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1. DOVBA, A.
2. USSR (600)
4. Coal Mines and Mining
7. Mechanized dritring of first-workings., Mast.ugl. 2 no. 3, 1953.
9. Month List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, AP RIL 1953, Uncl.
-.-DOVBA, A*, inshener.
The working day of a mine foreman* Met.ugl, 2 uo-7:10-12 Jl 153.
(MLOA 616)
(Krotiko ledozei Grigorlovich) (Goal miners)
This took placo in Turine. Sov.shakht. 10 no.12--39-
40 D 161, (MIRA 3-4:32)
al mines and mining-4xhibitions)
Fusl Abet.
Vol. 15'. No. 4
Apr - .1954 . Oid.- WC lam or [AM plar.. 00vtd, A~,.S.- Wcol (CaW,
Natural Solid Fuels. 1953;
DOTBA, A.S,, gornyy Inshener,
. -VI
Some problems of developing the Artem brown coal deposit. Ugoll 29
no.6:18-22 Je 154. (XLRA 7:6)
(Artem--Coal mines and mining)
DOYBA. AsSso gorAy7 Insheaer.
Lowering into a mine long lumber loaded in a container.
no.2s39 P 155.
(MIne timbering) (Kins haulage)
DOVBA,A.B., gornyy inshener (1:.Kolotoy); SAVENKO,yu.y.
Response to ZU. I-Levitelkil's article OBurning problems of the
coal mining tudustry.0 (OUgoll" no.11,1954). Ugol' 30 no.8:45-
47 Ag'55- WRA 8:10)
1. Glavnyy inshener shakhty "Annouskaya" tresta. Kadiyevugoll(for
(Coal mines and mining)
- c - - .- . - 0-- , I - - ~~- --- I - -- - ---- , - -. I , - - . - - ~~ . I I - - I , ~- I
-. - - 'i A ~ Z- . ~ L~ -1 ~. - . - I ~ -1, % : - , . , . - ;, . ~ . -- - ~ .71, -, L ----
Hiddem petentialitlas is tha coat industr7. Soto.trud no.lt48-55
JA '56. (C*Al MiSS8 and mining) OCwu 9: 7)
1--00, For the further developie'at of thi
trud. no-11:50-38 N 9360
(Ukraine-Ooal mines and
Ukrainian oolAndustry. Sots.
~ (KC2A 1011)
mining-Production standards)
ROSSOGHil~iff, I.; WV3A, A.
Some Is$ one from the now operational mrstem in mines of the
Donato Zoin. Sots.tru-A. no.2:10-19 If 157. (Miah 10:5)
(Donato Basin - Coal mines and mining)
DOTBA,,-A4ton.SerSeyqvi*hj kwid.tekhn.x-uk; nu=ym, N.Y., 1%OrW 109h.,
oty.j~6d'.';- ~abmttt41kUC*A, G9591 redolsd-val XCROVINKOTA, I.A.j
(Potentialities fo,,r an Increase of labor productivity In coal
miningl Reservy rosta prolsvoditallnosti truds v ugollnol
promyshlennosti. Hoskva, Gos.mmobno-takhnizd-vo lit-ry po
gornomu delu, 1959j. 204 p, (MIRA 130)
(Coal minve and mining-Labor productivity)
VBA -. J_.&,~v.rad. -, WMOVA. V.A., red.izd-va; IL' INSKAYA. G.M#
(Handbook oA Ubor and wages for workers in the coal minina
industry; statja an of Kay 1. 19591 Spravochnik Iv trudu I
sarabotnoi plate dlia rabotnikov ugollnoi promys'alannosti;
po mostoinniirt its 1 maia 1959 g. Moskva, Goo.nauchno-tokhn.
izd-vo lit-ry po gornonu delu, 1959. 72) p, (MIRA 13:1)
1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Gosudarstvennyy ko"jitet po voprosam
truda i zarabotnoy platy.
(Coal minars-Handbooks. manuals, Ste.) (Wages)
- - I
Application of the now wage system In the coal and shale Indus-
tries. Sota.trud 4 no-3:129-136 Mr 159. (MIRA 12.-4)
(Wagres) (Mineral industries)
--.- ...I .Now job analysis manual ("Job analysis Vanual for workers in
the coal and sbale industries". Reviewed by L.Dovba, M.Tiurin).
Sots.trud 4 no-7:151-153 J1 159. MIU 13%4)
(Coal mines aAd mining) (Job smutlysts)
DOYBA, A.j kand.tekhn.nauk
evei. opments in mineref working conditions and wages. 14ast.u is
8 no.1:11-12 Ja 159. (MIRA 120.31
(Coal mines and mining)
- DOVBA, A. &.
. Adhere to tie existing schedule strictlys Sotustrud 5 no.i-.4-9-52
ja 16o. (MIRA 13:6)
(Coal mines and minltg)
DDVB and.tekhn.nauk
"Prospects for the expansion of coal mining in the U.S.S.R." by
A.A.Boiko-and others. Reviewed by A.Dobva. Sov.shakht. 10
no.5.-42 My 161. (MIRA 14-.9)
(Coal mines and mining) (Boiko, A. A.)
FOZENTRETER9 S.A., doktor tekhn. nauk-, PARUSIMOVO V.F., doktor telft. nauk,
prof.; IL DOVBA, A.S., kand. takhn. nauk
"Using the underground method for the development of Uria coal
deposits" by R.V.Butkeviohq I.N,Sidorov# V.I.IAchmenev. Reviewid
by B.A.Rosentratery V~FsParusimov, A.S.Dovba. Ugoll 36 no.9:
61-63 s 61. . (11.IRA l419)
(Ural Mountain region--Coal mines and nining)
03utkevich, R.V.) (Sidorovs I.N.) (Ikhmenuv, V.I.)
Improve the effioienoy of vz4jes for the workers in the poat
industry. Soto. trud 8 no.2,65-67 F 163. (HUth 16t2)
DMAI A*S*j kandatekhnonauk
Methodology for the large-acale detemination of the wWM*u*t-*R-'-
level for coal mining. U9011 39 no,1109-42 N *6,4, ' - . - -
(HIRi 18s2)
-AUIMORS: Smollkov,N.A.,and Dovba,S.A. SOV/55-58-4-18/31
TITLE: Properties of the Ferrites (Li O.Me 0.') (CdFe,.O )
2 2 ~ I-x' 4 X
(Svoystva ferritov (Li 0.5Fe Oj~
2 2 1)1_3:'(Cd1"e204)x
PERIODICAL- Testnik Moskovskogo universiteta, Seriyn --t-ow-
1958, Nr 4, pp
ABSTRACT: The present paper is devoted to the investigation ot seve:7al
properties of the solid solution (LI 20.5Fe20 3)1_x.(0dFe20A):c
The parameter % changes from 0 to 0.7. Using partly the method
.1escribed in Z-Ref 1506_,7 it is stated experimentally that for
an increasing concentration of the Cd-ferrite the specific
electrical resistanoe , the Curie-point k' and the coer-,ive
force H 0 diminish, While the initial.- and the maximal suscept-
ibility as well as the maximal and romaining induction enlerge.
The angle of rotation of the plane of polarization depends in a
Card 1/2
Properties uf the Ferrites (Li 20-5Pe203)I_x.(C'F 9 2 r) ,t ) A' 5 0 T/ 51 5 - -59 - 4 - 18 / -.s I
complicated manner on the -omposition of the solid solution.
The authors thank Professor Ye.I.Kcndorekly for advtooz.
Th.ere are 8 fig-area, I table, and 16 refezenc6s, 6 cf which
are Soviet, 5 American, 2 German, 2 English, and 1 irlsh.
AS30CIATION:Kafedra magnetizma (Chair of Magnetism)
SIJBMITTED: November 5, 1957
Card 2/2
.,ui J6ur Ref
hur Z~-?I No 3, 15958, 1,"';87
T it 1 e -SOMe .(LYS to Itsprovv '..'inter '(.'heut :,-1a llyc i.. evial
in loles lye, LMSSR.
