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MSNYS, A. Fighting against Aradus cinnamozeus in the Svencioneliai Fores'-s. p.18 MUSU GIRIOS (Mislu ukio ir misko prwwnes miniaterija ir Gemtos apsaugos komitetas prie Ministru taryboa) Vol. B. Aug. 1959 Vilnius.. Poland Monthly List of East European Accession (EFAI) TC, Vol. 9., no.1, Jan. 1960 Uncl. KARTASFH'VSKIY, N.G.; LTEKSTFR, B.G. Now plastic containers for the preservation and stf-)rqge of homotransplants and 'iiological preparations. Probl. gemat. i perel. K..ovi 8 no.9:39-43 S 163. (MIRA 17:9) 1. Iz Leningradskogo ordena Trudovogo Krasnogo Znameni nauchno- issledovatellskogo instituta perelivaniya krovi (dLr. - dotsent A. D.Belyakov, nauchnyy rukovoditall - chlen-korrespodnent AHN SSSR prof. A.N.Filatov). BOGOMOLOVA, L.G.; USHAK91, S.N.; IZMAYLOVA, Ye.F.; LAVITNTIYEVA, Ye.M.; DEKSTFR, B.G. ; PE7rROVA, L.I. Effect of thixotropic gel of iodopolyvinyl alcohol on eyperi- mental atherosclerosis. Pat. fiziol. i -eksp. terap. 0 no.2: 8-12 Mr-Ap 165. (MIRA 18:5) 1. Leningra-Iskiy institut perelivaniya krovi. (dir. - dotsent A.D. Belyakov; nauchnyy rukovoditell - chlen-Yorrespondent AMN SSSR prof. A.N.Filatoir) i Institut vysokomolokulyarnykh soyedineniy (dir. - chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR prof., JI.M.Koton), Leningrad. DEKSTER, B.G. Conservative treatment of athreoselerosis obliterans of the lower extremities; a review of Soviet and foreign literature. Vest. khir. 93 no.8:117-124 Ag 164. (~!IRA 18:7) 1. Is khirurgicheskoy kliniki kafedry perelivaniya krovi i gematologii (zav. - prof. G.V.Golovin) Leningradskogo ordenaLenina. instituta usover- shenstvovani,ya vrachey imeni S.M.Kirova (rektor - dotsent S.N.Polikarpov). XUDI:'(7VV N.D., inzh. L Df U., Inzh.; 1JUKONEN, Yu.N., inzh. First-line equipment of a new hydrnvI.Jc turbIne 11-.,boratcry. [Trud.,) LMZ no.10:279-292 164. (M-IRA M12) klinicbeekiy ordinator Treatment of kraurosis vulvas by the method of alcohol-novocaine block. Akunh. i gin. 38 no.31101-104 Ny6Je '62. (MIRA 15:6) (VUVA-DISEASES) (NOVOCAINE) (AL&OROL,, DINATRU) DEKSTER, L.I.; NEYSHTADT,. E.L. KcauTo3iq and of thr- Wiiva'; and mi~rpll-~- -1 ~ 64. ...Ogfc!aj nna*l'yv.,s. llp. onk. 10 no-3-'99--10," MIRA 8) 1. !-- gineko7l,)g-~-heskogo otdelen:~-ya kzav. - prof, V.P. lcbilevlch) clde--enya (Zav. chl-en ARN SSSR prof. M.F. Gluzunov) Iri-q-11ul.a cnko`ou~4 AM SSSR (dir. - deyst la:.~rqy r]-er. AWI SSSR orc!". A .7. Srebrov" .. ri I - i. Adres avt.3rov., Lening-~&d,. 2-ya Be-rezovaya a-'-eyal. 3, institut, onko'.ogli ANN -OSSB,, 1JI-EYSTE I ~ . L. I . , ll'i,'.,'.~Ilil'~'tD I', E.L. Gh,angcjs In the nerve Mci-s of pilmax, llissies in ki-aurosis and leukcpla-'kia. V-3p. onk. 11 nc.9:12-16 165. 18:9) 1. T-z ginekologicheskogo otdeleriyzi (-i~av. - prof. V.P.Tcbile- v'ch) i patologomorfologicheskoy laborat=il (zav. - doktor med. -nauk S.F.Serov) Instituti. or-kologii Am~~ s-t,s:~ (iir. - cieystviteltnyy rtl c n A MN S SS R p r o f . A . I ._") c r e br c v.) . SAWTHSAKOV, T.A., akademik; ASTONOVSKIY, M.Ya.; DMKTYARXV, I.M. Generalized metric spaces. Dokl.AN Uz.35R no.5:3-7 '59. (MIRA 12:8) 1. All UzSSR (for Sargymeakov). (Spaces. Generalized.) DICKTYARXV, I. M. Numerical functions of compact metric spaces. Dokl.AII Uz.SSR nn.ll*.6-8 159. (MIR& 13:4) 1. Srodneaziatskiy goeuniversitat im. T.I.Lenina. Predstavlono akad. AN UzSSR T.A.Sarymsakovym. (Topology) DLMAREVO I.M. Topological moduli over semifields. Nauch. trady TashGU no.208. Mat. nauki. no.23t82-89 162. (MIRA l6s8) (Topology) DEKTYAREV, I.H. .. ~ '?-Complete spaces metrized over a half-field. Dokl. AN SSSR 154 no.1:23-25 -Ta'64. (MIRA 17:2) 1. Tashkentskiy gosudarstvenny-y universitat im. V.I. Lenina. Predutavleno akademikom P.S. Aleksandrovyn. DEKTYAREV, T.M* Theorem on a closed graph for ultracan.plete spa~-es. Dokl. AN SSSR 157 n0-4%7'71-773 Ag~ lt~4 (III-RA 17:8) 1. TashkentoMy gosudarstvennyy urtiveroltut In. V.I.Lenina. Predstavicno alrademikom F.S. Alp-~;3andrr)i7m. MEM"YAREV, V.A.- Automatic contro3 of the TG2-type horizontal milling machine. Stan. i instr. 3f, no.1:36-38 Ja '59. - ~ (MIU 12: 1) (Millfig, mehines-Numerical control) KROTOV, Yu.V.; PEKTYAREV, V.P., red.; MAMMOV, A.S., otv. za vyp.; OGAREI_,-A-.P-.'-unK. red. [Special case of laterial instability of twin arches] Oso- byi sluchai bokovoi neustoichivosti sparennykh arok. No- vokuznetsk, Sibirskii metallurg. in-t im. Sergo Ordzhonikidze, 1962. 11 p. OcRA 16:9) (Arches) (Structures, Theory of) GHEN, N.G.; BOCHAROV, V.A.; FURSOV, P.F.; SHUST, T.F.; DEKTYAREEVA.. V.K.; BOROZDINA, R.R.; YUDINA, S.M. Reducing the etching of welded joints in carbon and stainless steels by acid solutions. Zashch.met. 1 no.61726-728 N-D 165. (MIRA 18tll) 1. Dneprodzerzhinskiy metallurgicheskiv zavod-vtuz. K I; Fk,.F-.: f G. 1- . ;G.D.; GOLTSM-111j"I" Im'. Method for --tudying plastic deformation by hardne- ~-,:4~asuru-ent. Zav. lab. 31. no.8:3011-1013 165. '6-1-m-A 18.9) 1. Tc)jti--kiy j,011tEiklinichesk.1y instLtut. 00816-67 F,i;T(d)/EWT(m)/EWP(ii)/EWP(t)/ETI/EliP(k) 1JJ11(c) JD/IIW/Dl SOURCE COD19s URI()27!XiC)-OO-FOO-9TCk5b~S10061---""I AUTHORSt Sedokov L, M, Doll 3, 0 D r7 TITLM 31wassed-deforned state during shear SDURCEt 11of. sho KwhinostroitallMys materialy,, konstruktaii i raschet detaley mashin. G-Wrop*ivod,. Abe. 9.48.17 REP SOURGM ly.. Tom4 V ~to4t ._in-ta, v. 133, 1965, 37-40 TOPIC TA03i metal test, strOS3 an&1.V8i8, &hear stross,, material deformation., plastic deforgation ABSTPJ.JGTt Results from an investigation of the atressed-deformed state accompanying double sh!o are presertted. ese results waro o tainod ti the stage of wall developed.plastic do 31,mceding a failureNhe iwreatigation was carried out by thf MeDuous ox: anasurmg hardness and by using dividing grJAs with a base of 0.208;.24. Studies conducted on various metals have shoin that the deformed state durIng shear in joracti4maly independent of the material's properties. From a shear diagram of a miteriiL it is possible to construct a corresponding graph of the tangent streaseas andj, by integrating,, to obtain the nagnitude of the deforming forest, ffranslation of abstracg SUB GODEs 11 UDG 1-312.4-- BABIS, R.S. (Zaporoz*u); BIKI, M.A. (Zaporozhlye); GORBUIUSOV, A.F. Zaporozlify0/6 KINYMN, I.D., doktor tekhn.nauk, prof.;,.DE.L's V., inzil.; KRASNOV, V.P., inzh. _A~t Complex engineering and economic method for d3signinq electric transformers. Elektrichostvo no.10:85-88 0 163. (MIRA 16:11) 1. Tomskiy politeklinicheskiy institut (for Kutyavin, Dell, Kras- nov). aspirant; KUTYAVIN, Ivan Lbrdtriyevich, doktor DE 1~2~ tekhn.nauk, prof. Determination of the principal dimensions of electric transformers. Izv, vys, ucheb, zav.; elektromekh. 