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GABKT]aMICZ, A. Glinical aspects & treatment of poisoning by atk7lated benzine* Polski tygod. lek. 13 no.51:2065-2067 22 Dec 58. 1, (Z Il Klin. Chor. Wewn. A.M. im. J. Marchlewskiago u, Bialymetoim; Kierownik; prof. dr mad. J. Chlebovski). (PMOIWX PROLUCTS,-pvlW.-- ethylated benzine pois., clin. aspects & ther. (Pbl)) -5 MSTAFIRSM, J.; TOLIOUKO, A.; GILBRYNINICZ, A. Atypical multiple nVeloma. Folskie arch. mod. wown. 29 no.2:278-281 1959. 1. Z It Kliniki Chorob Wewnstranph A, K, w Bialyzatoku Kisrownik: prof. dr mod. J. CA12howgkk i s I Kliniki Chirurgiosuej A. M. w Bislymetoku Xiorownikt z prof. dr mod. 7. Oleaski. Adres Bial7stok. ul. Piwna 25. 11 Kliniks, Chor. wown. A*X* (WBWYA-PIASKA GILL, oase roportul, atypical ones (P01)) POUM/Gencral Problems of Patholo,,7 - Tumors. C:)Liparison U OncoloGy. Human Neoplasms. Abs J3ur Ref Mur BiA., No 1, 1959, 4263 Author Chlebovski, J., Komczynski, L., Zablocka, I. Inst Title Primary Erythroblastosis. Oric Pub : Polskie arch. ned. wewnetrz, 1957, 27, No 4, 533-54o Abstract : A brief survey of the section of the pathoGenetic maiii points and clinical classification of erythr-3blnst3sis, and also a description of a case of subacute erythro- blastotic myelosis in a patient 62 years old. Me disease lasted 4 nontIlis. Only mature erythroblasts were found in the peripheral blood; youhO forms appeared only during the terminal period. Also untsual was the L7adual decrease of the number of :ayeloid elements with the deveL)pment of a Lxa:iulocytosis. -- F.L. Mayzil' Card 1/1 - 48 - C ZABIDONA, Irena Anemia in pregnawy. Polski, tygod. lek. 14 no.18-,830-832 4 way 59. 1. (Z Il Klin. Chor. Wown. A. M. im. J. Marchlewkiego w Bialymstoka; kierownik: prof. dr med. J. qhjSboyzki). Adres: Bialystok, u1. Piwna 25 Il Klinika Chorob Wewnstrzrqch A.M. (PF3Z"GT, compl. anemia (Poi)) (ANMIA, in Dregn. (pol)) 17~Q WASILMSIA, Allm)2zk3IOCKL, Irem 6-1 A case nf agranulocytosis after pyramidon administmtioln. Polaki tygod. lek. 14 no.19:865-867 11 MY 59. 1. Z U Ilin. Chor. Wown. AN in J. Wrohlevskiego w GialymtoktL; kierowalk:-orof. dr J. Chlebowski, Adres: Bialystok, U Min. Chor. Wown. A. X. (AMINMIUIU, irj. off. agranulocytosis, case report (Pol)) (AGRANUIDGYMX, stiol. & pathogon- aminopyrine# case report (Pol)) -6'X~ 7,51 J MOWICXA GORrIMICE, Maria litf A case of hypo-gauma gioulinemis during the course of generalized lymphosarcoma. Polski tygod. lek. 14 no.39:1756-1757 29 Sept 59- 1. (Z II KlIniki Chorob Wewnetr%TWcb A. M. in. J. Marchlevskiago v 3ialymstoku; kierownik* prof. dr J. Chlebowekl)* (ITMOSARCOMA, compl.) (AGAMMIGIVIMIMIA, etiol.) DUBOWICXA-GABRTSUVICZOVA, Karl& Use of hormones of the adrenal cortes in &dome of various etiologies. Polskie, archol",vown, 30 no,6:805-W 16o. 1. Z II Kliniki Chorob Vownetrsuych A.M. in. J.Karchlowskiego v Bialymstoku lierovnik: prof. dr sod. J. Chlebowskl (KONA ther) (AUMMAL COR= HORMONES ther) Altnao, OBRZUT, Anbrozy A. Oscillometric index and intramuscular and surface temperature of the lower extremities in diabetic patients. Polski tygod.lek. 15 no.39:1486-1490 26 S 160. 1. Z II Kliniki Chorob Wownetrznych A.M. in. J.K&rchlewskiago w Bialynatoku; kierownik: prof. dr nod. J.Chlebowski i z I Klin. Chirurgicznej AMB.; kierounik: z-ca prof. aF -ned. F.Olenski (DIABETES WE I-ITUS physiol) (BOD! TEMPERATURE) Fecond ei-lc o,L' of Vie Vadvo~rl~a :."ed-4cal Schcol;- in li-,tc r,,:-;Ll ":vc -Mal 'ri"I"at cn-':! Be Carr-," at 'JACI 'v~~Odyiik Leka-"ehl. Vol XVITI, ~'o 8, IS T,eb T 77 c c th c, r ' s ri nre v n nt r d I f I -) 17 E n. a ~-.- ~ir,0 Years wit!m -i~ 'h~Etrjrv of 2 of tvo ye:trF, lactlr.,~- sever!:~l at,~-21K Oevelorped. In ~.hc c-x"~e c)f thit retmeterrml Iuin develoned.. T-ar~'-,vcnr6l& V.1if, CCIlInt-11 S:Ctep V 6avq and an~LproEeutaji- infari~tlcr: .,a, P,lt lent rocfjmred aft,.,r "' -7!ont~'-!~. GIILEBOWSKI J. Pathogenesis of pulmonaryempbysema. Pol. arch. med. wevnet. 34 no.110401-1403 164 CHLEBOWSKI, Jukub; ROSTAFINSKA, Jadwiga; WASILEWSKA, Alina Atypical diabetic ccma. 2 ease reports. Viad. lek.. 18 no*5: 425-4Z7 1 Mr t65 1. 2~ II Kliniki Chorob Vemnetr2nych, AMB (Kierownikt prof. dr. J. Chlebowski), CHLFBCVSKI, Rom" ..7-- Ammrnite fauna in the Albian sandstonti of Chelnrwa Cora. Frzegl geol 10 no. 4/5:223-229. Ap-My 162 1. Uniwersytet, Warszawa. GALANKA, Josef, prof.: mgr ins. (deceased]; CHI&AW-WL.-TA4avAL&, dr (deceased]; SZTELAK,, Jozef, agr inz.; ZIMNY, ~~ inz. Hydrogeologic and engineering-geologic studios for planned pit shafts. Rudy i metals 8 no.10:377-381 163. CHLEBOWSKY, TEOFIL. Anorganicka chemie pro hutniky a horniky. Celostatni vysokoskolska uceb nice. LrVYd. l.-7 Praha, Statni nakl. technicke literatury, 1957. 461 p. finorganic chemistry for metallurgic and mining engineers - a university -I textbook. 1st ad. illus., bibl., graphs, indexes, tables_ SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions (EFAL) 1Z, Vol. 6. no. 10. October 1057. Uni CHLIBUS, Renryk; FILIMKI, Stanislaw; SZRAJDMftN. M&rek. Irrequency of throuboinbolic complications In chronic circu- latory Insufficiency, Kardiol.polska 1 no,1-2:67-69 1954. 1. Z Il Kliniki Choreb Vownetrzarch M w Uresswis.lierownik: prof. dr sod. M. S ems ran-Sionianowski. (GONGWTIVIC TMA FAILMM. complications, . tbrombookbollem) (MUDMBODMLISK. coaplications coWetive heart failure) EXCERPTA MSACA Sec.6 V61.10/11 Intemal Medicine Nov56 W: I CIILE It I'S 11. , V I 1,11ILCK I St. , M R A I VI I I K )i "ZNACKA 16% . Itt o-wt;.' X. %I. , 1%., 1 g':.: .1 .' A .4% wt IV hatial'i zvnw,A, i tivrek to "116 1 - zvm. % i;~ i t!,,, Iit ~'z%!an'04. R v I i zi Af is tic - i1wils III 1 11 1.1.