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DORNETZIMBER; V.; YPGAC, M.; DOBROTA, S.; BAJAN, A.; STOJANOVAp E. Morphogenesis of the Kveim-Nickerson skin reaction in sarcoidools. Bratial. lek. listy 1+5 no-3tl35-143 15 Ag 165. 1. Ustav tubarkulozy v Bratislave (riadital MJDr. .1. Markovic) Katedra ftizoologie Ustavu pre dalsle vzdelavanle lekarov a farmaceutov v Bratialave-Podunajskych Biskupiciach (veduci doe. WDr. K. Virsik) a Krajoka nemocnica tuberkulozya chorob plucnych v Bratialave-Podunajskych Biskupiciach (riaditel doe. HJDr. K. Virsik) , Oddelenie hrudnej chirurgie (veduci WDr. S. Dobrota). DOBROTA, S. DURATNY, K.; TEICHER, L.; DORNETZHUBER, VI.; FINDOA, 11. on surgical and some other problems of chemodectoma of the glamus caroticum. Bratial. lek. listy 45 no.3:178-189 15 Ag 165. 1. Krajska nemocnica tuberkulozy a chorob pluenych v Eratislave- Podunajskych BiskupicJach (riaditel doc. KJDr. K. Viraik), Oddelenie hrudnej chirurgie (vEduci MUDr. S. Dobrota) a Ustav tuberkulozy v Bratislave (riaditel WDr. J. Markovic). SCMIARTZO E.; VALEXTINOVAJ,j 8114rOVA,lr,,; DOM KIZINLIM, V. - --l- Determination of the biological effect of gibberellic acid In guinea pigs with some biochemical methods. Pratisl. l6k. listy 44 no.10s621-6Z7 30 11 164 1. Krajska nemocnica tuberkulozy a chorob pluenych, (rladittl MUDr. K. VIrsik)Ia Ustav tuberkulozy v BratJnlavt (rltidltel MUDr. J. Markovio). Biochemistry CZECHOSLOVAKIA POGADY, J.; DORNETZHUBER, V.; Kraj Psychiatric Hospital (Psychiatricka Liecebua), Pezinok, and-Tiititute~ of T~~eirculosis (Ustav Tuberkulozy), Bratislava. "Histochemical Determination of Glycogen and Sulfhydryl Groups in Some Model Inhibitory Conditions." Prague, Ceskoslovenska Psychiatrie, Vol 62, No 6, Dec 66, PP 369-373 Abstract (Authors' English summary modified): Glycogen in the nervous cells is very stable; it is very difficult to Induce changes in its retention by the ac- tion of drugs. Insulin coma is not caused by a lack of glycogen in brain tissue, but by other functional reasons. Sulfhydryl groups can serve as an indicator of respiration of brain tissue; they do not ohow any changes due to action of insulin. 2 Figures, 4 Western, 1 Czech, 3 Russian references. (Man- uscript received 6 Jan 66)- . i ,,IACfip Kol Trtravpir4~1 Wnrirv iv c!,!ldmr,o Cooke !-curol. 2P in,0403-4M 65. Upadval"Wcoho Vm~a v BmtlolA" (veduol 14JDre Ye Jaos,, csc*). DORIW.Ylv JoBef, dr.; MARAZ, Janoo The organization of the employsest baoic wage in the Ganz-HAVAG. Munka ozemle 6 no.9:18-21 P CICHA I. Finds of cretaceous Bedirwnts in the vestem part of the Boakovice furrow near Lomice north of Tisnov. P. h43 Prague, Ustredni ustav geologicky, VESTNIK. Prague., Czechoslovakia, Vol. 339 no. 61 1958 Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAI)., LC, Vol. B., no. Up Nave 1959 Uncl. DMRIC, Jan.; KHEIL, Jiri new discovery of fossil fauna in the Tertiary of southern Bohemian basins. Cas min geol 7 no-3:353-355 '62- 1. Ustredni ustav geologicky, Praha 1. DORVTC, S.1 STRIZENEC, M. The amoimt of usable Information and the extent of L-nmedlate memory in uniform visual stImulation. Iota nerT. sup. (Praha) 6 no-4:399-400 164. 1. Uatav experimentalnej psychologie Slovenskej akademis veds Rratislava. MNIqgjL_;4WoU _ Nw oeriee of At oleo-tromotora in the Moravokoolemoks elektrotechrl-oke zavody Nobolnice National Enterprise. F.Uktrotechnik 18 no.6s 179-482 Jo 63. 1. MoAvokoolezake slaktrotechnicke zavody Moholnicep n~.p. ALIPMRIN, P.H., doktor med.nauk; GURIVICH. I.B.; DOR#4kOY#.-.N1.P1.; LOGINOVA, ?.I. j XURKULO , V.Te.; RODZHA, R.I.; SKACHILOVA. U.N.: TtRi[ONOVA. A.A. Yunctional changes In hypertension following sleep therapy. Terap. .arkh. 29 no.11:58-68 N '57. (MIRA 11:2) 1. Is gospitallnoy terapevticheakay kliniki pedistrichaskogo fakullteta II Moskovskogo maditainskogo inatituta imeni U.I.Pirogo-re I gemoterepevtichaskoy kliniki TSentrallnogl ordem Imenina institu:ta gametologil I perellyantra krovi (dir. chlon-korrespondent AXN SSSR prof. A.A.Bagdaveroy) (HYPERTANSION, there sleep ther. (Bus (SLUPo therapeutic Use, t7pertension (Rue)) GRIGORIYANTS, A.K.,; DWIKOVAO,P..(Koukva) The effect of vitamin B12 on the excitability of the central neirrous system. 37 to.9:91-97 S 159. (MDLA 12.-12) 1. Iz gospitalluoy terapevticheskoy klinik-i pediatricheskogo fukull- teta, (dir. - daystylteltnyy chlen ANN SSSR prof. A.A. Bagdasarov) II Mookovskogo meditsinskogo institute imeni N.T. Pirogova. (VITAMIN B12, pharmacology) (CINTRAL YjwVWS SYSrXM, pharmacology) DORNYEI, Jossefp dr. Some orgapizational questions relating to the amalgamation of the machinery industry enterpr~s`es; a polemio article. Hanks, szemle 6 no.Ilslo"8 N 162. 1 I i rum I "Joiat SLaw BrilLings" Vol 103. Ya 49, 9 No 62t pp 2329-21)31. A b-plif blography, wtth oxph&ai2 on hin prcNs:icw,1 cir*sr, of '.he Ameriaar, phy"ttl*r. ArA proreasor at J*lLn3 Hopkiw '~Mivftrsity, jrav -tli-ga (18-3a-1913L P-111ings) coimoction ulth W1-L*wzr!.A'n 3tue%, Crvii his having !Aon imung the flmt sight perswis rc-norar7 dnitros.4 by the Mwdiakl enf tba iiidapss~, ',!edivins, in though tho vex-j facL of hii baink !;o hornored Wei -t-,:) h10 w-,rk on a Aodlaal Index (at -,Pir*t ca',4od "Irdex Ci-,tAlcqut~ f.Unrar-. of thu Offic V,~.Ich ~Gok ~-nto 11tarature " voll. AIM-ough LtllirE6 lz! hoi, Now Yo.-r FLI 'Llc. 4~i 4.'-0 o-sanizer and of t L -6 1,n i,ltll~t of iledlotab ~A!g fSZO is due 0 hi's 11P.-Ione J~rlcccl,patl%;-n With tho iM6xlng. vnd 04taloping of inxtlh~ltlon, in ,~.e fc~rra i7f artlcl4s, bo,)Iki or othar. bibl'Aographlon2 riatozri;134, Tine !j~-? - 2. KUBIGKI, Stefan,; LATALLO, ZbIgniewl HACNER, Joannaj DOROBA, Krystyna; WASTLEWSKA, Helena* Evaluation of the antithrombin test and the stirch tolerance test in the diagnosis of pancrent1c diseases. Pol. tyg. lek* 19 no-42tl593-1596 19 0 164 1. Z Oddzialu Chorob Whunetrznycli Cmtrulnego Szpitala Kli- nicznego KSW w Varazawle (kierownik: prof. dr. med. Stefan Kubicki) i z Iaboratorium Centralnego Szpitala Kllniczne~,o MSW'w Warszawis (kierownik: dr. fam. Mieczyslaw Trzaski , DOROBA, Karian Hydrocortisons on orthopedics and treumatic surgery, Chire n ruahu 20 no.1:41-46 1955, 19 Z Klejoklego Sspltala Chirargil Urasodej v Waresawle. Wrok-tort dooo dr X.Ssnievies. (AIMNAL CORTEX. hormones. bydrocarttoons. ther. of joint dim. A wds.) (JO INT So diseases, theroo bydrocortisons) (VOUNDS AND INJURIES, therapy, lwdrooortimons) DORORA, Marian. Use of cortisone In orthopedics and traumatic surgery. Chir. nars. ruchu 20 no.4:313-322 1955. 