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DOROGOCHINSKIY,_A,.~,,;. ZHAVORONKOV, M.N. Outstanding scientist chemist-petroleum engineer K,V.Kharichkov. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; neft' i gaz 8 no.4:115-317 165. (MIRA 18t5) 1. Grc)znenskiy neftyanoy inatitut i Groznf3nqkiy neftyanoy natichno- issledovatel'skiy institut. (IIINKO, N.K.1 DOROGOCHINSKIY, A.Z. Separation of propylene from the propane-propylane cracking fraction in a etationary bad of seolites, Kh1m. i tekbotoplo i zasel 10 no.W28-32 N,165. , (MIR& 19&1) 1. Groznanskiy neftyanoy institut, t 223 -66 EW I)MM(al- RM - -73 1- F.( ACC NRi-~6007940 SOURCE CODE: UR,/0318/66/000/001f'0039/0041 AUTHOR; Afanaslyev, A. I.; Dorogochinakiy, A. Z.; Vollpova, Ye. G. 'ORG: GrozNI1 TITLE: Investigation of isomerization of noi:mal paraffinic hydrocarbons in the pre- sence of platinum loaded synthetic zeolites SOURCE: fief-tepererabotka I neftekhimiya, no. 1, 1966, 39-41 TOPIC TAGS: zeolite, heterogeneous catalysis, catalytic reforming, isomerizatitm, gas chromatography, isopentane, pentane ABSTRACT: Catalytic isomerization of normal pentan was studied with 0.7% Pt on Na;( zeolite and 0.7% Pt on CaY zeolite at 2800-4000C and 0-30 atm total pressure. The _S2,tal st1was prepared by impregnating zeolites with alcohol solution of chloroplatini( acid., drying, compression into 3 x 3 mm pellets, and reduction with hydrogen for 16 hours at 4750C. The autoclave was charged with 0.5 1 normal pentane and 10 g natalyal The H2/n-pentane molar ratio was 5:1 and the reaction duration was 180 minutes. The reaction products were collected in a dry Ice trap and analyzed on a KhT-2M ga;5 chro- matograph. Maximum yield (55%) of isopentane was obtained with 0.7% Ft on CaY cata- lyst at 3750C, 30 atm 112/C5HI2 = 5:1, and 1BO min test duration. At 4000C the yieW of isopentane was amaller due to hydrocracking. Reduction of pressure from 3c! to 15 Card 1/2 UDC: 665.656.2 : 541.124 L 22373-66 ACC NRs AP600.7940 atm resulted in initial increase In isopentane yield but the catalyst suffered from activity decline due to repid coke deposition. In general, Pt on CaY zeolitc catalyst3 are more active for isomerization of n-pentane than Pt on CaX zeolite catalytits. Orig. art. has: 1 figure, 1 table. SUB CODE: 07/ SUBM DATE: 00t ORIG REF.: 006/ OTH REF: 005 Card 2/2 nAt L'26119-4.6 E "VP IFNT (w) RM ACC NRt AP6015113 rA) SOURCE CODE; iJE/0065/06/000/005/0 16 AtTrHOR: Ledyashova, G. Ye.; Doro Z. ORG: GrozNI1 TITLE: Mono'- and d1methvlform midel a solvents for low-malecular-weight itrornatic hydrocarbons SOURCE: Kh1miya i teklinologiya topliv i masel, no. 5, 1966, .13-16 TOPIC TAGS: aromatic hydrocarbon, solvent,extraction, methy1formamide, dimethy1formamide ABSTRACT: A study has been made of the extraction of aromatic hydrocarbons from their 1/1 mixtures. (by weight) w1th diphatic hydrocarbons with N-methyl- or 14,N- dime thylf ormamide - The experiments were conducted at 20C with such, sy:3temfl as benzene-hexane (cyclohexane), toluene-hepteme, o-xylene-octane, or isprop7lbenzene- nonane. MIxtures of formamides with water (2-25%Y were used as extractants. The ratio solvent/hydrocarbon was 1/1. It was ohown that: 1) mono- and dimethylformAmtdc are better solvents of aromatic hydrocarbon.