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CtLy "on In Water Pump Heating XQUIPMtrits Wepsure Distl0a nle6 w Aftc1tich ogrzzwaA.wodnych I pompowych". Gal* M IV 'Uklid tit WDda I Technika Sanitarna.'No. 11, IDIS4, pp. 333---335. 6 figs. 1 A description of conditions relating to pressure distribution, on which the cor ct functioning of cintrat heating systems depends. On the basis re of vn exrimple, the nuthoi discusses the pressure changes taking place In a pump system,, together with pressure distribution In water pump beat- Ing iquipment, operating under atmospheric prenure for the following kinds of central heating,pystemr: " with Interior distribution and pump 'overhead distribution and pump an on: the return or suppfy jni~lm with the P.AUM or supply Imaln, ceillng central system water con- dulls In the cellar. r urn mains in the attic, anj ja pump on the supply main. CHV20WSKI, B. "Heating and ventilation of railway carriages," Gaz, Uoda I Technika Sanitarna, Warszawa, Vol 28, No 6, June 1954, P. 173. SO: Eastern European Accessions List, Vol 3, No 11, Nov 1954, L.C. CHYBO~SKI, B. VentilatIon of apartments. p. 231. GAZ, WCDA I TECHNIKA SANITAR14A. (Stowarzyszenie Naukowo-Techniczne Inzynierow i Technikow Sanitarnych, Ogrzewnictwa i Gazoxmictwa) Warszawa, Poland, Vol. 32, no. 6, June 1958. Monthly list of East Em-opean Accession (EEAI) LC, Vol. 9, no. 2, Feb. 1960 Unel. GHYBOWSKI Bohdan inz.--KA)ILER, Witold, prof. mgr inz.; V J. '- -iOLEFIOZYK, Leon, doe. dr inz.; MSZCZYNSKI, Edward, mgr inz. Problem of using liquid fuels for central heating systems in Poland. Gaz woda techn sanit 37 no.4/5:118-123 Ap-Yor 163. 5/081/63/000/002/054/088 B171/B102 AUTHORS: Chybovski, Sylvester, Erikson, Aleksander TITLE: Preparation of adipio acid by the method of nitric acid oxidation of cyolohexanol PERIODICAL; Refer tivnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, no. 2, 1963, 403,' abst rac t 2N34 IPolish patent 45307, Dec. 27, 1961) TEXT; 98%- solution of oyolohexanol (I) in glacial CH 3COOH and 40-60%- IINO3are continuously introduced into a react6r. (RT); the reacting mass flows into a 2nd RT which is continuously supplied with a solution of I in the glacial CH3COOH. At the same time air is sent through bubblers into both of the RT. The mass drains into ~ heater where the oxidation of*,'~ I is completed, then into a crystallizer where the adipic acid (II) separates out. The suspension of Il- crystals is fed into a filter system where.II is filtered, washed and directed into a desiccator. The filtrate, containing 25-40% of HNO3 and 8% of II, is first fed into dard 1/2 SIOBI1631000100210541968 Preparation of adipir acid 'by the 13171/B102 absorbing columns, where its HNO 3 content is increased to 45-60%, then returned into the manufacturing process. The temperature is maintained at 60-900C in both of the RT, at 70-900C in the heater, and at 15-200C in the crystallizer. The yield is -801110. A similar example is given by describing the preparation of II by oxidation of I in the presence of V-Cu- oxidation catalyst (yield of 99.9%-11 is -90%). A flow sheet is given. The method ensures a practically complete utilization of HNO 3 and of oxides of 11 and II contained in mother liquors. LAbstracter's note: Complete translation Card 2/2 CHYBOWSKI.,S., Mg- inz. ~r,--~--~"-~2-,~. - -;, - I - I I After the International Congress of Industrial Chemistry in Belgrade* Chemik 16 no.12:373-375 D163. 1. Zaklady Chemiczne., Bydgoszcz-. Z. Chrona zdro-v;iz -praccu'Milm -,., przery1le far", j ("Ic-'alth" protection of thc uorkcr in the paint and lacquer induoti-!), by Z. Chybowski. Reported ir ",ev: -,'cols (1.1owe Ksiaski), No. 7, April 1, 1956. CHTBOWSKI~ Z. Handling cemet in harbors. p. 45. CFYRIT, WAPNO, GIPS. (Wydawnictwo "Budownictwo i Arcbitektura") Krakowp Poland. Vol. 13, no. 2, Feb. 1957. Monthly list of East European Accessions Index (EM ), LC, Vol. 8, no. 6, June 1959 uncla. CHYCKT "ADd--Zej,q.jn7 Zbigniew, mgr inz.; Wladyslaw,; 'S . I U ". -1 -L KO,I-C TET 17 AKY Adari, mgr inz.; MALI-11101;RTI, Y"zimlerz, mgr inz.; CYGAII, Ryszard, rigr Jjnz.; DMITREENKO, Stefan, r,.Fr inz.; LASKOWSKI, Wladyslaw, ingr lnz,; BRONIKOI-JISKI, Adam; ST-A-SIKOlvISKI, Henryk 0 la the profeFOOTJ of a graduate oni-ineer a creative one? Przegl techn 86,*,. 