1. Z Niejekiego Sspitala Chirurgil Uraxowej v Warezawle. Dyrektor Sspitala dr. Z.Vska. Warssawa, ul. Nartrutta 76. a. 5. (ADFMIAL CORM, hormones hydrocortisone use in orthopedics & traum. surg.) (WOMB AND ISMINS, therapy hydrocortisone in traum. surg.) TOCZSK, St.; DOROBA 14.- m-NIW2CZYIJSXI, X. Gerebral fat embolism. Polaki przegl. chir. 30 -w-10:989-99.1 Oct 58. 1. Z Kliniki Neurochirurgii A. M. w Wars2awie lierovm1k: prof. dr J. Chorobaki orag z Oddsialu Ortope(braznego Spitala Miejuklego w Warszawie i Kliniki Ortapedyoznej A.M. w Gdansku. Kierownik: Prof. dr Z. Ambrou. Adres autoral. Stanislaw Toczek. Warsxawn, ul. SmiAla. (OMMRILL 1003OLISK AND TIMOMBOSIS fat embolism (Pol)) ANISINIOV, I.V.; DORORAII'A'Su, 1. Use of electron anal,.~g ccwputf~rr fcr =60 Irp, the proces.9 of the t:, - rectificaticn of binary mixtureoe KWrv. rwom. nr,.' 4.53-458 jo 164. (a*','FA JP:7) I . Ccrn,-31 I u Contributletir. to thli kriwledgc, of the rot'~.fer faura In llv~ r: om- fjlp,x vegf;Wlon of thei marsties. Stud'!! c~.^,: bA;c.', s. znol 16 no. 4,343-350 164. ~~_26 ~_66 IJP(c) ACC NR: AP6020688 AUTHOR: Dorobantu, I. I ORG: none SMWE CODE: RU/OW,;/65/016/009, S~ -B TITLE: Use of electronic modelling for studying the static and dynamic properties of the rectification process SOURCE: Revista do chimie, v. 16, no. 9, 1965, 440-442 TOPIC TAGS: analog computer, automatic regulation, distillation, methanol, water ABSTRACT: The author analyzes some of the results of a study of the binary rectification pro- cess using analog computers. For a methanol-water rectification mixtu~-e, the concentration distribution along the coluan height .is e3tablished, as is the apreading of oscillations c;rea*zed by sinuso-4dal disturbances at the outlet of the system, On the basis of the results, come recommendations are given for the elaboration of automatic regulation mechanisms for tile recti- fication process. Orig. art. has: 4 figures. [Based on author's Eng. abstract] (JPM1 SUB CODE: 07o 15, 09 / SUBM DA7F: none / OTH REF: 003 / 50V REF: 002 Card UDC: 66.048.3'7.001.2-523.8 DOROBLA~NTUI~Iej MOGAHU, M.p ing.; MOGAIRI, L. ing.; SEUANESCU, D.,, ing.; BOGZA, Virgil, ing.; COJOCARU, V. Advanced technology and the increase of labor productivity. Probleme econ 17 wo3sl62-165 Mr '64, 1. Inginer oaf conceptia, Uzina Vulcan, Bucuresti (for Dorobantu). 2. Tehnolog sef, Uzina Vulvan, Bucuresti (for Mccanu, M.). 3. Sef cabinet tehnic, Uzina Vulcan, Bucuresti (for Mocanu, 1.). 4* Direc- tor, Intreprinderes, textila Buccigi (for, 5, Director, Intreprinderea mecanica Roman (for Bogza). 6* Ijiginer,sefs Fabrica de ulei "Muntenia". Bucuresti (for Cojocaru). CHIRILEI, H.; DOROBANTU, No; SILEq Elena Determination of the degree of frost reaistancti of am now kinds of fall corn by the cytophysiological method. Studii core biol voget 12 no.lj99-106 160, (EEAI 10:1) 1. Comunicars prozentata do V.Salageanu, menbri corespondent al Acadexiel, Reptiblicii, Populare Romine. (Rumania--Corn (Maize)) GHIRILEI 9 H,j SMAN9 Vq DOROBANTU, Nq BOTI, D.; CURTICAPEAMU, Georgeta; BOTEAq M. Influence of various fertilizers on thei phosphorus absorption and physiological procosses in sugar boot plants, as studied by the method of radioactive isotopes. Studii cerc biol vegat 14 no.31277-286 162. 1. Comunicars presentsta do H. Salagesnu, mombru. corespondent al. Academial R.P.R., nembru al Comitetului do redactie ai redactor responeabil, wStudii si corceltari de biologie; Seria. biologis vogetala." CHIRILEI, H.; DOROBAIITU,Ns; CURTICAPMUO Georgeta Influence of magnesiump potasium phosphorus, and nitrogen fa~tllizers on the phyniological procenses of maize plants (Zea mays)* Studii oerc biol veget 15 no,4t469-477 163. 1. Comunicare presentata. de academici&n E. Salageanu. CHIRIIZI, H.1 STEFAN, V.; DOROHANTIJ, N.,j CURTICAPFANU, Georgeta - - ------- Influence of organic and bacterial mineral fertilizers 9n some phyviological processes of corn (Zea mays), Studii ctirc biol 9. bot 16 no. 41281-287 164. 1. Chair of Plant Pbysilogy, "NicolE,e Balcescu" Agricultural Institute. POPOVICIP I,,; DOROBANTU, R. Presence of the bacinue Eryaijxilothrix rhusiopathias in the digestive tract of the Danube River and B:Lack Sea fish in Rumania. Rev biol 5 no.0313-317 160. (EM 10:9) 1. Institut do Pathologie at d"Hygione Anizalea, Bucarest. 2Membre correspondant dellAcademie do Is. R.P.R,(for Popovice). (Fishes) (Erynipolothrix rhusiopathiae) (Digestive orgars) DOROBANTU j S. Marginal remarks on the articlet Observations Regarding Rond Constructions in the Fhmanian People's Republic. p. 26. REVISTA MWPORTUR3.10H, (Aaociatis, Stiintifica a Inginerilor 9i Tehnicieailor din Rominia ai Ministurul Transporturilor lbatiere, Navale 81 Aeriene) Bucuresti.# Rumania. Vole 6j, no* 1$ Jan* 1959. Uonthly List of East Wropean Accessions (EEAI) IC, Vol. 8, no. 7, J-aly 1959 Uncl. DOROBISZ. Tadeuss Effect of ganprul hypothormia on reactivity of the system. Polski przegl.chir. 27 no-7:634-640 July '55. 1. Z I Klinlkl Chirurgicznej A.M. we Wrocalwiu, lierownik: doc. dr. K. Czyzewski. (BODY TDWMATURE, hypothermia. expar.,eff. on reactivity of system) (BU)OD CIRCULATION, physiology. eff. of exper.krpothermia In cats) (BLOOD MSSURS, phrsiology eff. of exper.brpothermia In cats) ,U&T douss: JANTAKOWA, Alins Hemorrhagic diathesis as a complication of tbrombosan therapy. Polski tyl,-od. lake 11 no.13:640-645 9 Apr 56. 1. Z I rliniki Chir. Akadomft Medycsnej we Wroclawiu: kler. prof. dr. lasimiers Ctysewski t s III Kliniki Cborob Wown. Akad. Mod. we Wroc., kier. profs dr, 11dward Ssczeklik Wroclaw III Kl. in. Chore, Wewne (COURMN, derivatives, bishydroxycouuarin causing hemorrb. diathesis (Pol)) (RDIORRHAGIC DIATHISIS.(Stiology an& pathogenesis, blebydrozycoumarin Pol)) DOROBISZ, Tadeusz; DZIER2MWA, Wanda Incompatible blood transfusion In a patient suffering from traumatic shack. Polskle arch. sod. vown. 26 no.12,1943- 1950 1956. 