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GOLLJ.,prof.; CHIRTOC,G.; NMU,A.;~' CRAG IUN, T. I Acute rheumatio polyvisceritio. Rumanian M,, Rev. 3 no-3:48-~152 Ji-B 1 59. 1. 2nd Medicsl Clinic, Cluj. (RHMMATISM) SURW,!E,, Given Narres Countrys Rumania Academic Degrees: C&adidate-ln-Agrieultural Seienoes; -~Gandidat iii Stiinte Agpleole.- kffiliatiim: -mt given-- Source: Bucharest,,Stji-pt% Bi Tehniga, No 9, Sep 1961, pp 13-10. Data: "Brer Yore Produotive Varieties for the Sooialist AgriClIlture." GPO 9816*3 CIIACIUK, Teof 1 conf. iwiv. candidat in stiinte 11 '~ .9 - ...; , Cytogenetico and-hybrid seeds. St si Tdh buc 15 no.11:14-1.5 N 163. IWESCUp Hirceal CREIgS ,,jgqjQj.-CIMnJ, Ingela Modification of chemical obaraoteristics of agriaultural plunte . by hybridizatian,. Studii cerc chim 12 no.0393-397 I 6J, 1. Agronomic lnstitute,, Bucharest, B-&l l4azaati, no.53. C.RA(;IUII;, Teofil, conf, imiv-p candidat in stiinte Biological role cif chromom'meso', St si Teh Buc 16 no. 3: 38-42 Mr 164. POPESCU, I.; CRACIU3..41 OPA!p ,I _$.-Aglaia; PONI, Margareta. Coordinative combinations of TlIII with citric acid. Studii chim Iasi 14 no.lt43-64 163. 1. Filial& Iasi a Aeadsmiei R.P.R., Inst:Ltutul de chimie "P.Poni", Sectia de chimia combinatiilor coordinative. FISEL, Sinion; CRACIUH-ClOBANU,,,.4glaia; POMCU, Ion; PONI, Margareta A now spectrophotonetric method for determination of Tl (III). Rev chimie Roum Sl no.8/9059-563 Ag-S 164. 1. "Petru Poni" Inotitute of Chemiatry, Rumanian AcadeV, Iasi Branch. GOS! 'L17 i~rro'ir-i . )I,- , -.J Ili iui Contr4l,iizions -,o Lho, itudy of I.L complexei-1. J`fv no. 10: 619-62(") 0 1. '.J-oct.inn of .1norg"ardo, Chemistry ~f "lie "lletru P(nill 1~i:zti--~iitci (-T y of Ewrnianian Acaiem-y, Iasi branch, 42 Lli:-rl Ghic!i Voila. I F i,:' , --I jrj~~y~;. (IW..C T~Jjj.. ? I U , A olai~! ; . I J , ! Nri -, T'ON ', , rc, !,!? _, I . . - I 1 .1 J --.- -1--- ...... -,.. 1-1.1 -- ~. I A new ,,jecLrophoLo.-ip-trj-,! method fr-,r TI (I., ") -S-t.udii cer(~ I ~ "9 - 59 5- --S 1.1 shim J:i no.~, . A i, 16; " 1. IIP.Poni" Instil-tato of 1"-heidstry .3.11, la-l Brarch) A ~~i.-Leea Griporo Ghica Votia. POPESCut I.; F-*,'SELV S.; "ICIUN-CIORANU, A,; GOSPODARUP P. Contributions to the study of complex combinations of trivaleint thalium. Stixdii cere chini 13 no.M659-666 0 164. I.. Section of Inorganic Chemistr~v, "Petru Poni" Institute of Cherci!-try, Rumanian Academy, lasi 3ranch, 41 A Aleea Cirgore Mica Vo"O,a. !J.~iolai_, Mimania); SINGER, Georges, dipl. ing. (Riunania); C.'j'ABOGD/14, Ion, dipl. ing. (Rumania); CRACIUMIANU, Conrtantin, dipl. ing,. (Rumanla); .1;CM4ARTZ, Marty, dipl. ing. (kumanfi) St&te of development of low-quality coal-fired steam boilers. T Jpxi energia 5 tlo.3:0-70 M 164. PAVOIUsV.t 13g.; CIMBOGM, I.,, ing,; SINGERIC., ing*,, MWIURAW., C,j, Ing, ActiuLl stage and prospects of stom boLlers with Uclone fuxmitees mid liquid slag ramoval. Energetica. R= 11 no.10s 497-!;03 0163. VATCU, 1., 1. . I Method 5;.,d '-1-! for the real ,initarj compressian strusses -l'.ri c---,ncral.e. Rev f-~~nstr si rrt-,At. e.-instr 16 no.,','.--A)3-204 ApI64 L 29783-66: ACC NRo AT(WOM SMCE COM RQ/0DDi3/65/016/0D9/04l9/ AUTHOR: Tomia, I.; Craclunescu,,_~--, kb tat Valeria ORG: Faculty-of Industiaal Chi mdstz7s Polytechnical Institute, Timi (Facultate'~ ae"Chimie Industrials, Instifutul Politehnicl- TITIE,-, Som observations regarding production capacity in the chemical industry- S(JURCE-- RevistA tie chimde,, v. 16, no. 9, 19651, 419423 TOPIC TAGS: chemical industryj industrial production ABSTRACT: The.authors call attention 'to. sone pecaliarities in the interpretation, .calculation and analirsis of the production capacity of the chemical iridustry arising from the complexity of the manufac- \turing processe13 :~nVolved, and show the dependence of this capacity oh a number of vwriable factorB., A method for the calculation and arolybis of production in tome of such fac- tore (for examr.Le, surface area involved-in a reaction) is presented. Qrig. art has: 22 forAmlas and I table. [Based on authors' Enge Astract). [J*FRSI suB CODE: 05,, 07 SM DATE: none CRIG MW.6 002 um 66.m2.42:33a.o62.i3 Now SOME CODE: RU AUTHOR: Toma Ioan (Lecturer); Craciunescu,-Victor (Lecturer; Assistant Chief ProJect SerVices F,-LCo'c ai,1MJ- kLecturer) A~~_ ORG: Polytechnic institute Tijaisoar4 (Instituful, Politehnic); [Criciuneacul Mlect:rbnabtor" Enter-Pek6e, limisoaxii (Intreprinderea "Electromotor" TITLE: Economic efficiency of the introduction of modern techniques in the manufacturing of micromotors at the 'Electromatorl Enterprise of Timisoara SOURCE:* Electrotehnica,, nO 4, 1965, 151-160 TOPIC TAGS: electric motor,, microelectronic component ABSTRACT: The authors discuss.the methodology of calculating the economic efficiency of the introduction of new tecliniques in terms of the possibilities of the means of production.. and analyze in geneiral tems the economic effects and efficiency of the introduction of new techniques in the manufacture of micromotors at the IrElectromotor" enterprise. M.g. art. has: 14 figures and 5 tables. [Based on authors' Eng. abst.] [JFRS1 SUB CODE.* 09 / SUBM DATE: none / ORIG REF: 001 1/1 af '-Card mi 621.313. RUIIIVd;IA COSCIUG, V.; and CMCIUNF.~'S-M-., V--j. Z~:pcrimental A(gricultural Station (Statiunea ex perimeri=taa anricola)Podu Iloaie '!Growth of Material Incentives Aimed at Increasin.- the Animal Production in the Agricultural Cooperative of the lassi Region" Bucharest, Revista De 7ootchnie si--'Iedicina Veterinari, Vol 16, No. 7 June 1966; pp 32-43 7 Abstract En. L -lish -;u;-,m6-ry modificd~ Review of efforts to' increase pro- ductivity by using incentive premiums to all workers for production ex- ctleding plan, and method of control and implementation on seve;-al cattle farms in lassi re,gicin; dairy rroduction; big farms. Tabulated data on monies paid out in 4 farms in 1965 and of rztionale therefor; 3 dairy cam, s 1963 and 1965 showinc, increase in p-roduction. Figures plainly de- monstrate that this method of: encouraging special efforts is worthwhile. 