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ROZERBERG, B.A., DZHIGIPM, N.V.,-))OROFEIENKO, G.Nj BABIN, Yeap. Perchloric acid and its compounds as cata:.Yots in organic synthesis. Part 8: Catalytic acylation of some aryl olefins. Zhur.ob.khim. 32 no.10-.3417-3423. 0 162. (MIRA 150-1) 1. Donetskoye otdoleniye Instituta organ~.cheskoy khimii AV Ukrainakoy SSR. (Olefins) (Acylation) (Perchloric acid) DCIROFMNKO_, G.N.; DUIZNKOp V.I. 0---- Synthesis of 1,.3-dioubotituted 5.6,7.,S-tati-ahydroisopMlium beito,. Zhtw.obokhim. 32 nc)*1023445-3446 0 162. (KM 150-1) i 1. Donetskoye otdoleniye Instituta organichaskoy kbi-ii AB Ukrainskoy MR. (Pyry.Uum ecmpouu%) I ZHDANOV.9 Yu.k'oj XOROLICHEMKO, G.A.; DOROFEYENKO.-G.N Catalytic deacetylation by means of perchloric acid in the carbohydrate awries. Dokl. AN SSSR 143 YLO.4t852-854 Ap 162, (KRA 15:3) 1. Rostovskiy-nit-Donu gosudaretvannyy univorsitet. Predstavleno akademikow A.I.Oparinym. (Acetyl group) (Carbohydrates) (Perchloric acid) ZHDANOV, Yu.A.; DOROFEr..NKO, G.N.; KOROLICHENKO, O.A. Catalyzed acetylation of polycxxy compounds in the presence of magnesium perchlorate. DokI. AN SSSR I" no-5sIO50-1052 Js 162. (KRA l5t6) 1. Rostovakiy-na-Donu gosudarstvannyy univeraftet. Predstavlano akademikom A.I.Opwrinym. (Aoylation) 1 0 0. N,$ BARIN, Ye. P.; ROZOMIG, B. A.; OSIPO'I,, 0. A.; Kmiapmmov,. 0. re. Catalytic acetylation of some.polynero. Izv. vys. nabob. savo khis. i khim. tokh. 5 no.5tM4-807 '162. (MIRA 16;,1) 1. Donetakoys otdoloniye Instituta organichookoy khimii AN UkrSSR i Rostovskiy-na-Donu goffudarot"nW universitet. (Poywro) (Aestrlation) ZHDANOV, lu-sk., doktor khim. aauk; DOMMISM& 11-N.; KORDLIO KOSO.A.'e- BOGDANOVA, GA; MROVA. T.P.p red.i OHVETSQVj S,V., (Laboratox7 work in oarbohydrate chemistz7) Pra)rtik*t po khimii uglevodov. Pod obehohel red, N.A. Zhdant)va,.Lf,p.l Rosvusizdat, 1963, 119 po (MRA l6s6) (Cartobydmtes) DOROFEYENKO, G.; GEWIMMOO.A. ------------ O.Nbnosaacharides" by T. Stanek,, M. Corny, J. Kmcurek, J. Pacak. 'I - Reviewed by G. Dorofe:ronkol A. Gernaimpriko. Coil. CZ Chem 28 no.A: 276-277 Ja 163!,. 4 DORUFM~~". _!) DULENKO, L,.V.; DULENKO., V.I. Perchlorio acid and ito compounds as catalysts in organic syntehaU. Part-Bi Catalytic acylation of aromatic compounds by acid chlori4es in the presence of perchloric aci ~$ Ukrakh"zhur. 29 no.3:314-317 163. (MIRA 16:4) 1. Donetskoye otdolorLiye Instituta organicheskoy khimii AN UkrSSR. (Aromatic compounds) (Aoylation) (Perchloric acid) -DOROFEYENKOP G.N.; D-ZHIGIREY, N.V. Perchloric acid and its compounds as catalysts in organic synthesis. Part 11. Catalytic addition of earboxylic acids to cyclohexene. Ukr.khia.zhur. 29 no.6s616-617 163. (WRk 160) 1. Donetskoye otdeleniye Instituta organicheskoy khiaii AN UkrSSR. (Perchloric acid) (Acids, Organic) (C.Telohexene) DOROFEYENKO, G.N.; KRMN., S.V. Perchloric acid and its compounds as catalysts in organic synthesis. Part 16: Synthesis of 2,4,6-oubstiti:.ted pyr7lium salts by the acetyLition of some aromatic compcounda and ketones. Ukr. khim. zbur. 29 no.1031058-1063, 163. (MIRA 17sl) 1, Donetskoye otdol-eniye Instituta orgamicheskoy khimii AN UkrSSR. ZHDINOV, Yu.A.; PO~OFEIENKO, GA.; NARKEVICH, A,N. Condensation of pyr.,rlium sal4s.with some amino acids. Zhur.ob.khim. 33 no.71241&-2419 J1 1 63. (MA 16t8) 1. Rostovskiy gosudwetvannyy universitet. (Pyrylium compounds) (kmirto acids) DOR Itop G,j EMUSDEIIKO.. A. I i"Monosaccharldeew ItIJ. Stansks K,CI . Js lwour6k and J. Facak, Rerimmd b A 9 Dorofejenko lo Henaymenkoe Chem linty 57 no.1:89.J)O Ja 163. .DOROITUNKOP GAI OCHEREMO, A.P.1 PROKOFI'EV.9 F.V. Parohlaric aoid and its aoWo=,',m ma. t ' %to in organia synthesis. Part 9u Synthesis of ket- the pyrrole series. Zhureobokhin. 33 noS2086-590 Ir !63. (MM 16s2) 1. Donstokoya otdaleniye Institutt organiol skoy khimii U M-' . (Ketones) (pyrrolf ) 0 - rc:hloric aC4 -1 " ROZWBMG, B.A.; BODNARCHUR, lLD.;mRmNzmo. G.N.; BABDI, Ye.F. am Perchlorio acid and 'lU caipmande an oataly6to In organic synthesis. Part 109 Aqylatlon in the aosnaphthene series Zhur, obe khim, 33 no,51WI9-1492 Mf 163. (MLRA 16:63 1. Donstakoys otdolsniyo Ilwtituta organicheakoy khimil AN UkrSSR. (AcenaDhthens) (Acylation) (Perchloric acld) ZHDANOV, Yu.A.; DOROFEYiNKO, G.N,; UZLOVA, LA. - - - Newinethod of expanding the carbon chain of carbohydrates Irf means of Wittig reaction. Zhur.ob.khim. 33 zio.10:3444-3445 0 163. (141M 16:12) 1. Rootovukiy gosudarstvannyy universitet. ZRDPNOV, Yu.A.; PTqFEYENKO., GIN.; 2BLENSKAYA9 Sj. Z_ Thin-layer chromatography of carbohydratea on gypsum. Dokl. AN SSSR 149 no.6tl332-1333 Ap 163. (KMA 16s7) 1. Rostovskiy-na-Donu gositdarstvennyy unilrersitet. Predstavleno akademikom M.M.Shevyakinyzi. (Carbohydrates) (Chromatographic analysis) ZHDANOV, Yu.A.; KOROLICHENKO, G.A.; DOROFEYEW.0, J.N.; BOGDANOVA, G.V. Synthesis of nev C-glyaosides. Dokl. AN SSSR 152 no.ltl02-105 S 163. (MIRA 16:9) 1. Rostovskiy-na-Donu goaudarstyennyy umLyersitet. Predstayleno akademikom A.I.Oparinym. (Glycosides) KRrflWi-,S- V. DOROPZTMO Perchloric a'alti atid its eq catalvta in organle synt)-da. - ,q _p Part 13: Preptunition of acm~2,4,6-triaryl. pyrylilum aalts aM aryl- substituted-ppidinea, ob-khim-.34 nci.1:105-109 Ja 164. (MIRA 17:3) 1. Donetskoye otdolenlya Inatituta organichebkoy ihlmii AN UkrSSR. KRIVIJN, S.V.t SHIM, Zh.V.; DOROFEYENKO, G.N. Perchloric acid ani its compounds as catalystis In orgibic synthesis. Part 17: Synthesis of pyryliun malts by -the condensation of el~ -dike- tones with ketones. Zhur.ob.kh1m. 34 no.1:167.