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-ARTYUKHOV, Ivan Mikhaylovich; kWSMNKO, D.V., nauchnyy red.; Di;SHALYT, M.G.
vedushchiy red.; GJONA)IMA, I.M.,
(oxidative conversion of hydrocarbons] Okislitellnaia konversiia
u,-levodorodov. Leningrad, Goa.. nauclm.-tekhn.izd-vc- neft.-i gorno-
toplivnoi'lit-ry. Leningr. otd-nial 1~-61. 90 p. (Vsesbiuznyi nauchno-
issledovatellskii institut neftakhim-ichaskikh protsessov. Trudy,
no.4) (MIPJ. 14:7)
KROTOYA, Valentina Artemlyevna; TaICHKOV, B.L., nauchnyy red.-,. DUIIALTT,__
___~.G., vedushchly red.; GVNWIY]WjL, IJI..
(Hydrogeological factors related to oil potential] Giclroleologi-
cheskie kriterii neftenosnosti. Leningrad Gos.nsuchn.-tekbm..
izd-vo neft.1 gorno-topl.lit-ry.Lanine.otd.-nis, 196o. 161 p.
(Leningrad. Veasoiusm7i neftianoi nauohno-isoledovatellskii
geologorasvedochayl institut. Trudy, ao.147).
(HIM 13:7)
(Petroleum geologr)
GRAMBKRG, Igor' Sargeyevich; SPIRO, Nikolay Serienovich; APLONOTA,
Evelins. Nikolayevna; SAKS, V.I., aauchityy red.; DISHAUT, M.G.
vedushchiy red.; GEMUD 11TVA, I*M., tokhri.reds-
[Stratigraphy and lithology *f Permian sediments In the northern
part of the Khatanga Depression In connection with its oil
potential] Stratigrafila I litologiia permskikh otlozhenii
severnni chasti Kahtangskoi Ypadiny v aviazi a problamoi neftenoano-
sti. Leningrad. Gos.n%uchn.-tskhn.i%d-vo n9ftA gorno-toplivnoi
lit-ry.LenIngr.otd-n1e, 1960. 172p. (Leningrad Nauchno-isoledovittell-
okii institut aologii Arktild. Trudy, vol.71) (MIRA 13:2)
~IChatanga region-Petrolaux geology)
NECHAYEVI M.A., nauchW red.; -DESHALYT, M.G., ved. red.;
YASUCHUNINSKAYA, A.B.., teHi-.-r6d-.
[Experiences in the use of gas fuel in industry, power
engineering and municipal economy) Opyt ispollzovaniia
gazovogo topliva v proiUshlermontit energetike i gorodskom
khoziaistve. Leningrad, Goa. nauchn,3-tekhn.izd--vo neft. i
gorno-toplivnoi lit-ry, 1961.. 201 p. (MDIA 15:2)
1. Nauchno-tekhnIcbeik)ye obshchestvo energeticheskay pro-
m7shlennosti. Chelyabinskoye oblastnoye pravleni-ye.
(Gas as fuel)
NHCHAYXV, Mikhail Alekoandrovich. Prinimal u(.-hastiye MITROFANOV, I.A., inzh..
STOLPUSH, Ye.B., neuchnyy red.; DZSHAIjYT, M.G., vedushchiy red.;
YASHCHURZHINSKATA. A.B., teIchn.rWd_.__'---
(Safety measures in the transportation, distribution and uses Of 9813
fuel] Tekhnika bazopasnosti pri tranl3Portirovke, raspredelenii i
ispollzovanii gazovogo topliva. Izd.2., parer. i dop. Leningrad.
Goa.nauchno-tekhn.Izd-vo neft. 1, gornD-toplivnoi lit-ry. Leningr.
otd-nie, 1960. 259 p. (KIRA 13:9)
(Gas as fuel--Safety measures)
SHISM, G.K.. nauchnyy red&; IMgjA7Tq_N.G.' !edushchly red.;
GM 'YXVA* IoNes,
[Automtion of water-heating boilers and steam boiler systems]
AvtomatizatBiia otopitellnykh kotellufth; abornik dokladov.
Leningrad, Gos.nauchno-tekhn.isd-vo neft. i gorno-toplivaoi
lit-ry, Leningr.otd-nia, 1961. 2:33 p. (MM 14:3)
1. Akademiya ko=xnallnogo, khosysystva. Laningradekiy neuchno-
iseledovateliekly Institut.
(Boilers) (Antowtic control)
FAKTOROVICH, Lev Mikhaylovich; RAUSI, 0.1., nauchr.Wy red.;-2-~EF-WZT,
_jj.fL-,-ved. red.; SAFRONOVA, I.M.0 tek14. red.
[Brief manual on heat insulation]Kratkii spravochnik po top-
lovol izoliatsii. Leningrad, Gostoptekhizdat, 10,62. 450 p.
(Insulation (Heat)) (MIRA 15:8)
KEDRINSKIY, Vsevolod Vladimirovich; DESHAUT M G ved. red.;
lt~,-- * I
YASHCHURZHIIISUYA, A.B., teiffi~-.reci.
[Engliab-Russian dictionary on the chemistry and refining of'
petroleum] Anglo-rusakii slovarl p) khizdi i pererabotke nefti.
Lenir,grad, Gostoptekhizdat, 1962. 910 p. WRA 15:6)
GERM, Aleksey Aleksandrovich; POPOV, Yu.N.., doktor Geo2oEomineralog.nauk,,
nauchnyy red.; PESB=T,-jj,Q-., -vedushchiy red.; GEIRIAD'YEVA,, I.M.,
(Foraminifers, of Permian,, Triaoi3ic., and Liao sediments of oil-
bearing provinces in the northern pEut of central Siberia]
Foraminifery Permskikh, triasovfth i leiasovykh otlozhenii nefte-
nosnykh raionov severs. TSentrallnoi Sibiri. IAningrad,, Goo.
nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo gorno-toplivnoi lit-ry, Leningr.
otd-nie A
., 1961. 268 N 122 plates. tLeningrad. Nauchno-
issledovateltakii insti-tut geologii Arktiki. Trudy, vol. 120).
WIRA 15: 8)
(Siberia--Foraminifera., Fossil)
DONDE, Rudollf Origorlyevicb; RYABNOV., levgeniy Nikolvevich;
CHISTUVICH,, S.A., nauchW red.; DESHATIT) M--G--L ved. red.;
(Handbook on fittings and indicating and recording instruments
for gas piping of industrial enterprioeslspravocbnik po gazo-
voi armature i kontrollno-4werit-ellMnu priboram dlia pro-
r~ysblenrjykh predpriiatii. LeninpTad, Gostoptekhizdat, 1962.
