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r e i C V I C I in inraffi-iency. Pr~'1111- I-, ~Itn'ni. dc- t--r:,:,,ea1lit km n1 !-in 00 n a iF AMITRIU, C.Gh.; MORS, B. Dr. Arterial hypotonsion. Nod. int., Buaar., 9 no.5:643-656 M&Y 57. 1. Incrare efectuata in clinics. balenologloa I.P.S.M.F. a Bpitalului, Brincoveneso Ducuresti. (HYPOMNSION classif., clin. aspects & ther.) DINITRIU, C. Gh., Conf.; MOTCR, Remms, Dr, "-~'4Vrrlfi~ral isohemic syndrome followizzg varicose d1sease ol the lower extremities* Mod, int.. BuCur. 9 110,ItIO35-1060 July 57. (VARIOCSI V31M, comulications peripheral ischem~ic synd., catte reports) DIMITRIU, 0. Gh.; DIMITRIIJ. Mariana Yotes on collageii diseases of the kidney. Mod. int., Bucur. 9 no.8: 1193-1211 Aug 57. (KInW DUPASIS Oollagen die*, alassif., manifest. & ther.) ((;OILTAGW DISMIS of kidney, classif., manifest. & ther.) DIMITRIU, C. GIh. *0 GEOMESGU, U; DIMITRIU, Kariana '~~-'--o,-,Jfia,tochemfwal study of the morph")athogenic substratum J.u rhe-umatic andocarditis. Probl. reumat., Bucur. no..5:103-105 1958. (BIUMUTIC HFART DISFASZ, Dathologr vaso. changes & histochem. changes of groand substarce of conneotive tiersue) (RMD VIESSIG, pathology In rheum. heart die.) (COMMUR TIMM, pathology in rheum. heart die., histol. & histochem. changes of ground substance) ilCiRPT.,'k 1-1~01,A 3ea 9 Vol 13/1 Surgery Jan 59 707. TItE SYNDROME OF PERIPHERAL ISCHAEMtA SECONDARY TO VARIC- ES OF THE LOWER LIMBS - Syndrome Wisch6mie pdriph6riqtic s-,condaire aux varices des me mbres infdrieurs - Di in it riu C . G. and Nes I or It. Clin. Mild. et BaIndol., Inst. de Mild_ Bucarest - ACTA CLIN. DEW. 1958, 13/3 (163-170) Graphs 4 Among 57 patients showing inchaemic syndrome of the leg, the troubl(- was due to dilated varicose veins in 7 cases. It is thought tnat the ischaemic disturbance is due to transient arterial spasms secondary to veno-arterial reflexes arising frorrivaro- sensitive nervous endings in the venous viall. Stich a reflex could be experimentally reproduced by venous stasis with oscillographic recording of the arterial spasms. The ischaemic syndrome of the leg can arise fr:)m dilatation of varicose veinn, possibly associated with primary arterial facto-,*s. iXCERPTA MEDICA Sec 13 Vol 13/6 Dermatology June 54) 1564. ASSOCIATION OF I'EYRONIE'S DISEASE WITH THE SYNDROME OF WEBER-CHRISTIAN - Association de lit maladie de Peyronie avec le syndrome de Weber-Christian - D LnUjx_jv~~G., F i n g e r h u t B. -.nd D I m I t r I u M. Chaire d'Anat. Pathol., Bucarest - ACTA UR'OL. BELG. 1958, 26/2 (164-171) Illus. 4 Three patients suffering from plastic indurat:,on of the penis and showing the Weber- ChriEfflan syndrome are presented. Plastic knduration of the penis appeared first and seems to be more sensitive to local treatment with cortisone in patients suffering from both diseases. The association of the 2 diseases or collagen tissues points to common pathogenic mechanisms. The Weber-Christian syndrome is more prone to recurrence than is Peyrorde's disease. The only effective treat- ment, and even that with certain limitations. is cortisone. (IX. 13) DIMITILT.U.3 C.Ch., prof. Contributions to the study of the origin of cardiac lesions in chronle ovolutive polyarthritis. Med. intern.,,, Bucur 12 no.~), 1327-1329 S 160. (ARTINUTIS MIEUMMID, pathology) (HEART,, pathology) DIYSITRIU, C. Gh.., prof.; SCRAGIFITER, A., dr.; MAXINILIAN, V.V. , dr. Dennatomyositis associated with adenacarcinoms. Med. intern. 14 no.&.- 705-709 Je 162. 1. Lucrare efectuata in CliiAca medicala a Spitalului "I.C. Frimull (director: prof. C. Gh. Dimitriu). (DMMTMIYOSITIS) (ADENOCARE BOMA) (LDEPIIATIC MTASTASIS) DD-11TRIU, C. Gh., prof.; N3STOR, R., dr. Physiopathology of spondylosis. Med. intern. 14 no.7:795-800 JI 162. (SFINAL DISEMES) (FEIIIARTIIIIITIS) (I,IEUIUG.IA) (BRACHIAL PUNS) (SHOULDEER-MID SYNDROPIE) DIMITRIU, C. Gh., prof.; MAXDaLIAN, V., dr.; DIMITRIU., Mariana, dr.; DRAGMOVIC1, M., dr. Aspects -of pancreatic and myocardial interrelations. Med. intern. 14 no.8:927-936 Ag 162. 1. Lucrare efectuata in Clinica medicala, Spitalul "I.C. Frimu", Bucuresti. (PANUMATITIS) (MYOCARDIA1 INFARCT) DIMITRIU, C.Gh, STOR, R. , dr.; SGRUFFER, B. , dr. -,--prof.; NE Considerations on a case of disseminated lupus ery-thematosus of a pemphigoid type. Med. intern. 15 no.2:235-240 F 963. 1. Lucraxe efectuata in Clinica medimla a Spitalului "I.C. Frimu)l I.m F.J, Bucureati. iLUPUS ERYTHDUTOSUS, SYSTEMIC) (EDEMA) (ASCITES) (NEPHROTIC SYNDROME) (BROKOHOPHI~UMON IA) (pnefl.,1GUS) D3xlMIUr-C.&.-t-pj~_Of. The secondary effects of modern medicaments. Mod. intern. 15 no.4:395-404 Ap 163. 1. Lucrare efectuata in Clinica medicala a Spitalului "I.0. Frimu"P Bucuresti. TRANQUILIZING AGENTS) (ANTIDIABETIGS) RNTICOAGULANTS) (ANTIBIOTICS) (SULFONAMIDES) (A111T MUMTENSIVE AGENTS) DIMITRIU~ C.Gh..., prof.; IMSTOR, R., dr.; ROSEALA, E., dr. Some aspects of rheumatic manifestations in the feet. Mod. intern. 