Ortg Hauchu. tr. uIrr. a.4-h. akaa., !5515, 8, 83-5!~
Abstrac t Experiments in the utilization of seeds of di';vrent sl%eL
were conducted on the rIcIds of the zco-
nomy of the Ukrninian Agricultural -,aadezy aj-A in
The lergest ~;eeds of the winter 1--hetA vzxiety,
ha(I 9% higher germinalAon thm the :,2vent
1)lamg R-rom the blaGer ceeds Lave 6 2entnc~:&/Ibec~~.;re
UL,her VIelds. The hiLher yield of the pLli:mts
lar--e aecCZ3 is an inheritable chavcterlat:*c. ~iie
Card 1/2
.f-ii/Cultivable Plants Gre ins
Ref Zliur blul -, No 3, l9tA, I
given on the efrect which v2--icu3 m".Lholk, .;f tillin,, '.j'ae
L104.1 h~y~ un wheat and ryo 711 1.'10. ippjj(--.fjor, of
fertillzer,- ut vttrjoua tlm~.-sj i--C, :).j tLe L,: z r, f
lchekinka/ the euro in ordtr ~c. :c uire bl~,j,,% SCOA~-.
Curd 211-:
USSR/Cultivated Plants - Grains* M-2
Abs Jour : Ref Mur - Diol., No 7) .1958, 29753
Author -. Z-aterslkiy, M.O., DovbaM. A.Ps
Inst - .
Title : Raising Millet on Stubble Plantiness
Orig Nb : Sots. tmrinnitstvo, 1957, no 6, 33-34 (ukr.).
Abstract : Ito abstract.
Card 1/1
- 56 -
ZMMSKIY# N.A. 9 doktor x,ollskokhompystyemifth naukq prof.; DQYBAXH~_A.P.
k&=I.vsl'xkokhosyuywtve=ykh uaukg doteent
Breeding millet varieties for planting on stubble, NOUCh, trudy
UASIV 10tjq-$3 160. (Millet breading) (KERA 140)
DOMMIg A.P'*p kand.sel'sko4ozyayvtvennykb nauko dotment
I. . ............ ~- I
How the quality of speds effects winter hardineiis and-yi Olds of
winter crops. Nauch. trudy UASHN 10:35-61 160. (MIRL 24:3)
(Grain) (Planta-Forest resistance)
D07BAKH, A.P., kand. sellskokhoz. nauk
Effect of the coalitions of groving wintor whoat oeed on the
y%leld or tho sue9veding piogeny. Naak. pratai UASIIII 17 noLZ:
8-15 1609 (MM l6t7)
(Ukralm-Seed production)
14")NDRAK, Er., i WINIRAWK16-ju.
Fcaorel fraotures In childreri an4 their treatmant. Roshl# chir,
44 no,IM81-686 0 165.
la 1. chirurglaka klinika (prodnosta prof, dr, V. Rapant, DrSo.)
a rantganologlaky ustav (pred-iosta doce dr. J. Doubravsky) lakarcke
fakulty Palackeho University -r Olomouoi.
PFO(;HAZ)rA, Jarnslay; A.DMOVA, SLuAnIvr
Exporlence from the years 1961-1964 with dioeanes simulating
poliomyelitis. f1born. ved. proo. lek. fak. Karlov. Univ. 8
no.5s529-535 165.
1. Infekcni klIrika. Praha (prodnosta prof. MUDr. J. Ptochazkca).
ACCESSION NR: AP4015556 3/0089/64/016/002/0203/ono
AUTHOR: Broders D. Lo; Kolssov,, V. Yaq Lashukjj A. I.; Sadokhin,, I. P.;
Dovbenko, A.__0e
TITLE: The cross section of the excitation levels of Mg,, Or sup 52
Ni sup 58j Ni sup PO and 11b sup 93 in Inelastic neutron scattering*
SOURCE: Abomnaya energiyaj ve 16, No# 2. 1(,)64, 103-13.0
TOPIC TAGS: nuclear cross section, nuolear'i excitation level, inelastic
neutron scattering, Mg, Or 3UP 52, Ni sup 58,-'Ni sup 60.. Nb suP 93
ABSTRACT: The measurements of the cross sections were made by studying'
the inelastic scattering of monochromatLo neutrons' obtained from this
reactions H3(pjn)He3 and H2(don)He3 for energies below and above 3
Mev, respectively, and by moasuring the ge=a-spectra resulting froza
the reactions., Corrections were made for the dead time of the
analyser sind for the self absorption. 1ha computation of the cross
sections was based cn the woric by Wo Haiiser and Ho Feshbach (Phys.
Rev- 8T (1954 346) which used tfie omoept, of the compound nucleus and
of the independence of its decay from the manner of its formation.
.The cross sections for the dirferent isotopes as funotipas of neutrim"
energy aro given in diagrami.' With tho exception of NVIO, the agreis-1
ment is good when the energy levels of the nualel are known. "The
authors are grateful to Sh. S. Nikolashuill for his interest and tD
'V. V. Bul:&ohev At N. Serb:Lnov, V. A. Romanov,, and A0 P0, KlUov for
technical help. Orig. arti has: figures and I tablei
SUBMI 15Apx-63 DATE AM: mar64 ENCL: 00
,,-2;~044-6r, 1-.IIA(h)/6;IT(Q)
~- r.
ACCESSION NR: A124047419 S/00891641017/004/0304/0307
A, G.
22 3 2L?
2'30 -And Th Nuclvi
TITLE: UnipmtMor, or the imL~rqq crass seclions for the U
R C JOWMI-laya energiya, v 17, no, 4 1964, 304- 307
'OPIC- TAG.N': tctal neutron crous section, inf-le-stic scattering crom; eection,
miclear rcaction. V nup 238, Th sup 232
ABSTRACT: The theory of W-flauser and It. Veshlaach (Phys, Rev. 87,' 366
(1952)) ig Uved fm- the deterruloalioi of the neulron cross vertions foi=thc. U238
I h232 The latter a~e similar in several respect4. They are both
an T
Pv--,n~even, ind hi,ve aftnilar thresholdg. TLerefore, their cross sections can bf,
curnputed with th,! samo parameters of the optical p-tential. The theore--cal and
exp,rimfmW vabion ror the total 1'transfer)cross sections agree in -. wide energy
rI.Infg,e, dincre.:xPneles heing noticemble only at very low energy valueg. The com-
Duted CrC"S lic-Ctions for inelastic scattering agree qualitatively with the eximri-
C " ,, I / ,-7
-.7 Th T47-7
L 2-told#-65
ACCESSION lill: AP4047419
mental volues. Somn observed doviations migtit be caused b-.v the leick of spheri-
cal s-r-nmet ry- of the nucldi-.- - Or ifi,. a rt. has: 3 figu re s
RTBMITTED, l8.DeclG,3 ENCL. 00
,;IJB com": Pli, NO REF SOV: 00.3
OTHER: 006
Cord2l 2
,,_2A6--6!j -VNA(t)/EWT(ca). DM'
ACCESSION NR: fi.P5001274 S,10089164/017,1006/0!')06/0r)08
AlIT110R. ToWkWil X014
.-ToDy, V. Yo. Epvbtrko, A. G. ; Stavisskiv,Yu.Ya.
-, 44'~ iA ~i ~,,; -~ '; "' . r'. I
tia(iiation I-aptilre of meAIUMI tile 1201s'par and moblydenum nuclei
SOURCE: Atoninaya energlya, v. J7, no. fl, 19(4, 505-508
TOPIC TAGS ra&atfon neutron, capture, neutron capture cross section, copper
E5, molybdcnu~-.n ICO
A BSTRACT: I he experl mental reWilts-are-given for the cro-mg sections- of the
,tation ca trons of cni?rgies between 5 -nod 200 kev by tf~e iscutopes
ra( ptU,5e, ol#ntm
6 ti
CU and Mo ar, a function of ueutron energy. The neutron source was the
r-!action Li(p,n) produced with &Vim de Ornaff accelerator. The method was de-
s-.01:)ed In Atoninnya Ertergiya 10, 608 (1961). Vie reaults ana gmpared with the
CA)AInputed valueg for the crosa selAtons of CuQ3, CU65, and Molo , on the basis
of the simpifflel tbvory (see B. blargulls, Phys, Rev. 88, 327 (1952"'), which
aiisum,99 that The capture of neutrmla proceeds through the formation of a cornpxnd
Cotd I / 2
ACCESSION Nit: AP6001274
nucleus., The vxperimental resultiv_mgree with,theAheory In apite of the M-Com--
pletvnesa of the -atter which does pot take into cormiderattion the spin-orbital
in,+,rattion, the-distribution-of the noutran level. widths. and the dependence of the
levels density on spin, Orig. art. has- 4 figures
NR REF SOV: 007, amER: Oil
Ca,j 212
L A ?114.6~_ EWA(h)/~V
-A;CCFZS1(K.-_]NR: AP50)'4'800 -7-
14"rTTAJO -.!tl V- K-014160V V. Ye. yAlyshey, A, V.
t B i t on 0 n
1-yorgfti radje,.1-pe cm- ur~p cro-o ice
105 ev
i enerey
SOURCE: Atcmnays ene: r ie no. io 1s65, n4-nO.
