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24401 Z/02 61/006/003/002/003 Fourier transformations in D256YD304 It is also shown that the Fourier transformation is a generaliza- tion of the classic Fourier transformation. Next comes the eolu- tion of the problemi- division of a transformation by a pclynom. The results obtained so far are used in the solving integro-diffe- rential-equation systems, having distributions on the right hand side of the equationB. The aye-tam of solution for such a system of equations is given# and the rule on the constant dependence of the solutions on the right hand Bide of the equation is proved. It is then shown that reactions of a linear physical system can be de- termined, if the disturbances e.ct on the whole time axis the determination of reaotion ty means of a transfer function is also shown. The article conclude6 with some concrete examples. The following Lemmas are givon:l) Let n 1g. 1 be a whole number; there exist functions Vo(8))1Fl(s)P ... I.Yn-1(s) 6 Z, so thatIP(k) (0) i 0 for k = 1, 1; ,p lic = OP 1p n - le (A system like for a given n -',.a called a "normal systerill). Card 2/4 24W1 Z/026/61/006/00:5/002AO3 Pourier transformations in D256/D304 2) Let P(s) / 0 be a p6lynomp having no root a, and let C 6 ('*) - There exiet numters B B so that PW 1 0 1 0*0 Bk i=O i=O B 6(1) 3) Let C be numbers, a different numbers; if the i a ik m ni equutio~l T I = 0 be fulfilled in ZI; then .7 Cik O'k = 0 i=1 Xk=0 for all values o-" i, 'k. 4) let U(s) be a square matrix of the n-th order, whose elements are compai,.,t analytical functions, and let d(s) = d e t U(s); if a is Ic times thc. root d(s), 0 -&' k *:-~ n, then the value o-P the riatrix U(a) is not Ices than n - k. One concrete example is shown in FIL. 1 the probler. being to find the value of the voltage e across :resistor TIZI if a voltage f K, acts on the input. There are I filrare, and 3 SoviEt-bloc references. Card 3/4 244a Z/026/61/006/003/002/003 Fourier -Ltransformations in ... D256/D304 'Q ASSOCIATION: 11--'atematick~ 1"ILotav -, AV Praha (Mat~matical Institute, Czechoslovak AS, Prague) SUBI.','ITT:-;D: ':.:--y 5, 1960 Fig. 1. Card 4/4 14 Inz. On the revival of Fourierim transformation by means of the distribu- tion theory, IoU t4olui Co 6 A0.41335-355 161, 1. GeskoslovenAa akadexie ved, Praha, Utna 25. (Fourier's seri,se) B177/B102 V AUTHORt Dolezal I VAOlaV TITLEt A class of linear operators PERIODICALs Referat;vnyy zh~rnal. Uatematika, no. 61 1962, 104P abstract 6B442 (Casop. pe9tov.,mA).Y*86j no. 21 1961t 200 .- 252) TEXT% A. certain class of linear operators is atudied which translate a Schwartz distribution spaoe, given for (-o), 0), into itself. The results are used to solve a upeoific type of integ:ro-dil.'forential-equationv. [Abstracteris notet Complete translation-3 3/044/62/000/OC16/0521/i27 Card 1/1 3 0 3F,5h7 Z/C142/62/000/006/002/003 E140/E435 AUTHOR; Dolelal, N'A'clay, Engineer, Candidate of Sciences TITLE: _----`~e _s ~Iu-~on_or certain parametric systems by means of the generalized Theveninlis theorem PERIODICAL: Elektrot,ochnicky' Zaaopia, no961 1962, 343-349 TEXT: The concepts of impedance and admittance are generalized to parametric networks.. It is ahowrk that not all parametric networks have both admittance and impedance. One that dues is termed "regular@$. A parametric network composed exclusively of series and parallel -elements R.-L, Lk and Cl, where Ri(t), Lk(t) and Cl(t) are smooth functions of time and positive for all t ~~O, is regular. Further, the author defines the concept Ik-norma'1 parametric n-port, when the current ik flowing through the k-th pair of terminals Pk is subject to the condition n ik Aiei (1) where Ai are admittance operators. With thene definitions, the Card 1/2 Z/fO42/62/000/006/002/003 The s4ut/on of certain ... El4o/E435 author p4sents the generalized Thevenin's theorem in the following torm. Lot R be a parametric n-port (n >_.2), 3 a pa%ametric -1-port, and let the following conditions be valid: 1 in-normal; 0 10S, regular; 3. is' regular ( 3n is IR with all pairs of terminals 3n ;. Ishort-circuited except P 'pprbillel connection of ,,n) '~n is a regular I-port. 4. The and Let ex,:be the open-circuit voltage on Pn if the voltages 1,* n-1 Pli P2t ---sl'n-l; C1.9 C121* ... , e act on let further u be the volit le on Pn if Pn is loaded by- the 1-port C1 under the same c*kitions. rhen if ihe emf em aiet on the series combin 14 n n and 3 the voltage u will appear across A proo 10 given in the author's provious paper (Aplikace matem., no.2, NQ2). The article closes with a isimple example! to illuntiato the application of the theorem. There are 2 figures. ASSOCIATJ~N: Matema,ticky' U'stav CvSAV (Matlaiimatical Institute CvSAV) Card 2/2 DOLUAL, Vaclav. 1[12., C.SC. (Praha 1, Zitna 25'. General ittat ion of Theveninproposal an~ its application. Aplilrace mat 7 -o.2:104-115 162. 1. Hatematicky ustav, Ceskoglovenska akadem;e ved. DOLEZLL, Vaol,!tv,, ins. v C.Sc.; FROXOP, Jose:r; VOREL, Zdenek, inz.,, C.Sc. The theory of graph# In the analysis of eloctrical networks. Aplikuce mat 7 noo5s331-343 162o 2* mtematicicy ustav., Ceskoolovenaka. akadlemie ved, Praha 1. Zitna 25 (for Dolessal and Vorel). 2. Vyilvmrq ustav telskomunikaol,, Praha 10 - Strasn!Lcep Trelichostioka (for Prokop). DOLE ZAL -. Viclav, inz., C.Sc. On the wtLstence of admittanco or impendance of parametric twopoles. Aplikacs mat 7 no.6s450-4.56 162. 1. MatemaiAcky ustav, Ceskoslovenska ska.demle ved, Zitna 25, Praha 1. DOLEZAL., Vaclav, inz., 0.3c. Cti star-triangle equivalence. Aplikammat 7 no.6s457-462 ,62. 