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26329 3/048/61/025/008/002/CfO9 SWAY 'of.the region of a ... t104/B202 with activ-.0 surface of 15-15 ;nm is less than 20p, i,c.t it is small as compared to the total dimensions of the region of the microsource. In conclusion, it is stated that the part of the region of the microsource in which maximum intensity of the reflected radiation io% observed, was 20-500A under the experimental conditions described. The use of a bent quartz crystal in the X-ray spectrograph of the scanning nficro~nalyzer is difficult due to the infinitepimal character of the'region of the ;micro- source. An increase of this region by using larger dative surfaces of the crys'-,-al leads to a decrease in the resolution and-the sensitivity of the instrument. Also the~%uality of the circular curvature of.the crystal greatly influences the dimensions of the microsource. T.he author tha'nks 1. B. Borovskiy for interest and discussion. There are 5 figures and 3 references: 2 Soviet-bloc and 1 non-Soviet-bloc. The reference to an English-language publication reads as follows: Mulvey T., J. Sci. Instr., 150 (1959). ASSOCIATION: Institui metallurgii im. A. A. Baykova- Akademii nauk qSSR (Institute of Yetallurgy imeni A. A. Baykov of the Academy of Sciences USSR) Card 3/5 .- - -DITSMAJI-i S.A. - - Characteristics of the reflection of hard X rays by bent crystals. Izv. AV SSSR. Ser. fiz. 25 no.8:939-942 Ag 161. (MIRA 14.8) 1. Institut metallurgii im. A.A. Bnykava AN SSSR. (X-ray motallography) DITSMAN ,-$,,A. Getmetric theory of' X-ray reflection by bent crystals with a miorofocus source. Trudy Inst. met. no.11s164-185 162. (MIPJL 16:5) (X-ray crystallography) BOROVSKII, X.B.; DITSW, BOGDANOV, V.G. Nesr microfocal X-ray spectrograph. Trudy Inst. met. no.15:18-23 '63. - (MIRA 16:9) (Y-ray spectroscopy) DITSMAN S A 9 =11-1 Effoct of distortions during crystal flexure on X-ray reflection in it microfocal source. Trudy Inst. met. no-15:24-31 163. (MIRA l6r9) (X-ray spectroscopy) ACCESSION NR: AP4038781 S/0048/64/028/003/0872/01176 ALTHOR: Ditsman, S.A. ,TITIX: Concerning the optimum location of an x-ray source in an x-ray spectroG:rnRh ffieport, Seventh Conference on X-Ray Spectroscopy hold in Yerevan 23 Sep-l Oct 196:v SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvostiya. Seriya fizichoskaya, v.28, no.5, 1964, 872-876 TOPIC TAGS: x-ray spectrograph, 3;~-ray technique, microanalysis A13STRACT: The author has previously shown that in an x-ray spectrometer employing Kapitsa-Johann focusing, the intensity of the spectrum from a point source decreas,- es rapidly as the source is moved. away from the Rowland circle (Izv.AN SSSR,Ser-.fiz. 25,923,1961). It-i the present paper this conclusion is confirmed experimentally and with calculationo. The Ni X radiation of a 10 micron diameter source was first Bx- amined with the source on the Rowland circle of a 50 cm radius quartz crystal, and then with the source at the same distance from a plane quartz crystal. The ratio of the intensities al the spectra was found to be equal to the ratio of the areas of the crystal participating in their formation. This equality is assumed to hold gen- orally, and*wIth Its aid the intenalty of the spectrum of a point source formed by card 1/3 ACCESSION NR: AP4038781 a spectrograph with Kaptisa-Johann focusing is approximately calculated as a func- tion of the distance of the source from the Rowland circle. The relation thus found is expressed graphically for particular geometric conditions. The calculated inten- sity decreases rapidly as the source moves away from the Rowland circle. This thlao- retical relation was verified by measurements of the intensity of the Cu Kal line from a 5 micron diameter source with an x-ray microanalysis instrument described elsewhere (S.A.Ditsman, V.G.Bogdanov,Izv.AX SSSR,Ser.fiz.27,427,1963). The intenai- --ty.-was-found in fact to decrease rapidly as the source was moved away from the Row- :-land circle. The above conclusion, formulated and verified experimentally and theo- retically for point sources, is applied without any convincing argument to extended~ -sources, and it is concluded that placing an extended source close to the crystal., *iFlAn the Rowland circle, will groatly reduce the luminosity of the spectrometer. The-duthor has previously shown that a narrow but finite region exists within which a 1~bini-bource proluces essentially the same luminosity as when it is in its pro-'er positidn on the Ravland circle (Tr.,In-ta metallurgii lm.A.A.Baykova,No.11,24. Izd. AX--SSSR,9.1962). It in recommended that extended sources be located within this re- ei6n. -1t is believed that the-conclusions and recommendations of the present paper i441-y -to spectromeners employing elastically deformod (beat) crystals, but that fur- 2/3 ACCESSION XR: AP4038781 "',ther investigation will be required to answer the analogous questions for the case of plastically dalormed. crystals. 9 tormulas and 4 figures. ASSOCIATION: Institut metallurgii im. A.A.Baykova (Institute of Metallurgy) SUBMI'=D: 00 DATE ACQ: 12Jun64 ENCL: 00 SUB CME: OP NR REP SOV: 006 OnWR: 000 Card 3/3 L ~ 9 6 6 "~'T (m) /T/'%;,:!. " (+)/-T-- -.)Ij i: ACC NRi A!r6012368 SOURCE CODE: U AUTHORS: Shinyayev A. lao; Sokiryanskiy, L. F.; Ditsman S. A.; Kupr Ts A ORG: none TITLE: Matual diffusion of components and the_j2!ae diagram of the system Ti--Ih'..T 11 1, ? j~- SOURCE: Soveshchaniye po metallokhimii, metallovedeniyu i primeneniyu tAana i yego splavov, 6th. Novyye issledovaniya titanovykh splavov (New research on titanium alloys); trudy sove3hchaniya. Moscow, Izd-vo Nauka.