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On the Symmetry of the Coordinate Wave Pinction of a Many- SbV/56-34-3-ZT/55 Electron System ~ = 1 - P kjk+1 _P k,k+2 ......Pk,n must, when acting on the coordinate function give zero, P,j denotes the operators of the pairwiae exchange of the operators i + J. The function symmetrized according to Young -obviously meets conditions I.- and 2.-. The author shows that this function also meets condition 3-- Of OYclic sYmmetr,Y, i.e. that the identity ~j holds. The proof is traced step by step. Every function symmetrized by means of the Young operator meets the conditions of Fok. In the reverse direction the relation is obviously more complicated. The symmetrization by means of Young operators is then convenient when from a coordinate function, which in general is asymmetric, a function with the necessary symmetry properties should be constructed. When, however, the function is already known it is more useful to verify, whether the symmetry conditions of Fok are satisfied tha.4(aarry out this verification by means Card 3/4 of the Young operators. Both methods are equivalent in On the Symmetry of the Coordinate Wave Function of a Many-' 8()V/56-34-2-27/55 Electron System their character and substitute each other. There are 1 figure and 3 references, 2 of which are Soviet ASSOCIATION: Leningradaki3r gosudarstvenn3rj imiversitet (Leningrad State University) SUBMITTED: October 14, 1957 Card 4/4 24(5) AUTHORt Demkov, Yu.AT, SOV/56-36-1-13/62 TITLE: The Symmetry Group of an Isotropic Oscillator (Gruppa simmetrii izotropnogo 013tBillyatora) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoTeticheskoy fizikis 1959, Vol 36, Nr 1, pp 88-92(USSR) ABSTRACTs The author investigates an n-dimensional -Isotropic oscillator, the BYBteM of units being chosen in such a manner that the frequency, Planck's constant, and the mass are equal to I. The energy gperator of the system then has the form 2 2 and the energy levels (pk xk Em m + (n/2) (m 0, 1, 2, ...)of the system are degenerated. This degeneration is due not only to spherical symmetry of the system. Short reference is madet to several previous papers dealing with this subject. In the present paper it is shown that the definition of the group of the! isotropic oscillator, which was given with the help of interference operators and Card 1/3 deriving elements (such as have already previously been The Symmetry Group of an Isotropic Oscillator SOV/56-36-1-13/62 d.escribed by the author) and G. A. Baker's definition by means of canonical transformations are equivalent. First, it is stated 'that the commutation relation between the infinitesimal operators (derived in previous papers (Refe; 1, 2)) agree with the commutation relations between the infinitesimal matri-,es of the threedimensional linear unitary group. The matrix of the infinitely small Linear unitary transformation can be written down as U = I + AL. Here I denotes the unit matrix, L - an arbitrary Hermitian matrix, and S - a small parameter. Next, the commutation relations between the linearly independent infinitesimal matrices are given. The symmetry group defined in the dforementioned previous papers is isomorphic with respect to the unitary group and, consequent).); also to the symmetry group investigated by Baker. Generalization for the case n> 3 is trivial. It is then shown that the two above-named groups are equivalent. The author also investigates a special case of canonical transformation in which only one pair of coordinates and momenta is transformed. In this case it is possible, without a general restriction, to investigate a onedimensional oscillator. Formulas for the time dependence Card 2/3 of the wave function of the oscillator are given. In the The Symmetry Group of art Isotropic Oscillator SOV/56-36-1-13/62 following, another type of transformations is investigated in which there is participation of 2 pairs of coordinates and momenta. In the case of the"third type of transformation investigated, i, e. in the case of a pure rotation, the component of the angular momentum serves as infinitesimal operator. Finally the explicit shape of the kernel is determined (with tin accuracy up to one normalization factor) for the unitary unit matrix of the transformation. The isotropic oscillator is, by the way, an example for a system in which the energy operator is fully expressed by infinitesimal operators of 1;he symmetry group. In such cases it is pose~ible, from the synmetry properties of the system alone, to derive also all its other properties (energy levels, degree of dageneration, Green's function etc ). There are 4 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Leningradskiy gosudarstvenn3ry universitet (Leningrad State University) SUBMITTEDt January 27*,, 1958 Card 3/3 24(5) AUTHORS: Dnmkov Yu. E., Yormolayev, A. , TITLE: Expansion for 'dave -;,'unctiono of Particles (TkazIczhcri,,.-c -Poka dlya volnov,,,'-.1- fu,.~':1,zi,: clrastlAs) PE'lJODICAL: Zhurral e)c,-pvri:;,,cntalInoy i 'Veoroticht:~.,.-,!-oy fizi'.i, Vol ~6, 1'r 3, -1)p C'96-0519 (USSI~) 1959 . , ABSTRACT: Already in 1954 V. A. Pok found out (,."Cf 1) tilat tile function of the 1S-statc a.L** helium and h,-~litui-lihc ions can be expanded in a double series with r-th and 1n r-th de[;rce 2 ---27 + r , r and r "' distance o.L' the 1. arid 2. cloctron r (r r 1 2 1 2 1 respectively fron the nucleus), Pok also dc,.rcloo,,-..d a motl,od a ~ p 4- for the successive determination of develo--m.3-11t co ficie .-- which turn out to be homogeneous functions of zero-th order of the Cartesian coort'inatoo o:~ the electrons. The author-s of tile present paper sho-a that such an expansion (;,-hich is named -,.:ter Fok) is of general character and may be to any consisting of an -.rbitrrry I'lumber of ch--rL;oC, The Card 1/3 present paper is intended to -generalize tne m(!bhod, L'or Sucr -ok Expansion for Wave J;unctions of Sy-,te;,o of --'har(-,ed Particles systemo and for stateo of am7, symnetry. :i'ho proceed from the Sclirbdinfor (Shrtit:biL;e:,-) cqur~tion o;' wave function in Cartesian ooordina-tes; t".cii on to spherical coordinates in the confiLuration ---ive thu solution of this equation in -form of a series- . T- T- a r n( In r)p . Por tho a :1 ty-tc!.l 0." C?'-:U:L1-Jon'j + n p np np is then Given, which is inveo ti gated in the followin,,;. Jor n 17 2, 3 .... and p /_ n the -,,.,,-Lve function i.,.u~~" bc ,(,,t up ir, 000 n Z: T anDr n( In r)V and for n = 0, 1, 2 .... !--l as n=o p=o - a,-* rn 21 n+k I 7- an+k,pr Cn r)p n=o p=o C,--Lrd 2113 C -tv n Liol-vi o ol 1-4 tj L .-.;tV ;7 C! !.10 -:1.voll -,or C'. r~ C i.: rt c 1 c 1% o sidy co!~Udal-L; '17,; Zoptc,,.bt)r 22 PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/4157 Akademiya nauk SSSR. VychislitelInyy tsentr Sbornik standartnykh i bipovykh progrcm dlya BESM (Collection of Standard and Typical Programs for the BESM [High-Speed Electronic Computer]). Moscow, 3.960. 73 P. Errata slip inserted. 5,000- copies printed. Resp. Ed.: V.,M. Kurochkin., Candidate of Physics and Mathematics; Ed. of Publishing House: M.V. Yakovk1n; Tech. Ed.: I.F. Kuz'Min. PURPOSE: This book is intended for digital computer programmers. COVMtAGE: The book is a collection of 10 articles giving 10 programs for the solution of various mathematical and numerical problems using the BESM (High-Speed Electronic Computer). No personalitie,s are mentioned., There are no references. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Panova, L.D. Program for Printing Out Linear Parts 3 rnv%i I /':k Collection of Standard (Cont,) SoVA157 Neygauz, M.G. Computing a Determinant 11 Demkov Yu,N., and R.V. ",enyukov. Program for the Solution of a ~o ~ar Equations by the Exclusion Method With a Selection of the Principal Element 17 Yershov, A. P. Matrix Inversion 21 Chaykovskaya, R.N. Quadratic Interpolation by Newton's Formula With Differenbe Quotients 27 Chaykovskaya, A.N. Cubic Interpolationiby Newton's Formula With Difference Quotients- 30 Faletova, A.Ya. M.L. Chebyahev's Method for Computing the Coef- fieients of an Approximating Polynomial by the Method of Least Square a 33 Sragovich, Aol, Program for the Interpolation of a System of Or.