-170 Ja 104. (MIRA 170) 1. Donatskoye otdelaniye Instituta, organichesitoy khimil AN L1krSSR. DORCFEYENKO, G.N.; DULENKOp V.I,; KOVALENKOg N.V. Perchloric acid and its compounds as catalysts in organic synthesis. Part 151 Preparation of alkyl pyridines from secondary alcohols,, Zhur. ob.khim. 34 no.11332-334 Ja 164. (MIRA 1713) 1. Rostovskiy-na-Donu goinidarstvannyy universitat i Donstskoys otde- leniye Instituta erganicheakoy khimii AN UkrS3R. Kh!V;jN$ ... V., ~ U. I Vuthmoi5 of rb. f.!Am. 34 je '64- 27i'lj I I ", I . i!(' till V., V,% tirnjy Vfj ~ vor-', . tn- t. DOROPE=Op G.N.; ZWNGIYETUj Gel. Syn1hesis of Mylium salts from hydrocarbons with tertiary carbon atoms. Shur. ob. khim. 34 no.7t2469-24TO J1 164 (RM 170) 1. Rostovkiy6-na-Donu gosudarstvannyy universitet i Institut khimii AMN SSSR. ZHDANOVt Yu.A.; KOROLICHENKOO G.A.; ZHUGIYETUP G.I. Some properties of the peroblorates of acetylated inonosaccha- rides in the synthesis of 0-g3,ycosides. Dokl. AN SSSR 154 no.4:861-863 F '64. (KERA 17:3) 1. Rostovakiy-na-Donu gosudarstvannyy universiiAt. Predstav- leno akademikam B.A. KazanBkim., I.' I. ZHDANCV, Yu-.A.; -1, Du Iv 4" -'.YFNKO , G.N. ; 4"ALMiKOV , V.A. ; SAFAI-'YAN, G. P. vondensati,)n of chromylitin perch'-,oratA **ittt arouititic a1dohydes. DokI. All 255 no. i11115-1.18 Ap 164. (MIRA 17:9,) 1. Rootovskly-na-Donu gcpudnr.-tvorm 'vy universi Le, , Pred- stavlono aPudemIkt-.-,-- '-I.X..Shemyak-4nyu, 7 -I ? av e~ffij 0.71 1-., DOROFEYEEK),..G.N.; DUUNKO, V.I.; DULENKO, L.V. Perchloric acid and its compounds as catalysts In organ1c synthesis. Part 19: Synthesis of 5,6,7,8-tetrahydroisochromylium salts by acy- lation of /_\I-cyclohexonylacetoplienone. 7hur. ob. khtm. 34 no.9: 3116-3119 S 164. (MIRA 17:11) 1. Rostovskiy-na-Donu gosudarstvennyy universitet i Donetakoye otdeleniye Instituta organicheakoy khindi AN UkrSSR. DOROPTYE I_MRBAII, V.I.,* DLlIJ-:NKO, L.V.; I;O'Jlf:CV, '!.N. ---- 1~ Synthesis of some ketones In the furan and thlopheno mu-ies. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; khim. I khim. tekh. 7 no.3:432-436 164. (MI7,A 17:10) 1. Rostovskiy-na-Donu gosudarstvennyy univeraitet, ka-fedra khimii prlrcdnykh i vysokomolckulyarnykii soyedineidy. DULENKO, L.V.; DUIMIKO, V.I.; DOROFEYENKO, G.N. Perchloric acid and its compounds as catalysts In organic synthesis. Part 20: Synthesis of 01,6,7,8-tetrahydroisochromylivii salts with heterocyclic substituents. Zhur. ob. khim. 34 no.11., 3588-3591 N t64 (MIRA 18t1) 1. Roo tovs~ 4 yi,,,na-Dcnu gosudaretvamyy universitet i Donetskoye otdeleniye Tistituta organichaskoy khixii AN UkrSSH. WWFEYMKO~ G.?,'.; 1,11AZAIWA, :".V.; I-'()VIK()V, V.I,'. Reaction of be-zylldcne and `irfur,, lidene dlac,,Oq.-~~(!ror~c w'.th acetyl porchlorate. Zhur. (b. kh.fir. 34 no.12:3918-'.111?21 D W, I'M'IF-A IS:I) 1. Rostovskiy-aa-Donu gosudar2tvennyy univer~l tet. PALCHKOV, V.A.; ZHDANOV, Yu.A.; DOROFEYENKO,-,G.N. Synthesis of a stable radical from 2,4,6-triphenyl pyrylium salts. Zhur. org. khim. 1 no.6%1171 A 165. (MRA 18t7) 1. Rostovskiy-na-Donn gosudaretvannyy universitet. HDA110V Yu.A. !.i".:A , 1 Method of -:xtorillitir t,;o -Firiti;,rt P~w-r. (.1' ar,d syn thes Is of C-glyco3i,!~!o I~y of Witt!~- reft. ll g t n. ob. kilim. 35 ria.1:181-IF3 !a Ful F, y n - . -.,: P~ k qostOvskiY-T'a-l)C-r.'.',l * vt 1 ;,.114K0, G.N.; SHFIVIN NAZAROVAI 11 1, %N." V~q, G.P. p I Condensation of 1-methyl-3-phenyl--5,b,7,9-,tPLrgiby.~.1r.315cchT--..Iyjium perchlorate aldehydes of the aromatic and h--!Iv~~rucyclif~ su.-~es. Zhur. ob. khim. ~5 no.-4.,5?CL-574 Pr 165. 0111111~/ 7111~-Jlll) 3. Rostovokly--na-Donu Foauderstvennyy uriversiket... DOPOFEYENKOP G.N.; ZIIUIIGIYI,.TL, 0.1. Method of the synthesis of pyrylitm salts by conderisation of oxymethylene ketones with ketones. Zhur. ob. khIm- 35 no.3t 589-590 Mr 165. (MIRA MO 1. HostovBkJy-na-Donu gosudaretvennvy universitet i Institut khindl AN Moldavskoy ISSR. DOROFEYFIIKO (3.N.; KRIVLIN, S.V.; IE7HERITSKIY, V.V. ~ Perchlor4c acid and its compounds as catalysts in organic a: nthesis. Part 21: Triphenyl pyrylium salts with functional 3ubstituente in aromatic ringii. 2hur. ob. khIm. 35 no-4:632-635 Ap 165. (1,1111A 18: 5) 1. Rostovskiy-na-Donu gonudarstvenziyy universitet. ZHDANOV, Yu.A.; DOROFMNKO,_,q,.q.j FALCHKOV, V.A. Perchloric acId and its compounds as catalysts in organic synthesis. Part 23% Salts of 2-alkyl(3,41 5p6] bla(Indeno)pyryllum. Zhur. ob. khim. 35 no,5i827-831 W 165. (MIRA 18e6) 1. Rostovskiy-na-Donu gosudarstvennyy universitet. . QaQa'V.BNKO,- -.14.; ZHUNGIYET-U, G.I. jj'unghlatu, G.T.1 _L PerchIcrie acid and its compounds as caLalysta in organic synthesis. Part 22.; Synthesis of pyryliun talts from compounds with a tertiary carbon atom. Zhur. ob. kh!m. 35 no,6.-963-967 Ja 165. (MIRA 18-6) 1. Rostovskiy-na-Donu gosudarstvennyy unlIversttet I Tnstlt-at khA.mii AN Moldavskey SSR. ZIIDANOV, Yu.A.; DOROFTYENKO G,11.; U"'-LOVA , L.A. ----j. - Syntheals fir C-vuljotltuted un.,mLiinted 7 Witt g reactiGn. Dokl. AN -"",P 160 (MI-IRA [F-:2) 1. Rostov ski y-na-Donu gosudarf;tvenryy Submitted July 4, 196,1. DOROFEYENKO. G.N.t KRIVUNj, S*Voj DULENKO, V.I~; ZHDANOV, Yu.A. Perchloric acid and its compounds in organic synthesia. Usp.khiz. 34 no.2:219-252 F 165. (WFA 1815) 1. Rostovskiy-na-Donu goBudarstvannyy universitet. DOROFF.YSNKO. G.N.; LAZURIYEVSM, G.V., akademik; ZHUNGIYE71-i Gj,; Synthesis of porrylium salts by the condensation of hydroxy- methylene~clohexanone vith ketones. Dokl. AN SSSR 161 no.2s 355-357 Mr 165. (MIRA 18:4) 1. Rostovskiy-na-Donu gosudarstvennyy universitet i Inatitut khimii AN Moldavskoy SSR. 2. AN Moldavskoy SSR (for Lazurlyevskiy). ZHUNGIYL'U, G.I.; DOROFEYENKO, G.N.; LAZURIYEVSKIY, G.V., akademik S,rnthesis of 17-methyldihydrot tosterone derivattves condensed with pMIiuwi%Qp.,ridinium cycles. Dokl. AN SSSR 163 no.2072-374 Jl 165. - (MI RA 18 7) 1. Rostovski)-na.Zonu gosudarstvennyy universitet i