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bw_iN SK 1
TITLE On the Spin and Parity c.,' the Y-MAson (K vopriau o spine
i chetnosti.
PERIODICAL Zhurnal Eksperimentallnoi i Teoret. Fiziki, 19.57,
Vol 32, Nr 1,
PP 173-175 (U.S.S.R.)
Received 3/1957 Reviewed 4/1957
ABSTRACT On the strength of consideration which formerly have
not been taken ir,40
account, the present work shows that experimental data exc:,ude
the P03-
sibility investigated by MAMHAK. The aathors, hereby bass on the
considerations. 1) The isotopic spin 13ff Of the system of 3
pions occur-
ring on the occasion of tr-decay is equa~L tp 1. This assumption
made also
by other authors results from the GELL-44ANN scheme accordifig
to which the
7 -meson has the isotopic spin Ijr - 1/2. The slow decay 7"- n+
+ ff+ + v-
can be explained by the non-com-3ervation of isotopic spin.
2)K-mesons which
decay according to the scheme 31:t -o, v* #. 20 are identified
with r-mesons.
3) According to various itxperimental daza W7/Nrl is trite for
the ratio
of probabilities of r- and 71-decay. As;:iiruing validity of
conditions 1)
and 2), it. holds that Wy, A y I - (IX + 4i )/(F + 0 ) . Here' F
denotes a quan-
tity which can be obtainowd by integrati.-ig the squares of tile
moduli of the
matrix-elaments, which are symmetric with respect to the momenta
of all
pions, over the energies of' the pions. tp denotes an analogous
which can be obtained from the matrix-e. Laments which are
s)=etric only
with respect to the moments. of the iderytical pions. It is
found that(~_O,
i.e. pions are produced only in states -that are symmetric irith
respect to
Card 1/2
PA - 2084
On the Spin and Parity of the Y-Mason.
the momentst of all 3 particles. If this assunption is corre.-t
the spectrum
of positive pions in the cue of 2*1-decay mumt be identical
with that of
positive pions in the case of ?--decay. The lowest orbital
momenta cor-
responding to these data aris given in a schainei which
contains also the
orbital morienta ard matrix -.4eleme nta used by W.LITZ. A
diagram shows the
curves for the energy spectrum of pions which hiLve been
computed from the
matrix elements of the symmetric states. The curves
corresponding to the
spins and symmetries (parities) 1+, l-, and :24' ,Uffer
considerably from
the experimental spectrum. Also the curve fo::, thu case 2-
agrees less well
with the experimental value than the curve corresponding to
case 0-.
Some conclusions. A) The cnmbinatior 0- is the nost probable
for spin and
pi7`1_t_y_._~TTo_m,binatior.s 1+. 1-, and 2' arc p:'
-;,ctically excluded. Thus the
most probable values ;ArL; L1103L 11tat, lead to an o:currence
the so-called 11 )r _E) 11 -problem. (1 illustration)
ASSOCIATION Moscow State University
AVAILABLE Library of Congress
Card 2/2
& 1i X0, 20Z-14/42
AUTHORSi Shap 1. S., Dolina;kiy, -E. I. Blokhintsev, L.D.,
TITLE: Problax or Inturact ion of Huon Wi Lh Nucleons (K voprosu
o vzaimoaeystvii$t.-mezvnov a nuklonami).
PERIODICAL: Doklady AN SSSR, 1957, Vol. 116, Fr 6, pp. 946 - 948
ABSTRACT; The prevent report invostigates the- an6;ular
distribution of neut-
rolis wh`~ch were obtainod at the capture of a negative muon by a
proton :Ln 644-mesohydrogen. The negative muon is aisuaed to be po-
larized., In this came the angular di2tribution of the neutrons in
a general case will be generally anisotropic because of the non-
conservation of the parity with weak interactions, in whit,,h case
both the sign and the nize of anisotropy depend on the form of
interaction.The energy of interaction of a nuou with a nu,,.leon
taking account of the nonconservation of -parity can be written
down conjugated complex in the form H-'7-(!~,OkTp) (~[gk-gk' t51
Okyt-) +
In this case Ok means the operators known from the theory of the
0-deoay which are composed of the *Dirac matrices. It. further holds
k - sjppvqajtjin which case sjpjvj%,t signifies the scalar,psoudo-
scalarp,rectorial,poeu,di)vectorial,and tensorial variant of inter-
action.iVith gk - -9k 'the variant propoued by L.D.Landau (refer-
ence 1) of the theory with a longitudinal polarized neutrino is
obtained.The formula W(6)-1+acos6,holds for the angu.lar distribu-
Card 1/2 tion of the neutronsli;a which case e denotes the an,;le
between the
Problem WInteraction of Muon With Nucleons.
