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.CRISTEA, M.; PREDA, V. The effect of the ci;jnditions of envirorLment an the development of the chicken embryo. I. The influence of the incubation temperature on the hepatic chondriome itif a chicken embryo. p. 709. Academia Republicii Populare Romine. 0:MLINICARILE. Bucuresti. Vol. 6, no. 5. may 1956. SOURCE: Fast Europpan Accessions List (EEAL) Library of Congress. Vol. 5, no,, 9, Sept. 1955 lumania/General 3icloiy. Individual Deir3lo-o-me--at B Abs Jour Re f Zhur-Diol. , No 13, 19581, 57149 Author rreda Victor, Cristca 111aria Inst Not given Title Tropht'Role of"~~the Te~ou~-System of t"..-Le Embryo. Report 1. tiole of the Nervous Systdm in the De- velowent of the Chondriome in the 1-iver of tAo Tl',mbryo. Orig FVb Comun. Acad, RPR, 1956, 6, No 6, 849-054 Abstract Hundred chicken e-bryos aftar 36 hr)ur of incu-, bation wer3 used in the exr)erinents; the prosen- ceT-)halon T;R_s re-moved in thE! first group-~ the prosenceph.alon and dioncei)halon in the second grou-p, the mesencelihalon in the third .-roup, and all three -divisions of th,:.) brain in tu,-Le fourth group of embryos. An. investigation of tl--,e brain Card 1/:~ Rumania/General Biolog-%?-. Individ-aal Development B Abs Jour Ref Zhur-DJ.ol., No 13, 1958, 57149 Abstract and the chondriome of the liver was conducted in normal and oxnerimental 7.5 days af.- ter incubation. In all groul)s a considerable decreasl- in the sizes~ of thu, ombryos a!i compa- red with normal was noted. Underdeveloned eres were found in the first -;roup; an aboance of eyes rand upner faciil -.part oi the head was ob- s---rved in. :;-,e second t-.',rouT); cveri~ -z-ve loped eyes 1,10re found in the third _,rrou-, '); finally in the 1 .is t -,-roup an absence of eyes and Vic uy).)er 1a- cial Part of the haad .-ias noted. Corres-gond.- in.717, a dec:ce:ise of t-ie liver chondric-le was obr,-orvod im tho first ,roiip, a co abs-nci, of the chordriomo was found J _n Vic second and fourth r-roups, and a consid.,-_~rable d3crease in Vile 3rd Tkus, tho re%oval ol t'.1- -~rosan- ce-)h;~.lon evol...-ad. en inconsid,-~rablu disturb;n-neo Card 2/3 Rumania/General ]3iolo,-y.,, Individual -J)3v~,-lopment B .ibs Jour : -,ef , No 13, 1958;), 57149 Abstr7~ct - of actabolism in the embryo; the removal of the -,icsencc,.,)haIon produced EL - ora sorious dis- -Gurb,.nce , the removal of tae diancr;ph- lon c--~used the most sorious Card 3/3 cd IMAM 4j~nOL4 j0 ouu:) J ur, -6 49 '47 10) ~u 'lilt. t01. I7*,,ZI,.,`I-;.--.;`i~A POPPAR,M.vprof.; KAUFMkN,S.,dr; CRISTPA,M.,dr; VANCOV,T.,dr. The association of tuberaalosis with aspergillosis. Med. int., I~icur. 12 no.2:295-301 F 6o. (TUBMMLOSIS PUIMONARY complications) (ASPIRGILIOSIS complications) PREDA, V.; MIHALCA, I.; CRISTEA.. Maria --,. Influence of blood transfusions an the differentiation 'of-the gonads in chick embryos. Stud. cereet. endoer. 13 no-3:161_~64 162. (GOITADS embryology) (BLOOD TRANSFUSION experimental) CONSTANTIIMCU~ G.N.; CRISTIF4 M.- VRABIE., Elena * ' Neurological and psy.,hic accidents in the course of cycloserine treatment, Rwaanian M Rev. no.2t4O-43 Ap-A 160. (CYCLOSEMPE taxicblogy) (MENTAL DISORDFM etiology) (NEUPOLOGIC'WIFESTATIONS) //7 FOU-11"lu IU.UTFMCUj, N.t LID) CRISMA, u.s LID. Ducharestp viatslsot" no % 1 'Aar 63, .:~p 3,23m-327c, "Llagnootic. Prcblws of PuL-,mr~,-y Tuborcallosir, ir, Agod Patientawt (2) CRISTEA, M.-, CIEJANI L.; VIEZARI, Eugenia; NICOLABSC17, T. Studies on the valixe of tbe test witb serous histaminopexy for the diagnosis of allergic diseasea. Studii cerc fiziol 6 no.:L.*73-78 161. (EEA.I 10:9) l.. Institutul do fLziologie normala si patologica "Prof. Dr. D. Demielo;olu" al AcltdemieJ" R.P.R. 2.Seoretar-stiintific al Comitetu- lui de redactie, O.Studii si cercetari de fiziologie~'(for Criatea). 