1. Matemom-ticky ustav, Cookoalovenka akademie vod, Zitna, 25, Praha 1. ,DOLEZAA,L. 1:j. OSIOWSKI, J. Scus properties of the transfer isatrix of a linear network. Bul Ac Pol tech 10 no.91571-5713 162. 1. Institute or Mathematicst Czi91:hoa1ov&o Academy of Sciences, Praha, and Department of the Thisory of Communications, Institute of' Fundamental Technical Prebleims, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw. Prosented by J.Groszkovaki. f. DOIZ?AL, Nrac3Av (Praba 1j. Utria 25) On certain linear operators. Cas pro pet; mat 87jmo.2;1W224 '(2, 1, Hatematick7 ustavp Ceekoelovenska &Wemie ved. DOI=AL,t Vaclav; VOREL,, Zdansk TI-Is theory of Urchhoff networks- Caa pro.pos mat 87 no.l+:440-476 0 162, L, Matematick7 untavs Ceskoslcmeneks akulade ved, Praha lp Zitna 2!5. DOIEZAL, Vaclav (Praha) "Fourier transforms and convolutiona for the experimentalist" by R.C, Jenniaone Reviewed by Vaclav Dolezal. Cas pro pea mat 87 no,0497 0 162e D234%308 AUTHOR: Dolez'al VAclav T IT IZ& Existence of admittance or impedance of parametric two-terminal networks P!;R10D1C,LL: Aplikace matematLcy, v. 7, no. 6, 1962, 450-455 TEM The author proves that it parametric two-terminal network consisting of R, L, C elements has both an admittance A and an im- pedance Z if all R, L, C are real positive smooth functions of time between 0 and oo. For T and n '.,.inlcs formed from three such networks F Al(Al+A2+A 3 (A2+A 3); -Al(A,+A2+A3)- 1 A21 A = i ~_A2(Ai +A2+A3)_1 Al; A2(Aj +'A'2+A3)-l (Al+A 3) L Z/02 62/007/006/003/005 'Card 1/3 Existence of admittance ... z1 + Z3; Z3. z3; Z2 + Z 3 L and A + A A 1 3 3 A Z/026/62/007/006/0031/005 D234/ '308 A3; A2 + A 3 Z1(Z1 +Z2+Z 3 (ZIC! +Z3 -Z1(Z1 +Z2+Z 3) --Z 2(Z1 +Z2+Z z1; Z2(z 1+Z 2+Z 3)-1 (z1 +Z 3) respectively. There is 1 figLu-e. Z2 Card 2/3 Existence of admittance ... Z/026,/62/007/006/003/005 D234/D308 ASSOCIATION: Matematick~ 6stav CSAY (Institute of Mathematics, Czechoslovak AS) SUBNZTTED: September 11, 1961 Card 3/3 D234/D308 AUTHOR: Dole'z*'al, V&clav TITU Star-triangle equivalence PERIODICA.L: Aplikace zaatematiky, V. 7, no. 6, 1962, 457-461 TEXT: The author studies the conditions of equivalence of stars and polygons formed by parametric two-terminal networks. It is proved that for every atar there is an equivalent polygon if 'the admittances of the networks of the star form a subcommutative sys- tem (a system of regular operators Is called subcommutative if x x _1 x x _1X 0( 13 xr = r .3 10( for any three operators in it). If a triangle fulfills the same condition there is it 3-star equivalent to it. There are 2 figures. Z/02 6/6 2/007/006//004/005 Card 1/2 Star-triangle equivalence ASSOCIATION: Hatematickk CLsi;av Czechoslovak AS) SUBMITTED: November 13, 1S161 Z/02 6/6 2/007/006 /004 /005 D234/D308 V CSAV (Institute of Mathematics, Card 2/2 AFFTG :S/044/63/000/003/027/047 TITLE: On certain linear operators PERIODICAL; RtA'eratiw~ry Zhiinul, M&temkt!Lka, no. 1S)63, 63, Abstract 3B294 (Casop. Pastov. Mat., v. 87, no. 2, IS,42, 198-224; Czech, su=r.-ry In Russian and Osman). TEXT: The article ia dovated t o an investl~jtation of a certain class of integro-differontial operaton ;W generalAzed D,, J',Ianotion spaces where the Dn are derivatives of the nth or6er of functions sunried over the n~ire a);is and vanishing at (- -~-o. 0). Lot the generalized function be f = jfn , where F(X) IE L, and FW = 0 when x 4: 0. The operators considared in this article are. generated by operators of Vhe for= Al.. Card 112 L 13244-63 -5/644/63/ooo/0031027/047 'On certain linear operatorill where the ai Is a funationetiVerentiated.,it suffic~Lant number of timi~s with .the aid of addition and suporposition. Tho pr'operi~.vs of the introduced operattrs are investigated-, inverse operattli-M are qojistructed. A norm is introduced in D. spaoe by the 4quality III-I IF(T)Idv (I. This permits one to regard the introduoed operators as linear bounded operators and to oonstru~,.t the inverse,oporator in an approximate manner. lAbstracter's notoz. Complwl~e trxaslation. Card 2/2 DOIAUL, _I~clav, ims.., C,.Be.; VML,, Zderak.. inz.,v I'Sc. Some basic FcoFertleis of Kirchhoff neWorks. Aplikace mat 8 no.l;;30-54 163- 1. Hatemai-Acky ustavp CeskcalovenMa akademis ved,, Praha 1, Zitna 254 Ap DOWAL. Vaolav Q& an appr-exLimai-At conatruction of itiveree opmrstors-~ Cas pro peist sat 88 no&2tl?3-177 163. r I 1. Hatemal4algr rstavs Co3kcalimnska ilLkademie veds, Praha 1,, Zitna 25, DOLEZAL, Vaclav, inz., CSc. - .A bound-Tbr the damping coefficient O-C RC- and RL- networks. Aplikace mat 8 no.5:341-355 115.1. 1. Hatematicky ustavo Ceakosloveneks, ulcademie ved, Praha 1., "A'itna 25. DOLEZALV Vaclav; VOREL, Zdenek Periodic solutions of Kirchhoff'* networks. Cas pro pest a-it 88 no.4:.479-491 163. 1. Matematicky ustav, Ceskoslovenska alcademie ved. Praha 1, Zitna 25. DOLEZAL, Vat.-lav , CSc.; V0,2EL, Mont , inz. , CSc. i]17,. ) )k Periodir otates in Kirchhoff newarkg. j1plikaec mat 9 no.l: 31-38 164- 1. I-lateriaticky ustav, Ocalcoulownrika almderdo ved, Praba 1, Zlitna 25. DOMALt Vitality ~ The existence of it continuous basis of awrtain linear subspace of Er 0.1ch depends on it parameter. Cas jxro pest aLt 89 no.41466- 469 0 164. Some properties of nonoanonical systems of linear integrodifferential equations. Cas pro Post Mat 89 noo-41470-01 0 164. L Institute of Mathematics of tho Czechoaloyak Acadeny of Soisnoex, Prague 3.,, Zitna 25. Submitted Deasimber 19, 1963. -- -2 DOLEZAI, Vaclav, Inz. CSC. S=4 fundamental properties of eloctr"cal nntwork3 WIt.-I I.-Lme-varyilng elements. ApIlkace me-. lo no.1.01-48 165. 1. Institute of Mathematics of the CzochosloviLk Academy of Scitances, Prague 1, Zitna 25. SubmJ.t-:ed March 23, 1964. DOLVAL V ; HAUSER, M. A-:-* Our experience with individual. and group psychotherapy with the aid o,f LSD. Activ. nerr. eup. 4 no.2%241-242 162. 