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LA its meet the 22d Gongreij3 of the CPSU in a worthy manner. Med.
P.'7,),1,, 15 no.9:3-8 S 161. (DRUG INDUSTRY) (KMA 14~ 9)
Remu:tts of the use of glass pipelines at the wAkrikbih* plant.
Mec (MIP! 16:7)
,!*56-59 Ap'636
Information. Igaim prom no. 3:234-237 M-r 164. 014 IRA 17: 5)
"'T'mi, 1RI,K31Y V.V.
Jltrat.hin sE:!:tIoni of' Treporieza pall, '.6i=. iri,3f~r
ir-ic-ronuDe. Vest., derm, i ven. no.l: 50-153 165.
1., )Mik-roMologicheskly ct,del (zav.- prof. N.P. Orrhirinircov,
Aral Ink)gc
n -L
(dir, kFnd, r"i, nau~L IN.?i,
SUVARUK, Rikolay MatveyevAch[SbkvaniY, M.M.], doktor sel"khoz.
[L e lerm~~ nei
nauk Prof LEM &AjA&jjMJ;V --ul-,
ksnd.',2sMl'khoz. nauk, dots.; BELOUSOVA, C:.I-',,
(Soil science] Hrunto7mavstvo. Kyiv, Urcizhai, lc)65~ 387
k,,'IHA 19-1)
2. Umunskiy sell skokho2yayjtvennyy Anstitut (for SILIvarijk,
DELENKO, it. (Zapc)rozhlye)
Beeret of' success. Nauka i slWttia 12 no.9110-13. S
(.Aporoahlye Provincei-Steal industry)
(NDU 16s1)
. I
Cor-mon problems and common ways of Bolving them.
no,,12:43-45 D 156. (KLU 10: ?-)
(Trade vnions)
AUTHOR: Deleon, Eli, Engineer cmd Assistant (Beoe;rad)
TITLE: Some Trends in the DeVE!lopment of iiircraft Propulsion
F 1110DICAL: Tehnika, 1959, Nr 1, pp 14-20 (YUG)
0 Z,
"B"TPICT; The article deals with the supersonic speed of
modern aircraft, the types of aircraft enrrine, i.e.
piston engine, turboprop engine, jet eliGine with after-
burner, ram-jet engine and rocket engine. Yi description
of the main types of propulsion units, i.e. turbo-jet
and ram-jet engines is given. There are 14 graphs, 2
tables, 2 diagrams and 3 'Onglish referelLces.
DISSOCIATION: Maginski fakultet, Univerziteta u Beograd (Mechanical
EngineerinG ,Dept. of DueoGrad University).
SUladITTED: October 10, 1958
Card 1/1
L -an I
adoila t UR2
9 v
0 ".60 p A
R*13~ 99OWTv, 'rarm
Usbed i4lWyles-We tbt Wmmug vWats, lQr.Oj 2D.17-
B8 3 -2 M; 71-0 'IM.
MA~ 6S)
9 M14; At-d 1190
3 lawl
rta t -mlj61wpl-,
C41- P5 ww Imid r= M Zn 'vi;y a-fly
tAqo W ca:~e
-miltb.PbL.,Tbe priim~yttfoi 1%,13:wtmStio ~t A bad
iot b" 61m in; t-Ilonatis.. 1 N41i tlmitu art v)qp=-d
du be*
, _GavrUp
Structural characteristics of the antimony-araenic ore of the Lojalw
Minea. Glas Prir =z A no.n;109-220 159.
(Yugos'lavia-Antimony) (Yugoslavia-m-Arsenic)
VOK.RACHKO, Yuriy Georgiyevich;_DELERZON, Borts Samuilovich; ILIIN,
Andrey Al6ksandrovich; SALIVON, Stepan Alekseyevich;
FALIKOVIGH, Bqtis Moiseyevich; FEDOROV, Yurly Viktorovich;
CHISTYAKOV, Ivan Pavlovich; OKUNEV, Yu.K., podpolkovnik,
red.; SOKOLOVA, G.F., tekhn. red. - . - -
(Textbook for the second-class military driver] Uchetgnik
voennogo voditelia vt*o1p klassa. [By] IU.G.Vokrachko i dr.
Moskva, Vc-enizdat, 1963. 376 p. (VIRA 16:6)
(Aw*nobile drivern)
L 46120-66 E'NT().)/EEC(k)-2/T IJP(c)
AC(: NRt AP6024517 SOURCE CODE: UR/02.r)1/66/-0-4-2--/-O-OOF/654f,
I AUMOR: Gogava. L. A.; Nakashidz , G. A ;, Delerzon N. M.; Dzhaparidze, Ye. G.
Kal;habrishvili, I. V.; Ter-Sarkisova
__L A. G.
ORG: Academy of Seicnces,Georgian SSR, Institute of Cybernetics (Akademiya nauk
Gruzinskoy SSR, Institut kibernetiki)
TrrLE: Photoelectric characteristics of a two-terminal p-n-p-n type transistor switch
SOURCE: AN GruzSSR. Soobshchentya, v. 42, no. 3, 1966, 547-550
TOPIC TAGS: electronic switch germanium transistor, photosensitivity, volt ampere
characteristic, r1% ev-,-Vi-k
ABSTRACT: The article deals with the method of fabrication and photoelectric characteristics
of germanium-base p-n-p-n type transistor switches. The starting material was a p-type
wafer with a resistivity of 5 ohms- cm and dimensions of 1. 3xi. M. 08 mm. Twop-njunctions
ivere obtained by diffusing antimony into both surfaces of the original wafer and the third, by
alloying indium into one of the diffused layers. Ohmic contact on the opposite side was accom-
plished by doping with tin (Fig. 1). In the presence of a fixed bias lower than the svdtching
0:ird 1/3
L 415120~66
ACC NRt AP60245,0
Fig. 1. Structure of two-terminal p-n-p-n
type switch:
I - rectifying nickel contact; 2,4 - diffused
n-layers; 3 - original p-type germanium;
5 - ohmic contact (tin); 6 - nickel holder
voltage the device is in the "off" state (point A on V-I characteristic in Fig. 2) and displays a
high resistance of the order of several megohms. On illumination the switch changes from
"off" state to "on" state (point B in Fig. 21) considering that the fixed bias voltage is then .
sufficient for breakdown of the center p-n junction. In this position the resistance of the de-
vice is of the order of several ohms. An investigation of V-1 characteristics in the presence of
darkness and various degrees of illumination conclusively proved that switching voltage de-
creases with increasing illumination. The minimum illumination required to switch the de-
vice is of the order of 100-150 lux. Further improvements in the design and fabrication of
transIstor switches should make it possible to develop more photosensitive and stable devices
V-1 characteristic of p-n-p-
in the presence of varying
of illumination:
Dss; H - Illumination of 460
)20 lux; IV - 1840 lux;
ux; VI - 5060 lux
has: 5 figures and I table..