3,,Membri,,: al Comitetului cle redactie, "Studii iii cercetari de fiziologie" O'or Nicolasecu). ( AWWY) (BLOCD SERUM) (HISTAMM) PREDA.. V.., prof.; MIRALCA, I.; C4qgMO-,X-;-ONEA,, G.; MkCIDNI, 0.; STALT=U- URnflp E.; lquffZA219, D.; SCHMM's N.; Attion cf the conditions of environment on the development of chick enbryo. II. Influence of permanent light on the metabolic processes of' the embryonal Uverp kidneys,, brain, and heart, Studii biol Cluj 12 no.2-.235-251 I&L. 1. I.M.F.J. Cluj,, Catedra de biologie - histologie. 2. Membru al Ccmitetulul de reltotle "Studii A cereetaxi de biologie" - Filiala C2uj - (for Preda)o FIRU, P., conf.; DIACQ,.MCU, U., dr.; CIRISTMA, M., dr.; 'U*,.;'Lzr-,-,].:'~4f~Ev'?.-:,, Adina, dr.; MISTEA, Tulia Varicus stomatolcgical aspects o-, ricket,9 in preschool children. Stomatologia (Bacur) 1.2 no.21139-148 fb~--Ap'65. 1. lucrare, efectuata. in Clinica de stomatologie infantila Institutul mediw-farmaceutic, ibcuresti (3efid cliricii: conf. P. FIru). CRISTEA Marim ing.; SOLT, Constantin I ~:;;;;" 7?1 If Economical situation wi-11 be straightened out. Constr Buc 16 no. 755t2 27( June 164. 1, Diroctor of the "Ideal" Cement Works, Cernavoda (for Cri:itea). CRISTEA, N. - .......... ....., Considerations on the wind and the manometric anemograph. Meteorologia h1drol goop 7 no.3t224-227' 162. DRAGANKSCIJ, Ovidili, Ing. (Grid.ova.); rALBFNU, Ghnorghn, ing. (Craiova); Gristea, Nicolae, :Lqi;. (Craiova') Influence of the nature of the eage material or the starting parameters of synchronous machines. Electrotehnica 13 no.2: 41-45 F 165. "Electroputere" Fant, Graiova. Submitted November 27, 1964. PA;G L211 SOURCE CODE: RU/0004/65/bocx/boi/004~i~5-!..'- AUTHOR: Draganeiscu, Ovidiu (Engimiser); Galbenu., Gheorghe (Engineer); Cristea* (Engineei) ORG: "Electroputere" Worksj, Craiava (Uzinele "Electroputere") TITIE: Influence of'the nature otcage material an the starting parameters of synchronous machines SOURCE: Electrotehnicap no. 2. 15165t 41-45 TOPIC TAGSt electric motcri, electric engineering ABSTRACT: Experimntal studies on the behavior of the NSA synchronous motor (63o kilowatt, 6, kilovolt, 1,000 rotations per minute) with various metals as cW material leads the authors tv recoe nd the proper materials in terms of the desired characterietics;~S02111,. art. bass 7 figures and 1 table. [Based an "horat Mg. abet.] W I N SUB CMEs 09 SM DATE: 2"jNov64 GRIG REF t 005 L af UDC: 62l-313-323.2~2,jjNffi6&-- a i. t~ F.," i [,- - I I :I Ii MISTBA, X. New method to foresee the beliavior of petroleum beds with partial hydraulic pressure. P. 355(AcadcrwLa Republicii Populare Romine. Institutul de Aplicate. STUP11 SI OMMARI DE MECAITICA APLICiVrA, Vol. 7. no. 2, Apr./June 1956, Bicuresti,, Rcmai-Lia) Monthly Index of East European Accessions (FFAI) LO. Vol. 7, no. 2, February 1958 KRISTEA, N.[C--istea N. . doktor inzh.; AKOSII, Ban(Acos, "-iaz (tx:a'n--i3---- ., VIILAZOVSKIY, V.P.,, doktor fiz.-mat. riauk., red. I red.; LATUKHINA, Yo.I.,, ved, red.; POLOSIVA, A.B., takhn. [Underground bydraulics]Pod2amnaia aidravlika. MosIcva, Gos-., toptekhizdate Vola2. 1962. 4c,10 p. Translated from the Rurx--nian. (Oil reservoir engineering) (KMA 15:11) KRISTEA, NACristea N. j VLADISLAVIST, A,S,[tranalator),- YEVDOKIMOVA, . 00C - b- , -. .9 . ekhn. naiik,, red.; SAVINA, Z.A., ved. red., VDFDNCVA V.V., tekhn. red. [Underground hydraulics)Podzemnaia gidravlika. Pod red. V.A. Evdokimovoi. Mskra, Gostoptekhizdatp Vol.l. 1961. 342 p. Translated from the-Rmnlan. (MIRA 160) (Oil fields--Fluid dynanics) PINTRAP V.,- VDMLA, :r., ing.; CRISTRA, N. Electrophoretii: modIfIcatione 1n the blood serum of fattened goose. Studii agr Timisoars, 8 no.1/2:31-42 161. . 1. Laboratorul de Mologie ani=3.a,. Baza Aeademiei R.P.R. Timisoara, Catedra de fiziologie animala, Institutul agronomic Timisoara. 2. Membru al CDmitetului do redaetie si secretar stiintific., nstudii 9i cercetari.Biologie si stUnte agricole" (Timisoara)(for Vintila). (Geese) (Ellood serum) (Cataphoresis) GRISTEAp N, Correactions of mercury barometers depending on the elements~ of their construotions. Met(jorologia hidrol. gasp. 8 no.2: 100-M4 163 ~R is 1, N t,-ore an~'j mo .,,)no ~~ruot !