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On the Early Quaternary Flora of Zhidovshchiznap a SOV/2o-124-2-51/71
Village on the Unman River
the flora of Zhidovshchizna. is a typically Pleistocene flora.
It differs from the recent flora by a small amount of unknown
and extinct varieties. Part of them passes into the Hiss-WUrm
flora. Only Aldrovanda Dok-turovakiy and Araciten Jonstrupii
are lacking in the Riss-WUrm of Belorussiya and Smolenshchina
(Smolensk artka). This ebaracterizes the flora of Zhidovshchizna.
as being older. However, th-3re is only a slight difference
between the I'lora described hero and the Riss-Wilrm flora, but
alao other European Mindel-Itiss floras do not differ more from
tho Rine-Wilrm flora. it must also be taken into consideration
that the difference mentioned is exprensed in a different ray
in each On the whole, the flora of Zhidov-
shchlzna can be well compared to the Mindel-Riss flora. Thore
are 1 figure and 13 references, 5 of which are Soviet.
ASSOCIATION: Botanicheakiy institut im. V. L. Komarova Akademii nauk SSSR
(Botanical Institute imani V. L. Komarov, Academy of Sciencets
PRESENTED: August 18, 1958, by V. N. Sukachev, Academician
SUBMITTED: August 17, 1958
Card 2/2
.30), 17(4) SOV/20-127-5-47/58
AUTHORs Dorof eyev, P. IA---I
TITLEs On the Oligocene Plora of the Village of Kozyulino in the
Mouth of the River Tom'
PERIODICALs Doklady Akadomii nauk SSSR, 19590 Vol 127, Nr 5, PP 1103-1105
ABSTRACTs 2 rook samples collected by It'. G. Gorbunov in an exposure of
the left bank of the river Tom' in 1951-52 were sent to the
author. Tertiary sediments are observed here at low water-
level. 6 different layers were exposed by boring, Negasporeep
fruitep and other plant remains were separated from the samples
taken from the layers 2 and j. The results of the determination
are given in table 1. The Tertiary Pool*-Cheganskaya (post-
Cheganskaya) raftes contains in entire Weet-Siberia many well con.-
served plant remains which were only little investigated.
Although the flats given first on occasionally collected small
suiples do of course not completely express the peouBarities
of the flora of individual horizons this apparently lithologi-
cally varied mass contains surprisingly homogeneous complexes
Card 1/3 of a very rich flora which :19 completely alien to the recent
On the Oligocene Flora of the Village of Kostyulino in the Mouth of the
River Tom'
flora of this region. The Oligocene age is now fully confirmed.
The Tertiary florae of many layers of West-Siberia (e.g. of
Tavdinskaya# Tomskaya, and Rezhenskaya) do practically not
differ at all from the brown coal florae of the type Tarskaya,
Kozy-ulinakaya, et al. which are widely distributed in West-
Sibetria. They are correctly placed to Middle Oligocene by
1. 0. Zalltsmaa (Ref 10) (in disagreement with the opinion
of U. G. Gorbunov (Ref 2)). Yone of the brown coal florae of
West-Siberia is poorer and thus not younger than those of
Kazakhetan. Their oomposition differs somewhat, but this in
prGbably only due to differenoes in the width. The florae of
Kiroyevskoye, Kozhevnikovo, and Voronovo at %IAe river ObI which
are placed to Lower Pliocene (M. G. Gorbunovj Ref 1,
P. A. Nikitinp Ref 12) are w2mewhat poorer than the brown
coal florae. 1. G. Zalltsman places, however, the containing
layer (Zyatlkovskaya lower suite) not without reason to Upper
Oligocene. The lacking of the elements of conifer flora (tayga)
Card 2/3 which dominated in the Russ'lan plain from the beginning of
On the Oligocene Plora of the Village of Kozyulino In the Mouth of the
River Tom'
Pliocene is characteristic of the three last mentioned florae.
Therefore even the Miocene age of the mentioned florae is
doubted. The Kozyulinskaya flora discussed here is according
to its composition an aroto-Tertiary one. With respect to
age it can be compared with overy Oligocene flora of Kazakhstan.
There are 1 figure, I table, and 13 Soviet references.
ASSOCIATIONs Botanicheskiy institut im* V. Lo Komarova Akademii nauk SSSR
(Botanical Institute imeni V. L. Komarov of the Academy of
Sciences, USSR)
PRESENTED: May 8# 1959, by V. N. Sukacheiv, Academician
SUBMITTEDt May 81 1959
Card 3/3
Now apeclem of Asolla, Ian. In the Tertlaq, flora of the U.SeS.R.
lot.zhur. 44 no.12:1756-1763 D 159. (MIRA 13:4)
1. Botanichookiy institut In, TaLsKomarova Almdemli nank SSSAg
(Kazakhstan--Asolla, Fossil)
(Mal" Atlym region-,ksolla. Ybesil)
,-,- PTTEAPI ~. -T~- --
Foosa pine cormi from Lower Crelmsou madimnta of the Kuban River,
Hatek 00an.paleca".*6 no*3023-124 159. (KIRA 1517)
(Naban Valley- P.Lue, Fossil)
Pilocene flora of the cia-Ural pwtion of Baahkiria, Vops gsol*
voate okre Hue, platfa i IUsh. U:,-a1a no. 5:15-31 160s (MIRA 14:5)
.(Bashkiria-Paloobo-tany, Stratigraphic)
In memcTy of Petr Alskesevich Nikitin. Bot. zhur. 45 no.4s619-624
Ap 160, (MIRA 1415)
1. Botenicheakiy lastitut im. V. L. Komarova AN SSSR laningrad.
(Nikitint Petr Alakseevich, 1890-1950
__z --------- --
Recent data on Tertiary floras of the Kireyevskoye Crag on
the ObI River. Dokl.AX SSSR 133 no,U211-213 JI 160.
(HIRA 13:7)
1. Botmnicheskiy institut imeni V,,L,Komrova Almdemii mauk
SSSR. Predstavleno akademikom V.Se Sukachevvm.