15 no.7:795-801 Tl 163- 1. Lucrare efectuata in Spitalul do urgenta "I.C. Frimu";l Clinica. medicala (director: prof. C. Gh. Dimitriu). (RHEUMATISM) (ARTHRITIS, RHEUMATOID) (RHEUMATIC HEART DISEASE) (FOOT DISEASES) DIMITRIU, C.Gh., prof.; NESTOR, R., dr.; SCHLAFFER, B., dr. Contribution to the study o:C the dislocating form of Bouillaud- Sokolski rheumatism. (Presentation of 3 clinical cases). Med. intern. 15 no.7:803-807 JI 163. 1. Lucrare efectuata in Clinics. medicala 11I.C. Frimully Bucuresti. (ARTHRITIS, RHE-MiATOID) (RHEUMATIC HEART DISEASE) (HAND DEFORMITIES) (FOOT DISEASES) Z-~- 9 Prot. Problem of methods in biological and medical sciences. Yied. intem 15 no.g.*897-901 Ag 163- (MEDICnM) (BIOLOGY) U prof. NE.13TOR, R., dr.; DIMITRIU, Mariana, dr.; DIMITRI _P., S ----dCK, Silvia, dr. Some anatomo-clinical aspects of cortisone dependence in chronic evolutive polyarthritis. Med. intern. 15 no.10:1241- 1248 '63. 1. Lucrare efectuata in Clinics. medicals. uI.C. Frimu" (director: prof. C. Gh. Dinitriu). (ARTHRITIS, RHEUMATOID) (ADRENAL CORTEX HORMONES) (DRUG TOLERANCE) DIMITRIU, C.Gh., prof.; SCHACHTER, A. dr.; MAXIKAIAN, V. dr.; '11-1----n1ilmau, Z.,dr. I I I Clinical and therapeutic aspects of paroxysmal arterial hypertension. Mad inter 15 no. 5t625-629 My 163. 1. Lucrare efectuata in Clinica medicala, Spitalul de urgenta "I. C, Frimu". I M.F., Buouresti. (HYPERTENSION.i BULIGESCU, L., dr.; DIKITRIU, C., cjr.; VAISLER, A.Ge, dra; CONSTANTINESCIT-,-17rffa-, V-.-- Difficulties ta theldiagnosis of the medical form of the Demons- Ybigs syndrome. YAd. intern. 15 no.11:1379-1383 N 163. 1. Lucrare efectuata in Clinics, medicala.I.MIX., Bucurenti Spitalul "G. Divila" (director: cog. (OV.kRIAN NEOPLASMS) (FIBROMA)~ (DIAGNOSIS) 77 DB',IT Gh., Pro ara6r; car-Clinic of the "I. C. iYimi" Hospital (Clinica modivas. a_'*itcbLLui "I.- G. Frl=") - (:for all) ~Iuclviraut, Vlata J~mli No 21, 1 Nov 63, pp 1491-1496 -ones. "Tho llodicql Treatmont of' CoartIL 77- DIMITRIU, C. Gh., prof.; IMSTOR, R., dr.; TIEGERM, T., dr. Rheumatoid gout. Yad. interno (Bicu:r.) 16 no.6t641-648 J4164 Renal functional eiploration.. a cwitwlon for indivitualiza- tion of the treatment of' rbsuAatoid- arthritis. :rbid.-W-652 1. Iucrars affttuata in Clbiloa sodicala a Spitaluiii -do adulti. al raianulul. 30 Decembrie (iUvown Prof. C.Gh.Dimitriu), DIMITRIU, C.G.; DIMITEM, Marlana Pathogen'Lc aignificance and prognosis of rheumatic nodtiles. Rumanian med. rev. 19 no.3t8-13 JI-S 165. BURGERLI, Th.,; IOACHM, H.,; DIXITRIU, D.,; GOIDST3111, I.,; CIOFU, S.,; DUVAU, S - Chronic experimental renal. tuberculosis in dog. Acta med. hune. 8 no.2:1934:14 1955 (TMER.CULOSIS, RJUIAL, experimental,) DDIITRIU, D., dr.,- POP, T., dr.; SUTFJM, IiLria, biolog. Study of the single kidney with scintiscanning and quantitative fixation of neobydTin-lig 203. Med. 'intern. (Bucur) 17 no.2., 165-170 F165. 1. Merare afer.-tuata in Clinica I do? chirurglei, Spita-lul "Panduri*, Institututl medico-farmai-eutic, Bucuresti. (directors academician Th. Burghele). THMDORPZCU, B., Frof.; CUNESCU, V., dr.'t,DINITRIU,_D. dr., VLAD, C., dr.; RUGENDORFF, Z. W., dr. -1 M.. Hemodynamic cbanges and circulatory function testa In mitral stenosim. Med. Int., Bucur. 8 no.3;360-372 July 56. 1. Lucraro efectuats in Clinics, medicals. a Spitaluilli "Goltea" si in Cli),-.tica Chirargicala a Spitalului "Panduri." (MITRAL STSDOSIS, blood in bemodynamic ebanges & circ. funct. tests) BURGIA12, To, prof., DIMITRIU D., IOAKD(, Go Cloachim, Go] V-... - Diagnosi.[3 and treatment of tumors of the adrenal med:alla. lhirurgiia 34 no.10410-.16 0 158 (MIRA 11:11) 1. Iz 1-y khirurgichefikoy kliniki Bukharesta. (FREOCHROMOCYTORAO ding; & ther. (Rue)) CARP, N.; DIMITRIU, D.; DRAGOMCU, G. Biology of the process of belerosis. IV. Morphological and histoebomical aspects of early reactivity of the remaining kidney after experimental nephreatomy. Stud. cercet. med. intern. 2 no.4:571-579 161. (NEPIROSCLEROSIS experimen'Al) (NEPHRECTOMY experimental) (MMUTIS expdrimental), (PHOSPHATASES'..chemistry) (MUCOPOLYSkCCIIARIDES chemistry) TIPWMV~ 9.0 dr.; D314ITRIU, Bleonora, dr. Lofgrents syndrome. (Coneerning a clAnical ease). Mod. intern,,, Bucur 13 no.2:293-297 F 161. 1. Lucrars efectuata in Spitalul C.F.R. nr. 3 EMTH104A NODOSMI case reports) LYMPH NODES diocasso) LUNG DISEASES catse reports) ~ DUCAO M.; TEODOROVICI, Gr.; OANA, C.; DUCA, Eugenia; VITA, Alla; BIRSAN, �t.; ROSCA, Lucia; VANCEA.. Georgeta; DIRITW, G.; MMAILE.13CU, G. Epidemic of adenovirus infection with ocular manifestations. Stud. careet. inframicrobiol. 