-on wL t."~ gr~naraf,-~~-rs I n J.e 'rd:nework i) -n-li:ary 3er-,ej of ,,_b 0 -, 1 . 0 (- rz:nD q With powers f 20C~--]"'Cr-l -L:v!,.Fl'ectrotehnjca 3.2 no,8:283-286 Ag 164. 1. Ch-i-eC B*-sigrey") Cal Of Clc~) for Rotary Mhchlne--, ?-, alit, Crai.,:va. counuw Rumania Aftillations rnot sivenj Swftsf TiMpairit, ZL&tmsrs Medler.1 No 2, A31-Dec 60, pp 51-%. ConsIderutiono on tho, Evolution sna froposle or pffudo- salfomatise Cholostatic laterue In Womts. Co-autters I MA affillatiews a" 51,80 1 17 _A~ 39869 ,~q?loo S/070/62/007/004/004/016 E132/9435 AUTHORS: Candioda Georgiv~, a Teodorescu I on Cristea, Paul JI'ITLE -.A_study-'-6_f'i~e. structures of thin layers of tellurium PERIODICAL: Kristallografiya, v.',?, no.4, 1962, 560-562 + 1 plate TEXT. Layers of To,* 200 to.20000 X thick,*were prepared by ,%,acuum evap7oration 'and were studied by elect:ron diffraction. 1'he structures appeared to be crystalline or amorphous depending only on the speed o.~ evaporation, even if the conditions of vacuum, temperature and nat%.Xre of substrate,' etc were otherwise'-4,4entical. Slow evaporation gaiia the crystallized layer and fast evaporation gave a h6terogeneous"layer, 'the exact structure of which dependod O:MlVacuum, It is 814ggested that the stability of the amorphous state is-duo to the presence of definite complex groups of Te atoms or of To atoms attai:hed to molecules-of the residual gases. An electron microscope was used for examining the layers microscopically and by diffraction. A partial proof of the above hypothesis of association -was-provided by an experimental an-rangement where To was evaporated from two that Card 1/2 S/070/62/007/004/004/016 A study of the structures E132/E435 the molecular beams interaiected*. There are 2 figures: ASSOCIATION; Rumyniya, Bukharezt,Politekhniche4kiy instItut (Polytechnictil Institute, Bucharest, Rumania) SUBMITTED: June 27, 1963. Card 2/2 CRISTEA, P. CRISTRA. P. Preignition I autolginition, and postignition. p. 181. .vol. 3. no. 5. may 1956 ,RICVISTA TRUSPORTUMWE .T-ECHNOLOGT Btwuresti, Ramanta So: Past Baropean Accession, Vol. 7, no. 3, March 1957 0117STrik, F. IIJ sfire in exhaust pipr?s of interral-contubtlon erginer. P. 12 (Revista Transporturilor. V61. 3, ro. 1, Jan. 1956, Eitruresti, Pumnrin) Monthly 'Lndex of Last D!rouean 'ccessi-ons (FT'AT) LO. Vol. 71 no. P, I. Fe -,rt- 195P OL (~ :S Fr-- ~- CRISTEA, P. CRISTrA, P. Econcomic exploitation of automobiles. -o. a5. Vol. 4, no. 1, Jan. 1957. RFITISTA TRANSPoRTuRnoR. TECHNOLOGY RUYANIA So: East European Accession., Vol. t, No. 5, P,av 1957 5 A , 7 my ro' die~3el em-ines for auto-rob.-Ilc trac tion' (R-EVI",*"A TRANSPMMIPILO! ) (3iicuve3ti, Humnin) ",fol. 12 Z 0 "onthc! inde:,-, of EaA Bllropf!al, Ac(~e,:,Sllolln Tc vol. CRISTvA P - TFCIIN CILOGY P7RIODICAL: REVISTA TRA111PORTIRIMR, Vol. 5, no. 12, Dec. 1958 CRISTRA, P. Present and future automobile motors. P. 5h7 Month.-Ly List, of Fast Buropeazi Accessions (EFAI) LC Vol. 8, no. 4 April 195.9, Unclass M CRISTEAO P. The differential mechanism. p. 112. REVISTA TRANSPORTURILOR. (Asociatia StAntifica a Inginerilor gi. Tehnicienilor din Romint ei. Ministeral Tranaporturilor Rutlerty, Navale ai Aeriene) Buviresti,, Rtawda. Vole 60 no. 3, Mm,& 1959o Month~y List of Fast Buiopean Accessions (EFAI) IC, Vol. 8. no. 7, July 1959 Uncl. CRISTUP PI., Ing.; DUNWAVA, DAma., ing, proiectext; LM, L,,, ing,, SIPCS, I#., 14g, pvlectant Trawlstorized analog digital tension comerter Xor Awtomatic digiULI systema., Autainaties. ele'Otronica. 7 no*3:=-l;).7 Mq-Je 163, l* AaLstent la, Inatitutul, Polit4hnic Bucuresti (for C4,~stea). 