TOPIC IZ=.* imLtran ctLpturep rubl.dium,
zircon!,=# molyl~denvm, tiv,, iumarlum.
A7I mAC.- TIds experLme~!; Irf the--fact tlhtt the presently avajlabla
uotopea thlit. '~eccrc activated Upoit cap.-
(%ta pertmin es,tientially ti)
"'are Of (" v~Utrvn' 0241 Umt tlmre are p,-& no data. for the najority of, non-
Lng iGUtQFPetj Or %L:4_at_ribjc jsGI mea. The wMb.7ra thercl"ore calculiLted ~~e
Wtat fo.*7 mbxtive aentron capture bY 30 %1.0topes, 11,81ri
agre cross ae
7.r .092,94-93,1103 Sn 1.12$LI)t-120pI220124# and sl~ 144,147-1-50 152454
yo , y
using the statistict.1 tht)ry of w4clux rm:tims, the Yalucii given ty the o3fioll
L JUr the pevottitbility of the wwlear ml%ce. iuW the density level carxes-
I~Card 1/2 - - -----
L 421f4.65
;*rding 1.0 the Femi-Ijan M0101. Tho tts
ithe- -&vail able -experlmw tea---dati- alvtj k and demonstrate the reasibi)Aty
of obtalnlrZ rmti"tot~ tliuaittitive eaUmttes for tlut averVe cmplture' cross..
s"Uonz in the 11014 - 1r Am Isotopus for mhich there are no data on the
wierzy,e p3xrumetvers of the ticutrm reconanceis. The resvItimt r-ccuracy is better
thmm 50i"i In CLU caaea e~ccejd, 60-54, Orig. amt. Mat 4 f'gures, 6 fo=,AAs, uA
,12.SOCIATIM: 'None
471 my SWI 010 OTmi 034,11'.
Pil-4 DM,
ACCESSION NRs AP501,2411e. t)Wi~Wgi-65,toiB/oo'4/04,09/0415
1 9 125-5:339-121-72
~AUTHORSt A 0, RI&cifta~ev, M.
R.L* Doybenko 0. 1
V. Ye I *fxmov,
TITM: Angular itistribatim, of fast neutro scattered by-
mediun and heav y nualsi j
persiya, v. .18, no. 4, 1965, 409-4,15
TOPXC TAGSt fatit noutroft ecatte.rln heavy nucleus' medium nu I
a eus
flu - oeation- Oda ~m ne civea twition, angular diotri-
, oronoopio orose ttel. I
ABSTRAOM This; is a .~6ntilvt~tion-of-earli.or-masuremento---(-AtovmV~---
the mioroooopic cross section for the
atterins of ne ~A
V3 on
U ff In tl -upper group of the fission spectrun
1,(energy- Z 1.5 Mwq by ltght nuclei,, TM present atudy is devoted
;to scattering by indiwo exid heavy mucleip name 1,,r Ti, V., ar, Mn,, Ifo,,
L 58?35..�3,
00 11 Nb 140 A td --Sbj---1---- (Is I
I Ou,, Zn ft Zt,
.~tbam--5-vm-in-d aft ir, R-5 r~-_
vqWrgin#. fr(it the active, zone of tha
actor. The neutftv det A --it L Ln ohamber with Th 3*.- Tie
OW~dr vas - a - . as o
results are presen-tC4 rom of plota of the angular distrlbu-a
-)us Th
_.Atons of' the fact iteut-rOnat kwatterel b:r-- the varl~ -elements. At
~-s 9 sections and --thd-odi'Molents Cof ttxt Legandre coefficients for
1- Q
ithe dlff-~rential crous,vectione are presented In the form of a.table.
Tlie results are compared! with the aiigular distributions calculated
P"rom the optical molt~l of the nuclems. The agreement- was found__.-to---_--__-_
satial'actory--foi,-ioost---elAments.---OOiginal artiole bas*,-'2 f Igureep
-7 formulas and 2 tables,
SuIMTTEDt 280ot SUB -CO.DE*:---- NP
im up soirs oo6
-2 2
D(AfB=09 N*Mso inthol mister avyazi
Concerning the efficiency of acnaolidation the technological communi-
cation resoutces &t line servicing ce-nters. Vest. svlaz~ 21 no-300-
31 mr 61. (?aRA 14s6)
(LAUU--Telecommunication) (Estonia.-Telecommunication)
-S OU'R-C E-60D, _E':--U_R_-/01-3'-3-/_6 7-100 OJO01 J00 7 0/ 00
ACC HH: AP7003873 7~7
AU-111OR: Kaufman, M. Sh.; Alashin, V. A.; Chemerinskaya, R. L; Dovben)w, Akj'. 0
Foistyev, G. P.; Kuznetsov, D. N.; Alaksandrovsk4ya, S. L.; Biryukova, H. A.
ORG. Pervourallsk Mew-Tube Plant (Pervoural'okly novotrubnyy zavod)
TITLE: manufacture, of tubes from EI-711 steel
SOURCE: Stal', no. 1, 1967* 70-72
TOPIC TAGS: MC-rju. tube. chromium manganese nickel steel, titanium containkg
steel, tensile strength, yield strana, elongation -/El-711 steel
ABSTRA' T: EI-711 steel (Khl4Gl4N3T) has been subutituted for Kh13NlOT steel (AISI-32]X
in tuba production at the Pervoural'sk Mew-Tube plant. Tube blanks, 50 run in diameters
and 250 mm long, are heated up to 1100, 1150 or 1180C and pierced into shell cases
i50 = :.n diameter and 500-550 mm long, with a 6.5 mm wall thickness. Shell cases
heated up to 1180C before piercing have the beat interior surface. The shell cases
are hot. rolled to 83 x 6.5 mm, wam-rolled (at 100-150C) to 32 x 2.7 CLI, cold-rolled
to 18 x 0.9 mm, and finally cold-drawn into 10 x 1.0 mm tubes. The mechanical
If properties of finished tubes in the heat-treated condition were: tensile strength
75-78 kg/=Z, yield strength 37-43 kg/=2, and elongation 44--56%. Orig. art. has:
2 figures and 2 tables.
SUB CODE: 11, 13/ SUBM'DATEt none/ ORIG REY: 002/ OTH-REF: 001/
Card 111 UDC: 621.774.35
DWBE1'A# Lai*
Criterla for the evaluation of radio tolpmeter."Ing systems
with time division of channels. Izv. vys. ucheb. 28v.;
prib. 7 no.ls16-23 'f4. (MIRA 17s9)
1. Laningradakly elektrotekhnicheakly institut Imeni V.I.
U11yanovs, (Lenina). Rokomendovana kafedroy avtomtiki i
ACC qi. AFRON, 2
AUVOR: Dovbeta L. I.
