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-e kA k4*' L-A - SUBJECT USSR/IUTMUTICS/Theory of functions CARD 1/2 PG - 607 AUTHOR 61KIN L.A. TITLE On the stabillty of the boundary value problem of Riemann. PERIODICAL Doklady Akad.Nauk lil. 44-46 (1956) reviewed 2/1957 In the complex plane lot be given a contour Lo and on it the functions GM and g(t). A piecevise analytic function ~(z) can be determined either from the boundary condition (t) - G(t) (t)g(t) on L0 (inhomogensous case) or from the boundary condition + +(t) - GM on Lo (homogeneous case). The author assumes that L 0 isan ordinaryp smooth, closed curve which devides the plane into the inner part S and the outer part S-, and investigates the 0 0 stability of the homogeneous case at deformations of Lo. Here a deformation of Lo means a contour sequence.N1 which converges to L. (i.e. that the sequence of the surfaces 5 + which are limited by the convergeato S+ as a ~ J1 Ln 0 kernel)& Farther it is assumed that all contours of the deformations N~ Doklady Akad.Nauk 111. 44-46 (1956) CIRD 2/2 PG - 607 independent of n ;:!i;fy the conditions of Warchavski (Math-Z- O-L 3221 447, (1932)). The defo t on f X .1 Is called an inner one If >.,nrc S+ and an 0 outer one if A_n C 30. Then the boundary value problem is considered for every inner contour -A n and every outer contour A A$ +(t) G(t)y-(t) on )~ n n on -A n-1,2,... n n a The homogeneous problem in called stable if the sequences k%(z)~ an#n(z)~ in S+ and 3; converge uniformly to the common limit function which satisfies 0 the homogeneous boundary value condition and which does not depend on the choice of the deformations fX ni imd J_Ahj and of the kind of continuation of G(t) in the plane. It is stated that under the given a;3umptions on L the homogeneous problem is stable in the above sense if G( vanishes nowhere and satisfies the E61der condition. INSTITUTION: Molotov Universityp Rostov-Don. i.1 8/044 601ROM00910081021 /1-3000 C111Y0222 AUTHORs QAI!~in, L.A. TITLEs The Stability of the Riemannian Boundary Value Problem PERIODICAM Referativayy zhurnal. Matematika, 1960, Ito.9, p.60, Abstract No.10222. Uch.zap.Piz.-matem.fa);.Rostovk.-n/D.un-4, 1959, Vol-43t No.6p pp.119-126 TEXTs In the plane of the complex variable z let be gi Ten a simple closed curve L which divides the plane into the inner region S and the outer region.S-. The homogeneous Riemannian boundary value problem consists in the determination.of a piecewise analytic function ~,(z) the limit values of-which satisfy the condition &+M G(t)4(~-(t) on. the curve L, where G(t) is a function given on L. The aut;or investigates the stability of' this problem with respect to the variations of the ourve L. The curve L is~approx imated by the sequence of curves iL.Iwhioh converges to L, wh;re the sequence of the regions JS+ lbounded by these curves converges to + n as a kernel. Here, according to the author, only such deformations 1LnI of the considered smooth curve L are admissible which consist of curves Ln~ which for all n satisfy the following conditions of Warsohawski. (Math. Card 1/3 3/04 8903Y(009/008/021 0111/0222 The Stability of the Riiimannian Boundary Value Problem Z-, 19321 35), 1) Th* ratio of the length a of every secant of L. to the length G'of the l9ast are corresponding to this secant is1w, whore c> 0 is a constant. 2)' Ln has a continuously rotating tangent, where the angle Qn(S) formed by the tangent and the axis OX satisfies the Hdlder conditiont IQ.(S")-Q.(S')I!9jLjSII-Sf where A and oCare constants, 0 / 5-10 eV. Further experimental data would have to be available and theoretical investigations would have to be carried out in order to be able to clear up this discrepancy. (With 2 tables and 3 Slavic References). C AUTHORS3 Ivanovskaya, I. A., Sarycheva, L. I.,,Chikin,r. S. 56-i-aj"--~- TITLEt Cloud Chamber Investigation of the Nuclear-Aotive Component of Wide Atmospheric Showers (Izuoheniye vaderno-aktivnoy komponenty shirokikh atmosfernYkh livney -ri pomoshohi P kamery Villsona). PERIODICALt Zhurnal Eksperimentallnoy i Teoreticheskoy Fiziki, 1958, Vol- 34, lir 1, PP. 45-52 (USSR). ABSTRACT: By means of a cloud chamber with seven lead plates the authori investigated the nuclear interactions which are caused bY the particles of wide atmospheric showers. In this context a part- icle is defined as nuclear-active if it Is creates in the lea! plates of the cloud chamber a shower satisfying certain con- ditions specified here. At the beginnine-, the spatial distri- bution of the nuclear-active particles is investigatad. The authors determined the current density Yruclear-active of the nuclear-active particles in a wide, nucle-r-active shower in different center distances by Using a well-known formula. A diagram shows the results for wide showers vith CjLrd 1/3 an average number of 2.105 particles. As a result of the great Cloud Chamber Investigation of the Nuclear-Active Component 56-1-8156 of Wide Atmospheric Showers. statistical errors it is impossible to describe the exact form of the spatial distribution of the :auclear-active part- icles. But the distribution received here is not contradictory to a distribution of the typ r-n, with the value of n close to 1. Two main groups of nuclear electron showers can be dis- tinguished: showers with narrow electron cascades, and those with no electron cascades of high energy., A characteristic feature of the first group of showers is the narrow angular distribution of the particles and the high energy of the neu- tral Pions which form the beginning of the electron-photon cascades. The showers of the second group have a wide angular distribution of the particles and a comparatively low energy of the neutral pionso Besides these two main groups of nuclear electron showers two small groupti were found. The next passage deals with the determination of the energy of nuolear-active particles by means of the different methods suited to each of these groups. About one half of the nuolear-active particles are charged, the rest is neutral. He can be concluded from this that the nuclear-active com- Card 2/3 ponent of wide showers at sea level with the energy of Cloud Chamber Investigation of the Nuclear-Aotive Component 56-1-8/56 of Wide Atmospheric Showers* 109-1010 eV chiefly consists of nucleons. There are 6 figures, 4 tables, and 8 references, 5 of which awl- Slavic* ASSOCIATION: NDscow St&U Qdverslty . Physical Institute imeni P.H. Lebedev of the AN USSR (Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy uni- versitet. Fizioheskiy institut imeni P.N. Lebedeva Akademii nauk SSSR). SUBMITTEDs July 25, 1957 AVAILABLEs Library of Congress Card V3 BLINCV,, P.I.j ZAKATOVp L.P.; PIAKHM, A.G.; CHIKIN, R.V.; SHRPKIN, V.V* Effect of the mirror ratio an the heating of &'plain& by an electron bean in a magnetic trap. Pint. v red. Zhur eks or * i teoret, fis, 2 no*9:426-430 N 165, (MIRA lgs,12~ I* Submitted Septmber 9, 1965. AKIR4ATOV, A.P.; BLIVOV, P.I.; BOLOTIN, V.F.; BORODIN, A.V.; GAVRIN., P.P.; ZAVOYSKIY, Ye.K.; KOVAN, I.A.; OGA19OVp M.N.; PATRUSHEV, B.I.- PISKAREVp Ye.V.; RUSANOV, V.D.; WOLK374p G.Ye*; STRIGANOV$ A.R.; FRANK-KAMEMSKIY, D.A.; CHEREMNYKH, P.A.; CHIKIN, R.V. [Magnetoacoustic resonance in a plasma] Magnito-:,-AAovoi rezonans v plazme, Moskva, In-t atomnoi energii., 1960. 23 p. (KUA 17:2) AT .2155,6-46- JCWT(1)/LW(14J/zP?(R:).�2, AW NRa ANO08752- uWO386,166/003/006/0255/0258 SOURCE-COM, -AUTHOR: ..Blinov.. Pi, 1. 7AMtovJ1 L~ I.; tlakhovp. A. 0. ; Chikin, R. V. S kipj N, V" atomay energii) ORG: Institute of Atomic Ener gy im* 1. V. Kurebatov (InBtitut TITLE*.- Influence- of msanetic-fied~~ion on the heating, and containment of wplvisma in a mirror. trap (Probkotrqu) . SOURCE:-_ zhuMIN 641'~; ental 11107 1 teoreticbeskoy fizw. Ple"ma v redaktoivut, J 'Pril6zheniyop v. 3,, 00 63, 1966.9:255-20 00 0~ -.70kc-TAGS.- magnetic r., 1"M contairment,, plasma beatingt magnetic trap#-. r plasma radiation ABSTRACT: This is a continuation'bf. earlier ~experlments on'beating of a plasm by an electron beam in a mirror trap (ZhETF. Pis*lma v. 2.. 