0TH REF: 001
L 46120-66
ACC NR, AP6024547
lan of oride and vitrate
SUTY1111aly"-Thr nit
L 'hll (1) Y% tl~wl
HtM -1th (HNCIII)JI:~) (H) in the,
reSIMCC of 10 "Ll'tt-Ilerk fiWIf, With %117CI, elOpper,
a)i condenser wern platpd 27 g. potrit. NaCN and 3.5 tni.
H-A the flask wanned M HtO ath until the NaCN din-
solvtd. 72 g. I-C,M%V[iCl to 100 9, MOH add(A dropivist
for SO-46 min., the tilixt. *mrmed to bolli"t 5 hrS. with
corst. Stirring, toollA, the NIICI flittled off, W"hed will)
aD m). HtOll, the Juttet dbtd, vffj nd the reitainder distd.
its to:oo. The product, I-CivHYCIIiCN4T, N~2 11., bit 170-
81 % 40 g, INUOH, WD ml. HA and 80 tril. Eli) I In a flask
wereheated to boWnit 3,15 his,. the EtOll vras Itistd. off, tife
4wnaluder d mlodzed witit C, %ad pptdi with 20% HtS04,
felding 66.3 8. 1 "Crystil. from 11.0, M. 120-1 To ISO
lit d6tn. flavic wm added slowly N
then 113 g. toned.-HrA, apd, the inixt .SWMVen the bath,
Inere. -)lot thq tethp. lv 20' In I lit,
The thoretkal amt..
of 11,C) d1std; wl" 1, hr, - The t=p. of the bith vM kt t
I lur, at 240-,W* and thtu another jjr. at 20-709. T911
browu, Klmy, M21dut vmv washed with 28M til hot 140
suipmStou htAtv~ "to bown t ~;W
01.4 wksbetl with 100 jul. liot 10, the filtratil 146
qir~tgd C"P lUrAd 13 100 ff. NXO~! In-W
2 - TJ and the An. extd. several times
Withic The-exts.uereaddedtothe
yellow N-co-ribitiLdRoln.dried with KOH, then at 00,
and crystl: gi,inj 1084 g.1241-ttapliihylmethyl)imida7oline
'111), tit, : ~ To 15 g. III distolved in 20 nil. MOR
7.7 g;, ci3ni:d.~ HCI " added I the soln. heated several min.
to bbllhtg,:'f "olo4kch- with C, the resulting Ul.licl fit-'
tered * i0pir frb~ia the solit. with U40, yielding almost
1DU% HCI sWt, atrag. Irani anhyd, MOH, m. 253-S' (de~
compn.2, so]. in EtOM ant, 11,0. Similarly, HIMNO.,
in. 152 ~ (decianpa.) %vaq o4talited ty mixing 4.2 S. IH In
2 mi. HrO and 2.2 S. coned. HNO, In 4 mi, MR.
Gene A. Wozny._
... _-.3 E L
COUNTRY : 'Poland
CATEGORY : Organic Chemistry--Theoretical organic chemistry.
ABS. JOUR. ! MMM. , WO. 22 19 59, AiO 78497
AUTHOR Dole*, J. and Polacskowa, W.
NST. ~0_ f- giv oz~ I
T I T LF, On the Mechanism of the Reaction of the Methyl
Enter of p-Bromocinnamic Acid with Rydrazine
ORIG. PUB. : Roasniki Chem, 32, No 6, 1245'_1255 (1958)
ABSTRACT s The reaction of 14 14 * Hj 0 (1) with 4-BrN 16 CHuCHCOO.
ON) UU, depending on the conditions used, giYes i
4-BrC~ 1~ CHwOUCOM19, (111), 4-BrC6 H4 CH(NHNHj )CHI -
COW0% (IV), 5-(p-brosophonyl)-pyrazblidone-3 (V),
and (4-Br4 H4CH=CHCONHj) [sic3 (VI). Apparently
V is f ormod f ron IV or from 4-SrC6 H* CH(NHHH2 ) C14 -
COOCH, (VII) which has not lbean isolated and the
hydrazinolysis of which proceeds markedly more
readily than that of II. Depending on the con-
centration of 1, the intermediate reacts either
CAPUD: 1/10
C(-)~1'JTR`1' I Polani 0-1
ABS. JOUR. RZnim., NO. 22 1959, 1,10 78497
0-HiG .PUB.
ABSTRACT with 16 or by intramolecular hydrazinolysis with
the fornation of V. The cyclization of IV pro-
ceed.B at a starkedly slowtr rate than that o!' 'M.
The presence of water lowern the rate of hydra-
zinolysis and inhibits the intramolecular reac-
tion to a greater extent than the intermolecular
reaction. 4-BrC6ff6CH.CHCOO1i (VIII), ap 264.20'.5*,
in prepared by the reaction of 4-BrC6H4CHO rath
CH2 (COOH)t in C~ 4 N in the presence of & small
amount of piperidine, yield 64.8%. The methyla-
CARD: 2/10
0 UiT., y
C A ~.Slul DRY
ABS. JOU.R. :o. 22
A B ~ST C, T
? '04 9
tion of VIII with Ci~ 02 or CH3 Oli Fiver, 11, 7,p
,37-89 About 0.025 mol 11 and 0.075 mol ol
IOC7% I in 10 r.Al ("60" are roflwred for 15 min.
evaporated over 1~ SO,. to dryn~~bii, &tr6 thc
is rinsei with ether; tne y '3'el-A of !V it;
r,,,?) 81-5-L5' i,decomp-, fr,):!, alcohol.), d.;-acetyl.
rivatiye kUAP) mp (from Ilqueo"Is alc)'.