ORG: Dept. of Automation and Telemechanics, Leningraa Electrical Engineering Insti-
-L%M im. V. 14 !Alyanoy (Lenin) (Kafreda avusatr-ki i telemeWa-RE4 Leningi
ele)-.trotekhnicheekty institlat)
TITIE: Principal features or a system for trani3mitting continwus signals to sent-
terltd objects
SOURCE: IVUZ. Priborostroyonlye, Y. 8, no. 6, t965, 59-6o
TOPIC TAGS: telemetry, telemetry,system
ABSTRACT: Development of amew telemptEX system Is reported; tke system, intended
for movable objects, can controllO objects. The AM-carrier radio channel uses PTM
for information transmission. Time-(livision multiplexing covers up to 20 channels;
the aystem clock operation is ensured by a step synchronization of the two ends of
the radio channel. The 20 information channels occupy a band of 5 Me; scanning fre-
quenvy is 286 cps; interrogation time for one chtnnelbl20lj see. A dynamic runge of
50 db can be handled by the Input., Basic ttlemetiy error is Is - 59. Claimed. Informs-
Uon-transmission characterlistics are: transmisi3ion speed, up to 1130 bits/sec at an
ef f Itiency of 1()-4 bits/ir, whore v is the unit volune of the signal; capacity 4.9 x 109
bits. Orig. art. has: 2 formulas. 1031
SUB CODE., IT UBM DA a5iun6li/ onGREF: 003/ ATD PUMS., t03
Card 1/1 uDe: 621..3 8
ACCESS10N NR: AP4018992 6/0146/641007/0011001610023
AUTHOR: Dovbets, L. L
TrME: Criteria for evaluating time-division multiplex radio telemeter systems
SOURCE: rVUZ. Priboro,stroyeniye, Y. 7, no. 1, 1964, 16-2.3
TOPIC TAGS: telemeter, radio telemeter, time division multiplexing, channel
tirne division, time division multiplex telemeter, noise, random noise, impulse
random noise
A13STRACT: Information-theory criteria are formulated for evaluating radio
telemeter multichannel systems, the possibilities of using the criteria are
analyzed, and - roblems arising in this connection are discumsed. C. E
Shannon's classical formulas for the quantity of transmitted Lnformatio~ are
discussed; derived from them, this formula was later propooed for estimating
the rate of information transmission in a telemeter system: 6=F(12,5-21o A).
bitslsec. where A= 1W10* is the maximum relative error of the system, a is'
T 7
the rms error, and a is the measurand interval. The abovis formula was based
on the assumption that (a) within* a, any vslus of the signal is equally probable
Card 1/2
and (b) the channel noise is fluctuating in nature, with the signal several times
as powerful as noise. Both these assumptions are criticizeC. by the author since
under actual telemeter -operating conditions, the impulse-type noise Is often
involved and the signal-t6-noise ratio to often unfavorable. Hence, the channel
traffic -carrying capacity is given by C r A log (I where f in the mean
impulse frequency of noise of near -operating -pulse parameters and ot Is the
coefficient accounting for the possibility of roception of noise Impulses with
amplitudes lower than those of useful pulses. The criterion of the probability of
faultless operation of the equipment is also considered. Orig. art. has:
2 figures and 25 formulas.
ASSOCIATION- Leningradskiy alaktrotakhnicheakiy institut im. V. 1. Len"
(Leningrad Electrotechnical Institute) -
Card Z/Z
DOTBM, M.1r. (Doubik, M.S.]
-- W~
Survey of ornithological research In the White Russian Pol ,
stsi AN BSSR Ber.bilal,nav, no.4s76-82 158. oleo
o (Po seye-Oruttbological research) milk 1214
lopkUlt-Arp P 01/-i-1W(h)------:~ -4#s=~-- 14NOW
L~-RPI,-, W
M A11000833 S128001641000/008/0026110039
AUTHOR., Dovblnshteyvt,!:':D.O# (Engineex); taborove, Ye. 1. (Engineer)
TITLE: Kasulte Of tects on: the 1BR-434 spembly
SOURCE,. Veeeoyui:nyy tv1ue4ws4,s-s1qdo4&tsVskty Inistitut kislorodnogo mashiitost-
d 'ki lorodyaUh
entya, Tru y~# no4` -8 11164 4,- Apparaty", L -mashiny 41.
and machines
TOPIC TAGS: 2Men pkoducttono nitrijp'n. -roduction, oxygen plant,, air fr4ct1,*U&-
ABSTRACT: A series of testipi. on'the 41OX air-: fract twrtat
a the-Metall allur?".cal j;jftL)- La
Dnip~~Vdzeiiihh-insk a nd al the LIC-ichamikty WilvichesItiy korni)"M--it (Livichanak chemt-
cal cotL(btne) in Severodonetck in 1961-2. The tests consisted of it 5-8 houc "Warm-
up" period to reach equilibrium, a 60-10 hour initial and a 30-hour complatt4l
period. The assembly vas operated without the amcillary block, w!Lth the block
out vitbout sepazation of ptire compowatt, and under nortwil working conditiousf A
series of runs uoder workinS,- coaditinav tested tha actual Parameters which can bd
COrJ 1/2
L 24473-65
e -ConAii t Rx a
xpected with' a tine #
iftntal-ikta-sm: ted in an expl de-
a. -- The -results- of thia-e give the indicer. of opera-
exp ritkentr
tion for the issembly at dtfferirg rates of operation and sh(no that the BR-*IKis
readily applitable to industry arid fulfitle indutitrial reqtiircr--~-nts. Products ob-
tained under tarying conditioas correspoaded I~n quaVty and quantity to w1vt waa
expected. The assembly, should produce 3500 mJ/hr. o~ purr nil-ru f--&~and around
I I , 0110 ri,3/hr. of oyly C! of betten ;.-han 98% pui,-It y. Test runs having determined
that the auxlliary section augweatiA only aft:rogen pr(Auction, two Madtficatious
are suggestee: ono for the prediction of comueretal and tech-,o!cgical oxygen,
and one for the producti.on of cowiercial oxygen and pure nitrogen. The operatioa
of several individual ctmponenta of the assembI3, (reganerating section, switching
device, turbocompriteson), condensers and heat exchangers) is analyzed. Orig. art.
has! I tablo.
ASSOCLAnOM Vossoyuznyy-nauchbo-tastedovatelOttkiy inatitut kielorodnego maahl*-
08troyeniya (All-uttion Ozyjin c tine buildirg ticieritific research institute)
NO REF SGVt 000 OMRI- 004)
DOVB139GHENKOP V.A~ [Dovbyvhohemkoj, V.Ao]v molodoh, naukov. ep~rob.
Clinical and experimental chaft6terisiles of galotseptin con-
tracotivel tabletes, Fed*# akunhe I gin* 25 noolt59--60163*
(MIM 1615)
1* Laboratoriya kontrats*ptsli (zavo-profe YeeMeShamray [IE.Me
SheArail) Ukralrellcogo naukovo-doolidnogo institutu okhoroni - -
materinstva i ditbastva (direktor-qlotaent O.G.Pap (O.H.Pap]).
AUTHOR: DovbinBhteyn, M. I. P Engineer SOV/67-58-4-20/29
TITLE: Reply to Readerz (3) (Otvety chitatelyam)
FMODICAL: Kislorod , 1958, Jr 4, p - 43- (USSR)
A13STRACT: To: V. X. Zcbnov of Zhdanovp Staliukays OblaBt'.
Question: 'iVhat. is the cause of the forming of a surplus Of licluid
in the lower condenser of the appamtus KT-3600 and in the block
of the krypton concentrate of this apparatus ? Answer: This 4:Ls
caused by the use of nitrogen instead of air as a heat carrier in
the krypton block, which disturbs the possibility of automatic
contml of the apparutus. The difference between the temperature
of the condensing nitrogen and the evaporating oxygen can in thi-.s
case amDunt to only about 2P instead of the prescribed 60. This
reduction actually causes the condenser to cease functioning imd
it disturbs the operation of the entire krypton block. Therefom.
the funotioning of the central block must be closely watched if
nitrogen is used, and the prescribed level of the liquid in the
krypton separator, whid,,i must not exceed 450 torr, must be
Card 1/2
Reply to Readers (3)
1. Krypton-Production 2. Induatrial equipment-Performance
Card 2/2
AUTHOR: Deninbebuko B.V,,_DMd?~te~vnM ~
Stolpero M.B., Itigineers, Borov-Lk- SOV/6T-11-5-16/16
Romanovj, A.S.,, Candidate of Teclinical Sciences
TITLE: Answers to the Readers (Otvetjr chitatelyam)
P,-IRIODICAL: Kislorod, 1958, Vol 119 Nr 5, pp 69-70 (USSR)
ABSTRACTs Under this title questions of readers are answered in brief.
1) Question on the use of certain thermometers and manometers
in Soviet oxygen works. Thermometer types for the measurement
of introduced air are given and thermometer types for
measuring temperature during the process. The types of
manometers common in Aussia are also mentioned.
