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A man can do anything. Grazhd. av. 18 no.6:24-25 Je 161.
(MIRA 14:7)
(Air pilots)
DEKISOV, IT., pollovnik
IIA,om SU.1ing-rad to J13erl1n;n three hundred battle pictvi-es lo.,,
IAkov Rim~m. Reviewed 1~-.y N. Denisov. Sov. foto 21 io. 12:214
F 161. -14:2)
Oforld WF-r, 193S'-1945--Photography) (Riwnin, Wcov)
Improtant seconds. Kryl.rod. 12 no.10:6-8 0 161. (MIRA 15:2)
(Air Pilots) (Aeronautics--Competions)
AVMN= IMs AIGODU91 B/C-01 00/la/OD03/0()03
M?Mt Bormzb)s go srA AnAmw if
%out r4ouc"I c I m I Wbw# WlOvcidz-,,
OMMI PAWIfts 15 am 63s, 3. colo 1-b
=20 no: omosa ic or v, WLovoay
=Mt It I* amt,UWA that V, ArkovskV, vu at the. *~wwdxmm durinc, the
Inumchus of vosto)m 1., 2$ ')A 40 0* sbcowliclal of coummitics 10
~,Z; var.,60S omm 111n):
am ammoom w The Mum* Rev OUZ wa"N~ on
"Vm lwz betwo t1m n-WIS or tho vowto%*3 wmk IWU*4,p the Chief' Dmionm
LOS the Vfttok Aputabkpi w* the 4048M 40 QMlwnwt1cv*.,,,* jiuv in
vkuru Vgkonku, So anal^Lml mink an I=XbWAM lo amemlizaticn& and the
ebiUiW to oBlm the riot amisim In caplex altwtims."
ACMUMM" jilymm
mw this SWI I*Ud" 3016UMOW In-OMMAUM Vith tbd VMbokbS
Mot# tho mimmum no thl) tolm !~W! mol m 1''d ftbmbmkr ingbad of tho tam
WkWftj 14MMMIA Taly IlkaWn W the Omni WA detwbmat ommmim,
ft*MrJMY*llO tSIA23PAUrb 1111 AUM modiftlW6 komdlq~ to Stmembo ona Dontoovp
be ymms ion vitit elW qMj he In qxlet aml In daUbento in his
A PM.ift VC UAS lonobi MOR SAPUlmot aboM in
q***&bAp OSSIM31 we w0migoods Ila wthas staus "asoNow betas hw
ftlo= =*- %V vith snob ImOoks " IM* Sat tV SWA iNcImUM to
Te Fo JVkMM%3,7* IQV Vo lXfttl= Ilt than tUk% 08 Gft~un co=WpU cC
Us ftvolqpM ct opw Um*laolW SM99vog V* abo urA dvv*U;W*4 the
U11111k Me At
um AM! IMM63
Card 1/2
I I - - -1 v- ~~t,
The main formla. Izobr. i rats. no.1-106 163. (MIRA 36:12)
1, Direktor aukonnoy fabriki. "Krasnyy Oktyabrl", Surok,
Penzenskoy obl,
Short and ultrashort radio waves. Radio no.liV Ja 165. (MIRA 18W
Ju I N.A.
KRILICHEMlY, M., redakbor; ZMNMSO-V -N A , redaktor; YBMOV, P.R.,
redai-tor; TROFINOT. redaktor.
[Progrossive practice of buildtore in the oil industry; materials
of a conference of innovators of the Main Western Petrole
Construction trast] Peirsdavoi typyt neft ianikov-atroit ale i; me-
terialy soveshchanila novatorov glavzapadneftestroia. Hoskva,
Gos. nainchno-takhn. Izd-vo neftianoi i gorno-toplivnoi lit-ry,
1952. 61 p. (HLRA 7:8)
1. Randia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Ministerstro neftyanoy promysh-
(Builcling) (Petroleum industry)
Uchet i analdz proizvoditellnosti truds i zarabotnoy p1tty v stroitell- D3
stve neftyanoy prorqyshlennosti, (Calculation And Analysis Of The Operating
Efficiency And Wages In The, Building: Up Of The Petroleum. Industr7, By)
N. A. Den15-v1w i A. P. Chebotayev. Vloskva, Gostoptekhizdat, 1952.
128 p. tables.
DINISOV, N. lwwwoft,
- a
Fulfillment of output norms and the productivity of labor.
