, ),owever, never become zero.
Until has been no thecry able to explain the existence oi
above 1500 oe. Observution of the domain structure
dyixamics drew attention to strongly distorted boundaries, ascribed to strong
internal stresses and nunhomogeneities. The most prominent changes in the
BI k)6/31 e.6
domin 61.1-uc--ure Y;cro :bserved between 900 - 1000 oe of the' rotary 'field.
Th,~,re 7irc 5 fi!,uros.
A3JCL'II.%TI'IP: 1-ic-titut jl-zi;-i 6i~irskoEo otdeleniya AN ~izijR Krasnoyarsk
(?hyGict InstItute of the Siberian bepartment AS ULJR, Kras-
Februarj 1, 1,)U62
Card 3/3
Losses on rotational hysteresis and dynamics of a domain structure
in rotating fields of iron-cobalt ferrate single crystals. Piz.
met* I metalloved.13 no.5:788-792 My 162. (14IRA 15:6)
1. Institut fiziki Sibirskogo otdeleniya AD SSSR, Krasnoyurskiy
pedagogicheakiy institut i Institut tsvetnykh metallov iraeni
M.I. Kalinina.
(Perrates-Magnetic properties)
(Domain structure)
Temperature dependence of rotational hysteresis losses in
magneoium-manganese ferrates. Fiz. tver. tela 4 n6.9t2293-2296
8 162. (MM 15:9)
1. Institut fiziki Sibirskogo otdeleniya. AN SSSR, Krasnoyarsk*
(Hysteresis) (Ferrates--Magnotic properties)
AUTHORS: Laptey, D. L., Cherkashin, V. S.,.Drokin,- A. 1.
TITLE: The effect of the ultrasonic action on the domain structure of
iron silicide
PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Fizika, no. 2, 1963, 115, abstract 2E781
(In collection: "Primeneniye ulltraakust. k issled. veshchestva".
no. 15. M., 1961, 189 - 194)
MXT: An investigation was carried out of the effect of the ultrasound
and of the alternating magnetic field h on the domain structure of iron allicide
in the presence of various magnetizing fields H. The observation of the domain
structure was carried out by the method of Kerr's meridional, nagneto-optical
effect. It was established that the ultrasound leads to a fractionation of the
main domain structure both in the absenoe of the field H and In its presence.
The total number of domains Increases 2 - 3 times. This circumstance is ex-
plained by the fact that the'magnetic energy of the sample decreases during the
fractionation of.the domains. The ultrasonic shaking and the "shaking" by the
Card 1/2
The effect of the ultrasonic action on... A160/A101
field h lead to a development of various structures. The structure obtained by
the action of tho ultrasound may be eliminated by a superposition of the field
h, and vice versa. During an increase of the ultrasound Intensity, a displace--~
ment of some boundaries taXes place in the beginning - and also a simultaneous
shifting of the domains on'the whole. Individual domains begin to fractionate.
Subsequently, this appearance intensifies and leads to the fact that the visible
picture on the surface of"ihe sample becomes washed-out.
[Abstracter's note:
Card P,/2
N. Smollkov
Complete tr.anslation)
AUT11ORS; .,Droldn', A!.I., Dylgorov, V.D.
Tl'.TL)!*,.* Domain structure of single crystals of cobalt-zinc
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy. Fizika,
J10.1t 1963, 39-42
'mmr. Tho authors studied domain structure and the change of
this structure with varying degree of strain in the spinel type or
cobalt arid cobalt-zinc single crystals. The relations between
the domain structure and the field w(!rc also partially studied.
The crystals were grown from molten ;iolvents. The composition
of tbe cobalt zinc ferrites was 0-5 re203 x 0.3 CoO x 0.2 Zn% snol.
The melt was heated to 13200C for 2 hours and then cooled to 7500C
at 15% per hour. The single crystals were in the shape of
Platelets 3 to 11 mm and 0.7 to I mn, thickness. X-ray methods
showed that the -surface of the crystals contained the (111) plane.
The observation and photography of powder figures was carried out
using a microscope; the magnetic field was applied to the sample
by ineans of a special,olectric magnet. W.C.Elmore's method
Card 1/3
Domain structure of
single E202/E420
(Phys. Rev., V.51, 1938t 1092', v.6.w, 19'1,,,, 468) was used to prepare
the magnetic powder suspension. The surface of the crystals was
highly polished and did not require Any etching. In the absence
of a magnetic field, powder figures showed small domains distributed
in a form of 3 series of straight lines making an angle of 1200
between each other. This forin or powder figures was related to
the crystallographic structure since the observed surface contained
three principal crystallographic axes of th type [110]. The line
series were parallel to tile L Wii],Elifl and tl-21J '.1%XOS6 The
applic&tion of a magnetic field --parallel to [ill] changed the
powder figures very little and only when the field exceeded 500 00
wore the lines parallel to the field covered by the residual series
of domains. When the field disappeared the domain structure
returned substantially to the original form. The domain structure
on the (111) surface of a highly strained cobalt-zinc ferrite
showed a large system of domains consisting of groups of parallel
bands. Directions between the groups of bands were at several
angles varying from 60 to 120'*. It was concluded on the basis of,
the experiment that the domain structure of single crystals of
Card 2/ 3
Domain structuro of single ... L202/E420
cobalt ferrites on the (111) wirface has the form of a series of
Straight bonds directed along L112]. On the (100) planes the
bandR are perpendicular to tho edge of tl%e cube. IVlben zinc ions
are added, the domain structure takes the form oi' Li series of
parallel bands of width 10 to 13U diracted parallel to the
axes. Strained samples sliowed similar structuro
with a series or parallel domains as in the c,
ase of weakly
strained samples' but the scrivs of L%ands were disposed at
different angles to each other, which was attributed to the
deformation of the crystalline lattice. The viete that cobalt and
cobalt-zinc forrites exhibit a domain structure in very high
fnagnetic fields and exert influence on the magnetization
phenomena was confirmed. There are 5 figures.
SSOCIATION: Institut fiziki.S0 AN SSSR S. Krasnoyarsk
(Physical Institute SO AS USSR Krasnoyarsk)
SLM1,13"I'I'LD. 'August 28, 1961
Card 3/3
Teaperature dependence of the anisotropy constant and the
magnetostriction of magnesiurb-manganese ferrites at indoor
temperature-V 1xv. 80 AN SSSR no.2 Ser. tekh. nauk no.lt99-
103 J63, OMMA l6t8)
1. Krasnoyarskiy institut fiziki Sibirskogo otdeleniya AN SSSR
L Inatitut tevetnykh metallov imeni M.I. Kalinina, Krasnoyarskiy
pedpgogichooki,y inatitut.
