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What Can be Produ ced (Cont.) PoL/3268 K. Radziwill,- Master in Science, Tech. Ed.; A. Urbanicki. PURPOSE: This book is Intended for chemists and equipment designers In the plastics Industry. It will be of Interest to students of the plastics industry. COVFMGE-. This book, one of a series on the plastics industry, is divided into two parts. The first part discusses the classifi- cation of plastics', methods of.production, and the most common uses of the end-products. The basic properties of individual plastics are given In tabular form along with testing methods. The second part contain6 a general discussion of all known methods of processing plastics, themoplqstics, and thermo- setting plastics. The design, constructlon~ and parts of processing machines are-described. The techniques of dyeing, metallization, machining, and welding of plastics are also treated, A listing of terminology used in the plastics industry is Included'. A table includes the trade names and producers of major plastics, No references are given. Card 2/ 8 What Can Be Produced (Cont.) PoL/3268 TABLE OF CONTENTS: I. Introduction 7 U. The Various Plastics and Methods of Producing Them 11 1. Basic concepts and classification of plastics 11 2. Polycondensates 19 Phenolic resins 19 'Aminoplasts 29 Polyester resins 39 Polyamides 49 Silicones 54 3. Polymerized plastics 6o Polyethylene 6o Polyvinyl chloride 65 Vinyl polyoctane 70 Polystyrene 72 Methyl polymethaerylate 76 Card 3/8 What Can Be Produced (Cont.) PoL/3268 4. Polyadditive plastics 80 Polyurethanes 8o Epoxy resins 83 5. Modified materials of natural origin 89 Cellulose derivatives 89 Galalith (Casein Plastic) 101 III. Properties of Plastics 103 1. Basic properties of plastios and their effect on processing 103 Plasticity of plastics io6 Elastic deform tion and permanent deformation (rheology)of elastics 108 Mechanical properties of plastics 110 Thermal properties 116 Typical properties of theftoplastics 121 Solubility and 126 2. Methods of testing plastics 132 Classification tests 132 Technological tests 142 Card 4/8, What Can Be Produced (Cont.) POL/3268 Testing the properties of' plarities in finished products 146 3. Tabular compilation of the mechanical, electrical, thermal and chemical properties of plastics 147 IV. Processing Plastic$ 148 1. Principles of organization of plants and installations for processing plastics 148 2. Processing of thermosetting plastics l61 Processing phenolic sol-ding powders 161 Processing Aminoplastic type molding powders 199 3. Processing chemically-set resins 2o6 Processing nonsaturated polyester resins 2o6 Processing epoxy resins 210 4. Processing thermoplastic materials 218 Injection molding 218 Injection-molding machines 218 Technology of injection molding 232 Compression molding 250 Compression molding machines 250 Technique of molding 259 Card 5/8 What Can Be Produced (Cont.) POL/3268 Molding from foils and sheets 269 Molding on rolling'mills and calendars 279 Molding by dipping and casting 286 V. Machining of Plastics 295 1. General remarks 295 2. Finishing and cleaning molded objects 295 3. putting out plaspics 30-0 VI. Cellular Form Plas~ics 3o8 1. 'Cellular form plastics from thermosetting resins 310 2. Cellular form plastics from thermoplastic resins 311 3. Examples of the preparation of foams by the pressure method 311 Preparation of sponges from polyvinylehloride by the pressureless method 312 VII. Glues 317 1. Theoretical bases of gluing 319 2. Advantages and defects of glued joints 320 Card 6/8 What Can Be Produeed (Cont.) POL/3268 3. Principles of good gluing 322 4. Technology of glues 322 5. Technology of gluing 329 6. Resistance of glued joints 337 VIII. Metallization of Plastics 338 1. Methods of metallizing plastics 338 2. Uses of metallized plastics 351 IX. Preparation of Coatings by the Flame Spray Method 353 X. Surface and Buck Dyeing of Flastico 360 1. General principles of dyeing 36o 2. Dyes J61 Ze 3. Dyeing of thermosetting plastics 366 4. Dyeing thermoplastics 368 9. Dyeing polyamides 369 4 Dyeing polyethylene 371 7. Dyeing polystyrene 371 Ze Ippoclucecl 0. -bj~ej ac O'bel2it2e 'n0cl-tv, C Zleaj,, we gt"g the eci O.Z 8 -Zct., 12D. Co2ox. a8tI ar7cl pu 0t Ca al pleat 112 tel7e t., 01, op Ica he p OJ78 pza ~f Of th stfca of e Nost 37,,) ARAX Of the IPIQatIC3 AP021tabt 374 ZI bpaz,3, Nost -ropop (A,,.ZeP8ecj 2,ez7n8 ~376 ca2v 8 Of t "t a2pl, ~e,,2t Qbett 37? a vamea 0 Cal 0' -,Ve,,) pleat-lea 389 4o1 T~Am 31i e 8 51~0 D09RAGUNSKI, Antani, mgr Inz. I A concept of the PcIi.3h shtpbu-'Iding industry in the development of ship power plants. Blul techn Cegielski 5s2','.-24 Special issue `61. DOBRACZYNSKI, Aleksander The industry of equipment a~d machines for the production of plastics in France. Polimery tworzywa wieloczast 7 no.2$52-56 F 162 1. Instytut Tworzyw Sztucznych., Warszawa, DOBRAGZYNSKI, Antoni, pgr,inz. Development prospects of the production of ship engines. Bud okretowe Warszawa 7 no.8:247-248 Ak 162. DOBRACZYBSXI, Antoni, mgr ins. International congresses of internal combustion engine builders. Bud okrotows Warszawa 8 no.82272-273,274 Ag 163o 1. ZJednoczenie Przowslu Okratowego, Warszawa. DCBRACZYNSKI, S. POLAND "Lecturing and Training Activities in the Institute of MetaUurgy During the Last Ten Years," by S. DOBRACZYNSKI; Prace Instytutow Ministerstwa Hutnictwa., Nos. 2-4, 1955. I tube I ?v IV 0-0 Of 00 blonartlem of Zkonsaft MW Tsvis, 02khe in the Wead. of 004 3 1 Both Mailing W4MbW at M*Mk (in Russian) N. N. Dobrakboky. Avtopenave Dela (Welding), Svpt. 0019 1948. p. 14-19. 