18 AD 165 MYCKI, Marian, mgr in2. -- Electric ans, og of the beam or an elastic base ;;nd its application in calculating the strength of a winding drum shell. Gornletwo Gliwice no.12:271-294 164. Z- PUZIEVICZ, Jozef; CRYCZIWEKI, T&deusz. Investigations on the dffect of tubazolidins on isonicotinic acid bydrazids concentration in blood serum. Gruzlica 23 n0-7:469-474 July 155. 1. Z Kliniki Gruzlicy A M we Wroclaw1u.Xierownik: docedr. T. Garbinski I z Zakladu Technologii Skodkow Laczniczych A K lierownik: prof.dr L. luezynaki, Wroclaw,'ul. Pasteur& 10. (NICOTINIC ACID ISOM= , In blood. eff.of phonylbutasons) (NAM. nicotinic acid Isomers, eff.of phenylbutasone) (ALAIGNSIGS, effects. phenylbatazone, on blood nicotinic acid isomers) CHYCZY, Kalmn, dr.,; KOKOVITS, Gyula, dr. A simple wthod of ballistocardiograpby. Ory. hetil. 96 no.8: 217-218 20 Fab 55, 1. A fovarosi Bajcsy Zsilinszky korh&x (igazgato: Andics Gabriells, dr.) Kardiologlai Oostalranak (vezato-foorroo: Zarday Imre dr. az orvostudomwWok kandidatusa) kozlemenye. (RAT-1- STOCARDIOGRAPHr, technic) RASKATOV, V.M., inzh.; KOKHTEV, A.A.; LELYANOV.. V.A.;-BESSONOVA, N.F.; VEIP, D.A.; KARABANOVAI L.T.; SILANTITEVI M.G.; SITNICHENKO, A.L[deceased]; gXFNKgV V.S.; TARKOV, A.M., inzh., retaenzent; GARANKINA., S.P., i;-dizcI~v-a; TIKRANOV, A.Ya., tekhn. red. [Brief ha*book on materials used in the machinery industry) K tkii Apravochnik po mashinostroitallaym materialam. Pod 0rahchey red, Y.N.Raskatova. Moskva, Moskgiz, 1961. 440 p. (MIRA 16:7) (Nateriais) CHYKIN, 0. Medicinal plants. Rab. i sial. 39 no.6t2l Je 163. (MIU 16s9) (Botany, Medical) CHYLA, H. CHYLAY H. The causes of defects ih buildings of clay. p. 11. VCT. F, no. 12, Dec. 1956. BUDOIJNIC1140 WIFJSKIF. Warszawa, Poland. SOURCE: East Euronean Acc~-ssions List (EEAL) Vol. 6, No. 4-April 1Q57 CHYLA, H. "Clay is a material worthy of a technician." P. 20 (Budownictwo Wiejskie) Vol. 9, no. 11, Nov. 1957 Warsaw, Poland SO: Monthly Index of East European Accessions (EEAI) LC. Vol. 7, no. 4, April 1958 Parasitic Worms* CATEGORY Zoological ParltsltoloF, leneral Problwfai. RZI)MOl. ',,o, 1-4,195S7.. Vlo. 69r-04. AUTF401R Chy.1a, M. T I TTLE ConcernIng the Differential Diagnosis of t1he Eggs of FRaclols hepatica Rnd Paramphistomum cervi. Voterinerstvi, 1957, 7, No. 12, 361-363. A 74S T 'Dill' CT No sbstract, CHYIA , Marian, mgr --- Pnz. Inductivo hardening. Wiad hut 15 no.1:23-27 Ja 159, CHYIA,.Marian, mgr inz, Induction hardening oftool steel. Wiad hutn 15 no-4:117-121 Ap. 1590 CHYLA, Marian., mgr inz. Induction hardenizg of rollers for cold-rolling. Wiad hut 15 no.7/8:223-230 Jl-Ag 159. CFM-A Marian, mgr inze; RMWWKIp Maoiejo inA,, *I -Allai.,~-,~Wwod Thermal toughening of circular saw segments made of SW 9 steel, Wiad hut 16 no.2t44-48 F 1.60. %$r !r CHYIA Mari mgr inz, Annealing of high-grade steel ingots, Wiad hut 18 no.7/8-.2og-234 n-4. #62. CHYIA,- Marian, mgr inz. New method of thermal working og metals. Wiad hut 19 no.7/8-. 182-186 jl/Ag 163. CHYLASZEKY Tadeusz, inz.; MROZj Kazimierz, mgr, '-*Training---~6f-6a-di,Ws--fo-r 'the metallurgic industry in vocatipnal schools. Przegl mech 21 no-9/103312-313. 10-25 MY 162. 1. Kratorium Szkolnietwa Zawodowego) Krakow. KORYGII, B.; CERNTY, M.; SOUKUP, F.; MISAROVA, Z.; CIRIA, M.; SDLMOVA, V.; HOLECKOVAp E.;-~~E, M. Chromosomal characteristics of various lines of tissu- -111tures in Czechoslovakia. Acta univ. Carol. [med] (Praha)-.Suppl. 18'. 143-149 164. 