-i'Whan di- and triethylene glycols; 2~ with increasing water content the selecFMty of the formamides increasea but their solvent action decreases; 3) under identical conditions mono- and dimeth- y1formamide exhibit equal selectivity-, 4) the selectivity of formamides in. the extractions of aromatic hydrocarbons is higher for mixtures with paraffina titan Card 1/2 UM 542.61.,661.751.7 L 2611946 .ACC NRs AP6015113 wIth nanhthenes-, 15) tile selectivity of notiomethylformamidc is Independent of the .molecular weight f the aromatic hydrocarbons to be extracted; the .4electivity of dimethylformamide improves with an Increase in the molecular weight of the mixture. Orig.,art. has: 1 figure and,2 tables4 [DO] SIJB con.- 07j 21/ SUBM DATH: none/ CRIG REFI 006/ OTH REF- 003/ ATD'PRESS:yj jrZ--. VrALOVA, R.I.; DOROGOMJPETS, A.V. Correlation between the cross sections of Jurassic producing formations In the Zhotybay and Usent deposits. Trudy VNIGRI no.218:51-53 163. (MIFA 170) . I ~ " .40" DCROGOKUPLYA, A.G. Pathogenesis of experimental tumors of the esophagus. Trudy Inst. klin. i eksp. khir. AN Kazakh. SSR 8s41-46 162. (MIRA 170', -DGH()GOKU;,IT',l A. G. i"ath6grun of of , lie F.-oopimps. lz-x. All Kazakh. SSR. Ser. med. nauk 11 im.302-101 164 (M.IPA 19:1) DGRCGC~',fftYSXAYA, IE. V. 28931 Novye danrqe o vllyanii ahlyapochnykh gribov na Travynnistuyu Rastitellnost'. Priroda, 1949, No. 9, S. 67-68 SO: Letopis' Zhurnallnykh Statey, Vol. 3S-, Foskya, 1941.) DOIROCOSTAYSKAYA.. Yo. V, 35978 Redkiye I novyye dlya ylzhnogo urala *idy rasteniy, obnan-szhennyye v illninskom zapovednike imini V. I. lenina. flauch. Metod. Zapiski (Sovet ministrov rsfsr, Glav. I.,Ip-r. po zapovednil:am,) Vyp. 12, 1949, S. 99-102 SO: Letopis' Zhunmllnykh Statey, Vol. 453 Moskva) 1949 DOPOGO-jllAYSTFA7r;,,Y-;. 'I. "New Data on the -6rfoct of Agaricaeous Funr!l rjrl Vop(.t~mtlon,ll Prtrc.!Ltt vni. )8. no.9. 19-49, p. le?_()B. I~jn p931 SO: SIT- S1-90-53, 3.5 D60- 1953 TIMMKIROV, B.A.; D4000STAYSOYA, To V Penetration of nev plants into the flora of artic regions in connection vith the development of agriculture. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser.biol. no.5:01-61o &-o 157. (KIRA 10:10) 1. Botanicheskiy institut im. Y.L.Komarova AN SSSR, Otdal geoboteniki. (RUSSIA, WRTHERN-PIANT IMODUGTION) VAULINA, X.R.; DOROGOSTAYSI:kTA, Te.T.; NDVICEMDVA, L.H.; SDOBNIKOVA, II.V. Materials on a stidy of species of ChlamIdomonas occurring in sollB of the U.S.S.R, Trudy Bote Inste Sers 2 no.12:18-35 159. (MIRA 12:12) (Algae) ',Soil micro-organisms) MOROGOSTATSKAU imad" ww"t.4 Algal flora of soils in the spotted tundra of the Far North. Bot. zhur- 44 no.3-.312-321 Mr 159. (KIRA 12:7) leBotanicheskly institut im. V.L. lomerova AN SSSR, Laingrad. (Tundras) (Soil micro-organism) (Siberia-Aloe) DOROGOSTATSUTA, Te.T, Conferewe fin the strAy of