004 Diem" the physicoebemicall baw of the regula- ti o n f th iti f th fl d th o o on o e e c mpos ame an e gas I t k d f l id d h l d i 043 n e st on o c e r ox es ementp an t ur ng iron welding of metati. A series of formulas are proposed for calculation of such reactions . S a - S L A METALLURGICAL UVERATust CLASUFOCATM tie goo. OWL-T Napo %1n 11" A low" -A I MAP* MAP ami 009 st""CM" 114181 (ON a" LS1 .. a S a b U NO UP lot ;-4, To 001"S 0 o o 0 * o o * 9 : 1000 00 .09000 04 0 : *a *Goo 0 0 k'* 0 00 ,,g 's-01,68 Wo 060**0 . 11 .1 DOBBANSKI, Z. In memoriam Dr. Josef Maleko Chironarztruchu ortop. polska 26 no.2: 109-3-U 161. (OBITUARIES) DOBUNSZY,Yj, Iasz1o - -17-- A procean for turning rounding-off of great radiun end. no.l.-33-31+ Ja 160o Gel) DOBRANSZKY. Laszlo Me use of adjustable br=pero at chuck work. pieces& Gep 12 n0-1:34 A 160, DOM WrIT, G. Agfacolor B333; G334. P. 15. Vol. 2, No. 1 Jan. 10,56. KEEP M HANGTECHIKAL Budapest, Hungary. SOURCE: East European List, (EE") Library of Congress Vol. 6, No. 1 January 1956. BARRA, Tamas.- BERTY, Imre; DOBRANYI, Gaza; SCHALK., Ervin; SMAN, Oszkar Hungarian remarks about sensitometric standardization. Ft. 2. Kep hang 5 no-4-.106-107 Ag 159. 1, 4Kep- as Hangtechnika" aserkeazto bizottsagi tagja (for Bama, BSrty, ftiMan). . 7 11 k - . Z BARNA, Tamael BERTYt Imre; -DQBRUUI,-Gm; SCHALK, Ervin; SUMAN, OsZkar Hungarian remarks on sensitometrio standardization. Pt. 3. Kep hang 5 no.5il32-133 0 159. 1. Hunnia Filmatudio; "Kep- es Hangtechnika" szerkeszto bizottsagi tagja (for Barna). 2. FORTE Fotokemial. Kutato Labor Vac; "Kep- es Hangtoohnika" ozorkeazto bizottsagi tagja (for BertyL 3. Magyar Filmlaboratorium (for Dobranyi). 4. Hiradastechnikai Kutato Intezet (for Sohalk). 5. Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia Kozponti Kemial Kutato Intezete; "Kep- so Hangtechnika" szerkeazto bizott6agi tagja (for Sziman). DOBRANYI, Geza; DOBOS, Jozsefne; POLSZTER, Akos I Changing the color equilibrium of color reversible films by applying vario~zs developing agents. Kep hang 6 no.lsl-4 F 160. 1. Magyar Filmlaboratorium. for, qN-Z, *r f ----- - noll, i) ot long vatintio, lerflUshis uport pblitcal prop z;,"L I lj~~l thiiv- M. Curie-SAlodouska, 1953, S. t - -'5F-7-7ir-T7,i-R-zw hyj" pi 01'etties of rgila ivvni carried cat n' e, ~mt, T,4 36 yeani of ferWising, with maimia, miner('d 11 -k L, and timc. I'lic rc;sults obcamed q ow . higher (O-j~- h-ot- c-it-I i- th. th;~, ir, th~ 4 ( FK3rmly ii(.,l of m tx. capillary ia~iiture ol-rvt7d Lr plots truated witli manure or miutral ;ni- thu pliv~ have showii a h,~hc-.,Lr -Intin;~ t1ir v~,,L,tzti~n ~~7,ison. P,eel'vctaof vA, 3-yrarand ~p so,~n~, i yat~,n* on th,, flil ouffitim,s ,my al.*io of Jo,g~O,,tjnnr..j iNnrq,, I,,. Ow . ~rv ),, 4 by UOfll:ttCd JAIA.1 .1 tM' ta pn-mozmly ~':ttd SL nbmli4ld 1.4941j" Unsp, Af. CWriv-SAkdt.WlA;'. i93 41 tht dvi~tmlnit4 ti ot x' .10 " jWrmv4 ability. )cs& *its roeft. X'i% oefinA by W14cy'm imnvu!al c(*fl K !A z~ - 211 V. wbem Q N -Abu vx4.- of, water in c.r.'- I t inc, flowing 0'rough th( Sample, i tho- P:"3-lv drop Ar4v.'s t1r. SaIllikk.. and'. 'F t4c vrGr--icctjvnaj at" of ine *iample in, ,sq. cin. Thp apporavis of a cylirder'3 whkh a erusg4nt bt,.%4 s-t -A;%trr la main. "n jalnul,'vdti, xmtbrr rnmtAt t;yljii&r conk%lWnp ttit plc (cut ~~I* ri,;l %visthmA distmbim,; it-A a0muivn) %V~J%itivd it e1wil 'r,- na and a for mcnsvriug'Xho vplunte of the atc. A woRk ilotiminatioa-lu-ts i'va -. 1.10 5 hr, (tv im-, Ised to ~,,s.tduct mrre tfsts mirsullunco,W (Ty, BIMIA, Tamas; BERTY, Imre; DOBRAN,Yl,_Geza; SUMAN, Oszkar; SAMK, Ervin Hungarian remarks about sensitometric standardization. Pt. 1. Kep hang 5 no.3:77-78 Je 159. 1. Hunnia Filmstuao; *-Kep- es Hangtoohnika" szerkeszto bizattsagi Ja (for BarnO.. 2. FORTS Fotokemiai Kutato Labor Vac; "Kep- es ~ ttechnika" szorkessto bizottsagi tagja (for Bertyl. ~. Magyar mla~-ratoriup (TO'I* Dobranyi). 4. Hiradastechnikai Kutato Iniezet (for Schalk 0 ~. Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia Kozponti Kemiai. Kutato Inteiete,-." ep- es Hangtechnika" szerkeatt,o bizottsagi tagja (for sspime CZLt0-HOSLOVAJaA/OrgELnic Chemistry - Synthetic Organic ChemistZ7- G-2 Abe Jow: Referat Zbur-Kbildyn.. No 5,, 195%14429. Author Dobras Jaropl4y~ Marban Jiri, Krejci Jiri, Pirkl Jaromir Inst Title Arylation by Means of Diazonium Sal-te. II. Study of the Effects of Catalysts., Temperature and Structure of Diazonium Salt on the Course of Its Interaction with 4-Sul-rocinnamic Acid. Orig Pab: Chem. listy, 1957, 51, Wo 3, 463-469; Sb. chekhosl. khim. rabot, 1957, 22, No 5, 1473-1481- Abstract: On interaction of y-xO2C6W2Cl(I) with 4-sulfocinnamic acid (II), in aqueous nedium, there is formed. the k-nitro- stilbene-41-sulfonate of sodium (crystals from water) which on reduction with Fe in a neutral medium gives 4-aminostil- bene-41-sulfonic acid (crystals from aq"Ous C5H5N)- AnaJ.O- gously from inner salt of 2-sulfo-4-nitkopfienyl diazonium, Card 1/4 CZECHOSLOVAKIA/Organic Chemistry - Synthetic Organic Chemistry. G-2 Abs Jour: Referat Zhur-Fhimlya, No 5, 1958, 14429. (M) and 11, there is formed 4-nitrostilbene-2,41-disul- fonie acid which was reduced, without isolation., in the re- action mixture with Fe to 4-aminostilbene-2,41-disulfonic acid. From the latterj, after diazotation and coupling with beta-naphthol, was prepared the tetrabydrate of the disodium salt of stilbene-4-azo- P -naghthoi-2,4*-disulfonic acid. In addition to the noxmELl products of arylation there are formed on interaction of I or III with 1-1 unidentified products of farther conversions vhich have been detected by paper cbromatography. A study was made of the effects of tem perature, catalysts and substituents in the molecule of the diazonium salt, on the course of its reaction with II. The experiments were carried out in aqueous medium, in the presence of excess CH~COOXa, in sealed apparatus. Yields of individual reactiods were evaluated on the basis of the Card 2/4 &ZECHOSLOVAKEA/Organic Chemistry - Synthetic Organic Chemistxy. G-2 Abs Jou--: Referat Zhur-MmIya, No 5$ 1938s 14429o amount of liberated C02. Experiments were conducted with 1," C6H N291 and hydrochloric diazonium, salts prepaxed from 0 o-,, meta- and pars-isomers 6f cUoraniltne, oxalylamino- aniLine, aniline sul-Ponic acid, anisidine, toluidine, ni- traniline and aminobenzoic acid. It was found that III is more active thnn I. Effect of elevated tenperature is ap- parent only in the case of diazonium. salts of low reactivi- ty. Among the catAlysts that were used (CuO, CuC12 and Cu2 C12) the beat was found to be CuC12- Yields ofL the products of reaction of II with p-substituted bydrochloric diazonium salts are the highest and those with the m-derivatives are the lowest. A beneficial effect on the formation of stil- bene derivatives, in the case of p-substituted hydrochloric diazonium. salts, is produced by electropositive as well as by some electronegative substituents. NO 2- and the COOH- Card 3/4 . . czWMMDVAKIA/Org&nie Chemistry - Synthetic Organic Chemistry. G-2 Abe Jour: Referat Zhur-lhimiyap No 5, 1958, 14429. group in the para position of the diazonium salt produce a detrimental effect* Previous cominica ion see Chem. Usty, 1952., 46., 277. Card : 4/4 N=IiSDN# 'I.M.1 - DOBRAY.Ap T.Te.; YASHZK, Kh.N. Virological and serological features of the influenza outbreak in Kl~wkov and districts of Kharkov Province in the first quarter of 1959. Vop. virus. 5 no. 6;751 N-D 160. (NIRA 14:4) (KMOV PROVIRCE-INnUENZA) ACC NN AP602158,, (N) SOURCE CODE: UR/0402/66/0001003/03T2/03T2 AUDiOR: Nakhinson, I. M.; Dobraya, T. Ye.; Yashek, Kh. N. ORG: Virology Laboratory, Kharkov Regional Epidemiological Station (Virusologiche- skaya laboratoriya Khar'khovskoy oblastnoy eanepidstantsiya) TITLE: Influenza viruses identified at the Virology Laboratory of the Kharkov Regional Epidemiological Station in 1965 SOURCE.- Voprosy virusologii, no. 3, 1966, 372 TOPIC TAGS: virology, influenza virus A2 virus, B virus I(ItZUS H-1dr-OA-00Y ABSTRACT: Eleven strains of infliienza virus were isolated from living and dead tissues. Ten of these were type A2 and one, type Bviruses. TheV were successfully freed from the tissue culture cello by, txypskdzation, while use of hydrocortiaone was ineffective for isolating viruses. [W,A. 50; CBE No. 10 SUB CODE: 06/ SUBM DATE: none/ Card ili AVDIYZVO Tas; _ T-AXOIF#I-M- - fire safety has been increased. Pozh. dolo 4 no. 70~-9 -T1 158. (MIRA MB) (Footorien-Tires and fire prevention) POIMD/Humn andAnimal Physiology (Normnl and Pathological). T-8 The Liver. Abs Jour : Rof Zhur - Biol,, No 11, 1958, 5OW Author : Dobrazanski., zaislaw Inst Title Erythrocyte,ReGistibility in Certain Liver Diseases. Orig Pub Arch. imm=ol. i terap. diswindczoj 1956 (1957), 4, 93- 114. Abstract The raximum of erythrocyte resistibility (ER) to a hypoto- nic NaCl solution increased, yet the minimum did not cban- ge in caee8 of infectious hepatitis and of other liver diseases accompanied by impairments of the parencbyna. ER minimum rose and ER mximum remained the same with re- gard to saponins. These ER changes were correlated to the degree of parenchym impairment, They did not, however, depend upon cholesterol and billrubin contents of the sera. Apparently, some kind of a substance appears in the blood Card 1/1 serum which changes ER. - 72 - D0BRE,&nnsLantIn- How we Rumanians are helping the state agricultural units in fulfilling their competitive obligations. Munca sindic 7 no.8t29-32 Ag 163. 1. Presedintele Consiliului local al Sindicatelor-Caracal, reg. Oltenia. NEGOITA., C., conf.; TROSC, Viorica, dr.; DOERE, D., dr. Idiopathic pulmonary hemoaiderosiss an immuno-allergic disease? Med. intern. 15 no.9:1085-1089 S 163. 