363 P. (MIRA 15: n)
(Gas pipes) (pipe fittings)
STOUNDi, Ye.B., nauchxW red.; DESUMT I-.G ved. red. ;
~ _-) & ---! ---- 2 _
(Poc*mt guide for the gas diStribution workers] Karmannyi spra-
vochnik ralbotnika gazovo,,,,o khoziaistva. Leningrnd, Gostoptekh-
izdat, 1962. 526 p. (MIRA 15:12)
(Gas distribution) (Gas appliances)
UATKIN, Valentin Petrovich; TISHCHENKO, Sergey Takovlevich-
SHPAKOVSKIY, V.I., nauchnyy red.; DESULIT, M.G., ved. red.;
SAFRDNOVA, I.M., takhn. red. -
I ~ I
[Practice in constructing gas mains under conditions present in
the northwestern U.S.S.R.10pyt stroitellstva magistrallnykh ga-
zoprovodov v utiliviiakh severo-zapadUkh rai~nov SSSR. Leningrad,
Gostoptakhizdato 1962. 1" p. (MIRA 16:3)
(Russia, liort*estern--Gas natural-Pipeli. es)
SREDIN, Viktor Vladimirovich; TATIASENKOV:, Petr Mikhaylovich;
PUGACHEV, N.A., nauchnnr red. ; j2plialT, M~ Q_ - -ved-
red.; YASHGHURZHINSKAYA, A.B., tekhn. red.
[Equipment and pipes for cataly-tic reforming and hydrofining
plants] Oborudovanie I truboprovody ustanovok kataliticheskogo
riforminga i gidroochistki. Leningrad, Gostoptakhizdat, 1963.
237 p. (MIRA 16:6)
(Petroleum refineries--Equipment and supplies)
NECHAYEV, Mikbail Aleksandroviob; LAPERIYI, I.R., nauchnyy red.;
(Equipment and devices used for safety control in the gas
industrylInventarl i pribory gazovoi takhniki besopasnosti.
Leningrad, Gostoptekhizdat, 1963. 69 p. (MIRA 16:7)
(Gas industry-Safety measures)
KARPOV, Dmitriy Vasillyevick; GLOZSHTEYhl, YA.S., naucknyy red.;
tekkn. red.
(Operation of industrial fufnaces by gas fuel] Eksplua-
ta.~siia promysklennykk pechei na gazovom toplive. Lenin-
grad, Gostoptekkizdat, 1963. 118 p. (MIRA 16:7)
(Furnaces) (Gas as fue'L)
IJSTqITI)TIY, Vitalij Ivanovich; C H"': ,."NY , ~',eor;,Iy
PORN, Yu.N., doktor rod. ; I'l
vedushchiy red.
[Biostratigrnphy and brachiopod.,; of the llppi~r Paleozoic of
the Taymyr Peninsula.] Biostratigraf4i.a i brakhioj )ody verkhn(~Fo
paleozoia Taimyra. Leningrad, Go:;toptekhIzdat., .1-13 1).
(Leningrad. Nauchno-issledovatel'skii
Trlidy, vol. 134) (MIRA l7ib')
SEDLUKHA, Georgiy Andrianovich; FRIDMAN, 03her Moisayevich;
PLOTNIKOVA, A.N., nauchrjyy red.;.PFZEALYT,_M_C,, ved. red.;
[Construction and assemblage in gas pipelaying] Stroitellno-
montazhnye raboty po prokludke gazoprovodov. Leningrad, Gos-
toptekhizdat, 1963, 156 p. (MIRA 16:7)
(Gas, Natural--Pipelines) (Pipe-laying machinery)
QROZDILOVA Lyudmilu Pavloyna; LEBEDIVA, NeLdezhda Sergeyevnalp
TRIiNAt V.P.-, naudhnyy red*;-nmuk~T~.M.' vedushchiy red.;
yASHCHURZHINKHAP A,B,,, tekhn. red.
(Foraminifers in the Carbmi"rous on the western slope of the
Urals and ttW Timn Ridge; atlas of more representative species].
Foraminifery kamennougollnykh otlozhenii sapadnogo sklona
Urala i Timm; atlas naibolee kharakternykh vidov. Leningrad,
Gostoptakhisdat, 1960. 263 p. (Leningrad. Vassolusnyi neftianoi
nauchno-issle.dovateltakii geologorazvedoohnyi institut. Trudy,
(MIRA 16:4)
(Ural Mountains-Foraminifera, Fossil)
(Timan Ridge-Foraminifera, Fossil)
SHUR, Isaak Azriyelovich; STASKEVICH, N.L., nauchn. red.; PESULYT,
M.G.J, ved. red.j YASHCHURZHINSKAYA~ A.B., takhn. red.
[Conversion of boilers to gas firing) Perevod otopitelInykh
kotlov na gazoobraznoe toplivo. Leningrad, Gostoptekhizdat,
1963. 155 P. (MIRA 16:10)
(Boilers-Firing) (Gas burnera)
ISSERLIV, Aleksandr Semenovich; ESTERKIN, 2,.1., nauchn. red.;
-.,.DESIIALTT, H.G., ved. red.; YASHCiflJRZHlNSKAYA, A.B.,
iekhfi. r6a'.'- -
[Gas bin-ners] Gazovye gorelki. Leningrad, Gostoptekhizdat,
1963. 121 p. (MIRA 16:12)
(Gas burners)
ESTERM, l(akKiAyol' Iosifovich; MiSIUEYN, 1.K., rilluchil.
DESHALML M.G. ved. red.; YARGIRL-01'1111SHMA, A.B.,
-, re- n-- ~r-r e r
[Operation of boiler plants with g::~s ,~.q
!:ot'll-l')r-.-,rage-.tov na'gazoobrazr -- -'lr,7,,)3,,-,~. Gostop-
tel-ld'.1-dat 1963. 156 P. (,-! -11-hA 17 ; 1)
bollera-ftel systems)
FIECIUM, Mikhail Aleksandrovich; DRABED!, A.Ye., nauchn. red.;
~ I
DESHAUT, Y.G., ved. red.; DE111YANDIKO, V.I.,
Principles of gas technology] Osnovy gazovoi tekhniki.
Leningrad, Gostoptekhizdnt, 196-33. 94. p.
(MIRA 16:12)
(Gas as fuel)
MALYY, Grigoriy Azarlyevich; TERESHKIN, V.V., nauchn. red.;
DESHALYT, M.G., ved. red.
[Operation of the control measuring instruments of
gasified units] Ekspluatatsiia kontrollno-izmeritelt-
-nykh priborov gazifitsirovannykh ustmiovok. Leningrad,
Gostoptekhizdat, 1963. 162 p. (MIRA 17:12)
BOGORODSKAYA, Mariyu Titnofeyevna; STOUNER, Yefin i3orisovich;
LAPERIYE, 1.h., nauchn. red.- DESHAUIT M.G. ved. red.;
QIousehold gas appliances] Gazovye bytovye pribory. Le-
ningrad, Gostoptakhizdaty 1963. 179 p. (MIRA 17:3)
CHISIOVIGH, Sergey Androyevicb; SUMA-iEVSKAYA ' Sof 'y,,
Yakovlevna; OYI,'.SKIY, I.L., nauchn. red.; FEESHAIXT,
1,~.G., ved. red.
[Installation and operation of gas-operated autorated
hewz,hig boiler rooms) Noitazh i eksphatatslia avtorati-
zirovannykh otopitalInykh kotclInykh na gaze. Leningrad,
Vedra, 196.. 85 P. (NIRA 17:5)
BMUImAN, 'Yevgpniy I :ayevich; MENTS, A,D. , nauchn. red. ;
M:HAUT, X,-.G. , ved. red.
