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L 07904-67
okeast with dimensions up +A) mm, with tetragonal, lattical
single crystals were Col 6 = J41/a. Di4grams
having parameters a 0 = 11.19 1 (Z = 4) space grouP C411
of the structuro and pf ..the coordinates of th* atoms and of~the interatomio
distances are PrOsOnted.:,.Tho properties am oompaml with thoso of other molyb-
dates,, Oris.. art.%hasi, 411cures And 2 tables.
TH RIW; 004
ODDE: 20/:-.. 003/. 0
Q -
Card 2/~
18(5) SOV/128-59-8-3/29
AUTHOR: Chichagov, K.K.1, EAgineer and'l)rozdova,, Yet. 1.9
TITLE: Producing Cores by the Sandblowing Method;
PERIODICAL: Liteynoye proizvodstvo,, 1959, iir 8, pp 8 - 10 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: In the casting departments of the Gorlkiy automobile
factory 40 sandblowing machines are used for produc-
tion of cores. This increased the output in 2 - 6
times. The two models of sandblowing machines 8 - 6
and S-216 (constructed by GAZ) work with the pressure
of 6 atmospheres. For the cores two kinds of sand
ZK and NS1K (Table 1) are used. As a strengthening
is added 11K (includes calophony) and PT (includes
thallium oil), further sulphide alkalin, meal and
kerosene. The outside solidity of the cores is rea-
ched by use of bentonine or meal and special frac-
tions of sand (K 0315.A and K 016 A). In order to
avoid disturbance during the blowing processi#essure U,
thehead of the ~lowing-machine has to be higher than in
the core-chest. For this purpose the blowing aper-
Card 1/2 tures of the machine have a diameter of 10 - 12 mm.
Producing Cores by the Sandblowing Xeihol SOV/128-59-8--4/29
Some examples showing the location of the blowing
apertures are drawn (Fig 2 3, 4 5), The drying of
the pressed ooreg is done In the'conveyor drying fur-
naces at 250-270 C during 1..5 - 2 hours, There are
2 tables and 5 diagrams.
- Card 2/2
AUTHOR: Chichagov Tmatructor SOV/27-58-12-21/23
TITLE: Alith What We Began (S chego my nachal.0
PERIODICAL: Professionallno-tekhnicheakoye obrazovaniye, 1958, Nr 12,
p 29 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: Last year it was decided that Technical School Nr 3, Tula
Oblast', besides training workmen of various specialities,
should start courses for trainees of the building trade.
This necessitated the equipping of o'.asarooms with the re-
quired visual aids. The author describes how this was accom-
plished. The period of training was set at 10 months.
ASSOCIATION; TekhnichesRoye uchilishche Nr 3, Tullskoy oblasti (Technical
School Nr 3, Tula Oblast')
Card 1/1
USSR/Soil Science
may l9h7
"Some Data on Orig-in of Loess in the Cebtral Dnepr Area.," le. G. Chapovskiyj, P. V.
Chichagov,, All-Union- Sci Hes Inst Hydrogeol and Engin ueolp 2 1 pp
I'Dok Akad Nauk SSSR, Nova Ser" Vol LVI, No 6
Study of field research carried out 1940-1941'on riLht bank of Pnepr near twons of ZapL)rozhl
ye and Nikopoll, with particulir reference to loess layer found here. Submitted by
Academician B. B. Polynov, 22 Dec 1946.
PA 50T98
C II -Z (~ Ti ~ (- C~ \/, U. P.
Joint explorations of Ghinese and 30TIOtgeographers In
Basin. Izv. AN SSSR Ser. geog. no.Z:166~168 Mr-Ap 157.
(Amur ralley-Natural resources)
(China-Relations (Ooneral) with Russia)
(Russia-Relations (Geteral) with China)
the Itur
(MM lOtl2)
AUTHOR: Chichagov,.X,2.,, SOV-5-58-3-36/39
TITLE: Basic Characteristics of the Development of the Relief and
Peculiarities of the Hydrographical System of the South-
Eastern Trans-Baykal Region(Oariovnyye cherty rallyefa i osoben-
nosti gidrografichaskoy seti yugo-vostochnogo 1~7abaykal'?&)
PERIODICAL: Byulleten' Moskovalcogo obshchastva ispytateley prirody,
Otdel geologicheskiy, 1958, Nr 3, pp 161 - 162 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: This is a resume of a lecture given on Feb 25, 1958. Ac-
cording to morphologic and.pftleogeographic characterietics,
the relief of the south-eastorn Trans-Baykal region can be
subdivided into 3 large geomorphological districts: V, the
western geomorphological district of the Daurskiy and Bosh-
chovochnyy ridge8; 2) the central district of eroded, se-
dimentary plains and the plateau region of the middle course
Card 1/2 of the Onon river; 3) the eastern geomorphological district
Basic Characteristics of the Development of the Relief and Peculiarities
of the Hydrographical System of the South-Eastern Trans-BaykalRegion
of the low ridge iregion of the inter-river region of the
Shilka and Argun rivers. These goomorphological distr'"'cts
are separated by ancient deprossions. During the Quater-
nary Period, the river system underwent ftindamental changes,
evidenced by inundated valleys located in the inter-river
regions of the Ingoda, Chikoy and Khilok rivers.
1. Geology-USSR 2. Inland waterways--USSR
Card 2/2
AUTHOR: Chichagov, V.P. SOV-26-58-9-25/42
TITLE: A Flood of the Sungari (Navodnt?niye na Sungari)
PERIODICAL: Priroda, 1958, Nr 9, p 109 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: Information is given on yearly September flood conditions of
the Sungari, the largest right affluent of the Amur rivor.
This recurring phenomenon is due to the monsoon climate and
goes far beyond the extent of the spring flood in April.
A&;OCIATIONi I-nstitut geografii Akademii n&ak MOM Aloskva (The Institute
of Geography AS USSR /Moscow)
1. Floods 2. Inland waterways--USSR
Card 1/1
AUTHORSs Bikollskayat V*V. and Chichagov, Ir.p. 12-1-20/26
TITLE3 Some low Books from the Magadan Pablishing House (0 nekotorykh
noVkh knigakh knizhaogo izdatellstva)
PERIODICALs Izvestiya VassoMnogo Geografiobeekogo Obahchestva, 1958,7,-,
1, pp 93 - '95 (USSR)
ABSTRLCTt The authors review several books of interest to geographers.
"The Chukatka Forests" (Loss IIhukotki) by G.F. Starikov
and P.N. D'yakonov represents a collection of material gather-
ed over 10 years of biotcological investigations. The re-
viewer states that inspito of some deficiencies the book in
a valuable scientific work.
"The Chukotka National Okrug"V* (Chukotakiy natsionall
nyy okrug) by I.V. Oushchin and A.I. Afanaslyev contains
.historical and geographical essayaq which are sometimes
'11griculture of the Magadan Oblast! (Sellskoye khoxyayst-
vo Magadanskoy OW"U.) by A.P. Vaelkovskiy, P.P. Pasechnik,
S.V. Fadryga, and O.K. Chalenko, tells of the experiences
of agricultural workers of the Magadan oblast', which is the
Card 112 more interesting because of the utilization of new areas
Some Now books From the Magadan Publishing House Az
in the north. lasjpito of the zan~r of authors the book
is a couplet* and finished work.
"A Volcano In the Polar Region" (Vulkan v,lapolrarlye
by Ye,Ke Ustiy*v is a do5oription of a trip to an extinct
volcano in the Anyuy river basin which ia of groat interest
to geographers.
AVAILABLE8 Library of Congress
Card 2/2
AUTHOR: Chichagov, V.P. SOV/10-59-1-16/32
TITLE: Scientific Research Methods (Metodika nauchnykh
iBsledovaniy) An Attempt at Estimation of the
Genesis of Loose Deposits in Accordance With the
Morphology of Sand Grains (Opyt opredeleniya gene-
zisa rykhlykh otlozheniy po inorfologii peschanykh
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSRt Seriya geografiche-
skaya, 1959, Nr 1, pp 109-114 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: This article explains how the genesis of loose depo-
sits can be ascertained by way of laboratory exa-
minations of the surfaces of the sand grains. This
method.was used by the author for substantiation of'
his contention that the deposits of the Ogorono-
Depskaya saddle-land in the Amur basin could not
have been of aeolean origin, as a result of alluvial
processes but must have been brought there by a
Card 1/2
Scientific Research methods; An Attem:?t at Estimation of the
Genesis of Loose Deposits in Accordance With the Morphology of
Sand Grains
There are 2 tables, 1 grELph, 1 diagram and 13 refer-
ences, 12 of which are Soviet and 1 French.
ASSOCIATION: Institut geografii AN SSSR (Institute of Geography
of the AS USSR)
Card 2/2
LUTMRS s Volichko, L.A.. and Zints, A.A.
