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IGNATITIV, A.F., Icand.takhn.nauk-, DOROFMV, B.Y.. insh.
............... ~--
Now t"as of self-unloading gondolm. cars. TrudLy MIT
no.34:52-70 159. (NIEL 13:1)
.Railroa4s-Freight cars)
DOROYMY, Do?#$ lush*
Calculating the stability of dumcarm in operation. Trudy
KHIIT no.34:71-91 139. (MIRA 13:1)
(Rallroads-Freighb cars)
g,,?,s SOY/144-58-11-12/17
, G. (Senior Iecturer), Meyerovich, Sh. S.
AUTHORS: Dorof eyev B
(aul echnical Scien,,es, Woent , Department Head),
Stukalkin, A. 11. (Engineer), Kurochka, A. L. (Engineer).
TITLE: Experimental Investigatior.of the Ventilation of Electric
Locomotive Starting Resistances of a New Type (Eksperimentall-
noye issledovaniye ventil~atsii elektrovoznykh puskovykh
soprottvlenly novogo tipa,
nRIODICAL: Izvestiye. vysshikh ucheb kh zavedeniy, Elektromekhanika,
Nr 11
19 58 1 1 pp lO?-lll (USSR
ABSTRACT: Resistances type KF are used on electric locomotives types
N-8 and VL-23 and others. Previous work has shown that al-
though these metal strip resistors are much better than the
previous cast iron ones, the coils are not uniformly cooled
and there is a temperature difference of 2400C between the
front and back of the element and accordingly the material
is not so fully used as it; should be. Accordingly, new types
of resistance have been developed at the Novocherkassk Elect-
ric Locomotive works, and the Novo,::herkasek Polytechnical
Institute and the works laboratory 1-as , collaborated 'in testing
Card 1/4
Experimental Investigation of the Ventilation of Electric Locomotive
Starting Resistances of a New Type
the cooling of such a startin,~, resistance type LF-1. The
construction of resistance box type LF-1 is described and
illustrated diagrammatically in Fig 1. The comparison be-
tween resistances type KF and type LF-1 given in Table 1
shows that the new resistances are smaller, and lighter and
use much less insulation than the old though they are of
higher power. The new resistances are also of simpler con-
struction than the old. It is required that under operat-
ing conditions the local temperature rise of the resistance
elentent surface should not exceed 4500C. In order to make
the necessary tests of temperature rise a simple wind-tunnel
was constructed, which is described and illustrated diagramm-
atically in Fig 3. In the tests measurements were made of
the air flow, the temperature rise of the resistance elements,
the power consumption and the air temperatures at inlet and
outlet. The methods of measurement are described. The air
speed ranged up to 8.75 m/sec and the current from 98 to
230 A. The test procedure is described. It was found that
the heating is much more uniform than in resistances type XF.
Card 2/4
Experimental Investigation of the Ventilation of Electric Locomotive
Starting Resistances of a New Type
Accozding to conditions tho greatest difference between the
temperature rise of front and rear surfaces was 60-1600C,
and accordingly the power of the resistance could be in-
creased by 34% or the flow of cooling air could be reduced.
The relationsbip between the permissible current and rate of
air Clow is given in Fig 4. An equation is given for the
relationship between the permissible current and the air
flow when all nine rows of resistance are in use, with a
temperature rise of 4500C. Temperature rises of the differ-
ent rows of resistances are given in Fig 5 and Fig 6. The
temperature distribution could be somewhat improved by
Card 3/4
Experimental Investigation of the Ventilation of Electric Locomotive
Starting Resistances of a New Typo
altering the design of tho fixing pins in the centre of the
elements. There are 6 figures and 1 Soviet reference.
ASSOCIATIONS: Kafedre teoretichesl:ikh osnov teplotekhniki Novocherk-
asskogo politekhaicheskogo instituta, Novocherkasskiy
elelctrovozostroitel'nV zELvod (Chair' of Theory of Fundamentals
bfYhermal Faww&~4neering,, , Novocherkassk Polytechnical Instit-
ute, and Novocherkassk Electrical Locomotive Works)
SUBMITTED: July 2, 1058-
Card 4/4
110-38 -5-3/25
AUTHORS:, Dorofoyev, B.G. Lozanovskiy, A.L., Engineeisand
yerovich, Sh.~-__,'Ushakov, V.G., Candidates of
Technical Sciences
TITLE: The Cooline of Tape-wound Starting Resistances Type KF
(0b okhlazhdenii lentochnykh puskovykh soprotivleniy
tipa KF)
PERIODICAL: Vestnik Blelctropromyshlei3nosti, 1958, Vol 29 Nr 5,
pp 9 _ 12 (USSR).
ABSTRACT: Resistance-EL110Y tape-wound resistances, type KF,
are used as startinp; resistances in electric locomotives, type
N8 and VL-23 and in motor coaches, trolley buses, etc. They
are cooled by free or forced-air circulation and are appreciably
lighter, smaller and cheaper than.cast-iron resistances.
However, they are not widely used because inadquate information
is available about their thermal rating.
The Novocherkassk Polytechnical Institute and the laboratory
of the electric locomotive works made an experimental study
or vae cooling of the resistances. They consist of assemblies
of standard resistance elements. An individual element,
illustrated in Figure 1, consists of resistance-alloy ribbon
wound on edge to form a coil which is insulated from its
Cardl/5 channel-shaped supporting bar by 2 segmental porcelain insulators.
The- Cooling of Tape-wound Starting Resistances, Type KF
The rate of air flow and the aspect of the element in relation
to the flow have an important bearing on the rating. It is
known from operating experignee that the highest local tempera-
ture should not exceed 450 C, or else the porcelain insulators
crack. It was required to find the relationship between the
permissible loading and the air speed.
Thermocouples were used to determino the temperature of the
element at different places. The a".r speed ranged from
0 - 18 m/sec. The current was go chosen that the highest local
temperature did not exceed 350 C. In one arrangement, the
porcelain insulators were arranged head-on to the air stream,
as shown in Fig. 3a, which is the usual arrangement. The
arrangement of 3b, in which the insulators are edge-on across
the stream, was also tested. In both cases, the outer edges
of the resistance elements were found to be better cooled than
the inner. Thus, the conditions of cooling ase not greatly
changed when the element is turned through 90 . Also, under a
wide range of conditions, the maximum temperature is on the
leeward side of the coils. For examole, with an air flow of
15 m/sec and a current of 149 A, the temperature of the leeward
Card2/5parts of the spiral was 382 C, the -top and bottom were at
The Cooling of Tape-eound Starting Resistances, Type XF
142 OC and the windward side 90 OC. Holes were than made in
the supporting bars to reduce the temperature of the lveward
side of the coils. The holes oecupiod 20% of the area of
each bar. With this arrangement the cooling was much more
uniform and the current rating could be increased. The
relationship between the rate of air flow and the permissible
current in the element, in the two alternative positionings
described above, are shown in Figure 4.
Tests were next made on a complete starting-resistance
assembly consisting offour rows of seven elements each.
Measurements were made of air flow, coil temperatures and
power. Once again, the middle of the elements was bottest.
The temperature differen8e between the windward and leeward
parts of a coil was 100 C. The third row of elements was
the hottest, and showed 4%0
-he highest temperature on its lee-
ward side but the porcelain insulator:3 did not get too hot.