-1 ~ 4- p-. I, r'. 1 1 POL. TYG. I-I.K. I!j5(;. 11, 1 (I A- 26)( ;raphs 4 'rawst-s :i 4. ')f elidogelpill" vivallmill ;klid llo.df*a~" :41'A tht- Tin Avrt- deter- Ifillit.-I ill 26 liallel"Is Willi chro,114'. sllf~-t 1:1-fis "f 9'.' Iralar% trat'l. Mtt.'t 0' thein ,I I I P'.vv I I I I - ) Vvi I Ien ce It f I -ena I fa i I I a;,.. 6., It 11 !-k if I ~ Ili I;.-; we re It -Ullti at -Nn It .. I\ a I ins I r" 13 I 10 sit I 1.1ects. 'I'lit, ll'~Sxilnu I I I !l4bulat. excreti'm of (I st'61'as 1 j I I' Ip', iv IV r 14-rated re- I.i I ;\-I- It, va r 1\ it I I I ic cotirst- of 14a, ijise;%se I i;d lit t.N It iv bust i I ravi :, ii mavx of renu I All' 1hu Tillp \ vvfl '4,., ik-~I iii %it%- ahmirmally high vallws F4., 1114. ralio 61-111A,1111'. Th.- ratit, Cj" 1-111j, 1*0111.1111VII 11-tv-21.11 :11 most cases of chrollit. p~vlorlvplsvlli:~. Tlw lukIL41- of %%alul dill-ing [it-it ydratioll was also deturtlimed In 21 m1iijecls. NI(I.S1 I'( theill werv '4111%. It- rezib!~orb wtore thall 99% off Ow gloalwitentlar filiraw. M,wrawim:01tin of Itw ronai funoitw, is of g ,real prog- nostiv value Ili chrvinic pyelont-phritis, m4fivaling reral p~ironvh% .nial leftsiom-i Umig befort- life alolovarance of chniva" Sigil., tif relval failure. Michajlik - %arsaw AIMISAIMROW, Dymitr; WTS2IIACKA, Wanda; CHIMUS, Henryk; FILIFWXI, StanislAv; RTMOVA, Maria; MICHAMK, ITIVIJNN*`~ Renal function in patients with pyelonspbritAs and its changes under the influence of therapy. Folskie arch. mod. wevu. 29 no.4:491-502 1959. 1. Z II Kliniki Chorob Wownetrzrweh A. M. v Warazawie Kierownik: prof. dr mod. 3). Aleksandrov. (PYSIDNEPHRITIS, ther.) AL'SIMANMOII, Dymitr; VYSZNACU, Wanda: WIN=, FT nrvlr: FILDWKI, Stanislav; MICHAJ'LIX, Aleksander; RTCEROVA,,Xaria. Remote results of the treatment of pyeloneDhritis. Polsk-io arch. med. vewn. 29 no.4*03-509 1959. i, z ir Xliniki Chorob Vownetrzrych A. M. w Warezawie lierownik: prof. dr mod. D. Alekeendrov. (PTBLOISMITIS, ther.) CEMUS, Henryk The effect of nitroglycerine on the cardiovascular systen of patients with caronaz7 heart disease. Polski tygod.lek. 15 no-35: 1337-1343 29 Ag '60. 1. Z II Kliniki Chorob Wownetrzaych A.M. w Warstawie; kierownik: prof. dr med. D.Aleksandrow. (NITRITES tber.) (CORONARY DISEASE ther.) CHLEBUS, R.; NIELUDOWICZ, J.; WSZYS, R.; WYSZNACKA, W.; ZGLICZYNSKIP L. A case of I~steinls anOM17- Pol. tyg. lek. 17 no.29:1151-1156 16 ii 62. 1. Z II Kliniki Chorob Vownstrznyoh; kierownik: prof. dr med. D. Aleksandrow,, s I Kliniki Chirurgiasnejt kierownik: doa. dr med. J. Nielubovicz i z Zakladu Padiolog:U Lekarskiej AM v Warsmavie; kierovnik: prof. dr nauk mod. W. Zawadowski. (EBSTRIN is im*uy) ~~BUS, Henryk On the value of cardiographic stpdies in the determination of intra- arterial pressure deviations. Pbl. arch. med. vown. 33 no.l:'r7,83 163. 1, Z II Kliniki Chorob Wownstranyoh Akademii Modycznej w Warszavie Kierowniks prof. dr med. D. Aleksandrow. (ARTEMOSOLEROSIS) f BAIJ, STOCARDIOGR&PHY) (EIF. CTROCARDIOGWHY) (GLYCEM TRINITRATE)* (ANGIOGRAPHY) (BLOOD PRESSURE) GORIKOV, Aleksandr Vasillyevich; GHLEL, Turly Iseakovich; SHLAIR, I.B., kand.taklm.nauk, rot sense nt; VtW; retsenzent; PZMV. G.D., inzh.. nauohnyy red,; KARITAVSKIT, L.P., red,; AIIWV, D.A.. red.; SOULISKIT. I.F., (Ibconstraction of quarries supplying building materials to the Stalingrad Hydroelectric Power Station) Rokonstruktaila karlerno- go khosialstva dlia stroitel'stva Stalingradekoi GIS. Moskva, Gidroproakt. 1959. (xiRA 13:6) (Stalingrad Hydroelectric Power Station) (quarries and quarrying) (Sand and gravel plants) GORIKOV, A.V., inzb.; CEM. Tu.I.. inzli. AutomtIon of stone-crushing pli.nts. Makh.stroi. 16 no.11: 10-14 N 159. (MIRA 13:5) (Crushing mchinery) (Autovatlen) KOPIT, B.S.; KIKHATLOV, A.V.; aMWW, L=F' MM P-L; YUMMOV, I-I-; ~~ PwRor TS.ARSKIY, S-V.; RMAV�~~,. :,-' , i:I.; LUMUTS, L.Z.; ABAMOVP K,i.; som'sKATA, Zh,Ko; KRZWICHP VON*; DAY'=$ L.I.; VLASIKHIN, A.V.; CHKAW7, L.N.; STARICHUY, T.I.; MWBLAROV, A.U., red.; PIT3RMXj, Te.L., red.izd-va; PR INA, N.L., Dar beacons; collection of articles on progressive workers in lumber, paper, woodworking industries and forestry] Kashi maiaki; abornik ocherkov o perodovykh liudiakh lesnot, bumashnoi i derevo- obrabatyvaiushchet promyshlennosti i lesnogo khoziaistva. Moskva, Goslesbumizdat, 1961. 125 P. (MIRI 15:2) (Forests and forestry) (W*od-using industries) ; -0-0-6-0 ;-; ; i i i i 0 0 ** 0 0 0 0 0 0a a a* qp--- rr " 77" I is it It $1 111 It I$ III l . U 0 p 4 , 1--A I I ..A a (A 0 a .1 . a JCO -90 00 -f* doe smam. Tamag as WAMM go- peduaw A A. WHOM-11MC49 so '31 Noe, 4*6 00 001 641 00101 041 see 0 4 0 ti a r . , . j r of lose Ito* mdl'~ It L so^*" E- 141,201 -A. a- 4.4 s;. is. u o A* 00 is t- - w IN I Joe 0 0 0 0 e 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 &10 0 0 0 & 0 0 0 0 0 41 9 0 0 0 0 0 a 9 0 111 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 CHLENOV, A. G. 20677. Chlen2v,-A.G. Metod osnovnogo Ratchets pri szhiganii uglevc>dorodnykh gazov. - V ogl: G.A. Z 1j Chlenov. Energet. byulleten', 1949, No. 3, s. 8-11 SO- LETOPIS ZHURNAL STATEY - Vol. 281, Moskva, 1949 CAUOV, A. G. Conference of Gas Producer Bt&tloa Workers at plants of the Main Administration of Construction Commics. Stek.1 kor. 13 no.l: 3o is 156. (MLMA 90) (Shchekino-Gas producers) USSR/Chemical lech-vology Chemical Products and Their 1-7 Application. Treatment of Solid Mineral F4iels Abs Jour Ref Zhur - KbA-miya, No 1, 1958, 2484 Author Chlenov, A.G. Inst -*~~ Title Save Data on the Operation of Gas Generators Using Anthracite. Orig Pub Sit.: Gazifik. tverdogo topliva. M., Gostoptekhizdat, 1957, 75-77 Abstract Data are given on the operation of gas generator stations, whieb are part of the Glavatroykeramika system, that use anthracite. Card 1/1 CMMOV,_A, C_,_- TOMAZOV, S. P. Electric stmu generator for high pressures for laboratory apparatus. Zav. lab. 28 no,12:1531 162. (MMA 16:1) 1. Kalininskiy torf~anoy institut. (Tooting laboratories-Equipment and supplies) CHIENDVI A.G., inzh. Conditions for complete combastion of fuel oil. Prom.energ. 