2) Why are the nitrogen tubes destroyed at very low
temperatures? Duis to the depondence of the heat exchanger
on the supply from the upper columns, due to the unequal
distribution of stir between the throttle valve and detander.
3) Which magnetic properties ham oxygen? Oxygen is para-
magnetic and its MLIgnetism is expressed by the formula
11 w I + 4R -
The dielectric state of some gasea is given.
4) On the interruption of the oxygen plant Xg-30 which is
Card 1/2 necessary every four hours. It is recommended to check the
NASTENKO, M.M.; naucbriyy gotrudnik; VASILENROp I.I. [Vasylenko, I.I.],
nauchnyy scrtrudnik: DCVBISH, V.M, Novbysh, V*Malp nauchrVy sotrudnik
Attachment for the automatic control of tractors. Mekh. all'.
,hosp, 12 no-7:29-30 J1 '61. (MIRA 14:6)
1. Ukrainskiy nauchno.-Issledovatelliskiy institut mekhanizatsii i
elektrifikatsii sellvkogo khozyayatva.
(Tractors) (Automatic contr,ol)
AUTHORS: Dovbisbchenko I,V.J,Sventsinskiy, V.G. SOV-125-5s-1-15/16
TI.TLE: Experience in Automatic Welding of Aluminum Containers of
2 cu m Capacity (01)yt SVtOMAticheskoy sverki slyuminiyevykb
sojudov ob"yemom 2 m')
PERIODICAL: Avtomaticheskaya avarka, 1958, Nr F', pp 89-92 (US9R)
ABSTRACTs Information is presented on autometic one-side welding with
split electrode and semi-open are on a support, used for weld-
ing longitudinal, annular and angular seams in aluminum con-
tainers of 2 cu m capacity and 12 mm thickness. This method
was developed at the "BoYshevik" Plant and proved satisfactory
when applied to industrial conditions. The installation and
optimum welding technology used aro described and illustrated.
The authors; thank D.M. Rabkin, Cand,idpte of Technical Sciences,
I.M. Mirrorodskiy, Chief Engineer, and the Engineers F.S.
Bugriy and TA.L. Zvonkov for their assistance in the work.
There are 2 diagrams, 2 photos, 2 tables, and 3 Soviet re-
Card 112
Experience in Automatic Welding of Aluminum Containers of 2 qu m Capacity
ASSOCIATIONS: Institut elektroavarki imeni Ye.0. Patona, AN USSR (Institute
of Flectric Welding imeni Ye.O. Paton, AS UkrSSR)
Kiyevokiy zavod "Bolshevik" (The Kiyev "Bol'shevik" Plant)
SUBMITTED: April 29, 1958
1. Aluminum-Welding
Card 2/2
Make of rods to be used for velding.almin= and ito A11070-
Avtoii.mvar. 14 no.9892 s 161- (KIRA 14:8)
(Welding rods) -(AIumimvs--We3Aij29)
Third laterprovince Scientific Technological Conference in Ponsag Avtom.
ovar. 16 no-095 Ap 163, (HIM 16 s4)
Using helium and its mixture with argon in alum.Lnum alloy welding.
Avtom. evar. 16 no.9r1-6 S 163. (MIRA 16tio)
1. Institut elektroffvarki im. Yo.O.Patona AN ft-SSR.
0.4t'- ~
New 7871-63 otate otandard for aluminum and aluminum allay
welding wire,, Avtom. svar. 16 no,12:85-86 D 163
(MiRA 17:1)
------- Jew
-ACCESSION NR: AP4009286 S/OX25/64/000/0014'0059/0060
AUTHOR: Dovbishchenko 'V.; Ignatlyevo V. G.
TITLE: Torch for consumable -electrooe ~rgon-arc welding of aluminum alloys
SOURCE: Avtomatichemkaya avarka, notlo 1964, 59-60
TOPIC TAGS: welding, argon are welding, consumable electr(4e welding,
I alun-dnum welding, argon arc welding torch, aluminum alloy welding
ABSTRACT: A new design (sea Enclosure 1) argon-arc -welding torch which
ensures a better shielding at 500-550-amp currents and is intended for 1. 6- 3-
MM welding wire is described. Its characteristic feature is a gag chamber with
a brass 600-700 mesh/cm gauz:e 5 which helps to reduce the Yelocity and
turbulence of the gas stream. The torch to &leo recommended for welding Al and
its alloys in He and in He-A mixtures. Orig. &rt. has: 3 figures.
ASSOCIATION: Institut alektroevarki Lm. Ye. 0. Patons. AN U1crSSR (Institute of
Electric Welding, AN UkrSSR)
SUBMTTED: l8JTul63 DATE ACQ*- 07.11664 EXCL; 0 1
:,Torch for conaumabl"leatrods argon-aro
Argon" welding of sluminum alloys 4
Argpn, -1 - nozzle
2 - nipple
W power nupply
'Fak Mter' 4 - houaiM;
- gauze
6 - centering buah!Lng
ruter 7 - insulating washer
a - WOW nut
9 - power"supply cable
11)- insulating tube
11 - insulating washer
guide tube
Card 2,112
L 0465-7-67 M-111 (k) /E'-"T (m) Q /-r T1 Ij'I`
A W AP601"36 SOURCE CODE: bR/0125/65/000/012/0018/0021
AUTHORS: Dovbishohenkoo I. V.; Ignat,'yov, V. G.; RAbkin, D. Y. q
ORG: Institute for Electro-welding imeni Ye. 0. Paton, AN UkrSSR (Institut ;Z)6
elektroavarki AN UkrSSRT-
TITLE: Welding/rod SvAMg7
SOURCE: Avtomaticheskaya svarkap no. 12, 1965 18-21
TOPIC TAGS: aluminum weldinp,~ ~um allo-, welding rod, magnesium containing
alloy, weldability / AMg6 aluminum a-lloy,-SvA,1t6 welding rod, SvAYAg7 welding rod
It I
ABSTRACT: The optimum composition of welding rods for weldirg, of alloy AMg6 was
studied. Three different rod compositions wero investigated. The choic-0--o? the
experimental compositions was based on the following formula :-.or the amount.of
evaporated magnesium during welding:
n p.N.)
Here n is the number of moles of the material invastieated, p0 - vapor pressure of
pure magnesium, N - molar concentration of magnesium in the alloy, Q - flow rate of
Card 11Z. UDC:
ACC NRt AP6011,436
argon in 1/Min,,~ - weld length 10.0 cm, V. 22.41, Vcb rate of welding,
cm/min, P - vapor pressure of mngnosium. Tho oxporimental roijults are summarized
in graphs and tables (see Fig. 1). It was found that welding rod SvUt7 is superior
to type SvAYAg6 as far as the mechanical st tJ of the welds is concor d, but
* iT, 0% 11 'no
that the tendency towards crack formatio the welded jointo is simila for both
types of welding rods. The foll-o~~ e4nenoors tool-, part, in '%e development of the
welding rods: N. A. Ylartnova, V...-V. Solovlyova, N. P. Drono and B. A.
Fig. 1. ~~~ntent in the fused
metal as a function of its content
in the electrode wire. Of I - , I
Orig. art. has: 2 tables and 1 graph.
SUB CODE: 13, 3-1/ SUBM DATE: 04May65/ ORIG REF: 0110 yj in wire,
2/2 OTH RZOWS 002
-1-35871-66 EW P(t)/M IJP(c) JIV.JD/NV/JG/M
ACC NRs AP6021486 SOURCE CODE: UR/0413/66/ooo/011/0128/0128
INVEW11OR: Rabkin, D. M.; Y llskm chenko 1. X:.i
49UP-0 gla, L. N.; Lqnger, N. A.; Doybish a
Nikitina, A. V.; Z0'tov&L-L. M.; Mai~;m vat N.A.; Yelagin, V. 1-.; Ishchenko, A. Ya.',
Bondar'. V. V.
