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DOROKHOVO A. N. "Firat Yillion," Tekh. molod., 20, No.6. 1952 (Excavating machinery) DOTOKHOV, A. N. "Layer Block Constructions for Walls of Frame Buildinga.," Gor. khoz. Mosk.0 26, No.8., 1952 1. OK I OV A ZAITARCHETO, V. Lm , - - w I ,, j it 2. USM (6W) 4. Main Turkmen Canal 7. At tile threshold of the land of the future. Tukh. raolod. 21, No. 2, 1953. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, YZY -1953. Unclassified. 'k. Ho '/ /'q - /L/, KUZUXTSOV. G.F.: UMUSOV, I.Te., kand.takhn.nauk; WOLOKHOV, Y.G., lnzh.. Prinimali uchastiye: AKBULATOV, Sh.F., kand.tekhn.nauk; KRIGMSKAYA, Ye.I., kand.tekhn.nauk;.DOROMiGV. A.N., inzkt.; NIKIFOROY, I.A., knnd.takhn.nauk; BOGDAHOV, BA. insh.; AYRU- TIN, TuJe., insh.; VISIWVSKIY, N.D.. inzh.; ARITXVIGH, R.M., kand.teUm.nauk; LEVITAN, Te.P., inzh.; TUPOLEV, H.S., prof., doktor arkhitaktury, TSWIN, Ljo., inzh., red.; MAYIN. B.N., red.isd-va; BOROYNNY, H.K., (Temporary Instruction (SN 51-59) for planning and constructing combined roofs of residential and -public buildings] Vremennys ukazaniia po proaktiroveniiu I ustroistvu sovm9shchennykh krysh (pokrytii) shilykh I obahchostvennykh zdanii (SH 51-59). Koakvn. Gos.izd-vo lit-ry po stroit.. arkhit. I stroit.materialem, 1959. 34 p. (MM 1-3:1) (Continued on next card) XMMSOV, G.F.---(continued) Card 2. 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Gosudaretvannyy komitat Do delam stroitalletva. 2. Mauchno-looledovatellskiy inetitui stroi- tellnoy fiziki i ograshdayushchikh konstruktsiy &tademii stroi- talletva i arkhitektury SM (for luznateov, Musov, Sholokhov). 3. Direktor Nauchno-isoledovateltakogo instituta stroitallnoy fizi- ki i ograzhdayushchikh konstruktsiy Akademii stroitalletva i arkhi- taktury S&SM; daystvitallnyy chlen Akademii stroitelleliva i arkhi- taktury SSBR (for Kuzneteov). 4. Nauchno-IseledovAnstitut zhillshcha (for Akbulatov, Krichavskaya). 3. Nwichno-Issledov.institut proyekti- rovaniya Akademii stroitalletva I arkhitektury S35H (for Dorokhov). 6. Nauchno-inaledoy.inatitut po stroitalletvu Hinstroys RMPM (for Nikiforov). 7. Gorstroyproyekt (for Bogdanov). 8. Hosproyekt (for Avratin, Vishnovskiy). 9. Akadzmi kommunallnogo khozyaystva in. K.D. Pamf ilova (for Ariy vich, Levi an . IOL. Moskovskly grkhitakturnyy in-. atitut (for Tupolev3. (Roofs, Concreta) DOR01af OV v A. N. , insh. Practical method of calculating bar arrangements. 93-10~ 160. (Structural frames) I Izv. ASIA n0-4: (MIRA 14:4) LOP-11AhOV, V.M.; VINOGRADOV, A,M.; &RQ w hflQVt A.~_!; hiZAt,OV, IN.; 11t,HTUNYA, A.K.; It')MANN, A.A.; &HEMOVSHY, V.D. Floors made of large rolled pypsum cement concrete panels. Stroi. mat. 7 no.9:26-28 S 161. (MIRA 11~:11) (Floors, Concrete) o6541 9(2,3) SOV/142-2-2-17/25 AUTHOR: DorqkJiavj-*rPr 1-1 TITLE: A Graphical Method of Determining the Directive Gain PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy, Radiotekhnika, 1959, Vol 2, Nr 2, pp 248-249 (USSR) ABSTRACT: For determining the directive gain of an antenna ac- cordinp, to the method described by G,Z, Ayzenberg Zffef 2/ additional conversions and graphic plotting are requiredo The method suggested by G.V. Belotser- kovskiy LTef 27 is erroneous in principleg since it w is based on t e solution of a plane problem. The au- thor presents In this paper a simple graphical method for th6approximated calculation of the directive gain of an antenna with a directivity in only one plane (in the meridional plane). The author derives the following approximated formula. 9max D ? Card 1/3 so 06541 SOV/142-2-2-17/25 A Graphical Method of Determining the Directive Gain where S - is the maximum area of the antenna radia- tion pattern with consideration of the areas of the lateral lobes; P max - is the maximum value of the radius vector of the directivity pattern. The radius vectors of the directivity pattern show in some scale m the magnitude of the directivity function at the angle 0 towards the antenna axis p(9) = m-P(O). This formula is applicable for small and medium values of directive gain with a small level of lateral lobes. The author presents information for estimating the error of this method. He cautions that the directive gain calculated by his formula will be smaller than the actual magnitude. With very narrow directivity patterns, the method will produce only rough results. There are 1 diagrams, 1 graph, 1 table and 4 Soviet references. This article was recommended by the Card 2/3 06541 SOV/142-2-2-17/25 A Graphical Method of Determining the Directive Gain Kafedra radioapparatury Kharlkovskogo politekhniche- skogo in8tituta imeni V.I. Lenina (Chair of Radio Equipment of the Khar1kov Polytechnic Institute imeni V.I. Leninj SUBMITTED: March 17, 1958 Initially) April 15, 1958 Mter revision) Card 3/3 DOROKHOV, Aleksandr Petrovich; *IOKH, Pavel Viktorovich,; M~A, T.M., red,; PUMITSKIT, V.7u,, [Galculation -and design of antennas and feeder devices] Raschat i konstruirovanis antanno-fidernykh ustroistv. 1harIkov, Izd-vo KharIkovskogo gos.univ., 1960. 449 p. (MIRA 1318) (Wave guides) (Coaxial cables) (Antennas (Blectronics)) 4 DOROKHOV,, Aleksandr Petrovicb; KOROBKIITA, Galina Stepanovna; 'AMMDTS&"TAi~;r Aleksandrovich?