direction of emission of the neutron and the negative direction
of polarization of the nega-Ave mucin. The terms valid in the
se of the presence of all vuriants of interaction is given
for CL
The values of ct for the different. variatts of
interaction (on the
assumption of longitudinal neutrinc,)are
su,mmarized in a table.S-ach
formulae can also be obtained for
the capture of negative muons:
by protons which are bound to
nuclui.In this case a depends on
the matrix eleuents oT the
nuclei which rcndera the Lnterpretat-
ion of the experimental
data difficult.Besides the anisotropy of
angular distribution of
the neatroILS, also the fact can be utili-
zed for the
determination of the form of interaction that the
formed durinq the processA#,+p_;,,n+~9 are generally pola-
rized. This polarization takes plac'e both transvervally and
itudinally. A table containu the awounts cf longitudinal
zation of the 11-neutrons obtained at the capture of
negative nuone by frea protons in the caao of a
noutrino.These data hold also approximately for the
capture of
muone by nuolei.There are 1 figure,I table and 4
references,2 of
which are Slavic. (v,annyy universitet
Mboeew RIM* Uaiversity in. K.
V. lawagoov '(*akov2kiy goeudarst-
May 271 19571 b~,
D. v. oicoballtsyn,kcademiclan
May 18,1957
Library of Con8reas
Card 2/2
AUTHORSt DolinvkiyJL,_Ib , Blokhintsev, L. 1).
TITLEt The Absorption of Polarized Negative 11yons by Nuclei
(Poglcishohaniya polyarizovannykh &7-mezonov yadrami)
PERIODICALt ZhurnILl Eksperimentallnoy i Teoretichuskoy Pimiki,
Vol. .34, Nr 3, PP- 759 761 (USSR)
ABSTRACTs Acoording to I. S. Shapiro and others (Reference 1) the
distr.Lbution of the neutrcne formed in the capture of polariz.-
ed negative myons by free protons, can be represented in the
form 'I + OLcos 9. The present report gives the results of
calculation of the coefficient x for the case of absorption
of negative myons by protons which are bound in nuclei, for
the scialar (s), vectorial (v), tensorial (t) and pseudovec-
torial. (a) variant of the 4-fermion-intaraction of myons
with nucleons. The nucleus. is described by the shell model
and the recoil of the nucleus is neglected. The calculation
is carried out in non-relativintic approximation with re-
spect to the nucleons. The interaction of the neutron being
Card 1/3 emittod with the nucleus was taken into account by means of
SUM-A- 3-41/55
The Absorption of Polarized Negative ifyons by Yaclei 9
a complex potential which alltm t*.Ie application of a
probabilit.y of absorption of the meutron in the nucleus.
value obtained for OCcan te still reduced due to various
causes which are briefly sumnarized here. First., terms for
the wave functions of the proton and of the neutron are
written down, The wave function of the neutron is vritten
down here also by taking &ocount of the spin orbit inter-
action. The wave function of the neutrino was applied in
form of a plane wave. Subnequently, f ruiulae for tYe
of a neutron with the energy E ~22/2m under a civen
angle 9 in the absorption of a negative myon are written
in the subehell characterizable by the quantum numbers n, j,
1. These formulae hold for the superposition of tho s, v, t
and a-variants. The total effect of all closed subohells
is obtained by summarizing the corresponding formulne by
way of n, J, I* Ae formulae given here, also describe the
absorption of a negative tayon by I protan which is located
above the closed shells. The formulae given here mJ.ght form
a good approximation for the double mag-.*.c nuclei. ~.he
Card 2/3 tails of the calculation and the numerical
eatimations for
The Absorption of Pola.rized Negative ILyons by Hualef.
concrete nuclei will be given in a separate report. There
are 4 references, 3 of which are Soviet.
