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L 22781-66 EWT(m) JXT(MQ
ACC NR3 AP6007762 SOURCE CODE: LfR/0205/66,1006/001/0093/0096
ova -S -
AUTHOR: Davvd Yakovlev. V. G.
ORG: none
TITLE: The possibility of isolating radiation protection agentson the basis of the
total quantity of Dicho-positive compounds in urine
SOURCE: Radiobiologipi, vs,6t no. It 1966, 93-96
TOPIC TAGS: gamma Irradiationg radiation protection, ionizing radiation
ABSTRACT: An attempt was made to establish a correlation between the biological pro-
tective effect and the capacity of protection agents to influence the production of
Diche-positive compounds (DPC) in the urine of irradiated organisms. Earlier research-
ers noted a considerablo DPC increase in the urine of irradiated animals and suggest-
ed that this reaction was a specific feature of radiation sickness; they also suggest-
ed that the reaction co,Ad be used to diagnose and isolate radiation protection agents.
In order to check these theories, rate of both sexes were exposed to Co 60 gamma rays
(700 rad), after having received protective doses of 1 of 24 preparations (sulfur-
containing radiation px%vtection agents, high molecular ccapoutids, indole derivatives,
and others). It was fomd that irradiation increased DPC production in the urine by
58% over the initial leirel. The authors conclude that the rise in the DPC level in
UDCi 577. .1191#,628.50
Card 1/2
L 22781-66
ACC NRe AP6007762
the urine of irradiated -animals is not a feature specific -to itmizing radiation and
that the amount of DPC in not a reliable criterion for isolatirg radiation protection
agents. The effect of tMe 24 preparations on DPC production in the -irradiated rats
is presented in tabular J!orm., Orig. art. has- 3 tables.
SUB CODE: 06/ SUBM IAM lOHoO4/ ORIG REr: 0131 OTH REF: 004
L Card 2/2
ACC ."" AR6034746 SOURCE CODE: UR/0276/66/000/007/13084/BO84
AUTHOR: Dorofeyev, V. M. Zakharov, Yu. A.
TITLE: Unit for testing manual pneumatic tools
SOURCE: Ref. zh. Tekhnologiya mashinostroyeniya, Abs. 713511
REF SOURCE: Tr. Kuybyshevsk. aviats. in-t, vyp. 22, 1965, 27-2.9
,ropiC TAGS: pneumatic tool, air operated brake, test facility
ABSTRACT: A unit with a magnetic-air operated brake is described for testing a
high-revolution (up to 100, 000-rpm), low-power (up to 4-hp) manual pneumatic
tool. For convenience in testing different pneumatic tools, the brackets for fasten-
ing the tool are made to move in grooves, and the tool is braced with flap clamps.
The unit is used for measuring the torque of the tool ignoring the torque of the
pneumatic tool's motor. 7he rpm of the pneumatic tool's shaft is measured with
the aid of an electromagnetic transducer connected to an ICh-7 frequency meter,
which is connected to the 4!20-v are circuit. Orig. art. has: 1 figure. (Translation
of abstract] INIT)
Cc.rd 1 / 1 UDC: 621. 9-182.4-85:621.885(088.8)
KyAND, Kh.j., [kMd, 1[.I.); BOCHLROT, T.M., Inshemer; DC'ROFI lazener.
"ton of direct comm ctors for telegraph liuss. Test. ITIazi 17
no.3:3-6 Wr 137, (NM 10:4)
1. NachalInSk Talltiskogo teentrallnogo telegrafa (for *ymd)
Oelegraph lines)
------ -11- --- ---I
Structural cluLracteriatico of upper adventitious roots in vheat.
Bot.zhur. 45 no.2t276-279 7 16o. (MIRA 13:6)
1. Voeso7uznnr seliskokhozyaystyanny7 inotitut taochnogo
obrazovaniya, g. Palashikha 1-ya Moskovsk07 oblasti.
(Vheat:l . (Roots (Botany)--Anatomy)
AID P - 3823
Subject USSR/Geology
Card 1/2 Pub. 78 - 11/25
Authors : Galyavich, A. Sh., I. L. Dvorkin, I. Yu. Lepeshinskly
and V. S,. Dorofeyev
""WON "M
Title : Appraisal of water-oil bearing beds in cased wells by
the gamngi-neutron radioactivity logging method
Periodical Neft. khoz., V. 33, #11o 59-620 N 1955
Abstract The author gives examples taken from measurements in the
Tuym,azy oil field of successful determination of the water,
water-oil and oil layers In casing collars, when measured
in the ciised well by the gamma-neutron radioactivity
logging method and properly analysing and interpreting
the secondary gamma radiation. In order to diminish
errors,, he suggests Increasing the diameter of the
radioactivity logging depth instrument and advocates
further :research to Improve the accuracy of those instru-
ments ant] to develop methods of more accurate interpretation
of radioactivity logs. Charts, 4 references, 1952.
. Neft. khoz., v. 33,
Card 2/2 Pub. 78
#11, 59-62, N 1955
- 11/25
AID P - 3823
Institution : B. B. Lapuk, Member of the Staff of the Moscow Petroleum
Institute im. I. M. Gubkin.