~ 1965, 43-47 TOPIC TAGS: titanitui, tungsten, alloy phase diagram., metal diffusion ABSTRAM The mutual. diffusion of titanium and tungsten was studied over the temper- ature interval of 1000--1600C. Tho experimental procedure was described in an earlier publication by A. Ya. Shinyayev, V. V. Bomlarev, and Ye. V. Sergeyeva (3b. Motallovedeniye titana, TrudY 5-go soveshchaniya po titanu. Izd-vo Nauka, 1964, sbr. 289). The experimental results are presented graphically (see Fig. 1). It is concluded that the System Ti--14 exhibits a two-phase region up to the melting point temperature of the alloys. From a perusal of literature data on the diffusion and solubility of other metals in titanium) it is concluded that tungsten belongs to that class of elements which exhibiteonly partial solubility in titanium, ACC NRs 115 4~ :EQ Orig. art. hast SUB CODE: ll/ Fig. 1. Intensity of tungsten radiatAon (line Ld) in the diffusion zone Ti--Ai-, i(Amealed at 1286C for 6 hours; for convenience, curves derived from different regions of polished section are displaced with respect to each other.) 212 .318 #24i ns. Distancej micro 1 table and figures,, SUBM DATE: 02Dec65/ ORIG REF: 0031 OTH REF: 005 I Crd 2121ZIZ40 POLIM, A.; IENCREVp Go; SOLOMONOVA, K.; STOYANOV, D. [Stoianov.9 Do]; DITSOVp So Tests, in a s-Immitaneous, i=mnization against d iptheria, tetanus whooping oough., and tuberculosiso Trudy epidemiol mikrobiol 8: 65-72 161 [publ.1621. NIKOLOV, T.; DITSOV, St.; VEWOV, L. Modern concepts of the formation of antibodies. Priroda Pulg 12 no.2:tl8-22 Mr-Ap t63. SaIPMIrENSKI, N..; DITSOVA, A.; IRRISTOSOV, Kh- Neurasthenia as a social, and typolodical problem. Suvrem. med., Sofia 7 no.5:3-11 1956. 1. Iz Katedrata po palkil iatrI4a_pri',,VK--Sofiia, '4v. katedrata: G. Uzunov (M6ASTHMA. soc. aspects (13-u1)) TE.WV, Resulto of the treatment of certain mental diseases with largactil. Suvrom, mod., Sofia 7 no-5:61-68 1956. 1. Iz Fatedrata po peRhiatrita pri VMI--Sofiia. (Zav. katedrata: prof. G. Uzunov). (CHIORPROWINE, therapeutic use, ment. disord. (Bul)) ("~MPM DISORDIRS, therapy, chlorpromazine (Bul)) TZMV, Jv.; DITSOTA. An. Some riLre complicattomi of the treatment with quartan malaria. Suvrem. med., Sofia 7 no.10:96-10D 1956. Is latedrata po peRhiatriia pri VW - Sofila (Zav. Icatedrata: prof; G. Uzunov). MER THRRAPT, campl.) TRMV, Iv.; ANEV, N.; DITSOVAI, A.; IORDANOV, 13. Effect of lergaefff-on epilepsy; clinical, biochemical and electroenciephalo- graphic Studies. Suvrem. med., Sofia 9 no-3:3-22 1958. 1. 1z Katedrata po psikhiatrlia pri VMI--Sofiia (Zab. katedrata; Prof. G. Uawiov) (VURPSY, ther. chlorpromazine (Bul)) (OTLORMOMAZDM, ther. use epilepFty (Rtil)) TICMKOV. IV., ITSEV, To., DITSOVA, A., TCRDANOV, B. Ou"W"~W"W Nffect of largactyl on epilepsy; clinical, biochemical, and*eL3atroencephalographic studies [with summ in French]. Zhurencvr. i pelkh. 58 no,10:1164-1175 158 (MM 11:11) lo X&16'edra psMistrii (zav. - prof, GeUzunov) Meditsinokogo inatituta, Sofiya; (SPIIMY, ther. chlorpromazine (Rue)) (CHLOMOMAZINE, ther. use epilepsy (Rue)) DITSOVA. A. ---- - I ~ - - - .1 -, Association types of reactions in cyclophrenia. Zhur.nerr.l. Psikhe 59 no.10:1208-1214 159. (MM 130) 1. rgLfedra poikhtatrii (saveduywhchiy - Prof. G.Usunov) Vysshego meditainskogo institvta v Sofit. (PS7VHDSIM:'MMG-DlMSSIT3) TEMOV, Iv.; DITSOVA, An. On clinical aspects of influenzal psychoses. (Observations made during tile epidemic of influenza in 1959). Suvrem med., Sofia no.11: 43-50 160. L. Iz Katedrata. po psikhiatriia pri VMI, Sofiia (Rukov. na katedrata: prof. G.,Uzunov) (PSYCHOSES etiol) ..( (INFLUENZA compl) DITSOVA, A. I,- - -- Association tests in chronic alcoholism. Nauch. tr. vissh. m~.A. inst. Sofia '60. 1. Predstavena ot prof. G. Uzunov, rukov. na Katedrata po psikhiatriia. (ALCOHOLISM pByehol) (PSYCHOLOGICAL TESTS) TEMKOV, Iv.; AFK~Oy~, A..; MORAKH, E. Possibilities of thicgroperazine (Majeptil) therap7 of ps7choses. Suvr-,,'. mad. 14 no-7:22-28 163. .. I . I 11 - THIOPROPERAZINE) (PSYCHOSES) FARANOIA) (SCHIZOPHRENIA) ~ BULGARIA TEMPKOV, Iv., DITSOVA, An. MEVORAKH, E,., VASILEVA, B. "Thera-neutic ect of the Neuroleptics Fluphenazin (Lyogen) and Butyrylperazin (Randolectil)" Sofia, Suvremenna Meditsina, Vol 17, No 1, 1966, pp 39-44. Abstract: Results of treatment of psychoses with the phenothia- zine dFrFivatives Lyogen arLd Randolectil are reported. It was found that 1yogen had a slightly euphorizing effect. Randolectil was well tolerated by a patient who was allergic to a great number of psychophannacological agents. In the authors' experience, if an obvious therapeutic effect was not produced by a neuroleptic drug after treatment for ',50 days, further treatment with this drug served no useful purpose. A selective, individual response of patients to treatment with psychotropic drugs was observed, which did not depend on the nature of the disease, but solely on the chemical constitution of the drug. Russian and English summaries. Manuscript received Sep 651. 43 - VELIFART, Jozof; PU.SKO, lvan; DlTTE, ladislav Effect of bacteria and fungi on the pathogenesis and development of rope-maker's disease. Prac. lek. 16 no.7:304-307 S 'U*. 1. Klinika chorob z povolania (prednosta pi-of. dr. M. Nosal), Ustav epidemiologie (prednosta doc. dr. E. Kmety) a Ustav mikrebio- 10giE, a imunologie (prednosta doc. dr. J. Stefanavic, CSc.) Lekars- kej fakulty Komenskeho Uni:versity v Bratislave. A G Teebrq100", M'emiePl 'Prorb, 111piv Anvjici~,.Uon~l. Phavlqceklticaln~ ViArcr~-i n-3. 