[Economics of gas supply syst(M51 Ekononik-a sictern gazo-
snabzheniia. Leningrad, Nedra, 196.",. 226 1).
(I"'liuk ri:ci)
PREOBRAZHENSKIY, Vikolay Ivanovich; MOROZOV, V.A., nauclui. red.;
DESHALYT, M.G., ved. red.; DEMIYAM21KO, V.I., tekhr,.red.
(Using installations for liquefied gases) Ekepluatatsiia
ustano-vok szhi onetmogo gW& LembTrad, Gostoptopkhizdoj;,
1964. 240 P. (MIRA Th3)
LYAKHOVSKIYI D.N.p kand. tekhn. nauk, nauchn, red.; J~PS~WT, M.G.,
[Theory and practice of gas combustfLon] Teoriia i praktika
szhiganiia gaza. Pod red. D.N.Liakliovskogo. Leningrad
Izd-vo "Nedra." Vol.2. 1964. 626 p. (KIRA 17-.41
CHEPELf , Vla6imir Mikhaylovich (deceaved]; LAPF2 IYF, I R. , rvd. ;
DES(IIALYT, M.G., ved. red.
(Combustion of gases in boiler fireooxes and furnaces and
the maintenance of the gas equipment of enterprises]
Szhiganie gazov v topkakb kotlov i pechel i obsluzhivanie
gazovogo, khoziaistva predpriiatii. Izd.5., ispr. i dop.
Leningrad, NedraA 1965. 447 p. (MIRA 18:7)
FRILMAN, Osher Moiseyevichl SEDLUKHAp Georgiy Andrianoviohi
TIKHOMIROVO Ye.N.j nauchn. red.1_43 ;T~ M.G.,- ved, red,
[Insulating work on city gas lines) Isoliatsionrqe raboty
na gorodek-ikh gazoprovodakh. Leningrad, ~aukap 1965. 165 p.
tMIRA Ma9)
Ovarian hemorrhage. AkuBh. i gie,. 33 no.2:61-6.3 Mr-Ap '56.
(W-8A 9:7)
1. Iz 1-go ginskologicheskogo otdeleniya (zav. Tu.I.Deshalyt)
Tallinskoy respublibmakoy bollnitsy (glavnyy vrach M.a.Smirnova)
(OVARUMS, hemorrh.
di&g. & surg.)
ovarian, dA&g. & surg.)
"The Problem of the Development of Chilch-en and Delayed A.fter-
effects in Them, Follmring Cranial Hemorrhage Shortly After Firth."
Cand ','.!ed Sci, Second Moscow State Yedical inst, imeni I. V. Stalin,
J!osccrm, 1955. (YI, No 10, Yar 55)
so: Sim. !,lo. 670, 201 SeT) 55-Survey of S-cient"fic and Technical
Dissertations Defended at USSR Hif-her Educational Institutions (15')
Late aftereffects of cerebral hemorrhage in newborn infants. Vop.
okh.mat. i det. 1 n0-3:58-63 My-Je 156. (MIRA 9:9)
1. Iz kafedry propedevtiki detskikh boleaney (zav. kafedroy -
Prof. V.A.Vlasov) II Moskovskogo gosud&ratvennogo meditsinskogo
instituta ipeni I.V.Stalina (fir. S.I.Mi.lovidov)
IWC~A, Mgt 0
Problem of the course of certain mental disordors in infants
after birt-b injury. Pediatriia 38 no.lOs22-25 0 160. (MM 13911)
1. Is kafedry gospitallnoy pedistrii (zav. - prof6 K.F. Pbpov)
II Moskovskogo meditabiskogo inatituta imeni IT.J. Pirogova (dir. -
dotsent M.G. Sirotkina).
Hamm-Rich syndrome in newborn infants. Fedia-txiia 4 no,,7t
64-66 jlv63 (MIRA 16:12)
1. Iz kafedry gospitallnoypediatrii (zav. - prof. K.F.Popov)
Il Moskovskogo maditsinskogo instituta imeni N.I.Pirogova na,
baze Detsko-y bollnitsy imeni N.F.Filatovaf glavnyy vrach L.A.
Vorokhov)l Moskva.
Pgresis of the phrenic nerve ia Lursing infants as a reault
of a birth injury. hdiatriia 42 n0.1:79-81 Ja'63.
(MIRA 16slO)
1. 1z kafedry gospitallnoy-pediatz-1i (2AV. - PrOf. K.F.
Popov) 11 thskovsOgo meditainakofip instituta imeni N.I.
Pirogova na baze takoy bollaitay imeni N.P.Filatova
lavnyy vrach L.Norakhobov).
Characteristics of the developnent of birth-Injured school
children malting good progress in public schools. Pediatriia
42 no.6t46--50 Je'63 (MIFA 17:1)
1. Iz kafedry gospitallnoy pediatrii (ispoln3rayush-,iy ob-
-yazannosti zavedu7ushchego - prof. K.F. Sokolov&) II Mos-
kovskogo gosudarstvannogo meditainslcogo instituta imeni
F.I.Pirogova i detskoy kliniki (zav, - doktor med, nauk
G.K.Ushakov) Institata ps4khiatrii ( dir,-deystvitelInyy
chlen AM' SSSR A.Y.Snezhnevskly) AMN SSSR.
ACCESSION NR: AP11038936 S/0217/64/009/003/0315/0320
AUTHOM Deshcherevnekiy, V. I.; Komiyenko, 1. A*
'7!TIZ-- The influence of heavy water on the vital stainability and thermal
atability of skeletal frog muscles
3101JECE: Biofizika, v. 9, no. 3, 1964j 315-320
TOPIC TAGS: heavy water, heavy water induced disturbance, contractability inhibi-
tion, vital stain, vital stainability, deuterium., intracellular structure stability,
therria.1 contractive resistance) protoplasmi,. colloid, actcmyosin, cell wall lipid
AD3TRACT: In a preliminary study of functional disturbancea caused by 1120 the
authors bad1found increased excitability of the frog sartorius muscle and inhibi.-
tion of contractability. This pointed towards paranecrosia of the protoplasm
which had carlier been shown to be accompanied by increased sorption of vital dyes.
Gtainability was used for deternining the cytoplasmic state in the isolated
f v,.,L !,:irtorius. Neutral red in Ringer solution containing 50 or 95,'o' DnO served as
Wic dye for the right muscle., the left ser-iring as control. It war, then extracted
and the amount detei=tned colorimetrically. Results are tabulated for controls and
the 2 Detitcrium solutions. D20 decreased rather than increaned stainability, i.e.
increased the stability of the intracellular atructui6. Thin was also reflected
in thermal resistance of the contractive muscle structures. At a 1-3 C incrca3e/
min. thermal contractability in the 95% D,, containing Ringer solution, while
essentially of the same nature, appeared at an averaGe 5.6 C higher temperature.
Tents at a constant temperature Of 38 C Vhich lies between that of muncle contrac-
tion in light (35 C) and heavy water (41) showed that excham3e of the initial lic)3t
by heavy water led to interruption of the initial contraction after about 60 sec.
