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DMITRrM, To. -ftnuald A&WM~M~~ [From Teberda to the Black Sea] Ot Tobardy do Chernoto Moria. [Mosk7a, Izogiz. 195~ 5 P-1 12 post cards (in portfolio) (Georgia--Views) (MLRA 8:10) DKITRIBY DCBROMUVOTA, K.O., redaktor,- KOSHNINVA, S-X-. -tj~ ~Yecask V* c as y redaktor [caucasian mineral waters: a brief guidebook] lavkazskia mineralInye voay; kratkii putevoditoll, Moskva, Goo. izd-vo geogr. lit-r7. 1956. 65 P. (MM 9:12) . (STAVROPOL T]IRRITORY-HUME RNSORTS, WATJRIUG PIACES, ICTC.) DMIMIYEV, Ye. A.: Maoter Biol ErIcl. (disB) -- "The heat contont of the aoil". Moscuw) 1958. 11 pp (Moscaf Order of Lenin and Order of Labor Red Banner State U Im M. V. Lomonosov, Soil-,BiologY FacultY), 120 copies M, No 2, 1959, 119) DNIMY]CY, Ye.A. Heat capacity of bound water. Nauch. dokl. vys. shkoly; tiol. nauk:i no.2:168-171 '58. (MIRA 11:10) I 1,1~redstavlena kafedroy fisiki t maliomteii pochv Mookovskogo goeudarstvennogo universitsts, imeni HaV. lq~wuosova. (Boil temperature) '(Soil moisture) -,,~ ~ DNITRIYSV, Ye.A. Some factors determining the specific heat of the solid phase of soils. Vest.Hook.un.Ser.biol.,pochve,geol.,goof~ 13 no.4: 103-111 '58. IRA 12:4) 1. KafecIra fizi)d i meliorataii pachv Hookovskogo universiteta. (Soil physics) ZHABREV, Daniil Vasillyevich; KMTIYICV, Shafayat Farkhadovich; FUSTOVA10Y. L.V.,,WMIYEV, Ye.Ya., zam.,- TOPCHIYEV, A.T., akademik, red.; MIR ONOV akademik; red.; ALI=, M.N., red.; AKHMSDOV, G.A., red.; VAR W SOV, M.I., red.; ' WLGOFOLOV, H,N., red,; ILOIN, A.A., red.; MIRCHM, M.P., red.; MOZESON. D.L., red.; FOHIN,.A.V., red.; POL11VA. Ye.M., rad.iEd-va; KAIRRINA, P.S., [Bituminology of the Tertiary complex of southeastern Azerbaijan] K bituminalogii tratichnogo kompleksa iugo-vostoka Aserbaidzhana. Moskva,.Izd-vo Akad.nauk SSSR, 1959. 110 p. (MIRA 12:6) 1. Chlen-korrespondent AN AzSSR (for Mekhtiyev). 2. Chlen- korkespondent AN SSSR (for Pustovalov, Varentsov, Mirchink). 3. Deyetvitellnyy chlen AN AzSSR (for Aliyev). (AzarbaiJan--Bitumen) DtrTRTYEV, Te. A. Some factors determining the specific heat and its variation In the anhydrous mineral portion of soils and rocks. Vest. Moak. un. Ser. biol., pachv., geol, geog. 14 no-3:79-84 159. 1. Kafedra f12iki 1 melloratsit pochv Hoakovkogo universitAta. (Soils--Thermal properties) (Rocks--Thermal properties) DMITRIYEV, Ye.A~_; Al MINOV, S.11. Lomonosov Lectures in the Section of Agriculture and Biolog7. Vest. Moak.un.Ser 6: -Biol., poch-r. 15 no.3:76-78 MY-Je 160. WU 13:7) (Agriculture) (Physiology) DMITRIyEV9 ye.A. Effect of moisture content on some physical properties of soil. Nauch. dokl. vys. shkoly; biol. hauki no. 1:203-206 t6l. (KMA 14:2) lo Rekomendovana kafedroy fiziki i meliorataii nochv Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta im, M.V. Lomonosova, (SOILMOISTURE) (SOIL PHYSICS) DMTRIYEVY YO.Yao; ROVNIN, L.I.; RRVIYE, Yu.G. Current problems of oJ.1 and gas prospecting in Western Siberia, Geol. nefti i gaza 9 ixo.9:4-U S 162. (MIRA 16 -.2) 1. Glavuoye upravleidye geologii i okhrarq nedr pri Sovete 14Lnistrov RSFSR i Tyumenskoye goologicheskoye upravleniyee (Siberia,, Western-Petroleum Geology) D14ITRIYEV., Ye,A, Evaluation of the relative variation of the propc,rty under investigation and determination of the Index of relative probable error. Vest. Mosk. un. Ser. 6-, Biol., TIochv. 