426p 1965), aimed at showing that beating and containment of the plasma depend strongly on the distribution of the mag- n6tic field along the trap axis.. The: experiment, was carried out. with the earlier in- at pperate.with two different:configurations of the r , which made it possible to __m4petic -field ~ (Fig, - I). - _Them mirror- ratio.. and the Ifield - in the center remained. wir. changed in both cases. The plasma ii4tlal density, vas .10'L2 car3. Apulsedbeam of electrons: with current strength I-a) energy 10 kv,,,. and duration-1500 psec was injected into this platzma. -The hesti ng andAecay of +,be plasm were inveatigated by measuring the time variation of the energy-content (nT)-and of the density n. On going over -from & field configuration with local- mirrom. (a) -to a configuration with extended mirrors (b) the maximum value of nT Increases by a factor 1-5. lbe value of nT of the -2/2 I I ff. zo - I if w -d m. I No ~ ~-O-O ~L V - N II-4 a1% A ., .00 ~ \l . k I J~ v H I-I ~ d - V . 4 I 0 m '- --I a 4 . z0 4 -1 0 AV - I ff N,-4z m t-121211-66 ow _T6 ~/Od~/666/i ~ACC W AP6032945 SOURCE CODE: URT0213 AUTHOR: khindonova Yu. G.- Shulepov. V. A. Acoustics Institute AN SM(Akusticheskiy institut AN SSSR) TITLE: Sound-scattering layers as indicators of internal waves in the ocean SOURCE: Okeanologiya, v- 59 no. 6, 1965, 1038-lQ42 TOPIC TAGS: acoustic echo, ocean acoustics, biologic ecology, acoustic scattering, oceanography, sonar, oceanographic expedition ABSTRACT: During the voyages of,the in the winter-spring seasons -of 1962-1964 the depth of the-ocean.floor,was measured by an echo sounder; it also was possible to obtain records of sound-scattering layers. This paper discusses the.collected data on these layers to determine their relation3hip to internal waves. ..The observations were made in the open ocean, and therefore th,q results differ from earlier studies made in coastaland shallow waters; the variations of the sound- scattering layers have greater amplitudes and the layers are at greater depths. It is shown that data on the distribution of these layers can yield important infonrvA- tion on the amplitudes of the internal waves and the depths to which they penetrate. In addition, the results give additional information on the ecology of pelagic animals populating the ocean. A table gives data on the location, time, amplitudes, wave lengths and depths of sound-scattering layers whose distribution is related to internal waves. Orig.,art. has:. 2 figures and 1 table. [JPRS3 SUB CODE: 08, 06j, 20,, 17. SUBM.DATE: !qju165 ORIG REF". 003 / GrH REF: 00 card U11C:- 577-472(26 1b; _AICC NRt 'AT600070 TOM I 4,: AUTHOR: Blinov" F. Iq E!!!~tovp. L. P. Plakfwiyv'p~l. G Chj~ v :V. Shapkin, V. V. ORD:- none TXTM. ---lunuetnee- of -the mirror. ratio ow-plIaam beating by an-electron.-beam in a_ 71 "probkotron" 5 SOURCE.: :.-Zhurnal e 1 teoreticbeekoy fizDd. Plelms v redakt,siyu. :Prilozhenlyaj, V 2v no. 9 190~ U-430 _:Mftnetic mirror-mebine am la interaction, plasm -beating, ionized - '10PIC TAW: I plasma, plasm electron temperature) cJ-Aavi~ ABSTRACT: -1he authors investigate4 the.-interaction betweenan electron beam and P, AW ready-made highly Ionized plaom. The:apparatus (Fig. 1) comprises a trap with W-Mi netic mirrors. The electron gun Is located on the trap axis behind the mirrors on one - end, and the. plasm injector is located on the other erid. The electron gun oper- ates in a pulsed mL%dd# 7be square-vave voltage pulse is of,45o pacc duration and 9 kv amplitudep the pulse current being 5 a. The plasma and theelectron beam are injected into the trap simultaneausly,41.Me residual pressure in the chamber Is 10-0 mm Hg. Th electron density was neasuredlitith a microwave interferometer .3 cm). The quanti- ty nT (T --plasm te"rature) was determined from the diamagnetic effect. The brems- strahlung was register'ed by pbotomultiplier vith Nal(TI) exystal. When the plasma and the electron beam are simultaneously Injected in the plasm., the concentration does not rise, but the energy released by the plasm increases gtrongly. The presence of C.,d .113 5665F7JFO ~ACC. A Ca pig.~ 1. Diagram of setup. I.,- Plasm injector, 2 - electron gun., 3, 4 microwave source, 5 - diamagnetic probe., HA-1 I 6, 7 - elect on-optical and spect r ral apparatus, bremstrablung recorder, 9 low-voltage pulsed source, 7 18 hot" electrons in'the trap is evidenced by the prolonged, intense, and hard brems- strahlung. 7he efficiency with which the plasm electrons are heated by the beam de- *Dends on the mirror ratio. As the mirror ratio is varied from 1.8 to 4, the plasma pressure increases tenfold. The plasma lifetime In the trap Increases. A group of "hot" electrons, with a prolonged confinement time and with density close to 102-o cm73 appears. Accordingly, theenergy lost by the electron beam to plasma heating in- creases from fractions of one percent to 3-5%y and during the initial stage of the heating (the first 90 poec) the loss reaches 10%. The influence of the mirror ration on the heatIM of joinsm with direct current was observed also in experiments of M. V. Cq,d 213 CHIKINJ* S. Ya. (Moskva) New program of the party on the public health and physical well- being of man. Zdrav. Ros. Fader. 6 no.5:3-7 My 1620 (MIRA 15:7) (PUBLIC IWALTH) CHIKIN, S.Ya.; UDINTSOV, Ye.I. (Moskva) Letts give more attention to attracting the public to health pro- tection for the nation. Zdrav.Ros.Feder. 6 no.9:6-10 S 162. (MIRA 15:10) (PUBLIC HEALTH) CHIKINS S.Ya. Obekft) . Our main task is the realization of party and government decisions on public health development. Sov.mad. 26 no.1:3-5 i -Ta 63. (PUBLIC HEALTH) - (MIRA 1614) 1 CHININP Sag. Elevating the role of medical workers in the control of religious prejudioea. Zdrav*'Roa*Feder* 7 no,2&3-6 F 163, (MMA 164) 1 1. Zameatitell ministra adravookhraneniya RSFSR. ~ISM) (4 CUHB, S.Ya. (Moskva) Health problems of the population in caputallotic countrieo and their social basis* Zdrav. RosePeder. 7 no.5t24-30 t 163 (MIRA 16Z (UWR. #IAMW~DICAL CARE) CHIKIV, S.7a. (Mosk-va) June Plemn of the Gentral-Committee of the MU and the role of medical workera,in the Implementation of tie decisions* Wrav* -Roo* Feder. 7 no.80-6 4163. (MM& 16:10) CHIK IN t Ii_am-jMookv~&).. WWorem-1mr ?'Ientm p'f the Central of public-heiath,institutions. zamotitell mini8tra 2dnVookbrananiya; Omni ttes of tho Had. osotra 22. KM 1697) iz Hinisterst7a zdraL- 74- vookhrananiya RSFSR. (POI&TO TMA H) V- CHIKIN S.jk _I&skva) a Histo,7 of Usorlso on the physical developwnt and physical education of'msn~ Sovesdrav. 22 no.4al2,.18 163. (MA 16W (PMICAL EDUCATION AND TRAINING) (Moskva) Automation of industry and deterioration of tbe health of workers in capitalistic emmtrieso Sovo med. 26 no.Ul 99-103 W62 . (MIRA 17:3) .~~~a., Continuous improvement of the medical service for the population. Sovet. zdravookhr. 12 no. 10-9 163. (HIRAA~s2) 1. Zamestitell ministra zdravookhrananiya RSFSR. CHIKINJI S.Ya. (Moskva) What is said in the second review of the World Health Organization. Sov. med. 27 no.6:135-140 je 164. (MIRA 18-.1) CIIIKIN, S.Y .; ClfEKNFV, B.M. (Moskva) Care of the .13--tet state for the nationalities of the Far North. Sov. med. 26 no.ltl37-141 Ja 165. (MIRA 18:5) CHTYPIj, SJ,,. (Maskva)l IV. Lomonosov as the founder of modern natural science. Sov. med. 28 no.6:151-153 Je 165. (MIRA IM) CHIKIN, S.Ya. (Moskva) Existentialism as a philosophical movement alien to the interests of people's health. 28 no.12:119-120 D 165. (MIRA 18:12) OGANOV, G.; CHIKIN V.-, GRADOV, R., red.; SUROVTSEVA,c;., tekhn. red. I [How do we get to Mars?] Wa Mars - s ahem? Moskvaj, Izd-vo "Pravda," -1963. 