(Kirevevokoye region(Tommic Provinoo)-ftloobotanyl Stratigraphic)
Tertlar7 flora of White Hweia. Pot. shur. 45 uo.10s1418-1434
0 1600' (XIPA 13 132)
10' Botanichookiy institut ibeni V..Lotomarova, Akadexii uauk SSSR,
Loulugrads (Nipet Valley-Falsobotany, Stratigraphic)
Recent data on Tertiary flora from -the -eegion, of the village of
Intropovo, on the Tavda River. Dokl. AN*SSSR 137 no 4023-926 Ap
161* iMIRA 34:3)
1. Botaricheskiy institut Im, V. Lo Nomarova AN SSSR. Fredstavle-
no akademikom V. JV- Sukaohavym.
(Antropovo region(Tyment Provinc4"Paleobotany,, Stratigraphic)
I)ORM?Nyklvp ?.I.; TYULDUp 1,.N.
Materials on the fossil flora of Mount Mamontova in the Aldan Valley.
Probl. bot. 6146-54 162a (MR& 16:5)
(Aldan Vallep- Pals obotmys Stratigrap4c)
of 'the Basbchaul sarlso of the Irtyah River. Dokl.AN SUR
145 no*2-.381-383 Jl 162. (KMA 15M
2. Botanichookiy institut i=nL V.L.Komarova AN SSSR,
ftedetaylano Wcadudkou VNSukadhavym.
(Irtyuh Valley-bloobotarq, Stratigraphic)
-, I - ------
Diocovery 45f Miocene flora in the loweir reachee of the ObI
River. Dold.,AN WSR 144 no.3:649-61,;1 My 162. (MIM 15 s 5)
1. Botanicheskiy institut im. V.L.Xomrova AN SSSR. Predstavleno
akademikom V.N,Sukanhevym.
(ObI Uvex-FalsobotaLT)
'11- - ~. -
Pliocene flora of Bashkiria. Bot. zhir. 47 no.6:787401 Jo '62a
(MIRA 1! s7)
11 Botanicheskiy institut imeni V.L. Komarova, Akademii natA
SSSR, &mInUad.
(Bashkiria-Paleobotany.. Stratigraphic)
'-- =.U~
Age of the NagaM formtion. DAIAN MR 145 no.6sl335-1337
Ag 162. . (MA 1538)
1, Institut geologii i goofisikl Slblrskogo otdalenlya AN SSBR*
Predistavleno alcadem4kom A*L*UwhiMme
(NW,ayev Bay region--Goologyp Stratigraphic)
DOROFEYEV Pavel Ivanovi(sh; BAYKOVSKAYA, T.N., otv. red.; VIKHREV,
--:'~~~~~nq-BOCHEVER, V.T., takha. mid.
[Tertiary florin of Western Siberia) Tretichnye flory,
Zapadnoi Slblri. MoBkva, Ii&vo Akad. natti SSSRP"1963.
344 p. (MIRA 16:6)
(Siberift, Mestern-Palsobotany)
Paleogene reprementatives of the genus Athrotaxis in
Kaliningrad Province. Paleont. zhur. no.2sll6-125 163-
(MIRA 160)
1. Botanicheekly I.natitut Imeni V.L, Komarova AN SSSR.
(Kal.W.ngrad Province-Taxodiaceae,, Fossil)
Tertiary plants of Kazakhstan. Bot.zhur. 48 rio.2tl?1-181 F 163.
(MI* 36:4)
1. Botanicheakly institut tmeni V.L.Koma ova. AM SSSR,, lAningrad.
(Kazalthatan-Paloobotany, StriAgafaphic)
Tertiary flora of Svetlogorakp Kaliningrad Province. Dokl.
All SSSR 132 no.0983-984 0 t63. (KIRA 161ll)
1. Botanicheskiy institut Im. T.L. Komarova All SSSR.
Predstavleno akademikom V.N. Sukachevym.
- R6, k, w-as ftu-~-
Pleistocene flora of the village of Vyshgorod on the PnIeper.
Bot. zhur. 49 no.611093-1300 Ag '&,,.
(VIPA 17:11)
.1. Botanlchedkly Institut imerd Konzi-ova Ali Lentrirrad.
S, -.mAtian flora of Apshernonok. Dckl. AN ,- 156 no. 1:
t2-84 My 164. 17.5)
1. Botanicheakiy institut Im. V. L. Komarawt 0-1 SSSR.
Predstavlano akademikom V. N. Sukachev~nn.
Paloobotanical oo3leotions of the V.L.Komarcv Botanical
Institute of the Academy of Sciencee of the U.S.S.R. Bot.zhur.
50 no.10:1490-1497 0 165. (MIRA 18:12)
1, Botanicheskiy institut imeni Kmarova AN SSSR, Leningrad.
Some probleam of the Hstory of f2cra. Bot.zhur.
50 no.13t1509-1522 N 165.
(MIRA 191l)
1. Botanichoskiy institut imeni V.L.Koffarova AN SSSRV
Leningrad. Submitted August 3, 1964.
DrIllinR In Siberian rivero. Rasved. I okb, nedr 28 no 6:
49-32 Js 162. (MM 15810~
1. IrasnoWsk*v goologichookoye upravlerlys.
(Siberia-Underwater drilling-kuilmont. and oupplies)
RT-1252 (IlWanese) Marganatu. Pages 101-106 fron:
GEOLCOICff,,SKAIA NUC1121111CSTI I lflll-z'i'LkLI.40--~)YTIIZVAIA DAZA ESSR, 1,1-1,Gubkinj ad.
,Moscovi-LenirCrad, 1939,
Materials on the population d7namics of far oeals on Tyulen17 Island,
Biul, HOIP. OiA. biolo 65 noal-215~-35 Ja-F 160. (MIRA 13 t7)
Soviet investigations on fur seals in tho northern part of the
Pacific Ocean. Trudy sov. Ikht. kom. no.12:164-169 161. (MIRA 14:6)
1. Vaesayusnyy naucyno~issledovatellskiy inatitut
morskogo rybnego khozyay3tva I akeanogratii.
(Pacific Ocean--Seala(Animals))
BYCHXOV, V.A.; DOROFEYEV, S.V. [deceased)
Behavior of old fur seRl bills during the harem perird. Zool.
zhur. 41 no.9:1433-1435 S 162. (MRA 15tll)
1. All-Union Research Institute of Marine Fishery Management
and Oceanography, Moscow.
(Tuleniy Island--Seals (Animals))
DOROFzYEVJ V, , izah.,
Conveyer with a clamp belt. Sov.shakht. 10 no.6.-18-19 dTo 161.