1959, 1, u I A , D i t t o 0 1, n. , 1. 0 0~ y , T 1, ti- i t Poteminixt iorl Of vitumin D Molopict'.1. I 0.17 C! 1- `-`7 No 7, A 8 T.-V. 'T In -tht% (~onnvrison of d-iffe-rent cle+.ermination net)-,nds of' VitKmin D biolopical activity if war, ronnd that the Yr--st suitable motlho,6i is ore 'Lliat rieterypinns content of fl-to 1,ones ana tile rOe%r!tjeT,oSOOTic test a.r),)3io1) to fat- -free bc)y)j!s of t))e aratialwm, .oF,;Fi_:e. 1 Hcuse cf the Slavs< -C~c my of Science Slovenukej Akud'=_ -led), IIS62. 2. wm*tbo" of Znvestigaur.4 Old Worko a., Art," Dr lr~Lrol VACVLTZ dlLraCtCr at the Slovsk .7;ational Oallery (Slo --iFE;~ftzarodrm gal.rLa), r:%-IalIkv&j pp 129-13j. 2. -A~aleollthlc PAn In 2'.OT4kIA,* Dr jural ?QTA, 0 SC ..7 -- I Icanaiamto C.- , -- S. hatitute BAY ; to _Ltlo".:t9ka alcmder- a vied, Slovak Acfkdemy c! LSc4..-.- CRIL7 (Archeoloricky uslav !tC,), Mtrz; ;p 136-241. kesserch an Elbrus.- Prof. O.Z. M and F.V. :J!: - 6 of -he Alpln* Geo h - version not g!.VeSI, V3.1011kV, ~mql yp 142-148 4. -Sball We Mecom S~Accaaxful !P. 'he The ilol ---JW--4jI%-,e?* Dr Z=~M jejef * . C 60 Vle-tata X!, Jpa4lst, ?har-_-AciaV of th.3 Ch._: U"artav Ilev), _IrrtID!&V&j Pq :49-152. NVttamla R 12 Iz A4ricult=-4," Sngr Peter RAICU of -h. Central Researet Inatirate of tbe Pood ttrstre,- r.IF Y7&k=rq *ajt&,r jiotrsvlnar~wbo yri-imyslu) tr=ek. im Brstiff!"Z# ;a 152-153. -5clar C*rcna,ft Jlri T-i, Gra4uated Physician ry -yt-tk) ct 'he Ant OnOMIOLI Cbearvat;,ry UV (~jtrcno--I abservator. 9T, Bkulnato Flebol rp 154-1 57. 'Phataelfect -rA Ilectrolumineacenco'" znv Jo..r xm--r af t!-A ZtWelzz Z&boratory MY (Uboratorlum fyzlk7 UV) Dratul"Al pp 15t$-161. I S. -Applicati= of Antiblotice 1y,. the P"tection of Plants Jurarat Dim*xSee." Dr I-va Y_V.IU_VA ^. So. of the Re- 842-MIM Z=tItute fo: G;ree= IVy--kvmrZ ustav okrw. nrc-IL martl1a). Prahcnice; ; 162-15U. 'Haadwaters Of thm Dermloe River and Sanka of YLaKtre- XwW.- AcadsmlclAn Otojr2, !Irec:or o! the Institute of Hyl-rology and itldraulJX3 (Ijota7 h.71-01"ie a hyerau- 114). SAY. Srati4lava; pp 1149-175. 10*. .-ArcheolcC7 in the Tvantieth Century,- Dr 3oLuslav 0 thx A=I.Glo,cal :nzIitutc_SAV fEe So -V~~NA, A. I!,ABULOVA and F.V. SELITKY, I - 01" Chmic.,il Ntpartment, Slo-vak Acmd=,~, of Seiices Brat 1.,A-lava; Accadury of SIVI Vied"', oddel,oit~ CSAV r. va "Effect oli: oil. CandiotoYie Activity Of and ilelveticnsidc w.-A cin Tbcir Effect on tlic. uat P-r-orarat-ion." ~n-rTucir.. Vol 12. Vc 2, r~!b 63i pr V -107, tlco~r~ircutic efincr: at 2SM ol ac, v-n Y;'-i Of,fci;t at 40, l.-tlAl rather tkari rt 621 s-,, pl- Z, ru I- XT NTO V.; ZICHAR, V.; DITMOVA ~ALOIIOVA, T. An attempt to evaluate the effect of oxtreme pl~Talcal exertion on th; estrus and zVometrium In ratir. Ceek. gynek. 28 no.7., 501-503 S 163. 1, Oyn.-por. odd. mestakaj nemocnice v Bratislave, veduci doe. ft. T. Klizent Chemiciq ustav SAV v Bratislavej, ved. odd, farmakobiodynamiky dr. F.V. Selecky. (EXERTION) (ESTRUS) (UTERUS) IWO) IM ACC NKs AP6006034 'J/65/0~ 1./004/0290/0291 SOURCE CODE: CZ/005, AUTHOM. Ditteovap V.; Selecky, F:0 V. ORG: Institute cf Pharmacology,' DSAV,, Bratislava (Farmakologicky ustav CSAV) TITLE: Effect of veratrum alkaloids in anesthetized and unanesthetizecl animals [This paper was presented dur:Ln Ig theTxelfth Pharmacologic Days, 5molenice, 27 Jan 65.,'] SOURCE: Ceskoslovenska 5ysiologil~ v. 111, no. 4, 290-291 TOPIC TAGS6. drug effec pharmacolor~?, dog,, blood pressure, alkaloid -ABSTRACT: Study of effect of I've:ralest'" and protoveratrine A in normal ancl urethane-anesthetized dogs revealed that the intens-ty and duration of hypotension was increased in anesthetized dogs (cejY,14ral-stimuli presumably being dominant in awake dogs) while bradycardia uas p)tentiated in urianesthetized dogs (tcohycardic effect of urethane in dogs). fJP11jS suB CODE: o6 SUBM DAM nono ~ rd ca C Z EC11 OSLI OVA11C." DITTEOV I.-IAV.- SELEM, F..V.; Pharmacological Institute, Czecho- Acaae-.-ny of Sciences (Farmakologicky Ustav CSAV), Bratislava. "Contr-Lbu-'ion to the Understanding of the -Emetic Action of Var- atrun Alkalo.., "'s. Prague, Ceslcoslovens1f--a Fa:?,n-mcie, Vol 15, No 9, 'Nov 60', PP 496-498 Abstract /Zat'riors' anglish suiTimary nodifieL7: 1,hetic action of veralost and veralost B M-CH isolat-od fron Veratrun, albimn ssp. lobelianux-n -rown in was investigated. ED50 Of the emetic action was compared to that of prot6veratrine A (Puroverin Sandoz). Veralest and protuoveratrine A have the same effect, veralest B 88 CH is less effentive. Tests were conducted on dogs and pigeons. Values of ED o are discussed. 1 Table, 17 le-estern, 1 Hungarian u refere nee &nuscript received 15 Fab 66). DITTERT., J.Vinz. .--r Lenin's legacy to Sov-iet economists. Pod org 17 no.5: 193-195 14Y 163. DIULGEROVp Stefan,'dots. The stereoscopic mod (4-of the earth surface photopaphed from two different Points in Space is the reflection,of objective reality or the raf1dation, of niir-con-noicu5nesq. Godiamnik Bwh stroIt itat 14 DITTERTY Josef, inz. - - A step In the concentration of mechanical engineering research. Podn org 18 no. 6:254-255 Je 161+. 1. Director of the Research Institute of Mechanical Engineering and Economics, Prague. DITTERT, J. "Operativc- Planning. 11 P. 50 (Strojir tn,,,tvi, 1701. 