TrMl The 3ixth Conference of Yo~ k
_% 3clentifict,or ers al
the Zmatitut GeocraIll. IN USZR ~Znztitu of Gen-
grapby AS M 1 11 ~) r-
PIMODICALt Izventira Ikade=11 mauk 355R, 3eriya j;eograrlchon- ItZ,
ke7a, 1959.1(r 4. py, 152-154 (USSR) N.-
AB.-TTACT s The article covers the Sixth Conference of Toung
aclaztMe 7::r!Mr= cf tb.- T-tl~-Ita Of G~*IraphT
AS =OR which took piano in mid-Moxch. 190. 35
reports were read b7 the follovinZ scientific war-
ken. 1.141=ch rapartk-d on -5o=e Gonotia Re%-alari-
ties in the Astribution of Itzoophoric, Precipita-
t1on". Tr__Cot2Zj!Tr and _q.L. Tmv~-gZev co-onted oil
- a-ice resca.-ch in the
structural =tZoaa in anw. an
Antarctic region; apoke am the co=ec-
tLion be tatea ma i;~_a: aEr net-_-erk
Cord 1)~ and the latest tectonic Movements in the Northern
=1MG-Ural Area. -P_ Ya oTmluat;ed the
evaporation a4co balance =-jthod---
from the African contIneatj N,Xx, !aro_" dia-
cuzp,.td evaporation prablens in t2w Ruir of zara-B*_
go" Ill and uina7rva reported
On the I=P&ct Or molar its
seltln,~ In the Zrans-70 res-f grake
IC Elbrus _*
012 snow rall"Atian near I 7.e1261__rAS=1.~__tOnj
ZLaL-AU=2XA7& lOctured an 5=o= eocdLtio= in the
Mountains of Central Cancema, N.N. Orlow rvpcrted
an his new cothad to asasn" th*_-R_WUMt-1T gmc~
carried br winds. whereb7 snow-f2akes a-* recorded
b7 a photoelectric devicol DLj__ZLZ~._
W=- aaa_.R-L-2Pd?7- 9PQ- ~,z t_-t' h"- balance oba*.-
UtIOMM th,47 compiled at the Z&GOrskMY' 3ci.=_fic
Station near Voacc,-.; z~Z,&Las lmc;tured = sprIn,-
water discharee %ad so.11 wanj,out 8ZG* StUdlod there,
Card 2/5 N.H. DreyeE and lectLred on hov to
calculate the -4~1 sprizC ~ate_r discharge Ili the
Tealsoy and Lens rivers accardinf; to the =ethod of
2.X__Zik:ola d On sea levels
qerz lect -
a t 3en daFa~_-_- V-nx ew:-arleg and
_Z.X_XAx:txoa= on the lako levels -In C~he Tuz-eax de-
pression durink, 1849-1958; L.T. VALk:~~ reported on
the rivera and lakes of the-TrEM-plateaut n.7.._RMb_
iff,cLirunned Fliocone forno of relief In tE_e_rFv_er_
my of the K- basin; elucidated
on loons deposits In the central areas a.- the Russia--
laint 2_L_&1jjzmLbr_- lectured on "7orrent-llko
=oaena In Dughestan, and %. 0. *Claosi-
f1cAtLon of Torrents in Central Caucasus'! A.G. Chikl-
he TO a Geobotanic survey of 'he Con. I Hal
Mimi& lect,="d an tbn divinion or the Trans-
Card 3/5 Ural wood-dal-otappe area into aLnale relief typesg S t,
0-.o:u M
o3 ,, n - I - -
at 9 HQ i .0 i e,
9.Q eAnft P,
ft Vo
4.4 4 J'o -7d 4 t
9 v
Po' uno 4, o 6
I -, i A i I A
w J- .15'. -o' J" no, I
:9 av, 91
pse. tl 4~lnt3ipA
"o C.ju t:
co "-o ~q
'o. 'N' V.8 Ho
gloo f. Z.
ij 3 6
a RU 92
P. 3 34 V.
-.AUTHOR: Dbin'hagov, V.P
TITLE: Problems of Pbysical Geography of the Amur Basin at the
Tihird Session of the Joint Scientific Council of Amur
Expedition of the AS USSR and the Hei-lung-ohliang Expe-
dition of Red China.
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk ' SSSR Seriya geografIcheskaya,
1959, Nr 59 PP 136-139 (USSR3
ABSTRACT: The above mentioned session took place from 7 to 12
May 1959 in Moscow. The results of the compound scien-
tific. research work of both expeditions were silmmed
up. After a few introductory words by Academician
V.S. Nemchinov and by Chu Xle-chen, vice-president
of the AS of Red China full reports on the activity
of exTeditions were read for the Amur Expedition -
by its leader S.V. Klopo,r, and for the Hei-luxig-chliamg
Expedition - by Chu Chih-fan ., leader of the Chinese
Card 1/3 counterpart. Several reports were read. The geomor-
'Problems of Physical Geography of the Amur Basin at the Third
Session of the Joint Scientific Council of Amur Expedition of
the AS USSR and the Hei--'1ung-ch1i=g Expedition of Red China
phological and paleograplLic
on by Professor Ting ffd:Z-abl
.Lnstitu-b~)j V.V. Nikollskaya
(Institute of Geography of
M.G. Oreanov (Dal9nevostc,chnyy
Card 26
eniya AN SSSR) (the Far-Vast
Section of the AS USSR)q ax,
AS USSR). The problems of soil
on by: Yu.A. Liverovskiy and
Institut AN SSSR) (Boils Institute
problems were reported
(the E&rrsn F-adagogical
(institut o rafii AN SSSR*1
,~e g
the AS USS , Chang--ve---X.:.,,
filial Sibirskogo otdel-
Branch of the Siberian
cQm , Yu.A. Khodak (SOPS
geography were reported
L.P. Rubtsova (Pochvennyy
9f the AS USSR)~
and Chleng Po-Twnng (Institute of Forest. and
Soil of the AS CPR), V.jr. Yegorov and V.S. Muratova
(Soil Institute of the AS USSR), G.I. Ivanov (DVF
SO AS USSR), A.N. Firsov and N.D.Pustovoytov (SOPS AS
USSR)q N.I. Gorbunov (SoJ.1 Institute of the AS USSR);
Problewi of Physical Geography of the Amur Basin at the Third
Session of the Joint Scientific Council of Amur ExpeditI -on of
the AS USSR and the Hei-lung-chliang Expedition of Red China
Ye.I. BuzIukova, V.M. Burkovaq A.A. Gorshkova (VSF SO
AS USSR). The problem of plant geography reports were
read by : Chu chih-fan . (Iastitute of Soil and Forest
of AS CPR); V.B. Sochava (Botanicheskiy Institut AN
SSSR)(Botanical Institute of the AS USSR); V.Ya. Kol-
danov (Institut lesa AN 5SSR) (Forest Institutp of the
AS ITSSR); V.A. Rozenberg, Yu.A. ManIko., G.E.Kurentsova
and A.I. Kurentsov (,DVF 30 AS USSR).
Card 3/3
RIKHTER, G.D., doktor geogir. nauk,, otv, red.; LADYCHUK, L.P.., red.
izcl-va,- DDROKMk, I.N., tekh. red.
(The Far East; its pbyaical gooM-plql Dallnii Vostok; finiko.
geograftcheskala kharakteriatika. Hoskva., 1961. 436 TkA 3439)
1. Akademiya nwA SM. Inatitut geografiia 2* Inatitut gao~rafii
AN SSSR (for Vitvitokiy, Kravehankol Nikollskaya, -Chichagov , 3. Dall-
nevostoclmn fiUal AN SSSR (for Kmceutsov, Voroblyev)- 4, Poclxven-
rWy inotitut AN SSSR (for Liverovsklyp Karmanov, Petrov). 5. Biologi-
cheald-y inatitut Ural-Iskoga fi3la2a AN $SM (for Nolesnikov). 6. In-
stitat lesa AN SSSR (for Kabanov). 7. TSentrallwjy institut prognozov
(for Dmitri
(Soviet Far East-Pbysical geograpby)
An interosting monograph on the morphostructure of lAke Baikal
region (OT49nozoic and Cenozoic deFremsione of the Bmikel,region"
by N.A.fforensov. Reviewed by S.S.Korstme*., D.A.Timoftev.. V.P.Chi-
chagov)o Izv*AN 38SRoSeregeoge ro,30-29-133 W-Je 16L
(KM 14:5)
(Baikal lake regib'A'-Geology.. Structural)
(kor'?ns Dv,, N.L. )
Study of phonology In connection with the formation of relief.
Biul. MOIP. Otd. geol. 36 no.2-142-3.43 Mr-Ap '61. (MIRA 14:7)
New works on the physical geography of the Amur Valley.
geog. ob-va 93 no-4:357-359 J:L - Ag 161.
(Amur VaUey-..;-Physical geography)
Izv. Vses.
(MIRA 14:7)
Zonal characteristics of the develeTwent of slopes in southeastern
Tranobaikalia, and the adjacent region of the Chinese and 11ongolian
People's Republics. DiuleMOIFoOtdogeol, 36 noo6&127 N--D 161,
(KM 15;7)
(Tranmbaika3i&-6lopex (I"ical geography))
Comparative characteristics of Ari2ona-Sonora and Dauriabbngolia
pediments. Biul.14DIP Otd.gsol. 37 no.1:158-160 Ja-F 162.
(MM 15s2)
" V.P.
Defending doctor's dissertations at the Institnte of Geograpby of
the AcadwW of Sciene" of the U.S.13.R. in 1861* Izv.AN SSSR.Ser.
geoge noe3049-151 N7-J* 262& (MM 15:5)
(Goosrapby) (Dismorta-Uom., Academic)
Morphologic and morphmetric features, and the origin of quartz
sand in the Dalai Nor region. liv. All SM. Ser. geog. no-405-81
Jl-Ag 162. , (MM 16:5)
1. Imetitut geografli AN SSSR,
(Hulun Nor region-Sand)
Quaternary glaciation in the Amur baidn.
19:260-267 162.