ORG: none
TITLE: Filler-vire for qrLqn-ehielded are veldi I of aluminu 17 Class 49, N
M. o. 182487
(announced by tho Electric Welding Institute jM. -Pa&op-(Institut elektrosvarkV
SOURCE: Izobreteniya, proWshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye zncki, no. U, 1966, 128
TOPIC TAGS: welding, aluminum arc welding, argon
veldin& wire, aluminum wire, -2*"=
CA ruvo"'o- A&AA~~ 10
ABSTRACT: This Author Certifil e inJoijit-eit a filler-vire for argon-shielded arc
welding of aluminum. To improve the weld corrosion resistance, the wire contains
0.8-1.2% qhLomium and 0.7-1-2% zirconium. [ND]
SUB CODE: 11, 13/7 SUBM DATE: 25Dec63/-IAIID PRESS:6-0
Cwd 1/1/j/,- uDc.- 621. 91.753.93.042
DCYVBISHCHENKO, V.A. [Dovbyshchenk)Dj V.A.]o mladatiy nauchnyy sotrudrLik
Role of gynecologic constatation in lowering the n=ber of abortions.
Fed.,, akush. I gin. 23 no.5060-62 161. (MIRA 14112)
1. Klyevskiy naucimo-issledovateltakiy ijastitut okhrany materinstva
I i do-tatva im. Geroya Sovetakogo Soyuza prof. P.H.Buyka (direktor -
4. kand,med.nauk O.G.Pap Pap, O.H.)).
ACC NRa AP6026945
SOURCE CODE: UR/d'il'5/6~/000/067i'00"15/0017
AUTHOR: Gallperin, L. N.1 Dovbiy, Yo. V.
!ORG: none
.TrLME; Discrete instrument for measuring average rates of long slowly-var7ing weak
'SOURCE: lzmeritelInaya tekhnika, no. 7, 1966, 15
MPIC TAGS: digital integrator, indu5trial automation
!ABSTRACT: 7he now instrument uses a discrete integration (instead of differentiation
;principle which is little sensitive to certain noise. The principal circuit Of the
iinstrument ensi:xes the measuring iriterval & t = const. and the time between intervals
to = const.; Integration of the *)ut function duringz~ t in the beginning and, the end
of the measuring cycle; subtraction of the results by the end of the measuring cyclel.]
recording of U(t) and U. (t) dt -is u,, (rjdi;, and restoration of the system to its Initial
state for the new cycle. A block -diagram of the lastrument having an SOO-sec cycle
t - 100 see, to = 600 see) is expalined. An experimental modef of the instrument
,developed at the IKhF AN SSSR has 11 fixed ranges for maximum input si-4
1 50-500 (A v and maximum rates of change of the input signal 0. 1-4 (", v/min; maximuz
Itime of continuous recording, over 10 hrs. Claimed instrument error, t 3-25A;-
Orig. art. has: 1 figure and 6 formulas. F
SUB CODE:13, 09 /M DAM nono / ORIG REP: 006 / OTH REF: 003
Card 1/1 11 9661JAM"-.3
SOURCS CODE: UR/0120/65/000/006/0081/0083
AUTHOR: * Kozlov 0 V. F. 'I Kolot I V., yd~f~_Aa X_
ORG: * Physi.ooteohnical Institutej AN UkrSSR, Mw4mv (Piziko-teldrdah?s1dyly~_
institut AN,
TITIM., Slow ion oountel? 1c<
SOURM. Pribory, i.tek;Wailm eksperimenta, no. 6, 1965, 81-83
TOPIC TAG: scintillation countery,ion beam
ABSTILACT: A saint illation counter is described in which slow positive
and aegative,ions aoceleratedup W energies~,,of several kev fall -on the first
dynode of the secondary-eleotron multiplier.. This arrangement is simi'"
lar to that dOBcribet by N. R. Daly in Rev. Saient. Instrum. 1960,, 319
264. 1 However, the single * ion-electron stage' was replaced by, a multi-
stage FEU-38 dynode uystem with nometivated dynodes. The eleotron
beam if rom the secondary-eleotron multiplier, accelerated up to' several
kevsenters the sointillator. The scintillation flashes are raborded by
a plaotomultiplier. A high pulse amplitude (enhanced by multistage oan-
oades) completely disoriminates dark pulses originated in the phc)to:--
multiplier, By uAij,-jg nonactivated' dym)des wittf -low gain,, it ' becarre
possible to.. -reduce the jwmber of _Owk,.pulses ' abopt. one,. pulfw~ per
C."d 1/2 UW! 9M.1.074
ACC IM AT?6001571i
10 see. Such-a.ll,w ~iviber_ permitgilnve stigation of icct beam of very lcm intmAity.
-The FEu-38 photodkItiplier-was ecpIpped with Cd crystals. The output pulses were
recorded by a PS:~IMOOO counter. The voltage was applied fmm a VS-22 rectifier.
.The circidt arrangement is shown 'scIrmtically. The dependence of numbar of
pulses upon the voltage in the acceler-ating gap was plotted for various gain values.
Experimental cumes demonstrated,tbat the arnplitude of Ion pulses ias vuch higher
t1m the-* amplitude of noise pulsops. 1he counting efficiency was the Speatest
for energies exceeding 4 kev. Omtitude was expressed by the autbDrs to Ya. 14.
Fb,pl' for his consultation and.assistance in masurements. Orig. art. 19s.
AUTHORS: Bondarenlro I I.P. , Kamenetakiy, G. D. and Dovbnya K. I
TITIE: On the Choice of a Rational Shape of Lining of Coke-oven
Doors (0 vybore ratsionallnoy konfi6ruratsii futerovki
dverey koksovykh pechey)
PERIODICAL: Koks i Khimiya, l9q9, Nr 1., pp 33 - 34 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The service life of door linings made frcm various t es
and nhapea of refractory bricks (vhownin Figures 1!41
is -ompared. It is pointed out -that bricks M119 and M120
shaped as in Figure 4, at present used in the Zaporozhe
ovena, give the best service life of 3-4 years. This
type of brick is recommended for future replazements and
new batteries. In addition, it was found that the
service life of 3-4 years for the above bricks.-is obtained
when the beginning of the service coincides with the
starting up of the new batteries. After replacement thet
service life decreases by about 50%. This is ascribed
to the fact that when Etarbing ovens, the doors 0are placed
whenthe temperatu=e of the dvt1i"is above 800 C so thEt
the lining bricks undergo an additional firing slowly
attaining their operating temperature. It is-therefore
Card 1/2
On the Choice of a Rational Shape of Lining of Coke-oyen Doors
considered that a special camera for firing lining bricks
with the door directly in the region of counterforta
should be designed by Giprokoks.
There are 4 figunes and 1 table..
ASSOOIATION: Zhdanovskiy koksokhimicheskiy zavod
(Zhdan vskiy'Coking Works)
Card 2/2
D03TBNYA9 K.I. (Alma-Ata)
Excellent track maintenance in the division. Put' i put.khoz. 7
no.9t22-23 163. (MMA 16i10)
Effect of the d9oas of Pflilne and bromine on thn course of expirlmn-
tal hemolytic and poottemorrhagic anemia, Trudy Move nauch.-isel. inst,
perels krovi i neotlozh. khir, 3s223-226 161.
(MI RA 3.7: 10)
Treatiment of acne forms of anemia by transfusion of the erythrocyte
mass combined with caffeine and sodium bromide. lbid,t227-231
1. Kiyevskiy institut pereltvaniya krovi.
Clinical and hematological characterist4es of chronic myelosis under
the influence of myelosan treatment, Tiudj, Kiev. aauch.-issl. inst.
perel. krovi i neotlozb. khIr. 3t232-236 161. (MIRA 1711O)
1. Kiyevskiy institut perelivaniya krovi.
qOAVVVI.P., [Dovbyah, K.P.]
Condition and role of pigments In the embr7o of winter rad-Imb
(Raphanun sativus.L.). Ukr. bot, zhur, 22 no,502-94 165.
