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S/0511/62/000/008/017/134 A061/A10I AUTHOR: Dolginov, A. Z. TITLE: Angular correlations, in radiative nuclear transitions PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Fizika, no. 8, 1962, 35, abstract BB246 (In collection: Oamma-luch.i, Moscow Leningrad, AN SSSH, 1()61, 52~4 - 681) TEXT: This is a review devotod to the theory of angular correlations. The following cases are considered: (1) Angular correlation between two gamna quanta emitted in successive nuclear transitions. The polarization of gamma quanta is taken into consideration. (2) Angular correlation between gamma quanta In succes- sive complex transitions. (3) Angular correlation b6tween gamma quanta and inter- nal conversion electrons. The finite dimensions of the nucleus are takvn into con- sideration, and the E transitions ELreF examined. (4) Angular correlation between two conversion electrons. (5) Angulair correlation of beta particles ani gamma quanta. Allowed and forbidden beta-gamma transitions of both oriented and non- oriented nuclei are considered. (6) Angular correlation of beta particles and con- version electrons. M-Angular correlation of-alpha particles and the subsequ,!nt Card 1/2 S/058/62/000/00 8/0 17/13 Angular correlations in radiative nuclear transitions A061/A101 gamma quanta. (8) The Influence ofelectric and magnetic fields of neighboring par' ticles and of the proper electron shell of a radioactive atom or. the angular cor- relation of emitted gamma quanta. The possibility of eliminating the influence of these fields Is considered. (9) The change of angular correlation In the course of time under the action of alternating electric and magnetic fields. Ther-2 may be both external. and internal alternating and constant fields inside the specimen ex- amined. E.g., constant electric fields inside a molecule or a crystal, or alternat- Ing fluctuating fields inside a liquid. (10) Relations between the Cletsch-Gordan coerficient, the Racah functions and the Pano functions are presented. Tables of Fano functions and different other functions are given which pormit the angular correlations to be determined in radiative nuclear transitions and also in alpha, beta, or conversion transitions. A. Dolginov [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 2/2 CNED111, Yu.N.; DOILGRIOV, A.Z. Distribution of particles In the head of a comot. Astron, zhur. 43 no. ltl8l-191 Ja-F 16,5 (111RA 19z2) 1. Fiziko-tekhrficheskily institut imeni A.F. lcffe AN ESSR. Subinitted Narch 129 1965. ACCESSICS IRp mdcW4 B/oD56/65/048/oce/0548/0560 & A=DR: Onedliallu. 'n' y TITLE: Thtont of rmltiple: xtmttixft~'~ 11 A,;:ojreiAcbe4kW tizlki, v. 461 no. 2. 19650 548-56o. trcjdc scattering, TOPIC Tim 11 rialtiple Best iering -, !LjtstIi,- st:otterim, aniso zransport equiition) lorce centex plau lalrer mattering _iHOtr:;PJ,C -MUlt-i-PIC-t- Beat- tering by *pbtiriei,;i.1 bodies 021M7 Ir. 45, 1:1-361, 1963) and deals wjAh multiple rimt-vering of yarl4cles or qimmis In Ue chso irben the eross section for thc setlfterir% by-!an Ind:Lvidusl ftrve wd the scattering body bas the fam of a flA layer. Jbin cmBa la o:r interew~ to the zolution of vmny 131ca, ud pixysicia of ltuildd b-~ojle,,ii prolilems In atomic and mutleur .3hyidae, azlirqor An inTlicit ex3mermion is dexAvtd.I.*or the d1irt;.olbution ot tbe mtftip-ly cvtttercd particles outfildt ani Inalide tbit bt,*, Tho transpoet, -tquwt4cv i:s solved AWA C-X- Card, 1/2 7: 7 -- 7-- 1 7_7 7 A -Tom r ta it crose section III 4erma ofL 4rxl's vmd 'wbon 4-ho -,rose j;ej,.t:Lon 1~,%a n wt alau, &A~Ie4 vollition cojjt&jwjg te=o th charp auvc+w3)o,,ea 01.1 the Xerntj jjr jbb: jjy.~egraj, jt~ at wo or+ ~t"tl011 C=P'116YvI, to byamh Voln r 0- 011'1~119 t4=11 tbilt at,,.Pemd tot both. Mle pole U=9 are eiW,UAtcd'exacI.,yq 'wl'Allc 'rar'10~all IPPmId=Ui~ao-we mnAdere4 Vor the ~bran0i.ppim, temi. Thtaa J',,n tarng ipf t-17p, j)4Lr&nettj,jj of -tj~e tl%~n - ': (t)4t of Abe men:tIi;rhp,, i;,ne noan t4~d SZOttPrIng JAth account tO bb-aaj-pt4. c:,n ..-and-the -rzklUk ~67F'ihtO IaYQr Ilickuleall to tVi!-~tcau V*P.F~atb prjoz- 1.' a on rovIOta gra aaau%tv to a6 I?w* f2ants ariSt b"o 4 M ikq A Kthb4dy histi-tvi Aj.1 Urfa Aksamil U,#4Vvk*j d~akaiuql' or &CIGnmoll .No Ivt~uvim AG'V' IIH: AF600083 AUTHORSt Gnedin, Yu. N.1 Dolglnov, A. -Z. ORGi rhysieo-Technical InatItMe hu. A. F., loff 9,t__Aca~qemy of 'Sciences '335M zik 'T;-'2M-e-skr-Tn- Fi Mem T ( TITLE: Particle diatrik,tion An a comet hea$1 I;- b SOURG'Et Astronomicheskiy zhurnitl, w. 0, no. 1, 181-191 TOPIC TAGS: comet, partiole dLitribution, ;iolor rAdiation, dissociated gas, spectral line, photcionivition ABSTRACT: Eqiwtions are obtaintid fcr neutri,l and chnrged particle distributions In a comet hecd. Tha noutral jxrtlc~e ras cilittribution is deecribed by the transport equation oN &V at (Or uhere b is particle acceleration unglar solar attraction and radiation prozioure and S is the particle sour:e stranrLh. F!,r D ~'.ixiwllfan particle volocity dis- tribution function, the solution aC th,- vqwM.,,n yields Card 1/3 UDCi 523.(6 L 22671-66 ACC NR: AP6006783 N (r, t) = 00 P (Air), 03 (r, b) For various val.Lae of the c~b/r rat!lv, closed form solutions are obtained which indicate that all particle density distributicne arrived at by tho above assutip- tions differ significantly from other known comet solutions. T~e nituation is improved if one assumes the-velocit), e1strit-ution G G imtead of the Maxwellian assimption. Simd3ar expressions are derived for photo- flissociation and photoionization rovults. 7h9 probability of molecular dissocia- tion is givon by V2m,',mil(hv - pal 2)nj M. Particle dintributionis are Otained for 'ro~ u and VG~uy 1, where v 'Ills (hv - f.). Card 2/3 L 22t--71-66 ACC NH.- AP6006783 These results show t1int the pnrticle dintribution 'in the cc,nnt hone falls 0:3 a Tunction or r-M, wboro m doponds on the nnttwo of tho particlo, [U-3 Initial velocity, accoleration, etc. In tho last, analyaln, tho A;ure of tha comet is~analzed alon,r,- .11-rCorent appotral l1nol nnd in applind to the caso of the BerN:em comol; (.~.959), The authora exprea:i aincore thank3 to acadomician Kgro.tantineq, on whose initiative this work wan undertaken. Orie. art. hasi 3, flgiu-e, and I table. SUB CODE 10 SUBM DATE: 32Msr65,/ OR13 RZF: 0031 OTH RM 002 L 02448-67-_ ~~1)ft ijp(r,) 'ATCNI, 6028793 SOURCE CODE., UR/0033/66/o43/oo4/0800/0812 AUTHOR: Gnedin, Yu. N.; Dolginov, A. Z. 4(7 ORG; Pimical and Technical Iristitute, Academy of Sciences,,SSS.R (Fiz'Wottekhnichee Jrrt Akademii nauk SSSRY___ TITLE: Radiative transfer in a, medium or finite dimensions SOURCE: Astronomicheskiy zhurnal, v. 43, no, 4, 1966, BM-812 TOPIC TAGS: radiative transfer, -Mmmell equation, scattering, indicatrix, multi- scattering , 009r--'t".L,0 WRrrfe1.)C. . 'S6VA 0.FDAV40Ce '*4V19r70A/ 211 / ABSTRACT: Equations for the intensity of scattered particles and photons inside and outside a medium of finibe dimensions aiv obtained Dw the Maxwell and Schroedi r equations, Approximations at whicti these equattions coincide with the known transfer equation are indicated, and the connection between various forms of the latter equation is considered. The proposed form of the equation is convenient for the study of scattering in bodies of different iMometrical shapes. The solut.-Ions of the equatic~n are obtained in-an explicit analytical form for multiecattering in a plane layer ', or a sphericalvolume. Isotropic and sharply anisotropic indicatrices for scattering ( CS on a single particle are discaseed. Orig. art. has: 63 for=lav- SUB COINAO I SUBM DATE: 05Ju.165./ Card I /I L_ ORIG%REF: 005/ 0711 REFt 003 ACC NR.- AP7003,218 SOMCE CODE: uF/OO56/6'6/O51/OO6/l77W1783 AUIMN: Dolginov, A. Z.; Toptygln, I. N. ORG: Faysicotechnical Institute im. A. F. loffe, Academy of Sciences, SSSR (Fiziko- teldinicheskiy institut Akademii nauk SSSR) TITLE: Multiple scattering of lxtrticles in a magnetic field with random inhoma- geneities SO1MCE: Zh eksper i teor f1z, V. 51, no. 6, 1966, 1771-1783 TOPIC TAGS: random magnetic field, particle scattering, distribution function, plas-1 ma charged particle) kinetic ejuattion, correlation statistics, physical diffusion ABSTRACT: In view of the fact ttat In many earlier investigations sight was lost of the numerous singularities that axise in the distribution fucntion of particles in- teracting with random mNinetic fleldi; trapped in a moving plasma, the authors derive a kinetic equation f:)r the motion, cf charged particles in a magnetic field that fluctuates in space -and In timet, and whose fluctuations can at the same time move in space in regular fashion with stome specified velocity. The motion of the particles is described by a di.3tribution function satisfying Boltzmann's eTiation. This equa- tion is averaged ove'.