Institut khiAii AN MSSR. 2. AN MSSR (for Lasurlyevskiy). DULPNKO, L.V.; DULP.NKO, V.I.; KRIVUN, S.V. Now method of synthesizing 2-benzopyrylium salts. Zhur. org. khim. 1 no.6sll7l-1172 Js 165. (WRA l8s7) 1. Rostovskiy-na-Donu goaudarstvennyy universitet I Donatskly filial Vaesoyuznogo nauchno-issladovatellskogo instituta khimicheskikh reaktivar i osobo chistykh khimicheakikh vashchestv. ZEDANOV,, ru#A#i UZLOVA; L.A.1 DOROMEMKOt G,N- Now aptbasin of maturated C-glycosiden of anthrons and fluorene. Zbur.VIHD 10 ne.5s600 165. (MIRA 18:31) 1. Rostarskiy-na-Donu goeudaratvemVy univeraltat. ZHUNGMTH, G.I.; VOMELISKIY,-L.X.; DOROFZIENXO, G.N.; LkZMIIYEVSKIY, G.V. Pyr7lium_dar.iv&t.ivsA._on -the -basis -of steroid tqdroxymethylketones. Khiz. prirod. AOw4.Uo,5&318-=, 165. (MIRA 1802) 1. Institut. kbin". AN Mo'Anwalroy-.S3B.,-IWstoxit4V-na-Donu gosit- daratvennyy univeraitet i Ukrainakiy institut eksperimentallnoy endokrinologii. Submitted March 19, 1965. ZWT(z ACC NR3 AP6021632 CODE: SOML AUTHORt Zhdanov, Yu. Aal Dordayonko, G. N.1 Korol'ohordw, G. Aot OzoM ~JA- E, ORG: Rostov on the Don State Univors#y (Rostovskiy-na-Donu gosudarxtv9jv07 J/2 universitet) 13 TM-3i Condensation of D-glyceraldohyde'vith phosphoranas SOURCE: Zhurnal obshchey khimii, vo 36, no- 3, 1966, 45e-494 TOPIC TAGSt condonsation reaction, aliphatic aldoWe, chemioal synthoniag organio PhosPhorua comPound.substituent, eater, nonnotallic organic derivati" ARSMACT: A general mthod of synthesizing I-C-aryl-substituted unsaturated pentulosoa on the basis of the oQndonsation of glyooraldelUde with benzoylm3thyl- snotrilYhonylphosphorano and its derivatives is proposed* The preparation of four now unsat ated pontulosos is described, The ethyl estor of 4,5-0-dik3droxypontone- 2-oic acid an obtained in the reaction of glycorilde do with -c-arbetHc5iY=-U~-y1e-no- tripho 1 osphorane orig. art. hast 2 formulas* SUB COD3,t 07 / SUM DATE-;t 05rieb65 / ORIG REFt oo6 / OTH REFt 001 Card 1/1 L C, UDCt ACC NR, AP7011826 SOURCE COM UR/0079/66/i)36/010/1742/1746 AUVORt Zhdanov, Yu, A,j, Alokseyevo Yu. Ye.; Dorofayenko, G. N. ORG: Rostov on the Don State University (Rostovskiy.n&-Donu gosudarstvennyy universitet) TITLEI Condensation of phosphoranes with 192-0-cyclohoxylldene-alphs-D-xylopentadiala dose SOURCE: Zhurnal obshchey khtwilit Y. 36, no. 10, 1966, 1742-1746 TOPIC TAGSt organic chemical synthesis, organic phosphorus compound SUB CODE: 07 ABSTRACT: - 1, 2-0-Cyclohexylidene -alpha -D-xylopentod is Idose (I), a cyclohexylidene analog of 1,2-0-isopropylidene-alpha-D-xylopentadialdoce (a promising intermediato for the preparation of higher sugars with an aldehyde group at the first carbon atom by the Wittig reaction)o was synthesized In the form of a crystalline, non- hygroscopic powder. Its infrared spectrum and structure-ravealine; chemital re- actions vere studied. The compound van found to react with phosphoranes of the second group, forming unsaturated derivatives of sugars with a furanose ring. Orig, art, hast 3 ConwIss, CJ_PRS% 40,35V Card 1/1 UDC:_ 547,454,661.718.1 I . , . 1 -r/ j 1. L 03026-,".7 i-,4P~ jp'c ----- - ---- ACC NRo AP6025990 SOURCE CODE: UR/0079/66/0313/007/1283/1285 AUTHOR: Gridina, V. F. Kleban3kiy, A. L. ; Bartashev, V. A. -, Do,rofeyenko, L. P, .Kozlova, N. V. ; 1G;5Fn`ova,_1 ~.' Ve.- !ORG: none ~TITLE: Synthesi and properties of bis(trimethyl.,jilyl)borates 'SOURCE: Zhurnal obahchey khimii, v. 36, no. 7, 1966, 1283-1285 TOPIC TAGS: organosilicon compound, organoboron compound, organic synthesis, hydroly- I :Sis 1ABSTRACT: The synthesis of bis(trimethylsilyl)borates is of interest because they Iserve as the basis for the production of valuable polymers I In -this investigation fbis(trimethylailyl)-pr,opylborate, biti(trimethylsilyl)-3,3,3-trifluoropropylborate, bis li(trimethylsilyl)-phenylborate and bits(trimethylailyl)-m-trifluoromethylphenylborate :were synthesized with different substituents at the boron atom, in order to detemine Ithe effects of the structure of radicals on various properties cof the B-O-Si bond. The Istructure of the above compounds was detemined by elemental analysis and infrared ispectroscopy. All compounds absorbed in the 13140 cm-1 region, characteristic for the ~B-0 bond, and in the 1410 am-1 region, characteristic for the M3 9"2uP in the CH3-Si 1configuration. Arylborates displayed absorption band in the 1630 cm I region, charac- UDC: 546.287+546.27 L 03026 -67 ACC NR, AP602544-0--- teristic for benzene ring. Fluorine containing compounds 1000-1200 cm-1 region, characteristic fbr the C-F bonds. at large dilution in anhydrous nonpolar solvent Si-O-B ani lysis by traces of water only in the case when one boron C-I bonds. If in addition to these bonds boron also has lysis stability increases due to the screening effect of its structure. Orig. am. hast 1 figure, 1 table. SUB CODE: 07/ had absorption bands in the The obtained data show that C-O--B bands undergo hydro- Ltom tmntains three Si-O or t cov.jlent carbon bond, hydra :he radical, regardless of SUBM DATEi 3014ar6S/ ORIG REF: 005/ OTH FXF*-. 009 Card GODYTSKIY, Mlkf~iill~drjgdrlIyevieb; POROFEMKO, Mikliall Petrovich; WRYPI]IIIA, L,E.., red, (Collection -f indepen4ent studies and tesL problems in algebra and gecm.etry for the eighth grade] Sbo---nik saw- stoiatellnykh 1, kontroI'wjkb rikh3L po aluebre I geomotrit dlia 8 klassa, Minsk,~ Narodna-la asveta, 1965. lm p. (MIRA 18s?) 1~ KINEV. S.; NOVOT, M., tkachikha-, BAZIUWV, T., olasarl (g.lagansk); P'On At.; SMMIJOV, A.; Al-IMISAMMOT, A. (Dnepropetrovsk); Mff, KIBBLIW, V. Bditor's viall. Bov.profeniusy 7 no.18:40-45 S 159. (miu 13:2) 1. Prednadatall komitsta profsoyuza rikokavatornogo teakhA Uralma,- sbzavoda (for Kinev). 