6 no.5051-556 163. (KMA 16:9) 1. Kafedra elektricheskikh stantsiy, setey i sistem Tomskogo politekhnicheskogo instituta (for Dell). 2. Zaveduy-ushchiy kafedroy elektricheskikh stantsiy, setey i sistem Tomskogo politekhnicheskogo instituta (for Kutyavin). (Electric transformers) IYEZUITOVA, N.N.; DE LAEY, P. [Do Laey, Pierre], dok-tor; UGOLET, A.M. Analysis of the localization of invertase in the cells of the small intestine by emparing the concentrations of hydrolysis products in intra- and extracellular liquids. Dokl. AN SSSR 159 no.5:1191-1193 D 164 (MIRA 18:1) 1. Iaboratoriya fiziologii pitaniya Instituta fiziologii im. I.P.Pavlova AN SSSR. 2. Gantskiy universitet., Bellgiya (for De Iaey). Predstavleno akademikom V.N. C'nernigovskim. DEIARAY, P., CZECMSLOVAKIA (;OLEO H.Di.0 nuwv 1.0 man-umag G.G. cost" cbents" wM64070 tommimis Stou uAiverourt matm Am"t L"Istome U.S.A. i, (far all). DDIAW101wont address$ Departamt or Cbmib*wt ftv To* ad"llityo mm I*d4 NOL pngmt W-l"U" is EVINIUM SNUAL commi-gat4moo No 12g Dv"AkW 1913-Opp MM-3"5 WES"Um" him"" a* aria abods a* a Imovem, " exectrods of varyug 4241"m (Ifftkio 751kh IIUAbdW at Aead"CAM J. HVrowdo). DEUS, 11. "SusceDtibility of ascarids to chlorinated hydrocarb,)ns." "Parenteral applicatign of carbonic Tatrachlorldwi co-aU. Winterhalter, X. Inst. for Vet. kedical 'Research in Zagreb. :~gt. ~or.-pbaj-riacojoiy & .,Fac Univ of ZQLj&b. IYL~t. for Dhar- a J~~?ETIA V macology, et. ac ' n1w. 0 agr At SLARY Til.'Glasnik , No. 1, PP 15~-29 Vet. Archkr. 14 , 205-219, 1944 1950 Vet. Archiv. 23 : 275-282. 1953 'rUGOSLATIA/Discases of Farm Animals - Diseases Caused by Helminths. jibs Jour : Ref Zhur - Diol., No 6, 1956, 263o6 Author : Winterhalter, M., Bolak, M. Inst Title Parenteral Application of Carbon Tetrachloride* IV. Subcutaneous Application of Carlton Tetrachloride to Horses. Orig Pub Vetrin. arch., 1956, 26, No 11-1.2, 299-3o6 Xostract CC14 nixed with paraffin oil in the proportion of 3:1 was enployed for the treatment of liver-fluke disease Lfa S in horses. The mixture was applied scioliasi2 subcutaneously in a dosaGe of 0.1 ml/kG. After appli- cation a stronG local reaction was noted acco7_ani&~ by syaptoms of Cencral nalaise /-indispositiopj. Controlobarly arranGed hemorrha:9-1c and necrotic Card 1/2 10 YUGOSIAVIA/Diseases of Farm Animals - Diseases Caused by R. Helminths. Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biol., No 6, 1958, 263o6 inflammtion foci were discovered in the'liver. Experiments shoved that such treatment methods could not be recommended. Card 2/2 YUGOSIAVWDiscases of Pam Animals - Diseases Caused by Helmintho. Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biol,, No 11, 1958, 5CI207 Author : Winterhalter, M., Delak, M, Inst Title Parenteral Uses of Carbon Tetrachloride. V. Hypodermic Injections of Carbon Tetrachloride in, Lar(;e Horned Cattle. Orig Pub Veterin. arh., 1956, 26, No 11-12, 307-312. Abstract For the treatment of fascioliasis CC14 was subeutaneDusly injected in a 3:1 mixture with paraffin or sunflower oil into large horned cattle. Seven animals received a 0.01-' 0.03 ml/kr, mixture with paraffin oil, and 3 animals recei- vea a 0.02-0903 ml/kG mixture -with sunflower oil. In all cQses necrosis of subcutaneous cellular tissue was obser- ved at the site of the injection: with rapidly developin,--, inflarzatory reaction of the surrounding area accorapanicd by a rich growth of connective tissue. Me latter acted Card 1/2 YUGOSLAVIA/Diseases of Farm Animals - Diseases Caused by Helrdnths, Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Biol., No 11, 19581 50207 as a barrier, hinderinr_ a rapiO. absorption of CClh and veakeninG its effects upDn various organs, particaarly the liver, Histolo'-ical examinations revealed that noCi- fications of liver parenchyma did not occur. Hyp:x1ernic injections of CCl4 did not destroy fasciolae,, vhich were founO, alive in the bile aucts, -- N*S. Fesenkova, Card 2/2 28 - YUGOSLAVIA/Discasos of Farm Animls - Discaaos Caused by i,-3 1101mintlis 0 Abs Jour P%cf Zhur - Biol,I No 11, 1958, 50199 Author 14.9, 1.1interhalter, M, inst Title Controling Fascioliasis in Damestic Animals and TreatinG It by Hypoderndc Injections or CC14 CCarbon Tetrachluri- 'lei. Orig Pub : Veterin. Glasnik., 1957, 11, N-) 1., 27-33 Abstract : The study shows that hypoderraic injections Of CC14 mixed With liquid paraffin (3:1) administered to mice, sheop, and piL,*,s are far less toxid than when it is administered to them orally. CC1 xc-,'- with paraffin was tested as treatment on about 6~~piGs in dosages of 1-6 ml, depen- on the weidit of the animals, Subcutaneous applica- ti.-n of CC14 to large horned cattle and horses was unsuc- cossful, however. Card 1/1 DELAK, Marcel Poisonousness of coumarin and dicoumarol for poultry. Ljetopis JAZU 64:326-327 '57 (publ.160). diven Naluea Cokmt17: Yugoslavia jkaa~.-.,cdc D--grae3: Inot given P JL - i liati on Institute t~~~I_pgy an4 h sLology, Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology of the Faculty of Veterinary kzx== Meaicine (Institut za morfologiju i fiziologiju, Odjel za farmakologiju i toksikologiju Voterinarskog fakultata), Zagreb bxxxx Sourcol Bel,-rada, Vaterinarski yj?--snik, Rro 6, ig6i, pp 511-515. Data: "Soma Now Hoans for Fighting Fasciolosis.0 BELAK. Zdanim, Dr. Thres cases of burns caused by x-ray therapy. Lijec.vJes. 77 no.1-2:46-50 Jan-Feb. '55. (WENGIN RAYS, inj.eff . radion"crosis, warg.,excis. & ski& graft(Ser)) -D IS. Z. Education of surgeons In the principles of plastic and re- constructive surgery. Acta chir. iugoal. 4 no.1:73-78 1957. 1. Kirurski odj*1 Opce bobdoo u UQQ. Lual (v. d. sefa dr. 0. Kulanovic). . I (SURGIRT, PLASTIC, educ. (Ser)) DMM..IREZM, 2. Burns; clinical observations and results of treatment. Acts, chir.iugoel.2 no.1:51-67 1955. -1. Kirurska klin:Dm Medicinakog fakulteta u Zagrebu (v.d. predstojnik prof. dr H. Gjakovic) (BURNS, thor. review(Ser)) DELAK-FlUIZANI, Zdanim, Dr.; PASINI, M., dr. ---ft~wm..wAw' Hand contractures; caused by burns. Toj. san. pregl., Beogr. 13 no.3-4:219-221 Mar-Apr 56. 1. Hiruroko odeljenjo Opste bolnlce u Danjoj Lucl. Hirurska k1lulka Medicinskog fakulteta u Zsgrebu. (BURNS, compl. hand contractures, prov. & surg. (Sor)) (HAV, die. contractures caused by burns. prev. & surg. (Ser)) (CORTRACTURES, band, caused by burns. prov. & surg. (Ser)) DELAKWFRE&UII) Z.; STARE, J. I Juries of the axtentior tendons of the fingerq. :'Ac ch#. n, ~a. lugosl. 