(114M 14* 9)
(Conveying machinery)
DOROFET v 'POVSKIY, I. Ye., inzh. k
Ev _Y. A,.. inzh.; Ll
Use of cinders from olectric power plants for stone casting.
Energetik 20 no.8:12-44 Ag 162, NIMA 15: 10)
(stone, Cast)
DOROPMEY V A, Insh.; LIPOT-M=p 1,Ts.p Insh.; KORABLIIF,, V.P.,,
I i..'~ 1 -1 ~ -~ 'I ';" B.Kh,,, k&-sd, tekhn. nauk
!no ~.#
Obtaining istons cmigtjrqj0 of amphibolites. Mashinottroesie
no.1938-41 la-F 1 63. (MIFA 16:7)
1. D(metskiy kanne3-jtv3Wy savod (for Dorofeyevv Upovskiy)e
2. Institut Utsynogo, proizvodstya AN UkrSSR (for Komblins
I N.,,,3L4a6-mir Ale.k--,androvicb-
I,IFOVSKIY 11 Iya Yovsoyevich;
[,,.,tor.e casting] Kamne ;Aiteinoo p,-oizvodotvL). "'oAval Me-
tallurgiia., 19i,5. 197 P. 18:2)
ACCESSION NRt AR4032156 5/0058/64/000/002AO17/AD17,
SO~RCEs Refo zb.' Piz., Abse 2A180
AUTHORSt Dorofeyeve V. A.# Zabiyaking 0. 1.1 ZamrJyj V. Noy Kar-
komenko, V. I-1-8dAa4W6* V. 1-r Tulayeve So Pol Cherny*y, A. V.1
Shibayev, V. Do
TITLE: Automatization of the reduction of measurement results
CITED SOURCEs Tr. 5-y Naucbno-t6khn. konferentaii, po yeAern.
radioelektrone To 4. M., Gonatomizdat, 1963, 7-14
TOPIC TAGS: measurement resultsF data reduction,' cemputer data r
duction, computer data insertion, computer memory, direct coupling
data insertion, rigid coupling free coupling
TRANSLATIONt Problems are discussed involved in the automatization
of the reduction of the experimental data obtained in multichannel
analyzers, multicounter systems*(hodoxcopes), and bubble chambers.'
it is concluded that it in most sensible to toploy for this purpose
the existing universal digital computers, capable of solving all
mathematical problems. The most rational method of inserting the
information is by direct coupling. An analysis-based on estimates
of the insertion of information into different.units of a universal
computer is shown that a system in which a large number of experi-~
magnetic memory of the computer
mental data ire inserted into the
is among the most advantageous. Two possible coupling variants
"rigid" coupling, wben the information is inserted
are consideredi
into the memory with the aid of the electronic units of the computer#
and "free"coupling, when the information insertion does ncit depend
on the state of the computer# but additional electronic a;paratus
is used for this purpose. The most promising and advantageous is
the "free" coupling. The information is recorded on magnetic tape
in this case in the form selected for the given type of ccnputer.
This makes it possible to accumulate'the experimental data. over a
long time without tying up the coqputer at the same time, and to
pXocess the experimental data without any inser tion operations, by
direct access to the magnetic memory. Specific features-of auto-
matized insertion of.experimental data into a computer are dis
DATS AdQ: 3lMar64 SUB COEIEI,.CP# SD E11CL: 00
card 3/3
"it storic; r4e ~7 ths, a' stic. r.,-, - ),v3. rrclz-/.
in,JiV Pr 'f)3. OMIRA 18%-6)
DoRorgygV, V. F.: Master Tech Sci (diss) -- "Invest igat ion of the mechanical
processing ofStereotypes". Moscow, 1959. 19 pp Olin Higher Educ USSR, Moscow
Polygraphics Inst), 150 copies (KL, No 12, 1959, 129)
DC,ROFr-Y7V, 14'. F.: "Morphological-anatordc Investigation of the vegetative
organj of the cultivated repreventatives of the g,~nus Bra.9iies L." Moscow,
1955. Moscow Order of Lenin Ai,ricultural Academy imeni K. A. Timirya-.ev.
(Dissertation for the Degrre of Candieiate of Biological Sciences)
SO: &j-;hapZq Iptopial No. 47, 19 November 1955. Foscow.
DOROMM, V.P. kand.biol.nauk
Effect of pbotoperiodic induction on
changes in sone mustar4s. Izv.TSKbA
(Brassicaceae) (Plants, Bffect
morpbological and anatomical
no.2-1217-224 159.
(KIRt, 12.8)
of light on)
- Anatomic structure of the stem of some spales of wheat and its
bearing on lodging. Bot.2hur. 47 no-31374-380 Mr 62.
(MIRA 15:3)
1. Vsesoyuznyy inatitut rasteniyevodetvao Leningrad.
XONAROV, B.G.; KNOT, A.N., Insh.; DQAQLW _V.G.; maxalm,
M.A.1 FONIN, A.A.; KOSAW, A.A.; U~Ufty, Tu.S., red.;
V=NAm G*P*q takhnered,
(Handbook for the repair of passenger cars] Spravochrtik po,
remontu passazhirskikh vagonov. Moskva. Vaes.isdatellsko-
poligr.obmedinenis X-va putsi soobahchaniia, 1960. 631 p.
(K:ERA 1):6)
(Railroads--Passenger cars--Kaintenanoo and
KRIVORUCHKOp flikolay Zakharovicla, 'kwd. tekhn. nauk; SLUSHJXENK0, A.M.
dotsent, retsenzent; YELTSEYEV, F.G., dote., retm~zent; LERNET, K.S.,
dots.0 retsenzent; GLUKHOV, V.A., dots., retsenzent; KIYANOVI P.I.,
inzh.j rotoonzentj TSDSIDANOV, V.Mi. inzh,p retsement; DOROFEYEV
V.G., inzh.9 retsenzentj KALEDENK(Alp S.Sep inzh.,-retsenzen ~Womrv,
p Tnzh.p retsenzentj WKSHIll, Kh.A., inzh., rel;Senzentl FIRSOV,
S.L# inzh.p retnenzent.; SHAKURSM , K.D.0 inzh.v :.-etBenzentj UTKINt
A&VO, tekh.p retsenzent; VAIETOV, A.I.j, inzh.9 red.j BOBROVA, Ye.N.,
tekbn. red.