2. Profgraparg fabriki inani 8 martit. g.Ivanovo (for NMI)- 3- Predsadatell rayonnogo komitata prof- ik9yuza zheleznodoroshnikov Valikolukal-cogo otdoleni" Kalininakoy shelesnoy dorogl(for Dorofeyev). 4. Profgruporg otdolonlya litay- nogo teekha zavods stroymehin, g.Orak, OranburgHL-aya oblaat' (for Sheyanov). 5. Inapaktor TS3ntz-alluago komiteta profnoyuza rabochikh i sluzhashchikh sellskogo khozyayetva I zagotovok (for Kiselev). (Ifficiewy, IndustrIal) ICHARINA9 N.; MCIIEDLISHVILIt I. (Thiliai); Fl."TROVO H. (stantsiya Agryzp Kazanskoy zheleznoy dorogl); ZHENOV, N. (g.Sovetek, Kaliningradekoy zhelazncT dorogi)j DORO~.-A.j TIMOFUKV, re., gazoalparAtchiki ZHORZHOIADZEt O.j TMINO I; '(Minsk) Letters to the editors. Sov. profsoiusy 17 no.1:39-42 Ja 161. (MIRA 1/,:l) 1. Brigadir brigady kommunistichea):ogo truda Navooibirskogo koshevenno- obuVnogo kombinati (for Kharini). 2. llredsedatell rayonnogo komitelui profsoluza zbelemodoroahn' ovv Velikiye Luki (for Dorofeyev)i. 3o Chltm bibiloteohnogo soveta g.Sbalino (for Timofeyev). 4. Predeedatell Dorozhnogo kcmiteta profsoyuza rabotnikav zheleznode-r;~zhnogo trans- porta '!akavkazdkoy zheleznoy doro#.i (for Zhorzholadze). (Trade uniorw) PORO. ~,, ~Jk Carilirinto of TechnJcnl gel-mcos Ailthor of nrticlii, "Th- Chnvictor-l-tien of -in At,-, 7.'xplo-lon," Doblast' , (2Jth Air krmr), Su:~ 5/,; 5sovetnI-n-m Am."J-,rr,, Croup of ')o-fiqt Pnrces, Gormnrkv, V, Auf, , 54 SO-' -IM4 P91, 2 Pric 1954 DOROPEYEV, A. (Engr - Mai) Author of articlej, "Atomic Wbapon and Antiatomic Defense (Radiation Recormissance)," concerning the characteristics of various types of atomic explosions (Land, air, and sea), the pattern of radiation resulting from them,, and the methods of conducting reconnaissance after atomic blasts. (KZ, 23 Oct 54) (KZ -- Krasnaya Zvezda) SOt Sum 369, 2 Feb 55 MM13ye, A,# twhener-mavot, kwadi&t tekhnicheskikh nauk. The nature of an Moxic explosion. Toon. Snan. 30 no, 8:19-20 Ag.154. (VISA 8:1) (Atomic bomb) 11 n17,,! I~~oolz Cf a "Or)-~.-ratio- Under Conditions of Ri~dioactive Fall,nv Problcms in-tlic Utilizotio:i of Atomic the collectlov ol' ,jrtJcle3, rublishcd in AID P - 4703 Subject USSR/Aeronautics - Air defense Card 1/11 Pub. 58 - 15/17 Authors i Arkh1pov, M., Candidate in Technology, and A. Dorofeyev Title Engineer defensive means against atomic weapons Periodleal t Kryl. rod., 5, 21, MY 1956 Abstract i The author passes in review different possible ways of protecting the population of inhabited localities from the effects of atomic attacks, and indicates where and how shelters may be organized. One design, Institution None Submitted No date 85-58-3-24/26 AUTHORS- Arkl-.,ipov,, M., Candidate of Technical Sciences, and Doroieyev, A. TITLE: Conduct of Population During an Atomic Attack (Povedeniye naseleniya pri atc-nnom napadenii) PERIODICAL: Kryllyarodiny, 1958, Nr 3, P 31 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The authors state that losses in human lives and material resulting from an enemy atomic attack can be greatly reduced bit adequate warnings and preventive measures, involving constant air observation and speed in issuing warning signals. Should the objective of the attack be within 100 km from the border, the enemy plane would cover the distance in 6 minutes, during which time much could be done by local anti-aircraft defense. Under an immediate threat of attack, the "Air Alarm" signal is sounded, consisting of prolonged blowing of whistles by factories, plants and steamboats, while sirens are blasted by radio for 2 to 3 minutes. The Air Alarm signal serves simultaneously as the signal of an enemy atomic attack. As soon as areas contaminated by chemical substances and radioactive Card 1/3 Conduct of Fopulaticn During an Atomic Attack 85-58-3-24/26' fall-out are discove;-,ad, the"Chemical Attack" signal is given over -t-he radio by strfki_-ag metal objects, such as pieces of rails, etc. Preventive Indooll defen3e measures require the removal of inflammable articles from ha'I'J'.s E.-a-3 attics and the maintenance of supplies of water for fire fighting a4nd for drinking. Befo_,a leaving a building during an alarm, windows and Mutters must be closed, fires in hearth3 ard stoves extinguished, heating and gas appliances disconnecte6. Wooden fences and piles of trash in streets must be removed. Iridividjuols should keep anti-chemical defense remedies against radio-active, ftll-out; these include antigas equipment and protective clothing. Bed and table linen, bandages and handkerchiefs may'serve as prot'-0eption from radioactive dust. In wartime, areas exposed to possible .9ttack are placed under martial law. Local civil and military nvganizations issue special orders and instructions which a21 citizens must carefully study and strictly observe. At an Air Alarm. Bignal.the pvpulation, whether at work or in other places, must immediately seek shelter. Those at home should dress quickly, gather their protective equipment, clothing Card 2/3 Conduct of Population During an Atomic Attack 85-58-3-24/26 and food, disconnect utilities, extinguish stoves, close windows and shutters, and leave for the nearest shelter, following the direc- tiona, the.streete.The first indication of an atomic explosion is a blinding flash visible at a distance of many kilometers. In this case, everything depends upon the distance from the epicenter of the explosion and on the speed and efficiency of action. As soon as an explosion occurs, one must immediateily seek some protective shelter or lie face down, covering the exposed parts of the body and turning the head away from the explosion. The area may be contaminated by radioactive substances (Boyevyye radioaktivnyye veshchestva - BRV), either