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~;,_i 7, AFFTC/ASD/ZSD-3/AFW41IJTc(C)/5M ?a.4/Pd4/Pu,_4Az-4 -A[Af-- ACCESSION M : AR3002IS49 0/01241 OOVWO~JWO5 SOMiCE: Rth. Kekhanikap Abe* 5M AUMIR i Dorman L I kr TITIZ I Xagrotic: fio]Ut perturbations during vays and jet notion in a coaftating sodium ----- -- CIM MUM: gb.~ Volpr. "its. g1drodinam4ki I dinamik. A pl!M ve 2* 111pj, AN L&tvSSRp 19Q. 63-70 grayi- T6PIC TAGS: - perturbaltion# magutio-fieldp jet,, vays.- conaucting medium tational. Vaysi.visems liquldp Hartmen number TRANStATIONi- Solntlomi are-given-for-three 'cases of perturbation of tbir, magnstic - - -f leld -for- @call- magnotic- Repolds--utabers- aid --small Rortawn- numbers o-&M-equatIca - for the determinati& t of -tho magastin field: thereby bomma linear; the ireloolty vector wbich enters IM4 it is found in advance from the h7drodynode *VA&tionsp in vhich the magnetic to res are negleateds Tbe. liquid lis assumed to be :Lnlm,,. f pressible, L 15710-63 ACCESSION MR: 002549 AR3 A! vajo*t1c, Uld vV= the propawtiiii~or tb*------ r Pavitational Ans *a the surrave-bf.tbe conOA*ting lijuldj, which occur z-, Ts~ homogenous zeVetto field Is tow3d. -. During #Ae solution of the hydrodynamic- problem It it assu"I tbat: the moplitude of the wave to much less than "its . length.p" which. allows the As on supple) the kMWv%Fbs;UM-of- the f leld for liquid iatun WW se& water z1he eartb 9: nagnatic field, is' calculated. The, pertwxUtIon. tic field tcr 9 at Magne, J, jet with expovientUl -voloattylistributtatt vad. for a roctiltnew flow ett viscous conducting liquid $a..& t0s-ls wlcv:L%tedi' X.Ve TAW MYT 4sbeas Isui dabei,". PSI DATS ACQ zg, ~12 ,X, 2/2 r.A_rd t -3. Pi~h/P" TF ACCESSION Mt: A'R3(XQ663 0/0194/63/000/005/=k/301 SOURCE: Rzb. Mekhaviikay Abs. 5B69 run, AUTHOR: Volkov, Yu,?!. 1 00 1q, on _of- a'aagmetle floild In me TrM., Experiments generation' tale and the questIft; of tbe origin of the goomagnottv field Cr= SOWCZ: Ob. V gnitn.' gidrodimalki I dineaftl plaW. Y. 2. Higap. A AN N tvSMp 19621 155-V, TOPIC TAGS: metal' sphere, rotationp goomagnotio f Ioldp earth., capperp, leadp brass layer,, w tohydrodynodes, induced field TRABLATIONt! Experinents on the generation of, a vagmt1c f told ditring the ro tation of a conducting body In an wpotic field are deseribed. -Pro- -external theoretical formuLles for the induced field were introduvid. The rotation viously, of a metallic sphere vith constant-angular velocity In an external honogeneous magnetic field is considered. Expressions an obtained for the induced azimuthal f told In tvo most vhon the sphere Is surrounded by a stationary conducting, ? L :l~-631 W4, ACMIM NR 1R300r-WWj OEM solid medlum'- when the sphere Is submerged in a viscous conlucting liquid, which to also rotatinga The induced f ield In proportional. to the external field.. wA the angular frequency of the rotation also depends on the ratios of' the couductivittes of the body and the medium. 'In the case of a t*14 medium the Andoced field falls with distance from the center of the~sphera as IM, and In tho came of Lbe liquid medium) on I/r.