1. Ustav pro lekarskou mikrobiologii a imun 1 11 fakulty vse- obeeneho lekarstvi University Karlovy v Pr Ozoonrednosta: prof. a p dr. F Fatocka); Ustav obeane biolgie fakulty cseobecneho lekarstvi Unive;sity Karlovy v Praze (prednosta: Prof. dr. B. Sekla) a I. detska klinika fakulty detskeho lekarstvi University Karlovy v Praze (prednosta: prof. dr. J. Svejear). KORYGH, Bohuslav; Cla"ILE, 1,51vn; F-RW,!"K, 'jifif The kinetics of multiplication of Teschen disaaL;e 7irus (IDV) .1i an established porcine kidney cell line (strain FK): f', ,rrelation between cell response and virus release. J. hyg. epidem. (Praha) 9 no.1:31-36 165. 1. Department of Medical Microbiology and Immunology, Charles University Medical Faculty, Prague,, and Military Institute of Hygiene, Epidemiology and Microbiologyp Prague* KORYCH, Bohuslav; CHYLE, Milan Plaque formation by Teschen disease vints(TDV) in an establ shed line of porcine kidney epithelial cells (strain PK). J. hyg. epidem. (Praha) 9 no.1:37-42 165 1. Department of Medical Microbiology and Trmunclogy, r-barles University Medical Faculty, Prague. CHM, Milan Some characteristics of the Teschen disease virus. J. hyg. epidem, (Praha) 9 no.143-44 165 1. Departnent of Medical Microbiology and Immunology, Charles University Medical Faculty, Prague. SVOBODAP X.; LANDA, Z.; 4-1ff--UA -P. The oncogenic effect of the Rous virus in rats and its caryologle correlates. Neoplawn 9 no.1:25-31 162. 1. Department of Experimental Biology 1%nd Genetics; Dep&rtmnt of PlAnt Physiolog7, Biologloftl Institute of the Czechoslovak Acudepq of Sciences,, Pinague, CSSR. (NEOPLASMS virol) (SARCOMA virol) SVOBODA, J.; CHYLE, P.; SIMKOVIC, D.; HILGERT, I. Demonstration of the absence of infectious Rous virus in rat twaour XG, whose structurally intact cells Rous sarcoma when transferrod to chicks. Folia biol. 9 no.2;77-81 163. 1. Institute of Experimental Biology and Genetics, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Frare and Im titia" of Oncology, i3ratislaira. (ROUS SARGO14A (TUMOR VIRUSES) (NEOPLASMS, EMRIMENTAL) CHYLE, F.; KLEMENT, V.; SVOBODA, J. Attempta,to induce formation of Rous sarcoma virus in c611s of tuiour KC. Folia biol. 9 no.2-.92-98 163. 1. Institute of Experimental Academy of Sciences, Prague. (NEOPLASMS, WERINENTAL) (ROUS SARCOMA) Biology and Genetics, Czechoslovak (TUMOR VIRUSES) (RADIATION EFFECTS) CHYLE., P. The effect of gibberellie aci-d on mamalian (XC tumour) oells in tissue culture. Polls. biol, (Praha) 9 no.4:312-313 163. 1. Institute of bLperimental Biology and Genetics, Czechos107ak Acadeny of Sciences Prague. (SARCOMA,'EXPERIMENTAL) (TISSUE CULTURE) (GIBBERELLINS) SVOBODA, J.; CH-YLE. Malignization of rat embryonic calls by Rous sarcoft- virus in vitro. Folia. biol. (Praha) 9 no.5:329-342 16310 . . 1. Institute of.Experimental Biology and Genetics, Czechoslovak Academy.of Sciences, Prague* (WBRYO) (TISSUE CULTURE) (ROUS SARCOMA VIRUS) (NEOPLASM ETIOLOGY) (NEOPLASM MIUNOLOGY) KUMNT, V.; Cm~~;P.; SVOBODA, J. Comparison of the biological properties of tumours formed in rats after-the administration of two variants of Rous sarcoma. Folia biol. (Praha) 9 no.6:412-419 163- 1. Institute of ftperimental Biology and Genetics, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences Prague. (ANIMALS: NWORN) (ROUS SARCC14A VIRUS) (SARCOMA, EXPERIMENTAL) (PHYSIOLOGY) GHTLE -P Cyt-opathogenicity of foA tamour viruses (RSV and A.1-57) in normal -wl trw .2 . naformed cells of human origin. Folia biol. (Praha) 10 no.4: 319-320 264- 1. Institute of Experinental Biology ~;.nd genetics, Czechoslovak A~.,adcrny of Sciences, Prague. CHYLEV P. Analysis of the virus-producing interaction of rat rous sarcomas (XC and NR ) with the fowl cell. Folia biol. (Praha) 10 no.5:359-395 164. 1. Institute of Experimental Biology and Genetics, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Prague. CV) tvA___4 r,: :.cmrti A lcct% It "-"VP WPM - Wqoo6/64/oDo/oio/o3lD,(d3r7. AMMON -mA:A&5315601:~_ CHYLEK, P. , in2. Calcmlat,lon of stigmatic systems with aspheric surfaces. Jemna mech opt 9 no.12:357-361 D 164. 