fall-out from an atomic explosion, or scattered by planes, artillery, mines, etc. The effect of radioactive.substances upon the internal organs Is much greater than upon the external parts. The penetration of alpha and beta particles into the human organism Is particularly dangerous. Precautionary measures in contaminated areas include - prohibition of smoking, drinking, or eating without authorization, care to avoid raising of dust or lying on the ground. A weapon iz dangerous only so long as protective measures remain unknown. Defensive measures and methods against atomic weappns are now well known and need only be studied and applied. AVAILABIX: Library of Congress Card 3/3 DOROFEYIN, A., inzhener-pod~olkovnik, dotsent, kand.tekhn.nauk Proximity fuses. Vest. Vozd. Fl. no.11:87-89 N '61- (MIRA 15$2) (Guided missiles) (Fuses (Ordnance'/) I DOROFEYEV, A.1 TSVETKOV, V., vrach; BAKHTIN, A. Readers relate, advise and criticize. Sov. profsoluzy 18 no.806-37 062. OURA 15:4) 1. Predsedatell rayonnogo ko mitsta professionallnogo spyuza sholesnodoroahnLkov Velikolukskogo otdaleniya Oktyabrlakoy shelesnoy dbrogi (for Dorofeyev). 2. Belokolodazlekaya uchastkovaya bollnitsa, Orlovskaya oblast' (for TSvetkov). 3. Zaveduyushohiy klubom Sualongerskogo lesokombinata, Marlyaka.,,a ASSR (for Bakhtin), (Comunity centers) (Oral Province-Agricultuml workers-Diseases and hygiene) DOROPE rEVj.,-A. Closer-to-production education creates more stable haLits. Avt.- transp. 40 no.4t4g-49 Ap '62. (WRA 15:4) 1. Direktor Chelyabinskogo avtodorozhnogo tekhnikuma. (Chelyabinsk-Technical education) DOROISYEVO A. Better organization of practioal training. Avt.tranap. 41 no.2t5O F 163. (KIRA 1632) (Automobile drivero-Education and training) ,e ; 1~ . DOROMEV I k I Eddy currents prevent accidents. Onstakh. 7 no.Us26-31 N 162. (KIRA 15s12) (Metals-Testing) (Electric currents, Eddy) 11 BYKOVSXI:T, Vadim Nikolayevich, dokior teldinichaskikh nau~- *DMOI*Imvo L.A., radahor; ROSTOYTSUA, X.P., relaktorl POS , T."r.-,TWW n"Mkiy rodahor Dlue in constmation work] Ilet v ittrottalliVkh konstruktatiakh. Hookva, Goo. bid-vo lit-r7 pa stroitalletvu i arkhttakture. 1955. 6,11 p - (K= 8:6) (Adhesivea) DOR07r,rIV. A.7. - I Volga-Baltic waterway. Transp. stroi. 9 no.11:23-26 N '59 (MI" 13:3) 1- Umestitell nachalInIka proisvodstvennogo otdela Glaymorrachatroya. (Volsa--Baltic canal) DOROFEYEV, Aleksgy Fedorovich; KLMASFIMIICH, Vladimir 111'eh; MM91CIF_N_KO_,7T.., red. [Manufacturing large sand-lime blocks with unslaked lime- practices of the !-Ansk P2ant for Large Building Florientsi ProizvodAvo krupnykh allikatnykh blokov na negn3her ~ iz, vesti; Iz ojr(ta raboty Hinskogo kombinata krupnoblochkvkh str,. illnykh konstrukt3li. Flinsk, (zor,.izd-vo RSSR, 1961. 89 1, - (MIRA 17;6) DORDYBYXY, it. I. ......... ~,, ---C ~ 4 F-, Wl-~ V~ - "Jimplify the payment of workers. Torf.prom.33 no-2:23 156o OMMA 9:6) I.GlavW bukhgalter Sverdlovskogo torfotresta. (Peat industry-Accounting) -1 , ~: . ~ -, i_ - -- ; I - . ."~ -, ~ - --.I.,- ..ri - 1 1: , - -..- - ;-, - I I~ 1., .4 -.' ---:,, - : ~-. -! ~,--. . I- --- ~- . -" ~- ~ -: - .:- . --- - -- : -- -- . -- --,-----I . - - - -.: - - --. - -- -1-2~----- ~~- ---- -- -- - .-- - - - - - -- --- - II ~ . - -- . -M--- LEVI, S.S., kand, tekhn.nauk; RATNER, N.A., inzh.; KOFMICF, L.Kh.,, inzh.; WDATYJLN,, S.A.j, inzh.;,PQROFEM,,--A.Xvj- inzh. D'YACBENKO, P.Ya., in2b,j KLIMOVA, G.D., red. izd-va,- 140CIIALM,s Z.S.2 tek-hn. red. - [Instructions N9-61 on reinforcing techniques in industrial and public construction) Ukazaniia po tekhnologii proizvodstva armaturMkb rabot v pror7ablennom i grazbdanskom stroitellst'Ve 09-61). Mosk-vap Gostroiizdato 1962. 319 p. (HIRA 15:7) 1. Akademiya stroitel'stva i arkhitektury SSSR. Institut orga- nizataii, mokhanizataii i tekhnicheskoy pomoshchi stroitel'stvu. (Concrete reinforcement) (Precast concrete) 26 (5) AUTHOR: r,orofeyev, A. L. SOV/32-25-7-25/50 TITLE: Hon-destruotIve Tests According to the Method of Eddy Currents 7)y Means of an Attached Coil (Nerazruchayushchiye ispytaniya metodom vikhrevykh tokov a pomoahchlyu nakladnoy katushki) PERIODICAL: Zavods kaya laboratoriya, 1959, Vol 25, Ur 7, PP 650 - 853 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Devices for the control of defects in material by means of eddy currents are explained where the test object is not destroyed. The working principle of these devicos is based on the determi- nation of the effect of an electromagnetic field of eddy cur- rents in the exciter coil by determining phase and amplitude of the current. At pre3ent there exist devices of this kind which can be applied for the deteGtion of defects in surface layers of nonmagnetic metals for oontactleas measuring of e-- lectric conductance, thickness of galvanic and varnish coatings and for measuring the thickness of thin sheet metal and tube wells. The apparatus used for this kind of measuring consists of a sand generator ZO-12, and inductometer 273, a q--meter KV-12 lamp voltmeters (for example MVL--Zm' and oacillographe Card 1/2 BO-7p as well as a coil transmitter (or two, a measuring coil Non-destructive Tests According to the Method of SOV/32-25-7-25/50 Didy Curronts by Means of an Attached Coil ani a compensation coil). Two block eahemes of this kind are di,soussed which can be applied in laboratories. The thickness of eleotrict non-conducting coats was measured by means of one of the described devices and it was found that the eddy current method can be used for measuring thicker layers, if the dia- meter of the coil is enlarged. The second of the described block schemes which is equipped with a bridCe circuit (Fig 4) served for testing cracks on and under the surface of alloy