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DFAGOMIRETSKIYO G.A., nauk (Odessa) Cooperation off the ophthalmological institute with the public health bodies andmedical institutions. Sovet. zdravookhr. 5: 54 163 WIRA 170) DRAGOULETSKIII G.A., Interprovincial Scientific Conferenca of Ophthaz'4'10gists of Transcarpathian, Lvov., Stanislav and Cherncvtsy 1krovinces. Oft. zhur. 16 no.7443-447 .161. (I'UIA 14.12) (OPHT11-A-kLOGY-CONGRESSES) It S IZ4-58-9-9900 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1958, Nr 9, p 61 (USSR) AUTHOR: Dragomiretskiy, V. B. TITLE: Experimental Model-basin Investigation of Hull Shapes for Se,--- going Barges (Eksperimentallnoye issledovaniye form korpusov morskikh barzh v opytovorn basseyne) PERIODICAL: Nauchn. tr. Odessk. In-t inzh. morsk. flota, 1957, Nr 13, pp 164-185 ABSTRACT: Presentation of the results of an experimental investigation on the influence of the ratios of the fundamental dimensions of sea-going bargeson their resistance for a given payload capacity (300-400 tons), that is, allowing for changes in the weight of the barge hull. A series of five barge models was tested, with length/beam ratios ranging from L/B=4. 62 to 6. 29, beam/draft ratios B/D from 2. 78 to 3. 55, "slenderness coefficients" L/V173 [ cube root of the reciprocal of the I'volumetric co- efficient", V/L3, used by U. S. Naval architects. Transl. Ed. Note j f rom 4. 4 5 to 5. 4 2 (whe re V is the ship' s volume of .displacement), an overall fullness coefficient 8 from 0. 734 to Card 1/2 0. 800, and a fullness coefficient at the midship section 124-58-9-9900 Experimental Model-basin Investigation of Hull Shapes for Sea-going Barges 0. 97 3 and 0. 982. Models with an approximate scale of 1: 10. 5 were tested with a wire-mesh turbulence screen at speeds corresponding to full- scale speeds ranging from 5 to 7. 5 knots. The test results are represented by curves of the coefficients of overall resistance, the coefficients of resi- dual resistance, and the coefficients of the specific resistance (per ton of water displacement), plotted for various Reynolds numbers and Froude numbers. The frictional resistance coefficient is determined according to the Prandtl-Schlichting formula with a roughness increment '~;= 0. 7 X 10-3. On the strength of the analysis of the test results on the series of models recommendations are offered relative to the selection of optimal ratios of the principal dimensions of sea-going barges. Bibliography: 6 references. D. A. Chumak 1. Barges--Design 2. Barges--t4odel test results 3. ~Iodel basins--Applications Card 2/2 MAGOMIRITSKIT, T.B., kandidat takhnichaskikh nauk. Method of evaluating the weight capacity of seagoing bulk load barges. Sudostroonle 23 no.4:8-9 Ap '57- (miaA 10.5) (Shipe-cargo) (Barges) DRAGOMIRITSKIY, V.D., Imnd. tekhn. nauk. Method of designing the principle elements of seagoing barges to be used for carrying dry cargoes. Sudostroanie 24 no.11:13-16 N 158. (MIRA 12tl) (Barges) DRAGOMIREETSKIY, V.S. Correlation between coefficients of displacement of tank vessel hulls. Sudorem. i sudostr. no.2:113-126 163. (MIRA 17:4) 1. Odesskiy institut inzhenerov morskogo flota. 4 DRAG CMURETS ~ - .., Vniplmd1ding handbook; vols. 1, 41 5. Sudoram, I sudo:str. no.21219 163. (MMU 11--4) .DIW;OMIRE'fSKIY. V.Be. kand. tekhn. nauk rof, ffAlciento of displacement of tnnker hulls. 30 no.50~-11 My 164. (MIRA 17f6,, MAOMMOSMp V, D. DRAG%MM=v V. D. - "Uporimental Invostigation of Neurotrophic Disturbancom in the Tissues of the Nose." Odeon State Mod Inst Imeni N. 1. Pirogov, Odes", 1955. (Dissertation For the Degree of Ca=Hdate in Medical Sciences). SO: Knizhn= jetoris'. No. 37, 3 Soytember 1955 DRAGOMET-SKIT, V. D. and DEMA, L Ya. (Prdf) "Investigation of the Functional State of the Thyroid Gland in Goiter With the aid of Aadioactive Iodine" a report presented at the Scientific Conference Devoted to the Application of %dioactive Substances in i4edicine, Odessa Medical Institute, December 1954, Arkhivp Patol.j No. 2, 1956 DRAGOMIRETSKIrs V. D. "Effects of the Resection of the Trifacial Nr-eve on the Permeability of the Tissues of the Nose and the Absorbent Property of the Medulla Oblongatagn a report presented at the Scientific Conference Devoted to the Application-of Radio-active Substances in Medicine, Odessa Medical Institute., December 1954,, Arkhiv., Patol., No. 2,, 1956 Abstract: The author stated that after resection of the trifacial nerve the permeability of the nasal mucouc membrane on the side of the operation increases in the majority of the experimental animals as compared -4Ah the opposite side. Furthermore, there is an increase in the sorption of P' by the medv-Ua oblongatap principally on the side of the resection of the nerve. This, in the opinion of the author, testifies to changes of metabolism in the nerve calls as a result of injury inflicted on the corresponding afferent nerves. I/M.-I CA So a. 11 O__ /6 Oto,....a TA V 1.10 hino-Laryngo J*=57 111C 14T~ETSXI-It 1089. DIJAGON11ki~;'K9KlY V.D, *The permeability of the nasal tissue I and the leuc-ocyte-immigral ion on the surface of th ' L mucous membra,ne in cases of disturbance of the sensory innervation (Russian text) ARKII.PATOL. 