8 nol,1:33-40 161. . 1.'Kirurska klinika Madicinakog fakulteta.u Ljubljqni (Predstojnik Prof. dr Bozidar Lavric). (FINGERS wds & inj) PITIPA. T.S.; SLZHINL, L.I.,- IMIALO, Ye.P. Vertical distribution of xooplankton in the Black Sea as re- lated to the bCrdrogeological conditions. Dokl4N SSSR 133 no.4:964-967 Ag 160. (HIRA. 13:7) I. Sevastopollelmys biologicbeskaya stantslya. imeni A,O. Kovalevskogo Akadendi nauk SSSR. Predstavleno akademikom Ye.N. Pavlovskin. (Black Sea--Zooplankton) PEINI'Aq 76S..- SAZHINAP L.I., DEIAiD, Ya.P. ------ - -- - ---- --- Vertical distribution of zooplankton in Lhe Black Sea. Trudy SBS l6rI19-137 163. (~CRA 17~6; PETIPA, T.S.; SAMINA, L.I.; DEIALO, Y*.P. Distribution of zooplankton in the I~lack Sea in 1951-1956. Okeanologiia 3 no.1:110-122 163. (MIRA 17:2) 1. Savastopollskaya biologictieskaya stantsiya AN SSSR. SH14M,EVA. ..k.A.~ USLILLO, Ya.pc A new species of the genlis Oricaea (fl:,D,;-:?;,,.-,rl.,I, f-c'n tbf? MieditetTanean Sea. Z!)OI,ZhUT-, Ia R..) a i3 1. insLitut biologli luziuivkh mrjrt-,~y AN Uhnk,k, ACC NR. AT700:3625 SOLMCE CODE. UR/3ogo/66/ooo/015/0131/0136 AUTHOR: Delalo, Ye. P. ORG- none TITLE: Distribution of zcx)plankton biomass in the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden the winter of 3961-62 SOURCE: AN SSSR. Mezhduvt%domstvewW geofizicheskiy komitet. Xrazdel progra=W MGG: Okesnologiya. Sborrik statey, no. 15, 1966. Okeanologicheskiye isalta-dovaniya, 131-136 TOPIC TACX~.; hydro a hic, Ei -vey, ocean property, oceanographygzoo'plankton, biology ;0r,> Cxjen 1# ?7 V4VLPC Vor ;~ O.F;j ABSTRACT: The determination of volume and weight of sociplank was made in 110 saa- ples (from 13 stations). The samples were taken by egg net (D-80/113 am, silk Sauze N 23) during the cruise of the r/v "Academician A. Kovalevsky" of the Institute of Biology of Southern Seas, Acadeqr of Sciences USSR, into the Gulf of Aden from December 1961 through March 1962. A map showing the location of observation stations is given. Zooplankton in the Red Sea in the period of investigation was distributed unequally: in the 0-100-m layer it emounted to 4.7.7 mg/m3 in the northern, part of the Sea and 81.1-104.8 mg/m3 in the middle and in the southern parts. The area of the Gulf of Aden a-,opeared to be the richost in zooplankton-571 mg/0 in the 0 to 100 m layer, while the north eastern part of the - Mediterranean Sea was the most NRI AT7003625 deficient-24 ng/M3 in the sww layer. In the Red Sea, diurnal vertical redistribu- tion of zooplankton biomass vas observed mostly in the upper layer. In the Red Sea plankton, 118 species of the copepoda were found; 48 of them vere previous4r unknown in this basin. New speciest was found in the fauna of the Suez Canal. Orig. art. has: 3 figures and I table. [BA] SUB CODE: 081 SUBM DATE: none/ ORIG REF: 010/ OTH REF: 008/ Card 212 -DFLAMQE,,-~.L.; ALf;K3ErEV, Ye.V. A case of albinism in the Black Sea dolphin Delphinus delphis ponticus Barabasch, 1936. Biul,MDIP.Otd.biol. 67 no.4-.141-143 Jl-Ag 162. (MMA 15:10) (I.LBINDS ANP ALBINISM) (BIACK SEA--DOLPHIIE) FLEMING, G.A.; DELANEY, Dzh. [Delaney, J.]; NEYMAN, N.F. [translator] Copper and nitrogen in tile nutrition of wheat on cutaway jx)at. Agrobiologiia no.6:942 N-D 163. (MIRA 17:2) U31ARI, V. Magnochromite and processiM our amorphous magnesites. P. 123-7. Vol. 51, No. 8. 1954. TEMIKA. Beograd, Tugoslavia. SOURCE: East glaropean Accessions List. MAL) library of Congress. Vol. &;, 110. 8, August, 1956. ic. Sudtation systeiz 61* the c-ollecLi,,e farm villa-,es. Stalin-n7td, U'ul. m-vo, 1~60. S/169/62/000/003/094/098 -3, D223/D301 AUTHORS: Galkin, R. M. and Belarov,_A. TITLE. Determining the declination in different fields of the horizontal component E_"Ik I O'D I C A L :Refera-.ivnyy zhurnal, Geofizika, no. 3, 1962, *31, ab- stract 3G213 (V sb. Probl. Arktiki i Antark.tiki, no. 8, 6 L., Morsk. transport, 1961, 91-93) TEXT: It is pointed out that i.n ascertaining the declination unde exoedition conditions by a magnet suspended on a quartz thread (with. the 01-2.1 device) the summary correction, which is determined Z) t on che~'~in- the the magnetic observatory before and after ..7'Leld operations, is not constant if the quartz thread, -J.-Ist- ead of being untwisted ideally, is changed as H varies in relation to the size of the angle of the thread's unavoidable twisting. The authori3 indicate that satisfactorily precise results car-, be ob- Mined under field conditions whe,,-A corrections are introduced for the thread's twisting. They confirm this by their observations ob- Card 1/2 S/169/62/000/003/0',)4/098 Deter:,,,,:Ln_inL,I:- -the declination ... D228/D301 tained on ,,. (,,uar'.z -thread with those on instruments of the ma-.netic C3 obuCrWLtorief3 at Tiksi, Cane Chelyuskin, Cape Shmidt and Kheysa Island. /_'Abstracterls note: Complete translation.-7 /v/,/ w I Card 2/2 1100 82616 s/i8o/6o/ooo/oo4/oo6/027 Elll/E452 AUTHOR3*. -Delaro-va. Zavaritskaya, T.A., Zevakin, I.A. and fs-'ekhovollskaya, Z.1. (Leningrad) TITLE-. Impurities in Technical Titanium Tetrachloride and Their Removal PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR, Otdeleniye tekhnichesk-ikh nauk, Metallurgiya i toplivo, 1960, No.4. PP-33-36 TEXTa The authors point out the influence of titanium- tetrachloride purity on that of titanium obtained from it. For investigating the nature of impurities in titanium tetrachloride the authors used infrared absorption spectra,. The impurities in tetra-chloride obtained by chlorination of slags in stack electric furnaces, in melts and in a fluidized bed are shown in Table 1. The solubilities of the main impurities in titanium tetrachloride were determined, values in weight percent at 0 to 136*C being shown in Table 2 for HC1, C02, C12 and COC12; solubibties of TiOC12 and C6C16 are shown as functions of temperature k-20 ta +1360C) in and 1b respectively. The authors also checked the vapour-liquid equilibrium compositions for the system TiCljj- SiC14 (Fig.2a) and investigated equilibria in TiC14- VOC1 3 Card 1/2 82616 s/i8o/6o/ooo/oo4/oo6/027 R111/9452 Impurities in Technical Titanium Tetrachloride and Their Removal mixtures (Fig. 2b) eind TiC14 - CC13COCl mixtures (Fig. 4). These results are shown in the form of composition of vapour phase as functions of that of the liquid phase, the relative volatility as a function of the concentration of volatile component in the liquid is shotm in Fig.3a for TiCljj -SiClj., Fig. 3b for TiClij '- VOC 13 and Fig.5 for TiCI4--CC13COCI. The relative volatilities in TiC14- VOC13 and TiC14 -CC13COCI are small and rectification columns with many plates would be required for their separation. Determinations were made of the partial vapour pressures of TiOC12 and C6CI6 over their mixtures with TiC14 at 136 to 137'C by analyzing the condensed vapour phase in equilibrium with solution boiling at atmospheric pressures the low values obtained (Tables 3 and 4 respectively) suggest that contamination by these substances is due largely to carry-over of droplets. There are 5 figures, 4 tables and 7 references. 