- dirihry Differeptial, Fquations by the Runge-Kutta Method With Auto- matic Step Selection 39 Collection of Standard (Cont.) SOV/4157 Korolev, L.N. Main Program for Computing With Complex Values 45 Voytishek, V.V. Progr&m for Double Precision Arithmetio 55 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 3/3 AC/rn/jb 8-22-6o DIMOV, Yu. N. Variational principales for nonxtationar7 problems of quantum mechanics and the perturbation theory. Zhur.eksp.i teor.fiz- 38 no.6:1879-18e6 je 16o. (MIRA 13:7) 1 1. Leningradskiy gosudarst"nnyy universitst. (%antum theory) 856.9h S/056/60/038/006/037/049/x:( B006/BO70 AUTHOR: Demkov, Yu. It. TITLE: Variational Principles for Nonoteady Problems of Quantum Mechanics and Perturbation Theory 0 PERIODICAL: Zhurnal e6perimentallpoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 1960, Vol. 38, No. 6, pp~ 1879 - 886 TEXT: The object Of the present work was to formulate a variation~.l principle which is invariant with respect to the normalization of wave functions and can be used in the case of nonorthogonal wave functions of the initial and final states. The problem in to find a solution T 1 of the SchrZodinger equation HT - ihaT/at eatisfying the initial condition T (ti) - T1. The quantity a which is to be determined *W di:) 1 12 (a12 f T2' 1 (t2 gives the probability of a. transition of the system from the state T, a". the time ti to the state T2 at the time t2 . The operator H is assumed to be self-adjoint and time-dependent, and the functions y, and T2 to be non- Card 1/3 6 _56 gh Variational Principles for Nonsteady Problems 5/056/60/038/006/037/049/XX of quantum Mechanics and Perturbation Theory B006/BO70 orthogonal. The following solution for a As obtained for the steady caseg A. 12 a t )d-r + -L 2dtj 'V(H-ih L-J, d-r~ (8),, 12 - Stf ~T2 (td'~l (~ 2 ih t C1 1~1('1) - T1 ' VY - (P2 " T2(t2) ; 611(tj) 61? 2('2) - 0' If now it is possible to break H into a perturbational and a nonperturbational part in two way-s (H - H1+VI . H2+V 2)1 expressions for a 12 can be obtained in first perturbation-theoretical approximation, but, as is shown, the uniqueness of this expression cannot be guaranteed. It is now shown in the present paper how the formulation of the variational principle is to be altered in order to guarantee the uniqueness of perturbation theory for an arbitrary choice of trial functions, and automatic invariance of the ex.- pression obtained for the transition probability with respect to the addition of a time function to the energy operator, For this purposed a new variational principle is obtained instead of (8). Card 2/3 6569h Variational Principles for Nonsteady Problems S/056/60/038/006/037/049/XX of' Quantum Mechanics and Perturbation Theory B006/BO70 a St IP*(t eX1D ~2 Ldtjd-v ; it fulfills all the require- 12 - ff 2 2)'fl(t2) t ments. L f *(H-iha/at)~fd-T /ff,*f. dT. The choice of trial functions for 2 1 problems concerning the decay of the quasi-steady state and charge exchange are then discussed. The main equations for the charge exchange for large impact parameters are derived on the basis of the new variational principle. V. A, Fok and G. F. Drukarev are thanked for discussions and advice. There are 5 refer*jnce8: 3 Soviet, 2 British, and 1 US. ASSOCIATIONt Leningradskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet (Leningrad State -University) SUBMITTEDs January 19, 1960 Ca-rd 3/3 6o -3/044j6l/OOO/OO7/048/055 C1II/C222 AUTHORS% Demkov, Tu.N., and Senyukov, II.V. TITLEt A program for the solution of a system of linear equations according to the method of elimination with the choice of a principal element PERIODICALs Referativnyy zhurnal Matematika, no- 7, 1961, 47, abstract 7 V 307P ("Bb. standartn. i tipovykh programm dlyjL 6 3 C M "(BESX)., M., An SSSR, 196o, 17-20) TEXTs This in a complete program in the instructions of the BESK, a short description of the block diatsm and an inetruction for the use of the program for the solution of the system B - AX with a maximal order equal to 30- [Abstracter's note s Complete translation.,' Card 1-irl 23808 510201611136100110' B100201 2102_~ AUTHOR: Demkov, Yu. N. TITLE: Virial. theorem for the cla!,r7ical pi~oblem of particle ucattvering by a center of forIcc. PERIODICAL: Doklady Akade:--,ii nauk SSSR, v. 136, no. 1, 1961, su'-8'o TEXT: By vay of introduction, the author discusses the importance of the virial theorem in classical mechanics and deals with its introduction into quantum mechanics. Concerning the problem of the continuous- spectrum of the energy opera-or the author has been the flz-st to obtain a forn-ola for the problem of '.~e 3cattering of particles by a center of force, corresponding to the virial theorem (Demkov, DAN, 89, 249 (1953)). This formula has been already extended to complicated p7-oblems of the collision theory (inelastic exchange ,rocesses), to the Dirac equation, and to problems of the qpantum field theory. A corresponding general4zat4on in classical mechanics has not Veen undertaken so far. The author uses'a concrete examDle o sho-,7 how, this generalization can be achiaved. Proceeding -fr-om tie Hamiltonian variation principle, he defines +he action Card 1/(; 23808 . c;/020/61/13,9/001/012/023 Virialtheorem for the classical... i-104/B201 t2 t)dt. -For the case of qi(t) functional S - f L(ql,..., ~n; i1 .... 4n; tj corresponding to d real motion, the folloving relation is known to hold .Lor the -irariation: 6S Oqj (2) By writing 6q.(t) F-qi(t) '(3) one obtai'ns I ts n aL - + 2L-- dt' -~L- (4) C14, q1. dqj aj, F is an '.nfinitely small paramete�, and Wis obtained from (1) and (2) by 0 2. Aems and different n e lecting, the terms with Using (4) for different sy,~ types of motion makes it possible to obta-in the virial theorem for every concrete case. The right-hand and left-hand part of (4) are greatly Card 2/6 23808 3/020/61/1'5PB/OCI/Old 112/02 Virial theorem for the classicai ... B1041/3201 dependent upon the choice of generalized coord-inntej. Differont formula- tions can thus be obt,"irlod for tile virial fliecprei,-I. The aiith,r ex.,,.miner, the scattering of a particle-.,ith the mast m = 1 by a -phcrical center of force. As is knomn, the LaCz,~zanCian funet-ion l'or thi. case is L = v-/2 - U(r) (5). The Cartesian coordinLtes x, y, and z are u'sed as generalized coord'inates. One then obtains from '0: t2 t2 (v2 f -rdU/dr)dt V4 -r (6). ti For the par'ui_cl'e is a~--sumed to move at the velocity v '. It is 00 x further assumed that at -the moment t=O r-r 0 (r0 minimum value). Then, for a motion bein g symmetrical to the vector .:o =r(0) and at larige Itj the follouing relation holds: 3-=s-+.v Itl (7). Thus, taking the energy c0 conservation into account one obta-4.ns ts (2 U +'r dU dt =(vD-v-r)1 (9) dr) Card 23808 3/020/61/138/00',/012/023 Virial theorem for the classical ... B104/3201 fron which, for t 00 and - t oo, one has CO du (10) r)d' v.Jim (V,~j -r) = -V.S. (2U rL, 1 00 0 The left.-hand part of this formula is typical of the virial theorem, while the right-hand Dart can be assigned a simple geometrical significance. It is eqi)al to the diatanco which the particle travels beginning with t = 0 f o:r t *.' oo on a straieht line at a unifcrm -1relocity. The right-hand part can be, horever, also ausiGned another significance permitting a U _~jT'&?h1ined. -quamtum-mechapicai expressions. Formula comparis3n -.-iith A go dU (2U r di (17) is derivod for the purpor"C' -..;her012.1n ~V t ri a-'1121V fie 00 00 (17) t-400 compared with the correspond ing formiula. --from c!uan u~ T-nechani. cs 2 (2U + r LU) *1'(r) dr = v~- dT), CLrd 4/ 6 0 . dr 00 dv,,6 ' 231308 S/O"? 