1. 1 ustav lekarske chemis ftVulty vooobeeneho lakELratvi Karlovy university. v PmBe, Pa7chiatricke oddeleni, poliklinilcy fakulty vssobeensho lelmratvi Karlovy univmrsity v Fraze, LYSERGIC ACID DMWLAMIDE ther) FSYCHOIMMkn) (PSYCHOTMMff GROUP) ~ FC-Z ECHO S LOVAKI. A N. IMISNER and V,--IKLYZ~~, Psychlitric. Department of Medical School rolvclinic (Psychiatricl(e oddeleni rikultni pilikliniky) alle, Firnt D,partnwit foi: ",edicillal. and Foreiisic Chr-miatry (I. urLIV pro clim-Iii lckarskou a :;DuLi) Faculty of General Medicine, Charles Uni.versity, rrague. "Catamnestic Evaluations of Effects of LSD Psycliother-Iry-11 Vol 5, No 2, ',ID & Praguc, Activitas Vervosa _~ur ay 63; pp 215-216. Abstract Tests wit.h. LSD in neurosis rehabilitat Lott clinic: 11 controls, 11 receiving individuall7 100 gamna I.,ID, 11 rcc.~iving 'colIcctively' 5C f, c5p-~cialiy those . I amm; 5 on 1,lace:)o. All improved, on 100 ga--na. At:-thors consider drug valuable in the cnnt-~-..t of all other proved rsycllo- and phamaco-therarcutic measures. ('j::arII, 1 Western and I Czech reference. I/ EAUSNER, M,,; DO:LEZAL#.Vol SAPOSNIKO'IA, 0,, Various perychodiagnostie -Wo-ting methods during psychotherapy using ISD. Activ. nerv. sup. 5 nci,,2%218419 YT 063. 1. Psychiatritka oddeloyd ftkultaii polikliniky, Fraha - I ustav pro chemil lekarskou a sowini. fakulty vaeateeneho lekarstvi KU, Praha. (MYCHCiTHElUn) (LYSERGIC ACM DMMJXtDE) (PROJECTIVE TECHNICS) (PSYCHosss, TOXI(,) FC-Z ECI to S LOVII"K IA and 11. JUMVA, 'First Derartment of Nedicinal and Forensic Chemistry, raculty of General 'Nedicilne of Charles University, and psychiatric Department of Nedical School Polyclinic, Pratue. "Evaluating Effect of Psychorhirmaca in Outpatient raycHatric Practice." Prague, tivitaii, I'ervos, , _~ujjRi~ior, Vol 5, ',o 2, May 63; rp 219-220. Abs-tr.act Brief schmatic plan for evaluatfon of such d.-ugs - ratients, om co=cnts spontancoijs and structured; micro- (physiolo"ic and psycho- lo:,-ic) and macro.. (PS761010gic and clinical) behavior, gencral synthesis. A questionnaire, ITZ-511 is discussed briefly as used in a manner So as to Set most reliable and valid response data. Table, 2 Cz,mh references. L/I 31 CZECHOSLOVAKIA I X; iAUSITER 3 _PQLFZAL,--V-; Paculty of General ?Iodioine-Gharles University Prague; Psychiatric. Clinic (Dir. Prof. V.Vondracek- AM.D., D. So.); Out atient Deprc.1,tmont (Head: Asst.. Prof. F. 11~no- bloch INI.D., C. Sc.~ ; First Department of Medical Chorriistu-ry and Toxicology (Dir. Prof. K. Kaol. M.D., D. Se.). "Effects of Imipramine Upon Vetrious Nontal Syndi-omes 1,:-.b,,:I.a- tory Treatment." Prague, ActivitaZi Nervosa SLiplrior, Vol 5, No 1:., 19'3, PP 356 - 365 Abstract:(Authorsl English abstract modifiod) 20 outp:ttients w3re treated with inipramine rind Lhcir casos followed fron fL period of 3 nonths to 2 years. In "vital" dopr,~.,ssionz s:,-ndrom,03 of depression and anxiety are affected within 2 v.,eeks. In old age decrease appears later. Neurasthenic anti autono::iie synd-ro- Pies increase during 3rd and 4th week, decrease subsequently. In depressive neuroses Imiprariine without psyc*iothernpy is iot adequate. 3 Figures, 3 Tables, 3 Western, 4 Czochl rc~feroncas. 1/1 DOLEMO V.; PIPAL, M. Alteration or respiratory functions in man by aeute starvation, Bratisl. lek. listy 1+3 no.4:201,209 163. 1. Ustav letackebo zdravotnietvi, Praha. (RUPIRUORY FUNCTION TESTS) (STARVATION) (BASAL VIETABOLISM) V.;'U,'I A V.; Clinic of --~ayclhi.,it -Y at -L'.1-10 'Jaculty of General odic:--no a-v Charles Univorpit- y ,Iraf-,Lio; '..n--titubc for '7P IM ?-01'.Ult-Y Vt3oo*-)ccnc',.-.o Lolrais~-vi KUA Eedicinal and Forensio Chenistry at `Elic -,,"aculty for Gonsral '.,'OC,L- icina at Charlost Lin-.1.-rorsity Cu-tav pro a 3ou~ni Cho- nii Fa!mlty Vscobccricho -~clcarstvi ICLIL7, Prague. "'.1'ractical Experience witt, HaUucinogens in Psychotherapy. 71~lraryae, qos~kosiovcnska Psychip-trie, Vol 59, No 5, 1963, PP 32&- 335 Abstr-,ct:*T1iI- authors describe ths,ra-poutic mocb-anisn, tech-niques, lndicaz:~ ns, contrain4ic at ions, and- co.-,iplication-s exper.'.enced durinq individual and group ps,,c'laotherapy annii-od to Patients c r1 ar ,.,ho were undez- the infl-uence of I-i--Uucino-en3 (LSD). A Iv . t, ges and disadvantages of this mathod are discussed. Bcst results i.-ere obtained when LSD was used in conbination i,ith individual .Lnterviaws for Patients residing in tr-o thorapoutic cormiunity. Six paint'.nSs by patients show 'how in= conflicts- are relieved and emrossed in an art-Istic way. 6 Figuaros, 6 Western, 6 Czacla references, 1/1 L 1039 1-& W(d) IJP(c) AM5024746 tl6nograph CZ'( PI /p Dynamics of linear systems. Prague, NCAV, 1964. 224 p, illuset bitilio., index. TOPIC TAGS: linear syntem, function theory, I'chwartz distribution, linear dynamic syntemo network theory PURPOSE AND COVERAGOEs This book presents a general and 3yeten-Itle an'tilysis of linear dynamic systems with lumped elements. S ahwa r t It diotributions.asro used as a general tool for solving linear system problems. Systons with constant and time-variable elements are coftsiaerad; the larmor are solved by using Laplace transforms, and this latter by meana of certain operators. Since the behavior of physical systems with lumped elements is described by a systen of inteRro-diffaronf;:Lal equations. the analysis of such systems is tht 1 main topic of tha book, The last chapter is devoted to Inveati- gating the propetties of general linear systems ant) tNe generali- zation of some theoratme of classical network-Ahe.9,LU The book Card 1/3 FL 10.199-M 1AM5024746 0 in intended primarily for electrLemil and mechanical engineare familiar with the fun4amentals of 9-nalysLs, Laplace transforms, the theory of furLetiome of a complex variable, and higher alF;ebra. TABLE OF CONTENTS labridgedli Preface 7 'Cho Is The behavior of I*Lnear systems with constant elements tin the `7positive time axis (classical approach) -- 9 Cho II.. Function theory propertie& of a class of matrices --- 28 Ch.