A -n-h of the :relationship between the permissible curren
and the rate of air flow for a maximun temperature of 350 C
is given in Pigure 5. In addition to the visual assembly with
the elements arzanged one behind the other, a staggered
Card3/5 honeycomb arrangement was tried, the size of the box and
110- 58-5-3/25
The Cooling of Tape-wound.., Startirg Resistances, Type KF
the number of elements being unchanged. Again holes were
drilled in the bars. The performance ETaphs plotted in
Fig.5 show that the rating is higher with the honeycomb
than with the usual square arrangement. With an air flow of
45 M3/min, the permissible current for the standard box is
46.?5 A but in the modified assembly it was 51.9 A. This
applies only with. forced cooling; with natural ventilation
the honeycomb arrangement is not so good.
A number of tests were also made under conditions of transient
loading to determine the timeodifferent loads take to
produce a temperature of 350 C. The honeycomb arrangement
was Used and the resultq given in Figure 6, show that the
resistances take about an hour to reach a steady temperature
with the normal rated current, although cast-iron elements
take still longer. Starting from cold, the resistances can
carry up to three times rated current for 5 minutes. Under
transient conditions, the Tate of forced ventilation is
important only for light currents. With cu. rents of the
order of 60 A and air-flow rates up to :20 z5/min, the
permissible time of operation is 4 - 6 inin and is practically
Card4/5 ~Lndependent of the rate of air flow.
1,10- 58-q--3/25
The Cooling of Tape-Wound Starting Resistances, Type kf
There are 6 figures.
ASS6CIATIONS: Novocherkasi3kiy politekhnicheskiy institut
(Novocherkai3sk Polytechnical Institute) and
Vovocherkasskiy elektrovozostroitE.llnyy zavod
(Novocherkausk Electric Locomotive Works)
SUBMITTED: June 24, 1957
Card 5/5
Studying the heat troknomiouion of LF-2 eleAric reaistors.
Trudy NPI 106:27-32 160. (MIRA 15:5)
(Zleotrio resistore)
(Electrio railway motors)
DOROFEYEV, B. G., Cand. Tech. 3ci. (diss) "Investigation of
Heat Transfer of Elecitrical Resistances, Applied to Electric-
powered Transport," Moscow, 1961, 16 PP. (Moscow Inst. Railroad
Transp. Engr. ) 2,;jO copies (KL Supp 12-61, 266) .
DOROFE'XEY--a& I - - -
Study of the hoat emission of different t3pes of electric resistom
Trudy WIT no-139:200-205 161. (MIRL 16z4)
1e Novochorkaoskiy politokhniche kiy institute
(F.lectri: resinuirs)
Study of heat transfer ard temp,-rature fields of Improved XF-1
and KF-2 electria resistors. IzY. vys. ucheb. zav.; elektromekh.
4 no.2t136-14) 161. WU 14:9)
(Electric resistors) (Electric raUr-oads--Electric equipment)
DOROFEYEV, BORIS GRIGM11EVICH.Latarshiy prepodairatelf
Study of the heat emission of the LF resintances of electric
locomotives, I-Ev, vys, wheb, 2av.; elektromekh. 4 no.5-69-
72 161. (MIM ' ., 4:7)
1. Fifedra teotericheskikh oanov teplotnliniki Novecharkasskogo
pol.itekhnicheokogo instituta.
(Electric locomotives)
(Electric resistors)
Heat transfer of type SF_W and LF_qB tape-wound resistors with
air cooling. Sbor. nauoh. trud. EINII 2:205-212 162.
(MM& 16 18)
(Electric resistors-Cooling)
MEYFROVICH, Shaerko :3anuilnvich, kand.tckhn.nauk, dotsent; IX)ROFFTEV,
Boris Grigorlyavich, karA.tdchn.nauk, iepolnyayushAiy"----------~
obyazannosti dotsenta
Heat emission of XF typo electric resistors. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.;
elektromekh. 6 no.110271-1273 163. (MIRA 17W
1. 7,&"duyusbchiy kafedroy teureticheskikh oanoy teplotekhniki
Novocherkasskogo politakhnicheakogo instituta (for Meyerovich).
2. Kafedra tooreticheakikh osnav teplotckhrdki Novocherkagskogo
politekhnicheskago instituta (for Dorofoyev).
MANDRIKOV, F.I., J.nzh.; NOVMAENKO, N.M., inzh.; BOIMARENKO, Ye.14., inzh.;
I YASTREBO%I, A.V., inzh.; SMIRNOV, A.I., inzh.; DOROISYEV, B.G.,
flow desips of air cooled resistances. Vest. elektroprom.
33 no.5:24,28 My 062. (19RA 15-- 5)
(Novocherkavsk-Eleatric equipment industry',
(Electric railroads-Elactric equipment)
(Electric resisurs)
BONDARENKO, Ys.M.,, inzh,j 6cMRNOV, A.L., inzh.; DOROFEYEV, B.G., kand.
takhn. nauk
Investigation of thermal and aerodynamic parameters of resistor
blocks made from a tape-wound high-resistance alloy. Elektro-
tekhnika 36 no.5:27-30 My 165. (KMA IS: 5)
Interprotation of H and A type curves. Trudy Sver.gor.inst.
no-34:91-94 159. (MIRA 13:5)
(3lectric prospecting)
Qualitative interpretation of vertical electric sounding curves.
Tmidy Sver.gor.inst. no-34:95-99 159. (MIRA 13:5)
(Xlectric prospecting)
LAPIDUS., Mikhail Khlovencrvich; DOROFEM, B.V.p red.
(New developments in financing construction] Novoe v
finansirovanii stroitel'stva. Leningradp 1964. 42 p.
(MIRA 18:3)
RAKHMANOV, Yu.riy Nikolayevich; DOROFEYEV, B.11., red.
(Progressive forms of payments In cons*ructlonj Progres-
sivnye formy rm!hetov v stroltellstve. Lenirigrndjs 1965.
30 p. Niru, 18s 5)
ANjiN'n--v'A.. Ye.M.;
Caulog'InI eleranti Of the -3!'-!,,! Cif ~V~
trarm-Ilml rogion Wood on I'll'a. Trui,,
ro.r. hist, nc.113.-33-..141 I r.3 . 18:7)
Geological pooition of lead-sino idneralization in the southern
Varkhqyansk Range, Geolsrudemostorozhe no.2359-74 Mr-Ap 162.
(MM 15 s 4)
1. Yakutakiy filial Sibirskogo otdolenlya AN SSSR i Aldanskoye
rayonnoys goologoi-as"dochnoys upravladys,
(Vorkhoyansik Range-Ore deposita)
A type of tungsten deposits in eastern
pol.iolcop.IAk.ASSR no-5:32-31 '(,I.
Takutia. Mat.po geol.i
(MA 15:7) !
. ~
Indium In lead-size deposita in tkct soutkern Verkhoyansk Range
region. Trudy ;AFAN SSSR.Ser.Geol. no.16:39-48 163. (KW 16:9)
Pi A160/AlOl
AUTHORS; Rabkin, M. A.; Dorofeyev, D. S.; Torgovitskaya, S. B.;
Pogrebnaya,'Ye. S.
TITLE: The protection of low-carbon steel by a metallized layer from
stainless chrome-nickel. steel
PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, no.. 3, 1962, 13, abstract 3E69.