61/13,9/C,-)1/012/G23 Virial theorem 'for the classical ... B1 0,',Y:3201 where -q'1 is the radial fuhction of th6 1~-th partial viave, zhich is asymptoticAlly put vith AV,- sein(kr - 1-aft +'91)-. The pas--~,Ge from the quantum-mechanical formula (18) to the classical 'L:)rmula (17), can be per- formed by subztituting tho semiclassical function sin vd + r (20) forlyl(r) in (1b). Under the D3~emise. 'that at r < r0 .the functiondin-iPishes so rapidly that it can be put equal to zero, and that at r> r 0 it 2 1 veo oscillates quickl~o one obtains: ij) = - - and the desired link between M 2 IT the tv-,o Tormulas i~ thus fo,ind. For steady, coupled states with the ener" E and the iadial vave,function-y, there Js an analogous formula .Y dU ~jdr 2E, (2U + r ~d- (22) Card 5/~ 23808 S/020/61/136/001/012/023 Viri'l theorem f8r the classical... a B104/B201 whose analog in classical mechanics for finite notions is _(!U 2E + r E7) dt 0, (23) dr The deflection angle 9 in Ihe scattering of particles and the differential effecti-ye cross sec-tion 0 ca-r- 'be expressed by the relations 0 = 2 611 M Irn (24) .) 2 aM2 Y. V. A. ~ok is mentioned. There are 11 references:' 7 Soviet-bloc and 4 non-Soviet-bloc. ASSOCIATION: Lenin,,rradskiy (,,rosudarstvennyy universitet im. A. A. Zhdanova (Leningrad State University imeni A. A. Zhdanov) PRES"Z~,`LZD Dece-mber 26, 196o, by V. A. FoIC, Academioian SUBMITTED Decem"ber 0, 1960 Card 6/6 MYASNIKOV, Lev Leonidovich, doktor tekhn.nauk, prof.; _DWV Yu.N. kand. fix.-mat. nauk, nauchnyy red.; VORDBIYEV, G.S., red.lzd- va; GURDZHIYEVA, A.M., tekhn. red. [Atomic clockslAtomnye ch&By. Leningrad, Ob-yo po ramprostra- neniiu polit. I nnuohn. ananii RSFSR, lcfi52. 53 P. (MIRA 16t2) (Atomic clocks) DEMOV, YU.N. Charge exchange with small energy transfer. Report submItted to tile Third Intl. Conf. on the Physics of Electronic and Atomic Collisions, London, England 22-26 July 1963 ACCFMrON MR1 AP3OO1jh04 ,i/nohi)/1;3/027/W/t)~.)94/091)5 AVMOH% flons, L. A. TITLE: Second All-Union Conference on the Physics or Wectrott and At.". Col- -lisions (Utheorod, 2-9 Octobej- lq~;2] SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya, tier. fit., v. 27, no. 11, 1%,13, T-14-995 TOPIC TAGS conference, electron collittion, atom colltsion, collision physjr~ ABSTRACT: The 11 Vsesoyuznaya konferentsiya po, fizike elektronnyvkh i atcmny~kh stolknovenly (Second All-Union Conferen-~e on the Physics of Electron and Atoms Collisions), vas. held In Uzhgorod, 2-9 October 1962. The folloving reports vere presented: "Theory of the charge-exchange process during atomic collisions," by ]Lq,.NjgW&Qy,;~ "Charge-exchange of multicharge Ions," by 1. P. Flaks; "loniza- tio-nMe to-atomic collisions," by N. V. Fedorenho; "Excitation F4' -atoms and molecules due to electrmic collisions," by ;ZY_Lzai)eEochnY-y; -charge exchange end Ioni7ation during atomic collisions in the high-energy range," by V. S. gaglarm "PhotolonizatIon of gases and vapors by vacitim ultraviolet radiation -'$y Aeadesilelan A. N. Terealn and T. 1. Vilesov; "Effective cross sections of 7tolnie 0011"'Ons '%Portent In th~v theOlY Of 9M~OUG q%1%QtVX generators," by . I. SobellynAn; "Dissociation of molecules MA low during collisions or fan Particles," by W. X. Tun1tsk1jr; and "Corp"cular diagwstic Of Planza," by Y. V. Afrosinov, ASSOCIATIONs t) 7 L 4 L.116AL"LLL~__' 'Ewl(l) _4~1) ~ljp(c D ACCESSION NR: AP3001 q/00s6/63/o"/oq6/2W7/2010 AUTMOR: Demkov, Yu...,. TITIZ: -Definition of tem. The udsotropic the, symetry, J;roup of a quantum aye oscillator SOURCE: 2burnal eksper, i teors-fiziki,, vs no,f (;p 19630 P-007-2010 TOPIC TAGS: group theory, symftry group unitary operator, anisotropic oscillator ABSTRACT., The concepts of MW Dal.* minima3, incorqLlete, and excessive sy=etry groups are introduced in order to ~_jxrovide a more exact statement of the usual definition of the symnetry groq? as the group of urdtary operators that co=ute with Hamiltonian, sinee the usua definition is not sufficient. A prescription 1, As given for the construction vf'the, minimal group. It Is sufficienit for this piaWse to choose a S*OUP v.1th 11%a necessary dimenslanaliLties for :L-reducible representation. As an exeaple, a solution is found. of the problem )32~oposed by Jauch and Hill (Phys. Rev. v. 57,- 641, 1940) of f irdi ng the symmetr'r group for the anisotropic oscillator. The airple example can be generalized to the case. of any rational ratio of fre(:,.Uencies and to an oscillator vith any number of de6Tees I Card 1/2., .41(;,)/1K11k EW(b) 4/5S(w) -2 - AMC/J JP AT A. ACCESSIM Wf: AP3OD5268 B/0056/63/0043/002/0195/020 AVMORii Demkov, Xu, N. TT=: Charge exchange for small resonant defects SCRMCE:; Zhur. eksper. I teciret. fiz. v. 45., no, 2j, 1963., 195-91,01 TOPIC !MW-. Massey critericin, Landmi-Zener ftrmula, resonant defect charge exchange, close energy.-level transition, chwge, changing ABSTRACT: A study has been made of charge-transfor processes, such as A + B+ - A+ + B and A + B- -, A- + B0 takiag iDlace during collisions between 'ie ed when t atoms end ions.,A Only those cases were coni3ii r he velocity of atoms is mu i smalle rthan that of'. external eleetwns and the kinetic energy of atoms is much greater than the electron pergies, A general formula for the -proba- bility of electron-ebarge exchang6fts obta:Lned for the case when the change it the electron energy is arall, compared with t1te Ustance fr6m the closest levels In the two atomic! systems. The derivation of tho formula is antL ogous to that I of the Bohr quantain condIticins in the semiclassics.1 method. A eiimilar result has been obtained. for, a special case by Zener and Rosen. The significance of Card 1/"? L 146%-63 Acassion im: Anm268. the Massey criterion, which doteridnPe the poslLtion of the effectl'.ve cross-sec- tion peak, is examined in greater detail., and the oscillating mtxLre of the dif- f6rential cross section,, which is similar to that in the case of resonance charge exchange, is ei;tabliishod. The results ear. also be applied to a number of other processes, such as excitation transfer between a states during~ the Cal- lisions between atoms or ions, Orig. art. has: .14 for=Xas, ASSOCIATION: leningradskly gosudarstvenny*7 univtrvitet ~Leningred State Uni- versity) SUBICMD: O4Jdu63 DATE ACQ; 06sep6) ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: PH 90 MF SOV-. 003 0=: 0o5 Ccird 2/2 *ACCESSION NR: AP4025947 S/OC156/64/046/003/1126/1135 AUTHOR: Demkov, Yu. N. TITLE: Detachment of electrons in slow colligions between negative ions and atoms SOURCE: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, v. 46,. t no. 3, 1964, 1126-1135 TOPIC TAGS: slow ion atom collision, electron detachment, bound, electron, detached ele~ctronf detached electron distribution, ioni- zation probability, continuous energy spectrum, discrete energy level, nonstationary quantum problem ABSTRACT: The nonstationary quantum problem, in which a slow change of the external parameter causes the bound state of the quantum sys- a tem to approach the continuous energy spectrum and eventually merge with it is considered from the point of view of the inapplicability Card 1/3 ACCESSION NR: AP4025947 of the various formulas derived for the calculation of transitions between neighboring discrete levels. As applied to the collision between a negative ion and an atom, the calculations are aimed spe- cifically at determining the probability that the electron will re- main in the bound state, that is, the probdbility that no ioniza- tion will take place, and the determination of the energy spectrum of the electrons produced by the ionization. It is concluded from the general theory that the average momentum of the emitted elec- trons decreases slowly with decreasing velocity of the colliding par-. ticles. For small momenta the emitted electrons have an isotropic distribution proportional to the square of -thi! momentum. At large momenta a characteristic exponential distribution is obtained. The applicability of the theory and the conditions under which the ioni- zation probability is large is discussed. Although the formulation of the problem is general and can be other problems as well, the results cannot be readily employed for the interpretation of the experimental data, which are insufficient even for simple Cwd 2/3 ACCESSION NR: AP4025947 colliding systems. "In conclusion I am grateful to V. A. Fok, G. F. Drukarev, G. V. Dubrovskiy, A. M. Emolaev and other members of the Theoretical Division of the LGU Physics Department for a discussion of the work and for valuable advice." Orig. art. has: 3 figures and 20~iormulas. ASSOCIATION: Leningradskiy gosudarstvenny .