1. Lucrare efectuata in Clinica I medicala, I,M,F, Iasi. (LUNG DISEASES) (BMOSIDEROSIS) (ALLERGY) MORLOVA, Irina; URSU, Teodora; DOME, Florica (Bucurest!) Histological data on the cancer of grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) Natura Biologle 16 no.5:74-78 8-0 164. DM- Debref G. G'"" "Analysio'ef Systems of Mining One of the Group of Ore Deposits in the R;;a"'Peoplets Republic.* Kin Higher Education MM, Moscow Mining Inst-Azieni 1. V. Stalifij, Moscow, 1955 (Dissertation for Degree of Candidate Of Technical-Sciences). SO: Knizhnaya Letopiall No. 23# Moscow, Jurte. 1955, ppe 87-104e DOBREJV Gh. Supporting the production opganization with fu-U knowledge of t-he case. Munaa sindic 6 no,,9:31-33 a 162. .1. iecretar al comitetului aindicatului Uzinele Grivita ftsie,, Bacuresti. DOBIM) Mop ingo; MUSA, C*p ing0j SLIVII&CU, me, inge, Aspect& of the coal industry in Poland recorded during the( visit of a group of ."Dian specialists. Rev Min 13 . no*9t/+29-436 8 162. 1 DOBRE. Gh .i g., aandidat-in atilnte tehnice --, -"'q Improving qua4ty indexes in.prooesoing qra deposits by a JiAicious organizatibn of waste sorting from~tha mining mass. -Rev min 15 no.9s 433-438 S 164. WPM / TAIAI( O/M AP63- ACC NR, 2ng SOURCE CODS; RU1001BI6310001009105101051 AUTHOR. Hajdu, Iosif Kovats, Ladislau; Nis9la, Petre- Dobre, Ioan ORG: none TITLE: Now formula for determining cre2p~ng elongation SOURCE: Constructia do masini, no. 9, 1~5, 510-515 TOPIC TAGS: elongation, steel, creep, metal property ABSTRACT: The authors describe a novol method for the determination of the specific crooping elongation of soft stools ancl compare, the results obtained through this method with those mnasured in the conventional method. The now testing process allo the obtaining of measurements equivalent to 500 hours' duration in only 50 hours of testinge Ori,* art. hast 9 figures, 5 formulas and 4 tables. fRazed on-authors' Eng. Absti. 5;z�~ SUB CODEt 'n / SUM DATE: none / ORIG REFt 003 / SOV REFt 003 OTH PXM 009 J D ir-4 1116( BABEU, Tiberiu, ing.; DOME, lonal, ing.; BOGDANESCU, Ioan, ing. Experimental study of the rugosity variation of cylinders in the M-59A engines during their running-in after overhauls. Rev transport 12 no.2:49-54 F 165. ISTRATI, G.; SZEGLI, Lucia; CIUFECO, C.; FILIPESCO, S.; DOERE, Maria Sereny test produced by certain Salmonel-lae. Arch, Roum. path. exp. microbiol. 22 no.1:101-107 Mr 163- 1 1 (KERATOCONTUNCTIVITIS,' (CONJUNCTIVITIS) (SAIMONELLA INFECTIONS, anm) VODA, G. Viorel; DUMITRESCUj Flores I.; STRATESCU, Ion, student; IONESCU-TIU, C.; prof. (Merei Buzau); POPESCU, Eleodor (Tr. Severin); GHEORGHIU, D.R. (Timisoara); GRIGORE, Viorel (Oroftiana). Exercises and problems proposed for grades 5-8. Gaz mat B 14 no.12:741-743 D 163. D013RE Nelu 1. (Meraij, Buzau); MUNTEM, I-,' BUICLIU, Gh.; `-~~~Iup T. (Ploie6ti); STRATESCUP Ion; 1014ESCU-Tius ~,.; TOMESCUO Ion (Bacureati); MIRZANO D., prof. (Bujoreni, I Men) V I Exoroieen and problems proposed for grades 5-8. Gas mat B 15 no. 5:227-230 May 164. 1. - -RQBRE, Noli _(Buzau) - CHITEI, Gh.A. (Deva); CAPITAN, Gh. I., prof. (Anina)j- C~ITGORESCU, D. Nicolas (Hirsova); NISTCRY Gh.V. (Buzau); 1-UHALASCU, D., prof. (Pitesti); VELE9CU, I. (Pitesti); DUMITRIU, C. (Foesani); SIMON, Petro (Ti~gu Kires); BAERA, B., prof. (Pauneati); COJOGARU, Ion (Crai.ova) Exercises and problems proposed for grades 5-8. Gaz mat B 16 no.l: 39-42 Ja 165. DOBRES PAU*s chimist; TOADF.R., Ions ing.; STAFIE, Ion, ing. Fight against weeds on railroado",by Cing.] Dem. Urma. Reviewed by Paula Dobres Ion Toaders Ion Stafie. Rev cailor fer 10 no.10i 566 0 162i 1. Sef laborator Institutul do Corcetari pontru Transporturi si Telecomunioatii (for Dobre). 2. Inginer pririoipal plantatii si amnajarea zonei Dir.L. (for Toader). 3. Inginer principal serviciul tehnic Dir. L. (for Stafie). FAIBIS, A.; IONXSGU, C.; K&RINOBBSCU, C.; SARAGIA. V. Additions to the study of the mechanism@ of localizing visceral disturbances In the course of neuroses. Note 1t Particularities of visceral disturbances of animals with double stereotypy (sali- vatory and wspiratory] in the course of a neurosis provoked by overstraining the digestive projection of the visceral analyser. Studii cere.fisiol. 4 n0.3.1301-311 159. (UAI 915) (VISCERA) (NXUROSBS) (SALIVARY GLANDS) (RISPIRATORT ORGANS) (DIGISTION) MZAII, D SAi,.OILA, Gh. V., haslui); WRIT'- T- - (Hale--isuzau); !X. A, S-L-31-i -n GRIIGOIGISCU, D. Lcoia irsova, DoLrujO; AI,UJ,,-U, 1, (FagaraB) GROEISCU; T., prof. (Arad); STAI*ICIJ, LIMP. (Bucu----;ti); 17--'AL;SU, 1.4 (Garanselyis) Exercises arid problems fcr grades 5-8. Gaz mat B 16 nc),"~~,91-93, F 165. BADISCU, Alexandru; CIIIOSA, L.;,,DMRB. T.; HLULICA, I.; SCARIME, T. Pharmacological proportion of an osime, the chloride of phouacyl- cudes Iv r1dintum. Note 1: GardloTascular action, Studit oerc, fiziols 4 no,3:321-334 '5~. (MI q.-5j% (Oxm"s) (PMLCYLPMMIIFIUK CHwItIDN) (CARDTAOVASCULILR STSTIN) Budbar"t, 1-~!Ita ds Goodomia a! Or~tn!zeroa Tcr!t4r1uhil Val v:, NO 2-,-1Tr7- 2. ;Report on the Cozple~.!*-% or C421100tITIzatiOn and the cnrgmitattan of Agriculture 5-41-ltted t4 th. !:,xtra- ardLnarl Session of the Orand Nrti=Al A394mbly At the Session of 27 April 19i-',' Gh. - pp 3-32. 