Sots.trud no.6:121-122 Je 157. MRA 10:7)
1. Rachallnik otdola truda i sarplaty Glavtaentroneftestroya.
(Construction industry--Production standards)
RUMYANOV, Mikhail VaBillyerich; DAUSOV,H.A., inzhener, redaktor;
KRYUfJXR,Tu.V., redaktor; YM~VFI'r.8.*'~'~lrekhaicheakiy redaktor
[Complex mechanization of painting work] Opyt kompleksnoi
makhanizataii maliarnvkh rabot. Moskva, Goo.izd-vo lit-ry
po stroitel'stvu i arkhitekture, 1955. 49 p. (KIRA 9:3)
(Faint machinery)
DENISOV, N.A 1. (Hosk-7a)
Piecework payment system for construction workman. Stroi.pred.
neft.prom.1 no-3:26-27 My 156. (MTAA 9:9)
(Pleicework) (Construotion worl"ers)
Ae~-7111'150 ~/, 41/" /)~
-- IVANCHUKOV, A.F., nauchvy red.; KRYUGIM, Yu.Y., red.izd-va;
""10ROM7, E.K.,
[Organizing the training of workers in the construction industry]
Organizatelia obucheniia rabochikh na Aroike. Mosima, Goe.izd-vo
lit-ry po stroit.i arkhit.. 1957. 27 P. (MIRA 11:1)
(Building trades-Study and teaching)
C-2. Y" Z' C\ -C 'o
DINISOV, Ilikoloy AleksandxgkIL; VOVZEWAK, P.N., nauchuyy red. IMYLIGAR,
luoy's, ~44-orz'Mvc;-, BLIXIA. S.M., takhn. red.
[Ilxporience in organi Ing mixed brigades] Opyt organizataii kom-
plak-onykh brigad., Ko:kva, Gos.izcl-vo lit-ry po strolt i arkhIt.,
1957~, 58 P* WHA 11:2)
(Construction industry)
Anaver to P.I.Kuznet,sovla letter concerning X.G.Deninov's article.
Zhur.eksp. i teor.fiz. 24 no-3:368 My '53. (W-RA 7:10)
(Kuznetsov, P.I.)
UsSR/Physics waves in ionsphere FD-2980
Card 1/1 Pub. 146 - 21/28
Author Denisov, N. G.
Title In-t"(rra!cmt"i"o"n"oroowr'dinary and extraordinary waves in the ionosphere
and the magnification effect of reflected signals
Periodical Zhur. eksp. i teor. fiz., 29, September 1955, 380-381
Abstract The electromagnetic field of a wave propagated in an inhomogene-
ous magnetoactive medium (ionosphere) generally cannot be repre-
sented in the form of a superposition of independent extraordinary
and ordinary waves; taking into account of the inhomogeneity of
the medium leads to the fact that in the propagation of waves of
one type in the medium waves of the other type arise, this inter-
action existing in the entire expanse of the inhomogeneous medium
(however, under the conditions of the io~,.-sphere, a slowly varying
medium., noticeable interaction occurs nLy in bounded regions, out,
side of which it is extremely small). Only under conditions of
small interaction can one talk about the separation of a field in-
to ordinary and extraordinary waves. In connection the present
writer obtains an expression for the coefficient of reflection for
normal incidence. He thanks V. L. Ginzlburg for posing the theme
and for his assistance. Four references: e.g. Ya. L. Al'pert,
V. L. Ginzburg, Ye. L. Feynberg, Rasprostvraneniye radiovoln [Prop-
agation of radio waves], Moscow, 1953; B. N. Gershman, Sbornik
pamyati Andronciva, 1955.
Institution Gor'kiy State University
nn 'Inr_r_
-F'j E /V C7
,I A/
tdiophysics.- Radio-Waves Vrtq%gatlon
Abs Jour i Ref Zhur - Fizika, No 5, 1957, No 12532
Author i Denisov, N.G.
Inst I Not given
Title t Effect of a Constant Magaetic Field on the Resonant Effect
Observed, Upon Raflootioil of an Eleatromapatio Field from
an Inhomogeneous Plasma.
Orig Pub i Radiotaklm. i elektronika, 1956, 1, No 6, 732-738
Abstract i The author establishes the presence of a resonance in the
refleation of radio waves from an inhomogeneous gyrotropio
plasma, at the 1(y7el where the frequency of the incident
wave coincides with the natural frequenoy of the plasma
oscillations. In a medium without absorption, the field
Card 8
USIM/Radiophysics. Ridio-Waves ptoMgi(tion 1-5
I Abs Jour t Ref Zhur - FizikEL,, No 5, 1957, No 12532
Abstract t of the waire inoreELSOB at this level to infinity. Esti-
mates show that upon reflection of waves from the ionoB-
phers, the influence of the resonant region is insignifi-
cant. Also disouEtsed is the influence of the plasma waves
that arise, at the resonant level.
Card 1 21/2
k N N, G,
TITLE on a Meo-ulllanty of the Field of an Electromagnetic Wave which
is Propagated in an Inhomogeneoua Plasma.