1. Ze Stacji Krw:iodawetwa we Wroclawiu, Dyrektor: dr. mod. If. Dorobies. Wro-A&w. u1. Weglowa 5. (SHOCK, ther. blood transfusion In traum. shock, Incompatibility causing hemolytic reaction (Pol)) (BI'0OD TRAMFUSION. compl. hemolytic reaction caused by incompatibility in patient with traum. shock (Pol)) (MOLTSIS, atiol. & pathogen. blood transfusion Incompatibility causing hemolytic reaction in patient with trau . shock (Pol)) DOROBISZ, Tadsusz; JAMAKOWA, Alins, -0-12NORMINNOWM~ Caz~ of I-emophilla with combined deficiency of antihemophilic factor A and B. Polskie arch. mad. wown. 27 no.109-112 1957. 1. Z I Kliniki Chirurgiesnej A.M. we Wroclawiu Klerownik: prof. dr. nod. K. evzovoki I z III Kliniki Chorob Wownetrzrych A.M. we Wroclawiu Kisrownik: prof. dr. Mad. 3. Szczeklik. Adres autorow: Wroclaw, u1. Pastaura 4, 111 Klinilm Chor. Wown. A.M. (HEMPHIIIA, case reports with antihemopbilic factor A & B defic. tPol)) rMolsz, T&deugs; :0219LZOU, Wanda; OLUWZYI. Julian Preparation an& applioation of a suspension of washed e'rythrocytese Polskie ardhL.medewevuetrzo 29 no.12: 1601-1606 159. 1. Zs Staoji krwiodawstwa. we Wroclaw1u. Wrektor: doe. dr. m&. T. Dor ob is w;. (BIMD THA I01) (XELYTHROGYM) DOROBISZ, T. Hypo#Agulability of the blood in pulmonar7 eurger7. Postepy hig. med. doew. no.2!214-215 060. 1. Z I Kliniki Chirurgicsnej A. M. we Wroclaviu Kierownik: prof. dr K. Cx"ewski. (PNEUMONECTONY compl) (FIBRBC:ISIS) DOROBISZO Thdouss; JANIAKOVA, A11na; JANIAX# Wouss Studies on blood coagulation in dogm in experimental hemorrhagic shock, Pbleki tygod.19k. 15 no.26:9'117-981 27 Je 160. 1. Z Pracowni Chirurgil I)oswiadcsalnej; kierown1k; doe. dr T.Dorobiss, I Kliniki Chirurgicsnej A.M* we Wroolaw1u; kisrownik: prof. dr I&Csyxswakio III 11iniki Chorob Vownetrurqch A.M. we Wroolawiu; kl*rowniki prof. dr Z.gscz*klik. 11iniki Chorob Wevastrinych Vyds. lot V.S.R. we Wroolawtu; kisrovnik: doe. dr II.Gancars (SHOCIE exper) (BLOOD COAGULATION) DORCBISZ Tadauss; JAIJIAKOWA, Alina; JARIAK, Tadeust Studies on the blood ooagulatlon system in arperimental traumatio jueumo-pleural shook. Polski przegl.chir-32 rio.2:113-122 7 160, 1. Z I Kliniki Chirurgiosuej A.M. we Wroolawiu. Kierownik: prof. dr. K. Czyzewaki.0 z III Kliniki Chorob Vewnetrinych A.M. we Wroc- :Lawiu. Kierownik: prof.dr. 2. Ssezeklik; z Zaklada Chorob Waimetrz- :3ych Wydz. Wet. W.S.R. we Wroclawiu. Kierownik: doo.dr. B. Gancars. (BLOOD GGLOUIATION) (SHOCK exper. ) (LUXOS physiol.) (PLBUIRA physiol.) DAVISKI[BA, lbil; DOROBISZ, Tadeusz Management of perforation of the thoracic parts of the esophagus. Polski przegl.ohir*32 no.2:123-131 7 160. 1. Z I Kliniki Chirurgiezuej A.M. v9 Wroolaviu. Kierovalk: prof. dr. 1. Czyzewski. (ESOPHAGUS vda.& W.) D0110BISZ9 Tadeuss; CMMANOWSKAp Karl&; PRZISTALSKIp Stanislaw; SKORAj Klemene Penetration of radiephospherus P32 into the erytbrocytes in various stages of preservation. Acta pbysial Pol 12 no.51751-755 161. 1. Z I Kliniki Chirurgicznej AM we Wroolaviu Kierovnik: prof. dr K. C"vewski Z Katedry Fizyki WSR we Wroolawiu Kierownik: z-oa prof. dr S. Prsestals)d. (PHOSPHORUS blood) (UdTHROCYTES chem) (BLOOD PRESERVATION) - DOROBISZ, Tadeuez On the problem of erronoun transfusions of heterologous blood. Polski tygod. lek. 16 no.19:709-713 8 My 161. 1. Ze Stacji Kiviodavotwa we Wroo!Laviu; dyrektor: doe. dr nod. Tadeuss Dorobies. (BLOOD TRANSFUSION compl) (BLOOD GROUPS) DOROBISZ, Tadousz; ZIEMNIAKI Jerzy Inoculation viral hepatitis as a-complication after the transfusion of preserved blood. Polski tygod. lek. 16 no.1.2:1612-1615 16 0 161. 1. Ze Stacjt Krwiodawstwa, we Wroolawiuj dyrektor: doe. dr mod. Tadeusz Darobisz. (JAU11DICE HOMOLOGOUS SERUM) (BLOOD TRAUSFUSION-compl) (BLOOD PRESERVATION) DOROBISZ, Tadeuss Ume of fibrinopn in oontrolling hemorrhages from exophageal varices. Pal. tyg. lek. 16 no.51:1967-.1971 IS D 161. 1. Z I Kliniki Chirurgiasnej A.M. ve Wroclaw1u; kierownik: prof. dr K. Csysevski. (ESOPRAGEAL VARICES oompl) (FEMNOGEN ther) (HEMOSTISIS) Given Nam-s CO'LL-1trys Poland Academic Degre03: Affiliations Source: Krakow, Przop-lad Lekarski, Vol XVII, Sor II, No 9p 1961, PP 331-333 Data I "An Acute Varlbrimtion SyMromo Cured by the Us* of Fibrinogen." Auth,)rs: DOROBISZ, Tadeusz, Doe Dr, Blood Donation Station (Stacja Krwiodawstwa), (Dyrektor): Doo Dr T Dorobisz JANIA-KOWA, Alixua, Dr Mod, Laboratory of Blood Coagulation (Pracownia Krzep- niecia Ya-4); Director (Kiorownik): Dr Med A Janiakowa of the E Biernacki VEISELS, Joachim, Dr, Obstetric-Gynecologieal Ward Municipal Hospital (Oddzial Polozniezo-Ginekoloeiczny Szpitala Miejskiego im E Riornackiego), Walbrzych: Resident PhYsician (Orlynator): Dr J Hoisels OLEALRCZYK, Julian, Acadoinic Degrees not given, Clinio of Internal Diseases No 1171 of the Medical AcadezV (III Klinika Chorob Wewnetrzyncy, Akademia Mod~czna). Wroclaw-, Director (Kiorownik): Prof Dr E Szczeklik 6?Q 96liq DOROBISZ, T.; PRZESTALSKI, St.; BIELINSKI, E.; CENA, K. The influonou of ionising radiation on phouphate ionn penetration into erythrocytev. Poutepy bicchem. 8 no-41581 162. 1. Ze Stacji Krwiodawstva we Wroclawiu i z Katedry Fizyki WSR we Wroclawiu. (RADIATION EFFECTS) (MTHROCYTES) (PHOSPHATES) DOROBISZ, Tsdeuszj MCNALSKI) Zbigniew; JAMMU, Zdzislaw; PAWLOWSKI, Aj~& zej Comparative studies on dog homologous aortic grafts preserved by various means, Pat. polska 13 no.lil-16-162. 1. Z Pracowni Chirurgii Dos%riadozalnoj Kierownik: doe. dr T. Dorobioz Z I Kliniki Chir~rgicznoj All we Wroolaviu Kierownik: prof. dr. K. Czyzewski Z Kateqy Anatomii Fatologicznej Wydz. Wot. WSR we Wroolaviu Klerowr4kt proF. dr A.Zakrzevski. (AORTA trwispi) DCROBISZ, Tadauzz; JANIAKOWA, Alina Acute fibrinolytic eyndrome in liver clrrhosia aurgery. Pol. t7g. lek. 17 no.17:639-"l 23 AP 162. 1. Z I Kliniki Chirurgicanej AM we Wroolaviu; kierownik: prof. dr K. Czyzewoki i z III Kliniki Chorob Wewnetrznych AM we WroclawiuF kierownik: prof. dr E. Szczeklik. (LIVER CIRRHOSIS Burg) (FIBRINOLISIS) (SURGFM OPERATIVE compl) DOLOBISZ, Tadeuss; OLEA-RCZYK, Julian Our experience with the "ntbasim and al-inleal us@ of fibrinopn, Polo tyg. lek, 17 no,21;826-831 21 Mr 162, 1. Zs Stacji Krviodavotwa we Vroolawiu; dyraktort doe. dr mod. Tadmuez Dorobies. (FIBRINOGEN) DOROVISM, Tadausal JANIAKOWAO Alina; KIAWE, Henryk; MATCZUK, Walenty On the problem of early diagnosis and therap7 of acute afibrinogenemic syndrome in obstatrico, Ginek. Pol. 33 no.1:9-18 162. 