The comb4-ried ether extru,.t yields C-l.L pi. 1.17,
YDP The same reaction with 2 hr
reflux gives FmG of crucla 1~roduct whirh ort
CC~U.N T Z".Y Poland
'i B 195-9,
. .3. JOUR. AZAhim. , Zo. 22
AD 'ST RA 0 T and 0.4 9M Of an apparent mixture of IV ani V.
0-05 Mol 11 irt 50 ml U's0f, is treated with 0.15
Mril of 2C% 1, the col'ation is F11104ed 40 s~,
L, 6arl d
for 4 days at abolit 20*, after which the fil-
traLe is Praduallj evaporated in a de,isi.cator,
the precipitate being renuved from time to time;
tile yield. of 17.1 is 40.2%, ,up 167.5-1~"19' ',frcn,.
ale); ol impure V! and 26.31,t) of IV, rnp 79-
62' (decomp) are also obtained. Abont 0.01 moL
11I irx 50 ml CI~COUR is cooled to 5" 0.01 :n01
.5 3. 0
0 UNT Z'ti Poland
US. JOUR. AZ1' 1111-, '~'O- 22 '-.0. 784971
ABSTRACT gi-ving 35% of unreacted 11, 19.8% 111, and 19%
IV; the alcoholic mother liquor on eva.poration
of the solvent and a.cjetylation of the residue
gives 0.4 gm of the AP of V, correspionding to a
Yiela of V of 5.8%. About 25 mmol 11 and 75 mynol
I in 50 tal Cli)O'.-;, are refluxed for 35 m`-n- I'vac-
tional crystallization gives 15~~ unreacted 11,
0~' TIJ
6., :1 - , and 28.3% V. About e5 =ol 11 and
25 mmol Iin 7 ml Cgs OH are ref luxed for 15 min,
;eaving a residue of 2.5 F-ms of unreacted !I;
CARD: -7/10
RZKh1m-, 110- 22
19 59, NO.
G - 1
A T aA CT the solution on dilution with waterl extraction
with et:'ker, and fractional cryetallization gives
0.45 gin 111, 1.3 gm V, and 0.2 gm iI: the resi-
due recovered from the ether extract after the
solvent is distilled off gr.) or acetyla-
tion gives 0-3 gm of unr-aacted 11 and 0.2 gm of
a aixture of the AP of 'i and the AP of III'!.
0.2 mol 4-BrC6H4CH=CHCO0K in 250 ml abs (;11,C12
is treated (with coolinF'," with 6 ml of a 1%
molution of CSH5N in CHzC1, and with 0.02 mo).
CA?,D: 8/1o
DELES, Jadwiga; POLACZKOVAip Wanda
On the reaction of bydrazina vith ring oubetituted derivatives of meth3rl
ainnamate. Rocz cheinii.35 no./,:81,3-852 l61.
L Department of Organic Chemistry, Inatitute of Technology, Warsaw.
DEM, Jadwiga; POLACZKOWA, Wancht
15n the mechanism of tlxt reaction of bydrazine with cinnamic acids
ostars. II. Rocz chemii 35 no-41853-860 161.
I. Department of Organic Clismistry, Institute of Technology, Warsaw.
DEM, -Tadviga
Tb6. effect of -ring substituentb on t6, reaction ra~tes of',egbstitated
metbVl,cinnamtes with byitrazini.and,on' 'thij~cyolizatfon` tendency of 1,4-
bydrazinoacids bydrs.?Bidee to,WTodolizov%ei%.",%-az chozii 35 no.4t861-867
1. Departinnt of Organic Chemistry, Institute of Technology, Warsav.
DEILSEGA, I. From my experience with the excavator. p. 3.
Yol. 7 no 289, July 10,55
Bucurestit Rum-mia
SO: Eastern Europew Accession Vol. 5 No. 11 April 1956
Technological progress is the most important condition for in-
creasing labor productivity in the shipbuilding industry. Trudy
LKI no.32s5-12 160. (MIRA 15z2)
1. Kafedra politicheskoy ekonomLi Leningradskogo korablestroiteVnOgo
(Shipl)uilding--I'echnc'.1ogical innovaticns)
I In the forests of Polasys. Pozh. delo 4 no.5:22 Ve 153.
(Pbleave-Guarillas) (HIM 1115)
DELITS, A.; #MSHKIN, B. (Grodno); ORLDV, Ye. (Bryanak)
Readers' letters. Pbsh* delo 5 no.10:29 0 '59.
(MIRA 13:2)
l.Rayonny7 pozharay intpektor, Dreatska7a oblast' (for Delnta).
(Tire prevention)
-DE~M~,,GJLDeleiu-, If.)
-Z-- ~.
Attract a brotul selection of local active participants to plan
riwal districts. Sill . bud.,11 no.12%8-.10 D 161. (MIRA 15Q)
1. Kerivri.k viddilu planuvannya J. zabudoyi sil Naukovo..4ioslidnogo
institutu nistobuduvannya Almdemi:L budinitstva i arkhi'vekturi URSR.
(Ukraine.-aegional plaxining)
DEMUR) G. A.: "Basic outlines of Uir planning and construction of rural
villages in the southern part of the Ukrainian SSR.11 Academy of
Architecture Ukrainian SSR. Inst of the Construction of
Cities. Riev, 1956. (Dissertat~",on for the Degree of Candidate
in Architectural:Sciences)
Source: Knizhnaya letq)is' No. 28 1956 Moscow
POKROIrSKAYA, Yelena Vladimiroyna- DXLEUIt G.A., redaktor; LYU130MIY, A.,
h 1*
redaktor; ZZLEROVA, Ye., TMOU'A'elft' redaktor
[Planning. building and laying out me-chine- tractor Btations]
Plauirovka. zastroika i blagoustroletvo mashiano-traktornykh stantsii.
Pod obshchei red. G.A.Deleura. Kiev. Gon. i2cl-vo lit-ry po stroit. i
arkhitekture USSR, 1956. 284 p. (MMA 9,8)
(gachine-tmotor stations)
JT~ffe-J., dotsent; SUINOV, S.A., dotsent
Using a cathode rW oscillograph for invest igsting the processes
of breaking in machine parts. Nauch.tiudy MINT no.16;95-102 158.
WMA 11: 11)
(Cathode ray oncillograph) (Mechanical wear)
T ELL7, D.