Submitted : No date
ACCESSION NR: AT4042298 S/CrOOO/63/003/000/0203/0207
AUTHOR: Dorofeyov, V.S.0 Neyman, E9T.
TITLE: Design of valveless liquid-motal systems
SOURCE: Soveshebanlye po toorotichoskoy I prikindnoy magnitnoy gidrodinamike. 3d,
Rip,a,, 1962. Voprosy* magnItnoy gidrodinamild (Problems in magnetic hydrodynamics)#.
doklady* soveabehanlya, v. 3. Riga, lzd-vo AN LatSSR, 1963, 203-207
TOPIC TAGS: pump, liquid metnl pump, valveless system, oloctromagnetic pump,
purnp testing
ABSTRACT: The article deals with cortaln problems In the design and operation of
experimental liquid-metal systems, the primary purpose of which is the testing of
electromagnetic Pumps and the plotting of their characteristics. The authors advocate
simplification of some of the assomblies, for eiample, doing away with- the bellows-
typo llqutd-motal thermostat valves, in order to shorten the test periods of the eloctro-
magnetic pumps. It Is pointed otA that these bellows-type thermostatic liquid-mew
valven can be clitninated altogethor if the choking valves are replaced by electromagnetic
purnpa wid the atopper valve by Uie excess Pressure of the inert gas In the overflow tank*
witLch. is simultaneously the melbing tank. The oporatione of filling and draw-off of the
Card: JJ4
AMT'S.SION NR: AT4042298
motal from the system reduce, In this case, to a more manipulation of the gas valves
on Caircontrol. panel. -Difficulties arlBing from a change in'tile pressure of the Inert
gas'(d~tciantng th~6 fo.fel of the metal in the ByBtemi as tile tempofttre of the metal
Changes daTing tile opIoration of th13 system are disoussed and techniques for their
elimination tire propoged. Suggestions are presented for methods or measuring the
pirentruro of tho, metal in the circults Involving the use of manometers with argon
padn. Purity requirements In sodium systemb are also discussed. A description to 0
given of the valveless experlmontid systems DU-25 and DU-40, developed at the
Institut flilki Akademli naulc Latviyakoy SSR (Institute of Physics of the Academy of
Sciences'of the Latvian SSR) and designed to be used in electromagnetic pump testing
(see F Igure I of the Enclosure). In the pressure measurement system conventional
gas manometers of accuracy clasn 1. 5 were used. 'nio internal diameter of the
expansion cavities was 40 mm, and their height- 500 mm. 71le results of the pressure
measurements showed rather goot'i agreement with calculated values. The system con-
tain,3d, two electromagnetic pumps:: the basic pump (for choldng) and the one to be
tosWd. no channel of the basic pump was connected to the system. The system was
heated by a nlolu-ome beater. Level measurements wore made by the contactlese
Card Z/4
method by means of electromagnetic sensors. I'he DU-40 system functioned success-
fully for 400 hours at metal temperatures of 200 - 570C; after this, the test pump was
replaced und the condition of the so~Jlum In the fill tank was chocked. Further use of
the systern for an additional 900 - 1000 houra was found to be possible. Adjustment of
the sodium level In the system may be conveniently accomplished by varying the amplitude
of the current In the heaters of the fill tank, thus leading to a change In the temperature
and pressure of the gas in the tank Itself. OrIg. art. has: 3 figuros.
NO REF 80vt 000 OTHER: 000
i.~ Card -
ACCESSION NR: AT4042298 9 B n'1%4'U%"V'%rj; V.%
Figure 1. Basic diagram of the DU-40 system: 1 - 12" - gas and vacuum Valves;
I-IV - manometers; Ill - .9lectromagn6tic pump supplied by 500-cycle
generator; H - electromagnetic pump supplied by 200-cycle generaborl
Bit - vacuu
--------------------- - --------
DawrAm, T.v.
'I. -
extr9me point nomographs for a preliminary interpretation of
vertical electric logging cumim, Truo Sver. gor, inst, no,30,
64-4W ' 57. (mm iitO
(Logging (Prospecting))
Eleotric water-level signaling devices in steam boilers. Prousenergs
16 no.5 t60 W 16L 1 (KCRA 14 o7)
19 Snerijoupravleniye Tatarokogo soimarkhozae
(Boilefe) (JAivj indicators)
- ..M.Vj~.;,-KOKDRATEKKO, B.P.
Nature of the forces of binding ccmq)onents In molecular organic
compoundg.-_.,Part It Holecular compounds vith meta-dinitrobenzene
and picric-acid. Zhur.ob.khim. 33 no.6:1969-1974 Je 163.
- (MIRL 16:7)
1. Kharllcovskiy politakhnicheakiy institut Imeni I.I.Lenina.
(Nit:~obenxens) (Pioric acid) ~Chemical affinity)
~P',~'[W'w W'W_W W'wi W is 0 a wwwI_
WOW fir M. 9 a Yq
A -26- -
1 0 a-
kne. x. F. a d 1. A
:!a=rU -Sh" FW22 1
Trefil'". J. Go " ( 9411:
1=1 work 6* with the flactim stachanimm of 000
of b" yme acidq fpxo N& raminate
):and amylsom
00 04=6 pie" AZA 14.5 "Oe
avg.). 0.6 mol. U md auiple amt. cd A&V 4141
a memin both for 30 We. treated with wana H*O, widified.
gxtd. with 110, kad U mentrol prodoc s, and the Kidk .00
pruclucts mobjeciemil to proloolled it a with H&O an a "60
"e"m Wit to yvem Am crystals, sol. In H.O.
