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t 5 13 5C) -65 M i Td) '~-Tm - ~2 _,VR-4 MP(c) B,; 3~3 _,:LACGR~8101; Mi I JJP30. UR/0286/65/0DD/DO7./WF8/0079 10892 A AUTPORS: Paize-nko, 14% G.; Zalibnakaya, 11. V.; Domeziburg, V. Lt TIT LE i Cathoe,a-ray osc-111ovo:)pv rz ia atnbe. Class 21~ No. 169'? 02 SOM GE --aUotenf Jim alx..ndy. I tvzarnykh mnakov,, rm 15 - 9 R B. br 7f; 7 -TOPIC TAGS oathode.ray tube ABZ CT. Thi. "uth Gertifteate presents a cathode-ray a ;3 A SCELlosaoPe Storage to ~ a :LQ tulie. To inmn)ase -Lhe recor&ng.Tate with a large -reproJ i tia e o in the tubo., jvn acid-itioral nenh target, an additional distributiOn cathc,.*'1,-,3 aud an elecizon ImSo ia-anBTer aeution are placed between tlia tht.~P_ target iilt';a b:Uitablvi reco:Mlit mode (see Fig. 3, on tho Fmnloau~-q). Orlg~ I arl;. hzls: I diagrm* -ISSMIATIO, -none- Ns SUBMTTED.- 0311ov&! ZNGM 01 'CfZ_1~ F-01 110 W SOVj ODD iOMRs 000 "j" akademik; XUGHIROV, P.S.. otvetstveanyy -2M=VA, Tel., tekhnichookly redaktor; NADZIMNAYA, A.A., tekhntzheskly redektor [Articles on mining) Stat'i po gornomu delu. Moskva, lJgletekhisdat, 1957. 193 P. (KLRA 10:7) 1. Chlon-korrespondent Akaclemii nauk USSR (for Xucherov) (G.oal mines and mining) I.MAVIYEV., S. , brigadirl, ML, F. - __.. KOLESOV,, 0.; 70ROFCHIN, S.; KOROIEV.,,I.; AGZAMOV., D., gornyy muter To Live and work the canni-mist way, Soveshakht. 10 no,12:lp-32 D 161, (KIRA 140-31 1. n-,;kbta No.1 0-TSeintraltnaye,tresta Krasnoameyokagoll (for Muravlyev), 2, ZamoatAtell seklaetarya partorganizataii Slmkhty No.1 'ITSentrallmaye Uesta Y&asnoarmayakugoll ffor Dennix). 3. Naeballnik shakh-by QKommmist-Novaya" tresta Oktyab:Hv goll (for Nolesov), 4, Predsedatell komitsta profsoyma sh~Aty "Nomunist-Novaye treata Oktyabrlugoll (for Toropebin). (Coal mimrs ) VASILEVSKI" M.N.Y kand.tekhn.nauk; VEYSBERG, K.G. . inzh.; -EHJ~K, _V.F., ~nzh,,; KORINEV, B.L., inzh. Automated mine hoisting system with low-~frequenr,,y drag-up u;Bing silicon power rectifiers. Energ. i elektrotekh. prom. no-4:.47-49 O-D 164. (MI RA :L8 -- 3) DMOAK, D. -C:t-.M&M - 1~4 iv Two new drying installations. Sallkhozmashina no-9:30-31 S 156. (Grain-Drying) (K[.RA 9:11) IMMAK, ~ Rj,, ,ref erent. Devigns of trailer driving axles. Trakt. i sallkhozmash. no.2: 48-49 ? 158. (MIRA 12:3) (Tractors-42'railers) (Axles) DBNOAX,-D., referent *Binder* trailer with driving axle(from *Landtochnik", No. 18, 195;7). Ttakto i sellkhommah. no- 7:46 JI 158. (MIRA 11:7) (Triactors-Trailers) DINOAL . Martin furnace. Wn-tekh- 3 noo2:28-29 7 '59. (MIRA 12:1) (Opon-hearth furnaces) DZffOAK, D. I~w~cyole motorcycle engine. IUn.tekh- 3 no.4154-5!; Ap ,59- .(MIRA 12:4) (Motorcycles-Rtgines) 1 '311011r, :).V. D ...... "U'V- ", I, rj& t5or . T'r.-Art . i sF~ I ll~-4ioz--a a h .no.7-/Z JI '5?- M:~-Harvastftg) TEFIICVP B.M., otv. red.; DENOTKINA, L.S., red.; NOVOSELOVA, V.V., tekhn. red. (I)rpological characteristics of higher nervous activ-1ty in man] Tipologicheakie osobennosti vysshal, nervnoi deiatelt- nosti cheloveka. 14ookvnl Ixd-vo APN R:3FSR. V01.3- 1963- 273 P. - ~'MIRA 16:.L0) 1. Akademiya pedagogicheakikh nauk RSF,3R, Moscow. Institut psikhologii. 2. Deystvitelinyy chlen APN RSFSR (for Tisplov). (NERVOUS SYSTEM) GUROVA, Nina Ivanovna; DENOTYINA, L.S.p red. [Age-related morphology of the human che,-~tl Vozrastnain morfologiia grudroi kletki cheloveka. Moskva, Frosve- shchenle, 1965. 215 p. (MIRA 18.5) C' 9 S/07 6P0/005/07/05/014 B004rBO56 AUTHORS: Denotkina, R. G. Moskvin, A. I., Shevchenko, 'T. B. TITLEt Determination of the Composition and the Dissooiation Constants of the Phosphate Complexeslof Plutonium (IV) by Means of the SoluBITIT-y-Helhud kj PERIODICALs Zhurnal neorganichaskoy khimii, 1960, Vol. 5, 110- 79 PP- 1509-1515 TEXTs In order to obtain stable solutions of nitric acid when dissolving the fuel elements consisting of an uranium-molybdenum alloy of the first atomic power plant of the USSR, 20-jjO g11 phosphoric acid is added* This caused the authors to investigate the oomplex-formation of plutonium (IV) in solutions of phosphoric acid and to determine the ratio botween me-Gal and addend and the dissociation oonotants of the complexes. They in- vestigated the solubility of the gelatinous Pu(HPO 4)2.xE.O in 0.012 to 2 mole/l phosphoric acid in the presence of 2 M HNO 3 at 250C. The ex- V~ perimental data are shown in Table I and Fig. 1. The solubility of Card 1/3 Determination of the Composition and the S&go/005/07/05/014 Dissociiation Constants of the Phosphate B004 3056 33 Complexes of Plutonium (IV) by Means of the Solubility Method plutonium I:IVI-phosphate at first decreases, attains a minimum at 1.06x.10-4 mole/I, after which it increases as a result of complex formation. From the curve in Fig. 1 it may be seen that the number of phosphate groups in the complex ion increases ateplike from 1,20r4 to 5- The following instability constants are calculated for EPU(BPO 4)12+ Knj - 1.2.10-13; for FPu(HPO Q 0 K 118.10-24; for Epu (E?O' j 3) 2- L:- - 4 "2 - 4 Kn3 - 3.7-10- 341 for [pu (HpO4Q 4- Kn - 6.10-44; and for J~U(Hpo 4)51 6- n 9.10-53 4 K 5 - . Fig. 2 shows the dependence of the exponent of the in- stability constants on the ratio between metal and addend. 11han increaB- ing the hydrogen-ion concentration, acidolysis of the phosphate com- plexes occurs, also for which the constants are calculated. Further, the solubility of the dry plutonium diphosphates in aqueous phoaphoric soid solution-'(0-03-3-9 mole/1) was investigated. The results are given in Card 2/3 Determination of the ComDosition and the S/Sig 20,/005/07/05/014 Dissociation CDnstants of the Phosphate 3004PB056 Complexes of Plutonium (IV) by Means of the Solubility Method Table Zaid in Fig. 3- Complex ione with the ratio metal t addend W 1 9 3P 1 3 4, and 1 t 5 were found. Formation of these complexes could be proved by means of electromigration (Table 3)- In Table 4 the instability oon- stants of the phosphate complexes of Pu(IV) were compared with those of the complexes with other acid-anions, and the following oreter was founde C02- -~ HPO 2- > 0 02-.There are 3 figures, 4 tables, and 5 referencest 3 4 2 4 4 Soviet and 1 American. SUBMITTEDs March 10, 1959 Card 3/3 BOYKO~ Ye.L., o-tv. red.; PONOMMU, Ya.A., red.; DENOTKINAI L.S.., red.; - ...