Trudy Kom cbetv.per
iMM 16:1; -
(Amur VaUsy-Glacial epoch)
Morphmetr7 in H. Baulig (Prance) and A. Strahlerts (U.S.A.)
workoo Vope geogo no*63:153-158 163. (MIRA 17:3)
zonal typeB ar pediments in the Amur IeEdn. 7ap. 7,abaik# otd.
Geog. ob-va SSGR no. 24:67-86 164 19:1)
clilclioxv, V. V.
Literatura Fo Vaprosam Ditpetcherizatsli Kamennougollno-7 Promyshlennosti.
Bibliogrefiya (Po 15 Mart 1934 Q). Gornyy Zhurnal No 9, Ig-,'-'+, Str. 63-66
APS In :3,:)ryuchiye Slantsy, 1935, No 5, 78
Goryuchiye Slant5y # 1934-35p TN .871
G .74
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Zinuirky, V~ IL, owl V. V. ChithWv. Nom-Pre-rious Alloym in .1i"raft
Itrild"'Jo. Oft "MI. 152. IWO. 31-mow: Moll"Ilgis.
op 1114 1
v 32 1* A It
V V-lp`~_
c Pq
X" SAW he
_AJL-chkillbilm. OP9. chm. lei.
Ow-nIOUNMe-Whed the dyW labrior
113 X r-d a w~Wm cyHmdkr Siml in comtsct
Kv of white!
Comm to Sr" a 149. =,;;a4ricm the CmIlim
in'PAIII a V,,VV,,r tM it covm 1/4 d the cy%mder gim.
RoUtedw cjlhWwag&mt*cfjODr.jj.m.~Vtbm,
WNW- mp). Cut'
o" do edwW asedmin humm, dw mum ow im fw 30
Wkh a ft **WW- OL ft M#Abb dd Ailli.11611
the cow Nona "a dw a d"b" d 1w in an Ed.
""now OW IMI ", Wo. Spa 61" wagatim JM
do - va". wm PNPWL saw.
avid kwimthmn dyu. in.
PftPn. ed the OLUW" dy~
a. Z. Kamirls
a 44 4w
I'MODAVO allow Owlav
-77- N,v zwmg """Doti 4119.191 4w 0-
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- 1 11 PT~
[Jffect of deformation on the rec'overy ca~pai-city of daraluminJ Vlilanle
deformateli na effekt vosvrata v duraliumine..Pod red. N.V.Gevelings.
[Moskva] lzd. Akadeuii, 1945. 98 p. (Trudy Voennol vosdishnoi orasna
Lenins, akadenii XA in. Zhukovskogo, VYP. '03) (KLRA 70)
(%ralumiu) (Def ormations, (Mechanics)) -
CHICHAGO .--;-I-",! %""-.
Raising forms from spores In loop's nutritive medium. Biul. Glav.
bot* soda no*30:96 158. (MIRA 11:6)
1.3otanichookly sad Hosk"mkogo gosudskratvannogo univerviteta.
_an"i I _P1_
Zffect of bismuth and boron on curtailing the annealing of
white iron. Lit.proizv. no.12:20-21 D 157. (min 11. 1)
(Iron-lismuth-b-Dron alloys-Aetallography) (Iron--Heat treatment)
AUTHORS: Kurtov, I.F., Chichagova, N.P. and Zakharov, V.A.
TITLE: Eutecticity as a Technological and QualitativeFactor of
Mainesium Cast Iron (Evtektichiost' kak faktor tekhnologich-
nostl'.4 kachestva ma#niyevago --huguna)
PERIODICAL: Liteynoye_proizvodstvo, 1958, Nr 11, PP 3-4 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: To eliminate"the technological deficiencies of magnesium
cast iron, it is recommended to use cast iron of a eutectio
composition, the.positive effect of which on casting proper-
ties is explained by the minimum and constant temperature
of its hardening. The technological process in the pro-
duction of eutectic cast iron is simplified due to the mini-
mum temperature of malting. The possibility to lower the
cast iron temperature prior to modification without di-
minishing its casting qualities is a positive factor for its
wider use in the maohine-building industry. In the pro-
Card 1/2 duction of castinga of different thickness, the proper pro-
Eutecticity as a Teehnological and Qualitative Faotor.6f Magnesium Cant.,Iron
portion of carbon and silicon for th,e furnace charge is as-
lected and the silicon amount neces4ary for modification is
added,. There are 3 tables and 1 microphoto.
1-.-Iron-magnesium castings--Proporties 2. Iron-magresium castings
--Casting 3. Iron-magnesium oantings--Temparature factors
4. Eutectics--Applic-ations
Card 2/2
AUTHORS: Kurtov, I.F., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Ponomarev,
A.V., Zakharov, V.A., ChichagDva, N.P., Sveshnikov, D.A.
TITLE: Experience in Manufacturing Cast Crankshafts (Opyt izgotov-
leniya litykh kolenchatykh valov)
PERIODICAL: Avtomobilinaya promyshlennost', 1958, Nr 12, PP 33 - 37
ABSTRACT: At the Gorlkiy Automobile Plant, the casting of rrankshafts
for the engine of the "Volga" automobile has been developed,
The casting of crankshafts reduces the consumption of metal.
A comparison of a forged and a cast shaft is given in Table 1.
The chemical composition of the metal and the thermal pro-
cessing are very important for the castir-g. The cast iron
should contain a high percentage of manganese and chromium
and a low percentage of sulfur (Table 2). The iron is pre-
pared in the basic furnace DSN-3. As a furnace charge,
cast iron types LK-4, LR-3, LK-2, ferro-chromium Khr6, eto,
are used@ The cast iron is modified by metallic magnesium
in the autoolave under a pressure of 5.0-5.5 aim. The
casting molds are made of a mixture of 92;4 quartz sand,
type X-70/140, and 8 -If. powderized bakelite. The molds are
Card 1/2 manufactured on an automatic two-position machine AKF-2
Experience in Manufacturing Cast Crankshafts SOV/113-58-12-11/17
(Figure 3). The hot molds are taken from the conveyer
and put into special adjusting devices for cooling (Figure
4). After this they are fastened with cramps on a conveyer
(Figure 6). The casting is done in a horizontal position
(Figure 7). Table 3 shows the mechanical properties of
samples taken out of crankshafts. It has been shown that
the wear-resistance is adequate. There are 8 photos, 3
tables, and 4 references, 3 of' which are Soviet and 1
ASSOCIATIONs Gortkovskiy avtozavod (Gorlki)- Automobile Plant)
CIard 2/2
18(2) SOV/128-59-8-15/29
AUTHOR: Kurtov, I.P., Cajd4idate of Technical Sciences, Zak-
harov, V,A., Chichagova, N.P0. and Ryabokon', N.P.,
TITIE: :Production of Malleable Iron PrOCOBSea with Bismuth
and Boron
PERIODICAI: liteynoye proizvodstvo, 1959, Nr 89 PP 31 - 34 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: About 30,000 tons of-castings have already been made
from malleable iron which was inoculated by bismuth..
--and boron in the Gor1kid- automobile plant., The mel-
ting of malleable iron is done by the double-process
(cupola furnace-and electric furnace) using 40% iron
and 40% steel from waste materials, further, 3 - 3.5%
of ferrOBiliCiUM from the blast-furnaeb and the rest
of the fresh iron from other plants. ~he content of
other elements is given it. table 1. The grained bis-
muth and ferro-silico-borcin is added during the out-
flow of iron from the electric furnace by means of an
autbwlio-i ..*. Osage devic~.,.-~. At the same time pieces
of aluminum, weighing 0.12 - 0-05 kg are Wed to the
Card 1/3 malted iron. Generally 0.002,j"b' of boron and OsOO3% of
13roduction of Malleable Iron :Processed with Bismuth and Boron.
bismuth are added to the weight of the melted iron.
The mechanical characteristics of this modified mal-
leable iron are the same as of iron KCh - 35-10
(Table 2). The cast characteristics were studied
on the casted spiral!~fllig 2) and are mentioned in
table 3. The fluidity of this lnomdiitecl iron increa-
ses 7%, The oasting spoilage is the same as with caB-
tings from other non-modified iron. The peroentagO
of Si can be increased ftolft 1.3% to 1.72% (Fig 4)
'that shottens the graphitization process 5 times.
Also the process of annealing decreases 27%, This
enables zavings of 2.65 million rubles in a year.