- the random ffA;r-etic field and an equation 1.3 derived for the averaged distribution fu.nction under the assumption that the particle displacement by the random field :is sma,11 ccqpax,td with the correlation length. The derived kinetic equation is nolved for certain sirWle cases of zero translational velocity C.,d 1/2 P~~~ AP7003218 and no constant magnetic fie.M., when the particle-momentum changes are small, for a statistically isotropic random fle:Ld., and for scattering in a static random mWetic field with spherical srmetzy. The transition to the diffusion approximation is considered and the equation for diffUsion of the particles in a medium with moving magnetic-field irbomogeneitiefit is derived. Orig. art. has: 2 figures and 64 for- SUB CODE: 2o/ sum DA7z-. 3zuYS6/ oraG RLT: w4/ OTH W: 002 Card 2/2 -DOLGINOV,,;.M.p Inah.; WYNX0, N.P., Inah.; KMH075KIY, N.I., kand.takhn. nauk,; YUMNIENKC, K.A., In2h. Adoption of OXh21115T steel welding In thq chemical machinery indus- try. Manhirie.)itromie no.4t67-70 JI-Ag 163. (KRA 17t2) 1. I:Iyevskly zavod "Boh'shevik" (for Polginov, Iltyenko). 2. Inati- tut, elektro-varki. Im. Ye.O.Patona AN UkrSSR (for Kakhovskiy, Yush- chey&o). Ymmill, Yu. It. 1: KARTAKIN, A. V.; SOROKIII, N. P.; DOLGINOV, 1. re. Portable luminescent inuminator, Vest. oturin, nc,.2t89-90 162. (MM. 1522) 1. Ix Naue"ano-isisledwatellskogo Instituta ukhap gorla i nosa Ministeret-m zclrtvo6khr&neniya RSFSR (dir. - prof. Ne A, Bobroyald3r) i ordena Lenina klinicheBkoy bollnitey Imeni S. F. Botkina, Moskva. ('CYZOPJEIWJLAFCtNGOLOGY-WTIPMENT AND SUPPLIES) ,(ULTRAVIOLET RAYS) DOLGIY I.Ye.; IESUCIDERYAKOV, A.P. Spithesis sal properti-tis of dime thylli- (cyolopropy1methyl)-, wthyltri- (eye lopropy-1rmithirl).., and tetra-(cyclopropylmthyl)silanes. DAL AN SMt 154 no.6i1376-1378 F 164. (MIRA 17:2) 1. Institut organicbesl:oy khWi im. N.D.Zelinskogo AN SSSR. Predstavelno aked,smikom A.A.Balandittym. DOLGINOV L S Inshiquer-. 'I'LUNTITlY. A.A., inthener. 'r . Calenla-tiag tenpmiture olonfation in steam ducts vith Ions oxmn- sion places. Trwly MTOSS 6 to.2:143-150 155. (Y.LRA 10:5) (Steam anorineerinr) BATIK. I.A., luzhensr; DOLOIDDY, L.S., Insbener. ONSOMMEMOSSaw, low nothod of! controlliqg the fitting of steam pipe systems accordizN: to their bw2ding moment. Sudontroanie 22 no.8.115- 19 Ag 156. (KLRL 9-.10) (Win" pipe fitting) DOLGINOT, L.S., Inshener, Calculating thernel (Ixpannion compensation of compeasator *team pipes. Sudoetroante 22 no*10-.9-11 0 '56. (HLRA 10:2) (1hpansion (Heat)) (Marino pipe fittiqg) DOLGINOV, L.S., insh,; ZAGUSTIN, S.R., insh. Bleotrio furnace used for heating Pipes in fitting them for installation, Sudostroenie 24 noA69 Ag '58, (Kim IWO Ollectria furnaces) (Marine pipe fitting) DOWINOV.L.S.. inah. Designing mt*&iq)lpos with lena-tM clampleas mTemeatorlo Sudestroonis 2.5 iiso4t22-26 Ap 159. (HIRA 12:6)' (Stolopipol) .' L. It. (?4)1;cow) "A Tiny Magnetometer for, the Wasurement of Very Weak Magm-tic Fields," e paper submitted at the InUmational Conference on Physics of Magnetic Phenom= Sverdlovsk, 23-31 May 56- 4 .1.1 A rA n k/, PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION 338 Vtoroy sovetskly Iskusstvennyy sputnik Zemli; materialy, opublikovannyye v gazete "Pravda" (The Second Soviet Artificial Earth Satellite; Material Published in "Pravda") Moscow, Izd-vo "Pravda", 1957. 47 P. 100,000 copies printed. PURPOSE: The booklet was written to give the public information on the second artificial earth satellite, COVERAaE: The book consists of a number of articles on the second sputnik originally published in the Moscow newspaper "Pravda". BELS1.0 information on orbit, structure, equip- ment, performan 'pe, and utilization of the isputniks Is given. All theze data have been repeatedly Dublished elsewhere; therefore, only a few figures a:-e arbitrarily singled out here. The total weight of the scientific apparatus, test animal, and power supply sources of the second sputnik was 508.3 kg. The initial orbital velocity Card 1/4 was about 8,000 m per second. The second Bputnik circled The Second Soviet Artificial Earth Satellite (Cont.) 338 the earth initially in 103.7 minutes. Its radio transmitters operated on frequencies of 4U.002 and 20.005 megacycles, etc. The last article quotes admiring comments of American, British, French, and Chinese'scientists, statesmen, and journalists. The book contains 8 figures. TABLE 017 CONTENTS; Report of TASS (Telegraph 4pency of' the USSR) ("Pravda", Nov. 4, 1957) 3 The Second Soviet Artificial Earth Satellite (6 figures), ("Pravda", Nov. 13, .1957) 5 Orbit of the sputnik and its ehangeB 5 Observations of artificial earth satellites 8 Structure of the second sputnik 12 Scientific measurements made by the artificial earth satellite 15 Short-wave radiation of the Sun 15 Card 2/4 Study of cosmic rays 17 338 The Second Soviet Artificial Earth Satellite (Cont.) Study of biological phenomena under space flight conditions 21 On the Observation of Artificial Earth Satellites ("Pravda', Nov. 11, 1957) 24 The Upper Atmosphere and Its Investigation with the Aid of an Artificial Earth Satellite, by V.I* Krasovskly, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences ("Pravda", Oct. 10, 1957) 25 Investigations of the Magnetic Pole of the Earth With the Aid of the Sputniks, by S. Dolginov,, N. Pushkov, Candidates of Physical and Mathemat-nMr-Stl-en7ces ("Pravda", Oct. 22, 1957)29 On the Way to the Conquest of Cosmic Space, by 0-. Gorlov, V. Yakovlev ("PravdO, Nov. 4. 1957) Biological investigations of flights in the upper layerof the atmosphere 32 Card 3/4. 338 The Second Soviet Artificial Earth Satellite (Cont.) Penetrating the Secrets of the Universe (2 figtuws), by S.N. Vernov, Corresponding Member, Academy of Sciences, USSR ("Pravda", Nov. 18, 1957) 38 Comments 45 Conversation of the No Sputniks. Chinese Poem by Go Plo-zho, President of the Academy of Sciences of the People's Republic of China, translated by V. Derzhavin ("Pravda", Nov. 16, 1957) 45 Around the Earth aild Around the Sputniks, by G. Rassadin (OPravda", Nov. 17, 1957) 46 AVAILABLE: Library of Cormpress Card 4/4 ~j AUTHORS: Pushkov, N. V., Dolginov, 5. Sh. 53-4-1/11 TITLE: The Investigation of the Magnetic Field of the Earth by Ueans of Artificial Satellites and Rockets e jasledovaniye magnitnogo polya. zemli na isicusstve!nnykh sputnikakh i raketakh), PERIODICAL: Uspekhi Fizicheskikh NRuk, 1957, Vol. 63, Nr 4, pp. 645-656 (USSR). ABSTRACT: The present paper investigates some physical and technical aspects of such investigations. Firsts the basic problems of geomagnetic measurement* by means of artificial satellites and rockets are dis- cussel. In this wily it is possible to discover current systere in the. ionosphere, to evalitate thoLr ilensity, anil W draw conclusions con- cerning the existence of electric currents outside the ionosphere. Measurements carried out by means of satellites and rockets can furm , of magnetic anomalies nish experimental results concerning the clampinp and other peculiarities of the field in the case of increasing digs tance from the earth. These data can then be used for the verifica- tion of various hypthesea relating to the depth of sources of regio- nal magnetic anomalies, which is of great importance for the study of the interior structure of the earth, The most interesting places for the measurement of the magnetic field by means of rockets are the Card 1/2 zones with.tho most frequent occurrence of polar phenomena in Arctic The Investigation of the Magnetic field of the Karth by Means of 53-4-4/11 Artificial Satellites and Rockets. and Antarctic regions. Magnetic meusurements by means of satellites will obviously be less exact than neasurements carried out by means of rockets, because tie satellites are rather small, and because orientation changes continually. On the otber hand, it is possible to extend measurements carried out with Sputniks over a longer period of time. The following is planned. a) Inventigation of the spatial distribution of the constant magne-.ic field round the earth. b) Evaluation of the spatial distribution of the heights of the systems of electric currents inside and ou"Oside the atmosphere* c) Investin eation of the inhomogeneoiL-i struct-are of the atmosphere. Interpretas tion of measurements carrii.