PERIODICAL iurn.ekap i teo:r.fis#31,faso-4,6oq-61q (1956)
Issued: ; / 1957
In the course of various pre,rious works cited it was not explained how the
amplitude of the growing field behaves in a medium with absorption, and what
physical significance this peouliarity has in a medium without absorption.
These problems will form the object of a close examination in the course of
the present work.
At first the special features of the field of the electromagnetic wave in the
case of an inclined incidence on to the linear layer of a medium, the proper-
ties of which depend only on the z-ooordinatep are investigated. From this
investigation the following result was essentially obtained: For an isotropic
plasma with slowly changing properties the increase of fieldstrength in the
domain of low values of 6 (z) in the case of large angles of incidences is
of no importance whatever. However, in the case of small angles ~ 0 - 2 - 20
(V eff 103) this effect bocomes noticeable and the existence of a point
with E 0 causes a oonaideMbla change in the form of the solution behind
the point of reflection. The increase of the strength of the electric field
of the standing wave is then not balanced by existing absorption.
Zurn.eksp.i teor.fio,J31,faso.4,609-619 (1956) CARD 2 / 2 PA - 1890
Thd influence exercised by plasma waves is then approximatively taken into
account. In media with very low absorption the anomialous behavior of the
corresponding solutions is conserved and the actual. behavior of the field re-
mains without an explanation, because in an inhomogeneous medium also other
factors are able to play an important part. The oheracteriatio behavior of
the vertical componont B z of the field of an electromagnetic wave propagated
in an ionizing medium with plane layers suggests a certaiia connection between
this phenomenon and certain resonance properties of the quasineutral plasma.
Resonance occurs where the f:requency oi of the inciding wave is identical
with the eigenfrequency W 0 of the plasma oscillations. Such a dependence of
JEZ12 on the coordinate is characteristic of the idealized problem in which
every kind of scattoring of the energy of a standing electromagnetic wave is
neglected. The width of the corresponding "resonance curve" is on this
occasion determined by absorption. However, in an inhomogeneous plasma also
an other mechanism of the diosipation of energy is possible, viz. the pro-
duction of plasma waves. The existence of a sharply changing longitudial com-
ponent of the electric field causes a spatial inhomogeneity of the electron
gas. In all such"diaturbed" domains of the medium the electrons perform
oscillations the amplitude of which grows with a growing approach to the
point of resonance. Taking the heat motion of electrons into account leads
to equations of a higher order.
INSTITUTION: State University Gorlkij
TITU The Propagation of zlectromag Waves in a k1lasma (in the Iono-spnere).
.1 OR~aprostraneniye elektromagnitnylch voln v plasme (ionosfere) -Russian).
MRIODICAL Uspekht Fiz. Nauk, 1957, Vol 61, Nr 4, Pp 561-612
Received 6,4957 Reviewed 7/1957
ABUTRACT starting out from the monograph by la.L.Allpert, V.L.Ginsburg, BI.Feynberg
"The Propagation of Radio Waves" (Raspostraneniye rediovoln- Gostekhizdat,
1953, the paper under review deals with some problems of this field which
have been clarifiedto a certain extent since the publication of the mono-
graph. The consideration of the neat motion of electrons in a homogeneous
medium in the magnetic field leads to the octurrence of plasma waves, the
consideration of the heat motion of iona, on the other hand, results in
low-frequency magnstohydrodynamic and quasi-acoustic waves, both with dis-
persion. In Inhomogeneous media it is possiblo that we have cases where the
approximation of geometrical optios is no more permissible and where an in-
teraction of waves taikes place which would be independent in the homogeneous
or quasi-homogeneous case. This ti the case in the absence of a magnetic
field at vertical incidence in the proximity of the reflection point and
at oblique incidence in the proximity of the point (aJ) a 0, at the exi-
stence of a magnetic field at a stall angle between the wave normal and
the magnetic field (multiplication of the reflected radio si,-rtals), and at
Card 1/2 the beginnIng of the layer where the concentration ofthe electrons still is
The PropEqation of I~Lectromagnetic Waves in a Plasma 53--4-4/7
(in the Ionosphere).
small. For the latter case the paper under roview computes the boundary
polarAation of the short waves which leave the ionosphere for a certain
model of the ionosphere, but it is unable to offer any, new information
about the ionosphere.
(With 18 reproductions, 73 references).
AVAILABLE Library of Congress
Card 2/2
t io - I
I VI . G., V. A. Vlovlk
im-L- iy)
"The Wave Propagation in Mediums With Random Heterogeneities".
report presented at the All-Union Conference on Statistical Radio Physicis,
Gorlkiy, 13-18 October 1958- (Izv. vyssh uchev zaved-Radiotekdi., vol. 2,
No. 1, pp 121-127) COMPIXTE card under SIKDDV, V4*-I.)
"The Wave Propagation in a Plane-Laminar Meditun With Statistical Hetero-
report presented at the All-Union Conference on Statistical Radio Physics,
GorIkiy, 13-18 October 1950- (Izv. vyssh uchev zaved-Radiotekh., vol. 2,
No. 1, pp 121-127) COMPLETE card under SIFOROV, V. I.)
AUTHOR: Denie*v, N.G. SOAr/JL41-1-5-6-5/28
TITLE: ia-ve Pi"rop:*;a-tMon In a Planar Laminary Medium Containing
Statistical Inhomogeneitles
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebstykh zavedeniy, Radiofizika,
1.958, Val 1, Nr 5-6, pp 34-40 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: It is assumed tha:t the waves propagate in a medium Wimse
refractive index is a point function of the height z and
undergoes random fluctuations with respect to its average
value n(z) . The problem can be solved by dividing the
non-uniform medinn into a number of flat layers. The
thiclmess of these layers should be small enough ca as to
make it possible to assume that each layer is statistically
uniform. On the Dther hand, each layer should contaill,a
large number of kahomogenelties so that the correlation
between the layers can be neglected. The,probability
W(zV ) that a ray which passed a tbiclmesB z wilj- havo
a dIrectioA detennined by the angle -Y is defined by
(M.A. Leontovich - Ref 3):
Wave Propagation in a Planar Laminary e m on aining Statistical
OW d-Y
sin sin,# (D - - -
az ab, a'Y dz
The diffusion coefficient D in Eq. (2) is defined by
the-statlatical properties of an elementary layer
given (L.A. Chernov g Ref 1, M.A. Loontovich - Ref 3)J
by Eq (3), where j is the average square value of the
deflection angle of the initial direction, at the exit from
a layer having a thickness 4z . The final expression for
the diffusion coefficient is:
D T n2 (6)
where t denotes the scale of the random Anhomogenelties.
If ~%V is comparatively small, the solution of Eq (2) is in
Card2/5 the form of Eqs (8). From this, it is found that the average
Wave Propagation in a Planar Laminary Medium Containing Statistical
square of the incidence angle fluctuations is given by
Eq (9). If the non-uniform layer has a thicimess z 0
Eq (9) is in the form of Eq (9a). Since the average square
fluctuation of the refractive indjax is given by Eq (10),
Eq (9a) can be written as Eq (11). The above formulae are
valid for the p1ane-waves whose incidence is normal tjD the
layer. It is of interest to define the same parameterv
for the case of an incllndd :Lnc:L&exLce. The problem can
be solved by considering Eq (15) (L.A. Chernov - Ref 2),
where n' denotes the refractive index of a non-uniform
layer, S is a unit vector of the tangent to the ray
and 6 is a linear co-ordinate measured along the ray.
The average square value of the ray deviation (due to the
random fluctuations) is now expressed by Eq (20), where
N(r) is the correlation function of the refractive
index. By introducing a diffusion coefficient D , as
defined by the isecond equation on P 38, Eq (20) can be
written in the J-.orm of Eq (21). The fluctuation of the
Ca.rd3/5 intensity of a ray which passed through an inhomogeneous
1 28 Statistical
Wavg, Propagation in a Planar Laminary 1-?eVVu'm1_4~;ni_a:Cn'Vng
layer can, be evaluated by using the method of L.A. Chernov
(Ref 2), provided that the average refractive index-is
independent of the co-ordinates. If the refractive Index
is represented by the last equation on P 38, Eq (15) leads to
Eqs (22). The first- two of these can be written as Eqs (23).
Consequently, thio lateral displacements of a ray at the exit
from the non-homogeneous layer, having a thickness z , are
given by Zqs (24). The relative change of the ray intensity
Is, thex-efox-e, deternaned by Eq (25). Integration of
Eq (25) leads to Eq (26). Consequently, the average square
fluctuation of the intensity is given by Rq (27). The
correlation function of this equation is defined by the
last equation on P 39. The expression for the average
square fluctuation can, therefore, be written as Eq (28).
If the thickness of the layer z 0 is much smaller than
the scale of the inhomogeneities, Eq (28) can be written
as Eq (29). When the correlation function is in the form:
Card4/5 N = exp(-r2/t2) I
SO%~4j-1-JLZ%7Aj,5j-',U'8,,,g Statistical
Wwre Propagation in a planar Laminary 8 ium
Inhomogenelties F4 (31). This
the average square fluctuAt"31- wh
formula indicat*5 that thefluctuAtiOnz-J-niDr-"e an
n in a layer ten" to 0 (at a certain level)- All the
above formulae were derived for the waves with an infinite
front. The results can be used, however, for the evaluation
of the fluctuations in wave beama,provId-ed that the
tran verse dimensions are greater than those of the random
inhomogeneities. The author makes acknowledgment to
V.L. Ginzburg for discussing this work and for valuable
remarks. There are 5 references, 4 of which are Soviet
and 1 English.
ASSOCIATION: Issledovateltakiy rad.1ofizichaskiy InstItut. prl
Gorlkov.skom universitete (Research Radiophysics Institute
of the Gorlkiy University)
SUBMITTED: May 23, 1958
Card 5/5
AUMOR: Denisov, N.G. SOV/141-1-5-6-6/28
TITLZ: Wave Scattering in a Planar LamiLaryMedium
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysahl-kh uchebnykh zave4eniy, Radiofiz:Lka,
1958, Vol 1, Nr 5-6, pp 41 - 48 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The problem is formulated as follows. The average value
of the permittivity z is a function of the height z . The
random deviations of the permittivity be from its average
value are comparatively small. The problem of finding the
scattered field consists, therefore, of finding the field
of elementary radiators whose power is determined by 4v
and by the field cfthe primary wave. If the field at r, = 0
is E 0 and the wave enters the non-uniform layer without
reflection, the field at a height z is given by:
E -ik.indz + i(ot(
~rnw c
Waive Scattering in a Planar Laminary Medium-
The scattering volume. can be divided -Into elementary volumes
dV . The dipole moment of such a volume Ls given by Eq (2).
It Is now necessary to determine the fi-eld of an elameptaLry
rAAiator- situated In a non-untform layer. The radiation
can be.approximait.ely represented by Eq (3), where r ip
the distance between the radiator and the point of obser-
vation, i is "he ax4p a between the vector k and the
direction tf the dipolt')Izoment. The field at the output
of a noz-uniform layer (due to a dipole situated at a
height z ) can 'be written In the form.of Eq (4), where
-&0 amd y 0 are the angles detex=luing the direction of
a ray at the exit of a-layer,and R 0 is tbLe radius vector
at the point of observation, This filn t1on f in Eq (4)
is given by Eq (5), wheire d4- is the spherical angle of
the radiation "tube" at the source level and dS 0 is thVi
area of the "tube" at a. level z = zo The square of the
intensity of the scattered field can be written In the
form of Eq (8). This can also be represented by Eq (10),
Card2/5 or, finally, as Eq (11). The average square value of the
Wave Scatterimg in a Planar Laminary-Medium
intensity in, therefore, In the form.of Eq (12), where
is the correlation function.-of tha-.-.per-ittivity fluctuations.
The effective scatterIng.cross-sectlon !a,, therefore, given
by Eq (13)- If the correlation function is exponential,
the scattering cross-section is expressed by Eq (15). The
above formulae are valid for a plans wave. In order to
daterinine the scattering of spherical waves, it is necessary
Vo take into account the divergence of the rays of the
primary waves. In this case, the average square value of
the scattered field Is given by Eq (23), where d im
determined by Eq (13). The quantity df~ denotes thq
spherical angle of the ray tube of a radiator which I#
situated at_&,dis~tance h 1 from-the non-uniform layer;
dS1 is thecross-section of the tube at the beginning,of
the non-uniform layer (z = 0 - Figure 1). For a point
situated on the_ aXiS z at a distawe h2 from the upper
Card3/5 boundary of a flat layer (Figure 1), the average square field
Wave Scattering in a Planar Laminary fe ium
is given by Eq (24). This can further be written as
Eq (28), where r and are defined in Eqz (26) 4ind
(27). The firtal expression for the scatteied field is
given by: "o TN72
nk2 t v
092 1102 0 dz (35).
0 ~, I., r- ) 2 C
2 0
This formula Is 4imilar to Eq (22) except for the
divergence factor:
There. -are 5 ref-e-r-ences, of which 1 is English and 4 are
Soviet; I of the Soviet references is translated from
Wavo Scattering in a Plan&r Lamina y Medium
ASSOCIATION: Issledovatellskiy radiofizichaskiy institut pri
Gor1kovskom universitete (Radiophysics Research Institute
of Gorlkiy University)
SUBMITTED: November 21, 1958
Card 5/5
I OR Denisov, IT. G.
TITLE- On the Problem of the Absorption of BlectromaUnctic Waves
Within the Resonance Ranges of an InhomoEeneous Plasma
(K voprosu o pogloshchenii elc!ktrom----.nitnyl"-b voln v reno-
nansnyhh oblastyakh, neodnorodrioy plaziny)
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal Eksperimentallnoy i TEloreticheskoy Fiziki, 1958,
Vol. 34, Nr 2, PP 528 - 529 (USSR)
ABSTRAM The phanomenologic description of the proparation of electro-
magnetic waves in a plasma is based on the possibility of
the introduction of the index of refraction of the medium.
Pirst the author refe= to several earlier works dealinr.,
.iith the same subject. K. G. Budden (reference 3) computed
the absorption within the vicinity of the sinCular point of
the index of refraction for the most simple model of an in-
homogeneous layer. The complete solution of this problem
can be obtained for the case of awak inhomogeneous plasma.
Card 113 The present viork gives the results of such an investiL-lation.
On the Problem of the Absorption of Electromagnetic Waves Within the Re-
sonance Ranges of an Inhomogeneous Plasma
In a Tieak inbomogeneous medium the interacticn of the o_rdi-
nary and extraordinary ray can be neglected, rith the ex-
ception of the spacial case to be investigated later on.
For reasons of simplicity the author restricts himself to
the investigation of the transverse propagation, althouz-h
the final formulae can easil-v be generalized. In the trans-
verse propagation the index of refraction of the extraordi-
nary wave has a singular point. For the derendence of this
index of refraction on the concentration of electrons a for-
mula is put down. A formula is also given for the reflection
coefficient. The maximal value of the absorption coefficient
in about 35; ~- In the calculation of the absorption within
the range of resonance the interaction of the various types
o:C waves must be taken into account only in the case of qua-
silongitudinal propagation. Then various details are short-
ly discussed. The absorption effect discussed here is con-
nected with the transition of electromagnetic waves to plas-
ma waves. The mechanism investigated here, can, by the way,
only explain the appearance of the triplet. Multiple reflec-
Card 2 tions can not occur. There are 6 refer;nces, 4 of which are
-/O'V1C_ .
AUTHOR: Denis ov sov/141-2-2-19/22
TITLE: Amplitude and Phase Fluctuations of a Wave Passing Through
a Layer with Ralkdom. Inhomogeneities
PERIODICAL- Izvestiya vysshil-di uchobnykh zavedeniy, Ftadiofizika,
1959, Vol 2, Nr 2, pp 316 - 318 (USSR)
XBSTRACT: Previous analyses have considered either a layer with
constant average. parameters (L.A. Chernov - Ref 1 and
V.I. Tatarskiy .. Ref 2) or a layer in which only the
intensity, e.g. of turbulence, varied (Ref 3). In the
case considered here, besides the regular variation in
refractive indelil, there are random inhomogeneities whose
mean int-ensity depends on height. Starting from the scalar
wave, Eq (1), and -suppos:Lng that'the scale of the random
Inhomogeneity Is much larger than the wavelength and much
smaller than the scale of regular changes in pexMittivity,
a simplified 3xpression for the potential f. is Eq (5).
The solution to this equation is in terms of' Fourier
integrals for variables x and y , as shoum in Ref 2.
Card 1/2
Amplitude and Phase Fluctuations of a Wave Passing Through a Layer
with Random Inhomogeneities
The inhomogeneous layer has a thickness LI and contains
within it a randomly non-uniform layer of thickness, L 0
The correlation function for complex phase is Eq (10),
wbich practically coincides with the expression obtained
in the work of H. Scheffler (Ref 7), with approximate
getometric optics. V.L. Ginzburg advised in this work.
There are 7 references, of which 5 are Soviet, 1 German
and 1 English.
ASSOCIATIM Issledovatel'skiy radiofizicheskiy institut pri
Gor1kovskom universitete (Radiophysica Research Institute
of Gorlkiy University)
SUBMITTED: February 13, 1959
Card 2/2
Agl' Z.3 a 0
AUTHOR: Denisov, N.G. SOV/141--2--3-5/26
""rIm"ale""o? the Accuracy of the Adiabatic Invariant
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy, Radiofizika,
1959, Vol 2, Nr 3, PP 374 376 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The adiabatic invariant:
11M = mv2/2H const
.i. -i\.
holds in the case of motion of a charged particle In a
slowly varying magnetic field H . where v-L is the
component of the electron velocity perpendicular to the
direction of the external magnetic field. How far this
relation holds has been a matter of some controversy. If
one introduces a small parameter describing the rate of
change of the magnetic field, then it is knomn that the
adiabatic invariant holds with an accuracy up to the square
of the small parameter (Ref 1). It has been shown (Ref 2)
that in the case of a uniform slowly varying field the
adiabatic invariant holds to an accuracy which is
Cardl/2 proportional to exp(-A/a) , where A is a constant and 01
7 5Y b
An Estimate of the Accuracy of the Adiabatic Invariant
a is a small parameter describing the rate of chan~,e of
the magnetic field. The present paper is ol-3o ~;oncernecj
with the case of a uniform field which -was considered ir.
Ref 2 and it is shown that the above *-o estimates of the
accuracy are not contradictory but refor to different
There are 4 references, 2 of which are Soviet and
2 German.
ASSOCIATION3 Issledovatel'skiy radiofizicheskiy institut pri
GorIkovskom universitete (Radiophysics Research
Institute of Gorlkiy Univel~-SIT-y-j--
SUBMITTED: April 2, 1.95!)
Card 2/2
Some questions of the tbeory of wave prolxLgation in media with
random InhomogensitiOB; SUrVOT. ISV.VYS.UCheb.zav.; radiofiz.
2 no.4,:521-542 159. (MIRA 13:4)
1. Nauchno-isslednvatellekiy rp-diofiziclieskiy inatitlit pr',
Gorlkovskom univoraitete.
(Radio waves--Scattering)
9, looo S/141/59/002/06/021/024
AUTHORS: Dentso Polyard
Deni.sov,N.G. and ~20K4
TITLE. AmplituVe""and Phase Fluctuations in a Wave Propagated in
a Non-uniform. Absorbing Medium -".I
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedieniy, Radiofizika,
1959, Vol 2, Nr 6, pp 1010 - 1012 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: Usually, fluctuations in the wave parameters are calculated
without taking into account absorption in the medium.
The present note is concerned with a method for taking
absorption into account. It is assumod that the mean
value of the complex dielectric oonstant e1 in the
layer depends on z . In that case, the propagation of a
scalar -wave is described by an equation of the form given
by Eq (1), where A cl(x, y, z) represents random
changes in the complex dielectric constant and k 0 = w/o
where w is the frequency of the wave and c is
velocity of light. If the layer is sufficiently
then the solution can be written in the form
Cardl/3 E = exp R, (x, Y. Z) (x, Y, Z) and 1.
Amplitude aLnd Phase FLuctuations
uniforip Absorbing MediUE2
MkEi4ropagated in a Non-
in a v
are given by E(Is (2) and (3). The time dependence is
harmonic (e'01;) . The random functions in Eq (3) are
then (otpanded into a Fourier integral in x and y ,
so that Eqs (4) and (5) are obtained. It is assumed that
tho paint of observation z = L 1 is outside the region
in which irregular changes inthedielectric constant are
present (L ~-. L 0) . Using Eqs (6), (7) and (8), the real.
anti the imakInary parts of the solution (4) can be written
in the form given by Eq (9). The change in the amplitude
anti the phase due to absorption over distances of the
oreler of the seale of the random irregularities L is
negligible. The analysis is continued to obtain the
correlation functlon for the complex phase. It is shown
that in amplitude and phase calculations absorption need
not be -taken into account if the condition given by
Eq (1!5) is satLsiried. That is equivalent to saying that
in the geometrical-optics zone.abisorption need not be taken
Card2/3 into account. In the ionosphere this condition may no~ ,,-
EVaVF,": -14
Amplitude and P1mise Fluctuations in a e PPopagated in a Non-
uniform Absorbing Medium
hold for frequemcies w < 2T107elec-1 and in the
lculation of scattering In the E-layer absorption
must be taken into account in this frequency region.
There atre 3 Soviet references.
ASSOCIATION: Nauchno-issledovatel'skiy radiofiZicheskiy institut
pri Gor1kovskom universitete (Scientific-research
RadiophySio In ititute of Gor1kiy Iniversity)
SUBMITTED: October 7. 1959
Card 3/3
AUTHOR: N,,.G.2anisoy - SOV/109- - -4-3-7/38
TITLE: '7'-Absorption of Radiowaires in the Resonant Regions of a
Non-Homogeneous Plasma (0 pogloshchenii radiovoln v
rezonansnykh oblastyakh neodnorodnoy plazmy)
PERIODICAL: Radiotekhnika i Elektronika, 1959, Vol 1+,. Nr 3,
pp 388-397 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: A magnetically active plasma is generally characterised
by two refraction indices. It is known that for certain
values of the electron concentration, one of these
indices tends to infinity. This condition of the plasma
can be referred to as the resonant regiong since it is
caused by the resonant properties of the plasma (Refs 172).
For the purpose of analysis it is assumed that the plasma
1:3 situated in a magnetic field H and that the
electron concentration is dependO only on the co-
ordinate z. If the direction of the horizontal
magnetic field coincides with the axis x, the wave
equation for the system can be Written as:
2"V 2 1 - v U - v) ) Fy = 0.
