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- RUMANIA/magnetian - Ferrites and F-errimagnetism F-6
Abe Jour : Ref Zhur - Fizikaj No 81 19551 No 182o5
characteristics of the initial nickel ferrite. They have
noted tentatively a consid4rubla variation in the nagnetic
properties of the copper ferrite iia mixed ferrites wWch
are rich in copper, as a fumAion of the residual porosity.
Card : :2/2
RLWANIA/MnLpetisin - Ferrites and Ferrimtpietisn. F
Abs Jour : Ref 71-iur Fizika, No 10, 1959, 22841
Author : Labiisca, Eleiz; Constantinescu, Florica
Inest :
Title : ChanGe in the Magietic Properties )of Mixed Cu Flus Vi
Ferrites as a Finiction of the Relative Contents of the
Copper Ferrite and the Nickel Ferrite
OriL* Pub : Rev. phys. Acad. RFR, 1.958, ';1, i1o 2, 141-150
Abstract : An investiLption was =ide of the s3mtem of mixed Cu-Ni-Zn
ferrites. The extreme points were chasen to be those of
Cu-Zn. ferrite vith a composition 2($ NO, 30~ ZnO ana
50% Fe203' which has a rnrpetic permeability approxirnte-
1Y 500 - 700 and losseu of approxinately 0.1 - 0.2, and
of a nickel-zinc ferrite vit1h coulpsition 15% NiO, 35%
ZnO, and 50% Fe 0 with an approxinate permeability of
4o and losses 01 4proximtely 0.001 - 0.002. It was es-
tablished. that the mg2etic properties of the ferrites
Card 1/2
- 51) -
RUKIUIIA/HxGmetisri - Ferrites and Ferr,"Lmpetisz. F
Abs Jour Ref Zhur Fizika, No 10, 1959, 22841
of the intermediate coqpsition chanGe in a monotonic
manner, Data are also (;iven on the influe.,,me of I?or:)-
sity on the perueabilitY of the inwstipted ferrites.
-- Ye.Z. Mzelf
Card 2/2
ABS. JOUR. : iZithiM-, Zos 21 195), "iof 75,501
Cont5tantlnq Cataiu, E., and Ornstrat, L.
T P.-e 1,. '-. Experimental Studies an the Froduction of Soft
Magnetic Ferrites
ORIG. PUB. Rev Chim, 9, No 7-8, 391-393, Discussion 393
t.BSTRACT The 3uthOrS Dresent results from experiments on
the productioa rf rasipiatic ferrites (MY)for fil-
ter cho-ices ueed in te'.Iephone com.tunic-ations in
the frequency range 8-100 ka. Tjie effect of the
chemical composition and degree of purity of
the starting material,, izr, uniformity, type of
thermal treatment ancl of the atmoavhere of the
furte-ce in which the treatment it: carried out on
tht magnetoelectric properties of the Mg-Zn and
Ni-Zn HF have beep investigated. The beat
CAPJ): 1/3
LF 3 T .
T H"U]
A 331 T RAT
RZKh1m., NO. 21
1959, No.
:results were obtained with Xi-Zn a, the permea-
bility of which attainod 1,000,/A. It has been
found that M' of identical composi.tion can exhibit
different characteristics dependi-ig on the type
of process used. The contact sur?ace between the
oxide particles plays si decisive ole. The spe-
cific surface area of the powdersivas found to be
an objective parameter which perm~'.ts the evalua-
tion of the activity of' the mater.'.als used.
Measuremonts of the specific surfixe area, made
CA';',D: 2/3
(11 R
..;ja I
7 -j 7
CARD, 3/3
~!l 1939,
with a rluorometer, have ahown that its value
varies for the different powders,d!?pending on
the processing to which they have ~)een subjected,
within the limits 5,OCKI-12,000 CmI,!gm. Mechani-
Cal raixing of the oxide powders as,:iures.uniform-
ity of the mixtures, arid its use i.:i therefore
recommended in place of' the hereto.1"ore used
thermal decomposition of mixtures of sulfates.
Ya. Ma'~.Iis
CONSTANTINESQ, F-; CALUGAREANU, G... acad. pro .; GHIKA, A., acad. prof.;
ANGHELUTA, TH., prof. dr. CLIMSGII, I.., prof. dr.
Contributions tn the elementary thoory oP genbralized functions.
Studl Univ B-B S. Math-Phys 9 no.ZA42-W 161.
1. "Babes-Bolyai" University, Cluj (for G'alugm,eanu) 2. University
of Bucharest (for Ghika) . 3. Polythechnic In3lAtutei-i Oftaffor
Angholuta) - 4. Polythechnic Institute, lasi (Olimesuu).