(Sb. nauchn. tr. Zhdanovsk. metallurg. in-t, 1960, vyp. 6, 262 - 2711)
TEXT: To ascertain the protective action of a.stainless steel sprayed on
a non-alloyed low-oarbon st6el, determined were the corrosion rate and the elec-
tronic potentials of test pieces made from CT-3 (St-3) steel and metallized with
1xl8Y9 T (lx18N9T) stool. Plates from St-3 steel, eacn measuring 8Qx40x3 mm, wer6
used as samples. Before spraying-on the stainless-steel layer, the pieces were
etched in HC1 and degreased with CC14. Then the were coated with the
stainless 1xl8N9T steel. The whole surface of the sample, including its ends,
were metallized. The protective action of the coating: on the rate of dissolving
of the plates was determined In aqueouv solutions of B~SO4, HN03 and HC1 with
Card 1/?
The protection of low-carbon steel by a ..... A16o/Aloi
different concentrations. The electrode potentials of the pieces were measured
in H2SO4 and HNO solutions. The experiments yielded tho following results: (1)
The resistance o? the metallized samples in HCl is lower than the resistance of
a low-carbon steel. (2) The resistance of metallized sariples in " S04 depends on
the concentration of the latter. The maximum corrosion rate of metallized pieces
is observed, in contrast to the samples made from St-3 steel, In a 15 ,;'a solution
of H2SO4, i.e., the passivation of metallized pieces appears at a lower t;Z~ncvntra-
tion of acid as compared to non-metallized samples. (3) The electrode potential
of the metallized steel in H.,,SO4 is more positive than the electrode potentlal of
the non-metallized steel, anil grows with an increase in the concentration of acid.
(4) Me resistance of the metallized stee.1 in BN03 is 3,0D0 times higher than the
resistance of a non-metallized steel. (5) The higher the concentration of 11NO13
and the longer the duration of its action, the lower the corrosion rate of metall-
ized samples. Compared -to a low-carbon steel which passivatou in a 60 - 80 % so-
lution of HNO3, the metallized pieces undergo passivation in a 30 % solution of
ENO 3' V_ Tarizova
[Abstracter's notat Complete tranclatiQn]
Card 2/2
Me DGvelopment and Inveotigation of Automatic Devices for Thermal Resistance.9
Cand Tech Scip Belorusoian Polytothnio Inst iseni L V, StalJxs 25 Dec 54.
(SBp 14 Dec 54)
Survey of Scientific and Technical Distertations Defended at USSR Higher
Educational Institutiono (12)
SO: SUM. No. 556v 24 Jun 55
. - , I JA ,
I k,
Applications end secondary characteristics of thernistors. Trudy
Inst.energ.AN BOM no.1:62-81 '54. (KM 9:8)
-7) ,
U4R/Chemical Technology. Chemical Proticts and th,.-ir Applicaticn. J-1-2
Glass. Ceramics. Building Materlals.
Aba Jour: Referat Zh.-Kh., Wo 8, 1957, 27682
Author D.V. Dorofeyev.
inst Beler"Oslwr-polytechnical Institute
Title Characteristics of Dependence of Saxicondictor Resiutivity on
Orig Pub: Sb. nauch. rabot Beloruss. politekbn. In-ta, 1956, no 46, io2-,Lli.
Abstract: The tempera" dependence of the resistivity R of ther-mor,!sis-
tors up to 150 has an exponential character: R R'. - a V/ -, I
where R_ Is the conventional resistivity at T ~- , B is a
constant characteristic of the material of Vie thermoresistor,
and T is the temperature of the body of the thermresistor In
'K. The magnitude of the temperature factoro- at ame censtant
temperature T is determined by the value of the coz~wtant B, be-
cause -B/Tt The dependence between the voltaee and cn-rent
Card 1/3 -67-
USSR/Chemical Technology. Chemical Products and their Application. J-12
Glass. Ceramics. Building Materials.
Abs Jour: Referat Zh.-Xh., No 8, 19~7; 27682
is expressed by the equation U = I . R,.. - e Ccnsidering that
at any given magnitude of the current, the heating of the thern)re-
sistor is determined by the conditions of the heat interchange irith
the medium) the temperature and the resistance im,v have several
values at the same current. In the result of the above, the volt-
age in the thermoresistor can have several values at the same cur-
rent magnitude, i.e., it can be deformed. Thez--fore, I-.- is necec-
sary to have a settled regime of self-heating in order to obtain
the volt-ampere characteristic set in advance. T-f b is the heat
emission factor, T Is the absolute temperature of the thezrmoresij;-
tor, and To is the absolute tenperattxre of the medium, then the
voltage will be determined by the equation: U = L-R... b(T - T,:))
el?/I- _740 Consequently, a change of the heat emiasion factor b
causes a deformation of the volt-ampere characteristics, which ca*a
be utilized in corresponding installations. Giving various shape;j
Card 2/3 _68-
USSB/Chemicza Technology. Chemical Products and their Applicatl~n. J-12
Glass. Ceramics. Building Materials.
Abs Jour: Referat Zh.-Xh., No 8, 1957, 27682
and dimensions to therwresistors cf the wm rat,,~rial, It Is possible
to obtain various values of P,,o in each of them. U:4er aonditions of
a settled regime, the voltage in the thermoresi-,tor can have a maxi-
imm at B >,, 4TO, i.e., at lw temperatwea or the Meumn, the volt-
ampere racterlstic ran have a maximum at small ragriitudes of B,
but witb the rise of the temperature of the welium, a maxim;m is
possible only at sufficiently great values )C B.
Card 3/3 -69-
AUTHORS Nechayev G.K, DorofejeY D.V., Candidates of Technical
'TITLE A Relay Effect in Circuits Regulating Temperature.
(Releynyy effekt Y skhemakh raguliroyaniya temperatury - Russian)
PERIODICAL Elektrichestvo, 19571 Nr 9, PP 53 - 54 (U-S-S-R .)
ABSTRACT Only direct current-jamp is made use of in temperature indicators
and heat protectionf the authors here show that for temperature
regulation also the whole cycle,that is to say the direct-and the
rebound of the current can be used. If a relay is connected in se-
ries with a thermal retistancefresponse of the relay at 01 and a
disconnection at 02 can be attained in the case of a corresponding
parameter selection. e1 is a temperature at which the amperage in-
creases, and ()2 is that at which it decreases. lf the characterist-
ics on the occasion of the increase of current are recorded and the
process is then arranged the reverseway, a coincidance of the cur-
Yes can not always occur. Such a coincidence was obtained in the
case of a thermal resistor KMT-11; this was the case with a diame-
ter of the closed donor of d-53 mm. Therefore this resistance is
recommended for works in plants using the relay effect. The sche-
me given here was checked experimentally and showed the best re-
suits. 1he temperature could be regulated within the limits of
e-91-e2-20C.O~ -is the temperature or negative reaction.
(5 illustrations and 5 Slavic references)
Card 1/2
A Relay Effect in Circuits Regulating Temperature. 105-9-13/32
ASSOCIATION Institute for Electrical Engineering of the A.N. of the Ukrainiansm
(Institut alaktrotekhniki AVUkrM) and Minsk Institute for the
Electrification and Iteohanization of Agriculture (Minskiy inatitut
r.~,i 2/0
elektrifikatsii i mekhanizataii sel'skogo khozyaystya -).
March 18,1957
Library of Congress.
Zoo 0 SOV/112-59-21-44642
Translation fromi Referativnyy zhurnal. Elektrotekhnika, 1959, Nr 21, P 148
AUTHOR: Dorof qyev, D. V.