samples D16 and V95. There are 5 figures. Card 2/2 S/032/60/026/011/017/035 B004/BO67 AUTHORt Dorofeyev, A. L. TITLEt Suppression of the Effect Caused by Changing the Distance Between Coil and Metal Surface in Apparatus Using the Eddy Current Effect PERIODICALi Zavodeksya laboratoriyaq 1960f Vol, 26, No. 11, pp. 125' 1256 TEXTt The disadvantage of instruments for material testinAy means of- eddy currents is that their data are influeFe-ed-by- the distance between measuring coil and metal surface. The author describes an apparatus with a compound. coil whose prAmary winding is parallel to the primary winding of the search coil, whose secondary winding, however, is in opposite direction to that of the search coil. The author discusses the conditions for designing such a circuit on the basis of a change in the impedance of the search coil due to a different distance between coil and metal surface, of the conductivity and permeability of the metal to be tested, and the effect caused by the defects contained therein. With the circuit suggested the Card 1/2 Suppression of the Effect Caused by Changing S/032/60/026/011/017/035 the Distance Between Coil and Metal Surface B004/BO67 in Apparatus Using the Eddy Current Effect effect of the varying distance between search coil and metal is compensated insofar that only the voltage amplitude is varied, whereas the phase remains unchanged. S. N. Sadovnikov took part in the experimental work. There are 6 figures-TR77e-fe-rencess 2 Soviet and 2 German. Card 2/2 .-.. DOROMV~ A.L.IVMCILWSKIY# ,..D,,, doktor takhn. nauk, prof.. retsenzent; PUMDVMMp G#14.p inzh,p redal ACEYCHEVAS W.S.p red, izdwva; ORESH- R7NAp Map tekbrio reds (Nondestruative testing by the eddy current meUM] Nerazrushaiu- shchis ispytaniin metod= vikbravykh tokov, 14oakva,, Goo.nauchno- ttikbn.izd-vo Oborongim, 1961. 156 p. (MIRA 34:12) (Nondestruotivo testing) (Elactrio currentep Eddy) 8/032 62/028/002/036/037 B YB104 AUTHORs TITLEs Now devices for nondestructive testing of materials PERIODICALt Zavodskaya laboratoriya, v. 28, no. 2, 1962, 252 - 253 TEXT3 A brief description is given of three devices for the nondestruc- tive testing of materialst (1) induction device 0-11 (IE-11) is based on the use of eddy currents abd serves for the rapid measurement of the electrical conductivity at the surface of parts, semifinished products, products made of heat-resistant alloys, magnesium alloys, and other alloys of magnesium and other nonmagnetic metals. The electrical conductivity is determined at tho limb of the device (calibrated in absolute units of electrical conductivity) when the feeler is placed on the surface of the test sample. Relative measurements can be made with the scale of the pointer instrument. Each measurement takes 3 see. Measurements can be made up to a layer of paint or dirt of 0.2 to 0.25 mm on the surface. Properties affected by the beat treatment, chemical composition, purity. segregation, and surface cracks can be checked. Structural changes, Card 1/3 S/032/62/028/002/036/037 New devices for ... B116/B104 corrosion processes, eto. can be examined. Data of the devices 11 measurement range 0-5 to 5 m/ohm-mm4; maximumarTor + 3% for a thickness of the materialatl.2 mm and a diameter of 12 to 17 mm of the spot where the feeler is appliedl frequency of :urrent input 500 kc/sect input vol- tage 220 vi power consumption 36 w; nize 280-222-220 mm; weight 4.5 kg. (2) Induction device W9-1 (IE_ 1) of the zavod Elektrotochpribor'(Elektro- tochpribor Plant) in Kishinev, ul. Kbazdeu, d. 74. This is a device similar to IE-11, but withma different measurement range. Datas measurement range 15 to 60 m/ohm-mm 21 maximum erzor + 2.5% for a thickness of the material~--0.8 mm and a diameter of 10 to 15 ;6 of the spot where the feeler is applied; frequency of current input 40 kc/aecl input voltage 2201 power consumption 361 size 280-222-220 mm; weight 4.5 kg. (3) Induc- tive thickness gageTlrH-1 (TPH-1) of the zavod Kontrollpribor (Kontrollpri- bor Plant) in Moscow, Vorontoovskaya u1., d. 18, The instrument is used to measure the thickness of nonoonduct:: ng coatings (paint, anodic oxida- tion ). The thickness is indicated on a scale graduated in microns when the feeler is placed on the surface of the sample. Each measurement Card 2/3 New devices for ... 3/032/62/028/002/036/037 B116/B104 takes -2 sec. Datat totalceasurement range I to 200,-,.; frequency of current input 2 Me/secl input voltage 220 vi pover consumption up to 40 w1 size 276,222-196 mm; weight 4.5 kg. Z Card 3/3 3/op/62/028/0-J9/001/009 B104/B102 i i ri, ik)), Jorufeyev, A. L. C__~"Stin~t~of -rol'~-an-atubes of non-magnetic metals by the eddy current neClod I U ~j I r. A L .Zavoiokajra 1nbomtoiiya, v. 2,69' no; 9, 1962, 109, - 1100 'Phe ellipse m,(,athod used for detecting flaws as here descrilic."'. ' f~d,'.y c-,;rxi~nt inethod in which a mcasurinr, coil, and a compensatinr, coil eMit which -.)artly compensate one another so that in the cnse.of a fla-.-- Icss tpsf. 'piece nn ellipse is forined on the oscilloscode scrden. In t 111 e nionence of a test :jiece a z3t-.rnirht line is seen. The Aase of the refer- encr; vol tage can be so chosen that the inclination of -the ellipse cli;L~' J:es ,vith the i-A. dintriete. . Ylawr and chanres in thd stritoture of tine witeri-!l, c-,.uaina varintions of the electri 'a confluctivity, are shov.,n on the ocm:n by 6izilorted A stundard piece or a desiCnated pr-rt of the 91')CCV,40-n i!l Usqd for coi:,ponsation. The shnpe and inclin.:tion of the ellipse llow Vbp, kind of defect to be entimated. The ellipse method cakos it pon oilble to eliminate by suittible adju3tment one of the followinfi factors Card 11Z 6/032/62i Tce.tinjr o)f rods nnd tiibez3 . . . b 10,', /B 1 o'2 ii-ii , -k, tlie dcluction of defectz difficult: (1) V trintionz; in :al t'n.iCVnr--3iIG of tiibes;(2) vqristions of the inner ;ind outer Jia--eter, (3) AB non-uni:ocaiity uf structure. Detailed inve3rigationa show, that in t1lbef., it is pol-, iblo to dutect flaws Fffectinr 15-20,', of t;.