*ilIlo The behavior of linear systems with constant clementn on the positive time axis (general approach) -- 36 Cit. 1V& The.behavior of linear systems with constant elements on the entire time axis -- 82 Ch. V, The behavior of linear systouis with time-variable e16- _,_.,_Card -2./.3_ :6 10399-M AH5024746 ments 113 Che VI, Gonerah propertLes Of M-PO108 4nd n-porto 188 IliblLography -- 220 index 222 SUB CODES MAJ SUDH DATI!s 0000064/ ORIG ttEP,. 002/ OTH RRPs :'033 ~d 313 L~P2~=�j RO ACC NR. b&i~0_626__ SOURCE CODES CZ/W/9/6570_0"V6&J/di( AUTHORS Dolezal, V. (Prague); Hausner, M. ORG: First Institute for Medical and Forensic-Chemistg. Pat 'y of Medicine Charles Univeralt-Y.-ITZ-Ve; Psychiatric Clinic, Faculty of Ylediiineg:0 University, Prague TITIE: Verbal spectrwn test for evaluation of psy-chodelice [This paper was presented at the 7th Annual Psychophamacological Meeting, Jesenik 20-23 January 1965.1 SOURCE: Activitas nervDsa superior, ve 7, no. 196% 303-305 TOPIC TAGS: drug treatment, behavior patte:m, psychoneuratic disorder ABSTRACT.- The verbal. spectrun test was used an a nodel for a ,discriminating analysis of'mental states defined within a lim- ited variety of vocabulary. There lis not enough discrimination as yet, but the method appepra to be promising. Correlations -between the patterns of LS.Dwinduced happiness and am-Asty and the therapeutic prognosis _b? the IZD intoxication arit diecuvsedo~ The patients who chowed the highest aorrelation between the LW ,anxiety and happiness have a better therapeutta prognosieb., Orig. art. has; I table. LOrigi, ait, in Ezig,1 LJPRS] SUB CODE: 06 / SUBM DATEt none OM IMN 003 LS KC-C NN AP6020023 SOURCE CODEt -CZ/C079/65/C07/0O3/03O8 AUTHOR: Hausner,ji. (Prague); Dolezal. V._ C- ORG: Psychiatric Clinict Faculty of Medicine, Charles Unive zigue; First Institu-G of Medic-al anTTo-r-e-n--slc--Ch&dstry,-Prague TITLE: Psychodynamics of LSAalluci;nations and their bearing on individual psychotherapy [This paper was presented at the 7th Annual Poythoph 1cological Meeting, Jesenik 20-23 January 196~.] SOURCE: Activitas nervosa superior, v. 7, no. 3, 1965, 308-309 TOPIC TAGS: psychotherapy, behavior pattern ABSTRACT: A case of a 33 year old patient is discussed. Tbe patient was administered LSD on two occasions, and under the Influence of the drug I-spainted several pictures that are de- scribed and discussed in the article. The authors conolude that there is no sharp border line between the organic and the functional, the structural and the dynamlos and the p~yalologi- cal and the psychological, (Orig, arta in Eng.] [JPR31 SUB CODE: o6 / SUBM DATE: none L 27639-M!, EWT(1) -ACC NR, m6oi5liq AUTHOR:- D Aal!--Vl 012 VladlMdr,jkoctor ;T ScTil DD (it) NUKE CODE: cz/oc6o/66/octo/002/0056/0059 LkUaLr..(boctor of medicine; Candidate of science); "!%ykk re.1tff1Rin0-' Luxa, Josef (Engineer); Rybak, Frantisek L.~manovaj ORG: Inetitute of Aviation Medi,Ane,* Prague 11stav leteckeho zdravotaictIrl); Resear(i atislava (Vyzkumny tistav pro Latrics, Balneoloa and Clinatolo j_Bratis flyziatrii, balneol=og a klimatologifi TITLE: Adaptive reaction ofthe organism to mountain a.111judta of 1500-2000 m SOURCE: Vojenske zdrsvotnicke listy, no. 2, 1966, 56-59 TOPIC TAGG: alpine physioloey, human physiolojzZ-, high altitude physiology, high albitude conditionings pbysical stress ABSTRACT: A group of 8 nountuin climbers wag observed for 6 ilays undi!r physical stress in the Tatra Mountains at an. altitude of' 1500--2000 m. The teats were ea- pecially designed to study kidney reaction. J'.he following oubstances were meftsur-M at 12-hour intervals: vanillylmandelic acid (3-metlio:gy-li-hyd,-oXYMELndi!lic acid), ketosterolds, mucoproteins, eosinophile, and dehydroepiandrosterone. On the firstdt*r high- secretion of ketosteroids and low secretion of vanillylmiindelic acid were ob- served. A significant rise in vanilly1mandelic acid occurred after the second day 'when -the men had suffered. a severe ;7-motiort&l. dieturbance (news of an accident). Signific&!tt chanV!s were observed in the secretion of mucoproteins.. !:he highest L 27639-" ACC Me PJ:16015119 values were registered the first dak; a decrewe was o'"erved :in the following days, and a sbarp drop after return from the mountair.n. EosInoDhile values did not change considerabl.y during the 6-day nt%r in the mountains. rehydroeplandrosteron was the b) :::4 C) J'a-i Mar Card PP4 ~ig- 1. Deposits :)f: 1). vanillyl- mnxidelic acid in rAcrograift/hr in 12-hr portions of urine; 2) neui:ral 17-keto- steroids in mg/2h hr; 3) dehydroepiandro- sterone in mg/2h hr; 4) wifts of Muco- proteins in 12-hr :~ortionn of urine; 5) load in %. (Thi! first and last values indicate the control figures taken before and after return firom the mountains.) a - Vanilylmandelic acid; b - 17:-keto- steroids and dehyeLroepiandrosterone; c mucoproteins. L 27639-66 ACC NRi AP60151IFT--", only substance tested which waa 'reduced vithout regaird to phyttical or emotional stress (see Fig. 1). The authors conclude thct dehydroepiandrooteron can be ug,-4- as an index of the alapttbility of the organism to altituile. A v=necti(WTI;vixA estabIi&*d;' between the degree of physical st:re,,sa and deposits of 17-ketotteroids and muc!