2& IPAEIA (for Pumbrava, Leib., Sipos)v PREDA, Marina; CRISTEAPaul Calculus of complex: neiw-"k based on the generalization of some theorems of the electric network theory for the active multipols assemblies. Bul Inst Politeh 26 no.4:85-113 J1-Ag 1649 1. ftair of Electrical Engineering II, Polytechnic Institute Buchere st. BOLGIUp 0.; PROTOPOPESOU, A.1"I CHISTES, S. Sintering of c4er emd coppe:r-aluminum P#Grs ao compared to the thermal svolutib.n of copper. Studii cerc meWurgie 7 no-4:411.4-440 162, 1. ~Ismk-a al Comitetiaui do riadactie, "Studii si cercetari de matELlurgie" (for F-olgiu). SOLOMrM,I.,ing.; MARI:NCU,M., ing.; APOSTOLRUTU,Vagilica,, ing.; CRISTEAsS., VIETZ,K.; GEIB,A.; RUMUT,I.; REDW,H., ing.; MIHAILESCU,M.,ing. Improving thefinishing techri:)logical processes of voolen fabrics, Pt.l. Ind text Rum 1? no.5zl99-205 MY'161 lo Institutul de cercetari textile (for Solomon). 2. Industria Linii, Timisoara (for Marincu). 3. Dorobwatul, Ploiesti (for Apoatoleanu, Criatea). 4. Postavaria Romina, Bucjxesti (for Viet%) 5. Fabrica de postay., Ekihusi (for Geib). 6. Idbertatea, Sibiu (for Bardut). 7. Partizwnul Rosu., Brasov (for Reimer,, Mihailescu). CMSTEAPV*) inge; GRISTEL'S ing. - Apparatus with radioactive isotopes unable In the celluloso and paper industrys Cel birtie 11 no.5t190-201 My'62. C011111171ty, I Rumania CATX;"Ry I AW, JOM, S RZKhlnop IID*,5 1960s Noe 19901'8~ j Ciobanu, A., Cristl,.)a, S., and lonescu-Sisesti, R. INF-'.T. S Not giver, Ti IVIA The FreeZing Of Egj~S ORIG. SjB, S Rev Ind Aliment Prod Animale, No 3, 8-15 (1955, 1AB-SM.,C The effect of the addition of NaCl and Na-citrate (I), freezing tempi?rature, and storage temperature on the qu.,etlity of the egg mixture Esic3 (EM) haE been investigated. It has been established that the viscosity of E14 stored for 3 months at -60 increase6 from 2 to 64 Engler for FYI to which NaCl has been. added, to 2.70 for EM containing I, and to 9.60 in the control batch-, the acidity changed from 90 Ilerner to 11.2, 7.5, and 9.3*, reap-ec- tively; the NH, content changed from 0..004 to 1/2 38~ Rumanim ADS. JOUR. RMOdAss 110v 5 1960P NO@ 19968 rn"LE i CIMS PUB* ABSMOIT I O-Olls 0,.002, and 0.009 gm respectively. The difference 'nL quiality between EEM stored at -10, -12, -106.j and -18* is insignificant. The following conditions are recommended for the production and storai,-e of EM* freezing temperature -12, -'5"-, temperature -laO, addition of 15~ flacl. or 10% sugar to the EM or 5% NaCI or 15% sugar to the yolks. it, flow nhedt for an installation for the preparatfion and freezing, of EM is given. A. Marin CAPDt 21-2 Given Eils Wuntry- Rumania Avadamic Degmea: Alf-aliatioa: RpjLlqnal Vatarinarv Labo-vtory (Laboratorul Veterinar Sc,urce: BU(,.hareut ) Probl-rme -Zootehnice si Veterinare , Vol XI , No 10 Oct 196"~ Data: ",) bserv at Ions on bartain Foci of -Anaerobe Entero-toxemia in Sheep." Authors: SIRMN ~ E . -Dr KIN't-i'SCU RT;~ S . t JBiOEA s A , -Vaterinariano- CRISTEA $ S. . -Veterinarian RMANIA An*,-~2.-Ln-~- Of co~:)Jca- GnT)cr. 41u /WTI ACC "Os AP6030203 SOURCE CODE: liU/0017/6,o-'/,,)DD/CO7/0366/0370 AUTH(fi: Cr istea, S. (Chemisth Nicolae, A. (Chemist) ORG: Metallvxgical Research Institute (Institutul de cercetari matalurgice) TITLX~: Researches concerning the utilization of tanning acid for the anti-corrosion protcct~on of steel during ship conestruction 0OURCE: Metalurgia, z1o. I, 1965t 366-370 70PIC: TAGS: corrosion protection, notal sheet, carbon steel AE~STRACT: The authors tested tannin as an agent for the protection of carbon steel sheet during ship manufacturing. They found it effective in re#cing metcal losses and Lzproving the perfomance 017 the protecting layers. Associate Engineer iti-i-Wi-e participated in thiswork. Orig. art. has: 4 figures and 4 tables. IJPRSI SUB CODE: 110 13 SUBM DATE: none OTH REF: 007 Card 141b CIORMP A,, ing.; BERCIISCUV.., Ing.; CRISTEA, Silvi , chim. 1-1- -- a Research on the industrial production of ice cream in Rumania. Ind alim anim 11 no.1:11-15 U163. 1. Institutul do cercetari. allmentare. CIOBANU,A., ing.; SME50J., ing. CHISTRA, Silvia, chim. Research on the induatrial producticm of ice cream in Rmania. Ft.2. Ind alim anin 11 no.407-102 APT63. 