(: wall triie"'.111,55 ~Imd that f1mvc in thick-walled tubes are revealed if ,---,y -ire not !: r, 11 c r i, i ~ i n G' - 15 mm -'Ciio prenence of ant(_-phasc makas fl-tv; ilotection more di f;' I.c-,dt. Card ~~/-z CHERKUN, V.Yu., kand.tekhn.nauk;-PQAPFEM,..A..L.-,[Dorofieiev, A.L.19 inzh.- makhanik For reliable operation of hydraulic systems. Hekh. oil'. hosp. 14 no.6t17-19 Js 163o (HIPA 170) D,OROFZYZV, A.M., Imndidat takhnichookikh nauk. 1- _fft .- ", '--' 'mdik of'sh"r for welded electriully riveted joints. Trudy Ural.polltekh,inst. no.42171-77 '35. (am 9:8) (Welding-Testing) DOROYBTXV, A.N., kandidat tekhnlchesklkh nauk. %%t --- MOMMISN"Oft Uperimental investigation of relative, shear in spot welded joints under shearing stress. Trudy Ural.politekh.last. no.42:78-86 155. ()UAA 9:8) (Welding--testing) DOROMN,.,A.N., kandidat takhiklebookikh nauk. -- Distribution factors as a beets for calculating shear stresses in joints with discontinuous displacement bonds. Trudy Ural. politekh. inst, no.62:73-84 156. (KRA 1032) (Weldiw-Testiva) (Strains and stresses) DOP,OFEYIEV,_A..L, dotsent, kand. tekhn. nauk; NIKONOV, 1.11., dotsent, kand. tekhn. nauk; KAI;fANOV, V.D., aosistent Vibration strength of olectrJe rivet wolds as related to the number of electria rivets in a longitudinal row. Sbor. nauch. trud. Ural. politekh. inst. no.122:254.-267 161. (MIRA 17:12) AM4008936 BOOK EXPLOITATION Dorofeyev, Anutoliy Hikolayevich Rocket detonators ryi'vral'41T raket) Hoscow, VoyenLzdat H-va oboir. SSSR, 1963. 84 p. illus., biblLo, Errata printed on inside of book cover. 15,000 copies printed* Siries note: Za voyanno-tekhnichookiye zna:miya. Raketnaya t-ekhnika. TIPIC TAGS: detonator classification, imp&-cc mechanism, mechanical detonator. electrical detonator, solid fual detonator, noncontact detonator'. radio detonator# optical deton.ator, artillery shell, missile, Doppler effect, emission impulse, reflection Lmpulse, target area PURPOSE AND COVERAGEt The book is intended for military personnel and students at military schools and for general readers. The construction and operating principles of percussion, time, and noncontact--action detonators are described. Concise information on their'development and classification ia given. Existing time- detonator characteristics are illustrated by detonators used during Card AM4008936 the World War II, The book utilized unclassified Soviet and non-Soviet publications and belongs to the series "Rocket Tech- niques'.' published by the Defense Ministry of the USSR. -TABLE OF CONTENTS: i Introduction -- 3 1. General information on detonators -- 3 2. Classification of detonators -- 5 3. Concise historical information -7 4. Basic requirements for detonators -- 11 Ch. 1. Percussion detonators -- 12 .1. Mechanical detonators 12 2. Electrical detonators 24 3. Diagram of.electrical detonators 27 Ch. 2. Time detonators ---3'3 1. SolLd-fuel detonators -- 33 2, Mechanical (clochwork) detonators 35 3, Vectrical detonators 37 Card t L 16759-63 EWPtk)/EWP(q)/kWT(n)/M OnC/ASD JD/'Mf S/..24/63/OW/004/057/064 AUTHORs Dorofe As KOJ Nikonov,.I. Pej "Lcz~y-_D- TITIZ: -Vibration strength-of eleotroriveted jolnts as afunction of:the number of electrorivets_# a longitudinal raw PMIODICALs Referativnyy zhurnal,, Makhanikas no. .4.,1963.. 57,, abstract 4V482 Me nauchn. tro Urallekiy 221itekhn. ii~-t. vyp. 122, b61., 254-267) TEXT: The-authors a4#uce data on the distribution ol. forces in joints consisting of are spot weldi s V points disposed in a single lines They reach a wn,,Iusion with use of -equatiog in finite differences. The couclusion is to the effect that an increase in the number of points in a longitudinal. row above 5 or 6 does not load the extreme points, and that therefore increasing thiz number is useless if intended to increase the strength of the joints* They present data from an experimentLl study of samples; these show that withyrepeated'loaWngs at cycle r equals 0.4 with number of points greater than seven,, the of the joint is lowered in comparison vith the optin* number of points (abotit 5). With a small number of points, the bearing capacity 16fa joint is increased linearly as they increase; but vrith n greater than 4, this increasedr,ops off sharp3y,. being fo3l=ed by an actual decrease. 0. A. Nikolayev. (Abstracter's note: Complete translation.] Card 1/1 DOROFEYEV, A.P. Quick method of determining the mineral conponition of clays. Raz- ved. i okh. nedr 27 no.107-58 Ja 161. (14IRA 17:2) 1. Podmogkovnyy nnuchno-issledovaiellskiy ugollnyy institut. DOROFFMI A.- P. .000m- .nal J-.A,-4nR layers of the Moscow Basin, Formation of sulfur pyritein r Biul,MOIP.Otd,geel*38 no*21126--4.I2-Xr4V'--'63. (MIRA 16&5) (MoseAw Basin-Pyrites) rnlkidze. DORGFEYEVp A'.P., asf-irarit Effect Of SOMO geological factors an the pyrite potential of coals in the Moscow region. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; geol i razv. 8 no. 12143-47 D 165 (MIM 19t1) 1. Moskovskiy geologorazvedocbnyy Institut imeni S. Ordzhonikidze. LOGGINOV, G.I.; DOROFEYEV, A.Ye. Radioactive method of determining the homopneity of mixtures of sand and cement. Sbor. trud. MISI no.50i5-10 165. (K[RA 18-12). L I .L4Z:L7.. _EWT(!n)_ -110 ACL NXj AT60165-i4 ---Suulfdk~ CODE2 UIV30 ST 'AUMORS% ~cgeiaQxx_2,_1Lj DorofeY9v,_A_-X9s_ /47 ORG: none TITLE: A radioactive method for determining homogeneity In a sand-cement mix .SOURCE.