1. Ze Stacji Krwiodawstwa, we Wroclaviu Dyrektor: doc. dr T. Dorobisz Z III Kliniki Chorob Winmetranych AH we Wroclaviu. Kierownik: Prof. dr R. Szczeklik Z MiejBkiego Sspitala Ginekologiczno-Polozniczego im. L. Neugebauers we Wroclawiu. Dyrektor: dr It. Klave. (AFIBRINOGENMIA in pregn) (PREGNANCY compl) BIELICKI, FranciBZek; CHRZA19OWSKA, Maria; DOROB32Z.. Tadeues; SKMA,Klemens Clinical value of 1-3.31 tests in tbyroid neoplasm . Polski, przegle chiro 35 noo9t954-9% 163. 1. Z I 13-iniki Chirurgicznej we Wroclaviu. Iderowniki prof. dr. K.Czyzewski. Ir ACCESSIGI MR: Apoemo P/0o56/G;/o15/OO1/0085/00q2 AUMOR: lZi 113%) Wows (Dorobish., (Ibcont't - Doctor); P~rzestaifiki, Stanislaw rM, (Assistant Prctessor, Doctor)j M"Inks Michel Oradzineki,, Andrzoj (Mwyak 14.); Bielinaki, Idward (Be2inlski,, Teo ski, A. 4 TITIZt Vfect of cobalt 60 gwm rediatim m red blood cells from a human- blood bank SOURCE: Acta. "lologica. poludes. "Ve 151 no- 1p 19ao 85-92 TOPIC TNW: blood ce3.1,, red blood cell,, bloiA bank,, hunan blood, sanma radl&- tion, cobalt, cobalt 60,, phoe*ste icn,, hemoglobin content, hematocrit Index, osmotic revistance, hemoXyeles plwma,, poWeim,, irratUated blood., potassium level, sodius, aoUu% level.. inorganic phos)phorus was submitted to doses ot 2 rep AWW=t 13man bank blood 105 r of gma ani 1- vas then st*md for four veeks, Oliplificaut (lifferences in the Penetration ]phosj;hate iAym Into the red blood cells- cC irradiated and control blood, in hemo-' globin contest,, or In bmintoorit Indexes were not observed, In irradiated to- -rd-, ;/2 ACCEMIOR M: AP4029530 blood a sUght shift in 19 toward the alkallne side and sonewhat lower V&kluea cc PCO vere f(xmd,. After eight days minimal oskmotic resistance of -the red blood celis of Irradiated blood showed complete breakdown,, accompanied by marked i hemolysia. The most Interesting obaervation is that the levels of potassium in: plasma of irradiated blood increased sevenfold 24 hcKus after irradiation., but ~ further elevation did not occur. In control blood after eight days the potweiun level vere two tJ a higher than InItIal-ly, and after fourVeeka, four times. Sodium levaln were lowered in the plasma 6k both grotqw of blood In parallel to the elevation of potassium levels. . Inorganic rhosphotiva was increased in pro- portion to degree of -hemolris,' especia.13Z Lu irradiated blood, ASSOCIMCM Stacjs Xkviodavetwo, Wroclaw (13loed Donor Station); Katedra Fizyki WSR (Physics Department, Higber Agricultural School); n IninIks. 0 -dicine) ChirurgimiQ PH., 'WroaUw; (Surgical Mini' of tbs. AcadimW of Me XKCL: 00 BUMC=1 21X&r63 DkW Wq: 01*w& MW SCNI '000 t SUB OMB:. Is z_: 7 BRZECKI,, Andrzej;. DOROBISZ, Tadeusm; SKORA, Klemens; SZEPIETOWSKI,, Tomazz Injuries U the Pol. przegl. chir. 36 no.l: 21-29 Ta,64 1, Z Kliniki Chorob Nerwovych AM we Wroclawiu (kierownikl. prof. d-.7. R.Arend) i z Kliniki Chirurgiczrtej AM we Wroclawiu (kie- rawnik: profedr, K,Czyzewski)* ~11 UOROBISZ# Tadeusz; PRZESTALSKI, Stanislaw; MASIAK, Michal; BIUDISKI, "-Edward; GRADZINSKI, Andrzej Effect of Co-60 gamma-rays on erythrocytes in preserved human blood. Acta physiol. Pol. 15 no.1:85-92 J9-F 164. 1. Z WojewodzkIej Stacji Kiviodawatwa (Kicrownik: doc. dr T. Uornblsz); Z Katedry FIzyki Wyzsze.1 Szkoly Rolniczej (Kicrownik: z-ca prof. dr S. Przestalski) Z II Kliniki Chirurgicznej Akademii ,qedycznej we Wroclawiu (Kierownik: prof. dr W. Bross). DOROBISZ, Tadeusz; PRMTAISKI, Stanislav; BIELDISM, Fhward, KILIM,,, RIEF1701IM; OLKARCZYK, Julian Pen,gtratlon of P-32 into erythrocytes in various modes of the preoervation. Acts, physiol. Pol. 15 no.6:839-844 H-D 164 1. 2"1 1 Kliniki ChIrurgicznej Akademii Medycznej we Wroclawiu (kierownikr prof. dr. K. Czyzewski); z Katedrv Fizvki Wvzazej Szkoly Rolniczej we Vroclawlu (kierownik. z-ca prof. dr. .T. Przestalski)i ze ftacji Krwiodawstwa we Wroclawiu (kierow- nik: doc. dr. T. Dorobism). OLFARGZYK, j-,.il - hn., dra mod.; _22ROBT�Z,_Tad~u~,,, doe. dr. med.; ZI 511,11 AK, Jerzy. LI'valuatior. of conditlons in the pr(Auction of omp pre-served blood derIvatives. Pol. tyg. lek. 19 no.50tll?34-1936 14 D 164. 1. Z DzIaI-a Suchego Osocza (Marowniki dr. med. J. 01.9arezyk) i Stanji Krwiodawatwa we Wroclawiu (Dyrektor: doe. dr. med. T. Dorobis!,.. DOROBISZ, Tadeusz; d,)c. dr. med.; OLEARGZYKp Julian, dr. mud.; PARTYKA, ZIE2211AY,, Jerzy Further experiences In obtaining planma by partial emceritration. of preserved blood. Pol. tyg. lek. 19 no,52:2008-2009 28 D'64- 1. Z DzIalu Suchago Oeocza (kierowzliki dr. vied. Juliazi OloiLrezyk)j StacjI. Krw1odawstwu we Vroclawlu (dyrahtor: doc. dr. med. Tadeusa Dorobisw)* DOROBKOV, L.A. "Discovery of the Genus Psephaea Crosse in Middde Eocene Deposits of' the Northern Caucasus," Dok. M'. 'Vol. 66, flo. 4, 194(). Geolog. Muselum im. A. P. Karpinskiy, Acad. Sci. toRcalsow, - . S. 35891 Lyuneburgit lz stebnlka v prikarlati. mineral. Sbomik (Llvot), No. 3, 1949, c. 197-200--Bibllogr; 5 N%zv SO: Letopis' ZhurnalInykh Statey, No. 49,, 1949 AUTHOR: P lapkin, N.I, and Shubin, Mi. 124 TITLE; Change of the plasticity of transformer steel duriag the process of cooling. (Izmenenie plastichnosti tran3form- atornoy stali v protsease okhlazhdeniya.) nRIODICAL; "Fizika Metallov i Metallovedenie" (Physics of Metals and Mbtalluru), 1957, Vol,.IV, No.1 (10), pp.171-176 (U.S.S.R.) ABSTRACT: Ceitain. problems of the kinetics of the change of the plasticity of hot rolled transformer steel during cooling after low temperature annealing,without a protective atmos- phere, were studied. The influence of the speed and the temperature range of cooling on the plasticity of the trans- former steel was established by the method of step-wise cooling. The inTistigwtions were carried out on 0-5 x 30 x 250 mm specimens of transformer steel containing 4.0 to 4*2% Si and Tni nimm contents of harmful admixtures. After heating to a given temporature between 750 and 850 OC and hoMing for two hours th8 individual pckbts were fu3-4ace cooled at the rate of 5 0/hr and 10 20, 40 and 60 "'C/hr " t b k to s eeific temperetures', which was ollowed by su sequen U g in air. The