13 no.3:359-366 162. (ADENOVIRUS IMIFECTIONS) (EYE MANIFESTATIONS) (KERATOCONJUNCTIVITIS) RUMANIA/Diseases of ram Animals - General Problems. R-1 Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Diol., No 4, 1958, '16903 Author : Mantiu, N., Juga, C., Dimitriu, I. Inst : - %- imal Title : Sulfonamidemia in D=esticated Solid-Hoofed An' Orig Pub : Probl. veterin*, 1956, No 3, 30-366 Abstract : SL3.fathiazole (S) was introduced internally in sinGle doses of 001 G./kg. to 3 horses, 3 asses ana 3 mules. Li 1-4orses, 2 hours after a single peroral administratijn of S, sulfo- namidemia attain(d 5 rigs,%, and during a period of 6 hours exceeded 2 mg,%. In asses an(I mules, sulfon=idemia was somewhat lower. In asses, a single intravenovis adninistra- tion of S in a dose of 0.05 G-/kg. produced sufonamide- mia of over 2 mg.%, lastinG 8 hours. Sulfonamidenia indu- ced by administering S per os 4 times daily, for 4 days in aingle doses of 0-05 C~VkG., was studied ill 3 horses. A cumulation of the preparation was observed, and its Card 1/2 RUMAM/Diaenscs of Faim Animfils - Genernl Prolaemo. R-l Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Diol., No 4, 1958, 16903 concentration in the blood attained 4.8-6 mg.%. The doses employed by the authors ensured levels of sulfbilamidemia sufficient for the treatment of glanders. In a prolonged treatment, the possibility of cum:ulation and of toxic ef- fect of sulfonamide should be taken into consideration. -- I.G. Shroyt. Card 2/2 - 3 - NICOLAESCU, T.dr.; PARTENI, Laciap dr. B-ITT1,121, E. dr.; STOICUIESCU, P. dr.; DIMITRIU,_~~_Or.; RUSOVICI, Tella, dr. Test with 1-131 labeled FVP in patients with chronic: hepato- pathies and in patroctomized yxitients. I-led. intern, (Bumr) 10 no.5:541-546 lTy'64 1. Lucrare efectuata in Sectia clinica a Institutul-Lti de fi- ziologie normala si patclogica (directors acad. Or.Benetato). I ... . .;. . . . DIMITHU, M., -IAS-DIIR, E. E., and CREAMIA, 'I. "Petroleum of the oil fields of Ochiuri, Baicoi, Ti-ntea and Cepturall, Inst. Geol. Romaniei. Stud. tehn. econ. 13, No. 12, P 72, 1932. NOTE: See card for C,11SMIR, E. E. for abstract. V, lp w T a j 11 fj U Ch - m0mg. -TM ".451, (g.% 05bik%yti 0 a. 14 kC u"Aw"'bi 0 I do immits of t1 lmw I 41 Omt dmk fookmot 0- milk 3 4l tM bimdWr rddi" 0 INUM ww,= aww" bw 00 0 MOW. so ~o 'low th. Dos 'o SOMPIN the MOW 941:1= i A t* old pow- Failago" baww ebumm ; $WWI on bV0,00, IQ lanflow I* n*wm alt"m 1110 id lin bladr. ybw* 00 Mill on 6maibal, for' C=l; ~Wmd low too" I timi be- too 000 d* h mtk OW sloe bovkw p*mad oov SIPSIM-1 -A- JA low WE PIC amt to 6 su"Ut. do* be *Y# h, twl dowebOP- an tie* - ----- Itoo -SLA, alv hot 04 IV . . . . . . jr -As Am" gt 6 0 0 u AV AS q it 1 00 0000.0 04 o 0:0 "1 0 0 'IF - ! 0.10. 0 000000.0 00.-0 0 1 a0 0 0 o 0 o ip o __o o_oo0 oil MIU, S.; ZIRRA, A.M.; TANASIECU, G.; TAIIASE, I.;_PP~TTRIU, M.; SIMIONESCU, G.; IONBSCU, 0. Studies of the changes in concentration of thio-amino acids, cyclic amino acids and pyruvic acid in the pre-morbid stago of experimental tuberculosis in animals (rate). Bul. atiint., sect. med. 8 no.4:1033-1044 Oct-Doe 56. (TUBBROULOSIS. experimental eff. on cyclic amino acids. thio-amino acids & pyrivic acid in blood, in pre-olinical stage) (AMINO ACIIE, in blood cyclic amino acids & thio-amino acids, in pre-clin. stage of exper. tubere.) (P7RUVATAS, in blood in exper. tuberc., pre-clin. stage) HAVAS, R.*V DIMITHIU, M.; COHN, J. Serpasil treatment in chores. minor. Rumanian X. Rev. 1 no.400 Oct-Dee 57. (CHOMM, ther. renerpine in chorea minor) (FMIIRPIO. ther. use chores minor) Oypli OIAM01i, G.; IFINGXRM, R.; GEORGESCU, L.; DIMITRIU. Mariana Cyto-histochemical study of renal lithiasis. Probl. ter., Bucur. 6:77-88 1957. (KIDNEYS, calculi pathol. of glomeruli. tubes & peritubular tissue, cytol. & histochem. study) (URINS sediment polysaccharides in renal lithinsia (MUCOPOLYSACCHA,RIDIIS in urine sediment & calculi in renal lithiasis). OIANESCU, G.; FINGERHUT, B.; GMRGES(;Uo 14; DIMITELIU, Mar'- study of the pathogeneeit of renal lithiasis- Probl. ter., Bacur. no.7:73-80 1957. (KIDMTS. calculi pathogen.) 'T 'o MAI-'iANA OTAIRSOU, Gh.; IPIWXMM, B.; GEORG31SGU, L.; DIHITRIU, Mariana Technic for renal punch biopsy; its clinical value, Probl. ter., Bucur. 8 z2!~-30 1957a (KIDBM, pathology biopsy, punch technic, diag. value & indic.) DIMITRIU. G., Conf.; GMRGESCU, L.. dr.;,DI14ITRIU, Mariana, dr,. Pathogenesis of rheumatic andocarditis. Mad. int.,Bucur. 