-d out with satellites will be connected with a considerable amount of compatation work, but it wM yield vea ry importiint results, The results ,btained may also lead to new opin nions. The magnetometers to be usel on the satellites and in the rockets are then discussed, The be3t results will be obtained by means of such magnetometer3 as measure the components of the field or the scalar amount of the vector and its direction. The authors here describe the proton magnetometer (which is based on measuring the frequency of the free precession of the protons)j and a self-orien- tating magnetometer for the total vector. There are 2o references, 5 of which are Slavic. Library of Congress. AVAILABLE: Card 2/2 -,L Translation from: Referativnyy zhurrial, Astronomfya I G-~,odezlyq, N: 91 (Ussil) AUTHORS- I)o,Zlnov, S.M., Zhuzgov, L.N., Puslikov, N.V. TITLE- The! Preliminary Report Abolat Geomagnqtl.'.~ 3.,-j STvle" Artificial Earth PERIODICAL: 3b. Iskusstv. sputrilki 7emd I. fir 2, AS U,SSR, 191~% rp, I hBSTRACT Geomagnetic measuremenl;s were carried cri t-he 3rd ar,.1f1-,1,a1 satellite, which were &..-complizhed with thc rLid of a mag.neto-saturated pick-,-.ips. The ot-tainel wil" utilized In the folliw:Lng ways. I.) The ~oriparisw. -if th-- of field measured by the magnetorneter and caloulated acoordlng tcr -I'le, potential V~eory. 2~ glht4 comparivan of' the istolatlon of the f~1111. -,it:,ength of the magnetic field 5nd the Intonsity of Qie cosmic rays rmeat-'tired on sputnik. 3) The analysis of the it-ea over the Eastern-Sib2r'-ui m3gneli,~ anomaly, in order to cbeck the hyp)theses on the deptli of o~.urranee of Its sources, 4) Investigation into tnE, true existence of an at4rc~:;~heric dynwmo. Card 1/1 KTki3 66475' I A 4,H 3,91t)0 SOV/20- 1?')- 1 -21 /611 AUTHORSt 11olginov, S. Sh., Pushkov, N. V. of the Earth TITLE: Some Results of Measurement of the Geonagnetia Field/Ty reans of a Space Rocket PERIMCAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1,'159, Vol 1.19. Nr 1, PP 77 - ao (USSR) ABSTRACT: It was one of the taE,ks of the rocket., that was fired on January 2, 1959, to yield experimental data on the intensity of the geomagnetic field at a distance of several earth's radii from the earth's center. Such data a:~e of extieme importance for the realization of the aresent t',ieory of magnetic storms and auroras. According to the present theories, ?lectric currents may occur during magnetic stc,rms, which flow around the earth. The electric currents flow at the distance of several earthts radii - according to one kind of the theory -, bat flow at the distance of several dozers o:;' Parth's radii, according to the kind of theory. The geomagne-tic field was ateasured on board of the rocket by means cf a three-component nagnetc:-aeter, with primary elements of magneticn1ly sn'.urated type. The constroction Card 1/4 of the magnetometer is shortly reported. The results of the geo- . ) , 6647S- Some Results of Measurement of the Oseomagnetic Field SOV120-129-1-21164 of the Earth by Means of a Space Rocket magnetic field mea:3urements, recortied by the rocket are illustrated by a diagram. The second diagram illustrates the variation of the intl~nsity of the geoi-aagnetic field along the line of flight of the rocket, under the assumption, that the field may be proluced only by sources present within the earth. 8 coefficients of the devel- 'nment of the geomagnetic field in a series for spherical funvtiozis were computed by Yu. D. Kalinin. The measured valu,es differ considerably from the computed ones in the range of 14.7.103 to 30.103 coyered flight-kilometers., This disagreement decreases with increasing distance from the earth. The results of thene measurements In- dicate the followingi The geomagretic field is determined in distances of 2 to 5 earth's radii not only by values, coxputed from the magnetic earth pz)tential, but depends B130 on external sources. Tht! anomalous effects may be. ciased by a.q,7,n-vtic pherx- mena, which occuiontwmoiJonof 1iarged particles i'n the geo- magnetic field. Ther-~fore, it is of great interoot, to compare qualitatively the geomagnetic curve to curves cla cor%iie rays distribution (which was recorded by S. 1. Vernov, A, Yn. Chuda- Card 214 kov (Ref 3), Van Allen (Hef 4) and their cooperators). A q-,*- 6647S- Some Results of Measurement of the Geonagnetic- Field SOV/12U-129-1-21/64 of the Earth by Means of a Space Eocket simultaneous Qonsi.deraticn of the measirement results of the field strength and of tho intensity of the cosmic rays shows,that idthoddoubt he effects, observed, in the magnetic fleld, are connected with th,~ cc,rpuijcular radiaticn zone and are the re- sult of the superpos-ttion of tho magnotic field of the cor- pusaular zone to the internal goaamagnetic field, On,- of the most likely reasons of the magnetism in the corpuscular zone are those points, which occur in conseqaence of the drift of particles in the inhomogene-ous geomagnetic field. The observed variations of the anoma.7.ous part of the magnetic field may be essentially subject to 2 factorst To the variation of the current densities which are connected with the energy density, and to the variation of the -josition of the rockct, with respect to the maximum of current den!3ity. The intensity and the structure of the anomalous part of the magnetic field depend also on solar activity and on the degree of magnetic perturbation. Yo. G. Yl~roshenko and Yu. V. Afanaslyev collaborated in the development of the apparatus and A. D. Shevnin and L. 0. Tyurmina helpeii in the analysis of' experimental data. Card 3/4 VK Soine Reso*Itn of Measureizent of the Geomagnetic Field of the Earth by Means of a SWe Rocket 6647S- SOV120-12lu-1-21164 There are 2 figures ane, 5 references, 2 of which are Soviet. PRESENTEDt August 13, 1959, by A. A. Blagonravov, Academician SUBMITTEDt August 4, 1959 e Card 4/4 ~ 0 S, Sh-, YEROSM-,Op YO- G-, ZEMGOVj, 1. N., FUSMOV, N. V. arA--n,-UTMnAi L_ DOMNOT "Studies of the )Iagnotio rLeld cof the lexth and the Moon. " rop(wt presbuted at the II Intermstioruil. Astrazutical Congress, Stockholm, Sweden, 15-20 August 1960. DOLGIVOVI S.Sh.; YEROSIEENKO, Ye.G,; PUSHKOV, Y.V.; IrAMINA, L.O. "Measuring, of the Magnetic 1"irlds of the Earth and Moon by Means of Sputnik III and Space Rocketv I and II,* report presented nt the First Intl S)race Science Symposium, Nice, France, Jan lrv6o. National Academy of Sciences of tht USSR, Moscow. 71) Hi it t A P.r 0 1 P. 4 til al f f ;i FU 411 F P. Ell lip. 'p. '1I L PHM K BCWX EXPWITATIOff SOV/4282 Ak%demtya nauk SSSR IskusstvenuM sputniki zexlij vyp. 5 (Artificial Urth OstellItes, no. 5) 14oscow,, Xzd-vo AN SM,, 73 ps Irrata, slip inserted,, 7,(W copies printed. F&BP. Ed.t L. V. Mu-nosovat IId4 of PUbUshing Bouset No I* YVN&kluj Thche Met Oe. M. Guolkova. FURF=: The booklet is intended for ocientists and engineoring and scientific persoanel working in tha field of s]?aoe travel and satellite flight. "OVEP AM: The collection of 10 articlas deals with problems of satellite orbits,, nagnetic measurements,, radiation.. the visibility of owe vehicles,, the upper atmospheret and neteoric substances. No personalities are mentioned. Feferenees accoMW scm of the articles. Csxd 1/3 Artificial ftz-Wh Satellites Omt. ) SM/42U Sedov, L. 1. S" Pocket Orbits in the Direction of the Won -DoW._uov., S. Vht.~Yes Go Terosbanko, L. 11. Zhuzgov., N. V. Pashkov,, and 1-.0. Nw-etie Measurements on the Second t8ovist] Space fteicet Vemov, S. W.~, A. Ye4 Chu&dm,, P. V. llabdov,, Yu. L loopchev, and A. G. Nikolayev. lbwUstion Nettauxement in the Flight of tht second SO&" Rocimt Numosova, L. V.., Vs L loopebavs L, As huorenov, and N. 1. Fradkin. Iavestigstion of Cosudc Rsdiation in the Flight of the Second Space Rocket to the Ybon Naza.rova, T. N. ibmilts of the Investiption of Wteoric iMbstance With tht Help of lantrupwitts Mounted In Opace Rockets Raushenbakb, B. V., and Yo, H. Tokeirl., Some ?mblems of Control in Taterplanetary fpko.* :.6 24 30 38 41 Card 2/3 9,irJ) WIP1282 Gu:~-ko, 0. V. aitermiaM.-Ion of the VistAlity Conditions of Space Pwkets 54 Dan-il.,,vj A. D. Concernimg; the Problem of the Formation of No+ in the Upper Atmouphere 60 Xiperov., L. P. Observations of Sigaals Rmn the Third Soviet Artifitial Earth Sate)-lite From Cape Chalyuskin 66 Yat,a,ms)dyj, 1. Jd.,, and 0. V. Gurko. Charge of the Albedo of the Arst PxtifinikL Earth SatelUte lbsulting; From the Action of Nxtexmal Factor3 71 AVAUAEU,': Library of Congress AC/PV/i%l Card 3/3 il-3o-6o P&AM I BDOX EXPLOrTIMON S(NI4413 International Comic F*q Coriferrmce. Moscow,, 1959- Proceedings. Y. III. Mosecne, 1960. 255 p. Errata slip inserted. No. of copies printed not given. Sponsoring Agency: InternationLl Union of Pure and Applied Physics. Cosmic Pay Comais Sion. Ed.: S. 1. Syrovateldy.Nitorial Board: 0. B. Zhdanov (Ed.-in-Chief), 1. P. Iyanenko (Assistant Zd.