* y universitet (Leningrad state University) SUBMITTED: 26Sep63 DATE ACQs 16Apr64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE:..PH 110 REF'SOV: 005 OTHER: 002 onve lift- w A, ACCROAl! ON - NR; M14044 A,; wwpj) iind~ larl ""a 4ve- - i in'tin -electric TITLE: ity- -of Decay , -i I SOMCB: i te6sleticbeakw fiziki, -v. -47 --o924 no. 3. 19646 918 TQPZC VAGS:; Schrodin ion.-,' larAza"tions'- IM--gative ion, we;~,eq~_at PO *drogen Vito -of tb*w,dikfithli i 6~*Xved -in soi, ing -the ABSTPACT ties nger-'equation'ifi,. 10teL case'~.OU threi~ dimensional potential barr ere,: and in view 'of t arise wbi~n attempts are made to -averwe such-lklikiiem: the avithbre dwwnsti~ate that a in ane:simple lirtit- sol'tition of the Schrodiw~ -bon the variwW G*.Canno Ang. case w t be separated. The case eonsidere& :AF404 ACCESSIONf NR: ~ , Ls o" ASSOCIATIONs.-~- Iti udairstloenny 2 rad! V.-:jjtLtvera tat-(Lening Stat -Uilh~Y SUBMITTImis ea:' k`- 0 6, CM 00 ... AOV CODEti SUB BOV TREIU: . -Car4 DFMOV, Yu.N.,- KOMAltoy; I.V. . f INYnsity matrtx fbr -ff-spitex of-noninteracting formions. Vast. LOU QURA 180) DEMKOV, Yn.N, TgOtOPIJ PftC-Ct in MSOI~AnC~~ dllq!3;~~-IStIM~- capt,ll-p ar.6 the study of quasi-stationary rncleculnr stated;, Vei.3t, 1-:011 2p ncA:).-Ir)C0- 151 t65. 1847) L ,XMT=N NR: AP5019239 LtR/0056/65/049/001/0257/0264 AUTHORS: Deinkov,, Yu. NA Pnikarev, 0. F. 'TITLE: Particle of low bindirg energy in-a niagnetic fie .'!SOURCE: Zburnal eksperimental"noy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, v. 49, ;no. 1. 1965, 257-264 ITOPIC TAGS: ion interaction, diamagnetism, particle interaction, ip otential well 'ABSTRACT: This is a continuation of an earlier paper by the authors j(ZbETF v. 47, 918., 1964). in which they considered a particle in a 1potential *ell of smill radius (negative ion) Bituated in a strong ~electrie field. The present article deals with the same system, but 'in a uniform magnetic field. 'The case of a shallow potential well is 'first considered, where there is no:bound state in the absence of the ~jfield. It is then pxoved that., for an arbitrary shallow three-dimen- bional well, a bound state always appears.when an-arbitrarily weak 'field is switched on. In first approximation the binding energy is L* 2215-66 ,ACCESSION NR: AP5019239 Iproportional to the square of.the field, so t1lat this phenomenon is Teminescent of diamagnetism, but acts In the opposite direction. The magnetic field has a stabilizing influence on the particle,, but real magnetic fields are too weak for such an effe,3t; to be observable with ~free atoms or electrons. It la shown, however., that for semiconduc- Urs at liquid-helium, temperature and for, electrons or holes with low 'effective masses the binding energy becomes comparable with kT, so ,that the bound state produced may be observed expe rime ntal 1y. If the potential well is sufficiently deep, so that there is a bound state in !the absence of the magnetic flold, there is the usual diamagnetic effect, which increases the total energy by a1.1 amount proportional to the square of the field and leads to expulsion of the system from the field. The binding energy of the particle increases with the field., so that the magnetic field again exerts a stabilizing influence on the particle. 'We thank A. G. 2',bili nd A. V Tulub r valuable discussions.t Orig. art& ASSOCIATION: Leningradskiy~gi:)Etudarstvennyy univeraitet (leningrad State University) Card 2/3 L 34-49-66 EWT(1) IJP(c) ACCESSION NR: AP50 171& UW0054/65/OC)0/002/019D 01~1~ AUTHOR: Demkovp Yu. N TITLE: Isotopic eftift in reisonant dissociative capture of an electron and inves- tigation of. quasistati2n!NM bates of molemiles SOURCE: Leminarad. Universitete Vestnik. Seriya fiziki i kbimlip no. 2,, 1965p 350-151 TOPIC VGS: electron capturep bydrogenj, deuterilzi ABSMMT: The author describles briefly the quasiEtationary state.Ar which arises when an electron collides with a molecule AB. It is shown that tmder certain con- ditions the quasistationary abolecule 0' dissociates not into a negative ion and an atom, but into the initial moleculep which may remain in an excited vibrational state,, and an electron with Rower energy. This backward decay gives rise to sev- eral, iaotopic effecto. In lxLrticular., the crosgi Bection for negative-ion produc- tion may be much smaller for D,2 then for H2. TMig effect makes -it possible to in_ Vestige.te the sbape and vidt?d of the quasiotatiorviry potential cmr~re for negative imolecular ions. In view of the great mathematioal difficulties involved in calcu- lationii for quasistationary states of diatomic moleculesp this effect is regarded as a moans of more thorough interpretation of the available experimental data# Card 1/11? - --------- ---------- -- - ---- JL~~1449,66 ACCESSIOR INR: AP501T104 C/ "I thankagplessor We L, Fite feavor V. No DvkellaLL%. and Professor Go F. Drukarev' ~~i a discussion of the questions touched upon in this wrbicle." Orig. art. has : I forarWAo ASSOCIMON: none L 1404-66 EwT(l) ACCESSION IM: M=iMO tuVoo56/65/o49/bo2/o63Vb6hi ~AUTHOR; Demkov, Yu. Nq Murakhverj, lue Ye. TIMI WRIWonof the avgular distribirhion of resonance vharge e exe I ff-, SOURCE: Zhurnal eksperimenteltnay I teoreticheikoy fizikip v. 451j, no. 2 19e5," P 635-641 ~TOPIC TAGS: helium, dharge cxchange, quantum resonance ABSTRACT: The angular distribution of the resonance charge: exchEinge of He+ ions In helium is calculated in a quasiclassical aprproxtmtion vhich eliadnates some ear- lier difficulties in the reccneillation of the eKperimental resWts and theoretical classical approximations of the adiabatic tla=7 developed for resonance charge ex- change vithin the framework of the parametric mebhod by one of the authors (Demkavp Uch. zap. IOU., fizikap v- 8v 74o .1952) and 1by others. Althor~ffi the theory predicts an oscillating behavior for the resorance dharge exchange probability as a function! of the scattering angle,, the experimentally observed waxiss and idnims of this pro-;? bability never reach 0 and l.. reqpectively. In the present paper these difficul- ties., vhich are essentially connected with -the unbiguity of the Impact parameter and arise in all. coUision-theory probleass are eircvwented becimse resonant chargo exchange does not Involve elettromic trawitions betveen the moltmular states - Ac- 1 Card 2/2 L 1404- 66 iACCMION Mt AP502=18, i i count is taken in the calculixtione of the relative motion of the nuclei for both sytometrical and exitisymetrical states. 7he conditions for the validity of the de- rived formulas for the anollar distribution are ana3,yzedj and the results are com- ;pared irith experixient and with the less accurate calculations of' E. Everhart (Pbys. Rev. v.' 1320 2oB3-3, 1963). It is shown in the conclusion that tbe results can be ;made =)re precise by taking into account the rotation of the qw6eimoleculep the i transitione connected vith the crossing of an infinite nunber of terms of like rim- imetryp and autoionization, -The errors due to each of these factors ire briefly discUsB,ed. Orig. art, bun. 3 figures and ZT fornulas6 1021 AOSOMMONt Leningradakiy gosudaretvennyy uni,rersitet'.