- The Obtalued depandencir to vailfied by experimauts The exper Iment was - conducted not with a - sphere,, birb with a rotatim; cylinder.. At a-~ large distance from the cylinder, the field in the f Irst approrimation ought to be the same for the spherical rotator, an for the cylindrical, limited In respect to height. The rotation of a copper rotator vas studied, set in Lead, comer, brass and mercury layers, sad also the rotation of a mercury r9tAtor in coppers The rotatio na of solid mat"c rotators In mercury were studied. The experl Mont verified the entire theoretical dependence. Induced fie3A maguitudes of to 1/30 of the external field were obtained. The obtained results give a beale for Judgment tif the or geomagnatic field. rosy svyport the validity, of the hypothetiLs or the sagmto- hydrodynamic derivation of the earth's field, TUIR, 00. Djaz Am .14J=63. M COVI: PRO ML MM r M AMCIASDIAYMIZSD-31AM H ion (31~ F ACCESSION NR,. A1t3002(Z2 S/01gh/63/M/005/*a4/30lk ~ACCE ol_~~ SOURCE,. Rzh. Kekhaniltap Abe*' AMORz Dormenj L*16 r -TITIZ: InMEMenmemeMembil'raicterlstics In the 41-OhLAnd"Y pr., miWalta. g1drodkWaiki I dinaulki plazzy. y. 2. Rigs,, 't" CIM SOURCE: Sb. V ~AN Latym, 1962.. X-189 TOPIC TAGS., solar windl: cosmic ray# turbulence, fluctuation., magnetic field' TRANSLATIOB., The asawaptlon Is i*U -that the fluctuation of the magnetic field in the solar windL has a complete spectrum ranging from t isin '% loll to lol3 ca. Then the diffusion, coeff Went of thio cosu14 rays Is ."Mu tonal to the particle energy if' their radius of evirvature WAYMP iozwa~ to the square of the energy for particle* with large radit"Cir curvature treJectoriesp which enables one to explain +Ae'dbssrv*L vaiation In tbe cosate rays in all energy ranges# $,At Kaplan. DATE ACQ: lhJun63. .-SUB C019 I M, VM3 60 LCR~! 4, 7', L'15Z22-63 WVMESM-9 AM AM Ait~IA~blt~IaY Pz-4/Pe-4/pab,04/pi-4/po:-4/Pq4. AT/M. ACCESSION MR: AnmMv 0/0224/63/000/095/B010014 M 4 SOMCZ: Rzba~ 14"iniki.. Abe i 597 AYMOR. lkz~ Tl=t Properties of !!Patlo iiais ln'plAss" ejected from the sun Cr= SOMCZs - 8b. Vopr. magultn. 01drodinamiki I dinaulki plazuq. v. 2. Rigas, AN Latv=l 1,962j, q9-284 TOPIC TAGS: plasuitl trap) 'uspettv trap,, solar pleams., sunp particlej, Ferod mechanism TRANSLATIO Ny~ A survey Is made of. titudies and calciastlon verifying the for Mation# In 3UAmw"3x=$z which cre ejected from the su:~of magnetic traps with field intensity frce lO'?.to,JO'4 pe, foz d Asup at the 10441*g edge of the currentp the field Is increased 3-6 times. The sairgy ef the trapped particle* .18 less than the Goargy of Qs, f told; the lower boundary of their qmetra -is 3-5 mega eye - fte spectra van -tracked to 30-40 mega sys The particles rrii accelerated in the trap by t :formed M "re at distances of onew and 8/203J62/002/003/005/021 1023/1250 AUTHOR: Dormin, L.I. and Inozomtseva, 0.1. TITLE: The nature of a local souree of diurnal anisotropy of cosmic rays during the main phFA3.e of n. mnpnet1c storm PERIODICAL: GouringnItizm I. Acronomiya, 1.2, no.3, 1962, 453-463 TEXT: The article piesenta an Investigation of the anomalous di- urnpl. variation during the main phase of' the magnetic storm of February 11, 1958,, based on data obtainetd by moans of the crossed telescopes nf the Capotown station and tho neutron monitors world network, It is shown thnt In thin case., apart from a remote source of anisotropy; there is a local ona. The romoto source is connected with the action of the oloctro-mq;netic field of the solar wind oil co.