- TWIMIKO, Vladirdr Timofoyevich; VOLKOVO A.A., retsenzentj OGORODVEYCHUK, I.F., retsenzent; RUDEMO, V.S.t retsenzent; TETELIBAUM, Ya.I.., retsenzent; FIL011121KO, S.N., dots., otv. red.; NESTEIMKO, A.S... red. (Principles of industrial electronics) Osnovy promyshlennol elektroniki. [By] A.P.Dorokhov i dr. KharIkovq Izd-vo Khartkovskogo univ.0 1964. 214 p. (MIRA 1?t6) DOROKHOV, A., inshener. The losel engine ship *Nikolai Ostrovskii." Mor.flot 16 no.4:15-19 Ap 136. OM 9: 8) (Herohant ships, Russian) (Nikolat Ostrovskii (Ship)) - DORQIMQY.-A._, inshener. Shipbuilding in foreign countries (from "Shipbuilding and Shipping Record, no. 13, 1956, *The Motor Ship' nos. 435, 4400 *Shipping World and World Shipbuilding" nos. 16, 30, 1956, 1957)- Mor.flot 17 no-8:29-30 Ag 157- (MIRA 10:10) 1.Glavoudkhoz Ministerstva morskego flota SSSR. (Shipbuilding) DOROKHOV. ji.P., inzh. Nout self-unloading carriern for ore, cnal. and ?3 no.11:55-58 N 157. ~1:1) (ore carriers) D M KROV, A.P., insh. A.P.M..4- ~ '. I , e Tanks ,r "Riemru." Sudostroonle .24 no.5:69 NY 158. (MIRA 11:6) (Japan--Tank vessels) WROKMV, A.P., lnzh. Seagoing freightmrs of the OlAladkhan" type. Sudostroente 24 n0-9:73-76 S l5n- (Freighters) OGRA IWO DOROIMDV, A. ------ Seagoing freighters of the OlAladkhan* tM. Nor. flot 19 no.2:42-43 7 159. (XM l2s3) I.Starshiy Inshener Glaysudkhosa Ministerstva morskogo flota SSSR. (Preighters) DOROKHOV, 59. Ocean-going freighters. Mor.flot 19 no.6:24-27(mJlReA 112:9) 1. Starahly inzhener Glavoudkhoza Hinisteratva onrokogo flOtR- (Freighters) DOROKHOV A* Turbine-powered transport OLeuiuslcii XDmsomol.11 Mor.flot 19 no.g: 21-23 S 159, (MM 12:111/ 1. Starshiy Inzhener Glavoudkhosa Hinisteretva morskogo flota. (Lentuskii ZDmoomol (Steamship)) inzh.; TXLIMX, A.G., Insh.; PUSTYNSKIT, G.I., inzh. "Andishano-type. loose-bulk cargo vessels. Sudostroants 25'no-7:1-3 11 159. OaRA 124.1 t2) (Freighters) DOROKHOV, A.P.. inzh. t----------- icebreaker "Hookwa." Sudostroonis 26 no.10:1-5 0160. (MIRA 13:10) (lee-breaking vessels) DOROKHOV, A.P., Inzh. Tank vessel "Druzhba." Sudostroenie 28 no.2:1-5 F 162. (MIRA 15:3) (Tank vessels) DOROKHOV, A.P., Insh. Tank vessel "Lugansk.0 Sudostroonis 29 no,/+:1-6 Ip 163. (MIRA 164) (Tank vessels) SAMOYLOVICHt G.G., prof.; BELYAYEV, N.I., inzh.; KUDRlTSKIY, D.M., dots.j GLAGOLEV, A.V., inzh.; NEFEDOV, P,M., inzh,; GALKINAp Ye.A., at. nauchn. Botr.j PLINK, L.I.) inzh.1 DONMOY, I.P.p prof., retsenzont; SAVEL'YEV, V.V., karwl. tekhr. nauk, dots., retsenzent- AIYSHEV I.F., kand. tekhn. nauk, dots., reteenzent; LOBAN6V, A.N.,'prof., doktor tekhn. nauk, retsenzentj DORCKHOV, B.A., inzh., red. [Use of aerial photographic surveying in forest engineering] Primenenie aerofotos"emki v lesoinzhenernom dale. Moskva, Lesnaia~.promyshlennostl. 1965. 354 p. (MIRA 18:10) 1. Kafedra sukhoputnogo transports. less Lesotekhnicheskoy akademii-im. S.M.Kirova (for Alyshev). 2. Zamestitell glavnogo inzhenera rsosudarstvemogo instituta po proyektirovaniyu les- nogo transports. (for Dorokhov). NEVZOROV, Hikolay Vasillyevich; I)OROKHOV,.B.A., red.; SARKATMAYA, G.I., red.izd-va; BACHURINA, A.M., (Principles and ways for the distribution of the lumbering industry in the U.S.S.R.] Osnovy i puti razmeshcheniis leso- zagotovitellnoi promyshlennosti v SSSR. Xoekvn, Goelesbum- istbit, 1959. 222 p. (MIRA 1)tl) (Lumbering) BLINOV, O.S.; BELENIM, Ye.L.; BRAUSEVICH, S.T.; WRDY~~VB.A_._* A.jc_;_- ZIGMUND, F.R.; ITSIKOV, G.B.; LEVER, LESHCH-BORISOVSKIY, A.I.; MURTUZkLIYEV, S.A.; PJIR, A.I.; YUZIKHIN, Ye.Ye.; YAKIMV, I.D.; SHCHELKIRIOV.-M., retsenzentj GONCHAROV, A.F., otv. red.; KORCHUNOV, N.G., otv. red.- NIKOLISKIY, B.V., otv. red.; P04TJM~OV, G.A. [doceasedl; SLUTSKER, M.Z., red. izd-va; SHIBKOVA, R.Ye., tekhn. red. (Lumbering; land trans '0 rtation of timber] Lesozagotovki; pp sukIpputnyi transport less. Spravochnik. ?4oskva, Uoslee- bumtzdat, 1962. -504 p. (MIRA 16:7) (Lumber-Transportation) POPOV, Dmitriy Aleksandrovich prof. (deceased]; KORCHUNOV, Nikolay Grigorlyevich prof.; KUKLINOVI Boris Alekseyevichp dots.; MENSHUTKIN, Yakov Grigorlyevichs dots.; KUVALDIN, Boris Ivanovich, dots.; ALYSHEV, Ivan Fedorovich) dots.; SHCHELKUNOV, Valentin Vasi-11yevicbs dots.; NIKOLISKIY, Boris Vasillyevich, dots.; KORUNOV, M.M., prof., retsenzent;, Q"QVj 4.A.j, red. (Land transportation of lumber) SukhoputrWi transport leset. (By] D.A.Popov i dr. Moskva, Goolesbumizdat, 1963. 863 P. (MIRA 17: 5) ~le.4 propoitits Aid (;i thk ibs arallk O*awt lAiNkW. N , . . , . . ~.. / ; Ara 104. tl-t~ f".;-,T w iti Mri r"be4t 64~- ties, wo Nch. 143 P110111)161110 COJiit, wob ~Xltjr.: The-, Kt I'M ip,11"3 lilo -11b hictoi &IN betwn" the totAl tht"Plio7wuOtilft the ilsilmila'Atki. art,4-it and the iLctumm'Alo:i bl~djrj~ s~!PAami 1011T1. Tlii?j rdallonsR-) is ato4t bnowimid and iupenitiospl=L's m-48 3 1 I-W-Wded.1 '4WI-. iff", whilo o6fitg1l dviaw li", A-gdototly, excels pill acl~ - dractoeg the DWI, and thilAy. rulices the. coutoir of bx~utfors VI.O.Jucts!"paw e 1"liat sell X "tad i6mvert it 0 cirr.lif, ~~Wmlwjy pmthica4c.. A mixt. 61 MI 0 FdfreM ijzp NOMmu In the jraiu fjorovablp. 'File fflan'rTer of fe-rdHatl appikolloo oNtim tim- vuicmilomll a ~ch a DOROKHOII, B;L. Cand Biol Soi -- (dies) "Effect of additional extra-root feeding upon the intensity of -photosynthen6s.11 Kiev, 1957. 29 pp with graphs (Acad Sci MSSR. Department of Biol Sciences), 100 copies (KL, 14-58, 111) _36- DOFqKHOV,_Di;. Nat-ure of the inheritance of vu.,ze physi3logical charactqrs in u=tces in rl6ciprooal crossbreeding. 