79 P. (Biblioteka nKomsomoliskoi pravdy,,, no.12) - (MIRA 17:2) SOV/124-57-5-5175 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Mekhanika, 1957, Nr 5, p 11 (USSR) AUTHOR: Chikin, V. A. TITLE: The Stability of the Permanent Semisymmetrical Axes of a Ponderable Solid Body Having a Fixed Point (Ustoychivost' permanentnykh polu- simmetrichnykh osey tyazhelogo tverdogo tela, imeyushchego nepod- vizhnuyu tochku) PERIODICAL: Tr. Ryazansk. radiotekhn. in-ta, 1956, Vol 1, pp 222-232 ABSTRACT: The author makes use of Grammel's indispensable conditions for the stability of the permanent rotations of a ponderable solid body having one fixed point foi the purpose of investigating the st4bility of such rotations in the specific case when the center of gravity of the body is located on a principal axis of inertia. For the general case the sufficient conditions of stability of permanent rotations of a ponderable solid body were previously given by V. V. Rumya-,.,itsev (RZhMekh, 1956, abstract 8040). G. K. Pozharitskiy Card 1/1 13,152-0 AUTHOR& Chikinp V.A. 296 3 SAM 01/004/004/007/015 D201/1)306 TITLE: Center of pircussion of heavy gyrtscopes PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedenly, Priboro-- stroyeniye, v. 4. no. 49 1961t 48 - 52 TEXT: The author introdilces the idea of percussion center into -Lhe theory of gyroscopes. The gyro is considered to be a solid body,, revolving without fricTion about the fixed point, as the main vec- tor and the main moment of the system of momentum. The kinetic cen-- ter of the gyro (denoted by A 1) is d0fined" the point of Inter.- section of the central axis of the system of vectors cf momenta of separate particles with the plane a W passing through the vector of the instantaneous angular velocity and the center of gravity of the gyro. A special class of gyroscopes is considered which is fctnd,-' to comprise five different cases listed b6low, 'Xhe center of rota- tional forces of inertial of the gyro (denoted by A2) is--defined as the point of intersection of the central axis of the system of ve.- Gard 1/ 3 29643 6/146/61/004/004/007/015 Center of percussion of heavy ... 1)201/D306 tors of rotational intertial forcesp with the plane passing through the vector of angular aoceleratW and the center of grav14j. It is shown that for the class of gyros considered, the point A2 is the percussion center of the gyro,, The conditions are then analyzed for 5 types of gyros under which the impact reaction pulse R does no'. existp ioe. is nottransmit 'ted to the suspension point; 1) The La- Xyange gyroseoptc movement: Equations are obtained which show that R = 0 if the impact pulse is perpendicular to the symmetry of the gyro and applied to the center of rotating lner-~ia~-forces, The re- sults obtained are recommended for the design Of Supports in gyros-- copes with the cenlter of gravity desplaced along the symmetry axis. 2) Gyro with full kinetic Bymmetryo' The results of ~i) are appiioa- ble in full. )) The Steklov-Bobyiev gyro (Ref. 1: Gos-cekhizdat,,_7-- i9469 str. 6589 6369 58!9 576). In this case there is a locus of percussion center along a straight parallel Line passing through the center of rotating forces of iniirtia- 4) Hess gyroo This is again case 19 except that the impact pulse must now lie in the pla- ne passing through A2 in parallel to the cross-section of the ellip- soid of gyrationo 5) Termanent rotation about vertical axis, In VY Card 21~ SZ146~61/L,-.')4/C.C;41//C)('7~I c~ Center of percussion of heavy D201/D306 this case the percussion center does not exist,, This article was recommended by the Orgkomitet III mazlivuzovskoy konferentsii po problemam sovremennoy girookopicheskoy tekhniki (Organizational Committee of the III Interuniversity Conference on Problems of TAo- dern Gyroscopic Techniques). There are 2 referencest 1 Soviet,-.bloc and 1 non-Soviet-bloc. ASSOCIATION: Ryazanskiy radiotekhnicheskiy institut kRyazan Radio- technical Institute) SUBMITTED: December 28t 1960 Card 51~ 8/549/61/000/104/001/018 D237/D304 AUTHORS: Tikhmenev, S.S., Tronina, V.P., Qhikin, V.A.j Knyazev, G. N., Gulyayevp M.P.9 Zakharov, Yu.Ye., Ch p I.Set Lya- minp V.I., Bocharovp V.K.p Shiginp Ye.K., and Krotov, V.F. TITLE: Scientificp pedagogical and general activities of Profes- sor V.V. Dobronravov SOURCE: Moscow, Vyssheye tekhnicheskoye uchilishche [Trudy], no. 104p 1961. Yiekhanika, 7 - 18 TEXT: On the occasion of his 60th birthday and the 35th anniversa- ry of the scientific and pedagogical activity of Professor, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Vladimir Vasilyevich Dobron- ravov who is at present Professor of Theoretical Mechanics at MVTU im. N.E. Baumana (TTVTU im. N.E. Bauman), eleven of his students V/ present this appreciation. V.V. Dobronravov was born on March 17th, 1901. In 1924 he obtained his degree In mathematics at the Saratov- skiy Gosudarstvennyy universitet im. N.G. Chernyshevskiy (Saratov 6tate University im. N.G. Chernyshevskiy). In 1927 he accepted the Oard 1/3 S/549/61/000/104/001/018 Scientific, pedagogical and ... D237/D304 post of Assistant to tne Professor of Physics at the Astrakhan Sta- te Medical Institute, where in subsequent years he published a pa- per in neuro-biophysics. During 1929-31t he was Professor of Maihe- matics at the Saratov Agricultural Institute and lectured at Sara- zov University. Prom 1931 he worked in a number of higher educatio- nal establishments in Moscow and was associated with Moscow Univer- sity from 1931 to 1952. In 1946 lie was awarded a doctorate at Mos- cow State University and in 1951 he was elected to the Department of Theoretical Mechanics at NVTU im. N.E. Bauman, where in subse- quent years, under his guidancep courses in specialized branches such as stability of motion, gyroseopy, osci.Llation, variational me- thod etc. were developed. During nis career the main contributions .made viere in the field of mechanics of non-holonomic systems. After 1950 he published papers on kinetics of motion of rigid body (Trudy MIKhM, no. 2j (10)t 1950), stability of linear systems of diff. equations with constant coefficients in (Avtomatika i Telemekhanika, v. 17, no. 3, 195b)-etc. In the 1950's he also became interested in.-.~ astronautics. He 'has been a member of the Moscow Mathematical Socie-'' ty since 19449 and is an active member of the Methodological Commis- :,Card 2/3 SY/549/61/000,/104/001/018 Scientific, pedagogical and D237/D304 sion on the Theoretical Mechanics of the Ministry of the Secondary and Higher Education of USSR. At present he is engaged in preparing a monograph on non-holonomic systems. ASSOCIATION: Moskov.9koye'ordena Lenina i ordena trudovogo krasnogo znameni vyasheye tekhnicheakoye uchilishche im. Bauma- na (Moscow Order of Lenin and Order of 'the Red Banner of Labor Higher Technical School im. Bauman) Card 3/3 Y100 S/549/61/000/104/011/018 D237/D304 AUTHOR: Uhikin*-.Y.A. TITLE: Classification of the motions of a heavy rigid body having a fixed point 6OURCE: Moscowe Vyssk'6'ye tekhnicheskoye uchilishche. (Trudyj, no. 104, 1961. Mekhanikap 101 - 108 TEXT: The author continues the work of A. Signorini and derives a nu-iber of. pi-operties of various motions of a rigid body about a ata- lionary point using vector notations~ Four theorems are stated and proved and all xnown types of motion are grouped in tkiree classes depending on whether the vectorial system of motion reduces to a single resultant vector, a couple or a screw. There are 1 figure and 4 references: 2 Soviet-bloc and 2 non-Soviet-bloc.. Card 1/1 35633 V54 61/00CV104/012/018 D237YD304 AUTHOR: Chikin, V.A4 TITLE: Geometrical properties of 'anti-poles' during the motion of a heavy asymmetric body about a fixed point in the Grioli case SOURCE: Moscow. Vyssheye tekhnicheskoye uchilishche, (Trudyjp no. 104, 1961. Mekhanikat 109 - 114 TEXT: The author studies the regular precession of a heavy asyrme- trical body first described by G. Grioli. Starting with the solu- tion of Buler-Poisson equations, the author defines and describes the behavior of two anti-poles using the results of the prededing paperp and formulates the following theorem: If a heavy rigid body moves about a stationary point 09 and circular crose-sections of its central ellipsoid of inertia are not orthogonal with respect to each other, and if the body satisfies Grj.oli conditions, then the moving axoid given by Card 1/2 8/549/61/000/104/012/018 