(MIRA 19-:10)
1. Institut botaniki AN Ukr6SR, otdal biokhimil rasteniy.
L 2079;&-6j,. EWT(d)--
-1ACC IM: AT6 S0iU-R-C-E'WDt1 -1*h5W(;5/064/W0/00j6/ j1
AVMOH I Rmsht Lo No
ORGI Mathematios Tzatitutat AN:80SR (VIMematicheskiy institut AN M0
iTITLE: The stability of the Ritz method for problems of' the mstal-theory of
1 aReratore /c,
'ISOURCEs Chi or
AN SSSR, Matematicheekiy institut. Trudy, v. 84, 1965. 81 jWe netodr
ji neravenstva, v funktsional1rq-)ch prostranstvakh (Numerical methods &ad inequalities
in functional spaces), 78-92
TOPIC TAM vector, linear Ioperator, Ritz mathodt obaracteristii) funotiont
approximate method# Hilbert spacet numerical analysis
ABSTUCT: A study is made of the problem of searching for a characteristio vector
x and the corresponding characteristic number of the equation Ax - A Bx - 0. A and
B are positively defined nelf-conjugate operators in real Hilbert apace Ht and
H c-- E~. This problem is equivalent to the problemi in a oortair subspace of thO
.1space HA to determine the vector xy for vhich -the ratio of quwlraf;io faTu
Card 1/2
ACO NII: AT6003391
is a mirtimum; the value of this mIaLvur., is aoug)it-af ter (,haracterictio number X I
and the vector rvalJ zing the minimiun r. V thi s rntio j a tha characteristic vector
corresponding to the number The I? i Lx mathod of solving this problem conaiste
of substituting tho finding of of an expandable aeries of infinItaly-
!dimensioned spaces for the finding of an extreimim on tho aorreaponding subapacell
The numerical execution' of the Ritz method is unavoidably acconpanied by the
occurrence of certain errors. The author studies the q *aestion of reliability of
the process of determining approximate characteristic ravibere and characteristic
vectors with regard to these errors. Several theorems and leanae are stated and
demonstrated in which the author shows the neceosarY aad sufficient candition.8
required in order to have stability of the process of dotemi'ding the lout (;bar-
acteristio number by the Ritz method. Certain consequences of the tueorems tire
developed and discussed. The work is related to earl!~sr analyses performed by S.
Mikhlin (Ob.ustoychivooti metods Rittsa. Doklo AN SSSR9 19609 135t No- it 16-19). -
The author tbanko S. 0. Mikhlin, who proposed the theme of the work and made awy,'
useful comments, V. 1. Oudakovo who gave Much constrvictive advice, and also the
participants of the semin- - bf the Laboratory of Ipp.,roximate Computation, UM ime
V. A. Steklov for their review ofthe work. Orige art* bast .50 equations k-SPRMOr
SUB CODEt 12/ BM DM'I none/ MIO,RKrs 005.,-.
DOVBYSH V,G. inzh,
- p VI.
Portable unit for installing arteeian. well pum1pas Montpi Opetao
rab,v stroi. 23 no.8:18-lq Ag 161. (KMA 3-4: 8)
1. Treat Soyurmakhtoosusheniye.
(Artesian welle-Equipment and supplies)
SUDIMA, Ye.G. (Sudlivil 0.11.]j DUMSH, Ye.F. [Davbyah, 1C.P.]
Eff set of light on the conversion of' green pigments. Mr. bot. ztaw.
19 no.3-.10-19 162. (14IRA 15:7)
1. Inatitut botnniki All USSR, otd31 bi,khimii*
(Plantes Effect of light, on) (chlorophyll)
SUDIINAP Ye.G. [Sudlina, 0.11.); GOIDD, 1A.G. [11olod, :~, j,:.j; ,
(Davbyah., K.P.); FOMISH114A, ri.ij. (Fomishyna, R.M.]
Changes In the blosyntheals and the state of chlorophyll during
the Insufficiency of some elements. Ukr. hot. zhur. 21 no-4:3-10
164. (MIRA 17:11)
1. Otdol biokhimii Instituta bAaniki AN UkrSSR.
L 8268-66
-ACC NRi_ AP5027430 SONCE CODE: UR/0181165/007/0 A
vilc~ YU* LS
6ft- in-the
TITIX:. ExpeAmental investigait low
gion ef a ferrite for the case of parallel ptaipLng
SOURCE: Irizika tvardogo tela, v. 7, no. 11, 1965, 3417-3420
2,11 IN I i__~
TOPIC TAGS: ferrite, single crystals iron, yttrium, garnet
ABSTWT: Data are given from studies of 14v frequency oscillations in single crys-
tals of fron-vttriuO'larnet. Measurements with continuous pumping were made at 9280
Me, and for Pulsed pumping at 8620 Me. 1.5-3.5 lisee pulses were used with an inverse
duty factor of 1000. Oscillograms of the oscillations are given for the case of con-
tinuo-as pumping. The oscillation frequency was found to be somewhat higher in strong-
er fields. Maximum frequencies were higher In small spherical specimens than In large
ones. It was found that noises are a function of the pumping pulse duration: they
disappear with short pulses, but are a consteint factor for the case of continuous
pumping. It in recommended that means should be studied for eliminating these noises.
Orig. art. hass 2 figures, 2 formulas.
SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATEs IOMar,65/ ORIG PEF: 001/ OTH W.F., 003
Card - I/
Survey of the gamma-dosimetric methods. Atom taj 2 no.4:16-20 159.
Diagnosis of Spinal lesions in abronic bruceLlosis. Yest,kbir.
85 no,104045 0 160, (KMA 13122)
10 is gospitalluoy khirurgicheskoy klimild (sav. - prof. 7.G.
Uglo,r) 1-go Zoninpudskogo moditsiukogo instituta ime I*P.,
raylova* -
(mosuals) (RIM-DISMIS)
:ACC Wts AP5025732 SOMCZ COM 1JR/0286/65/000/018/0084/0084
.AUTHORSs Birenberg, I I I Ph Or, MIL-pe; SUROP x9- JE.; Systs 1. S.;
AUJN, tj Rasgulmovo lea Ps
;ORGi none
-TITLEs An instrument for massizj~Z methane concsntratiou~ the resistance of the
;detonation circuit, and the ignition of electrodetonstores Class 421 NO. 174819
:SOURCEt Byulleten' isobreteuiy i toyarnykh anakoyp no. IS.. 196% 94
iTOPIC TAGS: methane, resistance bridge, electric resistance, electric transformer,,,,
Aransistor, detonationp electric detonator
'ABSTRACTs This Author Certificate presents an instrumentfor measuring the mothalio.
:concentration, resistance of detonation circuit,, and the ignition of electro-
,detonators. It.contains a methane motor (see Fig. 1) in the form of a bridge air-
ouit, one arm of 01ch Is the methane-combrustion, element. The second arm in a
balancing element. The other two arms have constant resistances# This device also.
contains a resistance mater for the detonation circuit and a detonation device In
the fam of a contsotless transistor-transforner conver The latter convert@
VD01 622*817.9.9(;k.~6
L 8447-66
ACC JIRi AP5025732
1 Figs la I - A catalytic element;
2 - c ison slament;
3 - Zener diode..
:10V voltage froa an independent source to high-voltage alternating current, There
,is a feedback loop between the secondary vinding of the transformer and tbo'bass
lof the transistor, In order to increase the safety of detonation vork, to ansure
reliability- of the device, and to increase its life under difficult mine
Card 2/3
L 8447-66
'AGO NRt APS025732
conditIones the catalytic find comwison elements of the notbane inter (ublah have
a vorking temperature of ~ up to 450C) are installed in a singl* reaction obu6w,
The chamber. has one-my natwml aWasion of the analysed gas. The detonation
device has a Zener diode connected In opposition to the feedback Imp. CrIC. art.
hass I figure*
SUB 00IRs 09/ SM DAM 22Nu-64
Investigating the channel type nonbubbling plates. Sbor.trud.HIIGS
12:155-164 164o (MIRA 18:3)
T7( 3)
AUTHORS: Kotellnikova, A. V. Dovedova, Ye. L. SOV/20-123-2-33/50
TITLEt On the Specificitj of the Water Soluble "Adanylate" Kinase
From the Liver (0 spetsifichnosti vodorastvorimoy
adenilatkinazy iz pecheni)
PERIODICALs Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1958, Vol 123, Nr 2, pp 327 -
330 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: In earlier papers of the first mentioned author it was proved
that the animal liver contains the ferment (phosphomutave
ADF) mentioned in the title, which highly differs from that
from the muscles (myokinase) (Ref 1). Since in living
organisms free nuoleotides were found together with others,
as adenine, purins and pyrimidine bases (Ref 2), in animal
tissues and in yeast enzymes (Refs 3, 4) were found that
were called nucleoside-monophosphate kinases (abbreviated:
numoki). They catalyzed the phosphate transfer from
nualooside triphoophate to nucleoside monophosphate# however,
with different purine- or pyrimidine bases. In this con-
nection the question arose if the water soluble liver
"adanylatell kinase is a specific "adenine" enzyme (like the
Card 1/3 myokinass, Ref 3) or if it is specific within a wider range
On the Specificity of the Watsr Soluble "Adanylatell SOV/20-123-2-33/50
Kinase From the Liver
(like numoki). With the yeast enzyme it was proved that
numoki is different from adenylate kinase. With liver enzymes
this problem remains unsolved. The authors investigated this
problem in aqueous extracts from rabbit liver according to
the method given in reference 1. Figures 1 and 2 give the
experimental results of the activity determination of the
"adenylatell kinase and numoki in one and the same liver
extract (treated with HC1). The reaction products were
separated by paper chromatography and quantitatively determined.