5 Soviet, I English and 1 Japanese.. SUBHITTEDs April 30, ig6o Card 2/2 ZATKIMMATA, T.A. '- Frin:-mali u0jastl3m: ji~., ~ TSE191OVS&1YA, D.; MWAYM15 1,,~ 141SIOEVA, Ye.i ROGATKIN, A. Investigitions in the flold of titanium tetrachloride purification. Titim j. an ~iplavy nc,.-;?195,-s'.00 161. (HIRA 15:2) 0 - (Titanim ahl:)rlde) (Distillation ') (Vapk-r-liquid equilibrim) DFIVI~-U., V. IT. DE,A~'YU, V. V.: "Changes in the demal-galvanic potential and psycho- galvanic reflex in cerebral ~-eriisyndromes." Stalingrad State Med- ical Inst. St.alingrad,1956.. (Dissertations for the Degree of candidate in MedicAl Sciences). SO: KnizhrlayF Letonsis' No. 22, 1956 HELL'. )(.T.;-JWHDV, V.A.; YMOKIKOV, N.Y.; Problem of subarachnoid hemorrhages In syphilis. Vest.ven. i dem. no-3:27-31 147-je 156. (KLRA 9:9) 1. Is kRfedrl, kozhnykh I wenerichaskikh boletney (zav. - prof. H.T. Brill) I kafalry narvnykh bolavasy (zav. prof. V.A.Tarahov) Stalin- gradskogo mtditsinskogo instituta (dir. prof. V.S.Yurov) (SYPHILIS. complications. subarachnold hosorrh. Otus)) (COUMRAL MMRMV,,-B, - subar#chuoid. ia syphilis (Rue)) IUYIADV, 1 S,.;,,p I III V.;UMAKILINOV, R.U. Varicose dilatation of the veins of the spinal cord. Vrach. delo rio.1:141-142 Ja'(4 (MMA 17:3) I. Volgograd*lzayet oblastneya kl*Lnicheskaya bollnitsa. DELAMIJ., Zban 'The European Coal and Steel. Conuainity is against the Belgian coal industry. no,10.39-40 0 :U. (MIRA 14,'..10) (Belgium, -C oal mines and mining) (European coal and steel community) AMMORS: Dela- J_ rerie.-, 'B. IP., arid Flaksiaan, M. M., MMI';: UsinC -the Fourth WindinC of the Standard Booster MITJ in -the Electric Fui:-nace RE:L;ulators. (Opyt ispol'zovaniya. chetvertoy obmotki MU v elektropechn-yIda regulyatoraj.-h) PERIODICAL: Stal,. 1958, Nr 5, pp. 425-427 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Maximum utilisation of the tr, o~L --il clectric furnace durinLr, the melting pe-riod ..-LL-os it-s operp-tirr, conditions very difficultl therefore -1-t .,,.,as prr_-rosed to transfer them ovIerload p:~otection fro-, the sl.,Tit-h-cff method -to a sii~_ralj.sation aethod. On the Zlat-cust Works an autoinatic speeding up of elevat-4-on of el~-:~trodzs durirZ the periods of sharp disturbamces of furnace operation was obtained. usin-C the fcurth ivindin-L-, of the standard booster EMU 2.5 which ivas idle -in the of RUD 2.5 regulator, used for the autonatic cant2:ncl of the furnace. The electrical circuit is shown. Th.~z& are four fiGures. ASSOCIATION: Zlatoustovskiy metallur6icheski-v zavod. Card 1/1 (Zlatoust Metallurgical Works) RAPOPOlUt Illya Savellyevna; DEIJIVMUDI, B.F., inzh.0 retsenZEInt; MUNN, Boris red. izd-va;MALIKOVA, N.T., tekhn. red. (11asier electrician of the metallurgical plant]Master- cle"Ctrik netallurgicheskogo zavoda. Sverdlovsk., Metal- lurgizdP-t, 1962. 220 p., (MIRA 15:9) (Metallurgical plants-Ewlectric equipment) POL/44-59-12-6,/36 1(5), 19(2) AUTHOA: Delawaki, W.9 Captain, Master of Engineering TITIE: Jehming and Count e rmieUsure s in Radar Stations PERIODICAL- Wojslci)wy przegli~d lotniczy, 1959, Nr 12, pp 21-31 (POLVID) ABSTILLCT: The authcor presents a review of radar jamming transmitter systems e.nd the countermeasures. The jaming transmitter systems are classified according to waves used and operate on 1) continuous non-modulated waves; 2) continuous sinusoidal-amplitude modulated; a) containuous frequency modulatedt 4) pulse modulated (regular or chaotic) and 5) amplitude noise modulated waves. Radar jamm- ing transmitters are designed to the end of a) hard-to-oliminate interference and b) wide-band intoi-ference. Most effective is the (a) system %iiich uses noise jamming, since the iride-band con- tinuous frequency spectrum cannot be eliminated by a shift in the carrier frequency of the radar station. In a P-ty?e scan, the spot lights up a, largo sectior of the screen, while high "grass" appears on the screen of an A-type scan and the echo cannot be Card 1/6 told from the noise. There are two types of noise transmitters. Jamming and Counterraitsures in Radar Stations POL/44,59-12-6/36 The first one is based on generation, wide-band amplification and transmission of noise, yet it is rarely used because of low output. The second type, more widely used, uses noise generated by saturated diodes, non-excited clystron generators, fluores- cent lamp generators, thermal generators, and crystal generators. The wide-band interference (b) system constitutes a rather dif- ficult problem and has not been satisfactorily solveld so far. However, there are three major tendencies in design: 1) the use of wide-band amplification tubes with the disadvantage of low output; 2) the use of several generators continuously covering it frequency band (not SUitftble for airborne operation because of dimensions and weight) and 3) the use of a f ew~ tune-in generators. The latter method makes possible the coverage of a required fre- quency band irith the aid of a few generators, though it neces- narily requires the a3Sistance of a search receiver. The author further describes countermeasures against radar jamming trans- r.Atters and divides them into tactical and technical measures. Tactical measures are optimum operational conditions preventing Card 2/6 the enemy from detecting radar stations, proper location in area Jamming and Countermeasures in Radar Stationg POL/44-59-12-6/36 and frequency and detection of jamming targets by directional finding with the aid of a system (if radar statioriv., There are various technical countermeasures and the best way is to reset the radar station irithin a wide hand of frequencies. The method, hDTOVer, meets problems of an engineering nature. An efficient countermeasure against noise jamming is the detection of echo signals below the noise limit, though the method is extremely hard to accomplish. Another, easier to accomplish and efficient method is the use of additional blocks or attachments which eli- minate interference. The blocks make use of different proper- tips of echo and jamming signals, such as a difference in fre- quency, amplitude, pulse length or repetition frequency. Properly designed attachments are capable of separating the echo from the jamming signal provided that the signals differ in one of the The author describes a few elimination attachment systems. The amplitude selection system vill not pass a jamming signal higher in amplitude than the echo signal ,ghile all the other parameters are the same. A timing circuit Card 3/6 gi-ves a re.