1956, 18/5(55-62) Graphs 2 Tables 2 The vascular permeability of the nasal mucous membrane was tested in 22 rabbits and cats with radioactive P32, in 14 animals. the trigerninus had first been cut. The animals were killed 1-48 hr. after the i. 1). administration of p32. The nLsal mucous membrane was detached from the bone, minced and spread over astandard- ized filter paper. Then its radioactivity was determined. Normally, the p32 con- tent is the same on either side; in cases of previous sectioning of the trigeminus, it is higher on the side that has been operated on. There is also an immigration of leucocytes on this side. From this it is concluded that the nervus trigeminus plays a great part in the trophicity of the nasal tissue. Brandt - Berlin (XI, 1, 2) I DoAanwT-Rnv- w .; BBSKROV].nT, L.G., proresgor, doktor Istoricheek1kh 0 daktor; IGNAhOTICH, G.M., radaktor; HYASHIKOVA, T.Y., t khpicheshy redaktor [Ss~acted vot" ; prolemm in training and Instructing troops] lzbi*mqe trudy; voprosy vospitantia i obuchenlia Toisk, Pod red, L.G.Beskrovnogo. Moskva. Tosn.1zd-vo Xlai7terstva obor. SSSR, 1956. 636 p. (KTaA 9:8) (Military education) DRAGOMIROV, No I& "Continuance of Influence Needod for Retina Induction in Amphibians#" Dokl. AN SSSR, 26, No.5. 1940 Lab. of Organogenesis 00 so W-- I- re 6 sup Ofty fttwb the .."Oeldlama, D. IL wee L A � a I L A AttAtLWOKAL tifflatm CLAWC01" via.. 114.1mv- lose" ;4t o"t IN t. it, ~io .1-4 V-11 V Vr~TAn& to Iwo Ito I IN alla-i- i'll 0 0 D to 0 a x it a It a a a a I la so* o 000 0000 $0000000041A ove to a ood 0* it Owtim mots ptim on lift 4ne. aw. it*. (0-8 a ct- 4.0fttlasum bduction J. D. W AII.ILA 441 via TI&JAI supw a If a I IF a 9 40 43 U a f 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 a 0 0 0 0000040 0 *so 00 -00 goo goo goo goo 0 see we@ goo 110 bee oleo DFaGOMIROV, N. 1. ?A 5FT75 MY 1947 Mv61*Uw - 3kbr7oIW "The Aatlon of the Visseatodems of a frog in the DeteriLluational Field of Wan are in the Ibbryos of a-Triton,w N. 1. Diaccairov, inst wolutiowa um-ph iusni A. ff. Severtsoy, Acad Sci USMtp 3 pp "Dok Abad Nank s=; Nove. ser" voi Lvi, vo 6 D"oribes exparimmts in ibich mbryos usually developed normally,, twin balsk-3ers developed In their own places, an& too large a medial vu set up an account of positive affect of Implantatim. Sub- mitted by Academician 1. 1. Sbmallgauzen, 1 Oet 1946. DRAGOMIR07, No L "Morphogenetic Interaction Between the Eye R-adiment and the Covering Ectodem." Doki. AN SSSRf 23., No-4,, 1* Lab. of Organogenesis, Severtsev Inst. of"Pimal Morphology DRA.00MIROV., N. 1. "Embryological Development of Mixed Balancers in Interspecifle Transplantations of Ectoderm.," Dokl. AN &WR., 66, No.3, 1949 ^:)turgeons* Ecolo-morpholiogical characteristics of the paeudoscaphirynchus 3arv . Dokl. AN SSSR 85 No. 6, 1952 Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, December_195P Uncl. MMMIROT"N.I. % Development of sturgeon [sevrugal larvae during the period of yolk feeding. Trudy Inst.morf.shiv. no.10:244-263 153. (KLRA 6:11) (Sturgeons) MLWHIROV, N. I. Now - -1. . Species characteristios of the alevin of sturgeon-like fishes following hatching. DokI.AN MISR 93 n0.3:551-536 11 153- (0U 6321) 1. Inetitut morfologil Ohivotnykh lm~ A.N.Goverteovs Akademit naulc 8M, Predstavleno akademikom Ye.N,PjLv1eovmkjm. (sturgeom) IWOMIROV, H.I.; PAVIOVSKIT. Ye.N., akademik. Basic characteristics of age changes in the behavior of sturgeon larvae. DokI.AH WZR 93 no.4-.725-728 D 15). (HLRA 6:11) 1. Akademiya asuk SM (for Pavlovskiy). 2. Institut morfologii shivotnykh im. A.N.Severteova Akademii nank SSSR (for Dragomirov). (Sturgem) Card Authors Dra!~onilrov, N. I. Titl-- I rly stage of larval devoloment nr Periodical : Dokl. AN 333H, 96, Ed. 6, 126S, - 1.268, AlOstract : The early star:es of larval deve-lo-nent )f so,j,i Fccar-+Iirhynchu5~ larvae ',iv--tir3Ied in the s-, ri,-P~ -lable, I'l t, i on '~cad. of Sc. USSR, The A. N. ver,.,;~w I rp,.iented by Academician 1. 1. Shmallgguzen, Anril X-, MRI/ -1,34-ology ~Oology C ar d. 1 1/1 Authors t Dragordrov, U. 1. Development of skin receptors on thp lowc!r sid-~ of the head Of sturgeon larvae transforid~g into natiz-al 1 -fe. DVkI. All 0,- '" "~ , I - 17t, ;,, I " r--LO L 0 IL73 ~F-, --.T 1 0 -7,~ Abstract The development of skin receptors at the l ower side of the head ol" sturgeon larvae during transformation into natuarai wray of life$ is exDlained scientifically. Fi-ve refer,?nceF , n- 7 Acad. of Sc. USSR, The % N. Severt-Fr--, Presented by Acadmician, 1. 1. Sl=allgauzen, April 213, 195~1 USSR / General Biology. Individual Devolopmont. abryonle B Dovelopment,, Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biologiya, No 4, 1959, No. 14367 Author : Dr omirov N. 1. v Inst :'IMs. it Alt~W-K~ii~l Morphology, Academy of Scioncos USSR Title :Tho Latval Dovolopment of the Volga-Crnsplan 8turgoon Orig Pub :Tr. In-ta morfol. zhivotnykh AN SSSR, 1957, vyp 20, 187-231 Abstract :The formation of the skeleton, the motor organs, di-oation, rospiration and sensory orSans of the sturgeon larvae are described In datail, DurinS the larval period 18 stages are distinguished by the author of which most are divided Into 2 substages. The Card 1/2 USSR / General Biology. Individual Development. Ermbryonio B Development. Abs Jour Rof Zhur - Biologlya, No 4, 1959, No. 14367 structure of a 50-day old baby fish is also described. A highly specialized form does not exist in the postombryonal development. Ontogunosis prosents a gradual and consistent change, passing from one to another structure from the og3 to the grown Individual. Differences between the stages are basically of a quantitative character. -- A. G. Andrea Card 2/2 1Q 17M AUTHOR: Dragomirox.