(Ferrites) (Anisotropy) (Itgnetostriction)
S101 39/63/000/002/0141/0144
APTHORS1 Drokin. A. 1.s Djr*lgerov, V. D.; Sudakovg W. To; Vlaaov,, V. V.
TITLE1, Dependence of rotary hysteresis loos In magneslum-manganese ferrite single
crystals on the mpgnitude of mognatic field and temperature
SOURCE- Izv. VUZ. Fizikaj Noe 2p 1963, 141-144
TOPIC TAGS-. magnetic hysteresis, ferrite, single crystal, mechanical moment,
Magnetic field..
ABSTRAM Rotary magnetic hysteresis loss bps been studied'on the (100) plane of
magnosium-manganese ferrite single crystAls, topether with the dynamics of posyder
figures in the rotary magnetic field. The rotAry lbas was investigated by measuring
the mechanical moment acting on single cryrtal ferrite pellets placed in a homo-
field slowly rotating in forward and reverse directions. Field
strength varied between 0 to 4000 oersteds at temperfitureo from -183 to 100C. The
powder figures were photographed through a VBI-6 microscope. The results show thnt
anisotropy in the single crystal plane'(100) at 700 oersteds and up and the rotary
bysteresis loss increase with increase in field strength, reaching a maximum around
900-1250 oersteds and subsequently decreasing. 'The authors express their gratitude
Card 1/2
to A. Go Titove for procuring the single crystals," Orig, art, ham 4 figures.
ASSOCICICNt Institut fimiki SO AN SWR (Institute of Pbysics SO M SSSP); Insti-
tute tsvetny*lch"metanov in. V, 1. Kslinina, Krasnoyarskiy pedinstitut (Institute of
Wonferrous Metals, Krasnoyarsk Teacbers Institute)
SUBY.JT7EDs 3OJan62 DATE ACQ1 nJun63 ENCL: 00
Card 2/2'
CFMICN NM A?30053D9 S/0181/63/OD5/008/2D59/2D&
AUTHORS% -Drokini A, 1,1 SmoUnp H* P, I Fgabinkimaj, L, I.
7 1
~TLM Temperature dependence of M!M tizati2n ~uring,heating and cooling of lithila
ierrite-ebromite in weak magnetic fields
3OUR I Fizika tverdogo tela,, Ve 5# no. 8, 1963P 2D59-2064
roPIC TAGSs magnetization, magnetic field, ferrite, Fe. Or, U, Op Curie pointp
Dlectrical conductivityt hysteresis, compensation, demagnetization, sublattice,.
ABSTRACTS The authors have investigated thermal magnetic hysteresis and electrical
onductivity in the temperature interval from 20C to the Curie point for Li2O*2*5
e203*2.5Cr20, having a point of compensation. Po3yor
-yetalline samples of this.
'material, in the form of bars 84 x 3 x 2.6 mm, were prepared 4.'Oordinnry means of.
,ceramic technology. It was discovered that the curves of teciperAturo dependence on
magnetization show characteristic features clearly emphnsizing the two-Dublattice'
iota-ucture'of the ferrite. The magnetic preldstory of the samples has a marked
:effect on the behavior of these curves. It is possible to obtain two points of
Compensation artificially. The '%agnetic memory" of lithium ferrite-chromite is
Card 1/2
L 1854843
Preserved for a considerable range above the Curia point. It is necessW7 to heA
samples at temperatures above 300C for complete demagnetization. No anomalies were
pbserved In the electrical properties before or after the point of compensation
'during heating and cooling of the sample. On~ magnetic transformations occurred at
ithis point. Orig. art. hast 6 figures,
:ASSOCIATTCNi Institut fidki SO AN SSSR, Krasnoyarsk (Institute of Physiest
'Hberian Department, Acadeiw of Sciences, SSSR)
BUM, TTEDs 21-Tan63 DATE AM 06Sop63 EMs 00
;B COM PH NO REP S07i 005 OTHERs 002
d 212.
AUTIK: V3: Dro . In .T DylgeOov, V. 13,
TITi-E.: uninaln xtructure 6C single crystals of niagnentuin-
manganese forritcs..
PERICI)ICAL: FA z i Ica' metallov i metallovedeniye, v. 15 j. no.1, 19631
TLXT: The a im of 4e works was to elucidate,whether it wa a'
possible to obsorve on'Yarious-cryntallographic planes of.a*
i;lagnesiutn-mantaheae~ feri~ite"withl' a rectangular hysteresio' loops
a domain structure.- dfkf~6ring in shape. and.'character and to' study
t,hf;, dynamivo of the -struipture. during magnetization of a specimen.
&Iong differont crystallograph..ic orien.tations..'' A 6 mm diameter
Sphere and a I imn thick ring with 5 min outer and 2 mm inner'
diameter were cut from one'. single-crystal rod. . Hence a cbeWIC*I
analysis of the composition Imbiediately after crystallization %4s
not required and'the degrve of ractilinoArity of the hystera.s.i.s.
lcsop cciuld be measured directly. - The value for the rod was.high,
11r/n, = 98.1%, 11c = 0,9 oe. 'The direction of easy magnetization
for the sphere coincided with the axes type [ijkle TboAomain
--~Iructxtre on the plane (100) resembled fern-patterned frosts-
raLrd 1/3
ool-ntin Atructure ~F.073/9420
veininincent of the structure observed by L,F#Batex*ot &I (Proce
Phy,-;. '40C., V.7t, no,5, 1958, 789). The appearance of the
sti,ucturo depended on the *direction of the AC demagnetization*
',Kith incrensing fields up- to 700 to 750'.06 the patterns -chan&64k
only slightly but at 860 to 880 Oe there was a sudden roconstrucUM
()(' the domain structure. Magnetization-in the direction of tht
1-0101caused the formation of domains in.a direction appiroaching
4hat'of thn field. ' The structure became "spiky" when
v~agnetization was in the direction [Olij . Further increase in
the fieJd intennity did not produce any appreciable change In
the pattern. However in fields'of 1250 to 1260 Ot ' the-domain
structure ceased to exist. . In the plane (110) domains with
strongly curved boundaries and numerous "drop-shaped" closed areon
cott.1 (I be seen. Similar as well as other patterns c 'ould 'be '-. - ., . .,
ol-served in the plane (111). -Here again, the domain structuro
changed insignificantly in weak magnetic fields but there
uas a radical reconstruction of the domain structure in f1eVds*of
inhotat 880 Oe and then with increasing fields the, domain structure
heca,.ie titore blurred, ceasing altogether Ln.fieldsi of 1000 to
Cartl 2/3
Domain struature B013/E420
126o Oe. This-behaviour of-the domain structure was attributed
to high- ir%ternal strossoe 'and lattice nonuniformities. Th*r*
nre 4 figures#
AJ-,_i0CIATIGN: Institut fisiki SO AN SSSR
(Institute,of Physics SOAS USSR)
SUBMITTED: Febr'uary 6t,2962
Card 3/3
as r err i t~m
nq mothods o Al etar-mini the A-er-a-Inet-Iri".