18 no.5:51-58 S-0 163. (MIRA 16:10) 1. Kafedra fiziki i meliorats4J- Docliv Hoskovakogo uni'versiteta. ACCESSION NR: AP4033129 S/0120/64/000/OOZIOI2610127 AUTHOR: Makov, B. N.; Yelizarov, L. L., Dmitriyev, Ye. A. TI"LE: Methods of measuring dissociation cross-sections of H fast ions passing through gas targets SOURCE: Pribory* i tekhnika eksperimenta, -no. 2, 1964, IZ6-127 TOPIC T.,!LGS: cross section, dissociation cross section, hydrogen ion dissociation, hydrogen ion dissociation cross section, collision chambers gas target ABSTRAC T: To obviate the difficulties in selecting slits in the dissociation cross-section meLsurement 's, a new arrangement (see Enclosure 1) is suggested' in which the currents are measured directly in the cQUisioxx chamber. The hydrogen-ion beam is admitted into the analyzer chamber ACh through slit S, The collision chamber CGh'is separated by a partition which h*lps in trapping Card. ACCESSION NR: AP4033129 extraneous ions. Both chambers are traversed by a magnetic field produced by an electromagnet. The beam focused with a 900 deviation pasites slit SA. The initial ion-beam current is measured irrun.ediately beyond S.. by a retractable - receiver n . The proton current i,,, is measured by a receiver P. A 100-kev hydrogen-ion beam was passed through 4x 8- and 3x 10-mm slits, respectively. The current measured was 25 microamp; pressure in the collision chamber, (3.5-15)X'l0_-'5* torr; total cross-section, 6.3x 10-'r' cm' per molecule, azid f = 1. 1. Orig. art. has: I figure. ASSOCIATION: none SUBMITTED: l7Sep6Z DATE ACQ: I lMay64 ENCL: 0 1 SUB CODE: NS NO REF SOV: 001 OTHER: 001 Card~ 2/4J 4- W DNITRIYEV, Ye.A .-I Possibility of statistical evaluation of the accuracy of results. obtained from analyses carried out without repetition. Nauah. dokI. vys. shkoly; biol. nauki no.4t197-204 164, (MIRA 17:12) 1. Rekomandovana kafedroy fizikl i meliorataii pochv Mbskovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta im. M.V. Lomonosovac DMI'MI! lili"V;: a * o, ~,:i.-roiing fractior-ii of varioun areas on noiL ard ,other maps. "cj(- 1819) ~ .1arcvedunla no.8:99-109 Ag '65, T. vlonkmikiy univoniltot inaerd NESTURKH, M.F.; GIJUKOVA, T.D.-, FORSHNEV, B.F.; SHAYE-R, Ye,G, ' NIKITYUK, B.A.; FAITIOV, B.K.;_p-NjLlRIYEV Ye.A.; LINKOVSKIY, Zh~B.; PL4DKHINSI,IY, N.A.; IAVROVA, I.d-.-;--5ORISOV, G.V, Brief news. Biul. 1401P. Otd. blol. 70 no.3sl27--lJO M.Y-Ja 165. (MIRA 18s10) Ye. D- ',Ie-ion of iantastic itocks, Priroda. '~:o 2, 1952. 