TITLE: The Plotting of Static Characteristics of a Thermistor by the
'lethod of Interpolation ib
PERIODICAL: Sb. nauchn. rabot Belorussk. politekhn. in-t, 1957, ur 61, pp 121-
ABSTRACT: By an experiment with thermistors of KMT-10 and )BIT-1 ttpe has been
found out, that within the temperature range of TU-- 80 C the power
dissipated in the thermietor is a linear function of the environ-
ment temperature. Therefore, if the volt/ampere characteristics at
two values of the environment temperature are experimentally ob-
tained, it is possible by means of interpolation to find the volt
ampere characteristic for any given environment temperature. The
technique of plotting is as follows; Several values of current
must be taken and for each of them the power dissipated in the ther-
miator at certain environment temperatures must be computed. Through
Card 1/2 the points obtained straight lines are plotted in orthogonal syutem
The Plotting of Statio Characteristics of a Thermistor by the Method of Inter-
of coordinates. These lines are graphs showing the dependence of the power dis-
sipated in the thermistor on the environment temperature, and they make it poll-
sible to determine the power dissipated at a given temperature and consequently
the voltage drop on the thermistor at a desired value of current. Volt/~mper~/
characteristics plotted by the method of interpolation agree well with those
obtained experimentally, 5 references.
Card 2/2
1 jV
all JAI' a, vat
DOROFEYEV, P.0 podpoll-ovnik
Firing with the aid of a mdar station, Voen, vast. 43
no.2:71-73 F 164. (MIRA 1?:I)
IMA,A.A., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk; PAVIOV.D.A., Inzhener; PCFKOV,
P.A., Inshener; DORMY31Y.F.I., Inshener; MORCZOV,N.I., Inzhener;
Coffer construction by neans of deeper sinklng. Transp.stroi
no.5:23-24 JI'55- (MLEA 8:12)
DoRoyffzv, G..
Public pressure has helped. Sov-Profsoiuzy 7 no.15:45
Ag '59. (KIRA 12: 12 )
1. Pradeadatell postroyachnogo komiteta tresta Ho.40 Tatar-
skogo saynarkbota.
(TAUR A.S.S.R.-Conatruction industry)
Determining the optimm frequAmey of re roing the fuel aprey
in open-hearth furnams. Metallurg 9 no-5:22-23 My 164,
(MIRA 17t8)
1. Donetskiy filial Ukrainokogo nauchno-isoledovatellakogo
instituta metallcrv i zavod In. Illicha.
[Measurment itresonance absorption integrals for various
substances aM of the multiplication coefficient (effective
umber of escoblety neutrons) of resonance neutrons for
fissionable isetspOij] Inereniia resonananykh intograloy
poglasbobomils, dlis, ras3icbzWkb wesbebeeW I koeffitzienta,
rasmsbamila (offektiTnogo obisla, vtorlab2Vkh neitronov) na,
rezonanorqkh neitronakh dlia doliankabilk'n ia, izotopov. Moskyap
1955. 13 P. WMA 140)
(Neutrons) (Isotopes) (Nuclear fission)
Pe. / ~ (:, F1 r x r ~' rA
Category : USM/Nuclear Fhysics - Nuclear Reactions
Abe Jour : Ref Zhur - Fizika, No 1, 1957, No 557
Author :Sphvak, P.Ile,,Urozoliaskiy, B.G., Dorofeyev,G.A., Lavrenchik, V.N.,
Kutikov, I.1b., and Dobrynin, Yu. P.
Title :Deterrination of the'Arera:ge Number of Neutrons,.Oeff, Emitted by a
Single Capture Act for the ;kotopeb U233 , u235, and j~1239 in the
Ultrathermal Region of Neutron Energies.
Orig Pub : Atom. energiya, 1956, No 3, 13-20
Abstract : 7he variation Of deff Was measured for the isotopes u233 U235 and PU239
in the ultrathermal r4gion of neutron energy. Meff of ;b3 remains un-
changed all the vay up to energies on the order of 100 ev. i-leff of pu?39
diminishes by 12% during the transition from the thermal spectrum to the
of 0.15 -- 0.5 ev energy spectrum, and then remains unchanged-,P'eff Of
u235 remains unchangedupon transition from the thermal spectrum to the
0.15 -- 0.5 ev energy spectrum, and then drops by 18% upon transition
to the energy spectrum 0 -- 130 ev.
Card 1/1
'PO Ro
Crtotrory USSR/Nuclear Fhynics - Nuclear Ronctions
Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Mike, No 3, 1957, No 6o4o
Author Spivak, F.Ye., Yorozolimakly, G.A., L,~vrcnohik,
V.N,, Kutikov, I.Ye., Dobrynin,
Title iIvorape Number of Neittrona Etuitted by the U233 1 61351 end
pu239"Isotopen Upon Capture ooffNoutrona with Energies from
30 -- 900 kov.
Orig Pub : Atom, eneigiye, 19r,,6, No 5, 21-26
Abstract t The vrlues of-~ of of U233, IJ235, and Pu239 were measured for
30 -- 900 kev noffrons by means of a mothod employing two
indicator systems, having a different dependence of the ef-
ficiency of the neutron energy. Tho proms. Wneutron sources
em~joycd were the photoovutron sources Sb1 + Be 430 kev),
Ge + D20 (140 kov) NaZ14 + D2 0 (250 kov), end NO + Be (,QC)O
The results obtrined ere listed in the tables
Card 1/2
Tur. M04V iuvl!~ RIX AND Pa- ON CAOTLUF, OF' rEu-
TRomawak Eximes FRoa it. To Oco kav. P. F..
C" S"o ft"'
-khak. D. 0, grocaltz.- ' -. OA
Dabrlmfn, Fovldt J.
NO. 2. 30;-fo ors):
7vrg&-w;;;;7V-* *" Mae w W.If fer the tecAci4s UU1.
U"' god W* (te fteatt
-=with evArgtas (r= 30 to M kav.
U t# disomared that to th IA onergy rdLion vt-q 1wrosse a
mtst&WAW as tbd twutrw awrgy ~auih)
i; 1a-2
QR0 FF--Y[--V,
TITLE: The Cross Sections of the Fission U 233, U235, U 239 and Pu 240
for Neutrons with Energies of from 30 keV to 5 NeV (Russian).
PERIODICAL: Atonnaia Energiia, 1957, Vol 2, Nr 1, pp 10-17 (U-5-3-R-)
Received: 3 / 1957 Reviewed: 3 / 15157
ABSTRACT: I. Measuring of the dependence of the croes sections ox ;no
fission of U233, U 235 and Pu239 was carried out by counting
the fission fragments by means of an ionization chamber con-
taining layers of the fissioning substances. The experimental
order is demonstrated by means of a dravingi the chambeis
used for fission were filled with (90% Ar + 10% C02) with
200 torr and operated according to the principle of elentron
collection. Also the control tests and corrections are dis-
cussed. The fission crone sections df were measured in
series with one of the sources mentioned here and with the
source Ob + Be, The arose section for the neutrons of this
source was put equal to one. A table contains the here found
experimental values of the relative cross sections df for
U233 , U235 and U239 , and also the definite values after con-
mideration of the corrections.
Card 1/3
?A - 2049
The Cross Bootions of the Fission U 233 1 U235, U239 anei PU 240
for Neutrons with Energies of from 30 keV to 5 Nov (Russian).
11. The absolute values of !U for U 233. U235 and PU 23!) were
determined only for the neutions of the source Sb + B;.