ASSOCIATIONs Mookovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet
(moscow state University)
SUBMITTEDs December 9, 1957
Card 3/3
21(7), -24(5)
TIT T C, it Dolinskiy, E. 1.
T 1"I LE' On ty 11ounibility of Deterninin,~-. V,e
(Ob odnoy voznozhnos%i apreleloniyn
!'ERIODI~,.L: 71rimal eksperimenlaltnoy i teo
Vol 35, 1r 5, pp 12-~~5-1294 (ITSS11)
Tjvjlr~f -.",-5-40/56
1*v.-ity of Strange Particles
chetnocii ntrannykh
fi--:iki, 1950,
7S T R A C T An experiment is dic:uased rihir!. r,,O~en
it-po~3ible to
deteri-line the rel.,itive -arity of' X,:eno:-m_anA, The
author inventi,,7utes 'the absorlption of a 7 -:".eson from
S-state by a polarizod proton with proluction of n Y-hyporon
'Y bore denotes eithar a A-or a Y-Iqj~arcin) ~-%,] of a picn
+ n. K-rfson spill in asslined to be equal to zero
and Ity-?ron spin to I~v 10/2. The concarval ion of pnrity
the anipalur nomentim in ithe allov,f renction lvnl~ to the
tions With JKJ . (_)L,l with L 0 or 1. - 1.
V;here two possibilities: a) +1, ir. vI ich enve L - 1
nnd 1)) 1, where it holls thut L 0. Hem ~K denotes
Card 1/2 the internal 1,~.rity of the K-meson, t,ie relative
cj()V/5(; - 3 5 - 5- 4 0/56
On a Possibility of Datermining the Parity of Strange
of the h.,Yperon and proton, L - the orbital moment of the
tive motil, on of the hyperon. and pion in their center of
system. In the two above-mentioned casos. the hyperons are
emitted inotropically. Expressionn are then given J'.or the
of polarization of the emitted hyperono. The, experiment dis-
cussed nnn be carried out also on polarized nuclei. The
thanks 1. S. Shapiro for disoussine this paper.
ASSOCTATIOF: Moskovskiy gosudarstvann y univernitet
(Moscow Stitto University~
SUBMITTED: JulY 5, 1958
Card 2/2
24(5), 210) SOV/56-35-6-26/44
AUTHORS: Dolinel: Blokhintsev, L. It.
TITLE: Absorption of Polarized p.--Meson b~, Ruclei
polyarizovannykh g--mezortov yadr:mi The Angular
of Neutrons (Uglovoye ranpredeleniye- neytronov)
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal. eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheokoy
fiziki, 1958,
Vol 35, Nr 6, pp 1488-1498 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The investigation of the nuclear abaorption of
nel,,ative muon.,i
makes it possible to determine the ncn-electromagrietic in-
teraction between muons and nucleono. The ;roceS3 of the
nucleax absorption of riuons developa via ar. intermediate
stage -twith formation of a mesic atom according to (1).
1, + P --0- N + V + Q, (P - proton, N .. neutxon, V _
In the introduction, several earlier publications dealing
with this subject are discussed. Mcot of the theoretical
papers, (as e.g. references I - 3), operate, with !he
shell model with J-j coupling. In r,0erence 4 meaourements
the re,tio, between muon eiecay probabilities are compared
the theoretical results obtained by Tolhook and Luyten
(Tolkh%ik, Luyten) (Ref 3) ~Gamov,-Teller interaction type).