WON 010 =W ClICAk bud. (aknm) W beamme and 2*0
CF.- il`9 lwodwt (0.2 c.) heated with a. temW amt. of
towd. NHoOH he a waled tube For 2 kn, at 1.10-400 gave,
00 0 strong Im for the pprok " (VAIlt a I*= $punter mw ago
04 OCI), fadimtog the prevoce of a Ittran dow in the original
WW. On The bash of ansWied data. etmoo. at the Ba too
:0 and Cm nits, mol. wt., ancl behavior om p rTWyWs I he acid
00 wo dmx to be
and. The propowdrvac ion maboubm In fonnotion ni
welybumink wW. lattonitatim follo" ftio-Im- 499
tionwilbam lamane. and. Sully, li&!Y~' with elim-
matiom of 0. 11. KOSOISPOR goo
.. .. . VALLUNGKAL 107144111011 CLAIWKStM
Ap A I a .4 0 9 do
of , Y, o~1961196
0 of** 0~0 0 0 0 0 0 * 9 0 4 0 0 * 0 00 0 s 0
0 000 '1 - - - - - - - . * ~1'6 so-so 00 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
DOROFEY97, V. V.: "Thet ultraviolet absorption .9poc-tra. dipole moments, end
structure of molecules of ardnoacetophenones and their NN-Kdmethvl and
N-acetyl derivatives". KharIkov, 1955. Min 31gher Education SSA. KharIkov
Polytechnic Inst. imeni V. 1. Lenin. (Disse.rtations for the degree of
Candidate of Chemical Sciences.)
90: KnizhnjYA LMtQpjj-' No. 50 10 December 1955,, Mo.-cow
f -.t~ 4,
OF -
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shmei, tmve leactij ,c M140
ofthadf 'th
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-& Ve 0 1, 1; .
MI5 - , 7M. 2Wo- met
Oct is
d '.14 mooctwi
no. Vince- As and
Own. wen
got" Nzn n"Ift
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=i; 80
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111416'. 60.
35 2731- pill 34V
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osaq I k 1 U46j, -
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atervAl 1-(
owing f-boirptlost w4z. JLr6 ru;U we tN1 66W. The fW.
a2io, 2AOr tcd. -Ac-"C'u~Ac i,
A,. 1, 39 VM
92% 201&-
in P;6"10 2M.
Kig% MRg),fla"
gat, wol I"
% Hcl. ,"MT: 1 '0 Cl.
fjo, 28i6. a It
3.8 RCI, 280, 2820 - 19 J e;~to
sa W
c L,3
96, O..%feb
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2830, 2440: 1* 13.j%
2MOA DOW. 1cf
in Ito, 356
(p 88.1 vk.ys~zncr.
RC14 319% -Z' Rc 2800, Z120. fif 13
roomer: ~h.-
k HC 27W E75'
Z80. L' 3 -i ~
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,~:; 0.7-1, if
~Qhlced to 16 , (M. EC64
14 UA
the o khe :
Intramoleoular hydrogen bonds aid Pboorption spectra In the ultra-
violit region. Part 4- Effect ol! solvents on the electron spectm
of animmostophenonee and *am of their derivatives. Zhur. ob.
kh1m. 27 no.4:1(164-1072 Ap 1057, (MLRA 10:8)
1, Rhar1kovskly politakhnicheeldy institut.
Intramolecular hydrogen bond and ultraviolet absorption spectra.
Part 5t Xffect of acids on the electron spectra of aminoacetophenones
and sonei of their derivatives. Zhur.ob.khim. 27 no.5:1303-1311
my 15,11. (K6U 10:8)
l.KharIkovskly politekhnichemkiy Institut.
AUTHORSs Bezu.-Ijy, V. D. Dmitriyeva, V. N. Dorofeyev, V. V*.