I graphite prism with proportionality counters filled with
BF 3 was used as neutron indicator. Measuring results and
the cross sections computed therefrom are given in a table
and the corresponding corrections are discussed.
III. The absolute values of a- for Pu240 were measurod for
neutrons of different energie's b th e method as used for
measuring the relative values oTdf f:r8am
U233, TJ235 and Pu239. Measuring results are given in a table.
V. Discussion of MeasurinK Results: The here found fission
arose sections of
U 233t U235 and Pu239 agree well with the data obtained by
D.J.HUGHES and I.A.HARVEYO Neutron Cross Sectionsp Ile Graw-
Hill camp., N.Y. (195i)- With respect to other workit both
agreement as well as considerable di:3agreement was found.
Card 2/3
Pk - 2049
The Cross Sections of the Pission U 2339 U2350 U239 and Pa 240
for loutrons with Energies of from k9V to 5 MeV (Russian).
The data supplied by the last-mentioned table permit the con-
clusion that the threshold of the fission of
Pu 240 in between 25 and 900 k*V. The values of tho fission
cross section of Pu?4 obtained by the present work agree with-
in the limit of measuring accuracy with the value Df
(It, + 0"3) mentioned by JU.S.ZANJITNIN, Ltamnaia 3nergiia,
enoloiuro Nr 1 (in print).
AVAILLBLIN Library of Congress
Card 3/3
-b C je
AUTHORS Dobrynin Yu.N.,Lj~e ~svG.~A_, Kutikov I.Ye. 89-10-9136
TITLE Measurement of Hooonanoe Abe-orption Integrals in Zirconium Speci-
(Izmereniya rezonananrkh integraloy pogloshchenlya obrazteov tedr-
koniya - Russian)
PERIODICAL Atomnaya ~Xnergiyaq 1957, Vol 3, Nr lo, pp 323 - 324 (U.S.S.R.)
ABSTRACT Zirconium specimens with a different content of hafnium were in-
troduced into the center of a graphite prism and irradiated with a
collimated neutron beam of the reactor B.B.P. Measurements were
acted with the reagnanoo integral for boror.:Ll- 375~.
d(s) 3 was measured at(2,3+ 095); for pure zirdonium.
There are I table and 2 Slavic referenoea.
SUBMITTED May 2o, 1957
AVAILABLE Library of Congress.
Card 1/1
'Do e tA.
896.10-12/36 -
AUTHORS Dorofeyffy.) GVAq , Kutikov, I.Ye. , Kucher, A.M.
TITLE Comparison between USSR and Swe4ish Neutron Standards.
(Sravnen4m standartuykh nsytzvTrqkh istoohnikoy SSSR
i Shvoteii.)
PERIODICAL Atomnaya ExergiYar .19571 Vol- 3P Nr If., PP-326-330
ABSTRACT The Russian neutron xta~dard'scuroe 1,g was measured
in 1952 t (4-70 t 0,30) - 10511/moo, "
and the :ource H22 was measured in 1951 at
(5-96 t 007) - 1054/sea.
The Swedish neutron standar sourc was6measured
1952-1954 by Larson at (2165 : 0105) " 10 U/sec. on
the occasion of Larson's visit to Moscow the three
11 ouro:s were compared among one another and
Q1/0% 2 = 0#439 1 0.5 % and Qla20322 - 01082 1 0,5
was measured. If, in addition the time factor is
taken Into acoount, the three aQurces have (for 1957)
the value-,
CARD 1/2
Comparison between Vaor and Swedish Neutron Standards.
QH26 6#07 106n/880
QR22 4P82 105n/Deo
Q, (2,86 0,06) . 106n/aeo.
There are 2 tables, I figurt, an& 6 Slavic references.
ASSOCIATION: None given.
SOBVITTED: 20-5. 1957.
AVAILIBLE: Library of Congress.
CARD 2/2
'U ;t"
FT o'_~A.x
tf fig* 11113ow
-OW koki
raa miftms of IP, wd On fail 1;
*:am wk ca"""44 IW i9
(IQ *AV:, SA #ffdcti. crese
I .4 bam%.
-- w T~
AUTHOR: Dorofeyev, G.A.,_Candidate
ces, Scien-fMic Consultant
sels World Fair
TITLE: Atom (Atom)
of Physical and Yathematical Scien-
of the "Atom" Section at the Brus-
PERIODICAL: Nauka i zhiznl, 1958, Nr 10, pp 26 - 28 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The article deals with scientific instruments and apparatus
exh'J)ited at the Brussels Fair. There are 10 photographs.
Card 1/1 1. S,31entif le instruments--MM
7 (5) r 21 (1 )
AUTHORS: Vatset I P. I., Tonapetyan, S. G., 20V/89--7-2-16/24
Dorofeyev, Go Ae
TITLE: A Neutron Detector Having Oonstant Sensitivity for Neutrons
With Energies 0.025-14 Mev (Detektor neytronov s postoyannoy
chuvstviteltnostlyu k neyl,ron= a ener4;iy=i ot 0.01.5 do 14 Mev)
PERIODICAL: Atomnaya energiya, 1959, irol 7. ITr 2, pp l't2-174 (M)SR)
ABSTRACT: The neutron detector described in references I and 2, Yrith its
paraffin and boron carbide shielding Is moO.'fied (Detailed
sketch Fig 1). First of all the diameter of the 4 ron counter is
enlarged to 3U mm- It is filled with BF 3 (70 % B' ) of a 140 mm
Hg pressure, the operational voltage it; 1700 v and the plateau
approximatelY 300 v. The enlargement of the diameter of the
counter relatively inergased the sensitivity of the counter
concerning fast neutrons. The examination of the detector
sensitivity was made ir. "good geometry". The following neutron
sources were used: Sb-lle, Ra-Be, Na-D. Na-De. T(d,.n)He4
Pc--ct.-Be, and neutron s3urce according to ref 3. The background
caused by scattered neatrrms did not exceed 6 ~-. A I c strong
Card 1/3 Sb124 'r-source locatee ez r. 20 cm diatance fro.,~i the counter
A Neutron Detector Having Constant Sfinsitivity for ~07189-7-2-16124
Neutrons with Energion 0.025-14 MOV
did not impair the neutron sensitivity of the detector. The
standard istrongth of the neutron prepa-rations was kno,~Tn up to
an accuracy of t 3 fk,- The measurement of the relative intensity
of the mentioned neutron sources wa3 carriad out with an accuracy
of t 1-5 %,, The location of the counter in relation to the
paraffin block is sensitive. A few curves ahcm; that the sensi--
tivit:r of the counter decreanes wher. the boron counter is put
into the paraffin block. It was shown by --i experi:-.ent that in
a certain position there, is a constant sen3itivity towards
neutrons of energien of 0-8-14 Mlev- In another position the
sensitivity of the dttector for neitrons of an ene-z-gy beuieen
0.025 ana 5 mev is constant in the meaauriaL; accurac.1 range
3 '141) and docreaues by appr3xiinatoly 1' Yhen tLe neutron enmzy
roaches 14 mov, K, D. Sinellnikov, A. K. Vallter, 1. V.
Kurchatw and 1. 11. Golovin were interected in these studies and
"laborated from time to time. T. 1. Lyashonko and L. Ya.
Kolesnikov participBted in certain partial oxamination3. Thera
are 3 figures and 3 references, I of ,--,hich is Soviet.