%Ulated delay in the time constant of the pulse surged Jamming and Countermeasures in Radar Stations POL/44 -5 9- 12-6/36 The compensation stnge is open until blocked by ft negative. pulse 1'rom the integrating circult. The selector is normally blacked; the opening level of the circuit can be regulated. Iffien the pulse coming from the wiiplifier exceeds the opening level set by the operator, the selc.ctor passes and inverts the peak by 1800. The pulse peak then iE, amplified by integration nad fed to one of the tube grids of the compensation stage and blocks the stage in order to stop the pulse delayed by the time constant circuit. The next method, pulse length selection, is based on blocking the jamming longer than echo pulses of the radar station. Two time-constant circuits are used with a time-constant equal to the pulse duration of the radar station, where the first circuit is closed and "reflects" the pulse with an inverted phase, while the second circuit loaded by wave resistance gives a pulse de- lay with a conform phase. The next mentioned system is that of inductivity-capacitance ("comb") filters in lAte video circuit of radar stations. Inductance and capacitance are selected accord- ing to pulse length ani repetition frequency. The filters cut Card 4/6 off a conSiderable portion of white noise spectrum frequencies, Jamming and Countermeasures in Midar Stations POL/44-59-12-6/36 pass the frequency specturin of the echo signal and thus reduce the noise level. The fourth method described is integration cir- cuits which reduce nolse by compiling the echo signal until it exceeds the noise levi~l- Ilecauso the echo signals are periodical (Lnd noise signals chaotic, the energy riseB in an integration system every time an echo joulse is received, There (ire three versions of integration systems a) IIC circuits with a large time constant:: b) LC timing circuits irith a time const;.-tnt for echo signals equal to the signal repetition periods, and c) potentios- copes (memory tubes) which improve the signal-to-noise ratio. The fifth: and last system mentioned is the correlation attach- atent, which operates on the basis of measuring the autocorrela- tion function of the signal, The autocorrelation function of white noise rapidly arproaches zero as time grows according to the Gauss curve, while the sinusoidal autocorrelal,ion function is a sinusoid. The synchronization generator periodically oper - ates the electronit relay (h) kDiagram, p 31) and with a certain delay the electronic relay (B). The relays operate ulien a signal comes from the receiver simultaneously with a trirger pulse from Card 5/6 the synchronization generator, Pulses frooi the el(tctro relay Jamining and Countermeasures in Hadar Stations POL/44-59-12-6/36 (A) are fed to one of the correlator grids, while pulses from 'the electronic relay (B) are fed to the pulse length modulator. The modu*ator forvis pulses with their length varying according to the intensit-v of the reflected signal, Then a reflected slg_~ nal arrives, the pulses vill be properly longer than pulses in the presence of white noise only,, Pulses are picked up from the cathode load of the correlator and integrated in t1he integrating circuit. The obtained autocorrelation pulse sequence is fed to the radar scan. Finally, the author recapitulates and points out that 1) a radar station will eliminate jamming when capable of differentiating echo from noise signals; 2) a sepoxation of the signal from noise is only possible when theT differ in frequency, pulse length, amplitude or other property; 3) the most trouble- some means of jamming is white noise, and 4) basically, a radar station can be made insensitive to noise jamming provided that sufficient detection time is available as well as the proper technical means. There are 1.3 sets of diagrams and 5 references, Card 6/ra 2 of which are Soviet, I German, and 2 English. P/044/6o/ooc/o:)1/(x)i/Ooi 6,11700 A110/A026 AUTMOR: Delavski, W., Captain, Maeter of Engineering TME: Problems in -the IX-velopment of Early-Warning Radar Systems PEIIODICAL. Wojsk61y PrzeglyA Lotniczy, 1960, No. 1, PP. 34 - 36 TITIZ; The problem arose by the growing speed of the latest types of air- craft. To Increase the efficiency of early-warning systems the incrBase of their range ex.Ld. a complete automation of the antiaircraft defense is necessary. The author mentions the progress made by US scientists of the Columbia University in 1957. In spite of 3 - 6 rpm.speed rotary antennas, new methods of speeding up the warming; are of greatest importance. A new "single-impulse" method for the spotting Gf targets is briefly described. Finally is stat(?d that improve- ments of conventional warmIng nethods against supersonic aircraft could be ex- pected by evaluation of the spectral analysis and development, 6f the "single- impulse" method. There are 3 Polish references. Card 1/1 DELAWSKI, V., major,m,7. ins. Influence o.C the ionosphere on the action of radlolocating otations, Wojsk przeg:1 13 no.11:48-52 V 160. DELAZARI, B.D. Methods of preserving and increasing the number of wild animals in the United States. Okhr. prir. i zapov. delo v SSSR no.6:11.8-124 160. (111RA 14-.5) (United States-Wildlife., Conservation of) SOY/20-122-3-,'-~'/'57 AUTHORS: Andrianov, K. A., Corresponding Member, AS USSR, Delazari, 14'. V. TITLE: The Bynthesis of Some Organosilicon and Organotitanium-Silicc?. Compounda (Sintez nekotorykh kremniYorganicheskikh i titan- kremiiiyorganicheakikh soyedi.neniy) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1958, Vol 122, Nr 3, pP 393-396 (USSIO ABSTRfiCT: In investigating the influence of the triaryl-, trialkyl-, and mixed tri(al~yl-aryl) siloxy-groups on the properties of the compound mentioned last ~n the title the authors found it necessary tosyrthesize