Relations between the coefficient of two polyncv~jals whose roots
soparate. Gas pro pest mat 89 no.1:1-4 F 1,441.
1. InsUtate of T4chnology, Cluj, Str.Amurg, No,10, Rumania.
Submitted November 2, 196o.
L 37984-66
ACC NR: AP60268?3 SOURCE CODE: RUJO022/66/OU/002/0057/oo66,
AWHORS Friscu., Radu (Engineor); Constantinescu, Florin (Engineer)
ORO: Hydropowor stud.,r and Plann~Lng Institute (InstituttLI do studil si prolectari
TITLE: Secul-Resita buttress daim
SOURCE: Hidrotehnica , goapDdarl,;rea apelor, mateorologia, Y, 3-1, no. 2, 1966, 57-M
TOPIC TAGS: waterway engineering, geology
ABSTRACT: The authors discuss the Secul-Resita dam, built irt 1961-63 to increase the
repilated flow of the Birzava River and restrict its m2xinum discharges. After dis-
cussing the geological characteristics of the area, the aul%cirs describe the construe-
tion elements and design solutions used as wel.1 as the actual. execution of the project
Orig. art. has: 11 figures and 4 tables. /A-ased on author-s' Eng. 2bstract7
/1PRS: 36,4527
SUB CODE - 13, 08 /SUEH DAM -Nov65 / ORIG REF: 001
ACC K% AP6029591 SOURCE CCIDE: 10/0022/66/011/004/0177/0183
AUTHCR: Priscu, Radu (Engineer; Specialist); Petcul Andreea (Engineer; Designer);
Constantinescu, Florin (Engineer; Designer)
CRG.* Hydropower Study and Planning Institute (Inetitutul de studii si proiectari.
TITLE: Behavior of the Secul-Resita Dam in the firtit two y)ars of operation
SOURCE: Hidrotahnica, goapodarirea apalor, meteorologia, v. 11, no. 4, 1966j 177-183
.TOPIC TAGS: waterway engineering, concrete
ABSTRACT: The aithors describe the measuring apparatus installed at the Secul-Resita
buttress dam and present the results of the measurements taken during the first two
years of operation of the dam. The factors observed are: evolution of temperatures
in the concrete, amount and distribution of subpressure, cL-LBplacement of building
blocks in the crest, and opening of the contraction Joints. Origo art. has;
8 figures. [Based on authors? Ehg. abstol [JPRS: 36,8410
SUB CODE: 13 / SUBM DATE: -Dec65
I.ill /`1
pi-of. dl-- ii
PAVF~j V~i i NE Fl. ing.
Imp worke on the -uXee catirm of the
haolk" -dav
fl ca 6 zo.54153~10 Y~r 161.
- -- --l-1-
Fixation of a variable in a distributionof two variables.
Studii cerc mat 15 no. 5t653-659 164.
il-"- t
ance-_ a
- "0
Ay.-, env
d 61
stu- W
PI _a__rlA6ibf
;,"Ji -"c 6i,abi witi'*.of tit
at!) ol -:test 61116 0
ict 6R~ on be basl
fmi `-~ma ,t, bat'-thei--i 8
r. 9 ng. so ca -tual e-
rLMESCU, V., Colonel, Medical Corps; CONSTANTM&C-U...Z., Colonel,
Medical Corps, Dr. in Medical Sciences; a-nTT_APMGA, M., Lieutenant-
Colonel, Medical Corps.
"Considerations on the Funzal Infection of the Exs"
Bucharest, Revista Sanitara Militara., Vol. 62, No. 3, r.~hy-june 1966;
pp 579-582
Abstract: Of 27 patients in 15 months, 7 were mc-n, 16 women and 4 child-
ren a.ged 6to 15; all of than had chronic otitis cxterna and media re-
veale.d to be due to Eunsi: culture showed Aspergillus niger in 21, A.
fumigatus in 3, .16. flavus in 2, Candida albicans --,'n 1 ok' the children.
Nystatin and older-type dye treatment was generally quite successful.
Hanuscript received 2 October 1965.
64 -
*Aooldental and per?aanept eiTors in the measurement of horizontal and sloping disiAno".0
p. 26. (Rev;ista Padurflor, Vol* 67v No* 9j, Sept* 1952t Buaureati),
S03 ftt= List If Beat IMMgA AMAL12M, Vol. 3, No.2 Library of Congress Fab !i/+ Unol
CONSTANT-11MOU Gr**_OT11&NU, Rodica
=s to the study on rutoside determination. 1. 17iiantitative
microdetermination of rutoside and qLarcetol in the presence of both
substances. Ile qmntitFktive maqro- and microdetermination of rutosido
in Thgopyrus opt Rumanian Me Rev. 1 no.3.-81-82 July-SePt 571.