(1eningrad State-University) ousamm: 06m&i65 ENOM 00 SUB OM NF, HE W w Wtv 004 02h. PRESS: milt,, OTW: ATD 4% cardg/2 L 5325-66 EWT (M) DILAP. ACCESSION NR: AP5021135 UR/0056/65/09AW6691/008 AUTHORS: Demkov, Yu. N.; Drukarev, G- Fo TITLE: Second-order poles of the S matrix and resonance geattering ,SOURCE: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy I teoroticheskoy fiziki, v. 49, rno. 2, 1965., 691-698 ~TOPIC TAGS: S matrix resonance scattering, particle scattering, ~moving pole method ABSTRACT: The scattering of particles, by a central force field with I a finite range IS considered, under the assumption that the particles~ are slow, so that only the partial waire with zero angular momentum need be taken into account. The general pattern o1' the motion of them f 'poles of the S matrix on the unphysical sheet of the complex p ane o the energy Is investigated as the potential energy is varied, with :attention'to the the transition from resonance scattering by the po ,tential well, when there Is a level close to the of the contin-1 trum, to scattering when there is a quasistationary state, spec Card 1/2 L 5335-66 ACCESSION NR: AP5021135 .for example in the case of a potential well surrounded by a barrier. .The S matrix is represented in terms of a Jost fun,ation and the con- ditions under which the zeroes of the Jost function coincide on the imaginary axis (corresponding to a second order pole of the S matrix)! are discussed. It is shown that for a potential well with a barrier ~tbe second-order pole can lie near zero energy. Accordingly; for resonance scattering of low energy particles, it Is necessary to UZ31;11 I ,a two-pole approximation for the S matrix. Resonance scattering is :also considered in the case in which two simple poles coincide or.arel; close to each other. 'We thank V. A. Fock L. V. Fadd and.__Q, V. Dubrovskiy for a discussion of.the questions considered in this paper.] Orig. art. has: 2 figures and 25 fo:rmula;B. ASSOCIATION: Leningradskiy goBudarstvennyy utiiveri3itet (.Leningmad_ Atate Universit-v) SUBMITTED: 16Mar65 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: NP, GP NR REF SOV: 007 OTHER: -004 Card 2/2 DEMICOV, Yu.N. Electron detachment in slow collisions between negative Ior-s and atoms. Zhur. ekap. i teor. fiz. 49 no.3t885-894 S 165. (vaii1i', '18:1o) 1. Leningradskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet. L 120:L-66 E!WT(1)A3VA(m)-2 IMC) AT A-CC _NRs W5024710 ____90_-URCE C AUTHOR: 'Ifu. No ORG: Laniurad Sl;ate University (Leningradskiy gosudar-stvennyy univex;-Me t) 77117-Ki- ;2 1' 'I'll 5-1) TITLE: Detacbmepj; of aLl eleotro In slow collisions 'between negative lons and atmR. 11. Account of the finite size of the system SOURCE: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy I teoreticbeskoy fizlki, v. 49, no. 3, 1965, 885-894 TOPIC TAGS: nuclear collision, electron emission, angular distribution, electron distribution, ion interaction ABSTRACT: The M'St part of the paper (ZhETF v. 46, 1126, 1964) dealt with the detachment of an electron in a collision of the type A- + B under the limiting condition that the system JIB is replaced by an ef- fective potential. well whose radius is aseumed to be swill compared with the wavelengt;,b of the emitted electrons. In the present paper this limitation le, eliminated by replacifig: the system All by an effectLve potential in the form 'of two wells of a suall radius, using an approxi- mation recently enjDloyed by 0. B. Firsov and B. M. Smirnov (ZhETF v. 47, 232, 1964). It te assumed that when the nuclei come closer together L 12081-M ACC Nks . AP5024T10 the state A2_ vanishes and decays. The angular and energy distribution of the outgoing electrons are calculated for the symmetrical and anti- symmetrical states. It is shown that allowance for tbe finite dimen- sions of the system has an unexpectedly small influence on the energy spectrum of the electrons. A general system of equations is obtained for the motion of a particle in the field of small-radius potential,,q,,-, wells with variable depth. Author thanks 0. F. Drukarev and L. D. Fadde;Eev for dleaussion of problems oons1-d-er-eT71=e Trticle* Orig. art. has: 4 figures and 25 formulas. W - " _r5 SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 28Apr65/ NR FMF SOV., 004 2/2 1 22129-66 a;T(l) AT ACC NR: APWA948 SOURCE CODE: UR/0056/66/050/001/0286/0294 AUTHOR:..Demk 9v,,. I' A;,, W.j ~omarqvj 1. V. ORG: Leningrad State University (IoeningradskLy gosudarstvenryy universitet) TITLE: Ionization in slow collisions of two atoms SOURCE: Zhurnal eksperimental'May iteoreticheskoy fiziki, v. 50, no. l.' 1966, 286-294 TOPIC TAGS: ionizationpotential, excitation energy, continuous spectrum, ground stf~,e,, electron energy, line spectrum, wave ftinction, excited state, particle c0 an ABSTRACT: The authors conigider the reaction A + B -,- A + Bt + e, in which the atoms are in the grotu-Ld or in the excited states prior to the collision, but the excita-; tion energy is smaller than the ionization potential. The simplest spherically symmetrical model is ana:1,rzed by way of an example. It is shown that the problem reduces to an analysis of the interaction of the a-bate with an infinite number of parallel states aM with a continuous spectrum. and the case is considered in which one energy level of the system, crosses an iVinite system of parallel levels ad- jacent to the ground state of the system AB . A general mathematical model is em-, ployed which Vields the wavv function, in the form of a contour integral., for the Card -1/2 L 22129-66 ACC NR: AF6004948 nonstationary problem af the interaction between asystem of parallel states and a state that internects this systma. Use is ma4e of a mathematical formalism which is described elsewhere (DAN SSSR, in press), and whose earlier simpler applications were described by one of the authors earlier (Deiakov, ZMtF v. 49, 885, 1965 and others). The kinetic energy of the atoms is assumed to be much higher than the ionization potential, so that the motion of thet nuclei can be chosen classically and the corresponding nonstationary problem can be solved. The method can also be used in a quantum description of the nuclear motion which is required when the nuclear energy is near the threobcld, provided the system of paraUel leveu is It horizontal or only slightly inclinedo The,protabilities of ionization and of the formation of hlghl~,r excited states are derived, and the swath transition ftom the discrete spectrum (excitation) to the continuous spectrum (ionization) is tracede The limits of applicablIlty of the theory are coaBidereds Orig. art. has: figures and,22 formulas,. SUB CODE: 2D/ IMM DM: 002 28Au965/ MUD REF: 0091 OTH PZF-. DEMKOVA, A.j CMELIK, M. Infl,qmTn,qtions of the osteoarticular system in salnonelloses. Bratisl. lek. listy 43 Pt. 2 no.5.270-275 163. l.. Mkrobiologicke oddelenie FN v Kosiciach, veduci doc. MUDr. L. Dubay, Ortopedicka klinika Lek. fak. Univ. P.J. Sararika. v KoBiciach, ved-uci doc.,MUDr.-M. Haluzicky. (SAMONELLA INFECTIONS) (JOINT DISEASES) (BONE DISEASES) (SYNOVITIS) VRBOVSKr, L.; 3WOVA, A.; SELECKY, F.V,; Tachnicka spolupraca: SIIKLOV44~-M,, -""' Protective effect of diethylminootbylamide of debydroabietic acid (jubstance E-25) in CaC12-induced arrhythmias in rate. Gas. lek. cask. 102 no.19*527-531 1.0 My 163. 1. CSAVp Chemicky ustav SAV, Bratislava, riaditel akademik J. Vasatko. HIENANTHRENES) (MYOCARDIAL DEPRESSANTS) AlMffTHMIA) (CALCIUM) (CHLORIDES) ~ (RATS) DUDAYPL.; DR-li,'OVAY A.; CEld-MI-1, J.; LLIKIV~, J,,; ZALUDKO, J. Apropos of the slimificance of Coiyii4ha,~teriizi in ozena. Cesk. otolarrig. 14 no.1:32-34 F165. 1. Katedra krereho lekarstva (veducl.., prof. dr. K. Suster, DrS--.); Lekar.