-Jn-Chief)., N. X. Gerasinova, A. L Nikishov, V. 1. Zatpepin, B. A. Khrenov, L. I. Vorwan, V. F. TuMmov, S. I. Byrovatskiy, V. M. Fedorov, Yu. N. Vavilov, and A. T. Abrosimov. PURPOSR: 7his book is intended forphysiclets.. astronomers and other scientists concerned vith the ear-th's zadiation belts and cosmic ray research. COVERAGE: 7his is volume 3 of a 4-volume vork containing the proceedings of the Moscow Cosmic Pay Couftaxence held July 6-11,0 1959. Ibis volume emtains 40 reports on the earth's radiation belts and primary comic radiation. The QLrd 1/ 8 International Cosmic Ray C!onterence. Prcceed!,ngs. v. III reports delivered by Sciviet ceientists aret abstracted below. Haferences accompany individual rvports. TA= Or CONTLUMS. .1. MM MM6 R02TATION MKLTS 3. Vernovp S.N.p aad A93. Chudi0me Investigation of Radiation in Outer Space 19-29 7his paper presents the expeximental asta, on radiation in outer space obtained by meajis of the 2nd acd 3rd oputnike and the Soviet cosmic rocket. It descAbes the instrumentation of the sputniks and rocket, the Ugh-Imbensity inner and outer zonesp the location of these zories., toe intAinsity stability and the composition of particles in these zone;v, and the couposition of radiation outside the earth's magnetic fteld. 4. DoLgingy, S. Sh., and N.V.. Pushkov. Nagnatic Field of the Outer Corpus- eZi7r Heelo-n- 3G-31 It is stated that the Ugnetic field intensity values obtained by means, of t1v Soviet casmic rocket on January 2. 1959, substantial- ly differ ft-om those calculated theoretically. 7he way the dif- ference between seasimd and calculated mLgaetic field values Card 2/ 8 International Cosmic Pay Ccattzience6 Proceedings. v. III SOVI"13 variid With increase 12 roeket distance from the Earth is compared with the corl?2scular radiation intensity values obtained on. the cosmic rocket and Plower III.. 7be compari- son shows tbat the obivo~rved c:banges La the Earth's magwtic field are velated to 11,':te outer corpu&:ular region, and that they might be due to 10e supe:rpositimi of the =gnetic field of the coquacular 2ow on t1w magnetic field of the Mrth. 7. Vernov, S.N.,, A.R. Chudakw., A.I. Iebediwky (ImbediaskJy), and I. P. Ivaneako. Cotqvsition of -the Mel's Corpuscular Radiation and Possible Wchwilsms of Ita Origination 46-49 This paper presents duta on tle composition of the Earth's corpusmilw:- rediation obtained by mearts of tbe. Soviet sputifte and the coiimic rocket,. The overwheladng majority of IxLrti- cles in thei external none, United by =go tic lines of force crossing t1in Earth's irizz-ftoe at geozeenetic latitudes of 55* and 65'op we electrona of 20-100 Kev. Protons of approximately 100 Nov vere discovanil in. the internal zone, limited by Card 3/ 8 Internatiaaa-1 CowLc My Comference . Proceedings. v. III SCV/"13 magnetic Lines of force croasing the Sw*th's surface a.t 9eOR1%POt-i(!: lAtitU&18 of 30-40*. Among the possible nechan- isma of origination of the Hartble corpxLecular radiation is injection Into the Earth's magnetic field of electrons and protons,, producel by t~e decay of neutrons emitted by the Farth's aftiosphere a,s it result of comic ray irradiation. 9. KrassoveJW (Yhi,sov9kiy),, V.L., I.S. Shklovsky (Miklovskiy)., 0. 1. Galperin, and U.M. Svetlitisky (Svet3dtskiy). On Fast Corpuscles of the Upper Atsiouphere 59-63 This paper presents ex'Verimental data on fast corpuscles of the upper atmoiil)~ere and gl'.ves a detelled dercription of the equipment used. in t1mi. 6xperiment. U. Dorn-, L.I. On the ProbLem of the Nature of Soft Radiation in the Upper Atmosplume 74-8o This pa-**r emmarizes the available data on bursts of soft radiation in the atmDeOere and iuvestigwtee th *e nature of the bursts in :ivlation tA3 processes on the swi, in corpuscular streams,, and La the Uterplametary medium. It also investi- gmtea the ratmre of -bbese bursts In relation to the properties of the gartkili!i belts of radiation. 12. Askarlyan G. A. On. the Rature of the External Hadiatien Belt of the Zu-th 81-82 Card 4/ 8 IntermatiorAl Cothide F13y Comlerence . Precoadinge. v. 111 5 a,/" 13 It Is stal:ad that the external radiation belt encircling the earth is of nuclear origin, but tbLt the explanations of the capture and accumiLlation of pou-ticles by the E&rth's mgnetic field in the course of Its lowLl, variations am not convincing as an ex- planation of the nature. of the exUrnal mLiation belt. A more convincing, explanation of t1be obsei-ved effects Is given in this paper* :17. IRTKAM COSM RADIA710H 22. Charanchlyan, A.11., aml T.N. Marakhohlyan (Lebedev Physical Institute, USSR Aca&.uq of SAencen; Nuclear Physics FeseLreh Institute., Moscov Uhiversity). Ene:rgy S~poctruu of PrimLry Cosmia Particles 129-135 This paper explains the results obtained frm investi- gELtions of the electron corq>onent of cosmic radiation in the upper .1qn!:re ol the utaosphere. 23. XDcharyan, N.M., O.S. SuLkyan, and Z.A. Uracwyan (Kirak-osyan). Spectrum of Cosmic Radit-tion Protons 136 This is azh abstract of the results obtained in four independent experlmentso The ruJil text has been. publIshed in Russian in Card 5/8 rnternLtioua.1 Cosmic HILY C=Tellenee. Proceedings. V. III S OV144 13 the Zhurnal eltoperineritallnoy i teomticheekoy fiziki, 35, 1335 (195,B)- 111. TM: ORIGIN OF CQDaG RAIM 33. Ginzburg, V.L. Same As)vcts of the Tbeory of Cosmic Phy Origin 196-204 This pLper elwAdLteii the following problems-, 1) The mean gas con- centration in -the SKL&xy (including the hLlo). 2)The role of different; cosmLe my soumes; the inlection sad particle U- celeration mec.13anism tu souxces. 3) The mechanism and role of cosmic M esaLpe f'x-vxn the galactic b&lo into intergmlactic Space; the f~A,Aion of metagLlactic cosmic reys. in tlu-- Galaxy. 4) The n&ture of comaic my movement in the SLIactic spirL1 in connecticin with coomte rLy isotropy and chemical composition 5) The origin of the co=de ray electron component in the halo. 34. Shklovskiy, I.S. Achie-imments in RLdioastronomy and PlAdioutronomiml Theory of the Origin of Comic Hays 205-210 Min papetr explains the isdioestronomLeal theor7 of the origin oJ! cosmic Mii on the basis of the IMASt, LChievements in radionstronany. Card 6/ 8 International Coadc My Coubtrextoe. Proceedingel. v. III OW/4413 35. Znvhak.. A.A.,, andS.I. lArrmtoky (Syrovatokly). On the C(mposition of Pr1mary'Cowde Pays 2U-219 Mde paper pointis out I** invAeqwLey in the explanations of the composition of cosmic jWs and presents another approach to the solution of this problem. 39. ftiletdW (ThrleteldLy),, T.P. Ptissible Acceleration of Cbmages by the Eleetromaguttio Wxld of the Magueti,z Dipole of the Earth 233-238 This paper presents t1wt results of new oxmputatitm of tho electraimagnetio fteld of is rotating dipolei, as voll an of a corrected amlmis of I= not-ion equations pertWLning to this field. Qr4estions repirdbig tbe divergeam between computations in inertial and roix6ting eys-Was of coordineteo am comsideredp and gener*.l conclusims :mggxd to the noture of distribution of charges around in rotiating dipole imad with. regard to analpsis of poselble currents wm ma&. 40. Dormn,, L.I. On the Initial State of Charge d-FOixtielm AcceIg-ration 239-244 The author immIlmes the tollowing problemat 1) Injection energy In a s6lar flare in the case of charaed-particIe aceeltration ty the Yermi statistical mecbanism, 2:1 Portion of aawlerated pLrticlon and necessity of preliminary acceleration by the first order Termi Cird T/ 8 3MOrmbimal Coamic W Confemnae. Practedinge. v. 111 5 W144 13 mecbmalem. 3) kwelemtiau of piLrticles of the wAldium belveen approaching mgnettic alonts: nourelativistic Cace, relattilstic casep and the catie of jarticle acceleration from very low onergies to relm6tivietle anergies Omudmx enerm- of accelerated particles in various eVecific casew cowpreesion.0 -tbe plasm coluum under lahlratpry- cmd1tions and under conditions of solar flAres,, collision. of magnetized clouds in interplaustary.Lad in IntersUllar space,, and col.31mion of gkUztes. AVAUAKS.- Libraz7 of Congress A44waftea Owd 8/8 10-18-60 DOLGRI-IM, Sh. 5h. -4 -f - ResearclAnC the %gpetic Field of the Mcon, -dpwl. report prc-sented at the International Symposium on the moon, held at tile Pulkovo Observatory, Leningrad, USSR, 6-F. Dee 19-0. c: C, -A--.t C-7-~~- c"ic ricl., f--= LIE ll,,~ -.Z~,tc-Y C'-' U.--, L. 7. L. C., !-..V C. C t0 C, G. 0-1 11-:,; o,- ti-,z VL--Ir~bllaa UQZLOV.;Kjy, V. V. Ca V. 1. 0- L. CT 11-,'--~,-.--t---,j !:!I 0', C; T. 17. C.