1. Scientific Research Institute of Sanitary Engineering Prema., Brno. Submitted July 13, 1961+. CHYLEK i Stanislav, inz. I-- - ---, "Radioceramics" by N. P. Bogorodickij (Bogoroditskiy, N.P.), N. V. Kalmens, 14. 1. Nejman, N. L. PoIjakova, [Polyako-va, N. L.], B. A. Rotenberg, D. B. Salitra, 11. A. Afanaseva [Afa,iaslyeva, M.A.], I. D. Fridberg. Reviewed by Stanislav Chylek. Sklar a keramik 14 no. 3: 104 Mr 164. CHYLEVISM, Barbara; JACKOVISKI, Tadeusz Effect of the multiple drawing of the sliver and the number of condensers in the drawing field of a draw frame on the adhesion of fibers and the hairiness of yarn spun of Kuralon fiber. Przegl w1okien 17 no. 9: 307-309 S 163. 1. Technical University, Lodz. CHYLEWSKA~, Barbara; JACKOWSKI,, Tadeusz ------- - Influence of the spinning process on the change of adhesion of fibers in the band. Przegl w1okien 17 no.6: 201-202 Je 163. 1. Technical University, Lodz. CHYLEWSKA, Barbara Influence of the metric number of yarn and the twist factor on the torsional moment and the twisting rigidity of cotton yarn. Przegl wlokien 17 no.7-.227-230 JI 163. 1. Technical University, Iodz. JACKOWSKI, Tadeusz;,C11YIEWS-KA, Barbara Influence of the physical and mechanical properties of fibers on the quality of fiber.-blend spun yarn. Przegl w1okien 17 no.8: 259-2614 Ag 163. 1. Technical University, Lodz. GliYl,E',-!ljK.,'. Barbara-, JACKOV'SKI, Tadeusz Rov~, twAsting in tho wonitqd wAnning nyrtu.,;,. w1ekler, I? no.10:449-453 0 164. ]ITTINGIM, Alfred; CHYLEWSKI. Wlodzimiarz Nviology, pathogenesis, clinical aspects, and prevention of occupational skin disease in dye workers. Przegl. dorm. 4 no.1; 31-37 Ja-7 '54. 1. Z Kliniki Dernatologiesnej Akademli "cznej w lodzi. Dyrektor: prof. dr'S.1apascinski. (DM. Injurious effects, *skin die, In workers) (OCGUFATIONLL DIMUM, *skin dim. inAre workers) diseases, *occup. dye lesions in workers) CHYLEWSKI , Wlodzimierz - ~ Progeria infant= (Hutchinson-Gilford). Przegl. dorm. 49 no-5:413- 418 162. 1. Z Oddzialil Dernatologicznego Szpitala Dzieciecogo im. J. Korczaka w Lodmi Ordynatort dr med. W. Chylowski. (PJMGERIA) 11, r, 'a CWIL/I Distri hB2c Afa Mad- ~~Gas rot~oive atmospheres. a molci' u1nims 13, 208-17(1957AReL."etical principles Infl C I! eltl: uence of gases such as Nw(V`COsiicO. I m M. 10 on iron, coal, and constitu9L'.Mtc~-ZIOyS I Z, are desefibed. .1 Cimification of suth gases with rev. ; F compn. of inect. as well as their applications for different i thermal procemus tire descr!W. The oxidation and dem- I bonization of steel is described in cletalt. Z. 1 *36- IAMA, Z.; SVOBODA, 11 Chromosomal characteristics of t=our XC in vitro. Folia Biol. 8 no.2:U-89 162. 1. Institute of Experimental Botany and Institute of Experimental Biol6gy and Genetics, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Prague.' (NEOPLASMS mcper) (CHROMOSOMES) TFIMPSKI, Julian; CHYLEWSKI, Wlodzimierz Chloromycetin In the treatment of suppurative skin diseases. Przogi. derm., Warez. 6 no.6:575-584 Nov-Doe 56. 1 1. Z Kliniki Dermatologicznej A.M. w Lodzi, Dyrektor: doc. dr. J. Lutowiecki. Lodz, Klinika Dermatologiczna Akademii Med~ycznej. ul. Tramwajowa 15. (CHIORA.MPRINICOL, ther. use skin die., suppurative kPol)) (SKIN DISUSES, tber. cbloramphanicol In suppurative die. (Fol)) txcEfRVkA MEDICA See 13 Vol 13/2 Dermatology Feb 59 530. PROCAINE BLOCKADE IN THE TREATMENT OF STAPHYLOCOCCAL INFECTIONS OF THE SKIN - Blokady nowokainowe w leczeniu gronkow- cowych chor6b sk6ry ---C hy I e w a k I _W, Klin. Dermatal. Akad. Med., L.6di PRZEGL. DERM--WERIW. 1-957. 7/6 (541-546) L . f CHYLEWSKI, Wlodzimierz Lupus erythematosus according to data of the de=-atological clinic of the Academy of Medicine in Lodz. FrzegI. derm. 1+8 no.8/10;131- 135 161. 