3, no. 1, Jut. 1953, Pralia) SO: Eonthly List of Fast Eq=o ean j"ecessions. Vol. 3, no. 2, L4~brary of Copgress, Web. 1954, Uncl. DITTERT, J. Interfactory communication service wUh foremn. p. 119* STROJIRENSAK VYROVA, Prague, Vol. and the cooperation of its officers 2, no.3. Mar, 199~, SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions, (EEAL), LC, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 1955, Uncl. .PLt-tf~ I --IT--- The safeguard of technological development in the USSR; notes based on e. study tour in the USSR. p. 19. NOVA TECHNIKA. (Rddavvede- ckych technickych spoleenosti pri Ceskoslovenske akademii ved) Prala. Vol. 4, no. 1, Jan. 1954. Source: EEAL LC Vol. 5, Eb. 10 Oct. 1956 DITTERK, B. J. "Interview With a Works Manager of a Soviet Factory." SO: Podnikova2rZarLisace, Czechoslovakia, Vol. 8, No. 1, Jan. 1954 (Air, AA, London, IR,762-54, 12 April 1954, Unclassified. W1 W D-13383. JAROSMO,J. [Yaroshenko, Ya.);_DITTERT, J.,, inz. [translator) Eftectivenepa of the economic propaganda. Podn org 17 no.19: 385~-387 0163~ 1. P~nmi sekretiLr mestskeho boru Komunisticke strany novetske-ho svazu, Lipetsk (for Jarosenko . D I TTIER imp-ovement of the 1cacling periortnel quialitfication, the mst, profiwible Investraent in capitalist countries. Podn org 18 no.l-O,,477-478 0 164. DITTERTOVA V.; BURAN, L.; BABULOVA, A.; SELECKY, F.V.; tochnicka spolupraca SEDLAROVA, B.; NEMECEK, V. Effect of oxyphylline on the cardiotoxic activity of convallataxin and holveticoside and on their actlion on the heart-lung preparation of the cat. Cook. fam. 12 no.2:104-107 F 162. 1. CSAV. ChemiaV uatav SAV, oddolenie :tarmakodynamiky, Bratislava. (HEAftT) '(LUNG) (THEOPHYLLIM) (CARDIAC GLYCOSIDES) I kCONVALIARIA) r , SVE-C, E. 11LAVAYOVA and V. DITTERTOVA. Oncology Research Institute (Vyskumn,? ustav onkologicky)Ch~i-ef-( ie-HE'el) Docent Dr V. THURZO, and Department of rharraicodynamics, Chemistry Institute of the Slovak Acadcimy of Sciences, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences (Oddelenie fnm.akodynamiky Cheraickego ustavu SAV - CSAV) liend k'prednosta) F. SELECKY J-P), CSc, Bratislava. "I'lla. =,acc, logy and Toxicology of 6-Azauracil Riboside." P-._-ague, Casopis Lekaru Ceskych, Vol 102, No 19, 10 May 63, pp 505-511, Abstract [English summary modified! : Comprehensive studies in rats, r,ibbits and cats: urinary levels after 0.1 and 1 Gm /K-. i.v. in heal~.hN --nd hepatitic rats confirm that compound is del-raded by liver; 0.1 Glm ft. did not affect respiration, BP or BF response to epiner-hrine i.r, catni slightl%, potentiated acetylcholine contraction of iltaul',I: %L 0.1 Gz2 Gm /Kg. in cat heart-lung preparation it induces hradyc,irdiz3 -'Cs heart minute volume more susceptible to phenobarbital depression, C'rapli~ A tables, 4 kymograms; 7 Western, 8 Czech & I HunIvariari DITTL. A. IIIA131ace, tranefomatioe by W.T. Thomson* Reviewed by A, Dittlo Slaboproudy obzor 24 noel-.Suppl,.- Literatura 24 no.I:L7 163* RUZHICHKA, Boguslav[Ruzicka, Bohuslav]; PjTZ4p, Kalel; 7)IOFMV) B.A.jq otv. red. [What fossils tell. Translated from the Czech] Ras- skazyvaiut okamenelosti. 1.',oskvay Nauka,1964. 69 P. (MIRA 180.) 1,c6id, J/ IM -Nunw-g. love I DITTMANN G. (Berlin); S'Mov, A. (Berlin) Statistical analysis using electronic modeling compp-Lers. Avtom. i telem. 26 no.5:816-822 My 165. (MIRA 18-.J;'..) 1. Submitted October 31, 1963. Drrl-MR, F. Cutanoous-.~Mzceral raflAm pathtrq. Acta naUMVSgWt.. 8 W.2:183-3J39 1953. (mn 26ti) 1. Halls. 1V't_ L 2146- -6 -- EWP(t) ~,JD: ACC Wt AP6011975* SOURCE, CODE., (12/0057/65/00P/00 F/a AUTHOR: Dittrich, Antonin (Engineer); Pimliko Oldrich (Ez~gineor) ORG: VZKG, Ostrava TITLE: Tandem furnices -SOURCE: Hutnik, not 7# 1965, 268-m2 TOPIC TAGS: meiall1irgic furnace, steel,; iron ABSTRACT: Produetion of steel;in tandem furnaces is oompared ',With other oxygen processes* Thet thermal balaneig in tandem furnaces is discussed, The output bf those furnacos is very high, and it is -possible to use pig iron of varying quitlities. They operate economically from the: point of view of utilities consumption; it Is possible to, uzie parts from Maxtin furnaces *3.n the re cons trui: ti on prol, ,rams irkw1ving, tandem' furnacess iv ASultable, methoda of obarging the furnaoesi are- described; equip-' -ment manufact-urod by. "Pohli ftokel-Blei(shert is robommendede Orig. art. has: 2 figure, ~SUB CCIDE: 13 SUBM DAMr none MH MW: 004 rd 1/1 _CG L DITTRICHS H. Dyeing of -atzet.Ob ymms. Ind. tait R= 13 no'VM415-49 0 162s 1. FI*, Karl Marx-Stadt. DITTRIGH, Heinz, _ rge I I ~ Preparation of expanded oilk with false twists (Dederon) on the basis of the principle of friction* Magy textil 15 no.5/6.-249-251 MY-Je- 163o L, Textilteohnologiai Kutato IntAizet, DITTRICH, ~an. As. MUDr; PINTA, Zdatte1c, As. MUDr Spasms of the log in pragnazicy;& preliminary comumnloation. Cook. gyn. 19 no-3::183-190 MY 154. 1. Polikliniks KU Praha: odd. neuro prof. Dr J.Vitek, odd. zen. a det. P-vn.* prof. Dr R.Peter, U. org, zdrav.: prof* Dr V.Prosek, CPRWILaCY, complicatiDnS, *Iwo-clonue of leg) IINGO diseases, (~zvoclonuo in pregn.) OCLONUS, *log, in progn.) LESN!r, Ivan, Doc., Dr.;K DIT0TRICH, Jitn As., Dr. Importance and pathogenesis of hypertelorism. Cesk. neur. 19 no. 2:118-124 May 56. 1. Z detakeho oddeleni neurologicke kliniky Karlovy university, prednosta alcadetik K. Henner. (HYPIWMDRISM. case rppnrt. ocular (Cz)) LESNY, Ivan, Doe., Dr.; DITTRICH, Jan, Dr.; ODVAREDVA, Jitka, Dr.. Further experiences with quinine treatment In cases of non- compensated opilepsy in children. Cesk. neur. 20 no.l!~8-53 Feb 57. 1. Detske oddeleni neurologicke kliniky akademika prof. K. Hennera. - (EPILEPSY, in Inf. & child ther., quinine In noncompongated epilepsy (Cz)) (QUININE, ther. use epilepsy. noncomponsatod. in child. (Cz)) LESNY, Ivan, Doc.; DITTRICH, Jan. Unusual case of cerebral edema following instillation of streptomycin into specific l7mphoma of neck. Cesk. neur. 20 no.1:21-24 Feb 57. 