DHIMF, D. Standardization and giving account of eoq)e-nded materialc and
reserve parts. P. 46. Vol. 8, ro. 6, 1956. THANSPOR'"NO DELO. Sofiia,
SCUM: Ea.,;t European Accessions List (EEAL) Vol. 6, '!,-. 4--April 10,57,
asiav IK.
New urinary bladder from the ciginoid colon, Khimreiia, Sofia 11 no.3:
279-281 Mnr 58.
1, Iz Xhirurgichnoto otdelenie nn Olcru-.shmu bolnitaft D-r %Icho Lngelov--
(BLAUM, surg.
nubstitutp bladder with ureteral implant into sigmoid (Bul))
DELEV, 14.
Formation of a new urimtry bladder from the sigmoid. Zhirurgiia, Sofia
11 no-5-6:544-546 1958.
1. Iz Khirurgichnoto otfielenle na Okru2hmta bolnitsa Dr Racho Angelov
(BIADM, surgery,
sigmoidocystoplasty (Bul))
(COION, surgery,
o1, th,3 urac,""u-'7. Kldrtxr,~!a "! : - -, i j1, I
1. Am:zhna bc-iiii-,sa "Dr. Rinch.- AnFi~:cir", 1--,fila ( - I ,,
_g,~ eyL
T. 11-likhailov).
114LEVI, L.B., inshoner.
Catching lacquer dust by moans of cloth blinds. Der.i lesokMm.
prom.) no.1:25-26 Ja 154. (MLRA 7:2)
1. Dnepropetrovskiy mebollnyy kombinat Im. Khalturina.
(Lacquer and lacquering,)
H= 1, L. B.
How we increased the productivity of 'the PkInt BPr9ring Shop-
Dor. t lesokhIm.prom. 3 no.7:24 Jl '54. MU 7:7)
1. Duspropetrowkiy, =bellayy kombizat Itaxi Khaltwlza.
(spray painting)
IMLSVI, I.B.. Inshener.
-,w-, ... . . .... pj~--
Apparatus for cutting longitudinal grooves in columns. Der. i
bisokhim. prom.3 no.11:22 1 634. (KLRA 7:12)
1. Dnepropetrovskly mebelInyy kombinat. im. LMlturina.
.Effect of diamond grinding on the surface layers of hardened
.RIB steel. Metalloved. i term. obr. met. no.4:49-50 Ap 165.
(MIRA 18:6)
1. Ukrainskiy nauchno-is sled ovate]. I skiy institut sverkhtverdy~h
DFLEVS1131 , P. S.
"A Stamd for Intravenous Narcosis," Khirur la, No 8, l(.*q.
2nd Surgical Clinic, Ukr Inst... Advanced Training for Physicians
DOLUSKUY, F.S., doteent
INPON0010 7ifth years in the distinguished role of surgeon; life and activities
of A.I.Meahchaninov. Test. khIr. 75 no-1:9D-91 -Ta-IF 155. (ML'RA 8:4)
KMCELANINOV, A.I., prof. (Xharlkov, ul. Sverdlova, d.152, kv.1);
DIMSKIYO P*So, dots.
NOnPar&Bitic CYBtfl Of the liver. Vest.khir. 81 no.12:80-81
D '58e (MMA 12:2)
1. 1z khirurgicheBkoy kliniki (zav. - prof. A.I. Neshchaninov)
9-y lharlkovskoy gorociskoy kliniaheokoy bol'nitay (glavw vrwh -
L.S. Sycheva).
(LIVER, cysts
nonparasitic (RuaD
DELEVSKTY, Yu.P., kand. mod. nauk-, SHCHERBAK, G,A.
Results of the use of' plaadc pitakeiges in t1asue preservBtim,
Ortop., tr[LVUM. I protez, 26 no,8%62-.465 Ag 165~ (MIRA 18:9)
I. Iz laboratorl.i konservirevanAya tkaney (rukovodltelf-
Yu.P. Dalevakly) KharIkovskogo *[ na t; i tu ta protezirovanlya,
ortopedii i travmatologii Imeni M,.,:, Sitanko (dir.- chler-
korrasp=dant OIN SSSR prof, N.'-I. Movachankc). Adren avtorov~
KharIkov 24, Pushkinakaya ullltaa, lor. go, Inatitut protmIrcovaniya,
ortopedii i trav,matologli,
!4 1*'~
Iftn"101~4;w, P(114ue' NcLkIwbte!'iv[ tv~kliyilavellsk- 4'
3.954 W.'a. I I 2n -~O IU!1. ritwi-d im cie'll.
Ch J:
Florloten an a drtW in the treatamont of inflammation. Cook. farm.
3 no.7t247-248 rapt 54.
1. Z Vyxkunkneho ustavu locivych rostlin v ?rase.
Ryperlem perforstum extract, thar. of Inflitin
(INFIAMTION, therapy,
Hypericum perforatum extract)
DFIFIN, Boris, inz.
Development and probleiiiis of' the construction industry in the
Sisak District. Gradevinar 16 no. 1:;!3-;*.8 Jbt tt*)/,..
"EL S. Prosoects for etc- -velo-,)::--ent c).-' t',~ che!-dcal industrp- ii: Cloak'a.a.
V01- It, l'0- 3, Earch 1955 ill u
SO' l'outhlf List of flaut European Accessiona,
Larch) 1956
DEIYIN,S. Meetingodf the Union of Chemists and Technologists of Yugoslavia.
Vol. 4, No. 10, Oct. 1955 UMIJA U INDUSTRIII
SO:'Monthly list of East European Accessions, (EEAL) IL, Vol. 5,No. 3
Marc:i., 1956
A UTAOR: Delfin, Slave, Engineer 1-LIG/2-59-I-16/22
TIT-,E: Production of Artificial Fertilizers in the Federal People's
Republic of Yugoslavia (Proizvodnja umjetnih gnojiva u FNRJ)
PERroDiCAL: Kemija u industriji, 1959, Nr 1, pp 21 - 26
ABSTRAM The author emphasizes the need for more extensive Use of
fertilizers and increase in their production and j.-,ive.3 a
description of the chemical composition, import and the
present and planned production of various fertili%ers.