[Operation, managementj and repair of roning stock] Vagonnoe kho-
ziaistvo. Moskva, Vse:3.izdatellsko-poligr.ob"edirenie H-va putei
soobeheheniias 1961, 319 p. (MTRA -14:3-1)
Is Kafedra ."Konstruktalyal remont i ekapluatatBiYIL vagonov" Rostov-
Skogo instituta inzhenerov zheIeznodorozbnogo trwisporta (for all
except Valetov, Bobrova).
(Railroads-Rolling atock)
DOROFEYEVSP-V.G.; KITOV, A.N.p KRAVCHENKO, A.A., inzhop retsenzent;
EMIDVSKIY, M.p Inzbe, red.; KHITROVA., N.A.j,
[servicing of passenger cars) Ekipirovka passa2hirskikb
vagonov. Moskvaj ltd-vo "Transport.." 1964. 13-5 P.
(MIFA 1723)
AID P - 649
Subject USSR/Electricity
Card 1/1 Pub. 27 - 18/34
Author : Dorofeyev, V. L, Eng.
Title : Experiment with the introduction of automatic synchroni-
zation of synchronous generators and condensers in a
large power development
Periodical : Blektrichestvo, 9, 77-82, S 1954
Abstract : The recent operational practice with an automatic synchroni-
zation of 14 generators and 2 condensers Is discussed. The
author presents his observations and conclusions. 5 diagrams.
Institution : Dneproenergo
Submitted My 24, 1954
. Y.L. lashemer- 17
LTULTATEV, V.K.. Wheser; TSIGIR, R.K., inshener.;
TEGANOT, B.N., Insheiner; BARZAR, A.B., lasheneri
Simplifying relay 1votection. Xlek.sta. 28 no,1;62-68 Ja '57*
Wm 10:3)
1. Dneproemergo (for Dorofey*,w, P*socht;,,:c"ly&nskiy) 2.Asezerts
(for Lyulrayev, TSi,mr) 3- Azizbekovski tevoy ra:,on Azenerge
(for Yeganov) 4, OINI Glavtoontran:r5o (for Barsam).
(Zlectric lis a
BERKOVICH, Mikhail Arnolldovich; VAVIN, Viktor Nikolayevich; GOLUEEV,
Mikhail Llvovich; NAZAROV, Yuriy Grigorlyevich; RIEELI, Normund
Tevgenlyevicbj SAVOSTITANOV, Alsksey Ivanwich; SEMENOV,
Vladimir Alaksandrovich;-W V. V-1-- inzh., retsenzent;
PESOCHIN, M.I., inzh., retBanzent; RiWiN, V.I., inzh.,
retsenzent; AFOfSISHEVSKIY, L.I., red.; GERR , A.D., red.;
BDRUNOVp N.I., takhn. red,
(Manual on relay protection systems] Spravochnik po releinoi
zashchite. [%,] 14.A.Borkovich i dr. Moskva, Gosenergoizdat,
1963. 512 p (MI RA 16:9)
(Elect;J.c relays) (Electric protection)
PQ~QFEYEVA, Vasiliy Ivanovichp zootekhnik; TOLSTOV., P,.A.p red.
(We raise ducks without bodies of waterl Vyrasl;chivaem
utok bez vodoemov. Hostov-na-Donu,, Rostoliskoe knizilnoe
izd-vo, 1963. 14 P- 1:1-JRA 17:9)
1. Zornogradskaya goaudarstvennays, selek--gionnaya stantsiya
(for Dorofeyev).
of th~:
ror of 4':-,-J-. -Ii i icai Sai. '~i~b
knit, for tfi:t lvivanccd 2rain~ng of
-h-!s lcians.
ou-mary Gr, 13 V'-ic ~2, Dls,-,tr-~atioris r'or
in Scinncc and 77,"'L-1111ring- in 4,loscow .;-- iAG.
),n -.'e--ch!nr-iyaya -oskva, Jar.
r, One 1949.
DOPOY3rRV, V. 1.
wRmft & -
Optimal ftV of surgical intervention In harelip. Pediatrita, Mosk-
va No-1:50-Jan-Yeb 51. (CLML 20:6)
1. Of th# D*J%rtiment of Kazillofacial Surgei7 of the Central Insti-
tute for the Advanced Training of Pbysicianto
I. V, 1,
2. US-JR (600)
4. Tmors
7. Minutes of the meeting of the Society of Surgeons of Moscow and Moscow Province
of May 23, 1952. Rhirurgiya, No. 1, 1953.
9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress.
TIKHONOVA, Z.I.; STEPANOVA, K.N*, kandidat meditsinakikh nank; MLSHAIKII,
kandidat meditainakikh nauk; BaK=VO A.N., professor; GULTAYRV, A.V#, pro-
fessor; VOZNBMSKIY. V.P., professor; DKITRIYEY, I.P.. professor; OGNST,
B.V., professor; VAU, D.Le, professor; MROT. B.A.. profesRor, predesda-
tell; DOROFMV, V.I., sekretarl.
Minutes of the session of the Surgical Society of Moscow and Moscow Province
of June 27, 1952. Khiraririla no.3.84-M Mr 153. (MYRIL A-6)
1. Khirurgicheskoye obahchestvo Moskvy L Roskovskoy Oblaitti.
(Heart--Surgery) (Cardiovascular system--Surgery)
PZTROV, B.A., professor, predsedatell; DUBVKOVSKAYA, B.G.' sekretar'; DW-
TSIV, N.I., kandidat Veditsinskikh nauk; TEMOVSKIT. S.D.0 professor;
KELIK-ARUTYUKOV, A.I. kandiclat meditsinakikh nauk; PATSIORA, M.D., kan-
didat meditsinskikh nauk; YXIANSKIY, N.N.. professor; ll%HIYZ, N.G.; TA-
VONIUS, 1C.N.; OULYAYZV. A.V., professor; KAZANSKIY, V.I., professor;
SROZDOV, D.Ye., professor-, DORonyzv. V.I.; LINDDW, V.I.; MAKHOV, N.I.,
Minutes of the session of the Surgical Society of Moscow and Moscow Pro-
vince of September 12. 1952.- Khirurgiia no,3:68-92 Mr 15). (MIRA 6:6)
1. Khirurgicheskoye obnhehoetyo Moskvy i Moskovskoy oblasti.
VISHNEVSKIY, A.A.' professor, prodeedatell; CHISTOVA, N.A., eekretar'; 1301-
SHIVA, A.A.; KRICHZVSKIY. A.A., kandidut meditsinskikh nauk; UTIMAT,
S.S., kandidat meditsinskikh nauk; BAGILIMARl A,A., kandidat meditsin-
skikh nauk; YJWSK1Y, N.N.; ZATSEPIN. T.S. professor; PLOTKIN, P.M..