TITLE: Polaro,-,ralhic Invc-stigation of Aminoacetophenones (Polyaroc;rafi-
chns'Koje iusledovanive aminoat.3etofenonov)
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal Obschey Khimiiq 1950, 'fol. 20, Ur 2, PP. 308 - 317, (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The reluction of acetophenone And some of its derivatives was in-
vestiguted in a number of works (references 2 - 0). It became evi-
dent tbat the reduction in an acid and in an alkaline medium takes
place in different manners and that 2 waves are ob3erved aithin
certain limits of pH. In the present work the polarographic beha-
vior of o-, p- and m-am-inoacetophenones was investigated. The o-
-aninoacetophonono was cynthesizod according to the following ache-
me: 11110 Br 2
C11-M-COOH 1!02C6H
2 6
1raO1I t0
-3WITO2C6H4C=MCCOO11 -_ 0.1to 2C6H4 CIMCII 0 IM 2C6114C ~ CH
* Under these conditions the para-isoner also
forms beside the o-auinoacatophanono. The soparation of o- and p-
Card 1/3 -ioomers wa3 performed during the procea3 Of 3.yrithesis. The a-amino-
Polarographic Invest-igation of Amluoacetophenone3 79-2-4/64
phenone was prodin.ed, by the reductL on of m-nitroacetophenone ac-
cordinj~ to Ruppe, Braun and T;3imborakiy (refererre 10) with ammo-
nium 13111fate and by 3ubsequent purific.-ItIon throuj,-h repeated re-
crystallization from vater or oiluted alcohol. 12he p-aillnoaceto-
phenone -aaa obtuined in tho actitylation of Lnilido acid with acetyl
c',-,lorl&e (reference 11) in the acetanh.,ldrido ,.,nd st.03e(pnt hydro-
lysi3 of the 11-acetyl derivati,re of p-amiroacetophtnone and the
separation of p-uainoacotophenone. The mearnurenent3 were performed
with 1:ha polaro~;raph or-a with a mercury droplet electrode. The
scheme of the reduction of aminoacetophenonea may be represented in
the following manners In an ac;i6d. medium -
11H2C611 11 COCII3+ 211++ 2e 11112C6 H4CHOUCH Y
In an E,lkaline mediums
11H2C6it4COHCH 2 + 2H 20 + 2e NH 2C6H4CHOHCH 3*
The reuu1ts of the inve3tigationt 1) The peculiazitie3 of the pola-
rograjohic behavior of o-,m- ane. p-aminoucetophinonea on the mercury
droplet cathode were investigated. 2) The polaro,rxj;hic fundamental
conatant of the isomers was deteroinedt E , Id n. It was found
that in thin, acid domain (PI! < 6,5) a viavNa'n W observed whose
E 112 simul-taneously with the increase in pH shifts in the direc-
Card 2/3 t n of the ne5ative potential values. In solutions with pH :,-W a
Folarographic InveoUgation of Aminoacetophenonee
a wave is seen whoue U 112 remains conatant on a further chan-e of
PH. In the range of PH 5 - 0 t e ob-
-we polaroCraphic waves can b
served for the isomers. 3) The tiction of the position of the amino
group in aminoacetophenonea upon their pularo~raphic activity is
showni in the ortho- and para-position the a:.iino group displaces
the reduction potential of the carbon.11 Z;rouj) to the ne-ative side,
in the meta-position the ,mino Cruup shows practicV11y no influclice
on the auino group at all. 4 ) 1.11b.Cpossibility for the detemination
of isomera of the aminoacctophenonos in the c,,.:je of Zimultaneou3
occurrence was investigated.
rMe authors thank A. Ye. Lutakiy for his participation in the dis-
cussion of the results obtained. There are 3 fiGureal 2 tables,
and 16 refcrencou, 41 of which are Slavic.
ASSOCIATION: Khar9kov Plant for Dental Materials,, Kharlkov Polytechnic Institute
(Kharlkovskiy zavod zubovrachebn,-kh materialov i KharIkOV3kiy poli-
te'chnicheakly inatitut)
SUBMITTEDt 11arch 14s 19J7
AVAILABLEt Library of Congress
Card 3/3
5(4) SOV/76-33-2-15/45
AUTHORS: Lutakiy, A. Ye., Dorofeyev, V. V.
TITLF: The Intramolecular Hydrogen Bond and the Dipole Moments of
Or,-anic Compounds (Vnutrimolokulyarnaya vodorodnaya svyaz'
, dipollnyye momonty organichoskikh noyedineniy).III. Amino
and Dimethylamino Acetophenones (III. Amino- i dinctilamino-
PERIODICAL: Zhurral fizicheakoy khimii, 1959, Vol 33, Rr 2,
pp 331 - 334 (USSR)
ATIS-RACT: The electron spectra of the amino acetophenones and their
IIN-dimethyl derivatives inlicate the presence of an intra-
molecular hydrogen bond in o-amino acetophenone (I) (Ref 1),
ani such bonding to a greater extent with the dimethyl
amino group than with the amino group. Since these peculiar-
ities were also observed in regard to the dipole moments of
the molecules, these were ictermined for the particular
compounds under consideration (Table 2). The dielectric
constants F_,,2 and the den3ities d 1,2 of the solutions of
Card 1/3 o-, m-, and p-amino- and N:11-dimethylamino acetophenones
The Intramolecular Hydrogen Bond and the Dipole Monfents !;0V/76-33-2-15/45
of Or,-anic Compounds. IIT. Amino and Dinethylamino Acetopheriones
in benzene (as colvent) were detormined (Table 1). The
value of p for p-amino acatophenone agrees well with the
data obtainel by Curran and Estok (Kurran)(Rof 3) and is
somewhat higher than the vj)lue obtained by Hassel and
Naeshagen (Khassell and ITC2.eagen)(Ref 4). The value of g
for m-amino acetophenone found by Weizman (Veitsmaill (Ref 5)
ift incorrect. The data obt,,.ined for p (Table 2) show an
analogous ratio between the isomeric amino- and dimeltbyl-
anino acetophonones and that of the substituted phenols
and naphthols, which posseon an intramolecular hydrogen
bond in the o-isoner. The dipole moment of (1) is markedly
reduced (to 0 86 D) as compared to the value calculated
f:rom formula 6) of Fuchs I:Fuks)(Rof 7) and proceeding on
the ascumption of a free rotation of the groups. A replace-
m.Dnt of hydrogen atoms in -:he Roino group of (I) with methyl
groups gives compounds witli a consideratly increased di-
pole moment (1-50 D). The ibove mentioned observations in
addition to others indicata the presence of an intramolecu-
Card 2/3 lar hydrojen bond in (i). nere are 2 tables and 10 refer-
. The Intramolecular Hydrogen Bond nnd the Dipole Monento SOY/76-33-2-15/45
I of Or,--anic Compounde. III. Amino and Dirnethylamino Acetophenones
ences, 2 of which are Soviet.