1. DIUTRIYEV, Ye. Lbl-., 2. USSR (600) 4. Beletskiy., Ye. A. 1. On the highest int f Soviet Land ("Stalin Peak." E. A. Beletskiy. Reviewed by Ye.Dmitriyev5o Vokroug sveta no. 10, 1952 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, January -1953, Unclassified. DMIT4V - I~ge.n4s Ivanovich The measurement of slight displacements by the inductive method. Moskv&,, Izd-vo Akademii nauk W-391R, 1945. 119 p. (51-20595) T50.D5 --r W W W W-1111 W-W-W-W W-W W W V-W W- W-'W =9m 051 - I , ~, 1, 0 " 16 0 1-, - - - 11 - - --- --- - --T- :i , I , , , * " , It, 48 IL a L 6 J1 j . a L a I , "I js(qvt - 4~~rm 0 (YI I r t? I ~Ymv _00 00 09 00 SA B 64 0 0: All; 621.317.7 21? - 82 2W3 00 Oalculation of functional volinge dividers. Dmitrkov, E. L Elaktrichostvo (No. 5) 81-3 (19") In Ruselazt. - A mthemtiiZ-tiftim-eCt' for the general case of a loaded voltage divider, the alider of which sur.,.,lios an output voltmee to a predeternkned law. A. Le SOO *oz 0 a AIII-ILA 611ALLURWAL LITINATLOE CLOWICA11011- tolob) -41 V.. 44( OK Q-V -0 is. ftill sit sit Its I iA I a Im 0 0 0 1 W Is I As I I I % 141, 0 40 0 O's t 0 DMITRrIh-V, TE. I PA 17114n25 USSR/Ileotronlos Jun 48 Circuits) Bridge Calculators "Bridge Systems Used for Calculating and Analyzing PurpoEies," Ye. I. Dmitriyer, Cand Tech Sei, Inst of Mach Studies, Aced Soi USSR, 2 3/4 pp "Elekt,richestvo" No 6 Explains principle of using bridge circuit for evaluating polynomials and determining real roots of algebralo equations of any degree. 17/49T25 DILITRIYEV) Yet L PA 12/49T24 Tj satralas AtIg 48 Compatorej, 21cotronio "Potentiometric aM Bridge Type Computer-CalculatDr 8yatems," Yet 1. Dmitriyer, 17 3/4 pp IT& Ak Nauk SSSRp' Otdol Tekh Nauk" No 8 Mmats subject under following beadingst (1) calou- lation of fanotiomil roalstances and voltage dilriders; 2) po, and calculator oircults; MbrI4 a computer and calculator circuitai 24 May 41 12/49T24 WITIMEVy YE. I. Oct h8 Trwaformers Coils, Compensating "High'Accuracy Voltage Measuring Transformerj," Do6ent Te.'I. Dimitriyev, Cand Tech Sol, Inst PAch Sol., Acad Sol USSR, 2 pp "Blektriche'st,foll No 10 Dendribes use of compensating coil for increasing accuraer,of measuring transformer. AWE 22AqT15 VINWOV I Aleksandr Yakovlevich; D~.IITRIYEV.-I_yogomia-lvano~Lich KUKOIZVSKIY, G.M., red.;'YR7-Ii0-VA, takhn. red. [Provision for redical aid at sports competitions; the problems of orgarization]Meditsinskoe obespechenie sportiv- nykh sorevnovanii; vopros organizatBii. Moskva, Med It 1962. 172 p. (NIRA 15?iOi I (SPORTS MEDICINE) DMI7RIYEV. Ye.NI., .............. Gammagraphic examination of the bottom of a diesel locomotive piston. Trudy TASHIIT no.18:5-8 161. (MIRA 18:3) JWFFRI~EV ~e- S. SOV/1.3"S-5 8-1517-5/9 AUT HIOR: Neyyenki:~khen., Yu.N. TITLE: Tyres of Increased and Hi4~li Wear Resistance (SI-Liny povyshenno,,.r i vysokoy prol7liodimosti) PERIOD I 'U"L:aauchi2k-. i Rezina 1958, 1Tr 5, PP 9-1-30 (USSR) .P3ST'1UXT: Traction of vehicles can be improved by all-Wheel drive, by using special tyres and by providing, vehicles with a centralized tyTe pressure inflation and re6-ulating system. The supportin,,, CapaCitir of a tyre- depends on the distribution and specific pressure of contact