professor; ftTSIORk. M.D.; ICALOSKIT, V.I., -professor; TWYAN, I.V.;
Minutes of the session of the Surgical Society of Moscow and Moscow Pro-
vince of September 26, 1952. Xhirurgiis no.3:92-95 Mr 153. (MM 6:6)
1. Khirurgichekoye obshchestvo Xookvy i Moskovskoy oblasti. 2. lakulltst-
9k&Y& '~hirurgicheskaya klinika sanitarno-gigiyenicheakogo fa.-Ulsteta I
Moskovskogo ordena Lenina meditainakogo Instituta (for Krichevskiy).
(Heart--Surgery) (Arteries--Diseases)
Intravenams application of novoosin. Khirurgila, Xoskya noA16-22
Apr 1953. (GIML 24%4)
16 Professor for Petrov-, Candidate Medical Sciences for Dor*fayev.
2. Of the Institute iment, Sklifosofskiy (Head Surgeon -- Prof. B. A.
PETROV. B.A., professor. predsedatell; sekretar'; MLYNCHIK,
V.I. ', XAkANSKIY, V.I., professor; BatJLZV, . '. A.N.. professor; LIVIT, V.S.,
professor; PNMVSXIYp B*Vo# professor; PXHATHINOVA, Z.4.; SOLOVITET,
A.Ye.. professor; MAKHOV. X.I., dotenet; YYJANSKIY, N.N. professor;
PWTKIN, Y.H., professor; VISHNEVSKIY, A.As, professor; YETCHINKIN, Tu.M.;
GURIVICH, NIL, professor; OSIPOY, B.K., professor; TIKHONOVA, N.A.; RY-
ZHIKH, A.N. professor; MWAVSKIT, B.A*; TXHNOVSKIY, S.D., professor.
Minutes of the session of the Surgical Society of Moscow and Moscow Province
of October 10, 1952. Khirurgiia no.4:92-95 Ap 153- (MLRL 6:6.)
1. Xhirurgicheskoye obahchestvo Moskvy i Moskovskoy Oblast.
(Esophagus--Surgery) (Uophaguo--Cancer) (Rectum--Diseases)
DOROFXYXV, V.I.; PATROV, B.A.. professor. predeedatell; WaN. N.D., sekretar'.
Minutes of the Bession of the Burgical 8ociety of Koecow and Moscow
Novines of October 24, ~952. 1hirurgila no.5:91-93 My 153. (KILVA 6:7)
1. Khtrargicheakoye obahchestvo Moskvy I Moskovskoy oblasti (for Petrov
and Garin). (Ulcers) (Stomach--Tumors)
__PQRW_ Y,_YJ.; SALISHCHIV, V.A., professor. predoodatelletvuyushchiy;
CHISTOVA, N.A., kandidat meditsinskikch nauk. sekretar'.
Minutes of the Session of the Surgical Society of Moscow and Moscow
Province of November 14, 1952. Khirurgita no.5:94-95 MY 153- (MLRk 6:7)
1. Khirurgicheakoye obahchestvo Mosk7y i Moskovskoy oblasti (for Balishchev
and Chistova). (Heart--Diseases)
Xinutes of the Session of the Surgical Society of Xoscow and Xascow
ProTinos of March 27, 1933- Xhirargiia no.gt85-86 6 153. (MMA 6:11)
Minutes of the Session@ of the gurgIcal. Society of Moscow and Moscow
Province of January I and 23, 1953 devoted to problems of vascular
surgory,,,Wmr IIA 11:88-0 N I (MM 6:12)
scow-Ugernyo) (Surgery-U;cow) (Blood vessels-Bargery)
DORO"Yr;V, V. 1.
Minutes of the Conference of the Surgical Society of Moscow and
Moscow Province of April 24, 1933. Khtrurgiia no.12:76-78 D '53.
(MLRA 7:1)
(Moscow Province--Surgery) (Surgery--Moscow Province)
DaRMYRY, V.I. (Usaul)
Aia 36 no#3:17-19
AursomWain for troating pu4itts. Stometolog
JV-Js 157. (KIRA 10:9)
Treating hypereetheela of the exposed dentine in paradentosiso'
Stomatologiia 37 no;5t65 3-0 158 (min 11:11)
It Iz stomatologicheeko7 oltklWki (Uxanl)
Treatment of parodontosis. Stomatologlia 38 no.5:60-61 S-0 159,
(KIM 13:3 )
1. 1z atomatologichaskoy polikliniki (Kazanl).
Calculus in the maxillaz7 sinus. Stomatologiia 41 no-4:90 Jl-Ag '62.
(KIRA 15:9)
1. Iz kafedry gospitallnoy khirurgii (zav. - prof. P.P.Khokhlov)
Karagandinskogo goeudaretvennolo meditainskogo instituta.
ACC NRI AR6035110 SOURCE CODE: U11/0137/66/000/008/I008/1008
AUTHOR: Savintscv, P. A.; Rogov, V. I.; Dorofeycv, V. 1.
TITLE; Contact melting of similar metals
SOURCE: Ref. zh. Metallurgiya, Abs. 8156
REFSOURCE: Sb. Poverklinostn. yavlenlya v rasplavakh i voznikayu8hchikh iz
nikh tverd. fazakh. Nallchik, 1665, 177-179
TOPIC TAGSi melting, contact melting
ABSTRACT: The contacting of two identical metals accompanied by slow beating
results in the formation of liquid films oa the surface of both metals prior to
reaching the melting point. The conditions of a minimum 'surface-energy system
lead to the fusion of these filins. As a result of this, the cooling of the system
makes it possible to )ock-weld similar samples in contact. This phenomenon is
called "contact meltinj of identical substances. " 1. Tulupova. [Translation of
abstract) INT)
DoroCeyev, V. L.