3 tables, 7 Runianiari references. RUMANIA/Chemical Technol(>Sy - Chemical products and Their H. Applications - Drugs, Vitamins, Antibiotics. Abs Jour : Ref Zhur .. Khimiya, No 11, 1958, 372W Author : Popper, E., Ariton, N., Craciuneanul R. Intt Title Applicatimof the Method Lead Analysis, by Means of Mercaptans, to the Standard Pharmaceutical Products. Orig Pub Farmacia (Romin), 1957, 5, No 4, 304-309 Abstract A semi-comercial quantitative method of Pb determina- tion in lb-containing solutions of standard prepara- tions Is described. It consists in Fb precipitation by an cacoholic solution of Ilieny1hydraxide-carbothio- mide (3:)1. (1) is atable and way be cacily synthetWzed. The methad is exact, sensitive, and convenient and z3ay be applied in the presence of alkali and alkali-earth metals. It yields aood results down to a minimum con- centration of Pb - 200 )" /ml. Card V1 Q-Rlqc- I o~e A #0 RUMUM/Ana.lytical Chemistry ii,.Analysis of Onorganic Substances. E-2 Abs Jo& Rer Zhur i. Xhimijap No 8p 1958p 24757 Author Pepper, E.p Ariton., N.., Proinov,, L., CYaciuneanu.. R. last Title New Rapid Method of Gravimetric: Determination of Mercury Orig Pub : Rev* chim-., 1957., 8., No 9., 59"596 '~'~we is imide of a new reagent Abstract : For the determine.tion of Hgo 2-mereapto-5-ardl,ino-1)3*4-thiodia2oli3 (I) (RZMim, 1958, 24774),, which is a vhite-yellow powder, MP 215-2160) readi- ly soluble in CO ess soluble in alkalies and insolu- J4 ble in water. I ptiplitates Ag-+- Fb,3" ~' Hg It I Hg e 3 1* Hg> Bi3_J_ Cu--'-' Co,;r+and F 1-ions form with I a yellow precipitate insoluble in WM and in ether and7suitable for gravimetria, (letermination of Hg. The solution being analyzed., cont;Ltaing Hg as Rg Cl,~,,or Hg (NO3)A (concentra- tion of free RgQy not above o.2,-0#3 V), is diluted with twice its volune of C Hg,9+is precipitated with ..;~H64Hj and Card 1/2 RUMANIA/ Analytical Chemistry - Analysis of Inorganic Substances. E-2 Abs Jour Bef Zhur 0 KhimL3n:&., fio 8. 1958,, 24757 a 5% alcohol solubion of I under continuous stirring. Solution and preeLpitate 17e heated ona water bath until the amorphous preaipitate becomes crystalline, filtered immediately throuL#i a filter crucible No 5 or No 4) the precipitate ia vanhed with alcohol andether) dried in a vacuum- desiccator mid vei&ied. If thc concentration of HNO in the solation being analyzed is above 0-3 N the so'- lution is evaporated to dryness and the residue is d:LB- solved in water acidified with HC1. Me minim= determi- nable =ount of Hg*7+is 4o/mi. Duration of determination is from 45 minutes to 2 hours; error '! 0.54%, The method is suitable for determination of Hg in medicinals. Card 2/2 0 Clul-T :Rumania ABS. JCII.R. RZKbum., No. 2 1 1~"' 5 9 , Vo. 75793 :Popper, E., Ariton, V., Proinoir, L., and Craciune NOT . :Not given T IT L :The Analyaiin of Mercury Medicinal Preparations by rA Tiap-.Ld Gralrimetric Method Usijq~ 2-Me.rcaptu-5- finilino-1,3 14-Thiodiazole OAiIIC- - T_' :FartriaciaL ('R!*-R), 6, rio 6, 491-498 (1958) '-Ps now gravittetric is proponed )7or the determina- ua i n - tion of Hg 'n medicinal preparations, g 2 me rca pto nil ino -t-1, 3, Lr-- t hio ol e. The above- indicated roagent is very sensitive (accurate determinations of Rg in medicines are poseible at minimu4i concentrations og Hgp of 40 gammas per ml)' it i,~i readily prepared, arid can be used in any analytical laboratory. Tho authors propose the sub3titution of the above-described method for the official methods in the analysis of a num- ber of medicines listed in the Rumanian Pharmaco- poeia. CAILD: From authors' summary nu, R. 219 212 Czechoslovakia '7~)4-- 5 in the convumption of M. The germinatior of the IA 4r, drumn results in a -iighe!r DA than ger ina- tion in compartments. Optimum ger-m-in-aLlIon tize was foxind to be 10-12 days for baxley and wheat M and 6-10 days for ryt-t and oats M. In the pro- iac.tivyi o:,,' brewers" malt, barley M wazi c!,*i.ven the hiizbest rati-nF. Data. on the composition of vari-I out types of raw materials and 14 are given to- t-,et.ner with comparison data for brewers' and distillers' 14.. G. 06hmyan 283 RUMA=/Analytical Chomistnr -T Analysis of InorEpnic Subst-aac~-s. E-2 Abs Jour Rr--f Mur - Xhinlya., Do 2, lo,59, 43o3 Author Popper., E,# Craqiuncanu, R*,,%riton, N* Inst Title The Rcaction cif Divar, Mi - Hxcury with Monophcnyl-hydrzi.~o- dithiocarbwaide., -Moi-iocLllylliydrazod~Lthiocaroamid~--, Mononaplithylhi.rdrazL-,.4-itliiocarbaraidc:. Crig Pub Rev Chim, 2j no 4, P16_218 (1958) (in Rumnian with squ - rice in Gcrman., English, Frcach, and Bu3si=) Abstxact The reaction of Hg(II) with monophonylhydrazodithiocarba- r-idu, M Olziftim, 1958, 43027), nonoallylhydrazodithioc=6 bamido (II)p and monolia.-L)Iithyll,.ydrazodithio=bamidc: (III) has boon invootigated with a view ot the possiblo replace- mcait of H2S in qualitativ,! chuideal analysis and dzxz~lop- mont of a mothod for the cl-,-ternination of Hg(II). It has buen found that I and II in alcoholic solution quaiytitati- VOly PrOCipitlltO Hg(II) with tho formation of stablu Car.-' 1/2 RU,14AM/Analytical Chemistry - ,bialysis of Inorganic Substances. E-2 Abs Jour Rof Zhur - Khimiya, No 2, 1959, 4303 morcaptides which are Insoluble in COt-OH and in In the case of I the filtration of the ~) precipitatc:,; :qui- valent to 0,02-0,08 Lm 11(; is continued for 2,5-6 yTbcn II is used) the filtration time is 30 min-31-irs. In vi-v of tbo difficulties encounterud in the filtrW-dan ~)f the precipitates,, I and II camiot be recommended for the Gra- vimetric deternination of HC(II). When III is used, nmi- uniform and unstablo gulatir-c-like precipitatLs arQ obtai- ned. Ip II., and III are easily synthesized compoimas mid reprcsent amorphous whit-c powders soluble in pyrid-inc, al- kdlics, and Cpll~-OH and insoluble in water and in acias; they can be used in the. er-paration. of the cations of the f f ourth analytical groirp. -- B. Manole Card 2/2 POPFER~ E.; POPAI L,; PROINOV, L.; RMI L.; CRACIUNEANIJ, R.; JUNIE, V. Behavior of some heavy cations tovards certain organia reagents. Studii cerc chim 9 no.2:397-404 161, 1. Facultatea do farmacie, Lal*ratoral do chimie analitiCU., Cluj. (cations, (Organic ccepounds) (Chemical tests and reagents) L-) A,' ---cad cn: _R-7isi-.a de Chiirlie 'loll 12 'No 9 sop lc;6l 557-558 - "_33 of S-51ver lon Towards 'No Roagentus of ;V-h'c, ~-'0:04^'D Cla~ Z_ Lth 0 .