ASSOCTATTOIT: Kh--rlkovskiy politekhnicheakiy institut im.Lonina (Kharlkov
Polytechnical Inatitute imcni Lenin)
SUB1,11ITTED: July 6, 1957
Card 3/3
5.4600 77346
AUTHORSt Bezuglyy, V. D., Iknitriyeva, V. N., P2~
TITLE: Polarographic Study of Aininoacetophenonee. II. N,N-
Mmethyl- and N-Acetylaminoacetophenones
TITLE: Zhurnal obahchey khimii, 1960, Vol 30, Nr 1, PP 38-46
ABSTRAM Continuing their previoui3 studies (ZhOKh, 28, 308,
1958), the results of wh:Lch disclosed dependence of the
polarographic characterintics of o- and p-aminoacetophe-
nones on the position of amino-groups, the authors seek
to establish a relationship between the polarographic
data and different groups present in the molecules,
and the state of the latter in solutions, under differ-
ent. conditions. Five of the six isomers of the experi-
mental two compounds were made by known methods, and
purified until their mp yere the same as those given
in the literature. The sixth isomer, m-N,N-dimethyl-
aminoacetophenone, was made as follows: m-N,N-dimethyl-
Card 1/4 aminoacetophenone hydrochloride was precipitated by
Polarographic Study of Aminoacetophenoneti. 77346
II. N,N-Dimethyl- and N-Acetylaminoaceto-- SOV/79-30--l-7/78
passing HC1 through its ether solution, and the preci-
pits,te was washed with ether, dissolved in water,
boiled with animal charcoE;l, and filtered. The amine
was formed by adding soditim hydroxide to the filtrate;
the product was steam-distilled, its crystals in the
distillate filtered out, and the rest of the filtrate
extracted with ether. ThE colorless needles obtained
after recrystallization had mp 410 C. The polaro-
graphic behaviour of the 6 isomers was examined using
a dropping Hg cathode, and the principal polarographic
parameters determined in buffered and nonbuffered solu-
tions. The half-wave potentials measured by comparison
with saturated aqueous cAlomel electrode are illustrated
in Fig. 1 for one of the isomers. The polarographs for
the other 5 isomers are of similar type; the slight
differences depend on the isomerism of the aminoaceto-
phenones and on the nature of substituents. The experi-
ments proved that all 6 isomers are reduced at the mer-
cury electrode, but at somewhat different pH values.
Card 2/4 The differences are interpreted from the point of view
Polarographic Study of Aminoacetophenones.
11. N,N-Dimethyl- and N-Acetylaminoaceto-
2$- 2
080 -IIZ 1.44 -176 408 440 V
Fig. 1. Polarographic waves of o-N,N-dimethylaminoace-
tophenone against the background of buffer solutions
with different pH values: (1) 2.2; (2) 3.75; (3) 6.13;
(4) 7 :2-5; (5) 10.29; (6) 11-511. Depolarizor content
Card 3/4 1-5~ nunol/liter.
Polarographic Study of' Aminoacetophenones. 77346
II. N,N-Dimethyl- and N-Acetylaminoaceto- SOV/79-30-1-7/*78
of electron theory of organic molecules and their state
in solutions. There are 6 f1gure8; 3 tables; and 6
references, 4 German, 1 Soviet, I U.S. The U.S. refer-
ence ist Bogert, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 46, 1703, 1913.
ASSOCIATIONt Central Laboratory of the lgiarllw Plant for Dental
Materials and Khar1kov Polytechnio InatItute (Toentrall-
naya laboratoriya Kharikovokog3 zavoda zubovrachebnykh
materialov i Kharlkovskiy politekhnicheskiy institut)
SUBMITTED: May 12, 1958
Card 4/4
JDOROEMV, Vill Viktoravich; GLADKOV, V.A.pi-ed.; SYCHEVA,
V.A.,, takhn. re .
(A crusade for knowledge] V pokhod as anignilami. Murmansk,
Murmanskoe knishnoe iad-To, 1961, 23 P. (MIRA 16:6)
(Ice-breaking vessels)
(Merchant neamen-Education and trairdng)
Effect of sulfuric said on the electron spec**,ra of substituted
acetophenone. Zhar.ob,khtm. 33 no.?W31-2334 i1 163.
(KTRA 16:8)
1. KharIkovskiy politakhnicheakiy institut itieni V.I.Lanina.
(leetophanone--Absorption spectra)
Eliminate-unnecesuary transportation. Spirt.prom. 25 no.1:38-
39 '59- (MIRA 1232)
Characteristics of the development of the alcohol, liquor, srA
vodka industries in the Baratoy H~onomic rogion. Spirt. prom.