some new derivatives of the latter, i. e. those which contain aromatic and aliphatic radicals in the silicon atom. In order to produce mixed tetrakis/tri(a.ryl-alkyl) siloxy/titanium corpounds the authors synthesized a number of organosilicon compounds. The latter served Es initial products for the production of tetrakis/tri(alkyl-aryl) siloxy/titanium compounds. Pheryl-dimethyl chlorosilane and methyl diphenyl chlorosilane were formed according to the Grignard (Grinlyar) reaction. For the production of alkyl-aryl silanols the latter Card 1/2 compounds we=e txansformed into acetates. They were then SOY/20-122-3-19/57 The SynthE!SiS of Bome Organosilicon and Organotitanium-S4.1icon Compounds hydrolized by means of ammonia solutions. '.'he total scheme of the compounds produced is illustrated by 3 equatiors. All com- pounds produced according to this scheme xere isolated at each stage of the prccess and their empirical formulae and tl~e main con:3tnnts vere determined (Table 1). The p.loduct-Loi- of tetra- kis/tri(alkyl-aryl) siloxy/titanium conpounds was carried out by 'Wo methods: 1) By the action of titanium tet) *achloride on diphenyl methyl silanol in the prosence of ammonia. Thus, tetra- kiw-(diphenyl methyl siloxy) titanium was produced. At room tem-oerature it is a high-boiling liqu-Id. 2) Tetrakis (dimetkyl phenyl siloxy) titanium was produced by means of the reaction of sodium dimethyl phenyl silanolate with titan"Lum ~etrachioridc (a .3---heme is gi en). There are I table and 6 refoxences, 2 of whi~2h are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Institut elementoorganicheskikh soiedinendy Akade--r.ii nauk SSSR (Institute of Kementw7 Or~ania Compounds, AS USSR) SUBMITTED: June 9, 1958 Card 2/2 8nP6 22001, (IS41 1175 S/06 ~5' -I-)1 D 0 B023,/BO64 AUTHORS: Andrianov, K., A. TITLEt The Reactions of Trimethyl Siloxytrichloro Titanium With Alcohols PERIODICkL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR. Otdeleniye khimicheskikh nauk, 1960, No. 9, pp. 1712-1715 TEXT: In continuation of previous published data and investigations, the authors report on studies of the reaction of trimothyl siloxy trichloro titanium with butyl alcohol and diphenyl methyl hydroxysilane. In this connect:~on they found that the reaction of the clAorine substitution by bu-~oxy- or diph-3nyl methyl siloxane groups on titanium is accompanied by byprocesses. The experiments showed that trimethyl siloxy trichloro tit&-niirm and butyl alcohol (in equimolar amounts with 20j7cf bu-tanol excess and neutralization of the hydrogen chloride by ammonia) react under the f.rmation of tetrabutoxy titanium. Its formation shows that simultaneously with the replacement of chlorine by the butoxy group, the trimethyl siloxy group bound with titanium is also replaced by the butoxy group. Card 1/3 87126 The Reactions of Trimethyl Siloxytrichloro S/062/60/000/009/019/021, Titanium With Alcohols B023/BO64 The chemical process may be illustrated by following reactions: NE a) (CH SiOTiOl H OR [(OR ) SiOTi(OC R 7INH Cl 7) + 3C .1 , 3 3 4 9 3 3 4 9 31 4 ) SiOTi('OC H )31 + C H OR b) [(CH. I 3 3 4 9 4 9 (CH 3)3 SiOH + Ti(oc411 9)4 4 (CE 3)3 siosi(CH 3)3 The exchange of the trimethyl siloxy groups on titanium by -,he butoxy gToup due to the action of butyl alcohol upon trimethyl siloxy trichlorr, titanium proceeds at a maximum temperature of 7000. The reactivity of the trimethyl siloxy group in trimethyl siloxy trichloro titanium proved to be considerable, i.e., not only under the action of butyl alcohol, but also in the reaction of trimethyl siloxy trichloro titanium with diphenyl methyl hydroxysilane. Heating of the solution of the last two substances to 40 0C and passing through of ammonia leads to the formation cf tetrakis-(6iphenyl methyl siloxy) titanium. The alsen.---e of absorption was found when diatermi.ning the infrared in thE! range of 916 - 920 cm-1 Card 2/3 87126 The Reaction of Trimethyl Siloxytrichloro S1062 /60/:D!-,0/CjOq/b " 'L/J,2: Titanium With Alcohols B023/BO64 spectra of tetrabutoxy titanium, which confirms the ab,3ence of the Ti-O-Si group. An intensive band occurs, however, with tetrakis-(diphenyl methyl. siloxy) titanium in the range of 916-9.10 om-i' which is dtitermined by the swinging of the Ti-O-Si group. There are 4 referencest 2 Soviet and 2 US. ASSOCIATION: Institut elementoorganicheskikh soyedineniy kkademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Elemental-organic Compounds of the Academy of Sciences USSR) SUBMITTED: February 20, 1960 Card. 3/3 254,5 S/062 61/000/007/005/009 6--!D-9- B1 17,YIB3215 AUTHOR: Andrianov, K. A., and Delazari, N. V. TITTAs Reaction of cohydrolysis of bis-(methyl-dichloi?o silyl)- benzene with trimethyl chlorosilane PERIODICALt Akademiya nauk SSSR. Izvestiya. Otdeleniye khimicheskikh nauk, no- 7, iq6i, 1266 - 1269 TEXTs 'The cohydrolysis of bis-(methyl-dichloro silyl)-benzene with trimethyl chlorosilane in a molecular ratio of 125 was studied. Sulfuric 24 ml of 15 $' other and aamonia acceptor were used as medium. , 11H OH, 100 g of ice, and 40 ml of sulfuric ether were filled into a 500 Al glass with mixer, thermometer, and dropping funnel. A chloride mixture consisting of 7.2 g of trimethyl chlorosilane ang 5 g of bis-(methyl- dicbloro silyl)-benzene was added dropwise at -8 C. It was left unmixed. After separELtion of the layers and distillation, 3-83 g of a yellow, thick, viscous liquid was obtained, (83-5%0f the theoretical amount)s C 46.10; H 7.29; Si 28.56; OH groups 5-4616; molecular weight3 518. C22 H40 Si606* In the second experimentg 15% NH 4GH, 100 ml of ice water, and 200 ml of Card 1/6 2523,5 S/062/61/COO/007/005/009 Reaction of eohydrolysis ., B117/B215 sulfuric ether were filled into a 1 1 glass with mLxer, dropping funnel, and thermometer. A chloride mixture consisting of 14.5 g trimethyl- chlorosilane a .g bis-(methyl-dichloro silyl)-benzene was.added Rd 10.1' dro-wise at -2 C and mixed for 30 minutes. After Beparation of the layers and distillationt 7-47 j? (88.6 ~; of the theoretical amount) of a yellow, very thickt viscous liquid was obtained: 0 46.96; 'a 6.64; Si 29.891 OH groupsS 4.44 %P moleeular weight, 787- C30 H 50s'E) 08- In the third experimentp 300 ml of dry benzene and 19 g of trimethyl hydroxy silane were filled. into a 500 jal three-necked flask. During cooling to -5 0 by means of' ice, 13.5 g of bis-(methyl-dichloro silyl)-benzene were added dropwise to 50 ml of dry benzene in Ammonia current. A white deposit formed. After dropwise addition of the chloride, ammonia wag passed through for another 30 min. The mixture wasothen ke t at 30 C for 2 hr. A fraction with a boiling point of 217 - 220 C (2 MZ was isolated from the filtered and distilled residuel 2.2 g; 6-97 % of the theoretical amount; n20 1-46101 d20 o.96so; C 46-95; H 8.78; Si 31-79 %. 