'lzv.AN Mold.SSR r--,. '-' ^ 163. Efl.'eat of gibborellio acid on the Intens1%; of pht;f.7~snuhesfi !n tomatoes. Ibld.s19-24 (MIRA 'Osl) . _16,L.1 SHISBIANU, G.V. PqRQ!2!QY, tffeot of supplementary fertilization with V.-ir. and mand&nese on the ir 3nsity of photosynthonis in appl.e. rzv.A.N M,,,Id.SSR no.025- 32 163. (MIRA .1831) DOROKHOVJ, B.L. -- Possibility of eximatmatal cuticular photosynthesis in some plants* Bot. zhuro 48 no.6:893-896 Je 163. (MIRA 17: 3.) 1. Institut fiziologii i biokhimii rasteniy AN Moldavskay SSR., Kishinev. DMOXHOVp_ Photmpthesis rate on different sides of the leaves of tmata plante. DAL AN SWR W no.2s4594+60 Ja 163# (HIPIA 1612) 1. Institut fl.ziologii i biokbimii rasteniy AN Moldavekoy SSR* Predstavleno edcademikm A.L. Xurmanovym. 1,'Tmatoes) (Photosynthesis) ACCESSION NR: AP4019985 8/0=/64/154/006/1452A453 AUTHORs Dorokhcy,_Ajt.,-, TITM Changes of photosynthesis intensity upon cross pollination SOURCE: AN SSSR. Doklady*# v. 154p no. 6. 1964* 1452-1453 TOPIC TAGS: photosynthesis# cross pollinatlont self pollination# absorptions tomato leaf photosynthesis,, intravariety carbon dioxide cross pollination ABSTRACT: The changes of photosynthesis intensity upon cross pollination was debermined gasometrically In the leaves of 2 varieties of toinato' (an essentially self-pollinating plant) grown under identical co;aitionaj whose blossoms were castrated for ex- perimental purposes. The controls were kept In isolation. The results are tabralated and show CO absorption to be higher and to persist longer In cross-poll1nat;9 plants of both varieties (al. though absorption values varied for the self-pollinatins controls). COM 2/2 1'AccEssioN NR: jiWi9985 few This difference appeared a days after crone pollination and reached 55% on the 31st day in the Bison variety. Thus Intra- variety cross PD11ination in also indicated in self-pollinating plants. Orig. art. has 2 tables and I figure. ASSOCIATIONt Institut fiziologli, I blokbimli. rastenly Akademll imuk Mol.-SSR (1notitute of Plant Physiology and Woohemistryj Academy of Sciemces KILdavlan SSR) SUBMITTEDs 31,'ran63 DATE ACQs 23mar64 -ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: CH NO R1W SOVI 005 OTHIM: 000 L;O.rd ACOESSON NR.- Ap4o41163 3/0020/64/156/004/0954/0956 ;-AUTHOR: Dorokhov,'B. Le SOURCE: AN SSSR. Doklady*t V. 156, no. 4, 1964, 954-956 TITLE: The possibility of extrastomatal photosynthesis In apple TOPIC TAGS: photosynthesis, apple leaf photosynthesis, carbon dioxide, Introduction,, stomatal photosynthesis, extrastomatal photosynthesial leaf epidermal cell Introduction I-ABSTRAOT: Aside from the stoma, 2 possible paths of 00 into the leaf have teen observed; its entrance from th? upper sidn of' apple leaves (without stomata) through the cuticulum by means of openings leading through the antiolinal walls of the epidermal cells, to the vessel wall calls, or through the ectodesm by cell to call j.transport Into the epidermal calls and vice veroa to and from the ,tambiant air. Such an extrastomatal process would be important in i!plante sustaining high temperatures during the day, but may also ,zexist in those living under favorable conditions. This was studied iin leaves of 2 year-old appletrees grown under conditions of constant 1/2 'J'ACOESSION NE: AP041163 1.0011 humidity. Photosynthesis was determined gasometrically in the Ileaves atta'(;hed to the plant, insolation with a luxmeter. The liair entered the assimilation chamber so as to pass either over the litopside or -the underside of the leaf. Results are tabulated and show high 002 absorption by both sides of the leafp that from the upper side constituting 20-30% of total 002 absorption. Orig. art# h has: 1 table !ASSOOIATIOII: luetitut fisiologil i biokh1m.11 rasteniy Akademil, nauk MSSR (Inst!Ltiits of Plant Physiology and Bloohemistryp Acadear of to !.Sc1caces.-M3SR) SUBMITTED: WSW ENCLs 00 SUB OODE: LS NR REP SOV: 002 OTHER: 009 6L 2/2 DOROKROV, D.V., gornyy Inshener; XORCBXGV. I.A;, gorWy inzhener. Inlarging a hoist shaft without InterTuption of hoisting operations. Ugc-11 29 no.1:40-43 J& 054. (xm, ?.-],) (SWt sinking) I DOROMOV, D.V., inzh. System of mining sea subject to sudden outbursts of coal and gass in central Donate Basin areas. Nauch. dokl. vys. ahkoly: gor. delo no.1:27-40 158. (HIU 11:6) I.P~redstavlena kafedroy razrabotki plastovykh mestorozhdouir Donetskogo industriallnogo instituta. (Donate Basin-Coal mines and mining-Safety measures) (Mine gases) DOROXHOV, D,Vo#gorW Ansh. r- System of openings In levels can be used successfully@ Ugoll Ukro 2 no.10147 0 158, (MIRA 12il) (Mining engineering) ZHIZTC,V. N.I., doteent.: DOROKMV, D.V*, aggistent I-- Iffact of the tim elemont in mining protective8eaXIS. Ugol, Ulcr. Vol.3 no.5:9-12 W '59. (MIRA 12.9) 1. Donetakly industrial 'My Institut. (Mine gases) (Coal mines and minirg-Safety measures) Iyurzy, ~T.V-i ZUIZTjOV, $.I. I Sudden coal and gas outbunto in tapped coal seams. U oll . 4 11041218-10 D #6o.