Card 1/4 ~ + ko (1)
dZ2 1- u- V
SOV/109- - -4-3-7/38
Absorption of Raddowaves in the Resonant Regions of a Non-
Homogeneous Plasma
where the various parameters are defined by Eq (2), and
Wjj is the gyromagnetic frequency of an electron. Eq (1)
describes the propagation of the extraordinary wave whose
refraction index is expressed by Eq (3), If the function
v of Eq (1) is linear and has a slope a, Eq (1) can be
written as Eq (4) where 1 - u - v = t . The general
solution of Eq 0+1 can be found on the basis of the
approximation of geometrical optics and is in the form of
Eq (5). This can also be written as Eq (7). If the
extraordinary wave impinges on a ncn-uniform layer from
the left, it Is found on the basis of Eq (9) Ithat the
refraction coefficient is given by Eq (11), If the wave
impinges from the right, it is shown that no refraction
takes place. A more accurate expression for the
refraction coefficient R is given by Eq (16). The
modulus of the refraction eoefficient can, the::~eforej be
expressed by Eq (17). The arameters 6 and S in
Eq (17) are defined b7 Eqs R8) and (19). For 6,.., 15
Card 2/4 8 1 iven by Eq (20) and Eq (17) ~Tan be written as
Rq (2 ~. A graph of Eq (21) is shown in Fig 3. If the
Absorption of Radiowaves in the Resonant Regions of a
Non-Homogenoous Plasma
P3'Operties of the medium (plasma) change as a function of
z , and if the magnetic field of'-the earth Ho is at an
angle m with respect to the axis z 9 the solution of
the equations describing the propagation of plane waves
along the axis z is in the form of Eq (22). Here n,
and n2 denote the refraction coefficients of the
ordinary and the extraordinary waves; the remainin
parameters of' Eq (22) are defined by Eq (23). Eq f22)
is derived on the basis of the approximation of geometri-
cal optics. The equation is not applicable in the
regions where the reflection or interaction of the two
waves takes place. The presence of the interaction
results in a change of the constants al 2 and d1,2
in Eq (22). However, if the lower integration bouftdary
A in Eq (22) is chosen, so that the point A is
situated to the right of the interaction regiong the
resulting solution of Eq (22) doseribes the incident and
the reflected wave to the right of the point A . The
solution in -the area to the left of the interaction
Card 3/1+ region is also in the form of Eq (22), but the values of
SOV/109- --4-3-7/38
Absorption.of Radjowaves in the Resonant Regions of a Non-
Homogeneous Plasma
the constants are different. These constants are
expressed by Eq (21+). The author expresses his
gratitude to ir.L. Ginzburg for his valuable remarks.
There are )+ figures, 1 appendix and 8 references, )+ of
Card 4/1+ which are Soviet, 3 English and 1 German; the appendix
discusses the solution of Eq
SUBMITTED: September 5, 1957
AUTHOR: Denisov, N.G.-
TITLE: Influence of the Reflection Region on the Scatterinoof
Radiowaveselin thojonosbhere.,'Y
PERIODICAL: Izvestlya vyssh1kh uchebrxykh zavedeniy, Radiofizika.
1960, Vol 3, Nr 2, pp 208 - 215
ABSTRACT: It is assumed that in a nonhomogeneous ionospheric layer,
whose permittivity e(z) is dependent on the height z
there exist also random fluctuations As(x,y,z) . The
investigation of the problem can be based on the solution
of the following scalar equation:
'&Y + ir" w/o) (1)
" [ E (Z) +- AS (X, Y, Z)3Y = 0 (ko
The solution is in the form
41 = Yo *Wl
where yo is the solution for the case when Ac = 0
Cardl/5 The function Y, can be found by solving: L/11c",
Influence of the Reflection Region on e aitering of Radiowaves
in the Ionosphere
tiY k2 VWY k 2A eye (2) -
0 1 0
It is seen therefore that the problem amounts to the
determination of the field in a nonhomogeneous medium for
the case of a given distribution of sources. The equation.
can be solved by representing the random functions Y- 1 and
A c in. the form of Fourier integrals dependent on the
variables x and y (Ref 3). Two functions ITI and f
defined; by Eqs (3), are introduced. The function Q
satisfies Eq (4). For a linearlayer in which e = -az
E (4) can be written as Eq (5), where C = az and
0 satisfies Eq (6). The solution of Eq (6) is in the
form of Eq (7), where v is the Airy fi4nction and A 0 is
the amplitude of the incident wave at the boundary of the
non--homogeneous layer. The general solution of Eq (5) is
in the form of 1Pq (10). The compa7ent of the scattering
Card2/5 field at the boundary of the layer =.-I) can therefore
I -,--/
Influence of the Reflection Region on c ering of Radiowaves
in the Ionosphere
be expressed by Eq (13)- If the random irregularities
form a fine diffraction grid, having, a thickness d