0 H Si 0 D 4 26 56 8 6* Card 2A The obtained compounds were identified by elementary analysis according -to the content of hydroxyl groups, molecular vefght, and ultra-red spectra. .It was shown that the reactioix did not follow t)ie scheme "20 4(C1f34SiC1+C12Si-'/-k*-S1C1'- CH3 CH3 CH, ol, (CH.$,'ISiosi-/-,,%-Siosi(CH3)3 I OSRCH~3 OSI(CFIS)3 as expected, but that products with hydroxyl groups vere always'formed. Even under different reaction conditions (longer duration), the products always contained hydroxyl groups. Hencey the reaction follows schemes Card 3/~ 2545 Reaction of cohydrolysis-e S/062 61/000/007/005/OOLO. B117/B215 H3)3S'CI+C':';'~--/ -S'C'2 '(C CH, CH, CH3 HO-11- "~Ai-OSI(CHl)s 0 0 Card 4/6 25215 SZ02/0,1006/0!?7/005/009 Reaction of cohydrolysis Bfl7/B211) i,110 2(CHI,),SiCI+3CI 2SI_4,,-*% sic], CHI CH3 JjO-Aj-/~\QI-OSI(CH3)S (2) 0 0 HO-SI- -51-OSI(CH,)3 CH, This that c'o'hydrolysis of the examined substances is difficult. De:3Dite its considerable excess, trimethyl chlorosilane only reacta at a molar ratio of' 1 : 1 or 1 : 1 .This shows that the higIV rate of bis- (methyl-dichlor6 silyl)-benzone hydrolysis causes polycondensation of initial products of cohydrolYsis. The cyclic compounds obtained Card 15/6 25215 Reaction. of cohyd:rQ!Ysis ... B/06?/61/OCIO/007/005/009. IY117/B215 polymerized easily by transforming into high-polymer,substances* CoinT)lete substitution of chlorine in bis"(methyl-dichloro silyl)-beniene. wa:3 only attained by trimethyl sil6xj groups under the action of tr.Lmethyl hydroxysilane upon bis(methyl-dichloro silyl)-banzene in the. pr-asence of ammonia. There arle 2 Soviet-:bloc referonces. ASSOCIATION: Institut elementoorganicheskikh soyedineniy Akademii nauk SSSR. (Institute of Elemental Organic Compounds of the Academy of Scienoes USSR). suvAiTTED: October 12, 1960 Card 6/6 3016h 5/062/61/000/012/003/012 B110147 AUTHORSs Andriano'w, K. A., and Delazari, N. V. TITLEt Reactiong of trimethyl ailoxychloro silanes PERIODICAL- Akademiya nauk SSSR. Izvestiya. Otdeleniye khimicheskikh nauk, no. 12, 1961, 2169 - 2173 TEXT: Since reactiono of trimethyl siloxychloro silanen with nucleophilic ani elec,"rophilic com-pounds so far have not been sufficiently studied, the authors showed in a previous paper the high reactivity of the tri.- methyl siloxy group in bis-(trim.ethyl siloxy)-dichloro silane where the Si-O-Bi bond is unexpectedly ruptured. In the pre-, nt work, other reac- tions of compounds containing a trimethyl siloxy group on the silicon atom have been studied. It was shown that tris-(trimethyl siloxy)- hydroxy silane did not react with tetrabutoxy titanium and tin tetra- chloride on heating for a longeT period in the presence of NE 3* When heated in the presence of HC1, -tris-(trimethyl siloxy)-hydroxy silane does not form a dimer, and the initial product remains unchanged, Reac- Card 1/4 5/062/61/000/012/003/012 Reactions of trimethyl. . B118/B147 tion between fill 3 and bis-(trimethyl siloxy)-dichloro silane in benzene at room tem:perature yielded two products% bis-(trimethyl siloxy)-.dianiino- silane and 1,3-bis-(trimethyl siloxy)-1,3-aminodisilosane according to the formulas f(CH ) Sio] Si(NH (53,1%) (boiling point 51 - 530C k 2 Q- 3 3 2 20 2 "2 (3 mm Hg); I'D = 1.4057; d 4_ . 0.9066; NIB. (determined) 64.43) and CH 3)3 Siol 2 -SIi- 11H - .31i 1011)3 S'0]2 (11) (22.2c1;) (boiling point: NH2 RH2 20 20 117 - 1190C (, Hg); nD - d 0.9338; MR - 122.28). Unlike 3 mul 1.4119; 4 hydrolysis, aminolysis yielded no complex, insoluble polymers. Hence, the trimethyl siloxy group was not separated, Heating compound (I) at 212 - 3040C for a longer period and with liberation of NH 3 yielded the crystalline compound 1,3--bis-(trimethyl 8ilOXy)-cyclosilosane: E CH Si H (III) (with melting point; 1030C; 3 3S'012S"\N/ 3 3S'01 2 rard 2/4 t 3 61, 3/062 61/000/012/003/012 Reactions of trimethyl- B116 B147 boiling pointi 180 - 1830C (4 m-m 11g)). To confirm its structure, Q1o1n__ pound (III) was also obtained from 1,3-bis-(trimethyl siloxy)-1,3-anino- disilosane by 25 hr heating at 280 - 344oC. Separation of the trimethyl siloxy group and forriation of insoluble products were not observed on aminolysis. Above 1500C, tris-(trimethyl siloxy)-hydroxy silane reacts with Na with formation of H 2, tetrakis-(trimetbyl siloxy)-silanc; 1( CH 3)3S'014S' (5YJ,, and trls-(trimethyl siloxy)-sodium oxy-silane (17.5rA. In the formation of the former, -the Si-O-Si bond is ruptured. on heating tris-(trimethyl siloxy)-hydroxy ailane and TiCl 4 for a longer period, no reaction occuxs, whereas reaction between TiCl and ~( CH 3)35'013S iON.-a ields tetrakis- ~Itris-(trimethyl siloxy)siloxyl titanium.- CH ) where the Si-O-Si bond is not ruptured (boiling 3 3S"013S'014'T' 20 20 V pointi 223 - 2250C (1-5 mm. HE:); n D = 1.4201; d 4 = 0.9623; MR - 341.9). Irrespective of the high molecular weight and the 60-Vo inorganic portion, -this compound is an easily mobile liquid. These properties are explained I by the cross-type structure -Ti- where the inorganic portion of the Card 3/4 S/062/61/0010012/003/012 Reactions of trimethyl... B118/B147 molecule is surrounded by -CH3 groups which guarantee weak Interaction among the molecules and prevent close packing. Tris-(trimethyl siloxy',- aminosilane L~ CH )3 Si obsi~w- 2; (boiling point; 65 - 67'C (3.5 mm Hg); 20 .8 n. . 1.3932; d) - ~),-8755; MR - 84-81) was also obtained from tris- 4 (trimethyl siloxy)-chlor-osilane in benzene solution by bubbling of anhydrous NH 3* There are 1 table and 2 references: 1 Soviet and 1 non- Soviet, The reference to the English-language publication reads as followst Brit. Patent 627136; Chem, kbrtra A, 44, 4284 (1950). ASSOCIATION: Institut elementoorganicheskikh soyedineniy Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Elemental Organic Compounds c,f the Academy o-f Sciences USSR) SUBMITTED: July 10, 1961 Card 4/4 DELBA., M.K.; SHONIYA, V.I., red.; KHAKaTIGERI, M.D., tekhn. red. (Along Lenin's road] Po leniaskomu puti. Sukhumi., Abgosizdttt 1961. 35 P. - (MIRA 14:3.0~ (Georgia-Economic conditions) DZLBAp Mail. p g;ave red. 1 SGEMM' MS9 porade'l- GOLIDINOVp L.R. j redo j EUMI-- ----KCaMl 9 M.Do 9 tokbn. ;Z V~bq Abkhazian A.S.S.R.) Abkbamilmia-ASM. Sukhumit Abgosisdati, 1961. LW P. - - (MIRA 240) (Abkhazia-Ecob=ic conditions) t m ti:'li Of e 5 ear DELCHIff.