18 no.4t2l-27 AP 163. (KIRA 16:4) (Petroleum as fuel) (combustion) C~~t A, G, , inzh. Buming of liquid fuel in the U~S*A, Prox.energ. 20 no.2j36-42 165o (W RA 18: 4) ACU-OT. D.S,; ARTIBILOT, B.k.,- VIXTOROV, A.K.1 GINTS, A.H.; GORIKOV, A.T.; GUSYATINSKIT, K.A~; KARPOT, A.S.; KOLOT, I.I.; KOKMVSKIT, V.-A.; XCHTAGIN, A.I.; KRITSKrT, K.N.; KRATNOV, A.G.; XISTIROVA, I.N.: WIS. I.S.. kandidat takhnicheakikh nauk; SOSNOVIKOV, K.S.; SMHOT- SIIY, S.F.! CHU 9211 Ww TUSOV, S.K.; ZHUX, S.Ta., akademik, glavVy redaktor; JEWTHUY, I.E., redairtor; BABONMOV, A.Y., professor, doktor tekhaicheakikh nauk. redaktor; JERZMMR, D.M.. professor, doktor tekhnichaskikh nauk. redaktor; SHISHKO, Ye.Y,, professor, doktor takhnichaskikh nauk, redaktor; AVIRIN, N.D.. inzhener. radaktor [deceased); GORIKOV, A.Y., inzhener. redaktor; KO"VSKIY, V.T., inzhener, redaktor; ROGOVSKIT, L.T., Inzbener, radektor; SHkPOVALOY. T.I., inshener, rodalctor; RUSSO, G.A., kandidat takhnichaskikh nauk, redaktor; YILIKONOV, N.A., inzhener, redaktor; VOLKOV. L.N., inshener, redektor; GRISHIN, M.K., professor. doktor tekhnichaskikh nank, redak- tor; ZHME. V.D., professor, doktor takhnichaskikh nauk, redaktor; LIKHAGEW&Y, V.P., inzhener, redaktor; KOVIDIV, V.K., kandidat tethni- chaskikh nauk. redaktor; MIKHATLOV, A-V., kandidat takhnicheskikb nauk, redaktor; PICTROV, G.D., inzhener. radaktor; RAZIN, N.V., redaktor; BOBOIAV, V.P., inthener, redaktor; FXRIN&a, B.P.. inthener, re&aktor; TSYPIAKOV, V.D., inihener, redaktor; ISAYIIV, N.V.. redaktor; TISTROVA, O.N., redaktor; SKYORTSOT. I.M.. takhaicheskiy redaktor [The Volga-Don Canal; technical report on the construction of the Volga-Don Canal, the TSimlyaaskaya bydro development and irrigation works (1949-1952); in five volumes] Vblgo-Don; takhnicheakii otchet (continued on next card) AGAPOV, D.S. -- (continued) Card 2. o stroitalletys Volgo-Donskogo sudokbodnogo kanala imeni V-1-lenins. TSimlianskogo gidrouzla i oroattellnykh soormzbonii (1949-1952) v piati tomakh. S-IA- Zhuk. Moskva. Gos.snerg. izd-vo. Tol.5. [Quarry management) Xerlernoe, khoziaistvo. Red.toma I.N. Kostrov. 1956. 172 p. (MLRA 10:4) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Hinisterstvo elektrostantati. Byuro takhnichaskogo otchsta o stroitelletva Volgo-Dona. 2. Daystvitellnyy cheln Akedemil stroitalletva. I arichitektury SSSR (for Razin) (Quarries and quarrying) CHLENOV. G.0. Conference of managers and outstanding workers. Av-t.dor. 25 no.4:32 and 3 of cov%Ap a rR;ads) OURA 15:5) 20323 2 0 17 b 2- S/020/61/137/001/015/021 ti V 0 B103/B201 AUTHORS: U Guan-li, Sokolova, Ye. B., Chlenov, I! Ye., and Petrov, A. D., Corresponding Member AS USSR TITLE: Synthesis of monovalent saturated alcohols and tertiary acetylene alcohols of the ferrocene series PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, v. 137, no. 1, 1961, 111-112 TEXT: The authors have for the first time synthesized the following alcohols of the ferrocene series; A) Monovalent saturated (Table 1: 1-4); and B) Tertiary acetylene alcohols (5-7). ad A): 1 - a-hydroxy isopropyl ferrocene, 2 - a-hydroxy-a-phenyl ethyl ferrocene2 3 - a-hydroxy-a- phenyl propyl ferrocene, 4 - a-hydroxy-a-phenyl amyl ferrocene. ad B): 5 - 3-methyl-3-ferrocenyl-3-hydroxy propyne-1, 6 - 3-metkvl-3- ferrocenyl-3-hydroxy propyne-1, and 7 - 3-phenyl-3-ferrocenyl-3-hydroxy propyne-1. Alcohols A) were synthesized from acetyl ferrocene and benzoyl ferrocene by condensation with Grignard reagents (the latter prepared from saturated halogen alkyls) (see scheme no. 1). Conditions of synthesis are described in Ref. 1 (Riemschneider, D. Helm, Ber. 89, Card 1/5 20323 Synthesis of monovalent... S/020/61/137/001/015/021 B103/B201 196 155). The reagents were stirred in benzene solution for 1 hr at 60 C, the reaction mixture was decomposed by saturated NE 4C1 solution, and the reaction product was recrystallized from diluted ethanol after purification on active carbon. The yield amounted to 58-72%. Alcohols B) resulted from acetylenyl magnesium bromide (prepared according to E. R. H. Jones and coworkers, J. Chem. Sao. 1956, 4765, Ref. 3) after scheme no. 2. As for the latter compound, acetyl ferrocene was dissolved in THP EAbstracter's note: probably tetrahydrofuran] at room temperature, added, stirred for 12 hr, decomposed like sub A), extracted with ether, and the extract was dried with Na2SO 4* The residue from the distillation of the solvent (dark-red liquid) was dissolved in hexane, boiled with active carbon, and the crystal precipitate was purified by recrystalliza- tion from diluted alcohol. In addition, the authors synthesized sodium acetylenide (according to 0 H. Normant, B. Angelo, Bull. Soc. Chim. v. 2, 1960, 354, Ref. 4) at -15 C, and used it for condensation with acetyl and benzoyl ferrocene. Acetyl ferrocene dissolved in a THF solution was added to sodium acetylenide at -100C. After the same treatment as mentioned above, the reaction product was submitted to chromatographic Card 2/5 ASSOCIATION: 20323 Synthesis of monovalent... S/020/61/137/001/015/021 B103/B201 analysis by mean a of Al 0 . The authors succeeded in proving that alcohol no. 6 can be prepared ig Ko ways (over C 2HMgBr and over C2HNa)V whereas no. 7 is formed over C 2HMgBr only. Conversely, they were not able to obtain alcohols B by Favorekly's reaction. Finally, the fact is stressed that Iotsioh's reagent (disubstituted organometallio acetylene reagent) does not react with either acetyl or benzoyl ferrocene. A paper by A. N. Nesmeyanov and coworkers is mentioned. There are 1 table and 4 references: 1 Soviet-bloc and 3 non-Soviet-bloc. Moskovskiy khimiko-tekhnologicheskiy institut im. D. I. Mendeleyeva (Moscow Institute of Chemical Technology imeni D. I. Mendeleyev) SUBMITTED: December 2, 1960 Card 3/5 Synthesis of monovalent... 