% X--:r c -i e7 Cz rc,iort3 to it, WtlshL--~;tGn D. C. 1-7 (V-tc,",cr 1931 1972 S/169/f;;,/000/008/034/053 0 A006^101 AUTHORSt D-04tinov, Sh. 311., Yerasheako, Ye. 0,, Zhuzl;ov, L, N., Pushkov, N. V TITLEt Investigation of the magnetic lunar field PERIODICKLt Referativnyy zhurmal, Geofizika, no. 8, 1961, 12, atetraot 8080 (,"Geomw*tizm I ateronomiya", 1961, v. 1, nc. 1, 21-29) TW: Information is given on experimental problems and -Sets about the lunar field, obtained during the flight of the second Soviet space rocket. An analysis was made of the sensitivity threshold of the measuring instruments from data of measurements in the wejLk terrestrial magnetlo field at 45-60 thousand km distance from the Earth's center. The noise lovel in the lunar orbit space was analyzed, and measurements werts made directly near the Moon down to 55 Im distance from Its surface. As a result no indioations of a noticeable lunar magnetic field were detected, It was estimated that thit dipole magnetic: moment of the Moon can be only less than 1/10,000 of the magietio moment of 1h9 Earth. I (Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 1/1 The authors' summary DOLGINOV~ Sh. 8h., PUSRKOV., N. It. "on Scue of the Barth's Maguetic Fleld Invelltigations in Outer 3pace" Soviet Papers Presented at Ple=7 Meetings of Comittee on Space &.-search (COSPAR) and Third InternatioW. Space Science Symposium, WILshington, D. C., 23 APr - 9 may 62. DOW32!CVP Sh. Sh., I-035.-OV, II.V., MUMMA, L. 0.,, FRYnTNOV, I. V., t*jl('L X Z-7-2GAV, L. N. "Scme of the Conatant Geo%46metlo Fieli Meftuicmronts CiaTled out n-nm Sputnik III o-mr the Territory of the LOSR." Soviet paper presented at the Plenary Mbetin&s of Co:nadttc,e on SPILCO Rosearch (COSPAR) and Third International Space Smposlun', Wash. D, C.0 23 Apr - 9 ~4 62. 42154 S/203/62i/002/001/002/019 1023/122.5 ATUPIORS Do1g1no%,,.,-'h*Sh,, Yeroshenko,Ye,G., ',.7huzgov,L.11., and r1 1.9 hR 0 v 174. V . 11 IT U, Magnetic measurements of an axktomatle Interplanetary station to Venus PERIODICAL: Geomagnetizm I Aeronomiya, v,2, no.1, 1962, SB-40 ri EXT: A t1wee-conponont magnetometer to measure the magnetic .1 , fin1d norr Vowis &nd a inagnatic varlometer to mousure t:-.Ie field during the voyrigo wero Ir3talled on the automatio Interiplanetary station (AIS) to Venus. The threshold sensitivity of the vario- It' ineter vias 21-, tho range - 0 to 50 Dat .1 a from the var ometer wore Gbtained on Fobruar-y 12 and F7, 1961. The magnetograms for 1~'ebrusry 12 (distance from Sarth: 165000-175000kvi) are given togother rilt), data from the Moscow observatory (q) = 550 ). The vqrlatlons of the two mngnetograms were Rpproximately the same* Data of February 17 (distance from Earth: lo9xlO6km, duration of Card 1/2 S/203/62/4)02/001/002/019 1023/1223 ;.;agnetic nea;iuromontses- monq,n-arnents: '112 min.) shot, almost constant vnluets, During the same period vr,,riRtlons on were quite big: 2-0-215-j- .On Fobruar-y '7, 19610 the AP'~'wao In the oorpusculrAr stream (assumption bagod on data from a particle trap), The magnetic field of the stream vms leri than 0,.f in the direction of the axis of t1v3 transducer. 0,Lts- on the n(nitron component of cosmic rays it can be deducod thm; the field or the atre(un was weak also on Earth. Georiagnetic, d1sturbancos oan be explained by & direot interaction of the cor-puscular stream with the geomagnetic field. There are 3 fl~~,res, ASSOCIATION: Institut, zemnogo magnatizma, ionoafory i rasprostranenlya radiovo]AAN SSSR (Institute of Terre.stvial Magnetism,, Ionosphere,, and Radio wave PropaE,ntlon, AS USSR) SUP311.11TTED December 6, 1961 Card 2/2 8/2C-3/62/00*.VO06/004/020 A160/AIOI AIMIORS: Dolginov, Sh. Sh., Zhuzgov, L. N., Puahkov, N. V., Tyurminap IA. O.$ 11~a _rcic~v TITLE: Some results of measuring the constant magnetic field of the Earth with the third artificial sputnik of the Earth %bove the territory of the USSR PERIODICAL: Geomagnetizmi aeronomiya, v. 2, M. 6, 1962, 1061 - 10`75 TEXTt The author prenents some results of measuring the constant magnetic field of the Earth with the help of the third Soviet sputnik above tie territory of the USSR from Pay to June 1958. A brier descripti6n Is g1ven of the metro- logical properties of the used equipment and of the method o1! elimiraiting mag- netic board noises from the sputnik magnetograms. It was determined tha-t the deviation may be represented by t1uee harmonica whose mean anplitude values equal Ulm - 1, 500, U2M - !j00 and U, F = 20`3 7 . A comparison or the i3easured values of the gecvnagnetie field intensities with the values of this Intensity permitted to establish Uieir agreement irithin the limits of 0.1 - Ilf above a Card 1/2 Some results of measuring the... S/203/62/002/006/004/020 A16o/Aiol major part of the USSR territory,'including the Siberian world magnetic anomaly. The conclusion is illustrate6. by a limited number of typical magnetograms ob- tained on the segments of thc trajectories traversing the whole territory of the USSR. The material yielded by the magnetic investigaticns with the third Soviet sputnik permits to fully determine the possibilities or carrying out spe- cial magnetic experiments. 1) The main harmonics of the Gaussian series can be determined with a precision of 0.1%. 2) With the help of a long-lasting sputnik the real existence of the exterior sources of the magnetic field ha-- to be found out, not taking into consideration the theoretical valuei of the field, computed from the ground data. 3) Flegmlar work should be done on the secular- variation of the geomagnetic field. 4.) In o~rder to obtain highly accurate date., the re- quirements for the complex of auxiliary equipment should be determined. 7here are 12 figures and I table. WOCIATIONs Institut zeninago magnetizma, ionoafery i rasprostraneniya radiovoln AN SSSR (Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism, Icinospherti and Radio Wave Propagation, AS USSR) SUM= I July 10, 1962 Card 2/2 i-1341'- 63 EW I /BMWES V) AMCASWESM-3 Pe-4 aN ACCESSION NRj AP30073371 s/02.93/631001/001/0055/oogl XUTHORt D algilMy. ushko v. N, V. ........... TITLEt Investigatia tbA t!AXje_tj_~-_ i a I d t nsp~cel/ SOURCHI Kosmicheakiye issjedc)v&jjjyS,, V, 10 no" 10 1963, 55-97 TOPIC TjkG!) 11 V69116tic field, terrestrial magnetic field, inter- planetary wedium, lunar.magnotic field, outer radiation belt, mliguttORP119re, milanetic storm. solar plasma, ring durrent. geomat- notic field, venmelau ih.iigA*t1c field ABSTRACT: Experiments). d,jitis on tha~msgnatlc fields of t1is eartIft, moon. and interplanetary wpace' obtalned by Soviet and U, S. rock- ets and missiles, have ba0n:vurveyeid, and the results of measuria- mcints mada near the aarth, Lu the outer radiation belt, and at the boundary of the geomnanofte field havis been compared. It vas found that the onergy necerstiTy tv create and maintain the outer zone is upplied by the sun, but the mechanism whero'by the solar plasma : nergy is tranaferre4l to the magnetoophere is still not clearly understood. It has mot: yet be~tn jusip1ble to determine with finality Card l/ 2 AtCESSION where os: whether the classIe eurroont sy a to= 4s vac I a to dwith nhe main phase of Magnette storms alrtvially exIats. It has been found that: at distances exceeiding 8 11. (r&dius of the eiarth) the misaiiured values of the field cin the ds,; anti night sides s)f the earth exceed those theoretically cowputiodo 2) the direction )f the field ~&t dis- tances up to 12 R(t diffe-re from 31) to 60* from the directloa of the dipole field 3 i~oncide-rabla field fluctuation.o are noted in the region fro m 10 to 1.5 Re, 4',1 no noi:ablm differen.:e exists in the characteristics of tfie torrestrial field on the day and nighc sides, 5) a transition zonot probably exints in the 10 -to 15 R region e between solar plaisma and the geomagnetic field, 6) inf 0rmation is lacking on comparative-con4litions-In the 12 to 15 Re region, and 7) it is poasible for a nsj~netitt t'rail to exist on the night side- Future attempts vill be mad's ~o obtain convincing proof of the ex, istertcat suit localizati*6 of' the current ring of magnetic stoxms and a precisti ostabliahnfint of this topology of the isagnstic field at great dilitances. ASSOCIATIO11 : none SUBMITTEN OlDec62 DATS AfAs 210ct63 Ma 00 SUB CODEs AS 110 IREF SOV 1 037 OTFERt 066 Card DOW331M, Sh, Sh, and BULANZHE, Tu. D. Present state of magnetic mmasurement teohniquesp Title, Conference on problems of' marine magnetic surveys (hold In Moscow in P4m!il 1962, Source; Oknanologiya, v. 3p no. Jq 1963, p., 752 DOLGINOV, Sh., laureat Lenindkoy preniAlp kand.fix.