~I,. u C Coo POPPERP E.; ROMOp L.; CRACIUNEANUI R.1 FIA)RIU,, E. I Studying t~e behavior of the cations of the 3d, analytical group towards a r1ass of orgamic reagents. Rev chimie Kim peta- 13 no.6:372-374 Je 162. 1. Laboratorul de chimie amalitica Facultataa de Farmcle Institutul mbdie*-farmaceutic.. Cluj* POPPER, 3.; PROINOV,,L.; PR.&C1tWWV,Y4', Behavior of the silver Ion in the presence of two reagents of the mercaptan class.,Rev. chimie Min petr 12 no.9:557-558 S W 61. .. in IM Mu STATICUSCU, P., Jmg.; OLTLUM, Me, dr,,; MATEI, A. g. ; I ITF p He ing.; LUTSCH, Me# ing,; POPA, I.j. ing.; RACZ, Zeq inge; COSMLp I., ing.; ISNUEL, V., ing.; IMIGUp C.j, Jiag.; SINGIR, Me., ing.; CRETU, I,p ing.; GRIGORAS, me'. inge; CRACI"UNESCLT P,... ing.; COUS, I... ing.; BACOS.. M !~A -.fingp; UkKi-1- CUp T., ing.; EWOVANj I-p ing.; TOAF0IICZ.c!XItE.j, ing.; OCHILNA, S... ing.; MOCAIMt Be, ing. Results obtained with different varieties in suger-N!et grow-'mg. Thd alin 14 no.9t342-348 S163. 1. FE,,brica 6e zahar GiUrgiu (for Matei, Munteanu). 2. FiLbrica. de zahar B)d (for Lutsch, Popa). 3. Fitbrica, de zahar Tr ,. Mures (for Racz,, Cosma, Lennrel). Ffbrica de zahar Roman (for lungup Singer). 5. Fabrica de zahar Ducecea (for Cretup GrIgoras). 6. FEtbrica de z-ahar Oltenia (for Graciunescu, Colis),, 7. Fabrica de zahar Banat (for Bacos)* 8, Fitbrica de zahar Arad (for Aleicandrescup Earzovan). 9. Fabrica do zahar Ludus (for Toarniczskip C-.hiana),, 10. Fabrica de zahar Sascut (for Mocanu). STATICESCIT, P.; LIRTGUt G.; OLTEANU, Gh.;,,CRACITJNFfiC.T-J,,.C.; ALN!'MT, A.; MUNTEATIU, E. Studies on the keeping conditions of sugar beets. Ind alim 16 no.3:157-162 Mr 165. 1. Food Research Institute, Bucharest (for Stat-icescu). 2. Rcman Sugar Plant (for Lung ) - 3. YAnistry of the Food Industry (for 01teanu). 4. Podari, Sugar Plant (for Graciunnscu). 5. Bod Sugar Plant, (for Albert.), 6. Glurgiu Sugar Plant (for Munteanu), CRAGIUNESCU, M. Multiplication of fractions. P. 332 (Gazeta Matematica Si. Fizica) Vol. 9, no. 6, June, 1957, Bucuresti, Ruxwiia SO: MONTHLY INDEX OF EAST EUROPElkN ACCESSIONS (EEAI) LC, VCL. '?, NO. 1, JAN. 1958 E Craciunoiu V Automatic intrmr.-ittent rerulation of terverature in clectric f-arnaces w-ith resistance. P. 03. En ECTROTE911i ICA. (AsoCiELta Stiintifica a Enginerilor si Tehnicienilor din Roidnin si lliMstervil Ennrriei Electrice 3i. IndlmtrJej. Electrotelutice) Eucuresti. Vol. 3, no. 11, Nov. 1955 So. East European Accessions List Vol. 5, no. 9 Septeml-er, 1-956 m L 1205 EPJAW-2 AI"CFZSION NR; AP5025841 HU/(1D04/(G/O)0/003/(C96/0103 AUVHOR: Cract (Engineer, Chief deBigner).(Indsoara); vogoz, .1czMU31 (chief p1anning engimeer)_(Timisosra) TITLE: Sme technical end econcrAc considerations concerning the 1:xesent sexies of asynchronous motors vith ahorl~-circulted rotors produced by the'~ElectrcmotoTff Enterprise in Timisoura SOURCE: Electroteb-nita., no. 3, 1?65, 96-103 TOPIC TAGS: electric Motor, ectric engineewing,, electric rotating eq~dpm-ent part ABSTRACT: .[Authors' Er'g'*Libh-uummary modifiedJ: A techniciiL- economic analysis of the favorable results obtained throi344,h the redesigning of the asynchronous motors with squirre.1- cage rotore, produced *by the "Blectromotor" Enterpirise. Tho improvements made in the design include the use of high-quality insulating materials and the standardization of the ci)mp)nent elements vithin_thq_:PLWdOLmertals8ries and 1,h9 derived of equipment ebrig. zirt. has: 43 figures,, 11) gragphs and .2 tablen, Card 1/2 RUMANIA 616.981.49-022-362036.21 POP, Carmen, Dr, and CRACIUNE-$M 1(iorica, Dr. Work performed at the State liealth Inspe-cTo-NaT=6 %TrNM-'Regiune (Inspectaratul Sanitar de Stat al Regiunii Crisana). "An Episode of Kass Carriers with Salmonella.!' Bucharest, Flicrobiologia, Parazitologia, Epidemiologia, Vol 11, No 6, Nov-Dec 669.,-ji~'559-562. Abstract: In the course of a series of 7012 bacteriologic tests during the seacon of high enterobacterial infectivity (4une -August) in Oradea, 287 asymptomatic carriets of Salmonella anatum were discovered, as well as 78 carriers Df S. typhimurium and 15,of S. enteritiditis Gaertner. Epidemiol- ogical and laborato:rlr studies implicated especially milk and dairy products in the spread of S. anatum infection. ,Includes 3 tables and 4 Rumanian references, CRACIUNIOIU, V.: ENACITESCU, P" Steering schemes for D,.rtsasing -machines. p. 86 Vol. 4, no. 2, Feb. 1956 ELECTROTEHNICA Bucuresti SO: Monthly List of East EariDpean Accessions (EEAL), LC, Vol. 5, no. 12 December 1956 POPOVICIP Alex, Ing ~ 'TATIJ,, Gheorghe, Ing., ?11COARA, Pavel,, Ing.; BABUTIA, i6m, Lng.; CRACIUN'FSCU Victor, ing. (Timisoarayl On the reduation of supp"lementary rio--load losses in asynchronous notors. Eleatrotehnica 12 no.5-.166-171 MY164. 1. Director, "tleatromotor" Enterpr1se, TimiLloara (for Popovici). 2. ksaist&nt Chief, "Eleatromotor" Enterprise, Timisoara (for, Tatu, Nicoara).. 3. Head of' the Laboratories, nElectr4mot-or7l Enterprise, 'Umisloara (for Balyatia). 