1. Nitrate fertilizers: a) calcium cyanarjide is produced
by the plant in Dugi Rat and the Tvornica dugika (Nitrogen
Plant) in Ru'se. Their total production capacity is 44,000
tons, but their actual production is only 50 of their ca-
pacity. With the construction of' the new plant in Jegunovei
this capacity will be increased by 33,000 tons, and should
meet the requirements for this kind of fertilize.-i b) am-
monium sulfate is mainly produced as a component for mixed
fertilizers by the Koksara (Coke Plant) "Boris Ki,ir&l and
the coke plant in Zenica. The total yearly production of
these two plants is 9 - 10,000 tons; c) ammonium nitrate
Card 114 of which the Fabrika azotnih jedinjenja (Nitrogen Compounds
Production of Artificial Fertilizers in the Federal People's Republic of
Plant) in Gorazde, with a yearly capacity of 24,000 tons,
is the only producer. About 5 - 6,000 tons of the total
yearly production is used for production of mixed fertili-
zers and the rest is divided between export and the supplies
for the chemical industry. 2) Phosphate fertilizeirsi
a) superphosphate is produced bj "Zorka" in Subotioa, "Cin-
karna" in Celje and "Zorkall in abac. Total capacity is
260,000 tons yearly, and expansion of these Plants is plan-
ned; b) hyperphosphate, the production of which started in
1957 by the "Tovarna dugika" (Nitrogen Plant) in Ruse, is
obtained by grinding imported crude phosphate. Yew plants
should be constructed in the vicinity of the Adriatic ports
to save the cost of double transport, since the Adriatic
coastal area is the main consumer of this fertilizer.
3) Mixed fertilizers, i.e. "amonfos", "nitrofos", "nitrofos-
kal" and "RAS", are produced by "Zorka" in Subotica slid
IlTovarna duiika" (Nitrogen Plant) in ~absc. The :raw mater-
~'Iard 2/4 ials required for the production of these fertili,.,ers are
Production of Artificial Fertilizers in the Federal People's Republic of
imported, since the domestic resources are negligible. The
total production of all three kinds of fertilizers, i.e.
nitrate, phosphate and mixed, dcas riot satisfy the need
and individual mixed-fertilizer mixing stations are to be
built in consumer centers. Since the new plants which are
planned to be constructed by 1961 will not be completed by
that date owing to the consistent refusal of the USSR to
give the necessary loans, agriculture will still depend on
imported fertilizers or on the import of raw materials for
production of fertilizers. The import of potash fertiliz-
ere is a permanent feature of the Yugoslav economy since
there are no adequate domestic sources of raw material for
these fertilizers. The author emphasizes the need for plan-
ning for the period after 1961, for construction of phos-
phate fertilizer plants in the Western regions Of YUg03la-
via, and for the production of concentrated fertilizers,
i.e. tricaloium phosphate and ammonium phosphate. The
Card 3/4 shortage of nitrate fertilizers could b; overcome with the
Production of Artificial Fertilizers in the Federal People's RepublIc of
domestic sources of bonded nitrogen, i.e. natural gas and
lignite. Crude phosphorus will still have to be imported
and phosphoric acid required for various kinds of fertili~--
zers could be produced by thermal process in locations with
a seasonal surplus of hydropower. There are '7 tables and
10 references, I of which is French and 9 Yugoslav.
ASSOCIATION: Zavod za privredno planiranje NR11, Zagreb (Institute for
Economic Planning of the Peopleb Republic of Croatia,
Card 4/4
DE ~.TIN, Slava, ing.
"Achema 19610. Nom ind 10 no.7sl92 JI 16L.
DELFIN). Slava, ing,
Fair of plastics in Zagreb, April 13-22, 1962. Kam ind 10 no.10:
375--377 0 '61.
(Zagreb-Fairo) (nauticti)
DELIFINIVall (UA3-18738)
Greetings from CuNin radio amateurs. Radio no.11:11.
N 165. (MIRA 18:12)
DELI, 11. A.
*Lymph 116de Changes of the Mediastin= and Radix Pu2ffftlB During
Tuberculosis.* Gend Mid Sci, First Moscow State Mod Instp Moscowl 1953.
WhBiol., No 60 Nov 510
Sv.rvey of Scientific and Teehnica3. Dissertations Defended at USSR Higher
Umcational Institutions (11)
SO: Sm. No. :5210 2 Jun 55
DELIP K. A., kand. med. nauk
Changea in the blood vessels of the brain in tuberculous menin-
gitis, Probl. tub. no.3:94-100 162, (MIRA 15:4)
1. Iz patologoamtomichaskogo otdelaniya (zav. - prof. B. P.
Ugrymov) Gcvsudaratvenn'ogo nauchno.-isaledovatellsko o instituta
tuberkuleza, Hinisterst7a zclravookhraneniya RSFSR Mir. __ V. F.
Cherny hev, sam. dir. po nauchnoy chanti - prof. D. D. Aseyev)
\--ISLI, :Caezlo. dr.
Clinical expe~rience with the determination of gastric acidity
with ugastrotest'. Orr.hotil. 102 no.6:262-263 5 7161.
1. Debreceni Orvostudonanyi Rpetem, II. Belklinika.
DIW, Usslo, dr,
TheWperglyoomia and glyoomwia-inducing effect of thiazide deriva-
tives in,diabstics. Orr. hatil. 103 no.7:302-303 18 F 162.
1. Debreceni Orrostudowmyi ftystes, II Belklinika.
h~: lt~i
clI J
forx of fiv-a
Z~ ro~-, Ln L- wh-, 3: 1" n nrl
in Jt
n(, e -~a n
The ;;l ine ti
-Z 12-
-1i1-i--'-,-.~! bv h~- ~.I) c!
t 4
DELI, Laszlo, dr.; DAN, Sand03'. dr.; DEVENYI, Istva4 dr.
Symptma%c agranulocytosis In Hodgkin's disease. Orv. hatil. 104
r.0-101457-459 10 Mr 163.
1. Debreceni Orvostl*mwnyi Egyetem, II. Belklinika es Korbonctani
SZILAGYI 7anos, dr.; 4W-',__j&L2~jo, dr.; OSVATH, Sandor, dr.; KfiWTOR,
Erwebet, dr.; SBIAY, Attila, dr.
Pathophysiology and cli-ical picture of chronic cardiorespiratory
insufficiency. Orv. hetil. 106 no.20:921-925 16 My'65-
1. Debreceni Orvostudomanyi Rgyetem, Tbc Klinika (mb. igazgatoi
Pongor, Feren.;, dr.) ; IL Be1gyogyaszati Klinika (igazgatot
Petranyi, Gyula, dr.), Rtg. ninika (mb. igazgato: Jona, Gabor, dr.).