9 no.1:114-122 Jan 57. (RHNMTIC HEART DISEASE. stiol. & patbogen. of rheum. eadocarditio) DIMITRIU, 0. Gh.; -ALA.U--A~ Notes on collageii diseases of the kidney. Mod. int., Btww. 9 no.8: 1193-1211 Aug 57. (lamm DiSrASES oollagen die., classif.. manifest. & ther.) (COWAGW DUUM of kidney, classif., manifest. & ther.) DIMITRIU, 0. Gh, 1, GEORGJISCU, L. DIMITRI Mariana Histochentical study of the morpho-pathogenic substratum in rheumatic andocarditis. Frobl. reumat., Bucur. no.5:103-105 1958- (REITMTIG HFART DISMS3, pathology vase. changes & histoohem. changes of ground substance of conneotivo tissue) (BIDOD VMEIS,, pathology in rheum. heart di s. (COMMOUR TIMUN, pathology in rheum. heart die., histol. & histochem. changes of ground substance) DIMITRIU, C. Gh., prof.; KAXIVJLIAH, V., dr.; DIMITKU Mariana,dr.; DRAGANOVIGI, M., dr, Aspects of pancreatic and myocardial interrelations. Mod. intern. 14 no.8:927-936 Ag 162. 1. Lucrare efectuata in Clinics, medicala, Spitalul flI.G. Frimu".. Bucuresti, (PANCREATIT13)) (MYOCARDIAL INFARCT) TIEGERMAN, T.,, dr.; DIMITILIU, Mariana., dr. Contribution to the study of the kidney in the aged. Med. intern. 14 no.9:1093-1098 S 162. 1. Lucrare efectuata in Clinica medicala, Spitalul 11I.C. Frimu", Bucura~,iti. (KIDNEY DISEASES) (KIDNEY FUNCTION TESTS) (AGING) SCHACHTER, A., dr.; IIOGOS, Gh., dr.; NIGOLAII, v., dr.;-DIMITRIU, Mariana, dr. Paroxysmal tachycardia, a symptom revealing mediastinal lymphosarco--a with cardiac metastasos. 114ed. intern. 14 no.10:1237-1243 0 162. 1. Luerare efectuata la Clinica med~cala, "I.C.Frimu" (prof. C.Gh. Dimitriu). (TACRYCARDL4., PAROXYSMAL) (MEDIASTINAL hEOPLASMS) (LDIPHOSARCOMA) (IEART NEOPLASKS) ~,c ;.,D; Di'-1'2,-LLi, "ariaria, Call (for all) Bucluarest, Jledicinp Inteana No 12', Dc.-c 63, PT) 4 "Friraa.ry Spleno.,acgidic For.-I of 1ic,dIr,.-in's Disease." POPAP S., dr.; 3ERCOVICI, C., dr.; HAIMOVIC1, M., dr.; 211II7EJ I , X-., dr.; DANDRACHE, Ludmila, dr.; PETROA3, Olga, dr. Considem-tions on intra-hospital infections with pathogenic Escheriabas. coli. Microbiologia. (Bacur) 8 no.3:237-241 MY-Je 163. 1. Lucrare electuata in Institutul de igiena si sanatate publics. R..P.R. Filiala Iasi si Sanepidul regional Bacau. NSCHERICHIA COLI INFECTIONS) (CROSS INFECTION) STOIA, I., dr.; STROESCU, Ortamea, dr.; STWESCU, I., dr.; STANESCU, P., dr.; DIMITRIU, Mariana,, dr. Considerations on.the association 0 Paget's disease with chronic evolutive polyarthritis. Med. intern. 15 no.1:59-67 Ja 163. 1. Lucrare efeotuata,la Centrul metodologic de reumatologie,, Bucuresti. (OSTF.It!S DMRMANS) (ARTHRITIS, RlIEUMATOID) DIMITRIU, C.,Gh., prof.; NESTOR, R., dr.; DIllITRIU i,,pa, dr. LACK, Silvia, dr. Some arvitarao-clinical aspacts of cortisone dependence in chronic evolutive polyarthritis. Med. intern. 15 no.10:1241- 3248 163. 1. Lucrare efectuata In Winica media).la 11I.C. Frimull (director,. prof,, C. Gh. Dimitriu). (ARTHRITIS, RHEUMATOID) ADRENAL CORTEX HORMOMEES) ~DRUG TOLERANCE) SCHACHTER, A,, dr.; DIMITRIU, Marianay dr. Primary eplenomegalic form of Hodgkin's disease. Med. intern. 15,no.12tWl-1487 D"63. 1. Incrare efectuata in Minica medicala a SpitalulitL "I.C. Frimuw-, Bacuresti. DIMITRIU, C.G.j DIMITRIUq Mariana Pathogenic significance and prognosis of rheumatic nodules. Rumanian med. rev. 19 no.3:8-13 Jl-S 165. DINISCHION3. G-T.;GftACIUN,E.C,; SFNCI!',-,A, A., DMITIRIU, Kihaela; GJE'OjU-;NIU, A. Experimental studies of the local and general effects of SO-2 administered t1wough the respiratory t:ract. I. Lesions and histo- chemical reactions. Stud. cercet. med. intern. 3 no.2:21~9-26/~ 162, (RESPIIIATORY SYSTE14 phannat,lology) (SULFUR toxicologry) (BRONCHLIIS oxperimen"'al) (JV]SPI"LATOIIY TRACT rN a-CTIONS otiology) I . ;7r. e ':4rt*n S,.llt!m of tr~ tl-SZR Ywr-,,i,r-ten'A . loll-scu 3,~Qj~, Ing V-1-TE"SCU; pp c,~-76. 2. "The Povition of Ccmtr~j:nmtr: In tht Cor,;;I-c or th, -.r,w.zz,. Ffr-t pp 77-79. 3- lrnv,,tiFrt.--nj tn thc (Irl) Witmb~nzalc Acld2 anl 'Nlc~tln!o Acid Dcrlv~tlVc3 w.-h. a Tosaltle Cszeuova~=14r Acti~n," C~nf P. Dr V. FA-~, AV-1 Ify-:11t Farm F-r-1 PLITJ% cnd i'i.-i t,)OICA' -Lzm r - o .:to " oo o (Laboratorui e.6 lrft=Ajy (F&n-.:It&t0a do FU:-rk.-jo) (BjC-r.Ar63t); ;p ~I- 4- "lrvmrtl?.jk~Jonv cm h~ An,"! Zut~rcvloL:. Actlv-, c- of i Ctirtn!n H7dru-on~% of thi 77i!tzole Cnrs. 1. In vf-rr, lr.vastlra-.!cr.z cr. -~o Y,.i,~h T4*tb;ij` C-~r-l C, pr P. CJ~D.F.-- 'JI-re.-C.A, I ;~,- M. 1* .. .7 T' V.-ld Or P, Dr Ex. Kwr I thL~h e M~d! c3 5. h0lucot om!re Obtr,!n id fron lm;nrtsn~e," P '.,)r s traieilj.-m rtnd Ire Chim 1. qP 41 pp 6. 'On tl,t- ,d ltibi~ter-Inic Action of C-- 'Rin Activ.37 T',j-!.(,ztdo%," ?:-cf A. fE=-T-, ?--of -.1. en, r k po r ,- r , j d a chtm Plam a c 9 c ry th~ r, I I : o - rh~ =r:~l o c u t i tal It, ln,.z!tvt"!ut Xmd';*-FFmAccutlo.l (~uchsrq~t); F~,gliah sumnL:7, pp 9 -10~,. 7- 'Z-od~wm Rlc-~~,nnttr- P.~:n Ch. rj,!A:U and F&m VA. PZDUCH; Pp IC7-IIC- 1!2 OERIUf Simion; DIMITRIU, Maria Agnes Faiodanio salts of 21, 41 - diamInoazobenzene-4-thio otters; a chemical and biological study. Note I. Studii core chimi 9 no.l*. 197-210 161. (EMI 10: 9) 1. Colectivul de chimloterapie al Academiei R.P.R. si Catedre. do chimis biologics, a Facultatii de medicina generals. din I.M.F... Bucuresti. 