4. Assistant Chief Designer, "Elecctromotor~ll, Timisoara (for Craciunoscu). j Acrae-wo, '11.1 Theory of PiA111110N 113 rNWOUNI) isl%- crate ITi6filli"Pikliff ' umlwoj MOW, W19m], Ilulav, oil ti Vl';KIUC- bli"ist, GartlJOY., 1061, 300 pp, Ileterildnillij (1111ttlihimit In the Inalky ~otlnlrjps -thods for me of frox sections (of f4liforit'l-t4trato ronottuction" Uro 011111g. ing front thim, of the theory c4 clastlelly C,"" maithull of 0111611. Mo tensions) to moklioth testing on the pialliq behavior of vittl Applied Aichartics Reviews and cortireto in Methfp) (me from "WO rupture. The Inilwove' JUne 195415 .MAta and UnAlum of this book are, therlforc, not to ba doulited, Author gives A cIrAr and compreberadva summary of tile 1111111n~ Structurep Wr- _C~7 - - marital 1AWS Ffty -the vallititY QMW in ai lati(III. Init 7% 1014 capsility on the varibrus tylK'A Of ICWIIIUK end Lila degfl!" thaba-Asufmoultagiven ill tile 1111110 tblpiAlk At the end of %fill IMk', RellillarY tuh[0A for Ille determination of crawkcliou dimplialwit wo given, chapter %reats tile " capacily of statically ijillet mnli!ww .1"lems (beatrei, girtler gdllws, fs,unves, and arelien); awith,!r d-bvrithero~swL4omittforeedslitWwidfiiktidnlis. hialliailsixi, mpid calculittiun than to ptm-ilile developod which unable more with methods bm*d on the theory of clANiielly. The reviewer beflovVIS that conAtrut-16M caleullited by till-to methods aboo; a nun willorm degirto of mufuty Its all t1wir jinrI4 k4l Willi "AdjuW)w tirimlon'J." than &k0" copula T6 book hPA 4 Y#1;3VJ))O bibliEwrilphy of alX411, 100 tiths. the bwyk will be profitable Ilutunly for tituiluni6 but for vivil "Ileers an Well, finco tile authar dettle with nuinerotw six-vilic design caws, .4G. Mantles, G-.,rfu:my CRAMG9f, If. $'A Rewrk an the Critical Boundary Pressure In Soil Mechanical, p. 389 (Agk Techni Mv Vol. 5, go. 3, 1952y Budapest) Bast Ibropean Vol. 31, No. 3 SO: Hontl~Z List of N"W/Accessions/.Library of Congress, Mexch IA, Uncl - 539 N G :.3 ~624 C)72.-Jl ~_'n zLhe~ T Enpl -,52 10 7_3 H_mgaTy 3:-Ta load amd vaagf! g on n r.,:H jj, b-~~nclins aro cj~ten C., '0110's Can bz,, T-t I-aCtlure s Pall. izrl ~illl bi nly Stre0sed at 13 c cur. Apj RUMANIA 576-858.5 DUCA., M., ALDANI)RESCUP N-, ROU, C., ZA-NDRACHE, L. and CRAEPSCU D., of the Medical Inatitute (Ins titutul "The Morphological Study of the Synthesis of Type in HeLa Cells." 7 Adenovirus Bucharest, Stu4ii si Cercetari de Inframicrobiologie, Vol 17, No 4, 66, PP 303-3056 Abstract: In a study of the sequence of nuclear changes produedd Fy-t.,7p-e7 adenovirusee in HeLa cello in order to determine the relations between viral protein and mature viruses, the authors, 'were unable to find any evidence of protein crystal' They u* ~tho proteins suggest that this may-be d e to uniform dispersal of br to the fact that under the experimental conditions' uEied the viral. infectibn;did not lead to the formation of protein crystaloo Includes 21 figures and 8 references, of which one German and 'I' Rnglish-lanVageo, 1/1 STEIIIE-ACH,M.; LAYAROVICI, Mlirl--m; R--IZ;a; CP.AII>GU,,,T,- BAIMMOU, G, Physico-chE-mi~!a! composition, fatty acid coritcnt Eind t~herapeutl,': val-ug of somo veptable oils, fish oila w,.d marine ciIs of our count-r-y. 51;ud. cer~-et. med. intern. 5 no.5z551-.-5I6-6 164 1. :nstlbatul de med----Lna intei-na &I A,-ademioE-*, R Rcmine sl Minister%Ll Sanatatii s-, TlrrA~.-ederllcr Socials (,f:;i- St~--inbach, Lazarovlci). 2. lnst-.Itutul de ---ercatIrl 71'.1inne'l-'are S11 Ministe-nilul 3ndust-riel 41impnUi-re kror 1119, Graes-au, Balanei3=). GRAESCU, V. Considerations in regard tothe prodfictivity in the field of motor truck tr2napor- tation. P. 299. (RWISTA TRAMPORTURIL0,11. RIBIWIA. Vol. 3, no. 8. Aug. 1956.) SD: Monthly List of East Suropean Accessions (HEAL) LC, Vol. 6, no. 7, July 1957. Uncl. T so-z~t, ~=--,ilderaticmlq On the prohl~,-m of profit'vbIonozs: 3,11 Air trans~-~ortatjor_ 27 7`urmnita) 'Jol. rio. 1'. Dc!:!. SO: I~cntlhly of East Euroocan Accession,--3 ('~Lltl) J,~, Vol. 7, ~,'o. -L-3L91g6nML T/tWP(t)/ETI _,-JP((,-) JIV ACC NRs AF602&)45 SOURCE CODE: RU/0017/66/000/001/0005/0008 AUTHOR: Dragan, 3".. (Doctor; Engizievr); Novas, S. (Engineer); Crafti A,, (Engineer) 1;; . -.1 ORG: Metallurgical Research Thatititte (Institutul de cercetari metalurgice) TITIE: Sane considerations concerning the hot deformability characteristics of noncorrosive steels SOMCE: MetalurLra, no. 1, 1966, 5-3 TOPIC TAGS* corrcsion resistwit steel, plasticity, material deformation. mechanical shock resistance ABSTRACT: A report o tests to determine hot deformability characteristics of non-corrosive steels.MThe most appropriate method to determine cold-hardenability of steel has been Found to be shock upsetting; to determine plasticity hot torsion gavo best rqsults, while the upset method. was best for determining shock-defarmation res.Lstance.l~ Orig. art. has: 14 figures and 1 table. [11ased on authors' Eng. 36,6461 SUB CODE: 11, 20 / SUBM DATE: none Card HUICA, I.; -BICLESANU.. V.; CROMALIUC. G.; GHIU, T.; OPFEA, M.; POPA, S. , -I-1.- --~S.-.1%,-. On the age of the brokan stones at Schela-Bumbeati jiu-Arseni (northwest of Getic Depression). Darl seama sed 49 pt. 2.:113-117 161-162 [publ. 1641. - (MRA -17:11) 1. Submitted Mexch 10.. 1962. 10-altivate-i ats -2 -a FIE.. Bduei~riut, 01eirero - a-, r. '74 ra c '11%e Eft'e--t of Org-unie and Minarp'. Ygi-tilizers oz) t2he JrVAN, al wiwt r A ~A ou., ao t 5 ),n. zu! Daruerl~,)-, H tt-10 11"mus au-i i~.ble nutrlan*c:3, i", Vda, K~c and roLtM" a,aaura vere; ~prUod F-zrt1!Azerz wom. appl~--~d in periols. On U-io respond.&d v,31-1 to all der c.~i~t-Ularalt-don tr , , a~.-U:Uzern. 1)ss* rasalt;, cin 5c S, of +'orti' '.zpr3. A ~urtxa aeo 111 -~,ne &MOIL-1t uf --was t-,.e Mz:~G'~ ~a- N 2-'/,c' ,tad ~K prodiced rw in li,"VAon 110 40 az- rotts,! imnure. - A. Al. i;ulrnov CRA7SCUP V. 4- Irrrovement of technical and En-onomic i:idtixes of -the, nev 'Llicht mverial for Ru~mniwi tr--nsnort aviabion. 1; 214. i- I R;IMTST-A Tr,,jk!!SPCRTURILOR. (AS(;C,'1,3tia Stinitifica a liginerilor s! Te-chnicienilor din Rord-ran si Ministt-rul Transprturilor Rutiere, Navale! si Aerient). Ncure!sti, Ror-anin. Vol. 62 no. 51) MzY lTic). Monthly List of East 'Eunlopean Accesions (TMIJ) LC. Vol. 8, no. 9, Serb. 1959. Uncl. GRABSCU, V., Ing. Motorcar transportation cost price as influenced-b7 tho practicability conditiofts of roads and Us transport amem distance. Pt. 2. Rev transport 8 no, 31106-110 Mr 161. R 6 W013/011/001/002 D27 07, '0 2%3 %UTJ IQR: Niederkrork, I grAjjLYi-Qrica and Nicu, lulis, TITLE: i4vancted. purif ic ation. of 5i14 PE-RIODIC,E: Revist'a de 0*himie, no. ll,.1962, 648-652 TEXT: The - nurif ication Of Si 14 by recrystallizatioii from n-heptane, was examin;d-in' detall. Si14 was synthesized directly "from the elements at 65000. It 'was established th&t the majority of the impurities in crude,Sil4 were coneentrated