- TAR " VAI V.V.0 tekhn. red. [Coterminous problems in psychology and physiology) Fogranich- nye problevj psikhologii J. fiziologil.. Otv. red. E.I.Boiko, Moskva., Izd-vo Akad. pedagog. nauk &Sr-SR, 1961. 210 &IRA 15-1) 1. Akademiya pedagogiches)d-kh nauk FLSFSII, Moscow. Institut psikho- logii. (IIERVOUS SYSTEM) (REACTIOV TINIE) 2A $ 200 2,06 5/07 611006100610121013 Bi I OYB2 06 AUTHGRS; Denotkina, R. G., Shevchenko, V. B. TITLE: The separation of phosphate complexes from plutonium (IV) solutions PERIODICAL: Zhi:xnal neorganicheskoy khimii, v. 6, no. 6, 1961, 1476-1478 TEXT: As is knoirn, uranium (IVI and thorium form complex compounds with the ions of phosphoric acid. Since with regard to its chemical properties tetravalent plutonium is very similar to U (IV) and Th, it must form complex compounds with the phosphoric acid ions. This is confirmed by the solubility of Pu compounds in H 3PO 4' The experiments conducted by the authors on the separation of Fu(IV)-phosphate compounds confirm their existence in the solution. A compound with good solubility in the presence of phosphate ions had to be selected for establishing the complex formation of Pu (IV). Hydroxide and doubly substituted Pu (IV)-phosphate were selected aEl initial substances. Pu(HPO 4)2 -XE 20 is well soluble in 3.9 and 2.8 molar H 3P04 solutions. With the reduction of Card 1/6 23o86 S/078/61/006/006/012/1013 The separation of phosphate complexes B110/B200' the phosphate ion concentration, the solubility of both compounds drops, however, and no complex compounds can be separated from the solutions because of the low Pu concentration. Preshly precipitated plutonium (IV) hydroxido, from which Ne- and NO--ions were washed out, was dissolved 4 3 at room temperature in 6 mole H 3PO 4' The doubly substituted Pu (IV)- phosphate was obtained by precipitation by 0.4 molar H 3PO 4. from 1-molar plutonium solution combined withnitric acid. The precipitate washed out with 0.6 mole ENO V C2H 5OR and ether was dissolved in 6, ~i.q and 2.8 molar H3 PO 4' Pink solutions form wher. dissolving hydroxides and Pu(HPO 4)2. XH 20 in H3PO 4# The composition of the Pu(IV)-phosphate complexes in these solutions was determined by the solubility method. The precipitation of the compounds mentioned made it possible to check the composition and to investigate the properties. Ethyl alcohol was used for salting out the phosphate complexes. Gelatinous, faintly pink-colored precipitates were deposited when phosphate solutions of Pu(IV) were added to the alcohol. The precipitates freed from the mother liquor and washed out in alcohol Card 2/6 23086 S/07 61/006/006/012/013 The separation of phosphate complexes ... B110YI3206 and ether were dried in the air thermostat for 24 hr at 25 -1 5 0C and in vacuum for 6 hr. The constant composition of the products prepared was achieved under the given conditions. The analysis results of the sub- stance separated from 6 mole H 3P04 are shown in Table 1. It can be seen therefrom that during the dissolution of the hydroxide and the doubly substituted phosphate in 6 mole H 3 PO4, a complex compound with the ratio Me :.addendum - 1 : 5 is separated, which probably corresponds to the formula H 6 [Pu(HPO 4);] -nH 20- The analysis of the compounds separated from 2.8 - 3.9 H 3PO4produced a ratio of 1 : 5 (Table 2). The Pu(IV) complex compound with four phosphate groups was separated from the mother liquor, which was obtained during the preoi-itation of Pu(IV) with 1.2 z and 1.6 niole H 3 PO4from its 2-molar nitric acid solution. According to Table 3, the ratio Pu 4+ : HPO 2- - 1 : 4. This composition corresponds to 4 -n Studie's of the electromigration of Pu(IV) confirm 4 LPu(H1104 4 H20' the existence of complex acids. Pu(IV) complex compounds with five Card 3/6 23o86 The separation of phosphate complexes ... S/078/61/oo6/006/012/013 B11O/B206 phosphate groups probably exist in 6, 3.9 and 2.8 molar H3 PO4, and those with four groups in 1.2 and 1.6 molar H 3PO 4' The complex with the ratio Me : addendum - I : 3 could not be separated. The solid phosphate complexes are amorphous pink substances, well soluble in HNO3 and HC1, insoluble in alcohol, hexane, ether, acetone and carbon tetrachloride. After six months storage they still had the original ratio Pu4+ - Hpo 42- and were hydrolized in water. (Abst'racter's note: Essentially complete translation.] There are 4 tablea'and 5 references: 1 Soviet-bloc ahd 4 non-Soviet-bloc. The references to the English-language publications read as follows: Ref. 1: E. L. Lebroski, H. Vt. Abter, F. K. Neuman, J. Amer.!Chem. Soc., U, 5646 (1951). Ref. 2t J. M. Schreyer. J. Amer. Chem. Soo. 77, 2972 (1955)- Ref. 3: R. P. O'Connor. Report CN, 1702, June, 1944. SUBMITTED: Novem~er 3, 1960 Card 4/6 97 .- ?,2 0 0 (A) 69013 AUTHOM Denotkina, R. Got Mookving L* 1, 5/078/60/005/04/008/040 V;-B. BOO4/BOO7 TITLE: The Solubility Product of Bisubstituted Flutonium(IV)Phomphate and Its Solubility in Some Acids PERIODICAL: Zhurnal neorganicheskoy khimii, 1960, Vol 5, Nr 4t PP 805 - 810 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The authors investigated the solubility of NON 4)2'XH20 in HCIO4 and E[90 39 and dotermined. the colubility product of this oompound. Solubility iras determined at a constant ion strength - 2y which was maintained by addition of N&ClO 4 or UNO 3% The precipi- tation of Pu(HPO 4)2.xH2O (x fluctuates according to the authors' data between 1 and 4) was effected from a solution of 1 - 2 N PU(IV)-nitrate by a solution of 0-4 M H3 PO 4* The experi- mental data are given as follows: PLgure I - influence of hydrogenion concentration upon the solubility of Pu(HPO 4)2.xH2O in '!N031 figure 2 - the same in H010 4. Hydrogen ion