24 no. 4:16-17 158, (MIRA 11:7)
(Sarstov Province--Distilling industries)
o F E
A ID F - 5212
Subject USSR/Engineering
card 1/1 Pub. 107-a - 11/13
Author : Dorofeyeir, Ye. D., Eng.
Title : Mobile platform for the ASSh-2 oxygen cutting machine
Periodical : Svar. proizv, 7, 32, Jl 1956
Abstract : The author outlines the construction of a mobile
platform making the ASSh-2 stationary oxygen cutting
machine more flexible. One drawing.
Institution : None
Submitted : No date
iMROWNwiffieft insh.
Devices used In mounting operations in building. Strol. I dor.
mashinostr-- 3 no-9:30 S 158. ' (MM 1!: 10)
(Building machinery)
AUTHOR; Dorof gineer 91-58-6-22/39
TITLE; Three-Strand Cooler (Trekhziil'nyy okliladitell)
PLi(IODIGALt Energetik, 1956, Nr 6, p 23 (USili)
ABSTRAM The three-strand cooler proposed by the author obviates the
necessity for readjusting the cooler after welding each
strand when welding togethcr triple cables with aluminum
strands. There are two photos.
AVAILABLE: Library of Congress
Card 1/1 1. Coolere-Deoign
- --l -
Developing and introducing electronic level indicator signals
for fowidry sand preparation departments. Lit.proizv. no.9t2l-
22 S 162. (MIRA 15:11)
(Sand, Foundry) (Electronic instruments)
L 33387-66
ACC NRi APGO15310 kA, H) SOUn~g CODE: UR/0057/66/036/005/0881/0891
AU711OR: Kossyyj I#A.; Shp1goll, I.S.; Dorofoyev, YoN.
OX: Physics Institute im. P6N.Lebedev, Mo5ccw (Fizicheakiy institut) 43
TITLE: Investigation of a conical induction jila ma ~eurce
SOURCE: Zhurnal takhnicheakoy fiziki, v. 36, no. 5, 1966, 881-891
TOPIC TAGS: plasma gun, plasma source, plasma jot
ABSTRACT: A two-stage olectrodeless conical plasma gun was Investigated in an effort
to achieve a more efficient induction plasma source and to learn something about the
oporating mechanism of conical plasma guns. A diagram of the apparatus is shown *in the
figure. The Capacity Of C and C was 0.6 and 2.8 pF, respectively, and both capaci-
tors were charged to a maximumipaential.of 22 W. The auxiliary cone was 7 cm long
with base diameters of 2.4 and 4 cm; the main cone was 20 cm long with base diameters
of 4.7 and 11.4 cut. The distribution of both the longitudinal and radial components
of the magnetic field in the main cone was measured with a4 2 mui diameter magnetic
probe, and the distribution of neutral gas or, the axis of the system was deterstined
with an ionization manometer. The proportion of Liio plasmas were determined with a
double electrostatic probe. The plasma source operated moot efficiently when dis-
charge through tho main cone was delayed until plasma from the auxiliary cone had
L 33387-66
ACC NRi AP6015310
]Diagras of the apparatus. I quick:-acting Val";:
2 - auxiliary cone; 3 - skain cone; 4 - winding for
compensating magnetic field; 5 - vacuum chamber;...,
6 - probe; 7,8 - pumps; 9,10 vacuum gaps;
gap; .12 control block.
reached it. Under these conditions a current itheet was formed in the main cone
0.28 microsec after Initiation of the discharge (the period of the oscillating dis-
charge was approximately 2 m1croeec)# whereas 'Ln single-stage operation the current
sheet was not formetl until the third half-perind., The charged particle density in
ACC NR. AP6015310
the plasma at the MOL[th Of the gun was 3 x 10 14 cm-3 and the electron temperature was
13'oV; the coriductivity of the plasma in the main cone was of the order ol 1014 cgs
, 6
units. The plasma left the gun as a jet with a volocit~ of the order 6f.110 cm/sec,
proceeded by a leader- in which the velocity exceeded 10 cm/sec. The charged particle'
*density in the plnsma. produced by optimum two-stago operation was an order of magni-
tude greater than that in the plasma produced by single-atage operation with the
s=e discharge energy. It is concluded that preliminary ionization considerably Lut-
proves the operation of conical inducWn pin*sma guns. The processes taking place dur-
ing operation of the gun are discussed briefly. Magnetic flux was entrained by the
currents induced in the plasma, and during the second half-period the magnetic field
on the axis of the gun was directed oppositely to the external field. Orig. art.
has: 7 formulaso 9 figures, and I table.
SUEM DATE: 13Mar65/
ORIG REP: 008/
Oni REFt 012
L U/11-~-67 EWTW/kWP(t)/E-ri ijp(c)
ACC NR% AP6029109 SOURCE CODEt UR/00411/66/030/006/0964/0967
AUMOR: Yu.A.; LyashchenkopI3,0,; Novak, L.I.
ORO: nolis & I
TITLE: Neutron diffraction studies of the atomic-fe:rromagnatic superstructures of
FeCo: (Fe,Cr)Cog (Fo,Ma)Co and Fe(CogNi) CReport, A11-Union Conference on t
SOURCE: AN SSSR, Isventlyn, Seriya fixicheskaya, v. 30, no. 6# 1966p 964-967
TOPIC TAGS: neutron diffraction, ordered alloy, iron alloyl cobalt alloy, chromium
alloy, manganese alloy, nickel alloy 11
ABSTRAM The paper givets, the results of nogron di raction technique studies of
atomic ordering in a seriets ofpagnotic J=&WZbjaLe ys containing various
amounts of-cktLmium sinesg'br nickel The compositions of the 19 different
specimens studiold.are 11jited in a table.. The alloysi were prepared by induction
furnace meLt1ngj%f mixtuimis of hIgh-purity met* a ,(The neutron diffraction patteins
(curves) were recorded by means of a UNSA-TxNIIChA sipparatus (P,.D*Abesadze, 0,1.
Doyfthashvili, Dj,Litv1n0 J3,0oloyeshchenko, N,N,Prol;opov, and V,S,Chloobava Pribory
i tekhnika eksperiments, Ifo& 2, 43, 1964) at a neutron wavelength of 1,12 A
(specimen rotation rate 136 rpm). All the patterns oxcept those from the specimens
with 50,9% Yet 24.9% Co wid 24,2% X1 and 5Os4% Fat :15.4% Co and 24.2% 111 (which wore
C;C' NRt AP6029109
single Phase gamma nolid solutions) showed superstructure lines of the CsCl typo with
strongly developed long ranj:e order. Many of the other specimens were two-phsx*# The
values of the long-range order parameter S were daterodned from the intensity ratio
of the neighboring (100) and (110) lines. The estimated values of the parameter 8
are plotted in a figure verisus the percentages of Cr, Un and Ki in the three families
of alloys, salevaluated for three different variants (of possible lodging of the atoms
of the third component In the lattice sites, The actual values of S do not preclude
the possibility of any one of the variants, so that other factors have to be invoked
to determine the site distribution, In the discussion of the results it is bypo-
thesized that in addition to the variable superstructures detected In the present
invest1gation there may obtain other systems with a different base and different
stoichiometry also characterized by atomic ordering with FeCo type layering, The
authors are grateful to_VW.Gneushev V.A.Matovarov aad V,V,Sarksm or particlpatio~
:in recording the diffraction patterns and to V,B,Dmitriyby or analstance In prepari
the specimens. OrIg. art. hast 1 table and 2 figures.
M OODS: 20,07 SWIM DAM 00 ORIG6 FJW: 007 am RZr$ 006
'AUTHORS: Goncharoir, I.N. , Candidate of Technical Sciences, Docen,
Azarov, I.A. and _DDx2LtLev,_Yu-G-, Eneineers
TITLE: Economic Utilisation of Metal Swarf (Ratsionallnoye
ispol'zovaniye metallicheskoy struzbki)
PERIODICAL: Vestnik Hashinortroyeniya, 1S#58, Nr 6, pp '-~6-49 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The use of briquetted swarf as a chark;e for metal-melting
furnaces is the most economic utilisation. Briquetting
on the premises is worth while when 10 tons/day of swarf
or more -are available. Compacting presses to achieve a
density of 2 kg/litre cannot produce a form suitable for
melting economically. Hot prensin6 and stamping to a
density exceeding 5 kC/litre rroduces briquettes suitable
for open-hearth furnaces as well as electric furnaces and
cupolas. An installation as d~3veloped at the Novo-
Cherkasskiy politekhnicheskiy Institut (ilovocherkassk
Polytecbnical Institute)"imeni S. Ordzhonikidzell and
finally constructed at the Bataysk Metallurgical Plant is
illustrated In lay-out. It consists of loading, storage
and transport facilities to pass the swarf throu;.Lh a
rotary furnace and to compact it hotu under the briquetting
hammer. The swerf is heated to about 900 OC and eyerges
Cardl/2 from the! furnace as a continuous "rope" cut into sections
Economic Utilisation of Metal Swarf SOV/122-58-E,1-//37
by a rotating friction disc saw. Other installations
for hot briquetting (but usinr-- sl:aft furnaces) have been
projected for use at the Taganroa Metallurgical Plant.
Compacting into usable steel by forge veldinE producing, a
structure charactQristic of oriental sword-making is
briefly mentioned. High-speed steel swarl can be
briquetted and forged into cutting tools of unimpaired
performance. It is stated that a plant :,.IroducinG 5 t/h
can earn 5 million roubles/annum.
There are 4-figures.
Card 2/2 1. Steel--Processing 2. Steel--Produition
DOROFEYEV, Yu. G., Cand Tech Sci -- (diss) "Process of condensing met-
allic shavings in briquetting." Dnepropetrovsk, 1960. 24 pp; with
graphs; (Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialist Education Ukrain-
ian SSR, Dnepro et-ovsk Order of Labor Red Banr.;er Metallurgical Inst
im I. V. Stalin5; 1200 copies; price not given; (KL, 52-60, 120)
GONCHAROV, Ivan Nikolayevich; nauchzW sotr.; DOROFEM) Yuriy
ich,nauchnyy ootr.j MATVEYkVp-VWLhj-r TihtileYOvichs
nauchriyy sotr.; POP(JV, Stepan Nikoleyevich, iutucbmyy sotr.;
PINCHUK, A.P., red.; IVANOVA, R.N... tekhn. red.