1. Institutul du cereetari slimentare. GRISTEA.. T. A good experience in guidance workp support, and control. Munea oindic 6no.n:39443 N 162* RUMANIA/Cheraical Technology - -Chemical Products and Their H. Applications - Oils and Fats., Waxes. Soaps. Detergents. Flotation Agents. Abs Jour : Ref Zhuz, - Khimiya, DO 11j, 1938, 3764o Author : Cristea,, V. inst : Title : Operation of Roasters, Orig Pub : Rev. Ind. odiment. prode vegetale) 1956y No 7, 9-11, No 8, T-10, Abst:ract : An outlLne of A.M. GoldovskiJ, theory about the role of water in roasting is presented. Attention is given to the optimum roasting conclitions prior to pressing# Minimum,conditions necessary for a normal operation of roasting process as vell as design parameters of ro%s- ters and mixers are indicated. Heat balance and hemt:Lna surface calculations for a two compartment roaster, pro- cessinp;1300 kg/hr o,." pulp., are presented. Card. 1/2 RUMMA/Chemical TechnolLogy - Chemical Products and Their H. ApplicaVions - Oils =1 Fats, Waxes, Soaps, Detergenitta, Flotation Agents. Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Xhimiya,, 110 11, 1958, 37640 In 5-6 compartment roasters) it is necessary to vork at the optii:mm humidity and to heat the pulp rapidly to 60-700C in the first compartment, increasing the tem:)era- ture ste,'1)vise and drying it in the remaining compart- ments. Card 2/2 ACC '4Ro AM21166 SOURCE CODEI RU/000`7/65/016/0340147/015'. AUTH(R: Cristea, V. (Engineor) ORG: none, ~j U~. TITLF: Drive systems of drilling rigs considered from the viewpoint of the hoist operz.tions of drilling strinj;s SOURCE: Petrol si gaze, v. 3.6, no. 3-4. 19659 147-157 TOPIC TAGS; well drilling machineryp hoisting equipmentg petroleum induotry equipme dynanic stress~ connecting cable, mechanical power transmission device ABSTRACT: The author analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of varicnLs drive syste,ns, starting from the ideal woricing curves for drilling string hoisting oper- ation3. Among the points considered are the Influence of the drive systom on the degre! of power utilization, on the time required for the mechanical hoistingp the d;mamic stresse-s occurring during cable liftingj and on wor conditions in gener,il. Orig. art. has: 2,1, figures# 13 fomulas and 3 tables."Based on author' Eng. Abstract] (JPRS) SUB WEE: 13 SUBH DAM none ORIG W1 OD5 OTH REF1 006 SOV R7: 003 Card :'./l t j , e k /' S* ', CA RUMANIA / Chemical Technology,, Chemical Products and Their H-~2 Application~ Part 4 -- Cellulose and Its Derivatives, Paper, Abs Jour s Refj Zhur* Khimilraj No 4. 1958s 13203. Author I. Visoiu$ V. Cristea. Inst Not given. Title Changes in Chipping Technology and Chip aassification at 'IN. Balcescull Cellulose and Paper Factory. Orig Pi;b Celuloza si Hir-bie, 1957, 6, No 6, 199 - 202. Abstract No abstract. Card 1,,q C '-. 13 TA I %T. in t`,-~ at. consir-,,)'Jon for sulfite cc~jj-;"Lo ',)oi*l n, 7 C'S2 Zn~7 I-aper -lant. ff), r-T-TJ7, '7j, R T I f MA !,rol. 7, 3-ucuresti, nj a) M- 37 Index 0,T rast European Accessions, 7, 'To. CRIS2u, V. Pactors to take into consideration when setting sulfite-cellulok;e cligestars Into masonry. p. 14. CBIUWZA 31 HIRTIE. (Aeociatia Stintifica a Inginerilor si Tehnicienilor din Rominla si 14inisteral Industriei Petrolului si Chimis). Bucureati, I R umania. Vol. 8, no. 1, Jan. 1939. Monthly Idet of East Rwopean Accessions (FXAI) IG, Vol. 8, no. 7 July. 1959. 'Uncl. CRISTRLp T. m, ing... lam-eat al- Presoiului, de- $tat almat Mao" Durability calculation of th&-drum--*Wt of tha-drilling wimch and other ehafte-of the, dri33i-ag--e9pmbUes;-- end equipmnt., taking into consideration the-work oonneoted, with the extraction and introduction of the drilling set. Patrol oi gaze 12 no*3:127-137 Mr MI, I. Inotitutul Tahnologic pentra Corwtructii de Maaini si Electrtehnicas, BOLDj I., ing.; TEMMESCII) N.; CR3;STEAp V., ingo; DABRMKI, R., ing. Some~apdcts of the organization of the labor of the brigade of the-t-er'ritorial management organization, Rev geodezie 7 no-2:46-55 163. lo I.S.P.O.T.A. (for Bold,, Teodorescu). 