1. Z Kliniki Dermatologicznej A.M. v Lodzi Kierownik: Prof. dr J. Lutowiecki. (LUPUS BRYTIMLATOSUS statist) WMI K, J. "Old Moravian Paper Mille." p. 118, Praha, Vol. 9, no. 3, yaq 1934. SO: last Baropean Accessions List, Vol. 3,No. 9, September 1934, Lib. of Congress Chylik, J. Old Moravian paper mills. p. 242. PAPIR A CEIALOSA. (Minis- terstvo lesu a drevarskeho prumyslu) Praha. Vol. 9, no. 11, Nov. 1954. SOURCE: EFAL - LC Vol. 5 No. 10 Cct. 1956 Cl-*,l-ik, J. Cerandc industries in Noravia up to the middle of the 19th centul-y. -.11~L . I (Stax-1vo. Vol. 355, no.3, Yar. 15i57. Praha, Czechoslovakia) SC: 1,,ontbly Ust of E'ast E"Uropean Accessions (EzAL) LC, Vol. 6, no. 10, October 1~5.7. Uncl. 77 L I t- t -Tbe ~'w'apln =Mw kk dwepowAce of trod, And J. Tantchy". CUm. Ztvsti 4. nicenate of tk pwaibk mructuftl formula: 110 if 1;;0 to .crystallim with 2 mol. of HO which are iost at 110*. Itis very remistaut to oxidat%n and has a %vry rapid therapeutic effect. 7?w bee"loWn Is lncm%41 mmv than with any otber Pe tberaI*utk- pmpn. If ripti. atternla I% drycloped. It Is taso very effectire if dissolved in tartaric. citric. or wKwbic acM. The soIns. am &6o %wY resiltdnt to oxida- .tim. Tan Micka g~ -2fR~~ g :1 PT C.,.)u,,4try Po" and 4 01,t 090 V Organio Chemistry, Syrrthatio Orgenia Chwdatry A"Ibs, j.,)ur. Ref. Zhur.-Ihimiya .21o. 6, 1959 19353 J~utl-Lor Urbanskil T.; Chylinska, B. Titlc AlIpImtic Ni'Urocompounds. XA-kI- Preparation of of Alcohols from Primary Hitro.Tarafftns and Formaldehyde OrIS. I!-ub. Roczn. chem. F 1057, 31, No 2? (95-698 Abstract An improvemenT, of the method of producing nitre-I alcohols by the action of formaldehyde on primary nl-'#,ro- parafrins Wyler J.A., U.S.Patent 2 161f 440 19381 Fieser L.F.1 Gates Y, J. Amer, Chem, Sou.9 191+6~ 18, 2249). The improved met-h~J has made it possible to obtain purer products (without additional crystallization) with higher yields thani hitherto. To a solution of 6.01 g paraformaldehyde in 10 mi n-butanol, added 0.5 ml (U21i3)3N rollowed by 7.5 g nitro- ethanol. After completion of exothermic reaction and cooling to about 200 there is obtained 2-methyl-2-nitropropandiol- -113, yield 92j6t 14P 135-130.0. Analogously were prepared. Card: 1/2 UIRANSK, Tadeusz; BBLZACKI, Giseslaw; C11303181A. 3ozens; CHY I.PT J~A~bara; W -4 DA"WSXI, Halina; FAIscKI, LYerzy,,' GMM, DanieIa_,:'_aI6_xI_,_ TZW__1 H&LINOWSK1. Stanislaw; 53WINOWA, Barbara; MOVSKI, Jerzy; SIOPSL Stefan; KAXIIINSKA, Irena; VNIMLIT, Jan; JAHMM. Hieczyslaw; JAKIMOWSKA, Krystyna; URBAIISKA, Alicja; I'MIIEWICOW, Anatol Searching for new anti-tuberculosis drugs. Gruzlica 26 no.11:889-917 Nov 58. 1,1 Zakladu Syntezy Lskow Instytutu Gruzlicy Kierownik Uakladu: prof. dr T. Urbanskj Pyrektor Instytutu: prof. dr J. Mialewicz Fmcownia Synt. Lek-ow Przeclwgruzlicych. Warszawa, ul. loazykown 75. (TMVZUU)SM, therapy, investigation of 300 cpda. for anti-tubere. eff. (Pol)) SURNAIZ, Given Names ys Poland Count,- Acaderdc Dognes: Affiliation: SO=Os Warsaw, Ppstepy HigigMy i Medygyny Posyladezalngi Vol XV9 No 1+1 1961, pp 427-426, Datas "Antineoplastio Properties of Derivatives of Oxazine," English abstract of article originally published In Nature, 1960, 187,.420'0 Authors: URBANSKI, T. M-PEK, Stef an , Prof . Dr. Director of the 'Ludwik Hirszf eld InsV or Immunology and Experimental Th-e-My (Instytut Immunologii i Terapii Doswiadezalnej Im. Ludwika Hirszfelda)l Polish Academy Sciences (PAN--Polska Akademia Nauk), Wroolav. RL =1 D. HORDARSIC.A. H. (CW;RS JB. DEBIEC, Barbara; BASZCZYNSKI,, Jan; Bljj.J-NSKA, Wanda; CHYLINSKA, Hanna Bacterial endocarditis in children in the era of antibiotics. Pediat. Pol. 40 no.8:809-811+ Ag 165. 1. Z II Klini-ki Chorob Dzieci AM i Wojskowej A14 w Ladzi (Kierownik: prof. dr. med. F. Redlich [deceased]). GHYLINSKI, G. .~w"MWOMM""MM"F The author's description of his own case of orucellosis. Polski tygod. lek. 7 no.23:766 9 juns 1952. (CLML 23:2) 1. *Of the Pirst Internal Clinic (Read--Prof. A. Biernackt, 1K.D.) of Warsaw Medical AcadevW.