Geometrical properties of D237/1504 where x, y9 z are cartesian coordinates with the origin at 0 and the corresponding cone X 2 + Y2 _ [z, - 1 (A - C)]2 = 0 (10) 1 1 Mz G (where A and Care axial moments of inertiap M - mass, zG coordi- nate of the center of gravity) which oontains the first anti-pole, coincide. There are 4 references: 2 Soviet-bloc and 2 non-Soviet- bloc. Card 2/2 S/145/62/000/002/002/00*9-' D259/D308 AUTHOR: Chikin, V.A.0 Senior Lecturer TITLE: The anti-pole of a straight line with respect to an ellipse and its use in investigating problems of motion of a heavy solid body around a fixed point PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy. Mashinostroye- niye. Vestnik, no. 2, 1962t 14 - 22 TEXT: Signorini's concept of the reciprocal pole is verified from first principles and applied to a system of points having a center ,of gravity G and an instantaneous axis of rotation a., which does not pass through G. Parameters are establIshed for the relative'po- sitions of ao, G, and a point A which is the reciprocal pole of ao the central ellipse of inertia of the system. These parameters are used to investigate a solid body having a fixed point 0 on its instantaneous axis of rotati6n. The system of displacement v6ctors and kinetic moments resolves into the general form of a spiralp the axJs of which passes through the reciprocal pole of ao relative to the central ellipse of inertia of the body. In the particular case* .-Card-1/2- S1145162100(VO02100-~/009 The anti-pole of a straight line D259/D308 Ythen the instantaneous axis aq is also the permanent-axis the-vector system has a'resultant Q applied at the reciprocal pole A, perpendi- cular to the plane of the central ellipse of inertia. passes. thr-ough the center of gravity G, the vector system becomes a couple applied in a plane which passes through G perpendicular to a0. The author concludes at all known cases of motion of a so-lid body around' a static point can be divided into three classes in xvbich the dis- placement vectors can be resolved into (1) a resultant, (2) a cou- ple or (3) a spiral. Cases of Lagrange complete kindtic symmetry, permanent rotation of Vaodziyevskiy-Staude, Hess and of StekJov- Bobylev belong to thin 1st class, Euler's case to the 2nd clads, and all others to the 3rd class. There are 2 figures. ASSOCIATION: Ryazanskiy radiotekhnioheskiy institut (Institute of Radio Engineering, Ryazan') SUBMITTED: March.18, 1961 -Oard 2/_R__ 42760 S/145/62/000/006/001/005 py, Ltl OT) D262/D308 'JJT'IOP V.A. Senior Lecturer TITIB: Getynetrical 'properties of reciprocal poles at the movement of a heavy asymmetrical body around a fixed point, in the I-less case I'ERIODICAL: Izvesti-a virsshi stroy- w kh uchebny1hzavedeniy. Mashino eniya, no. 6, 1962, 55-63' Using the concei)t of the reciprocal pole of a igraight line with x1espect to ain ellipse, the author simplifies %hji?ovsI:iy's geometrical interpretation of,the Hless (Gess) case and aA ains some new results. The f ollowing tl,,,eorems are established: In the ;less cace, the he"vy solid body vioves,about a fi::Cd poilit in such zi %lay that the vectors of ins'tmitaneous angular velocity ard 4cceleration belong to the plane of permanent.axes of rotatio-a. Their reciprocal poles coincide with a point situated on a peri;e-ndicular to the circular section of gyration ellipscid together ~-,-Ith the cen- ter of- gravity. 2) The kiiietic moment and the moment of weight with Card 1/2 S11145./62/000/006/001/005 Geometrical properties ... D262/D303 respect to the f i:Ced point '.0, the force fu-,otion and the kinetic energy are proportional rea)activaly to the 'same quant:"tias of the reciprocal -iole, ass-Limingr-- that all t1he riass is co-acentrated in the latter. 3) The notion car-;-)a considered as consisting of the notion of reciprocal pole an a spherical pendulum, having a mh,,*.s equal to * of the body and a rotation about the line -passing through 0, t hat Lhe center of layravity and the reciprocal pole of the instantaneous axis of rotation with resi)cct to the central ellipse of inertia A formula is given for the angular velocity of this rotation. 4) 0 is transferred to Al, the notion of the body %rill not be changed C2 if initial conditions are the same. Several relations are deduced from Theoren 1. ASSCCIATION: kyazanskiy radiotc1chnichesledy i-Listitut- (Ityazan't Itadiotechnical institute) SU M I" T March 18, 1961 C -- d 2 / AUTHOR: TITLE: PERIODICAL: Chikin, V. As 8/020/62/142./005/012/022 B104/BIO2 Generalization of one of the Huygens principleg Akademiya nauk SSSR. Doklady, v. 142, no. 5, 1962, 1058-1060 TEXT: The author generalizes the Huygens principle of the raciprocity of the point of suspension and center of oscillation of a physical pendulum: If the point of suspension of a heavy rigid body fulfilling the Hess condition I(G)(I(G) _ I(G~ _ I(G)2 . 0 z x y zx (4), Lis i's shifted into the kinetic center of the body, the kinetic center is also shifted into its point of suspension. The motion of the body remains unchanged under equal initial conditions. The intersection Df the kinetic axis with the vector of the instantaneous angular velocity is called the kinetic center of t e body. The central axis of the screw formed by the vector system m.~.,is the kinetic axis of the body. I(G)9 I(G )V and I(G) are the axial moments of inertia of the body; and x z Card 1A S/02 62/142,/005/012/022 Generalization of one of ... B104~BB102 1(0) is the centrifugal one. Therie are 3 Soviet references. zx ;6 ASSOCIATION: Ryazanskiy radiotekhnicheskiy institut (Ryazan' Radio- technical Institute) PRESENTED: October 20, 1961, by A. Yu. Ishlinskiy, Academician SUBMITTED: May 23, 1960 Card 2/2 CAIM, V.A.1 starshiy prepodavatell, Qsometrical-bbaracteristics of autipolen during the wtion of a beavy nowymetrical Vody around a fixed point aocor&,Izg to Geos' principle. Izv.vys.ucbeb.sav.; mashinostr. no,,6:55-63 162. (MIRA 15.-3.1) lo Ityasarskiy radiotakhaichboldy imatitut. Obtion) 37701-66 FWP(k)/E- W (m)/T/EW(t) /ETI IJP(c) JH/JD ~. M SOURCE CODE: AUTHORS-., Danilkin,, V. A.; Grigorlyeva, A. A.; Pimenov, Yue F.; Favloy',jes S. ORG: -none Cnikin, V. y,.,; TITLE-. Influence of evacuation on the hydroge and aluminum oxide content in alumirmm d its alloys SOURGE: Tsvetnyya metal1y., no. 5., 1966., 83-85 TOPIC TAGS:,faluminum, vacuum.degrapsrsing., hydrogen, aluminum oxide AK6 aluminum alloy, D! aluminum alloy ABSTRACT: The effect of degassi4. on tl,* hydrogen and aluminum oxide content in aluminum and aluminum alloys g0lid D11was determined. The investigation supple- ments the results of 14. B.,Alltman i dT. (Liteynyye alyuminevyye splavyj Oborongiz) 1961) s, 150). The hydrogen content was determined after V. A. Danilkin i dr. (Zavodskaya laboratoriya, 1961, No. 3) and the aluminum oxide content after the method of 0. Z. Werner (Anal. Chem., 1941, 121~ S. 259). The experimental results are presented graphically (see Fig. 1). A brief discussion of the necessary and sufficient conditions of the formation of hydrogen bubbles in the melt is presented. The discussion is based on the work of N. M. Chuyko (Gazy v litom. metaUe. Izd. Naukaj 1964, s. 14). it is concluded that yacuum deg of altainum, and its cmd 112 M)C! 669.714.017 L 37701 ACC NRj P6017299 Fig. 1. Dependence of the hydrogen content on the duration of argon purging under vacuum. (Presidual 4 mmHg). 1 - Al, upper layer; 2 - Al - AK6y lower layer; 3 41 upper layer; 4 - AK6, lower layer. it IV min alloys, particularly when combined with argon purging) results in a considerable decrease of the hydrogen content of the melt. The vacuum chamber was designed by 1. L. Teytel. Orig. art. has: 3 graphs and 2 equations, SUB.GODEt 11/ SUBM DATE% none/ ORIG REP: 0051 oTH REF, oo5 DMOT, TU-M-; CRIXIN, Me; ANISINGY, N.I.; BAMOV, I.K.; VINOGRADOT, Tu-V.; GATMUTTIoN.; GAMMM, L.Ao; GOLOV, A.P.; GOLOPM, L*So; GRIAMIKOV, GoI#; YAPIMOV, A.H.; ZALUTSKIY. H.S.; ZATTSITA, Mo.; OHM% A.I.; KANDARITSEY, V.S.; ZAPHAHOV, I.Ao; XOVA1Wq N.I*; KOVALEVSKIT, X.A.; KOLOSOV, A.Y.; IMIYOV, A.S*; KRYWV# R*K*; IBVIT.AS, A.G,.; MALYGIN, N.A.; MORAMICH, Tu.A.; NOTYLET, A.S*; NMEROV, N.Y.; NIKOLISKIT, A.V.; OF10Y. G.M.; OHLOV, Ya.L.; FAMMSKIT, V,K..; POLYAXOV, A.S.; RUBIN, V.I.; SVANIDZE, K.N.; STRIGIN, I.A.; TAKOMCV, K.P.; TRUBNIKOV, S.V.; CHMWSJMVA, L.N.; CHNSHOKOV, N.Te.; MIMZRG. V.K.; BTHUMILIN, B.G., akademik, red.; ANTOSUKOVA, Lo, red,; MIKAILTAN, Z,i red.; MUKHO, Tv., [Dictionary of the seven-year plan from A to 21 Slovarl samiletki ot A do IA. Koskwa, Goe.izd-vo polit.lit-ry, 1960. 