2. O.R.P.O.T., C11terda (for u'ristea). % Sao Fd* Funciar R, Craiov~ (for Dabrouski). -7 97 1510-581631W:V,0631 .4/kk A0591A101 IUMOMS: Ursu, I., F., Cri stea, V. Semiconductor properties of! the Zn0 AJ~0-;~ systen PERIODICAL-. Reforativnyl zharnal, Fizilza, no. 3, 1963, '71 72, abstract 3e4q,,3 ("Rev- PhYG- Acad- M- 1962, v- 7, no. 2, 277 - 286, alglish) T: rW The,electric corduotivity of a Pelletized ZnO-AI203 mixture was axamined The relativecOncentratiOns of the:components were variel between 0 and 1W,- The peI12ts 4wer,~ first * amefJLed for 6 to 8 haars at 1, 20DOO and sub- sequently for 12 hours at 90DOC. It his been established that t e activat n th JO energy of the electric conductivity anew the temperature coefficient of resistance depend on the ratio of the components uid reach a maximum for the mirture I Th:Is composition to which corresponds the compound ZnA104 with a spine!-1ype structure is recoi-mmended as a thermistci:r for use at high temperat.ureq. axe 27 references. E. Yenikeyev [,Abstracter's note.-,: Complete translati=1 Card 1/1 CRISTEAV , ing.; CRISTU"S.,, ing. 1, ~__, - U.! - 0 Apparatus with redioactive iuotopeB usable ir the cellul.ose and paper industi7. Cel, hirtle 11 no-5tI90-201 My'62. ABRANOVIC1, R.; CRISTRk, V.; .VELICA, P. Structural tensions in calcic porcelains. Studii chit, T.Imisoara 8 no.3A:281-,'?W JI-D 161. URSUq I.; PUMAS, F. - CRISTEA,,.,Y-,,,..,, - Semiconductor properties of the ZnO-Al 03 sYstem- Studia. Univ B-B S. Math-Phys 7 no.1:127-135 362. LI,TIIJP V.; AERAMOUGI, R.j CRI~~..~.;_CICOJLRE, L.; PASCU, E. Study of Obreja quartizite in view of its utilization for silica refractory manixfacturing. Bul St si Tehn Tim 9 no,2: 355-3459 R-D '454. M CHTST~,'~A V. inge L~.! Corusiderations on the introduotion of pyrlw furnaces vith fluidized bad at the Pulp and Papor Plant,,, Zarnest.4 Cel hirtie 13 noslo26-33 Ja 164, CRISTEA, riotoria i Considerations on the systems of-inaterial points, from the standpoint of Novtonian machemics. Studii c6ro mat 14 no,1:99-114 163. 3RISTEA, Victoria; CRISTEA, Ion I. Obanging integration variables in a awface integral, Gat mat fis 69 no.10072-379 0 164o i;RISTEA, Vicrelp ing.,, laureat. al Premiului de StAt, -AAX tube clutches, Metalwgia conatr mas 11, no.l:!tlO99-1106 V062. -, ., laurwit a! 11"Temiulu-i de 8tat CRTSTFA V., Arig! '-Ineurjalio diac (:-,vplj:rr,.n* cmritr =a 26 no. 592,69-271 MY164 I L CRISTEA, Viorel, laurioat al Presiului do Stat 11 1 - . I - I ~ -__ " ~. - Determining tlae correct distmsee between axLes in chain drivea, Constr mas 16 no.3DO42-544 0 164. CKTOTFA~ Vt Ing. 1- ~ rAcneentration eind dx7!ng of the fodder yeast's obtalned from rti- sidual bisulfUllo solutions at the Colluloss and Paper Mmtt Mmesti, Gel birtie 13 no.,7045-248 31*(A Spam aw Con- Njv- L%K+Atnt. Rtvvtaak)~ Z. '50ii1q., art.: Met.. Fi:., i3im 2, 487-WIM FreDtb tommary).-Trmt the aq. #AAU. CMV. Cps and 9 With a fttlt twe" 01)1.50, 1111sl mHoscN. 7% &a ventm of C13.4c'N tuns% white. Aher tbvpm* a Steraudbk r-Waab tlie ppt. with KAI, 140H, MA Amoy wkb aw. Rip. dry ow 10 min. in Tama -oAdwifth. SW tbrAhrate until all S% It ttinov landthr 'Win. is GeV susbtw acklic. cow the W-100 mi. "I awn. - - A and tm! with 0.5-1 a. '411.SCN awl add 17fidbw IS until a ppt. tamp. Ileat until the pic jti%wdvrs =044" me Rio" Mi. col 11yThline. S41T. VWA. Ithd lifirt tbnR*bo filter rrm4tilv A, "ml w".h Ow ppi. -W% d*g" t-w# # AMI 1111WIP01 III$I ahril 4 b 1111oft itilk I fill, 111 4 mi, t44.1141, M vul, IAN, IWIM With 1 01. of a 10% soln. at jwymbw It AL. RtOI 1, (tbe W.. CdPYJSC.14)s b ofisbtly tol. In atis. 18tOH) find fiffailly 'with at =ad - coMg. 2 dmM of pyridine in 10 ral. abs. ether. Dry "Cla. C."bam Anfieser Mxpd imelliol for itopraft and detemining coMr and Iliac (", , d Cou Will, fluchArrol., AW, - mpm1i" jiml, tire..- z.'xv - ;ft Iwo) A vfllwh '41111. vsjl~k of It Will "fill NIf SeN 411111al the h1trirdil'p.l. InArr vCK11111110mi, 4611,1111. 