1. Neurologicks. klinika v Praze (detske oddeleni), prednosta akademik prof. K. Henner. (TUBUCUMSIS, MNPH IODE, ther. streptomycin instillation of ly-mphoma of neck causing cerebral edema (Cig)) (STMPTOMIN. tuj. eff. cerebral edema after instillation of tuberc. lympboma of neck (Cz)) (BRAIN, die. odema, after streptomycin.instillation of tuberc. !~mphoma of neck (C%)) (EDr. (A, brain, after streptomycin instillation of tuberc. ]:Vmphoma of neck (Cz)) T)MR C SITY, I.; Indication and ir-rnrtsn,ne of o?~~rly mirfery -fnr criniostenosts. Cftsk~jwur. 20 tfint- 1. tf-1,11-01ogick-, Pr.-,hn, 'orednnitn akndemik -prof. K. Henner: detel,:e oddeleni. vedonri !-Irnr doc. Dr. Ivrm Lenonv Oddeleni pro detskou ~-hirurrti P orthope4ii Prahn, nrednnstn doe. Dr. V. Tonovsky' Anthrov-j!,-)P-ic~7 !umt,,rkv !T 71,-rflis, nrednnstn aoc. Dr. /. Yetter. (("IkWITJM, abnorr,., cranioitr~iiost!,, indir. & imp~)rtance of early surg, --r- I I K I ( -'. t t -) 13 r I LESNY. Ivan; DITTRIGH, Jan; ODVARKOVA, Jitka Treatment of *pllopsv In children with quininm. Gas. Isk. cook. 96 no-23t?07-713 ? Junqi'57. 1. Dotalre, oddelent neurolog. klinUy, prednosta akRdemik Honnor. I. L.. Praha 2, Katerinsks, 30- (VILEPSY, in inf. & child ther., quinint (Cz~) (QUININE, tbor. use epilepsy in cbAld. (Cz)) I ) I -1- e., / I /,~ ~ C ~-/, 7j I ISSITT, Ivan;,a~LTRIIR, Jan; OPAMT, Evzen; VO-TTA, VacL%v Therapeutic methods used at the Institute for the Treatment of Perinatal EnceptLalopathy (cerebral palsy). Gesk. pediat. 13 no.5:437-444 5 June 58. 1. StELtni lazne; Ustav pro leceni perinatalnich encefalovatii. (GIRIBUL PAISY. tbarapy methods & results (Cz)) LESITY, I.; RECO, V.; DITTRICH, J..; KRAMOVA, Z. Clinical & electrocinceplialogmphic findings in encephalitis, cautied by rubeolEt. Cesk. neur. 21 no.5:306-3U SePt 511. 1. Oddeleni pro detskou neurologii v Praze pri neurologicke klizdco akF,demika Hennera, a pri IV. detska klinioe prof'. dr Blazka, vedatici doo. dr. I. leany. (31403PIMLITIS, in inf. & child caused by measles, clin. & 31E0 findings (Gs)) (14FASIM, compl. ence-olutlitis, olit. & XIG findings (Cz)) 'DITTRICHl J,; rRYNTA, L; JIROUT, J,; MAT, I.; TOSIOVSKY, V. Xxperience with 80 cases of operated maniwoqrelocele in newborn & youhgAlaants. Ce6k. peai4. 14 no.2;123-129 5 Yeb 59- 1. Detska chirurgicka. klinika, predrAosta doe, MUDr. V. Kafka, oddeleni pro ortopedii a traumtologii, prednosta doe. MUDr. V. Tosovelcy. Neu- rologielm klinilm, prednosta almdemik prof. MLa)r. K. Henner. Deteke neurologicke oddeleni, vedouci le)mr: 'doe. Mr~. Leany IL pAtologicko- anatomicky ustav Karlovy university: prednoata prof. Mr. V. Je&libka. (MENINGXG meningonyelocele in newborn & young inf., surg. (Cm)) VYYAZAL,J.; DITTRIGH,J.; techn. spoluprace B. Hovorkova., Protein changes in the cerebrospinal fluid and serum in neurolog- ical disorders in children with special reference to differential diagnosis of Van Bogaert's encephalitis. Cesk. neur. 22 no.6:374-- 382 N '59, 1. Feurologioke. klinika KU, laborator pro patofyziologii nervove soaBtavy, detcke neuxologicke oddeleni, prednosta. akademik Yamil Renner. (INC31PHALITI11; in inf. & child) (BLOOD PROTEINS) (PROTEINS cerebrospinal fluid) DITTRICH. Jith: JIROUT, Jan; 14ACH, Vladimir Fneumoencopbalograp1ic findings in individual forms of ear3jr ir~~mtile cerebral ;als7. Cook. neur. 24 no.1128-33 Ja 161. 1. Neurologic)m kliwtka KU v Praze, detake oddeleni a rtg labor-ator, prednosta alcad. prof. Kanil Henner. CWIVtAL PALSY radiograpby~ KTILICULOGRAPHr in inf & O'bild) M CULIKI J.; DITTRICH, J.,-; VINSOVA, N.; JIRASEK, A. Clonic Babinski oign, extension reflex of the fingers and flnger~ clonue. Cesk. neur. 24 no.4:226-2-29 JI 161. 1. IV detska klirjika KU v Praze, prednosta prof. MUDr. F. BIAzek- Neurclogicka. klinika KU v Praze, prednosta akad. prof. K. Hemner, odd. pro detskou neurc-logii Hlavuv patologickoanatomicky ustav KU v Praze. (REFLEX) (CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM diseases) LESNY, Ivan; VUCH, Vladimir; DITTRICH, lab. The phenomenotI'Iff triple flexion vith abduction. Cook. neur. 24m0.4: 239-243 Ji 7611. 1. Neurologicka klinika Isk. fak. KU v Praze, prechiosta akademdk prof. Kamil Henner, detske odd*Uni, prednosta doe. dr. %van Loony. (SPINAL CORD dis) (REFLEX) BRODSKY, Milan; DRAPKA, Miloolav; UVE=.. Miroslav, KUDI?IIOVA$ Lwtmila; BOR9 Imrich; KRCILKOVA, Milada; DITTRICH, jan; KUBAT, Karel ProlQnpred Perfusic" In children at a normal temperature. (Ccoduction Of- ii~-aowftW. cardiac defects). Rozhl. chir. 41 no,3: 167--;76 62. 1. Klinika detske cldxwgie FDL KU v Vraze, predriosta prof'. DrS!-,. MUDr. V. Kafka IL detska klinika FDL KU v Praze, prednosia prof. Dr3c. MUDr. J. Houstek N. detaka klinika FVLAU v Praze., prednoBbi prof. DrSc. IAUDr. F. Bla2;ek Nuerologicka klinika FVL KU v Fraze, prednosta akademik K. Henner IL patologickanatordcky usuiv FVL KU v Fr�tze_, prednosta prof. DrSc. KJDk. V. Jedlicka. (HURT ICGWiNICAL) * (HEAW DEFECTS CONGUITAL surg) CZECHOSIOVAKIA DITTRICHo J-t MD. Neurological Clinic of the Faculty of General Medicine of Charles University (Neurologicka klinika fakulty v,)e- obeeneho lekarstvi KU), Prague Prague, Prakticky lekar, No 1, 1963t pp 27-28 "Six Days on Child Neurology in Brno, May 24 and :25, 1962." DITTRICH,J.; VLACH,VI. Sydenham's recurrent chorea minor. Cesk. neurol. 27 no.2: 92-95 MY'64 1. Neurologicka kainika faktilty vseobeeneho lelcarstvi v Praze;(prednosta*. akademik K.Henner), a Neurologicka kated- ra UDL v Praze,(vedouci: prof.dr.Zd.Macek). I-DITTRICH,J.; SUTA,M.; VLACH,Vl. Hemihypertrophy with malformation of the spinal cord. Cesk. neuxol. 