on thercsidue of sili- ca gtl which was separAted by, hot filtration.. I 'A method was dtveloped which permitted an advanced purification, of the' Si14 by the introduc- tion of wet silica gel j'nt.o the n-heptane. solution, or by the forma- tion of the. gel in situ -when wet-142 was bubbled through the solution. The latter niethod was to be preferied because no edditional impurities were introduced and.because bubbling accelerated the dissolution and. homogenization of the solution. it was found.that 2 g silica gel per liter of a-heptane was suf f icient for. a. good purification, and that no special control was -necessary in the case Of N2 bubbling. The Card 1/2 W003/62/013/011/001/002 Advanced purification of Si14 D272/D3O7 purity increased when -~"he molar ratio n-heptane to Si14 was raised from 1:1. to 3:1, but 5:1. was suff icien-t from the practIcal paint of view. Two cycles of reerystallization.were necessary for a puiafica- tio,,L i)elo w li)-4'/* f or each element; further cycles night. yield higher -purities though the spectral analytical method employed was not suffi- ciently sensitive to datect those. -Duration of,the purification cy- cle vras determined primarily by the duration of dissolution of,Si14 in the b,oiling a-heptane. The yields were 136','* at 5;1 and W/O at 8:1. There are 6 tableEt. 2/2 Lonpitudinal vibr- t4 (IT, r, T)risrwitic rc,,(.' restlnr- cii ,~vrinpo, P. 1'34 (EeUlurCA.,i S-1; C:,jstnjcj;ja De hiasini. Vol. 9, ne. ~,, Scpt. igr7,0 Duq,'-.,rest-., Rumania) E,onthly Index of East .'Europeari lxcessions (EZAI) I.C. Vol - 7., nc. 2, February 15,58 0 8/137/62/000/C'12/037/085. AD06/A1O1 AUTHORS: Buzdugan, Gheoi)~he, Crall, Antonescu, Veronel, Panh, Tona, Pos1'.Cl?-.Jcu, Va.,-;ilica TITLZ-: Th,a effe,~,t of notches at high temperatures PERIODICAL: Re--erativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, no. 12, 1962, 61 6' ?, abatract 121368 ("Bul. Inst. polltekhn. Bucurepti", 1961' v. 21, no, 3, 101 - 113, Genazan; summaries in Russian, Erq:lish and French) TEXT: The effect of notches and stress concentrators upona- at elevated b temperatures-was investigated on OL50, OLC45 and OLC 60 steel grades, correspond- ing to Sov~iet steels 5,45 and 60. The radius of stress concentrators on tensile specimens was 0.5; 1.6; 3.21; 11.8, and 6.4 mm and the ratio of the radiua to the----- specimen diameter in.the concentrator spot was r/do~ Ov.1; 0 2~.0.4; 0.6, an~t 0.8. The specimens we:7e tes'~ed at 200C and at 150 - 500 e erT ~O It was established for OLI"O steel that a- increased initially with higher temperature, attaining maximum values W; 200k! and decreasing rapidly at> 3000C. For OLC45 and OLC 60 steels, 0-b decreased initially with elevated temperatures and then increased, Card 1/2 8/137/62/000/0 12/0 37/085 The effect, of notches at high temperatures AO06/A101 attaining maximiim values at ;;00r'C, and ftirthennore decreasing rapiffly, The tem- perature dependonce oi' 0-~ in specimerts with stress concentrators is analogo~.Is to b the temperature dependence of'o- An smooth specimens. With decreasing r/d, Cr- I b b increases in no-,;ched t;pecilnens at the given temperature. To evaluate the effect of stress concentrators, the concentration coefficient (5~was introduced whim'h is equal to the ratio of, - of a spec]..rnen ,.xith a stress concentrator to C- of -a 'b b, smooth'specimen. With increasing.r/d, decreases at all the temperaturEls. The temperature depf!ndencE of (5 is plotted according to which 6' varies withi n a com- paratively nar.-Ow rari8e (� 10%) for the given r/d. It is pointed out that in tensile teists at. elevated temperatures str,!~ss concentrators exert a pcSitive ef- feet, raising 0- of steel. b A. Belinhly [Abstracter's note: Complete translationj Card 2/2 VOINEP, Micla; fil.ordsle Crit."cal s,:eed of simkfts. ium mea upp,'! 9 no.4-843-850 164. ." . (,,=,qspondAng -,)f i I -- gamja--~.E~n !,cudemy (~ i n., Voi-F.IPa) . 2. Poly-~echa,-r- InnUimte, 1"Or Graifa-le-snu). Scientific reaearchk a decisive factor in aeronautic progress in the USSR. P. 487. RMSTA TRANSPORTURMR. (Asociatia StililtVica a Inginerilor iii T'echicienilor din Hoidna si Ministerul Tiranoporturilor Rutier, Navale si Aeriene) Buctiresti, Himania. Vol. 6, no. 11, Itov. 1959. MontKy list of East 117mropoan Accessions (BEAI) LC Vol. 9, no. 2, Feb. 1960 Uncl. VOIM-I'A, R~ ; CRAIFA'~F-AINU, D, _. ... 1. -. 1 1, 9 -- - I On the cri~;i,.,al rovobitions of the sh&ft~ Studli cel-c jrc-c api ~15 164. 1. Corresponding Waber of' the Rumanian Academy (for Voinea), 2. Folytechn'-,, Inatitute, Bucharest (14'cr Craifaleanii), Submittei Outob~~r 11.11 19IS3~ MUG, G; CISLFR, 1,7; CAI-IRIELL, F. I---------- .Optimum investment in electric poi-Ter for economically- under-developed countries P. 5111 7::Iq;,;ilt,A (Sav~z inzenjera i tehicara Jugoslaviije) Peograd, YuCoslaviia. Vol. 1),-, nc. ii, Apr. 1959 Monthly List of H'ast 'Fixopean t1jecession M~d I.C, Vol.. ~, nicl. 6, jiu-e 15,"i9 Uncla. BERNTFD1, T.; ROMAN, Ellsabata; TWTAVWIA, Ed,,,t GKAPRAZ, Natalial GRATINIC, Karln.t (30BANU-MAGIARI, Mariana Poisoning wAth "voprO. Uperimental study. Stud. cereet. fiza'.ol. 10 no.lt65-74 165. CHAINIGEANU, Al. investigations c)f.the action of sex ho,mones, on the dejeztivo trant. Therapeutic dedlactions. Stud. cerceit. ondocr. 13 no.5:6.1,3-64.9 162. (SEX HUMNES) (GASTROINTESTINAL SYSTF14) -- CWNICUA14..Alt,~ COVASSEARUil Zenobia; SMNGARUj Or.; SUCWSCHI, 14arig Action of insulin upon the cholinesterave and the muscular re-activity. Studii cere fizid 5 no.2:403-409 #60. (EW :03-2) 1. Institutul de fiticilogie normla 9i patdogica "Prof. Dr. D.Danielopolu" al Academiei R.P.R. (INSULIN) (CHOLINES"AMSES) (MUSCLES) I. - MTWTWIM~ P-... - - . m I . "What 1 6 .- 9'1:ld.Ing and how is it donal P*18-1 AVUTIA SPORTIVA. Vol. /+p no. 21 Feb. 1953* Bacuresti, Ihmnis. S0$ monthly Ust of Iasi; Fwopeaa Accessionsi, L.G. Vol. 29 No. Ill, Nov. 1953,- Undl. LKAIMCKWO P. *The first glidel- fligbts; training to obtain the 'A' certificate." p. S. (AlLijtia Sgqrt '701 4s No.5., May 1953,, Bumwesti). S0$ ji_atoLjpA&M0vejM goessian .j,, Vol3 No.2 Library of Gongrevis Feb 54 Unol CRAmam, P. *Higher training In gliding#0 P. 20 (iiiatia svor , Vol. 4 No. 8 Aug 1953, Bucuresti) SOt ReBkhlZ U rmt Europe I-AMBIlona, VOI,3 No*2 Library of Congress Feb 54 Unal ~ . . . '. - .11 .