2.Membru corespondent al Academiei R.P.R.(for Oeriu). (Thiocyanates) (Chr7soidine) OEF,IL', S;ij DIMITIRIIJ, Maria-Agnes.! Con-elation between chemical structure and bacteriostatic activity. II.Ifew thiocyanates of 21,,41-diaminoazi)benzene-4-thioethers. Studii cerc chilft 9 no.4:621-624 161. 1. Colectivul de chimioterapie al Acad(miei R.P.R. si Catedra de chimie biologica a facultatii de medicina generals, din I.M.F., Bucuresti. x Cobl\TTRY Run, Onin C'TEGOTRY Microbiology ,J] ABS. JOUR, R-,-f Ziur-Bioloriya, No.L, 1959, 1.1,). 148442 AU-71HOR !,,izicovici, H.; Sch.3rzer, P,; 73irzu, A.; INST. /D mitria, N. TITM Prelimiaary Data on Pathogenic and "Enterotox-, ic Staphylococci in the Confectionery Indus- try. PUB, Igienn, 1958, 7) ITO-1, 31-38 ABSTRACT No abstract VARD: 34 POPOVICI, Marcella; SIZIEGLI, Lucia; SOARE, Luiza; NEGUT, Aurora; DIMITRIU, N.; STAVICIU, Victoria Role of germs of tile Citrobacter group in the etiology of , alimentary toxinfections. Arch. Roum. path. exp. microbiol.- 23 no.4:1005-1010 D 164. 1. Travail de IlInstittit "Dr. 1. Cantucuzino". Submitted June 2C'1, 1964. DIMITRIU, N. , ingi.; ROMUL, IWdu, ing.; F!ANTELLI, Tudor ing. ; GEORGESCU., V., ing.; POTOCEAAU, I., ing~; RADUIEscli, M.; GIIEfttlE, G,11.; ORBOK, Geza Letters to the editor. Problem econ 1,5 no-1-0:147-15'1 0 162. 1. Director, Trustul regional de oonstructli, Ploiesti (for Dimitriu). 2. Director, Trustul regional de construd~ii locale-., Brasov.(for'Romul). 3. Director, TrusWl regional do cortstructli, IaSi (for Pantelli). 4- Dlr6dtor, Truqtul regional de contructidi locale, Galati'(for Georgescu)& 5.-Director general, Combinatul si rurgic, Resita. (for Potoceanu). - 6. 711gifier sef i RePp. Inovatii~, Intreprinderea *7. Intrep ni , Trainica, Pucioasa 'for Radiiies~u . riAder6a Trai ca' Fucioasa (for Gheorghe). B.' Director, Fabrica do confectii Placam, Cluj (for Orbok). iRUILANIA Veterinarian V. ROSCA, Dr IM. ICUCHTA and Veterinarian.N'. DDIITRIU~ Regional Veterinary Laboratory (Laboratorul vei:erinar regional) Roman. "Epizootiologic, Clinical-Anatomic and Laboratory SLudies of Chic'Ken Asporgillosis.11 Bucharest, Revista de Zootehnic si Medicina Veterinara, Vol 1-3, No 4, Apr 63; pp TC-94. Abstract rEnglish sLT.-=ry nodifiedl : 1%~o epizootics of A. fumigatus aspergillosis in chicken flocks are described. The fungus was present widely in littar, battery walls, eggs and embr,os. Comprehensive pathology deta~ils. Hygienic measures eliminated che infection. T%.:o 0 zl specimcn, photographs; 2 photomicrographs; 5 Runtanian, 2 Western and 2 Soviet references. DIMI=, X, ing,; MCU, D,O ing. Testing ywessure tubes made of prosstressed reinforced co4crete of the Progresul type. Rior consir M. mat constr 15 ~mo.9471-479 S'63. DIMITRIU, 0. P ing.; PISLARASU, C., ing.-sef; RIIA, C.; CAISAN, V., ing. Appeal to-tbe Aesigning institutes. Constr Buc 16 no.741:2 21 Mr 164. 1. Inst 'Itutul. ".Proiect-Buourestill (for Pislarasu). 2. Dire,ator,' in Ministerul Economiei Forestiere (for Caisan). WHITRISOU, Hirces, MMUTIT ; EAWIRISOU-GHRORGHIU, garcela.,; 9;'70'. MICU.Dumitru 75-FiIFFF Hemolysia. Frobl. ter.. Bucur. Vol L-209-224 1954, (HIMOLYSIS off. of erythropoiatic insuff., plan= cholesterol & osmotic & colloidomotic resist. of erythrocytes) (ARYTHROMMS off.,of Insuff. & osmotic & colloid-osmotic resist. on hasolysis) (GHOLISTIROL. in blood off. on hemolysis) (BLOOD cholesterol, off. on hemolysis) DUMITMGU, Mircea; DMITRIU. Ofelia; FIS MICU, Dumitrm; 1AGNOV. S. Academiei R.P.R. Study of the correlations of blood, bons marrow and spleen axyl of the therapeutic Indications for oplonectonW. Bul.stiint.. 6,no.4:883-936-OctDee 154. (MTMA 8:8) (HR40POIlTIC SYSTAN, die. ther.,liver extract with irplenectozy, Indic.) (SPLENOKWALT,.surg. . -splenectomy, Indic) (LIVXR GIRRHOSIS, tber. liver extracts, with splenectovW, in splenomegalic cirrhosis) (SPI RN, surg. excis., in splenomegalic cirrhosis with hemopoistic disord. Indic.) WMITRBSGU, Mires&; DINITRIU, Of all&. Pathogenesis of erythrocyte antibodies; experimental studies. Frobl. ter., Ducur. 2:251-256 1955. 1. Institutul. do torspoutica al Academiai R.P.R., Sectia do la* spitalul I.C.FrIzu. (ARTIGIM AND ANTIBMIM erythrocyte antibodies, pathogen.) (JMHROCYTIS pathogen.*of erythrocyte antibodies) POP, Al; DIMITRM.' 0; VASITASE i T. (Bukharest) www"Of*W*~ Recent studies of human brucellosis In the Rumanian People's Republic. Zhur.mikrobiol.apid. I immun. no-7:78-79 JI '55. (BRUCILWSIS Iepidemiology (MLRA 8:9) in Rwmnla) K%UM/MicrobioloLy - Microbes PathoC;enic f:)r Man and Aninals. F Drucellae Abs Jjur : Ref Zhur Diol., No 22, 1958, 99455 Author : Pop, JU., Dimitriu,__P-,, Vasilescu, T. Inst Title HuLmi Morbidity from Drucellosis of Porcine OriL.;in OriG Pub Microbiol. parazitol. si epiderdol., 1957, 2, No 6, 543-551 Abstract No abstract. Card 1/1 - 93 - RL44MIA/Human and Animal Physiology (Normal and Pathological). T-3 Blood. Blood Groups. Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biol.j, No 16, 1958o 7h663 Autbor : Dimitriu, Ofelia; Fischer, P.S.; Micu, D.; Dumitrescu, San- Inst Title On the Investigation of Immwiothrombopenia. Orig Pub Comm. Acad. RER., 1957, 7, No 2,. 285-290. Abstract In 4 cases out of 30, during cyrrhosis of the liver and other illnesses, samples of thrombocytic antibodies (A) were positive. In 2 cases of pathogenesis, A was connec- ted with the presence of paraprDteids. Seemingly, these A, by influencing the thrombopoiesis, caused a decrease of the quantity of thrombocytes. A correlation was not found between the titer of A. infections of the bone marrow, and thrombopenia, In some patients A were found blocking Card 1/2 33 I RUMMM/Human and Animal PhysioloF tNormal and Pathological). T-3 Blood. Blood Groups 1. Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biol., No 16, 1958, 74663 thrombocytes. Leukocytic A were alBO found preseryt simataneously with thrombocytic A. -- L.N. Dayneko. Card 2/2 RINARTA/Human and Aninal Physiol6gy (Normal and Pathological), T-3 Bloodl Blood Groupsi Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biol.., No 16, 1958, 74662 Author : Dumitrescu, Miroea; Dirtitriu, Ofelia; Micu, Dumitru; Dumitreecu, Sand& Inst Title Investiption of Imminoleukopenias. Orig Pub Cotmnj Acad, RFR, 1957., 7, No 2, 291-296 Abstract The content of leukocytic antibodies (A) during leukopenias of different xmiture was observed in 20% of cases. Patho- genesis of these A in many cases is connected with the pre- sence of paraproteids, Seemingly., by influencing the leu- lopoiesis, these A cause decrease of the quantity of leu- kocytes, A correlation was not always found Imtween the titer of leukocytic A and the degree of leukopenias In a series of casesp blocked A were also found* -- L.N. Dayne- ko. Card 1/1 .9;4" MICU, Damitru. DIMITRIU,__gf Hamocultures with L forms. Stud. cercet. inframicrobiol., 1hwur. 8 no.2: 289-296 1957. 1. Comunicare presentats, la, Sectia, (Is stints mediCale a Acadsmiei R.P*R. in isdinta din 14 iulie 1955,, (B>IRIA L forms in hemocultures of patients of febrile dis. prev- iously treated with antibiotics) (ANTIBIOTICS, eff. prod. of 1 forms in hemocultures of patients of febrile diseases treated with antibiotics) T J?) G" RMLITIA 11:icrobiology. I-Ticrobes Pathogenic for I-Ian and Animals. General Problems. .Lbs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biologiva, -No 6, 1959, 1,o. 24048 V Author : Dimitriu, Ofelia; Kicu, Dumitrv. Inst : i~6_r7tvair___ Title : Hemocultures of L Porms Orig Pub : Studii si cercetari inframicrobiol., nicrobiol. si parasitol. , 1957, 8, No 2, 289-21~0,6 Abstract : In 8 cases, blood cultures of 110 patients with hypertonia, septic endocarditis, unde- terained subfibrile conditions, subjected to therapeutic treatment or treatment with anti- biotics gave, in a broth with 20/co of glucose, a growth in the shape of a sinall cloud from which, in passages on solid serum, media cul- tures of 1-forms (peculiar character of Card 1/2 32 11UMILITIA -~_'icrobiolo-y. I.Alicrobes Pathogenic for Ean and Animals. General Problerans. Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Biologiya, No 6, 1959, No. 24048 colonies, morphologically-large balls) were isolated. The original cultures in broth are kept for the duration of 30 days, and sub- cultures to solid media for 10-12 days. -- From the authors' resume Card 2/2 A~ A P- I t SORU,~I'ge~' t' ia; TOM, BCAMIRA; RALDOVIII, Coralia; DIMITRU, Ofelia~ GL3GM, Bia Enzyme degradation of Ea-ginine; differential criterion in the Strepto- cocci groqp; use of fractional filter-paper chromatography as a method for study of such degradation. Bul. stiint., sect. med. 9 no.1:179-190 .1937- (ARGIDMIS, metabolism in Streptoc hemo~ytioun & Streptoo. viridans, chromatography, value in differentiation of buct. groups) (STREPTOCOCCUS, metabolism arginine degradation in Streptoc. hemolyticus & Streptoc, viridans. chromatography. value in differentiation of bact. groups.) EXCERFTA MEDICA See 4 Vo! 12/2 Mod. Micro. Feb 59 787. EXPERIMENTAL STUDIES ON IMMUNOLOGICAL LEUCOPENIAS -R~- - cherches experimentales sur Ies leucopdnles i,mmunol 5-1 ag 0, S.. I Dimitrlu 0. and Mieu ite) Tables D. - SANG 1958, 29/1 (12- 3 When'fi-um-a-nTeuc6c-y1es from cases of myeloid leukiernia were inoculated intra- peritoneally in rabbits, an antileucocyte serum of high titre was produced, When injected I. v. into rabbits. this serum produced leucopenla and lesions of the bone marrow after 15 min. These changes were transient, DIMITRIU, Ofelia;_BONCIU, C.; CERBU., Al.; VASILESCO, Th. Research on urinary oliminators in human brucellosis. Arch. Ro=. path. exp. microbiol. 