DELIp Ibtild
"The Terek-Kuma Canal"' by I-P-Mricsolurcov. Reviewed by Matild
Deli. Hidrolc.giai kozlony 41 no.5:382 0161.
OLLOS, Giza dr., a i-la EMiki Wdom..IiiyQk 1-incti-dr.AtUlsa; D~.',LI, MrItild; SZOLNO-K-L,
Gsaba; KiRADII "::,bur, dr., a muszaki tudemanyok !iandidatu,!e.
Results in model testa on lowering i;mderground water leve b,
1 y me ans
iof vacuum wells. Hidrologiad koz1ony 1+3 no.1:19-30 F 163.
1. Epiteipari es Kozlekedesi Muszaki Egyatem'L
Tanazeke (for Olles, Deli, Szolnoky). 2, "Bidrologiai Kozlonyll fo-
;3zerkasz1;oja (for Ollos).
,OLLOS, G., Kand~dat der technischen Wtssenschaften; DELI M..?
SZOLNOKYP Ca. t--- , - I
Results in modol tests on ground wator level lowering ty
vacuum wells. Acta teahn Hung 49 no.1/2sl63-189 164.
I. Lehrstuhl I. fur Wasserbau an der Techn"L-hen
Univernitat fur Bau- und Verkehrawesen, BL-dapeat.
"Basis TeclwiologLcal Principles of Preparing for the Weaving of Rayon Yams on the
Basis of their Physical-mechanical Properties."/ (Magyar Textiltechnika.
P. 374
No. 11/12, Nov./Dec. 1953 Budapest.)
Vol. 3, no. 6
SO: Monthly List of East European Accessionsv/Li.brary of Congress,_june 1954, Uncl.
107, NCW: Irts s lit flit Irthijillogy of w0f willding Ill
:lhe silk
Industry S Z. I I e (~iff,qVilf
IS65. No~ 4. lip-rTZ No., 5. pp. 179 Hil,
Ill till!I
Way of the "Itiddru" deftets.1s; silk Ooth5
4directlim of the Woft are due--to tile weft whilling. The
Caust of-these delcos is tile C.Xi'v4sive stress of the )UT11.
WKWObsok1t, mtWhilles It vlas lire be I
techill) 'WC11.
it iA ld-hOld the yarn telISIC11 belOW
the lillAMOrthe Iflaitic eloilgation, After trealing. the
104in l1rinciples of te6hnWo y the article gives a detifled
analySboflhe kinitinatlej I the generally used
The ~ t mks mecamkry L to obtain oil even Spilldle L j"jV't
speed and therchy tmi yarn velocity art: dealt arith.
In order to ensure a constait stress below lite linilt of
gation thc author k-uggeits axial unminding
dLQj t)lC hit1jerto Pr4tCtjCej Unrolillig (Cr~L.Pa YJrnfj)~
?-.),e %r I . I
I al-a.4"-f ) " -
D.3LIA.N. Mtrl.
The pogition of yamW workers In Austria. Vsem. prof. dvIZh. no.2:
7-9 F '58. (KIM 11:2)
(Anstria-Iabor and laboring classes'; (Youth)
Experimental studIps an homo- or h3terologica-1. cello introduced into
the embryonic orj~nism. I. Behavior of Ehrlich ascites tumor cells
introduced Into tho circulation of chick embry-oii. Rev. sci. med. 7
no.1/209-62 162.'
Irrigation for cotton fields. p. 26.
KOOPERZATIVNIO Za!EDELIE, Sofiya, Vol. 10, no. 7, July 1955.
SO: Monthly List of East Zuropean Accessions, (EEAL), LC, Vol. 4, no. 10, Oct. 1955,
DELI~ALTOV, Josif; TSONEV, Ivan; KHRISTOV, Khristo; Poian
Precipitatlons as asset In the soil moisture baiance in
determining the irrigation norm. Selskostop nauka 2 no.l:
5-11 163.
DELIBALTOV, losif IAw, agro
Irrigation of maize by sprinkling. Khidrotekh i melior 9 no.l:
32 t64.
,R .A
3MMS111, - A, S=CT=Y~ M. F.; PEYVE, V. V. ; rOLIKAROM", P. I.; BiTIG, A. Ya.;
"The Case for Explosion -proof Electrical Equipment in the Oil and Gas lndust:ries.,'
report presented at the All-Union Scientific e.nd Technical Conference on the
Electrical Equipment in Buildings and Outside Instal lations Liable to Explo-
sicns., 14-19 April 1958, Stalino.
(Energet. Byulleten', 1958, No. -) pp 29-33)
inz , nauchrWy red.; VDOVENKO, Z.I., red. izd-va;
SHERSnIEVA, II.V., tokhn. red.
[Modern methods for conducting electrical equipment instal-
lation operations]Progressivnyo metody p:.-oizvodstva alektro-
montazhnykh rabot. Moskva, Gosstroiizdatp 1962. 134 p.
(MIAA 15:12)
(Electric wiring) (Electric lines)
DEL - . Ao insh.; 'HIVDV IMOSS, insh.; HATP7111D,, M.R.,, inzh.
Experienoe in the Installation of electriml equipment in large
cupola furnaces, Prom6 energ, IS no-3834-40 Mr 163. -
(MIRA 16's6)
(Cupola furnaces Electric qiquipment)
VENETSIANOV, Yevgeniy Andreyevich;,PEUDASH, a-A-0 red.; LARIMOV,
G.Ye., tekhn. red.
[Special features of the installation of explosion-proof
electrical equipment) Osobennosti montazha vzryvosashchi-
shchennogo elektrooborudovaniia. 14oE&val Gosenergoizdat,
1963. 62 p, (Biblioteka alektromontera, no.102)
(MIRA 17:2)
DZJJBASH, BorL ~qp~; ZHlVOV, Mikhail Semenovich;
PROKHORENKOV, A.T... inzh., nauchn. red.; LYTKINA, L.S.,
red.; KASIMOV, D.Ya., tekhn. red.
(Installation of the electrical equipment of large cupola
furnaces] Montazh elektrooborudovaniia kruprqkh dorrennykh
pechei. Moskva, Gosstroiizdat, 1963. 105P.