20323 S/020/61/137/001/015/021 B103/B201 I % T. nA.. OC Ipy- OOPMYJIA C I H F. C Iki A a-Ojccmmwnponsia4*pp*- 58 56-58 64,01 6,39 22, 20 CjsHjjOFe 63,97 6,56 22,90 64,10 6,IjU $a~OXCH-04eHNaMA40ep- 32 110-111 70,62 6,59 18,70 C,,HlsOFe 70.59 5,88 18.26 H J04e 70.68 6,47 - KCH U*HKA[tpOnHfi 3 60 87--M 7t,45 6,91 t7.IO CjjHl6OFe 7t,28 6.25 17,46 SeppoueH 71,29 6,85 ,. KcH.a*mHAauwA4oep- 72 M-66 72,52 6,70 W, 68 CIIH,OFe 72,41 6,91 16,10 POU H ! 72,40 6,75 r3-MeT. .n.3*PPOUeHmA-3- 5 66.25 6,58 - CuHnUe 66.14 5,51 22.04 OKCHnponsm-t A.MeTH.R-34eppoitenma-3- 5 M-114 66 05 65:38 6 (is 5:77 22,85 C14H,#OFe 66,14 5,51 22,04 in -t ** t nnIIH 65,10 5.56 .V . 0 j ,13 4eppoiteHU-3- 16 89-90 72,02 5,33 t 7,33 C,,H IOFe 72,19 5,tO t7,67 oKcHnponHH-j* 1 71.92 5,361 end to Table 1: 1 Le 0 7, see the text, 8) ield %, 9) melting point 10 as found, 11) e i mpirical formula, 12~ as calculated, Card 4/5 Synthesis of monovalentooo R -7 /-\-C-R+R'MgX-/-\ ~-Rl Fe 0 FC OH R - CH9.41Hs R'- CHs. CsH#. m-Qjis A*,41 Scheme no. 1 20323 S102 61/137/001/015/021 B103YB201 R /-\-C-R+HC=-CX- /--\-C-CmOi Fe Fe 0 8H R Ms. CeHs; X - MgBr, Na Scheme no. 2 Card 5/5 'ACCESSION NR: AP4025017 S/0062/64/000/003/0583/0584 .AUTHORS: Tartakovskiy, V.A.; Chlenov, I.Y.e.; Smagin, S.S.; Novikov, S.S. !TITLE: Nitrocompounds obtained by 10 dipolar addition reaction ;SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izv. Seriya khimicheskaya, no. 3, 1964, 583-584 :'TOPIC TAGS: nitrocompound, 1 3 dipolar addition, addition reaction, ;pher,y1nitromethane, acrylonitrile, diazomethane, trinitromethane, ,nitroisoazolidine series, trivalent nitrogen, covalent bond, dini- :trocompound !ABSTRACT: This addition reaction between the aciform and unsaturated' i :nitrocompounds, such as between the 0-methyl ether of phenylnitro- ;methane and acrylonitrile, may proceed as foliows: CH,-CH 06 + so. CH 0 ~'ACCESSION'NR: APW25017 yielding N-methoxy-3-phenylnitriloisoxa,.,.olidine. Such end prcdiicts, which may be considered cyclic ethers of aciform dinitrocompounds will react further with formation of heterocyclic compounds of a new class, the isoxazolidine derivatives. -CH-C-NO, CH, R' CH, N CH- \0/ 0 The O-methyl ether of trinitromethane (prepared from diazonethane and trinitromethane) can also enter into such 1,3 addition reaction. i These compounds of the isoazolidine series are the first examples of substances containing a trivalent nitrogen atom, covalently linked to 2 oxygen atoms, Orig. art. has: 2 formulas. ASSOCIATION: Institut organicheskoy khimii im. N.D. Zelinskogo, Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Organic Chemistry, Academy of Scion- ces; SSSR) Card ACCESSION NR: AP4025017 SUBMITTED: 1lDec63 SUB CODE: CH 3/3 Cord DATE ACQ: 17Apr64 NR REF SOV*. 000 ENCL: 00 OTHER: 000 /UF,;; ACC&SSION NRi AP5009225 9/0020/65A61/C()1/0I36/013q A M(Wz Tartakovakiy., V, A, j G~Ienovj !*-,Ye*j Lagodzinskjkra, G. V. I Novikov-1 S. S Tim: OrtbD-st.hers Of tllht~ 6 n the rawtion of 1..~-dipolar cy-clic compounds 7,77!77777~~ 777i bows i -J&-cmi Doklad;Yi' 3 5s TOPIC TAGSi ether, cyolicoop Auclear MV30tic resonanco Ti- ~The reacbiov-. -paq;6und -IIEd as a "'Mans `U:Shed light On thO SMO 7~%d 4 0, 0 OtW-f there of trLatromEytizz;Lne., To i's o'x" trjUi- yvith-esize ortho-matl3yj et~. dtromthane, Ue, mWhod 6f ortho-~methyLation 4- -of. mcinonitro compo-ands:.of-d iezot"*IM ,. Rose) was, ii7trd.. -proposi by Arndt and Benzene was used ma the et)lvwt,~ -~.,U*fher' f," was alkylation of 4~1-, p salt by UiSakYjOXCIAi= J~oiN6 jArv, in methylene daoride. Structure of the vos vftlit&W,'by elewntal wwiys:L-9,, detarmi- Ot, cl weigh -*v Of I 3i lu - . Wld~m ear'mgnetic resoaance spectra. res%Wve shaw that the deeired.9ropound was abrtained by both methodn, The card TARTAKOVSKIY, V.A.; SMIN, S.S.; CHLFNOV. I.Ye.; W)VIKOV, S.S. Methyl aster of pheny1nitromethane .-~n the reaction cycloaddition. Izv, AN SSSR. Ser. kliim. no.3t552-554 165. (YMA 18:5) 1. I-stitut organicheskoy khImii im- N.D.Zelinskogo AN SSSR. AN .10 no 0 c SR. E L 1665-M WT(e)/EPF(c)/RWP(J)/T/EWA(c) RPL WIJI~NEAM !ACCtSSION ".. -A-P-5--0-2,2-9-3--7, tat/0062/65/000/008/1421/14914 $436422#547 232 WTHORt IMaDov, A. Chl"M air k.; Slovetaki V I i - Y, !Novikov. S. 14 - 4 TITLE: Molecular absorption spectre of O-athyl esters of dinitromethane'and tri- Ditz thaw ;SOURM: AN SSSR. Isvestlya. Serlya kbinicheiskaya, no. B. 1965,.1491-1494 i iTOPIC TAGS: IR spectrum, UV spectrum ~ABSTRACT: The IR and UV-spectra. of several O-ethyl eaters of geminal di- and trini- Aroderivatives of MthaDe won taken in order to examine the monochromaticity of their aci-form and anions. The IR spectra were taken with the UR-10 spectrophoto- meter and the UV spectra were taken in a methyl chloride solution at SOC with SF-4 spectropbotometer. The IR spectra of the title compounds confirmed their structure by showing absorption bands corresponding to Cz N bond, Na C- N02, N*C(N02)2 and CumN O-R L 1665-66 FACCMSION NR: AP5022937 1 --:5, ;The UV spectra indicate that In various tautomeric forms there is a constant struc- :tural fragment r X C- j 'with a maximum