--- MW1313,2) (Donato Bamln-Coal mines and mining) (Kine &&sea) - (Rook Pressure) .DoiZOICHOV, D. V., Cand Tech Sal excavation of ad,)acent strata and e ~&~ie elements of mining sye- tems its a means of ~ sudden ejections of coal and gas." Stallno, 1961. (Min of Ifigher and See Spec Ed UkSBR. VI, Dnepropetrovsk Order of Labor Red Banner Min Lst Im Artem) (KL, 8-61, 242) - 225 - LIPKOVICII., S.M.,, dotsentj DOROKHOV, D.V.., kand.takhn.naukj NOVITSKIY, A.M.., kand.tekhn.yntauk Simultaneous determination of the height of the level and size of the panels &long the strike. Izvevyaouchebezavej gor.zhur. 7 no.2:.10-14 164. %~ 1, (MIRA 17:3) 1. Donetskiy politekhnichaskiy institut. Rekomendovana kafedroy razrabotki, mestorozhdeniy poleznykh iskopayemykh. DOROKHOV, G.T. inzhatier; FADTATST, V.V., inzhaner. Device for determining the quantity of pulverized coal In bunkers. Elek. at&. 28 ne.5:67 W 157. (MM 10:6) (Coal. Pulverized) DOROKHOV, G.T.,Inzh. .A- Instrumnt for quick daterminstion of fuel content in the entrainment of boilers. Xlek.sta. 29 no.11:74-75 N 158. (MIRA 111.12) (Boilers) DMOKHOV, G.T,,, insh. oxygen In oondensate and feed water. Blek. sta. 36 no.2t7l-72 F 165. (KMA 1814) DOROKHOV, I. I. gmmm-. The menotholluis of parletal peritoneum In own. and Ito modifications In certain disioasse, Dokl. AN SWR 93 noo6t1103-1105 1) 133. (MM 6:12) 1, Voyanno-medlItsinskays almdemlys. in. S.Nollrovs.. Prodstavleno, akademikom H.NeAnlobkoy.m. i - 0 '(Pailtonsum) DDRCKHOT, I.I., dotsent mor'PhologY and pathogenesis of acute peritonitis. Yest.khir. 76 no.7:84-94 Ag 155. (MLRA 8:10) 1. Iz kafedry patologichookoy anatomit (nach-prof. A.N.Chistovich) Voyanno-meditiduskoy ordena Lenins akademii im. S.K.lirova. (PFMTONITIS amts, morphol. & pathogen.) 'EJ41MR~7A ~MICA Sec.36 VoI.4/1 Cancer Jan C6) 317. DOW)KI1011' 1. 1. %Ill. med. Avail. S. M. kiropfl, Lvipm~!rml Chant:cv o/ filt, puriclut peritont-11111 In dscilev alid curvilumultivriv (ilmoticirs Iext) Aikh. Palipl. jM41%com.) 1955. 17/1 (.19.-55) 1 flus. 4 E.Naininatimis wvTu carried ind ill 20 atitopsivil pativiit% iS with chim,it- lit-art itisult'j- viesivy. 2 with 1wepatic virvlassi% mid 10 %%-ill% vaiscer). 'lliv viwal set-limm %wre vomparvil With Kofttov's C0114wlion patch pruparitions (of which ito detAils are givvil). 111C peritoneal inomthelitun is of epithviial ofigill, Which is Imm-11 by its. dystmill'ic Awl regoicrative reactiotts. lit ascites, thov inewthelitim shows fatty am . opiv degt-tivr. 'I lmdr, ation with exioliation; m6retteratioti with amilcmi% alld gi.ttkt cell forlil.11iiiii wits Alml obsem-d. The cluinges ill carcitimnatmis are differetit itt uplivarall1m; ill %virdlotts camvrx they ihow the same charactcr is hi imorinal ascites. in incAullary vaswrT dwre are smincrous mitoses mod an inflammatmy reactimi. The vamw vells In Ille exudite sim)w marked prolifera6un aild lead tip dc;trmUvn Of file mesothelial Ix-ritolical Liver. Dralidt - B~rlill DOROXHOT, I.I. (Leningrad) Korpholog7 oil postoperative peritonitis treated with antiblotione Arkh.pat. 18 no.4t62-65 156 (MIRA 11210) I 1. In knfe(b-y pntologichookoy anntomii (nnchallnik - prof, A.W. Chistovich) Toenno-meditainskoy ordena Lenina akndemii imeni S.M. Kirova). (StOLGIRY, OPERATM, compl. postap, peritonitis, eff. of antibiotic there on develop* & bacteriole (Run)) (PRItITOMITISt stioleand Pnthogene eff. of postop., entibiotic there, @ff. on develop. & bacteriole (Rua)) (AD"I'IBIOPICS, there use peritonitis, postop., off. on develop. & bacteriol. (Rus)) DOR01MOTt 1.1p, Nevothellpa of the parietal peritoneum in man, Arkhe'an^t. gist. L wbr 33 n,3*1123-27 Ja-)(r 156 (MIRA 2211) 0 `6 1, Is kaf ecb.7 patologicheskoi anatomii (nwh - prof*' A.N. Chistovich va nakoy ordsua Lenin& akademit im. S.M. lirova; Adres aytoral Leningrads 9. uls Lebadeva, d0*379 kafedra patologicheslzoy anatonii Voyenno-a ditslaskoy Orden& Lenina akademii ime SsX9 Kirovao WRITOMMo anatomy and histoloa, awthellux of parietal peritoneum (Rua)) TSAGARRYMILI, A.Y.; PGROXHOT, I.I. Intestinal onastono elm in radiation sicimeme, experimental morphological study. Yest.khir. 77 no.10188-92 0 156. (MM 9:12) 1, Is kafedry operativuoy khirurgii (nach. - prof. A.N.Mmkoinankov) i kefedrypatologicheakay anatomii (nach. - prof. A.N.Chistovich) Voyenno-meditsinokoy ordeno Lenina akademii in. S.M.Kirova. TAningrad, ulelebodevot ds3'11-a, kafedra operativnoy khirurglis (RADIATION SICKUSS, expere off. cc healing of intestinal anastomisis in dogs) (IMSTINAS. surg. xpers, anastomosim, off. of exper. radiation sicimess : n healing in dogs) ~Powuovq 1. ,-!K!O~b~ Dynwdco of the hmaling of surgioal voimds of the gastrointestiW tract and the meckaniom of watmd emplicatiimo Arkhopat, 21 no.n,67-73 t59- (MIRA 13&12) (DIMTM 01GAN"Umar) (VOUIMS) TIKHOMIROV, V.G.;,DOROKHOV, I.L.; KURCqAVOV, A.M. New forra of relationshi-,? between extrusions and intrusions in central Kazakhstan. Vea*;. Moak. un. Ser. 4: Geol. 19 no.4: 13-21 Jl-Ag 164. (MIRA 17: 11) 1. Kafedra istoricheskoy i regionallnoy geologii Moskovskogo uni- versiteta. - P, ;' C i ' * ! c- ~'.!X in central A~., *,::,--,R ".,0 ." ; , r 18-2) , Io-ikc I . I I L, . ~. L d. ~ . ~- - - -, P(,,vu6rtr5' !c-ioY;; ;-:- verb- ; --~ t- "i t*.cd ',!sy 23, 19E4. KOSHELE-VA, 1.411.1 DOROXI~V~1.L.