4 nf pr!vjgl
-9~;L !3 Fj p ip bill
!,CCZSS-_01N ~,?4028456
AUTHORS: Drokin,, A. Lj Laptay., D. A.j Ivanov, R. De
TME: Domain structuro dyr=nics of-thin ferrite film as a function of magnatio
field and temporatiLre
SOUCE: Fizika tverdogo telas v. 6, no. h, 1964, 1223-1227
TOM TAGS: ferrite fi3m, ferrite domain structure, magnotic field dependence,
te-,mereture do~pendenco., Korr magnotooptical eff act, co'balt ferrite,, nickel ferrite,,
nickel zinc ferrite
ABS'LRt%.CTz TAo donain structure dynamics of thin ferrite films as a function of
magnetic field and temperature, wa3 investigated., using the Kerr magnetooptical
effect. The films were prepared by cathode sputtering of the ferrite onto a
polishad q7aaxt z backing which could be heated to 103W. The f ilms obtained were
of the order of 1000 R thick. The behavior of cobalt ferrite film vas similar to
-Iial- o,' nickel-zinc ferrite
both having, uniaxial anisotropy. After demagnatiza-
tion with a variable field dear"sing smoothly to zero,, k:o=in structure was
Accmsimi im; AP4028456
established in the samples, indicatod by the observation of light and dark bands*
With increasing na~netization the Ught domains decreased in size until the
strue"Dure coj,~plettely disappeared at 33 oerst for cobalt ferrite and 110 oerst for
nickel-zinc ferrito, Domain structuro did not reappear with a decrease of-the
maEnetic field to zero. Light centers of reverse magnetization began to appear at.
-11.6 oerst and -63 oerst respectively. With increasing reverse magnetic fieldthe
li&ht domains grew until the domain structure disappeared at -33 oerst and -13.0
oorst respectively. The behavior of nickel ferrite was considerably different.
Regardless of the direction of the demagnetizing field., domains were always
es"Ieblished perpendicular to that direction, With increasing magnetic field the
contrast between light and dark domains decreased, but the domain size remained
fixed. This is attributed to the fact that nickel ferrite is isotropic. Hence,
reverse nagnetization does not occur by the shift of domain boundaries but W the
rotation of the magnetization vector. Centers of reverse magnetization appeared at
-60 oerst, and the domain structur .e completely disappeared at -100 oerst. The
temaperature effect on cobalt farx-Ito was also studied. The field at which centers
of reverse magnetization appeared decreased from -11-i at OC to -7 oerst at
20CC aund then increased to -121 oorst at 400C. The field at which the do:;,,:~
structure disappoared decreased very gradually from -333 oerst at 00 to - 31 oerst
Card 2/3
A10CESSION Nil: Apho28456
at LOOO. The remaining sample a--cadmium ferrite,, lithium-chromium ferrite#
magnosium-manganeso ferrite and zinc ferrite--were weakly magnetic. Origo art.
has: 1 table and 6 figures*
ASSOCIATION - Institut fiziki SO AN SSSR)Krasnoyarok (Institute of Pbysics SO AN
SUB11ITUM s OSAuS63 DATE ACQs 2?Apr64 'ENCLs 00
SUB CODE: ss$&M No RU Sov 1 015. OTHER: 009
Cord 3/3
ACCESSION NRs AP4039407 S/0070/64/009/003/0427/0428
AUTHORSt Drokin, Ao I.1 Usnosikovp B. V.
TITLEs Domain structure in single crystals of ferrogarnets with thuliums,
dysprosiuml and terbium
ISOURCEs Kristallografiyag TOL99 no. 39 19641 427-428
TOPIC TAGSt domain struoturep ferrogarnett thuliump dysprosivmg terbiump tempers-
ture dependencep temperature hysteresist magnetic field
;ABSTRACTs This is a continuation of previous work on ferrogarneto with Y, Ho Er#
":and Od by V. Do Dy*lgeroy and A. I. Drokin (Kristallografiya, 5# 6, 945t 1960J aM
~;A. I. Drokin, V. Do Dy*lgerov, and B. V. Beznosikov (Kristallografiya, 7, 39 4669
1962)., The crystals were grown by,Nieloon's method, and the domain structure wo
observed by the powder method, Domain structure on the (110) plane of Ta ferro-
garnet is somewhat suggestive of the structure of Gd ferrogernet but finer. The
domains have curved boundarioal the predominant direction being parallel to the
long axis of the face. A superposed magnetic field, an being inareasedl ban littler
effect on the structural 1_~jit at a field of 120 oersteds the domain structure
disappears* The domains Ji Dy and Th ferrogarnete are coarser than in the Ta
ea -rd
Temperature dependence of the fIrst an1sotropy constant In
single crystals of iron-nickel ferrites. Fiz. met. I
metalloved. 17 no.5s684~688 My 164. (MIRA 17s9)
1. Institut fiziki Sibirskogo otdoleniya AN SSSR.
AP4010317 8/0048/64/028/001/0178/0161
AUTHOR: Smolin, R.P.; Djzokin As 1. Zy* ryanov, 0. 1.
TITLEI Temperature magnetic hysteresis of polycrystalline monoforriCes ffieport,
Symposium on Questions of Ferro- and Antif erromagne tins hold In Xrannoyarsl~,,23
June to 7 July 19617
APURCE: AN SSSR, Izvestlya, Serlys fizicheskaya, v.28, no.1, 1964, 178-181
-tQP1C TAGS: temperature magnetic hysteresis, monoferrite, nickel ferrite, cobalt
41 rriteIbarium ferrite, lithium ferrite, copper forritp, manganese ferrite, sag-
in 0ium ferrite
CTt The properties and characteristics of monoforrites, characterized by the
keTatcal formula MOFe2O4, where Me in a divalent metal Ion, are of interest not on-
ly because they are employed as such In electronic engineering, but also because
these materials are used in synthesis ofmixed ferrites for different special appli-
cations. The temperature dependence of their magnetic characteristics in of parti-
cular Interest In view of the fact that ferrite components are frequently required
to operate In a wide range of temperatures. The purpose of the present work was to
invqstigate'tesperature magnetic hysteresis of monofe"Ites of different composIUM
? menv were prepared with 50 mole percent Fe203 and 50 mole percent McO, whore
mq~jj Un. Mg, Ni, Co, Ba, Cu or Li. The specimens were prepared by the usual coram-
Ic'.*echnology,'In the form of 86 x 3 x 2 mm,, rods. The values of the Curie points
AWcooreive forco in an 800 Oe field are listed in the table. Preliminary tests
showed that the Zn, Cd and Ca forrites were either nonforromagnotic or exhibited
verv weak magnotism so that their temperature magnetic hysteresis was not Invosti-
gate& The magnetic moments of the specimens were measuredo0ertical astatic magno-
tumeter and the results were converted to obtain the specific magnetization a in
gauss cm3 g"I
The results for nickel ferrite are shown In Fig.1 of the Enclosure.