397 p. (MIRA 13:7) (Ruesia-Sconomic policy) 5/190/601002/0"/009/012 K-1161 al~ 220S 90150064 I IZJ ATMRS. .- 2-4-4-, 3- S-, A%kt*- A, Dz, rb-ft-Ot'. P. V.. met TITM at XtbYl.ft-1vft4o r of TMODICAL. yygGkO_IkUIyrmj7. so,.djs.,j-. i9o, Tot. 2. No. 6, ... 104-915 TM. The rmAI attoa-abs"cal polymerization of ethyl*** in %be gaaeOus lb... end in organic "totanow. ... to ... ticatod at diff ... at"'r ... Is "& radlatios to.. " -11 - so.. of the polymers reread. radiating, S.axvas of the 1-titut I.. rep-. (Tmvt1tut, l,qAL- lljr-(1400, 1000. -M 20000 Cron, T,., &" of 50-300 mAs. r-dl-tt" ded- of 17 to 165 T/ ... . . 25*C at. W,* a". at 5090) ware the Wastiti.... Th. rp.,Iw,s.t4 are rriad out In . oorr-pondlas dowles (rig. I). Th- othyles. -OA w" mass- C&- 1/4 npowtvo y an&ITI" by 1, T. Ti1ettawdrov and x,_y._M=jxLv,-Tbe Za% had or ths polyethylene obtained eva, dot.reanol by the met or &y 1. 0. $out. . ad 7. V. pru-147 ,.t& " this vill to at... In Paper. Th- or 1" 1. h*7"an, -thavol. -4 "at.- (50 . to. A5.2cn=40, V/sea) showed, (U%1 1) that rv&*%son proceeds too t. use sore rapidly tbAA Is the 6"wous Phase. The polym." formed have a OVIght Of 20=-40000. 701.--r4 of the atrv,atur. C1 3 C0214 )2c, ( 60%) "d "YCO28435" (20%) t0l'S Is 8"4 y1old Aa Carbon lk.srmahlorLdw. P.'1jv.r%- Motion JAL %ba NSA t". - Investigated at so,astgat pr ... We (100;30: tn: 12 r/soa a" 4oarvAitad, pressure (im sat -5o ate, 11-1 5 /see 256 "1 50*0). The polyawr yield Lamroa... rapidly If ex"r1mosta new "do In the jrts.a.* a' poly.ttyl... (TAlo 2). To begin witto She polymerizetIm rate Increases wilb Ose and roaahas tLes, a obast"t -1.4; The Soon, ze.--lar -' and =* charattorlett. is- asmitj, of ta. *Ira." learawass with Proceeding (Ulble J).. "W Smaxt re'"Aam rate, "ounts to 16.9 c/l.bour at "0 to. 21-41. &,exanne, or 24 haeurs Wed r.A~atle. 404. at 72 r/8". and the s"Isum rate C&A 2/4 20.5 CA.b-r (Table 4). The seast wol.cul- eight and wisoosity of pely"hyl". (?able 5) rise with pre.suro (I... the qtbyl.40 noncontr,tioa Th smurimum; rat;eof poly* risatloa lnorvas#* somewhat with the ra4latLon 410:0 with apro rtlamallly enter of 0.3, while the radj&tjon-ohealcal TC414 go"r' now- with " IRCresso Is 0A radiation 4684 With ft fgCtGT Of 0.7. Th.- 1-041" -eight Of V-11-thyl-AO Ise""** -Ith s r.latti,a of the radiation dos* with a foe-or or 0.7. The wl-lar weight or poly- tAylos. -Ith 4--solat rdt.tlom 4u#. (Table 6). A ;Ogp.r I Z:cm". frov, 250C to 50oc at constant ethylene eancentrattom () 10 muses a %-ee Increase In the polymeritation rate and tb4 solt,almr evight (Table 7). ThweatigtIons Carried out by Jj_JL__qjJL.0,L, -d 1. Z.4rwy a ILA z' r&-1,a=1-.,;,7; ~r tt~ =Tt-rzl 1--1.11--14 I 'As a h-jil- ;k-9-75 9/00) wAi degree of 9z7stzl!3zaTIo= than b19*)-Vrvmsur~ Fol7e-bylano, dirfors, besmear. *gay allChtly frc2 the letter alth r4dptct to the tomalle strength. In *cDclusloo. the author$ tbmmk A. th, lrv,eer~ T, 1. 00121- and T- I. 4-1-Ats, r 1. ..eryi.g 0.1 the "per Own-* Itb the Case- ..Xtt.r 6:. Thor* are, 8 figures. 7 tabl9m. and 11 "Iftrome-i 5 34,101, 4 1 Irttish. "d I 2.1glax. - 1/4 .... ... .... ASWILTICIS Plalks-kMe,tateeki le,titot tn. To. Z_7 &I Y126tituto Lsont L. To . KArvm~) lobw~ Z4, 1"o 1~~i-ASSSXON XR: AP4012181 S/0191/64/000/002/0003/0006 AURHORS: Abkinp A. D.; Auer, A. L.; Brqger, A. Xh.; Vaynshteya' 3. 1.; Voropayev, Yu. V.; Golldin, V. A.; Gromov, V. P.; Ovipov, Vi- -B.-;---Sy*rkW67-N. ?.; Ushakov,, V. D..; Khom1kovs'_-- P. X.; Taingister, V. L.; Ohikin. Yu. 1. _~41ML4-69 Rad2.4110n PO1yM*rLZ&t1OA of ethylene in enlarged laboratory', apparatus. Plastichoskiye massv*, no. 2v 1964t 3-6 TAGS: ethylene, radiation polymerization, reactor design, Mae= surface area, reaction rate, pillymer yield,, reactor tempora- ;ture field -ABSTRAOT: Radiation polymerization of ethylene was ci)nducted it 'laboratory reactors of 1-2 liter capacity (fig. I & 2). Based on toleranoes admitted in this work, it was found that the temperatuxe ...4"old can be calculated with sufficient accuracy. Comparison of _2;aotion rates and yield of ethylene polymer shows r titit these faotorz are Independent of -the specific surface of the reaction space. Thus 1/4 IMCNITSKIrp Volvj CHIUNp TueA. "tr Wad during crystallization# Scm electr~~R=95 ~94 x1ektrek1daiia.1 no*9:1110-llb 3 163* - (mmh 18:10) Is filial Plaiko-khimicheskogo instituta Imni L.U. K&rPov&,, Obminxk, i a m POGODAYEV, V.N.; CHIKIN, Yu,M. Ratile recovery during the dressing of Kh1alchts deposit si:Lllm'nite ores* TSvet. met. 33 no.61lo-I Je 1600 (MIR& 14;4Y (Kiakhta-Ore deposits; (Rutiae) S/136/60/000/06/003/026 E071/E435 'AUTHORSt Pogodayevj VoN* and gh*kin, Yu*M9 TITLE: Extraction of RutileyPuring Concentration of Sillimanite Ores from the KyakRa i)eposits PERIODICAL:Tsvetnyye metally, 1960, Nr 6, PP 10-13 (USSR) ABSTRACTI The process of benefIciation of sillimanite ores from the above deposits with simultaneous isolation of rutile was investigated. The beneficiation was carried out according to two schemes: a) separation of rutile from the ore in centrifugal separators at the beginning of the process and b) the separation of rutile during the process of beneficiation of sillimanite by gravitational methods using jigs and concentration of the classified material on tables. The experimental results obtained by both methods are given in the Table. The scheme (a) was found to be more suitable. The finally proposed scheme for preliminary separation of coarse rutile concentrates and their subsequent treatment (using concentration, flotation of sulphides, electric and magnetic separation) are shown in Fig 1 and 2 respectively. Pesulting Card 1/2 sillimanite concentrates containing about 1% of titanium S/l36/6o/ooo/o6/OO3/o26 E071/E43.5 Extraction of Rutile During Concentration of Sillimianite Ores from the Kyakhta Deposits dioxide and rutile concentrates containing about 91% of titanium dioxide can be obtained. There are 2 figures and JL table. Card 2/2 Q`//,',37/62/ooo/oo8/oo6/o65 A006/A101 AUTHORS: Chikin, Yu. M.., Pavlova, Ye. M. TITLE: on the problem of increasing molybdenum extraction from sulfide ores PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, no. 8, 196'2, 11,, abstract 8G79 ("Nauchn. tr. Irkutskiyn.-i. in-t redk. met", 1961,, no. 10, 216 - 223) TEXT: Results are presented of laboratory and industrial investigations wlAch had been carried out to reveal methods of increasing Mo extraction from. ores. The experiments were made with ore containing 0.065% Mo sulfide and 0.016% Mo oxide. Molybdenite was the basic mineral. It was established that Mp losses during the process of basic flotation occurred mainly because of the incomplete disclosure of MoS~ grains-in the coarse class (+2 mm) whose yield by crushing is -,1,20%. The authors show the main possibility of increasing Mo ex-. traction by 2 - 3% on account of additional flotation.concentration of refined products-in a separate cycle with separation of 10 - 15% Mo products, suitable for hydrometallurgical conversion. A. Shmeleva [Abstracter's notet Complete translation] Card 1/1 S/.137/62/000/006/023/163 A006/A101 AUTHORS: Pogodayev, V. N., Chikin, Yu. M. TITLE: Concentration of copper-molybdenum sulfide ores of the Kiyalykh- Uzen' deposit PERIODICAL- Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, no. 6, 1962, 7, abstract 6G56 C'Sb. nauchn. tr. Irkutskiy n.-i. in-t redk. met.", 1961, no. 9. 