--~proteinrl Vanilly1mandelic acid -was found to be a highly sensitive indl,,ator of emotional streseJ;, Further research In indicati!d to Aearn how the organism adjustii to altitude vhcn riot under physical stress ~ and whethev, the procei3o of adj utitment can be olortemed by repeated exposure to mltLtude. Diig. art. hast I figure and !i tablen. [KS) BUB CODEI 06/ SUBM DiT.1i nme/ mic mr.- Ont REF; 010/ ATD PFESS: Card 3 /3 L 3ML-k6 7000/0C410164/019T, ACC NRI AP6023157 AVDIOR: -Ynl -U'l . mb-4)olozhal, V. (Doator of medicine; CwxUd&te Of sciOnc0s): -Luxa. Jos L-Lukoa, T.TifaJorl Engineer) ORGt Institute of Av!tation Medicine, Prague.(Ustav leteolmho odravotniot-irl) TriW-.- Excretion of :)-=9th~vW-44iydrwW-=ri1elic acid in-4dj"& WRCS: Vojonske zdr-LVOtnioks Usty, no. 4, 1963, 164-166 T TOPIC TAGS: excretion, Wromy earboxylic onid, pilot training, urology, protein ABST.;=T: Pilots ualergalng training for rlying euperecule aircraft war&. ii~vestisited- 3-14et16orr-J4-Rydrovy4ftnde11c acid was deteralneA In the urine of pilots. The excretion increased by 84 compared to normal values. In nigbt samples of urinepthe &c14 content was double the normal value; this was no doubt due to the emotiows before the fligbt - At U-0 . same time the excretion of' mucoproteins in Vie urine also increased, Toahnical participants in this Jm%m3sVLgaWbn were Eja=,vLjz&aiukmm ZdenkA 7,~manova. and _Frantiselc Rybalce Ori~.;* art., has: 2 figures aul 2 tables: Dmis SUB CODE : 06 / SUIRI IATE t none / CRIG R3F s 003 / OTH REF t 010 DOLEZAL, VladiviLrp dr. Ozone, daziger. TAtecky obsor 6 no.7s2O2-203 162. LIDYINA, Milos; XAGL, larel; Was, Mironlav; DOISUL, Vladinir Metabolism of 5-witblyl-barbituric acid. 0&s. lek. c*sk. 98 to.27: 840-842 3 JulY 5 9, 1. Iaborator pro tax-ikologil a soudni chemli KU, Dredmoata prof. dr. Karel Khol. larmicologicky ustay KU, povereny vadouci doo, dr, Maxmiliau Wenke. M.L., Praha 2, Katerinaka 32. (RARBITUFAIIS, metab. 5-metbyl-3-phstwl-barbituric acid (0s)) DOLEZAL. Vladimir -- I I, "Polamides, their chemistry., preparation, and use" by R.Vesely, M.Sochor, and others. Reviewed by-VladAxAr Dolezal. Cheii prum 14 no.4.-223-224 Ap 164. 1. Ministry of Chemical Industry. P/013/60/000/002/003/OG3 B124/B22O AUTHORt Dolegalt Vladimfrt Engineer TITLE: Plastics PERIODICAL: Chemik, no. 2, 1960, 62-64 TEXTt In CzechOBlovakia, the production of cast resins and Galalith was introduced firstj a plant was installe-1 at Lipnfk nad Bedvou for the production of cast resins, and Calalith was produced in the "Argolit" works (now MC11Z, Lu~(ebnl- za'vody) at P~erov, and litter, in the "Ambrolit" works at Jablonec (now VCHZ Syntheoia, LuS ebnf z&vody Kolln). The ca:ole plant at Bratislava has bought from the bakelite company in Hamburg the licensefor the production of molded materials and laminated plastics 'based on phenol resins. Phenol resin moldings were manufactured at Ostrava, Semt1n and Lutin, and Celluloid and laminated plaotice at Sentin and in some plants in Prague and other places. In the course of the two-year plan, some small works were united to larger units, e.g. "Plastimat". The increase in the production of plastics from 1950 to 1957 amounted to 397%. Card 1/4 P/013/60/000/002/003/003 Plastics B124/B220 At present, about 15 types of base plaotics are producedf i*e.p pheno- plasts, aminoplastia, Galalith, fibers, unsaturated polyester resins, epoxy resins, ionexchangers,some types of varnish resins and some silicone resins on a pilot-plant scalet moreover, poly,rinyl chloride, polyamides, methacrylatee, Celluloid, Celiophane, carboxy methyl cellulofie, ooumarone indene resins, some types of varnit;h resins and foam plactico on the basis of polystyrene. A series of further plastics is in an advanced stage of development for industrial production. The quality of the products, however, does not always meet the requirement;3, and the standards of Czechoslovakian plastics industry tire not in keeping with thut Of other branches of industry, such as the nachine building industry. In the German Federal Republic, for instance, the production of plastics per head amounted to about 9-5 kg, and in Czechoslovakia merely to about 2.6 kg, whilst the otandards of steel production nearly equal, and the coal produc- tion surpasses, thoce of the German Federal Republic. By a :vesolution adopted by the XI Congress of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia, tile plastics industry Me been assignei the task of' increasing its productLon Card 2/4 P/01 60/000/0Q2/003/'003 Plastics B124YB220 until 1965 by at least 4 times. Thuag 1965 about 16o,ooo t of plastics would be produced, corresponding to a production per head of about 11.2 kgJ this means that the present level of the German Federal Republic and the USA will be reached in 1965. By 19659 the production of polyvinyl chloride has to be increased substantially, and the production of polystyrene and polyethylene should be initiated; for the production of the two last- mentioned materials, a particularly large amount of raw materials is available. Besides, an intensified production of emulsion polyvinyl chloride, and'also the production of the susFension polymer and PVC co- polymers shall be initiated. At the state-ojrned establishment "KaOuk", a production unit for polystyrene shall be created. Moreover, the produc- tion of high-impact and foam polystyrene, of polyethylene, and of poly- ester resins is inteded. With regard to the nDw types of plastics, the production of fluoro-plistics is planned. By the foundation of a plant, producing vinyl acetate,,a basic material for the production of glues e.nd emulsions will be obtainedl furthermore, the production of decorative melamine laminates (Umacart D), organic glaso, phenoplasts, etc. will be increased. Card 3/4 Plastics P/013/60/000/002/003/C,03 B124/B22O ASSOCIATION: Ministry of the Chemical Industry of the Czechoslovakian Republic I Card 4/4 PHASE I BOOK EXPUVATION CZM','H/5379 Dole'Z'alp VladiDdr, Engineer r~_. Plastick~ bmoty (Plastics) Praha,, SNTILj, 1961. 