'Will" tin the %hili, pla IJ WA-b'*JthllO, Ify (tit Ill Ittill. ill a varulln, Amic"11.4 and of-ilth, Ill"I ,,' filtr3fe until all %()~ `4 rmovvil. itool, and Item m0h V if.5- I X, 'Slf,~CN and thell sith rofmish pyrithur I'. linsti-A- ill, it 14"ll Irave I tnL in riims. Ttw JknPYASA:Nl:J lift- plit. is fifirly erpt. Filter aft of Ili inin.. im A~h wit If a "if (Ifills, 3 g. ISC.N + a liff. I dine in Itmill nlL, thVil ,Aith.i -wilm cmtg. 13 ml. US% W11l)II 4- MA fill. IW) I LA lilt. pyrillitir + OA g. NIUsCN, then %ith 1 2 fill, .41,,. fill Ill (41,11fit, Wei pylisfille I and sinjilly 5 A lifin-S %if It volil I U. 44 J."Wit'r ill IA 11A, F110f. 1)(V On- lyl ho 15 fnill. ill 6, 0 "N"It t~qnp~ iml OvIgh t~ A. RU14ANIA / Zooparasitology. Mites and Insects - G-4 Ccrriers of Diseasc Agents Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Riol., No 20, 1958, 91072 Author : Lupascu, Gh., Duport, M., Cristescu, A., Manoiu, C., Raicu, V. Inst ; Not given Title ; Phlebotomus Perfiliewl in Rumania: Its Ecology and Phenology. Orig Pub: Studil si cereetari inframicrobiol., microbiol. si parazitol., 1957, 8, No 1, 121-130 (Rumanian; ress RuDBoi Fr.) Abetract: Craiova is one of the regions where Phlebotomus papatasii Is widespread. It was here in rodent burrows and in bird nests that Phl. perfiliewi was first discovered. This species was also found in three houses, in two of which caves Card 1/2 33 .RUMAITIA / Zooparasitology. Mites and InseQfE - G-4 Carriers of Disease Agents Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 20, 1958, 101072 Abstrar-t: of viscerous leishmanl.asis had developedi Papatasii was not observed in natural biotopes. -- From the Author's resume. Card 2/2 XPASCO, Gh.; DUPORT, Maria; 6MMUSCOp Mari!,~; CRISTESCY, Aurella; 0014BIESCO.p Ileama; h5zsco, lonellat Sensitivity of adult Anopheler, In lbxmnia to insecticidea with residual affect. Arch. Rou*. path. exp. microbiol. 20 no.3.441-46() S 161. 1. Travail efrectue dans IlInatitut nDr. 1. Cantaouzino", sous la direction du Prof. M. Ciuca., fa~Lsmit partie du progrerme des recherches coordonnevs par VOMS. (ANOPHELES pharmacology) (INSECTIGIDES pbarmacology) CRISSZCU, A. WILOGY Perio licalls: DTDUSTRIA LFUITLUI. Vol. 7., no. 10, Oct. 1958 CRIS7.~Sczj) A. Aspects of the activities within the Enterprise for Finished Tdood 11roducts relative -to the planning and desif.-,ninf- of furnitl.,re -,- 3815) kont~,y List of East Evropean Accessions (EFAI ) IC, Vol. 8, No. 2, Fobrt=7 1959, Unclass. ARDELEAN , 1. , prof . . Ccwrosponding Member of the R.P. R. Academy-),-Q1ST1SCU, Aurelia Investigations on the resistance of Anopheles to residual insecticides. Rumanian-M Rev. no-4:91-93 O-D 160. (AEOPHELES pharmacology) (DBT pharmacology) MMTEMJ.~, -..w. How doeo the fvxal.ture industry in the Rumanian PeoplOs Reputlid clov-6iop?. Faiper 13 no.2.053-56 F 26.3. RUMIJUA Chemical TeChnology, Chemical Products and Their E-17 Applications Pharmacauticalso Vitamins. Antibiotics, Abs jour : Ref Zhur - -,himiya, No 5, 195%, No. 16485 Autl:or :Polovrageanu, I.; Crigtescu., C. Insi: :Not given -------- Tit::~ e :Synthesiti of N-Acetyl-dl-Mhionine Orif: Pub Rev. chba., .1957., 8. No 5, 379 Absiract In order to increase the solubility of synthetic nothionine it is subjected to acertylation in the presence of g1acial acetic acid. The reaction yields N-acetyl- methionina, with a UO-l& malting poirib (from etNrl acetate),, The product is soluble in acetone, ethyl acetate.. and ether. It gives an acidic reaction. Tho solubility :in water of the synthetic imthionine is increased up to 15%. E. Natkhan card, 1/1 S' J75/'60/015/004/02-7/030/X.X B020/BO64 AUTHORS: Bayulescu, G., Laza'r, C., and Cristeso-a, 0, TITLE: The Problem of Organic Reagents for Osmiixm A PERIODICj!.L: Zhurnal analit_~Icheskoy khimii, !960, Vol,. 