absorption in the region of 310-320 to (characteristic for aci-form) and a molar extinction coefficient of about 6000. The location of the maximum and absorption intensity are practically independent from X and R. This study revealed that the aci-forms and anions of gem-di-wid trinitrocompounds are not monochromatic.': ,(According to the literature data maximum absorption of imion derived from gem-di-ani ,trinitroderivatives of methane occurs in a45-360 a region). Orig. art. 2 ,tables, 3 formulas. ASSOCIATION: Institut aftanicheskay Wail in. N. D. Zelinskogo akadsmii nauk SSSR ~Uwtitute of organic Owmistry Acolany of Setences SSSR) PUBMITTED: 02Dec64 ENCL: 00 SUR Coact mj>op ~0 RLT. SOVt 005 OMMI 003 2/2 CHLENOV L 0 Aeceased); LKBMVA9 N. V. Diagnosis and treatment of cerebral insults. Nauch. trudy Inst. nevr. AMN SSSR no.it44-61 160. (MIfV 15:7) 1. Institut nevrologii AMN SSSR. (CKRMOVASCULAR DISUSE) ACCEMON NR: AP30DM32 SY'OD62/63/OW/005/0946/0947 AUTHOR: Sokolov,, S. D.; Ashkinadses, L. D.; Cilenov, M. A.; Kochetkov, N- K- TITLE: Structure of 3-methyl-4-nitroiwrwolime-5 ~sou=: AN SSSF. Uvestiya. Otdeleniye khbticheddM nauk, no. 5, 1963, 946-947 TOPIC UGS: 3-methY1-4-4dtroi*=aWlcne-5, iscmeric =ethyl derivatives, 3-zethyl- J;-nitro-5-methoxyisoxazole, 2,3-dimothyl-4-nitroia=asolone-5, infrared spectra., ultraviolet spectra ;ABSTRACT: 3-Hathyl-4-nitroisoxasolone-3 was c(maidered to be a DELTA compound,, therefore, capable of ezolization. TU9 was, ImWever, disproved by the inability ~to prepare a chloro derivative. In orldier to eutabliah the structural fomula of .3-methyl-4-nitroisoxaq.olone-5, Uro iameric methyl derivatives were synt'i-la.91zet. 3--,%',t-'%-Ihyl-4-n-itrc~-5r,ethoxyisoxazole was prepared by the action of dia--=,ethane on 3-r.ethy.l-,4-~-atro4-soxazolone-5, while 2,3-dimeth7-l-4--p-4t-miso--a--olone-5 ,,as prl-- pared by the action of methyl iodide on the silver walt of the or-J&Ln--1 In1rared and ultraviolet spectra for 3-calhyl-4-nitroisoxazolo,-i&-5 and itz; deri- vatives are reported. It was established that 3-met1q1-4-nitro-iso=-o1e-5, its silver Balt and its N-methyl derivative are MMTA sup 3 compounds. "Ibe authors express their gratitude to N. B. Kuplet*akaya for procuring ultra-Y.',olet apectrall Card.1/2--_,.- ACCESSION NR: AnOOM32 ~(hd,g. art. has: 1 figure, 4 fornulas, and I table. ASSOCIATION: Moskovs)dy gosudarstvanny*y univ-3raitet 1m. M. V. Lmonosova ,State University) SUII&TTTED: MecUc 'SUB GODE: CH DAM ACQ: 12Ji=63 NO FXF SOV: DD3 00 O-M.H: 003 Card 2/2 KOGHETKOV, N.K.; KUDRYASHOV, L.I.; ~IILEVOV M A Formatim of deoxy sugars In the radiolysis of *r-ethylglycoside. Izv. All SSSR Ser. khim, no.11:2U5 N 164 (m%q 18:1) lo Institut khl-mii prirodnykh soyedineniy AN SSSR. roif'.hylisw" , 1'. 1 . ; C I I.I. A.; , :.T. .-j . Mori-i3accharMes. Repom No.8: come transl~)rrvjtions of O~,-methyl- w 4.6-banzyliclene-2-deoxy-2-C-carl)ot),,Dx.v.-st-,vi-NLi .itrosJde. Izv. A SSSR Ser. k-hini. no.1:75-79 1615. (MMA 18:2) I. Institut Milml-l prirodn,vkh qc)yaJ,.n(!niy SIS'SR. KOCHETKOV, N.K.; KUDRYASHOV, L.I.; CHLENOV, M.A. Radiation chmistry of carbohydrates. Part 3t Effect of _r-irradiation on aqueous solutions oI'O,,,Lmetbyl-D-glyaos!de. LnUr. ob. khim. 35 no.5097-900 My 165. (KRA 18-6) .L. Institut khinii prirodnykh soyedinenly AN SSSR. FISMY, N.I.: CHLIMT. H.S.; GICHM. ?.A. ------- AMMMWW Leonid Petrovich Khersonskii. 30th anniversary of the medical, scientific and public activity. Test.oto-rin 17 no.4:82 Jl-Ag 155. (W.RA 8:10) (BIOGRAPHIIIS, Kbersonakli. Leonid P.) , A -6) ACC - NR-s SOURCE CODE: UR/0079/65/035/012/2246/2_~ AP6016708 AUTHOR., Kochetkov, N. K.1,; kt!#yashovL_k. I.; Chlenov,. M. As 4~ ORG: Institute of Chemistry of Natural Compoundst.AN SSSR (Institut khimii prirodn, soyedineniy AN SSSR) TITLE: Rad'ation chemistry of hydrocarbonsol VI. Radiolysis of aqueous solutions of bet a-ri&thyT--;-Mt1i--pMTUT---and beta-benzyl-b-glucosides SOURCE: Zhurnal obsbchey khimii, v- 35, no. 12, 11.965, 2246-2251 TOPIC TAGS: radiation cherrds+-ry, aqueous solution, garfna irradiation, radioisotop"-f cobalt, hydrolysis, gas chromatography ATISTP,I,(,I T:A study was made of the etfect of the configizratlon of tile glyco,, ide r~eriter and the natlire of aglycorie on the course of -1. % lhu r3rt!.;,'-1on .,,-; ' ~ .1'reliminary clata are presented on -11 rnrwrrange-.nents of beta-methyl-D-glyc~)i 'ef,'Oryranoside, and beta-benzyl-D-gl, Id C, ir-artInt.1on wqs rondmnted with gamma rays fro-m ~..-)-60 ,.ouzu,~; _~r rPnle4 gin-qs nmpoulPr In an atmosphore free of .,xykcn And nltrogun- i Snliit~ons of chromatographically pure glycoside'r In a 10-2.~_, cin- centration were used6 The ranoe or thp.doses was 1.25-11 10 9 ev/ml. The dose strength wits 4-3 6 10-Lo ev/ml -'see. The decomposition yields of beta-methyl-s beta-phanyl-, and-beta- ACC NRo Ap6M6?0,8 benzyl-D-~gluoosldea, and the yields of glucose formation during their radiolysis were determined. A substantial effect of the aglycone structure on the stability of the glycoside bond to the action of gamma-radlation In beta- methyl-. betA-phenyl-I and bets-benzyl-D-gluposides was observed. A possible scheme is presented for the radiation chemical hydrolysis, of these glucosides In which a solvated electron participates. During radiolysis of the glueosides, acids are formed as secondary products; consequently.. oxidative hydrolysis practically does not', occurs The authors are grateful to V.'A, Vavera for bonduoting,the gas-. liq~tdd chromatography of the'iz7~aTi_ated solutions T Orig. -art. has: - '5 tigures'. (JPRS3 SUB CODE: 07, 18 / SUBM DATE: - l9APr65 / ORIG REF: 005 CTH REEF- 006 2/2 ~jnLiL~V, i.