100 - 107) TEXT: To concentrate Cu-Mo ore of the Kiyalykh-Uzen' deposit, a collective system is used with subsequent Cu- and Mo-selection. To obtain conditional Mo- concentrates, experiments were carried out with a Mo-product from the factory. A system is proposed taking into account the mineralogical peculiarities (the size of free MoS2 is 0.03 - 0.05 mm and of MoS2 in concretion with SiO2 is 0.01 - 0.03 mm), the operational parameters of different minerals, and conditions of their discovery and separation. The conditions and system developed made it pos- sible to obtain conditional Cu and Mo concentrates at 90 - 9.2% Cu and 56 - 57% Mo extraction from their content in the collective concentrate. [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] A. 1811meleva Card 1/1 L PLAKSIN, I.R.; CH11M, Yu.M. Investigation of the effect of oxidized rec7-I.e and Its sulfolia- - -i'.. tion product in ilmenite and magnetite flotation*Tzve vyse uchebe : -'!q~I zav., tovet. met, 7 noo5t23-28 164 (MIRA 18:1) 1, .1 1. Institut gornogo dela AN SSSR. _P 1- PLAKSITI, I.N.; CHIKIN, YuX.Inzh,v* LEVINSKIY, B.V., inzh. DepreBsant action of humate ions on the flotation of magnetite by means of cation collectors. Izvo vys, ucheb, z&7~; gore zhur. no.8:152-157 164 (MIRA 18 t1) 1. Chlen-korrespondent AN SM., Institut gornogo dela imeni A.A. Skochinskogo (for Plaksin). 2. Irkutakiy gosudarstiremyy naucImo- isslGdovatelfskiy institat radkikh metallor (for Chikin, le7inskiy). Rekomendovana otdelom obogashcheniya poleznykh iskapayemykh Insti- tuts. gornogo dela imeni A.A. Skochinskogo, S/124/tSO/000/006/013/039 1.2.2o AO05/A001 Translation froun Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1960, No. 6, P. 78, # 7361 AUTHOR: Chikina, I.S., TITM The Motion of an Ide Within the Cavity of a Solid Moving Horizontally PERIODICAL: Sb. nauchn. rabot. Rvazansk. a.-kh. In-t, 1958,-Ilo. 7, Pp. 17.3-181 TEXT: The author considers the vibration of a liquid w1thin-a cylindric vessel, which moves horizontally with a constant acceleration., The problem is solved in linear formulation. Some simplifying assumption's are made: the motion is considered as two-dimensional, the vertical acceleration of the liquid is neglected, etc. In this case, the problem is reduced to an equation of the hyperbolic type with respect to the horizontal shifts of particles of the liquid, which.are at the free surface. The general solution of this equation is derived. Reviewer's note: In the introduction, the author considers in detail the COMDlica- tion of this problem and assumes that his work presents the first step in the investigation of the simultaneous motion of a body and a liquid. Actually how- ever (that apparently is urdmown to the author), the problem z;tudied in the Card 1/2 S/124/60/000/006/013/039 A005/AD01 The Motion of an Ideal Liquid Within the Cavity of a-Solid Moving Horizontally article-was the topic of a great number of investigations both In the USSR (Sre- tenskiy, Moiseyev, Okhotsimskiy and'others) and abroad, in which sJmJlar problems were solved in rigorous formulation. The author solves his problem in an approximate formulation. In this way, the author succeeds in considering the case when the average level of the liquid varies in time. The author considers only that case, when the average depth depends on the time linearly. N.N. Mciseyev Tic-anslator's note: This is the full translation of the original Russian abstract. Card 2/2 ;Z 6 S/549/61/000/104/014/018 D237/D304 AUTHOR: ChiKina, I.S. 7 TITLE: OBeil.ations of viscous fluid in a cylindrical cavity in horizontal motion SOURCE: Moscow. Vyssheye tokhnicheekoye uchilishche- LTrudy), no. 104, 1961. Idekhanikap 137 - 142 TEXT: The author considers a cylinder with a horizontal axist fil- ied with a viscous incompressible fluid with a free surfacep and it is assumed that the center of gravity of the cylinder moves hori- zontally with a constant acceleration a. Making a series of simpli- fying assumptions, the author solves the equations of motiol~ of the system and obtains the expression for the free ourface of the fluid which is more general than the one obtained by P.I. Gror'kov (Ref. 1: Izvo AN SSSR# OTNp 1954, no. 2) and which goes over into the latter on equating the coefficient of viscosity to zero. There are 2 Soviet-bloc references# Card 1/1 35634 S/549/61/001)/104/013/018 D237/D304 AUTHOR: Chikina, I.S. TITLE: General equations of motion of a rigid body with fluid- 0 filled.cavities and a generalization of a N.Ye. Zhukovskiy theorem SOURCE: Moscow Vyssheye tekhnicheskoye uchilishche. [Trudy]# no. 10~v 1961. Mekhanika, 115 - 136 TEXT: The author proposes using tensor calculus and lists all the algebraic and analytical operations used in this worko Then, using the above relations, she derives general equations of motion of a rigid body with fluid-filled cavities about a fixed -:)oint without 4_ restricting the shape of the inner cavities and the extent to whichi they.are filled with fluid. The method of derivation is based on ihe general theorems of the dynamics of material point systems. This is followed by the case of abody with cavities completely fil- led with a viscous fluid; additional boundary conditions are deri- ved which, together with the Navier-Stokes and continuity equations Card 1/2 S/549~6'/OO(V104/013/018 General equations of motion of a D237/ '384 give compleze description of the case. Considerations of kinetic energy of the system lead to a simplerp and at the same time more general expression for N.Ye. Zhukovskiy's theorem on the change in kinetic energy of the whole mechanical system during 'Lts motion. The limiting moTiong defined as the motion during which the kinetic: energy T = const, is considered and the conditions necessary for this motion to take place are derived. In conclusion, the author notes that the results can be utilized in ballistics, when dealing with projectiles filled with fluid. There is 1 Soviet-bloc referen- ces Card 2/2 6/54 61/000/1C4/oGI/Ole 1)237%304 AUTHORS: Tikhmenev,.S.S., Tronina, V.P., (;hikin, V.A., Xnyazev, G. W Gulyayev, M.P., Zakharov, Yu.Ye ChIkinn min, V.I., Bocharov, V.K., Shigin, Y..K., and K' V.P. TITLEx Scientific', podaGogical and general activities of Profes- nor V6V. Dobronravov SOURUE: Moscow Vyeaheye teklinicheskoyo uchilishcho [Trtidy), no. 104, 1661. Mckhanika, 7 - IS TEM On the occasion of his 60th birthday and the 35th anniverna- ry of the scientific and pedagogical activity of Yrofennor, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Vladimir Vaoilyevich Dobron- ravoy who is at present Professor of Theoretical Mechanics at li"11TU im. X.E. Baumana (MVTU ime-N.E.' Bauman), eleven of hii studentfl present thin appreciation. V.V, Dobronravov was born on Murch 17tht 1901. In 1924 he obtained his degree In mathematics at the Saratov- skiy Goeudp-rstvonnyy universitet im. IT.G. Chernyohevskiy (Saratov dtate University im. N.G. Chernyahevskiy). In 1927 he accepted the Card 1/3 S/549/61/000/104/OU1/C)18 Scientific, pedni;ogical and D237/D304 post of Assistant to the Profeenor of Physics at the Lntrakhan Sta- to Medical Izirtitute, whore in tiubsequent years he publinhol a PL- per in nouro-biophysics. Durin.- 1929-31, lie v..1,s Profcn3or of matics at the Saratov Agricultural Institute and lectured at Sara- tov University. Prom 1931 he vorked in a nunber of higher educatio- nal establishments in Moscow and was ansociated with lioncow Univer- sity from 1931 to 1952. In 194b lie was awardea a doctorate at 1.11on- cow State University and in 1951 he was elected to the DoparLT..ient of Theoretical Nochanics at MVTU im. N.B. Bauman, where in subse- V/ quent years, under his guidance, er~ureen in opecialized branches such as stability of motions gyron6opy, ouciilatioji, variational me- thod etc. were developed. During lils career the main contributiona made were in 'the field of mechanics of non-holononic .9yuToms. After 1950 he publi3hoa papers on kinetics of motion of ririd body (Trudy MIMM, no. 2, (10), 1950), stability of linear nyatorin of diff. equations with constant coefficients in (Avtomatika i Telemekhanika,' V. 17, no. 3, i95b) etc. In the 1950's lie also became interested in. .' antronautica. He has been a member of the Moscow 111athematical Boole-' ty since 1944, and is an active member of the 1,1,ethodological Commis- 2/54916 1 /600/ 104/091 /016 Scientific, pedagogical and D237/D30,j 13 1 on on the Theoretical Mechanics of tho 1-Uniatry of.tbe &)condnry and Hirher Education of USSH. At preuent ho is en.