concentration was mea- Card 113 sured by means of an LP-5 potentiometer. The solubility of 6551013 The Solubility Product of Bisubstituted S/078/60/005/04,/008/040 Plutonium(IV)Phomphate and Its Solubility in B004/BOO7 Some Acids plutonium diphosphate increases with increasing hydrogen ion con- centration, and in greater in HNO 3 as a result of the formation of tk~,j ~lexAft(NO 3)3+ . Further, the solubility of PU(HP0 4)2* XE20 in distilled water and in H010 4 and ENO 3 with con- centrations between 0.1 - 2 1 was determined. Table I givos the data. From the low ~H (3-55 - 3.60) of the saturated aqueous solution of Pu(HPO 4 2* xH209 conclusions are drawn as to h3rdro- lysis accompanied by formation of the aquo-hydroxo complex [Pu(HPO 4 )(H 20) n-1 OH]+9 where n - 1*easie From the dissooia6tion constants of HPO and the equilibrium constant for the diesocia- 4 tion of Pu (HP04)2'xH2O the solubility product was calculated. Table 2 gives the solubility product in EClO,, table 3 gives the solubility product in HNO 3 with an ion strength - 2. Further, the solubility product was calculated immediately from the equa- tion LP Lpu4+j LEPO 2-j 2(Table 4), and finally Card 2/3 PU(HPO,).XH,,O n 4 The Solubility Product of Disubstitubed Plutonium(IV)Pboephate and Its Solubility in Some Acid* SUBMITTED: 69013 S/078/60/005/04/008/040 B004/B0O7 the solubility of the Pu(N)phosphai-e was determined kra i- cally from experimental data for the solubility of Pu(IV phos- phate in mixtures of ENO3 and R 3PO4 (Fig 3). The mean value of the solubility product determined according to the three methods is 2.10-28. 1 comparison between the solubility product of Pu(IV)phosphate and the corresponding Th- and U-compounds shows that the Pu-compound has the lowest nolubi- lity because of its lower ionic radius. There are 3 figures, 4 tablesp and 6 referenceaq 5 of which are Soviet. December 18, 1958 Card 3/3 -66 L 8143 ElIff (m)/EPF (c /MVP t)/tWP(b) IJP(c) JD SOURCM CODE URIR- 3 F-6: 1 -616WWV ACC NRIAF5027201~ 76T6 AUTHOR: Denotkinaq R. G*; She,rchenko., V, B,; Moskvin., A. I* ORG: None TITLE: The solubility product of ammonium plutonyl phosphate in aqueous solutions SOURCE: Zhux~nal neorg 3.965, 2449-2452 ani chesk~oy khimii$ v, 3.01, no. 11, T1 TOPIC TAGS: aPmoni sphatop plutonium compound,, solubility um pho ABSTRACT: Ammonium plutonyl phosphate was precipitated 1?y the :reaction of a 0.1 molar nitric acid plubonyl.solution with an 8#26 x 10,-3 molar concentration of the metal and-.a 1.0 molar solution of (ITH02HPO The finely crystalline preolpitate obtained,, whI,fth was of a li~ftt grke*n color and had the composition NH4PuOJPO4-3H,)0P was the starting material for the investigations, The soliibil ty of tmuonlixm plutonyl phosphate was determined in aqueous solutions over tho pH range from 1,C! to 6,4. In one series of experimnts the pH of the si:)lutlons was adjusted b,'F addition of H0104,, and in another series of experiments b-Y addition of HNO The ionic'strength in the solution wits not constants since addl;ion of Na(;I,Dh or LiWO3 to maintain mu constant brouj~ht about partial replacomexit of the NH4. group by sodlum or lithiura ionsp as a Card V2 1JDC'4 546*799,b4'39'185 L 8143-66 ACC NRs AP5027204 result of which the solubility could be detevmined only for the mixed compound (NHI, U)NO P04,or (UH Li),PuO PO but not for ammortium I '~~Aty data 1. .11, plutonyl phoaphateo Ke xper.'Lm4ntal sofu il s exhibIted in tabular form, On the basin of the experimerrIml datap calculations were made of the solubility product of ammonium 1~3.utonyl phosphate imd of a double substitutod plutonyl phosphate; thir were found to be oqual to (2-3 + 1.2) X 10-27 and (2.8 +'1-3) x 10- , The concentration in- c, stablTity constwats for ?M4Pu62PO49!nd PuO2TIPOh were cal ~ulated -to be equal to 3,7 x ID-22 and 6.8 x lo it is coxioluded from the calcula- ted solubility produots for NH,'hPLI02POI1&3H20 and PuO2HPOI, that ammonlwn plutonyl phosphate belongs to the groUps of slightly soluble compounds 1 formed by the reaction of the Pu024t ion with phosphoric acid.. Orig. art. has: 10 formulas and I table. S'aB CODE: GC,, IC/ SUBM_ DATE: 27Feb65/ ORIG REF: 004/ OTH REP: 008 1 DISOVA9 A.A.; ZMEARCIV9 A.M.; KO;AAI VJI-, ............. . .......... Eftect of qarlina biberateinil on the resistance of.white mice 14 radial acceleration* Farm.1, toks. 23 no.2.z177 Mr-Ap 160. (MIM 14:3) 1. Permskiy farmatsevticheskiy institut. (ACCELERATION-PHYSIOLOGIGAL E"90T) (THISTLE) BULGARIA Veterinary Medicine DENOVSKI, Dr."P.; IBPRNB (Abbreviation not identified) "Effect of an Extract from Calves' Blood on the Gain in Weight and Resistance of Some Animals and Poultry" Sofia, Veterinarna Sbirka, Vol 63, No 9. 1966. pp 26-28 Abstract: An extract of oalvest blood, one of V. P. Filatov's blo- stimulantsp was Injected in to calves, young pigs,,lamibs, and turkey chicks -at farms. Injections of the extract;ra!Lsed the rate at which the anlm~ls and turkey chicks gained weight and increased their resistance to infection. Injection of the C=,aet into pigs with paratyphoid and virus pneumonia had a therap tic effect. S/123/62/000/1303/004/018 AOo4/Alol AUTHOR: Denshchik, N. M. TITLE: Two-row mimdrel PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mashinostroyeniye, no. 3, 1962, 23, abstract 3B104 ("Dokl. Mosk. s.