For remo*Tal of gases. a special, powerful and mobile
ventilat','on machine is installed. For an estimation
of boron in the iron, the spectrographs ISR-22 or
SP-28 were i4seql (an lytic lines are of B - 2497-7.9
and of Fe - 2496.5 1). For a quantitative estimation
of boron, a microphotometer hT-2 was used which en-
ables evaluation of a concentration of 0.0005 - 0.004%6
Card 2/3 The bismuth was estimated 'by the photocolorimetric
Production of Mal2eab2e Iron Processed with Bismuth and Boron
method. There'are 3 photographs, I graph, 4 tables
and 10 references, 9 of which are Soviet and I Eng-
Card 3/3
AUTHORS: Shkollnikov, E. M., Bondarenko, L. G., Zakharov, V. A.t
TITLE: The practice of modifying cast iron with cerium alloys
PERIODICAL: Liteynoye proizvodstvo, no. 2, 1960, 36-37
TEXT: Reporting-on a work carried out by Giredmet, NAMI and
the Gor1kovskiy avtozavod (Gorlkiy Automobile Plant) to study the
effect of cerium as a modifier of cast iron, the authors point out
that misch metal was the first cerium-typo modifier used to obtain
nodular cast iron. Since cerium is no more, in such short supply
and the production will be. considerably increased under the pres-
ent Seven-Year Plan, the cost of cerium modifiers will be cut and,
according to the author, will amount to 20-25 rubles/kg. Labora-
tory tests were carried out to study the nodiftuation effect of
misch metal, ferrocerium and ferrocerium alloys with up to 70%
magnesium additions on cast iron whose conposition was similar to
that used at the Gorlkiy Automobile Plant for the fabrication of
Card 1/4
The practice of ... A133/A133
crankshafts) viz- 3.2-3-5% C ' 2-2.5% Sil 0.8% Mnt 0.1-0.2% P,
O.oO7-0.010% S (cast iron pr:viously desulfurized by magnesium),
0.025-0-030% S (cast iron obtained from a heat of foundry blast-
fu:cnace pig iron ~Lnd steel), 0.09-0.10% 8 (cupola iron). The lab-
oratory tests proved that the%modifying effects of misch metal
and ferrocerium. were practically equal, so that ferrocerium is
given preference since it is cheaper. The authors emphasize that
it is expedient to add a certain amount of Mg to the ferrocerium,
and Giredmet has developed ferrocerium. alloys with 70% Mg- If UP
to 5% Mg is added, there is no pyroeffect during the addition of
foundry alloy; UP to 15% Mg results in axt insignificant pyroef-
fect. If the Mg_content is increased, all. those difficulties will
arise which are typical for the modification with pure Mg. The
ferrocerium. consumption is considerably reduced if 10-12% Mg are
added; therefore, all the following laboratory tests were carried
out with ferrocerium. alloys containing 12-15% Mg -r~LLM(FTsM).
The residual cerium content in cast iron after modification a-
mounts to 0.03-0-06%. The residual S content in cerium cast iron
Card 2/4
The practice of ... A133/A133
is always higher than in magnesium cast J"ron. Of an initial S
contant of 0.2 and C.4%. some 50% is eliminated. With an FTsM
consumption of 0.95% the S content of cupola iron decreases from
0.10 to 0.06%. In contrast to the laboral;ory tests, the first
experimental modification of crankshaft (,,ast iron with ferro-
cerium of 15% Mg at the Gorlkiy Automobile Plant showed a percep-
tible pyroeffect and intensive bubbling Df the cast iron in the
1~Ldle. To investigate this phenomenon a series of FTsM alloy melts
with different Mg contents was produced, and it was found that,
under industrial conditions, only cerium alloys with up to 7% Mg
addition rendered satisfactory results. For subsequent tests some
200kg FTsM-6 with 6-7% Mg were produced, of which about 1,000
crankshafts for "Volga" and "Chayka" cars were cast. During the
whole test period not a single crankshaft was rejected b6cause of
"black spots", and since 1957 the plant has not received com-
plaints because of defects of the magnesium and cerium cast iron
crankshafts. The main technological features of the FTsM-6 cast
iron modification are the following: The FTsM--6 and CM75 (K75)
Card 3/4
The practice Of A13VA133
modifiers are added to the cast iron successively; 0.3% FTsM-6 in
lumps weighing 1,50-250 kg are put into the ladle when the cast
iron is tapped from the electric furnace, and 0.4% Si75 are added
to the cast iron in the pouring ladle. Soda is used as slagging
additive, the addition of cryolite is not necessary. The 8 con-
tent of the cast iron prior to modification should not dxceed
0.02%. The 'actual tappinE, temperature of the metal should be in
the range of 19420-114500C. The advantages of the FTsM-6 alloy
pver metallic magnesium as modifier are: absence of the pyroef-
feet, insensitiveness towards a temperature increase of cast iron
prior to modification, a practically non-existing temperature drop
of the metal 4uring modification (2000), the possibility of re-
ducing the-cast iron superheating temperature in the electTic
furnaceprior to tapping by 120-150OCi, which will increase the
furnace productivity by 12-15%, and the inisensitiveness towards
demodifiers (Ti, Pb, Sn). A disadvantage of the FTsM-6 alloys is
that it increases the tendency of cast iron to form cementite on
the surface. There are 4 figures
Card 4/4
AU7110TO z loffe, V. 14., Burov, V. M, S
hkollnikov, E, M., Bondarenko, L, Z.r
Zakharov, 11. A., Chichagova, N. 1'.
TITLE: Corium modifiers for obtaining at,at iron with Epherical graphite
PERIODICALi leforativnyy zhurnal. Metallurgb,a. no. 11, 1961, 3. abstract 1119
(V sb. "Poluchenlye lzdeliy iz zhift. mot. a uskor,.- krlstalli-
zatslyey". Moscow Klyev, Mashjjz, 1961, 147-149)
TEXT: The oonditions were clarified under which It is possible to use for
modifying a Co alloy Instead of Mg. In using the Co alloy, It can be fed into
the ladle diroctly while filling it with the (trude Iron. Trhe necessity for the
h Igh- temperature heating up of the crude iron and of using an autoclave and
cryolite drops out. It was established that Fe-Co alloy with 5 - 8% Mg Is suit-
able for use under steel-plant conditionr. 2,r experIment3 were carried out In
modifying crude iron with Ce. An alloy of Zr (TIJM6 rFTsI561) was Intr,>duced into
the ladle in the quantity of 0.27 - 0.28 % of the weight or tt*.c crude Iron. It
was establis *hed that alloys of Fe-Ce with 5 (~6 Mg make It possible to modilly
the crude iron directly in the ladle without any protective devices, and the
Card 1/2
Cerium modifiers for obtaining AOOO/AIOI
crude Iron undergoing modification by a Ce a-1.10Y should not contain >0.03% S,
so that the casting be pure and have no nonmotallic Impurities - modificatlon
proqTucts. The microstructure and the charaol;erlsticz, of Fg- wnd Ce-cride irons
are practically the same.
A. Savel'Yova
(Abstrdc,%er's note: Complete translation)
Card 2/2
Changing the natural conditions of the Amui, River Basin In connection
with plans for the regulation of rivFir runoff. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser.
geog. no.5:59-69 S-0 '61. (MIRA 14:9)
1. Institbt geografii AN SSSR.
(Amur Valley--Water resources development)
(Amur Valley--Physical peograpby)
First determinations of the absolute ag.) of fossil soils in the
e IoVs of the East European Plain. Dokl. AN SSR 155 no. 3:555-558
Mr 164. (MIRA 17:5)
1. Institvt geografii AN SSSR i Institu-10 geokhimii i analiti-
cheskoy khimii im. V.I.Vernadskogo AN SSSR. Predstavleno
akademikom, I.P.Gerasimovym.
AINUT. I.I.; BORISOV, V.I.; yASIV0TSXIY, B.S.0 lush.; SANIIKOT, TU.1.# lush.;
SOKOLOV, V.A., insh.; LITCHWO, L.D., insh.; NALOYST. G.A., insh.;
-__ZLIAZAX01o~., -lash.; BARTKIN, V.I.. Insh.; FUMIN, AYso, lash.
OULYAYET. Aol., insho; STIUNUT, T&J., inzh,: SHAGAZOVA. 1.11., inzh..-,
XMINS111T. I#Ts.. lush.; AVRDV. A.I., insh.; DINIDOTA, X.I.. lush.:
IIKIPOROTA. Ye.D., lush.; PIDANOVA, T.I., lush.; CRITMOT, I.I.,
insh.; STORDUK0, I.G., lash.; NOVAUFT.WIT) Te.Tao, inxh.-, GOTKWMI,
A.O., Insho; TARASOV, "., insh4; SEIISHKO, A.P., insh.; UTAROVj
P,T,g skomoulst; ]DRANNOT, N.V.. skor,omist; XARMAMOT. A A..
skonoulet; KONKIN, X,V'.,, ekoiomlst; (10RET, M.S., qkonomisi: Pri-
ninali uchastlys: LAPIN, T.I,; RAMININIT, Tu.A.; XMINMIT, B.A.;
rai.; SKINOV, Go, tokhn.rod.
[Organization and improvelment of productloa; practices of the
Gorkly Automobile Plant] Ozanizatsils, i sovershenstvovania
proigTodetva; opyt Gor'k0T5k0g0 avtos;avods. Moskva. Go*. lzd-vo
Polito lit-TY* 195B. 332 P. (KIRA 12:2)
1. Direktoir Gorlkovskogo tivtonoblllacgo saysda (for Xiselev).
2, Glsvnyy Inshener Gorlkovskogo avtcaobillnogo sayoda (for Borisov).
3. Gorlkovskiy avtomobillfiyy savod (for all except Kiselev, Borisov,
Folyakovat admov).
(Gorkly-Antomobile industry)
"The Developmefit of Agricultural Cooperatives in Cozechoslovakia. p. 56", (KOOPMAIMNO
ZmkMELIE) Vol. 82 No.-il 1953, Sofiya, Bulgaria.
SO.. Monthly List of East European Accessions L.C. Vol. 29 No. ll~ Nov. 1953, Uncl.
IfEconon-tLe distribution of land in collective farms" (P.9) XOOMTIWO _71-IDELIE
~!-qnisterstvo ha zemedel-',-eto) SofiYa Vol 8 No 7 1953
M! gast, EuroDean Accessinns List 'Vol 2 11!c. '.' Aliz 1954
dRimmov, X.