OURA 17:1)
VENETSIANCV, v or-j',;
[Instalintion of w-11ring an.j equip-
ment in pr .3-
W"' 1] (?`TI`si'P Mont~lzh elekLro-
PrOvoiok i e lei: t-rocbo r~,kvLin pome-
Stro:j ~o
ZH1VOv7P7.S.; ik ~AhB, A.I.; NAYFELID, M.R.; FEM-..M14, MG.;
[Organization and performance of electrical equipment instal-
lation operations] Orgardzatsiia i proizvodstvo elektromon-
tazhnykh rabot. Moskva, Strolizdat, 1964. 602 p.
(MIRA 18:3)
DE M 1134911BV3 -A. --- - - - --- - - -- - - -- --- - - - - -
113o,,-IqIiitIc N Inlu-trIal Arch' t ~~ ctur,?. 1.,. 1.2" (1jqYIITT-j7- I T'0)
~4. J? it I S", - - -) -I :, -1
Vol. -) 9 No. 2, 1952, Sofiya, Bulgaria
SO: Monthly Li3t of East European A.ccessinm L.C. Vol. 2, Nlov. 1953, Uncl.
I" I wir, If
R it 0It. L A
- wk*., 2
so., X94i
low- /A
goo COO
iL 0
11R,I0 4.6110" -41 svlQ;="Ir cm; S14 M
**tin 4
w -1--T-1 T j T F v 1 9
11, u 0 AT to
019 0 0 W6141 0 0 a0 0 111 0 9 0 0 0-0-6 IS a JULO 0 it 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.010
Lwportance of determining free lime in cement. a survey
of methods of determination. p. 248. Vol. 11. No. 29
1.956. TEMKA. Beograd. Yugoslavia,
SOURCE: Rest European Accessions List, (REAL) TAbrary
of Congress, Vol, 5, No. 8, Augustw 1956.
bEL I C., J).
YUGOSLAVIA / Chemical Technology, Chemical ProductlB and
Their Application, Part 2. - Ceramics,
Glass, Binders, Concretes. - Glass.
Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Kftimiya, No 18, 1958, 61723.
Author : 1~g_jan Delic Milutin Jovanovic, lldomcilo Ro3tic.
Inst :Not-gliven.
Title :Theory of Glass Tempering and Its Practical Ap-
Orig Pub: Tehnika, 1957, 12, No 10, Hem. ind., ll,-No 10,
153 - 158.
Abatract: Based on bibliographical data and the theory of
glass (G) tempering (T) developed by G. Y. Bart-
enev, the following questions are discussed:
fundamental concepts of T mechanism; tempering
of a glass plate at its symmetrical cooling ac-
Card 1/2 38
YUGOSLAVIA / Chemical Technology, Chemical Products H
and Their Application, Part 8. - Ceramics,
Glass, Binders, Concretes. - Glass.
Abs Z'our: Ref Zhur-Khimiya, No 18, 1958, 61723.
Abstract: cordin to a specified regime' computation me-
thods ~equations and tables) of the heat trans-
fer factor and optimum temperatures of tem 'per-
ing flat glass specimens. An example of a con-
crete application of the T theory based on com-
putations obtained from practical date is pre-
Card 2/2
L C)
YUGOSLAVIA / Chemical Technology, Chemical Products H
and Their Appliaation, Part 2. - Ceramics,
Glass, Binders, Concretes. - General Topics.
Abs Tour: Ref Zhur-Khimiya, No 'LB,:1958, 61649.
AuthDr :_D9jaa_D2ljc., Marija Tecilazio-Stevanovic,
Nada Petrovic.
Inst : Chemical Society, Yugoslavia.
Title ; Some Researches Concerning Granulometric Com-
position of Clays.
Orig Pub: Glasnik Hem. drustva, 1957, 22, No 4, 24-.5 - 251.
Abst:ract: The purpose of the work was to find the most
efficient method of determination of Derticle
size. The direct microscopic method and 4
(indirect) methods based on the rate of set-
tling of clayey suspension were checked by the
Card 1/2 25
YUGOSLAVIA / Ghemical Technology, Ghemical Products H
and Their Application, Part 2. - Ceramics,
Glass, Binders, Concretes. - General Topics.
Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Khimiya, No 18, 1958, 61649.
Abstract: comparison method. The areometric nmt;hod is
the simplest and the time necessary to carry
it out is the shortest com-Dared with other
above mentioned methods. The accuracy of re-
sults obtained with that method is about-1-9%.
Card 2/2
I - iks
I inn
'.III liold
Lew.c,--ft C-i
m bz!
RUI-WIM/Chonical TechnoloEz,. Choxlical Products and Their H-13
Application. Corai~ics. Glass. Binding Materials.
,Is Jour: Ref Zhur-Khin., I~.!o 2, 1559, 5456.
or D:-lic. Dgjaii; ~*,-%,-mchorvia, Tora.
I,.,Zt Del(;rade UiAvarsity.
Ti.tlc Protection of Surfacc of Refractory Matcrials.
Orig Pub: L-A. usoarr-, 1958, 5, Fo 5, 168-170.
;~bstm ct: Work concerning V-.,.c- do-z;orTAination of thc deGree of
corrosion of alurao.-Alicato refrv.CtO3.7 Laterials by
N--,,COS, KZPOZ M'ICI 3laq containing a-lknlis was carried
cut ant the Belgrade university (Federal People's Republic
of Yugoslavia). 8 different refractory mteri,-ds were
studied, they contained 36 - 39, 42-45) 45-50 -Md about
60~ of Al-,!~~ aid difft.,rod by the structure of the body
Card 1/3
RU..'-MIA/Chenical Tecbnologj. Cbc;.dcal Produots and nleir 11-13
,',pplictio-i. Cormadco. Glaaz. Binding Maturialo.
.',bs Jour: Rd--f Zhur-IOLIM., Tio 2, 1959, 5456.
(coarse-grained, ne(Ilium-Frained and fine-grained).
Specizions of the size 10C x 100 x 65 imi bumcd at
l4ooo, in which holes had been &*illed (according
to DIN 1069) wore tested. The holos were filled
with weieJied armults of recgonta0and tJe specinons
were heated in a i)=iace to 1250 , this topperature
being :,.aintained for 12 hours. After the buming
the specimens were cut asd the corrosion was doter-
n-Ined in cub.cra and in %' in the relation to a wi-ole
brick of 2000 cub.cra in volume. Also tests of the
corrosion of crucibles (mde of the sai-.,.e bricks)
coatel on the inside with a suopension of VA0 - in
water, which had been applied by atomizing WRII con-
Ca- rd 2/3
RUj.4-,jjj'./ChC-j-.jjCrj1 Technology. Mcnica-1 Products and Their H-13
Application. Coxnutcz. Glass., Rinding Materic-Io.