(VITAMIN P, determ.
rutin A quercetol in presence of both substances, technic)
(VITAMIN P, determ,
ratin in Pagopyrum, quantitative micro- & macrodeterm.)
Experimental studies on some steam ejectors. Bul St si Tehn
Tim 7:139-3.49 162o
RUMANIA Cultivated P3antea Fruite,, Berries,,
Abe Jour Pef Zhur - Biologlar, No 13, 195t,, No. 58764
Author sou .0,; Oshlobyanh, 14
Inst t Rumanian Agro IDOW tute,
Titlo Thecries donc*rdbd diven Pruzdqi;-Pihoh1r4g aid Nipping
Of the vine
Orig Pub Biol. Zh. Akad. RM, 10, 1, No 2j, 187-194
Abstract Observations conducted by the Sc4lientific Research
Agronomical Institute in various regions of RPR in
1949-1953 showed that the APPOMWO of embrYw of
racemos on the sprout does not ctuse an intersive,
consumption ct assimilation prodtots befcre blooming.
The growth slows up vith the bee!mnirg of blooming.
The greatest amount of withering avay of buds talms
place during the budding phase a:- at the beginning of
the phase when the flowers open. Nipping, carried out
Card 1/3
RUMAM CUltivatecl MA'ats - Tzui:ta, BetTies i X-7
Abri Jour :.9ef Zhut Ziologlya., No 130; 203, No- 58764
antasiatica Negrul), pin&ing inan absolute nbeessity.
The yield imrezwnt44in this case is 9,1-9'04~i
1. KO Fortumatov
Card 3/3
RUMANTA/Cultivated Plants Fruits. Berrii,z.
Abe Jour
Orig Pub
Ref Zhur - Biol,
., No 40 1918~ 15783
Q. Konstantinesku., M. Oshlobyanu
The Grafting and Pinching Out of Grape Vines,
(Prishchipyvaniye i chekanJin vinogradnoy lozy).
Gradina, via si livada., 191i6. 5P No 51 35-38-
Abstract Tests were conducted in 1949-1953 at 6 viticulturai
centers* The grafting vas done before florescence,,
during the flowering time,, on 2-3 days before the ber-
rice ripening began and in the period of termination
of shoot growth with 2., 31 6 and 8 leaves, The pin-
ebing out was performed in.the middle of the flowering
period on the second-third. day after the flowers dropped
off., up to the period of tarry ripening and in the
period of shoot growth termination., with 5: 10 and 15
leaves. It is recommended, that shoot grafting be done
Card 1/2
HUMNIA/General Biology - Genetics. B-6
Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Biol., No 15, 1918, 66782
Author Constantinescu, G., Negmam-,i, E.
Inst AcademW RPR
Title The Appearance of Waw Peattiros in Orapes Under the
Influence of a Mentoz, - "Pcdvoyllo
Crig PUb Bul, stiint. Acad. RER, Sev. biol, si stiinte agric.,
!956, 8, No 3, 657-666
Abstract Young hybrid grape seedlinj,m were grafted to old vin0s.
Mie grafted seedlings prodmed grapes with a different,
average weight, sugar contont, acidity, color and taste.
In most cases the differenl:!e was a larger growth and
bigger fruits that had an ncrease in their sugar con-
tent. The grapes were fomd to change in color froz
black to pink and from bla~~ik to vhite. One of the root
Card 1/2
RUMAMA/General Biology - Genetics B-6
Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Biol., No 15, 19!'8, 66782
hybrids first yielded black grapes and later on, vhite
ones. When grafted to wild grape, it again produced
black grapes. As a result of this type of grafting to
wild stock, the flavor of gmpes has been greatly improwd.
Card 2/2
- 13 -
Cowrtxf Rumania
Abii. Jow. REF ZHUR-Bj0L.,21,1958,NO-96biO
Alx~lv-:- Constantir.--asou Gh P~onuruj.
.,I eas. Tr' a T. Ag ronon!
Nj)w C"J4-grill in Appjyjj:g Prt~limlnnry (ontrols in
Mripim-Ing Grape Vin,3a.