-:', ....... - * CRAVICEMi Okn~wl.'edge'o~'Aer5,nautic'']?w,jc,h-o,l,o-gy-,; Fhotion-~" P. 7. (AVIATIA SPORTIM Vol. 51 No. 1, Jan. 1954p Bucurestip Rumania.) SD*p Monthly List of East 1~=cpean Accessions, (EEAL), LC, Vol. 4$ No* 19 Jan, 1955 Uncle ct"J/' IAGNDV, S., DUMIMBSCU, Mircea; CUCU. N.; CRAIZIICBSCU,- Z. --www1k9Lw HeTnatopol 'esis after gastrectomies. Probl. ter.,. Bucur 69--gi igt;6. 1. MeTabru corespondent al academiei R.P.R. (For lagnov) (GASTRICTOMY. complications disord. of hemopoiesis, evolution) (HDORDI ISI S disord., post-gastrectomy) 3. CRAIOVEANE, I'). CRAIOVEANE, D. Airplane models of great speed. p. 25 Manly bravery prepared in a test tube. p. 27. Vol. 1. no. ii Nov. 1955 ARIPIIE PATRIEI MUM= Bucuresti., Ragania SO : Eastern European Accession Vol. 5 No. 4 April. 1956 CRAIOVEANU, G. "Micromodel for P. 19. (AVIATTA SPORTIVA, Vol. 4, No. 120 Dec. 1953p Bucuresti., Rumania.) SOt ~bnthly List of East Euxv,pean Accessions, (EM), LC, Vol. 4, No. 1, Jan. 1955, 'Uncl. CRA10VEwj G. "Importance, Claisification, wul Role of Control Inutruments." P. 239 (AVIATIA SPORTIVAt VoL 4v No. 12, Dec.. 1953, Bucuresti, Rum&-da. SO: Monthly Ust of East Eurvpmu Accessions,, (FEAL), LC, Vol. 4, No. 1, Jan. 1955, Uncl. CRAIOVEANU, G. "Soverth" Progressive Parachute." P. 25, (AVIATIA SPORTIVA, Vol. 4, No. 12, Dec. 1953, Bucuresti,, Rumania.) SO: ~bnthly List of East European Accessions,, (EEAL), LC, Vol. 4, No. 1,, Jan. 1955, Uncl. CRAIMPAW, Pi . ~ . . . .I- -- ..I.- - 1. 1. .. . . - . - .1 ' -, - ' ' I I "From 100 to 200 Kiloraters Flsr Hour." P. 4. (AVIATIA SPOFC17A, Vol. 3o No. it Jan. 1954, Bucuresti, Rmanla.) SD'; YGnthky Ust of F~st Eur-~pean Accessions, (BEAL), TIC, Vol. 4, No. 1, Jan. 1955 Unel. =1 foj~ il tors of miorlel .0 u all 6 Jime IQ55- ur-!Sti, VA. 1-! Li:,:t of sast European -Acce~sio,15, Vol. 4, no. Cict. 1955, 50; 1'.onth -iincl. CR-,',IOVEAN-J, G. GRAIOVEM, G. On the path of progress. p. 21. MFILE FATRIEL. Bucuresti, Rumnia. SOURCE: East European Accessions.i List (EEAL) LC, Vol- 5. no. 6. June 1956 CRAI0VEAN'Uf G.. Diesel engines for airplane models. p. 19. (AMF= PLTRIEI. Vol. 3,, no. 2, Feb. 1957. Fatherl.%nd) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions (E&L) LC, Vol. 6, no. 7, JulY 1957. 'Uncl. Page 79 I'IJRG'ICT,G., dr.F BSRCtJ,G.0 dr.; DIMITMuCU, dr.; CRAIS'-'NG, Ce , dXV . -,-.w The familial. fw3tor in Marfants SYndrome ( Apropos of 9 cases observed In 3 ge:qeratims of the same f,,unily), Med. *'Antg-.-,i. (BuCur.) 3-6 no.110,367-1-375 N ll-~4 u 1. IIlc.--Iire efec",luate Lr, Sectla da Interne a '*)'tc'"!ul i Rimnicii 3arat. I FIPJJ, P.., conf.; DIACONESCUP M., dr.; CRISTEA, M., dr.; G"IRGA41TIEGHEA, Adina, dr.; CRIST23, lulia Various stomatological aspects o-- rickets in preschool children. Stomatologia (Ricur) 12 no.2:1~9 .148 Mr-Ap'65. 1. laicrare efectuat4i in Clinice. de stomatologie infantilft Institut-almc-4ico-fii.rmaceutic, Bucuresti (seful clinicii: conf. P. Firu). GUIV,j G. -ftm~f Considerations on the characteristico of decomposition of acetylene, Rev ohimie Min petr 13 noo22.-729-734 D ;62. GRAD$ C., ing, Application and calculation of vortex-breaking etirrer of ths) lbaulder type. Rev chimie Min petr 12 no.10:609-613 0 161. Q8kW,-jMU COMISSIONERUp B. , jo!f . Fwuatiori of pgcunitwy accumulations and their utilizaticin fOr thO development of teelmical and v#terial bases of socialisiri- Prohleme acan 15 rto.12:166-1131 D '62. 1. Adjunct al Ministrului, Fianatelor (f6r Craiu). CRAIU, 0. Road to the d(ivelopsent of amateur-radio work. Tr. from the RumaAian. p. 12. (RADIO X TELEAUZIIA, vol. 6, no. 6, 1957, Sofia, Bulgaria.) SO; Mmthly List of East Vuropean Accessions (EEAL) IZ, Vol. 6, no. 12, Decenber 1957 Uncl. NITESOU, I.I... prof.; qMIU Rodica; WASSERMANN, N. Cyanides iind anti-eyamides. The action of sodium tetrathionate as an antillote in hydrooyanic poisoning. Rumanian M Rev. no.1:203-203 Ja-Mr 161. 1. Laboratory of Phva iology of tlp Medicophamaceuticial Institute, Bucharest. (HYDROCKANIC LCID tD3deology) (CYANIDES antagonists) PG6ffR'fffr- "SR, u M a ~CATZDQRY s ABS*""J(M!, I SZMdM it 1960j, NOO 19?24 ATJTPM Craiu, V., A.nghel, P., and Burnei, M. I MT. Not giVen- The Production of Sorbitol by the Electrulytic Reduction of Glucose MIG. Rev Chim, % No 7-8, 447-450 (1958) JABSTRACT 2 The electrolytic process for the production of sorbitolhas been investigated. A flow siieet for the procest; is given and conditions for its opera.. tion are doscribed. The effect of the nature of the cathodo, temperature, and current dencity on current efl-,*Iciency and yield of product has bee'"I investigated. Optimum reduction conditions have been detertained, a:ssurring 50-60% current efficien cies and 98% product yields. The advantage of the electrolytic process for the production of sorbi- CARD& 1/2 85ITL R/0031601,0111007,10011003 A 1 25/AO26 AUTHOM Cilusaru, ., Engineer!, Craiu, Viorica., Engineerr Anahel, ~x!la, gineer, Candidate of Technical S-of-ences ,rITIE.* On the Electrolytic Production of Metallic Titanlum*~ PERIODICAL. Revista de Chimie, 1960, Vol. 11, No. 7, PP., 384 - 390 Irm: Subject article deals with the electrolytic pr-~duction of titanium. First, the autbors present a brief historical review on varAous methods of elec- trolysis, i.e., the electrolysis of molten oxides, tho elect.rolysis of molten 4- 1 titanium halogenes, iuid the electrolysis of molten titanates, and list J e fol- lowing scientists, who were. erigae-d In the developmen 1. of one or the other Retth- od,. Borchers and Huppertzl; Skliarenko and Llpkes (Rcf. 3)~ Sibert, McKaniia, Steinberg and Wainer, Hatschek (Ref. 2); Kratky and Bruchner~ Fischer and. Dorsch; Cordner and Worner,, Ckada and Kawan--?,, Topinka and hiB co-workers~, Burgess and Roterts; Brenner and. SEtnderoffil Steinberg, Carlton and Wainer (Ref. 12). The last four iscientists conducted a detailed study on the electroly2is of potassium fluotitana-be (Ref. 12). Z:Iubject experimenti; refer to the prc~du~tlor. of metallic titanium by the electT-olysis of potaasium fluotitanate, dissolved in Card 1/3 85171 R/003/60/01 1/007AKI 1/003 On the Electrolytic Production of Metallic Titanium A125/AO26 sodium chlorido molten in a proteeUve atmosphere of a,rgc,n (K2TiF6 - NaCl)~ The laboratory apparatus conelsts ofz ft) the argor. Purifying installanon, iLn61 b) the electrolysis cell. The argon purifying Installation is used for the removal of mxious impurities, i.e., oxygeni, nitrogen and water. The e;ectrelysie oell consists of the cell~ltself and the heating f'jrnace. The operation tempereAure ranged frt~m MOC to B200C, witq '7601C as the most efficient temperature. The current intensity varied from 10 to 30 amp, and the current density from 1X to 750 amp/&?