-,. T. eroblem of orpnization in contemnorRry r-d1read =-interance I;oEkvg, ~;or. tranEp. Eel-dor. izd-vo, 19,48. 81 p. (4~-24764) TF530-C5 CHUNDV, X.T., kandidat takhmicheskikh nank. Uperience of the Atbasar section In controlling track creep. Trudy TMI M no.49i4O-46 151. (MLRA 9-7) (Railroads-Track) CHIMT, M.T., kwAudat takhnicheakikh =*. Jbiperience in vintertize track maintenance using A.S.Udalov's method. Trudy TSNII 03 no.49:47-76 031. (MLRA 917) (Rallroads-Maintenence and repair) . kandidat takhuicbeskikh nauk; SORCKIN, N-N-, "-w-ONT"WIP 9 ener A~or: ROVA. Te.N.. tekhnicheskikh redaktor [Trackwalker's manual] Rukovodetvo putevomu obkhodchiku. Izd. 2-os, dop. Moskva, Goo. transp.shol-dor. izd-vo, 1957. (HLR& 10:6) I.Rassia (1923- U*S*S*R.) Mininterstvo putey soobsbaboniya. (Railrmds--Track) Chlenov, Yikhail Timofeyevich FLukovodstvo Putevom obkhodchiku ffirecto f th;.railroad track inspecto~r dop. Moskva, d Transzhe dorizdat, 1957. 193 P. illus., diaprs., tables. At head of title: Russia. Flinis- terstvo Putey Soobshcheniya. Bi-liography: p. 191 755.22 x5 i957 OELWOVp MeTeg kand. tekhn. nauk. ow~ ~~,O-trends In organizing currant track maintenance on foreign railroads. Pat' i put. khoz. no.2:46-48 F 158. (KIRA 11:3) (Railroads--Track) CHLENOV, Mikhsil Timofeysvich. kand.takhn.nPuk-, SOROKIN, U.N., inzh., red.; "' 4 U.11-, 'VeMin. red. (Manual of the track patrolman] Rukovodstvo putevorm Okhode-hika. Izd.3., dop. Moskva. Goe.tr9n9p.zhsl-dar.izd-vo, 1959. 210 p. (MM 12:12) (Railroads--Track) ALIBRMM, Vladimir Georgiyevich, prof.; LIMS, Georgiy Vladinirovich, dotsent; NIKIFOROY, Pavel Aleksandrovich, prof. [deceased]; Mikhail Timofeyevich, kand.tekhn.nauk; CORMYSHEY, Mikhail And rey6VI -ch, `16A.-tekhii.-iauk; FRISMW, M.I.. prof., retsonzent; ANDRETCHMKO, A.V., :Lnzh., retsenzent; BABKIN, A.R., inzh., retsenzent; BEZRUGHKO, V.3., inzh., retsenzent; ZHMMIN, M.I., inzh., retsenzent; MELINIK, D.M., inth., reteenzent; KMVITSV. I.V., inzh.. retsenzent; NOVITSKIY, G.L. inzh.. retsenzent; PASHININ, S.A., inzh,., retsenzent; POTOTSOY, G.I.. inzh., retsenzent, red.; PAK, S.H., inzh., retsenzent; TYUTTMIIX, P.R., inzh., reteenzent; UMUTEW, D.I., inzh., retsenzent; SHM- LIV, V.N., inzh., retsen2ent; BOIROVA, Ye.H., (Track work] Putevoe khoziaistvo. Pod red. M.A.Chernyahava. Moskva, Gos.traus-p.zhel-dor.izd-vo, 1959. 435 P. (MIRA 12:12) 1. Kafedra 'Pat' i putevoye khozy-3ystvoll Dnepropetrovskogo Insti- tuta inzhenerov zholesnodoroshnogo transports (for Frishman). (Railroads-Track) CHLICNOV, H.T.. kand.takhn.nauk BaGic tasks in the over-all macbanization of track work, Test. TSHII 14PS 18 no.3:3-9 OF 159. (Am 12--8) (Railroads-Track) GULENKO, Nikolay. Nikolayevich,- OMAp Viktor yopifanovich; AIJUSMt V.A, I kand. tekbn. nauk, retsensmt),Calaff, MITt kand. tgkbn. nauk, retaenzen4; KWAROV, V.P.t insh.9 retsenzent; ABRAGAM, S.R., inzb,p red.; BOBROVA, Ye.Nd-9 tekkm. red. I [Track nachinery ad meebaniew] Put-evye mashimy i maklaijimw. 140- skva, Voes. izdatelveko-poligr. obwedinenie M-va putei soobshcheniia, 1961. 319 p. (KMA 14; 8) (Ra4lroads--Equipment and supplies) (Railroads-Track) SHADALIN, Goorgly Ivanovich, insh. PrInimali uchastiyet TILAND, S.X., inth.; SMMMOVA, L.S., insh. _gZLJMOV,-X..r-, kaud.tekhn. nauk, retsenzent; MGBMA, A.L, lnsh,, red,; TCRMNIXOTA, L.F. , t ekhn. red. (Railroad track Inspection] Takhnicheskle osmotry zhelesuo- daroshikogo puti. Nbskya, Toes. izdatel lsko-poligr.obPedineuie X-va putei modbahchoulia, 1961. 139 p. WRA 14ti2) 1. Upravleulye Cktyabrlskoy dorogi (for Viland, Shneyerova). (Railroads--Tr&ek) CHLENOV, M.T.p kand.tekhn.nauk Solving the problem of an over-all mechanization of track maintenance operations. Put' i put.khoz. 5 no.8:17-19 Ag 161. (MIRA 14:10) I* Rukovoditell otdoleniya organizataii i mekhanizataii putevykh iMbot Vsesoyuznogo tsentrallnogo nauchno-issledovatellskogo institut.a. (Railroads-Maintenance and repair) BLOKM, Konstantin Agapovich; PASHININ, Sergey Afanas 'yevich; CHWIOV, ._-X4-,-kand. tekhn. nauk,, retsenzent; EALICIWYEV, V.11., retsenzent; BORISOV, V.M., inzh., reteenzent; MELENETS, V.V.j, inzh., retsenzent; SER=U, A.I., inzh.., red.; BOBROVA, U.N... tekhn. red. (Track overhauling operations] Kapital I rare Putene raboty. Yo skva, Transzheldorisdat, 1962. 326 p. (MIRA 15:12) (Railroads-Maintenance and repair) ,GHLENQY,_M.T..,_kand.tekhn. nauk; POTOTSKIY, G.I., inzh., red.; VERINA, G.P., tekhn. red. (Manual for the track walker) Rukoyodstvo putevomu ob- ib6dchiku. Moskva, TrannsheldoAzdat, 1962. 159 P. (MIRA 16:7) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Mimisterstyo putey soobshcheniya. (Railroads-Track) CHIBIZOV, Grigoriy Aleksayevich; CEMY, N kand. tekhn. nauk, retsenzent; NEXASIP=, Z-.T.-, insh.,, retsensent; NDFDSUN, P. V dots., r*t~#*sft;SERGZYLrVA,A. I. insh. red. ;USENKO, ff. I., [Mechanized methods of eliminating frost heavelMe1rhooniziro- vannye sposqp~y likvidatsii puchin; opyt puteitsev Vostochno- Sibirskoi, IUMmo-Urallskoi i Zapadno-Sibirskoi dorog. Mo- skva, Tranizheldorizdat, 1963. 55 p. (MIRA 16:3) (trozen ground) (Railroads-Construction) ALIBFMKHT, V.G., prof.; DUBITSKIT, H,Cg4med. tekhn, nauk; ISAKOV, L.M... kand. tekhn. nauk, dots.5 KONDAKOV, N.P., kand. tekhn.nauk, dots.; Ptininali ucluistiye: SHULIGA, V.Ya., kand. tekhn. nauk, &to.; ANGEIV.190, V.I., prof.,- jHjugg M.T., kand. tekhn.nauk, retsenzent; TIKMMIRUV, V.I., insh., rucumsent; POTOTSKIY, G.I.j ina1u, red.; MOVEDEVA, M.A., takhn. red. [Planning of the organization of track maintenance and repair work] Proaktirovanis organizataii putevykh rabot. (By) V.G. Allbrekht i dr. Moskva,, Tranash,31dorisdat, 1963. 