199 p. 6p215 CDpies printed. 'lov&; Tech. Ed.: Reviewer: Jaroslav Hnidek, Engineer; Resp. Ed.: Jana Mikula Vlad:Lslav Lacina; Managing1d, for Literaturn on Chemical Engineering (Cbief.Ed.): Adolf Baladaj, Doctor. PURPOSE- This book is intended for the general public, for advanced students In secondary and special technical schoolss and to familiarize tech-L-Ical personnel with the funda ntala of plastics. COVERAGE: The book reviews in popular form the most important types of plastics and explains the general and specific lava go-vvrning their formation. The preparation and treatment of raw materials, niethods of machining and working plastics, and the applications and uses of plastics are discussed. In a special section the author discusses the economic importance of the develop- ment of plastics-. The whole production proceas from raw materials to finished Car4-1/-5-- Plastics CUCH/5379 product is illustrated by simple, clear, pictorial diagrams. No personalities are mentioned. There are 27 references% 4 Soviet, 12 Czech, 6 Germanand 5 EngUsh. TAKE OF CONTENTS: Preface 7 Introduction 9 Composition and Structure of Macromolecular Substances 10 Classification of Plastics 16 Manufacture of Plastics 2(,) Vulcanized Fiber 31~ Viscous Film (Cellopbane) and Viscous Synthetic Fiber 37 Celluloid 4% C ard-*5- DOLEZALp Yladimir (Praha) Second theoren about the mean value of the integral calculus. Cas pro pest mat 05 no.1:84-86 F l6o. (ERAI 9slO) (Calculus) DOLEZALg Vladimir (Praha) Norraniquenesis of solutions of a system of differential equations. Cue pro Post mat 85 no-31311-337 Ag 160. (EEAI 10i1) (Differential equations) DOLEZALI_ Vl_t- KES, J.; KLCL2 K. -;~RO w-, A perfucion pump operating on the autopulsation principle. Acts. univ. carol. [mod.] Suppl. 14023-327 161. 1. 1. ustav pro chemii lekarskou a soudni fakulty vseobecneho lekarstvi University Karlovy v Praze, ednosts, prof. dr. K. Kacl. (PERFUSION equip & su;;j7r (IDENTIFICATION nDICOLWAL) DOLMAL, Vlado, Mr. Use of oxMn in civil air transport. Letecky ob2or 6 no.3:7" 162, DOMALP V, The effect of longlasting oxygen inbalation upon respiratory para- meters in man. Physiol. Bohemoelov. 11 no.2:149-158 162. 1. Institute of Aviation Medicine, Prague. (W.CGEN metabolism) (RESPIRATION) DOIZZAL V.; VOREL, F.; ANDZL, J. I - Effect of prolonged ojWpn inhalation at normal barometric pressure on carbbWrata in rats. Physiol. bohemoalov. 11 no.3% 236-242 162. 1. Institute oil,' Iviation Medicine, Prague, Faculty of Mathematics aW Pbysica, Charbis University, Prague. (CARBOHYDRATES mqtabo3,ijqm) (OXYGEN pharmacology) DOLEUL. V. Effects or the body of prolonged Inhalation of oxygen durinE: normal bwrometrio ;ressure. Cask. fyaiol. 11 no.4:326-353 162. 1. Ustav leteckeho zdravotniotvi, Praha. (OXYM phamacol) ?velitinok N~"DWAWIY p ard lvntitu,l.c- (,,. Yortnric Med4,.3n(- o' FVI.-Ktt 'Usta-v srudrf ;e-1.~AzAzvi FIV,L-Kri [ abbreviarion not vojen;~uno i - t Faculty ol tMitary Xo-W.ciuie- of Charlt "Scm Patholog;- Firdinp.L in Afttr Nolom:.--d T, f L r r CLI C t E Ce~,nv.' :-~-Ac Onel; a,. lib n c1. t 1 o: a r A 4!t Al"tOlAr Ln'2.mion; brytind 98 hocni, Pitt-, cctl~.t F* I ~'~ I j.~tilt bw-irL failur,:, murb -,einji oxuditc. in plilirvi-,eir,? j...ivmxh.Ma, ',,u!: alil:11intotlos 36 Wu!j~exn CZECHOSLOVAKIA DOLEZAL, Vladi:rair, RD, CSc, Institute of Aviation Medicine, Prague., "Conrnents about the Therapeutic Use of Oxygen." Prague, ~Lojenshil_zdravotnicke__Lia~X, Vol 32, No 2, AFr 63; Fr 71-74. Abstract [English surnary modifiedl: A review of the literature with discu n of non-inhalatory routes, paradoxal effects, rositive-pressure breathing, all with regard to requirements of flying personnel. Six Czech, 16 Soviet and 28 Western references. 1/1 DOLEZALI VlacUmiy-p jtuDr&.j c$c a Sprewling of contagious diseases. leteaky ob-zor. 7 no.12t 371 D163. A DOIEZAL, Vladimir, HJDr. CSc. Health conditions of pilots Lietecky obzor 9 no.1%13 Ja DOLRZAL, V. ; HAIISNER, M. SOcjomqj;rjc pergpectiTsa in relation to mental boalth in the work prcP1.~065. AotA nsrv'- OUP- (Praha) 6 no-0404-405 164. 1, Psycbi.atricke oddalenis. ZUNZ OM Pr&hA- L 4151n-6 -W W/ ;1A(1)/ AY.4015U0 ROCY EXPLOITATION pi_4/rh-4/Paa-?jP~ 11163 ?o-4/Pe-5/Fq-4/Pac_4/Fr_4 IJP(c)' Bunr1r, Kiror",av, (EnTJnecr)*; Dienes, Iconrad, (r~rorccaor, Doci6r); 71opleta' Jriri (uocUor); Tj~!RUIY~O, Cq'RIcch.-i, Z(lend" (M 1%ynical. c3%d ththcratical Scimcca); Codr, JTZ;Moir, V.UAI=ir,.~:1/.;1 (Doctor);_j Antcnin (Cantlid:-vto 6-f-I.Mcal Sciences); I)vcr.L%,, Anve p ko~mtor j (jLthA_n_nrL nir o of Medical Scimeen, Docent, Doctor ; 11orult, Ulm .(Doctor or llhyzlcal and Mthematical Sciences, Corresponding 11c;abcr or Vnc Czcchoalwn4c AcadcpW or sciences, Professor, Doctor); 31op mr Jan (Doctor of rhysical und Itithematical Sciences, Doctor); KI 'k j i Cortor); Klent ' PmxjA (CwtUdato of Pbyoical and ~hthcmtlca S:Encts) 70K.Optodo Vila, Ril ; K!gr^I.w_ Vj7a'Emir (Doctor),- E2Zc_I ~t=oa~lmv (CamdidzLte of Lcaal Scienreal. KIIIIM&A- _nImv (Candidate or rhysical and, IImtht=ticml Sciences)' Kvix 'Mcnek (Can- di&-.te of ?hyaical and Mathematical Sciences); lAdvina., Milan, L ecr Macik, 1 1; ; - fLad-injr, jDoctor)i Moravek, 11ilan, (Candidate oTlrc=c r-ge-rimars; Rm tk, Jaro-lav, (CuAidata or Medical Sciencec, Enaincer); Mrazelt Jiri (Czndidito of rj%--Cluuc Sciences); Ludek (Doctor)) vo tn Zd Candi&te 02 "I sciences ; Novot Zd k to i-Nmeex, Jamalav, rhynical and Xmthcmmj~ (Doctorpl -Candidato Of rAyDiCal GJA ill-GEE.