Up-on reversing this teat, the D2 effect disappeared after about 90 see. This
increased thermal stability is apparently caused by the weakening of all hyTIrogen
bond3 except those of the water molecule, i.e. depends'upon the different nature
of the solvent. Decreased sorption may be explained by the decrease of tbl~ number
of free charges at the protoplasmic colloids capable of binding the dye, loss of
contractability by hyperstabilization of-the actomyosin complex (increase of
hydivphobic internction) and injury to the cell wall lipids. Orig. art. h-u-: 2
figures and 4 tablen.
ASSOCLITION: Fizicheskiy fakulltet MGU (Physics Departm-ent MGU); Institut
1--ord 2/3
ACCES31011 VR- AP4036936
biologicheakoy fiziki AN SSSR, Mosccrvt (Inst-itute of Biopbysics, AN SSSR)
SMI[TrED: 22-Feb63
DATE ACQ: O!?Jun64
ENCL: 00
GMER. 013
Cc-rd .- 3/3
Mechanism of bhp increase In hent mtab~llt,y of ,kel9tal mus'lles
I -
in D 2'00 Bioil"lilka 13 no.j.:708-71C) (M-FA
1. Institut blologiclic-skoy fizik'L AN 5,SSR, Mo.3kvn.
")i:s, j. 1. !- ;.
I I.. .,.. ,
rl-r%rosan in the Troitment of (Grain) Seeds I)Iirl-it- Vern--J i -It ion" "
Ai~robiol,)Plia, no. 6, 1949, pp. 140-141. 2n AI,8?2
SO: SMI - S1-90-53, 15 Dee .1953
A. S.,
-ere,irie-OrT.nic DoIllaly V See OJUU-7-,'12.~~-
Sell obo~7hozili5ztv -6 -NA J"enj V, 1 Lenj_,r~, vt~l. I , l9l'-7, n-j- "-15-
mml k--h I
?0 Akl
So: SIP.A -51-90-53, 15 Doc 1953
00ranosan for Treating Seeds DuriV8 Vernalization," Agroblol., 5, 1949
Sci, Res, Inst. Fertilizers & InoectofuMicides, Moscow
DE,';;i,,V-rL0P 1. Ya.
Manenkov,, P. V. and Deshevilo. 1. Ya. "On the prob-lem of leukoplakia of the vaginal
po&.ion of the /il,legibleTof the iterus.." Trudy Kazansk. go3. md.
in-ta, 1948, P.-177-82. -
SO: U-37361 21 May 53, (Letopis 'Zhurnal Inykh Stateyj, No. 18, 1949).
3 1 u u is It 1) is a A) 11 v u M e k 1, 0 N
'k ,L. r __h_.L_1 rL 1! 9 R -1
1 4 ? I , 6
I M _Yl -L-L -Ajk. 110 CC PP U,.A_ I
00 4 1-0 VMVIIII
00 Carbokydrato otarl mineral regime of the wheat plant
00 orban tbe 1`,~"4111~! a ko appears, under different as-
ww% 8
tervialew, P,kWr I
j*,J. F.
SoveslocAwsonva Fis
Raskailim.K.A. imir.vatm4.No-2.i)1-100tli'4.5).- -00
%k'heat Plants groan In jX11jej to a point %herv shmits of
spikes bad to apIxw, werr divided into diffrrent luts and
to a no. of euvi'lKituental oni'litiom: (1) "It
so (2) stripping of the Iravr% huni thr main And
side %tems; (3) shadiuS of plants with Saust; J4) high
00 temp., (6) dryin; of suit; (6) control - .041, c-,cvpt no - 1.
a received a complete 1"lizer. After 6 days. the fint
00 client. tests term maile. and Orr that lwwuxt tnvwr frr-
~ quent test* were made. It it Atown tho up to Os :-i roe
Go a
-ritence the head of wheat COntAinil all slolurciAbIr ititit.
protein content itteresses and that of the sullars, and other
org.wbetancesineresses. Attlietimeoffoi-mationo(the 1
1 s0kes tberv is mat accuritulution if slueme. AI, the hrul
level". the 13 ronlrnt lerrea". Watli I,hading I" z so
Alry=i of "I the act-unittl4limi otv If th, ~ulmtau- is
int ed.
10 0
too. tl.,sjA,. or*
181coo .1. m. ast
ip to to a it ev it A It 111 Pt a IT It or PAD I I
i Ana
* : : : :
i 0 0 a o
0 0 09 0 a so*** 0010 0 0 0 a 0 00 000 *s o *a*-
* 0 0 0 * 0 & 00 0 0 6 0 *_1LKR_A_4PAL_4L_9.AL9 * * 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 411 0 0 9;
A case of rectarigular axonometric prDjection. Trudy LTI no.50:21-22 159.
(,ixonomotric projection)
red.; VASlLIYEVA, V.P.,
kand. teklin. nuuk,, dots.,
A.P., kand. tekhn. nauk, dots.,
red.izd-wva; PUMRSOV, M.M., tekhn.
[Axonometric representation of machine parts] Aksonometri-
cheskie izobrazlieniin iruashinostroitel'Rykh detalei. Moskva,
Masligiz, 1963. 185 P. (MIRA 16.12)
(Axonometric projection) (Miicl-dnery-Drawings)
DESHEVOY. GeorRiy Mikhaylovich; PAVLOV, Gqorgi3- Dmitriyevicl
(Descriptive geometry; abstract of lectures] Nacherta-
tellnaia geometriia; konspekt lek-tsii. Leningrad,
Tekhnolog. in-t. Pt.le 1964. 349 p. (MIR-A 18:7)
24(3) SOV/146-59-2-18/23
i.~U'11110RS: Deshevoy, S.M., and Poshekhonov, B.L., Docents
TITLE: Grapho-Analytical Research of Optical Layouts of
Electric Meters
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy - priborostroy-
eniye, 1959, Nr 2, pp 119-126 (USSR)
This work has been performed by a group of co-workers
of the Chair of Descriptive Geometry and Graphics at
the Leningrad Military Mechanical Institute and Le-
ningrad Plant "Vibrator". High-sensitivity electric
meters, micro-ammeters, galvanometers, etc, manufact-
ured by the plant "Vibrator", are provided with coni-
cal or flat dials with graduations located respect-
ively on the conical surface or parallel one to an-
other. The light-image of the index (slot) falls
on the dial in the form of a thin line. It occurs
in some devices that at the dial ends considerable
inclinations of light-index to the dial graduation
take place, which diminishes the accuracy of reading.
.ard 1/3 Experience has shown that these inclinations are
'~_Y-apho-Analytical Research of Optical Layouts of Electric Meters
caused by the wrong constructions of optical mirror
layouts. To remedy the situation, methods of de-
scriptive geometry and grapho-analysis were applied.