27 no.2,.101,t-108 Mr164 1. Neurologicka klinika a laborator pro patofyziologii ner- vove soustavy fakulty vseobecneho lekarstvi KTJ v Praz-e (prednosta: akademik K.Henner) a Oddeleni detske neurologle (vedouci*. lekar doc.dr. I.Lesny). 4- VACEK, J.ii DITTRICH, J.; LEHOVSKY, M.; TAVORIKOVA, It. On problems of height and etiological diagnosis of paresis of' the fibular nerve. Cesk. neurol. 29 no.5:3'74-380 S 165. 1. Neurologicka klinika fakailty vseobeeneho lokarstvi Karlovy University v Praze (prednos-ta akademik K. Heruier). DITTRTCH,_;~; VYMAZALp J. Differential diagnosis of subacute sclerosing van Bogaert's oncephalitis. Cesk. ped. 20 no.12flO51-1055 D 1 65. 1. Neurologicke pracoviste fakulty detskeho lekarstvi Harlovy University v Praze (Yedouoi - doc. dr. 1. Lesn7,DrSc.) a Neurologicka klinika fakulty irsoobecneho leka-.rstvi Karlovy University v Prate (prednosta, akademik K. Henner). t 11439-66 ACC NR: AP6023192 SOURCE CODE: CZ/Mi2/65/O28/OO5/0374/M0 AUTHOR: Vacek, J.; D~ttrich.J.; I~hovsky, M ; Taborikova H' ORG: Neurology Clinic headed by'Academician 1. Henner/.-Faculty of Genera-1. Medicine, qho6r.les Un y2reity, Prnaue lNeurologic,ka klinika fakulty vaeolieeneho. lakaroltvi KU) TITLE: Problem of diagnosing the locialization and course of pEalysis of ]:eroneal nerve SOURCE: Ceskoslovenska neurologie, v. 28, no. 5, 1965, 374-380 TOPIC TAGS: nervous system diBease,, circulatory system disease, diagnostic medicine, man ABSTRACT: Study of 5 cases with various degrees of paralysis of peroneal nerve, particularly degrees of involvement of' the sciatic and related-nerves of the lower extremeties. Circulatory and ischemir, difficulties are more apt to cause permanent damage to this nerve than to many others due ot its anatomical situation. Orig. art. has: 3 figures. (Based on Eng. abst.] [JPRSJ SUB CODE: 06 / SUBM DATE: none / OTH W.- 009 Card 1/1 31 DITTRICH, M. "Automatic masurement on f orge presees" AUTOMATISACE, Praha, Czechoslovakia, Vol. 2, no. 5, k1ay 1959 Monthly List of East European Accessions Index (EEAI)., Uj, Vol. 8, No. 8, August 1959 Unclassified DITTRICH, R. "New forrmlas for calculating pressure losses in pipes." p. 232. VOEVI HOSPODAPSTVI. (Ustredrd sprava vodniko hospodarstvi). Praha, Czechoslovalda, No. 5., May 1.959. Monthly list of East European Accessions (EEAI), LC., Vol. 8, No. 8. August 1959. Uncla. KUCERA, Jiri, MUDr.; DITTRIGH, Zdanek, 1-Mr. Experience with ACTH therapy-. Vnitr. lek.. Brno 1 no.l: 22-26 Jan 55. 1. Z I. mestake nemocnice v Brne-vnitrni oddeleni prednosta primar MUDr. et RKDr. Emil Weinberger, Brno 12. Vackova 90. (ACTH, therapeutic use alone & with cortisone, evaluation.) (CORTISONE, ther. use alone & with ACTH, evaluation.) DITTRI Problem of mental dovelopment in premature infanto. Gesk. pedia!;. 13 n0-3:218-227 5 Apr 58. 1. Uatav pro peoi o matka a dite, reditel prof. J. Trapl vedouc]. pediatricke casti prim. K. Polacek. (BRUN, physiol. ment. develop. in premature inf. (Cz)) (INFANT, PREMATURN, physiol. ment. develop. 02)) ROSSLER, M.- DITTRICIJOVA k2~~~ Relationa of sloop activity in the central nervous system to respiration and some behavior mechanisms in infants.. Cgsk. pediat. 17 no.12:1065-1(Y7,3 D 162. 1. 1 detska klinika fakulty detakeho lekaretvi Karlovy university v Praze,, prednosta prof. dr, J. Svejear Ustav pro peci o matku a dite v Praze, reditel doc. dr. M. Vojta, vedouci useku doc. dr. K. Polacek. (ELECTROENCEPHALOGRAM) (SLEEP) (EEHAVIORISM) ICZECHOSLOVAKIA J. DITTRICHOVAI-Affiliation not given,lPrague. IiSleep in Infants." rrague, Activitas Nervosa Stgty Vol 5, No 2, 'May 63; FP 159-160. C, - - _ _L(IK, Abstract : Study of 12 infants every 2 wcclirs beturcen 2nd and 24th week of life: eye wid body movements, frequency and regularity of breathing from 7 Fm to 6 am. Data indicate that gradual dccreanc in slecping time and corresponding lengthening, in time awake is all at the expense of the transitory states; dccp-sleep time remains constant throughout period. Grarli, 1 US reference. CZECHOSUVAIZIA JAIJOS, 0.; PAPOUSEK, If.; DITTRIC~~__J._; Laboratory of Hir!;hor Nervous Functions -Institiit-6-6-f_TT_o ther and Child Care ( Labc-ra- tor VITC-Ustav pro Peci o R'AtIcu a Dite.) inFrague. "Age Differences in Higher Nervous Functions in First Nontlis of Postnatal Life." Prague, Activitas Neriusa Superior, Vol 5, No 4, 1963, PP 1,07 - 410 Abstract:At the end of the 2nd and beginning Of the 3rd mol-ith lie notice characteristic changes in the frequency of the con- ditioned. palpabral reflexes and in the conditioned reflex to food stinuli. These facts show that at this, age a deep change of hig.AZ~r nervous functions takes place. 2 Figures, 2 Tablas, no references. Submit-bad tit the Medical Congress in Prague,, November 1962. 1/1 JAPOS,O.; PAPOMM,H.; -DEMC~10VA,.!j. __ Vfeet of age an different functions of higher nervous ac- tivity daring the lst months of life. Activ. nerr. SUP- 5 nowW07-410 163. 1. Iaborator VNG , Usta*:.Pro peci o matku a dite, Praha, DITTRIGHOVA, J.; MUM, F. Sleep cycles in infancy. Activ. nerv. sup. (Praha) 7 no.2: 143-1" 165 1. Institute for the Care of Mother and Child, Prague. DITTRICHOITA, J.; iAl', V. ;pi-ariEition fron, the we-kinc, state to sleeping in infants. 0 Activ. nerv. sup. (Pre.ha) 7 no.1:11-16 165. 1. Ustav pro ped. 0 MELtku a dite, Praha. L T2929-66 ACC W Alft5630 SOURCE CODE11 CZ/0079/65 514375a AUTHOR: Ditirichova J.; F.W*8" P. ORG: Institute for the Care'of Mother and Child, Prague TITIE: Sleelp cycles in infancy I'llds paper was presented at the Third Interdisciplinary Conference,on Experimental and Clinical Study of Higher Nervous FuncUons held in Yknianake lazne from 19 to 23 October 196 '4 1 SOURCE: 'Activitas nervosa ouperior, v- 7. no. 2. 