From the results may be seen that the water soluble liver
"adenylatell kinaea is, like the myokinase, a specific
"adenine" enzyme and differs from numoki. Figure 3 gives
the results of the activity determination of numoki after
the h ating oj the dialyzed aqueous liver extracts for 2
minut:s at 60 and at PH 7 (Ref 12). The numoki reaction
was clearly shown. The negative numoki reaction in extracts
treated with HC1 were explained by the higher resistance of
the numoki to heating in neutral medium compared with that
of the "adenylate" kinase. On a heating of the extracts up
Card 2/3 to 80 0for 2 minutes at PH 7 neither of the two ferments
On the Specificity of the Water Soluble "Adenylate" SOY/20-123-2-33/50
Kinase From the Liver
showed any activity. It may be concluded from these results
that in aqueous extracts from the rabbit liver the "adenylate"
kinass (specific for adenine nuolsotides) as well as the
numoki are contained. There are 3 figures and 12 reforenoes,
3 of which are Soviet.
ASSOCIATIONs Laboratoriya fiziologichookoy khimii Akademii nauk SSSR
(Laboratory of Physiological Chemistry of the Academy of
Sciences, USSR)
PRESENTEDs July 2, 1958, by A. I. Oparin, Academician
SUBMITTEDt June 26, 1958
Card 3/3
DOVEWVA, Yet Le Cand Blol Sai - (dies) * Stu4y of the
,j 4 if ity of
bpWooluble adenylatkinsee of the liver." Mox,'~1969, 16 pp (Aced Soi USSR.
Irst of Bioahemistry in A. N. M B&M), 150 oapies (KL, 52-59, 118)
Separation of adenonine phosphoric acids by the use of Bissian
anioaibes. Biokhimila 24 no~2:215-221 Mr-Ap 159. (MIRA 12.7)
1. laboratory of Physiological Chemistry, Academy of Sciences of
the U.S.S.R., Moscow,
anion exchange resins, determ. of ATP (Has))
anion exchange resin technic (Rus))
parating the mixture of Adenositte-5 uridine-51- and
mianonine-50- phosphoric acids on the AV-16 anionits. Bio-
khimila 24 noo):414-420 MY%-Jo 059. (MIR& 12:9)
1. IaboratorV of P"iological ChamistrV, Acadevq of Scinneen
of the Moscow.
separation of mixture of adenosine-51-,
gaanosine-51- & uridine-51-phomphoric acids,
anlon-exchange method (Rue))
anion exchange resin in separation of mixture
of adenosine-5'-. guanoslne-5'- & uridine-51-
phosphoric acids (Run))
170) SOV/20-128-1-52/58
AUTHORS: Dovedova, Ye. L., Kotellnikova, A. V.
TITLEt Separation of Adenylatkinase and Nucleoside Monophoaphatkinaee
From the Water-soluble Fraction of the Liver
PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademli nauk SSSR, 1959, Vol 128, Nr 1, PP 194-197
ABSTRACTs The present paper gives data on the preparative separation of
the enzymes mentioned in the title. The separation was caused
by fractionating aqueous liver solutions by means of alcohol.
The substrates used weres adenosintriphosphate (ATP) and
adenosin-5'-phosphate (APP), purified in rectifying columns
from commercial ATF by means of anionites AV-16 or AV-17;
uridin-5'-phosphate (UFP), produced from yeast and purified bb~,
means of AV-16, as well as importedi inosin-5'-phosphate (IFP
guanosin-5'-phosphate (GFP), uridintriphosphate (UTP) - im-
ported goods for sale; inosintriphosphate (ITP), made available
by V. Z. Gorkin of the Institut biologicheskoy i meditsinskoy
khimii AMN SSSR (Institute of Biological and Medical Chemistry
AMS USSR). The reaction to nucleoside monophosphatkinase
Card 1/3 (numoki) was mainly investigated by means of UFP and ATP. The
Separation of Adenylatkinase and Nucleoside Monophosphatkinase From the
Watei-soluble Fraction of the Liver
experimental methods were the same as in reference 1. The fol-
lowing conclusions may be drawn from the investigations. The
enzymes adenylatkinase and Numoki could be completely sep-
arated by fractionating the aqueous liver extract of rabbits
by means of alcohol. Adenylatkinnee iu contained in tho frao-
tion of 0-21111 a4d Numoki in the fraction of 40-50A of alcohol.
It was for the first time that these enzymes could be separated.
Adenylatkinase catalyzes the phosphate transference only among
adenine nuoleotides. Humoki apparently catalyzes this reaction
between nucleoside triphosphate and nucleoside monophoaphate
under the following conditionst 1) Nucleotides of every couple
have to contain different bases; 2) one part of every
nucleotide couple has to be an adenine nucleotide. Enzyme
preparations from hog kidney (Ref 4) and calf kidney (Ref 5)
showed the obligatory participation of adenine nucleotides in
the numoki reaction. The data found prove these conclusions
also with regard to water soluble Numoki from rabbit kidney.
There are 3 figures, 3 tables, and 5 references, 3 of which
Card 2/3 are Soviet.
Separation of Adenylatkinase and Nuclooside Monophosphatkinase From the
.1kater-soluble Fraotion of the Liver
ASSOCIATIONt Laboratoriya fiziologicheskoy khimii Akademii nauk SSSR
(Laboratory of Physiological Chemistry of the Academy of
Sciences, USSR)
PRESESTED: May 5, 1959, by A. 1. Oparin, Academician
SUBMITTEDt April 26, 1959
Card 3/3
DOTE1 $ TF,. L., 5KREBITS-KIY, V. G., FORTUGA1,0,71, V. V.
"Certain flechaniEms Regulating the Chemical Activity of the Mitochondria
of the Neuron."
report submittAd for the Firet Conference on the problems of Cyto, and
Histochemistryj Yoscow, 19-21 Doc 1960*
Institute of the Brain AredoW of Sciences USSRj, Moscow,.
f *'," ~ -- ", *~ ll-s.l .; PIG.TEVA, Z.D.
Qc1dativo anzym Activity and respiratory rate in the opttcltl
and mcAor anaLyzers of ame munals. Vop. mod. khim. 10 no.4:
3'10-370' JI-Ag 104. (MIRA 18j4)
1. L.Aboratorlyq bioC;istokhlmil lrstlt~xtl% mozga AMN SSSF, MoAva.
AUTHOR% Dovadova Too Le
TITIEs Respiration and oxidativo phosphorylation in* the visual and motor
of certain ra=ils
SOURCEt Byanstan f. sksperimental 'nay biologli I meditsiny, To 58. no. 6. 1964, 52156
TOPIC TAGSt biologic r*spiration, phosphorylation, biochemistry. brain, experiment
animal, encephalology
ABSTRACTs Colorl"a and manometric methods were used In a comparative study of
the Intensity of respiration and phoqhMlAtion and of conjugation of these
processes in the various cell formations of the visual and, motor anal"ors in the
brains of the rabbit t the cat* and the mwJwy (41 animals were used) * Succinic
and glutudo &oIds were used as oxidation substratess The wWpn intake wA deore
of inorganic pboephs:te wes observed to pt from the under2ring to the Over-
lying lin In *sob of the parts of the smayserse Origo art. hast ~ 22 p"has
3 tablaso
Card 1/2