between the tyre and 6round. Normal tyres, inflated to 45 psi and above have ILACh specific pressure and give poor traction on bad rround. Specific contact pressure depends upon the tyre pressure and the radial stiffness of the tyre casinr. The tyre pattern influences radial stiffness and determines the grip of the tyre on the soil. The relation between tyre pressure and specific contact pressure for a tyre on soft j~round is shoan in Fig.l. Low pressure tyres C;) dive greater supporting capacity but increase rolling Card 1/4 riction and fuel consumption. A table is ~-iven for C> SOV/138-.58-5-5/9 Tyres of Increased and High Wear Resistance suitable pressures in extra-low-pressure tyres for different types of ground. With extra-low pressure tyres the radial stiffness of the tyre mst be reduced as much as possible by using casings of relatively low thicimess. V.F.Babkov showed that traction depends largely on the area of the section of the soil contained between adjacent elements of the tyre pattern; increased tyre width not only gives larger area of contact but enables "Larger sections of soil to be held between the tyre pattern. Fig.2. shows the relation between the gripping force (kg) and the slip (cm) for a tyre 1 metre diameter and ?00 m. wide, loaded with 700 kg with two different dimensions of the tread pattern (L and X, 5 cm for curve 1. and ? cm for curve ?.). The importance of ability of the tyre to compact the soil is discussed; the specific pressure at the centre of the area of contact must be low. Self-cleaning of the tread is important. Special tyres Card 2A were designed by MISID to give both hi~Lh supporting SJOV/13 8-5 8-5 -5 /9 Tyres of Increased and Hig~i Wear Resistance capacity and good traction. Arched profile tyres were designed for extremely low pressures. Veb-icles were adapted to enable the tyre pressures to be altered Y/laile the vehicle was in motion. Wheels ;,,itb_ special rims ,-,,e3?e prod-u.ced to enable extra-low pressure tyres to be used without slip on the wheel. The dimensions; and details of extra-low pressure tyres are compared with standard tyres in Table 1. Fig.7,, sliows the percentage radial deformation aGainst tyre pressure for different sized tyres under 1500 load. Figs.8 and 9 show the overall contact area and specific pressure .;ainst tyre prescure. Table 3 for the same ccnditions ar ,Sives dimensions and capacities of a ranL~,e of low pressure tyres. Yirch profile tyres were introduced to enable very wide tyres to be made without excessively lar,c,,e diameter. A cross-section of such a tyre is shown in Fig.12. Such tyres can be used instead of vain wheels as seen in Fi-.14. Reference is made to IlLipsoid" tyres and to Kleber-Colombe "SpLeric" tyres. Table 4 gives eiata on two types of Arcl:i profile tyres Card 3/4 produced by 01M (experimental construction bureau) SOV/13,2"-15 E-5-5/9 Tyres of Increased and Hi-ii "Uear Resistance Yaroslavl' tyre factory. Fig-13 shows a tubeless 1000-650 sized Arch profile tyre. Fi.