~, 0 Geodemical ch9racteristles or intrusive corarlexap in the northeastern part of the Tokreusk synclinorium (contral Kazakhatan). Vest. Hookoun. Ser. 4 r Geol. 20 no.5z60-76 S-17, 1.65. lp-:il) I@ Kqfndra ietorichaskoy i regionalIncy goologli Moskcvsll-c-pc: gosudaretvannogo univeraiteta, BOBOLEVO R.N,I_DCROIUiOVI I,Ll DCRSHCHFV.3Xff,, lusio Now asta an the age of the grwdlWids of the Topar amplax in the nwthern part of the Dshungaria-Ba.Uhash g1losynalino. Dokl, AN SUR 1615, no.,3:676-6?7 U 165, (HIM 18,11) 1. Submitted May 29p 1965. ASATULLAYEVP N.H.; EFLYAKOV, L.V.; DCR HCff I.L.j. ZHURAVLEV, B.Ya.; KATS, Ya.G.; MIKHAYLOV, A.Ye.; Tl~tmt ; U,SPENSKIY, Ys.P. Tectonics of the conv%grgence zone of structures in the Chingiztau and take Balkhash region (central Kazakhstan). Sov. geol. 8 no-4290-102 Ap 16 5. (MIRA ISO) 1. Moskovskiy geologorazvedochnyy institut i Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet. KURCHAVOVP A.M OROKHOV.0 I L. - 1-P Mesozoic bualts in Karkaralinak Dlol;rict of central Kazakhstan. Vest. Monk. un. Bar. 410sol. 20 no. 6:36-38 19-D 165 (MIRX 191l) 1. Kafedra iotorichemkoy i regionalttoy geologii Moskovskogo gosudarstw-onnogo universiteta. Submitted May 14, 1965. DOROKHE,,.I.L.; MIGDISOVA, L.F.j SOBOLEV, R.N. Geological povition and age of intrusivos of the r4hakeytagalinsk complex In the northeastern part. of the Torau synclinorium. Biule MOIF Otd. gaol. .40 no. 6t143-1" N-D 165 (MIRA 19:1) 1. ftbmitted May 13, 1965. Doponw, 1. P. Dovidnik z obliku li3oTwterialiv; tablitsi dlys oidrakhunku kilIkosti Usorrzterizliv (Hairlbook For Lurbar Accountirg; Tables For A ~4uantitative Record Of Forest Materials, By) M. 0. Antoncv i I. P. Dorokhov. Kyiyv, DTVU, 1951- N15 - 632.72 A6 463 P. tables. "Literatura": P. (462) V fw BIDTARSKIT, Vasilly 3111vestrovich; T Ivan Petrovich; XMITSEM,ra.. 'W:i- rodaktcw.- IOAXIXIS, A., teldinliVew no 4Fd (Tables for measuring the volume of logelfablitey po vjrcblslonilu obOemov kruglykh lespykh materialov: spravochnik. Isd. 2-oa, dop. Kiev, Goo.isd-vo lit-ry po stroit. I, arkhitakture USSR, 1955. 395 P. (Nua 9W (lumber-41ennv&-ation) DORDKHOV,,_IM Petrovich; LUTOV, Aleksey Antonovich; PAVLENKO, Dmitriy Vasillyevich; CHABAN, 0.1.,, red GORKAVENYO, L.I.Horkavenko, L.I.,, tekhn. red.; LAGUTIN, I.T:!Lahutin, I.T.], tekhn. red. (Manual on the calculation of timber and forest production)Do- vidny)c z obliku lisomaterialiv J lioovoi produktsii. (By] I.P. Dorokhov ta inshi. Kyiv, Derzh.vyd-vo tekhn.lit-ry URSR, 1961. 587 p. (MIRA 16:2) (Lumbering-Tables and ready-reckoners) A -= a .1 , -.d- , -1 00 0 *a~ d W*. ~&rjrwcww (O=pt. food. Aped. SoL VAIM, In Ao am. of gbwk~ seeAw&W photo- oyn wak and sknp ot m4pohydrate but aim In. 00 13 Maud 4b8 mom" im-of mr6*ydrsk. The (Omer offmi prid"Mimi" A. U. P. t IS, it lee It* "a lee Doe see ftee too too a. 0 u a AT 0 0 ~p 0- *ft 04 em 40 OU a as a * * * 0 0 so 0 00 *see 000 --w-w-w w--9 l-vr-w- a cis AIA L- A I 1 1. a A, P 4 I ? VA A-- I -,L- 10 CC PIP It 4 1 1 .1 41 , . ' -00 -00 0 -00 a Usa of cab*@ dloaddis on Wasapirstift "Al wMadc ' A' L. M. bQv- 1- Mtus is -In h ~k 1 00 . . . S lei. U. J * -00 10 and letcwt p t$ grown in SWS cham1wrS Uluirr tool'11 -0 0 cogitroW caDdilkica, biShel C(li content M the " cauvA 00 WaL Cutfaetjon of qbe wWtjj of OptrAd stomata I'd. - ' ' a the lom"It") tO247 l I i .00 00 OU t St UP 0 by BilloP intma"' ti " di 00 00 fll~- end k"Cued vlater crapd. The Vista of wattf vapor td stomata, was vratly enhanfixf. f i 0 0 t met o open skm pt, nn l t l S = goo e i i a David B- too go .700 go ago zoo , Do too too IR t:o 0 too U IS AV I I A v L it ew Ir of -) S3 ' a Is It Cl 6 Al 4 I'll U It It $I a I 0 0 0 40 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 a a 0 0 0 0 : f 0 S o 0 0 ~ $ 0 0 0 r 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0- -4- 00 g o * o 0 O 0 so 0 4 9 Is 0 0 0 0 0 a 00000 a 4A 4 to 4 00.1 Dosuavoy 11jonoxxon) (L MY. AMNON of vhv*&WO9 1 00" Is-TjjAW wAw do W~ al (11460MAM bb= Cb&- 00 OX, Acud. M. VA"., NA, Vd-1-2, PP- 85-M, 1%8- 60 In ex i to canied out in MWWr in 19W, SMIA Of the SpGFiW 00 p"U"" Gribivsky varkty of tomato germini"I quite normally in Ric"'s solution diluted to 25 per cML sheaRM, while Only IS to 40 Per Cent. 00 germinated 41 a 25 per eent. solution of the culture filtrate of CW- 00 SPOOiUmfil"MI IRA.M., IT64 P. 142J grown on Richards's medium. 004- No Kerminsik" At all occurred in concentrations of the filtraw exceed. 0-0,7 ing 25 per cent. Seeds inhibited by *31mm to a culturr filtmie Avr- minated after 24 hours when washed #ad tranderred to Petri dishes. 0014 00, In further experiments the majority of tomato ta Krown on a MM culen ures, or of plants 1, 5. 10. or 2b per cent. Altnft from ~O.fw KeOWU fWM K*dd kept for 10 to 15 days in a 50 to 75 per cent. culture filtrate to germination, perisW when tmodmvd to Knop's nutrientullion, and the surviying plants bad undet-devel)ped yellow leaves. Men tomato plants we" gr(WO on KDop's nutrient solutions I* which 5, 10, or 25 per cerit, oonointrations of the culture filtrate we a ailded, the 25 per mt. filtrate poisoned the plants, which died in 35 days, while with the 10 &DI 5 per cent. filtntm the plants 30 to W14L ~4L trTIVA11011 CL,jWCT" .00 log log Wes 0 goo o do 0 g coo goo log T I Ink v W low a aw 4 a I 0 0 910 0 0 18 0 0 0 0 0 0 a a 0 0 0 0 0 10044090000000000000 00 00 00 00 40 00 *0 OW 00 S* 09 00 00 00 ee 00 11(jujilluoo juro4jul DMM ImpVA p un"TIrfimuil m" gwauq.a 00 of 0* IMA "WPf Jq PJW*Aq Oq 01 IPUUOJ 44" iWA%M CqfMn es so 00 JO LIMIU48M 09 Gmu IMI P" IpMdontno DqL 'IfiqdomM IKII a ' da Pa(t F91, ollao wq aqj jo B=mW w vios mw 9 wm d 00 o - i juvI I Im Gql CqU! PJJUJXWtU! UaqlA 'ptm o4qvna pon oql p jamidoloAap mp 00 "Awns "A% mu.Pw ImPlnu 041 4nm in~ #maul* .1 f "') 00 19" "PMJ an 7 =)jj Pwpar-xm wi p ',4,?At 9dlM 'XIW RapWfl;.,( om" *m )o do Ik;ij w ft uo jal of so p p p Inq pApjm " p 00 09 00 of 00 ~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 9 a 0 0 4 4 Y, '41 wralf 4illd ;in 1Aa tonq of idt"Oterml vub- 1 INTlij ho OrAin W winter whoi L. V%xok~tw. V. 