196.5,, 143-144 TOPIC TAGS: Mwk', hwmn physiology ABSTRACT: Three phasee of Sleep in fnfants are desoribed. The vi&-Dig, Iopen eyes, irregplar breathing,, respiration rate 60/W.'a. The, transitory or light sleep,, eyes alternately open and closeil,, respiratory rate 1[5/iiin.: The; deep sleep,,eyes closed, respirataivy rate 40/mln., and iitter 924th week only 25/min. Phases of deep sleep appear repeatedly in,about 50-60 min intervals, Total &LIM- tion of light sleep decreases from a mean 82%: in the 2nd week to 53% ii! the.-_24th. In the same period deep pXeep increases 9~rpl~ .115 to" Orig. art. has: 1 llgmi& 0-Fils SUB CODE: Q5,, 06 SUBM MM none. ORIG Yff: 001 OTH W: 004. Card DIMOV. Lyubomir. professol~. inithener; 4IMS,'O.G.. professor. radaktor (translator]; BOLO'j.UN, A.I., doteent Ltranslator]; X&PLAN, X.Ta., retbiktor izda tell stva -. ]%'KIRA. Yak.. takhnichaskiy redaktor [Uotng the method-of tho least squares for determining the moot suitable level and plano; for the vertical crone-section of buildfii4g sitdo] Primenenie uposoba naimen'shikh kvadratov k opredolenitu naLbolee podkhodianhehilch oformliaiiii3hehikh priamykh i plookostai; pri vertikallnoi,plantrovke stroitellnykh ploshchadok. Perevod a bol&arskogo O.G.Ditte 1 A.I.Bologina. Pod red. O.G.Ditts. Leningrad, Goo. izd-vo lit-ry po stroit. i arkhitekture, 1956. 34 p. (Building) WaA 9:12:1 DITTS, O.G. doktor tekhalcheekikh nauk. MiNiiii. Accuracy of determining distances with wire-line range finders. Geod.i'7-29 Ag '56. MRL 9:11) (Range finding) I T PILM I BOOK EXPLOITATION 486 Ditts, 0. G. Geodeziya (Geodesy) Moseow, Geodezizdat., 1957. 291 p. 20,000 copies printed. Reviewers (mentioned in preface): K01080v, B. As and Danilevielh, B.B., Docenti3. PURPOSE: This is a textbook for students of construction and hydrotechnical engineering colleges. COVERAGE: The book discusses the use of the All-Union coordinate grid, -the interpretation of topographic maps, and methods o4--" transit surveying, leveling, plane table surveying and tach(-.!o- metric work. The two parts deal with layout work and aerial photography and stereophotogramm-etry. The following instrazents are mentioned (usually accompanied by a photograph Card 1/18 Geodesy 486 or/and diagram): measuring tapes., a clinometer, 2 compasses, a two-mirror optical square (ifquerre), telescopes, the "Geofiz!Lkall transit, the OTM transit, the OTS, TT-50, OTB., OT-10 transits., a goniometer, the DD-2 range-finger, a polar planimeter, a pantograph, several types of levels (made by the Aerogeopri'bor,, Marksheyderskiye Instrumenty, and other plants) an aneroid barometer, automatic levels, phototheodolites, and other equipment used in aerial gliotogra- phy and stereophotogra=tetry. There are 353 figures, 36 tablets, and 31 Soviet references. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Foreword Ch. I. Introduction 1. Geodesy and its significance In engineering 2. Me&n sea-level surface, The tarth as a spheroid. The map 3. Scales Card 2/18 ~ R NEGRU, Al.., prof. (Bucuresti); DITU, L., ing. (Bucuresti) "A valuable treatise on Erysiphaceae, published at Alma-Ata, in the U. S. S. R. Reviewe(I by Al. Negru and I Ditu. Nature Biologie L!~ no. 1:86-87 ja-F 162. 'M Iff,GRUP A.; DITSUp I. New ngeological materials from the Rumanian People's Republic. Bot. mitt. Otd. spor. rast, l6t150-164 163., (MM 16:10) DITTSEN G, Polarization of airglow during twilight as an indicator of the r intrusion of cosmic dust. Trudy Astrofiz.inst.AN Kazakh.SSR 3: 236 162, (MIRA 16:11) P JL;" I ACC: NRt Aji5928.1118 so C 9/0 IM E CODE' UR/0016/65/00 01.)/0006/0010 AUTHOR: jHtyatkin, S ya.~ 55 ORG:, bstWftAj'4~WFA1niQ1,6&X Rnfli- M it 1u ~_LM_M_s �L4 (Institut epideimlologtj i milrobiologil) TLE- Biologically, a tive bacberi Se C 122ILa S01JRbE: Zhurnal mftobiologffl, epidehli0logil i. Immunobiologilf, no. 9, 1965, 6-10, TOPIC TAGS: DNA, bacteriophage, seilum, bacterial genetics ABSTRACT:: The author Investigated the interaction between Isolated double-stranded DNA of phase d and spheroplasts 4W establish the . basic biological properties of Infectious DNA, Strains of Escherichia colt K 12.Q) and an artificially lysogenized strain of E. colt C wer Ie used to~ obtain ~ phase jL by ultraviolet Inductio'n. To Identify- the infectious agent with DNA of phage-,A , ita properties were conipired %vith those of the intact phage. The withor fouhd that DMA isolited by phenol exb-action from purified conceatrated phage prepaiations is infectious for 13,sozyme spheroplasts but: is not infectious for intact cells of penicil,lin pro- toplasi; and spheraplasts obtained by.freez[ng with subsequent thawing in the presence of- lysciz,,.rMe. DNA infectivity is destroyed byAeoxyribonuclease but is not affected by ribonu- clease, trypsin, an-Uphage serum, or beatiftg at a temperatare cImpletely inactivatitig the intact phage. The optimal spheroplast; conoentration is 1-3 x 10 kg/ml. The EDTA concentration in the incubation mixture shoald not exceed 4- 5 jAg/ml. 'Me concentril 1/2 UDC:576.858.9.098:576.963.32 LC e, L 10974-66 ACC NRs AP5028388 of trisi-baffer wag n6t gr6ater flian 0. 