-.15 sLozs percentage radial deforinution. of this tyre u-uinst load A .for various pressures. X.rch profile tyres give low ,-specific pressure at the centre of the area of contuct. Tests show that fuel consumption of vehicles with arched tyres was ?5 - 30% less than with standard tyres on soft eround but 15% higher on firm ground. Lives of 8000-10000 km. are recorded. C Some 150 lorries were fitted with these tyres in 1957~ they were also used successfully on combines. Tile article co2_lcludes with mention of "RolliE;on" tyres where the widtL- of the tyre is ~;reater than. the diameter. These tyres can be aorked at pressures of' 0.25 ke,/=2 (4 psi) or less. There are 16 fig-LLres and 4 tables. Card 4/4 T ll~l I YL:7 ye, KISNOVA,M.V. prof.; SOLOY 'YXV,T.7.;ARTYUNOVA,N. U.; POPW,P.G. ; YASTRIBOVA,L.A.; BATURIN,V.P.; KGPYLOFA,Ys.K.;TlWffiOVICH,G.I., redaktor;TCPCHITSY, A.Y., akademik, redaktor; MIRONCW,S.I., ukademik, redaktor;ALIM, M.N., redaktor;, AEDMOF,G.A., redaktor; VARMSOV,M. I., redaktor; DMITIIIYNV,Ye I.Ya., redaktor; D01GOPOLOV,N.N.. redektor; ILIIN,A.A., redaktor; MOZESON,D.L., redaktor; FUST06- VALOV,L.V., redaktor; FOMIN,A.V., redi&tor; NOSOV,G.I., redaktor; KISKMA.A.A., tokhuicheskiy redaktor [Recint sediments of the Caspian Bea] Sovremennye osadki Kaspiiskogo morie%;- .-'Moskv&;-,Izd-vci Akademii nauk SSSR, 1956. 302 p. (MA 9:3) 1. Deyetvitallnvy chlon AN AzSSR (for -Aliyev) 2. Chlen-korrespo~dent AN SSSR. (for Varentsay, Fustovalov) 3. Nachallnik morekogo otryada A2erbaydzhanskoy neftyanoy ekspeditaii SOPS AN SSSR (for Klenova) (Caspian Sea) PUSTOVALOV, L.V., otvetetveaVy red'.-;-XITRIYIff a., zamestitell Ye. Y otvetetvennogo'red.; TOPCHI7W, A.V., ~i~omik, red.; MIRONff, S,I., akademik,'red.,& ALIYA7, N.M., red.; AKE)WOV, G.A., red.; VARENTSOV, M.I.,'red.; DCLGOPCLOV, N.X,, red.; WIN, AeA*,'red.; HEMIU7, Sh.F., rea.; MIRCHINK, M.F., red.; MOZILSON, D.L., red.; R3NGARM, V.P., red.; FMIN. A.V., red.; ILIINA, N.S., red. izd-va; NOVICHKOVA, N.D., tekhn. red. [Geolog7 of the Talysh Mountains; papers of the expedition] Vqprosy goologii Talysha; trudy okepeditaii. Moskvu, 1958. 151 PO (MIRA 11:9.) 1. Akadomiya nauk SSM Sovet po imoheniyu proizvoditellnykh oil. Azerbaydzhanskaya neftyanaya ekspeditelya.' 2. Day8tvitellnyy chlen Akademii nauk AzSSR (for AliYev). 3. Ghleu-1correspo'ndent Akademii nauk SSSR (for Varentsov, Mekhtly-ev, Pastovalov, Rengarten). , (Talysh Mountains-Geolo&7) -DMITRIYIEIV, Ye.Ya. Results of geological prospecting for oil and gas in new regions of the R.S.F.S.R. for 1961. Geol.nefti i gaza 6 no.5:1-8 Y'V 162. JMIRA 15:5) 1. Glavnoye uprav.*Leniye geologii i okhrany nedr pri Sovete Ministrov RSFSR. (Petroleum geology) (Gas, Natural-Geology) DMITRIYF,V,_,)~R~.~gtj,_~-U-IIK-.PASI[AYEV, V.S. - Prospecting and the development of large platform oil pools as a ,'~ function of the geological nonuniformity of the producing layers. Neftegaz.geol. i geofiz. no.9:3-9 163. (MIRA.17.*3) 1. Vsesoyuznyy neftegazovyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut. AVROV, V.Ya.; BLINVIKOV, I.A.; BROD, I.O.