-featem.nauk Terrestrial magneldiss. A,v.i kosm. 1,6 no.7t26-32 Jl 163o (Magnetism, Terrestrial) (MIRA 16:8) YM)SHENKO, Ye. G.; DOLGINOV,- Sh. Sh.'; ZHUZGOV, L. N.; FASMSKII, U. V.; ALEKSANYANj, 11. M. "MAgnetic Investigations on the Electron 2 Satellite." report presented at, t1v 5th Intl Symp on Space Science) Floreace, Italy, 12-16 May 64. ~)-2/FW WEED lt~o I/P1 - V S/ 020 64/15 06-A272)l I ,z) A CC Z S S.I 0 It 1.1t; AP5001$'06 P~e~e -4 MO2 ON, AUTHOR: --Gr:Ln!xauz. Y.. -Sh-. Sh.;. Be31rukik-h,,.V--.~---; nhemko. Ye. G.,; "TIT K.; TITLE: Pbaervationn. vaing th;s artificial astellite Slioctron..2 of the ci:>rrelativa betueen vuriat Ions of ths) ~magnetic field aid strcams of POSItIVC 11)n3 In3ldO the- ttrrmstr4AI i%a9POA.9Apbvre,v SOU RCE AR SSSR. Dok*lady' V.~ 159, nt).-60 1964, 1272-1175 rorlC UOS: artificial saaellltef-magqo~tlpme.ter posit,ive ion" geomag- netic field, magnetootphervA. i-adiation belt. flu),, inttneityj negative ton, theivratical flaj~di ajot~841*.difstznce AB$TkACT'- The artifi-aial tontellite "Electron-2, equipped with maltne n-d - T-- -ionit of --tatitttftj~ -A a--trap - rt*tv- -d positive all energie3b their ILuxesi witb eacr3ias of norit thark 100 evi and all three ctimptInnn-ts of thii geomagnatio, field in th,a r-lagneto- sphere an4 at radistl.on biilts. Reenided data showed a corritlation between 1:1,e variatlom) of -'#,be magnailc activity on the tarrestrIal 112 L: 23291-65 A4XI:SSIOff .11; P. iAP5001286 surface aind the Intenvittiii-of --positive- -tons -and the-magnetic fj'.el.d far from tho earth, This corrolation was observioid on quiet days zind on days vith -nagnetic disturbantoo. Humorous negative ion fluxes vere recorded,on vlaf;nttically quiet d;y During this time, the Magna- ,,Pa. tomoter Tecorded a viaf,netlc field of' r,jgular Intensity although Itt eacneded tht theorctical fieUby 20 -t. The ma)iinum duflection from the thaoictteal field was dettictod oil. the apogee of thit satellite. On 12 February 1961j, sill nagnvtlcobi~~irvatories on the eartb recordcd while the trap in the 114tis'll I te 'recorded -1somitive Ion fitlittlo excusively 0all Intotlatty of 4-10-10, jLt tills ~tdvlz the, sat-bllite was at svo:gee. The nagae- t-oin-oteT. zatorded j~ In -the magtietic fIeLd. Orl.g. art. hasov 4 ti-guress (EGI M S C I A TILON 915B1141 TTS 0: 15Sel)64 ENCL: 00 S118 ("OnEt r-5 S v 110 RE FS QV 003 OUERt 008 ATD PRES�: 31*73 212 crc c GRINGAUZ, K.I.; DOLG-~~01!jjbjft.j EEZRUKIKH, V.V.; YETIOSHIM, Ye.G.; ZHUZGOV, L.N.; MISATOT, L.S.1 SOLOMATRIA, E.K.1 FASTOVSKIT, U.V. Relation between magnetic field variation ani fluxes of positive ions within the uirth's magnetosphere as observed with the aid of an Electron-2 ;satellite. DAL PV SSSR 1Y) no.6tl.n2-1275 D 164 (MMA 1811) 1. Predstavleno Wcademikom A.L. lUntsem. L 2885-!'36 TT/C;S/GW ;),CCESSION NR: AT50236W U.1/000016.5/000/OCO/0336/0341 I f, ; inov. Sh. Sh V. 4A.MHOR: GringauzL!~,.-,T.'; ~AL .,,Betrukikh. V.-, Ye-oahetiko, Z~ 6t 1L.; fjqgq~-qv, -K.; Fastovskiv.-U~ V. JITLE: Comparison of w'.a-ultatteous measurements of mapa~~kq p J~I!U' and o.91tive ion !flux within the Earth's magrecosphere recorded by the Elektron--2 satellite !SOURCE: Veesoyuzu.%vq konfer t~LtyAj~o fizike koamichesko&~~-PTS~9.~""tva. MloscOlIft"..- 1965. Irtiledovani3ra kosvicheskci&o prostranstva (Space res,earch); trudy kc,nferentsii, iMDSCOW, Izd-vo Naulta, 15165, 33f-341 ITDPIC TACS: space envil'DURC11to tonosphliric physics, elec1'"q__dgnjjj.tY% Ion density, !earth misignetic field/Eleilrtrou I satellite iABSTRACT: Measureatents of ctiatrged-particle flux and magnetic field at a height of 6-11.6 R (R, Earth's raidlas) ivere made by BLektxnnr.Z.\?'-Tbe particle._ trap used wng ic-spable o1 recording posi-ItLve ton flux with ion energy in excess of tbie-pA-ential Idifferenco of the satell,'J.tom w'i(:h respect: to its environment and electron flux with electron energy in exceiv of 100 ev. The m~nnqqmeter,Vwith orthogonally arranged sensors, sras capable of measurlzg the magnetic ficid-In'tho range )f +120 x 10- or& l 2885-66 ACCXSSION NR: AT5023603 in each-ciYaponent dirtiction. Its~:thrtffihold vas 2 x 10-S erg. The satellite meet- ureimnts, when conq)areid wit1h tola-~ activity data In the fom of KP Indexes recorded via ground observatorles, eluw int:onsiatencies in the correlation bet-veen the vari-~ ation of magnetic activity on the! Aarth's surface and the variation o[ the geomag- netic field intensity and therged ~particle flux as measured by the satellite.' It ,Is uncertain thether these observ,,tlona caa be explained by the solar wind penetrating the twignetosphere or by near-earth, plasma due to charged parti,-,les accalerated" by a'. yet unknown mechanisto. Orlij. art.' has: 6 figures. [BDI ASSMATIMN nona SUBMIMD: 025ep(6 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: HSI IV wo REP Sm. 003 OTHERt 008 ATD PRESSjqW JIr I L 2a in (d /M (h i Fs~.~2A:vrrm/mv)_~vtFx/F OVIG S I ACCESSION `NR: AT502*31504 t~OOD/000/0342/0356 01~ AUTHOR: Dolginov, Sh,. Sh.o. !1eroshnk2j_Y.!. Zhur, ov TI TbE: Investigation of the earth's n!gnetosp erel;~ in the radiation beli: '~'z'one In rebruary-April 1964 _M j6RAP kosmichesk go pr2pIrnAtya. Moscow$ SOURCE: Vsesp),uznayi~ konferitntsir 1965. Iss~3Td_oia_m1y-a k_6s_'if_c6~z1Gj_o prostranatva (Space research).; icrudy i:'onfervnt-qi1. Moscow, 12;d-vo Nauka, 1965, 342-356 TOPIC TAGS: geomagnetic field, ge-*agnetism, magnetic storm, artificial earth sat- ellite, radiation belt, satellite -Jata analysis -ABSTRACT: The authors give et detiLtled report an the "Elektron-2" \i satellite inchud- Ing orbital infortmation and tolemD-tercd observations In the region of the outer ra- diation belt at distanc S of 3-0,, Hapetonietric measurements indicate that there is an outer magnetic fi:la &u,ing -he calm of the day associnted with the protoris and electrons of the radiation bel%s. This conclusion Is made on tbe basis of C:cTr,- paratively limited vbaervatloTi t1rot. rurther observations by thD "Elektron-4" at other orbital. p:osltlons with vespoot to the line between the sun and the earth Card 1/2 -L 1285-46 '/,CCESSION 11R: AT5023604 ishould gEve more definite ink"w'Jon on the extent to which the observed effects Tray be attributed to the railial-imi zone. Peculiarities observed In the dynamics of tile mallnetospherm far from tile bomdary zone, and offecta obeierved during polar. stoms my be connected with the irystarious mec)anism responvible for magiletic 'Stoms. "The authars considor it thEtir pleasant duty to thank those who ussisted In ,analyzing the materials durAng pniparation and i.-onduction of the experiment." OrLg iart. has: 9 figtuvs. ASSMIATION: none ISOBMITTED.- 02SeP65 ENCLt 00 SUB CODE1 ES15V INO REr sov: oio OTHER: 025 AV PRIM: A, 1 Card t2h, L 2992-66 FSS-2/0"WT (1)/F31,'v) -3/]'CC/FWA (d) TT/GS/'GW ACCESSION NR: AT51:e3643 UR/0000/651000/000/06OW614 AurdOR: DoW.11 761 I..; T min.A., inchevio, M.- Ch___ TITLE. Experirv=to; in the vorld mttgrietic survey program kVseeoY-uznga, kcnferenbti~ji c SOURCZ: A _anaj~yq 4o owi, _1~~.qzike kosmicheakojp,p 1265. isa-e&"*i~i.,.,4 k-o'-B'-MC~iiiVigo'-pi-ostr'an.s'tv~a _Np t r Adp-ac'e reaearch,,; trudy konfe:-entaii. Moscow, Izd-vo WaWta, 196~5, 06-6114 TOPIC TAG13: geome4 1pietic fteld, geomagnetism, secular magnetic field, sticular magnetic variation, artlfi~lkl i!azl.h satellite, aeromagnetometer, pmtor, magnetom-i eter, EK4 M=j&MjjftU% 11 5 mgmAometer T116 10 1,4, ABSTRACT: A briefs review is given of the various attempts to obtain a world- wide magnetic-flell,11 map. The wie of artificial earth satellites to map the 1q_LnpSnetic field Is shown to be! the most efficient of the various methods 'Jused'.7 For optinum efficioncy in a single experiment, a sabellite must have W1 orbit inclined -bo the 'e4uatorle~L plarie by 85', as had several of the Cosmos series, The low-number 7,oamos BerRea 63-jeh jvLA_qtM.:g�)rcsrried proton magnetoneters aboard, which e;3semtially meastree the frequency%%f proton-f'ree precession in i0he earth's magneti2 4.1,eld. The diiiaammitages of this type of magnetometer were Card 1/2 L 2992-;66 ACCESSION NR. 105D23643 alleviated in the later Wows ser-Wo (Oosmos-49) by uning self-tuning mapetomete6 vith logic circuita. One such dt!vi(,.4!, c .;~atlelpm-4, automatina.11y se:Lects and analyzes the optimum &i[pnal dtiring w part of the free nucl ear precession period of the proton. TV) sucIll deilcaii on Connos-119, set 90' apart, had a measurewnt accuracy of 2--3 gaiiso. Ms4petl c field wasurements vere taxen by both the COSMOS-26 imd -49 vehicles al', altitudes of 2'rO.-40:1 km and 2To-490 km respectively, during Harch and October :).f 1964. Typical inagnetograw from these meastrements axe shoien separately,. Recomenndations aro madj! for further scientific investigatiens vith. magnetic-field chai.,4~s to better dete:rmine the earth's geomagnetit field End to Correct the coefilitkiente of the Gausnian series. brig. &A. has: 4 figtres. (041 ISSOCIMON: VP-T;,-so-.truzntVi% konferentoiya po rizike Moscow (All-Uhton !N)nference Ace Phy q BUBNITTZ D: 028ej.)6!i ENCII.