Orig, ?Vb. ~In- Imut, corcetRrl agron., 1956, 23, NO-4, 343-
'wti~e almle t;.t the VI.ticultural experi-
I station of thu -:JTnsi;Ituto c,'0' Agronony in
M~nta k -
1950-1953 with tho dry tximming of grape vin 5 in
oxdu',, to estabUsh the optinum number of buds to
l0tt oa thi., vine. TO eveluato the experimentall
T-Andi.ngs indices of eqiAlibr-11m, self -reganorationj
and safety war6 establ:;,shed. At the Murfatlar
Station in Constant-a Region during
tln e) (I J prunjilL? of Sh-a-,doile variety con- I
taining 14.13 -65.88 10'1d!:~ DOZ 1 Vine, eozprising
Curd: 1/3
A132. REF ZHUR-BIOL..21,1958,NO-96160
OrtLg. Dab.
b tr C t- :46.6-2*11,0.71%, the Snfa-i-y index drooped from 9.23
- A
to 1. N. The safety Lidex vdroppud from 2.58 to
1.63% at Iralyn Keiuguz-jaske 7,3~erimantil Station
Vien tile Mw,~oi,', Ottono:~~ vRriety dr,'.)ppod from 100
to 196.9~t. XQdobe~t -:,xpePIIti6ntnI Station when
the Riesling variety w-~ts load d with from 57.7 to
129.9 buds, corpriaing 100.0-233.2%, the safety
indaz wns ~-50-3.75 (a")ovo the biolojical equ b-
rium limit). The appIJ!,cation of the equilibrium,
salf-ragoneration and i:i-afety in ices ag,a checill
d k in
Card: 2/3
Country m
Abe. T01li- ;REF ZHUR-810L..21,1958,NO-W.150
Abr,tmct pruning makes It nossllbls 41.0 discovur 'whatevar
u~rors ha-re been mada and eiiluiratq these in
subscauent, work.--'J'.K, Fortunatov
MWONIA/Cultivated. Plants. Fruit ':,~riaes. Snall Fruit Plants. M
Abs Jour'. Ref Zhlw-Biol,, No 17, 1958, 7T,361-
Author Motoc, Mircea.
Title Use of Hilly Localitiet fDr Cultivation of Grapevines
in Bumania.
Orig Pub: Gradina, via si livada, 1957, 6, No 7, 1-9-
Abstract: Highest quality dzy, tuid in particular natural,
sweet and semi-sweet v.!xies ean be obtained in
Rumania only in hilly .:.ocalities. In these
conditions table grnpe!~ take lcn&r to ripen,
do not suffer from fmite and E;rey rot and are
noted for high cotne=ial qualities. Protection
of slopes frm erosion, construction of terraces
on sharp slopes, distribtrtion of raws across
Card 1/2
MWM/Cultivated Planti - Pratt Tvie6e'i Srmll, Pruit Pl=ts - M
I . Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Diol., No 17, 19,58, 77861.
the slopes and others are part of the difficulty
of assimilating hilly localitlea into m1tivation
of gmpevines. A sum:mxy of the- anti-erosion
measures are cited in the org=Lzation of the hilly
0 territory und r grapevines. -- P. Xh. Kiskin.
Card : 2/2
R&AYWCultivated Plants. FI%dts- Berries, M
Abe jow,-~-ftf Zhur-Biol., No 5, 1958, 2D533.
--Author : G. Konstantineskup L. Velyanu., I,, Poy4wxu.
Inst : Rot given.
Title : The Stocks Used in Grape Cultureti in the Mranian People's
Republic, and Their Effects on tl:e Adaptability of Grafts,
Productivity and Longevity of t1a, Plantings. (Podvoi,
primenyayerM pri kLLI'ture vinol;Xada v IM,, i ikh vliyaniye
na prizhivayemost' privivok, urwbaywstl i dolgovechnost'
Orig Pub: Bul. ptiint. Acad. RPR. Sec. bio.'I.. pi ptiinte agric., 1956,
8, No 2, 329-338.
Abstract: Resulting from navy years of exp-rien,:9 andresearch at
Odobepti, Murfatlar and Dragapanii vit,~cultixml stations
under many soil and climatic conlitims premlent in
Card 1/3
'RUMALITTAI/Cultivated Plants. Fzuits. Berrics.
Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 5, 1958j. 20.1113-
the Rumanian-.People!b.liipublicj,:,the,following stockf;
ilid Chas' -3.~ai,i-~irlatiadey~ii43j�ia~cba-.
have been stud e se
racterized by -its. weak adaptaW Z_Ity to a, graft, altliough it
provides a rich and'hardy Aeli'l and the.greatest longevity
of gmpe vines, and is recomwided for nearly all the soils
of the grape raising districts, "of the RP.R. The Teleki 8B,
Kober 5BB, Berlandiyeri-X Ri*~Iya,, Krechunel 2 are
chearacterized by their high dei; adaptabilityvith
grafts, high yielding capacity'and.the.longevity of itc
Vines- is . reco=uendable.'- for.all Vine distrdets of the FiPR.