-U-C-01 _6610nago Fao;'R Dootor, Erigineer)l Mil WLo~lnv (Doator of Toftical Be le=hfi~* tember, of' the Czodbodd~g of Sciences); P3Avec. Hi=d 0=ta, Pokorny, 'CIE ~_S_*Lew~ Apek w6m"LT Em no , weent, boatU)i I (C"UWo* at Pbyziul an& XLdnmi Card I/A L 41~19-6,,; ANW15UO Rtuall Vladimir,, (CandIdate of Medical Sciences, Doctor); Sa4il Josef (Doctor or. Sciencell); ~ ----; Tk%diml ; Stvernk, Art, rDot~r Zdcntk, (Doctorl.- T,=,%' Jaroslav, (Candidate of OVnical V L*Ctor); TynI., ?acl V, (Docent, Engineer); a Wm (Candidate of Techn' al Sciences, Profcvsor, Doctor); valnicelt, rorlo, can iMe of Phynical and lk%tbe- =atical Sctenceff, rx--~Or); Vauyuek, Vladiml-~ (Candidate of Physical amd Xatha- =mtical Scien en, Docout, Doctor); Ylazak Harian, (Candidate oC Phyalcal and r Hmthc=tical Wences; Doctor); you, tujoslay (ERAmer) Principles of antronauti4a (Zrad&4,y kimonautikV) ~~*, Orble, 21640 h45 yo 112" &1 bilxUo. 5000 col)ies printed. T=G TAGS: coozimuatics, rocket, "te "Ite., !m!jfu&t' IdU91111 -PUPXM AIM COVEMS: We phlication is a. VopdUr saicALM mlerence ~O& for people working I= coumonau;ticz. Mm boobs presents a ou,"W of immovAutica =a z;mov CUP bt up to I Jkm W3- VMZ CW CONTM"m I pard 2/8 AU1HOR: Dolezal. V~dlmir_(Doctor of medicine; Candidate of science); SlaVf.&, Vladimir-~~ctorL~0'f~riedicine)'; Lwa, Josef (Engineer); R~rbak, FrantiGeAi Zemanova, Zdenka ORG: Institute of Avlation Medicine, Pregue (Ustav leteckeho zdravotnictyi); Researd Institute of Physiatrics, Balneology, and Climatology. Braticlava (Vyzkumny u9tav 1:ro fyziatrii, balneologii. a klimatologii) TITLE: Adaptive reaction of the organism to mountain altitudes of 1500-2003 rr SOURCE: Vojenske zdravotnicke listy, no. 2, 1966, 56-59 TOP,'C alpino gy hy gy gh L 4 -physiology, huntan phyE,i010 , high altitude p siolo , hi altitude conditioning, physical stress ABSTRACT: A group of 8 mountain climbers was obser- for 6 days under physic,-~' stress in the Tatra Mountains at an altitude of 1500-2000 m. The tests were es- pecially designed to study kidney reaction. The followinf, su':)stances were at 12-hour intervals: vanillylmande.Lic acid (3-methoV-"--.-,yd,roxymande'Lic ketosteroids, mucoproteins, cosincphils, and dchydroepiardrosierone. On the li-j''Jf-i secretion of ketosteroids and low secretion of vanilly1mmidelic acid were ob- served. A significant rise in vanil-*YlmEndelic acid occurred after the second d,K.~ when the men had suffered a severe emotional disturbance (news of an accie--t) Significant changes were observed in the secretion of mucoproteina.- The DOLEZAL, Zdensk; SHP, Emil Meeting of -the Standarclization Group of the Parmanan't Coal Comnission of the CouniAl formutwaEconomic AosIstance. Uhli 5 no.3;10,1-102 Mr 163. 1. Ministeristvo paliv. DOMAL, Zden ek; SFJ?j Emil - Principles of standardization within the cooperation of the Council for Matual Economic Assistance* Uhli 5 no.8t283 Ag 163. 1. Mnisteri3tvo paliv. LOLEZAL, Zdenek; SRP, Emil Conference of mining stAndardIzation speclalists of the Perna- nent Coal Comission of the Gouncil for Ritual Economic Assistanco, Uhli 5 no.,W85 14 163. DO=A~t Zdoe!k ............ 1-1 j 611P0 F.Idl Rooting of the StAndardimation Grcup of the Permanent Coal Commission of the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance in laipsig, bormalisaw 31 no,4d2N.121 Ap )63. 1. Hiniaterstvo paliv., Praha. DOUZALp Zdemk; SRP, Emil Internatiortal conference of mining standardization specialists of the Pernanent, Coal Crimmisaion of the Council for Mutull Economic Assistance in Ostrava. Nornalizace 11 no.WV458 Ag 163- It Hiniaterstvo pa3.iyj, I)raha. HELGL, J.; DOLEZALEK, J. Awakener of the people, Dr. Jan Melichar (1810-1901). Cas. lek. cesk. 102 no.17t464-466 26 Ap 163. (BIOGRAPHIM) (HISTORY OF MEDICINEp XIX GENT) #2 fall.. nbw,. In, flojol tjoi, am1w 4", curl rhas or thoo I,- bill th" tuft 4A" y I I j6rn;Um" #-din sloillyft, twos wil Ras w . It j. lus'l the a tyl. 'KICO Mx jull fikV hill ale"alval ""ove by of. , 1,, 111111 4nd it lbere. Vr the$ moollons cltrl, Urocv I'm "114). d4m all [it It, aim". Pfc. 11, Is. U4 tAw lan4lYl Nj in Wirt iram r I-Licr of ct f':;Ptu tfevvkl, &I kimi ftwj A kno let IbL. w the Irv,' 04 I"gootj, dqorn'Ij blio" Ia., toile t'4jl"rj,jj lkith"jill P1 kV 44 ao, We - will llol onk., rpt of trill es In k'r roalioor ulift ;.0"Ption, , -the" it , 011,11341111JUG" or Uw hv in di -ub. mxbr' nail& 4w umd. Iloirftl P-e coat.,,., quAllir wal, cvrg4L'rj the star"r pet, lid tam be,, (lital, Irfs) and QUA-- -id rog th.. tj."" di an discefjr 411 .11 ~ sbr 14 - - A-Z , I I-- -a In, -9N-Oww- - "'lataft 1 0 have 1. *- 4s. -k-stion" ' 111-borgopro, IV-bk on .11111111111mi Aw 'T' that awk I. TU~&- , ~4jkj Ouk, bill .1 goa W) liable ujollijuin. hat cloolkil's. A rwow Mae" for "I"Ovia of fats III W e a" beawis. )01 l1k.1rut I%*?-%FkA MIA$ WfIl A do 1". Ini. PN CWAT -.111w.11111i 614011-V Allod rr-p- dawn.27*42,01W) (hilinium friar. larbitivrW III ffirmatim in uh"- in 230 Atill the amt. nrk4 from I to 2- Add". of 0.1% ckuk WM 4w Ovi to 0.2% L4"rorwc :gi to it" has a hirmble clVerf an I ficirmistion. Armilirm wilh sirville air lrwftsw, flit amt of 19-10 11mir- It I- III ACTU111211W tAtfir "I I'MiCT11% VUHUM 141 TWIA wbrv nwdrum. Arrini" twinatinn In abev 14 %, urah that it cunnut be utiliml fiv rimvirrIkiin to 1. 'Alth a-Mn 4 citrk- thd AC4.1% its wlsr~- And wration at 280 0 M% I It pnxlw-rd )an IfirkA P.