- 00 NO R" BOV. 005 ()TM: 004 kosmicheiskogo prostranistva, SUB CODE: FSISY ATD PRMS:0 Card-?1?.hA4 L 02976-67 Ew-r(l) /.-:s s.2/Fcc T-..P/,,,w SOLMICE C'011---- : -uli/(,-,O--O/*-t')6,'17,)/003/05T4/0577 AUTHOR: Dolginov, Sh. 13h.; Yeroshenko, Ye. G.; Zhuze9v ush~~.)y, i.., V.. ORG: Institute of Terrestrial MHnetism, Ionosphere. and FadicwRve Ilropagation, 'L Academy of Scien ff',T) i ( I n s Tt- u t -,--e n -n c I ~ 5 -:-110 j -ji I Ii-f'j'r r) I- '-r Aj p r -cs i c n I a radiovoln Akademil naWE'SSSR) TITLE: Measurement of the mapetic field in the vicinity of the moon by the Luna-10- artificial satellite SOURCE: AN SSSR. Doklacty, v. 17D, no. 1966, 574-577 TOPIC TAGS: magnetic V 'eld, lunar orbit., lunar satellite P tvAtogoe- FA'VioCdA//r.,P..-/r. .- niq 6w c r, dir~fE'Lo ABSTRACT, The magnetic field i tensity in the vicinity of the mc,on was measured by a three-component magnetomete tarried on Luna-10. The magnetometer measurement range and its threshold of sensitivity in each direction were 50 -Y (1 y - 10-5 Oe) and 1 y, respectively. During the lunar orbital flight the satellite rotated around a given axis. The magnetic field components parallel (TI, ) and perpendicular (TjL) to this axis were measured. The absolute and relative errors in measurirg the resultant magnetic fieldwere-estinated to be '10 y and 15 y, respectively. Dt;.ring the observation period (3 April tc. 4 VAy 1966), the total magnetic field and Its components fluctuated in the follcwing ranges:T = 23-40 y, T11 = 18-38 y' ard TL a 12-16 y. A correlation was established between vuriations In T and T11 ard -L 02976-67 ACt 14 and changes in the magnetic activity index. It was not possible ta establish the presence of a lunar dipole magnetic field or the Earth's magnetos:pheric tail by means of these direct observation methods. The most reliable average value of Tj, obtained was 15 y, which exceeds the Interplanetary value for the name index cf magnetic activity. It is hypothesized that the moon is magnetical'.y permeable. The authors express their gratitude to E. I. Magilovskly, V. _N..,Orbidko, Afanas~e and V. P. Li!j~k. Orig. art. has: 2 figures. SUB CODE: 03/ SUBM DOS': 27jul66/ oRiG REF. G01/ OTH REF- 003/ ATD PRIES: 5099 ?/2 ACC NR: Ar7W)7600 Ct):):;: U!(/0293/66/00,14/006/OC.80/o899 AUTHOR: Zhuzgov, L. N.; Yoroshonko, Ye. G. ORG., nona TITU: IivcstIrra.-icm of the mapi,5tic .'iold from the sentallIte '"Aina-1011 SOURCE:. I~o5mlchcakiyc issledovanlya, v. 4, ro. 6, 1966, 880-999 T0111C TIGS: lunnr satellIte, mignatic field, solar wInd / Luna-jk lunar satallite SUB CON7: 22,03,20 ABSTIUCT: change of -tho index of magnetic activLtty at the earth'a zurfaco. The error of the ab5oluto scalar value of tho 'it-,Id is astLnatod at +10 -Y Comparison of the zieasurod field valu:!:; In tlie region of t.'-,a pc:,-.Lcc.,I*klcr and apocenter and evaluation of possible distortions of Une field by the solar wiiid inCicaro t~aat the zo(:,n does not have a field of a dipole nature. '."hc author* di5cvss thitt pIob'.qui of ujot'l-oz-, the obsorved C' old can bo idantifiad with the of solar oriZin, (10- i, formed or*trap?cd by a moon havin.- fiiilto cond-activitq and Compari:;-n of mcasuxi:zonts in perioda Of t-hG full and now moom faUs to inaicate a. dixact extent of the earth's za,-nutic field On the niF)ittI-_o side to Ustancos 60 R,_;;,. InAls is a or. obsorwitions of -%-'a :mZnoIAc fiad of ;.-,Of-u ar ncij~ribarhood of the i:oon mhoao intonsity durLr.Z o time of obsorvations vai-led in the ranZa 24-40 y , in agreezont 1 Card 1/7 j;,)n ACC NRt APM17600' The authors, th-,nl; Yu. V. Afanaslyevq 17. Lyulilt, and C. IN. Alc!t-:;Oyova for participati.-Z in thtb preparation of tho apparatus. Orig. art:.. has., 3 fo=ulaa, 12 figuras and I tabla. Lgas: 39,7161 DOLGINOV, Te.A. Struature and origba of 4Turessic depressions In the alpine Caucantm, Sov,geol, 1 tio.11:88-105 N '58. (HIU 12:4) 1. Moskovskly gosubaretvemW univermitat Imeni X-VoLomononovs. (Caucitnue-Geology. Structural) DDIGINDI.. -_., Host mobile sows In the CaucasuB. Izv, VY8. uchob, zava,; geol. razv. 1 no.12.-64-710 D 138. (MIA 1;1;12) IsMoskovskly goisularstvonVT univervitet im. M.V. Lory)nosOva. (Caucasue-Goology, Struatural) PIGIMOV. TO.A. Peculiarity of tectonic boudInage in sedimentary strata. lauch. dokl. vys. shkoly; geol.-geog. nauki nool,460-63 '58o (MIRA 12:1) I.Mookovskiy univorsitet. goologicheekly fakulltet, kaffidra dinawl- cheskor geologii. 0 (Geology, Structural) (Rocks, Sediventary) DOIDINOT, Te.A. Characteristics of faulting In the nres of the old viclaus of the Caucasus. 1xv. vys. uobeb. say.; geol. i ran-Y. 2 no.'?360-69 J1 '59 O(IU 130) 1. Maskovskly goundarstyenn" universitet. (Caucasull--Yaults(Geology)) DOWINOV, Ye,, A., Carol of Geol- Hin Sci -- (dies) "The Structure and. Genesis of the Jurassic Depression in the Central Caucasus," Moscow, 1959, 23. pp, (Moscow State University im M. V. Lamotmoov) W, 7-60, 10T) AAI_At --. . Struetunil'pUn of the Greattr Claucasuse Vilste Novh* 'imo Sort Mole, 990yog geoleg pog, 14 noJilOSI-116 1511. (mriu. Lli:6) It Kafedra dinaffilaballWpologli Moskoymbp univernittita, (Caucasus.. Go ologys Structural) I)OWINOV, TO.A.. Jbw,th coaf erence of po e t-grt. dun t q 8 tudents BrAl 70ung scientists of Moscow State UnivereityO Ts,,Vqrvn&ucheb* zav.; pol.l raive- 2 no,IU128-136 N. 159o , -,. I . (KU 1.316) (060100.) -- DOLGINOV, Ye.A.. Block movements In tho mega-unticlinorium kernel of the Greater Caucasus in the Jurassl.ic. Vest.M*.un.Ser.4: Geol 15 3-10 160. (MIU 14:4) 1. Rafaira dinaideheskoy geologii Moskovskogo universiteta. (Caucawas-GetAogy, Structural) BEIDV, A.Aj_.DOLGIN0V,--T*.k.j KROPACHEV, S.M-aj ORLOVp R. Tu.; SOKOIDV, B.I. --- ---------- Cherkeask-Ulaml laterpil disturbance of the atr-cture of the (Preater Gavcavus, :Czv. AN SSSR. Ser'. geol. 24 no.6124-32 Je 160. .? (MIRA 14:4) 1. Hookovskiy gosudi !retvennyy universitet. Waucasus-Gsol*, , Structural) .0 .. v." f. .'I UI)Ai.:; : ~ ~ o" i.;. ,, . ; '~'J 7-".. 1 ,I,'. ; , '~) - phi, J-wq, vIth I ?:,, ~~2eanllrg vesEelso it! 'i- - infoi-m.Ser.1.1a a hinostroi. n:).4",-8 162, (MIRA 1828) BELYAWPUNA, M.N.; DOLGINOV, Yedi. Genesis and the structiural, position of granites in the northwestern part of the Yenisey Range. Vest. Mosk. un. Ser. 41 Geol. 18 no.6:5~-68 N-D 163. (MIRA 18:7) 1. Kafedra diamichoskoy geologli Hoskovskogo universiteta. DOLGINOV, Yo.As Chnracteriatica of 1,be develorce-it of the Sayan-Yinincy fold area, Vest.Mosk.un.Ser.4: Geol. 19 no.5tlO-16 S-0 164. (MIRA 17t:L2) 1. Kafedra dinamichookcy geologii Hoskovskogo imiversil~eta. 1471'Y j".. I 'I-;. ~'. i~ , ; "A! I t li c 0:.! 6 ~? . ''.. - 1 "I ;:, i '. * -,' , 4.1 1-, -1. !,r-ur-t!j r;~,.-. Ir. jit,r t '- vc.". , - -:, I , - , . I -, "t! r, 1 0, 1 i)~ -:~ !" - 1~ ; k . no."t-i7-31 1. 1 - " r, i : , -,, ~ 1'. inz.~.j RODOV, S.H., Lath. --R i I-klhoda of inclAnod conveying gidlarisi3. Prom. strot. 42 nf).1007-38 0 164. (MIRA 1,7111) 1. Dn9pr3patrovskly Mi4l Gosudarstvennogo inatituta po proyektAro- vanlyu, issledovardyu J. iupy-.&nl)ra stalinykh konstr-,iktsiy, i moaL:,v. DOIBINO -!'VAPI-M...,, starLhly prepodavatell; SYIBITSKIY, 11.p gruppovoy in2bener-konstruktor Polyethylene is a gool substitute for nonferrous metals. Mor. flot 23 no. 12:29-31 D 163. (MIRA 17:5) 1. Sudoremontnyy ravod !.meni Parzhakoy Kommuny (for Skibitskiy). DOLGP~I)VA, M.Ye.,Cnrid 1'ech Sci -- (dis3) "Intem3ification of the combustion of natural gas in the smeltitir, furtiace.11 Baku, 1958, 16 p:) with ~Oc'&.'t'2" (1,11v of Htrlier P, Ucation U&SH. Azerbaydzhan order of' Labor tied Hanner Ind,.istrial Inst im IA. Azizt~ekov) 150 coples (FL, ?Y-118, 106) - 97 - z t .3 J-0-9 at? 9. an op. Vol .-..a *P -j .*.,-- *ft-'-,-*. -. ... ;. -.J-U~r #- to%.. lzralWo v:S1!.3z-- ape. ZZT 102 at -4-4 -25 :*del sz. 30 '111yal" r a I f-7---'Zsf -.nos; CTJ 0I;Z-.Sdox :!Tvg a '-6o-.T2-4 a A. 2-J; Jos JTV 90*ioj to ~v a Asia=& 0 ca; -41 on tit za!sr .41cm 0--a, "T."S 1 20 tQ -ug-R.; -7-o; a Pulkiej 0-4-. 02 azvvj~; S-41, 2 wV04 6-4% 9~JT%J*d"*J% JOJ joloauz* UT -cog ~T-4z Voss paj I pulpobj 22 ?; jo ****~ pub *-43, in; -.Oiw-.74*oz a SPIgin; 201,10f; qaoob-,V" 0 :0 001131"Itu" :12 93 op AI .%W 990 67% Istiod2-az 'I.. . 1 UCTIV lojT%%Wu vasr, rea ajowl---,ZIP I wo so], . .02nessid We'lpol 303:011ZI 142TS 902891 17 zwmjrj oqz ac3- -joaq ajq "IZ A'sIz-fili -Saj VPW gog, Do 01 W -21-107 T *-.Zola 10 t--sonrol I.V79- ---a, 0*12 -to; 0*41 To U.T.128, ACA.JW721 to-juvaAcs AvA,jW," j, q rare" sea VOTIV&S wtrz tzDVU8" (IS=) 49-" dd jo . 