The Ripariya X Rupestris _101-11i, 3306, 3309, Mmvedr X
Rupestris 1202 stocks-are not .4,1calizatizable to R=anian
climatic conditions. The Ripwlya Gluar stocks show a
high percentage of - graft adapt!~tionj but aving to their
short livedness and smal I Yie-I-Aing capacity of, grale
Card 2/3
Studiul insusirilor tehnologice ale soiurilor de vita roditoare.
Bucuresti, Rumania - 1957 (Academla Republicii Populare Romine.
Institutul de Cercetari Agro;iomice. Tratate, monografii, nr. 8)
Monthly list of East European Accessions (EEKI) LC Vol.8, No. 6, June 1959
RUMANIA/Cultivated Plants q. Fruits a Derries o ip6
Abe Jour : Ref Zhur - Biol., No 7, 1958, 30069
Author : Constantinescu, Gh.
Inst : The Acricultural Institute in Dticharest.
Title : The Use of a Mentor (:n the Grapevine by Mee= of a Double
Green Graft.
Orig Pub : Anua rul lusrar, sti:lmt. Inst. agron., 1957, 159-166
(Rum*; rese Russo,
Abstract Experiments made by -%e department of viticulture of the
ACg7icultural Institute in Bucharest have shown that the
use of a mentor as o stock and second graft, grafted on-
to the insert cuttin.3 of a hybrid gives the best results.
The mentor effects a mdification of the mrphological
and bioloGdcal properties of the hybrids.
Card 1/1
RUMANIA/Cultivated Plants - Fruitji, Darrics.
Ab a Jr) Diol-, 10 9, 1953, -'CN317
Author : Cinstantinescu, Mi., Lazarcscu, V.
J. Lbonaru., 1.
List : 4%-!Tonomical L-Istitute.
Title : '.Fie Datarzdnation of -Lic D.-.*'t-.a of Grape Dloscamini-, 7)y the
Qwmitity of Leaves and the Lent_-Lb of the Sprouts.
Ori,,,* Pub Gradim, via si liliaOai 1957, 6, NO 5, 32-36.
Abstract It vas found t-hroA1.4.,- kade by the A~:xmimiical
. UCIjaroS-L -OV;~
Inst~t to, that in the
L tX
fDro[;t Stoppe Of D
cc (1950-1955), baL;1"Miiii of C;rapo blossonin.-, is ftotor-
ninci7l by tbo appow-arce o-' 15-22 leaves (the smalle-'t iarn-
bor apiplics to the Morlot variety mull -the Lzroatust :w:u!)er
was observed on tli,..- Clairutto wid black Kisl-mdsh varie-cdes)-
It is Uso daterniAL,01 by tao devolopront of powcmAill
mprovts 116-166 en lmi~; (166 cu loix? in the case of
Carr! 1/2
Country : Rumania M-
C'AT.-IOGORY 1. 00
A35. JOUR. f RZBiol., k. /?, 19 NO. 372( 7
AUTHOR t Constantiri~scl;j G.; lic-S-roanu, E.
INST. ?--nruny
TITLE Illybri6s for htmrianaan
V inici;lt,,ii e
ORIG. PUB. Bul. stjint. Acad. lfffi. Dec. blol. ~Sj.
stiint- a,ric. Ser. a-ron., 1,5-17
AB3TRACT d s ctirducted by the lown-ani-an -caiemy of
o'. grape livbr:'.(I,: produced during
tj-,~!t ~,i nv;ibe,-- of tl,c~m'-c,s~,.ess v~:,111--tble chai,~ic-
..-n hylbi,id-" W valu-able varieties li--,ving,
furctlonally feriale typ: of f7owers, there have lbeen
-e a -ncrna' struct'are of self-
, - ') - --I -a. k, - %, L
fe:-,tllization. nunbor of properties exid chz~rtlcter-
found -...,hich did not exist in any Of the
T-lants. number of c-~rjy mat'wring forms ~,a%re been
1. K. Fortinatcv.
la"A RD
cour-try 'Rumania
'VfLTlV/,,TF.0 n,-ANTS:,F,;IJITS- %--ri0n.