-In-ej fEC ulty University P.J. Safarika v Ko- siciach a Infelcene oddelenie F.11. v Kosiciarli (vedunj: T. Mitt,ormaypr). Patholopy CZECHOSLOVAKIA KORPAS, J.; ANDRASINA, J.; BILCIK, P.; ~=Yj KOHUT, A.; SZEPESSIO-VA, A.; Institute of ExperimE- - - ogy, Institute of Pathological Anatomy, Surgical Clinicp Radiologic Clinic of the Medical Faculty of the University of P.J. Safarik, and Microbiology Departillent of FN [abbreviation not explained] (Ustav experimentalnej patologie, Ustav patol. anatomie, ninika chirurgicka, Klinika radiologicka LF UPJS a Mikrobiologicke oddelenie FN), Kosice. "Method of Inducing Experimental Bronchitis." Prague, Ceskoslovenska Fysiologie, Vol 1h, No 5, Oct 1965; p 381-382. Abstract: In 22 cats, intratracheal administration of 1 to 10 u of an aero,c7ol-of croton oil was studied. The latent state of 1 to 2 hours was followed by a prodromal stage of up to 20 hours, and manifest disease pers~4sting for ui) to 5 days or so; returning to completely normal condition by about the 20th dky. 1 Czech reference. Paper presented at the 7th Scientific Conference of the Medical Faculty of the P.J. Warik Univorsity of Kosice, 26 May 65. 1/1 'Zi CZECHOSLOVAKIA KORPAS, ANDRASINA, J., BILCIK, P., DD-10-VA,_Aj~k SZEPESIOVA, A; Institute of Experimental Pathology, Seientific~' Laboratory, Surgical Clinic, Institute ofPathological Anatomy,. Yderobiological Department of Okrosni Institute of National Health, X-ray Clinic Medical Facult7, P.J.Safarik University, (Ustav Expers patologie, Ved. labor Chirurgiokej Kliniky, Ustav Pat. Anatomie, 14ikrobiol, Odd. KUNZ9 Rontgen. Klinika Lek. Fak. UPJS) Kosice. "Changes in the Cough of Cats Suffering from Spontaneous Broncho- pneumonia." Praquo, Coskoslovonska FysioL~~io, Vol 15, No 2, Fob 66, pp 77-78 Abstrnet: Occurrence of spontaneous fibril septic and necrotic bronchopneumonia was studied. The cough eaused by excitation of the trachoobronchitio region was stronger than that caused by exeitation of the laryngopharyngitio mucous membrane. In experi- mental laryngotracheal bronchitis the sonsitivity of the receptors in the respiratory tract decreases, in spontaneous broncho- pneumonia it increases. 1 Figure, no references. Submitted at "16 Days of Physiology" at Kosice, 30 Sep 65, 1/1 *or is go 0 0 Voss 06'0 0000 0 0 0 00 0 0 Go!****** a 3* S b V It )I do #1 A) #3 JA aST CIO AT 0 !c Drops Oka a ON R~l t 11"1.9401 -'r A p Ail"pb tgrdl all) umol pu.A Sp Mquam 10 WW4 41(il Impurl'i 3qj it) YINXI)v 3nimp paunim q3lqA samll (Illm pandlutvi )umm;jjjjlj%tjj a14.% ltqjU,) Buts lp %pa IvIluj,"j Pi? AM11" 10 n) 3no P3141W a"Ak laqlap"S.-LALUT lol 0.\, '"'61 Wojd twmv3wi -AIMM17, u* -Y q 1)1)., IJ4*140111 got 1093"44 M' a -AT 10 x- a a PC R a Ab a A it ,so too Ise 00 .00 DMMOVICH, Venedikt Porfirlyevicb; BARKOVSKIT, I.V.. red.; BOLISHAEDV, V.A., tekhn,,rade [Collection of problema in pbyvtoo for grades B-10 in secondar7 schools; a manual for teacbers] Sbornik sadsob po fivike dlia 8-10-kh k1ses9v arsdast shkoly; posoble d1la uebitelet. Ieningrad, Goo., whobno-podagog. itd-vo X-va proev. RSFSR, Ieningr. otd.-nie, 1957. 245 p. (MIRA 11:5) (Physics-Problems, exercises, eta.) D-M07 (Leningrad) New collection of' phyfilce problems for graden 9-11. Piz. v shkole 23 no.4:44-45 ,'l-Ag 163. (MIRA 17:1) DMOVICH, V.P. D---QOQI Qaalitative probleMS on optics. Fiz. v shkole 17 no.1: 76 Ja-F 157. (MLRA 10:2) 1. 278-ya areftyaya shkola, Leningrad. (Optics-Problems. exercises, etc.) ISMOTBUY. P.A., inzhoner. Mcnanizing the marking of large machine parts. Tast.mash. 34 no.5:84-86 Ky 154. (KLRA 7!6) (Karking devices) EMOV IY Pat- Hikolayevich:-YUDITSKIT, H.K., dotsento otv.rede; BAZILTANSKATA. r3d.; RUDMITSLATA., I.T., [Theoretical fundanantfLa of laywat and the mchanization of laying out processes] Teoretioheskie Dsnovy rasmatki i mkhani- sataila ee protsessa. KherIkov, Izd-vo KharIkovBkogo goo.uni-v., 196o. 98 -a. i(MIRA 14:1) (Laiing out Nachine-shop practice)) 82504 0 z/oo8/6o/ooo/o8/oo2/oO2 E142/B535 AUTHORS: Deml, F. and Gaislov-i0, V. TITLEi F-epaMPrion of High-Purity Arsenic 1. Purification of Arsenic Tri-chloride VI PERIODICALt Chemick'e listy, 1960, No.8, pp.846-849 TEXT: High-purity arsenic is used during the preparation of semiconductors and also for the manufacture of some intermetallic compounds of the type AIIIBV. A high degree of purity is required as it affects the electrical properties of the substances. Pure arsenic is obtained by the thermal decomposition of arsenic trichloride in hydrogen. The authors describe an extraction method for separating traces of admixtures, especially of Sb, Fe and Cu from the compound. When arsenic trichloride is extracted with hydrochloric or sulphuric acid, most of the impurities go over into the liquid phase; arsenic trichloride itself is only moderately miscible with these acids. The systems HC1/AUCI 3 and H2SO4/AsCl 'If were found most satisfactory ets they have a sufficiently high capacity, they have different densities, a sufficiently high separation coefficient and equilibrium is Card 1/3 825'04 Z/008,10'0/000/08/002/002 E142/E535 Preparation of High-Purity Arsenic I. Purification of Arsenic Trichloride attained after a very short time. The preparation of the compound, the determination of Its solubility in ION-HC1 and 10-12N H,ls()4 are described, and graphs showing the percentage loss of " AsCl during extraction with the two acids (Fifs. I and 2) ar Ifiven. The method was tested by admixing I 1 11 1 Fe , Cu and Sb chlorides to arsenic trichloride and then extracting impure chloride by using the above method. The content of impurities was determined by qualitative spectral analysisi the sample containing Fe, Cu and Sb admixtures was subjected to quantitaiti,ve analysis. Table 1. gives data. on the amount of admixtures in the upper phase (in weight percent); Table 2 gives results of the spectral analysis and Table 3 the dependence of zhe number of extraction stages on the separation coefficient. It was found that high-purity etrsenic containing approximately 10-2% im:purities could be obtained from the starting material by two extractions only. This process gives a higher degree of extract�on than that obtained by the distjillation method and can Card 2/3 82504 z/oo8/60/000/08/002/002 E142/E535 Preparation of High-Purity Arsenic 1. Purification of Arsenic Trichloride be carried out more expediently. Acknowledgments are expressed to Engineer E. RubeY for his interest and support and to Mrs. M. Musilova for carrying out the analyses. There are 3 figurest 3 tables and 8 references: I Czech, 3 Japanese, 3 German and I English. ASSOCIATIO14: VY'zk-umny** ustav sd'e'lovacl techniky A. S. Popova.Praha (Telecommunications Research Institute "A. S. Popovsk, Prague) SUBMITTED: January 11, 1960 Card 3/3 Z/008/62/000/005/001/001 E112/E135 AUTHORS: Deml, Franti9ek, and Novafk, J,adislav TITLE: Preparation of highly purified zinc by vacuum counter-current distillation PERIODICAL: Chemicke' listy, no.5, 1962, '5311-539 TEXT: A distillation unit from silica glass for the refining of zinc is described and operational details are given. The analytical procedures for purity determination of the refined zinc are based on differential ratos of etching of crude and refined zinc. The distillation unit is designed for the refining of 4500-4800 g of zinc. As a laboratory procedure, the method is claimed to be superior to the refining of zinc by electrolysis or zone melting. A sketch of the apparatus is shown in Fig.1, where: A - distillation. flask; B - column, packed with silica rings; C - inlet tube (for introduction of molten zinc); D fused-on tube for thermocouple; B - side arm, connecting to: F condenser; G - tubet, holding heating element; Card ll_~4_ Preparation of highly purified ... z/oo8/62/000/005/00.1/001 E112/E135 H - connecting bell jar; K - receivor, vhich is attached to the bell jar by means of water-cooled brass flangos. The neck of the distillation flask is provided with indentations. The determined impurities of refined and unrefined zinc and analyses of zinc of different origins are tabulated. There are 4 figures and 2 tables. ASSOCIATION: ny ustav pro d'lovacjj techniku A.S. Popova, V~zkum s e Praha (A.S. Popov Research Institute for Telecommunication, Prague) SUB21.11TTED: June 21, 1961 Card 2/3 /-,Sl. Ste s! 're I~b:. cr 5?