-. The voltage on thi plugs of the cell "as 5 - 6 v. Table 1 pre,,:ents the values of tJ2e intA~nsity and vollage in fw~ctlon of the time,. The electroly- sis procedure lasted :1 - 2 h and Uhet cooling procedure 2 h, The dep6sited tita- nium was introduced into distilled viater of 6DOC maximum, w]nere the iall. cc.rtenl. of the deposed ioetal itas dissolved. Th-, drying was performed in a vacnaum at a temperature lower than 600C. Coa~~, oxygen, and iron an-.- impurities which are present In largor quantities, Reftrence is made to th-? source of the-re impurl- ties and to sonxi methcds of them. The "Debyegram' (Fig. 8 *) perf cxtned on a laboratory sample shows that thIs sample has par-wasters which are very indicated in te-~h- close to trie parameters of a prcduct with a purity -:,,f (?9,Q% nical literature.. Table 3 prescnts sow values compute-d on the basis of the "Debyegrad' and compared with someet values of usual titanium and 99-9% pure tita- Card V3 135471 R/003/60/011/007/001/003 On the Eloctrdlytic Production of Metallic Titanium A125/AO26 nium, respectivrly. The current efficiency during the electrotysis varied bel- tween 45 and 75%, and the power consumption was around 26 kwh/kg of titardusm, There are 4 figures, 5 photos, 1 set of photos, 3 tables and 12 referencess 5 Soviet, I Rumanian, 4 English, 1 German and 1 Hungarian. Card 3/3 R/003/60/011/009/00-1/002 0.10ZI51 1V%7 A125/AO26 AMIORS: Craiu, Viorica; 1,n&el, Paula; C~lusaru, A.,- - Engineers TITLE:. ftectrolytre"T"i6duction of Zirconium Metal PERIODICAL: Revista de Chimie, 1,S16O, Vol. 11, No. 9, PP. 509 - 514 TFM : Subject ax~;iole deals with the metbod of electrolyFila for "'be pr,-- duction of Fure zirconium metal.. its production was studied by Troost;- Ma:rden and Rich; Driggs and L:11liendzhl.; Kroll and assistantsz Steinberg and assis-t- ants (Ref. 2): Creamer, Chambergi and White; Raynes, Thelleman, Steinberg and Wainer (Ref. 3); Arichieux and Dgiuphin; and Chauvin, Coriou and Hur6 (Ref. 4"; , 5) the etuthors published some experimental data -n !t - In a previous work (Ref electrolytic deposition of titanium metal. The data presented in sub3e~~t were obtained In -the sane apparatus (Figs. 1 and 2). The experimental prr,cedure is based on the electrolysis of' potassium fluo-zirconate, dissolved in molten so- dium chloride. The authors studied the Influence of the following para-meterS -n the efficiency of substEaice and.current., a) current, density; b) temreraturel~ c) composition of the electrolyteq d) electrolysis time, e) shape of. the -_~ath- ode, and f) nature of ibe cathod4te. a) 7-he current, density has a somplex infi_u- Card 1/3 85172 fV003160101110091001/D.-C. Electrolytic Productior,of Zirconium Metal A125/A026 ence depending on the interval of the current density at which the work ilss p,;r. formed, on the dimensicns and the shaPe of the cell and on "he dimensions c~f t~lle- cathode. A high currert densitir proved to be advantagrsou,-~ (Table 1). b) 1nf1'.1- ence of temperature (Table 2)., A temperature of 80,00C. ropresents: a minimam va.1- ue. By increasing it to 8500C, the deposition procedure is improved. Above this temperature, the Nariationa are smaller. Thus, 8500C are the maxinTam limlt- c) Influence of the conposition of the electr.,-11-yu (Table 3).' Practj,al-y, :I!. proved to be advantagecus to select a ratio of K-,7,rF6/NaC1 eqi~al to 1/2'.. d) lia- fluence of the electrolysis time fTable I-): The most advantageous electrolysis time was found to be 2 - 2.5 h. e) Shape of the cathcedez (Table 6); Only cy-.- 'indrical and trnmeated. cone-shaped cathodes were teeted; but they pr,--~ved !,-- identical in their efficiency. f) Nature of the cathodes,, With regard ~1, T.";e current efficiency, the! nature of the cathodes has no influence on -rbe prccc-d-ir"e. but influences the purity of tho product. Steel and graphate cathodes have hZEn excluded. Comparing a "UA" cathode with a nicked- cathrz~de, the iron cl-~ntent Zf the zirconium produced was by 0.5% higher in care of the '.V2A" cathode. Molyb- denum cathcdes are too expensivi~. The electro2ytlo zirconium was analysed trographica-71y to establish the content of Cr, (7u, Min. Sn., Al, Si~ Fe and Hf. Ni and Cla c!ould not be found. The spectnDgraphical analysis waE~ acc,:"mpliz-hed Card 2/3 85172 R/003/6Q/01 1/00-9/001 /002, Electrolytic Production of Zirconium Metal A12.5/AO26 together with the Physicist M, Sterghiu. The iron content of abou-, 0.1% was I--- varately dettermined by chemical analysis. It is possibly due to tle litl- ing cf the electrolytic cell. The content of haffniun, being approxvrmts.lly 0~011~ does not modify the properties of zirconium. After an X-ray examiniOl-icn., Sa.- ecus impurities were found. Table 7 presents the Debyegrams perfortr'-ed by tbe Physicist A. Cioc~nel. There are 7 tables, 2 photographs and 9 referen,~es, Soviet, I Rumanian, 2 'English., 1, French and 1 Hungarian. 