20 no.1:21-31 Mr 161. 1. Travail, do 111natitut "Dr. I. Cimtacuzino" - Service des Zoonoseo. (BRUGELLOSIS urine) DIMITRIU, Ofelia; GERBU, Al. ; VASI", 'CU, Th. Antibiotic sensitivity of certain Brucella strains. I. Arch. Row. path. exp. microbiol. 20 no-3:425-430 S 161. 1. Travail de l'Institut "Dr. I. Cant-acuzinoll Service des Zoonoses. (BRUCELLA pharmacology) (ANTIBIOTICS pharmacology) CIUCA, M.; DIMITRIU, Ofelia; CIMBU, Al.; POP, AlexAndrina Relation between the l3roogenicity and virulence of Brucella strains. Atch. roun. path. exp. microbiol. 21 no.2**252-254 162. 1. Travail de l'Institut "D.I. Cantacuzino" -Centre National do Bact6riOphfLges-Referenceo. -- (BRUCELLA) (BACTERIOPHAGE) RUMANLII. POP, Al., Dr, DIMI-ITRIU, Lf 'U C e, _a , Dr, VASILESCU, T., Dr, CERBU, Al., Dr, and POP, E-exanirrIn'a, Biologist. Work performed at the "Dr I. Cantacuzino" Insti.tute"(Institutii-I "Dr I. Cantacuzino"), Bucharest. "Brucellosis as a Factor of Occupational Morbidity for Veteri- nary Surgeons and Technicians." Bucharest, Microbiologia, Parazitologia EpidemiologiEtp Vol 8, No 5, Sep-Oct 63, pp 423-431. Abstract [Authors' English summary modified]: A professional group of 323 veterinary surgeons and technicians showed a 45.5 percent incidence of brucellosis infections during a SI-year epidiemologica-1. study. 80-3 percent of the clinical-epidbmio- logical cases were of clu-onic character and 8.2 percerLt acute. The rate of incidence increased accordirig to length of time in the profession: 6.1 percent after one year and 82.3 percent after 5 years in the field. Includes 8 tables and 17 references, of which 4. English- language, 5 German, 2 Rwaanian, 1 1"renCh and 5 Russian or X~astern European* 1/1 BONCIU, C.; DNITRIUt Ofelia; ..WrEZp Virginia; ANGE=O, I. a.0 IWARU, glens; ST#KCA, Rea OLINICI, N.; 1111:'Alffs IV -berina; PZTROVICI, Monica; POP, Alexandrina Contributions to tile study Of mpl~nic hyalinosis and of Its influence on irmunity motions. Arch, Rous. path. exp. 4.'22 jag~,it4"j. . ftt~.63. (GUMA PIGS) (SPEW (DISEASE) (AMLOIDOSIS) IANTIGEN-ANTI13ODY REACTIONS) (:mm Simms) DDIITRIU, Ofelia; VASILESGO, Th; GEREU, Al.; POP, JUexandrina; BO!4CIU,G.; --l-1- , .Pv-.TROVTCI*,, Monica Comparative study of some vaccin". In experimental bruc(LI1os:!z. A'rch. roum. path. exp. microbiol. 23 no.3t661-666 S763 1. Service des- Zoonoses., Laboratoire do la Bru-ellose Uor- Dimitriu, Vasilsscx%, cerbu, Po ). 2'. Senrics- d1linatomie Patqo-- logique (for Bonciu, Pet-rovi'.7. Travail de 1131hstit--utu I*Dr. I.. Can tacuzinotIpBacarest. SURNAM, Given Names COwltrY*- RumaniEL Academic Degrees: kffiliation: -riot given- SOurc8: Bucharest, Farmacial Vol IX, No 91 Sep 1961, pp 549-551. Data: "Flants Included in the 7th Edition of' the Rumanian Pharmacopoeia. Suggestions for the Eighth Edition*" Authors: BANDULESCU 1, -Ph' Macieta'.0 - _D1M1TH1U_$_1. I lPharm4kraoist GFO 981643 SAGER) 0.; CINKA, I.; DIMITRIU, R.; KOLIA, A. Conditioned salivary reactions in bilateral2y decorticcted animals. Rev. sci. mad. 5 no.1/2:95-98 160. 1. Corresponding member of the R.P.R. (for Sager) (REFLEX, CONDITIONED exper) (CEREBRAL CORTEX pbysiol) DIM1TRIU, R., dr.; CIIICA, I., conf.; COLEA, A., dr.; OWACA, P., dr.; IIOBAI, loana, dr. Zoster encephalitis. Clinical study. Neurolof..;ia (WciLr) 10 no.2: 127-131 Mr-Ap'65- 1. Lucrare ef ec tuata in Clinica de neurologie, Spitalull "Cc 1 mt-4nF- " Bucuresti. RWAANLN SUTEU, I., Colonel, rfi~dical Corps; V~NTD!~-IXU, C., Licut en-nat -Colonel, Nedical Corps; CO' NSTANT IN ESCU, V., Captain, liledic,,! DA'XIULI,'~IU 41. Nedical Corps; IOAN, Gh., Najor, Nedical CorTs; D1.17TIR LL.: Corps; and IrUNCAS, 0., Major, I'lledical Corps. I' -- %1U, ii. ,rjajor, Nedical "Indications and Value of Considerations in Ligation oi a Voluminous 11cman. sionia ol" the Left Side of the Liver, Operated by Subtotal Log petactonVit He Bucharest, Revistr Sinitarn Militarn, Vol 62, No. 3, la -Junct 1966; M y pp 455-465 Abstract: Very detailed anatomical discussion of liver lobules and region- al vasculature, leadinS. to description of surgery in 39 year old soldier with liver tumor, a large-cavernous hemangioma with racisfacl:ory results and uneventful recovery. 3 anatomical diagrams, 4 p))otographs of operative sta3es, 1 photog-raph oi surgical specimen, 1. photomicrogram, I liver scin- tigram with rose bengal. 10 Western, 16 Rumanian references, I~Ianuscript received 10 February 1906. 1/1 WASSXRW,L.; DIMITRIU,S.; GAVRILITA.L.; GHERA IMBSOU,I. Gontribution to the study rof the extranervous morphological changes in acute poliomyelitis. Stud. cere'et. inframicrobiol. Bucur. 