186 p. (MIRA 16:9) (Railroads-Track) CHLENOV, M.T., kand.takhn.nank Mechanization of track work and ecommW in labor expmditure. Zhel.dor.transp. 46 no.300-55 Mr 164. (MIRA 17:3) JOHLEPNOV, M.T., kand. xalrb-.. na" - ---aBpectio for the iuxth6r U-. .1 cf Lrack ww-, Lue~. I " j~f- ~,., ,7 no.7s5D-55 .11 165. 1 . I UMOV, Pavel Alekseyevich. n-inimli uchastiye: VEDEN---IEV,, V.A., ,A'~,j Ya.,, inzh.; SIALY-T, G.M., naach--. zred.; inzh.; 2PW 1.',UPKDv'A, V.G., red. rNaintenance of municipal electric power distribution net- L works] Obsluzhivarde gorodskikh elaktricheskikh setei. Mo- skva, Vysshaia shkola, 1965. Z-4 p. (YIFA 18:2) ("k , , "'! ~ 1 4- C;;-W-04IP, w ---. - , Automatic control of the Gatilin imit. Xhleb. I kond. prom. I no.12-. 7-11 D 057. (KML 1111) 1, Hookovekly tekhtologicheakly itLetitut pishchavoy pronveblennosti. (Baker@ and bakeries-Squipment and supplies) (Automatic control) ACCESSION NR-. AP4013338 S/DO20/b4/1!),4/OO3/O7O3/O7O6 AuTHoRs: Xenova V.A.; Mikhaylovs N.V. TITLE: A now principle for production Of & "boiling layer" Soma: AN SSSR. Doklady** v. 154p no. 3* 19b4, 703-70b TOPIC TAGS: boiling layer, vibroboiling, mechanical reaction acceleration, boundary reaction, vibration boiling ABSTRACT: The physico-chemidal reactions betweezi substances de- velop at their boundary surfaces. Increased surface of contact enhances the reaction rate. The auzhor suggested in l9bO a new method for creation of a "boiling layer" of solid particles, or drops of liquids, etc. This is achieved by mechanical vibrations of the support on which the particles rest. In the present work, the critical parameters of the vibmtions are experimentally de- termined which are necessary for creating the "vibroboiling state". The amplitudes of vibrations are observed with a microscope, and Card 1/2 ACCESSION NR: AP4013338 recorded oseillographically. Orig. art. has: 4 figures. ASSOCIATION: Institut fizicheskoy kh=i Akademll n.auk SSSR (Institute for Pbpical' qhemistry, AN SSSR) SUBMITTED: 10"163 DATE AOO,: 26Feb64 ENCLO- 00 SUB CODE: CH NO REF SOVt 002 OTHER: 001 C,,d 2/2 CHLENOV, V.A.; MIKHAYLOY, N.V. Vibrofluidi.zed bed. Zhur. fiz. khim. 39 no.214'73-05 F 165. (MIRA 1814) 1. Institut fizicheskoy khimii AN SSSR. CH UENOV, V.A. ; I-C-7 KHAYD-Y., N. V. Drying sand by the conductive method In a vibratory bed. Stroi. mat. 10 no.11:17-20 N 164. (MT:~;. !EI4-1) CHLENOV, V.A.; I'll-F2MLOV, N.11. Vibratory fluid--zed bed and some of its properiies. rhimm. prom-. 40 no.12:910-913, D 164. (MIRA 18:2) 0. V, H'~ If ~iRA !8:4') a" So 32 a I X a 0 a d 41 a a- _JR -L 0 VQ I S I kft "U., Ill AL-11 10, 1 L-L k-L-k twig, Ill ."oo 000311PUT13 WILWasin 0 4r 00- so 0 00 0. "it 00- 1341`111 "LvIPWj%%j Puv mijkt uLmIulnu In Ad"d ar4s ul p-mWq %Amp"W p1AjAri;_1 of to, -11144114A- III "At! " 1141""m IUOVIJP v 19valM tv 'J: oN It WAA4 fWpos 00 0o- 00' TAOX]i Us.). 9( a If it n a it n a 11 s' T Ah is 116, o 0' :dk I ? 0 0 0 A I 1 2 A -J~ .1 _11. T 1 0 cc pop IKA /I Ii Syntbews Ch'.. ~ Go ti C. A. 1=idlyirs We brkly outtimil. 4 =09 coo Gee 2 690 00 O * p 1'i coo t gee * s goo 00 no* 00 00 too &v so v 11 1 4 0 9 0 t 6 am 0 IN S a a 0 v 2 0 dim tk Composaft Imhasbevich and R, S. Chi;" chiLil! A had. N&A It =~=- no Atm. with ak. NsA& With 1.4- lZ4s completed in 8 hr$. at 30'. the 1.2-korim required 4 1.. and the 2,14mau rcquirW 12 lint. at 40% Acidifkvijoll of the dild. w4us. yieWd yellowish raffesplAns. by replitil. 4.Narts-i_ -Adyi man 41). ni. mw. 14PIGN In ?, to- 70 3'; (W), in- 98 101) - While thew ".i'lized r4piolly on expostne to air in RtOH soins.. their nm,-,ptkies are comparatively 64ahk. I Jet stand ;it Etoll jw some time gave a lipt. cd julfide f1V.,. tn. 2:j& ,,. and f1W evolution cgxwied evrn without ucl.,s, n( k~ The ftb- Pt" (1-64 S-) in 11" nfl. MeOll -till oz! S. N,()Ii (1-C-- kSNS) PVT after 14 djys it rtk'"' letup- Und0f N A Plot-oftliediwifide; in alk. medium wills imicy,ni.1, when the nicircaptide still In 0010- Yielded the sulfide, tw oxidized with JIM in Alk~ 961D.. with subsequent removal (4 the disulfade and plita. of .So- by B4- 10 all- 69.8% 04161c. 9.9 4`- and ,., 11% N*A could be ju'"Jntc~l f.w. ll'ilem. the NA sAlt 14 1 reawrts in the al"emw 4 eltrin-1 "lidjul, according to R.S + N.,S. 7-b, _%_ _1t .1 11 1. more M.W and in a similar expt. W7 ixialn.-I Tlie NA -11 -d I with RX ~4 -it- - 1-1 "-'1 T 11-1-1T JAWC. ill JAC01. tn. 19231'. with pkmyl ~*Wq. m. IIA 7', %till PA NNV.11.0. With 2.1 - UC;I"(h as the 2nd tract-1-1, 16 hr, At W* pvc much Unruicted Cl compit. and 36% IV. Wivinusly formed by the ithawated above. An authentic specimen of 4- naro-l-w p-witrpkrx# jmWe, in. 147' 8.5' (Itorn ' ' -h% %I I and 22.9 g. I' = ncdfrorn_.12K,p-( NC.11. I7VCn1C';17-,'1Cl, in IPC nil. NfrOll in the prrwtwe of the tbetwrtical itnit. of NaOll 1, t stand avernightat rmm truip ; thcprWact. m.236-8',givra thcaboytitructutchyllUdglOn and Leigh (C.A. 32, 7,4421). it, IV. III And 11 with 2.4- (OsN),CJIjClt in MrOll wld.l lWee I-xt1ro-Z-x4p4A)d. 7 waro-I-"Phhyi :.4-dixLtr*P*ewy1 In. 234.5-350-. And in(Alles, in. IW201 *. The Na sAts a I-M were prepd. from Na9% and the cortrspondi'll !fLv nw1holl d. CA. 44, 19921C); the n-t stable *- that of III: that of I was less stable. while that of 11 was dessr"YmI coni- pletely in I hr. at rourn temp. after mixing 2.1-(h.NC,JI.Cl in MeOll with Ni.Si. as 49% of the total S pptd. fir,mi aln. The reason lug Hoogtvwn's (C. A. ZS, '274 13) i~ilitvju oi (201-0 %'CollOrS instead of RA is thusexpLained. flest- Wig ;ZCJI.()H . 