-figed in prop~irizq; a monograph on non-holonomic syatewa- ASSOOIATION: Mookovskoye 'ordona Lonina i ordena trulovolo krannogo znamehi vyoshoyo toklinicheskoye uchillchche in. Pawwt- 'osco%v Order of Lenin and Ordor of tho lied lIhnnor na W of labor Higher Technical School iia# Bauman) Ca:rd 3/3 ISMAYLOV, Kh.M.; OSIPOV, O.A.; GARNOVSKIY, A.D.; KASH I iENILMOV, O.Ye.; CHIKINA, N.L. i Complex compcunds of matalsof grcup W v-A*.h dialkylaminometlW --- phenols and their- sulfides. Dokl. AN Azerb. SSR 21 no.,1:34-38 165. (MIRA 2.8:7) 1. Institut neftADMirdebeskikh protsessov im, Yu.G.Mamcidaliyava AN AzerSSR i Rosto'vskly gosudarstvennyy un!vsrsitet. CHIKINAO H. S. I CHIMAp N. S.: "The use of antibiotica with delayed results to treat protracted septic endocardjtJ94~~ -Second Moscow State Medical lot imbi I. V. Stalilm 1956. (DISSERTATION 'FOR THE DEGREE OF CMIDATE IN MICAL SCIENCE), Dd swig's letoRis I J.>' IV569 1108cowe USSR / Pharmacoloa'i Toxi6oloLg- Chemicotherapeutic v 21-aparatione. Anti-310tics. Abs Jour : Ref. Zhur - Biologiya, 11o. 3, 1959, 1,44)61 Author : Chikina, N. S. Inst : tivenS~elow. ~ Title : Treatment Of Prolonged Soptic Endocarditis With kntibioties and Its Long-Range Results. orls Pub : Terapevt. arkhiv, 1958, 30, No. 5, 42-47 Abstract : No abstract INST. 1z kafedry fakulitetakoy terapii (zav.- prof. M.I. zolotova- Kostomarova) lechebnogo fakuliteta II Moskovskogo meditainskogo instituta imeni N.I. Pirogova. Card GHIKINAI N.S.p kand,med,nauk 1~ ------ 02J.nical and phy-lological observations on the actlon of tauramlain. Trudy XCHI no. IC t238-241 163. (MIRP 18!2) I., Iz kafed-,7 gospitallnoy terapii (zav. kafedroy - prof. I.B. Shulutko) Nallninskogo gosudarstvennogo meditsinskogo instituta. S/13C,/61/ooo/004/004/005 Aoo6/,Aooi AUMORS: Khasin, G.A., Chikina, V.G. TITLEt Production of Calibrated Ball Bearing Steel PERIODICAL: Metallurg, 1961, No. 4, pp. 23 - 26 TEXT: At the Zlatoust Metallurgical Plant calibrated. ball bearing WX 9 (ShKh9), UJ X 15 (ShKh15) and WX15cr (ShKhl5SG) steels of 10 - 53 mm size are produced. For 48 mm shapes, 85 mm square blanks are employed, and 120 mm squares for shapes of over 48 mm. Prior to rolling the blanks are etched, cleaned with abrasive disks, and preheated in continuous furnaces up to 1,0800C. During the rolling process the quality of the rolled stock surface is kaspected. Cooling of the rods after rolling, down to 900 - 7000C eliminates overannealing of the car- bide network. Black annealing of ball-bearing steel is made in chamber type fur- naces with extensible floors and in furnaces with external aechanizatIon. The sprayers areane-side arranged; pressure and temperature arc-, automatically con- trolled. Conditions of black annealing in furnaces with extensible floors are: heating to holding temperature at a rate of 100 per minute; holding at 7600C for I hour; at 7700C for 2 hours; at 7800C for 4 hours and at 790OC: 4 hours for Card 1/4 S/13C,/61/000/004/004/005 Production of Calibrated Ball Bearing Steel A0o6jAwl ShKhg steel; 6 hours for ShXh15 and 8 hours for SM15BG steel. Stepped anneal- ing, aseures satisfactory and uniform heating of the metal and good operation 0of the sprayers. The metal ii cooled at a rate of 400 per hour down to 700-72D C with Isothermal holding and subsequent cooling to 600-5500C (Figure 1). Prior to drawing the metal is immersed to remove the sodle from the surface. The remain- ing scale is eliminated in rotating drums and by etching. The rods ar6 then coated with a sodium nitrite aqueous solution heated to 60 - 700C for 15 - 20 minutes. Cold drawing is made with I - 2 mm reduction depending on the diameter of the initial blank. Savings in metaland higher efficiency are obtained by mechanical pressing of the rods into draw plates (Figure 2). The rod is clamped in a carriage, whose reciprocating motion is produced by levers which are driven by a crosshead and pull rods. The use of this device yields savings of metal at- taining 60 - 70 mm per length of eaah rod. Bright annealing Is made in rectangular electric cupola furnaces of the OKC-426 (OM426) type using commercial nitrogen as shielding atmosphere. The furnace operation was unsatisfactory although some improvements were tried. Therefore it has been decided to replace these fur- naces by induction furnaces. Actually, bright annealing of calibrated steel is performed in pipes at 7200C for 12 hours, and with air cooling. About 1 ton of calibrated rods are placed in the pipes which are sealed at one end. The shielding Card 2/4 s/13ci/6 i/ow/1004/loo4/005 Production of Calibrated Ball Bearing'Steel Aoo6/,Aool atmosphere inside the pipe is produced ' witha mixture of fresh cast-iron chips and charcoal. After the rods have been placed in the pipes the open ends are.sealed too. The quality of annealed metal is checked. Exceedingly decarbonized metal is subjected to repeated oxidizing annealingg at 750 - 7700C with air excess In the furnace at the expense of negative pressure and by opening tho air slit of the sprayers. This heat treatment assures the correction of 97% of metal rejected due. to unsatisfactory decarbonization. The technology described in producing ball bearing steel yields 92.3% ShXh9 and ShKh15, and 91.3% ShKhl5SG steel out of the given amount of rolled stock. J .750 Figure 1 700 650 Graph showing black annealing.of see ShKhl5 steel 7 1 iJ 17 IS time, hour card 3/4 S/1.30,/61/000/0o4/bo4/oo5 Production of Calibrated Ball Bearing Steel. A0061,%001 Figure 2 -Schematic drawing of pushing the rods into ~7 the draw plate-.. 1 - dented sprocket wheel- 2 - welded support; 3 - frame'of pushing carriage; k - crosshead, 5 - pushing 7 handle and 6 - levers for the com- Jaws; pression of jaws; 7 - donnecting rod o f link; 8 rod to be calibrated.. 'There are ,3 .,figures. ASSOCIATION: Zlatoustovskiy metallurgi cheek 17 zavod (Ziatoust Metallurgical Plant) ~Card 4/4 S1130162100010OVOO51005 AOO(;/A1O1 AUTHORS: Khasin, G.. A., Chikina, G. a,, QABogdashkin, A. I,,, Rannev, Bruns, G. L., VasT_cH_erN3-,Yu. 1. Tl=: A unit for the hot drawing of hard-to-deform steels PERIODICAL: Metallurg, no. 2, 1962, 33 - 35 TEM At the Zlatoust Metallurgical Plant a unit for the hot drawing of hard-to-deform steels was developed and put..into operation. It consists of a drawing mill, type I/750M, a tubular furnace to preheat the w1re and a device for measuring the wire temperature during drawing. The wire is preheated in the tubular furnace by passage through molten lead and a charcoal layer. The capaqity of the furnace is 75 kw, feed voltage 380 v, and the amount of lead 2,000 kg. The lead level remained almost unchanged after the calibration of over 100 tons high- speed steel; the wear of the draw plates is about 0.01 mm per I ton of wire. The wire temperature when leaving the'draw plate is controlled by an infrared photo-electric pyrometer developed by NIIM, being able to measure temperatures within a range of 200 - 5000C. The pyrometer is combined with an electronic pq- tentiometer 31111 -120 (EPP-12). The le"t wire diameter during the measurement Card 1/2 S/1-30/6P,/000/002/005/005 A unit for the hot drawing of hard-to-deform steels AO06/A1Ol is 2 mm. The distance from the sensitive head to the wire surface is 5 - 10 mm. The device is power-supplied from a 220 V 50 cycle circuit through a ferro-reso- nance voltage stabilizer. The device operates on the principle of measuring the intensity of infrared radiation of the. heated metal. Its blDck-ciroult is given. The draw plate temperature is controlled and regulated by an induction power-fre- quency heater'which is mounted on the draw-plate holder, in whose body a mano- metric mounted. The.introduction of the hot drawing method at the Zlatoust Plant yielded the following resultst,, reduction of heat treatment and preparatory operations by a factor of 3 -4; reduction of technological produc- tion time; increase of the drawing-drum efficiency; reduction of,annealing time by about 35.5 hours per one ton of steel; reliable operation of the unit and the possibility of using it in other plants. There are 3 figures. ASSOCIATIONS: Zlatoustovskly metallurgicheskiy zavod Watoust Metallurgical Plant); Chelyabinskiy NIIK (Chelyabinsk NIIM) Card 2/2 KHASIV, A.; CHIKINA- V.G BOGDASHKIN, A.I.; RANNEV, G.G.; BRUNS, G.L.; Equipment for the hot draving of deformation-resistant steel. Matallurg 7 no.2:33-35 F 162. (KM 15:3) 11 ziatoustova iy metallurgicheskiy zavod i Chelvabinskiy NIIM. %rawing (Mstalwork)-Equipment and supplies) 3113.V631000100310071007 AO54/A126 ;~'.AUTHORSs Khasin, G.A.