- BLAWAT, F.; CHrLINSKI, G.; WROBLUSKA, W. (Gdansk) Virulent bacil3-i and tetanus spores in specimens of soil and dust in'the Danzig-Zoppot area. Rooz nauk roln wet 70 no.lA:298-299 160. (EM 10:9) (Bacinue) (Tetanue) (Svile) (Duat) _MANAS, A. (Gdansk) BLAWATV F.;,QI~INSK Pathogenic Clostridia in the soil and feces of domestic animls near Dan21g. Roes nauk roln wet 70 no.1/4.*299 160. (EM :LO:q) (Soila) (Domestic animls) (Feces) (Clostridium) GZARNOWSKI, Adam; M-11VISKI, 'Graci-qii-, Trichinosis in foxes and minks. Wiad. parazyt. 10 no.4: 354-355 '64 1. Wojewodzkl. Zaklad Iligiony Woterynary,inej, Gdfuisk. CHYLINSKI J. mgr inz.- PAWLOWHI, Z.~ AUGUS7YNOWICZ, A., mgr. STANISLAWSKI, ~r inz.; ~AiUBOWS'111, B.,'mgr inz.; JEDRZEJEWSKI, Z"., mgr Inz.; SUPERNAK, M., inz. A discussion. Techn motor 14 no.10004-305 0 164. 1. Deputy Chairman, Cotmittee for Science and Technology, Warsw-r (for Chylinski). 2. State Automobile Communication, Warsaw (for Pawlowski). 3. Scientific Society for Or anization and Administration, Warsaw (for Augustynowicz . 4. Association of Polish Mechanical Engineers and Technicians, Warsaw (for Stanislawski). 5. Association of Transportation Engineers and Technicians, Warsaw (far Jakabowski). 6. Association of Motor- ization Industry, Warsetv (for Supernak). CHYLAMIU, J,,,,,, A case of pulmonary moniliesis. Pol. tyg. Ick. 29 no.4-2-J.1--l- 1" 27 Ja 164. 1. Z 1 Kliniki Chorob Wewnetrzrych w Gdansku (kiervnik, Klinikig prof. dr Marian Gorski). POUM/Meoretical Phy5ica - (juantuin Electrodynamico B-5 Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Fizilta, No 4, 1~)59, No 7349 i'.uthor Chylinski Z., Wolter 11. Inst L'i t1 0 Problems of the Modification of Concep%G CQncer-ding the Pro - cesses of Electro;~Iia-._.,.etic Radiation and Electron-Pair Pro- duc+.J.(,,n Ori,; Pub : Postepy fiz. 3.958,. q.. No 3, 249-259 ~,bst act : Survey of the wofi,. by L.D. landau, I.Ya. Pom-eranchiLk, M.L. ur Ter Mikaelyan, :_.B. Migdal, Ye.L. Feynberg, and others (see Referat Zhur Mziha, 19-54J. ITO 4, 3.551, 3634; 1-10 9, 10018; No 10., 11365; 1955, No 2) 2271, 2523; 1956 *' No 8 21780; 1957, No 7, 16618, 1661o; 1959, No 3, 5241, and othe~,,3~. Card : 1/1 Chylinski, Z.; Wolter, W.; Benisz, J. Investigations of the bremsstrahbing of electrons in the energy interval 11 12 10 -10 e.v. In English. P. lh3- ACTA PHYSICA-POLONICA. (Polska Akademia Nauk. Komitet Fizyki). Warszawa, Poland, Vol. 18, no. 2, 1959- Monthly list of East European Accessions (mi) LC' Vol. 6, No. 6j kigust 1959. Uncla. AUTHOR: Chylifiski, Z. S/058/6P_/ooo/oo8/oi4/134 A061/A101 TITLE: Semiclassical investigation of multiple meson production as a bremsstrahlung process in high-energy nucleon-nucleon collision PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Fizika, no. 8, 1962, 29, abstract 8B206 ("Rept. Inst. badafi jad-row. PAN", 1961, no. 251/VI, 26 pp., illust., English; summaries in Polish and Russian) TEXT: -In contrast to the well-known theory of Heitler and Peng (W. Heit- ler and H. W. Peng "Proc. Roy. Irish Acad.", 1943, v. 49, 101), the pi-mesonic field is assumed to be scalar, and the.pi-meson production cross section is determined from the difference of peripheral mesonic fields of nucleons prior to and after their collision. It is maintained that the scalar theory describet the IM interactions well at very high energies. The kinematic relations of the theory are examined at length. A out-off (minimum parameter of impact) is introduced to obtain physically reasonable results. At antncrease of energy the mean number of nascent particles tends toward a constant limit. At this point the theory Card 1/2 S/058/62/000/008/olVl34 Semiclassical investigation of ... A061/A101 diverges substantially f m M the statistical theories, in which the mean number of particles grows as Elab* The angular distribution of nascent particles in the center-of-mass system, as well as in the two-center theory, has a double-humped character. This fits experimental data at very high energies. The transverse- momentum distribution of the particles depends on energy very slightly. The calculation results d6pend on some parameters selected from comparison with ex- perimental data. V. Barashenkov [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 2/2 KKMT, Mail; PLESKO, Ivan; CHTLO, Abanuel lpldomiological significance of swine as a reservoir of leptoopirosts. Cook. opidem. m1krob. imun. 5 no.6:301-304 Nov 56. 