-U---1-- SOY/2o-124-2-69/71 .TITLE: The Age Relations in the Development of the Organs of the Lateral.Skstem,in Larvae of Ship From the Aral Sea Acipenser nudiventris Lov. (Vozrastnyye sootnosheniya v razvitii organov laterallnoy sistemy u lichinok arallskogo shipa Acipenser nudi- ventris Lov.) PERIODICAL: Doklady "ademii nauk SSSR, 1959, Vol 124, Nr 2, ',-PP 489 - 492 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In the larvae of Acipenser stellatus and sturgeon (Ac.gUlden- stg-dti) neuromasts at certain parts of the head are formed at a very early time when the lateral si-stem is still highly underdeveloped (Refs 1,2). In different genera and species of sturgeon the neuro-epithelial follicles develop at different periods according to the ecological characteristics of the larvae (Refs 2,3). The author investii~atN tke differentiation of the system mentioned in the title for the fir.,t timelin sections. The larvae mentioned in the title show the mort,, completely developed lateral system. The author has based his classification, of the organs, now as before, (Ref 2) upon the differences with respect to the ntructure of the receptors Card 1/ 3 in connection with the divergent development of the rudiments. The Age Relations in the Development of the Organs of the SOV/2o-124-2-69/71 Lateral System in Larvae of Ship From the Aral Sea Acipenser nudiventrir Lov. Tables 1-3 furnish the results of InvestiCation of larvae obtained in intervals of 24 hours. The topographical characteristic was based upon connections with the nerves of the lateral system. In larvae already prepared for the :search of food all organs of the lateral system are alrealey differentiated and open. The apiracular organ which lies in the appendix cavity of the spont hole exists for a long time as a compact formation. It develops a cavity at a late period and opens exactly at the ti-ne when the spont hole opening breaks through. The rudiments of the neuro-epithelial follicles are formed as groups of different age according to the innervation extension of the epidermis and they differentiate simultaneously with the nerves. Each neurnmast is connected with a separate branch of the main trunk, the follicle with the ends of the ramified long runner.of the nerve. The early forming ganClion VII forms together with its nerves a sort of center of the spreading differentiation of the lines innervated by it (Tables 1-3). Further ganglia together with their nerves as well as receptors of the lateral Card 2,3 The Age Relations in the Development of the Organs of the SOV12o-12A,-2-69171 Lateral System in Larvae of Ship From the Aral Sea AciDenser nudiventris Loy. system differentiate suo.essively backwards, Already at the beginning of the formation of the system not individual neurom.asts are formed but lines. The above mentioned data refer to an asynchronous formation of receptors at different parts of the system. A particular rapid development undergo individual components and parts of the mi-An line within the sphere of the ganglion III. Thus the problem of the adaptive importance of such a succession in the process of development is raised. There are 4 figures, 3 tables,-and 6 references, 4 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Institut morfologii zhivotnykh im. A. N. Severtsova Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute for Animal Morphology imeni A. N. Se- vertoov of the Academy of Sciences, USSR) PRESENTED: September 11, 1958, by I. I. Shmallgauzen, Academician SUBMITTED: September 9, 1958 Card 3/3 170) SOV/20-125-6-506/61 AUTHOR- Dragomirov, N. 1. TITLE: Development of the System of the Neuro-epithelial Follicles in the Larvae of the Lake Aral Acipenser nudiventris Lov (Razvitiye sistemy neyroepiteliallnykh follikulov ulichinck arallskogo ships. Acipenser nudiventris Lov) PEhIODICAL Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1959, Vol 125, Nr 6, PP 1374-1377 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The follicles, mentioned in the title, of the sturgeon larvae correspond to the "nerve sacs" belonging to the organs of the lateral system and scattered over certain zones of the rostrum and other parts of the head. Thoy are derived from a basal layer of the epidermis. The topographical distribution and the development rate of the follicles varies even among closely related species (Ref 1)1 in individual genera of the Acipen- seridae familyq there are, however, vast differences. This phenomenon is obviously connected with the ecological-morpho- logical properties of the larvae, %s well as with their nutrition (Ref 2). In order to determine the genesis of the Card 1/4 differences between the individual species, the formation SOV/20-125-6-56/61 Development of thA System of tLe Neuro-epithelial Follicles in the Larvae of the Lake Aral Acipenser nudiventris Lou during ontogenesis of the entire organ complex would have to be clarified. For this purpose, the author describes the Bootion ooncerned of the lateral system of the species mentiory.'d in the title in populations occurring in Lake Aral. Table I shows the dates of the emergence of the follicles at different ages (expressed in days) of the larvae. Figures 1-4 show the individual development stages of the follicles. In other Acipenser species and in beluga (Acipenser huso), the neuro- epithelial follicles, at the end of the yolk nutrition stage, also form pores with exterior openings. -in other types, as e.g. in Pseudoseaphirhynohus, the development of these organs is slowed down. This will