-kh. akad. im. K. A. Timiryazeva", 1961, no. 66, 233-240) TEXT: The author investigates tools for rotation working during the finish machining of holes. In a two-row mandrel, two rows of tapered rollers are used, which are located successively in axial direction. The first row of rollers carries out the basic work of plastic flow (rough shaping), while the second row effects the finish shaping. The magnitude of roller shift in axial direction I is determined by the following formula: D2 - DI d I - d2 + - 2 tg2ixr - tgF2o: where d1 and d2 - diameteisof rollers of the first and second row; N6 r - angle Card 1/2 Two-row mandrel S/123/62/000/003/004/018 A004/AIOI of taper of the rollers; angle of taper of the mandrel shaft; D, and 1)2 diameters of the adjusting dimensions of the rollers of the first and second row. Tests showed that a two-row mandrel ensures a macro-geometry in the range of the second class of accuracy, while the microgeometry obtained is in the range of the 10th - 12th clasa of surface finish. The use of a two-row mandrel makes it possible, in comparison with a single-row mandrel, to increase the efficiency by 30%, raise the tool life and the workhardening degree, There are 7 figures and 8 references. .1. Brozgoll [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 2/2 KARASEV; N.A.; DENSHCHIK, N.M. Microgsometi.7 of the ourface due to rotary burnishinf; Trudy Semspo kach,poverkbe no,5:375-381 1616 MU .15:10) (Metalwork) . KARASEV, N.A.; DENSHCHIK, N.M. Use of two-row rolling heads for the finishing of cylinders. AlIt.- prom. no.9:36 S 161. (MIRA 14:9) 1. Timiryazevskaya sellskokhozyaystvennaya alcademiya. (M-etals-Finishing) DDISHCHIK, N.M. "An Investi-ation of the Technological Parameters in Precision 5 Drilling of Steol Cylinders of Dissimilar Rigidity"; diasertation for the degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences (awarded by the Timiryazov Agricultural. AcademWp 1962) (Itivestiya Timbi-yazenkoy Sell skokhoVix~stvwmoy kkadamii, Mosemi, Ho. 20 1963, pp 232-23,S) KARLM, No A., kand. tWft. nauk; DEMHOHIK, N, M,,; SALIKIKOV, A. Go Now design of roller-type burnishing heado.PAvt. prom. 28 no.6:34-37 Je 162. I,HIRA 1614) 1. Timiryazovskaya sel'skokhosynystvannaya akademiya I Moskovskiy avtozavod imeni Likbacbeva. (Machine tools--Attachments) KARASF.V$ B.A.0 kand.tekhn.nauki-DENSHCHIK, N.M. I- Geometrical 1parameteiv of deforming rollera in buraft1d heads.- Avtopromb 49 no.3:36-39 Mr"63. ~MM 16:3) 1. ~bvlcovskaya ordarA Lenina sell skokhozyaystva-hwqa ekadakm f im. K.A.Timirya2eva. t (Grinding and polishir4,,) MISHCHIMOV. A. """wA%MwhMwwwp-g In the Presidium of the Academy of Sciences *:,' the 14traisian S.S.R. Visork AN URSR 24 no.10:74-76 0 152. (MLRA 9:9) (Academy of Sciences of Oe Ulcralulaa S.S.R.) DIMO v .-A. 1 w 'OrWOMW-4 ~--- In the Presidium of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian S.S.R. Visnyk AN URSR 24 no.7:75-77 JI 153- (HLRA 6:9) Ollklc,~Molw ~of Sciences of the Ukrainian S.S.R.) DENSHCHIKOVo I*Yea; XOZMVO.~ N.S.; VARSHAVER, G.N.; STOL-PER, A.M. ElIctric tensawthe scales for lorry cars. Koks i khim. no.2.*61-63 (MIR. 16.-2) 1. Yonakivevskiy k&sakhImirherkiy zavdd, (sm-ales) (Coke irtdustry.-Equipment and supplies) SOV-I~;2-58-8-11/16 AUTHORS: Denshchikov, L.Ye. and Ivanovskaya, Z.1. TI TLE: 'Nages of Workers of Drilling Brigades in Relation to Stan- dardized Categories of Rocks (Oplata truda ra,bochikh burov- ykh brigad po usrednennym kategoriyam gornykh porod) ?ERIODICAL: Razvedka i okbrann nedr, 1953, Nr 8, PP 51-54 (USSR) ABSTRACT: To avoid loso of time in calculating the wages to be paid to workers drilling bore ho)es in rocks of different linrd- ness, standardized categories of rocks were established for each nine separately. There are 2 tablPs. ASSOCIATICK: TsK profsoyuza rabochikh geologorazvc!dochnykb rabot (central Committee of the Trade Union of Geological Prospecting work- ers) 1. Rock--Classificiation 2. Mines--Operation 3. Employee relations Card 1/1 AUTHOR: Denshchikov, L.Ye. SOV--132-58-9-17/18 TITLE: G%o4ragrC-aT-7r--o-s-pe~et-o-r-s~and Topogeodesists of i7ost Siberia Contribute 5,000,000 Rubles to the Peace Fund (Geologoraz-- vedchiki i topogeod.ezisty Zapadnoy Sibiri vnosyat v* fond mira 5 Millionov rubley', PERIODICAL5 Raziredka i okhrana nedr, 1958, Nr 9, 1,P 59-6o (USSR) ABSTRACT: The West-Siberian Territorial Committee of the Trade Union of f.,,eological wor_'-~-ers called a conference of inventors and industrial innovators in Novosibirsk cn 26-27 June 1958- The latest inventions and innovations of its members were discussed and plans for future work were established. The conference alsc stated that in some regions there is a lack of collaboration between the inventors and the -various geo- logical administrations. It was also decided to appeal to all geological workers to raise a sum of 5,000,000 rubles Card 1/2 for the Peace Fund before the end of 3958- . .. SOV--152-58-9-17/18 4eological Prospectors and Topogeodesists of West Siberia Contribute 5,000,000 Rubles to the Peace Fund ASSOCIATION: TsK Profsoyuza raoochikh geologorazvedochnykh rabot (central Committee of the Trade Union of Geological Workers) 1. Geology--USSR Card 2/2 DENSEdHIKOVy L. Yeo Using the new wage system in 98010911.'al prospecting organliwtions. Razved. i okh. nedr 27 no.2:60-64 F 161. (MIFLA 3-4:5) -1. TSentrallnyy komita4 profaoyuza rabochikh geologorazvedochnykh rabot. (wages) DEN-MCH W. L.Y? On-the-job training and increasing the qualifications of workers of geological surveying organizations* Razvede I okh. nedr 26 no.6:50-51 Je 160. (M.A 15:7) 1. TSentralInyy komitet profsoyuza rabochikh geologorazvedochnykh rabot. (Prospecting) REZNICHMO, M.V.; DENSHCHIKOV, L.Ye. Work and live in the communist w&y. Razved.-i okh. nedr 26 no.7;56-58 Jl 160. NIRA 15:7) 1. TSentrallnyy komitet professionallnogo soyuza rabochikh geologorazvedochny" rabot. (Prospecting) RE7,111CHENKO, N.V.; MQJS Oecon -lemi-m of tli.-? Trade 'U-nion of in Geoic g.