[deceasodl; DUYAWV, N.I.; VASILIYEV, V.G:; D14DRIYEV, Yo.Ya.; YELIN~ II.D.; YKIOFETEVI V.S.; ZUBOV)- I KUDRYASIIOVA, N.M.; MAKSTOV, S.P.; LIVOV, M.S.; MIRCHIDIR, M.F.; OVOINVIKOVA, T.G.; SIMAKOV, S.N.; TROFIVIUK, A.A.; TKHOSTOV, B.A.; FEDOTOVA, M.I., ved. red. (Predicting gas potential of the U.S.S.R.] Prognoz gazonosno- sti SSSR. Leningrad, Gostoptekhizdat, 1963. 175 p. (141173A 17:4) DKITRIY]ff, Yu., inzhener. Work experience of coke-gas filling stations. Avt.transp-33 no.10: 16-17 0 155- (MLRA 9:1) l.Nachallnik Stalinskoy gazonapolnitellnoy stantsii no.2 (Service stations) (Autonobiles-Ingines (Compressed gas)) DMITRIYEV, TU. Construction of a hydroelectric Power station to serve more than one collective farm. Sell.stroi. 11 no-5:5-6 Mv 156. (MLRA 9:9) l.Glavny7 inzhener tresta "Ukreellelektroutroy". (Glubochekskaya Hydroelectric Power Station) - DMI'TRI77,.,TU.-- 7irst Soviet traff ic regulations. Za rul. 17 no.4:5 Ip 159. (MIPA 12:6) (Traffio regulations) DMITELIm, Yu. Treating wood with antiseptic pastes. Sill.bud. 10 n0-5: 9-lo my l6o. (mm 13:7) 1. Glavrqy inzh. trests Tkroollelektrostroy.0 (Wood-Preservation) I)MIZRIYEV, YU. Mechanizing labor-consuming operations during the number two technical inspection of motortrucks. Avt.transp. 38 no.8:13-14 Ag 160. (MM 13:8) 1. GlavW inzboner Kalinovskoy avtobazy avtoupravlen4a Stalinskogo sovnarkboza. Octortrucks-Raintenanae and repair) DKITRIYU, Yur1r., Rare birds. Uan.slla 31 no.5:21-22 My 156. ("k 9:8) (Moscow--Tropic-birds) DKITRIYXV Y V;~ 1. ^,V J~ , ". ~'. ~,F In the land of orang-outangs and birds of paradise. Znan.sila 31 no.10:31-34 0 1 56. Omu q.- 11) (Malay irchipalago--Zoolo&7) -SS Sit 4. 1965, 43-45 TOPIC TAGS: aircraft, light~BT than air aircraft ABSTRACT: In a dirigible-de;jj.&D bureau in Novosibirsk, a nrciect .s under way for the construction of two diririble 9 , n(7vor, -2 , which ;a r o to be used in it wide -variety of nrer'j~i-' s i b t r v, j d c n r. r t r u c t nt a 1 .2 a L r a ~ i p , 5 5 m lorip a n d 2 to he equir-ed i t th I or 2 singines and w1l 1, crrrv a No vo g i b i r f; 2 f s c-, 1, ri~'ld conmtruction, $i 1 1 D 0 3 0 - p 7 'n n i &n a po r t b d I r L b 1 is L i BOOM L T9684-~,'~ NO REF SOVt 000 Card 9NCLs 00 SUB CODE- AC, GO OTHERt 000 A T 1) ;T, R E S -7777~ SOV/58-59-12-28101 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Fizika, 1959, Nr 12, p 232 (USSR) AUTHOR: Dnitriyev, Yu.A. - - MAMTSM TIME- On the Poss bility of Obtaining a Progressive Wave in a Closed WaVegulde - 5" r PERIODICAL. Uch. zap. Novosib. goB. DMITRIYEV, Yu. &Irges can be brought in by the pusher method by motorships with dry bulk cargo. Rech. transp. 