be easily undersLood if the intensified develo ment of the taste bud covered antennae of the larvae (Ref 25 is taken into account. The results of this juxta- position not only indicate an adaptive significance of the de- velopment rates, but also suggest a connexion, governed by certain laws, between the time of follicle opening and the time when the receptors will be able to take up their functions. In specific cases, these laws are, however, quite complex. The Card 2/4 different ages of the rudiments, the prolonged formation, and SOV/20-125-6-56/61 Development of the System of the Neuro-epitholial Follicles in the Larvae of the Lake Aral Aoipenser nudiventris Lov the-stunting or reduced development of part of the follicles -create a basis for variability. The number of follicles varies in each zone,, not only with different individuals, but even in the right and left sides of the head of one and the same larva. From a functional.aspeot, this variability is understandable if.we oonsider that we are here concerne6 with a great number of organs without strict localizations. On the contrary, con- stant differences originating in the same variability will emerge 4n, oomparJwns!between different- species and genera. The oharac'ter-of suah.differences,-and their origin in ontogenesis axe to:be elucidated in further investigations. There are 4 f-igures,' 1table, and 4 Soviet referenoes. ASSOCIATION: Institut morfologii zhiv'otn'ykh im. A. N. Severtsova, Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Animal Morphology imeni A. No Severtsov of 'the Academy of.SciRnces USSR) PRESENTED: Januaxy 14P.1959, by 1. Is.Shmallgauzen, Academician Card 3/4 SOV/207125--6-56/61 Development of the Byptem of the Neuro-epithelial Follicles in the Larvae of the 1ake Ai7al'A:dipenser'-fiudiie'ntrid Lev SUBMITTED: January.7, 1959 Card 4/4 DRAGOMIROV,,.,,,A--I- Ecological and morphological characteristics of larval developmat in the white sturgeon Huso buso (L.)9 Trudy Inst.morf.shiv. no*33: U-93 161. - (KMA 14:6) (;olga River-Sturpons) (IArvae-FisheB) DRAGOMIROV -H'1 Development of the lateral system of the sensory organs in the larvae of the sturgeon Huso huso (L.). Problem of adaptive relations in morphogenesis. Zhur. ob. biol. 22 no-4:273-280 n.Ag 161. (HIRA 15:6) 1. Institute of Animal Morphology, U.S.S.R., Academy of Sciences. 01ERVES, FERIMML) (STURGEONS) 'TJTKV, Evgop inzhq BEZLOV, D.., Jnzh.; VASILEVA, 14., inzh.; DRAGOVJIW, T. Licreasing durability of the guides of metal-cutting tools by surface hardening, Hashinostroene 12 no.017-22 Je'63. OVOWWWOW #I f# 4 so It u it 17 IL-A W-0 00 4T OO'l F, 1, f a 10jing coolont In put bill wll*fa Alf, N' 4 valbAl, I'XI'al, Itmili- I.-tot.n Ill, r"box rlt "f IA.- thr'..j cf.'"T I It, Ism. I l%.1' 1 %41.1 ' mul 4 %ill. I'v 1,'.l ~Iwot'd wilh K'CO'. *0 mcm willi uk,. The ficAlof 'Affil Ill! 11, 110111 Kil),,wlsidi wit Ihvn th-M. t4whilholly pill 'N.1-S,4 1, M .14111 ONAW431 41141W jp%%l owfvlAtkoM N't"will 4 iNVIAlwk- waict, lon-I ihvti,t,l alm,,l om,liti-m, 41111teld Ihe W*r Ihe lJoklittv (1,111col. Itte highvr I- Ow vid'aig"Ill, lit ; ' S. V~ the Illyfl-Ill SIAMI. '4-vvt1jq"1 t&fl tio... % '00 see re 0 off wave .0 "It ORF 444 u is AV to Ali; oilA offifl 4w "M Lot " a 0 it 0 At All lit Ill K- it #A A 1 4 ow a to v A, 3 g V &A-t-A-s I oil _.&A -i I JF_ I ..0 too" "alWat of Will produds troak So vatiouO it. -00 glislas of W lWvW Unless. Is(. A, It% 1"Tillm to. I F"c. t *00 o f4b. hetthitAON. ". sit. 0 a dirw was deld. in Ow smsh of wh"l. rvr. -11,, l b K bb k l I at. im. tom it iram,smd "scat aXr,ctxn. nuts. mil vd , 0 0 Balkarian AS K sterts At~f- 4 .8ftc A 8S.R.. misid It.- fmi A S S R. h lAijan NJR~R, N11.11h.l. 44 rstll~ athl mnmttv~i. itirv Ow. OR mmalvall, imilhise o"It.-Ill 1a114"1 It,"" dlj~.%. 00 Pitt mly mI pi.. 111, 1. 1 liv I.. It.,, "'Otti,it %Ilfir% SCrtildnig to lite feg~ijj. I 1AIA .41.1 tricat I'm Cwtvdlits" of tht itillimic Omllfl.. 44 the hit.1 C4, 0 41141111111 ::00 01 atty one region and thic thyrti4l evisiditit"i 4 Ilse pnq)k- of 0 that texitmi. 41*4111 00 j coo 4W& V goo goo 40 0 f W 440 0 o goo No 11100 A 14 - I L A 1119TALLUNSKIII, 6.1191141blits C1,010KA11006 14 goo Ise", IT11410914 tjj~ 4J.01, goo to Aft 1 is is a 0 1 l Its Is a .0 4# , Il 1a 0 0 0 Soo '00 'O's '00,00 46 01111s*10000#4111illilloo 0 *i : 0 # 111 0 40 : 0 : A-1 1111 0-0 _ o eqe _49_0 0 -0 _* o 0 0 0 0 * 0 Ills 0 0 0 00 00 41111 00 _O 0 0 0 0 a a Subject WSH/191sictricity AID P 196-c- Card 1/2 Pub.'.29 - 15/25 Author .!,-.,,Dragomoshchenko., L. A., Eng. Title Experiment with dir;ddt'btarting of a 3000-kva synchronous motor Periodical : Energetik, 40 27-29, Ap 1955 Abstract : The author describes the electric drives of 6-kv, 3000-kva pump dredges of the SM-3000-500 type. The starting ef the synchronous motors was made in two steps with the help of magnetic starters of the SNL 7302-42 type. This type of starting was often erratic and it was remodeled into a one-step direct starting from the 6-kv network. The time of synchroni- zation was reduced from the previous 16-19 seconds to 8 see. This type of starting was tried with satisfactory results in 1953 on one of the pump dredges. It was introduced on all the dredges of the given construction works. Two connection diagrams. Instltution: None Submitted No date ik- -- DRA9~ ~N_AIL_ Experimento in the production of sucker leavev of Virginia. Rocz nauk roln roal 81 no.41935-955 160. (MAI 10:9) (Tobacco) DRAGON, :an Field experimente on the production of aucker leavem of Maeborla Pomorska, Rocs nauk roln roal 81 no.41957-974 160. (n) : 10: 9) (Poland-Tobaic~) 'DRAGON, Jan , The value in the use of varietieo-of Kentucky tobacco studied at the Skroniov Experiment Station during the years 1949-1953. Rocz nauk roln rool 86 no,2t295-300 162. 