1. Hygienicky ustay lek. fak. KU v Bratialave. pred. akademik V. Mucha. (Ij]WTOSPIRDSIS, transmission, from swine to man (0s)) (WINN, diseases. leptoopirosts, tranom. to man (Cz)) CM-1-00, Z- iMTY, E "Study of a n&tural focus of leptospirosis in the Topolcianky aree." BIOLCGIA, Bratislava, Czechoslovakia, Vol. '13, no. 7, 1958 Monthly 'ist of East. Europe Accessions (EEAI), LC, Vol. 8, No. 6, Sept 59 Unclas NICEK, F.- CHYLOVE. Postcholecystectomy syndrome in Burgical, practice. Rozhl. chir. 42 no.6:417-421 A 163. 1. 1 chirurgicka klinika lakarskaj fakulty UK v Bratislave, prednosta rof. dr. K. Carsky. GOLECYSTECTOMY) (CHOLELITHIASIS) (BILIARY DYSKINESIA) (POSTOPERATM COWLICATIONS) BRIX, 11-I.; ZILAVY, S.; 011RALIKA, B.; CHYa'), E. Prevention of postoperative disorders in water -7d cleptrolyte metabolism. Bratdsl-Lok. Listy 44 no.7:397-LO3 164. 1. 1. chirurgicka klinika Lek. fak. Univerzi-ty ''umera;keho v Bratislave (veduci prof. MUDr. K. Carsl-,.-). KAPUSTIKJ, S.; KOREN, K.; MORAVEC, R.; CHYLID, E. Clinical evaluation of some postoperative states after stomach resection in gastroduodenal ulcer using the Billroth 11 technic. Bratial.Lek. Listy 44 no.7:429-434 164. 1. 1. chirurgicka klinika Lek. fak. Univerzity Komenskeho v Bratislave (prednosta prof. MUDr. K. Carsky). KOMI, K.; CHYLO, E.; ISGIODI, J. -- Problems related to preventive administration of anti-tetanus serum. Bratisl. lek. listY 45 no,7:433-435 15 Ap 165 1. 1. ebirurgicka klinika Lekarske fakulty Univerzity Komen- skeho v Bratislave (veduci: prof. MDr. K. Carsky). STCHEV, K.I.; ISHMKOV, K.I.; ZHUKDVq M.I.; CfffMCHENW, Tu.T. , New data on the bydrogeology of the northern Lake Balkhash region. Mat.po geol.i pol.iskop.TSentr.Kazakh. no.2:85-95 162. (MLU 15:12) (BaMash Lake region--Water, Underground) CHYMOAK.Jan On the problem of acute pancreatitis. RozhI. chir, 34 no.2: 118-124 IP 160. 1. Chirurgicks klialks lek. fak. UZ v Kosiciach, prednosta prof. XU]Dr. Jan Kusavlakyo (PANGRUTITIS) GRYHGAK, Jan Contribution to the treatment of pawreatic cysts by means of eystogastrostomy. Rozhl. chir. 39 no.4*.220-224 Ap 160 1. Chir, kliniks UK v Kosciciach, pred. prof. dr. Jan Khazovicky. (PANOMS, die.) CHYMRKA, V. The highest yields of milk. Rab.i sial. 38 no.7:2-3 JI 162,, (MIU 16: 5) 1. Kolkhos*imeni Lenina, Gomellskogo rayona. (Gomel' District--Dairying) . . . ................ ACCESSION NR-. AP404Z957 S/OIOZ/64/000/004/007510079 AUTHOR: Kudinenko, A. V. (Kiev); C (Kie-v) TITLE: Contactless optimum controller SOURCE: Avtomaty*ka, no. 4, 1964, 75-79 1~ TOPICTAGS: automatic control, automatic control design, automatic control system, automatic control theory, optimum controller ABSTRACT: These major unita and their functions (see Enclosure 1) of the. J: contactless optimum controller are briefly described: blocking oscillator I controlling a pulse distributor; delay devices 2 and 3 controlled by blocking il oscillator 4. reactive trigger 5 acting as a time relay; comparison unit 6 which controls, via an amplifier, trigger 7, the.latter controlling, 'via i. and and, if necessary, reversing - the windings of a magnetic amplifier; a final control element designed with a magnetic amplifier from DUND-05. A aim lified p Card r ACCESSION NR: AP4042957 connection diagram is supplied, and an experimental verification of a laboratory:, hookup is claimed. Orig. art. has: 4 figures and I table. ASSOCIATION: none SUBMITTED: 03Sep62 ENCL: 01 SUB CODE: DP,, IE NO REF SOV: 000 OTHER: 000 Card 2/3 ACC&SSICH Us AP4042957 ENGLASURM 01 A simplified functional diagram of the contactless optimum controller Card F- ZYDOWO, H.; BRAWSKI, W.; CURvIr-WMQI=A- S.; JMKO, J.; HANITIUS. A.; NMIRO, R.; WOLOWS Iffect of adrenalin on certain biochemical changes in normal man. Acts. physiol. polon. 