Card 1/4 In a number of papers (Refs 5-9) f;*le asymnetry
of neutron
Absorption of PolrtriZod li--Mesons by N'ijclei. The
Angultir Distribution of
angular distribution from (1), (absorption of polarized
was invootigated. Several authors (Refs 5v 9, 10) found that
the nucleii themselvev ahoit polarization after the capture
polarized muons. In referonce 8 the circular polarization and
the angular distribution of y-quanta in p_-raik~-ation
was investigated, references 11 and 12 deal with the investi-
gation of the total depolaLrization of ji -mesons in
In the present paper the authors investigate neutron angular
distribution from (1) when. using it%mesone, which arn
as a decay product of u--mesons polarized along the direction
of their flight. (1) may be considered to be et direct
for the neutron angular distribution of which 1 + P 11 acos
0 holda
(PA in the degree of polarization of the ji--mesons at the
stant of 3apture, a - the asymmetry coofficient, and 9 - the
angle between the direction of olari"ZILtion and the
in which the neutron is eviitted3. By taking the
tion of Parity into account, the Hamiltonian for four-fermion
interaction between muon and nucleort is set up. As the
energy of' the V--meson in the K-orbit in the mesic atom is
Card 2/4 considerably lower than its rest energy, the wave
function for
Absorption of Polarized o_-Mesons by Nuclei. The Angular
Dietritution of
the muon can be used in non-relativistic approximation. For
the nucleus the shell modetl with J-J couplin(; is used. The
recoil energy of the nucleus is nealected. The potential of
the shell model and the interaction potential between neutron
and nucleus is assuced to be epherioally symmetric. The spin-
orbit interaction of the emitted neutron with the nu,,.leus
ia not taken into consideration because this case haa already
been dealt with by reference 13. The results obtained by
retical considerations are numerically evaluated for the
neutron emission probability dW(EN,Q) and for the asymmetry
a(E..) for the 0 16 and the Ca40 nucleus. Calculations are
ried out with a coupling constant gk - Ck (10- 49 erg.CM3).
The numerical results obtained are ahonw by 2 table3 and 4
figures. They can be summa-rized an follows: The enerC7,
has a maximum at E Nd5 Me,r. The major part of p_-mesona is
absorbed by protons of the external sholls of the nucleus.
the angular distribution of neutrons it holds that
Card 3/4 q(0) - I + P 11 WaHCos 0, an 14s the asymmetry
coefficient for
Absorption of Pola:~ized g -%,,sons by Nuclei. The Angular
Distribution of
;L -capture In hydrofgn (without consideration of hyperfine
structure), W for 0 and Ca4os~zr +0-5. Degree of polarization
of g--mesons in the K-shell of the mesic atom., P - 0.15 - 0.20
(Refs 14, 20, N is between -1 and +1/3, for 'P-A 0.5 the
asymmetry of neutron angular diatribut:;'on is of the order
3 - 1qA. The authors in conclusion thank I. S. Shnpiro for
his interest and hiv diocuo9ions, and they also thank 14. K.
Akimov, who carried out nunerical computations on the electronic
computer "Strela" of the MGU. There are 4 figu:res, 2 tables,
and 25 referencest 10 of which are Soviet.
ASSOCIATION: MoBkovskiy gosudarst-vennyy universitet (moscow
state UniverBity)
SUBMITTED: June 24, 1956
Card 4/4
DOUNSnY, V-. I.., Candiftte Ms-WtII Sci (dise) -- "The
capturo of noptivo
mu-masons by atamio nuclel". Nbscair, 1959, 8 pp (14oscow
Order of Lenin and order
of IAbor Red Bk=*r State U im Me Vo Dmonosov., Sci Res inqt
of Nuclear phys).,
150 coPies (KL) No 230 1959$ 160)
1. arA SLOMMIMY v L. D.
"Absorption of lWarized ~Zi--16wcw 'by Nucj&j. ; Mw
Neutrtm Angular
~Istributicm,," Nuclear Pkmloa,,, Vol. 10., No. 5, 10!),
pp. 5.q.-540
Holland Publ. Co. Amterdan)
Tho angular &IstolbutIon of* matrove mitted In the
absorption of
polarize".- -mesons by nuclei is oaloulejed. Numsrioal
cumputations awo
carried out for MA av~
Moscow State WT.
21M, 24(5)
AUTHOR: Dolinskiy, E. 1. SOV/56-364-32/70
TITLE: The Lbsorption of ~A--11e3ons by Polarized Nuclei. The
Distribution of Neutrons (Pogloshcheniye ~Z-mezonov-
polyarizovannymi yadranti. Uglovoye raspredelenlye neytronciv)
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal ekaperimentallroy i teoreticheskoy fiziki,
Vol 36, Nr 4, PP 1179-1164 (USSR)
ABSTRACT. In thin present paper the author investigates thr.
angular dis-
tribulion of the neutrons emitted by polarized nuclei in the
case of the absorption of unpolarized p -mesons.. The form of
angulcr distribution and, in particular, the character of its
asymme-try with respect to the polarization direction of the
nucleus depends on -the variant of the four-fermion iuteract:.on
between the muons and the nuclei, and further on the deCrpe of
non-conservation of parity inm -capture, the deE;ree -,)f
tion of the nucleus, and on certain properties of the nu,,le-as.