'A)" v 34: ti, -7 't KAI It wo 30%. No (e Conta, 16 ~Soj, 4,14 tMWA coutit. ~etr in 01~ 141 loau" And, patagil de,~ ei x6 1, the 610060141. U Itintal of the k2m. It Lsupefo 600 1 ke haA 110=2 ~bk edwt bn Ow chkwom phyll content. : hq oLddm tU 3 the chic rophyll -korilim u TheIme1ousW1ya,d6iwtIraW1wAv hetv"u Oft tfr~jl ;hlmph~a -kcral kint In the "aluttatin 4 th , 'C'uniulAflou lot dirI~ "a"6&tci 1104 Tkid-4 cwIpva 4n ell g"In, This TeN;"Wp ts MiKt v0 u 141 wit" mulpetir. terp wad&A. -Sdt4 platijr Increaw Ih6 IJOIN 04 r4 mat"t-14 thW, ,o . =1 Z. I.. )1pikkally. ere"s, 06tash whue 111 Cams "t oxiditfirt tramfEwMaCom 14 04intsA Rad thereby rcdore% tho eot~vij~ of rap4btc-of filing too A rr Th4 T:1dj1t-,6-.Cof fte,;iai~r appiliwia f WmI511tv"nsform - of h'ju Use 1, 111 quw)U12 fy-A. q4Ijt),-q al!rmpl ot( On' tin the wmr~ Ii toIa!"Oul hrlitjq .ir. 4 applio but &I th 6bra e o le " c) Vi 122 USSR/Plant Physiology. Photosyntheois. 1-2 Abs Jour: W. zhur-Biologiyat No 1) 1958., 1126. Author Dorq4py.-JoX. Inst ff~ziev Agricultural Institute. Title Me lattluence.of, Phosphorous on Photosynthesis in Agricultural Flants. Orig Pub: Trudy Kisbinevsk. a.-Wh. in-t- 1956, 3, 207-217. Abstract: Boy and olprizg; barley plants were grown in sand. Before the sowing varlowt doses of P (4P, 2P, IP (control), 1/2P, 1/10P) were IntrodurAtd together with the ferti3lzers. The intensity of photosyntluisle was Utermined. in the anvent of air (atmos. pheric) by anlication of Rikhter's system of absorbers and vas expressed in mg. of- C:02/dM2 of the leaf. P increased the intensity of the leaf's photosynthesis. In the 2P variant the intensity of genuine photosynthesis was higher than in the 4P variant, the veason being that the higb~r dose of P increased Card 1/2 .9- USSR/Plant PhysiolotW - Photosynthesis. Abs Jour : Hof Zhur Biol., No 5, 1958, 19914 Author : C!R~roov~ Inst Title : Effect of Fertilizers on the Assimil tion Apparatus of A47icultural Plants. Orig Pub : AGricultura shi viteritul Moldovey, 1956, No 12, 13-17; Zemlyedyelie i zhivotnovodetvo Moldavii, 1956.. No 12, 5-9. Abstract : Field and vegetation experiments on summer and winter wheat, summer barley, soya-beans, beans, sunflower and radishes were carried out in the Kishinev a(;riculturai institute, The active surface of the leaves during the Vegetation period was expressed by the number of leaf- clays (photosynthesis of 1 62 of a leaf in a day). Me greatest number of leaf'-days was observed when N and 11 were used together. The use of N, P and K before the Card 1/2 USSR/Plant Physiology - Photosynthesise I-1 Abs Jour Ref Mur - Biul., No 5, 1958, 19914 sowing of the grair, stimulated considerably the growth of leaf-tissue. The maximum action of N was befare the spiking, and that of P and K before entering into tubes. Thu deposit into soil of combined fertilizers before sovinG increased the quantity of chlorophyl in the plant by 1.7 to 2.1 times durina the veac.-tation period. The use of P alone decreased the chlorophyl content during the entire period of vegetation except in the winter m.)nths; in winter chlorophyl resistance to de- composition increased. Card_' 2/2 , Doc of Blo Sol -- (dise) "Mineral nutrition as a factor DOROKHOV. In increasinS the productivity of photosynthesis of a6ricultural plants," Moscow, 1957, 30 pp (Institute of Plant Physiology Im K. A. Timiryazov, AS USSR), 150 copies (XL, 29-579 89) USSR/Plant Mysiology - Photosynthesis. Abe Jour Ref Zhur - Biol., No 5~ 1958, 19915 Author Dorowqx_~ Inst Title The Influence of Fertilizers on the Intensity and Dura- tion of Photosynthesis of Agricultural Plants. Orie Pub Zmlyedyclie i zhivotnovodvtvo Moldavii, 1957, No 3, 19- 23P Abstract Fertilization of su=er vhmt arxi soya-beans with N ancl K (up to 2-norms of Holridnel's mixture) greatly inerca- sed the intensity of photosynthesis (determined ipsomo- trically, vith Richter's absorbers) and also prolonged its daily duration by 20-25%. The combination of K with Ca(NO )2 produced an effect 37-92% Csic 7 greater, than the c9mbination of K with (M14)2so,.P (t~ 4 norms, stronger in tuo norms) intensified true photosynthesis and rospiration, but productive photosynthesis Card 1/2 USSR / Plant Physiology. Mineral Nutrition. j,bs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 7j 1958, 29411. Author Dorokhov, L. M. Inst Xrat1`ff-e`V-'A'~tura1 Institute. Title Mineral Nutrition as a Factor in Increasing the Productivity of Photosynthesis and Yield of Agri- cultural Plants. (Minerallnoye putaniye kak faktor povysheniya produktivnosti fotosinteza i urozhaya sel'skokhozyaystvennykh rastenly). Orig Pub: Tr. Kishinevsk. s,-kh. in-ta, 1957, 13, 231 str., il. Abstract: Field and vegetative experiments were made in 1946-1955 to study the effocts of root feeding conditions on the productivity of photosynthesis in a number of plants used in agriculture (grains, soya beans, green beans, radishes, sunflowers, Card 1/2 ,DO Mi MXHOV,_~az~rl_ khaylovich. -prof., doktor biol., naukj BRAGINA., red.T-P-OLONSily, S.k.,' tekhn. red.