Analogous curves were obtained for cobalt, barium, lithium, and copper manoforritog.
~Analysis of the results Indicat that temperature magnetic hysteresis in monoforrLtes
is associated with the same processes as those occurring In metallic ferromagnots.
In Individual cases, specifically that of copper ferrite, the shape of the tempera-
ture magnetic hysteresis curve may be affected by the presence In the ferrite of
different magnetic phasset .0rigeartshast 4 figures and I tables
ASSOCIATICKI Institut fisiki libirskoto otdolenlys, Akadsaii nauk BSSR (Institute
-of Physicso-81berian Division# Academy of Sciences, 888R)
CW4. IN 41-
AVIHOR: Smoltn,R.P.; DrokinA.1,; Ry*kov,A.S.
TITLE: Temperature magnetic hysteresis of Mg-Mn forrites-ffeport, Symposium on
Questions of: Ferro- and Antif arromagi4tism hold in Krasnoyarsk
1 .125 June-7 July 19637/
SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestlya. Seriya fiisichsska~a,v.28, no.1, 1964, 182-186
TOPIC TAGSt temperature magnetic hysteresis,-inagnesium manganese ferrite, ferrite,
demagnetizing field, coercive forces -grain, size, hysteresis loop
ABSTRAM Although the potential scientific And practical value of investigating
temperature hysteresis of the magnetization of ferrites has been pointed out by a
number of authors, so far there have been to* investigations of the effect. D.A.
Laptey and AjI.Drokin (Izv.VUZ,F1zika,4,llI,l96l) investigated temperature magnetic
hysteresis of niokel-zino and manganese-zinc ferrites, but there have been no stud-
lea of the dependence of the effect on the composition, crystal structure, and oth-
er properties of ferrites. Accordingly, thet'present study was devoted to investiga
tion of temperature magnetic hysteresis in polycrystalline ferrites representing
various points on the MnG-UgO-l'e2O3 concentration triangles In all, about 70 dif-
ferent compositions were Investigated* All the specimens were prepared by the usu-
al ceramic technique and were in the form of rods of rectangular cross section mea-
uring 2.8 x 2.7 x 86 mm3. The measurements were carried out on a vertical astatio
agnotometer. In most cases the temperature range extended frum -1830 to the Curie
poid*. The results are presented in the form of curves of the specific magnetiza-
tion (gauss cm3 9-1) (or magnetization 1) versus temperature for the full beating-
cooling cycle. The effect of difforont factors on the shape of the curves is dis-
cussed. The following conclusion# are drawn on the basis of the experimental re-
sults: 1. The reason for temperature magnetic hysteresis In Mg-Mn ferrites Is Ir-
reversible domain wall motion. 2. The hysteresis decreases with increksing UnO
concontration. 3. Increase of the temperature and the duration of annealing leads
to decrouse of the temperature magnetic hysteresis. 4. The size of the crystal
grains has a significant influence on the magnetic properties of Mg-Ma ferrites:
Increase in the grain size leads to reduction of the hysteresis and coercive force.
S. The internal demagnetizing field has a significant influence on magnetization
Switching in lfg-Mn ferritess 6# Most of the other regularities observed as regards
temperature magnetic hysteresis In Ug-Ka ferrites are similar to the regularities
typical of polycrystalline metals such as nickel. permalloy and work hardened Slin-
vars Or1geRrt.ha2: 4 figures.
~AMESSIOX NRs AP4023405 5/0048/64/028/003/0545/0532
~AUTHOR: Kironskiyp L.V.,, Drokin, A.1s; Dy*lgorov, V.D.; SudAkov, N.I.; Sinegubov,V.i
TITIX: Domain structure in forrites and its dynamics in varying and rotating nag-
Inatic fields goport, symposium on Farromagnatism and Forroolectrioity hold in Le-
ningrad 30 May to 5 Juno IWV
SOURCZ: AX SSSR: Izvestlya. Beriya fizichoskayn, v.28, no.3, 1964, 545-552
.TOPXC TAGS: ferrite, domain structure, ferrite domain structure, garnet ferrite,
garnet ferrite domain structure, spinal ferrite, spinal ferrite domain structure,
hexagonal ferrite domain structure, double domain structure, domain wall fine'struo-
'ABSTRAM The domain structure of a number of ferrite single crystals having the
garnet, spinal or hexagonal structure was investigated. The powder method of W.S.
Elmore (Phys.Rev.51,10.1092, 1938) was employed to reveal the domains. The polarity
:of the domain boundaries was detormined with the aid of the polar Kerr affect, am-
ploying a previously described technique CV.D.Dy#lgorov and A.I.Drokin, Kristallo-
g'rafiya,5,G,9U 1960); A.I.Drokin, V.D.Dy*lgerov and B.V.BeznosIk;ov, lbid.9.3.465,
Card 1/3
1962). The Yb, Ho, Er and Gd garnet forrites were obtained as single crystals from
melts. Lead hexagarrite was also prepared in this way. Crystals of Cc-Pet Xn-Fe and
Ug-lin forrites with the spinal structure were grown in an oxy-hydrogen flaw.
Spheres of 4 to 8 mm diameter were obtained. These war annealed above the CurLa
point and oriented in a magnatic field. The planes to be investigated were ground
;flat, polished and treated with hot sulfuric acid to destroy surface mosaic. Lead
hexaferrite was found to have a domain structuro similar to that of cobalt. The for-
rites with the garnet structure had very complex domain structures, for which it
doos not seem possible to construct a model. "Stringy" walls, double banded walls,
iand curved walls were observed in different materials. The curved domain walls of
gadolinium ferrite garnet would shift under the influence of an applied magnetic
afield. The domain structure of the spinal ferrites was somewhat less complex. The
presence of double domain structure was established. Successive walls would have
:Opposite polarity, and in the presence of a gradually increasing magnetic field al-:
!tomato walls would first disappear, the remaining walls disappearing only when the
:field became stronger. Sometimes a single domain wall would separate into two under
.the influence of a field; in such a case the two now walls would have the same po-
pting t ,
larity as the old, thus interru he regular alternation of polarity. Wide do-
card 2/3
main walls were observed in which a fine structure could be perceived. Such complex
walls cxhibitod,alternations of polarity, as though they were composed of sevoral
walls having opposite polarities,, It is suggested that the double domain structure
of ferrites may be due to the interaction between the two magnetic sublattices,
each striving to establish Its ovn domain pattern. 6 figures.