15, No.. i[, pp~ 505 - 506 TEXT: 1. Chugayev (Ref, 1) showed that a red color appears when solution4i containing osmium in the form of OsO 4 or chlorosmate axe heated ir the presence of thiourea and some drops of EC1, due to the formatior of the compound [C-s(H 2N - CS - NE 2)6] ClYH20' Z, BaTdodtj (Ref. 5) regards )CS as the functional--analytical grou for Os and Ru, He found that OsO 49 together with (H 211)2CS, CS(NHC6 H5~2 , and H NCSNHNH,, gives a red color, and with H NCSNHC H CS(NHCH 2 2 6 5' 3 SC [N (CH3):) NH SCN, and NaCSN(C H ) XL Violet color, The authors 4 2 5 2 aimed at ~itudying the reactions of osmium with two substituted thiourea Card 1/3 The Problem of Organic Reagents for Osmium S/075/60/015/004/027/03OAX B020/BO64 derivati~jss: 4-acetyl amino benzaldehyde thiosemicarbazone (1) and 4-nitrobenzaldehyde semicarbazone (II), Compound I is used for the treatment of tuberculosis, under the name "Tebezonll or TB1 Reagont I is used aq a 0.1~ solution in 1% N&OH, and reagent U, as a OtO5% solution In 1% NaOH. Both solutions ar .e used when still fresh. Under the above-described conditions, osmium ., together with reagent I,, forms a brown p-7ecipitate which dissolves after the addition of ethyl alcohol to a yell,)w-brown solution whose color depends on thE osmium concentra- tion. A rod-brown solution results from reagent II after the addition of ethyl ;tlcohol. A perpendicular Pulfrich photometer was used to determine oamium, The maximum optical density was obtained In hoth cases with the filter M43 (4360 A). The result's are given in a table and in Fij-:'s. 1 and 2, When using reagent I it is possible to determine 1~2 - 14.,:f Os/ml, and -with reagent Ili 0,49 .. 8.60tOs/mi. Both reagents ixe more sensitive than th"ourea which permits the determinatiDn of 8 - 40~~'fOs/ml. The increase in sensitivity may be explained by the presence c:f the nitro group causing an increase of the polarity ,f groups in the para position, There arp 2 figures 1 table. and Card 2/3 The Problem of Organic Reagents for 4Z~/07 5/60/015/004/0 27 /0350AX Osmium T02O/BO64 6 refereiises: I French, 2 US, 1 Austrian, I Czech, and ', German. ASSOCIATIM: Universitet im.K., I. Parkhona. Bukharest (Rumyr.iya) (C~ I, Parhon University, Bucharest (Rumania)) SUBMITTED, November 25, 1959 V// Card 3/3 3(l) RUM/2-11-9-36/42 AUTHOR: Cr~"stescut Cornelia; Candidate of Physical-Idathematical Sc. C -ences, d6f, Re searcher TITLE: Le'; Us Get to Know the Moon PERIODICAL: Stiintg gi TehnicA, Seria a II-a, Vol 11, Nr 9, Supplement, p 1, col 1-3, p 2, col 1 (RU11) ABSTRACT: This article contains a brief description of the moon, it;3 physical properties and its surface. The Soviet as'. ~ronomers V.G. Fesenkov and I.N. Lipskiy have dis- co-iered the existence of a very rarefied gas cloud on the surface of the moon. The first Soviet rocket which reached the moon on 14 13eptember 191~9 was com- pl,ately disinfected to avoid infecting the surface of the moon by terrestrial microorganisms, There is 1 figure. ASSOCIATION!: Observatorul astronomic (Astronomical ObservatoryV Card 1/1 , CRISTESCU Comelial 10=09 Victor; VLAICU, Stefania; NOGACLIFSKI-RUSV,, L.; w E. Gigel Prtaise positions of minor planets. Studii astron seismal 4 no.2: 32L-361 '59. (17AI 9:9) (Planets) CRISTESCIPL-P-11nelia : 0 C F.".ements of the total stilar eclipse of Februar7 15, 1961i for kumi&. Studii astron oeismol 4 no.2--323-329 159. (Ew SI.- 9) (Rumania-Eclipsos, Solar) 3 37452. S/035/62/000/004/006/056 P.001/A101 ATUTHOR: Cristescu, C. TITLE: The use of a CIFA-1 electrorric computer in photographic astrometry PERIODICAL- Referativnyy zhurnal, Astron-Dmiya i Gaodeziya, no. 4, Ic62, 17, abstract 4AI56 ("Probl. automat.", 1550, no. 2, 71 - 72 R-xianian) TEXT: The observations of asteroids carried out at Dicharest according to .Plan of "Catalog of faint stars" were processed on a Rlxranian electronic the L computer of the CIYA-1 hype, Processing loas performed by formulae of aix con- "'of reference stars from the Yale catalogs. stants usinit coordinates, D. P. [Abstracter's note: Complete translation) Card 1/1