"Pight against silt at Goorgi Dimitrov Damn (p. 10)
. frWorklxq; peasants at sumer resortsm (p.12)
(Ministorstvo na. zemedelleto) Sofiya Vol 8 No ~- 1953
SO: East EuroDean. Accessions List Vol 2 No 7 Aug 1954
I - 2. TJ3SR (600)
4. Sprinklers
7. DDA-80 two-bracket giorinkling apparatus. Gidr. i mel. 5, No. 31 1953.
9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Corgress, Anril -1953. Unclassified.
V._,~.,_ IrandIdat tekhnicheek1kh nauk.
Iconomics of sprinkling vegetable crajs. Mr. I sel. 8 no.
6:3-11 Je 056. (Mrak 9:9)
(Sprinkler 'rrigatIon) (Vegetable gardening)
BOXHIN9 F.I., kand..selIik*ihozyaystvennykh naukj GHIGHUOV, V.Ya.9 kand.
tekbidoheisIdLkh -i
Internatiozal scientific method6logical conference on work macb;Lni-
zation and the use of plastics In irrigation and drainage engineering.
Gidr. i mel. 3.2 no.11:44-55 N 160 (KM 14:1)
I:Irrigation-CongresseO (Drainige-Congresses)
(Plasti qs)
CHICHASOV9 V.Ya., kand.tekhn.nauk
Sprinkler and gravity-flow irrigation abroad; according to the
materials of the Fourth International. Congress on Irrigation and
Drainage in 1960. Gidr. i mel. 14 no.2:48-55 F 162.
(MIRA 15:1)
1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatel'akiy institut gidrotekhniki
i nelioratsii im. A.N.Kostyakova.
SHAUMYAN, V.A., doktor tekhn. nauk, prof., otv. red.; BDKHIN, F.I.,
kand. sellkhoz. nauko zm. otv. red,.; KOKOVIN, Ye3. , kand.
tekhn. nauk, red.; KOPIYEV, Ye.I., inzh., red.; POPOVA, V.Ya.,
kand. takhn. nauk, red.; SANSONOVA, N.P., kand.lakhn. nauk,
red.; CIUCHASOV V.Ya... kand. tekhr.. nauk,, red.; RDDIN, YA.S.,
red. i z( -va'
[Mechanization of irrigation and dininage work and use of plastic
materials in irrigation and drainal:e construction; materialsIme-
khaniza'usiia gidromeliorativnykh rabot i ispollzovanie plastmass
v gidrotneliorativnom stroitelistval materialy Mezhdunarodnogo na-
uchno-mi5todichaskogo soveshchaniia. Moskva, '.'Lzd.VNIlGiM, 1962.
242 P. (MIRA 15;12)
1. Naucbno-metodicheskoye i koordiriatsionnoye soveshchaniya
nauchno.-issledovatellskikh uchrezhdeniy sotsialisticheakikh stran
po mekhamizatsii stroitelInykh i el:spluatatsionnykh gidromeliora-
tivnykh rabot i ispolIzovaniyu plastmRss v gidromeliorativnom
stroitellstve, Moscow, 1960. 2. Vsetsoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatell'-
skiy institut gidrotekhniki i melioratsii im. A.N.Kostyakova (for
(Irrigation-Congresses) (Drainage-Congresses)
CRIONAWYJ Ta!f, kand.takhnens*',
Sprinkling a method -for proVocting farm wope against front.
Oldr. L vel. 15 no./#s4/v-54 . Ap t639 160)
1. veenoy4w nauchno.-Looledovatellskiy iustitut gidrotekhni I
I meliorataii im. Kostyakova.
(Front protection) *rinkler Irrigation)
CHICIUSOV, V. Ya. p Icand. takhn. nauk
Robile equipnent for the i.-.,Igation of small plots. Gidr. i mele
16 no.12:19-29 D 164 (MIPA 18:2)
1. Gosvewrodkhoz SSW.
CHICHASOV, V.Ya., kand. takhn. nauk; YERMOV, N.S., inzh.
Absorption oi water by the soil during continuous s rinkling.
Gidr. i mel. 17 no-7:8-15 J1 165. ~MMA 18.-12)
36770. IDSMV. F. i CUCUYV, 1. po payodu stat'i (F. Uchervaikina i P,
Kryuchkovoy) 'Letniye posev 3yiAzergy v raBtushchiy khlopchatnik,* opublikovannoy
v gazete *Pravda Vostokal 20 avgwta 1949 goda. Sots. sel, khoz-vd Uzbekistars,
1949, No. 4, a. 82-84
SO: Letoplal Zhurnallynkh Statcy, Vol. 50, Moskva, 1949
SOLWYKINI Aleksandr Ptnenovich; NY7J]NYKt F.A.; TSEDRIK~ D.F.;
CH 1,7 red.; FROKOFFMA, WI.., tekhn. red.
I"Khersonets" corn harvesting combine) Kukumzouborochuyi kom-
bain "Khersonets". Moskva,, Sellkhozizdutp 1962. 142 p
(MM 1;:7)
(corn (Maize))-Harvesting)
(Combines (AgricUtural machiner.0)
VOLKOV9 Vladimir Fedarovich; CHICHEND Alsksandr Ivanovichi AMWK,,
A.A.,, reteenwnt; Yu.F.,
nauchWy red.; VIASOVA, Z.V., red.; KKYAKOVA., D.M., tekbn. red.
[Ship refrigerating machinee and installations] Sudovye kho.Iodill-
rqe mashiny I. ustanovki. Leningrad# Goo. soiuznoe izd-vo sudo-
stroit. promyshle 196L 261 pe (MIRA 15!2)
(Refrigeration on ships)
TSIRELISONY S!mon Aronovich; RAZR&N, Mikhail Avraamovich. Prinimala
uchastiye TSIRELISON, E.A.; MIROPOLISM, S.V., kand. biol.
nauk, retsenzent; CHICHENEV A I , inzh., retsenzent;
BOBOSHKOV S.B., nauchnyy red.; GORDON, L.A., nauchnyy red.;
YEWROV, S.A., nauchuyy red.; KAZAROV, Yu.S., red., KRYAKOVA,
D.M... tekhn. rwl.
[Livability on board ships]Obitaemost' sudov. Leningrad,
SudPromgIz, 1963. 266 p. (MIRA 16:3)
(Merchant seanen-Accommodations on shipboard)
(Ships-Heating and ventilation)
MUL"No so?@$ kandoteklmonm6l CUMN 0 N*Aop Insho
lowbw or Wa elasue pa"Is ON&V No gnu= of , a
pidad lads. P4w*.na pro"., ao,UsM3U 169o
(Km 1911)
WROT. 1C.S., starobiy nauebqy sotradulk; IMVSKIT, M.V.9;
01011two pole
.............. --
Organization of control seasurom for virus Influenza In Usbekistan
in 1957. Ybd.sbur.Vfb- no.8*900-94 Ag-8 158. (KM 13:6)
- (=1U=ftAX-ZWMMA)
ZLIM, r.S.9 stareMy n4ucbuYY notradalk; MITSKITj N*V,, tand,med.nauk;
Incidence of diphtheria to Usbekletan. Ned.shur.Usb. n0.111
21-24 IF 158. (MIRA 13:6)
(Mumgfm[-D IRIA)
Npidemiology of lnfluenz:&-:-tn Uzbekistan during 1957. Zhur.
mikrobiolopid. I immm. 30 no.5:25-30 My '59.
AMIRA 12:9)
1. Ix Kinisterstva zdravookhraneniya Uzbekokoy SkM.
(INFUMZA, spidemiol,
in Russia (Rug))
ZAMV, X.S.; BOYKOJ V.M.; zvruy, M.V.,- CHICE n-1112- -F. ~---
Some problems Iin the epidemiology of Batkin's disease In Uzbekistan.
Mod. zhur. Uzb,,noe2t19-23 F 160. (MIRA 15*-2)
Virasological oharacterletion of the outIreak of poliomplitis in
Tasbkent in 1959. Vop. virus. 7 no.2:23cl Mr-Ap 162. (KERA 150)
1. Tashkentskiy nauabno-issledovatelloldy institut vaktaLn i syvorotok.
EpidLmdolo& of tetanus and its prevention in Uzbekistan. Trudy
TashNIIVS 6s277-280 061. (MM 15:11)
C). NEVSKH,, M.V.; MEDVEDEVA) T.S.,, red.; TSAY, A.A.p
iAlii: ^ied.
[PreveAlve inoculations is a measure for the propbylaxis
of infectious diseases] Profilakticheskie privivki - mera
preduprezhdeniia infektsionrykh boleznei.. Tashkent, Med-
giz., UzSSR, 1963. 27 p. (MIRA 17:1)
Charectoortatiog of Brucella iptraino isolated frow hvmaw and-
inl"l in Uzbekistail. Zhur. mikrobiol., opid. i iinnglin. 42 no.11s
1650 (KM 18112)
1. Vabsiokiy iwtitut krarmoy saditsiny LMN SSSR i lJzbekskaya
respablikanalm7ft sanitarno-epidemiologicheisimya stantsiya.
Submitted JUDO 16P 1944-
lnoludi6d -.fr9&;46,AA-,'c"
dbnb#W as.~Ikt~~ ~;04
t ...