ASSOCIATION: Xnatitut flziki Sibirskogo otdoloniya Akadamil nauk SSSR (Institute of~
Physics, Siberian Divisiony Academy of Sciences, SSSR)
Card 3/3'
Domain structure in single crystals of barium and strontium hexafer-
rite. Izv. vys. ucheb, zav,; fiz. 8 no.2S40-42 165. (AURA 18:7)
1. Institut, fiziki'SibirBkogo otdelaniya AN S35R.
1704-66 Ei4T(1)/EWT(M)/EWP.(W)/T/EWP(t)/EU-2/EWP(b)/EWA(c) IJP(c) JD/fW
ACCESSION NR: AP6021078 UR/0288/65/000/002/0103/0109
lpw(,~< VY, sr yys Ir
'AUTHOR: Drokin, A. I.; Sudakov, N. I.; Sidorov, F. K., Yarichina, K. V.
TITLE: Magnetic crystallographic anisotropy and losses due to rotary hysteresis'
in single crystals f cobalt iron ferriten
SOURCE: AN SSSR. Sibirskoye otdelenlye. Izvestiya. Seriya tekhnicheskikh
nauk, no. 2, 1965, 103-109
TOPIC TAGS: magnetic anisotropy, crystal anisotropy, magnetic hysteresis, sin'
gle crystal, ferrite, cobalt alloy, iron alloy
ABSTRACT: Object of the study was investigation of the temlgerature dependence
of the anisotropic constants for single crystals of cobalAron1kerrites over a
broad temperature interval, the effect of thermor;ia-gnetic treatment on the curves
for the mechanical moments, and losses due to rotary hysteresis, The samples
va;- iies (with 1. 2-1. 4 mole%
had the following composition: !C00.94 is CA 4
excess iron). To eliminate internai str66ses, the samples were annealed for 24
I hours at 600C with subsequent slow.cooling. The constants of magnetic crystallo-i
Card 1/3
graphic anisotropy were determined by measuring the rotary mechanical moments,
acting on the sample in the field of a rotating electromagnet. Measurement error
id not exceed 376. Temj ature interval was from the temperature of boiling
oxygen to the ERELe ~t
_point. Losses due to rotary hysteresis were determined by
planImetric measurement of the area between the curves for the mechanical mo-
ments during forward and reverse rotation of the magnetic field in'the plane.
Error was 6-8%. Magnetic saturation was determined by a ballistic method, and
the initial magnetic permeability by the resonance method at a frequency of 10
megacycles. The first constant of magnetic crystallographic anisotropy for the
ferrites tested increases with a decrease in the temperature, at first slowly and
then, in the temperature interval 400-200K, rapidly, and then a%ain slows , alwa56
remaining positive. At room temperature, it is equal to 2. 9- 10 erg/cm.1;' at I
the temperature of boiling oxygen it is 7. 46-106 erg/cm3. Thermomagnetic treat!
ment of a sihgle crystal (heating from the temperature of boiling oxygen to room
temperature in a field of 10, 000 oersteds) causes induced anisotropy. At room
temperatures and above, losses due to rotary hysteresis have normal characteri
They increase with an increase In the field, attain a maximum, and then decline
Card 2/3
L 1704-66
to zero. At low temperatures, these losses are very great and do not completely
disappear even in a field of 40, 000 oersteds. As a result of thermomagnetic
treatment, lof4ses due to rotary hysteresis decrease, their maximum shifts to th'a
side of high fields, and they disappear in lo;wgr fields. "In conclup
Aoq we express:.
our deep indebtedness to T, M. PerekalinVland A.* A. AskochenskYt for furnishing:
us the samples of single crystal ferrites. Orig. art. has, 3 formulas and 6
ASSOCIATION: Institut fizilti, Sibirskogo otdeleniya AN SSSR, Institut tevetnykh
metallov fm. M. 1, Kalinina, Krasnoyarsk (Institute of Physics, Siberian Branch
AN SSSR, M. 1. Kalinin Institute of Nonferrous Metals,
NR REF SOV: 006 OTHER* 014
A; MT(-- I LIN I /I
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L 6461-66
electron exchange under the, influence of the domaln-boundary fields. This results
In formation of potential barriers that prevent the realignment of the domain struc-
ture in the rotating magnetic fieldsj, thus reducing the losses at low room temper-
atures. The potential wells disappemr with increasing temperature and the losses
increase. Magnetic annealing superimposes uniaxial anisotropy on the ordinary
crystallographic anisatroNp thus contributing to realignment of the domain struc-
ture and to an increase in the loss. The presence of electron diffusion Is con-
firmed by the perminvar effect of the partial hysteresis loop during slow cooling
of the sample. The causes of the losses to rotational hysteresis in strong fields
are still difficult to explain. OrIg. art. hass 3 figures.
ASSOCIATION: Institut tovetrykh meta3lov ime M. I - Winina (Institute of Non-
ferrous Metals); not 'ut fiziki 80 AN SSBR., Krasnoyarsk (Institute o
NR MW SOVi 019 OTHER2 005
Card 2/2
L 8548-66 EWT(l) IJP(c)
ACC NR: - SOURCE COIX: UR/0056/65/049/003/0713/0719
AUIHOR: Drokin, A.,- I. Slmaftyl V0 L
-77,55-' .- . _ .14 V , -5- !;--- I
ORG: InsUtut fLziki Sibitskogo otdaleniya A%ademij nauk SSSR) rnstitute c
Siberian DVwr-bwft of the &14
of -�SjgM �gg
-~T=#. Investigation of the boundary layers betwen domains in som ferrites with
SOURCE" MMInal kV0rkWnta1'nqy i.teoratidwWwy fiziki, v. 49,, no. 3, 19650-7136~
7MC TAGSt ierAL magotic domidn bajularyj nkwwt c dowdn structMM I Kerr
effect,, ma;~e~t I metal heat treatmt, manganese containing alloyq cobalt
containing &UW* nicJwl containing alloy, crystal lattice parameter
ABSTRAM M%JA is a continuatLon. of an earlier investigation of domain boux6r-as
in ferrites, (Ixvo AH SSSR oar. fiz. v. 26, $459 1964)v and deals with the domain
baundaries in shWe crystals of irm-munganeses iron-cobalt and irmq%ickel: fer-:
rites, and sd:th the influence of heat treatioant on the &ianges in the bmindary
layers between domains. Ma single crystals gram by the Verneuil mi3thod and
Card 1/3
L 8548-66
ACC NR AP5024686'_'_
their properties established by chemical and x-ray difft-action analysis. fft in-
vestigation procedure, which is based on the Kerr effect, is described in detail.