-imIc rays. Tho local source appears an a result of a direct in- fluonce of an naymmetrioally distortod goomngnotic field on cosinie rays. A quantitative estimate of the effect is obtained, based on theoretical calculations given In liternturee The results are com- parad with experimental dnta, - There m,e 8 figures, 2 tables, 10 re- Caid 1/2 S/203/62/002/003/005/021 1023/1250 The nature of a local isourceses ferencese The most Important referenco: T. Obayast. Rept. Ionosphere Res. Japnn, 195V, 13, 11o.3, 201. ASSOCIATION: lAngnitna-va Laboratoriya Akademil nauk SSSR, Institut zemnogo inagnntizmao ioncsfery I rasprostranonlya rfidiovoln Akademii nauk SSSR (Magnetic Laboratory,, Academy df Sciences of the ITSSR; Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism,, Ionosphere and Radiowave Propagation, Academ7 of Saionoea of the USSR) SVBMITTED; February 19, 1962 Card 2/2 0142 S/203162/002/004/002/018 1046/1242 AUTHORS: Dormnn, I,.I. and i,"Olcmeyots, Ye,V. TITLE: Tho effect of small 3olar flares on the neutron com- ponent of cosmic rays as a funation of time and locat- Ion of pronoding fleres PERIODICAL: Geomagnetizin I aero'nomiya, v,,2, no.4, 1962" 630-634 TEXT c' ma 11 solnr fl!tres (intonsity 1) occurring a few hours after high-intensity chromospheric flitres in the same active regions some- times produce an increRse in th,3 neutron-oonponent intensity regis- tored on earth. 71hon tho donsity of the pvLrticlo3 released In the first (high- intens Ity) flare is suffici-ent to tunnel throixgh the local magnetic trvp, which forms near the chromospheric flare, the low-energy particles reloased by the second flare will emerge as a LY q,orpuscular stream through the tunnel thnt has not yet sealed off, As a result, a slight Increase In the neutron-component intensity will be registered fo2lo-.~,Inf: Vhe substantial increase due to the Card 1/2 S/203/62/002/004/002/018 1046/1242 The effect of small sulpr flnrcis... first high-energy corpl%le%ilar -3trenn_ If not burst as a result of 'Che first flammab the tran rFy burst under the cumulative effect of the pnrticles rolansed In the 'Iwo flares, And the emerging corpuseu- lar stream will produce a singla comparatively large neutron-com- ponent increase after the second (low-intensity) flare. In some cases, the density of particles released in two flares is insuffic- ient to burst the trap, and nc neutron-component Increase is ob- served in correlation with tho flares. There are 7 figures and I table. ASSOCIATION: Magnitnaya laboratoriyo. AN SSSR, Wazalr-hskiy gosudarst- vonnyy universitet (Magnetic IAboratory, AS USSR; Kazakh State University) S I J -7 1 '1, IT 7E. DApril 1."), 1?62' Card 2/2 S/048/62/026/006/015/020 B125/BIO2 AUTHOR: Dormant L. I. TITLE: The variations of cosmic rays and the electromagnetic condi- tions existing near the earth, near corpuscular currents and in interplanetary space PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Izvestiy6. Seriya fizicheskayaj v. 26, no. 6, 1962, '6199-1307 TEXT: 'Works relating to variations of cosmic rays, published from 1957 to da'.A, are here reviewed. Such variations provide dependable information as to electromfignetic conditions in the space surrounding the earth. There is 1 table. Card 1/1 5/056 62/043/003/003/063 -34 B125/B102 AUTHORS: Dorman, L -I. and Mikhaylov, Yu. It. TITLE: investigation of electromagnetic phenomena involved in the motion of bodies in a conducting fluid subject to a magnetic field 11ERIODMiL.