Card 2/3
Neutron emlaol-.n frm atrongly excited nuclei, Zhur, ekap, I te7r,
fiz. 40 noMI004-1006 Ap 161. (MIRA 14:7)
(Nuclear reactims) (Neutrons)
PIMNOV 0 M. 1.
Study 6f a thelda nAutron source.. Atom. energ. 15 n0-31
2C0-204 S 163, (Km 16 1 lo)
(Nexitron sources)
",;. , 1, 1-,'7 1" Flf~ "OFE iLV, G.A., i :,"` " " " 1 - " , :: :"t' " , '. '.
~ ~, 1, .. 6 ~. .. .. ., I ,
Nr~jisurt,,m,~.,nt of the njeutron ylr~llrl fr-,-l wl~
A. . 3 N-r- 'F.".
tubon. Prib. J tokh. eksp. 9 m)-6:3;-i '' I
(: ~ -1 ! ~.A I S. 3 )
YIJDIIII, 1.'iklzll Fadorovich; F(X.;ItIYFli, Vladludr Ignntlyt-vich;
,v fir
E '111. r(A.
[I:eutron dosimetryl NeltronnaAa dozirr.-eti-lia. ,zd-
vo s tai. , 1964. 214 p. WIRA 17-.q~
------ W L_ U36
L 193 33 -_65 FWT( M-) Pb-4 -DTAAP a)-;5/kkD/AF11C(t)/FZA EM, 'I; DIM.-
LCCESSION Ma. A P4049543
rNUTHOMS tGarapcv, E. F.,- Gryaznov, Yu. U.,- D02.'Off2X3&- G. A.
Tlr'LE: Errors In the calibration of Gamma diosimeters in a Calli-
mated beam
SOURCE: Atomnalra energiya, v. 17, no. 5# 1964, 4AC-412
reOPIC TAGS% raliation dosimetry, gaj=a detector, calibration spec-
AESTRACT: To study the errors due to the difftrence between test
and laboratory con(litions, the authors measured -the variation in the
re-Aiation sp ectr um as a function of~the-aperture arij:Le of the col-
limated beam' and ijf -thedistance between the datector and the source,
with an aini. at establishing a method for determining the contribution
ol' the scattered radiation. -The primary source w was 2 x 2 cm of ,
C060. The meacorements were made wLth a standard calibration rule.
,Cofd 1/2
ACCESSION NRt AP4049543 .47
ThD 7 ray detect-or was an Nal(Tl) crystal measuring 40 x 40 mn with
an FEU-13 photoriultiplier, placed 100, 200, 300 and 400 cm from the
sCurce. For each distance, spectra were taken at o:):Llimating-
chazine). diameters 13, 14, 30, 40, and 60 mm. The accirarmy of the
measurements iE di:3cussed, It is concluded on the ba-sin of the re-
SUItS that the bulk ofthe -stray radiation in a collimated beam is
p3.oduced in tho shielding- -material in the direct vicinity of the
source. The upe of acavity -equal -to or larSter
_witb djahensions
than the diameter of tbe-collimatinc-channe-1 greatly redudes the
si:zay radiation, so that channels With diameter larger than -,:10 Mm
can be used without a noticeable change in the I ray intensity in
thz? beam. Oriq. art. has: 3 figuresi.
SUBMITTED: 041)ec63
Cc-rd 2/2
ENCL: 00
MHER: 000
TITLE: Measwrinp thhe tron. vield of pulsed W:u
n~yu ~n jubes
SOURCE: Pribory i tekhnika eksperimenta, no. 6, 1964, 32-33
TOPIC TAGS: neutron source, neutron yield, neutron detertor
ABSTRACT: An Pitivation method is described of determining the neutron yield
of a pulsed neiltron tube by means of a device calibrated In a ontinuous neutron
beam, The ncutran detector was reprosented by ig laXylinder whose
diameter and height were 25 cm. Inside the cylindor, thrt.-e Geiger counters were
symmetricallf mounted. The detector was pla-ced at a distance of 10 cin or mo-re
fromla tritium tai:get in a sealed tube. Neutrons were produced by loombarding
the target wilh 100-kev deuterons* the frequency of the neutron pulses was 1-400
cps; their duration. 10-f'-10'3 sec. The detector was irradiated by D, T-neutronri'
L 27228-65
obtained from a continuous neutron source for 1.000 see. and a curve of decay of
activated-to-sat'uration silver was. measured. --From thetie experiments, the
-coefficients Jor a neutron-yield formula were The average numbe:r of
neutrons per pulse was found to be- about -5 x 10'0. "The authors wishto thank
V. T. Shcbe'3olev for lending them the neutron source Ewd for his help in the
experimentit =6n. Orig, art. has., 6 formulas.
:Card 2/z
V '"1117,V( h)
AUTN01-1:!va, L. Ya.; Denlsi~zov, A. I.; Dw.-okyiw, G. A.,
V. V.; Gara-iLj--;- 1:.
ITTLE: Corimariscal of varlouo me&6hc-)d,s of activity meanurernei-As b,-y beta and
9 arru-na. -r aalUti QU-x -
TOPIC Tx*,'GS: ractioactivity, radloact1vty mea.surcrtiont, radioactive prepAra.tlion-
ABSTRAC'J.4;1 ii-or evaluating ih:6 methads and a-ccuraciec )f activity
and Fe preparations we7e tosted lit the labozalorifis-of
mer,tb, a nurrIcer of Codo 69 A
Gl". i%E SSSI', Lnll Ministry SSSSA. Theugi were used. (1) Beta-
ga.-x=-- coiric -donce (st-1.1beac detector and Nal (TO li:.-yatai); Garrima-gam-ma
coiricidence; (3) Two et yi -bata proportional flow counter; (4.) End-mindov.,
counter; (5) loninati,= cb.-arnbors. The abzol%Lte by Methods I Z,
Ccrd 1/Z
4 -6,
z.-Lnd 3 were ;*ound to bo correct to within� 1%, Meatsurementf; with F59wert.- let;s
z.c;nirate bc~-aune ol the Alow specific activity of uolutiliz;j (-pmma) and cornpli.caLed
Jacay mode (beta-ganunv.)o Orige art, has: Z tzblcc.
NO REP SC V: 005
E:,.ITCL: 00
OTHZR: 003
sun, cori-m NP
YORIIV-VA, 11. ., ~.- .16 J, I , N. -,:. ; LEP""RSKI-7,
K - "', NEVICH, I.i,.; volic'; Yr,"
------ -
t,-i eff! -lint, InsIgn rf tht'i part-I of hlpl.-,Apacl ty ap!::--hf.,art.h
I ~ -
furnaoes. Metallurg 10 nc.8*23-.24 P.,g (~CRA 18:8)
-,. D(;nNi.ICI!ezTi--t I zavod Ln. Tlllc4q.
Study of the operation of ports in heavy duty Lpen-hearth
furnaces. Stall 25 no.4:324-325 AP 165. (MIRA 18:11)
1. Donetakiy Institut chernoy metallurgii.
TRETIYAKOV# Ye.V.; TRUNOV,, Ye.)..; Prinimali uchaBtiye: ANDREYEEV, V.L.;
Mastering the operations of 650- and 900-ton (mega - gram) capacity
open-hearth furnaces at the Illich metallurgical plant. Stall 25
no.8:805-807 8 165. (MIRA 18:9)
1. DONNUCHERMET i Zhdanovskiy metallurgicheskiy zavod imeni 1111cha.
Lt 079-57-' 07
AT6031328 SOURCE CODE: UR/3163/66/000/004/0026/0033
AUTHOR: Vasillyev, R, D,;,Dorofeyev, G...A.; Petrov, V. I.; Pirnenov, M. I.;
Shevcbenk.o. V. F.