Pigs 1 and 2 illustrate the mutual placement of a
conical dial and the plane of light in electric me-
ters, while Fig 3 shows location of a flat dial in
respect of the plane of light. For a regular and
precise performance of meters, it is necessary for
the index image to coincide with the scale divisions
along the whole length of the dial. This is attained
when the vertical trace F ff (Fig 1) makes with the
axis of Projectisn Ox aln J~gle Ct3 determined by
f ormul a 0C, 90 + W =-. 90 + 2 (~ , where y - i B the
angle betwhn~ the mirrors 7 an(r 8 located behind the
rotating mirror 6. The horizontal trace P 1H forms
with the axis Ox an angle Ct, which can be computed
according to formula tg a, 44= tgCL 2' sin nL3 where
V-2 and ~Y-3are respective angles between the axis
Ox and the traces P and P Recommended by the
d 2/3 lz~ lH*
Grapho-Analytical Research of Optical Layouts of Electric Meters
Kafedra nachertatellnoy geometrii i grafiki (Chair
of Descriptive Geometry and Graphics). There are
3 diagrams and 3 Soviet, references.
ASSOCIATION: Leningradskiy ordena krasnogo znameni voyenno-mekha-
nicheskiy institut (Leningrad Order of the Red Banner
Military Mechanical Institute)
SUBMITTED: May 27, 1959
Card 3/3
Investigating the optical system of a four-mirror ammeter. 1xv.
vys,uchetrizave; prib, 3 uo.6t82-M 160* (MM 14: 1)
1. laningradekoy mekbanicheskiy institut. Rekomendovana kafedroy
nachertatelluoy geometril, I grafiki.
DESHEVOY, Sergey Mikhaylovich; RON, Aleksandr Aronovich;
(Rapid layout of medium and large sized parts] Opyt sko-
rostnoi ra=etki detalei srednikh i kruprifth gaboXitov.
Leningrad: 1964. 29 p. (MIRA 17:11)
1-----ff6Wmtiye: BURDIN, N.K.; GUDKOVp N.M.; SFXEYEV., M.A., inzh.,
/`~ retsenzent; YAKOVITSKIY, IN-, red.;LSYKINA, T.L., red.izd-
va; KUREPINA, G.N., red.izd-va; SHCHETININA, L.V., tekhn. red.;
[Manual for a lay-out mechanic]Spravochnik razmatchika-
mashinostroitelia. Moskva, Wshgiz, 1962. 375 p. (MIRA 16:1)
(Laying-out (Machine-shop practice))
- litoj
AUTHOW1 Ponicins, 1 8 Urubkova R.I., Deshovy I I.G. and
- - -
Fedorova, Zi:
TITLX: Besti-Induatzial. Tests on High Purity Zine Production
PUTODICAL: Tavetnyye astally, 1959, fir 11, PP78-79 (MSH)
ASMACT: Experiments have been carried out by VNIITsvetm4t on
a pUot plant or the wUkrtsizLk* astablishment in order
to test a method or electrolytic reruing or ingot
sine in a Zino sulphato electrolyte purifying the-
letter in two stages. The electrolyte -as Jcapt 'cool
by alumicium pipes covered with DUaiite varnish . fte
cathode metal was deposited 01% to 'TaVI s-loc cathodes,
320 x 400 no; the cat"des were first g:round and
polished until a mirror lizish was obtained. Art.r
this treatment their thickzesa was 5 =. "TsO" zinc
anodes, 27 kg in weight, were cast in special cast iron 4-4: 1
moulds. 'these anodes wort placed in s;izlal calls in 1; 1
the bath which were covered with a 4ouble laytr of
perchloryLAyl fabric. The original electrolyte was
C*Zd 1/3 made by two methods with a two-stago purification
1) by dissolving acid sulphAto 'MiCh" xia-- salt I
distilled water; 2) by dia'01VIM& metallicT80, zinc
filings in sulphuric acid solution. The zinc
concentration in the electrolyte was not less than
97 to 100 Lfl. The followimg sore used for the
purification or the slactroly-ot zinc dust from the
r1ant d1=athyl glyoxIse 'CtDA* iz
orm o
1 :!1
er% d!ett,
-Se as
a 0 solution, and the activated charcoal *KA.D'.
Electrolysis was carried out under the follo.I.Ag
conditions- Current donsit - 800 to 600 A/= . rate
of circulation - 38 to 6 Za /to:; of cathode zinc,
duration of electrolysis 5 to 10 ho~a. 7he Purity
of the zinc obtained at the cathode was 99.9~38.
followlAS conditions have been found to ci~. th-
card 2i5 zc=ltz 1z -,Zm pilot plant operating at present:
current d*n;it3/- 700 A./a , rate of circilation not
loss than A ton Ottlaod* zinc. d~rszloo of
olectr-lysis not =or- than 6 to -7 h3urs.
TNITTarttaot(l. 0. ftki-, j. 7.. u_bk_)
Zavod 't1krtjLrk" ClUxrtsinj~ Worics) (1. 0. Dvgh~7kh,
L. Fodo~%)
Card 313
- I.- _T_ ~
[Medical control and self-control during the practice of physioal
training and sports] Meditainakii kontroll i samokontroll pri za-
niatiiakh fizicheskoi kullturoi i sportom. Moskva, Medgiz, 1953,
56 Pq (MLR& 8:4)
(Physical education and training)
DZSHIN, Dmitriy lPotiyevich
[Medioal supervision in #,voical education] Vrachabnyi kontroll
v fisicheskom vospitanii. Moskva, Fizkulltura i sport, 1958.
215 p. (MIRA 12:4)
MIRMOVA, Zoya Sergeyevna; KHEYIETS, L~iibovl ZaklLrovna;
DVORKIN, A.M. , red.; I~Slfll,', D,F., rEd.
(Prevention and treatment of sports injuries] Frofilak-
tika i lechenie sportivnykh tralTm. Moskva, Meditsinu,
1965. 156 p. (,klliu ls-.lC,)
SARKIZOV-SIRAZINI, Ivan Mikhaylovich, prof.; DESHDF DmitrJ.y
dotsent; KHOrTANOVA, G.B., red.; YAKLIi ~,T.~~.,
(Medical control and exercine therapy] Vrachebnyi kontrol' i
lechebnaia fizkulltura. Mosk7a, Izd-vo "Flzkulltura i sport,"
1961. 287 P. (MIRA 13:2)
.1 3 V.: GU L 10V
..CilOREV, V. -1,-LRNIl'p D. IIUAX~A V,
SLL:ZSl,lY, F.; D.S111Y, V.
It is senuible to combine all at)rviceu into a shopping center.