2. "The, Old 3mode tlo TrIAngulatlDn Nwt~rk In the WeStOrD Pr t of the Count-y Caarriod. out 1= Various PIrmning Systems amd the Possibility or Its 7.ntacratior. In th Stat 6 Goo dez to Notw*rk ' x~g A. M PA. , ingr 1. ZkYARZA, and imer T. LIPAY of tho t mr-Fo -r in o; n-turror Territo.7 Nentrul dOurga TM-s3sam; Pp 33-44. 3- *Tho few X.P.B. 21/182S Photoacreal camera in Proauctioc 0. MARTON Candl-dato In Solent$ (Csndidjkt in Stlinct) ;;~- zwPimu; Pp "The .11 to "'Itj or Adapting the Mw for the OrganItatIc of Torri r7, JW M. ANASTA3rU and J=gr 1. CM.IAC; 7p sj,-59~4 -- -- plagmas f Orgunl%stlon or the n Su= _port oL-,tne Soclalls. Agrioultmral Units ', ~:mrv A. IMODRU- pp 6C-E4. A". 6. 'The so-dot or * Iftar 3. AVP.A.31 Cent or for the Or nization of TorrItory, Bmcbxroata-;-:37i5768-.------ iCSO: 2000-X DOBREAt A., ing. Establishment of production centers., an important element in planning the organization of the land exploitation in the socialist agricultural units. Rev goodezie 6 no.405-66 162. 1. Consiliul Superior al Agriculturii. POPESCUt N., ing.~_DOBREA,_,A., ing. Land organization, main economio.ahd organizational manp of strengthening the socialAtt agriqultural enterprises. Rav'gaodezie 8 no. 3s2,142 164.1 1. Higher Council of Agriculture. DEFOUR., D.,, arh.; DOBREA, A., Ing. .Land organization. Rev geodezIe 9 no.1:46-57 165. 1. Higher Council of Agriculture. DOBREANU, E.% MANOLACHE, C.1 PUSCARIU, V. ~7-71'- -- - ' New species of phreatic Amphipoda in Rumania, In French.p. 103, REVUE DE BIOLOGIE, JOURNAL OF BIOLOGY. (Academia Republicii Populare Romine Bucuresti. Vol. 1. No. 1, 1956 SOURCE! East European List (EEAL) Library of Congress, Vol. 6. No. 1, January 1957 "OSTI-N, A., ing.; DOBTEAU, I. Tnermatic apparatus for length Matrolcgia api 11 no. 5%208-213 1,~r 16-4. Z)O,d( '2EA /~W/ A C-. AUTHOR: it/007/62/013/007/001/001 D015/D105 Ilihai, G., Dohreaw., Chemical Engineer, Chief Researcher (Bucharest) TITLI;: Anticorrosive oils and greases in maritime and in humid tropical climates PERIODICAL: Petrel si Gaze, v. 13, no. 7) 1962, 317 - 321 71-'.ZT: The article deals with oils and greases as means of protecting metals, mainly ferroalloys) against corrosion caused by hwiLidity and salt water spray in tropical regions. Research conducted by the Institutul do cercot~ri electro- tehnice (Electrotechnical Research Institute) in Bucharest and the Institu'tul do cercetiri "Petrochid' ("Petrochim!' Research Institute) in Ploiesti, was based on the use of consistent oils and greases activated by anticorro'sive agents. Domestic products wore compared to various efficient foreign articles. The anti- corrosive agents consisted of barium and sodium sulfonates with a petroleum oil basis. Sheet iron samples protected by domestic and imported oils and greases were sub4ected to tests in salt water spray and in hot-huitid cl imates. Salt e,- Card 1/3 Anticorrosive oils and Sxreas~s 't/007/62/013/007/001/001 D015/DlOO'-' water spray tests-were coaducted in the ICET cloud *chamber, the-spray being produced by an aqueou:* solution of 3,Z sodium chloride. flumidi.ty- tests were conducted in Weiss'climate chambers, the test-samples being subjected to a temperature of 409C T 20C and a relative humidity of 95 - 9a%. AR 11, All 12 and ALII 13 domestic oils and imported 1121, oil as well as Rwianian U 100 grease activated by anticorrosive agents said imported grease 11311 met ICUT;Irequirements based on 60 salt water-spray tests and 100 temperature and humidity tests. The author favors the use of oil and grease with additives and rocomAeuds the appifeation of AR 12 oil and U 100 activated grease on machines'expoked to tropical countries. Since gre4ses are easily removed during, operation or sto- rage, greased parts should especially be protected against friction or rain. There are 2 fiZures and .3 tables. The most izWortant English-language re- ferences given in Rw=Lian read as follows: A.H. Roebuck: Corrosion and ad- sorption studies based on the use of anticorrosive sulfonates; Corrosion, 13, - no. 11, 1957, 55 and Baker and Tismann; Polar-type rust inhibitors. I.E.C. 40, no. 12, 1948, 2338. Card 2/3 R/007/62/013/007/001/001 !knticorrosive oils and greases ...... D015/D105 AS30CIATIOAX: Institutul de carcetari electrotehnice (Electrotechnical Re-. search Institute) SUMaTTIM: February 24, 1962 Card 3/.3 DOBREANU, Mihai G., ing. chimist Corrosion inhibiting oils-.and greases for saline and mAist tropical climates. Petrol"ai gaze 13 no,7:317-321 J1 1. Cercetator principal la Institutul de cerecetari el ctrotehnicee, DOBREMILTE E I-MOLACREt C. Contribution to the knowledge of the Psyllidae of Rmania; Psyll.odes-Aphalarinae. In French. p. 123. REVUE DE DIOLOGIE. JOURNAL OF BIOLOGY. (Academia Republicii Popilare Romine) 8uctiresti, Runania. Vol. 3, no. 1, 1958. Month~ly List of East European Accessions (EEAI) 1C, Vol. 8, no. 7, July 1959. Uncl. - - DOBREANU, E.; MANOLACHE, C. New contributions to the knowledge of Psylla Psylloidea-Triotinas. Rev biol 4 no.2:279-299 139. (BUI 9; 8) 1, Membre correspondant do I'Academie de la R.P.R. (for Manolache). 