- Zhurnal eksperimentalfnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, V. 43, no- 3(9), 1962, 752-762 TEXT: The field distributions In fluids are determined theoretically, also allowing for the viscosity, and a check experiment is described. The mo tion of a sphere of radius a and with conductivity 6,, acted on by a homogeneous magnetic field Ho in a poorly conducting incompressible fluid with -oonductivity d 21 'a described by rot h= 4nc-IJ, rot E = 0, div H = 0, d1v J = 0. (2). J - a (E + c-1 1vHJ). Card 1/5 AP S/056/62/043/003/003/063 Investigation of electromagnetic B125/13102 The coordinate systen is bound to,the sphere and absolute units are used. The'Hartmann number and the magnetic Reynolds number, but not the hydrodynamic Reynolds number ars assumed small.- The tot i ma netic field 09 is represented as H + 9:9 a; 2 10f4 6rT ho R. Ho. 3 r sin 20, t efficient increased with -Increezing particle -energy,- A- comparison of the theoretical curve-- of the di ffusioo ~ coefficient vith curves obtained by experiments shors good- agree- i ment. The diffusion4:coeffictent:of particles. irith an energy of 500-Mey wfis equal--to..- that obtainedAn the~ostratQspheii, measuring solaricosmic particles!or another flare. card- ..ilg ASSOCI.'XfION,- -.1natitut, reag.a.- -Orig.-.-art ---hasIu_.4--ligures- and-3-tormula.A. agnetiiii-S Lanoefery i rasorostranentyek r _-ovola.- -A- A KOIAVA, V.K.; KOREDM, V.G.,- SHATASHVILI, L.Kh. The 27-day variation of the geomagnetic field disturbance on zero-days of coamic-ray intensity. Geomag. i aer. 5 no.3:566-- 568 MY-Je 165. (MIRA 18:5) 1. Institut geofiziki AN Gruzinskoy SSR. k", -D 1-T ACCOSTOIT 10to AFfd1MM5_, _00 523.165 _-i' -A U-407-261 it on, :u r 4i -on -a- - of- em-&I l_ in- taus iland coomio- ray apentrm in 1h9 galaV- jJ0 AN 9ZWM. Aechmmism ewe iirwastigated-It, which- in 'tta= shade so= ligh all the,ia- _podulation: r mity gradients.:of comdo =We ficm~lnterolanetary apaose "the stuAy.1s' in Abrion- wtito; In-06it-It variation-In -cosmio-- rve andi.-Ab* -or- Vw_tud~~ tops 1190 prat 7'~ I'Whiehr whett combitted vith tile 'velod f_r1itid'of, pibtoiju to CC _Wtioles0 yields (R) MI. Kc YJ 0 Jlp + t "n F 4i_ ACCESSION gRi- haid.:Wiss i- trans- -iAth J*df 44 Awhere-R- 19-14CM-lutdii1sit ft~m port ing of -1 Bar DowtiolonAt r.. 100 ta, calculated, lbo be 3 x 1011 cm Ill ithe speotra.- Of plaotio 000d0. isy-6 t~ lc~ ioer& 4 during WUdwzt: a, are wls4ze PLoti*ity. _Tt in 6bdervsd in the ooomib r4; spectra,- 1A 1- A.- L., ~Aj A :1-' A-~_ 'Hu__ I I-; :A __;._ !, - A A.- - --- -- - A, ACC NRs AP5024661 SOURCE I VIV0048163102910091178111783 AUMORS B]Lokhp ra.L.; Doman, L.Ij Inoz~mtjj9vA� Oqtq,; t0*0120vt 1.1h.; *"~r Ona t none TITLE: Counter, telescope for recording tho total UU-310h enha tistics /Report,, All-Valon Clonforence on Ocento gay Phymloo hold at Apatity 24-31 Au-j BOURM AM ON& Investkya, Serija fislahookays, v. 29, no. 9, 1965, 1181-27M TOPIC TAGS: partials, counter, cosmic ray tolosco"I comic "i Se_"UrV'!!.Pt' comic ray anisotropy ABSTRAM The aulthorn discuss the design of a crossed qq_u_nt*K