Sov. torg. 33 no. 9:14-16 S 160. (MIM 14:2)
1, Nachallnik- Upravleniya toldmild i kE.pitallnogo stroiteltstvu-
MinisterBtva torgovli R3rSR (foe ll;ollwrov). 2,, Nachallnik
Upravleniya orga~fiatsii tc.-rCov:Li Mini4terstva torgovli
RSFSR (for Kurnin). 3. D-,Lrohtor Giprotorl,a (for. Karavay.)-v)
4, Glctv-nyy spet!3ialiat Giliroter,,.a. (fOr GrosLman). 5. Starshiy
el:onomist Upravleriyu orL-anizrAuii torgovli '~lnisterstva torgovli
RSFSR (for Gulal:ov). C-. Glt,vny.-, ur)c-,itehtcr proye!,-tov Glprotrog~z
(for Seletslziy). 7. lb.7,1xvc6itall gnn-ppy elxnond ek-onomicheskikh
raschetov Giprotorgz.L (' r rashi-nN
ACCEMON NIR: ATS015787 lux/0000 A 51000 /000'
AUTHOR; Baranova, R. wlm~ JDishl 1:14,
TITLJP.: Effect of additloike on the a
~~Fnj.,tbictric chakracteristice-of.lead selenide
SOURCE: -AN SSSR. Energeticheski bistitut. lopol'zovaniye itiolnechnay energAl
v narodnom khtoxyaystvic SSSR (Use of iolaz energy in the econonny Of thf)
U. S. S. R.). Moscow, IzAt-voo Nauka, 1965s~ 19-22
TOPIC TAGS: lead selenid
load seleiddo.thermoelectric converte:
ABSTRACT: The results ofan experimentall investigation of tb)e effect ol Cu and
Zn a4ditions md stoichiorustric compoilitibift of Se awl Pb upon the theirmoelectric
charixteristics of PbSe are reported. .1,t Is found thBAI III) Thome alloya have the
bestmechatical charatteristlem-.1i) for the negative Ibranch oil thermoelectric
L-convorkers, j1,7, 5% So + 72,, 51% Pb; (b) for the positive branch, 2;9. 3116 SP + 70. 7%
Pb; 1:2): Optimal additions Of CU and Zu aroo. for p-type alloy, 0. 22% Chu for
card -1/2
Foreign body in the vagina of a four-year-old girl. Akush. t gin.
33 no.4:117-118 Jl-A9 157- (KIRA 10:11)
1. It kafedry akusherstva i ginekologii (zav. - doktor meditainskikh
nauk S.Y.Kisin) Stalinskogo instituta usovershoustvovaniya vrachey
Rutoirodefto nachallniku nklada topliva. Sknual for the chief of fuel storehousg7.
isd* 2., ispr. Moskva, Gos. tramp. zbel-dor. izd-vo, 1949. 203 p. illue.
DLC: TF50704. 1949
Reference Department,, Washington, 1952, Unalassified.
DEMON, B. N. and MURZIN, L. G.
Ekonoudia topliva na parovazakh. 4 perer i doFoin izd. Moskva, Transzheldorizdat,, 1948.
225 1,. illus.
Savirq,y locomotive fuel.
DLC: TJ648.M8 1948
SO: Manufacturing and Mechanical Engineering in the Soviet Union, Library of Cong-ress,
_i- I
~~ ij. , -.1i" *-t! 1:1 re '-~" ~.-, .'la.A. ~o h, 1952.
DESHKINs If. W. (DECEASED) 1963/12
C, 1961
machines, heat
seo MC
D&SEIKO, M., podpolkovnik.
Action of a rifle company in a tactical airborne landing. Voon.vast,
36 no-1:8-13 Ja '57. (KML 10: 2)
(Landing ope-rations) Unfantr7 drill and tactics)
DESHKOP M., pollcovnik; VINNIKOV, V., podpolkovnik; RYADC-Vp N., podpalkovnik
"Tactics of s--a3-l units in modern combat"; discussion of the
article published in No.2. Voen. vest. 43 no.9:34-36 S 163.
(MIRA 16:10)
7A) SOURCE dd6E-.'U_R76_0_18n6
AUTHOR: Deshko, M. (Colonel) Ja
ORG: none
TITLE: Defense under nighttime conditions
SOURCE: Voyennyy vestnik, no. 12, 1965, 20-25
TOPIC TAGS: military operation, night defense, nuclear defensive training,
defense tactic
ABSTRACT: In a modern war the value of nighttime operations has increased so much in
connection with the use of nuclear and other modern weapons that they have become
commonplace. At nighttime it is easy to achieve a surprise attack, to cover one's
operations from the enemy. Despite the fact that means of nighttime viewing, illumi-
nation, and radar have become widely used, darkness substantially limits the possi-
bilities of reconnaissance, hampers the selection of objects for the use of nuclear
weapons and aviation, and reduces the effectiveness of f'ire power. Poor visibility
complicates orientation and observation, control, maneuvering and cooperation and
leads to a decrease in the accuracy of fire power. The blinding effect of the out-
burst of a nuclear explosion markedly increases at night. Therefore troop commanders
must lessen the effect of the unfavorable factors on the military operations of small
units and daringly use the advantages created by darimess. Defiensive troops must
L _~~7,-
solve the same problems at night as during the day. However there are peculiarities
in their operations which must be taken into account. This article describes a nigh
time military operation by a commander and his company. The example given confirms
that with proper training troops can defend at night just as successfully as during
the day. In concluding, the author mentions the changeover from night operations to
daytime operations. If a company takes up a defensive position before nightfall, th
the company is of course prepared primarily for daytime fighting, and additional
measures are taken to secure the defenses at night. Therefore, there is no need to
take any special measures when dawn comes. It is a different matter when a company
changes over to defense at night, since in this case it is necessary to make changes
in the fire system at dawn. Orig. art. has: 2 figures.
Card 2/2
--- -- -1. -DR-S40, P.
After the factary whistle blown, Okhr.truft i sotseetrakh,
no.12:10-13 D 159. (MIRA 13:4)
1. Zamatitall predoodatelys z#Lvkom savods "Uporoxhatall".
(Zaporosh'ye-lron sowl steel workers)
Ealemic enlargement of the thyroid gland in pupils in StaniBlav
and ,mys of con-trolling it. Ped., akush. i gin. 23 no 1:17-20
161. ~NIRA 14:6)
1. Kafedra organizatsii, akhoron:L zdorovOya Stanislavalkogo
medichnogo institutu (zav. kafedroya - dotsent A.A.Garagash'iyan)
ta oblasniy pro-tizobniy dispansor Igolov-niyIlikar - V.V.Shavlak).
Reliable performance of pneumatic box pucips. TSement 26 no. 6:13-
16 N-D 16o. (MIRA 13:12)
(Pumping machinery) (Autociatic control)
--- DESHKO, Yu.l.; SAFUNOV, S.S.
-Socialiat competition in honor of the 22d Party Congress.
TSement 27 no.5:5-7 S-0 161. (~aibk 14::L2)
I, Direktor Orgproyekttsementa (for Deshko). 2. Zamestitell
nachaJ.Inika otde3.a ekonomild Org]Droyekttoementa (for Safonov).
(Cement indui;triem)
(Socialist competition)
'1%; TABUVINA, M.A., tekhn. red,; b7HERnhITA,N.V.j tekhr,.
red.;TI2aIKA#Ye.L., tekhn.rod.
[Materiale,on acoident prevention aml industrial bygiene in
the building materials industry]Sbornil.materialov po tekh-
nike bezopasnosti i proizvodstvemwi sanitarii v promysh-
lennosti stroitellnykh materialov. Moskva, Gosstroiizdat,
1962. 634 P. (MIRA 15:U)
(Buildi:-ag mterials industry-Hygienic aspects)
nauchnyy red.; CHERKINSKAY1, fLL.,, red. izd-va; MOCHALINA, Z.S..'
tekhn. red.