I' thd':in
tent; on
htered,~- -Th t on co
a'T- Aeq O--M- 0 of,
the f ie'd,' t
na -9-- wera~:fb'Vnd': ti,'ArXeeted with
Suoh as is jadvilb edI7 contribute to,the high incid
becau*'s-o;"-the'-'n'odotsary.-procalatJ.ons during islau
and roat procossi%.., aro not- exercised, Veterinary personnel are
Strongly advi3ed to Inspe-ot cattle more oare:~ally before certificat~L%!
and.~.V.Lant- z,uporyisory-,-.p pel-are---vx hyr 1 eaD
ged to, onfor ce personal
momeffootively, Orig, art, hal3:
-PM voc. unimya.'-s,
"Z ek'Relhiblio: a ~11-'Lvl Siixtldn-)~
7~ 7-
LS*, 0.
AUTHOR: Chicl-.enkov, Yu.V., Candidate of Mechanical Scienees.
TITIE: lbstlMoran Assembj.r-d RainfoTTOd Concrete Segmental
Frame Witl~ Prestressed 'hord. (Ispytaniye sostavnoy
zhelozobeton-noy arocInjoy -ferny ;i predvaritellno
-p - Z - 395. (D 83,111)
PERIODICAL:Beton i 4helezobeton, 1*-)5"(, 13r.10. p 8
ABSTRACT: The above type of frame, span 27m, was desi~,ned by Eng.
N. V. Nikitin, Pi. G. Shishkin and P .Ya. Al shteyr~ of
the Promstroyproel-t to form a roof of a factory for
electrolysis 0-1 alumirlium. Testing was carried out in
Ruznetsktyazhstroy Trual; of the LinmetallurC,1-himstroy.
The frame was cast from concrete Mark 400, .iith a total
weich of 10.55 tons. 8745 )cG of steel are required of
which 270 14g. rfas- hi,--~h tgnsile 3teel. The strutting mem-
bers, both diagonal and vertical, viero reinforced by
12 mm diannet-er bars. The chor,*; member was a rect-angular
section 200 x 260 mr, in size, reinforced -.-;itb 1--Ive bat
ches of h1f;h tensile s"Coel, each comprising 12 7!ires of
mm d1ameter. The anchoring, plates were of steel St-3
-~ihich :~ rv hardened to Rocintell 40. T~ejrame is designed
I IL -E. m--. The loss of"
to tca!re a super-1-mposed. load of 450 Ir
pretan-sioning- dAe to free anchoring 2and the frame's own
Card 1/3 ~,.-eigjht is appro-cimately 1,000 kd-ell . The tensioning
Teattgofan Assembled Reinforced Concrete Sogmental Frame With
Prestressed Chord.
of the chord member was carried out on the tensioning
machine type IJI-14. The modulus 9f e as~iclty of the
steel-was approximately 2 02 ~cm . Rapid harden-
ing Portland cement of 50; k)=4 (activitOwas used.
Tensioning was carried out by two jacks of 30-ton capa-
city. After that the channels were pressure-grouted
with the As-me type of cement (oement7~ater ratio of 0.55)
as used for the surrounding concrete. Fig-I shows the
construction of the assembly frame and Fig.2 the method
of' testing. Tests ~;ere oarried out using various com-
binations of loading until destruction of the frame.
The first cracks appeared under the load of 97.9, t9 ns.
The loss of pre-tensioning amounted to 1,530 kdcm when
the loading reached 130 tons. The cracks were distribu-
ted evenly along the chord menber. When the load was
increased to 205 tons no further cracks appeared. Fig-4
illustrates diagram of relationship between the width of
the crack and the magnitude of the load. Fig.5 gives
a graph of the relationship between deformation of the
frame and prolongation of the chord. Fie.6 shows defor-
Card 2/3 mation of the reinforcement of the top-member and the
Testing cf al :&ssembled Reinforced Concrete Segmental Frame With Pre-
sti-e-sed Chord.
various conditions of loading. Fig.7 shows deformation
curves of the top member and the various types of loads.
There are 7 Figures.
AVAILABLE: Library of Congress.
1. Roofs-Design
Card 3/3
CHICHENKOV, YU.V., k4md.tekhn.nauk
Testing prestressed reinforced concrete roofing panels to be used in
coAstructing,industrial. buildings. Bet. i zhol.-bet,, no.12:458-461
D 158. (MIR& 11:12)
(Roofing. Concrete--Testing)
24(5) BOV/56-36-6-19/66
AUTHOR: Chicherin, A. G.
TITLEt Reconstruction of the Potential Near Its Boundary From
the Scattering Amplitude (Vosotanovleniye potentsiala
vblizi yego granitsy po amplitude rasseyaniya)
PERIODICALt Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i tooretichoskoy fiziki, 1959,
Vol 36, Nr 6t PP 1750 - 1757 (USSR)
IBSTRACT: The problem of the reconstruction of the potential has already
repeatedly been dealt withi in general., not the scattering
amplitude but the phase is used, but using the amplitude
appears to be more logical, because it is possible to do with-
out a phase analysis, and as it is possible to investigate
any and not only spherically-symnetric potentials. As the
first Born's approximation for s,2attering amplitudes in the
case of high potentials holds only at high energies, and as
the first Born's approximation is of no importance in the
case of high potential values, the author in this paper de-
velops an "asymptotic Born's approximation" for potentials,
Card 1/3 which has the following properties: The accuracy of the eppro-
Reconstruction of the Potential Near Its Boundary SOV/56-36-6-19/66
From the Scattering Amplitude
ximation decreases with increasi:,.ig potential, but this de-
crease does not develop in a uniform manner, but it is con-
siderable near the center of the domain and slight near
the boundaries of the potential. In the case of weak potentials,
this approximation coincides wit:a the first Born's approxima-
tion and represents the real potential in the entire space.
The asymptotic approximation for an arbitrary potential re-
produces the behavior of the potential in a layer near the
boundary, the thickness of which depends on the amount of
the potential. The order of magnitude of the relative error
in determining the scattering potential at the point # is
equal to U(rl)rldrl. Finally, the practical case is discussed
in which the scatteringlamplitude is given only within a
finite energy interval, and the new inequality
Emaxz~t (%'/4)j;je._'sin -2 (J/2) is derived. B denotes the mean
Card 2/3 value of the potential in the section extending from point r
Reconstruction of the Potential Bear Its Boundary SOV/56-36-6-19/66
F1Vm the Scattering Amplitude
to the boundary. A rough estimation of the magnitude of
F Ab I is given by the inequalitr Emax >2 (U- (;)~ The atithor
finally thanks Professor Ya. A. Smorodinskiy for his advice
and discussions. Thereare 1 figure and 7 references, ;' of
which are Soviet.
SUBMITTED& December 10, 1958
Card 3/3
Study of the pbonon spectrum of vav*diun, Zhur.ek%l teor,
fis. 43 no.6t2080-M5 D"62* ( M 16:1)
(Neutrons-spectra) (Noutron"cat-bering) (vanqium)
'Chernoplekov, N. A., Zemlyanov. M. G., Brovman Ye. G.,
AUTHORS: and Chicherin, A. G.
TITL13: Investigation of inelastic scatteiing of neutrons from a Ti-Zr
PERIODICAL: Fizika tverdogo tela, v- 5, no. 1, 1963, 112-117
TEXT: The mechanism of inelastic scattering of cold neutrons from a
disordered Ti-Zr alloy (62% Ti, 36% Zr).was investigated by-the time-of-
flight method. A general theory is given which interrelates the single-
phonon incoherent scattering cross sectiop with the frequency spectrum of
of any crystal. The ratio of the components was so chosen according to
theoretical considerations as*to make the mean amplitude of coherent
scattering equal to zero: duced into
the ladle in the quantity of 0.27 - 0.28 % of the weight or tt*.c crude Iron. It
was establis *hed that alloys of Fe-Ce with 5 (~6 Mg make It possible to modilly
the crude iron directly in the ladle without any protective devices, and the
Card 1/2
Cerium modifiers for obtaining AOOO/AIOI
crude Iron undergoing modification by a Ce a-1.10Y should not contain >0.03% S,
so that the casting be pure and have no nonmotallic Impurities - modificatlon
proqTucts. The microstructure and the charaol;erlsticz, of Fg- wnd Ce-cride irons
are practically the same.
A. Savel'Yova
(Abstrdc,%er's note: Complete translation)
Card 2/2
Changing the natural conditions of the Amui, River Basin In connection
with plans for the regulation of rivFir runoff. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser.
geog. no.5:59-69 S-0 '61. (MIRA 14:9)
1. Institbt geografii AN SSSR.
(Amur Valley--Water resources development)
(Amur Valley--Physical peograpby)
First determinations of the absolute ag.) of fossil soils in the
e IoVs of the East European Plain. Dokl. AN SSR 155 no. 3:555-558
Mr 164. (MIRA 17:5)
1. Institvt geografii AN SSSR i Institu-10 geokhimii i analiti-
cheskoy khimii im. V.I.Vernadskogo AN SSSR. Predstavleno
akademikom, I.P.Gerasimovym.
AINUT. I.I.; BORISOV, V.I.; yASIV0TSXIY, B.S.0 lush.; SANIIKOT, TU.1.# lush.;
SOKOLOV, V.A., insh.; LITCHWO, L.D., insh.; NALOYST. G.A., insh.;
-__ZLIAZAX01o~., -lash.; BARTKIN, V.I.. Insh.; FUMIN, AYso, lash.