temperature from which the specimens cool ve:~e nooled in air was arbitrarily called "fixation tempera- ture". The results plotted in Fig,1 indicate that the initial point of rapid cooling iafluences considerably the plasticity of transfonner steel. Ifte toughness of hipb- alloyed trans- 124 01=ge of the plasticity of transf ormer steel during the process of cooling. (Cont.) foxner steel during cooling changes in accordance with a curve containing a maximum which is clearly detected by the method of step-wise cooling applied in the here described experiments, Intensified coollng after annealing increases the toughneeB of transforner steel and it is possible to obtain a sufficiently higa plasticity without- appreciably reducing the magnetic praperties by aTM lying - opt-lim, M cooling Me alons the ferrite conditionse Presence of 1;oarse cement graius does Increase the 'brittleness of the steel, but is not the B016 cause of brittleness. Apparently the reduction in toughness is to a-largo extent due to "temper" brittloness. 6 figures including 5 grqOis. 2 Fmssian references. Ural Ferrous Metals Research Institute. Reed. May llo 1956. DOROCHMIKO, M.G.1 SIDOUIR, M,Ya.; SAVOKOKO, Kh,; POTUPIII, AeM, "VUO C= methods for welding and transporting long rail lengths. Pat' i put.khoz. 4 nool-1:20-23 N 16o. (MIRA 13:12) 1. lachallnik ItSP-16, st.Dublyany-lyashki, Livovskoy doroci (for Dorochenko). 2. Priyemshchik, at. Lublyany-Iqashki. Livovskoy dorogi (for Shmukler). 3. Glaimyy lnzh.oluzby putl LIVOV (for I fior Pbtupin)f Savahenko). 4. Starshiy insh.sluzhby puti, g. LIvov (Railroads--Rails) SABLINSKA, Bos~na; DoRWIAK _RgRAML.HARUPPA, Jerzy; JENTYS, Wanda; PIATUVSKI, Zbigniew; c*KT-K-Yj9* Jerzy The results of the treatment of cane,gr of the cervix,uteri during the years 1954 and 1955. Nowotwory 12 no.3:21+7-250 62. 1. Z Oddzialu Onkologii Ginekologicsiej Instytutu Onkologii w Warazawie Kierowniks doe. dr med. L. Tarlowski Dyrektor: prof. dr mod. W. Jasinski. (CERVIX NEOPIASMS) DOROCIAK, Roman Two cases of destructive hydatid mole vith a peculiar clinical course. Nowotwory 13 no.3t275-279 JI-8163. 1. Z Oddzialu Chkologii Ginekologiczr.ej Instytutu Onkologii im. Marii Skladawskiej--Curle w Warszawie. Kierowniks L.Tarlowsk&j dyrektor: W'.Jasinski. CZICIIOI", Herbertp mgr.,-, DOROCI:IZKI, Jan, inz. Application of vinyl polyalcohol, to the preparation of chemigraphic emulsion sensitive to light, Pt.l. Poligrafika 13 no.9:8-13 s 161. 1. Centralne Latoratorium Poligraficzne, Warszawa. ;~M.f lnzb.p r~41.1 IFTIM, G*Aop reds izd-va; GARNUKHIN, Te.t DMDMPJ&, redo [Instructions for pluming floors in plants with corrosive atmdephereal Instruktaiia. po proaktirovaniiu polov v taek-hakh a agressi*Mmi areduni. Moskrat Goo. izd-vo lit-ry po atroit.9 arkhit. t stroit, materialms 1961. 83 pe (MIRA l4a6) 1. Akademiya atroitelletva. i arkhitaktury. Inatitut betona i zhe- lesobetmay Form. (Floorm) (Factcries-Design and, construction) GLUSHKOVI V*M.p otv. red.1 KUKHTENKOl A,Lj sLms otvs redel BIAGOVESHCHANSKlYp Tu.V.- red.; DORODNITM A A red.1 YERSHDVj A.P.p rod.1 LYAPUNOV, A,.17j--F*W.~-~, loss red,j PUKIIOVO O.Yeep red.1 ROSTUNOV, T,I,p redal SAMOAHVALOVj K.O.p rsd.j STOGNIY, A.A., red.1 TIMOMEV, BoBoo redel SHCHMBAN'j A,Nsp red,j LETICHEVSKIY, Wil redel KAPITONOVAI lu.V.p Mel KMINIK, T.S,p red, (Problems of theoretical oyberne-tion) Voprouy tooreticho- akoi kibernotiki, Kiev# Naukova dumkap 11 65 209 (MI4 18195, 1, Akademiya nauk URSH, Kiev, DORODN'ITSTU, A.A., akademik Third Congress of the International FedoraLlon for Infonmtion Proces-~Lnc ",,old in New York. Vest. M1 SSSR 35 no.12:71) D '65- 19:1) - - - - - - - - - - Is 011 ~77 7 ~7- IJA V- a S-k L-1 -A.-k-A- AA a 100P ,I Pvt. "N . f - I - .-.. I - .0v. topjp~ ~19 /,V P26C111212010. P600161,11 well Vassaw c4prulary Wave* 00 of of Two Vionme FhMd. V. A. Mm4lp ar,4 Y. F-~Vlrvalkt sell Natiorml Advisory Currunittee for Atimautics. Techn"Menw- raMurn 1281. Apr. 1951. 19 pagm (TmnsUted fmm Prikiddraw 4041 Ya(~A4 (Urklienda jAppW 144thrawks mod McOunics). nee 1. 1940, P. 201-Ve.) 1 TL370 Voltvi.) Alterripts I* provide it nuohramtkal basis for the posmiAlitv of (Le OPPVAFWWC of dropirts of 4fifferew diasseters, as a rrsuk uf H 1wrokup on the basis of cmitlerstim of unstable capillary A. 9*6 vv,&%~s wt the malam ig arpsmHon Of IWI %iFIC011% lidjUith. Sol* a. 11. & 81TALVIGICAL LORRATLON CLASWIC&TION =.71 IL fs~, Sif'sil.. -- flow Al No 182061 "&# 0-- del t-- *)$All OK ORV all uit At 106 4 0 T 4 " I f OW a x & I V 0pig is a 11 is 11 9 0 19 1 a Us. 'A A All. 000 0010000 00 0 0 00000 0 0 0 0 0, 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 10 :An 6-0 , A. A. "Concerning the Theory of a Daily Course of Ibmperature In Dok. AN 30, No. 5, 1941. mAtratum, A. A. roGranichrVi sici v szhimenon gaze. (Fri~iadaia r;~jcnalc,-`ka i m6l~anika, 190, v. 6, no. 6, p. U9-10s tables, biblognfhy) Smrc.-Ii-j In L.-Clish. Title tr.: On the boundai-y layer of a corpre,.:;35-ble [;as. CAC01.F7 l9h2 SO: Aeronautical Sciences and AvIAtion in the Fiovict Un--'or-, i i',I,rarT of Con6ress, 150-55 asillturtioll file ximphrylliv that ftandil's nurnfcr bay-flit valtic [mily, thcatithor. jimijueA mathemal!1ally the PlubIVIT) nt the laminal bolmdu I;i)vr in Ibc mw or mirimlioic now of com. Y pfeklible fluid rmt n %imini-ii"O bmly 4,111,11rary P1011110 Ulldff the C011ditiOl't 1h,11 IhC,C k ho Iwat jrpyj~rrr bowcol, the body am file fluid. S.(l. 7. odynmics 4 li"I at the X4464W, tm'221~ j. 4 JJURODNITZYM, A. 51 v T V, ' - d A. oro u1 A. I f - i - l 1 r I M 1 l o rcat Ms of a wing witu topmed 41 1, JI w a ng, I , . Wp --~ - Nt k!'SMSIR di h N L' M [Aldid ik) A d . ec . au a . . r pp A" (1944y.:- The i!!IInIfflj'itC 'Il)I)II6ituiI1 of jjjt~' r-Aiullf,-4,0011 1 hic.- mla~lkj 40gl~,-cm oll of two 111411 lCriml M thu- exrjrvt~_'Joll [(if t lg~ V.A-wity. axi i (mICIA wirlg) i4 jIIjIRKSjl)h' III j'hjj-A~ I Ill , ' illfill~V1 v O . . ' , k.f. tilai ion proilurt-d by lilt: cowtaut'let i"'I k - it. 1r( it tit ri calcillalvil al flic lift 1*11 KAI ill, 6 Irv liifiil ~*ilti he, ifivirl silm Aou tillillol fly tG ortlinary pi Hein i;i bawd, on lhv fofloj~,ijjg vulikili6" ~ WO,tj I-rilint, tlkl,liarj~I:A Iliedn-tilati(ai pt-AuCIA by Ow calculay,,!,l not ;it ffiv, li(litig-14it, it~wlfo blit lit the 1144l,411 ; ~ m.. mir turi I it is lll~tvs,~ar% ill mAve Ow proloL-in of ll,xiv I Y I . I , lifx,d of tliis fille, dl)d I 111:111CIII'lN.11wd pt Nrlp.lofa i I a l4g"alidlillic tile "',cciii'" af dw tvil", , - (if t r 'I, %vlli-r;- r "s I It., mirr frifill I Ill- lift iDj,F4'liIjP I'll li,ril t6till" _1 1 1-1 tit I It(- illq,li- pf jk( ri-11 (or s,,Vij,j0 Ow * in tile plalle 0( Ilw ,, F.f;rIn (if. 