# Chikina, V.G., Kashin, Yu-A. TnW: Hot 4rawing of bundle steel PERIODICAL: Stall, no 3, 1963, 271 273 In the cold drawing process of P 18 (R18), P 9 (R9) and 9 X 18 to (9Kh18) high-alloy, low-ductility grades the wire rods have to be subjected ntermittent heat treatment.. To eliminate this cumberzome procedure, the Zla- toustovskiy metallurgicheskiy zavod (Zlatoust Metallurgical Plant) draws these steels in heated condition. (since 1952). The first method of'heating (by elec- tric contact) produced sometimes local overheating of the wire, which resulted in raptures. Therefore, another method was established by which the metal is heated prior to drawing in a lead bath (5,860 mm long, containing 2 t molt3n th me lead, heated by a 75 kw current). The bath temperature is 350 - 370 C, e t- al is heated to 290 -.33eC, while just before the calibration its temperature is 300'C. The RIB wire rods are drawn by 34, 62, 76-5 and 81.5%, the 9Kh18 ones by 66.5% in total. The optimum drawing rates ensuring the required heating of Card 1/2 S/1:33/63/000/003/007/007 Hot drawing of bundle steel A054/A126 the metal are given. Prior to the intercalated lead-bath Mating process, the wire rods are subjected to the conventional heat treatment. The wires produced i by hot drawing have a bright surface, the same microstructu,.7e as cold-drawn ones, the aquadag coat applied to the metal surface before It is passed through the lead bath prevents it from being decarburized and oxidized. The mechanical characteristics of the hot-drawn steel wires are satisfacto:.y, both grades 6sin- tain their ductility even at high deformation rates. The new method raised the output of tlie-drawing equipment by a factor of 2; 'the elimination of intermedi- kwh/t, while the primary costs for drawing 1 ate annealing processes saves 315 ton of steei'deareased by 177-63 rubles. Accordingto an Editorial Note the drawback of this method is that it requires much lead and a very good ventila- tidn to remove the noxious lead vapors. It seems to be preTerable to heat the wire rods by induction, as introduced in the Zavod Proletariskiy Trup (Proletari- an W6rk Plant) under investigation at the 'I=. The lead-bath method was developed in cooperation with S.F. Fetukhov (Deceased), R.I.. Valentova, O.G. Rannev, et al. The X-ray analysis of lead-bath heated wireii was carried outzby I.A. Brazgin. There are 2.figures. ASSOCIATION: Zlatoustovskiy metallurgioheakiy zavod (Zlatoust Metallurgical Plant) and NIDWIZ Ca!~ 2/2. L na - b lob :E6 Che 4AUMM. V. W, bi in idda.lbr. the W-4 za.ticn- or ~,COIA- Plan ___s tall' V-AnfAftAtftll'. n'n.: 4L: 106ii. 7-10 4i straightening TnachineB are placed by a crane on a chair, arrarTed in a -r-W by alter1mg the tilt angles of the conveye:.- links. The _'-Uz ~!.u7h !,!2t! Sp-c-Imeno -if drcp DeT,,,,~,tn; LL- 5OcC. The hardness of the heated specimene,both c;ver 'Ljjei:- cras-s secticn was found to bia unifo= aiidmeeting the jrequiru-nents. in- -mid decarlrarimtian of tb~ speecirdens shvk~ed vestigation of the microstructure, that these characteristics depend on the initial cond_i t i the results of its black aanesling~ owing to the extremely shc-,-, a;__-~-,__.:-. I heating in the new device, any marked adclitional' surface decarWY_J:.-at~-_.-. -s precluLied. The maximum power r*quir6ment for the higb-frequeney-currq~nft a 80 L~O k,, Th-_,ref-r~', recnstallization of ba.11-bearing steel rodB -* s1 -2 -)r W&S linde-natiI.IsrLd,asecond similar tu 2/3 J Im"VA004 rmshchnik spidemiologa (Moskva) Role of sanitation feldebers In foot of intestinal lufaction. -Felld. I akush. 22 no-5:22-24 My 157. NLRA 10;6) (DYSnMY) BELTAKOV, F.Te.; BABIN, B.N.; BAL', V.; BOROVKOV, F.W.; VOTETODIN, I.N.; (RjWICH, G.H.; GORBUROVA, F.I.; KOHNOT, A.S.; KALARTAROVA, K.T#; KASHIRSKIY, A.Ya.-, KAZAITCHETET, U.N.; LEKSUTKIN, A.Fe; LRTI- GHHVSKIY, M.A.; LOPATIN, S.Z., MIRSKIY, VA; PODSWAILOT, Y.N.; SUBBOTINA, V.P.; TANASIYCHUK, H.P.; FEDOTOV, S.D.; FISHHEO, K.H.; ELIKIND, I.G.; BOVIN, S.S.; VASILOYEV, L.T.; DRINKOV, V.D.; DATY,- CHIN, N.I.-, DADAGOV, I.A.; YERMOSHINA, V.I.-. XHUOV, I.V.; ZIMIN, D.A.; IVANNIKOV, A.Ya.; KOVALIV, M.K.; LUGAKOVSKIY, N.L.; NALEVSKIT, A.F.; S=ZHNIKOV, V.K.; SEMIGLASOV, M.D.; SOKOLOV, A.V.; STKPANOV. V.1.; SAKKARIN, G.S.; SAVENKO, P.A.; SOLODOV, V.P.; UMOV, Sh.Kh.; SHCHEMUKHINA. S.N.-, DYNKIN, G.Z.; LYSOV, V.S.; OSSWOVICH, A.N.; ROKITSIIISKIY, Z.V.; BRASGAVIKIY, M.S.; RUMMO, I.A.; 2MMOBORSKIY, M.S.; ZHDANOV, Ije,; SUSLIN, V.I.; BRUS, A.Ye.; VOLYNSKIY, S.A.; KLYUYEV, V.A.-, ISTRATOV, A.G,,; TIKHOMIROV, I.F.; BUTYRIN, U.N.; VOLYNSKIY, S.A.; HINEYEV, M.F,.; MALITSHV, V.I.; VIMTsKIY, A.F.. kand.takhn.nank. glavnyy red.; DEMIDOY, A.N.. red.; KRAVECTS, A.L., red.; KLIHOVA-, Z.I., [Industrial Astrakhan] Promyshlennaia Astrakhan'. Astrakhan', Izd-vo gazety wVolga," 1939. 318 p. (MIRA 12:11) 1. Astrakha n (Province) Bkonomichaskiy administrativnyv rayon. (Astrakhan Provincs-w--Zconomia c6nditions) USSR/Diseases of Form Animals, Won-Gontagious Diseases. R-2 Abe Jour i Ref Zhur-ftcl,, No 18, 1958 835M Author : Sirotkinx V. Ao'ChIMELU-7- V- T Institute z Leningrad Veterinary nstitute Title i Certain Hepatic Diseases of Alimentary Origin in CowsS and Applied Prophylactic Meamwese Orig Pub i 8b, rabot Leninp. veto in-t. 19579 vyp* 16t 16-19 Abstract It is shmin that, prolonged feedings of large quanti- ties of concentrates to- ewe which obtain too little roughage In their diets,, quite often causes develop- rent of bepatia diseases (such as aryloidosiag fatty and parenobymatous degenerstion)a The clinical symptom of the disease are: poor state of general health, lose of appetitev apathy, decreased rAlk yieldso The animals' hair becomes dull and rumpled,., Sometimea., increase of body temperature occurTs. and Card 1/2 hyperemia and joundice of the conjunctiva are presento, A USSR/DiUMOS Of Farm Animals* Non-Contagious Diseases. R-2 Abs Jour s Ref Zhtu:-A�L~ No . 18, 195B, 83568 Abstract t R%mination is lethergio., slow,, and of short duration; gastric peristalsis is wealmnedo The area of paphtio dullness- is,efilarged. Autopsy reveals that, the liver 7 is enlarged,, clay-colored and flabby, Biochemical ex- aminatione of the blood show a sharp decrease of caro- tene and of organic phosphorus contentse Among prophy- laotiwmeasures correct combinations of rudghage and concentrated feeds are of great importance,, Also :Ut- portant are sufficient quantities of vitamins and mineral sate In the animals' diet.-.I. Ya. Panchcnko Card 2/2 Calculation of X-ray screening grids. (Strolosoopic effect in grids vith movable rasters), Novo mod, tekb, no,21-15-24 161, (MM 14:12) 1. Gonudaretvenyy naucbno-iseledovatellishiy'rentgeno-radiologichookly imstitut" (I-PAYS-EQUIRCNT AND SUPPLIES) SARIKOV, A.A.; CIIIKIRDIN, E.G. 011niual arid physical comparison of large-photograph fluorography and rcentgenography of the thoracic organs and kidneys. Vest. rent. i rad. 39 no.5:47-52 S-0 164. OTHIA 18:3) 1. 2-ya kafedra rentgenologii i meditsinskay radiologii. (zav. - prof. Yu.N. Sokolov) TSentrallnogo instituta usmershenstvovaniya 1?r,4(,*hey i Gos,,idarstvennyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy reLtgeno- radiologichasMy 1nstitut 141nisterstva zdravookhraneniya RSFSR,