- Cal Prosnect4nu. Razved. i okh. nedr ~O no.,':56-59 "T '64- 4 (MIFj- 17:12) I . I'Sen tral kumil to L profe:~V,! n:0 lylof.o un,~t 1-almehil-11 geol Df~c~- razvedocimyki, rabot. MSECHIKOV, M.T. , State farms of the Kain Administration for the Aloohol Industry at the A.3.1-Union Agricultural 1zhibition. Spirt.prom. 20 no-3: 3-4 154. (MLRA 7:W (Koscow-Agricultural exhibitions) (Agricultaral exhibitions-- Koscow) (State farse) DINSHCHIKOV, M.T. IW Tasks of the alcohol, liquwur sad vodka lAdustrv in 1955. Spirt. prom. 21 no.1:1-~l - 1550* (KM 8:5 1. Glavmoyv ~ip7iiv:L9jdy* spirtovoy prozymblennosti Ministerstva promyvh- lennosti prodovollOTenzykh toveiav SSSR. (M. quo-r, I ;f,19 try) DENSHCHIKOV.M.T. 4~.i,~-., Improving the work of the administrative apparatus. Spirt.prom. 21 uo.2:5-6 155. MM 8:10) 1. Glavuoye upraylenlys spirtnoy promyshleunost-1 (Distilling inftstries) DENSHCHIKOV, M. T.: DENSHCHIKOVt M. T.: Ollie development of a rational *jmtem for the con- tinuous 3accharification of starch mash." Min Higher Education UISR. Leningrad Technological Iast of the Food Industry. Leningradt 1956. (DISSER- UTION FOR THE DEGIEE OF CANDIDATE IN TECHNICAL SCIENCE). So.s Knizhnaya Letopis' Moscow No,, 1956. DF11SHCHIKOV, H.T. RUMANIA/Chemical Technology - Chemical Peoducts and 1.11hoir 1-27 Application. Fermentation Industry Abs Jour : Referat Zhur- Xhimiya,, I-To 4, 1957., 13809 Author : J~~ch~ikoir M.T. Title : Continuous Va-ZM-um-Cooling and Saccharification of Mzsh. Orig Pub : Racirea continua in fid si zabarificarea planexii. Rev. ind. alimczt. prod. vegetalop 1956) No 5: 21-22 Abstract : A translation. See RZhKhiri, 1956, 60086 Card 1/1 - 389 - IMNSHCHIK07, M.T. evbments of the alcohol, liqueur and vodlca industrjr during the Soviet regime. Spirt.prom. 23 no-7:37--40 '57. (MIRA 11:1) (Distilling industries) INKSHCHIMV, X.T. Outlook for the development of the alcohol# Liqueur~ vodim and acatone- butyl industries in 1959-1965. Spirt. prom. 24 no.8:15-18 '58. (MIRA 11:12) (Distilling Industries) DUSHCHILM, X. T. Uperience in the continuous fermenting of b,-!ewlng wort. Spirt.prom. 26 no.1:16-19 l6o. (MM 13t6) (Yermantatiop) IWSHCHIKOV, M.T. Basic scientific research work on the brewing and aon~ alcohol industry. Spirt.prom. 26 no-5:19-20 160. (MIRA 13:7) (Brewing industry) DENSHCHIKOV, M.T. Unit for obtaining *green beer" in a continuous flow. Spirt. prom. 27 no.2t23-27 161. (MIRA 14;4) (Beer) DENSHCHIKOV,, M.T. Pilot sectional plant for producing "green" beer in a continuous flow. Spirt.prom,. 27 no.4:11-16 161. /I (MIRA 14:6) (Brewing industr3r~--Equipment and supplies) rPENSHODW, M J,_ :Cmmpdiate tasks of the scientific research organizations of the beer and nonalcoho)ic beverage industry. Spirt. prom. 27 no.6: 8-11 '61. (MIRA 14:9) (BrewinF industry--Equipment and supplies) (Beverages) DENSHCHIKCV M.T . RYLKIN, S.S.; ZHVIRBLUNSKAYA, A.Yu. Study of carbohydrate metabolism in bottom-fermonting brewer'3 yeast under conditions of continuous flow brewing. 14Jkrobiologiia 30 no.6: 990-994 N-D '61. (MI-HA 14:12) 1. Veesoyuznvy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut pivovarennoy promyshlennosti, Moskva. ()MST) (CARBON WTABOLISM) (HINING) DENSHCHIKOV, M.T.; RYLKIN, S.S.; VIVIRBLYARSKAYA, A.Yu. tz.- Formation of diacetyl and acetoin during the fermentation of brewers' wort, Mikrobiol()giia 31 no.1:140-1413 Ja-F 162~ (,\I= 15:3) 1. Vsesoyu7nyy nauchno-iLisledovatellskiy institut pivovarennoy promyshlennosti, Moskva. (BUTANEDIONE) (BUTANONE) (HUWNG) KOROLEVp Dmitriy Amosovich; CREM, Lem Ivanovich; MjjCFjJjQ.V, M MUMMA, M.V., retsenzeint; U-MM"E, M*Go, retaenzent; MAWBRIKO, A.L., prof., spetsred.; KOVALEVSKAYA, A.I., re'd.; SOKOLOVA) I.A.) taidm. red. [Technology of the production of soft d-rinks]'rekhno)ogiia bez- alkogol'rWkh napitkov. Moskvap Pishchepromiziat, 1962. 514 P. (MI'l 15:11) (Soft drinks) BULGAKOV~ N.I., red.., VESELOV, I.Ya., red, VOVK, Ye.A., red.; GIAVINSCIY, D.G.,, red.; KRUCIIII4111, V.F., red.; CIHTKWGVA, M.A., red.; BELIKOVA,L.B.,, red.; SOKOLOVAP I.A., tekbu. red. (Manual on malt and beer productionl8pravochnik po proizvod- stvu soloda i piva. Pod obshchei red. M.T.Demhchikova.. Moskva., PishchepromizcTat.. 1962. 862. (MIRA .15:12) (Brewing) DENSHCHINOV, M.T.; RYLXIN, S.S.; ZVIRBLYANSKAYA, A.Yu. Conditions of the formation of diacetyl, acetotn and 2,3 butylone glycol during fermentation. Trudy TSenti-.nauch.-J.ssl.inst..piv., bezalk. i vin.prom. no.9t5-12 162. Use of the iodametric mathod for determining aldehydes. 12-14 Some observations concerning the formation of a~dehydes under the conditions of coAinuous fermentation. 14-18 The likeliest sources of the formation of fusel oils under the conditions of alcohol\Ifermentation. 18--~2 Some characteristics of yeast call multiplication under the conditions of continuous fermentation. 22-32 t Studying the flocculation capacity of yeast under the conditions of continuous fermentation. 32-39 (KRA 16:1o) DENSHCHIKOV. M.T. Laboratory cascade-multistage unit for the production of beer in a continuous flow. Spirt.prom. 28 no.218-11 '62. (MIRA 15:3) 1. Veasoyuznyy nauchno-inaledovatellskiy institut pivovarennoy promyshlennosti. (Brewing industry-Equipment and supplies) kand.tekhn.naulq SILIN, P.M., prof., prof,., red.; SMIRNOV, V.A., prof., red.; RZHEkHIN, V.P., red.; LEBEDEV, P.P., 'ked.; KOVALENKO, Yu"T., red.; KUPCHINSK.TY, F.D., red.; HKNIN, G.S., red.1 FIYANKOV, A.G., red.1 SHNAYDMAN, L.O., red.; MOREV, N.Ye,, red.; SHMAIN, M.M., red.; BUIZAKOVI N.I., red*; MAYOROV, V.S.,, red.; TEPJIOVSKIY, N.S., red.; RAZUVAYEV, N.I., redo; OGORODNIKOV, S.T., red.; BUFRAN, M.Ye., reid.; KHOLOSTOV, V.A., red.; NAMESTNIKOV, A.F., red.; NASAKIN, T.N., red.; KOVALEVSKAYA, A.L, red.; ICISINA, Ye.I., tekhn. red. (Wastes from the food industry and their utilization] Otkhody pishchevoi promyshlennosti i ikh ispoltzovanie. Izd. 2., dop. i perer, Moskva, Pishchepromisdat, 1963. 615 p. (MIRA 16:6) (Food industry-By-products) DENSHCHIKOV, Mikhail Tikhonovich: KAUMIS, R.I. , red.; ZARSHCHIKOVA, ~. L. . , te: . red. [Use of industrial waste waters for the proeuction of food yeasts] Ispollzovanie proryshlenrqkh stochrifth vod dlia proizvodstva komovykb drozhzhei. Moskva, Ilishchepromizdato 1963. 22 p. (MIRA 16:12) (Industrial wastes) (Yeast) DENSHCHIKOV Mikhail Tikhonovich, kand. tekhn.nauk; KAIFINS, R.I., :X.- L.N., tekhn. red. (Present-day state of the brewing industry in Czechoslovakia) Sovremennoe sostoianie pivoyarennoi promyshlernosti Cbekhoslovakii. Moskva, Pis'hehopromizdat, 1963. 139 p. (MIRA 16:11) (Czechoslovakia-Breving industry) DENSHCHIKOV, M.T.; RYLKIN, S.S.; ZHVIRBLYANSKAYA, A.Yu.; WISEYE", V.P.; .BMTSVEYG,, I.A.; BOBIKOV, Ye.V. Role of diacq%yl on the vitality of sedimentary brewers' yaasts. Trudy TSentr.nauch.-issl.inst.piv., bezalk.i,16-27 163. (MIRA 17-9) _-N,T.; SHASHILOVA, V.P. -J)UMC_#~IkU, Continuous method. of fruit and..I~erry juice fermentation in Et cascadq-.deck system. Trudy TSentr.nauch.-issi.inst.piv., bezalk. vin. prom. no.llt53-59 163, (MIRA 1'1%9) DENSHCHIKOV, M.T.- Speed up th* techno3,,ogjc#Lj progress in the brewing industry. Spirt. prom. 29. no.5,4!-5 , ~,63. , ~. (14IRA - 17:2) 1. TSentrallnyy nauchno-isslodovatel'skiy institut pivo-bazalkogallnoy i vinnoy prorWahlennosti. DENSHCHIKOV, M.T* Design of a cascade fermentation system with horizontal trays, Spirt. prom. 20 iko.8:6-10 163. (HIRA 17:2) 1. TSentral'My nauchno-iseledovatel'skiy institut pivo- bazalkogollnoy i vinhoy promyshlennosti, Moskovskogo gorod- skogo soveta narbanogo'Iftimft stva. DENSIICHIKOV) M.T.; RYLKIN, S.S.; ZHVIRBLYANSSKAYA, A.Yu. Disinfection under the-conditions of the continuous brewing nothod. Tru TSentr.nauch.-issl.inst.piv., bezalk. i 1. 4,y - ,63. (MRA 17:9) GLAVINSKIY, David Germanovich; DENSHQUI~~qy_,,Mikhail Tikhonovich; PlGUZOV,.A.T.p-iuzh,,j, retsenzent; FELID141X,' inzh., rytsenzent; POPOV V.I., prof., spets. red.; KOVALEVSKAYA, J.Ijj red.; SOKOLO'VA, I.A.,, telthn. red. (Nechanization and automation in the brewing industry] Me- khanizatsiia i avtomatizatsiia pivovarennogo proizvodstva. Moskvaj Izd-vo "Pishchevaia pronyshlennost'," 1964. 419 p. (MIRA 17:,/,) DENSHCHIKOV,,.M..T... Design of a cascade-tray fermenter unit with Inclined trays. Ferm. i spirt. prom. 30 no.lil7-21 164. (14M 17: 11' : 1. TSentrallnyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut pivo-bezalko- gollnoy i vinnoy promyshlennostd. DSITSH"HIKOVI I-I.T. Provide the browing inclustry wfth high,-~luali':r rai; :,~ Fen:. 6 1 1 i opirt. prom. 30 no.5:1-5 1154. 01.,Lu 1,/.Ic)) 1. Vseso:m7m.~~y inst:.tlut 4 V-. Lmo:), pro.7~salenl-103TI. D114SHCEIKOV M T ; SHASHILOVA, V.P. Fermentation of glucone-protein concentrate sol,itions on cascade-tray units. Ferm. I sl-Irt. prom. 30 no.3,21-243 164. (MIRA 18 % 2) 1. Vaesoy-uznyy nauchno-i a sled ov atel I skiy institut pivo-bezalko.- golIncy A. vinnoy promvshlennostI. ','I rom. ncy Inz-0,11 I u t. il vannc~v propyshlennosti. DE4SHCHIKOV, M.T. Combining the processes of maJji-and after-fementELtion In the brewing of the finished beer. Ferm. i spirt.prom. 30 no.,',:18- 22 164. 18:12) 1. Vsesoy-uznyy nauchno-issledovatellskii, instituat pivobezalkogoll- noy i vinodellcheskoy promyshlennosti. DO I SHCHIKOV, N. A. ; SMOLK IN, N. V- Gas removal from coal seams of the Borietsugoll Trust 11VIgo-Sapad- nads. "mine no-3:. Ugol' 35 no-5:23-25 W 160. (MIRA 13:7) 1., Glavnyy inthener tresta Donetskagoll (for Deashchikov). 2-Glavnyy inzhener shakhty wTugo-ZapadwVaO No-3 tresta Donetakugoll (for S,rekolkin). (Donets Basin-Rine gasee) KORF) M.G.; PENIS11CHIP-Y)V-1. Elements of' earthquakeproof industrial buildings with mounted panol walls. Trudy TSKIISK no.6.-la-153 t61. (MIRA 15:1) (Industrial buildings) (Earthquakes and building) (Walls) and up-to,'.2-00--im 146 ljy.4mmerslon in a solution for a: iod'of t'ime- varied to~- .aes i re~ .!.per3 tamount i)f coating 1:per: unit ofialrea _je'q:tei -'roon.temperature.-_ It wasl:found t1mL (j!Mg/xwU1) 4~d. then sub t_6 ~'i~&nd. at_ plater.: t S: t6n 6_1~et~n 001 m er e Und th- ~tonditiohs used). till I-S'bbw no visibl# _crwAs. evei~ at;~ a..91) deg -bend angle. In -the rtr.,ge:of q r m f'rldm 0.07 to 0.35 g/m. 6.epending' rS 11. 9 Cord L L 64762-65 ACCESSION INR: AM19661 urf acev preparation) u ni=be, r of visible parallel cra~hs appear on am-algamated pi I-on of the plate aftez, a smiall bend corresponding. to a vltress (P rover tlS'the tensile strength of zirtc. The cracks are about 0 - 1-0, 15 ra M, deep and ao Acil DrOpagate beyond theboundExies of the amalgwnuted nrea of the Iplate. witil Increao-Mg q, the nunfoer of cracks decreases, and, as a rule, fA a >- !a single crac-~ with a depth practically equal to ',ibe plate th:.ckness appears. The im C. ; ain cbaractexistic o:[' the plate failiire at high (I is a gradual lengthening of the !crack and its propagation beycnd the bounderies of the amalganEted area. The final A - depend!; on the total anount of deposited nercur-i, so that vith a !length of the crack isufficiently large amount of r;ercury, a crack can be Cormed that Ireaks the plate tin tvo. A similar phenomenan - a sharp Irop in the tensile strenE~th of )zinc- with incraasing q - vas also obserwd in tension tests. Drig. art. has: 13 fivres. U ASSOCMION: Mskovnkiy. gosuJars'vennyy wiversitet State University) '15 'S R I H WIE D:: Dec6h Er; C.L: Co -No I-EF Sov: OTHER, 000 Card 2 /2 SM13 CCD-P NIM; ATD PRESS: Ai / o M. V, Loiwnosova (1101" in. c OW Z 14429-66- LV-P(R)/EWP(w)/ZPF(n)-2/T/91VP(t)/SWP(b) IJP(c) JD/WW/,RlftB ACC N11- iXP6002109 SOURCE CODE: U~,R/(1369/65/001/00ra/0643/0(;47 AUTHOR- Traskin, V. Yv,.; Goryun"-, Yu. V.; Den'shchikova, B.D. ORG: Moscow State Unive: sltv ira. MV ,_bQMWqtjqv (AAIoskovsldy gosudvirstvemiyy universitet) TITLE: Some aspects of a4sorptive decrease in the strength of polycrysUilline vine In the presence of gglft~m SOURCE: FIziko-l yamekhanikamaterialov, v. 1, no. 6, 1961'~~, 643-647 TOPIC TAGS: zinc, galliwn, brittleness, free energy, nonferrous liquild metal ABSTRACT: The brittle failure of polycrystals in contact. with metallic melts Is I;hougbl; to be closely related to the adsorption of flie melt on the E-,rain boundaries i:surfaces of excess free enerp). Since the extent of the adsorption depends onthe concentration of the adsorbed substance, the authors attempted to determine the quantitative relationship between the drop In the strength of a polycrystalline metal and the mass of the si activ melt in contact with it. In the experiments, gallitan was electrodeposited, cin zinc plates. After the electrodeposition, the plati-s were extended at the rate OF2-c-m/min at room temperature (gsl.lium being still hi the m2L~tn ~s-&Le), and