10 no.4:471-485 159, (POLIOKYELITIG, pathology) NITESCU, I. I.; COSTIN, A.; DINITRIU, S. Compensatory bypertropby of the kidneys; role of the central ner7ous system; contributions to the studies of oorticovisceral correla- tions. Studii cero fiziol 6 no.1:11+'L-IAI+ 161. (Em 10:9) 1. Institutul de fiziologie normala si patologica "Prof. Dr. D. Danielopolu" al Academiei R.P.R. 2.Membru al Comitetului de redactie, "Stildii si cercetari (is fiziologie"(for Niteseu). (KIDNEYS) (HYPERTROPHY) (NEUROSES) (CEREBRAL CORTEX) (VISCERA) HALDOVIN-AGAPI, Corilia, dr.; FRANCHE, Maria, prof.; BEIDIU, Irina, dr.; MICU, I., dr.; OVANESCOU, A., dr.; ANDRONOTICI, G., dr.; BRAUNER, E., &. j. RADUIESCU, A. P dr.j_P,=,L1Vj. St, , dr.; DIMITRIU, A., dr.; RUGINA., N., dr.; BLINDU, P., dr. Receptivity to scarlet fever assessed by Dick's reaction with fractional doses of purified toxin. llicrobiol6gia (Bu#,ur) 6 no. 1:69-76 Ja-F 162. 1. Inatitutul "Dr. I. Cantacuzino" si Spitalul "Izolareall din Iasi. RUI-MIA Chemical Technology, Chemical Prcduats and Their Applications Phormaeuticals i VitAmln . Antibiotics. Abe Jour ; Ref Zhur - 11imiya, No 5.. 1959, no. 16500 Author :Dimitriu T. Inst N ~07 R V- ~;, -~ Title :Antibiotics i-jenufactiwing Plant OriG ?ub : Farmcia (Rmlin), 1956, 4, No 4, 291-296 Abstract :Description of mnufaoturing processes for penicillin G at the Yassy antibiotics plant. A corn mush is used as the bacteria culture mediums -- Be Natkhan H-17 Card 1/1 DI!SRW,,JOmt.Ponf.: CIOCIRLIA. D.. dr.: CIMPMANU, S., dr. Serpsall therapy of mitral stenosis; effect of reserpine (serpasil) on hemodynamics and clinical states of the patient of pure or combined mitral stanosts. Mad. int., Bucur. 4 no.8:1198-1212 Dee 56. 1. Lucrare efectuats, tn Clinics, medicala I.P.S.K.F. Coltea. (de sub conduceres prof. B. Theodorescu). (MITRAL ST M SIS, therapy reserpine, eff. on bemodynamics & clin. state) (RE53RPINE. tber. use mitral stanosis, eff. on hemodynamics & clin. state) I k~l' EXCERM MZDICA Sec.18 Vol.1/3 Cardiovascular Mar 57 791. DIMITIOU V TISCU S., PUPA M.,)TEFAN 1. and IDU S. Cuntributii la studiUfirn-s-u-Ti-c-t-~e.-ii-Tc'i-e.~rdiace. (Corelatii cu metabolisniul electrolitilor si apei) Treat- onent ivith heparin in chronic arteritis o/ the Iegs Iled. intern. (Bucuresti) 19.~')6, 8,13 (391--395) Tables 1 Fourteen patients were treated. The following effects were observed: The sponta- neous pain completely disappeared in 3 '14 of the cases. and diminished in the others. The intermittent limping index has remarkably improved. The paraesthesias disappeared in the same proportion. The skin colour became almost normal, and the cutaneous temperature also improved. The oscillogram was modified. only in patients with spasms. The patients suffering from coronary disease, with anginal pains also berieflied from this treatment. No accidents were observed. -p RUMMIA of T.,'! DMITRIU, Viorica, Chim. On the presence of strontium 90 in milk. Ind slim anim 11 no.6:175-177 Je 163. 1. Institutul de cercetari alimentare. DI1Z,TR1U-TATkR.`N1J, I. "A cn-nc of,prolification in ozacso" Pe 38. (RE-VISTA NMRILaZ, Vol@ 68, nos 81 Alga 1953, Bactivesti, Rimnania) 6 * a 0 w 0 April 1954, Uncl. SO: lbithly List of East European lecessions. L C , Vol '~ , No 1~1 DNITRIU-VILCEA., E.; MEORGHITA, S. Comparative technical and economic. analysis of different types of terraces. p. 2hO. MISTA CONSTRUCTIROR SI A I-ITERIALELOR DE CONSTRUCTIL (Asociatia StUntifica a Inginerilor si Tehnicienilor din Rominia si Ministe=3 Constructiilor si al Eaterialelor de Constructii) Ducuresti., Rumania, Vol. 11, no. 5., 11ay 1959. 14onthly list of East European Accessions (EE-AI) LC, Vol. 8, no. 9, sept. 1959. Uncl. DRaTRIU-11ILCEA, F. ; GM'lr,-,!,SCLI) S. Determining the external temperature for the computat16n of external construction elements. (To be contd.) P- 376. STANDARDIZAREA. (OfitiU di Stat 'pentru. Standarde si Comitrful laectrotehnic Romin) &icuresti, llbimada. Vol. 11, no, 8, JUIY 1959. Monthly list of Fast European Accessions (MAI) LC Vol. 9, no.2 Feb. 1960 Uncl. DLMI=-VIIXEA ., ing. Thermotechnical dimensioning of exterior building units. Bul cerc constr sistemat no.2:118-126 162. 1. Institutul do cercetari in constructii si economia constructlilor. D114IT-RIU- IV, . 7 in Z. Thermv,l stabilit- of external walls of apartment houses 7 heated wl"t-b in-text-tiptioris. Ga-- woda teuhn sanit 38 no./,S 110-114 AP 16", 1. LnstltuU, of BMAIng Rtioeazoh and G.-instrucition Building Bucharest. .-DIM,ITRIU-VILCEA, E., ing. Mathod for determining the thermal conductivity of moist Materials in a st~i(li'sta-te, by the aid of acalorimeters. Aotralogia apl 11 no.9t4-15-418 S 164. IAGNOV, s.,;' DUMITRLSCU, Mircea,; DIMITRIUM, Ofelia,; HICU,Dunitru,; YISOHER, Puiu, S. Now tests for study of erythropoiesis; their clinical and therapeutic VILIUe. Probl. ter., Bucur. Vol 1;97-137 1954. 1. Membru corespondent al Academiei R.P.R. (for Iagnov). (ZELYTEtOCYTES fors. physiol. & now tests) DIMITMEV, see DMITRMV, for all USSR names