OULYAYET. Aol., insho; STIUNUT, T&J., inzh,: SHAGAZOVA. 1.11., inzh..-,
XMINS111T. I#Ts.. lush.; AVRDV. A.I., insh.; DINIDOTA, X.I.. lush.:
IIKIPOROTA. Ye.D., lush.; PIDANOVA, T.I., lush.; CRITMOT, I.I.,
insh.; STORDUK0, I.G., lash.; NOVAUFT.WIT) Te.Tao, inxh.-, GOTKWMI,
A.O., Insho; TARASOV, "., insh4; SEIISHKO, A.P., insh.; UTAROVj
P,T,g skomoulst; ]DRANNOT, N.V.. skor,omist; XARMAMOT. A A..
skonoulet; KONKIN, X,V'.,, ekoiomlst; (10RET, M.S., qkonomisi: Pri-
ninali uchastlys: LAPIN, T.I,; RAMININIT, Tu.A.; XMINMIT, B.A.;
rai.; SKINOV, Go, tokhn.rod.
[Organization and improvelment of productloa; practices of the
Gorkly Automobile Plant] Ozanizatsils, i sovershenstvovania
proigTodetva; opyt Gor'k0T5k0g0 avtos;avods. Moskva. Go*. lzd-vo
Polito lit-TY* 195B. 332 P. (KIRA 12:2)
1. Direktoir Gorlkovskogo tivtonoblllacgo saysda (for Xiselev).
2, Glsvnyy Inshener Gorlkovskogo avtcaobillnogo sayoda (for Borisov).
3. Gorlkovskiy avtomobillfiyy savod (for all except Kiselev, Borisov,
Folyakovat admov).
(Gorkly-Antomobile industry)
"The Developmefit of Agricultural Cooperatives in Cozechoslovakia. p. 56", (KOOPMAIMNO
ZmkMELIE) Vol. 82 No.-il 1953, Sofiya, Bulgaria.
SO.. Monthly List of East European Accessions L.C. Vol. 29 No. ll~ Nov. 1953, Uncl.
IfEconon-tLe distribution of land in collective farms" (P.9) XOOMTIWO _71-IDELIE
~!-qnisterstvo ha zemedel-',-eto) SofiYa Vol 8 No 7 1953
M! gast, EuroDean Accessinns List 'Vol 2 11!c. '.' Aliz 1954
dRimmov, X.
"Pight against silt at Goorgi Dimitrov Damn (p. 10)
. frWorklxq; peasants at sumer resortsm (p.12)
(Ministorstvo na. zemedelleto) Sofiya Vol 8 No ~- 1953
SO: East EuroDean. Accessions List Vol 2 No 7 Aug 1954
I - 2. TJ3SR (600)
4. Sprinklers
7. DDA-80 two-bracket giorinkling apparatus. Gidr. i mel. 5, No. 31 1953.
9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Corgress, Anril -1953. Unclassified.
V._,~.,_ IrandIdat tekhnicheek1kh nauk.
Iconomics of sprinkling vegetable crajs. Mr. I sel. 8 no.
6:3-11 Je 056. (Mrak 9:9)
(Sprinkler 'rrigatIon) (Vegetable gardening)
BOXHIN9 F.I., kand..selIik*ihozyaystvennykh naukj GHIGHUOV, V.Ya.9 kand.
tekbidoheisIdLkh -i
Internatiozal scientific method6logical conference on work macb;Lni-
zation and the use of plastics In irrigation and drainage engineering.
Gidr. i mel. 3.2 no.11:44-55 N 160 (KM 14:1)
I:Irrigation-CongresseO (Drainige-Congresses)
(Plasti qs)
CHICHASOV9 V.Ya., kand.tekhn.nauk
Sprinkler and gravity-flow irrigation abroad; according to the
materials of the Fourth International. Congress on Irrigation and
Drainage in 1960. Gidr. i mel. 14 no.2:48-55 F 162.
(MIRA 15:1)
1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatel'akiy institut gidrotekhniki
i nelioratsii im. A.N.Kostyakova.
SHAUMYAN, V.A., doktor tekhn. nauk, prof., otv. red.; BDKHIN, F.I.,
kand. sellkhoz. nauko zm. otv. red,.; KOKOVIN, Ye3. , kand.
tekhn. nauk, red.; KOPIYEV, Ye.I., inzh., red.; POPOVA, V.Ya.,
kand. takhn. nauk, red.; SANSONOVA, N.P., kand.lakhn. nauk,
red.; CIUCHASOV V.Ya... kand. tekhr.. nauk,, red.; RDDIN, YA.S.,
red. i z( -va'
[Mechanization of irrigation and dininage work and use of plastic
materials in irrigation and drainal:e construction; materialsIme-
khaniza'usiia gidromeliorativnykh rabot i ispollzovanie plastmass
v gidrotneliorativnom stroitelistval materialy Mezhdunarodnogo na-
uchno-mi5todichaskogo soveshchaniia. Moskva, '.'Lzd.VNIlGiM, 1962.
242 P. (MIRA 15;12)
1. Naucbno-metodicheskoye i koordiriatsionnoye soveshchaniya
nauchno.-issledovatellskikh uchrezhdeniy sotsialisticheakikh stran
po mekhamizatsii stroitelInykh i el:spluatatsionnykh gidromeliora-
tivnykh rabot i ispolIzovaniyu plastmRss v gidromeliorativnom
stroitellstve, Moscow, 1960. 2. Vsetsoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatell'-
skiy institut gidrotekhniki i melioratsii im. A.N.Kostyakova (for
(Irrigation-Congresses) (Drainage-Congresses)
CRIONAWYJ Ta!f, kand.takhnens*',
Sprinkling a method -for proVocting farm wope against front.
Oldr. L vel. 15 no./#s4/v-54 . Ap t639 160)
1. veenoy4w nauchno.-Looledovatellskiy iustitut gidrotekhni I
I meliorataii im. Kostyakova.
(Front protection) *rinkler Irrigation)
CHICIUSOV, V. Ya. p Icand. takhn. nauk
Robile equipnent for the i.-.,Igation of small plots. Gidr. i mele
16 no.12:19-29 D 164 (MIPA 18:2)
1. Gosvewrodkhoz SSW.
CHICHASOV, V.Ya., kand. takhn. nauk; YERMOV, N.S., inzh.
Absorption oi water by the soil during continuous s rinkling.
Gidr. i mel. 17 no-7:8-15 J1 165. ~MMA 18.-12)
36770. IDSMV. F. i CUCUYV, 1. po payodu stat'i (F. Uchervaikina i P,
Kryuchkovoy) 'Letniye posev 3yiAzergy v raBtushchiy khlopchatnik,* opublikovannoy
v gazete *Pravda Vostokal 20 avgwta 1949 goda. Sots. sel, khoz-vd Uzbekistars,
1949, No. 4, a. 82-84
SO: Letoplal Zhurnallynkh Statcy, Vol. 50, Moskva, 1949
SOLWYKINI Aleksandr Ptnenovich; NY7J]NYKt F.A.; TSEDRIK~ D.F.;
CH 1,7 red.; FROKOFFMA, WI.., tekhn. red.
I"Khersonets" corn harvesting combine) Kukumzouborochuyi kom-
bain "Khersonets". Moskva,, Sellkhozizdutp 1962. 142 p
(MM 1;:7)
(corn (Maize))-Harvesting)
(Combines (AgricUtural machiner.0)
VOLKOV9 Vladimir Fedarovich; CHICHEND Alsksandr Ivanovichi AMWK,,
A.A.,, reteenwnt; Yu.F.,
nauchWy red.; VIASOVA, Z.V., red.; KKYAKOVA., D.M., tekbn. red.
[Ship refrigerating machinee and installations] Sudovye kho.Iodill-
rqe mashiny I. ustanovki. Leningrad# Goo. soiuznoe izd-vo sudo-
stroit. promyshle 196L 261 pe (MIRA 15!2)
(Refrigeration on ships)
TSIRELISONY S!mon Aronovich; RAZR&N, Mikhail Avraamovich. Prinimala
uchastiye TSIRELISON, E.A.; MIROPOLISM, S.V., kand. biol.
nauk, retsenzent; CHICHENEV A I , inzh., retsenzent;
BOBOSHKOV S.B., nauchnyy red.; GORDON, L.A., nauchnyy red.;
YEWROV, S.A., nauchuyy red.; KAZAROV, Yu.S., red., KRYAKOVA,
D.M... tekhn. rwl.
[Livability on board ships]Obitaemost' sudov. Leningrad,
SudPromgIz, 1963. 266 p. (MIRA 16:3)
(Merchant seanen-Accommodations on shipboard)
(Ships-Heating and ventilation)
MUL"No so?@$ kandoteklmonm6l CUMN 0 N*Aop Insho
lowbw or Wa elasue pa"Is ON&V No gnu= of , a
pidad lads. P4w*.na pro"., ao,UsM3U 169o
(Km 1911)
WROT. 1C.S., starobiy nauebqy sotradulk; IMVSKIT, M.V.9;
01011two pole
.............. --
Organization of control seasurom for virus Influenza In Usbekistan
in 1957. Ybd.sbur.Vfb- no.8*900-94 Ag-8 158. (KM 13:6)
- (=1U=ftAX-ZWMMA)
ZLIM, r.S.9 stareMy n4ucbuYY notradalk; MITSKITj N*V,, tand,med.nauk;
Incidence of diphtheria to Usbekletan. Ned.shur.Usb. n0.111
21-24 IF 158. (MIRA 13:6)
(Mumgfm[-D IRIA)
Npidemiology of lnfluenz:&-:-tn Uzbekistan during 1957. Zhur.
mikrobiolopid. I immm. 30 no.5:25-30 My '59.