11 DRAGON, Karoly, dr.; PATAILT Ilona, dr. Studies on 0-reactive protein in Isurgical diseasee. Orv.hetil. 101 no.41:1453-1454 9 0 160. 1, Szented Megyei lorbas, So'besseti oestaly. (0-MOrM PROPEIN) - A DRAGON, Karolyl dr.; PATAKY, Ilona, dr. -It~ Enzymatic studies ("the enzyme bloptiy") in cranial Injuries. Orv. het12. 103 no.29&1358-1359 22 J1 162. 1. Szentosi Megyei Korhaz, Seboszoti Osztaly es Laboratorium. (BRAIN wds & inj) (TPJIISAMINASFZ metab) DRAGON, Kalory, dr.; RADO, Zoltang dr. -, .- .. ... ........ ~' ~.. Isolated rectal neurinoma. simulating rectal carcinom&. Magy. sebesz. 17 no.2:35-57 F164. 1. Szentesi Megyei Korhas,~- Sebeazet. ~X- BANKAy Varian.. mgr inz.; WPM, KOnrad,,..mgr inz.1 GRA.BIFSKI,Kazi:mierz.inz. Kethane danger control in the 1 Maja mine. Wiadom gorn 14 no&3.1&346-350 W63, DRAGON,.Karolyp dr.; PATACKYj Ilona# dr. .. ea (*the enzyme biopsy") in cranial injuries. Ory. Enzymatic otudi heti.l. 103 no.29s1356-1359 22 Tl 162. 1. Szentesi Megyei Korhazo Sebeezeti Oaztaly es Laboratorium. (BRAM wds & inj) MOMMIASES metab) HUNGARY r PATAKI, Ilona, Dr; Szentes Megye Hospital, Surgical i WD M~'j cuh. Feeep tvan, Dr) and Laboratory (chief physioian: ard ant. BUGYI, Is PATAKI, Ilona, Dr) (Szentes Megyel Korhaz, Sebeszeti Osztaly es Labora- torium). 11 SGOT Studies in Various Surgical Diseases." Budapest, Orvosi Hetilap, Vol 107, No 31, 31 Jul 66. pages 1457-1458. Abstract; [Authors' Hungarian summary] Serial SGOT determinations were carried out in surgical diseases accompanied by tissue necrosis, severe inflammation and muscular lesions. It was found that the transaminase value was always high in these cases. The results support the necro- biotic theory of transaminase enLyme release; according to this theory, the transaminase level increases in every case which involves damage to cells active in metabolism. 13 Hungarian, 3 Western references. 1/1 23025 P/045/6i/020/004/003/004 Luminescence of "dry" aluminum B133/B205 area was coated with a transparent and conducting CdO or SnO2 film. The cadmium-oxide film was deposited by the cathodic reactive sputtering technique, and the SnO film was fumed by the procedure of chemical depo- 2 sition (11scher, A., Z. Naturforsch. ~a, 506, (1954)). There appeared to be little difference in the behavior of cells prepared by either method. The simple arrangement used for tht, purpose allowed for simultaneous measurement of both the intensity, Ic, induced by d-c voltage in the cell, and the intensity, IV Of the photocurrent which was produced in an F.E.U. 19-M photomultiplier Lnd was proportional to the brightness of luminescence. The cells emitted light if the voltage applied in the in- verse direction was sufficiently high. Sudden transitions between the states (A1+) and (Al-) produced anode and cathode flashes as in the case of electrolytic cells. Measurements of Ic and If at different d-c voltages (see Figs. 4 and 5) indicated the following: "Dry" luminescent cells ex- hibit a pronounced property of rectification. As in the case of electro- lytic cells with -=Btant oxide thickness, it is found that L = c-1 c WES01WRIt :.; DRAGONOR.; MOCIIIIAKO T. Influence of water vapor an the rectifying and electrolumi- neacent properties of anoftr oxide films on aluminum. Acta physica Pbl 24 no-32407- "I S163. 1. Institute of Experimental Ph~mics.. Boleslav Bierut Uni- Versity., Wroclaw (for Wesolovski). 2. Instituto of Physics, Teacherst Collegep Opole (for Dragon and Mochniak). HIRSEVITS. A., Dr.; DRAOON, V., dr.; POPOTICI, 0., dr. Therapy of several forms and sites of maligmant tumors with radioactive phosphorus. P32; immediate results in 6 advanced cases. Med. Int., Bucur. 8 no.2:308-316 Apr-Kay 56. 1. Lucrare facuta In Institutul do Oikoologis din B u curesti. (PHOSPHDRUS, radioactive tber. of advanced cancer) (NMPLASMS. therapy ,radiophosphorus, in advanced cases) -MAGON V.; MMUORUNUIAL Therapeutic Indications in cancer of the cervix uteri. RwmLnlan M. Rev. 4 Ja-mr 160., 1. Oncologic Inatitute,Bacharest. (CERVIX NIMIASMS radiother.) PINEMP S., dr.L_AgkG0N,_!., dr. . . Roentgen therapy through lead grids in branc~opmbwnary amears. Ned, intern., Bucur 13 no.ltl37-142 A 161. LUNG NEOPLASMS radiotherapy) RGINOMA BRORCHOGENIC radiotherapy) 0 BANU, I.; VLLD, L.; DRAGON, v,j CASAT, st. ----------- Study on the incorporation of radioactive phosphorus (P32) by blood elements under the influence of x-rays. I. Incorporation of P32 by the leukocytes of irradiated dogs. Neoplasms. 8 no.2: 165-175 161. 1. Institut d'Oncologio, Bucarest Roumanie. (PHOSPHORUS blood) (LEUIKOCYTES chom) (RADIATION INJURY blood) BAITU, I.; VLAD, L.; PU=I-V,-; CASAT, St. Study on the incorporation of radioactive phosphorus (P32) by blood elements under the influence of x-rays. II. Incorporation of P32 by the erythrocytes of irradiated dOg3. Neoplasma 8 no.2:177-183 161, 1. In3titut Oncologique, Bucaresc,, Roumanie. (PHOSPHORUS blood) (LAYTHROCYTIZ cliem) (RADIATION INJURY blood) PINEIZS,S.1 DRAGON,V. Studies on the etio-pathogenatic factors in broncho-Vulmonary cancer. Neoplasma 11 no.1&63-69 164. 1. Institut, Oncologique de.Bucarest, Roumanie. RPIPGIIUC, Lmll; GlIAMC1, 02ra; DRAGONCEA, Cornelia Determining the MA cincentration In rat liwir. Stvdli cern, biochimie 7 ro.3:331-336 164. 