Abs. Jour,- REF Z H UR - B 101, 2 1, 1958, NO-9616
AlAlirr Cons I-antine scu, Glhezasim.,
la--t-It.- it. $ - %,
Ti4a-c I-chdevamanta in liorticulti-Ire alid Vlcj:6uj'tMjve in
tie R"P"R du~JrLp tho Pact Ten Years Foupded on the
Basis Of SOVILet 71perionoe,
Orlg- P-b. !An. ROm.-S307, 5:~r. agrio,, 2957, 13, 110.3, 65,73
Abst;-,;z-, No nbstrant
Card -
Appeqxance of new characters in rapevines duo to the influence of the mentor
stock. In French. P. 103.
REVUE DE BIOLOGIE. JOURNAL OF !,IIOLOGY. (Academia Republioli. Populare Romine)
Buc-aresti, Ibmania. Vol. 3, no.. 1, 1958.
Monthly List of East European Ai.-Ces.,dons (EEAI) IZ, Vol. 8, no. 7, JulY 1959.
, UgWrvations on varlatic,im in grove buds. Agrobiologiia no. 3:139-
141 Yq-Je 25B. (MMA 11:7)
1. Chlon-korrespondent Academil nank PurWaskay Marodnoy Respubliki.
. (Botany--Variation)
PASONO X.; XONSTANTINESKU, 0. [otons tantines cu, _-G. 1; Prinimaii uchastir3:
,M~Ta I -r ITEM ~-M.;
M.; ) . ILIYFSKU,, R. Iliescu, R.1;
GEORGIUl 1.(Gheorghiu, I
Reactivity of the skin iii acute and subacute disorders of cerebral
blood circulation. Naueb, trudy Inst. n,gvr. AMN SSSR no 1:294-
297 160. (MIRA 15:75
1. Yainika nervnykh boloiney Mediko-farmataevticbeskogo insti-
tuta i kollektiv dermatologov Institute, terapii Akademii
Rumynskoy Narodnoy Reaptibliki, Bukharest.
CONSTANTINESCU. Gherasim, pr~)f. dr.
Table grapes* St si Tith Bue 14 no. 7:16-17 Jl 162.
1. Corresponding Member of the Rumanian Academy.
C(INSTANTn=p Gbe., prof* 141,
A new analytic method. ,for rectifybw the limits of agricul-
tural, forestp urbazi-xiningg and oil fiel" Rev. podesis
7 no.4&52-58 163*
1. Inatitutul. de petrolp gave 131 pologiep Wauresti,
On the gluco-acidimetria relation in must of grapes and its
variation depending on quality and the ecologic and geographical
conditions, Comunici!,:rile AR 13 no.10:902-908 0 163.
MORARIU, Tiberiu;S0NPjAXTIKitSC Gherasipa; NEGM-MU, Elena;
"The Guidebook.of Rumimia." NaVra Geogridie 12 no. 6:
141-142 N-D 160.
1. Membru coresponde;it al Academisi R.P.R. Cluj (for Morariu,
Noxious influence of sulfurous (SO and .1103) gases on grapevines
by the cumulative ef.!'eat of the cahon W.Lack. Comunicarile AR .13
no.7-.645-649 J1 163.
1, Institutul agronalic Mcolae, BaleencuR 9i Institutul pol-itehnic.,
CONSTANTINESCU, Gherasim, acitd.; DONEAUD, Andrel.; DAAGOMIF~ Ellena.
Determination of the Aoclimatio index vidue of grapevines
for the main vineyardq in Rumania, Studli cere biol a. bot
16 not 10-16 64,
1. "N.Balcesou" Agricultural Institute, imd Research Institute
of Horticulture and Viticulture, Bucharest.
CONSTANTINESCU, Gherasim, acvtd.
Variation of the agrobi-:)logic qualities of the fruit-bearing
Vitis vinifera se,tiva gi-ape species, depending on the aeologle
and geographic conditimis in Rumania and on the appearance
during the production process. Studil cerc biol s, bot 16
no. 3t187-194 104.
1. Chair of Vitioulture, "N.Balcesou" Agricultural Institute,,
9 1-9
Microscopic method of recognizing the fertility of grape
pollen. Studii ceit biol s. bot 16 no.53407-412 164.
1. Chair of Viticii-ture, nNictlae Ralcescull Agronomic
JnSti4- t9 Buchare:jt.
Prof.qssor Whail Em'l Maurer, 19Q4-1964. Fiziol. nom. pat.
11 no.1;92-93 Ja-F 165. -
x ~
MAMIR, 0.. Dr., ZUBRITZKY, P.. ar.: CONSTAMIN&CU. G.. dr.
---ml ~ic emergencies.
Therapeutic results of cblor-pnram&z7=neIn =psych Vr
Mod. int., Rucur. 4 an.8:1225-1229 Dee 56.