The reisults obtained. by measurements refer to nuelei the spLa
of caused en"01rely by a p:roton which is lo,~ated
the closed proton subahells of the nucleus ("external proton")..
Muon absorption passes through an intermediate stage (forma-
Card 1/3 tion of a mesic atom) accordinG top- + P-10 +v - The
The Absorption of #74Aesons by PolarlZed Nuclei.
The Angular Distribution of Neutrcns
of th:Ls process is 10- 6 _ 10-7 see; a fine-structure inter-
action occurs on the K-orbit of the mesJ.c atom. The aniso-
tropie anaular distribution has the forn dW +
+ P a(%)cos 0. 6 denotes the angle be,*.ween the direction of
the departure of the neutron and the di:rection of polarization
of thE! nucleus, a(E IN ) is the asymnetry coefficient
by the author alrealy in a previous paper in collaboration
with L. D. Blokliint,sev (Ref 1). For the total angular neutron
distribution it holds that &I(N,S) - Ubackground(y +
+ dW nucl (%,Q) + d$,.(E.10). The second term denotes the
angular distribution of neutrons flying off after direct inter-
action with the extornal proton, the third term denotes the
angular distribution of those which fly off after interaction
with t'he filled-up vubahells. Whereas the formula for dTIA
has a1ready been calculated (Ref 1), in the present paper an
expresi3ion is found for dW nucl; the background is assumed to
Card 2/3 be isotropic and E. as given. The formulas (6a) and
(6b) give
_ 7
The Absorption ofh-j~-Mesons by Polarized Nuclei.
The Angular Distribution of Neutrons
the result. For the/A--capture in F19 a numerical estimate
is male. With d'ff (Q) - const(1+Pj-uc,%cos0)dDx and the
micl 11 1
assumption that the external proton be in the 2s -state, thu
value ofr.,5~6 is obtained for the maximum possible
of nentron angular distribution. The author finally thanks
I. S. Shapiro for discussions. A ma-.hematical appendix is
attached to this paper. There are 4 references, 2 of wh1ch
are Soviet.
ASSOCIATION: Institut yadernoy f,Lziki Moskovskogo
universitetu (Institute for Nuclear Physics Of 'AOSCOW
SUBMITTED: October 8, 1958
Card 3/3
AUTHORS: Akimovaq X. X,9 Blokhintseyt L. D., Dolinskiy, E. I.
TITLE: Angular Distribution and Polarization of Neutrons Emitted
in Muon Capture of Some Light Nuclei
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal ek erizentalluoy i tooretioheakoy fizikil
Vol. 39 Na!
1 0 6(12), pp. 1806-1817
TEXT: A study of the angular distribution and polarization of
emitted from nuclei as a result of the rsaotionIA- + P-M +1)
information on the muon-nualson weak interaction constant.
Formulas for
angular distribution and polartzation (Refs. 1-4) have been
obtained in
different approximations, and numerical calculations have been
made for
several concrete cases. The vo2-,y extensive calculations
presented here are
based on the theory of universtl rermi interaction, and have
been made on
the assumption that the interaction of "stripped" fermions can
described by V- and A-type four-formion.coupling. All
relativistic terms
which are of first order in v n/a (vn - nucleon velocity),
including weak
Card 1/8
Angular Distribution and Polarization of 8/05 60/039/006/054/063
Neutrons Emitted in Muon Capture of Some B006YB063
Light Nuclei
magnetism and effective paeudosoalar interaction, are taken
into account".