A study was made of the width of domain boundariesq their polarity, the magnitizatica
distribution in themg and the influence of heat treatment on the width of the dwain
bamdaries. Plots are given of thkdistributicn of ma"tization in the boundmies
of 180'0 and 7110 neighbortoods. 7be results show that in the initial state the
bounklary domain width lies within 2.8-A.2 in iron-manganese ferrite, within 0.25-
0. 35 in irion-cobalt ferrite 9 and within S. 9-9. 5 for 1800 boundaries and within
3.5-4.0 for the 710 boundaries in iron-nickel ferrite. When there is a change in
the strwture of the irm-manganese ferrite, a double domain system is observed, with
boundaries exhibiting asymmetric magnetization distribution. 7he . - -.6.4 - dis-
tribution is uniform. in the 1800 boundaries in the iron-cobalt and ircn-nickel fer-
rites. In the iron-nic~l ferrite the maginetization distribution is asymmetric in
the 710 boundaries. 7he boundary polarity is random and may vary even within the
sam boundary if the latter is split by obstacles, In ferrites sensitive to teat
treatment (iron-cobalt and irm-nickel) the bmulary decreases after heat treatmentt
the absolute values of the first magnetocrystalline anisotropy cmstmts incmase,
-and the lattice parmate" decrease only slightly. Mvse changes agm idth Heels
theory. orig. azt, rms 5 figures and 2 fomlis.
C*rd 2/3
L 8548-66
ACC NRt AP5024686
SUB COMs SS9 EN/ MW DASE% nftb6s/ om rcr-. olo/ om rcr: oos
fa-en,Forature magnati-,: hystere:in -,Yj ferrmagnetics and
forritriz] Temperaturnyi iragnitrqi gislerezis farro.-
magnotikov i ferritov. Novosibirsk, Red.-Izd. otdal
SA-'bi..rskogo otd-idla AN SiSSR, 1965. 157 P. (MIRA 18111)
Magnetic crystallographic anisotropy and looses on rotational
hysteresis in single crystals of cobalt ferrites. I2v. SO AN
SSSR no.6. Ser. takh. nauk no.2:103-109 165.
(MIRA 18:11)
1. Institut fiziki Sibirskogo otdeleniya AN SSSR, i Institut
tovetnykh metallov imeni M.I. Kalinirm, Krasnoyarsk.
L 26668-66 Ewvi)/nT(wiAWA(d)/VSWP(t) _U (c) JDAKIAT Z_
ACC --UR/0126/66/021/003/0423/0429,
AUTHORZi Drokin, A. I#) Sudakov, N. I.; Gendel S. Sh.; Fgabinkina.-L I
ORG: Instit~te for Physics, So AN SSSR (Institut fiziki SO AN SSSR)
TITLE reatman
1hrixionaedr-lon, d Ion during thermal and thqrm=agnqtiq t
the Maehat6~rrdt~Uographlo anlootroMr in aimle aMtalis of aickel-dobalt ferrites
SOURCEI FJAMr" zetalloV i. metallovedenlye, v. 211 no* ~1 19669 41~-429
TOPIC TAQS.0,-1ix;At~*j
Mgnetic prystalp.magnetic aaisotropy# nickel compound*
cobalt eOMPOfWd':"- tal anisotr
opyp taqvrature dependence# electric conductiAtyp
"MTMCT I Or' On -'te=p lok~texiperatgrq amealing on the UnqMature,
., .'e , ',r _ g
tillographio Anisotropy constant and on
One- 79
dhdofk*W~e alnOs -crystals 6f nickel-cobalt, ferrit4* ~P-* cletAfftinod
The aff,"t the specimen in a =gnetio field of 15 000 oersteds on the
Magnatio WABOtfopr in the latter was also studied. The experiments were carried
wit mr thd t4ilp~ M-ture interval of -200 to 300C, and the results are presented,
.(So LEI 1). It Vag found that the teMperaturs dependence of Kit the'
-ant ~obeyed the relationship
L-C 9 dd
~t 26668 6
ACC NRs.. AP6010409
Figs 14-Temperature dependence of the first
amisotropy constant of a nickel-cobal
li 4
- pr
o annea
ng 1 -
after a 48-ho
2 ur annealing period
t 30006~`
-A lion
posed'-br 4f
ihjFUkhatdV and Le Vj,.
kjr~~kjy (M=O :L9180 Sj,
the first 000*toorystanwaphio constant, K - its value at OXO cX ".0 con-
stant, aM T the absolute temperatme. It was also fouad that annealitg in.
creases the absolute magnitude of the-anisotropy constant and electrical resistance
azz.-I that thermomagnetic treatment induces a3dal anisotropy. It is concluded that
the observed effects are due to migration of ions in the ionic lattice* Orig
has z 6 graphs and 5 equations,
SUB COM 20/ SUBM DATE3 16Hov%/ ORIG Mi 006/ REFt
Card 2/2 LQr
t (c)
ACC PC AP6011400 SOURCE CODE: Un/0057/66/036/003/0321/0525
AUTHOR: Drakin, A.I.; Salanskly, N.M.; Popoval A,A.; Suolin, RqP.
ORO:,, institute of'!!tZ9ic8-of the tio ANISSR,.19rasnoyarsk ustitut liziki 80 ANISSR)
TITLE: Darkhausen effect 1n magnesiHMrsanxaness ferrite single cErstals.
SOURCE: Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy f1z1k1# v. 36, no. 3, 1966, 621-525
Is crystal, ferrit
TOPIC TAGS: magnetic bysteres.1st Bsrkhausen jump, a O'nagnasitilat
:Manganese, solid solutionj t"porature dependence
ABSMCr,. - Magnetic sterests and -the Barkhad7delL qffect b~s e been investigated
$q p -saniggeaq ferrite single crystals of
tomperaturog trqp
six different con"ovitiona- The crystals - were S,,am in an oxyhydragen flase by the
Verneuil techniques using an apparatus similar to that described by K.S.Fopov (Izvo
AN SSR, Ser. fiz. 10# 503, 1946), The compositions of the materials (expressed in
mole percent of AfgO, KnOr and reP3) ranged between 7.5 and 25% VgOt 25 and 53,5%
MaO, and 33.5 and 5o% re2o Two of the samples contained 50 mole percent F6203- A11L
the crystals contained AM antities of hausuannites Most of the wessurenents
were made on 0.2 x, 1.5 X's 10 rectangular rods cut with the long axis in a Gool.