_1- 5 33 zt= Ttle- it- _ct- t. !:,--1 31; 'SU ';-L1 OT^ t- 7 -tlarLrr,7 j I_) 6,T 71 CZECH03LOVAKIA DEHL, F A*S*Popov R03earch Institute for Comnunications Engineering# Prague (Porsehun Institut fur Nach- r1ohtentooblk AeSoPopov, Pragr Prague, Gollsotion gL CSIQ2312W QUIC01 cation& No 3. March 1966, pp 1229-.1236 "Preparation of pure gallium by reduction of gallio (3) chloride,, using alumimmow P 002679 SOURCE CODE: URAD048165/029/012/2225/2230 'BEgEeslan L P. ; Bed1ke DeM_MAAb/ KeEtBOVaA.G C, 7-C-V.VA. _ATJ Iq TITLE: JaMp_spect.-EA of neutr*n def icient Os and lie isotopes/Tranemct ions of them I Fifteenth Annual Conference an Rue-lear Snectros"o ,E aq�_fiMclea3- SILiMSIRre held at i - i miiisit 2s anuary to 2 February IM/ SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestlyal Seriya Ift1cheskaya. v.29,, no. 12, 1965, 2225-2230 TOPIC TAGS: gamma spectrum, osaium, rhenium, beta decay, 1112nd Re VIsotopes were investigated in ABSTRACT: Gamma spectra of short-lived 05 order to improve or correct existing data, The instruments employod were a 40 x 40 mm Nal crystal scintilLlation spectromoter with a resolution of 10% at 662 keV and a last- slow gamma-gamma coincidence spectrometer with a resolving time of 10 nanosec. The source was the osmium fraction from a gold target bombarded for 30 minutes with 660 MoV protons. Rhenium was repentedly'separated from the osmium source to serve as the rhenium SDurce. Aaalysis of the osmium decay curve showed the presence of activities with half-lives of approximately 23 min, 90 min, end 23 hr, Gamma lines with half- lives less than 2 hr were observed at 120, 190, 240, 310, 510, 800, and 880 keV. It was not In general possible to assign definite helf-lives to the different lines, but the decay of the Intense 240,k#aV line was found to be complex with the two half-lives: ^-030 min and 90 J: min. A gamina spectrum recorded 14 hours after separation of the osmium showed lines at 115, I&D, 385, and 510 keV,, Gamma-garma coincidence measure- ments were undertaken in the 510 keV region. No coincidences were observed at 900 Z6 __ i ACC NR: AP66-0- 79 but coincidences were observed at; 2800. The 520 keV line is accordMagly ascrIbed to annihilation radiation. Tbb decay of the annihilation radiation was complex, with half-lives of 23 � 3 min and 3 � 0.5 hr. The rhenium separated from the osmium source, 38 min after beginning of accumulation decayed with two half-lives; 22 i 3 min and 21 1 2 hr. Assoointed w1th the short-lived activity there were observed gamma lines at go, NU 1 210, 260, 315, 440, 1510, 600, 680, 760, 840, and 940 keV. Associated withi the long-lived activity there was observed a gamma line at 365 keV; this activity is accordingly ascribed to ReM. 'rho present data aro cGupatad with the findings of Yu.Surkov, O.M.Chernov, A.K.Levrakhina, and Z.V.Krovachcako (Izv. AN SSSR. Sorv.fiz., 24, 119 (1960)), T.V.Mm1ys4Ova, and B.A.Khotin (Izv,, AN SSSR, Ser. Piz., 25, 1256 .(1961)), and I.S.Poster, I.M.Hilborn, and L.Yaffe (Canad. J. Phys.,36, 555 (1958)), and numerous points of -ag"ement and disagreement axe noted. The principal conclusion of the ansubg discussioA Is that the gamma spectrum of radioactive oamium is con- siderably wore complex than was Indicated by the f;Uidijigs of Surkov at al. (loc.cit . and that further investigation of both the osmium aj2d rhenium activities is necessary. The authors thank &Ya.GrgN2vjor, discussing the resulto and T,M.Mumluo for assisting with the measurements. OrIgs arts has: 6 figuros ond I table. SUB CODE: SUM DATE: -PI&YU- ORIG. RM 005 OM REP: 001 DIMM. L.N.- OKSKO, I.M.. professor. zaveftyus.hohiy; VASIWV. S.I., doteent, 7-haq~ushchijv; KCGTYLWo, N.V., direktor. Preparation of dental bridges from stainless steel without soldering. Stomatologiia no-3*-53-54 '53. (H12A. 6:7) 1. Wedra ortopedioheskoy stomatologii Wictovskogo meditainskogo stomato- logicheskogo, instituta. (for Demuer ana Olaiman). 2. Wedra fialki Molo- tovskogo meditainskogo stomatologichookogo instituta (for Vasillov and Demner). 3. Holotovskiy meditainakiy stoisatologicheakiy institut (for Kostylov). (Teeth, Artificial) DEMM. L.M. and nature of anomalleg of tho maxillodental Oystem in children suffering from osteoarticular tuberculosis; Stomatologiia 37 no,4s63-65 JI-Ag 158 (MIRA 11:9) I* Is kafedry ortopedicheakoy stomatologii (sav. - dote* Z.Ya; Sh-Ur) Permakogo meditsinekog ,o institute. (dir. - prof. I.I. lositayn) i koetuo-aastAvnogo tuberkuleznogo sanatoriya, "Podsneshnik" (glavn" vrach V.T# Glushkova). (MOM-ABNORMITIES AND DEFOINITIES) (BOTMS-TUMCMSIS). DEMNERp L.M., aspirant Dental caries and wiyB of preventing it as revealed by data from an examination of children and adolescents in Kazan. Kiz. mad. zhur. no.6156-58 N-D 160, OXM 13:12) 1. Kafedra, ortopedicheskoy stomatologi!L (zav. - prof. I.M. Oksman) Kazanskogo meditainakogo inBtituta. (KAM-TEETH-DISEASES:l DEIVERY L.M.,,assistent Some problems of the fine structure of the hard tissues of a tooth in health and pathology. Stomatologiia 42 no.303-36 lt,646 163 (MIRA 17:1) 1. Iz kafedry ortopedicheskoy stomatologii. (zav. - prof. I.M. Oksman) i kafedry obshchey biologii ( zav,, - prof. V.V. Izosimov) Kazanskogo meditisnskogo instituta. DEMNER Now method of histological studv of L~ic hard nn!:~ :,cl't the SLLI.Ile tooth by tht.~ use cf serial grot.nd ar-d plain sactions. blauch. IL-Xu6y Kaz. goo. med. inst. 14--l.5','-158 1 ~4. (I-ITRA 18:0) 1. Kafedra ortopedicheskoy sto.-natologii (zav. - prof. -i.M. Oksman) Kaoanskogo neditsinskogo institut.a. DDMR,j~.M.,. assistent Incidence of dental caries in children with osteoarticular tuberculosis depending on the localization and gravity of the disease. Vop. obshchei stom. r7:16-17 f64. Gomplicated dontal caries and the hygienic state of the oral cavity in children with tuberculosis. Ibid.:30-32 (MIRA 18:11) Mmyns, Zh.K.; SHAPIRA, G.; SHAPIRA, F.; DEMO, Zh. Studies on the biochemical aspects of hurion muscle disepses (with summary In ftlishl. 4 no.2:97-108 Mr-Ap 118, (MIRA 11:5) 1i Laborntoriya meditsinskoy i biologicheskoy khimii Gospitslys dlys bolInykh detey (Parizh) (MUSCLES, disenses biochem. analysis of blood & musa. tissue in vnrious die. (Rue) DEWCOV, 1T.V., inzh.; LhPI14SKIY, A.M., inzh. Using pneumatic cement loadern in louding gypstim into railroad cars. Stroi,mat. 5 no.12:28-29 D 159. (MIRA 13:3) (Loadii and unloadirl) - n (Gy,peum-- ransportatio -07 mizum It O b-tIr whb VJUY l bly i sCil sq . t . rA4 BORISOV, Ye.F., dots*; BREGEL', E.Ya., prof.; BUKH, Ye.1-1.J. dots.; VASHENTSEVAp VA) dots.; GOLEVA, YU.P., kand. ekori. nauk; GOIEVA, A.P., kand. ekon. nauk; DEMOCHKIN, G.V., dots.; DOPABEDOV, G.T., kand. ekon. nauk;'*Yk41OL0VICH, I.I., dots.; KALYUZBNYY, V.M.., dots.; KORNEYEVA, K.G., dots.; IaJZNETSOVA, A.S., prof.; MIHOSHNICHENKO, V.S., dots.; WASNIKOV, I.Ya., kand. ekon. nauk; PIKIN, A.S., dots.; SIDOROV, V.A.; %IIRNOV, A.D., dots.; SOLOVIYEVA, K.F., dots.; SOROKINA, I.F.., dots.; TARUNIN, A.F., kand. ekon. nauk,- 1,HARAKHASHtYAN, G.M., prof.; MENDELISON, A.S., red.; SHVEYTM , Ye.K., red.; ROTOVA, R.S., red.; GARINA, T.D., tekhn. red. [Economics of socialism] Politicheskaia ekonomiia sotsializ- ma. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo "Vysshaia shkola," 1963. 476 p. (MIRA 17-2) L 1426.3-66 EWT(I)IFS(~)-3 SCTB J)D/RD AGG NK-.___MO03846 SOURCE CODE: UR/2865A5/004/000/0107/0118 AUTHOR: Abakumova I. A.; Akhlebirtinskiy, K. S~~; Bychkov, V. P.; Demochkina 14. G Kondratlyeyj Yu. .; Ushakov, A. S. 7"21 ORG: none ;Z H V 5- 1~'_ TIPLE: Some data on the animal link in a closed. ecollo~dcal systein SOURCEi: AN SSSRs Otdeleniye biologicheskikh nauk. Problemy kosmicheskoy biolo~giip v. 4, 1965, 107-118 TOPIC TAGS: closed ecology system, space nutrition, commercial animal, animal husbandry ABSTRACT: Data on the animal part of a closed ecologiral.system'such as might be used in spaceflight' (based on unicellular algae, higher plants, animals, -and man) are presented. Most of the information concerns chickens and 'ducks, good choices because they mature fast, produce a sufficient quantity, of nutritious food, and have a high yield of meat and eggs per unit of feed. 