1. Lucrare ofectuatk In sectis, do pothiatrie a Spitalului nr. 9.
chlopprowsine, in psychiatric emergencies, results)
(CHLOMMMAZI19, ther. use
ment. discird., in acute phases, results)
0 V 7-H A! 7-7- tk C t4f'jG A-
RU14ANU/Zooparasitology. Parasitic Protozoa. G
Abs Jours Ref Zhur-Biol.~,l No 17j, 1958j, 769-io.
Author Ciuca, M.; Radikzovici, E.; Chelarescu, M.;
Atanasiu., M.; Tsfan., T.; Constantinescu, P.; Teriteanu,, E.;
Gima$ L; Scariat, M.; Constantinescu. G. Taatu, Im
Title Study of Duration of Infestation of Plasmodium vivax,
Plasmodium fal-,iparum and Plasmodium malariae (Preli-
minary Report).
Orig Pub: Bal. stiint. 3ec. med.s 1956, 8, No 2, 549-564.
Abstract: Observations of natural infection were conducted on
105 patients (97 v with Pl. vivax, 7 - with Pl.
falciparum and one - with Pl. malariae), and with
experimental:13-indaced malaria in 73 patients (40
with Pl. vivall., 32 - with Pl. falciparam and one
with Pl. malai,,iae). The duration of infestation with
Pl. vivax in -liarious cases was not over 2 years, and with
Pl. falcipama - not over a year*
CONSTANINESCU. ])r,,-. PASZTOR, P., dr.; COJOCARU. Lucretia, dr.
Prolapse of,gastrIfIc nucoss into the duodomm.
8 no-5:693-699 Sept 56.
1. Luerarea, e-&,o:!,,ecutat I& Spitalul militer Orasul Stalin et.
Is Spitalul do stat nr. 1 din Orasul Stalin.
(STOMACH, diiisases
prolapse of mucosa into duodenum, diag., fluoroscopy
& x-ray)
RINCU, R., Dr.; PASCU, Alwmndrina. dr.; CONSTAETINISM. Gh.. dr.
.An epidemic Of Q fSTer outside the sootechnic sector. Med.
int.,Bucur. 8 no.,5:700-710 Sept 56.
1. Incrare execulat in Spitalul militar Orasul Stalin.
epideal: "ong Rumanian workers housed in dormitory
with a cowherd.).
RLMM/,U=an aiv-1 An1=1 PhysioloMr (Norral and Pathological) T-2
Matab-olisas Water aml Salt Exchange'.
Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Bioley No U,, 1958j, 50484
Author ; Constantinescil) Gh.
Inat : -"Z-
Title : Disturbcu:ces of the Osmtic Equilibrium and the Clinical
Symptons of Hyperhydration and rehydration.
Orig Pub : Viata n&.., 1957, 4, No 6, 3-21
Abstract : No abstrv,ct.
Card 1/1
CC5T~) NT IN I-' G;
I-- ---
Oacipito-oerv:l.oal pain syndrome. )bd. int., Bucur. 9 no.5:710-724
KaY 5 7.
1. Incrare efoctuata in Clinics, neurologic I. M. F. A Spitainint
ur. 9 et, Sectia do neurologis, a Spitalului ur. 12.
(AWAS, CMVICAT, PZMU4, diseases
posterior cervical synd,)
t9 A'
Ing M. POP, Animal Husbandry R search Institute; Ing M. MACRI, Suceava;
Ing Ylaxlca-&W, Bucharest, and Veterinarian Sandl CONSTANTINESCU,
"i'Artif Icial Insem tnation of Hens. x
:Bucharest, Revist,t de'Zootabinto at Medicine Veterinara, Vol 13, No 4,
Apr 631 pp 45-52.