direction and the large face parallel to the (100) planes. The Barkhausen jums were
recorded during slow reversal of fields ranging in strength frou 40 to 60 000 The
hysteresis loops were highly rectangular at all tev"ratures, the 6quareness ratio in e
Card 1/2 UM: 538,12
L i5sla-66
ACC NR, - AP6011400
one case being 98,1%, For all the Motels the field distribution of BorkhOUSon JMG
(number of jumps per unit change In the magnetizing field a& a function of the magne-
tizing field) exhibited two sharp maxima at fields corresponding to the bonds of the
bystereals loop, It Is suggested that these maxima may be asscclated with nucleation
nd the disappearance of domain structure. The amplitude distribution of tile
arkhausen jumps was approximately exponential In all the materials. The temperature
dependence of the Barkhausen jump amplitude distribution for the two materiels con-
taining 50% Fe2O3 was anomalous# In the other four materials the numbers of Barkhouset
jumps of all-sizes increased with decreasing temperature# the number of Jumps re-
maining approximately.constant between about -160 and -96o C and varying greatly with
the temperature at both lower and higher temperatures. It to suggested that !he ex-
Istence of a temperature Interval in which the number of Barkhausen jumps to temper-
ature Independent may be of use In the design of low noise devices. In the two
materials containing 50% Fs203 the number of Barkhausen jumps of all sizes decreased
rapidly with decreasing temperature, and at the lowest temperatures the Bdtkhausen
efZect could not be observed at all# although hysteresis loops were present, No
explanation is offered for this anomalous behaviors Orig. art. hast -5 figures and
I table.
SUB OWE: 2 SM nATRt l4AprG5 ORIO, REY: 008
C.C SOMCE -C*OD--E-:,,-CnVCIOI1661668loiil336V3jZ5
~NR~7 AP6636�8"
Sudakav, N. I.; Gendelev., S. Sh.; Yanitskiy,, V. X.
ORG: Institute of Pbysics.. SO AN SSSHj Krasnoyarsk (Institut fizlki So AN SSSR)
TITIX: Influence of beat treatment on the magnetic-crystallographic anisotropy arA.
rotation-bysteresis loss in lithium pentaferrite single crystals
SOURCE: Mika tverdogo tola.. Yo.8p no. .11, 1966,, 3363-3365
TOPIC TAGS: lithium, cooWound,0 magnetic anisotropy,, magnetic hysteresis, temperature
dependence, annealing,
ABSTRACT: The autbors-have investigated the influence of heat treatment on the tem-
perature dependence of the anisatropic constant and the field dependence of rotation-
hysteresis losses in a temperature rw%e much largerthan in earlier investigations
by others. In addition they investigated the temperature dependence of the magnetic-
anisotropy constants in a wider raMe of temperatures. The single crystals were
grown by the method described by.V. N. Seleznev et al. (Voprosy radioelektroniki,
ser. 111, no.' 9, 27, 1962) from a charge having a composition 6Li2c03-34Fe,203-6oPb0,,
resulting in a crystal having,the formula L10-487*2.250o,- The tests were made on a
spherical sample. 'The mqpetic-anisotropy constant was determined by torqie me"ure.
ments in fields of 20'000 Oe. Tho' lWsteresis losses were calculated from the are&
between the torque curve& plotted in both field directions during the rever"I of
magnatization cycle. .2he results have sbm,tbat quenching In air frois 800C Increases
Coo. 94FeO. 12Fe?.000-01 Y,90-SVJIO-SFe2O-&, NiO-71COO-03Fee-2Fe?+o-4()I., and Y3FeSO12- ,-n;
Turov-Mitsek formula is found to be in satisfactory agreement. vith the experiments
at low temperatures. Near the Curie point, the linear dependence of the spontaneous
magnetization on the temperature, 'Which vas expected from thermodynamic consideration,
holds true only for ferrites that are stable with respect to thermal and magnetic
annealing. Orig. art. has. 3 figures and 13 formulas.
i Card- 2/2
Methods of solving cOmPo8itS arithmeticia exercises* Mat, ve shkole No 3,,
*4,AWUA*AA* (deceased]
New-design range finder and altimeter for school use.
ped.inst.,no.8342-44 155 (HLRA 10;3
(Ran;efinding) (Altimeter)
I DROKIN, V., tokar'.
Utilize all production reserves. Nauka I zMzn' 23 n0-5:29-30 '56.
(UM 9:8)
1. KharIkovskiy turtinnyy sayod iment S.K. Kirova, chlen Vassoyasnogo
obahcheetva po rasprostranenlyu politicheskikh i nauchnykh suaniy.
Xv met-ads of rnpii m,~chinlnr o' metals Kiev, Gos. nnuc~,,nt--tekhn.
lit-ry Ukr. otd-nie 1952. 5E p. (53-3?299)
MROKII.T.D.; KB=IT.A.A.; XOSTYUKOW.U.Mi.. prof *moor, daktor tokbui-
- . ._. Jdkh nauk; redaktor; DONSKOY,Y&oT~., rodaktor: SMITCMMO,
N.G,# t9khnIabaskly redaktor
[Perfecting the tookoology of finishing large machine parts] go-
vorshoustyovanio tokhnologii obrabotki krupnykh detalel.
[Zharskowl Miarikovskoo obI.Izd-vo, 1953. 113 p. (MIRA 9:3)
(No,ohinery-Conotmat ion)
DROKONOV Ye )i lnzh.; ALEKSEYFV, O.N., inzh.; KIRILLOV, inzh.
The BMZ gas turbine vith 3,550 tip. rnting. Eno rgomashinostroeni e
10 no.7t23-25 il 164. (MIRA 17t9)
ACC NRt AP6021481 (A) SOURCE CODE: UR/0413/66/000/011/Oln/Oln
INVEWOR: Shiohkin, V. A.;_1!rokqRov, Ye. H.; Avdeyev, V. D.; Zambia, Ye. 1.
ORG: None
TITLE: A reversing mechanism for internal combustion engines. Class 46, No. 182440
1(announced by the Bryansk Machine Building Plant (Bryanskiy mashinostroitellayy
ISOURCE: Izobreteniya, promyshlenWe obraztey, tovarnyye znaki, no. 11, 1966, u1
TOPIC TAGS: internal combustion engine, engine control system, engine crankshaft
ABSTRACT: This Author's Certificate introduces a reversing mechanism for internal
combustign engines which contains a torsional hydraulic-cylinder located in the drive
unit between the crankshaft and the'eamshaft. The torsional cylinder is positively
stopped at the extreme positions of the lobes by means of several hydraulic locks lo-
cated within the cylinder itself.
Card 1/2 uDc: 621.43-581-229.384
ACC NR. AP66214 1
1,-bousing; 2-r-sprocket; 3-lobes; 4-hub; 5-spring-loaded pistons; 6--cavities;
T--hydraulic cylinder cavities
SUB CODE: F5L25 SM DATE: lTjun63
I Card 212
Determination Of vitamin D2 In presence of sterols and of products
of ergosterol photochemical conversion. Ukr.biokhtm,zhure 22 no*2:
16o-i65 150.' Owu 9 19)
1. Institut biokhtsit Aimdemii nauk URSR. Kiiv.
of sAtalidfl E Itt Wil"O.gelln oil;
venlit PLIA 1. 0, Mokova (1wit. W(whtm, ArAJ, M. Mr.