'Ito hkillg C(ftYd(:r(,II 1461.11.~Jlii I'latl (1, clioll t-f till! sp:'I . Ill I he g"'114-cal I we Ibis -wriv itaiiisi. 1111g-,lit'll vaa lit- ~-i%(-J I,%. _ ! . z , 4 It'll ." IV Illi ~I ri Ill mh j dill-flial dtf. __ _ L "'ll: The Whor 4 F-fil -i-ov iv arv bV ,oriIqr r 1, pi Py 'flytht I'., :I 1~ oll :11.4i ]v. It, it, r 1,!et fill.)- an, 114-jAiltil't., tit fill-~Ovigllfvjl 1'ryow pt t 1 C. 11 V J; DORODNITSYN, A. A. "The Boundary Layer in a Compressible Gas" Priklad. Matem i Mekhan. 6(4)(1945) I%. A. K teorii perekhoda lardnarnoCo sloia v tLu-bulcn'-,r:.yi. (PrJ11darinaia. mate- natika i mekharii.ka, 194,5,, v. 9. no. It,, p. 269-28!'), diagrs., biblio[raphy) ,ritle te.: Theory of transitJon fron the lam'knar layer to the turhulert. "PULP7 3-9L. SO: Aeronal)tical Sciences and Av'Lation ir the Soviet. Union, Library of Conr,re3s, 191.11 ~A SWUM T *'Ruth --7-46-4~- orcm i6o1Ud0Ltovaad&PAs- perW --- M, di/dl- ko (at -val(wo 4 the lwame v" Pout ter -1404 oUrtgions in 1C Cc, '6)-Plaile am 1jefined In sach a way:that within carih ty be solved uling;*qmptotic series in pow7.-re of rhe imeons overtavope' anothex so that an qux of (0) may be rtd6l ve obtAnedil4i the.perm')d and Aniplitede of the ped4c Wal theildnard plane, UjIno, a mina, ar mdure. but in tWe-Norm. -Sup.- (31 60, 3 5-", 65--- liaa thew- 2qQ] ha-,- MIL (1.943)i-61-114 `1 already treited thp Nuation d'x1dj1+Fr"(x.)dxr'd1+x-Q~ ; Duradaicyn'9rL*ioM ') till, Illi-Wcorrespond to neighbor- hoodi of Haag's am# cl Arst kind, termic of points, arcs of --f -riwa d -kindi and -boi mdar,r pints of Anti tind. sy i. totic,krice injandil-Vu in hiii co"taponding rcgiom. Tht pmsent paper, although le-ft pitefal than Haig's, has the advantap of *ing much Alare Cone1w. S. GAO (Cam nfdgr, AdVim WhOLNI A. A. K t.eurJi perekboda laninarnoi-,o v turbuIcnt.r,.yI. (Prlkla(Jr,,aa rkitemitika I mkhanikap l9h9, v. 9, no. 14, p. 2W---.2L5, diacrs, b-*Lblio- Cral-by) Tit.Ic t'r.: Theory of transition frort the larilrar :.ayrr to the turbulent. QAML-P7 19L5 511): Acrorautic, .1 Scicnces and Avir,tion in the 6ovict Lnion, T,ibrrxy of Corgress, 1~,55 1. DORODNITSYN, A. A. 2. USSR (600) 4. Physics and Mathematics 7. Planar Problems of Hydrodynamics and Aerodynamics, L. I* Swov, (Hoscow-TAningrad, State Technical Press, 1950). Reviewed by A. A. Dorodnitsyn,, Say. Knigs. No'# 9, 1951, 9* 00 Report U-3081, 16 Jan. 1953, Unclassified. 1. DORMTITSYN, A. A. 2. USSSR (600) 4. Physics and Mathematics 7. Methods of Theory of Functions of a Complex Variable, N. A. Lavrentlyev, b. V. Shabat. (Moscow-ldiningrad, State Technical Press, 1951) Revierded by A. A. Dorodnitsyn, Sov. Kniga, No. 7p 1)52. 0 SO Rer)ort U-3081, 16 Jan 1953., Unclassified. taft wgy h a 6 m c larACIMMEW v#j x(r- cc dil .9pe-chilldfifia-61 ' - , A d d h l e utf f I or t "Ou o cr. a o It t 0 q Vol 14 No. 9 (Ruwan) 111C -author dike cwA e to flue mobtem u ~-ieikr Analys 19 T aSx;sb, - . - Aa) (m a- 'a) sin cr - 0, (b) co3 O+y'(&) sin a - 0, const., -in -c-rWilt taftg~ whm, die Sturm-Liouville y Aces not apply. 11tere ajio four anch casej. i4- Oll r (x) v- a) (b -,v)rt (r), 4' .0, 'r, Ail) ITI all four maet It Is a and I (x) aty boun&-d ~~m im td t h a t r I (.-r,% . cimunuous Itmetions cgi the c1med Inurval (a. 6), mW rj(4 Is bwaudtd away from ~varo there. us"lig langer's method for finding Aiypiptotic fornis of the w4utions of the difrcr. F-V. ' tatic ict ti X th 1b fi m M l f i 1 au or l ent on or e s a equa 4"Re . '. y p f-wini r4 the cKuRctellstic val acs and characteristic func. I c4 the bouiuLavy-valtze jwd?lcitm Ushm thew. hu t tik- eRentv n( the Ijiline,tr vxpawsions c4 thu 6 mvii'a funtlUitit of 10; is applicil In differmfial ap4itions aniong vAIL-1k NIAllivii'll imn 11mv,11t. memioncil an 11vilm M t our'(14-rallk. itilkiv?, 1 7-7 4 11 'A ;T 7 111tr a ikillgiltar , ok Ili Llvllvill~ 1,1141111cill hi wMidl the diffewlithl ('91110m of 11w (of (I I jo", + --lire clvwd irilerva (0, 1), pfx) 14 jX)jjIi4H -,Iwl)- from zero t1wrr. no baundary Coll (An di -!zrj,.wd at v-0, t'Af-. ljqufidary coil stltm -!J (f14 appC16 ties of the CMIA,Uiw VitrAUS IlrOper n t luactiolo (BeRIO funeticous) nit! prescatcA; Ow-se arc twt. -tdm Cal, Q .q ....... .... I -F N At V - . O-R-OMM20i A. A. L "Dc:~ezilence c,f tlita c-ir-,- it., r,.: ct, th" line 1-eZ.- "n J,.'.7P L.Ne curvature of the external sur 'aco c, ' a bod:i f revollit.4on w.4 th a ctannul (hol;-) thro ~ h .: L. It Relations are derived which Yovern the relation N-Aween Vte clirvatilre of the line of the compression lump arid the curvatlire (if the meridional cross section for a solid of revolution with n channel for air flowinr throui-.h it. The relation is determined which pf-rmits )lottinj- the element of the 1.,zio of tlio con-ression jiunp in the neij-hhourhood of the front edl-e which Js necessar.., Cor calcnlat-14r4.r the oressure distributinn alonr the external !,urface of the solid of revolntl*on. (First published in 1949) Umosi'm of I'heoretical Work on herod-namics, U'~oronj,iz, 19~17, 3,000 copiesj, Central Acro-H:,,drod,,.namics Inst. :1meni Prof. 11. fe. Zhlidovskly. 1,O."1OD',11T.-:-tT A. A. 10a1c,ilation of the ressiire d 4stri-it_7,:.-,n ilori;~ ()f 'low.11 Jns1,.1e a 5 ),~i c u~ . At present two rietliods exist for calculatinf, the pressure distriblition alonZ solids o~ revolution, one lased on the linearised motio'n en'ivit uns and the other based on applying -~he characteristics. In t As paper a third nethod is proposed which is 1-as~-d on approxi-nate intercration of the eqiiat-jons of the characteristics of an axis -symmetrical flow. From the point c,f view of practical r)p'.1cation, this method is simpler than that Lased on the I.