"The architectural heritapo of the people's dwellinjys in LatvJa."
Yoscow Architecture Inst. Moscow, 1956. (Dissertation for the
Degree of Candidate in Architectural Science)
So: Knizhnaya letopis',, 11o. 25, 1956
DOROrzf'Zv, VA,
4., Using universal attachments In piece production. Energomshinostroenle
,~ no.2:21-23 7 138. (xiRk llt4)
(Machine-shop practice)
DOROFEYEV, Vas1hy Ivanovich
----, -- -"- I I -.- ~ ~
fwe are raising ciucks without C-Ales of water] Vyva-
ahchivacm utok bez mloomov. Rostov-na-Donu,
Hostovskoe k-nizhnoo lzd-vo, 1963. 14 p. .18:4)
Pr6duction of monlayer call cultures from the tissues of different
animals. Vop.virus. 7 noo3:336-343 Yq-Je 161. (MIRA 3.40)
1. Mookovskiy nauchno-isoledovatellskiy institut viruanykh preparatov,
Multiplication of the measles virus in tissue cultures of different
animals. Vop.virus 7 no-011-17 JI-Ag 162. (MIRA 15:8)
1. Mookovskiy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy Institut vir-usnykh pre-
AUTHOR: Dorofeyev, V. M. (Professor); Murkin, L. P. (Engineer); Shadov, V. P.
(Engineer),Ii SFVirktii#-V'0 F. (Engineer); Marty*nov, V. 1. (Engineer)
TITLE: Gas-are welding torch with vortex stabilization of the are
SOURCE: Svarochnoye proizvodstvo, no. 2, 1964, 41
TOPIC TAGS; welding, welding torch, gas-are welding torch, arc stabilization,
vortex arc stabilization
ABSTRACT% The article describes the GEG-IA gas-are welding torch with vortex^
arc stabilization, developed and produced at the Kuyby*shevskly aviatsionny*y
Institut (Kuyby*shev Aviation Institute). The anode is in the form of a copper
nozzle with an output diameter of 3-5 mm mid a sliding seating arrangement In
a fjn housing. The cathode used Is a tungsten rod 7 mm In diameter set Ina fix-
ed josition with respect to the nozzle. The electrode assembly'ls cooled by water
fedtinto the tin electrode holder. The nozzle and electrode assemblies are in-
sulated from each other by a textolite casing with screwed-in nipple for argon
fee6' The argon Is fed Into the chamber through two tangential apertures. The
Introduction Into the torch of vertical argon feed eliminated nozzle wear. All
jh Miles (nozile unit, housing electrode unit) are threaded
,gee Talor torch assai
together and sealed with layers of conventional technical rubber. Electric cur-
rent Is supplied from a single PS-500 welding coaverter. A particular feature of
the argon supply system Is the presence In It of a jet ).19 mm in diameter; dur-
Ing operation of the torch, a supercritical pressure gradient Is set up on this
jet, providing for constant argon consumption for the established pressure and
variable torch operation modes. The technical specifications of this torch are
listed. Or1q. art. has: 2 f1gures.
ASSOCIATION: MVby*8bev8k1j AV1Q6t81mny*y Inatitut (Moy*shev Aviatim institute)
Card 2/2
- '- . . . .......
-.' *1 - ,, ` 1~ -, - t --
1- ~ ~. . ~ , --. , ".
. --f -~~ I;t,' - V" ', ~, . ~ i - , . . . ",
I . :~ 1, ~ "", ;, --
~ ~%~ 6 :.- .- . .
CL : ,
-'Atr404 3418
Growing calls of renal tissue of rheaus monkeys by the
y &ruso
oubmarged method. Trud Moak. nauch.-isel. inst. v-
prop. 2t236-245 161. HIRA 17:1)
Effect of the monkeyal age on the morphology of a culture
of tenticular cells on their susceptibility to the pollo-
myelitis virus. Trudy Moak. nauch.-isel. inst. virus* prepe
2:246-253 161. (MIU 17:1)
L 15712-M RAW bNUW-/WE
ACC..NR' AT6003iO SOURCE CODE: UR/3181/63/000/015/0325/0330
&UTHOR-. Dnr6ffixev, A.: Levi .n. V.Ya.; Temellyanovo Ys.I.
ORG: Hong
TITLE Method of'testing powder type gas generators
SOURCE: Kuybyehev. Aviatsionnyy institut. Trudy, n0.'15, pt. 2, 1963.
Dolclady kustovoy nauchno-texhuldheoloy kUnterentall po yoprosam
~mekhaniki zhidkosti I gaza (Reports of the Joint scient!Lfio-technical
Inni3f :C-e oo-Qn Droblema of the mechanics ofliquid and Rite) 9 325- 367
TOPIC TAGS: gas engineering, combustion engineering, test method
ABSWOT: The experimental unit permitted oscillograph recording of
the.phange in weight of the fuel charge auring the combustion 32rocess.
A scheme of the appL2atus Is given in the article. Tho experiments
were aimed at answering a series of practical question-3 in the design
of more efficient powder type gas generators: determination of the gas
Iflow rate through the nozzle temperature o f the gas before the no z19,
velocity of the gas Ur-ougWithe nozzle opening, and the magnitude of
the linear rate of fuel combustion In tho chamber, as well as measure-
ment of the change In weight of the fuel. Pormulao are developed in'
the article for calculation of the temperature of the gas before and
Card 1/2
Translation from: Referwtlvnyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1959, Nr 8, p 64 (USSR)
AU'INOR% Dorofeyev. V.M.