;,bs Jour: r%ef No 2, 1959, 5456.
presacd air, were carried out. Pine-Grainca rLfractory
i ~atcriala c(xAt-Uniiie 42-45~ of Al .0 1 proved to be the
stablest. The action c,f NaCO3 isN' 8onaiderably stron-
ger (1-2 - 1.5 tinics) tI"L that of K,CO-.,, the action
of siag is 6 - 10 times weaker than Thai of Na CO, - The
ccating of the surface of refractory materials with V
raises the rosiati-vity of refractory nateriods to the
action of NaACOk eonsiderably (1-5 - 2 tines) mid pro-
tects them froi-.i'tha action of slag completely. -
S. Globcv.
Card 3/3
AUTHOR: -DeliF-, Dejan,, Doctor of Engineering, Professor
and RistiC, MomKilo, Engineer
TITLE: Solid state reactions between metal heaters and ceramics
in electrically heated furnaces
PERIODICAL. Tehnika, no. 5, 1960, 971-972
TEXT: The authors outlined the reactions and mechanism& of Mo with the
AL 203- SiO 2 system, and a Cr-Fe - Al alloy with the systems AL 203
Sio 2' MgO - S'02; they deal with their usefulness and that of
"siratorcorund" (pure Al203) as material for carriers. The report is in
four parts: (1) The reactions of an alloy with Cr, Fe Al, CAbstrator's
not*: Cr/]Fe/Al refers to the alloy-. 30% Cr, 5% Al, 65% Fe, which
erZDneously appears in the original as-. 30% Cr, 5% AC)rwith Al 203and
MgO - Si02 ceramics. Alloy (30% Crq 5% Al) is in popular use as a
Card 1/5
Solid stateac. D257/D304
furnacei element and was here used',in wire form (TYP Cr Al 30.5 DIN
17470). Wires of different diameters were embedded into milled
(0.3 --0.6 mm bead size) Sipalox A and Sipalox C (60% Al 2o7 anej 70%
AL203 respectively) materialso and then heated to an optimum tempera-
ture of 1.300OCo Investigations showed that corundum powder in place of
Sipalex Rand C does not react with the wires at all* Reaction in the
case of the alley and Al203 in attr1buted to the presence of quartz in
the Sipalox material. The mechanism is postulated as follows: on
heating Al diffuses to the surface of the alloy where it oxid.-Izes,
forming an impermeable layer preventing further Al diffusion; but,
with free quartz present, the oxide cost reacts with SiO 2; aluminum
continues to diffuse to the surface, where it reacts with SO 2 . The
diffusion coefficient of Al in iron is greater than the diffus on
coefficient of ehromium in iron, which supports this theoryo Deter-
mination of the Al contents of the alloy on heating with the ceramics
Card 2/_5
Solid state... D257/D304
also support this mechanisms The more rapid loss of Al and lower re-
action time in thinner wires is due to a much smaller volume/area
ratio, as compared to thicker wires. When the A! in the alloy is used
up and can no longer form a surface layer, reaction between quartz and
C:r and Fe oxides proceeds quickly. This mechanism also applies to
Hgo-Sio2 type ceramics whore free MgO can react with coats of Al 203
to build spinels. (11) The reaction between Al 203 - Sio 2 and Mo is
due to the presence of free quartz in the ceramic mulls, together with
the increased electrical conductivity of mulls above 1000 C. Short
circuits thus arise the molybdenum spirals, melting the refractory
former and thus giging rise to reactions. Quartz reacts with molybdenum
oxide even at 1320 C, and to stop this, MgO has been added to remove
free quartz. The pure Al 0 carrier, "SintereorUnd" is more efficient;
it. was found unreactive ai i former even at 1950 C. (III) Reactions of
111203with Mo, W, and Pt. In high vacua A1.03 and Mo do not react9
nor do they do so in pure H 2, but if the hydrogen contains traces of
Card 3/5
Solid state*.. D257/D304
oxygen gray spots appear at the contacts; those spots increase with
an increase in contamination, showing reaction. The eleatrical pro-
perties of tungsten were measured in high vacuum at 1500 C, when it
showed no reaction with alumina. Platinum does not react, but in re-
ducing atmospheres, minute amounts of quartz present transform to
SiO, which reacts with Pt given platinisilicides, important in therme--
couples of the PT/PT-Rh type. (IV) Reaction of C, W, Mo with ZrO 2 and
HgO.. Ceramics of the ZrO2 and MgO type react with C, W, and Mo at high
temperatures at pressures of 10-4 _ 10-5 Torr. In fact all these materials
-eact with each other at high temperatures and in intimate contact. In
tonclusiong a Cr- Fe - Al alloy reacts with A120, - Si02 and MgO - SiO2
type ceramic carriers only if free0quartz in present* Mo if oxidized
at the surface reacts even at 1300 C with quartzj to form molybdenum
silicatoq. Hence the following systems can be used for construction of
furnace heating elements: (1) Fe - Cr - Al alloy and ceramics free from
quartz and MgO. (2).Me heaters and sintered corundum (pure A12 03)S
Solid stattoo.
2 6 270
ZrO.9 or MgO. (3) Tungsten heaters and pure Al 2031 MgO, or ZrO 2
(4) Pt heaters and pure Al 203' There are 2 tables and 7 non-Soviet-
bloc references. The reference to the English language publication reads
*a follows. P. Johnson, Jo Amer. Cer. Soc. 33, 1950, 168-171.
ASSOCIATION: Tehnolooki fakultot univerziteta u Beogradu, Jugoslavija
(Technological Faculty, University of Belgrade, Yugos-
SUBMITTED: November 25, 1959
Card 5/5
.IELiq,-_Pejan M.; JOVAVOVIC, Milutin A.
Changes on the glass-purface due to the action of water at higher
temperatures. Glas Nk dr 25/26 no.8/10:477-483 160/161,
Is Faculty of Technology, Institute of Inorganic Chemical
Technology, Beograd.