AMIRA 12:9)
1. Ix Kinisterstva zdravookhraneniya Uzbekokoy SkM.
(INFUMZA, spidemiol,
in Russia (Rug))
ZAMV, X.S.; BOYKOJ V.M.; zvruy, M.V.,- CHICE n-1112- -F. ~---
Some problems Iin the epidemiology of Batkin's disease In Uzbekistan.
Mod. zhur. Uzb,,noe2t19-23 F 160. (MIRA 15*-2)
Virasological oharacterletion of the outIreak of poliomplitis in
Tasbkent in 1959. Vop. virus. 7 no.2:23cl Mr-Ap 162. (KERA 150)
1. Tashkentskiy nauabno-issledovatelloldy institut vaktaLn i syvorotok.
EpidLmdolo& of tetanus and its prevention in Uzbekistan. Trudy
TashNIIVS 6s277-280 061. (MM 15:11)
C). NEVSKH,, M.V.; MEDVEDEVA) T.S.,, red.; TSAY, A.A.p
iAlii: ^ied.
[PreveAlve inoculations is a measure for the propbylaxis
of infectious diseases] Profilakticheskie privivki - mera
preduprezhdeniia infektsionrykh boleznei.. Tashkent, Med-
giz., UzSSR, 1963. 27 p. (MIRA 17:1)
Charectoortatiog of Brucella iptraino isolated frow hvmaw and-
inl"l in Uzbekistail. Zhur. mikrobiol., opid. i iinnglin. 42 no.11s
1650 (KM 18112)
1. Vabsiokiy iwtitut krarmoy saditsiny LMN SSSR i lJzbekskaya
respablikanalm7ft sanitarno-epidemiologicheisimya stantsiya.
Submitted JUDO 16P 1944-
lnoludi6d -.fr9&;46,AA-,'c"
dbnb#W as.~Ikt~~ ~;04
t ...
I' thd':in
tent; on
htered,~- -Th t on co
a'T- Aeq O--M- 0 of,
the f ie'd,' t
na -9-- wera~:fb'Vnd': ti,'ArXeeted with
Suoh as is jadvilb edI7 contribute to,the high incid
becau*'s-o;"-the'-'n'odotsary.-procalatJ.ons during islau
and roat procossi%.., aro not- exercised, Veterinary personnel are
Strongly advi3ed to Inspe-ot cattle more oare:~ally before certificat~L%!
and.~.V.Lant- z,uporyisory-,-.p pel-are---vx hyr 1 eaD
ged to, onfor ce personal
momeffootively, Orig, art, hal3:
-PM voc. unimya.'-s,
"Z ek'Relhiblio: a ~11-'Lvl Siixtldn-)~
7~ 7-
LS*, 0.
AUTHOR: Chicl-.enkov, Yu.V., Candidate of Mechanical Scienees.
TITIE: lbstlMoran Assembj.r-d RainfoTTOd Concrete Segmental
Frame Witl~ Prestressed 'hord. (Ispytaniye sostavnoy
zhelozobeton-noy arocInjoy -ferny ;i predvaritellno
-p - Z - 395. (D 83,111)
PERIODICAL:Beton i 4helezobeton, 1*-)5"(, 13r.10. p 8
ABSTRACT: The above type of frame, span 27m, was desi~,ned by Eng.
N. V. Nikitin, Pi. G. Shishkin and P .Ya. Al shteyr~ of
the Promstroyproel-t to form a roof of a factory for
electrolysis 0-1 alumirlium. Testing was carried out in
Ruznetsktyazhstroy Trual; of the LinmetallurC,1-himstroy.
The frame was cast from concrete Mark 400, .iith a total
weich of 10.55 tons. 8745 )cG of steel are required of
which 270 14g. rfas- hi,--~h tgnsile 3teel. The strutting mem-
bers, both diagonal and vertical, viero reinforced by
12 mm diannet-er bars. The chor,*; member was a rect-angular
section 200 x 260 mr, in size, reinforced -.-;itb 1--Ive bat
ches of h1f;h tensile s"Coel, each comprising 12 7!ires of
mm d1ameter. The anchoring, plates were of steel St-3
-~ihich :~ rv hardened to Rocintell 40. T~ejrame is designed
I IL -E. m--. The loss of"
to tca!re a super-1-mposed. load of 450 Ir
pretan-sioning- dAe to free anchoring 2and the frame's own
Card 1/3 ~,.-eigjht is appro-cimately 1,000 kd-ell . The tensioning
Teattgofan Assembled Reinforced Concrete Sogmental Frame With
Prestressed Chord.
of the chord member was carried out on the tensioning
machine type IJI-14. The modulus 9f e as~iclty of the
steel-was approximately 2 02 ~cm . Rapid harden-
ing Portland cement of 50; k)=4 (activitOwas used.
Tensioning was carried out by two jacks of 30-ton capa-
city. After that the channels were pressure-grouted
with the As-me type of cement (oement7~ater ratio of 0.55)
as used for the surrounding concrete. Fig-I shows the
construction of the assembly frame and Fig.2 the method
of' testing. Tests ~;ere oarried out using various com-
binations of loading until destruction of the frame.
The first cracks appeared under the load of 97.9, t9 ns.
The loss of pre-tensioning amounted to 1,530 kdcm when
the loading reached 130 tons. The cracks were distribu-
ted evenly along the chord menber. When the load was
increased to 205 tons no further cracks appeared. Fig-4
illustrates diagram of relationship between the width of
the crack and the magnitude of the load. Fig.5 gives
a graph of the relationship between deformation of the
frame and prolongation of the chord. Fie.6 shows defor-
Card 2/3 mation of the reinforcement of the top-member and the
Testing cf al :&ssembled Reinforced Concrete Segmental Frame With Pre-
sti-e-sed Chord.
various conditions of loading. Fig.7 shows deformation
curves of the top member and the various types of loads.
There are 7 Figures.
AVAILABLE: Library of Congress.
1. Roofs-Design
Card 3/3
CHICHENKOV, YU.V., k4md.tekhn.nauk
Testing prestressed reinforced concrete roofing panels to be used in
coAstructing,industrial. buildings. Bet. i zhol.-bet,, no.12:458-461
D 158. (MIR& 11:12)
(Roofing. Concrete--Testing)
24(5) BOV/56-36-6-19/66
AUTHOR: Chicherin, A. G.
TITLEt Reconstruction of the Potential Near Its Boundary From
the Scattering Amplitude (Vosotanovleniye potentsiala
vblizi yego granitsy po amplitude rasseyaniya)
PERIODICALt Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i tooretichoskoy fiziki, 1959,
Vol 36, Nr 6t PP 1750 - 1757 (USSR)
IBSTRACT: The problem of the reconstruction of the potential has already
repeatedly been dealt withi in general., not the scattering
amplitude but the phase is used, but using the amplitude
appears to be more logical, because it is possible to do with-
out a phase analysis, and as it is possible to investigate
any and not only spherically-symnetric potentials. As the
first Born's approximation for s,2attering amplitudes in the
case of high potentials holds only at high energies, and as
the first Born's approximation is of no importance in the
case of high potential values, the author in this paper de-
velops an "asymptotic Born's approximation" for potentials,
Card 1/3 which has the following properties: The accuracy of the eppro-
Reconstruction of the Potential Near Its Boundary SOV/56-36-6-19/66
From the Scattering Amplitude
ximation decreases with increasi:,.ig potential, but this de-
crease does not develop in a uniform manner, but it is con-
siderable near the center of the domain and slight near
the boundaries of the potential. In the case of weak potentials,
this approximation coincides wit:a the first Born's approxima-
tion and represents the real potential in the entire space.
The asymptotic approximation for an arbitrary potential re-
produces the behavior of the potential in a layer near the
boundary, the thickness of which depends on the amount of
the potential. The order of magnitude of the relative error
in determining the scattering potential at the point # is
equal to U(rl)rldrl. Finally, the practical case is discussed
in which the scatteringlamplitude is given only within a
finite energy interval, and the new inequality
Emaxz~t (%'/4)j;je._'sin -2 (J/2) is derived. B denotes the mean
Card 2/3 value of the potential in the section extending from point r
Reconstruction of the Potential Bear Its Boundary SOV/56-36-6-19/66
F1Vm the Scattering Amplitude
to the boundary. A rough estimation of the magnitude of
F Ab I is given by the inequalitr Emax >2 (U- (;)~ The atithor
finally thanks Professor Ya. A. Smorodinskiy for his advice
and discussions. Thereare 1 figure and 7 references, ;' of
which are Soviet.
SUBMITTED& December 10, 1958
Card 3/3
Study of the pbonon spectrum of vav*diun, Zhur.ek%l teor,
fis. 43 no.6t2080-M5 D"62* ( M 16:1)
(Neutrons-spectra) (Noutron"cat-bering) (vanqium)
'Chernoplekov, N. A., Zemlyanov. M. G., Brovman Ye. G.,
AUTHORS: and Chicherin, A. G.
TITL13: Investigation of inelastic scatteiing of neutrons from a Ti-Zr
PERIODICAL: Fizika tverdogo tela, v- 5, no. 1, 1963, 112-117
TEXT: The mechanism of inelastic scattering of cold neutrons from a
disordered Ti-Zr alloy (62% Ti, 36% Zr).was investigated by-the time-of-
flight method. A general theory is given which interrelates the single-
phonon incoherent scattering cross sectiop with the frequency spectrum of
of any crystal. The ratio of the components was so chosen according to
theoretical considerations as*to make the mean amplitude of coherent
scattering equal to zero: