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DENISENKO, P.P. Participation of the cholino- anti adrenoreactive systems of the. reticular formation of the mesennephalon in the activation reaction of the cerebral cortex. Fiziol.~zhur. 47 no.5:551-558 My 161. (KIRh 14: 5) " 1. From the Department of Pharmacologyo Institute of Ebq)erimental Madicine,(Leni d* JJRAIN (CMMRAL CORTA) (ELFCTROFAICEPHALOGRAPHY) D&UMKO,:P.3?. Relat4LonBhip -between central and peripheral cholinol:rtic effects of certain complax eaters of diethylaminoethanol and aromatic acids. Diul. eksp. biol. i med. 51 no.3:72-76 Mr 161. (MI, 14:5) 1. Iz otdola farmEtkologii (zav. - deystvitellnyy chlen AMN SSSR, S.V.Anichkov) Instituta eksperimental Inoy meditsiny (d:L-r. - chlen- korreispondent AMN SSSR prof. D.A.Biryukov) AMN SSSR, Leningrad. Predstavlena deystvitellnym chlenom AHN SSSR S.V. Anichkovym. (PARASYMPATHOLYTICS) (EMGTROENCEPIIALOGRAPHY) (NERVOUS SYSTEM) DENISENKO, P.F.; GURVMH, I.Ya. Use of the central cholinolytic agent metamioyl in the treatment of narcomanias (morphWEm). Vop. Psikh. 1. nevr. no..9:464-471 162. (MIRA 17:1) 1. Otdel farmakologii Instituta eksperimentallnoy melditsi 1.7 (zav. - deystvitellnyy chlen AMN SSSR, prof. S.V. Aniewcov i 2-ya poikhonevrologicheokaya bollnitsa NovgorodskcT oblasti "Podgornoye" (glavnyy vrach - D.I. Allperovioh). DENISENKO P.P. Exporimontal bases for the use of central cholinolytics in practical medicine. Vest. AMI SSSR 17 no.3t48-58 162. (14IM 2514) 1. Institut eksperimentallnoy moditsiny AM SSSR. (PARAS)n,TATHOLYTICS) - i DEEIIISENKO~ F&P. Comparativo effect of substances stimulating, and blocking Lhe oholirte rea,3tive systems on the bioeleatrical activity of the cortex: and reticular formation of the brain. Farm. i toka. 25 no.1:8-15 Ja-P 162. (IMU 15:4) . stvitel I nyj dh1en AF-14 SSSH prof . 1. Otdel fwrmakologii (zav. - dov S.V.Anichkov) Instituta eksperbaontallnoy nieditsiny AWI SS,")TI. (CEREBIFUL CORTEX) (AUTONOMIC DRUG3) (ELECTRO,--'NCBPIULWGiUPIIY) DENISENKO, P.P. Influence of cholinolytics affecting the central nervois system on the orienting reaction in laboratory animals. Farm. i toks. 25 no-4:395-401 Jl-Ag 162. (MIRA 17:10) 1. Otdel farmakologii (zav. -- deystvitelInyy chlen AMN SSSR prof. S.V. Anichkov) Instituta eksperimentallnoy meditainy A14N SSSR. FRATIEEVICH, Yu.M.; 14LLOMUZHI F.F.; DENISEITKO, F.F. Analysis of the mutual potentiation of the tranquilizing effect of aminazin and metamizil in tympanoplasty in children. Vest. otorin."-50 N-D"62. (IMA 16:7) 1. Iz akademicheskoy gruppy deystvitellnogo chlena. AIIN.SSSEL prof. G.N.Speranskogo, iz itdeleniya detskogo vozrasta (zav.- dotsent F.F.Malomuzh) Nauchno-iiisledovatellskogo instituta ukha, nosa i gorla, Moskva, iz otdela farmakologii (zav.- deystvitelinyy chlen kIN SSSR prof. S.V.Anichkov) Institeta eksperimentallnoy meditsiny AIIN SSSR,Leningrad. (T)DIPANAL ORGAIJL~URGEWI) (CHLORPROMAZIYE) (BENZIL1C AGIDS) MISRIKOY P.P. Cholinolytics in the prevention and treatment of experimentzu.* hyperkinesia. Farm. 1, toks. 25 no-58519-530 S-0 162 (MIRA 18:1) 1. Otdel famalologii (zav. - deystvitelInyy chlen AIM SSSR prof. S.V. Ahichkov) Instituta eksperimentallnoy medil.~Lq MT SSSR. DENISENKO., P. P. *Pharmacologic Blocking of the Central Cholinoreactive Systems and the Possibilities of its Therapeutic Application."! Paport presented at tke 2nd International Conference of Pharm,cology, Pragues 20-23 Aug 63- DENMENKO, F.F.; FRATUSBTICH, Yu.M. Tranquilizing properties of metamisyl and methyldifacil, two new central cholinolytics, and possible points for the application of their action. Zhur. nevr. i psikh. 63 no.4:582-590 163. (MIRA 17:2) lo Otdol fhrmakologii (zav. - prof. S.V.*Anichkov) Iristituts. ekBperimentallnoy meditsiny-AW1 SSSR, Leningrad i akademi- cheskaya gruppa deystvitellnogo, chlena AMN SSSR G.N. Speranskogo, Moskva. ,P.; DOTSENKO, S.N.; MOLIKOV, G.M. DMjqgLiTO,2 Treatmant, of Thomson's myotonia with metamisyl. Och. klir,. nevr. no.2t232-2/a 164 (MIRA 18:1) DF11ISENKO, 13.p. Effect of various central cholinolytics on electrocon-ulsion in mice and rabbits. Biul. eksp. biol. i med. 57 no.6:59-63 je 164- (MIRA 18:4) 1. Otdel farmakologil. (zav. - deystvitellnyy chlen AMN OSSSR prof. S.T.Anichkov) Institutu eksperimentallnoy meditsiny AMN SSSR, Leningrad. DENISENKO, Petr Prokoflyevich; FRIDMAN, A.Y.~ red. - -- - -I.: ;!~" [Central cholinolytics; their pharmacology and clinical use3 TSentrallnye kholinolitiki; farmakologiia i kl-ini- cheakoe primenenie. Leningradp Meditsina, 1965. 279 p. (MIA 18:8) DENISENKO, P. S. "Axle Blowers with Adjustable Blades,t' Kotloturbostroyeniye, No-3, 1948 Leningrad Polytech. Inst. im. Kalinin 124-1937-2-178Z Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Mekhanika, 1957, Nr 2, p 47 (USSR) AUTHOR- Denisenko. P.S TITLE: Axial Ventilators With Variable-Pitch Blades and Possibilities of Their Application (Osevyye ventilyatory s povorotnyn-li na khodu lopatkami i perspektivy ikh primeneniya) PERIODICAL: Tr_ Kiyevsk. gidromelior. in-ta, 1954, Vol 4, pp 79-97 ABSTRACT: The importance of achieving'an improved operational economy of the exhaust fans and ventilators used in thermo-electric plants is ijoted. It is shown that over a considerable part of operational conditions, established for such equipment by GOST 5308-50, axial single-stage fans with variable-pitch rotor blades may be used in lieLi of centrifugal ventilators. The axial ventilators will operate more economically than the centrifugal ones. A test prototype of an axial ventilator, with a rotor diameter of 1. 3 m (n = 1460 rpm) was designed and manufactured under the supervision of the Author. The! ventilator rotor had 16 profile-shaped twisted hollow blades made of slieetmetal and fastened onto bars that can be conjointly rotated by means of a suitable mechanism while the ventilator is Card 1 /Z running, A maximum efficiency of 73 percent was obtained with a 124-1957-2-1782 Axial Ventilators With Variable-Pitch Blades (cont.) discharge rate of 94, T m 3 hr and with a pressure rise (in cold air) of appx. 225 kg/m . The subject ventilator was used for a period of two months on the boilers of the Third Leningrad GES and was found to be sufficiently dependable and more economical than the previously used centrifugal ventilators. It is worthy of note that ventilators having variable-pitch blades are not used very widely because of the complexity of the pitch-control mechan- ism. Axial fans with rigidly set rotor blades and a regulated stator set-up are simpler; however, their parameters are not investigated by the Author. A. G. Bychkov 1. Axial flow fans--Performance 2. Axial flow fans--Test results 3. Axial flow fans--Design Card Z/2 D*EIIISENKO, S. (Aleksandriya Kirovogradskoy obl,,); ZADIRAKA, N. We are learning how to protect agricultural objects. Voen. znan. 39 no.11:27-28 N 163. (MIRA 17:2) 1. Glavnyy veterinarnyy vrach shtaba grazhdanskoy oborony KirovogradBkoy oblasti, (for Denisenko). 2. Upravlyayushchiy Sharovskim otdeleniyam sovkhoza Aleksandriyoko 0 sakharnogo kambinata Kirovogradekoy oblasti (for Zadiraka5a 15-57-10-15006 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geologtyaj 1957, Nr 10j p 282 (USSR) AUTHOR: Denisenko, S. A. TITLE: A Rail-Mounted Spark-Proof Connector for the Automation of Mine Installations and Processes (Rellsovyy iskrobezopasnyy datchik RID dlya avtomatizatsii shakhtnykh ustanovok i protsessov) PERIODICAL: V sh: Avtomatizatsiya v ugolln. prom-sti. Moscow, Ugletekhizdat, 1956, pp 53-71. ABSTRACT: The author discusses the possibility of using shorter sections of track in which individual rails are 8 m to 16 m long. In 1951-52 the Donets Industrial Institute made a spark-proof rail-mounted connector, and in 1953- 54 it was tested in mines. The value of the initial resistance between one rail and the next decreases to 150 ohm/m in unfavorable circumstances; and during flooding of the tracks by acid water on very troublesome, Card 1/2 but rare, occasions, this resistivity reaches some value A Rail-Mounted Spark-Proof Connector (Cont.) 5-57-10-15006 between 15 ohm/m and 25 ohm/m. The connector works reliably at values between 50 oh~Vm and 100 ohm/m. The author describes the principal design and tested samples of the connector. The parts of the system supplying current to four connectors were placed on a panel of a PMV-1344 starter. An alternuting current at a voltage of 14 v was used for testing the section of track. The connector was tested for its spark-proof quality at the Makeyevka Scientific Research Institute for Mine Safet The connector was tested in the first-class mine "Tsentrallnayull TD*onbass) in damp workings at a slow rate (20 operations per day). The testing was repeated at the first-class mine imeni Rumyantsev (Donbass) in damp workings at a fast rate (200 operations per day). The results of the.,tests were satisfactory. The 'tKrasnyy metallist" (*Red Metal Worker) factory is manufacturing tested consignments of these connectors. Card 2/2 V. K. Yasnyy 'o I- y I ". - /.-, 11 / -~- /.:- "IT, ~(( 11 ~ 'ev I ENI,MM, ,* . ~. . . 1 nz-honer . The HID fmarkless rail transmitter. Bozcn,.truda v prm. 1 157. (MLRA 10: 9) (Slectric controllers', ST9FISLAVSKIY, L.B.~ MISENKO,, S.A. Put automation into the process of the drying &nd dust removal from mineral clothing. Adm.-byt. komb. ugoll. shakht no-5:71+-'76 162. (MIRA 17:8) 1. Pfoyektnaya kontora kombinata Donetskugoll. VINOSLAVSKIY, Vasiliy Nikolayevich, kand.teklux.nauk,dots.; HYBCHWKO, Fetr Filimonovichp kand. tekJin.nauk, dots.; POPOVICH, Nikolay Gavrilovichy kand.tekhn.naukpdots.; POLYANSKIY, Nikolay Alekseyevich., inzh.; DANILICEUK, Grigorly Ivanovich., inzh.; VOIDTKOVSKIY, S.A.,, doktor tekhn. naukp prof., retsenzent; MIROSIINIK, A.M.p kand. tekhn. nauk,, retsenzent; DENISENKO, S.A.y inzh.j. retsenzent (Automation of industrial processes in coal mines] Avto- matizatsiia proizvodstvennykh protsessov ugolInykh sbakht. rByj V.h.Vinoslavskii i dr. Kiev, Tekhnika, 1964. 406 p. (MIRA .1813) ZELINSKIYp V.M.., kand. tekhn. nauk; RUKRAN, G.L., inzh.; FELIDMAN, G.B., inzh..; DENISENKO, A,A, inzh.; SMOLINA, Z.K., inzh.; KOSTOGRYZ, P.L., Inzh.; fM%*', =.Mt--t-e-fdmik Experience in introducing remote control of pumps in,drainage boucioles at the S.M.Kirov mine. Shakht. stroi. 9 no.lOt27-28 0 Ib5. (MIRA 1802 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut organizataii i mekhanizataii shakhtnogo stroitel'stva (for Zelinskiy, Rukman, Felldman). 2. Institut Avtomatuglarudprom zavoda 'Kra3nyy metal- list" (for Denisenko., Smolina, Kostogryz) 3. Yakovlevskoye stroi!~ellno- montazhnoys upravlenlye treste, SoyuzshaIkhtoosusheniy-- (for loffe), D, : A.-.; S'7tj-lt- ~ V.I.; OSTRf"'VSKIT, 0 ~ _, ~T ?] , F, . .. . Y fteitation of synnhronmis mrc.1hLnes from two three-dindilig transformers and semi conduotor rectifiern. Trudy Ural. politekh. inst. no. 138'.9-D-P8 '&~ (,,,!IRA lc)~-I) DENISKO, S.V. (Donyskol S.V.] A property of a rectilinear congruence composed of tangents 4,o the curvature lines. Visnyk LIviv un. Ser. mekh.-mat. rio.1:7-8 165. (IMIRA 18:12) - DEN-I-SENKO, T. - , Useful training device. Voen. znan. 40 no.2:24 F 161,.. (SERA 17:2) 1. Nachallnik Amur-Mizhnedneprovi3koy shkoly grazhdansIcoy oborony, Dnepropetrovsk. DEHISENKO, T.N.., _; assistent Ttmora of the round uterine ligaments. Akush. i gin. no.2t 3.27-328163. (KMA 16: 10) 1. Iz kafedry akusherstva i ginakologii (zav. - prof. P.Ta. Iellchuk) Rostovskogo meditsinakogo instituta. (`UTMWS - TUMORS) DEN- assi-stent GlillicLl aspects of I.-liloid cei! tLzo-,- (,4' trud. Fto,;t. ffo!;. mod. inott. nc-,.21:97-1 Localization of brain tumoro and diEordero of" 'Ibid. 13~,-138 - -tial c, Dh ,,str -cle in white rats w.L, 173-185 2. 1;,, I-afedry-akusherstva Ji Finekolcj~~-_,; (zav. prof. '-.Ya. i-lellch-ul.) 1:1i:4 i kaf'p-dry neyrokhirurgii (zav. - urol'. medi t sin sko,~,o instititta. DINISMIKOO-To- -- ~ In the leading factory workers$ group. Voen,zaan. 25 no-9:3 S 149. (MIRA 12:12) (Kiev-Military education) 1. DEUSENKO, V. 2. ussp (6oo) 4. Flining Engineering - Study and Teaching 7, Stakhanovite ischools aretraining production innovatorae Nat, ugle I no. 7, 19529 9. Monthly List 2f itussian Accessions# Library of Congress, Januia7,___1953. Unclassified. MWISRHKO. T. More attontion to schools of advanced experience. Nast. ugl. 3 no.6: 24 Ao 154. (MW A 7:7) 1. Nachallnik uchobno-karsovogo kombinata tresta Raltaugoll (Dpnqts Basin--Mining Ragineering-Study and teadbing) (Mining engineering--Study and teAnIting--Donets Basin) DINISENRO. Ar. How the expeAmmes of a lending sertion wats utilized. M"t.ugl.5 no.11:10 N v56. (KUIA 10: 1) 1. Ifachallnik uchebno-kursovogo kombinata %resta Stmlinugoll. (Coal minee and miniT4;) DENISENKO, V.,* starshiy prepodavetell -. ----N one more way for saving nonferroug metals. NTO 2 no-5:26 My 160. 1 (RTM 14:5) 1. lasotekhnicheskaya akademiya. im. S.M.Kirova g. Leningrad., Chlen Nauchno-telchnielieskogo obahchestva lesnoy promyshlennosti. (Leningrad-Wood researoh) GORMBTSKIY, S.r., kand.teldin.nauk, dotsent; IMNISENM, V.D., inzh. -- - Bxperience in taking stereophotogrammetric pictures of waves at marine stations in harbors. Nauch.trudy OIDW no.16:3-14 1~8. (MIRA 11: W (waves) (Phatogrammetry) DENISENKO, V.D. lnzh. -t- Standard design with shortcomings. Avt.dor. 25 no.12j29 D 162. (MIRA 16: 12) (Notorbus 2Anes-Ztations) DENISENKO V L- VLASNEKU, V.L. Installation for straightening sides of dump cars. Sbor.rats. predl.vnedr.v proizv. n0.5:62-63 160. (MERA 14:8) 1. Dnepropetrovskiy metallurgicherkiy zavod imeni Petrovskogo, (w1roado-Equipment and aupplies) L 16179-63 '~41 law K6~:' f-4 P A=.Buow ft JMMIB5-1~ B10O5816.-V0O01C*61M561DD5T SOURCE: RM. 1~.ZMX:Abis. 15W~~ Lo AlUTEM: . Denleezko V 1A-q0,'---?&trenkq,:-Yq. J6 MGMWA TIrM Automatic apparatus for'neasuremeat, of proMlation veloafty or g1tras Ac oscillations by the ultra-swoustic interfiwcveter method CrM SOURCE: t1che zaps Mum1kovsk. unwt 're lWjo 1!~62# Tre Radiofixt fak.,, v. 6 ,,iog-m TOPIC TAGS: ultraeomicep o(xmd velocity wksureomt1l ultrascaustle Interferometer, automatic measwement TRkNSLATION: 'One of the. most accurate - (to methods af rwssuri~g the velocity of ultrascowul is vith the aid of:an interfez=eterp but it is very laborious and tilne-emimm' An electraiia eircititp conslst~~ of an ultrasound generator, tuned amplifier,, and detecto.- Is tied for automatIzation of this This eLrettit, together vith thc gi~,5-abwAmker It possible to co=t the nunber of mtim& cxf the axode current: In circuit. an the inter- ferometer plunger is wved,, "Me generatoor frequency Is 283.0 kesp t~e travel of' JCord. V2 NRs SM. CE CODE* AIPMOR: Bez%lyyo p. A,; Zhevagqp S. Ye.; DenlGenko$ V. I. A knA~L.'- OIIG-. ftsicatectmical Institute of Low eng MIGA71cadele' of Sciences)UkrSSR (Ilr,ik-o---t,e-kb-n-ic-h-es-iHy-flu3t-iru-t zkikh temper&Mr JUMdemli ns,Uk UAJz5SR) ~21, q1ji5_ -- TITLE: YAgnetoacolist c Investigation of the Fermi nurface of' molyt,denum SCUICE: Zhurnal eksperinentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fizikip v- 49, no. 5j. 1965j, 1457-1462 Toric TAGS: Imo3,ybdenum wagnetoacoustic effect, single crystal, magnetic anisartropy, 0AW-atic woyettkeeirUTAaft I I U)Q~.Nte_ UA~MMW%l ABSTRACT: InIrlew of tbe fragmentaa7 exper![Ment a published so far on the magnetoa,c,3ustic effects in mDlybdenum, the authors investigated this effect in greater detail by studying the anisotropy W! the oscillation periods of the geo- metrical resonance in transverse magnetic fields when the acoustic wave vector was oriented along the principal crystallograpbJ 'c directions of a single-crystal sample of molybdenum. The measurements at 2D0 Mc PreqUency and 4.2K used the pulse pro- cedure of A. A, Galkin and A. P. Korolyuk (IPM, no. 6. 199, 1960). The temperatures were 1. 8K ii~ the case of q 11 (100 ] and 4.2K in the case q 11 (110 ] and [ill ]. The results ishowed that in different angle ranges, three different oscillation periods are observed in the absorption coefficient, one short-period and tuo long-period. It is shown that the short-Wiod oscillations$ observed for q 11 (1001, give the dimen- sioris of the electronic surface, while Vae long-period oscillations are aasociatod Card 1/2 - L 15671-66 ACC NR% AlfkW201 with the 6maU bole zoneap in accordance with the model proposed by W. H. Lomer (Proc: ftB- SOC-9 V- 84j, 327j, W64). The maximum dimensions of the bole regions are 0 56 x Me mfl and the minimum 0.42 x 108 cd". Orig. exto' has: 6 figures and i form". - -: SUB -CODE: 2D,,i sum nkn: 24jun65/ ORIG REF: 002/ OTH REF: 03.1 Card 2/2 D.V.), DENISMiKO, V.K. I- IF ~t- -'- , : -I Some characteristio.3 of the st-lututure and 61slwributio. of the mineral' ation of the Dsabyk-Karagay instm,si7e. Trudy VSEGEI 103t85-101 164 (MIRA l7t8) DENISENX0, V. K., KOROVIN, F. T., GUTSMCH,, A.V., PLUIL-YEV, P. F., FFMROV, M. N., SPRERANSKAYA, V. N., SIYAJUTSKIY, F. M., SHUSTROV, A. K., ALEKSANDROV, P. M.t KLEVAKIEN, V. N., 130RISKIN, M. M., LILIPO G. M., ZILIBERMINTS, I. V., GUDNEVA, 0. A., and POPOV, S. C. "The Effectiveness of a Chemical Methocl for Combatting Arthropods Over Large Areas from Airplanes." Tenth Conference on Parasitological Problemo and Diseases with Natural Reservoirs, 22-29 October 1959, Vol. II, Publishing House of Academy of Sciences, USSR9 Moscow-Leningrad, 1959. (Leningrad - Moscow) DENISENKO, V. K. "An Aerosol Method for Combatting Mood-suking Arthropods Over Large Areas which does not Require Apparatus." Tenth Conference on Parasitological Problems and Diseases with Natural Reservoirs, 22-29 October 1959, Vol. II, Publishing House of Academy of Sciences, USSR, Moscow-Leningrad, 1959. Central Scientific Research Institute for Disinfection (Moscow) SOKOLOVSKIY I V.D. 9 Marshal Sovelu'skogo Sopuza; JB'i'MAIITV, A. I. , poLkovnik; GASTILOVICII, A.I.; dcktor voyonVkh nauK., prof. general-pollcoviiik; DENISENKq,_.X_Xwj polkovnik; ZILVIYALOV, I.G., general-mayor; h ._'7_=ffI_T6KIY, V.V., general-mayor; LARIONOV, V.V., kand. voyenrqkh nauk, polkovnik; I-IRROV,, G.M.,, polRovnilc; PAROTIKRII, IN.., kand. voyemrilch nauk, polkovnik; FROMIMOV, A.A., genoral-mayor; POPOV, A,S.. polkovnik; SALINIKOV, K.I.;, po33covnik; SIWWSKIY,A.N.,, po:Lkovn-.k; CHMEDITICHENRO, M.I., general-.mayor; SECIIEGOIEV3 A.I., pollzovnik; MOROZOV, B.N., polkovnik, red.; KONOVALOVA, Ye.K., teklin. red. [1,11ilitary strategy] Voennaia strategiia. Moskva, Voenizdat, 1962. 457 p. (MRA 15:7) (Strategy) SOROLOVSKIT, V.D., Marshal Sovetskogo Soyuza; BELTAIEV, A.I., polkovik; GASTILOVICH, A.I., doktor vorennykh naak, prof. general- .Q,_Y.A_,_polkovn1k,- ZAVIULOV, I.G., polkovniki D~ ~SENK general-mayor; KOLECHITSKIT, M., general-mayor; LARIONOV, V. 7. Y kand. voyf~hnykh nauk polkovnik; NTRKOV, G. M. , polkov- nik; PAROTIKIN,'I.V., kand, voyennykh nauk polkovnik; PROK110ROV, A.A., general-mayor; POPOV, A.S., polkovnik; SALINIKOV, K.I., polkovnik; SHDIANSKIT, A.N., polkovnik; CHEMDNICHENKO, M.I., general-mayor; SHCHEGOUN, A.I., pol- kovnik; YOROZOV, B.N., polkovnik, red.; KONOVILLOVA, Ye.K., telchn. red. [Military strategy] Voennais strategiia; Izd.2., ispr. i dop. Moiskva,, Voenizdat, 1963. 503 p. (Strategy) (MIRA 16:10) .. -DFINisr"NKO, vx' M00hanism of' the formaU(m ()-" clik 11c ~ ~ , i i + AN SSSR 162 no. I e3 ol, (,.CInjjlr-.x CAI '1r'; ~kL -1z664-,666 ~jy 165. ell--~l 28-5) 2. Vsescyuznyy ge(ljc)c!JLCILC.,-'lrl-ly jn~-Iitut. Clulx,qittOO Deir-elnbe-r 7, ml.. DENISENKOY V.K. Regular manifestation of inter-are dikes ir the history of the fornation of the Karaoba deposit. Dokl. AN SSSR 162 mo.42883- 886 Je 165. (MIRA 18Y5) 1. Irsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatc-lskly geologicheskiy inst-itut. Submitted January 20, 1965. VASfily~i, V. Y-E., DENISENKO, V. 0., AND PONCW-RVA, T- A. Solution of Cry3tals Blue vitriol and succinic acid crystals were investigated. The ,grown crystals were dissolved in ethanol of various concentrations. The speed of solution does not e3diibit proportionality to volume, surface, nor linear crystalline dimensions. An increase of specific weight up to 20,,, could be observed. (RZhFiz, No. 8. 1955) -k~ Kievsk. Politekhn. in-ta, 14, 1954, 183-195. SO: Sum. No. 7144, 8 Doe ' - Supplementary Survey of Soviet Scientific 55 Abstracts (17) EENISENM, V. P. (veterinary Doctor, Gvardeiskii District, Kaliningrad Oblast') and D, . (Veterinary Doctoro City of Bogodukhcrv, Kharldov Oblast'). it Sacral anesthesia in a Ylidvifels practice" ... Vaterinariya, vol. 39, no. 8) August 1962 PP- 52 n of rinyl acetate. - i , Gets. rhm. U.S.SS. 21;, 21751 C._A. 50 NU VIP ek is VIO of vinyl -tt~te, A . L. _D 3 g. iodine in '~IOQ u11. HtzO VW added 6.7 ml. dry pyridino- and afterz-,-Alin. of EhD there~remaified 28 gi pyridine diiodidr.'. ru. 50-M" which should be stored in stoppered vessels., -This (0.7 S,). 2 Mi. PYfidine and 0.15 9. Nal tv~ated at 14-12' with 3.6 MI. C11s:CHOAc, Save after 045 hr. a 1. 'of 7 g. violet AcOCHIC11,1. m. 125*. KosolaRoff d ,,R~W~O, M_ V.P.; IOMHANSKIT, A.Iq S~rnthesis of divaternary salts of R, N' -derivatives of hexamethylene- diamine. Part 1: Synthsais of hexametbj,lene-1,6-bia-dimethylamino- acetic acid and its eaters. Zhur.ob.khl.m. 30 no.8;2698-2700 Ag 16o. (MDU 13!8) 1. Chernovitskiy meditainskiy institut. (Hexanediamine) (Acetic acid) DENISENKO, V. P 9 Cand Chem Sci -- "Synthesis of' biquaternary ammonium salts ,,,,,derivatives of hexamethylene and ethylene -L~L diamines and hstudy of their properties." Ghernovtsy, 1961. (Min of Higher and See Spec Ed Uk:BSR* Chernovtsy State U) (KL, B-61, 231) _ 73 - SHOSTAKOVSKIY, M.F.; GORBANI, A,K. Synthesis of hexamethylenediamine biquaternary ammonium salts. Izv.Al%l SSSR.Otd.khim.nauk no.10.-1907-1908 0 161. (MIRA 14:10) 1. Institut organicheskoy khimii im. N.D.Zelinskogo All SSSR. (Ammonium compounds) (Hexanediamine) DENISEMO, V.P.1 DOMEIROVSKIY., A.V.,- ZEIA, M.I. Acylals of monochloroacetic acif, Ukr,khim.zhur, 27 noo6:784- 786 16.. (MIM 14: n) 1, ChernovitmUy gosudaretvennyy universitstv kafedra orgaricheakoy kb'wA'e (Aeptic acid) DENISENKO. V.P.; LOPUSHANSKIY, A.I. Synthesis of'diquaternary salts of 119NI-derivatives of hexamethylene- diamine. - Part 2: Synthesis of nev dichlorldes of hexamethylene- 1,6-bis-dimethylaminoalkyl acetates. Zhur.ob.khim. 32 no.33 731-735 Mr 162. (MIRA 15:3) 1. Chernovitskiy meditainakiy institut. (Hoanediamine) LOPUSHANSKIY.. POKIMRSKAYA, N.V. Polarographic properties of diquaternary ammonium derivative of ethylenediamine with activated C-IN bonds.." Zhur.ob.khim. 33--no*3;7287-731 Mr 1639 (MRA 16:3) 1. Chernovitakiy meditsinskiy institut. (Ammonium compounds) (Ethylonediamine) (Polarography) DENISENKO V P ; LOPUSHANSKIY, A.I. Synthesis of quaternary ammonium galts of N,Nl-derivatives of ethylone- diamine. Zhur.ob.khim. 34 no.2t688-689 F 164. (KRA 17:3) 1. Chernovitskiy meditsinskiy institut. DENISENKO; V.P.; RUDI, V.P.; PERELI, Ye.~j. Synthesds of diquaternary amonjum salt.~ of NN' derivatives of hexamethylenediamine. Zhur. ob. khim. 35 no-10-1743-1?45 0 16!: (MIRA 18t10) I .L. Chernovitskiy medltsingkiy institut. [Daniseako, Vaoill:j; AYMM, Yu.O., red.; r" X&LASHVIKOVA, O.G., tokhn. red. [in the 7ar Northl Ik dalskil pivnoohi. Nlriv. Vyd-vo TeX IKW *Wlod'.0 3.9571331 Po (um no) I"(Arctic roglose-Description and tMlrelY MK,ISMO, V.S., starshly leytenant meditainskoy sluzhby Rr.7thromycin therapy in cutanecus and subcutaneous s-qppurative diseases; experimental studies. Voeu. med. zhur. no.4:77-79 AP '59. (MIRk L2:8) (PYOIERM, exper. eff. of erythromycin (Bus)) (BRYTHROMYCIN, eff. on exper. pyoderma (Ras)) DMUNKO, Vj .4 [Denyseinko. V.T.], traktorist Let's exceed ouir production norms each day. Hekb.sill.hosp. 9 no-.11:6 N 158. (WRA 11:12) 1. Kolkhoz " 5" Cherkeaskogo rayona, Cberkasakoy oblasti. (Adriculture-Productiort standards) DENISENKO Vladimir Vaskj!_vevich; SMIRNOV, A.V., red.; 4ASINKET[CH, red.izd-ira; KARLOVA, G.L., tekhn. red. [Using wooden aliding4riction parts In machinerylPrimenenie v zrashinakh dzvivesnykh detalei akollziashchego treniia. Ho- 81--va, GoslesbwAizdat, 1,962. 67 p. (MIRA 16.3) (Machinery Industry) (Wood, Compressed-) BOYDARI, 14.0.p drlti-rp t,~Uij.tiauk, pid. b)ne-,:,r;,p6trcv5k~, DFNISHENKO, Yu.N.,, inzli. J~ (Dncp7op--,ixov.ak) ---- Appld.7.%flop of tbew- wthod cf time- awds, to the solatilon .v.f probloas apma.mlag ths3 dynp-mi;-. arition of' a shiftlng lcad. on a stnicturo, 1,161. p5 snnr-azb. 16,t;. (MIM 2.8 3 10' 1 --DZN , V.V. Some data on the pbytoplankton of the Adriatic Sea. Okeanolog:Lia 2 no.4:699-704 162. (MMA 15:7) 1. Sevastopollskaya biologicheskaya stantsiya imeni O.A.Kovalevskogo AN SSSR. (Adriatic Sea-Phytoplankton) KIRCHINK, Mikhail Fedorovich; UBk-ZADE, Baba Kurbanovich (deceased); OEODEKYAN Artem Aramovich; GODIN, Yurly Nikolayevich (deceasedl; ~iirsinm Vladimi j RIU .jadUjLAjLUjhj YUNGANSp SA. .9 ved. tekhn. red, (Regularities im the distribution of oil and gas wells) 0 zakonomermostialih rameshchenila neftianykh i gazovykh mesto- rozlidenil. Moslcva, Gostoptekhizdat, 1963. 120 p. (MIRA 16:9) (Petroleum geology) (Gas, Natural-Geology) Mllfc-iAvl -'IV, DENISENKO, V.V. Frv'toplankton in the Aegean Sea. Trudy SIEC 116,90-10S 1f-31. (AURA 1736) P',l!-,SEN'W, ~ V e, -,_, -~ -~~ .-- - . '; cr I . 1' 1, ~t! dat i on phyt:q;la!tkt,:)n of ~d,#, ~I-Iatkll -- "'-La -i r 7- -',yp . .1 17 ~ ,I , --.L (k-.1 ~ -,. -- 6" 1,C),k" . Trudy 1, AS, I& - -~O . " , 2 1;, DEENISENKO, V.jr. Some data on aeasonal and the Adriatio-Sea. Dokl. 1. SevastopoVskaya biologicheskays, stantsiya im. A.O.Kovalevskogo AN UkrSSR. Predstayleno akadendkom Ye.N.Pavlovskim. (Adriatic Sea-Phytoplankton) diurnal changes in the phytoplankton of AN SS.SR 151 no.5*.1193-1194 Ag 163. (MIRA 16:9) DENISENKO., V.V. PhZ?toplanktoa ot the Adriatic., Ionian, Aegean and Black Seas in Au9L1r-t of 19518. Trlidy SBS 17,-13-20 164. (14MA 18:6) BLOKH, G.A., dotsent; DINISINKO, Me., inzh. Effect of prolonged storage of filled rubbers on the quality of the finished products. Kozh.-obuv.prom. no.2:25-27' 7 159. (MIR& 12: 6) (Rubber) 60 sea W! M1W.m -m1W=sW , 111111~1-00 MAILWJD-MAR-AIL"-GLEAItAR-MU~TF-~ i r Ito Noma lop 11 1,0641 a u al '4:~ IF, R ALAI, .4-W -t"j PAOMUS AND 0401#1111 - ----- -400 too =00 Fee see UOW tool I L A "TALLUtSKAL Lff9ftATUNt CWUPICATM 4.2-- too see t41413 mit 00T Get 414111*tt it -W--y- v u 2 IV J 41 it it J st u u KO a I An 1p n4 0 0 0 1 ff 1, 9 a a OV ft 0 0 o * 0 0 0 0 0.0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 .0 0 go 4).o 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 004) 0 go go* 0 07; ; ; 9 0 ~00 *to 1111 1 1 ~: - 1~ -_ s 1 9 v It v U s I j 0 pp a it a a 24 b A v a )f m v JI u ji j0 ji v jo it Ap vAt a ad at* 4 1 11-L-41 A OL 0 -0 L. A 6- - - j._jL_x_r f- I so 00 owl PIP1101#111% 141,_41- k Evrntuva -00 -90 pmpn. (A A MGT J. MOO 3- S' R-) 4"(193 TttjokcA incream's -00 jcbp.,Am~ a S. in the a me"J the see 004 zoo not Ego of a Igo* 0 & el , SOS 00 are* so got, &$..$LA NITALLOPWAL tiTtRAYLOF CLASWWICATIOM 0169 ., , - t v)&ljl 0A 0- .11 0 a a no" 00, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Go 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 WO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 9 WA 0 000 9 0 e 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4) o 0 IS It Q 13 U IS I* ly w ro a ita- a Ali a a C-2-AL-J A 1 9 A -1 J ]1 1 1-M, Wcmc. MA" 41 ILI- A"- A13 -Al -SI-- &JI V411 #a at 00 A IA*v INS, rsDtill too 6.0 it. fookol, AA!~_PRO:141'lt %fill -0* -00 Go r; -00 002 IN" idw. Ill. D. Zdhwa. va. 1. -00 S. X~Mwkn J. Ramer 14ML (U. & 21. -A ~: - -00 004 28, 6713k-IM" is to &MCIAMS to the "mmoo. -of + U(NaM + (C,1t4N., of N&A. ahmys costains N&J. wbkj4 -00 i mcts with cjW, 00 --dift to (2) a(CAClo) + 0. hS - 2m(NoCI) + Also 0913 NSA hy&01'. . IDWM: (a) MOSS + so 11.0 - N&OH + NaM. "H.C:6 nwts with H16c sea tie 0 00.3 (4) (C"Uh + INOSH - (CHNSUN. + SN&U. ~5) 0e. -SCA4 + 211 L Thfiokwisasmixt. of (C* (C4"). (about 4%). 00-4 9j"am ho" atom 70% Tbickelfamsethylawnwrawan togetbw wkb othw wMilmi-bwAtiff compodo. Tbew too imw a dheaven* adw w TWdol. A. Putcd !wgo t Ices ASS-it A AtIALLURIGOCAt LIMAT1641 CLASSIFOCATICIN too o 1"Oo 008 too 10 A a il 0 -IM4 U A a IT 11,01411 vans "an IIKUOA IN Sao. 00*00 090000060009000000010ooooooooo;eoo*oooo 10Z., 0 0 0 0 ooooooooooobooooooo!lsooooosooo%)000000*0,A c go a V W W - - , - ;.~ - 6 ~, ;;~ ~ z1 ~i rl~ i~i i IS I, T, Z =".-S A. f. ID. Mmddlc~ j;-V,ftAA Vans ~MR4,~ - - hftw r (t!f. HO, 40110.. =Aft th 1. COB W66- RLWORW Abe progms of tu re- ; &cum "A rbmovft the an thien c4m. dmw&- -1-Whso KM4 =Ww (11) ta-, 401) are formed in dol proporsips I : S. , (1) M4(M' wo frudoog diaglasim from D&O. , With 17trHt-ZA, (1) Fives a dark blue-vWet oakw&Uw. wkilst (11) gives a Mw saindy MOO-viobt cukwLtim. Oxidi" JUkO, below 0* i0m 1: 2: 3: 4- 0f 1%.09.. w, whkb hs4 & 1: 2-.4: 5-tetrw hydong's 1AWKNw. M.P. (Cf. A., 1931. H. G. M. - 11.1. be's too AS&-IL& AULLIOPOSCAL LITIMATM CLAWK411110 Ow 0 T KMA API I t 9 IM 0 It 0 1 V MS a 0 3 9 T 0 D D v 0 A IN 9 9 all It a W a a All Al III oleo** 0 'a go* see 0*000000*1:001000 00 * 000004,000900 000*00- 0000000-00100000 .UILU 'I- Au -A vj "W -.-A-.A j too A to jA so ------ :-09 bdo. J. L- MD (B low u -00 An-401, WZ4M),441) CH*Ph-(Ataa am 00 as W* in lk'O vk4d I- wip~ b.p. 11W-14l'i5 .00 009 it" pal. i, moo 43 (1). b.p. 255- 000 Sul. WM'N =00 of JPIAWL (1) and 14 00a tn-c Id COO 00 ~dw reverm) fewtion ilaos. 00 Ovw PsA., as 2w. ....... sw &bove. bp. -136-m-ln SUL; Noe: ALP, US--i7;.*Y'(1), WEZ IV Ips~% LLUNICAL LITIGATuRe cLAIMCAIMP its@. MO&O -19 owl cut .3&411 at is, fW-0 v a I W-ii-o-ii -03 1 1 U N At a ul" D 1w Lp a K w X ; J, 0*0 0 : : *::::::OqOOes : 0 0 4)00000 Foos 00. 0 0 0 * 0 41 0 G..6.4 t to la AN M i o 00 to 000 006 tow mixtm -dot plow Tres pm !,;I;- . A 6 a - A L A R"ALL~" UNROWN CLAIWICA"" -A- b- x_ JI.. _JL_ Nodl. ba"Aftv se"Ve wit env 6d aw a" Ist a __r'T I v a 1-7i -o, -,-,M b 19 9 4 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 o o 0 0 0 ~.O 0 600160066666641009490 000 "0 00 "06 felt =00 WO 0 WOO awo Mae use as 0 woo w"O go, 0e 9 go$. 00 a s Ii 0 W 0 : ------ -tie chway "410 Noo "410 4110 %p 0 IRIS CAL WINATWI CLA3WKATW uz Isom 110"Ov Pat j 51110110 MAP (POW m gas . 0 a 9 a Ow A; 01 a, ;~Dfl 'III's ", 0 0 SO I v IN 0 a a 3 A s a is a 1 0 0 a a is , ;T40:00000660041100900:0 000009000000000*000 GOLTV-YANITSA, K.P.t'iuzh.1 WISENKO, V.O.p inzh. Roof insulator made of local mw materials. Stroi.mat. 7 no.2:28-29 7 161. (ROOfing) (Insulation(Reat)) (MIRA 1l+:3) ZHUZO& T,A.; LILOA, LK,; MISMO, T.Ye. Kanufacture of artificial OW fiber leather in rolls. lozb.-~cbuv. prom. 2 no. 11:19-22 N 160, (KIU 13:12) (X4&ther. Artificial) *0 soon avow W.,- all 9 n of. P C i -4 bi a a L 11 11 K 11 a 4S a go* . . - - - Rve(RI )so -!* 0 00 00 Debydrefiffik of certain derlwau"S of crclopentavol 00 ~vs-A-Aviiiienko skttd A. W Notwr. ITNII. 1-4- ,, .. 11110 00 (I. R. y. k . (7aj,e ot*. miatlo. adt...5ior, rkim. 190, 1IM- I I W- ll M 3 9 ~ . 1. lin Ifollixis v44 Al, d. C. A 30, ILU ; .. 0 lij-djaw'on viiih moolivil. smialic swid 4,vimts v~,olmin bimi,, .60 0 : I,w 44 Cy-d44,entotuqA inui jkA)rVY0iC Ofild, h)-ill-WAINMI, emlytrit-4 eamil o 0 y t It 00 irtshydrophenanthirtir, I-Plwm 21 $%H0- 1 3 4 -rt I 00.3, , , mto x1plW116111 lift no. 1. 11,1411"1 , In A 1, do 3M by o0kivil"11 'Atilt 11, '.4 plalifliml 01ARVIWI. I,% A. "So 0 0 ..00 1-11ALLURGIC IM411W. At 01114ILME CLAWIFKATION St K) All, 8 - m, I f I 'I j ii 0 1, q 0.-1 o n AA I t a IW a :14 or 0 o1 1 : : : : : : : 3l 1 4., It.. mairgo-161 a 3 6 wx oa D,"4 : : : : : : 0 p ip Z is s 9 000 00 I a I No 'I all Oil nulds ULF 11"mail Vdided b d , I a moli OL co 0 roe xe $"m 1111421711 ago" 10"90 -4 ANSW lilt 4090 00 to filial cw 0. % I v ej a 0 0 1 Aa a 0 T U 0 AV 10 AS - a, a al, 11 .4aW dne al 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 9 g; g sees tooll U go*** 00 A 008 *OR 00.9 0* 090 004 saw Ddqdrodm d X hWj Wid M. KOTELIUROVA (J. J. I Gm' 7 7_rt~ p .am. vileft hOM" 114 lm-p5e with ankyd. RAO low ISPINJITO %file&* Ott Oil 'IN ; I V ; ; qqb m a a, 10 0 D 0 0 0 a too* 00 00 **00*00*0006000 .06 -00 COO too off u6 too CIO* L all un X* Al l; #108# of -411 -0* O-A-W 4 qp Lk-A Daprol --T-LM- Cc CL r- i--- t-A-A-1- a. IL L- I- a 6, A- L- 01. 0 A no. Ya, 1. tletaimulto atid V. N1. .00 .00 r C*Ae;4-.'TU----1,9.-*4.- R.) 2?41%-22 2 (in English ph"utathrem and H, are passed over Pt de,poiRed on C. 4 tillm at 2W' w4 Own 4 Hmes at IMP. M can &I-mo be ' ' 6 hcn thi, is 0.961U. M. R. W.M. V% 0 . mW IM110. dI pawed over Pt-C 3 time% &tj3Ou* in a cuttent of Cos, plisenautbrafte Is obtained. 11. All. Leicester Got -9--V In MI l, 1 0 4, 'o 0, :::N0,06090000: Ill 0 0 : : : , moo '00 0 0 0 00 A (Bic" Id th& Amd. B& Ir 60 " goo WMI ilt Oew 00, a all ALLU *91(4,L LIMAIkolt CILMINICA1101 10.0 'i I _v ~ a-it"..II-_ -_ _-77:7 -:7 IN "A# a" U AV it 0 0 0 0 *TOO SOSO :1*0*0 6*09 7~ ......... ............ :F- Z w well -ad?A. D. MAns 'ek. cmm.; lots- aid rplo. 40;4 b,t 21 0 0 ~_ Val.. wwok P104L. td= i lee oleo 1190 1w C-w is i SIMilooe Of 0 a i'dl~ 004 0941 1 11 9 a 11 4 11 1 J, k I I . -I , i Awe tie W116 ;6~ W ~ b seem: 1ir b gnaw: 3 Old 21W ia &a b" 04^049 -A G"v -am u 0 AV a All; 0 0 0 0 0 0 SO 0 0 0 e Al do 0 Idle ) ""to (1) i~476;7p,;: 4: MONAW Vito see Sao* be to: . .. ... f m J s - Sul- , m 0 a 0 0 0 is al go see j 1 9 T se 0 171 AAl 00 14 A ** I D 008 !1j Amd. Hvi, 16KA 00 j bi ::d 1 1i 1 4- IW/3 00 no **0 000 Mo. r -eyet7mows 46 J, MAL I" go" I we fAI w 5 A. 0. '010 -sip 1010 to X* 40 fiell 315-- Zell IL ad rektad A. Ia. 654-SLA 191 LLIMCAL WIRATIM CLAUMATEN ILL, -77 -.