'Comparative analysis shows that to produce 1 kgr of meat and fat, cattle ;require approximately twice as much feed, and pigs L 5 tinies as much~' C ard 1/3 L 14263-66 ACC NR: AT6003846 feed as broiler chickens. 'Furthermore, new generations of chickens and ducks are easily raised by incubating fertillized eggs, and their offspring. (taken together) weigh more than the offspring of other animals. TIAe meat of chickens and ducks has more protein and is Q~er.-,vmrl-w;b4ihan the protein of other animals. Calculati6ns are made of the- number of ducks re- quired to provide a cosmonaut with his daily requirement of animal protein (407-15 g), and tables showing turnover of the flock are listed. For instance.- itwas concluded hat 9 Peking ducks (40 days old) will feed a cosmonaut for I month. Fifty eggs are needed for food and hatching in the same period. The daily food and water requirement for this duck population is computed, together with the amount of respired C02. Analogous comparative data are listed for chickens. Charts of the nutritive content and caloric value of the food produced bv chickens and.ducks -are included. a f f ed is expe It is c' lculated that for i cal of this food, 25. 4 kcal o e nded. for zt~ duck, and 22. 2 kcal for a chicken. Of course, the needs of other links in the closed system will determine whether chickens or ducks are finally chosen. Both animals have advantages: ducks, for instance, can be fed a Card 2/3 L 14263-66 ACC NR: AT6003846 higher percentage of green fodder, and they both mature and gain weight faster than chickens. It must be emphasized that these are onlV'p'reliminarX calculations. - More Information must be collected about these and other aninials, and many exper,iments must be conducted with each in aclosed ecol,ogical system. Orig. art.. has: 9 tables. [ATD PRESS: 4091-F] SUB CODE1 02, 06. SUBM DATE: none ORIG REF: 03,3 OTH REF: 002 Card 3/3 ,. , JpA~vanovich- SWBIN. Sergey Sargeyevich; LYTIBIMOT, N.G., Djagagw nk~. vo*"P' fG.M., EML-4-2 scraper winch] Skrepernaia. lebedka SBL-4-2. Moskva, Ugletekhizdat, 1939, 30 P, (MIRA 12:12) (Coal mining machinery) DEVOCHKO Ivan Ivanoylgh; XU21IIETSOV, A:Leksandr Vasillyevich; ~~Cu' G.B., red, izd-va; BOIDYiSTA, Z.A., tekhn. red.; LOVILDTAJ. L.N., tekhn. red. [BS-.4 scraper hoists for filling materials] Butovye skreper- nye lebedki BS-4- Moskva, Gosgortekhizdat, 1962. 55 P. (MIRA 15:5) (Hoisting machinery) (Mine filling) 011 31; uit Igloo It W. k Pat-plat'li .&Is "646rutwitift of the co-a-ventratian of akoW %Ad ether vapm In the Mk by th* ow of tb* Zel" log interferatmeter. V&. A. Shuldirman out L, 1.16. a. 619-WIMP). calibration of the aw interferollitttr lilt the drtil. of the V1111". of &k-. &bit ether In The air in llin- ptt,).cj)tr of who 00 the hattle"Mirm is M*l for tile ail-ak-tffirr mi%l.; txw "wipmerit (ak.) is then washed out and thr teadling is 11 maide fisr the aircdwr atilit. Rum tilt- calibration 1191110. inattwilcut with mists. cif air Ivitli lilt, illilMillial I:Mjxmmth The cmu'rall, III ImIli I he sk,. and t lie eflict ratt to, f1d. lit. 0. MIN)IT coo 000 goo 00 It S so* At-It coo NO 0 It jL A I S L A OTALLOCICAlL LITC1111.1 111111.61CATION slow Iwo. At f wove salaaa It ol.. GU 4311411 41IL111 3d a.. It( too An I I I w a v I III so 9a 4 -1 U it It ; K, To a, 19 IS, a, RM " I 1*00000000060 000 4000000*0000*000000 1004,0000 1 0 :::Vt 00 :400 0 00 a C 0 V G 14 X L 0 PU a S ?A is 36 v a 30 N (31 AT a JEL "Ott rig* 4ft, coal.% GgLewol 12 ..rgs'.Lj .4 ---------- -- got &41S o et, 0. at "WIVO *w cMbw aql ja "a) jmq 3q) Aq pajortuAdUM3 96A S!tfl 1114 Mfg a" 11"Om "Allp qwm axxu 0."Wmq 001103 An VIN an" )a 1219312 0 "It "39LL *(MIWIF3 01 ax"raj Pow -91119 10WILI 01 Sol qwq jussal growl- -00 03 -Pm- "I 4KI 01 pawl WAA Pa" OOlw3 au ISITIMINI'l "0" IWIA pUll 001103 UUost Ajiqlij Antats J3qio Pcm "Roalm LP011003jampols"'q"IrmiWiL -Plapawavahm3aml. -"mzjtj aqt pme "itniq 10 alfj NU am"aA -ist=3 japun pj*319 "a in" )I) *lctm m)!UqmP a pal ttx)lloq p1luopad v q)!m aqu) pasep v I* lu!i- -uoa -iftlemliq a vit paaeld MA st")TW 4U '&Wbjq Isim in "wilq :,~i jtq 4jpqmjm JFM '18P 0) 1131112 -ON 't Wojd -w�jTwj0v~m 00 00 00 00 00 COO roo 600 r 00 n, k 0 4 ATLASOV, I.P.; DEHOKIDOV. K.K.! DIBNIR, V.D.; EGIAZAROV, B.Kh.; IVANOVA, IOBANO M.--'kiRKOV. F.G.; RABKIH, X.I.; RAVICH, M.G.; A.M.; ; SAKS, V.N.; SOXOLOV, V.N.; TE*ACHRNKO, B.V.; USTRITSKIY. V.I.; NALIVKIN. D.V., nauchn" red.; VASILIYXV, R.P., red.; SOLOVIYEV, L.D.,' red.; NEKHOROSHEV, A.P., red.; DOIGONOS, L.G., tekhn. red. [Geological map at the Soviet Arctic] Geologicheakaia karts Sovetskoi Arktiki. Soot. I.Pi.Atlasov Ci dr.] Glav. red. F.G. Harkows oesoliauchns red. D.V.- Naliftin. [Moskva] 1957- .-Col- map 89 x 131 cm. no. 4 aheets 51 x 72 cm. .. Scale 1:2.500,000. ..Inset: [Geological map of 'Wreagel Island] Geologichoskaia karta Ostrova Vrangelia, 1:1,500,000. WRA 11:8) (Arctic regions--Geology--Kaps) (Wrangel IBland--Goology--Kaps) MWOKIDOV, K.K.; ROKANOVICH, B.S.; BUSMAMTS, Yu.S.; BBLYMCOV, G.D. - ~ Geology of the Novaya Zemlya islands and of Vaygach Island. Trudy 1huch.-isal. Inst. geol. k-kct. 81L23-25 157. (MIRk 1115) 1, Sotruffidki Nauchno-isslodoratellskv,;,,~ instituts, geologii Arkbiki. (Novaya Zeml7a-.Geology) (Vsy~mch Island-Geology) TKOEMO, D.V.; MBKIN, N.I.;cjW T. K K TAKAR, V.A.; GROZDILOV, A.Z.; BUMOVA, Ts.%; Geology of the northern part of the Central Siberian Pateam. Trudy &uoh,-isal. inst. geol. Arkt, 81:1336242 157, (KIU 11:5) 1. Sotlildniki InpUtuts geologil. Arktiki. (Central Siberian Plateau-Geology) 11DIUMV, K.K. Stratigraphic division of Cambrian sediments in the northern part of the Siberian Platform. Trudy NIIGA 67:3-12 '58. (MRA 12:10) (Siberian Platform--Geology, Stratigraphic) Dai(FTV, 1~4.; CIIERNYSHEXA, V.Ye.; PISARCHIK, N.K.; 1119U.SOVA, O.M. Stratigraphy and facies of the Cam"briiin of the Siberian Platform. Trudy NIIGA 80j4l-54 158. (MIRA 14:11) (Siberian Platform-Geology, Stratigraphic) DIMOKIDOV, K.K.; LAZARIM , N.P. Recent data on the stratigraphy of Cambrian depouits on the western slope of the northern Kharaulakskiy IWAge. palsont.i biostrat. no.16:11-22 159,~ (MIRA 1-3:3) (Kharsulakskiy Range-Aeology. Stratigraphic) DDIOYJDOV, K.K. Biostratigraphic correlation of the ir or section of t-1- Pp Cambrian t3vatem In the Soviet Arctic. Trudy N11GA 13JA . 3-1-0 160.- (MIRA .14: 1 ) (Russia, Northern-Geology, Stratigraphic) arch 'hz,~ Lower laphy ~,,C arla P-rd of th~,- Sov!,:r, 4w 1-i 6 n E- ")-blr~ . ..... Ml.-~O'fvb N.11-a. 14 1, lo g 11 Tn-~dy, DXMCKIDOVA, N.X. (Moskva); KABAK, Ya.X. (Moskva) Simple methods for testing growth promoting preparations of the bypopbysis. Probl.endok, i gorm. 3 no.2:111-113 Mr-Ap 157. (SMATOTROPIN, prep. (MIRA 10:10) testing methods (Rue)) WOKIDOVA,~;N.X.-,-;, Testing growth hormone preparations in rats following thyroid block by mothylthiouracile [with summary in 3ngliahl. Blul.eksp.biol. i med. 45 -ao.6:104-108 Je '58 (MIRA 11:8) 1. Is laboratorii teldinologii organoterapevticheakikh preparatov Vaesoyusnogo nauchno-inaledovatellskogo inatituts myRanoy promyshleunosti (diro B.MP Gorbatov) I laboratorii end.okrinologii (zav. - prof. T&A. labsk.) MoskovBkolgo gosudarstvenn.ogo univeraiteta imeni M.V. Lomonoso-va. Predstavlona deyetvitallrym chlenom AM SSSR S.Te. Severinym. (THIOMBOIL, rel. apda. nothylthiouracil, growth hormone standard, in rate after thyroid block(Rus)) (SOMATOTROP111' off sets, standard. in rats after methylthiouracil thyroid block (Run)) State. of eom~? endocrine glands under the cff~~ct- c"' doses bloching the thyroid gland in rat-v. PPL,'-~ elk!-,p~ 60 nc. 10':46--,19 0 165 1~ !nnt,11.10. y2gl-vi~ny trvmia i (d-'rek-lor - deystvAelrry-y ciiltn AMN SS, i laboratorij endc,'kr~rolc:-C~i I znv.- pr! f. ~R. Moslxa. de ~,, e d .1 Moskovskogo i s, Lci- inoposova. Submitted Apr.JI 22, 1~1-164-