[Adjustments and heat-engineering tests of rotary kilns at cement
plants]Naladka i toplotekhnichook.-Le ispytaniia vr&ehdh&iunbahikb,-
sia pechei na teementnykh zavadak],i. Moskva, Goastroiizdat, 1962.
242 p. (MIRA 16:1)
(Killis, Rotary)
Technical conmatation. TSement 29 no.3:22 Mv-J'e 163.
(MIRA 17:1)
1. Direkior Voesoyuznogo gosudars-tvennogo spetsiallnogo
by-uro po provedeniyu pusko-naladc,chnykh i proyekt-no-
konstruktorskikh rabot v tsementnoy pronWshlennosti Gosstroya
Developmen of dimensional series rotary kilns. Mement 29
no.4:20-21 J'1-A.g 163- (IGRA 16- 11)
1. Vassoyumoye, gosudarstvannoye ape-taia:Pnoy'a I)Jruro po
prcmedeniyu pueko-naladochnfth i proyektno-konstruktorskikh
rabot v tsementrtoy promyshlonnosti Gassgroya SSSR.
1, a: c c i n
kaYKHIIN, Georgiy Stepanovich; KREMER,
Mikhail flori3ovich; FI ROTSKIY, V.Z., rauchn. red.;
[Milling materials in the cement industry] Izmellchenic
materialov v tsementnoi proiVshlennosti. Moskva, Stroj.-
izdat, 1~-64. 273 p. (111RA 17:1c)
DESHKO, Yu.I., in2h.
Unsolved problems in repair servico. T.Sement 30 no.6:11-1.2 H--D 164.
(MMA 18:1)
1. Direktor Vse~oyuznogo 9()Sudarst,7ennog:o spetsiallnogo tyuro po,
provedeniyu pusko-naladochnykh i P:~oyektno-konstruktorskikh rabot
v tsementnoy promyshlennoslA Gosstroya ')'SSR.
~'L 65286-65 (k, KILL
)AN . ........ .
ACCEMIOR NR: AM9727 iM/01(a/63/0W/0W /000?/0009
IAMHMS: Gusarin, Uri A80111del ceo)q_Dp
neor);` Kuchna :L, Kh,, (Englomr)
TITLE: Datemtdng ve ztealoffiwa co mr, !tics or rast altmTieo *:ad sumpon-
sions required tor calculating hydrot~-[,*M'is xxrtlt~g t!,
T SOURCE: Tsement, no. 4s 1965, 7-9
TOPIC TAGS: transport Fm~)oess -plpe-;Mp~w contitruction material
/ AV
Awmrm The i'tud7 of jdastic'"d ita"ength pv~ooertietg of' mw e1wrles pre--sonts
tJw possibility. Of contr4AIIng the, melill*~nt ~!Of Umir stiructural cunposition,
A series of tes,W revoal.61 thatAmi 01` flow U - mDat econcoical for suspemilons
of high concentration Mml charl, rintod br- loii rele,tive velculties. nm msl) of
the RV-8 rotatimal vlso:Givete diticunmed imll evaluated In the llg~t ol' -bests
N-1-a ataOmd thst Uri amm-acy of' imseurvaBnt with
the RV-8 doareages will laueasing'comontr4tia, of sumpoulam . to a
a Da ho iing
t&9 effeetive Vj80o3jj;jVj, Of argnUe'Dous and 4Aalk:mpepoloms, of the Bek,,rxrod
Cownt Factory are ahown!' ,ror the purpD69-of caqarlig.the, RV-9 neamm-ementol -with
detemined according tv.,the. bead loss vialationalitli 1: = f (V) with the wie of both
co=ercial and laboratory, pilms, Tbe v" ults 61! Ute tests are abown gmphiimlly.
The 'Porking equation of' the mn-ves is;
P = ~:kv)
:.~.iwhere P.= APH/2 arid V =.4Q/7tO P As tho, UmoentiaL- streas ai the pi]:O
VaU' in dynes/a(,; .6111 Is: tho pelleuro dropl T U tkai velwity gradienl~ at Ithe
same points; R J.9 the p1lo radius (cm)ji and:Q :141be::vuspowion f3.oiw vol=e
(cn~4ec). The authore. reammiend that, the date" 1,vasilented tw) applied t4 comer-
cial. applicatiorut of Uiluspatitig auslanded odli.flij Orig, art. bast taU].es
and I figurs.
Ch t
SUBUMD: 00 "M 00
No R9F SOVII 001 OMERt 000
D. In the. days of its birth T). Fl.
Vol. 11, no. 5, Mku~-- 3.956
h -J 11NO ~" E~
kil ~ I C U1 .'-'I ! ),,E
Softia, Buli-aria
SO: 4~uropean rccesion, Vol. (), No. 9, ",a--ch 1957
gy, Sargiv
Important discussion. Rabotnitsa no.l.--4-5 Ja 159. (MIRA 120)
1. SovMhoz Gorlkovskoy oblasti.
(Gorkiy Province-Stato farms)
NESTEROV, Ivan Ivanovich, kand. geol.-miner. nauk; RDSTOVTSEV,
Nikolay Nikitich, doktor geol-ainer. nauk; RUDKEVICH,
Naks Takovlevich, kand,. geol.-adzer,zauk; DESHKOV, S.I.,
red.; RAKITIN, I.T., t,akbn. red. - - OWNWIMMMOMMOw
[The petroleum of Sibeirial Neft' Sibiri. Moskva, Isd-iro
"Znania," 1963. 29 p, (Novee v shisni, nauke,, tekhnike.
XII Seriia: Geologiia i geograftia, no.13) (MIRA 10:8)
(Siberia-Potroleum goology)
KAPLIN, Pavel Alekseyevich; ZENKOVICH, V.P., prof., nauchnyy red.;
- DESHKOVI S.I., red.; RAKITIN, I.T., tekhn. red..--
4, -, z .* ". -~ V *0
(Submarine geologyIPodyodnaia geologiia. Pod nauchn. red.
V.P.Zenkovicha. Moskva, Izd-vo "Znanie," 1963. 1+5 p.
(Novoe v zhizni, nauke, tekhnike. XII Seriia: Geologiia i
geografiia, no.9) (MIRA 16:5)
(Submarine geology)
MAKSAKOVSKIYJ, Vladimir Favlavich., kand. geogr. nauk,- DESHKCV.,j,'~.,
red.; NAZAROVA, A.S., tekhn. red.
(The Great Danube) Bol'shoi Dunai. Moskva, Izd-vo "Znanie,"
1963. 47 p. (flovoe v zhizni, nauke, tekhnike. XII Seriia:
Geologiia i geografiia, no.12) (MIRA 16:6)
(Danube Valley-Economic geography)
Mechanized cultivation of' cottm plaAted with narrowed furrows.