the dependence of the Card 1/2 L 3.4429-66 ACC NR: AP6002109 strength P of the samples was istudied as a function of the quantity of gallium q =:m/S per unit area, of the extermtl surface. It was found that the decrease in the strength of zinc polycrystals coated wilh gallium is due mainly to the decrease -in the free energy at the grain boundaries as a, result of the n4sorption of gidlium atonis. A quantitative scheme of the failure process Is proposed which accurately reflects the linear character of the dependence P = P(q) and permits a correct estimate of the strength of gallium- coated zinc as a function of the quantity of gallium and thc structure andi thicknesE; of the sample. On this basis, all the factors promoting the adsorptive decrease in the utrength of metals are divided into two main groupt: (1) intensive factors, which affect the degree of weakening of the interatomic bond in the solid metal, and (2) extensive factors, whjch determine the proportion of weakened bonds relative to the total number of bonds broken. when the sample fails. Authors are deeply grateful to Ye. D. Shchukin, Dr. of Physicomathematical Sciences,. for valuable suggestions during the discussion of this work. Orig. art. has: 2 figures aM 5 formulas. SUB CODE: 11, 07 / SU13M DATE: I.Lqu~L!~etal corrosion 1-4, 4~, g-Z brittleneELI.~~ k~ 20Jan65 ORIG RET: 009 OTH REF: 001 Card 2/~ 30) FNASZ I SOU UPLOrTATION 3OT/Ift? Tassoyuznyy basohno-LosladovatellskLy goologoras"dochny7 martyaney imatItur Gwolegiya 1 aefte-gazoncenost' yugo-westoohnykb rayonav Rums"y platforayj abormik statey (Geology and Oil and Gas Bearing chara:rtmeriatics or %be Southano term Region$ of the Russian jUtf a leles) Leningrad, destoptekb1sdat. 2958. 242 C."Recra"to allArInsertod. 1,200 copies printed. leap. 94.j Ta.3. Iventoys Zdn.i M.S. Burshtar, X.3. 11"Ima. and S.A. 3akhmovskiyj Tech. gd.s A.B. Tjtahabwzhlnskaya; KwoutIve ad.$ N.V. IMMOT. nMMEe This book Is Intended for petroleum exploration goologlets. partleularly those Interested in the Russian platform area. COWZRA=m Those articles. originally read at a meting of the Scientific and Technical Council of Ministry of the Petroleum Industry (1953). discuss %be geologic structure of the mouth- card 1/5 eastern parts of the Russian platform, the planning of exploratory and pro Posting work, and SPOclal Problems in gooeboalstry. Studio&*:. Mead at realizing the ell and gas potential of the drum. Representatives or vNiaxi. vncaj. the 3talingradmefte- ragvodka Trust, Sarstovneft', Kaaakhatannoft-, and Groxneft- contributed to the work. XO references are given. ?AWE OF COXT23173 i '--A ell a2d ft$ PUPS- (cent.) "NAMPT zvestow, Ta.3. Results or the rJaQWX XXplcratIWW In the western Part of the PrikasPLYOU71 Depression -I'sokeLe". To.Z. Results or the yersUx and Triassic Undies in the prikcapiyakays Day-sales Denshto a Tectonic Structure of the xOrthOrn Part a ovskeya and the Vestern Part of the 3tslLn- :;.dakays Want' 130 grablim, To.A. Results of 3tudles P-1de by the Stal%Ag"d- martegazrazvedko Trust an the StruatureS Adjecout to the Prikasplyakaym Depresslon 146 ffarp4~6 P.A. The DOVOUIAX of the St&lLngrsdmkaya Oblast' 161 I&rikov. C.X. ?be Lithological and StrOtigraphle Cbarac- torlstles of the Carboniferous Sed1ments Of tna StALIA- gradskayn Oblast* sea the rrospects or Their bearing Gas and Oil 172 Rux9honke, X.N. Ball@ Feature$ or the Tectonics ar.-I lgogeograph,y or the Stallogradakers ?9vOlth'7~ Ift Card 4/5 dA DENSYMVICH) A. S... ...... ... .. "Physic omon)holo ri cal and Biochemical Changes in the Blood Necrobacillosis of I *-orses Under Herd Conditions." Cand Vet Sci, inst, of Veterinary Science, Kazakh Affiliate VASMITIL, Alma,.Ata, 195 (TRZhBiol, 53 No 5, mar 55) SO: Sun. No. 670, 29 Sep 55-Survey of Scientific and Technical Dissertations Defended at USSR Higher Educational Institutions (15) DIHSKU, D. ~:an Bator carbonic acid spring. Vop.kur.fizioter. i kalit. 23 no.1:77-78 05B,, (MIRA 11:3) 1. Glavny7 vrach oanatoriya 'Arshan-kombinst" Ulan-Bator (Mangoli7a) (UIAN BATOR-HINARAL WATYM) (HVA1TH RESCRTS, WAMING PIACES, XrG. E Slow f-5 I C&SSIMV Ml AR5OD2379 621*3986694-4-50.7 SOMM: R6f. z-b. Avtorat., telemekb, i 4.7,ohisl. tekhn. Sv. t., Xb;3. !;M105 AUTHOR.-, -Chendler, - R. I42ntA Te. TIM: Neir method of compensating the.. twq~erature Inarament of raoistuice in tenzomete= '196 CITED SOMM.- Sbo Vjzokotemperatv tenzodatchilki. M., Misbgiu., 196,~, IE14- TOPIC TAG.S.- tensometw-, high temperature tensometer TRANSLATION: Theorati-bal premises -and a miethod: of coq)ansating the t-'=- puratura increment of rasl stanas by means of an additional thromel-aluzB3. then=coupla having -i 3-inear chmniaterAstic up to 1000C are con-sidevd,- 7he circult dLagrGn of a 24-&,annel-:b-ipul. bridge is presented. Tho method t=ares =Easilra.:ent at r apidly -elounging arbi-trary temperatwes., --S~-'Aumstratixuti. MB C01Sj'M 'M MM 00 ERTAM, M.Iq DEVAGINA, T.P. A decade of experience in the treatment of utenosing diseases,of the esophagas and cardia. Trady Inst.klin.i AN Uzakh.s,%R 5:38- 47 '59 (DIGISTITR ORGANS-DIg.UUS) (UNCER) (MIRA 13:5) DEITUS, Slawomir; MALECKI., Bronislaw Isotope measuring instruments in coking plarts. Koks 7 no.1:20-26 Ja-F 162. 1. Zaklady Koksownicze Zdzieszowice i Wojskowa Akade-.da Technic2na, w Warszamie. .ACCESSION NR: Ap4o26371 P/1)O.34/64/0DO/OD3/D119j0114 AUTHOR: Czarnecki, Jerzy (Charnet skip 9.) (Doctor of eaginearing); Denualig1womir ,(Master anginaer)j Kmlikp Stwislaw (Kovislik Be) (Hister TITLE: Type MDR-1 electronic pipe length measuring instrument !SOURCE: Pomiary, automatyka, kontrola, no- 3, 1964, ILI-114 70PIC TAGS: MDR-1 meter, MDR-1 electronic measuring inl3tr=ent, pipe length measur-: .:ing instrument, pipe length meter, pipe measuring meter ABSTRACT: Measurement of pipe section lengths is an iq?ortwit problem in all tube mills as well as in various pipe warehousea. Pipe production is real zed ei ther in series of sections with alp identical length or in serien of sections tith varying lengths. In the first case, the length fo:r a giv6n senLes ir. measured by calculating ,the number of sections and multiplying thia result by the length at one section. In ':the second case, each section length has to be measun!d separately and the results 'then have to be totalled~ Both methods artB primitive, time-consuming and ina(,.curate- The,MDR--l electronic pipe length meter, au-Wmatically am.