20 no.9;44 S 161. (MIRA 14:9) 1. Kapitan GK-204 Yeniseyskogo parokhodstva. (Towing) AUTHOR: -A - sov/log..4-6-8/27 TITLE. Turning Point~; in Waveguides of Variable Cross-section (Tochki povorota v volnovodakh peremeruiogo secheniya) PERIODICAL: Radiotekhnilca i elektronika, 1959, Vol 4, Nr 6, pp 96~ - 971 (USSR) ABSTRACT. A."flat" waveguide with a slowly changing cross-section is considered. The change is a function of the positive direction ~ . Only one point t can exist where k2(t) becomes 0 (Ref 1 - V.L. Pokrovshiy et al). The X). following formula is introduced: I x - k Qt)d~' (1) n a ~ n tn The solution of the required equqt-ion (Ref 1) can be represented as: Cardl/3 sov/iog-4-6-8/27 Turning Points in Waveguides of Variable Cross-section U =-A -1/2 Wx 1/6 V (x (2) nO nF'/'(01cil n n n where v is expressed in terms of Bessel functions. This function can be x-presented in the form of Eq (3), where (1(~) is the Airy function. Eq (2) can, therefore, be approximately represented by Eqs (4) and (5). The solution of the equation in the first approximation (Ref l)-can be ex-ressed by means of the Green function G . This is P n represented by Eqs (8). The approximation is given by Eq (10). The asymptotic solution of this, for large can be represented by Eq (11), where the parameiers pantity M can be and M are defined by Eqs(W). Tbe(q represented as a sum of M and M . ; these can be expressed by Eqs (19) and (28), respectively. Consequently, the final expression for M is given by Eq (30). The first approximation is, therefore, expressed by Eq (31). Card2/3 Tlie author expresses his gratitude to L.V. Pokro vskiy, sov/iog-4-6-8/27 Turning Points in Waveguides of Variable Cross-section F.R. Ulinich and S.K. Savvinylch for allowing him to get acquainted vrith the article "The Theory of the Waveguides of Variable Cross-Section", prior to its publication. There are 5 Soviet reforences. SUBMITTED: April 1, 1958 Card 3/3 . DMITRIYEVI Yu.Aq . .....- Frequency conditions of the dissipativeness and existence of periodic solutions to pulse systems with one nonlinear block. Dokl,, AN SSSR 164 no.1:28-31 S 165. (MIRA 18;9) 1. Submitted February 13, 1965, L 4287-6 UP(c) --BC ACC NR AP5093994 7JR/0020/65/i64/ooP-/0263/0266 A AUTHOR:- Dmitri v , ye .automati absolute stability of TITLE: Frequenoy~qonditions for the , Impulse systems with one~non-linear block SOURCE: AN SSSR.,.Doklad-y., v. 164j, no. P-,, 1965$ 263-266 TOkC TAGS: as~~ptotic,solution$.control syste ABSTRACT: Sufficient conditions are given for the as;pnptotie ai jeabiliby (in the large) of the trivial solution.of a control s Mierm with a finite number of ..degrees of freedom. The resifLts generalize kLown criteria (those of Tsypkinj Szegoo Szego-Kalmanj, and earlier results of the author),, The proofs are based on the matrix-inequality methods of Yakabovicho, The system is given in the form where xp q., r are real.)/-vootors (r*: in the transpose of r), (P01a continuous real' scalar function, P a real VbyV matrix* Hy potheses! (A) all characteristic roots -n;~ of P satisfy I-qj It (Pr 1 Y j. ..):v (B) . I vectors q~ Pq) P - a3!e 3. ino arly Independent; (C) q> (6) =, 0 toad. 60064 Implies , (~ -:1, 91) U2,, Co~lid W(X NR, AP5023994 wtileire ui.*~ 0, az~-.O- (D) if tir'l then 0 a Criterion 2: All lr,~ 6atisfy jqj:e._ ~L there is ajA'v- I tAij