P. 16.
Source: Monthly List of East European Lccessions, (EEAL),
Library of Congress, Vol. 5. No. 10. Oct. 1956.
wl, // 3 0 AOO5/AO0l
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geofizika, 1960, No. 12, p. 164, # 15908
ALVT,HORS: Petrenko, V. K., Deshu
TITLE: The Conditions of the Horizontal Visibility Deterioration at Snowfalls
and Snowstorms in the Airport of Nikolayevsk-on-Amur,
PERIODICAL: Tr. Dal'nevost. n.-i.gldrometeorol. in-ta, 1959, No. 5, PP. 180-183
TM: The analysis of observation MELterials on the horizontal visibility
over Nikolayevsk-on-Amur at snowfalls and snowstorms made it possible to state the
following aspects which may be used for meteorological servicing the aviation over
this district. 1) Lower snowstorms are not an essential factor in deterioration
of visibility. The horizontal visibility exceeds on the average 4 km at lower
snowstorms in 73% of events. 2) Intense general snowstorms detoriorate always
the visibility to I km and less; in the October-March-period, the visibility was
less than 0.5 km in 94-100% of -'intense snowstorms events. 3) A-,; moderate snow-
storms, the visibility is deterioratedto I km and less in 74% of events. With
increasing wind speed, the probability of poor visibility at moderate snowstorms I.s
increased; at wind speeds of more than 20 m/sec, the visibility was noted as les,;
Card 1/2 VIK
The Conditions of the Horizontal Visibility Deterioration at Snowfalls and Snow-
storms in the Airport of Nikolayevsk-on-Amur
than 0.5 km in 85-100% of events. 4) All intense snowfalls are accompanied by a
visibility of less than 4 km, whereat it is deteriorated to 1 km and less in 93t :f
events. At moderate snowfalls, the visibility was less than 2 km in 80% of event,z.
At soft snowfalls, the visibility exceeds usually 4 km. 5) The majority of events
of poor visibility at snowfalls and snowstorms is caused by the presence of' wide
and low cyclones over the Sea of Okhotsk. The probability of intense deterioration
of visibility is the greater, the nearer the cyclone is located to the Nikolayevsk
district and the lower the pressure in its center.
Summary of the authors
Translator's note: This is the full translation cf the original Aussian abstract,
Card 212 X
-Y-FRPTA 1,7DICA Spc 6 Vol 13M Internal I-ed. ."ur 5"
-J2&-1AU-LQy-a-A-3L. and Fillipovich A.14. -ZDRAVOOKM.BELOR.
1958. 415 (32-33) Grapho 2
A *case of an acute febrile disease is reported, which presented chills, high fever,
headache, muscular pains, bepatorriegaly, and an abundant skin rash over the
extremities and trunk. Leptospirae were cultivated from the circulating blood anti
identified as L.bataviae. The isolated strain gave pottitive agglutination-lysis with
the serum of another patient in the name locality. This was the first discovery of
L.bataviae in man in the White Rus it ian SSR.
ilinigat ein Galveston, Tex. (L, 6. 17)
"'L,~.tco-olo.r-., In '!:r, Sor- v ol' At-r`c,P1qj'-r'll r.
;.o. 7'ov.llboc. ur
L~ 3vrns~-., "utrrory)
-,n ~7,
kongramus hTAgyarorszq:on 1934-M H, 01,1-1-m-
fugh-.1"~&MIlingary, 4--Sth fhtolmr, 1954.] Iftlidrdi, Itiffit1wst,
NI-01)CC. 1034. Ediglb,b tranilathin 11. 32:4,138. Ah"i: iUd, AlenyInIrt, Az Wso magyar
ine."rolAgW kongresmus 1954 okt6ber 4-8-An. Ll-iim Iluagarian Cunt!rm,
Oct. +-8, 19S-1.) Ibid., p. 4SO-454. Ph-to; 4 dOrgat". Abou- CI ekboy A X1 S"ezd
tuateorololov V Budill'tible. [himling of Illetetwologists ill v..k
SSSR, kres6ta, Ser. Geofizz., No. 1:86, jan.,'Feb., 1955, DLC Mso,: A~ZLoy_bLA, Me-
tearologicbeskil korptits v Hudspeshte. '~.Metturolaglml mmgmss ir Mr-
korologiia i Cidrclugiii, Nloi--ow, No. 3.63-64, May/ji,ine 1955. DIVII-An ivwrnatimial
synipoiium rin long-nm,,~ forecastiq washeld ill Budzilest ulliler the at.9picksof the Ill
A-1 Sixtem of eight coatittits (OSSR, Chi
, ny 7(cho%lov.
n 'i Aia, Romania Bulgaria ancl IImlzar!l) dcliverrd 14 pajwrs,
which are paLlished in this and -he following issue (59(l), jan./Feb, 1955) of 14idrdl (in
Huttg"u), Ticles cl the papers are listed in JfrI#-Pr4dojiW AM-411 and Rilliography,
May 1955 land 6(6):M9, June l';155. Tae coinplet'! papers are uku published
in Gernian in Acu Aranomica, Budapest, 5(1/;!), 1955, with rteikl;sh and Rus.4fan surninaries
(Id6jdrds carrics Russian and French sunimarim). A beparite al,oract oil each paprr will
be found in various Lilits of Afeleer'dogg"01 A-Wractj M!,idings:
3, Lomallefareus&t 2. Conferene"
w1illes, left,. leil,. l4k5iall' Gvril~'tn ;'rd
DV --colitaill, imper., (4~ rv,n~:, of w,:t,%;I,
c4Aultioed in Hurigarv hi VV55. Nim! papus (lod Nvith mllahs;5 of Nyumbut
I I IF: ill t i'; 11 pi, I r). in 1452-195"'. eight Ivith thu Clill mclogy 4,f F.mpary, t,.;.,) with
i!." Nv! y ill - i a I IY i ii, on c w I 111 -1 e -vii -4,, y, it xro ) 0 1 h a t m ria 111 mi I -.-rr w k n - ")g y
-7 -v F7, -,*
o~isliliv;n(~W,- All Pirti-ts %%ill tic (1%q-
11 195-, Ji"A IQ (Sizoilar volimic-, 1,-,ii jllibli~l ~d f,,,i
Ifen'llbys., 1. metto I
1 1;7
SM 3:051.6
`17 4'
~~S DWR - Ow rlunz;-i~m
P- gut ---d ~hls io'diTL~Z-Oly 1xith
l -tat
;en~ fr r)gticulnl
al ~
i-ro!ogy imil fvr tht! of La
t n- ~ref C-ILI, atinnal ~:Ctnzit;e, tic. arv
dur;1"g r,,,, nt ynn-
1! nz n6d; of A-yna,
e~ --ne fr~-s -hrrlai,~ and fii!~--5,rn-u-
~G ati-.-sP 'IT'llillion;, It lar- firg ~`P~I?r ~43n., ar, I-, )w b~;F. ui,,11,1
i-egularly' wv:alion [172:euroiz~qy, lc
ln7l al ricammer-ent, radliation ;urn:;ure-
ment, irtolou 'Em2fle atla:; ol Huiig~iry to 1u! publisbod iii 035) a nil
Ate 1. ttorolog~qml reson.,,li 26 Aungaq ---3.T.
Undesirable consequences of a lack of meteorologic knovledge in
our agricultural production. p. 129. IDOJARAS. (Meteorologiai
Intem-t so Magyar Meteorologiai Taxsasag) Budapest. Vol. 60,
no. 3. May/June 1956.
SOURCE: East European lecessions List (EEAL) Library of Congresv.
Vol. 5, No. 11, November 1956.