--"==77: T %also" .4. Ov am &--4 magn 0 OK cwv it I ; *1 --T . a a ., IV , Ma *1** 0 41 0 : to 0 0 0 is is q) 0 a 00 *fee boo 00064 so of* of I 00 :, H 004 .1 d 0 ; 004 i !i I, , a I It is u u lop (J. U-ni. Mew.. %0, at 1130--t3a, d Wnbydmmphth 1 frMOM 4:&bta%akx6w in obWned by C- wk~, p"Ming OTW C-Pt 2w in a atmam Ot W, or if R. T. t .- oil r S! ti tkttuu CL&UVCAT" S& 11 All 10 "l; 1;0 90000000000*0* OU&I 00 ogeo *ago 041* of 0 00* ',R, is ly~ - d -F I lK 't Y So A . ..... gmet IL So 0 PI KIM$$ AM "OPIONS %014 i V So A So 00 c o: s A 0 t mtam So R. 090. k b - r v OW) ta a WxVire fit that at ce in all 000 td eYda- 004 l 'I 1 l l 00 *, V ll;I ftt l v 1" " da,A T. 6 - I t A "74U U*Wii UTHAIM CLAWICATM NNW ST"all" ---- ~ I *low 90"Inv sd"** -A Is"GO "at cow on $21111 UK a., 0 1 T An u a I It a bd a a it a dm 0 '000 0 0 0 0 0-0 O.W W-4, 4e6 0 0 000000046*6*066096000! A 0000*60000004bei "A !-Igo '100 -IDS -4pe 4490 200 400 ro 0 60 o %0 4400 X40 0 ge.-, UMATM OAMI .*AIM also as* An to" ""Inv 0 OR 0*1191 VA env itt SUP ;A Yl ;-UTr a t I T mw-v--~ ki- 24 lass. VA 1. V. GurttWf. Bu4. &I" - XV-M i Ai 19#4 ' 60 . - c m. ard . U x , I * lee n In CCU at 4-5 In hew 40- b0 1 7'. w17 1.51W. d:' so 00.6 -M-1 VIVO 66 No' eSh*yrJ,PfeWsiw elk 1.00 A-1.5 ml? 1. J(Rp M.46. 3444 so 1. '4r I 008 U. A, 14 0 oes 4VO see aloe 060 Vo 0 00 a glee nee A S a - I L A "Al Loom" IL"Milm CLAWICATON slow so"No 04 farew *it amw gas iii dit Z;v Ali- AT a 0 a I t a Ow 0 a 6 1 w 0 a 0 2 1 v b 0 0 41 r I it lot a A-A o 0 0 0 0.0 .00 . ..... .... 004 **A ego sea 0*0 ego eou 004 jA O"ie sd. chim. 1044. 301-3-2-Moby1cyclopentati one with DuMSa affords Z-ftdAyI-J-WyLcydvptmftm4, b, 101-2'. A? 1.45W. 41" OM47. MRo 47.44, dehydnited to b. M.5- M.P. mj: 1.4419),d,160.M, MRp4&.ft which isrvdvKvd 01" Pi-C) to 2-metw-140tyi lopentim. tw.. 1'r, A &S IAUS. d!' 0.78U, AIIX 40,02. fl. it. a. I L A N"ALLVMKAL WINATME CLAUWKATWN Cfew $?wallow $0p&" -A I "go NIA# W 009 S AT 10 At It r I ; a, is WD t a iT 0 0 0 0 41 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 * ID 0 * 0 0 * 0 9 0 0 a 0 0 a 0 a & 0 a 0 0 IN I If a 9 a 4 3 1 v 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0m) to Ok loot) note 4040 lieff No to 00 09 0* Os, 00 00 so V 'lee 'Ve V* "00 Joe too 00 Boom sli,943 scwtnv Vol-aso 64LI mov 44K 6311314"t Vat Qv ASS A A 4 An I I v (W 0 0 1 1 v K 9 a a 1~ 9 u ~10 9 0 a ; ; *, at 0 00 00 0 0*0 : 0 0, 0 0 -6, a o o .11 0 0 o 0 0 9 000000060 000 w 101000W OWO 00-000-41.0,00-0.0-04A 4 00 0 * 0 0 **so a** ewof) DEI,IISI---,,,,YCj Ya. -1 . I "On the Dehydration of "Some Homoloa!- of Phenylcyclopontarcl. IV.11 b-,, Ya. I. Lenicenko (P. 911) _ (, irna-2. Obshcl-.ed Khi-ii) 1~46, Vo"111-e 1', No. 6 SO: Journal of General Cherds1rZ ,hi I I . (2 ya. T. "Ccntact Transfrrmatio; s in the series of Pheny cyclopentane 1.1 IX." lbjr Ya. i. Deni-senko (p. 916) SO: Journal Of U^E!nerLl- die'nsit (Zhurnal Obshchei Khirii) 1P46, lloliire 1~,, Nio. 6 10 t * 110 0 t 0 00 43 H OOV H oat 11 j; adh 4r PROMMS AWD #419016011 KVIN -Cotdy& iiiww-MiG-u 6771"t. VS. 1. GO. C". (II.S.N.M.) It, IM-41-1 wit Amly pik""t tube AIWI with 14411111affill chmixt) in a Aftrr 2 cycks. tht vaWymste, bw HD-1640 wen Ivictimat*4 Into 10% C.11. 17% f%Me. Owl 30% sm-a;4mm, and uweacted tacAlyicuc. Xyltue &INO tefuls to d"YO 141. p"IN with formalkm 14 PhItle 010 C.H., S 1~4 J.v 16 011- 6--v A- x ; *AD 001, A of V I fw a N If I IN 6 0 A 4 v 0 6 6 0 a a use V 1111 IV a ; top ff 0 0 0 solliolit 4 11 4 1. Vn~ ';o' 11~ I.- lo, .1 k I, CTJ__O-.-W f. I A _X _1 -.1- fA N (X 0 to. 00 .00 Action of clotbloll, dsolkidol WS togn i pounds, Ya. l. L*uiwklk,%- J. I;#.". At-" S it 1 "1 Ili Rumiml. 111%~tljoa iint .00 Qmw,ml Im 1. with EAN111111or lie I. I'M ItAt 1w 44'. -O."Amaim lilt-irv oalot in,4111. it m4clivol .00 blict, Portobably MA 14910W$: HIMS"r -i Col. HCO,Nlotill i ld d d h h k d h eut on t dqwn e vtoolo: y e rops wt e e temp.. t t l i h i 6 ld 1 i h Wh G d 1 00 .4 4 lower Ctilpa. en t e e r wo w r stilar t y , Not) ) 10L) Utti ! F I l 21 5 I l , . 4r. . feAJtVttt tUill f Ani ot C. of. Q WAS 11"Ated With CtN At mid t or tvitildri, W.I. f OR 0 ImAlvii with 11,0 and 110, tip. Elau 1AY- -1,4. with dil. NAOII gave 20-1. HI.C0. wnskwbazim. Its. * 139". The alls. vat. ins itifflimilk"t, 411itin -nit. Aml 4, vi;tit, wills, gave 111,; CICILNII. N.. 1110 V. J:" -.00 .14 t ' it 4 -ti to ~q 69 a It #4 a K v to it 01 40 a 1 94 t ~0910 0 . 00 000 0 0 : * : : 0010 0 64 0 0 0000 * 0 - see 01111 fe 1111 0 0 0 0 0 0 111 0 000 , VOIKOVA, I.E.; DENISMO. Ta.I. Kinotics of corn oil bydrogenation, Uvays.uchebezalf.; pishch.takh. no.4*.83-85 '59., (MIRh 13:2) 1. floskovskly takhnologicheekly institut plohchavoy promy- ohlcinnoett. Xafedra orgunlaboskoy khImil. (corn oil) (Hydrogenation)