esco "ar raaording~ _isL__Pe f the total commic iray flux. A design goal wait to achieve ststatistical accuracy,of 0.1 % In 2 hours of counting. Design oalculglions for 25 different geometries were performed by a gorteralization of the method previously given by Ya.L.Blokh (Sb. to Koo- alcheskiye luchl"t , No.3, nor. Rexul'taty MG, str. 80. lmd. AN SSSR, 1961) for aalcu- lating directional curves for cubla geometry. The instrument was designed witkmiut lead to simplify the construction and to permit recording of the electron component, which Is most oonaltlvv to anisotropy effects. The final design consists of 16 Iden- tical 60 x 60 x 90 =3 elements containing 10 counters each and arranged with a 10 ca spacing between elomeots In a 270 x 270 x 90 t=3 rectangular parallelepiped with the 1/2 L ACC NRs AP5024661 square faces horivmtal.. Counts are to be miorded in five principal directions (north, south, east, west, and vertical) vA J.n four supplementary diagonal directions. The half-width of itht directional diagram to '4140, the effective zenith "Is Is 330, and the acceptance atigle In 0.3 sterad. The consitive area to approximately 4 M.2 in each direction, aml it statistical accuracy of 0.14 % Is anticipated for a 2 how, run. Correction will be made for changes In the sculdental coinaidence "to due to obAws in the cosmic ray iflux. Orig. art. hast 2 fij,,ures., SUB ODDRi NPI NOW DAM 00/ ORIG Wt 004 OM 1W t 002 Card 2jq L -6944-66 EWVI)/ N14 AP 5026223 (h) GW SO;1rCZ CODIs UP/0048/65/029/010/181(1/1812 AUTHOR: Dormant L.Lt Miroohnichankot LjI. =tv"wo ORO: none TITLE: Solar cosmic rays from the flare of :18 September 1961 and the properties of interplanetary space (Report, All-Union Conforence an Cosmic Ray Physics held att Apatity 24-31 Augim;t 1964) SOUMA-: An SSSR. Izvestiyas Serlya fizicheakaya, v.29 no.10, 1965, ILS10-1812 TOPIC.TAGS: commic ray~~~~hyslcal diffusion, interplanetary space,non- homogeneous magnetic field ABSTRACT: The memiurements with_EW!sr Xv . ~e of the cosmic ray intensity during the 28 Sept. 1961 floltu- flare were compared with the predictions of the author"s dif.fu- sion theory of cosmic ray propagation (Geomagnotlam i neronomiya, 5, N0.3,337 (1965). Agreement could be obtained by assuming that the particles began to be emitted when the x-ray burst reached its maximum some 15 mimutes after the onset of the solar flare The scattering mean free path was almost indept3ndent of particle energy for ener1:182 from 10 to 500 MeV, and was approximately 7.5 a loll cm. The differential emission spectrum was found to be 5.6 x 1034 E 2 prototut/MeV. where 9 'is the kinetic energy. A lower limit Of 5 3 20-6 0 wav found for the sitrength of the magnetic field inbc)00- Card L 6944-66 ACC NR, AP 0026223 geneities. If one assume$ on the basis of measiu4menta with Mariner 2 that the strength of the magnetic field Inhomogeneities As 10-4 G one finds that a linear di- mension of such an :Lmhomogeneity is approximate:Ly 4 x 1010 cm, which is about halt the distance be, ween the inhomogeneitles. Or1g. art. has: 8 formulas. S1UB CCDX: AA/ SUBM DATX: OO/Oot 63 ORIG. MW: 001 OrH mw*. 