-Inear theory. Comparison of the results with those of acc,iraLv solut3ons orovout that the acc!)racy of this method is adeqnate. (Firi~t rniblished in 190) Syakuosjum of Theoret-jeal Work on Aerod,,;namics, Oboronriz, 1957, 3,000 cooies, Central Aero-Hydrodynamics Inst. imenj 2rof. N. Ye. Zhudovskiy. 89551 10-6120 SIOAA1601000100810231035 16,7600 C111A222 IUTHORs Dorodnitern, A.A. TITLEs Nytmetric supersonic gas flows PERIODICALt Referativaqy shurnal. M&tematika, no.89 19609 112, abstract no. 8981. 3b. i-sor. rabot po aerodinamike. V., Oborongisp 1957t 77-88 TEXT: Relations for the charaoteriaties.of the first and asoond family for the case of an exialsymnstrio flow are obtained in the paper "Calculations of the distribution of preseure-en the bodies of revolutJon in a supersonic gas flow" (of. this collected volume;)p:116). With the aid of the independent variables -E and-1, where S(x, const are the characteristics of ihe first family, and vj(x,r) - const are the characteristics of the second familyp for the case of constart entropy these relatione.are reduced to the system of four partial differential equations ~r I x 4 77i %Or- f sin 'e. sin G(' 1n r, Card 113 89551 S/044J60/000/008/023/035 Some cases of ax1aleynnetrio.... C111/C222 zr ') x tg('C~- OL) (.*+f) - sin Z-8120( In r, s1n(/'*t-oQ DF with the unknown functions rols f. Here x -- abscissa, r -- distance from the axis of symmetry, angle formed by tho velocity with the axis Ox, ct-- Mach angle (tgOL. f(OC) aro tg( tc Do] - - 1 2 IX-1 2 If the Initial data on two characteristics are given by r w ro(IJ), x - x0( -40(-1) p f - f,,(-Yt) for 0 (2) r - Ro( x - X,( go( f - Fo( for 0, (3) and r,( Xo(,q ) are analytic in 0 t~ YL 0, while Ro( XO( Card 2/3 89551 S/044J60/000/008/023/035 Son~ Cason of alialsysmotric... C111/C222 ore analytic In 0 6 S to then the solutions of the system (1-7) are sought in the form to A 00 A, + '--A (,I) In r In ro(-J) A low 40 Q + 6n 00 A 00 A (4) X - X 0 + Vn0j) J f f After substituting (4) into (1) one obtains a system of ordinary linoor differential equations for the determination of 'A At Wnt ~'Jat +A. In the came where the initial dato on 9- 0 are given by (2), and the form of the body behind the characteristic ist known then the solution in sought in the form (4) too. Since the calculation of a,grest nvalier of coefficients for (4) In difficult, the author propdoes an approximate method for the calculation which is desoribed in the mentioned paper. As an example the author considers the problem of the flow around of a body of revolution con- sisting of a cylinder which begins to narrow with a folding generating line. LAbstraoter's notet The above text in a full translation of the.origin*1 Card 3/3 Soviet abstraoL] 31579 S/124/bl/000/011/018/046 10,1100 D237/D305 AUTHOR: Dorodnitsynp A.A. TITLE: Laminar boundary layer in a compressible gas PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnalg Mekhanika, no. 11, 1961, 81t abstract 11B551- (Sb. teor rabot po aerodinamike M. Oborongiz, 19579 140 - 173~ TEXT: A method is worked out for solving equations of a compressi.- ble boundary layer in the absence of heat transfer, constant Prandil number and arbitrary dependence of viscosity on temperatu- re.The method is based on the application of integral relations. In the absence of heat transfer, the energy equation in i-ts inte- gral form can be integrated by definite integrals which allows in- serlion of single parameter velocity and temperature profiles in the impulse equation. The magnitude A 8**2/v T where -~' = 00 0 0 velocity gradient on the inner boundary of the layerp voo ~_ kinema- tio viscosity at the stagnation temperature on the inner boundary, Card 1/3 31579 S112 61/000/011/018/046 Laminar boundary layer in a D237YD305 T0 = ratio of the temperature on the boundary of the layer to stag- nation temperaturep S** = thickness of lose of impulse, are chosen as form-parameters. Also, given profiles depend on Mach and Prandtl numbers. To obtain velocity and temperature profiles, solutions were given for a laminar boundary layer for specific aspects of the function uo(f) where 5 = a given coordinate by the author alQng the surface of the body* For positive values of the parameier I,, the solution of the case u0 = Clt + C %3 (C1 and C3 are constanis) 4-s utilized. This solution ie obtainel by expanding inio series k --- C.1 /21 oc3and C3t 3 21c, (10 = stagnation enthalpy of the inner flow) and the solution reducesp analogically to the Blasius method# to solving a recurrent system of ordinary differential equations. Results are given of numerical solution of a part of these equa- tions for the Prandtl number P = 14/19, assuming that the dependen- ce of air viscosity on temperature can be given approximately as r/yoo = T[i + a(1 - T)b where poo = air viscosity ai the stagna- tion temperature Too of the inner flow, T ratio of local tempera- ture to T (a -d 0.3 at Too L.: 5000K). For 09 the SOJU4ion LS Card 2/3 00 1 57 S/12 61,000/011/018/046 Laminar boundary layer In a ... D237 D305 utilized of the case of a flat plate which iE obtained by expansidn into the power series of ap where the first term of this expansion corresponds to the case of linear dependence of viscosity on tempe- rature. Results are given of a numerical solution of equations corresponding to the let power of a. In this case the Mach number antere the solution only in the coefficients of tabulated func- tions. Por negative values X, profiles are utilized which corres- ponds to the linear change of inner velocity uo = b 0 4- bl!!, (bop b, -, 0). Solution of equations of a boundary layer in this case is found by power expansion of k = 1) 2/21 and s z: blk/bo and reduces 0 0 to colving the recurrent system cf ordinary differential equations part of which was solved for p/poo = T and P = 14/19, Solutions obtained for the above cases are used to find the dependence of functions appearing in an integral impulse relation on A,. Analo- gically with the Kochin-Loytsyanskiy method for incompressible fluid, the solution of integral impulse equation reduces -to calcu- lating quadratures. [Abstractor's note: Compltl*e translation]. Card 5/3 AUTHORi DORODNITSYNtA.A. PA - 2455 TITLEt Computln-gG-nar of the Academy of Science of the U.S.S.R. (Vychislitellnyy teentr Akademii Mauk SSSR) PERIODICAL Vestnik Akademii Nauk SSSR, 1957P Vill 27t