5 no.4:620-621 1954. 1. Z Zakladu Chemii Fizjologicznej v Gdansku. Iterownik: prof. dr W.Mozolowski. (EPIREMIN. effects, on blood) (BIOW. effect of drugs on, epinephrine) to SZULCZYNSKA, Krystyr4,- CHYREK410ROWSKA, Sabina; ROMANSKI, Bogdan Penult of AGTH and 10terold hormone ther*py..of broaahial aertbmse Folski tygod. 19k.'15 no.46:176&1770 14 N 160. 1. Z I Kliniki Chorob Wownetrsnych A.M. w Gdansku; kisrowniki prof. dr, mod. M. Gorski. (ASTHMA ther) (CORTICOTROPIN ther) (ADRENAL CORTEX HORKONIS ther) SZULCZYNSXA, Irystyna: C1 -BAROWSXA, Sabjna; ROWSKI. Bogdan Steroid hormones In the treatment of bronchial asthm. Polskle 30 no.6:818-821 160. 1. Z I Kliniki Chorob Wevnetrxnych A,Ms v Gdansku Kierovalk: prof. dr med. H.Crarski. (ASTHM ther) (ADRENAL CORTU HORMONIS ther) .CHY -BOROWSFA, Sabina- SZULCZYNSKA, Kryst7ta; TYMOS23WStA, Barbara, P ZY ziale aaystentki technicznej Anny Swiderskiej Biochemical changes in the blood eenim and respiratory capacity and voluntary apnea In patients with bronchial asthma during ACTH and prednisone therapy. Polskie arch.madowewne 30 no,6: 824-826 16o. 1. Z I Kliniki Chorob Vewnetrznych A.M. w Gdansku Kierownik: prof. dr made N,Gorski. (CORTICOTROPIN ther) (PRIDNISONZ ther) (ASTHKA ther) OLOM pbarmacol) (RISPIRATION physiol) CHYREK-BOROWSKA, SabLna,- DZIEWULSKA, Krystyna; WOJTOWICZ, Hikelaj A case of Ebstein's syndrome. Polskie arch. nod. vownetrz. 30 -%o.10.,3,321-1329 060. 1. Z I K3-iniki Ghereb Wownetrzaych A.M. w Gdansku Kiermik: prof dr mod. M. Gerold Z Zak3Adu Radielogii A.M. w Gdansku Kiero~nik: prof. dr nod. W. Grobawski. (HEART DEM70.) CONGENITAL case reports) CHMK-BOROWSKAp Sabina; TYMOSZEWSKA, Barbara .11 .. ...... Certain biochemical changes in the blood and urine in patients with-bronchial asthow. Fels)de arch. med. wevastrz. 30 no.ll*. 1369-1375 `60. -1. Z I Kliniki Chorob, WowaLstrznych A.M. w Gdansku Kierownik: 'VOA. dr nod. M. Gorski. (ASTHMA metab) CHYREK-BOROWSKk, Sabina Electropheresis of blood proteins in patients with bronchial asthma. Polakie arch. nod. wevnetrz. 30 no.22:1489-1491+ 160. 1. Z I Kliniki Chorob Wownetrznych A.M. w Gdanaku Kieromik; prof. dr mod. M. Gorski. (ASTHMAL blood) (BLOOD PROTEINS chem) CHMK-BOROWSKA Sabina Neuramirlic acid. Its appearance in the human organism in physiological and pathological conditions. Polskie arch. med. wewn. 32 no-4:351- 358 162. 1. Z I Kliniki Chorob Wevnetrznych A14 w Gdansku, Kierownik. prof. dr. med. 14.Gorski. (NEURAIUMIC ACID metab) - - GHYREK-BOROWSKA, Sabna-- Neurgyninic acid and blood serum proteins In some disea"B of the hematopoietio system. Pol. med. wevnet. 32 no.7:861-862 162. 1. Z I Kliniki Chorob Wownetrsnych JD1 v Gdansku Kierownik: prof. dr med. k. Gorski. (NEUR&MINIC ACID) (HEMATOLOGY) (BLOOD PROTEINS) GHYREK-BOROWSKA., Sabina Diagnostic value of the determination of neuraminic acid (NANA) in neoplastic diseases. ?b1. arch. mod. wewnet. 33 no.8:869-.875 t63. 1. Z I Uiniki Chorob Wewnctrznych ANG T4erownik: prof. dr mad. M. Gorski. (NEOIM6M DIAGNOSIS) (BLOOD CHEMICAL ANALYSIS) (NEUMKNIC ACIDS) CHUM-BOROWSKA, Sabina HeAraminic acid and plasma proteins in bronchial asthma. Acta biol. med. 7 no-4:99-120 163, 1. Z I Kliniki Chorob Wownetrznycb Akademii Modycznej w Gdansku Kierownik Kliniki: Prof. dr Marian Gorski. (ASTHMA) (nTRAMINIC ACIDS) (BLOOD CHEMICAL ANALYSIS) (BLOOD PROTEINS) KOKOCIU, Barbara; Sabfra of IJ I it, 1 c f, t ir t'~ 13:17, :1 CM0 with %1lorgic bront-hial. astlima. Pol. arch. med'. no.5:575-578 164 1. Z Pol-lidill Chorob 1:11101d. Gliol-oll Ak-adem-Li M,'cAiTc-zno-'v w Gdtmsku (Klorownlk: prof. dr. i-aed. 1,411-oralki). pr:-. P. i, - CHYREK-BORMiSKA, Sabina. -- Senna g yeoproteins, Pole tyg. lek. 20 nos7t2/a-2-43 15 F165. 1. Z I Kliniki Chomb Wawnetrzn~cb Akademli I-Tedycznej w Gdansku (kierownikt. prof. dro Me Gort