TITLE: On che UMmodynaml cal.Theory of Compression Ignition in Piston
Engines 11
PERIODICAL.-, Tr. jKuybyshevsk. aviats. In-t, 1957, Nr 3, pp 83 - 87
ABSTRACT: The author discusses, on the basis of a simplified thermodynamIcal
calculation, the ignition of gasoline-air mixtures in carburetor
engines and of the inlected fuel in Diesel engines during the out-
flow of the residual gas,)s of the previous cycle from the Ignition
chamber, which Is coruiected with the nombustion chamber by a con-
trolled velve. For this purpose, the author writes down the ex-
pressions for the material and energetical balances of the process
of gas transition into the combustion chamber and backwards; the
processes are considered under idealIzed conditions (adiabatic
gas expansion, resting piston, isolation from the surrounding
medium, ideal gas, instantaneous attonuation of the kinetic energy
Card 112 of gases, absence of the effect of m,)lecularity of gases). The ve-**'
On - the Thermodynamicial Theory of Compression Igaition in Piston Engines
final temperature of gases in the ignition chanber is determined, which gives
the basis for the judgment on the possibility of Ignition of the fuel-air
mixture in the Ignition chamber. The effoot ol the gas transition into the
ignition chamber on the thermal efficiency is -taken into account under the
assumption of charge cooling merely by adiabatic expansion, which is Implied
also in the conventional expression for the thermal efficiency, The results
of the theoretical investigation are expressed. in terms of a conditional com-
pression ratio, for which the temperature at the end of the adiabatic com-
pression Is equal to the temporature In the ignition chamber at different ratios
of the volumes of the combustion and Ignition chambers. The effect on the
thermal efficiency of the idealized cycle amounts to 2% for a compression ratio
F, - 6 and a chamber volume ratio of 0.05. D.D. Zaloga
Card 2/2
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Mashinostroyeniye, 1959, Nr 20, P 392 (USM)
M6000 ;.&. I DOO
AUTHORS: DoroLeyev, V.M., Lsvin, V.Ya,
TITLE: Device for the Impulse Recording of Pulsating Jets (Impulse Gage)
PERIODICAL- Tr. Kuybyshevsk. aviats. in-ta, 1958, Nr 6, pp 49 - 55
ABSTRACT: The authors irriestigate the ci*7cuit and give a description of the design
of the device (D) - p impuls _&tige3for the recording of the instantaneous
value of Jet t uvstF' The operation principle of the D consists in the
active method of measuring the jet thrust. A trap (plate), cantilever-
suspended on ihe shaft, and rigidly fastened in a stationary bushing,
oncillates under the effect of pressure from a moving-stream which hits
the trap from the nozzle. The shaft on which the trap is suspended,
widergoes a bending deformatJon. On the shaft (in parallel planes), at
an equal distance from the trap axle, two identical wire-type resistance
pick-upa (tenoometers) are g'Lued, which represent the two arms of a
Wheatstone bridge. The pres.9nce of two pick-ups, placed under identical
conditions, but being submitted to different deformations (tension and
Card 1/2 compression), ensures the tbermal compensation, i.e. eliminates the
Device for tae Impulse Recording of Pulfiating Jets (Impulse Gage)
temperature effects of the surrounding inedium and shaft on the recording of D. The
bridge Is supplied with current of 4,00) cycles from a sound generator. The variations
of current vrith time obtained from the bridge, are transmitted through a special
amplifier to the oscillograph loop and are fixed there. The D makes it possible to
measure the Impulse of a moving gas jei,, to record the thrust at a given time, and to
investigate the pulsating stream, taking into account -the unsteadiness. It makes It
possible to determine impulse losses ol,"the pulsating jet when the latter is flowing
from the nozzle. If, with the aid of 1), the operating pulsating chamber is investigated,
it is possible to obtain additional fUictions which facilitate the investigation of the
operation process of Uie chamber. The principal circuits of the D are given, as well as
an exemplary oscillogram of the trap fLuctuations.
Card '21/2
Translation front Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1959, Nr 8, pp 82 - 83
AUTHCjRt Dorrofeyev V.M.
MUI?i CoolW System With a Vortex Pipe
PERIODICALs Tr. Kuybyshevsk. aviats. in-t, 1958, Hr 6, pp 69 72
ABSTRACT3 ki energy analysin of the effect of air separation into hot and
cold air within a vortex pipe with an without an intermediate
heat exchangerAis performed. Discussing the design of t-he
cooling system with a vortex pipe, the author compares the co-
efficient of the temperature effectiveness -7 of the pipe with
the coefficient cf temperature effectiveness Vj' of' the s7stem
having an intermediate heat exchanger. It is shown that the co-
efficient *ql attains considerably greater values than the co-
officient 71. 7lie study represents an Interest for practice, and
the design of th-9 cooling system discussed by the author can be
applied to the laboratory practice and in some cases also in industry.
Card 1/1 M.G. DubinskJ.y V--**'
and Venlsm4n Yokovlevich JAvin
Jspytad#p,vozdushno-reaktLvnykh avigateley (Me Testing of Air-Breathing
Jet Engines) Moscov,, Oborongiz, 1962.9 220 p. Errata slip inserted
10,000 copies printedo
Reviewert A. A. Mkshtoiraldy, OUdIftte 9f TeChnical Sciences; Sdo t
L. So &ubacbevskiy,, IIngIwerj Zdo: L. I* fteynfa~m: Tech. Mot
L. A. Garnukhinaj M=M;ing Rd.: So Do Mrsaillnikov, Engineer.
PWaVM: This book in Int4jpdad for use as a textbook at schools of higber
technical education. It mV'also be useful to industrial engineers.
COVIUM.t, The book deMIA Vith Various tYPOO of tests for air-breathing
jet engines. Descrited are techniques and methods for the processing of
measurement data, messuring instruments and devices., and laboratory - -
and test-stand equipeent. Ch. VI vas vritten by So No Yeremin, Engineer.
V. S. Nondrusey, Inginear,, vrote Ch. VII. The authors thank 0. M.
Gorbxwov L. D. Yevattgulov, and Yu. X. Motel., DDeents; A. A. Lakshtovskly,
Cand.IZ-~ of TachnlwLl Sciences; Z. L. Kropp, Engineer; Ve No Mal;
CArd 1/5
The Usting of Air-Breathing(Cont.)
stgineer; and a -a mL-b,&,rs of the faculty of the MxbybebevsUy aviatsionn~ry
Institut (JUybysbev Aviation Institute) and L. S. f2mbachevs)dy, for their
advice and assistance vith the manuscript. There '38 references: 32 Soviet
and 6 English.