- L.P., (Life of farm plants) Zhisn' aelookokhoziairityarmykh ra- stenii. 2., perer. i dop. izd. Kishinev, Izd-vo "Shtiintoa," 1962. 277 P. (MIRA 16;7) (Plant physiology) (Plants, Cultivated) KOVARSKIY, A.Ye., red.; YAROSHEIIKO, M.F., red.; GEYDEMI, T.S., red,j DIKUM, I,G., rod.; DOROKHOV, L.M., rod.; ZUBKOV, A.A., red.; PELYAKII, IP*I . , red. - CHEBOTAR.10 A.A., red.1 CHORIK, F.P.j red.; BOLNEVA, Lej red, (Trareactions of the Thire Conference of Young Moldavian Sci- ent1sts) Trudy III nauchnoi konferentaii molodykh uchenykh Moldavii. Kishinevp Kartia moldoveniaske. llo.2.[Biological and agricultural sciences] Biologicheskic i sellskokhoziai- stvenrqo3 nauki. 1964. 273 p. (V,1LtA 17:8) 1. Nauchnaya konferentsiya molodyl:h ucherjykh Moldavii, 3d. ACC NRa AR5024090 SOURCE CODE: UR/0299/65/OOO/O1U/G004/Gf AUTHOR: Lapidus, L. Ya.: Dorokhov, L. M, TITLE: Effect of nitrogen and phosphorus on the photosynthetic potential in plants with a varied water supply SOURCE: Ref. zh. Biologiya, Abs, 16020- REF SOURCE% Tr, 1-y Rasp. nauchn, konferenteii fiziologov i bio- khimilcov rast, Moldavii. Kishinev., MFI-Va- moldovenyaske., 1904, 196-203 TOPIC TAGSt agriculture seance, ABSTRACT: A study was made of the devolopment of the assimil'Ning surface (A), the chlorophylicontent (Cli), the daily rate of photo- synthesis (Ph) and breathing (B) and the water content in the leaves of summer barley grown in sandy cultures on Helriegel mixtures with varied additions of N and P in doses f:oom 0.1 to 3 under normal or insufficient water supply, An increase in N and P dosages decreased the negative effect of a water-supply shortage on the development of A. At the same time, N induced a decrease, and P an.. increase in Ch content, especially in the dehydration of the leaves. With a con- siderable dehydration of the leaves, P eliminated the Ph and D ACC NRt AR5024090 depres9ion, thus indicating ItB protective role during a drought period. Kishinev Agricultural Institute, S. Tabentskiy SUB CODEt 06/ SUBM DATEs none Card 2/2 Kk'~ 1,, C 0 -'('- S TB Dr, W I ACC NRti~IR5024 ug soMars COD -F 0299/65/000/016/0004/G004 AUTHORt KjrLc~)qn)cqj __Y_q, B. IDQr-QkhQY4--1L-M- J TITLE: Productivity of corn photosynthesis. under varied cond of mineral feeding SOURCE: Refo xh, Biologiya,, Abe. 16G19 REF SOURCE: Tr, 1-y Reap. nauchn. konferentail firtologgy i bio- khimikov rast. Moldavii. Kis!j~nev, Kartya Moldovenyanke, 196-4,216-220 'Zckemcle TOPIC TAGSt agriculturer agriculture crop ABSTRACT; By means of field and greenhouse experiments a atudy was made of the development of assimilation surfaces (A), chlorophyll content (Ch), and photosynthesis productivity (Ph) of corn plants VIR-42, with an optimal supply of water enriched by the addition of from 2 to 4 doses of N, P. and K, or combinations of them. Increased docagges of N and P contributed to the development of A and Ch, In greenhouse experiments with 2112P doses, A was increased by 89%. and Ch 3.4 times. The Ph value during the entire period of vegetation was highest in the variant containing 2 doses of NPK (19eo of the control) Card ACC NRi AR50240-8-9-- and it was noted that the highest yield of kernels (61.0 centers per hectar) was obta~.ned from the same variant, Kishinev AE.Kicultur I Inst-itute. A. Tabentskiy SUB CODEt 06,azAsuBm DATE, none DOROKODY. M. improve the Administrative apparatus of the commmal econocV. Bots.trud nool2:77-81 D 158* (MRA 13s4) (Hunlelpal services) (Housing) etcJ (Hotels, taverns, DOROKIlO-V)_M.,-__AFONIN~ V.; RLTIGARD, D.M., red.; USHMO, V.S., red. izd-va; YAYOROV, V.V., tekhn. red. (Guaranteed and compensatory payments in comm=l hous- ing] GarantlArVe i kompensatsionnye vyplaty v zhilishchno- kornwiallnom khoziaistve. Moqkvav Izd-vo 1.1-va kommn. kho7,.RSFSRp 1963. 61 1). (MIRA 16:12) (Wage a-Building-Service employees) DOROKHOV M.P. Attachment for transferring cans from the seamer machine to the turntable. Ions. i ov. prom. 12 no.11:28--29 N 157. (KIRA 11:1) 1,Rostoyakly konservnyy zavod "Smychka". (Canning and preservinC-Equipment and supplies) AIZEWEV, Beyshen; WROK110Y, M4dw Gorasimovich; USTTUG(YV, P.G., J1 red.; BffST01ff,'r.-,-Yikhn. red. (Storage of agricultural machinery] Khritnenie sellskokho- ziaistvennykh mashin. Frunze, Kirgizgosizdat., 1962. 29 p. (MIRA 17:2) R,TgPIPT. ~ikhau n!,i.qh -, lonstantin Ivanovich; SOBNOT, T.D., q, L~wqv oiiiistvlii~~ redaktor; !OLCxnTSw.A.D.g redaktor isdatelletya; AIADOVA, Yealto takhniohookiy redaktor [mechanization an& organization of drifting in coal mines] Nekhanizatelia i organisatelia provedentia podgotovitelInykh vyrabotoke Xookva# UglatekhIsdat, 1956* 215 p, (KLU 9:9) (Coal mining machinery) SADOVSKIY. 0.I.: PAKE014DV. AOSOI SHABLYGIN* A.I.: -DOROKHOV, X.I.; ZAYDMAN, L.A.; GRICORYARTS, E.L.; VILLEM, E.Yu. Improvinr mining technolory in the "Upolyaridy" Kine of the Norillsk Combine. Gor. zhur. no.1101-38 11 161. (MIRA 15:2) (Noril'sk reeion-Kining enprineering) I-DPROMOVO, ~~J* ~ " Ways of improving boring and blasting operations in *Zapolyarnyyn Mine. Gor, thur. ao.501-34 W 163. (MM 160 1. Direktor rudniks, "Zapolyarnyy" Norillakogo kombinata, (Morillsk region-Boring) (Blaatihg) DCROBOV *&,_,inzh. Use of self-recording and remote-control equipavint, for checking the conditions of ground water. Gidr. stroi. 