1. Cha4.r of Aniti.oV 2 of the inlititiltA, Bucharest. Submitted June 2.6, 1964. DRAGONCEA, Cornelia, dr.; APOSTEAM, Gabriela, dr. Enzymologic aspects of the gastric mucooa in humans with chronic gastritis associated with gastric cancer and gastric and duodenal ulcer. Med. intern. (Bucur.) 17 no.9:1063-1067 8 165. 1. Lucrare efectuata in Clinica a IT-a medicala, Centrul de gastro- entorologle, Bucuresti (director: prof. T. Spirch6z). DRAGOS. B. SCIEVICE Periodicals: STUDII SI CERCETARI DE FIZICA. Vol. 6, no. 2. Apr./June 1955 DRAGOS, B. M.A. Leontavicils Introducere in termodinamica (Introducition to Thermo&jnamics)j a book review-.7750-37 - Monthly List of East European Acceszions (EEAI) LC, Vol. 8, No. 2, February 1959, Unclass. PIMTORIAN, D., ing.j MARCUS, I., ing.; DRAGOS, Z., Ing. SOMNIEP M., 1new producing highly resistant vrdinary cast iron with lamellar graphite. Metalurgia constr mas 15 no.8001-503.Ag 163. . ~. " 1, . :,A" i. DRAGOSt 1. - -.I,- Movement of a coaductor gas arourd thin prcfiles. Comunicarile AR 13 no.8:671-676 A063. 1. Comunicare pruzontats do cwa(.Vral,~7.itu~, C.lacob. IM, A &0 -,,- /' - RLBIANJA/The~~etical Physics - General Problems B-1 Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Fizikay No 2, 1958, No 2626 Author Inst Not Given Title Concerning an Oscillator Whose Mass Varies with the Velocity Orig Pub An. Univ. "C.I. Parhon". Ser. stiint. natur.j, 1956p No 12p 41-44 Abstract Analysis of the forced oscillations of a relativistic oscil- lator, whose equation of motion is of the form v ox YC where A Card 1/1 4062 S/044/6Z/000/012./021/049 ",to AO60/AOO0 AUTHORz Dragop, L. TITLEs Motion of viscous fluid in elastic tubes in connection with problems of hemodynamics (blood dynamics). I. PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Matematika, no. 12, 1962, 65, abstract 12B288 (Studii. pi cercet~rl mat. Acad. RPR, 1962, v. 13, no. 1,*63 73, Rumanian; summaries in Russian, Ftench) TEXT: The author solves in the linear formulation the problem of motion of.~'. a viscous incompressible fluid in a semi-infinite tube of circular cross section with pulsating walls (0 _4 z -4 oo, 0 4 r 4 R'). T~e components of wall displace- ment urs uz are obtained as the s9lutions of-the system of equations of the A eic4(z-clt) .0 u w B e where h,'B, theory of elasticity: ur r z ce, c",.are constants. On the tube wall (r - R' - R + ur) the author sets the condition of adherence of the fluid, taking into account the motion of the wall, and also the condition of equality of the normal stresses of fluid and wall. In the initial section (z w 0) the velocity of the fluid'is specifieds vr W 0, Card 1/2 3/044/62/ooo/ol2/021/049 Motion of viscous fluid in elastlo tubes In .... A060/AOOO vz = a (1 cos Pt)(R12 - r2) constants. The initial conditiom have the form: vr f, (r, Z), Vz U f; (Sr': z). With the aid of the Laplace transform with respect to t and the Hankel, transform with finite limits with respect to r (0 4 r 4 R) the system of Stokd s equations reduces to a-system of ordinary dif- ferential equations with constant coefficients. Here the simplifying assumption is introduced that the boundary conditions are satisfied not at r = R' but at r = R. The solution of the problem is constructed in the'form of series. The' series obtained are not investigated. B.V. Rusanov [Abstracter's notes Complete translation] Card 2/2 S/044/62/000/01P-/022/049 A06OIA000 AMORt Dragog, L. TITLE: Elastic oscillations of a cylindrical tube PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Matematika, no. 1~, 1962, 67, abstract 12B299 (Studii 91 cercet9ri mat..Acad. RPR, 1962, v. 13, no. 1, .143 - 153, Rumanian; summaries in Russian, French) T~XT: In connection with problems of hemodynamics the author considers the problem of.integrating dynamic equations of the theory of elasticity in a semi-infinite cylindrical tube with radii a, b. On the walls of the tube (r w a, r b) are given the displacements ur and the tangential stresses c'rz in the form of arbitrary functions of z, t. In the initial section (z - 0) are given either the stresses 6'zz' %Z' or thr. displacenrents ur, u2 as arbitrary functions of r, t. At the initial instant of time (t w 0) are given the displacements ur, z dur k9u as arbitrary functi.ons of z, r. With the aid of u and the velocities __A at , Sto the Laplace transform in t and the Hankel transform with finite limits in r" Card 1/2 S/044/6Z/000/01Z/02Z/049 Elastic oscillations of a cylindrical tube A060/AOOO (a i~, r - b), the system of equations of the theory of elasticity Is reduced to a system of ordinary differential equations with constant coefficients. The solution-of the problems-is construated, in the-form of series. The series are not investigated. B. V. Rusanov [Abstracter's note: Complete translation) Card P/2 S/124/63/000/001/050/080 D234/0308 Dragop, L. TITLE: :;Iastic vibrations of cylindrical pipes IUDICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mckhanika, no. 1, 1963, 23, abstract IV160 (Studii si cercet&-i mat. zad. 1962, v. 13, no. 1, 143. 