The Hamiltonian Heff describing the muon capture is taken from
Ref, 7,
and from the universal Fermi interaction with conservation of
the vector
current it follows that
9 OU ) . 0 - 97 2 g (P) , P - 1 +h 4.7 1, g 0.999 g and
9 89 01 g(o)- Perni coupling conBtant-for P-decay of nucleonBI
anomalous magnetic moments of pro 'ton and neutron in nuclear
magnetons; 9(P)- Gamow-Teller coupling oonstant for P-decay of
These assumptions and results of a previous paper (Ref. 3) are
used to
derive formulae for the emission probability of neutrons with
kinetic energy from a nucleus, for the angular distribution and
polarization for the case of direct neutron emission-
Card 2/8
Angular Distribution and Polariz&tiOn Of S/056 60/039/006/054/063
Neutrons Emitted in Muon Capture of Some B006YBB063
Light..Nucleii -- ----
dIV (EV, 0) (EV) (I (Ev) + J';,Ki (Ev) cos 01 dEvdf2,v/4.,x, (4)'
I (EM) = (I + W) + 2 11 + 211t -- V (% - 1)1,r1 (Ev)+
+ 121tt -I- %I (x - 1)3 + I I r, (Ev), (5)
K, (Ev) - - ((- I + M) Po (Eli) + 2 [- I + 241t +
- 1)] P.L (Ev) T, (Ex) + 1210 - %I (x - 1)2 - 11 P, (EN) Tt (Ev)),
6(W g("). 1041.9pa-1-cm-1, 1 010, x 900,
q (Ey, 0) = I , Plcxl (E ) cos 0, (7)
4 IV
al (Ev) = Ki (Ev)// (Ev). (8)
PI (Ev)
L, (EN) = - 2 (k (% + (EN) +
+ (11 + - x]- I(E,) T, (E,,) + I 1" 1)) 02 (EN) Tj (EN)). (10)
Card 3/8
Angular Dis.tribution and Polarization of S/056
Neutrons Emitted in Tuluon Capture of Some B006jYB063
Light Nuclei
The angle, 9, of neutron emission is*measured with respect
to the direction
of polarization of the A- mesons; their degree of
polarization on the
K-orbit of the mooic atom at the instant of capture is
denoted by PIk . The
neutron kinetic energy lies in the interval The coefficients
W01 9k , and rk have been calculated by the computer
"Strela" of Y-GU
(Moscow State University) for the nuclel of C 12, Ne2o , Si
28 , and S32 on
the following assumptions: The state of the protons in the
nucleus may be
described by the nuclear shell model with jj-coupling;
splitting of proton negle?~ed. A square-well
potential for the
shell model is assumed with R - - 3. The interaction between
and nucleus is described by a complex square well:.
-UN (1 +1 r R
0 r R*
with the same R; computations are pexformed for 13, -0.10,
and -0-15;
the coordinate dependence of the wave function y, of the
muon on the
Card 4/8
Angular Distribution and Polarization,of
Neutrons Emitted in Mixon Capture of Some.
Light Nuclei
X-orbit is taken into account. Numerical results are summarized
Tables I and 2. Fig. I shows W ^(E.) for the thr~(te values of
(curves 1-3).
The values of a in Table 1 are defined by qt- 1,1/a3/n e-ar,
a=Zm),e Fig.2
shows 0A) again for the three va.'Luea of f.. In the final
section, the
results obtained are compared with experimental data and
discussed in
detail. Professor 1. S. Shapiro is thanked for discussions. A.
Ignatenko is mentioned. There are 7 figures, 3 tables, and 20
8 Soviet, 10 US, 1 Italian, and I Japa;aese.
ASSOCIATION: Institut yadernoy fiziki Moskovskogo
universiteta (Institute of Nuclear Physics of Moscow State
SUBMITTED: July 29, 1960
Card 5/8
KbIf.), me vIce" /a* mev* re#
rstrd 6/ 8
/05 60/039/006/054/063
21 www'MevIce'v.,
S/056 601039100610541063
ell mly
po N)
41 1'.
Card 8/8
S/05 61/041/006/048/054
A'UTHORSs Blokhintsev, L. D., DolinskiA~E. I.-
TITLEt Coupling constants in ji-capture
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheakoy fiziki,
v. 41,
no. 6(1:2), 1961, 1986-1995
TEXT: It is shown that within the universal Fermi interaction
theory the
best agreement with experimental data is obtained in the theory
in which
the vector current is conserved. The four coupling constants
iiidicated in
Table 1 are determined by experimental studies of the
probability of muon
capture on the one hand, and of the angular distribution of
neutrons on
the other. The experiments proved that in the case of negative
f 017 114 7 and p 1, (Vt 1 + and in the
no X an x U (,A)
case of positive X for ji 9~ /goA ) exist that would
simultaneously satisfy the three experiments considered:
of capture probability in C12 and P31 and of neutron angular
Card 1
6/05 61/0,11/006/048/054
Coupling conLstanta in ji-capture B109YI3102
(11 ) denotes the axial, pseudo Yeetor coupling constant, g(11)
is the
9i V
vector coupling constant, is the effective paeudoscalar coupling
constint. In the caso of positive X and for p - 4-7, x and X
values may
exist within the rangos: 104 x 4251 1.6/ok 46. The experimental
data and
those expected theoretically are compared and found to be in
agreement if the vector current is conserved. The comparison
also shows
that the sign of g(11) is opposite to that of (11). Also, I (")I
>jg(")l .