-asuring the pipe ltngth, is !,designed to replace -the tvo above-mentioned methods. The MDR-l device measures ithe length of each section with an error not exceediq; ~t 1 cin, automtically totals bard 1/2 ACCESSION NR: AP4026371 the length of the sequentially measured pipe-sections, and totals the numberoof pieces of the measured pipe sections. The device has the following measuring range-, (1) combined length of sections in the series - 100 km = 107 cm; (2) number of pipe .sections in a series - 10,000 pieces. The MM-1 has the following advantages in :comparison to the previous methods: (l)-snall error of measurement; (2) elimina- 'tion of subjective reading error; (3) automatic recording of measurement result in ~scale-of-ten system; (4) large capacity; (5) combining of the length measuring and ~weighing cycles; (6) reduct;on of labor by 66%. Article gives a detailed descrip- tion and operation. Orig. drt;. has: 5 figares. 'ASSOCIATION: none SUBMMITED: 00 DATE ACQ: 15Apr64 ENCL: 00 iSUB CODE: IE NO Eff SOV: 000 -OTHER: 000 Card 2/2 2 ...... .. e, on On:$__h n _ei~n -MOBOFIF ~di~ d i C6 ar av; m maqsmm, of --Pasitivc~ r1L moraque, A*c'l m=2; JA~dfioldo'F~10 CA --and wi mb are ",lif nlw4 ym-,vth": t~~t,y thf!1-i dt:~Wf! -X amicis riatis dedic-atus, Pars A, Frederico Riessz LX classus.of nomiq!ative il! tttu.~ Elf VAlig"m give several ne ~C-S!ary a 11-d !;U I'll 6 ~-ll t In classical pctertial theory in Euclidean n-space Rn, aximum how. I tit- the second princilkie of Niv P)~ there are two fundamental p:-c' Nems, (i) - the equiNbrimn *ent,:ond.lions 01,1azipivor tufii ci tobblem, "d (ii) the `.,sweeping OuC-of InElssonto ii giveli G) and 1(ii) t i - i! Wrlrmaiiye mplici to tile pr,,Wt~m., :, dosed set. A solution to probleni (i) is.based pon tic U noiti is that the comphoe principle J I' eh PO on , fi pmIcipleofilhe _zupmun)" following rst In c,ue to Fros man second Sec,071 of, he P,113cr, tlleaudlclj~., 1111aniprevail. In tile I ~ q, I rrh~'. sis, Univtrsity of Lunei, 1935 ]: and Miiria [Proc: Nat-~: d ' " [at'! kerneh. X(x), by rutmis, of mduirl, th. consi tr, regu ~Acad.:$&ALS,'A.26, 4-85-489 (i lwl 1-a V6 o, 1~-Flsaposlti_ -7C -rimtaiii cfals5ic-d or(-.s, For v_n .in SU e Orlinite enerlgy, then thcm ex4as pa ri ` iit1a1ju4q-.6%andif UOisdoO pote : naudb~'tfi iij~qUe466'0 f ililea~uresd i'm t upport jjl~j_'wxll th~lt opac S _ e support, Alhe on th, n throi ghclut ~Rk As: AJ, esz _ gliout R~- Imashown, by mearls of Kell-, n tram6rr6ati6n . th I s. e so ution essen i;,illy). Tile (11"t"61) a Tlecl:_ awl to (i), abd -a firniting prom,;.s, one i~anl obtain; a solution to ,.. condition that.4 rquLr admi, t tie ccmilloc (ii)~ But the present authors wish W cbza bi a solution to'(ii) i of the~maxknuni: they :.-bcti assfxix'(2 a fanilly :Y of distfi- indcpendent of (i); to do th;- flwy isolate the- fbllowjn~ butions 10), witli eac"i vmwl admitting t1w o;mpletc "second principle of the niaximum." If U, an& V~_are_the principle of tht m: ximum, to r)Lt Ila I Ilk- iciflowl.:i", :l;!.,1, tl( potential's due to poAtive mass dist ibutions of-finite energy, ofa restilt due 1:o 1. Rk-se [ A k Ul M ~11 1~. 51-4, 321 - 1~('lj, 193i ~j 1 and if V' exce T) t o.,) a se-, of m asure zcro, then U~~ V, If LIP is the potem ini gene-:it,d [)v i I,- ;,n througholit R^. The coi)jmictio~-iof th- -_%voprincipk~.S -above hr ;dl ct-,-i pcwliil;li~ L'. :iFv is called "the.complete prinCiple ol the mm:imum.": A CO11VLrs,: is akn fibtaint:d. TI~c -uLL(jr!x The prmnt authors (.md the 6,e the definitioni -and notation I.Ls~xiated With 11. C.-Ittar 1" Brelot, iind: L V_111~ I of Order i-, of 'M.- 11 i"z aml Frostm 1H 1 4'. ux-nli~l- 1. . Scl ~raazfsee Deny, Acta Mmli. -(1950),-: the--e MA.'i 11~ Rea I A i I ior , m Rim= DENES, Milcloa;- DEIII, Mil-aGs Fine twning and fine borirq,r with Hangariar-manufactured Fa- hard metal tips. Finommachanika 2 no.1.27-30 Ja 163, 1. Szerszamgepjejleszto Intezet. ERYJLKD, M.I., maluohannyy deyatell nauki, prof.; DMAGINA, T.B., dotsent., Operations of choice in cancer of the thoracic section of the esophagus. Zdrav. Kazakh. 23 no.2t8-U 163. (MIRA 16:10) (ESOPRAGUS-CAIICER) (F.SOPHAGUS--SURGERY) ACCESSION NR. AP4006841 S/0120/63/000/DO61C,17610177 AUTHOR: Denyak, V. M.'; Sidorenko, L. I. TITLE: Nuclear resonance phase detector used in electromagnetic field stabilizers SOURCE: Pribory* i tekhnika eksperimenta, no. 6, 1963, 176-177 TOPIC TAGS: phase detector, nuclear resonance, electromagnetic field stabilizer, nuclear magnetic resonance ABSTRACT: A phase detector is briefly described which compirises two amplifiers using one 6NlP double triode tube, a trigger unit us-Lug one 6N3P double triode for separate anode triggering, and two shaping stages employing one 6N3P double triode. One amplifirr is intended to pass evelL nuclear?- resonance pulses, the other the odd pulses. Both are gated by the trigger pulses for the duration of -(trig. Output pulses from the trigger.anodes are fed to Card 1/2 ACCESSION NR: AP4006841 storage capacitors. If the nuclear -resonance signal appearii with a zero modulating field, the d-c components on the capacitors are equal. If the field varies by & H from its resonance value, -the difference betw~een charges will be proportional to &H. . The time constant of the phase detectox depends cn the frequency of the nuclear -magnetic-resonance signal and can be brought to 20 or 30 rnicrosec for modulation frequencies as high as 400 cps. Orig. art. has: 2 figures. ASSOCIATION: none SUBMITTED: ZZDec6Z DATE ACQ: Z43an64 ENCL: 00 SUB C6D.E: SD NO REF SOV: 000 OTHER:. 000 Ccrd 2/2