Nr 1p pp 9 - 12 (U.S.S.R.) Receiveds 5 / 1957 Revievedit 5 / 1957 kNSTRACTi In spite of the fact that High-speet computers computing several ten or hundred thousand times faster than a qualified employee, antiquated methods of calculation have lead to the situation that the application of computers is very rare and uBed only in the preparatoTy work of scientific research and for the determination of parameters in technical projects. The application of computers has proved to be of great imoort- anoe in scientific research centers and engineering depart- ments. The first computing center wao put into operation in Maroh 1955 &b the Academy of Science of the U.S.S.R. At the present moment the hi h-speed electronic computer BESM and a computer "Stryela-3" arrow 3) is available at the center. This oomputing-oonter at present performs a great number of various soiantifio calculations and siloo performs work by order. For example# in 1955 BESM performed work which would have Cqrd 1/2 necessitated the employment of tenthouaand people during PA - 2455 Computing Center of the Academy of Science of the U.S.S.R. 20 years, although the entire staff of the center numbers only 250 persons. It would be very important to issue a good periodical con- cerned with this matter. The computirq center, however, en- counters great difficulties in this respect competent for this field shows little progress considering the fact that it takes the Academy of Science ohe year to publish one edition of the periodical on applied Xathematice. There is good reason to hope- however, that 1957 will prove to be the turning-point in this matter, because a great number of computers will be b*i1t, and therefore this deficiency ishould be mended as soon as possible. (I illustration) ASSOCIATIONs Not given PRESENTED BYt SUBMITTED AVAILABLEt Library of Congress. Card 2/2 IXRMOV, Andrey Petrovich; "Skademi-t, otvatetvenWy red.; . Aet-at SRTXYNBOI. G.Yu.. r A" T.V', tekhn, red, [Programing for high-speed electronic calcubttine machines] Programmirmiushchaia program-, dlia bystrodeititvuiushchei elektron- noi schatnoi mashiny, Nosbul, Ind-vo Akad. nauk SSSR, 1958. U5 pi. (F~*ogramming (Blootronio oomInLters)) (NIRA 1138) KITOV, Anatoliy Ivanovich; KRINITSKIT, Nikolay Andreyevich;-MAOMULM- -AAA..,akademik,; PROKOYIYBVA, N.B., red.izd-va; PMTAKOVA, T.V., [Blectronic calculating machines) Elaktronnyo vychislitellnyo mashiny. Moskva, Izd-vo Akad.nauk SSSR, 1958. 130 p. (KIRA 12:4) (Blectronic calculating ma3hines) DORODVITSYNA, A.A., kand.biol.rauk; SAMICH, F.K.; SOPELEY, Ye.Ya., ---------pdNdp'kiovnik meditsinskoy sluzhb- Influence of lowerei I-A-rnmetric pressure on hurmn tolerance for high temperatures. VoAn.-med.nhur. no.81q-5P Ag'58. (HM 1617) (ALTITUDE, INFLUKMCE OF) (HRAT-PHYSIDLOGIC11 KMECT) DORODNITSYN, A. A. (Prof.) "Some Contributions tD the Solution of Mixed Problems of Transonic Flow." Paper presented at the First International Congress of the Aeronautical Sciences, Madrid, 8-13 Sept 1958- DORODNIMIN, tA6:i0jiy Alekaeyev-.Loh) THE USE OF RIOR-SPM DIGITAL 0 FMTIS FOR THF SOLUTION 0 PARTIAL D YFFFMIAL VMATIONS A. A. DORODNITZIN Academy of Sciences, Moncow, USSR The solution of partial differential equations to a very important stop In scientific investigations and in technical designing. The modern digital computers permit to solve complicati9d. systems of nonlinear equations which practically were not soluble by the use of .21d computing technique. In the solution of 1Wperbolical systems of partial differential equations two methods are successfully used - the method of characteristi.-a and the method of finite differences. In the last case special attention must be paid to the stability of calculations. For the elliptical. parabolical and mixed systems as the experience @bowed. the methods of reducing from partial differential equations to systems of ordinary differential equations (method of straight-lines, method of Integral relations) are very convenient, because they do not require too large computer's memory. In the report some examples of solution of concrete non-linear problems are given. PAPFR PESENT7,I: AT INTFRNATIONAL CONF. ON INFORY.ATION PROCTSSING UNESCO HOUSE, PARIS 15 - 20 JUNE 1959 Name : DCRODNITSDI, A. A. Title - Academician Remrks ; In a sbort statemint publishel in an article entitled "What the Scientists Are Boyine, A. A. Dorodnitsyn discusses the first Soviet mDon rocket and the possibility of launchin a vanned rockert sometime in the future. Sourco : N: Komoomllskays Pravda., No, 3p 4 January 1959., P, 3~, c. 1 20, 16(l) AUTHORt Dorodnitsyn# A.A.$ Academician SOV/20-126-6-4/67 TITLEs A Contribution to the Problem of Computing -Eigen Values and Zigen Vectors of Matrices PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR,1959,vol 126,Nr 6, PP 1170 - 1171 (USSR) ABSTRACTt Let a symmetric matrix Z - A + EB of crder n be given. The eigen values and eigen vectors of A ai-3 assumed to be known. If the eigen vectors ani eigen values are considered as functione of E then it is X (1) A + F- B) (t N where X" is a normed eigen vector corresponding to A i i , After differentiation one has d d d A C (2) (A + F, B) dt i i( + xi d 'k, d f dE Card 1/3 (3) (X, . -TE- 0 A Contribution to the Problen of Computing Eiren .';0-;/-90-126-6-4/67 Values and Eigen Vectors of Matrices If for a given I all are different, then d Xj/df- and d 'X/d 6 are finite, so that (-* . ( ~Li -). - B--A, )) - 0 x d6 xi xi i.e. d Xi x). .B -x3b, (4) --d-r i i and because of (3) s d x B x t i (xk(f) i (5) d E 17' - --~ k(F "k(O i j k k~ Therefore the eigen values and eiCen vectors satisfy the system (4)9 (5) which can be integrated e.f7. according to the Euler method. Card 2/3 A Contribution to the Problem of Computing Bigen f3OV/20-126-6-4/67 Values and Eigen Vectors of' Matrices From these cortaidsrations the author ottains several numerical schemes for the determination of eigen numbers and ciffen values. SUBMITTEN April 17, 1959 Card 3/3 DCROMITSYNP A. A. "Generalized Method of Integral Relations and its Application to the Theory of Boundary Layer." report presented at the 2nd International Coggress of the International Council of Aeronautical Sciences., Zurich, Switzerland, 12-16 Sep 60