- Mo-scow. Inzhenorno-stroitellnyy Instituta, Sbornik trudovs no- 50v 19659 Fizicheskiye motody isoludovaniya avoystv atroitelinyM materialov minerallnogo proiskhozdaniya (Physical method* of investigating the properties of builAing materials of mineral origin)s 5-10 TOPIC TAG3-. concretes tracer study, radioactive agent ABSTRACT: Previously used techniques of employing radioactive isotopes for deter- mining homogeneity In aggregates are reviewed; and their defects are pointed OLIU These defects aret 1) clogging up the operation of the mixers especially when . cobalt is used; 2) necessity of using large quantities of activated materiall and 3) operation with short-lived indicators (half-life of hours rather than days)* The authors propose a method based on the selo:tive adsorption of Srt$9 on sand because of different degrees of contamination in the aggregate. In testing the materials crystalline sandsofgarious grain sizes and different degrees of contamination with clay were used, Sr was added in an aqueous solution of strontium nitrate (beta-ray Card - L-VT 1. 10349---67- ACC NRt AT6ol651h ene'rgy of 1.03 Mev and half-life of 50.5 days). Samples were tested for radioac- tivity with a B-2 end-window counter or with a BFL-2 or FZT-17 counter. Background was below h0 counts per minute, Graphs were plotted for counts per minute of tested samples against time from beginning of mixing. It was fowid possible to determine the degree of homogeneity,of a two-component mix by means of standard deviation within six hourso and when a hydration inhibitor was used -the time was considerably shortened. With this method the efficiency of the mixing operation may be determined without impeding or harming its activity or its production. Determinations are made from observation of the initial rate of docreasing standar4i deviation or the time . its asymptotic value in reached. It is possible in this way to determine the amount of clay admixture in sand by the amount of adsorbed strontium on the clay pattialese Orig. art. bass 3 figures and 1 formula. SUB CODEt 3-1,, J%/ SUBN UTE i nono/. ORIG REF 1 008 M 10% 1. 18.2000 78051 sov/13o-60-3-20/23 AUTHORS: Dorofeyev, B. A. (Director),Lipovskiy, I. Ye. (Chief '6~r e-FxperimenE-aT and Research Laboratory) TITLE: Stone Casting for the Industry PERIODICAL: Metallurg, 1960, Nr 3, pp 35-36 (UISSR) ABSTRACT: In 1958 the first stone casting plant I n the Uk raine was put into operatIon In Stallno. The charge of the Stalino plant is made up of (%); rock--70; dolomite dust--20; quartz sand--5-10; chrom'.um-magnesite powder-- max 5. Chemical composition Composition of Charge Materials M Components Sio2 Al203 FeO + Fe 203 C`ao MgO Others Rock 50--511 20-25 9-11 "1--4 3--5 5--6 Dolomite 9.8 3.8 2.3 50-~ 31.5 2.4 Sand 97.40 0.13 0.39 1.41, 0.40 0.24 Card 1/ 4 Stone Casting for the Industry 75051 SOV/130-60-3-20/23 The new charge and the technological process were developed by enginee-rs A. I. Sibilev and N. A. Bukhavtsev in cooperation with the authors. All raw materials except rock are precrus.'aed before delivery to the plant. Rock is crushed before charging. The melting period In 1-1.2 ton coke-fired furnaces varies between 2 and 2.5 hr at 1,4500 C. The plant specializes in the production of' 185 x 115 x 20 mm plates used for the lining of various bins and conveyers of ore, coke, sand, etc. The plant also produces 1,200 mm long pipes (150 and 190 mm diam) and 250 x 250 x 40 mm plates. At present the plant is trying tc Introduce ball mill linings and balls as well as insulators and intricately shaped plates. The plates are cast In heat-resistant steel chill moldo atid crystallizecr In a muffle furnace at 950-1,0000 C. Final annealing In a Lehr furnace takes 14 hr. Tempevature of 8he finished plates as they leave the furnace Is 50-6() C. Technical characteristics of Card 2/4 stone casting at the Stalino plant are: Stone Casting for the Industry Card 3/4 78051 SOV/130-6o-3-20/23 Specific weight (g/cm3) Volumetric weight (g/cm3) Oxidation resistance (according to State Standards GOST 475-53) in sulfuric acid in hydrochloric acid 2) Abrasion resistance (g/cm Mohs' Scale hardness Mechanical strength (kg/cm2): compression bending tensile Water absorption M 3.08 2.8-2.9 99-75 99.44 0.03-0.o4 8-8.5 to 2,500 600 150 0.01 Heat resistance is determined 8y heating specimens to 1000 C and water-cooling at 18 C. and equals 7 to lotemperature changes. 1 Stone Casting for the Industry 78051 SOV/130-6o-3-20/23 Chemical Composition of Casting M sio2 A120 3 CaO M;O FeO + Fe203 Na 20 + Kp 45-49 18-20 10-13 8--lo 8-9 2-2.5 Structure of the stone castiligs Is dense and uniform. Hardnes3 and abrasion and oxidation resistance indicate the applicability of these cantings in numerous fields. The authors recommend their u:se in roller-type screening machines, working wheels, and bodies of sand pumps, etc. The troughs and bins at the new Krivoy Rog Beneficiathn Combine (Novokrivorozhskiy obogatitellnyy kombinat) are lined with cast titone plates. Cast stone pipes are used at Chumakov Central Beneficiation Plant (Chumak- ovskiy TsOF), Mironovo State Electric Power Plant (Mironovskaya OMS), etc. The economic advantages as a result of the application of cast stone parts are tre- mendous: The life of the equipment increases from 5 to 10 times and thousands of tons of metal are saved. ASSOCIATION: Stalino Stone Caoting Plant (Icitalinskiy kamneliteynyy zavod) Card 4/4 ijt~~i,%)FraEVj 9.F.9 Cand Tech 5oi -- (diss) "Stabi ty of Ii pp with fill . carr, in unloading." KharIkov, 1959, 21/graphs (Ilin cf Railways USSR. Khar1rov Inst of ~ angineers of Railrao' I ov) 150 copies (KL, 2C-59, 126) r _)d ransport im S.11. K:Lr t - 56 -