~e atulao stics Itt theeitc liff luArlAitic (Tech. Univ.. 14m t). PrAm3d floormdPo pror"tts and free amino scids 11) wrt dod. itt 21 kinds of cbmse by ruaw, 2-dimensloml jk%M chrott-at ogsu pity. '71111 dtprodeoce wm studied of tilt omient u( I o4i lite lysle at.d swljlttfg~ pf omm. vOint.. metilhinitle. jeuchle, ivu. lewint, slanine, iml jiulainic acid wvrc prewit in PJI:F!'teqvt to the ~Iobrm relativir ;1,3rv*,.q, u - ! I DOIEZALEK, J. Kffect of a salt bath on salt penetration and quality of the Moravian loaf cheese. P. 177 PRYML) POTRAVIN. Pratia., Czechoslovalda., Vol. 10, no. 4p April 1959. Monthly List of East European Accessions (FEAI) IZ,, Vol. 83 No. 7, JulY 1959. 'Uncl. DDIEZALEK, JirJ,, doo., in2., dr.; ZAVODSKY, Karel, in2. JVdrogen peroxide treatment of milk and its use in hard cheese pr~oduction. Prum potravin 13 no.4:200-204 Ap 162. 1. Vpnoka skola chomicko-tachnologicka, katedra technologie mleka a tuku, Praha. DME',WZK,_ILri,_ doe., ins., dr.; JANDOVA, Danuse, inz. Effect of' sodium chloride on the quality of Nalzov cheese. Prum potravin 14 no.1:10-11 Ja 163. 1. Vyeoka skola chomioko-technologicka, katedra technologie m1eka a.taku, Praha. STIES., Bohumil, Ins., C.So.; DOLEZALEK, Rri, doe., inz., dr. The i6th International Dairy Congress. Prum potravin 14 no.l: 37-40 Ja 163. 1. Vy2kWMIY ustav mlakarensky, Praha (for Sties). 2. Vyeoka skola chetaicko-tachnologicka, katedra technologie mleka a tuku, Praha. Coto 44. 1 is Mug $I_ns PROHIS44L AW IT laws a W fm 111111 0:11 !716-14% d Or Is "Miyamak or all M10 *L q TU-0; Pfdwmbw it S lit $411-OK 60d *.9b.dorled I Aldmifxwc 1:117 1,61111111" ~T Its ML old .. Whist, Ca. COS. opwasa 3 d - 3. two of hasomew Owftkillm 10% of 14ctivit W" S WWI I I I I: A FAA, to Ito lot it I . 11,0 b1,. j , to Th. S 0 1.1 so, 2 $*doom beft 1111110 U" but the (V ~~..W-tbant N awtome 01 tim c&Wyst by ibblea.110thilloctivitY bdow 94, 1 R. 4~119COW- full] rew arm Hui.- J1 1j:1 CZECHOSLOVAKIA/Chamical Technology. Chemical Products and Tholr Applications. Chomical EnlCinooring. Ab s Jour j Plof Zhur-Miimiyaq No 7s 1959, 236,38 H-2 Author i Kohoutok, ,t,,s Dolezallk$ V,$ Vormouzok, C. Inst a Title i Effect of the Conoontt-ation of Separating Mixtures on the Efficloncy of Rectifying Units. - Orig Pub : Chem, list3-, 1958, 52l No 59 869-873 Abstract z It Is established that changes in tho diffusion caufflakint and in viscosity as a funotion of concentration of a mixtuxu have considerable effect on the efficiency of reetjXying apparata. It is particularly Card l/ 2 'DOL;gH itILIVelay-IDoletaMp Vitesalem), dots.9 doictor; STUKHLIK, I., translator); GRLIPIRINt N.Lt prof., red.; KOROBTSOVA, W.A.p red.; TROMOV, A.V.9 teMn. red. [Similitude and modeling in chemical engineering] Podobis i mo- dslirovwils v kbimich*skoi tokhmologii. Moskyaq Goo. nsuabno- tekhn. it;d-vo neft. i gorno-topliynoi lit-ryp 1960. (095 P. 14MA 14: 5) (Chemical sAlineering) (Dimensional analyals) S/08 63/000/002./051/088 102 B171YB AUTHORSt.. ilik, Vit,~81:ivl-jik,an DOW( t ek, Stanislavt Fonio1c, Alfred TITLEJ Preparation of-pure formcldebyde with a low content of formic acid 'PERIODICALi, Referaiivnyy zhurnal.. Xhimiya, no. 21 1963 401,'abstract 2N24 (Ozechoul. pa.tent 1007059 Aug- 151 1961) TEXT3 The mixture oblained by dehydrating an aqueous solution of CH 0 2 in the presence of an aliphatic' 'or alioyalic alcohol is distilled in the senoe-df an organic' liquid: forming no stable compounds with the 0 components 6f the mixture, and having a boiling point " 120 C. It is more convenient to use a liquid that has a relatively high vapor pressure and is able 'to absorb. alcohola.,'11COOH, and water from gaseous CH 0. Such 2 liquids are,-eog. vater-soluble ethors bt-dioxdn (I)t trioxan, (CH OCH 3 2 21 oyolohexane.' The 4lidsooiation of the dehydrated and also, 0060 , '6414" mixtur6 in the preeence,of a liquid, having a boiling point lover than the Odrd.. 1/2 Preparai ion of pure f0imaldehyde with B1710102 dis'96,0~ktionFtemperature,6f the mixture, takes place at temperatures There is no. Increase in the atoi4ity,of the product, as- the ''not odour.. An examplet Ve5 Paris of 58%-aqueous I.: Cal4izz-aro reaction-does arts of cyclohexanol are iftiroduoed into a still solution of.CH 0 and 0 p 2 and water is removed by'va6uum-dietillation. With-vater,.1-5 parts of CH 0 are.also removed., Subsequently, 100 parts of water-free I are added .2. .- . inio'ihe'siill and bolling is conducted at the usual presbUre. I returns id them 'still from the reflux oondenver. whereas the condenser discharges the purified and waier-free CH 20, oontaining 3.3% less of HCOOH than the -raw material.- Abstraoter..I.s,note: Complete translation. d 2/2' r DOIEZALI V.,. doe. inz. dr. .. . 11 1. Seventioth birthday of 44 no, 7s240 JI 164. - ~- A (I L I d r7, CZECHOSLOViVaA/Chemical Technology - Chemical Products and H. Their Applications - Farmentation Industries. Abe Jour Ref Zhur - Khimiya,, No 11, 1958, 37768 Author 011)rccbt, M., Dolezalovap A. Tnst ------ - Title Selection of Brewing Barley Viirieties for the Production of Diastatic Malt. Orig Pub ; Kvasny Prunyal, 1957j, 3, No 1. 243-247 Abstract : As a result of technical breed, testing (in lab:)ratory and plant conditions) it has teon demonstrated that, as far as diastatic activity is concerned, boo,,. re- sults were obtained in Czechoslovakia from Kas1ititzki, Detimicky, Bagatyr and Ratborzheky barleys. Those varieties yield a special diastatic malt. Card 1/1 DOLEZALOVA, A. TRKAN, If. Determining the odor of malt by an objective irethod, p. 98. (Kvasny Pn3Wsl. Vol. 3, no. 5, Hay 1957, Prahe. Czechoslovakia) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions (MIL) LC, Vol. 6, no. 109 October 1957. Uncl. 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