V 9i gi V
The sign of 1L) is positive in accordance with theory. The
tendency toward relatively high values of the ratios
jg1(")/6(")j and
g(11)1g(11), compared with theoretical calculations, may
possibly be
explained by experimental inaccuracdes, and this point may yet
have to be
revised. 1. S. Shapiro is thanked for discussions,, and V. S.
and A. Ye. Ignatenko for having submitted their own findings
(L. B. Yegorov, G. V. Zhuravlev, A. Ye. Ignatenko, A. V. Kuptsov,
Li llsfiang-ming, M. G. Petrashku. Preprint OIYaI, 1961; V. S.
Card 24
Coupling oonatanto in IL-capture
5/05 61/041/006/048/054
V. I. Komarov# V. Z. Xush, V. S' Roganov, V. A. Chernogoroval
M. M. Shimchak. IOYaI, preprint, 1961). There are 3 figures, 2
and 31 references: 6 Soviet and 25 non-.Soviet. The four most
references to English-language publioati.ons read no follows:
H. Oberall. Phyn. Rev., 121, 1219, 19611 14. K. Akimovn, L. D.
E. I. Dolinnkiy. Nucl. Phys., 21, 369, 1961;'E. J. Maier, B. L.
R. M. Edelstein, R. T. Siegel. Phys. Rev. Lett., 6, 417, 1961;
A. Astbury, J. H. Bartley, J. M. Blair, 14. A. It. Remp, H.
T. Woodhead. Preprint, Liverpool University, ic,r6i.
ASSOCIATION: Institut yadernoy fiziki Moskovskogo
universiteta (Institute of Nuclear Physics of the Moscow
State University)
SUBMITTEDt July 23, 1961
Legend to Table 11 (1) coupling constant in p-capture; (2)
considered; (3) expressed in terms of coupling constants in the
p-decay of nucleons.
Card 3/j
AUTHORS- Blokhiritoov, L. D., Dolinskiy, E. I., Popov, V. S.
TITLE: Analytical properties of nonrelatividitic graphs
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i tooroticheakoy fiziki, v-
no. 6, 1962, 1636 - 1646
TEXT: Some problemEi of the nonrelativistic graph techniqge are
A nonrelativistic graph %Yith n internal lines and with 1.
closed a)ntours can lie represented in the form
I n -1
F.1 - lim &kiideii jfj (q',-2m,8j- M)
With the aid of a Faynman parametric representation, F nl is
derived as a
function of the kinematic invariants X and A t
t R
F,11'4~ (isel-ft(n - 54/2) lim ~11 datla("WS, QE&-1 x
b 44 01-1 Ah.'j
x A---'A (X / A
Card 112
Analytical propertios of B104711108
X and A are homogeneous functions of the first order of the
paraimeters ai. The chaiacteristic feature of this integral
is the 6-function 61,Y which reduces the number of integrations
< >
over ai as compared to the analogous relativistic case. *rhe
n!imber of
nontrivial integrations in (q) over ai remains constant when
lines are added to the initial, graph, which pairwise connect
the apexes,
of the graph. Real singularit" of .3ingle-contour graphs are
and an explicit exp:~ession is btained for the amplitude of a
graph. There are 3 figures an 2 tables.
ASSOCIATION: Institut yadernoy fiziki Moskovekogo
unive:csiteta (Institute of Nuclear Physics of the Moscow
State University). Inatitut teoretichaskoy i.eksperi-
mentallnoy fiziki Lkademii nauk SSSR (Institute of
Theoretical and Exporimontal Phyaics of' the Academy of
Scienoes USSR)
SUBMITTEDs January 23, 1962
Card 2/2
AUTHORS: Blokbintsev, L. D., Dolinskiy, E. I., Pcpov, V. S.