Abstract [English sumisarylsiodiflod]t Artificial Insemination of 5
'permit. r pid upgrading of'stock with optimal utilization of the expen
roostets of noblio broodst 0#52 al. omen can be obtained by abdominal
tussage from root. ufficesJor 100 to 15D ban@.' Complete technical I
details. ~Tablsj It phototraphs'of tochniquel Sovistp 4 Rumanian includ
3'wosterm IrefOrOncese
AUTHOR: Constantiriescu, George
TITLE: A now appi,-oach to fluid power transmission analysis
PERIODICAL: Studii A cercetari de mecanie'a aplicat-K, v. 13, no. 5, 1962,J,073-
TEXT: This pape,:-, dealing with the advantages of hydrosonic power trans-
-mission, was originallY published in English language under the above title in
"Conference on Oil Hydraulic Power Transmission and Control.". The conference was
held at the Institute of Mechanical Engineers in London on November 29 and 30,
1961. The method of hydrosonic calculation is very., similar to the calculation
method adopted In the transmission ~f electric-power by AC. The bases of this
theory were establishel by the author's' 9029, in 1913, .and wet-edevel-
oped in his theory on sonics [G. 'Constantinescui 1918, Theory of Sonics (British
Admirality, London)). The author first presents.the analytic factors which cone%
trol the hydrosonic phenomena and the dimensionless.relations necessary for stucb-
ing.the behavior of transmissions. He then discusses the efficiency variations
A new approach to fluil powertransmission .... A065/A126
and the parameters affecting these variations. Besides some specific applicatia-w,
the method of hydrosorile analysis becomes more and more Important for the unde
standing of the behavior of hydraulic transmissions in general. This analysis,
however, treats only that flow, which might be expressed by a series of harmonies
Avith regularly increa~;Ing multiples-. Various sonic effects, named "percussion
effects" caai appear In hydrostatic'pumps, due to a sudden discontinuity of the
pressure or of the cavity. Finally, the author gives indications on the possibil-
ity of studying fluid transmissions by using "abstract models". Conclusions: In
spite of-all. advantages of transmissions operating with high-pressure direct cur-
rent flow, there are cases for which high-pressure hydrosonic equipment operating
.with alterneting current would be more advantageous. This equipment could feed
synchronous or asynchronous motors without using valves or holes, being thus free
from harmonies and alE;o being able to feed rectifiers.* "Quiet" transmissions us-
hydrosbnic power c-f "infrasonic". frequency, could be used for heating, boil-
ing, etc., in buildinE;s and*ships. In hydrosonin transmission only one conduit
Is needed for the remci.te control of motors. This article is not complete, but it
might suggest some icicas on the calculation of powdr transmissions. There are 3
Ca rd 2/3
:Dioebarile of vast* vatero In tho aea. Ylei~~rologia hidrol goop
,6 noo2a:1,47-151 161,
(.Con~~tin~escu, (Mcharest, &wwni,.ra)
Dhang:ss in the yield coefficient of grapevine in relation to
-warie-!,y., soil., and climatic conditions. Agrobiologile, no.2:192-197
Mr-Ap 162, (MM 15:4)
1. ChLen-korrespondent Akademii nauk Rwm;ynskoy Narodnoy Respubliki.
-qlqswal~- -Lon
V, kee iransfom. Pozi-'
4. 7-13 ii-43), 3~ 41-56 7,73-757-72 (1 41,
n!cauthbr d4cuises c4uaCivns intig-rable by incans of
the -t'rATlsf6rin~fZ(z)Oxl*)d an
-R; P, Bft;, 4 (I'm It. i'l.
Gh.) L;D.
DioloLicai Garden o--f' the Peoplots Cowicil o--"* Uie C-p-1-ttul,
iiist~itute of PhtysioioLy, Buc'aara,~t,
a "cfatullui Populay do
i3lienrcsti) - (for all)
Bichiar--,~t, Vipata Eodicaia, T~jo 1, 1 Jui 64, pp 65-1,'~6
P.11 E~"pcriinont coilecraing tho Cheridunl. Prop'T'LL-d's oJ
i-I-I Tx-es (FeLis lynx) Livinc- Li
I Z)rn .1 t
j;Xr,j!:Rr-TA YEDICA 3ec 8 Vol: 131.5 Neurolory IXa3, 60
THERAPY - Accidente neurolojJc,e j;i psihice Th cursul tratamentulut cu
cicloserin& - ' J(L U G, %
Cristea M. and Vrvtbti! 11.
Clin. de Psifflat. ji vitiol.. 1~'71]Jucurepi - NEUROLOGIA (Bucure,~ti
1959. 4/4 (293-29 )
In the course *of the treatment of advanced pulmonary tb with cycloserine (4-amino-I
3-isoxazolidone) in doses of from 250 to 1000 mg. daily there were neurologicalI
and psychiatric complications such as disorders of the 8th cranial nerve, myo-
clonia, epileptic seizures, and psychatic vpisodes with paranoid and catatonic fea.
tures. Apart from the known neurotox-ic action of cycloserine the authors consider
the possibility of tuberoulotoxicosis and of allergy in the mechanism of production
of the syndromes. The psychopharmacologrical action of cycloserine resembles th:it
of meancline and LSD. Since cyclosemne netivates pathological features in some
patients' EEG, particularly in epileptics, caution is necessary in these cases as
well as in patients with a history of ptychoses. T)ndel Toronto (Vill, 150~,