-A-G.-4N&rodn&ya Reepublika Rolzariya); TONRV, S.S. - -- (Narodnaya RespublkA Bolgarlya) Mineral resonrcos in Bulgaria. Raitved.i okh.nedr 25 no.11: 60-63 N 259. (MIR& 13:5) (Bulgaria-Mines and mineral resources) I)TWHIV, G. migratidii of alkaloids in &ying of Belladoima; preliminary co-ica- tion. Izv. mod. inst., Sofia 8:171-185 1953. (CIML 25:5) 1. Sciei;tific Associate at Wgarlau AcadeaW of Sciencea, Doctor. BIJLGARIA,/General Division Congresses. Sessions Conferences. A-4 Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Biologiya, No 'T, 10 April 1957, 2'5724 Author Delchev, Georgy, Inst 3T 'Congrei-s-~f-pbysiologists, Biochemists and Pharmacolo- gists in Czechoslovakia. Title The 3d Congress of Physiologists., Biochemists and Parma- cologists in Czechoslovakia. Orig Pub Priroda (bulg.) 1956, 5, No 2, 94-95 AL'-'+ See Referat Zhur Biologiya, 1956, P1150 - 213-53 Card 1/1 PI lal . Es 3 c:-. Oil -.1". A~)s Jolir HO 10, 1958, 443TI D..,,v, G. Ins L !L!ll-aI,-t,I,:,a iv, ""U.-nria. Ori~; P7.1, 6, ]To Abstract- 11.) absxact. Card 1/1 188 DELCHEV, G.; RIM-TYCAROVA, H. "Influence of the graft stock on 'U'ne alkaloid content J.n.MosqXEus niger arxl Atropa belladonna. In French. DOKLADY, Sofiis, Bulgaria, Vol, 11, no. 2 Mar./April 1958. MontiLly list of East Europe Accessiom (EEAI), LC, Vol. B, No. 6, Jun 59 Unclas DE1L1--0;,XJ1 G. "Infli.,ence of the density in sowin,,-- on the content and movement in the derositing of alkaloids in tle leaves of belladonna." In French. P. 7.3 Y--.KLADY. Sofiia, Bulvaria, Vol. 12, No. 1, Jan-aary/February, 1959. Monthly List of East European Accessions (E-ENAI), LC, Vol. 9, No. 2, February, 1960. Uncl. DALEV, L;.; DRIANOVSKA, L.; STAIKOV, V.; AVRAMOVA, B.; DEMCIE-vp G.; STOIANOV, N. Influence of fertilization on the alka.Loid-vontent and yield of Atropa belladona in Bulgaria. Trud Khim-farmatsevt inst 4:56-57 163. DMM" Kmms Delchev, Khrist" - Otravianiia 9 khrani ot zhivotin3ki proizkhod. (Sofiya,,, Zomizdat., 1951) 38 p. (Food poisoning from animal products) SO t YbnIXX TA at of East EuroRg Accessions, Library of Congress,, Vol. 2, No. 9,, Oct. 193"1, Uncl. I(RDANOV, If.. d-r.; ZIATEV, Xv., d-r.; SLAVKOV, Il., d-r.; DELCHMV, 11r., d- r. SaImenella infections in Bulgarla. Zzv.mikrob.inst., Sofia 5:277- 3(6 1954. I., Ot N. 1. V. Kh. K. Institut- Soflia. (SALMONNUA IMPRCTICITS, epidemiology-, in Bulgaria) BULGARIA DELCHEV, DR. Khr., VIZPB "Sanitary Evaluation of Food Products in Connection with Poison- ing of Aniinals with Organoohlorine and Organophosphorus Insea- tic,ld--01 - Sofia, Veterinarna Sbirka, Vol 63, No ~/6, 1966, pp 18-2l. Ab.straot: Organochlorine and organophosphorus compounds may be pri.1sent inmeat,milk, and dairy products as a result of consumption by animals of plants treated with these compounds used as insecticides. or treatment of the animals themseives vrith some of these compounds. Because many of these compounds are hi,3hly toxic, poisoning of human beings on consumption of food pr3ducts contaminated with them may occur. Some organoc'.Illorine insec-L.1cides are reported to have a cancerogenic effect. Food produebs of animal origin that contain hexachlorane or DDT should be regarded as unfit for human consumption. Animal feed should not contain more than 1.5 mg/kg hexachlorane or 2 mg/kg lindane (i/-isomer of hexachlorane). While a great number of the organophosphorus irsectioldes Introduced In recent 1/2 dttCC NRt AT60`1130f ---'-'---SOIJIICE ca~i---JW/2 AUTHOR: Dragnev, T.; Delchev, M.; Dermendzhiyev, E. ORG: Izvestiy.,. na Fizichcsldya institut s ANEB 7 TITLE: Use ofthe double ionization chamber for correlation measurements of energy, angle, ss distribution in the fission of heavy "clei and ma Pu SOURCE: Buljra-rska akademiya na Institut s ANEB, v. 14, 1966, 67-72 Fizicheski institut. Izvestiya na Fizicheskiya TOPIC TAGS: Ionization chamber, fission product, fission product activity, anisotrople medium ABSTRACT: A method is suggested for determination of the angle between the c1cetric field direction of the double pulse ionization chambcr~a"nd the direction of movement of the fission fragments; the method also makes possible a correlated study of the energy, mass, and angle distributions of fission. Passage of fission particles through tbo ionization camera chambers creates a number of ions and electrons that are deflected and collected by the grids of the camera resulting in output pulses. The camera consists of a high-volLage grid (located in the center), a dei'lection grid, and a collector located symmetrically on each side of the center. . In ACC NRs AT6031507 The pulses formed at the collector determine the energy contained in the particles, and the pulses formed at the deflection grid and the collector determine deflection angles of fission particles und.,%r the influence of the existing electric field in the camera chambers. The reso- lution of this camera can be as high as 0. 15% for a-particle energies of 5 ATeV. The camera will be used for studies of angular anisotropy in splitting of heavy atoms with gamma rays and for measurement of energies of particles formed from reactions that result in formation of two oppositely-charged particles. Orig. art. has: 2 figures arid 6 fminulas. SUB CODE: 18/ SUBM DATE: none/ ORIG REF: 006/ OTH HE F: 004 ,)/g L 18457-63 BDS DE/JXT(IJP) ACCE-SSION NR: AT3002410 B/2503/62/010/002/0047/0051 AUTHOR: Draltnev. T.; Delchev, M. TITLE: Fine structure in the energy distribution of protons in the reaction -'IMg sup 26 Al sup 27 (Gamma, Rho) SOU."tCE: B"ljrarska akademiya na nabkite. Fizicheski institut, Izvestiya na Fizicheskiya institut s ANEB, V. 10, no. 2, 1962, 47-51 TOPIC TAGS: f.inf structure, energy, energy distribution, angular distribution, proton, Al sup 2-1 (Gamma Rho)-~'Mg sup 26, photon ABS'CRACT: The eiergy and angular distribution of protons from the reaction A12',' ( j,~ , /c ) 1.11~26 have been studied, with larger volume of statistics and greater accuracy in determination of the energy of protons than in previous studies. Thc syrchrotron of the Leningradskiy fiziko-telhnicheskiy institut (Leningrad Physi(o-Technical Institulle) was used a.-. source of gamma-rays, and as the energy distnbution of gamma-rays from th,!: ~;ynchrotron have the character of a brake specti uu, maximal energy of gZIMM3-7a~'S n this experiment was 60 UIV. [V'. tc ,v d, c Al Card Vif