'A' :7"Iclore" q7,W-.061 tr7ft I*Zy.3Z- .jd 1. 1:69 *CgTVV*v 20%,fdo "'04710 Od CrTroas 11n.Td 97-io&-J- .3.:x To-..::trrul IT T:jrz-u a-j;. C- 0-281-0azz ;* oftwq.,xs 73 20 U:Tezag P'Jo Poi'd :ruzz IWORZCT DOLGIROVA. H.Te.; AIMS1117HO, P-H- Cupola furmace using natural gas* Gaseprome 4 no.901-35 S '59. (Yurnikess) (Gas, Natural) (MIRA 12M) -18(2,5) SOY I Z'8-59-9-5/25 AUTHOR: Dolginoira, M.Ye.. Candidate of Technical Sciences and Engineer TITLE: Industrial Practice in iron MeltinE; with the Use of ,Nat,ural GRE PERIODICAL: PP 16-18 tUSS11) Liteynoye proizvodstvo Ur 9 1959 , , , ABSTRACT: In the cour,~;e of 1957-1958, the Bak-u liachine-juildIng Plant inieni X.Montiny the &ishlinskiy Machine-Buil- dina Plant, and the 6hip-building Ylant imen~ P--,rIz~,skaya F-cmim;1aa intzoduced the method Of iron Melting with the use of' natural cras as foel. i~.t the present time, thfire are eight Iron-mell(ing cupolas working on natu- ral. gas in. operation. 1he heat value of natural gas varies from 800 3 to 8700 calories. is Is seen from " ' figure 1, the temperatures attained at burni J,- e mi- (fh natural gas are sufficient for iron melting ' The ninium requizec. temperatures 5U0" 550 gerieral furnace construction is given in --igure A special burnDr to be used with the furnace Is given in Yigure :3; it is provided. with two channels for mixing Card 1/2 natural gas and air inside the burner. ii-Ile required SOV . 128-59-9-5/.25 Industrial Practice In Iron Melting with the Uae of ~Iatural Gas ji.1,aB-air ratio is 1. to 10. The o-ptinum speed of the gas-a-ir mixture outlet is 35-40 In/SE10. Ttie required air pressure amounts to 500-1100 mm of water column. 'j:he natitral gas consumption having Ain average heat ,ralue of 8400 calories is '100-110 11, the correspon- ding air consumption is 1000-1100m per ton of char- ge. .1~'xperience has shown that cust iron melted In a as cupola possesses better mechanical properties han ithen produced in a coke furnace. The simpleness t of ga,; furnaces construction enables their building sit a r.-ouipa:ratively low cost. 1hore are ' graph, 2 tables amd 2 diagrams. Card 2/2 DOILINOVA, Me,. Fla r, t .'c lialve'.1. lzv. vvs. w+eb. i nef' I I cta- 6 n-~.",.- 120-L?3 '63. (14i R;~ 1,7.- 81 1. Azerhi.ydzhanskiy r~`tl ~ vl- S/203/61/001/005/003/028 A006/A101 AUTHOR: Dolginova. Yu.N. TITLE: Determining the degrait of polarization or the solar corona from ob- servationc made durl:rLS the solar eclipse on June 30, 1954 PERIODICAL: Geomagnet:[.zm iteronomiya, v. 1, no. 5, ig6i, 646 - 649 TEXT: The author attempts to determine polarization of solar corona at dis- tances from 1.5 - 7 It 0 from the center of the solar disk. Data are used which the author has gatheretl during thei solar eclipse on June 30, 1954. (NIZMIR expe- dition to the Kozelets village, 7!j km from Kiyev). Photographs of the corona were taken with a three-objoctive? camera with polaroldes, producing pictures oi' the corona at 3 positiDna of the polaroids, Photometry was made in N - S, W - E directions, The degree of polaritation nnd the position of its plane were deter- mined by D.A. Rozhkovf;kiyls graphical method (Ref. 6. D.A. 11ozhkovskiy, Astron. tsirkulyar, 1956, no. 166, 13) ba.sed on V.0, Fesenkov's formulae (Ref. 7: V.G. Fesenkov, Astron. sh., 1956, v. 588). Such graphic determinations were made everyyO.2_5 R 0 withlin a range of 1.5 - 3.0 R o from the disk center and every 0.5 R E) at larger distances. Ecperimental and theoretical polarization curves Card 1/2 S/203/61/'001/005/003/'028 Determining the degree A006/A101 are close for the polar direction,trat differ for the equatorial direction. Polari zation in the latter direction depemils apparently more on the corona shape. Data on polarization angle OL-(in degrees) are tabulated and illustrated. To estimate errors in the values obtained, relative errors of,4 p/p were determined for dif- ferent distances from Vie disk center in several directions, and absolute errors for the polarization anillecx. For distances of 3.0 and 4.0 R a from the disk center,ff~ p/p was equal to 15 and 615% respectively; for 5 R 0 the error exceeded 1OC16. For both mand p values the ~YW direction proved to be the poorest, as shown In tabulated data of anj:les 01, . On the whole the determination of angles OL is accompanied by greatet vrrors than deterinination of p. This may be due to Inac- curate accounting for dispersed lig:rit, Inaccurate orientation of polarolds ancb not sufficiently precise determination of position angles of photometric sections, con- nected with the small scale or the -:orona image. We author thanks G.M. Nikol'skiy. There are 4 figures, 2 tables and 9 references: 6 Soviet-bloc and 3 non-Soviet- bloc. ASSOCIATION: Institut zemnogo magnetizma, ionoafery and rasprostraneniya radiovoln AN SSSR (Institute of E,arth Magnetism, Ionosphere and Propagation of Radiowaves, AS USSR) SUEMITTED: July 29, 1c,151 Card 2/2 TTa S/214,/62/000/006/001/001 D207/U308 MTHORS: Akin0yaa,'S.T. and Dol inova Yu.11. TITLE: Chromosph,6ric f Lam, s and radio bursts of 1U tyj~pe on July 121' ~nd 18t 1961. P-MIODICAL: Solnechnyye darmyye, no. 6, 1962, 61-65 TaXT: Radio tole scope tj at UJURM recorded on July 1.2 and 181, 1961 two sti.,oiig radio bursts of 1U type frcclucticie's of 208 and .545 Mc/s. Thes-i,: bursts accoraparLied chromospheric fl-ares of 5+ magni- tude-which occurred on the same days and were recorded at the Qbser- vat-Dry of GAD AN US,11:R ands, at I'MfIlUal. m analysis, of these bursts led to the folloitirq,1 conclusions, in full agreemcrLt uJith the -or',!. published carlier: (1) I!he inmrimma of the tFirst stage of the radlio bursts of V type if) clotle in timc; to the maxitmit-it of the flai~e bright- ness; (2) The begiming ~Ibf Out coco-nd ntarfe of the Wr6ts ort July 12 ith thei vaomeni; of C,cctioti of an eruptive f Ailaracilt in the Coincided w region of the flare; (5) The ejection and collapse of a filame"It on July' 18 precadtd the mx~mum, Nvightn(iss of the flcirc, uhich may have Card 1/2. S/214/62/00,D/006/001/001 Chromospheric f larefl ... D207/D3O8 been due to Cac unsharp Olvision betwen the firnt and sccozid stagcs of the radio A-claowledgmei-tto are made to Doctcr F. Ftrstcn- barg.from the h2inrich Ifortz In.,ititute for supplying the records of some radio bursts, and to rtaff imembers of GAO 'a-l U36il L.A. Gvxto- venko ard V.V. Orlova for the supply of the records of the July 12 flare. There arc 2 figuras. ASSCGIIVICIII: Institut zennogo magnetizma, ionosifery i resprostran-, iya rndiO'%tDln LIVIl SSSR (Inatituto for Terrestrial Magnetion, lonouphere and Radiowave 1ropagation, "S USSIO ACC NR: AR7000BOG SOURCE CODE: U11/0058AG/000/000/1104301043 AUTHOR: Akinlyan, S. T. ; Dctlg'Lr~qya,. Xy,.,N. TITLE: Relationship of large chromospheric flares to type IV solar radio emission bursts SOURCE: Ref. zh. Fizika, Abs. 9Zh313 REF SOURCE: Sb. Solnechn. aktivnost'. No. 2. M., Nauka, 11165, 183-198 TOPIC TAGS: solar radio emission, chromospherqi flare, radio emission, geomagnetic disturbance, solar flare ABSTRACT: A study is made Df the correlation between strong chromospheric flares (class '> 2) and type-IV solar radio emission bursts and geomagnetic disturbances. An analysis is made of data obtained during the K"XY 1958-1961 by participating observatories (a total of 20 flares with accompanying type-IV bursts and geomagnetic disturbances). A correlation was noted between the behavior of the photometric curve of chrornwtospheric flare intensity and that of the first stage of type-IV bursts (bursts in the region of centimeter waves). The second stage of C.,d 1 / 2 ACC NR, AR7000896 type-IV radio emission bursts accurs within the decimeter- and rneter-wave range and after the chromatospheric flare maximum, coinciding with the initial stage of the accompanying burst. The irelDCity of the source in the corona during the second stage of the burst is r%--l 1000 km/sec. This velocity corresponds to the velocity of corpuscular streams within the! rmige of -the Earth's effect. The determining factor! in the magnitude of the geomagnetic disturbance is not the class of the flCrXe but the intensity of the second stage of the burst. The greatest magnitude in the second stage of the burst is produced by chromalospheric flares with a heliographic longitude of t 40% N. Soboleir. [Translation of abstract) [SPI SUB CODE: 03 .AY I* -) lit L HAKHINTA, P.M., inshener; D(TAINOVEROV. P.P. Transporting lime-grpsum solutions with pumps (without gyprum hArdening retarders). Biul.strol.tekh. 10 no.11:1) Je '5). (MtRA 6:8) 1. Ukrainskiy fili&I Byuro tekhnichookoy pomoshchi stroltel'stvu Minister- stva stroitel'stva. (Plastering)