ORO: non e
Iq 87"Y
TITLE: Determination of the yield of nuclear reactions in thick targets with
energies tip to 100 Kev
SOURCE: Soyuznyy nauchno-isoledovatellskiy institut priborostroyeniy . Doklady,
no. 4, 1966. Opredeleniye vykhoda reaktsiy Deyteriy (deyton, neytron) Geliy tri
i Tritiy (deyton, neytron) Geliy chetyry v tolstykh mishenyakh pri energiyakh
TOPIC TAGS: nuclear reaction, neutron, deuteron, neutron flux, all-wave
counter/ Nk"T-200 cascade accelerator
ABSTRACT: On the basis of previous works, a determination is made of the yield
of nuclear reactions B(dn)#eJ and ,,)HC.4 in com-
mercially produced thick targets along accompanying particles at deuteron energies
up to 100 Kev. The neutron yield was measured with an NG-200 cascade accelerato
Confirmation was made of the virtual absence of scattering in target nuclei N03
Card 1/2 UDC: 539.17
1 AICC_NR__:__
escaping toward the counter. Results of the calibration of the all-wave counter
confirm the corrections of the method used to determine the neutron flux density
and the yield of the reactions D(d,") Hea and Wn) Ile Orig.
art. has: 4 figures and 11 formulas.
SUB CODE: 20, 18/ SUBM DATE: 200ct65/ ORIG REF: 001/ OTH REF: 006/
Card 2/2
L 6-67 EWT(m) 1JP(81
_4CCRr"AT6031330 SOURCE CODE: UR/3163/66/000/008/0022 25
AUTHO.q:, Vasillyer, R. D.; Dorofeyev, G. A.; Petrov, V. I.; Pimenov, M. I.;
Shevchenko, V. F.
TITLE: The method of similarity of radiation fields used in the adjustment of 4-
neutron radiometers
SOURCE: Soyuznyy nauchno-issledoyatel'g_k1y LrLst1Lut_.Rrjb_qr9pt_r_qy .16 Doklady,
no. 8, 1966. Primenenlye metoda podobiya radiatelonnykh poley pri nastroyke
neytronn.Ykh radiometrov, 22-25
TOPIC TAGS: radiometer, gamma radiation, neutron flux density, all wave
vounter/11UP-1 radiometer, KPN-1 radiorneter, KE)US-IM radiometer
ABSTRAC.T: A method is described for adjusting radiometers by using the.
simila rityof radiation fields produced by neutron sources. The methods were
tested with an all-wave counter and RUP-1, KPN-1, and KDUS-lM radiometers.
The disevimination threshold in all instruments was set up so as to make it possibl(_
to discount the effect of gamma radiation. The results of the adjustment of neutron
radiometers by the method of similarity of the radiation fields were compared NV!th
the resu:.ts of the calibration of the same subrange. In all cases, the results of them_
Card 112 UDC; 539.1. 075. 2:539.125. 5
- - - L o5~2~_67
ACC N" AT6031330
adjustment and the calibration coincided within the limits of measurement error.
The economic advantage of the method of similarity for the adjustment of radio-
meters is evident. In this case, the limits of radiometer calibration extend two
or three times, the measurement time is reduced, and working conditions are
safer from radiation. This compensates for the small decrease in the accuracy
of the determination of neutron flux density with radiometers adjusted by the
similarity method.
SUB CODE: 20, 18/ SUBM DATE: 05Jan66/
Cmd 2 / 2
L 05W-ul -~-;JT~m) IJP(G)
ACC NRt AT6031329 SOURCE CODE: UR/3163/66/000/007/0016/0022
AUTHOR: Vwillyev, R. D.; Dorofeyev, G. A.; Petrov V. I ; Pimenov, M. 1.
Shevchenko, V. F. ---
ORG: none
TITLE: Calibration of radiometers of thermal neutrons in a diffused stream
SOURCE: Soyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskly iniL~ fL 11iya. Dokjady,
no. 7, 1966. Graduirovka radiometrov teplovykh neytronov v diffuznom potoke,
TOPIC TAGS: radiometer, thermal neutron/RUP-1 radiometer
ABSTRACT: A method is described for cali rating RUP-1 radiometers with a
minimum of 101,16 accuracy. Results of calibration of thernial neutrons in a diffuse
field and in a directed stream were compared. It was found that radiometers
calibrated in a directed stream showed a reduced magnitude during measurements
in a diffuse field. As a rule, diffuse fields occur in real conditions, therefore,
rt-adings of radiometers calibrated in a directed stream must be increased during
card 1/2 UDC: 539.1.075.2:539.1,089.6:539.125.5
L C,5,~27-67
A 129
measurements In diffuse fields. Readings of the RUP-I radiometer for instance,
must be increased by approximately 3016. Orig. art. has: 6 formulas.
SUD CODE: 20/ ISUBM DATE: 05Jan66/ ORIG RC, F: 003/ OTH REF: 004/
Card 2/2
~/ '~.- - U. I % -1
At6031327 SOURCE COM. UR/3163/66/0001003/0022/0025
AUTHOR: Vasillyev, R. Doroteyev, G.,A.; 1~etrov, V. L; Pimenov, M, I
Shevchenko,- V, F,
ORG: none
TITLE: On the problem of using.nublear reactions to calibrate radiometers of fast
SOURCE: Soyuznyy nauchno-isoledovatellskly institut i1riboroptroysplya. Doklady,
no. 3, 1966. K voproau ob ispollzovanif yadernykh reaktoiy Deyteriy (deyton, ney-
tron) Geliy tri I Tritiy (deyton, neytron) Geliy chetyry d1ya graduirovki radiometrov
bystrykh neytronov, 22-25
TOPIC TAGS: radiometer, nuclear reaction, neutron, neutron detector, neutron
flux/NG-200 generator
ABSTRACT: A study Is,made of the Palibration.of neutron radiometers with
energies close to 2. 5 and 14 Mev; formed during nuclear reactions
and .r(dl.,,) W' . respectively. A neutron NG-200 generator was used as
the accelerator. It was found that in some cases; neutrons from reaction
:ard 1/2 UDC: 639.
ACC NR- AT6031327
T(d.ii) 11e4. can be used to adjust instruments intended to register
neutrons from reaction The calibration error of neutron
radiometers fot both reactions was-. calculated as being the sum of the mean
square errors In the determination'of the neutron flux density and the readings of
the calibrated Instrument,; and was,-of the brder. of 5 to 19%. Orig. art. has:
1 figure and 1 formula.,
SUB CODE: 20, 18/ SUBMMATE*.~, none/, 'ORIG REF: 0051 OTH REF: 0011
V f
-T 'It- ;1,
Card 212
ACC NRi-IP602~20f-
AUTHOR: Vasillyev,, R.D.; Dorofeyev, G. A.1 Petrov, Vo I.; Pimenov, M. I.1
Shovehonko, V. F.
ORIG: none
TITLE: Calibrating thermal-neutron radiometers in diffused flux
SOURCE: Izmeritellnaya tekhnika, no. 5, 1966,63-65
TOPIC TAGS: radiometer, thermal neutron
ABSTRACT: The possibility of using a graphite moddrator as a source of thermal
neutrons for calibratirg neutron radiometers was explored. A fast-neutron source
(T(d,n)He4 reaction) was placed inside a cavity in the graphite. With thick indus-
urial ZrT and TiT targets, the neutron yield reached 10 per sec, at 100 kv and
100C4amp in the cascade accelerator. Theoretically, Q/P a 7000 per cm2; experiment
5600 per cra2; here, Q - yield of fast neutrons, P - thormal-neutron flux density.