northern vegetation and soils dedicated to the 70th anniversary of B.N.Gorodkov's birth. Bot. shur. 43 no.12: 1819-1823 D 16o. (MIRA 13,12) 1. Botanichaskiy institut iment. VA. lomarova AN SSSRO Imeningrad. (Russia, Northern-Botanical research) DOROGOSTIYSKAY,k, YO.V. SynopBle or flmmring plants in the Illmen'Preserve. Trudy Illm. gos. sap. no.80-50 161. (JURA 15M) (Illmen' Preaerve--Botw) TLMOKMGV# B,k,p prof,l DOROGOSTArSWAg lej. Hydrolsecolitho in the permafrost wne. Priroda 50 nooltID2-103 ;a 161. (KMA 14t1) lo Botanicbeskiy institut AN SMMg Leningrad. (Laccolitba) (Riberis--hozen gro=d) DOROGOSTATSK&YA le.V. :=u --l Sphagnales of the upper valle;ra of kJalara Soglva and Ronda Rivers (Western Siberia). Bot. mat. Otd. apor. rast. 161l78-188 163. (MIRA 16310) IL 14 1 , Ye.V., lGHATENKC), J.V. .. on wooded tuncirAs. Jzv. Voen. Fe(.v. 17,t~.-va nl..5i 445-4-48 S-Z 164. (KTIPA AM12) DCROGCSTAYSKAYA~ Yo.V. - of ruderal plants and weeds,in Vorkuta and its vicinity. Bot.zhur. 48 no.7:1015-1021 JI 63. (MRA 16:9) 1. 13otanichaskiy Institut imeni V.L.Kamaruva AN SSSR, Leningrad. (Vorkuta, region-Woods) DOHOGOSTAYS YA, YeeVe JAYSI Problems of for6st-tundra in the biogeography and the vayr of the reclamation of forest-tundra arvaz; all-Union sympteinx of Deoember 9-15p 1963 in Leningrad. Tk)t. zhu--. 9 ro.7tl(388- 109Z J1 T64 &PA 17:8) 1. Botanloheski7 institut Imeni Komarova ATI SSSR., IenIngrad. AFONIN , Z.M., lxizY,. ; BEXENSKI'Y, M., i.nzh.; BELMN, F.N., inzh.; GOnAlISMY, Yu.V., knnd. tekhn. na,.ik; GR"'[3-C"'YEV, Ya.l.., inzh.; KOVALEVSKIY, G-V.j kand. tekhn. naul; MMIU'"%, V.E., kand. tekhn. nauk, retgenzent; DRUZ, B.L., kand. tekhn. na-uk, retsenzent; KULAGIN, V.D., kanl. tolchn. riaul-, reti3enzont; doktor +,ekhn. nauk, red. (Theory ani construction of shifs] Teori-la 1 ustm. istva au-iov. Voskvat Transport, 3965- 371 1). (MIRA 19:9) SOV/124- 58-10-11718 Translat.'ort from: Referati-.-nyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1958, Nr 10, p 141 (USSR) AUTHORS: Reut, V.I. , Dorogostayskiy, Z. E. TITLE- Experimental Investigation of Torsi-6-nal Rigidity of Some Types of Plane Trusses (Eksperimentallnoye issledovaniye zhestkosti na kruchenlye nekotorykh tipov ploskikli ferm) PERIODICAL- Tr. Odessk. tekhnol. in-tit pishch. i kliolodit'n. prom-sti, 1957, Vol 8, Nr 1, pp 103-119 ABSTRACT: Experiments were performed for verification of the theoretical tormulas obtained by V. 1. Reut in his paper (Izv. AN SSSR. Otd. tekh. n. , 1956, Nr 9, pp 84-100; RZhMekh, 1958, Nr 5, abstract 593Z). Investigations were performed on. truss models with paral- lel chords of triangular and diamond--shaped lattice configuoh.t-idn'' and also double-lattice frames assembled from H-beams consisting of two-stepped cross sections. The experiments have demonstrated considerable torsional rigidity of such trusses and confirmed the formulas obtained theoretically. it is pointed out thit trusses con- sistinS of two-stepped cross-section beams exhibit a high degree Card 1/1 of stability. V. A. Mar' in \-a P_ ~ C14 c 7 c' -TfY_VVr1,,,Len8r_t1e_d