[New method for the prq6ssing of metal chips] Novyi metod perc-
rabot1d metallicheolcoi struzhii. Rostov-na-Donu, itootovakoe knith-
noe izd-vo, 1962. 33 P- (KIM 15: 6)
I* Norvochorkaoskiy politekhnichoWdy institut (for Goncharov,,
Dorofeyevp Matveyev, Popov).
(S.-rap metal industry)
WLKO, Sergey Venterovich, kand. toklin. nauk; GO]"CHAJIM, 1van
flikolayevichp kani. tekhn. muk; TARA2111KO, ::van Iwinovich,
inzh.; KIMIAT, 2~rurWa Aronovich, in2h.; DIDMI-M, Yevgeniy
Vasillyevich, inzh.; Doll kand.
tekhri, nauk; CHUMM I S.F.) doktor tekhn.wkuk,, retsenzent;
KUDELYA, F.Ya.,. inzh., reteenzent; TANCHAROVA, V.F., rod.iod-
va;.MATUSZMH~,S~M., tekhn. red.
[Usej for scrap wetall IspolIzovanie inetallicheskoi struzbki.
Kiev, Gootekhizda-t UM 1963. 142 (KMA 16:12)
IScrap meta:Ls~*
Hot hammer briquetting of copper base alloy chips. TSvet. not.
36 no.ls66-72 A 163. (MM 16:5)
(Copper alloys) (scrap vistale)
Low alloy manganese Steel for east and welded ptirts of electric
locomotives. Lit. prolzv. no.12:11-13 D 164.
- ---^
- ~ ,, ~ -w#
Rewltlng SM15ateal ooraps Lit, prolzv. no.217-9 P 165.
(MIRA 18#6)
DO!n7YL.Lu,-q~,~k~nd. tekhn. rauk; KRITIN.. D-1.0 inzh.;-BUROVIN, V~L,, inzh,
Automatic hot brIquetting of metal chips. Mekh. i wrtom. proizv.
19 no#4113-1/+ Ap 165, (MM 18:6)
Saving cobalt and nickel In the manufacture of permanent
magnets. TSvet. met. 38 no.8190-91 Ag 165. (MIRA 18:9)
Obtalning a nonporous material from cast iron chips by the
sethod of dynamic hot pressing,. Porosh. met. 5 no.10s
4?-55 0 '65. 1 .11)
1. Movocharkasakiy politakhnicheakiy institut,
-i-ACC NRt A116012
P (v P
AUTHOR$t..~orofoyov, Yu. 0.; Zhorditskiy, H. T
ORG: Novocherkaosk Polytechnic Institute (Novochorkasakiy politekhrd.choskiy institul
TITLE: Weldin of heat-resistant aintered copp base alloys " east copper by the
dynamic compression method '11
SOURCE: Foroshkovaya metallurgiya, no. h, 1966, 79-84
TOPIC TAGSt roqTeC loase alloy, welding, powder metal, aluminum oxtdo
ABSTRACT3 The hot pressing or a mixture of Cu + 4% A1203 and its welding to the
surface of cast copper were investigated. The investigation supplownts earlier
results of N. T. Zherditskiy and Yu. G. Dorofeyev (Sb. Metallokeramika V
mashinostroyeni.i, NIIM&Shj H.) 1965)o The density or the compressedjiowder specimens
was determined by hydrostatic weighing and obeyed the relationship If
where ~ and Ymon are the densities of the specimen and bulk material respectively
W and Wmax are the work of compression per I cm3 of bulk material and the maximum
-L 10656-66
work required to obtain a nonporous material, and X is an empirical constant. The
axperimont results are provontod graphica3ly (see Fig* 1)* It was found that the
Fig. 10 Dependence of Wmay (1) and
14V hardness (2) of the mixture
, .0
I,X 8 Ou + h% A1203 on the heatinc
66V ;W it a 9W
HO ing tempdrature'C
optimum compression temperature was 85X. The welding of Cu + Al 0 onto the
surfaces of Cu electrodes extends their useful life by a raotor of 2-5--32times
compared to ordinary copper electrodes. Origs art, hast 1 graphs 3 photographso
and 1 equation,
SUB CQDE: 11%%j/ SUBM DATE: 11Apr65/ ORIG REFs 007
Carc, 2/2 UV
pp-A'AW/i &H
L, 46146 (MAT
Acc-HRI AP6025934 M souna: com: UR/0226/66/000/007/0022/0031
AUTHOR: Dorofeyev, Yu. G.; Zherditskiy, N. T.
ORG: Novocherkasak Polytechnical Institute (Ilovocherkasakiy politekbnicheakiy
TITLE: Application of dynamic hot pressing in cemet roduction
SOURCE: Poroshkovaya metallurgiya, no. T, 1966, 22-41
TOPIC TAGS: porous metal, metal pressing, cermet product, iron powder, tensile
strength, ductility, recrystallization, annealing
ABSTRACT: The authors determine the functional relationship between the density y
and the work expended on compaction of I cm3 or material V for various materials
under dynamic hot pressing. The effect of heat-ing temperature is determined with
respect to briquet dimensions, prepressing andphrink factor on the compaction pro-
cess of iron powder. The dynamic hot pressinglVethod was used for producing speci-
mens with various porosity up to 0~-_Ihe tensile strength a v of these specimens at
residual porosity R