2. Secretaire de redaction de la Revue do Biologie (for Dobreanu) (RUMANIA--PSYLLIDS) DOBRWU 9 ; MANOIACHE, 0. Studio# on the copulative organ of oome speoien of Poylla (111t7loideap Triosinae and Aphalaridas). Rev biol 5 no.1/2187-,99 160. (EFAI 10: 9) 1. Comite do redaction, REVUE DE BIOLOGIE, secretaire de la redaction (for Dobreanu). 2.Membre correspondant de llAcademie do la R.P.R. (for Mano2ache). - (Jumping plant lice) (Psylla) DOBREMp B. NIFam. Papilionidas (lApid). Fauna of Runania. Insect&." Vol. 11. Reviewed by Es Dobreanu, Rev biol 7 no.2:295-296 162. DOBREANU Ecaterina; XANOLACHE, C. Contributions to the knowledge of Psyllidae (Homoptera- Psylloidea) of Rumania. Studii cerc biol anim. 14 no.132 299-313 162, 1. Membru corespondent al Academiai, R.P.R., membru al Comi- tetului do redactie si redactor responsabil adjunct, "Studii si coreetari do biologie; Seria biologie animals" (for Manolacho). GEORGESCU p Miron; DOBRWIU-ENESCU, Vio ca - -igl- Hemodynamic oharaoteristics of athletes who-play competitive hand ban and volley-ball. Stud. cercet. mad. intern. 2 no.1:91-98 161. (SPORTS) (BLOOD CIRCULATION) (BLOOD PRESSURE) POPESCU) Iuliu- ?AMFIRESCU-GHEORGHIU Marcela; DOBREMW.FlM=j Viorlov%f AH047"t.8tefania; HARNAGU, P. Changes in serum glutathione in cardiac insufficiency. Stud. cercet. mod. intern. 2 no.3:261-276 161. I (HURT FAILURLO CONGESTIVE b1bod) (GLUTATHION&blood) r DOBREANU-ENESCU, Viorica; TEOWKINIj Sandas- GEORGISCU, Mircea 77- - - ----- -- ,-I 4r - Hemodynamic aspec'ts of hypertension of renal origin. Stud. cercet. mod-. intern. 2 no.4:511-518 161. (HYPERTMIONj RENAL diagnosis) (HEART physiology) (BLOOD CIROUIATION) I DaBESM-EMCU, Viorica New data concerning the nervous regulation of cardiovascular function. Stud* cercet, mod. intern. 2 no.5:619-.629 161. NERVOUS SYSTEM pbysiology) CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM pbysiology) i I STEINBACH, M.; DOBREANU-ENESCU, Viorica; CHITESCU, Elena; MARCUS, K.; IOTA, C. G. Treatment of arterial lVpertension with heparin. Stud. oercet. mod. intern. 2 no.5:671-679 161. (EYPERTENSION therapy) (HEPARIN therapy) DOBR&W-E RUNCAN, V.; TEODOHINI, sanda; NOLNER, C. Correlations between the peripheral use of oxygen and the systemic hemodynamic picture in pationto.wlth chronic hepatitis and post- hepatitis cirrhosis. Stud. corcet. med. intern. 3 no.1:51-64 162o (WATITIS complications) (LIVER CIRRHOSIS complications) (BLOOD PRESS RE) (BLOOD GIRGUIATION) (HEART physiology) (OXYGEN blood) GEORGESCU, Miron; DOBRSANU-ENESGUq Viorica; FOTESCU, Dorin; IONEEZ0, Tr. Hemodynamio aspeots of performing football players, Stud. cercet. m d. intern. 3 no.31391-401 16Z. ' (CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM physiology) (SPORTS) (ECERTION physiology) (ELECTROCARDIOGRAPHY) (BLOOD CIRGULATION) (OXIMETRY) (BIDOD PRESSURE) GEORGESCU, Miron; DOBREANU-MWCU, Viorica; TEODORINI, Sanda; POPESCU, G.; IOTA I C. G. - Hypert,ensive regulatory disorders produced in conditions of mental and phyaical overstimulation. I' Mechanisms of hypertensive regulator.V disorders appearing in performin; athletes. Stud. carcet. med. intern. 3 no.4005-513 162. (MRTION) (SPORTS) (EMOTIONS) (HYPERTENSION) (AUTONOMIC DYSFUNCTION) GEORGESCU, Hiron; DOBREANU-ENESCU) Viorioa; TEORDORINI, Sanda; POPESCU, G.; IOTA$ C.G. ftertensive regu3atory disorders in conditions of mental and physical overstimulation. ' H. Therapeutic results obtained in this type of regulatory disorder with guanethidine (ismelin, Ciba). Stud. cercet. med. intern. 3 no-41515-523 162. (EXERTION) (SPORTS) (AUTONOMIC DYSFUNCTION) (WERTENSION) (GUANETRIDINE) ZAMFIRMCU-GHEORGHIU,, Marcela; POPESCU, Iuliu; DOBREANU-ENESCU, Viorica; TEODORINI., Sanda; GIOBANU, Florins. Experimental investigations of myocardial activity after administration of substances blocking the energetic enzymes. Stud. cercet, med. intern. 3 no.4:525-547 162. (ENERGY MABOLISM) (MYOCARDIUM) (ARDSTABOLITES) DPBRWU-ENESGU, Viorica, dr.; TEODORINI, Sands, dr.; MOLNAR, G., dr. I--------- Reciprocal correlations between cardiopathy on pulmonary insufficiency. Mod. intern. 14 no.12:14.11-1419 D 162. 1. Lucrare efectuata in Institutul do medicina interna al Acad. R.P-R. (directors acad. N.Gb. Lupu), Bucuresti. (HEART DISEASES) (RESPIRATORY INSUFFICIENCY) (HYPERTENSION., PULMONARY) (PULMONARY CIRCULATION) XJ-9a; VULPF=, Sof1a; LPFUj N. Gh., acad.; STEINBACH# M.; AWL-.3~FdOff *_Yio JELEAP Al.; TBODORINI., S4tnda; VXADESGU, C. I*idence of atherosclerosis among fishermen in the delta of the Danube. Stud. cercet. med. intern. 4 ho.1:29-35 16~. (ARTMOSCLEROSIS) (FISH) (FATS, UNSATUUTED) (BLOOD CHOLESTEROL) (HYPERTFVSION) DDBR&M-ENESCU Vioric~a- HARUGEA, P.; TEODOMI, Sands; MOLNER, 0. - jp,~ Clinical, hemodynamio and electroeazdipgraphical effects of prolonged treatment with guanethidine or with combified guainethidine and cyclopenthiazide d:zk hypertensive disease. Stud. cercet. mod. intern. 4 no.1:57-82 163. (HrFERTENSION) (GUANETHIDINE) (BENZOTHIADIAZINES) (DIURETICS) (FIECTROCAMIOGP.APHY) (BLOOD CIFICUIATION) (BLOOD PRESSURE) I I . IOTA, C.G.; GEORGESCU, Miron; Nauu=W&C-U-4 - 'Vik ri c a;-FOPASCU i Gh. ; TEODORINI, Sands. . F4*rtensive disorder in conditions of physical and mental strain. III. Research on the reactivity of the autonomic nervous system in performing athletes with hypertensive disorders. Stud. cercet. med. intern. 