3t/3 27000 R/003/61/012/003/001/004 2L) Do D238/D302 AUTHORS: Niederkorn, I.,Engineer, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Creanga, 0., Entrineer, Craifi-I V., Engineer, Burnei, M. and Nicu, I., A~ngineers TITLE: Manufacture of high-purity Si by means of the SiJ 4. method PERIODICAL- Revista de chiintie, v. 12, no. 3, 1961, 137-143 TEXT: The aim of this work is to provide the necessary technological data for producing transistor grade Si. The SiJ 4 method was chosen be- cause of the efficient means available for purifying the intermediate. Specifically, this method comprises 3 steps: (a) Synthesis of SiJ 4. 12 (99.8% pure) and Si(99.9% pure, obiained by treating a commercial grade with HCl and HCl/HF) were directly combined in a laboratory scale apparatus similar to that of G.J. Szekely (Ref. 1: J. Electrochem. Soc. 1957, v. 104, 663). It consisted of a quartz J 2 boiler, a vertical Card 1/5 27000 R/003/61/012/003/001/004 Manufacture of high-purity... D238/D302 synthesis tube (juartz) and a SW 4 receiver. The J 2 vapors were produced by argon which was previously purified by passing it over CaH 2 at 3500C. CuO at 6500C, Ng(CIO 4)2 and P205 and finally over glass spheres coated with silicon grease. The same installation was used also on a larger scale. The influence of temperature on purity and yield of SiJ 4 was in- vestigated at 500-900 0C, using 'a charge of 100 g of J2heated to 190OC; 230g of Si packed in a column of 20 cm; 15 1/hr of argon; and a duration Of synthesis of 2 hours. The optimum, attained at 700 0C gave a yield of 98.8% of Sij4 analyzing 5ol6% Si,---110-3% Ca, Al and no Ti, Fe, Cu. The beat J2/Si ratio at this temperature was found by varying separately the temperature of the J 2 boiler and the height of the Si column. The optimum combination was found to be 1900C and 20 em respectively. (b) Purification Of SiJ4 - (1) The crystallization Of SiJ4 from n-heptane, using an 8-fold molar excess of solvent, proved satisfactory LAbstractor's note: Card 2/5 27000 R/003/61/012/003/001/004 Manufacture'of high-purity... D238/D302 Nature of the amelioration not clearly stated 1 (2) Alternatively, SO 4 was purifie&by distillation in ag inert atmosphere. The charge of 2 kg heated in an air bath at 315 C, was distilled by means of a heated column made of quartz 1600 nui high and 30 mm wide, filled with Mo wire and pr8vided with a magnetic reflux regulator. At a column temperature of 305 C a reflux ratio of 1/3 to 1/5 and al fractionation efficiency of 10 theoretical plates, a product was obtained, the middle fraction (60%) of which contains only 10-8% B and 10-4% Ca. The residue con_ tained up to 10-2% B. This enrichment is probably due to the formation of B-complexes. (c) Thermal d.e"mposition of SiJ4 in vacuo. SiJ 4 was charged through a side-arm into a I lit. quartz vessel heated by an oil bath. The vapors of SiJ 4 passed int o a horizontal "suprasil" quartz tube, protected by another quartz tube and heated to 10500C. Silicon is compactly deposited on the "suprasil" tubes while the J 2 vapors are subsequently trapped. The whole system was evacuated to 5.10-5 - 1.10-5 Card 3/5 270M R/003/6:L/012/003/001/004 Manufacture of high-purity**. D238/D302 Torr. Table 7 shows the relation of the yield of decomposition to the consumption of Sij 4* A spectrally pure Si is obtained. Activation analysis showed up to 10 -5 oJr As, and Si from previously crystallized material contained only 10 8% of B. There are 6 figures, 7 tables and 3 references: I Soviet-bloc and 2 non-Soviet-bloc. The references to the English-language publicatiions read as follown: G. Szekely, J. Electrochemical Soc. 1957, nr,, 11, vol 104, p 663; Lifton, F.B. Anderseng H.C. J.-'Electrochemical Soc. 1954, nr. 6, vol. 101, p.287; 1951. vol. 98, p.488* Card 4/5 (For Table 7 see next card) NIEDERKORN, I.; CRAJU, Viorica;; NICU, iuiia Advanced purification :of silicon tetraiodide. Rev chimie Min Petr 13 no..11:648-.652 N '620 On the Conservation of the Energy.,In a Hadiin With an Electromagnetic- Viscoed Rosman AlMo; et Ciamaflue. Rade. Sur l-ac-o--n-!*i-e--r--i vetiff-f-ie-hiergie ditus-l-e-s-m-Mffu-x-rv-LcWitillectromag- nitique. Bul. Inst. Politehn. 14i (N.S.) 2(6) (1956). 49-52. (Romanian. Russian and French summaries) CIORASCU,, F.; CRAMAMUC9 R.; CROITORUt M.; CROITOW, P.; IONESCU, D, Electrostatic generator vith band. Studii cere fis 11 no-4:1033-1041 160. (Ew 1088) 1. Institutul do fizica atomica, Bacureati. 2.Comitetul do redactie, Studil si cercetarl. do fisica, redactor responsabil adjunct (for Cioramou). (Electrostatic renerators) JAMUSEKp inz.; BAIR-IGAIRTL, inz.; CRMIDE, inz. Dust removal from fumes in the electric power plant in Opatovice, Energetika Cz 11 no.10:499-500 6 161. 1. Clenove komplexn:L brigady zavodni odbocky Ceskoslovenske vedecko- tecbnicke spolecnostis, Elektrarna Opatovice L" 71 83Forostry, General Probl*mx. AM. JPW, k UhSlblij 103; 4129SP, W. 15453 D. A%Iram, Chr.3 Caman, W.; 0 'Chirita Cons t.; I"T. , A..d.S. .s-, " "Y' "11= lInveltisation and Mapping of Yorost labitats, M06 M16 041 Otitut. A9.4. AJIR. R.0. Idol. ol etiAmt, otlit'. 11156. 6. W.A. 847-86% Immm Me number of basic taxoncid-o units noroomAry for the JaPpIng of types o: habitat a--* ox- platatd, sx4 criteria axe girecL for the dator- i I W claosifiastion of habitats. a "t" ,,,b-~- or "PRog are orrerea with an totimaw "".br of comrole texonomic unitik taken in Ru- man, a. Regulta of sapping are considered for surface* Of -10 thousand hectares In the rastern Carpobis", "a " scoLarical ma"is tot proson~ t&4 for typas of babitat in this region. - I.T. l4immalov boost P Cravlat, V,z 31alureanu, G.; Bloolov Of . NEW CRZ'NARU I N. Inoxidable steela containing nitrogen. p. 7. TEHNICA NOUA. (Asociatia Stiintifica a Inginerilor si Tehnicienilor) Ducuresti. Vol. 3, No. 36, Feb. 1956. So. East European Accessions List Vol.,5, No. 9 September, 1956 CIMUIRU, N. The use of oxygen in siderugy. p. 8. (T-3KNIGk NOUA. UFANU. Vol. 3. no. 57. July 1956- ) SO: Monthly List of Has!~ European Accessions (KUL) W. Vol. 6, no. 7, July 1957- Un-.-l. f SUIUM-2, Given Names cmntry: Rumania Aentlemic Degreest AMMationt -not given sowee: Buoherest, FA=sAL&I Vol IX, No 99 Sep 1961, pp. 563-571- D&US "On the Extracitive Bo2utiona Inoludad In the 7th 3dibion of the Rumanian Ph.arriaeopobia and Suggestlone fbr the Next Pharmaoopoela. Authors: -12AMAG INWRI 1Z.Fharmaoist 4P4 -981~143