T%= OF CWZNTSj),br1dSedjt
Ch. 1. Types of Tests for Air-Breathing Jet Ingines 5
1. Scientific research tests
2. Experiments.'. tests
3. Serial testis 9
02. It. Elements of Metrology i2
1. Measures,, miasuring instrments, and their errors Li
2. Kinds of measurements 16
3- Measuring errors 16
4. Processing of experimental data by the method of le&at squares 18
Card 2/ 5
7he Testing of Air.-Breathing(Cont.) WV/59T1
Ch. M. Measuring rnstruments and Devices 2B
1. Measuring prvissure 28
2. Measuring tei"rature 41
3. Measuring f1w parameters and f1w rates 56
4. Gas analysis T9
5* Measuring th r u at, and wiment 80
6. Measuring rpm 8T
T. We"uring fast-chenging values 95
B. Measuring oscillations and temperatures of rotating parts 102
Ch. IV. lAboratorles for TestlAg Ingines,, 7heir Bub-assemblieg, and
Systems 10T
1. General information on the laboratory equipwnt 10T
2. Laboratories, for altitude tests of engines 113
3- InstalUtior. for testing turbouschines 329
4. InstalUtior, for testing combustion chambers 124
5. InstalUtiort for testing auxiliary systems of aircraft engine& 128
Ch. V. Testing SIALtions 132
1. Classification of testing stations and requirements 132
Card 3/5
The Testing of Air-Breathing(Cont.) SOV/59T1
2. Testing enclosures 134
3- Control stands 138
4. Testing 1netallation and their arrangement in a station 141
5. Testing *mtands and method of thrust datervdmAtion 143
6. Testing otands and methods of determining the torques 15-1
7- Stands P)r measuring the equivalent power of turboprop engines 16 ..
8. Oystems of testing insta,11ations 164
9. CalculAtion of the necessary number of stguAs 169
10. Methods of combating noise in testing stations -L7J
11. Safety technique in testing 179
Ch. VI. Tech2ology of Serial Tests for Air-Breathing Jet Engines 182
1. Technology of serial tests for turboprop engines 182
2. Special features of long-ftration tests 193
3- Specia.1 features of turbojet-engine testv 194
4# General information on r=Jet tests 195
Ch. VIL Engine . Flight Tests 1~
1. Aircraft for engine flight tests 1~9
2. Measurtiments in flight tests 201
Card 4/5
7he Testing of Air-Breathing(Cont.) MV/5wl
3- Methods for the flight testing of turbojet engines 2o6
Bibliography. 216
AVAUAXXI Library of Congmss.(T~709-3-430)
OMkMMt Aerospace
Card 5/5 AD/~~,~Idc
8/2 162
Cytochemical atlidy of tenticular tinsuo culture of the morley.
TSitologiia 6 no.101-85 Ja-F 164. (MIRA 17:9)
1. Laiboratoriya virusnoy tsitologii tinitelino-issl.etiovrttellskogo instituts
virusnykh preparatov, Moskva.
Effect of temperature, pressure and abLmdance ratio of
the air flowing into a calorimeter on the efficiency of
kerosines. Isy. vys. ucheb. sav.; av. tekh. 7 no.3t45-49 164.
(MIRA 17:9)
W=M-M.o Prof.; MUMN, L.P.; inzh.; SHADOV, V.P.v inzh.j SIVIRKIN,
V~Foj lnzhsj MARTMOT, V.I., inzh.
Gas and elootrio burner with vorteac stabi3lzation of the aroo Svar.
proizv. no.2s4l F 164. (MIRA 18i1)
1. ftbyehovskiy aviatsiomwy inatitut.
Cultivation of Ua -measlos virus in human diploid oans, yop,
virus. 9 no.6t69&.701 " 164. (MIRA 18M)
lo Maskovskiy nauchno-isaledovateltakiy int-titut virusnykh
Thermal and anapbylactoid edemas in acute radiation sicknoso.
Vttot.-ANN-SSM 20 no,9:7"3 165.
(MIRA l8dL)
1. Institut maditainskoy radiologii AMN SSSR, ObnInsk.
........................... . .-- - --..
Comparative morphological study of the renal tissue cult!,re in
some vertebrates. Arkh.anat., gist. i embr. 41) no.10.,12-17
0 165. (MIRA 18:12)
1., laboratoriya virusnoy taitopatolcigii (zav. - prof. S.Ya.
Ze.1kind) MoBkovskogo nauchno-issledovatel'skogo Instituta
vixustiykh preparatov. Submitted June 30, 1964.
'.MC FW7AR6025369 96bACi CODEf UR/0285166/000/004/0022/0022
AUTHOR: -Averk yev, S. Dorofeyev, V. M.; ZakharovL Yu. A.
ORG: none
TIT LZ: A brake 06r, testing axial microtuirbines
SOURCE.- Ref. sh. jurbosiro'yeniy*, Abe. 4.49.137
!.REFSOURCE: Mr. kuybyshevsk. aviats. in-t, vyp. 22, 1965, 15-21
TOPIC TAGS: microtgrbine, axial microturbine, brake,- test brake/Ulbff -0 brake
ABSTRACT: A study has bee made of the design, characteristics, and operational,
fqatures of thg~LM.KT- al
I brake manufactured by the Thermodynamic Laboratory of
the Kuybyshev Aviation Insti te for Research on Microturbines and their
eiFs. (Trn-lati4m) JFM]
ACC Ws AP60215811
AUTHOR: Dorofeyev, V. M.; Borisoglebskaya, N. V.
!ORG: Laboratory of Cortical and Viral CytopatholojW, ~bacov Viral Preparations
Research Institute (Laboratoriya kori i virusnoy toitopatologii Moskovskogo nau
issledovatellskof,,o instituta, virusnykh preparatov)
TITLE: Cytopathic effect of virus in tissue culture
SOURCE: Voprosy -~irusologii, no. 3, 1966, 373
TOPIC TAGS: virology, pathogen, cytopathic effect, virus tissue culture, DffA,, RNA
cell fraction p w4o_5 I r- Y r0 4-0 6,1 " 111,Y r.0 4 -06: L/
Inclusions in cortical cells caused by three virulent virus atrains were
studie ' fixing and then staining tissue preparations with acridine
orange to reveal DNA. Other tests revealed that the Brachet RNA reaction
war. negative and thtrt the viruses are resistant to the effects of pepsin
and nuclease but are sensitive t9 treatment with pepsin DNA-ase. It was
suggested that the inclusions'contain DNA and not RNA. However, the
resistance of the acid hydrolysis indicated RNA. Possibly
.the inclusions consist of.a unique reR~jja~~pg nucleic acid.
SUB CODE: 06/ SUBM DATE: none/ '5d;---CBH'No. 101