0014.0005M. Infection of Epheroplasts by doul,17e-10 stranded DNA differs from that by single -si:randed DNA of phages, and for its realizadon Special conditions perWining to the selection of the recipient, conoenttation of sphero*pluts, and certain emponents of the Incubation mIxIure are required. Orig. art. has: 2 figures and 2 -tables. SUB CODE: 06 SIFBM DATE: Muin,64 ORIG REP: 004 OTH, REP: Oil Card 2A9 DORODIN, V.A. (Moskva); RHl,rpk.:vA, ],.N. (1.1031~v& 1), ; 2 ILP _Y"~ I t!,j y , I - D - (14osk-va); YAGODKIN, V.I. (Hoskva) -I Break.-up of a liqiiid Jet inside a gas flow. PMJT no.5'.51-)-65 S-0 164. (KIRA l8i4) DITYAKIN, Yu. , mid BORODIN, V.A. "Gidraylichaskiy Udar -v Truboprovde s Mestnymi Oblyemami na Koutsakh" M. Oborongiz 19/+9 16 pp. - -- - __ __ __ ). 24-4-16134 AUTMRS: Dityakin, Yu. F.9 Yagodking V. I. (Moscow TITLE: i perlodic oscillations of the speed and the density of the mediura on the, decomposition of a liquid stream (Vliyaddye periodicheskikh kolebaniy skorosti i plotnosti sredy na raspad.zhidkikh struy PERIODICAL: "Izv'. Ak. Nauk, Otd, Tekh'. Nauk"-(Balletin of the Ac. So Tectuncal Sciences-bec-tion)v M79 No.4, pp'.115-120 (USSi~. ABSTUCT: In a number of practioal cases involving the decomposition of a stream into dropst tran ition of a lamina y flow into a turbulent one', etc., it is of considerable interest to study the influence of oscillations in, thei flow spee(l. on thet stability of the flow. It is also considered of in- terest to evaluate theoretically the influence of delLSity oscillations of the gaseous medium surrounding the liquid stream on the decomposition of the stream. Such osc:[.Ila- tions occur, for instanceg in the combustJ.on chambers of jet engines and may briijg about a change of the conrUtdons of the working process. The influence is theoretically investigated of the fluctuations in the speed and density of the medium s-urrounding the* cylindrical liquid flow on the decomposition of the flow. The solution-is effefted by means of the method of small distuibances. It is shown that in the- case of fluctuations in the speed of Card 1/2 flow of a liquid and of the density of' the medium the character and the width of the wave range of iin table Inj.Uuence of periodic oscillations of the speed and the deimity of the-medium on the decomposition of a liquId stream (Cont.) 24-4-34/34 distuxbances ch&nge-and an infinite number of individual zones of unstable diaturbances occur instead of'the single zone which it, checTacteristic in absence of fluctuations. The optimu wave lex4;th'proved to be lower than that pre- vailing in absence of fluctuations, i.e. the fluctu6t.-Lons in-the flow speed and density of the medium lead to a re- duction. of the dimensions of the drops produced during, decomposition of the stream. The conclusions obtained from the theoretical analysis are qualitatively confizmed by the experimental results of Mieses-P C. (Jet Propulsion, Vol',,25, No.10, pp.524-530, 534, 1955) The authors con.- sider the stability of a circular cylindrical flow of a liquid and the coordinate system is so chosen that the! stream is stationary- and that the surrounding medium has a certain speed U . It is assumed that this speed and the density of the surrounding medium are periodic fun.c- tions of time. The liquid is assumed as being ideal and the flow as being a purely potential flow. L.N.Britneira Card 2112 has assisted in the cELlculations. -There are 3 graphs, 7 referencest' 6, of which are Russian. SUBMITTED: July 23, 1956. AVAILAME: S (A SOV/96-59-11-7/22 AUTHORS: Dityakin Yu. F., Candidate of Technical Sciences, and --- :K~ ~t~7a, L. N. , Iengineer TITLE: The use of Dimensionless Criteria to Genre-ralise tho Results of Drop-size Measurements When Atomising Liquids in Centrifugal Nozzles PERIODICAL: Teploenergatika, 1959, Nr 11, pp 33-317 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In. recent years a good deal of work bas been publistled on the relationship between drop-size, nozzle charaGteristics a-ad operating conditions,, However, the results do not seem to have been formed into any general system of dimensionless criteria, which would, however, be very useful. The dimensionless criteria that have been used to characterise the process of atomisation have either been based on the theory of a stable flow of liquid, or on dimensional theory, This article uses the dimensional theory to examine a centrifugal nozzle that creates a film of liquid of a certain thickness which breaks up into drops while moving in a gaseous medium. Then the relationshij.% between drop size and film thickness is given by Card 1/4 expression (1), which includes four criteria. The 66568 SOV96-59-11-7/22 The use of Dimensionless CrIteria to Generalise the Results of Drop-size Measurements When Atomising Liquids in Centrifugal Nozzles first, called the Weber criterion, is the ratio of the inertia force to the surface tension force of the film. The second, called. the Laplace criterion, is the ratio of the surfaco tension force to the viscosity force of the liquid. The third criterion is the ratio of the inertia force of the gaseous medium to that of the atomised liquid. The fourth criterion is the ratio of 'the viscosity forces of the gaseous medium alid the atomised liquid. The reasons for choosing this particular system of criteria. are explained. Treatment of previously published data by means of the new crit;eria is discussed. It is shown that the density of the medium enters into two of the criteria proposed. Consequently, in supplying the formula to a mediini of lower density than -Ghe atmosphere it is necessary to know the influence of the density of the medium on the film thichness and the place at which it breaks up. AS this relationshfp is unknown, the formula can only Card 2/4 be used for atmospheric air density. The relatioxish:L