153 (Run.: summaries in Rus-and Fr.)) The author considers the dynamic problems o-ifff the theory of elasticity for a semi-infinite hollow cylindrical pipe, in order to apply them to the problems of hamodynamics (blood dynmAcs). Solutions of two problems are constructed using incomplete separation of variables: 1) stresses are given at the end of the pipe and spe- cial mixed conditions at the lateral surface (the tangential stresncs are given functions of the radius and of time), tho system of: basic' equations of the problen is integrated and theresult's are represent- ed as inversion integrals of series in terms of Dessel functions: 2) in the second problem displacements are given at the end of the Card 1/2 Elastic vibratioj~,s J/124~63/000/001/050/080 D-134/ 303 PI aild the solutions are also rc4preL;Cnted as integrals. 2 ~~-UF)stracterls 'Iota: Complete translation2 Onrci 21/2 PORA, Eugen A.v acad.j WITTENBERGER, Carol; RUSDEA, De:ia; DRAGOS, 114~14 Observations on ret.inomotor phenomena of some fishes in the Black Sea. Studii biol. Gluj 14 no.2:299-304 163. 1. Center of Biologie'Research, Rumanian Academy, Gluj Branch. VP LgAGOS, T. Mechanization of tho work of' administerinj! chemical fertIlizerv and chemicab for Vic protection of plantr. p. 293. T Vol. 10, no F RRIISTA DE C14DIIE. Bucurerti, Rumania. - 5, lay 1959. Sept. Monthly List of East Furoppan Accessions. (EEAl), LC. Vol. 8,, nc. 9,/1959. tIncl. DRAGOS, TommlO, ing. if Machanization of agricoltural work on slopen. St si Teh Buc 16 no.21 13-1j., F 164. DRAGOSI V. Disharmonic and microtectonic accidents between Homoriciu and Kineciu (Teleajen Valley). Dari seama sed 46:355-380 158/59 [publ..162). DRAGOS, V. The valley anticline in Parasca Valley (Valenii de Munte). Dari seama sed 46:381-386 158/59 (Publ. 162). DPACOS - PAPIU, Victor Corvin (Bucuresti) I ~' ,,IA-; "Geologic and metallogenellic study of the medium part of the Arize Massif" by Elena Adriana. Perseil. Reviewed bv V. Dragon, Victor Corvin Papiu. Natura Geografie 16 nc 1:96 Ja-F 164. DRAGOS, Vasile --- I -. - I I-- Furnace constructive modification, improvemont of glass quality. Constr Buc 15 no.70W 8 Je 163. 1. Inginer-sef al Fabrlaii de geamuri, Mediao. ,kcamioN NR: AP4015868 R/0017/63/000/008/0498/0501 AUTHOR: Dragosj, Z. (&41n**r)1 Holdovanp C. (Engineer); Epure,, It. (Engineer) TITLE: The use of a and ultrasound in the canting of metal SOURCE: 'Motalurgia, no. 8p 1963v 498-501 TOPIC TAM metal casting# ultrasound# soundwayop vibration, degassing ABSTR%CT- The authors waaarite the various applications of sound and ultrasound in metal casting, calling attention to the indications,and advantagss/disadvan- tages of each method. The principal use of ultrasound is to obtain a finer crys- talline structure, while the main effect of using sound is to cause very tho- rough stirring of the entire mass of liquid metal,, resulting in degassing and more amorDbous erowtb. Application of ultrasound may involve either irradiation of cast parts of irradiation of the liquid metal before casting. The use of sound' in casting is simpler and more widely applicable than that of ultrasound, espe- cially in the form of an 50-cycle electrodynamic vibraUt- which is resistant, easy to maintain and adjustable for a wide range of powers. The efficient do- gassing, visible to the naked eye,, does notlengthen tha'canting period as it Acassim xRt AP4oi5M can-be performed,, while remoting oxidation products from the surface of the liquid, by simply resting the pot on the vibrator. Such an installation reduced the wiount of rejects by 47 percent in the manufacturing of pistons made of the alloy AlCu4mgN12; the gas content of the alloy decreased from 11.5 to 2*5 parcent, traction resistance increased by an average of 12 percent, density of ihe metal increased, and hardness increased an average of 12 percent . The use of sound was also tested on 5 ingots of liquid st4al,, each~700 mm high vibrated for about 15 minutes with a 50-cycle,, 250 v vibrator. Because of the favorable results, a 5-kw, 50 cycle*per second device-capable of processing- =ch larger pieces was built and Is described. Results obtained with this device Justify extension of this -method. Orig. art. has 1 4 figum ASSOCIATION3 now SMaTTM, 00 SO CODE: HL DRAGOS,,ZawX1r,_~ng.; MOLDOVAN, Cornel, Ing.; HURE, Mircea, ing. 'Use of sound ind supersonics in the foundry. St si Teh Buc 15 no-4:16-17 Ap 163. 1. Collective of the "Tehnica noual' Foundr:r and the Section of the Foundry of the 1123 August" Plant, Bucharest. % I - -< '3~ 'DR fi&-oMNU, Rumania Ahemical Technology. Chemical Products H-5 and Their Application Water treatment. Sewage water. Abs Jour: Referat Zhur Khimiya, No 1, 1958, 1807 Author : Malacea I.. Raciviceanu R., Cure V., Dragosanu. sit. Title : Preliminary Investigations of the Pollution of the Rivers Birsa, Vulcanita and Olt by Sewage Water of the Paper and Cellulose Plant at Zarnesti. Orig Pub: Bul. inst. cereetari piscicole, 1956, 15s No 3, 66-76 Abstract: Sewage water has a detrimental effect on pisci- culture and on the sugar refinery located nearby. It Is recommended fully to utilize the sulfite liquors, to remove the cellulose fibers and im- C ard IA t Rumania /themical Technology. Chemical Products H-5 and Their Application Water treatment. Sewage water. Abs, Jour: Referat Zhur - Khimiya, No 1, 1958, 1807 prove operation of the available installations for the purification and neutralization of the sewage water. Card 2/02 ACCESSION NR: AP4023406 8/0048/64/028/003/0553/0058 !'AUMIOR: Shur,Ya.s.; Glazer,A.A.; Dragoehanskiy,Yu.N.; Zaykova,V.A.; Kandaurova,G.S. TITLE: Regarding departures from homogeneity of magnetization within forromagnetic' domains 41aport, Symposium on Ferro"Snetism and Forroolectricity hold in Leningrad; 30 May to 5 June 19627 SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya fizicheakaya, v.28, no.3, 1964, 553-558 TOPIC TAGS: ferromagnetic domains, ferromagnetic domain inhomogeneity, magnetiza- tion.reversal nuclei ABSTRACT: This paper is a short summary of investigations, conducted in the Forro- magnetic Laboratory of the Institute of Metal Physics of the Academy of Sciences, SSSR, concerning departures from homogeneity of magnetization within forroma--netic domains. The early stages of the formation of magnetization reversal nuclei on the basal plano surlace of a magnotoplumbito crystal, and their development into domains~- was observed by moans of powder patterns. Motion pictures of this process were made,' and several frames are reproduced. As the magnetizing field (perpendicular to the i 7 crystal surfaca) was gradually reduced from saturating values, the powder pattern, Card 1/3 ACCESSIOX KR: AP4023406 initially featureless, first showed large (-O.l mm) circular bright spots. These do- creasod in size, increased in number, became irregular in shape, and finally some of them could be seen to grow Into twisting domains of opposite magnetization. The initial large spots revealed by the powder pattern are ascribed to "spin vortices". :regions in which the spins are inclined to the surface in a circular pattern. TheW- ,arise because they provide partial flux closure within the crystal, thus reducing .the surface energy. As the magnetizing field decreases, the spin inclinations in- .crease, and the disturbance penetrates more deeply into the crystal. Finally spla reversal occurs in the center of the vortex, and a reverse magnetization nucleus isi .formed. Thesenuelei grow into spike shaped domains..If this interpretation of the observations is correct, the intersections of the wall of such a spike domain with a plane parallel to the magnetic axis should have opposite polarities; this was ob-, served to be the case in cobalt. The domains in Co And in MnSi alloy were observed to increase in size with increasing temperature, although %~kQ saturation magnetiza-~ Ition did not change significantly over the temperature range concerned, the crystal anisotropy decreased markedly, and no domains of closure could be found. This be- havior is ascribed to spin disorientation at the higher temperatures, resulting in internal flux closure and decreased surface energy. This interpretation As supported Card 2/3 ACCESSI04N NR: AP4023403 by the fact that the contrast of the donains as observed with the Ion-,itudinal Kerr effect, as well as that of the spots on the basal plane as observed wktA '%,he pol:~r Kerr effect, decreased with increasingtemporaturo. This increase in spin disorien- tation with incroasina temperature could be duo to increasing influence of crystal imperfections as the crystal anisotropy decreases. The magnotostriction, of silicon iron in the (1001 direction, which sliculd vanish in an ideal crystal, was found to depend strongly on the annealing process to which the crystal had been subjected. The loss thoroughly annealed specimens showed greater magnetostriction and loss per-. foot domain structure. This indicates departure from uniform magnetization within the domains due to crystal imperfections. It is concluded that investigation of the departure from homogeneity of the magnetization within the domains is prorequi- site to a deep understanding of various properties of ferromagnatic materials. 4 figures. ASSOCIATION: Institut fiziki metallov Akadomii nauk SSSR (InstLtuto of'Fkq3i0s of Y53tals, Acadeagr of Scienoess BSSR) SUMAITTED: 00 DATE ACQj 10Apr64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: P11 NR REF SOV: 002 OTHER: 000 C,rd 3/3 r lie mermi..- SHURP U.S.; DRAGOSHANSKIY, Yu.N. Nucleation and growth of magnetic reversal in cobalt crystals. Fit. met. i metalloved. 19 no.4:536-543 Ap 165. (MIRA 18:5) 1. Inotitut fisiki metallov AN SSSR. DR&GMfINOVO P.p insh. I group hydraulic system for technological purposes. Hashinostroene 1.1 no.M40-41 0 162o L9=CSHINOV, P., inih. !-3miautomatio operations-of the B 12 boring maohine. MaBhinostroene 12 no.2:36 F 163. Cuo tip bit.?. NO. 5 9 5 T f Ll;, UM Po2jorrivrada, 1?57, Ilo-7-e, 1;1-0 EKpurimont3 made at LebXovac durins the period 19,25_2~940 have demonstrated tliat the vtr-ongest %!Cfee~t on good growth in the p~Azlto is pro- &,.icod by high temporature during 6ie time the potato ma,urej3 and forras tubern. ft Vie rk-Sion ondor Consideration Lno mvert%:,,t_, to,. . I i c ra t i.Lr P. dti-ving 14 ho%lrs out of lj.e (II.-ly 2!j 20, !:rom Wly to October. However, ii: i-s cj.Ay -In sum- 1-_AQr VJII%ntillgS thfAt 0110 ( LAII SUIC AlifUlIV- P r'odtice p*tatooil uneft'lietijd by L f ivlco j.ya .1 -,,j9 oafnvora tile U, e cIrAlzironjur.ntal 4and;tioni;_,_/ ind pnst infeo~- ions , Vernalization bf7;,~_-toJ ti.,,~ ny ix-L rela-tion to vi-iriury. 'Z j:; U,~t z t v_~dulta were produt;od by tho Juv)ol. vtrlot.y. -LRAGOTESCU,.N,, ingo; ROSEN, V., ing, Suggestions for improving the crude oil and gas separators 'used in Rumania. Patrol 91 gaze 14 no.12t6lO-622 Dt63.- D-4,'.G--,STIWV, S. "Completing the First Stage in the Constmellon of the Rate Metal. 1urg1c,,, I 0 Factory", p. 2. "The Irrigation Sjstem in Cherven-bryag County" ) P. 3. (TiXHXICffZ--KO MID7 Vol. 5, no. 110, Sept. 1953, Sofiya, Bulg-iria). 6 SO: 14onthly List of East European Accessions, LG, Vol. 3, No. 4, April 1-954. DR400-STINOV. S. Handbook on chemical engineering calcubations in industry. Softia, Knizhnina, 1948. 142 P. (50-25568) TJ15D.IY7