4 no.'1:83-92 16#'~ (HYPERTENSION) - (AUTONOMIC DYSFUNCTION) (STRESS) (EXERTION) (SPORT MFICfNE) POPESCU, Iullu; ZAMRESCU-GHWRGHIU, Marcela; DOBREANU-ENESCU, Viorica; CIOBANU, Florina; HARNAGEA, P. Contribution to the study of blood pyruvic acid in cardiac ins~fficiev"C*Y. Stud..A6rcet. med. intern. 4 no.2:187-188 163. (HEART FAILURE, CONGESTIVE) (PYRUVATES) (BLOOD GLTWICAL ANALYSIS) DOBIMUM-ENWOU. Vioricat TZODORINI, Sends) HARNAGEA, Petra Treatment with phanyl-propyl-i~phanyl-iwopyl-amine (Segontin Hoeflbst) in coronary disease. Stud. canet. mad. intern. 4 no.W43~253 063. (CORONARY DISEME) (SEGONTIN) STEINBACH, M.; J20BRW=~NW9,.-ViorIca; MOLNER, C.; TEODORINI, Sanda; LAZAROVICI, 14iriam The lipid biochemical syndrome and vascular elasticity in smokers. Stud. cercet. mad. intern. 4 no.1,035-537 163. (SMOKING) (BLOOD LIPIDS) (BLOOD CHOLESTEROL) (LIPOPROTEINS) (CAPILLARr FXSISTANCE) (ELASTIC TISSUE) DOBREANU-ENESCU, Viorica, dr.; HARIIAGKA, P.1 dr.; TEODORINI, Sanda, dr.; MOLNER, C., dr, Glinical, hemodynamic and electrocardiographical effects of lprolonged treatment with guanethidine or with guanothidine- )-cyclopenthiazide in hypertensive disease. Mad inter 15 no. 5: 61%-624 MY 163. (HYPERTENSION) (GUANETHIDI11,M) (BENZOTHIADIAZINES) (DIUREETICS) DOBRWU-EMCU, Viorica, dr. ~ -1 Current concepts concerning the pathogenesis of congestive cardiac insufficiency. Med. intern. 16 no.3t257-264 Mr'64- 1. Lucrare efectuata in Institutul de medicina interns. al Academiei R.P.R. si al M.S.P.S., Bacuresti (director: acad. ll.calaupu). DOBRY-M-ENESCIT, Viorica- MOVORTNI, Sanda; HARNAGEA, P.; VULPFECU., Sonia; NER I C. Value of electrocardiograms In the diagnosis of chronic cor pulmonale secondary to chronic bronchitis and obstructive pulmonary emphysema. Stud. cercet. mod. intern. 5 no.4: 397-418 164. STEINBACH, M.; DQBR .,9-RLESCUj, oTica; VULPESGU, Sofia; POPESCU, I.; W. _ _ _ IL TEODORINI, Sande; HARNAGRA,, P.; CONSTANTINFJYV, M.)- GEORGESCU, MA, CUCU,, F. J* Methodology of epidemiological investigations in atherosclerosis. Stud. oercet. med. intern. 6 no.1:63-66 165. DOMMU-MRSCUP Viories, Now data an the patheMesis of coronary arteriosclerosis, Stud* aercet. mode intern. 6 no.20-15-122 165. FILIPOIU, Alexandru (Buzau), CAPITAIN ' Gh., prof~ (Anlrn); UIRSULFF)CU, Octavian (Bijeuroati); RUCUR, loan, prof. (Slblu); PARLAPAN, Strifan ("V~Iati); ZOLMN, Demeny (Aiud); CORBAII, C. AurelDin).- 'DONUs,-UUiIj 1, (Wtrni, Buzaii); MRZAN, D., prof. (Vilcea); GOREA, Airisti~e (Pla~o3til, IONFSGU-TIU, C. Exercises and problems proposed for grwips- 5-8. GaL mat T3 16 ,e1 no.4il'i-179 Ap 165. DOBRECOV, L.N. [Dobrateov, L,N.] Thermionio energy converters, 09 oas fys 12 no.5/6t428-438 162. 1. Fysikans teohnicky ustav, Akademie ved Svazu sovetakyoh sooia.Ustiokyoh' republik, Leningrad. VOW 22064 S/iBIJ61/003/004/030/030 B102/B209 19) AUTHOM Dobregot V. P.L Rogachev, A. A.j Ryvkin, S. M.9 and -Ta-roshetakiyt It D. TITLEt Low-temperature breakdown in germanium in connection with radiative defeets PERIODICALi Fizika tverdogo telat v. 3, no. 4, 1961, 1298-1300 TEXTs In germanium doped with elements of the third or fifth group,,the current may suddenly rise at helium temperatures when the field applied exceeds a certain critical value. This effect is known as low-temperature breakdown. The following is the mechanism of this effeott At these tempera- tures, the majority of carriers causing impurity conduction is localized at impurity centers# and resistivity is high. When a field is applied, the froe carriers are accelerated and# at a certain field etrength, their energy is high enough to oaues impact ionization of the filled impurity oenters. The low-temperature breakdown in Go or Si due to donor or acceptor impurities has been investigated repeatedly. The present paper is a report on studies of this effect which is caused by radiative defects; such defects have been 22064 S/181/61/003/004/030/030 Low-tem'perature ... B102[B209 produced by irradiating the semiconductor with gamma quanta or fast neutroxla~ Pirst, the energy levels of the radiative defects are discussed; Fig. I shows the level scheme for gAmma-irradiated (a) and fast-neutron irradiatod (b) germanium. The two shallow levels of the radiative defects are only 0.02 and 0.01 ev, respectively, off the valency band; at helium temperatur~-S, they are occupied by electrons only partly or not at all. In neutron-ii- radiated Ge specimens, the 0.01-ev level was found to be free from elect2-c-lis at helium temperatures. In chemically impure specimens, the presence of donor centers offered a certain compensation, and the level was partly oc- cupied by electrons. Volt-ampere characteristics of such specimens were taken by means of a "characteriograph." They were analogous to those ob- tained by B. Vul, E. Zavaritskaya, and V. Chuyenkov for the low-temperature breakdown due to impurity centers. Altogether, three specimens were examin- edt gamma-irradiated 1-yhad a concentration of shallow radiation levels of Na _ T-jol3cm-3 and a hole concentration on them of p a = 1.1ol3cm-3; 1-n and 2-n were n-type specimens