S.S.R.. RreVr-'MF.%Tm. Miqkiisn. Zhqr. :1, 2~44-30~2' , 19,11 j
(Rimsian sunapiary).--~--A vitro Milt OgT-q P11 ic a(14,rplim rlro-.
eedure is prescnted which stuppoculy ofvj3to the uun-
spedfic tacton elKoutl4led In the WC vIl;-.l'.lbl V-114NCh
reactlan now in tre.
. a.! 0, Tu.T.,- FIDMAN, B.S.; GRAGOVATS', R.Y.
Vitamin B and tocopherol content of embryos, bran, ard oil of some
wheat varieties of the Ukrainian S.S.R. Ukr.bidkhim.zhur. 23 no.4:
371-375 151- (MM 9:9)
L, Institut btokhimli Akadsmil nauk URSR. lily.
VIM, V.P.; rSUOVA. 1.G.
Procluction and some properties of artificial complexes of proteins
with vitamins A. D2, D3, and A. Vitaniqy ao,2:25-29 156. (KLRA 10:8)
1. Institat biokhimii Aimdemil usuk USSR, 11yev
DROKOVA, 1. 0. Cand Diol Boi -- (diss) "Artificial complexes of vitamin 9 And pro
tains, their productionKand properties," Kiev, 1957. 13 pp 20 cm. Ad~VS
Biol Soi, Mad. Sci UkSSR. Inst of Biochemistry), 100 copies (KL, 24-67, 116)
PILMINKO, A.T. (I)rlypiqnko, A.T.1; UPODWA, I.G. T.H.)
Aboorptlon upootrr, nad 4inoociation ~torjstanto of r-liphoEvlthio-
carbasone (dithtmonn)o 16 1~0.15:113-1-16
(Dithlanone-Stiectra) (D ter, *e
-- IaOKOVA, I.G. 01,
Biological properties of artificial protein complexes vith
vitamin 11 Evith summary in Inglish] . Ukreblokhtmothur. 29 no.2;
2o6-212 '57, (KIRA 10:7)
1. Institut biokhimii Akadauli nauk Ukrainakoy SSR. Kiyev.
AntimWgenlc properties of concentrated tocapherol preparations
[with smeary in An4lob]. Ukr,.biokhimshur,.29 no.2:242-248 157.
(MW 10:7)
1. lustitut bloWall Akadmit nouk Ukrainskoy SSR. Klyev.
USSR/Human and AnJm' Physioloey, M&.abolism T-2
Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biol.., No 14, 1958., no 64987
Author : Drokova I.Ge
Title The BioloE;ical Properties of Synthetic Complexes of
Protein and Vitamin E,
Orig Pub V abs: Vitaminy- 3- KlYev, ANi USSR., 1958, 152-158
Abstract Experiments were performoC on rabbits. In order to examine
the biolEpical activity of concentrates of vitamin E and
synthetic tocopherol-protein complexes, in a0dition to de-
terminina the veiGht curves of the experimental aninals, two
tests were employed-determination of the urinary creatina
Index and the xanthine-oxidase activity of liver homocenates.
It was shown that the biolor;ical activity of the tocopherol-
protein complex corresponds to the biological activity of
free tocopherol.
Card 1/1
DROKOVA, I. G. ; WnW, V. P.
Influence of tocopherol on the oxidation of ergoaterol and
7-dekvilrocholeaterol by oxygen, catalyzed with hemoglobin.
Vitaminy no.4:114-116 159. (MIRL 12:9)
1. Institut biokhimii Akademii nauk USSR, Kiyev.
IDR ?U~t Il. - [prokovs, I,*H..]
lave$ t Igatt"goths ~-carotens content of alp@* I?
no*2;39-42 I (MIRA 33 ill)
I* Institut botaniki AN USSR, otdol btokhtmit rastenly.
(Algae) (carotene)
DROKOVA, I.G [Drokova, I.H.]
The alga pWaaliella salins. Teod. as a source of t-carotene. 19 no*4:320-112 161. WMA 14t8)
(Ukraine-Algae) (Carotene)
PROKOVA, I.G. [Drokova, I.H.]
- Studying the conditions of P-carotene accumulation in the.alga
Chlcrella pyrenoidosa Chick. Ukr. bot. zhur. 18 no.5:65-69 161.
(HIRA 17t2)
1. Institut botaniki AN UkrSSR, otdel biokhimii rasteniy.
VENMt V.P.j DRO U I.G. [Drokova, I.H.]
Ribonucleic acid as a, gro"h sti-lator of algae. Ukr. bot. shur. 19
ho.6-.60-63 162. (MIRA 16:2)
1. Inatitut botaniki AN UkrSSR i Institui biokh4-JJ AN UkrSSR.
(Algae-Cultures and culture media) (Nucleic acids)
DROKOVA' I.G. [Drokoval I.H.); LIVETSKAYA, R.TS. [Livetelka, R.TS.)
--- -
Determination of carotene in the alga Dunaliella salina Teod.
Ukr. bot. zhur. I(O-no.3:94-96 163. : (MIRA 17:9)
1. Otdel biokbimli Instituta botaniki AN UkrSSR.
"Blosynthesis of carotene by Dunaliella sallna."
report submitted for 10th Intl Botanical Cong, Edinburgh, 3-12 Aug 64.
~ Er 6-M 3-4 -1-1= I ~
Carotene content In the alga Dunaliella salina Teod. undarf"Jie
conditions of laboratory cultivation. Mr. bot. zhur. 21
no.5t44-49 164* (WRA 18 s 2)
1. Otdal blokhimii Instituta botaniki AN UkrSSR.
DIROKOVAS I.G. (Drokovn, I.H.)
Determination of pigirents, in the alga Dunallo3bi salina Teod.
by paper chrorwitograpby. Dop. AN IJF,,,SR no.12:16cf7-1-',09 165.
(m I itA 19: 1 )
1. Institut txvtaniki All UkrSM. Submitted November "'.. 1964.
DMI.IKOWSKI, Czemlaw, mp.bas
High voltage contactors with sulphur hexafluoride as extinguisher.
Wiad elektrotachn 30 no.2:43-46 F 162.
1. Politechnika, Poznan.
11 . F.
Further Improvement of equipmDt for ziCralirg ;--ril rr~,ULJI.I-r. !raxL7:=. 1-11ow-:
and some rs-arks based on practical experience. 10. 134.
SO: East European Accessions Li:-t, Vol. 3, F. o. 9, Sept. 1954, Lib. cf CcnvresE