001 SOURCE: Ref. zh. Issledom alye koomicheakogo jwostranstva, Abs. 8.62.231 AUMOR: Dorman, L.I. TITM: Cosmic rays variations during the IGY pe-riod and the electromagnetic properties of cosmic space Czw SOURcz: Geofir.. bya. Mezhduved. geofiz. kom-t pri Prezidiume AN SSSRO no. 14, 1964, 11&12T cosmic ray measurement TOPIC TAGS., space radiation., qoam1c ray. TPAHSTATION.- , The basic results of stAjes condu.-ted during the 1GY on cosmic rays variations and their relation to electrmuqpetic conditions in cosmic space an given. A brief Uot of variations claaWicatiai is included. References: 20. SUB COD11s. 03 EML: 00 DORIAN, L.I.; OFTILCIV, Yu.1. Motion of a magnetic particle In the eirths dipole field. Izv. AN SSSR.Ser.flz. 29 no.10:1862-186.1, 0 '~,5- (MIRA 18:10) DOIUWI~ L.L; INOZEMTSEVA, 0.1.; MAZARYUK, YeoA.; .",OI.C)V'Y-'-"IA, Z..'r. Modulation of the solar diurnal effect and tba r,,.,,-JbIIIty for establishing variations in cosmic ray intencity a-S masumd in sidereal time. Izv. AN SSSR.Sez-.fiz. 29 nc.10:189P-1901 0 165. (K RA 18 110) ALANIYA, M.V.;-f,(jIVANP.- L.I.; ISHATALHVIL1, L.Eh. TI.e 27-day variationv In rocip-le rity anJ..,!,,Aro,,py datli if obvervationo of tho neutron component at motintain tst.,,Lli-,ni of the world networko Izv. A14 SSSR.Ser.fiz. 29 no.10:1916-1919 0 '65. (MIRA 18:10) 1. Institut ge.:)fiziki AN GruzSZ;R. 7, GW ACC NR' AP 5026235 80=3 CODS: UR/0048/6.11/C)29/010/1020/1922 AUTHOR: pormeni L,L; Kebuladze, T. ./Loridze, V.0. 13 Ono: none TITIZ, World-wide cosmJ4 ray intensity increases and their relation to geomagnetic disturbances Aliport s All-Vnion.Conferenco on Cosmic Ray Physics held at Apatity, SOURCE,, AN 833R. Izvestiya.Seriya fizicheskaya, v-29, no.10, 1965, 192G-1922 TOPIC TAGS: -Cosmic ray Intensityl' cosmic ray variation, magnetic stor~0\' AB3TJW7T: The authors have analyzed the world-wide cosmic ray intensity increases that (X.,curred during the magitetic storms of IS August 1957, 13 September 1957, 11 February 1938, and 17 August 1958. In the present paper the results ot the analysis.of the 13 September 1957 atom are discussed; the analyses of the remaining storms 'led to similar results. Cosmic ray intensity Increases were observad not only at the minimum of the Forbush effect, but also at the beginning of tho main phase of the atom when the horizontal ccomponent of the terrestrial magnetie field was rising. The maximum increase of cosmic ray Intensity was observed at different times at different atations. The cutoff rigidity at the 2aximum of a cosmic ray intensity increaue did not correlate with the longitude or latitude of the station at which it was observed. The relation between the amplitude of a cosmic ray L 6947-66 ACC UR' AP 5026235 intensity increaso and the cutoff rigidity was in agreement with the theoretioal curves of L.I.Dorman, Ya. L.Blokhiland N.S.Kaminer (Sb. Kosmicheakiye luchis qo.4, str. 5. Izd- AN SSSR. M., 1061). It to concluded that cosmic ray intensity Li- creases accompanying magnetic storms are complex in nature and not to be explained solely by changes of the geomagnetic cutoff rigidity. Orig. art. has: 3 figures. SUB CCDR: AA) 33S SUM DATZ- 00/--Oot65 ORIG. RISP: 003 Ont REF. OCII 212 la 1 L. Fh, e n r: n, r ta of the I . , U s nj unr I a tc to Itle vi." tle Eclar for- Crid n-I elf ~t,a mati t"rr. T~;~l A., ISIrIII_1r).~l .1 -or fiz. .7) nl-..IC'. I.-", n'-! 