1-2,41-CjisCla with SCIl gAve extremely smooth synthesis of bij(.;~k1oo-:-kydrvxyP1J_nyI) and bij- (Z.4,;4r1i(klw*pkewy1) I,isutfide. re-p. Heating ILryl sultatc, with S failed to Yield the ct-creqonding trisulfules when Cjl# was used as solvent. llowevrr. Addn. of 12 ad. mcoll to 0.5 9. (2.4.5-01 in 10 sill. C.11. and . tola amt. of., in 2 5 nit. C.11. ininiediat,ly gavea ppt ~ 7u;= diaryi trissotir. in- Ifl] 2"; ornil.aly niAde twere the bis(:.S-dichhw*fkxy1). tn. 13"', ind the biz(Z,3-d,. A~owvpkexyf) trispIfide. in. If4-5*. M,Tc..ptans react simitaly with S. yiekling trisulfidn l'itlyhAnaryl sullitin reW with fill at room temp.; in this rnAnncr were prcpd. in. X-1-2'. and the m. 2W 29, and prati-Claxalol. in. about 2W9. G. M. KOSOUPOG CHIEFCVA, R. S. "Certain Reactions of Sulfides of the Arowtic Series." Sub 9 Jan 52, Moscow Order of lenin Chemicotecbnological, Inst imeni D. 1. Mendeleyev Dissertations presented for science and engineering degrees in Moscow during 1951. SC: Sum. No 480, 9 May 55 AV T'1-' TITLE: PERIODTCAL .BSTRACT: Card 1/3 R. S. 9 Gel If er, Tn. K. Pet. rov, S. F. On Some b?rivatives of the"Phenoxazone"Series (0 nel:otorykh proizvodnyl:h ryada fenoksazona) obs',c, ey khimii, 1058, Vol 28, Nr 11, 7 Pp 2971 - 2901 (USSR) -io lhloru aniline reacts with the substitated o-Lmi, Phenolene to the deriv~'.tives of"Phenoxazone" (I). Thio reaction (1) takes place easily in thiose cases there are eirctrophilic su'l-stituents in the molecule of --minophenol, in the pusition 4 or 5, e.t;. a nitro j3roup or h:Joi;en (Scheme 1). T'.e s,,-ntheses of the nitro, amino, and acylamino "phenox-azones" have been little dealt with in publiz--tions. Tie of cr,~:e "phenoxazone" derivatives as carried rut by the -.uthors are described in this paper. The technic~--! compound (II) obtained accor~4in,~ ~o 'er- t -j man patent (620346) -i;as z--nthesized by the authors in a sl-*Ll--.--.t'-, diffe-ent way by the copdensation of 5-nitro-2-amino- phenol with chloro anilin-~ in aqueous sus-)ension usin- Or, Some Derivatives of the 111"henoxazo.le" Seriea S C 11 / 7 5 - 2 C, - 1 1 - nurface activatinL; su',lctances. This modific-~ticn of t"ie :~Ijove mentioned patc-nt can be useful for the tochnic~,! nrodi, 'ction of the product 'II). TIAS has a mobiie chlorine Aom in the position 3 so on t~ 0 actio:1, of tWo 5-nitro-21-aminop" erol on I molecule chlaro aniline in rtlcohol solution the oxazine (III) is easily formed T~,.e s,,ntheoi~~ of the co::pound (IV) by the red,iction meets '.ith concideral,le difficulties and tal:es place by way of intermediate ote-3s, zith the compounds formed beinj capable of separation, among th.en the oxazines M and (VI), corresponding to the co 3itions of the reduction. The data obtained !,:hwa t'-at t-,.e of t".e compound (IV) from the nitro compound tal:es place u-71-er the action of sodium hydrosulfite on tl'-.~e introduction of air according to the Ooheme (2). T'^,e absorption snactra of the o'~'ained conpounds were Their may be seen on 'Li&urc- 2. T---~rn --ze Z e s Card 21/3 On Some Derivatives of the "Phenoxazonell Series SOV/79-28-11-17/55 ASSOCIATION: Nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut organicheskikh polu- produktov i krasiteley imeni K.Ye.Voroshilova (Scientific Research Institute of Organic Semiproducts and Dyes imeni K.Ye, Voroshilov) SUBMITTED: September 2o, 1957 1 Card 3/ 13 LUKASTUNICHO V.O.; '... .; nl:,!-vr~ , .. S. Investigation in the fiold of sulfidev of the aronatic For-ries. Org. poluprod. i kras. no.1:160-167 15~. (.' ' I.-A 14 -.11 ) (Sulficles) (Aramtic compounds) AUTHORS: Chlonov:), R. S. , Gol 'fer, T~,,. 14. TITLE: F11,10f co!~Uliluvlcatlonc,. Concel,I)II)r, the Ch -,-!-4-t-_~~.j of Sulfur Dyec, PERIODICAL: Zhurnal prikladnoy khImil, 1960, Vo! 55, 1qr 2, pp 475-478 (ussR) ABSTRACT: The characterl'stic curves of abloi,ption for ea,2h sulfur dye were obtained. (See FI;7. and 4, where A is optical density anti B is wa%ro- length (in m 4 ). Dimethylformamide wa s usej as solvent. The~?e are 6 figures. ASSOCIATION: Voroshilov Scientific-Research Institute of' Organic Intermediates and Dye3tllff3 (Nauchno-Issledovatellskiv Institut organicheskikh poluproduktov I krasiteley imeni K. E. Voroshilova) SUBMITTED: May 11, 1959 C ard 1/5 Brief Communications. Concerninp- the Characteristics of Sulfur Dyes Fig. 1. Absorption curves: (1) sulfur blue 3; ~2) sulfur blue K; (3) sulfur blue 5K; (4) sulfur blue obtained from aminotrichloro- phenoxazone. 7 7 6 t 5- S OV 2 - 4 0/-'--, 04 4w 480 9e 14 720 Card 2/5 BVI.ef ,he Chairactei,ls,t les of Sl)lfur Dyes P. Abnot~ptiou vuvvf-103: Violet lIK-; Of sulfur bordeaux 0 Card 3/5 - -D ~ Brief Communications. Concerning the 776 " :: Characteristics of Sulfur Dyes SOV/bO-33-2-4o/52 Fig. 3. The absorption curves for sulfur blue K for several dilutions: Amount of dye (in g/I upper curve = 0.011; middle = 0.02; lower 0.01. L3 Card 4/5 Brief Communications. Concerning' the Y 7 Characterip,tics of SiilCur Dyes Fig. it . The absorn- tion curves for milfur brilliant G for several dillitionp: 17.8 Amount of dye (in g/l): upper = o.1; Og middle 0.05; lower 0.021~. 04 0? Card 5/5 LFVIN, E.S..,,-,^IHLENOVA, R.S.; FODIMAN, Z.I. ------ Polarographic analysis of indotoluictine. Org. I:olurrod. i kras. no.2:201-208 61. (KRA 14: 11) (Indoaniline) (Polarography) CHEKALIN, M.A.; CHLENOVA~ R.S.i EHATY-N--'~. Kd~a Structure of the reaction groups nf !yes. rpl-M. P-,=. no.10044-747 0 t63. k ".*~Ib) CHIXVOBSKY,_Teofil ', dr,, . yrof . Commemorating the tJth birthday of professor Rudolf Jirkovsky. Sbornik skol ban 8 n0-3.-245-248 062. 3496 cHLiPAKHiN, v. m. liybokon3ervnoye oborud ovaniye i ego yek3plusatataiya. M., pishch- epromizdat, 1954. 410s. s. M; 2 1. chert. 23 sm. 3DOO ekz. 14 r. 60 k. V per. Bibli,grt a 404-405 (23 nazv-) (54-57357) p 664-954. 0025+(016.3)