33 no-5:41#"48 Vq 163. (MIRA 16:51 (Water., Underground) (Hydroelectric power stations--Equipment, and supplies) DOROKHOV, M.P.: SHIMIOV, D.V. (deCSAsed]; SMYET, V.S.; SHMOV. P.A.; ----TAROSH3VSKIT, V.M.. red. izd-va; YONMRSHUN, A.D., red. izd-va; LELTZHIN, A.A., (Protection of labor in housing and service iniustries; collection of government decrees, orders of the Ministry of Municipal Services of the R.S.F.S.R. on the protection of labor, norms and reMilations on safety engineering, and Industrial hygiene and labor legislation) Okhrann truda v shilishchno-kommmllnom khoziaistva; abornik postanovlenii Pravitel'stva, prikazov Miniateretva kommunallnogo khosinistva RSFSR po okhrane truda, norm I pravil po takhniko bez- opasnosti, promyshlannoi sanitarii I trudovogo zekonodatellstva. Pod obehohei red. M.P.Dorokhova. Moskva, 1959. 510 p. (MIRA 13:1) 1. Russia (1917- R.S.F.S.R.) Ministerfstvo komr-mnal'nogo, kho- synystva. (Safety engineering) (Municipal services) DOROKHqVs -1L&;, LOPATINj YeA; MffSHLYAYEVA, I.M., red. izd-va, -7--~RLOTINA, A.V.., reld.; IMUKHINA, A.A., tekhn. red. (Labor and wages for those employed in communal housing and services) Trud i zarabotnaia plate v zhilishchno-kominunallaom, khoziaistve. Moskva, Izd-vo M-va kommun. khoz.RSFSR. Pt.l. 1962. 597 (M::RA 15:7) fiabor and laboring classes--Handbooks, manuals, etc.) (Wages-Handbooks, manuals, etc.) ,,Pq1~OKHOVj_F,.P.; LOPATIN, Ye.D.; S41RNOV, P.A. (Industrial 17giene and safety measures in municipal services; collection of the most important goverment regulationsp orders of tho Ministry of Municipal Services of the R.S.F.S.R. and rules for safety measures) Okhrana truds. i tekhnika bezopasitosti v komunnallnom khozisistve; abornik vazhneishikh pootanovlenii pravitellstval prikazov Ministerstva kommunallnogo khoziaistva RSFSR i pravil po tekhnike bazopasnosti. Fod red. M.P.Dorokhova. Mos:cva., Izd-vo M-va kon=.khoz.H8FSR. Pt.2. 1963, 422 p. (MIRA 17W 1. Russia (1917- R#S.F.S.R.) Ministerstvo kommunallnogo, khozyaystva. WJIDXHOV H P ; LAPATINp Ye.D.; SMIRNOV, P.A.; YEVWKIMDVA, Yo.D., Azd-va; SMIRMOVA, R.N., red, iud-voL; SALAZKOV, M.P., tekhn. red. (Labor protection and safety engineering in municipal soonomyl the most iaportant governmest decrees, orders of the ministry of municipal economy of the R.S.F.S.R., and safety engineering regulational Okhrana. truda i takhailm besopennosti v komunallnom khosiaistval abornik vashnsi- shikh pootanovlonil pravitalletva, prikazov Minioterstva kommunallno khosiatetya FSFSR i pravil po takhaike bes- opasnosti. giod obehchei red. H.P.Dor-okbova. -HosIm&,, Isd-vo H-va kommun.khos,BSFSR. Pt.i. 1963. 509 P. (MIRA 16M 1. Russia (1917- R.S.F.S.R.)KInisterstvo ko-minallnogo khosyaystva. (Municipal engineering-Safety measures) BAMM, V,P,; BUBOK, K*G*-, BWAREV. L.A*: BUNIN, A.I.-, VROBIM. K.V. DR0007, V.V.-. M-0)(alk; zm,wv, 3.v.*, IGNATIn", L.A. X&MOPOLOV, .1,G,; XWMIIN# DoNs; KOKAROV, A*H,; KURILOITO If,&-. WKWO Plf,-, KIMIUM, A.So-, KIKUYU)V, X.R.; N214TINOV,.B.A.; OLIKHOV, N,P,-. OSIPOVA, T.V.-. PAKHOKOV, Ta.P.; PIAKSINs I.N,-, PMHAYNOVo &If.; FUSMIWIK, I.I.; ROZHKOV, I,S,; SAVIll YO.A.; UMINO A,P.-, SPITAKOVg U.N.; STRIGIN, I.A.; SUSHMEM, S.N.; STMEM, P.S.-, TROITSCIY, A.1%; USHAKOVO K.I.; KRARL&MOT, A.Te.; SMMAKINg W.I. Nikolai Konstautinovich Chaplygin. TSvet. met. 28 no.2:57-58 Hr-AP '55. (HIRL 10:10) (Chaplyglu, likolel Koustantinovich, 1911-1955) roaonov, N. N. and H. G. ZLATKIN. Tekhnologiia kovki pod pidravllcheskimi pressani; posobie dlia masterov i tekhnologov. Moskva, Mashgiz2 1947. 174 P. diagre. Bitliographyt p, 165-166, (Technique of forging under bydratulic presses] manual I-)r skilled workmen and technologiests.) Cty 110i DLC-. TS225.Z6 SO: Marnifacturing and Mechanical FmCineering in the Soviet Union, Library of Congress, 1953,, DGMI'MV, 14. 14'. and M. 0. 2LATKIN. ..............- Tekhnologichoskie protsessy kovki krurinvkh pokovok. Moskva, M-0giz, 1950. 190,(2) p. (chiefly diagra.) Bibliogniphy: P.(191) (Technological processes of forging large pieces.) DLC: TS225.D6 SO; Yanufacbiring and Vechanical Engineering in the Soviet Union. Library of Congress, 1953. ZIATKIN, Moisey Grigor'yevIchy-D_OROKHOV Nikolay Nikolayevich; ISBED3Vj Nikolay Ivanovich; Zya- me, Falikovichj SYCUV,'Arkad.4,y MikhaylovichJ SKLYUYEV) P.V., kand. tekhn. naukj retsenzent; TASHCHEV, A.K., kand. tekhn. n&ukp retsen- sent; TRUBIN, V.N., kand4 takbn. nauk# retsenzent; VSH17KOV, P.P., insh,j retsen2entj KOIIIKGVt A.S.j iny'-.. retsenzent; L&3EDEV, N.S., inzh., retsenzent; POTEKUSHIN, N.V., inzh., retsenzent; TYAGUNOV, V.A.$ doktor tekbn. nauk,, red.j SOKOIDV, KN., k". tekbn. nauk, red,; SKORNYAKOV, V*B., red.; YAROSILMKO, Yu.G., red.; ZAKWOV, B.P.P inzhao red,,,- AMIROV, IX# insh.,, rod.; MYSHKOVSKIY, V.A., inzh.j, red.; SHELEMOV) V.A., insh,, red.; BOGOMOIDV, O.P.p lnzb., red.; KATS, I.S., inzh.., red.1 LEVANOV, A.N.j lnzh.,, red.; DUCIYA, N.A., toklm. red. [Handbook on forging practices] Spravochnik rabochago knzmechno- ehtampovocbnogo proizvodstva. By H.G.Zlatkin i dr. Moskva, Goo. nauchno-takhn. izd-vo mashinostroit. lit-ry, 1961. 776 P. (Forging-Handbooks.. manuals,. ate.) (MLU l4t9) - - - M.M#j DOROXHOV)-..~_-I-_ Deteraining the site for a dividing row of iujt4tion wells in the production of largo oil fields. Trudy VNII no*l0t$p.6-22o 157. (KEU 14:6) (Oil field flooding)