having a resistivity of 2 ohm-cm; after neutron irradiation they were p-type. n-type and p-type specimens having a resintiv- itY of 3 and 12 ohm-cm, respectively, were measured for comparison. The S/181/61/003/004/030/030 LOWLtemperature ... B102/B209 values of the cri'tical field strength (1)*and of the bveakdown field strength (2) for these two specimens are listed in columns (3) and (4) of fthe-table. The authori thank T. V.Mashovets and N. A. Vitovskiy for having prepared the gamma-irradiated specimens,~s,B Well as S. R. Novikov and R. F_ 1.1l.K6noplevaya for the neutron-irradiated specimens. There are 2 figures, 1 table,.and 11 referencest 5 Soviet-bloc and 6 non-Soviet-bloo. The most recent r~ferenoe to an English-language publication reads as followas McWhorter, R. Rediker, Proo- IRS) 47t 1207, 1959- ASSOCIATTONs 'Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut im. akad. A. F. loffe AN SSSR Leningrad (Institute of Physics and Technology imeni Academician A. F. loffe AS USSR Leningrad) SUBMITTEDt December 2 ig6o .1ro Card 3/4. 4D B'j'j NICK 4 12 9-5 7.5 is 10.2 9 Ldw-temperature ... 22064 S11811611003100410301030 B1021B209 ON 0.0: rig, I 34'121t6 s/isi/62/004/002/043/051 7 7 B102/B138 AUTHORS: Dobrego, V. P., and Ryvkin, S.' M. TITLE: Negative photoconductivity in germanium at liquid-helium temperature PERIODICAL: Fizika tverdogo tela, V. 4t no. 2, 1962, 553 - 555 TEXT: Negative photoconductivity was discovered in n-type Ge with specific resistivity of 0.2 - 0-4 ohm-cm and p-type Ge of 0-5 ohm-cm at helium temperature. In n-type Ge above 1 ohm-om no'effect was observed. At low illumination intensities conductivity decreases in a very short range (a in Fig. 1). Oscillograme were taken of the current rise and drop in a cell with the specimen exposed to square light pulses. From the oscill~grame it can be seen that positive and negative photo"- ' - conductivity have different increase and decrease constants, the latter being particularly marked. Both curves are non-exponential, The 'red VY edge of negative photoconductivity of n-type Ge is at about 0-74 ev. At the short-wave side photoconductivity decreases slowly and vanishes at 1*1 - 1.3 A- It is assumed that the negative photoconductivity may be Card (7D RYVKIN, S.M.; DOBREWp V.P.; KONOVAIENKO.. B.M.j TAROSHETSKIYv IA Induced impurity breakdown in compensated germanium and,~ current oscillations related to it. Fiz.tver.tela 4 no.Vt 1913,1914 Jl 162. WRA l6t6) 1. Fiziko-tekhnichaskly institut imeni A.F.Ioffe AN SSSR, Imningrad. (Breakdown, Electri8) (Germanium-E.lectric properties) -ACCESSION M AP4028452 181/64/006/BN/12Q3/1207. 8/0 AUTHORSt Dobrego, V. P.; Ry*vkin, S. U. jTITLE1 Jumps in photoconductivity and recombination between impurities ~;SOURCEs Fizika tverdogo telat-ve 6j no- 4P 1964, 1203-1207 iTOPIC TAGS: photooonductivityp recombinationt germanium, ailicon,.impurity, jelectron-transitiont lui ampere characteristic !ABSTRACT: Experimental ataidies have revealed a new type of recombination transiti__Y~ ;in germanium and silicon. This is an interimpurity recombination, involving direct .transiti6n of electrons between different levels. The process is effected by larie ;concentrations of small impurities but not by development of an impurity'band. 'Interimpurity recombination is concluded to be a definite process involved in Jumps ~of photoconductivity. The time lag of photoconductivity at low compensation is less :than at greater compensation. The cause of this change.~a found in the fact that, -(when compensation increases) concentration of equilibrium electrons at donors .declines, and, consequently- the intensity of reo f ombin~tion declines. Despite the blow level of excitation, the lux-ampare characteristics of photoconductivity Jumps tare strongly sublinear. Such obaraoterigties may be'explained on the basis of thial' ~ard_.1/2 Pqp~~GO, V.P.; OKSMAN, Ya.A.; RYVKIN, S.M.; SMITINOV, V.11. Discontinuity in conductivity and the photodielectric effect in germanium. Fiz. tver. tela 6 no.9:2860-2862 S 164. (MIRRA 17:11) 1. Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut imeni loffe AN SSSR i Gosudarst- vennyy opticheskiy institut imeni Vavilova, Loningrad. P-1 a I ya - AU I., I zi-A pbotodielectric effe,-' I a, tic) 9, 19b4, q C'T 1 electric ctfe--- phetonl a '14 of the investigatIcri ACCESSION NR.- M)404069- t 1~ !z -,-ndltions when the electric condu,--t '.-t'::S1D cs C- r I F. 71."c' s e 1-1, r sC,- s by lump-r, v _-,IS that in compensate~~ 4 c: i tJ other 9 e ir, i c- onucsrc!mains st.IIA' open. L i,~ and 1 ~ --d" - - A-SSOCIAT F s Card 2/3 R--F- s (yjyc E -F4 zika tv~?r(lagc~ e! a no. 1965, 8hi-04", r eccnbinat i on , gall i um ar z, Fn- reseal-ch, 11j-x ampere-EhiFa`c-t-i~r--Istic, interimpurity recumbinW-1-1, -ontinuation of earlier work 7 N. n7ii s a a 4,=. photocondu-ti,,rlty connected witb the interimpurity recom., birm-tion -1-pe- the aut hor S ~rll spr' r~, corid,uctiNrity wnd jump da-rk conductivity at sufficient -Low tervemt,~ rie - denelt-; 0 rooz, teymcrature was x 1~-lb cm- wit?l t)IP 1, jzrerit)~ exc".dlrig t1his that jl= Dhot-7w-orductivity and inLerL%pu-ri,,y r,~-comtiuatlo.-~ Card 1/2