Hence, a field of therm%l noutrons with a density of 106 noutr/sec.cm2 was feaBible;
these neutrons had a Maxwellian energy distribution and a temperature of 293K.
The technique of calibration of Soviet-made RUP-1 radiometer is described in some
detail. The radiometer aalibrated in a directional flux showed readings by 30$
lower than true value moasurand when used in diffused fluxes. Orig. art. has:
7 formulas.
SUB CODE: 18 / SMM*DATI:t none / MIG REFs 005 / OTH REF: 001
I- I-" -- 4-
I % 14.V .-I J 4-1,
k,.4- L-i.44-4: M
4. tnA.- 4., W~ -% A'. 4-
VM"- (j-A'jb 4~ Wokb6 ' -' .-
4.. b... J~, k,.,~
4" 9- z,4n to
4~ ltrUll. .,A
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ILA. - I a
A%k I zdA d. S-hm. for 9,4n -i-b- 9- 1
.t.ft 4~ U-b.. W- A"
..%. Lo. r -4 Ar. d. b~ 4~
R-t..., a,
r a u- -t i x m,-
- I~
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1#14 Jr P-' I-
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DOROYAMY, G.L. kand.medonauk
Result of penicillin aerosol therapy of catarrha of the respiratory
traot ab(mrd ship, Voene-medeshurs no.8:81-.82 Ag '57. (MIRA lOtl2)
(PUNICILLIN. therapeutic use
(R.respe catarrh*, aerosols ~RuO))
catarrh, penicillin aerosol ther. (Rue))
SMAGIR, G.A., prof.; DOROTBMv G*I.p kand.sed.nauk
Clinical and physiological principles In the compound therapy of
peptic ulaer. Terap arkh, 31 no,806-61 Ag 159. (KIRA 12111)
No,2 dlya usovershoustvoyRutya vrachey (nacb, -
1. Is Imfedr),
prof. G.A. Stagin) Voyenuo-mbditoinskoy ordena Lentua. ak&dauii iment,
S.M. lirova.
(INTIO ULC11R, therapy)
Experience in prednisolone therapy for allergic emplications of
roentgen and curie therapy. Med.rad. 5 no,10sl&-21 160.
YA4WLEV, S.I. j doktor mod,nauk; DOROFEYEV, G.I. p kand.r:ed.nauk; 0114IKlTM09
. B.A.; FOLUNOVA, I'S.K. ---
Clinical aspects and remote results of the treatment of acute
poisoning with methyl alcohol. Voon.-med.zhur. no.3:40-44 Rr '61.
Diagnosis of chronic! radiation sickness. Med. rad. 6--no*139-12
161. (M-1BA 3413)
in !~wiiv.,.ilenl;
En I.,
3'-: ju:~; J2, 2" '-'ar 55
VASILITRY, A.S., kand.tekhn.nauk; DOROT1173Y, G.I., kand.tekhn.nauk;
D., red.; 0 -,Ukhn. red.
[Changes In load parameters during Induction heating under
various operating conditions of generators] Ismenenie parametrov
nagruski pri Induktsionnom nagreve v razlichnykh rexhimakh raboty
mashinftogo generatora. Leningrad, 1955. 7 p. (Leningradskii dom
nauchno-tekhnichenkoi propagandy. Informatelonno teldmicheskii
listok, no-108(796)) (MMA 10:12)
Onduclion heating)
Card 1/1
Pub. 27 - 34/36
AID P - 1483
Dorofeyev, 0. 1., Kand. of Tech. Sci.
Book review: A. Ye. Slukhotskiy and S. Ye. Ryskin.
Inductors for Induction Hecting of Machine Building
Details. Masligiz, 1954, 320 PP.
Elektrichestvo, 2, 86-87, F 1955
The book is written for employees of machine-building
and metallurgical factories, for workers at scientific
research institutes, and also for the students of
institutes of higher education. The reviewer states
that the book is well written, contains much material
and good illustrations, and that the deficiencies
observed do not diminisk) ito technical and educational
Institution: Moscow Physical and Technical Institute
Submitted : No date
DORMYRY, G.I., kandidat teldimicheskikh nauk.
0*11~ offeat In a two--layer conductor. Blektrlchestvo U0.801-32
Ag 156o (HLRA 9;10)
I.Hoskovskly fI%1k*-tskhaieh*skiy latititut.
(Blectric conductors)
flu (j C111/C222
TITLE: An Example of a Solvable, Though Non-Nilpotent Alternative iLnuk~
PERIODICAL: Uspekhi matematichasicikh nauk, 1960, Vol-15, No-3, pp-147-150
TEXT: Let R - (X il I i-192t3r*-- be a countable set of symbols; xiC R are
called regular words of the length 1; the symbols xix i (i,2 be
defined. Then tho symbol (a)m is called a regular word of the length k+1
if a,is a regular word of theslength k and all x, in a satisfy the V~
condition i< a. Semiregular wordsof the length 3 be the symbols xi(xjxk)
AUTHOR: __R!~Eofeycv, I. D. (Engineer; Rear Admiral); Bukin, P. Ye.
2d Rank; Cain-TUa-te Zf -TUR-hical Sciences); Klimenko, N. A. (Engineer; Captain 2d Rank);
.Rikhter, A. A. (Engineer; Captain let Rank; Candidate of Technical Sciences)
ORG: None
.TITLE: 'Naval propulsion engineering during the j;ara of Soviet ),,jver
1SOURCE: Morzkoy abornik, no. 7, 1966, 76-83
,TOPIC TAGS: marine engineering, =irine engine, diesel engine, gas tur1bine engine,
;nuclear propulGion engine, engine performance cluxracteriatic, engine reliability
,ABSTRACT: The status of propulsion machinery building, as a base for powerful pro-
~pulsion installations, is of great significance '~or the building of a navy. 7he
!absence, in the past, of a strong machinebuilding base was the result of the depen-
:dance of the Russian fleet on foreign states for propulsion engineering. The main
,propulsion equipment for combatant ships was made abroad, or on foreign license.
;7he history of the development of "classic" stewa and diesel installations is reviewed,
ias are such new installations as atomic powered and gas turbine ones. Certain of the
'qualitative and quantitative characteria tics of the various types of installati
are listed for purposes of comparison. Orig. ar".. has: 5 figures and 2 tableE
SUB CODE: 13,15/
.TM DATE: None
Card111 2A
I-I, F.
Nervous Systz;lr.
Problem of the psyche and conciousnetis in the light of the Harxist-Leninist theory of
knowledge and I. F. Pavlovia theory of higher nervou;3 activity# Sov. pedag, 16 no 7, 1952
9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, September -19~, Uncl.
DOROFEYEV~ I. F.t "The significance of I. P. Pavlov's doctrines of
types of Wgher nervous activity for an understanding of the indiv-
idual pt.7chological differences in tempermnent, and characters of
people." Min Education RSFM. Moscow Oblast Pedagogical Tnst.
Moscow, 1956. (Dissertation for the Degrree of Candidate in Pedago-
gical Sciences),
Source; Knizhnaya letopis' No. 28 1956 Moscow