0 le,5. rool*IZU'A AN (11-l!"S*,;~1 AWZSSf6H NR'.1' AT362j63 UR/0000/65/000/000/0514/0528 AWHOR: A_kpKhj_j~Lt L.; P2Zjttj.A_L Lunchvy"St-l"; Platollov*_ ~G. F.; Razorenkov,_"j; 7A TITLE: Some results of the utudy of cosmic ray nucleonsby the Elektron-2 satellite SOURCE, Vaesoyuznaya konferentsiya vo f Itike kosm1cheLkp&q_P_roAoL8_A_41 1965. 1 - --d6vaniya-kosmicheakogo prostranstva (Space research); trudy kon sale ferentsit. Moscow, Izd-vo Nauka, 1965, 514-528 ITOPIC TAGS: satellite, radiation, cosmic ray, cosmic radiation, nuclear particle, ~nucleon/Elektrcn 2 satellite IABSTRACr: Included in the instrumentation of the Hlektron-2 satellite (launched, Pan 1964- apogee, 68,000 km) was a combination of-- iii-t-ein-ai--and external countersI designed ~o register nuclear components of - pj~ima ~qpsmi - radiation. . The - design 8=n calibration of thii-apparatus is escribddo and some r-rjults of paYtially~-reduced_. data are discussed mounted on,the exterv-.1 surface of the sate to W" casbihatl6~;l6t- the-A'sk; di scintillation, t4,gRislvhich-'respi3id4i'd~"t'd~ 44 ern -:count z -2 0! C MON NR: -AT5023633 ~A '.type, registering at the discrete levels of. Z v 2, Z !b. 5, and Z 15. All counters were shielded and were designed to register only particles with energies ~- 6(* Hev/nucl. 1 Fig. 1 of the Enclosure gives the basic schematic of the external counter combina- I ,tion, The authors detail the method used to calibrate the photomultiplier outputs in terms of the Z-rangt of Input excitation; for example, for the type FEU-35 -Xte"~ nal counter, the anode output characteristic corresponded to the range from Z - 4 to Z - 21, and the output of the 7th dynode, to the range Z - 6 to z - 28. The calibration technique was to excite a SIC electroluminescent diode with a high-vol-I talge, short-duration (4-30 naec)-thyratron pulse, providing the phototube with a light input similar to a counter input, Early results from these primary p3rricle counters, obtained during the IQSY, have been a useful supplement to analogous satel- lite data from the 1959-1962 period, during which solar activity was undergoing them !.transition from maximum,to minimum. Comparative results are seen in Fig. 2, which I Ishows an almost Itwofold increase in nuclear particles recorded near the solar activity, Iminimum. Table I compares data from one orbit of Elektron-2 to that of the 1959 and !1960 satellites and the 1962 Mars-1 probe. To date,only data for the Z > 15 particles.. 1have been reduced enough for statistical analysis. A large increase in Incidence of Ithis si.e particle was noted during solar eruptions observed in the course'of the jElektron-2 flight. Orig..arto has:_18 figures. 1 table, and l.formula.. [SRI, ~,SOC uone . IATION: A - ~-7 7. 7'7 77 7. L2991-66 ACCESSION NR- -XT-~6~3633 CLOSUREi 0 A Mv WOMMAW AW 4w W" %J.*u mod di Fig. 1. External counter 11 6 B2 Ph6t.ot.ube'-output-from Cerenkov",counter; from scintillation counter#. Card 'A ~ij KCM;SICYN NR; AT5023633 :ENCLOSUPEt 02 "- 4U 14 0 At 44 -.0 J. 1 7 Mv /.W /JW I= . Fig. 2. -~I pot activity vs nuclear flux Solid circles - Z >, 5; open circles - 2 >, 15; 1 - Lunik-2; 'Card 916, 2 -, Elektron-2. L 2991-66 ACC9SSIGN Ngf,.~.4T5023633 ENCLOSUREt .01 Nuclear flux~ particles/m2/gec/ster Vehicles X>3 EieIttron-2 WA� 1,4 i8,3�0.3' 0,60�0.06 Lunik--2 f5o.o�L3 t0,6�0.3 0,4�0.03 ki~tibl; ~-3 129,2�12,9 9,8�0,7 333�21