TITLE: On the Faynman amplitudes for nonrelativistic processes
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal okeperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki,
v. 4,~,
no- 501), 1962, 1914:-1926
TEXT: The nonrelativistic limit FM of therelativiatic amrlitude
F r
nl ni
of an arbitrary Feynman i-raph is ascertained for the case when
the kinetic
enerey transferred in the outer vertexes and the enerj,,y
liberated at each
vertex of the t-r_,ph is loy. with respect to the-virtual
particles. All inner
lines of the Feynman eraph are to represent scalar paxticles. 1
is the
number of independent closed contours. Res'ults: For 1, Fr car.
written as the qun of the principal term F(O) of the expansion
of F r with
rl ni (I
respect to the small parameter 0, and of the relativistic
correction F ni
For n > 51/2, F(O) coincides with the nonrelativistic amplitude
Card 1/3
On the Feynman amplitudes foi..7. B125/B104
sin ularities -.%-Lth respect to the nonrelektivistic
invariants. For n < 51/2,
F(01 depends only on the mass of the virtual partic Iles, but
not on the
nonrelativistic kinematic invariants. The entire dependence on
nonrelativistic invariants and all nonrelativist c
singularities are
contained in the small relativirtic correct;ion FO). At n -
51/2, the
amplitude F(()) depends logarithmically on the nonrelativistic
The order of magnitude of the relativistic corrections to the
terms in the expansion oi the amplitude Fr with respect to 0
is Criven by
F'n1- Fnlot' (I + 6.1); (24)
32 npm 2n - U = 0
6,1- 0 Bps 2n - U Mt- i (2r).
02 In 0ups 2n - 5(2
32 up% 211 '- U3. �4,
Card 2/3
On the Puynman amplitudes for... B125/B104
The Eraphs with ",51/2 are not ansential in describing
processt!-. Tk,...-i cjrtribute nothine to the mechanism of thE
direct nuclear
reactions. The nulti directional W" Craphs are always
For the triangular t7r..ph3 for the reactions of the type A+x 3+y
(L. D. Bloki.:ntsev et al. ZhZTF, 42, 16,,6, 1962)-the
approyimation has an accuracy of -- 10;~ in a large range of
enercies of the
incident particles. In convergent 0 graphs, the relativistic
propaEat(l s
for particles possessing a spin can be replaced by propagators
not depending
on spin. There are 4 fii,urea and 1 table.
ASSOCIATION: Institut yadernoy fiziki Idoskovsk'ogo
universiteta (Institute of Vuclear ?kvsica 3f 1-',D3C0-A State,
University); Institut teoreticheBkoy i e.kspt~rimez.tallnoy
fi:!A,ki ;,,kadenii nF.,uk SSSR (Institute of Theoretical and
Lxpurimontal Physics of the Academy of Sciences USSR)
SUBLITTEM: June 18, 1962
Card 3/3
AUTHORS: Blokhintsey, L. D., Dolinskiy, E. I.,_I~qpov, V. S.
TIM: The complex singularitioas of the amplitudes of di~m ot
nuclear reactions
PERIODICAL- Zhurnal ekoperimental.1noy i teoreti,oheskoy
fiziki,.v. 43,
no. 6(1e), 1962, 2290-2298
TEXT: The complex amplitude aingularities on the physical sheet are
investigated for non-relativistic single-loop graphs with
arbitrary masses.
A classification of the singularities is given-and rules for
them are discussed. On the example of the triikngular graphs of
nuclear interactions of the type A+x " B+y+z it is shown that
singularities with respect to the transferred momentu.m tXy may
a,rise neltr
the physical region. Therefore investigations of the complex
are of importance for the dispersion theory of direct nuclear
From the integral representation of the amplitude
Card 1/5
S/05 6/6.1,/04 3/006/054/067
The-comp'lex singularitias of the... B102/BI136
&I (TO C-1 a daI6 at - 1) a WIM11() (X
6 0;
a unique azialytic expression is derived for F,, of a triangle
with constant vertices:
Fs, Cs, (i~tj,
2 -r, -F (2) n (12)
(nit + MI) (nit + 'as)
Ilia (13)
13 ~ M1 (MI - MS) [nit (m, + in;i) mal-ma + ms)
rC,-nij+n,s-2ft,snt3)1/, np#Tjs,